Crime Junkie - MURDERED: Laci Peterson

Episode Date: December 18, 2017

The story everyone thinks they know... but do you really? In part one we cover Laci’s disappearance and the suspicion that fell on her husband Scott Peterson. For current Fan Club membership option...s and policies, please visit for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. For a full list of sources, please visit    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone, welcome back to the second episode of Crime Junkie. I am your host Ashley Flowers, as always, joined by Britt, and we would love nothing more than if you would leave us a rating and review on iTunes. The only way more people can find the show and hear about the show is if you guys do ratings and reviews, and it's the only way that we can keep bringing you new content and crazy stories like the story I'm about to tell you today. Before we jump into that though, we'd love to tell you a little bit about our favorite non-profit organization, Crime Stoppers.
Starting point is 00:01:03 This episode of Crime Junkie is brought to you by Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana. Excuse me, can I ask you a question real quick? Yeah, go for it. Do you know what Crime Stoppers is? Um, is it that dog, the scruff of a gruff? Nope, can't sing the song, can't afford the song. Do you know what they do? Uh, isn't it that the dog just kind of goes around and helps solve the murders for the
Starting point is 00:01:25 state government? I don't know. No, no, not quite. While everyone loves the idea of a badass crime-fighting dog, that's not what Crime Stoppers is. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit that allows a place for people to give anonymous tips about crimes if they are in fear for their life or for whatever reason don't want the police to know who they are when they give the tip, but they have valuable information.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You can do this through phone numbers, online tips, they even have an app called P3 that you can download and submit your tip along with photos and videos. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit and receives no government funding, so look into yours, see how you can get involved, see how you can help, and if you want more information on Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana, go to Alright everyone, this week I have a really infamous case for you. We are going to be talking about the murder of Lacey Peterson. Brett, I don't even know where to start with this case.
Starting point is 00:02:22 It's so big. Honestly, I was kind of surprised you chose this one because it's obviously really well known and in my opinion kind of cut and dry. I mean, Scott did it, Scott did it, Scott did it, Scott did it. That's the thing. Okay, so I feel like if anyone has the same attitude that you do, they definitely need to listen close to this episode because I thought I knew this case inside and out until I really started digging into the facts and I know absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Like nothing I know to be true is true. And there are so many twists and turns that never, I don't know if it's because we're so far away here in Indiana, but like it never made it to us through the media or if the media was intentionally covering up all of these things, but it's not cut and dry. He maybe didn't do it. Well, I'm excited for you to maybe change my mind. All right, so we're going to start the day before Lacey goes missing. She and Scott have a really normal day.
Starting point is 00:03:21 First they go to her sister's salon and Scott gets a haircut and they actually invite her over for dinner that night, but she already has plans so she doesn't come over. And around 8.30, Lacey calls her mom to confirm plans for Christmas Eve dinner. Christmas Eve is the next day and after she gets off the phone with her mother, they go to bed, they are watching a movie in bed till about 10.30 when they fall asleep. Now the next day, this is the critical December 24th, 2002, when Lacey is officially reported missing and the only account we have from this day obviously comes from Scott because he was the only person who was with her.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And he says the day starts around 7 to 7.30 is when Lacey wakes up and eats breakfast and he gets up between 8 and 8.30 and around 8.45, 9.45, Lacey is telling Scott all of her plans for the day. She wants to walk the dog. She needs to go to the store because it's her responsibility. She's bringing this like French toast, Christmas casserole brunch or casserole to the brunch that she organized with her mother and she has to go pick up all the ingredients and actually the recipe for this casserole was on her kitchen counter so that kind of lends credence to
Starting point is 00:04:40 his story and around 9.45 he says that he and her were watching Martha Stewart that morning and she was talking about making some kind of lemon meringue cookie or something like that and shortly after this sometime within the next 40 minutes Lacey is mopping the floor and Scott starts packing up his truck and decides to leave because he was going to go golfing but it was really too cold that day and he decides that he is going to take his new boat out and go fishing instead. So he's got a 9 minute drive to this warehouse that he keeps where he holds his boat and it's kind of like a little office.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He's got this computer and so while he's driving there the police have records. He checks his voicemail at 10.08 and the voicemail was from his boss. So when he gets to his warehouse he actually gets on the computer and there's records to show that he was actively using his computer from 10.30 in the morning to 10.56 in the morning and he sends an email to his boss replying to the email and then he looks up instructions on how to assemble this woodworking tool that he had just gotten in the mail a couple of days ago and at this point we have about 20 minutes that's unaccounted for of his time but and later the prosecution what everyone says is in this 20 minutes he's wrapping
Starting point is 00:06:00 up her body he's attaching weights he's doing whatever it is he's doing it's depending on how you look at it it's either sinister or not but what they do find is when they come back to the warehouse that tool that he had just received in the mail was fully assembled so it's really possible that in these 20 minutes he was actually assembling the tool that he had looked up instructions to assemble. So he then leaves and goes to the marina and he gets an actual ticket at 12.54 showing that he arrived at the boat dock and was going to launch his boat and so he gets his boat backed up and into the water and he from 12.55 to 2.11 is out fishing and there are actually
Starting point is 00:06:42 people who saw him back up his boat load up his boat and launch and the thing here is is you would think again everyone's theory is that he dumped Lacey in the Berkeley marina or somewhere in the bay you would think someone had would have seen her body I mean they saw him launch it's a 14 foot little fishing boat it's not some yacht that he can hide her body below so she launches off he launches off people see him they don't say anything but you know who knows so so many questions surrounding that he ends up leaving between 2.15 and 3.25 he gets his boat docked up and this is where we kind of hear a famous call of him calling Lacey to let her know that he was on his way home and I call it the hey beautiful call
Starting point is 00:07:31 hey beautiful I just left a message at home 2.15 or living Berkeley I won't be able to get to the villa farms to get that basket for Papa I was hoping you would get this message and go on out there I'll see you in a bit 3.11 bye so he's coming back at this point stops for gas he actually tries to call Lacey again and he arrives back at his warehouse at 4.13 and he packs everything up and gets home between 4.30 and 4.45 which matches perfectly if he's gonna load up his stuff and then make the nine minute drive back home and at this point he notices a couple of weird things so Lacey's car is in the driveway but Lacey isn't home and he says at this point he makes the assumption that Lacey's mom came over and picked her up and they went
Starting point is 00:08:21 you know Christmas shopping or she went over to help prepare the Christmas Eve dinner or whatever it was but he's not immediately concerned the door is unlocked and their dog Mackenzie is in the backyard with her leash still on which is a little bizarre because he said that I mean I know and anyone with a dog doesn't just like leave their dog in the yard with the leash on if they're not like being tied up or something like that so he takes the leash off and then um Lacey had been mopping earlier if you'll remember when he left he said that there was like dirty mop water still so he dumps that out and then he decides to go shower and wash his clothes and this is huge for everyone who is against Scott they're saying like why on earth would the first thing you do is you
Starting point is 00:09:07 your wife isn't home and you come home and you shower and you wash your clothes and he says well again I wasn't super concerned and I stunk I was fishing I freaked so he wanted to jump in the shower and he's like it was super normal like if I go into my workshop I'm often around a lot of chemicals I have a pregnant wife at home so a lot of the times the first thing I'll do is put my clothes in the wash and just start the the wash you know what I mean thank you're washing them by hand you just press a couple buttons it's not a huge deal I gotta say I agree with him on this yeah yeah not so bad not so guilty the next thing he does when he gets out of the shower is he presses play they he sees you they have some messages that make I don't remember this is 2002 and like
Starting point is 00:09:47 they're actually yeah actually still answering machines um so Scott plays the messages and he hears his own message which makes him think that she wasn't there to even get that one initially and then he also hears a message from Lacey's stepdad and Lacey's stepdad had called to say hey you know when you guys come over later today can you please bring some whipped cream we don't have any for the pies and this is the first time that he starts getting concerned because you know his assumption is okay if you weren't there when I called you I thought you were with your mother but now they're calling us asking for something so he immediately calls her family and starts ringing alarm bells and asking you know is she with you which immediately obviously she's not
Starting point is 00:10:30 and everyone starts getting concerned and at he calls them at 517 at 518 the family is on like a full on search so Scott takes McKinsey and he's walking around the neighborhood seeing if he can see any sign of her you know maybe something happened and she fell over you know she's eight months pregnant at this time so anything can happen and the family's driving around the family's making calls and by 547 her stepdad calls 9-1-1 and this is again something that people often point to like why on earth was it Scott yeah yeah Scott calls her dad like no call 9-1-1 but again I mean to play devil's advocate like if I came home and my husband wasn't home the first thing I'm not going to do is call 9-1-1 I am I'm gonna like call the people who he might be with and not try and over
Starting point is 00:11:19 react right away but her dad calls 9-1-1 and by 650 so it's about an hour later Modesto police arrive and the first detective on the scene is Al Brocchini and he looks around at the house Scott lets him in without a warrant and says yes absolutely look around everything looks undisturbed and there's nothing really there to go off of but Al Brocchini says like right from the get-go Scott's demeanor is wrong he's concerned with them like when they're in the driveway and opening the doors he doesn't want them to like scratch his truck he's making them use coasters under all their drinks and he's like this isn't he's not a grieving husband he's not a concerned husband and so immediately you know whether it's his instincts or not the first thing a lot of police do is talk to the
Starting point is 00:12:11 people close so they bring Scott in for an interview that night and so from 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. there is a videotaped interview of Scott giving his you know testimony of the day and basically telling him like listen I you know this is what I did this is where I was and you know he's asking all the important questions like was there problems in your marriage and Scott Scott says no they have a pretty normal marriage they have a baby on the way he loved Lacey and didn't have anything to do with her disappearance now something to mention and I don't know when this takes place exactly so there's a caveat here so I've seen reports and I think this was something that at the time in 2002 2003 2004 when this was going on that I heard beat into the ground over and over was on December 24th
Starting point is 00:13:03 so this is the same day she goes missing at some point I can't find a time stamp for any of this is reported that Scott ordered the playboy channel what a creep well yeah so and and but when I was like looking back again this is this to me was something like one of like the highlights like yeah he to me he like killed his wife he had an affair he ordered the playboy channel like I could have like said this over and over and but when I went back and looked like all I could find was from like 2004 and it was like people magazine there was some like NBC CBS but it was like a one and done reporting so I don't know because what I'm finding in Scott's case is everyone was super anxious and like as soon as something suspicious would come out everyone would report on it as fact and then
Starting point is 00:13:50 there were some things that as they found out weren't true they would like the media wouldn't even back out they would just pretend like it never happened so instead of like writing a retraction or saying like hey I know we reported this but here's actually what happened they just dropped it so it's it was reported back in 2004 that somewhere on the 24th and again I don't know where because he like gets home showers apparently looks for her and then like is in in police custody so I don't know when it was but apparently he orders the playboy channel and then a couple of days later he orders like I think it was like five days later he orders like more explicit pornography channels um which again I have I can't like show any court documents
Starting point is 00:14:33 I haven't gone through all the court documents like 30 000 pages um but all I have are these new so you know take it with a grain of salt but if it's real it's real shady like real shady definitely definitely suspicious so at this point it takes us into Christmas day like worst Christmas day of all time but seriously and he takes or the police ask him to take a polygraph and at this point like his family he's willing to but his family says you know let's let's wait like wait till you have a lawyer like and even I like if I could say anything I if if my husband was missing I wouldn't take a polygraph like they can't be used in court for a reason um it's you know not an exact science but this obviously is something that police use to decide if people
Starting point is 00:15:26 are being honest even like will they take it or won't they take it gives a kind of indication indicator right right so um his whole family urges him not to take the polygraph so originally he says yes then he backs out and says no and again warning flags for the police like just go flying so on the 26th the media starts to get a hold of this case and for them it's perfect and I think this this is what added to the perfect storm of this case is there is no real like breaking news coming out like on or before or after Christmas so the news cycle is dead and at 2000 in 2002 is when the 24-hour news cycle actually had just begin had just begun and they're constantly looking trying to fill their their stream and so they start flocking to his house and he has basically
Starting point is 00:16:14 a media hub just parked on his front lawn and at this point people start coming forward and telling the family like hey you know I know what's going on like I'm in the neighborhood I see all the police I've seen the the news media I've seen the reports and I think I've seen Lacey walking that day and so all of this went to the police the family would say hey you know to the detective albrochini to whoever like go talk to these people they said they seen Lacey maybe this will help us find her and what they're finding is they're assuming that the police are vetting all of this what we learn later is I don't think they did a great job of that even early on they really had their sights set on Scott so we find out later that there were almost 21 24 sightings of Lacey on
Starting point is 00:17:05 the 24th walking her dog what yeah but none of this really gets into any formal report or any it doesn't play into the prosecution's theory at all of what happened yeah I mean not like I was at the trial or anything but I had definitely never heard that right so on the 26th the police asked Scott they you know they didn't like an initial like look around on the 24th but on the 26th they asked him to do a formal search of the place where they would actually try and collect evidence do fingerprinting all of that and what again what we hear in the media is that Scott denied them and that they went in with a search warrant Scott's version and his family's version of this is Scott had an attorney at this time and he said yeah I'm fine with it let me clear it with my
Starting point is 00:17:58 attorney and Scott didn't hear back from his attorney in time and the police just got restless and said well you know we were basically just asking to see what you would say we have a warrant anyways and they served the warrant at 5 p.m. on the 26th and did a full sweep of the house now if you fast forward to the 27th at this point again we're all about Scott and everyone's saying that Scott isn't reacting how they want him to react he really wants nothing to do with the media which again people say is suspicious they you know a lot of people in the stories that I've read had been like you know if it was my wife I would want all the media attention I could get I won't would do all the interviews do anything to help find her I always try and be really
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't know I don't like to those are really bold statements no one knows how they're going to react in a situation like this exactly like I I try not say like if I was this person I am not a 27 year old male who just lost his wife and child or that they're just missing I have no clue how I would react and even my reaction probably has nothing to do with someone else's reaction so but I will say I mean I I try not to do it but I've been guilty of it before of like looking at somebody being like I mean dude like you're looking fish so right I think everyone has the especially in a public case like that right you know you just automatically project your expectations on the situation and this of course is I think what the media picks up on
Starting point is 00:19:37 the most and of course like I think one of the biggest names in this case at the time was Nancy Grace and yeah she's got some like great one-liners about this case but she says that essentially she wanted to crucify Scott because he quote rub me the wrong way so he has all of the media essentially just saying that he's guilty and judging his every single move because they don't feel like he's acting appropriately but at this point Lacey's family is still really supportive of Scott they have his back they every press conference they're standing by his side and they're really trying to get police to finally see because it's still they think she could still be out there at this point now I have to give you a little backstory of what's going on at the time
Starting point is 00:20:30 you know while we have this big case going on little crimes don't stop so around the same time the people who lived across the street from the Petersons actually had reported a robbery they were away for Christmas and when they came back their place had been broken into and then they report this so the neighbor actually reports seeing people in the front yard of the house that was broken into and she drives by they give her the stank eye and she doesn't actually report it at the time but it's once she knows there's a robbery she lets the police know what she saw and the police actually within a couple of days actually apprehend the guys who are responsible for this robbery but when they go to arrest them the first thing that these guys say isn't anything about the robbery
Starting point is 00:21:22 without being prompted or asked the first thing they say is you know I had nothing to do with that pregnant girl whoa yeah a little suspicious and the way that they said that the robbery went down these guys who are you know talking to police and they say you know we they had a safe in their house we took the safe out and put it on the front lawn and after the police talked to them for a couple of days um they actually make an announcement on December 30th and again these are like going on simultaneously these two cases but no one's really connecting them and the police whether intentional or unintentional are really keeping them totally separate cases but they make an announcement at a press conference that these guys had been apprehended cases been solved for this robbery
Starting point is 00:22:13 and that the robbery took place on the 26th wait a minute on the 26th yes when there was media crawling all up and down the street right so this is what is like really sketchy about this so they're saying that the way the robbers say what they did is they took the safe out of the house they put the safe on the front lawn while they scoured the rest of the house and the police are saying yeah you did this on the 26th but there's people from the media that are like yeah that's not possible because there were you know tens of 20 30 people outside of the Peterson home which is again directly across the street and he's like if there were people robbing a home even if they looked inconspicuous if they put a safe on the front yard at least one person is going to recognize
Starting point is 00:23:07 this so the people who were there that day even again the even the media that wants to crucify him if they were the ones on site they're saying there's no way that this went down on the 26th and they really believe it went down on the 24th so interesting right the same day that they decided to like oh we're putting case closed on this that very day they had gotten a call from Amber Fry and Amber Fry again anyone who knows a smidgen about this case knows that really she is the case this turned everything upside down right so they get a call from her that she knew Scott she had been having an affair with Scott she didn't know he was married and the police actually convinced her that they're going to have her like be their spy and so they go to Radio Shack again
Starting point is 00:24:04 2002 they go to Radio Shack and buy a recorder and from the 30th on Amber is recording all of her calls with Scott now again at this time there's a media frenzy surrounding the case I remember hearing reports and I don't know if you do of the house smelling like bleach there was that mop and bucket which they again never said directly but they would talk about it smelling like bleach with initial pictures of the mop and bucket there was no smell of bleach in the house there was zero evidence the search that they did on the 26th they didn't find a speck of blood they didn't find a smell of bleach other than the floor being mopped which Scott said Lacey did there wasn't like evidence of crazy cleanup and the only evidence they found was when they searched
Starting point is 00:24:57 his work shed they found a single piece of Lacey's hair and a pair of pliers that were rusted shut and this isn't to me at least a huge deal because I mean it's his wife like I shed like a dog I was gonna say like I I will show up on many many crime scenes if all it takes is a strand of my hair right right and so this is also something though that Albrochini the lead detective actually gets in some trouble for later in the trial is dude flat out like altered his reports and kind of lied because he didn't like like he you know in his mind Scott did it and he was trying to hide this whole life from Lacey so what he writes in his report is that you know Lacey had never been to the marina she had never been to his workbench she didn't even know he owned a boat
Starting point is 00:25:53 or knew about this place but there were actually reports of people who had seen Lacey at his workshop or at the marina like a day before so and then Albrochini basically has to admit like yeah I had heard that from witnesses but I basically neglected to put it in the file I know I know to jump back to Amber so when she had called police again something that I think I didn't realize and that the media sure didn't like make a good job of pointing out is I thought they had this like long affair and they were super involved they had been dating like five weeks before Lacey disappeared and they saw her I mean literally I think you saw her like four times and she had been introduced to him like from a co-worker he the co-worker
Starting point is 00:26:49 thought he was single and you know Scott's telling her he's looking for the one she has no clue he's married and he tells her that he's going to Europe for the holidays because right before he tells her this on December 9th he basically drops a bombshell on her and says you know you know this is I lied to you I was married but I lost my wife and this is going to be the first Christmas that I spend without her and he says you know I'm going to Europe but when I get back from Europe we can really like talk more about this and I can explain to you like my reasoning for for lying and I'm just super vulnerable bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit the whole I lost my wife lying and I know that's exactly what he said because I remember it and
Starting point is 00:27:35 and it's just super eerie to me I lost my wife she didn't die she's not missing obviously she wasn't missing yet but I lost her oh yeah well and this girl is living under a GD rock because no joke she like didn't so Lacey was missing on the 24th it's pretty much we were literally going to war with Iraq but like all the news was talking about was Scott Peterson no I totally remember her she didn't see any of it but until the 30th and that's I mean right when she found out her friend showed her a newspaper article and she like sees a fuzzy grainy picture of Scott and is like he looks familiar and then he's like oh he's also a fertilizer salesman who also lives in Modesto and like finally girl puts the pieces together and so she calls the police and that's
Starting point is 00:28:24 when they may make their whole deal um and this is when like things get I feel like so shady so on the 31st Amber is now working with police Scott has told her that he is off in Europe somewhere for the new year he was spending New Year's Eve in Paris New Year's Eve in Paris how cute you so on New Year's Eve in the real world and not Scott's fantasy world his wife is still missing and her family holds a candlelight vigil for her and two really big things happen here that I think have played huge into the trial and the conviction and the media's conviction of him one is there is a picture of him like holding a candle at this vigil like damn near laughing and this of course was the picture that was posted on every magazine every newspaper every website and they basically
Starting point is 00:29:29 said his wife has been missing for like a week he isn't mourning at all he's not talking at all and he's just sitting here like acting like this is a joke and his family says like that's not true at all of course like they picked like the one picture that's going to give them the best headlines and she and his sister said that he had was talking to his niece or something at the time and had had a sweet moment with his niece and he was smiling at her or because of her or something like that and of course they snapped the picture then and and really I mean if you're selling magazines that's the picture that's going to get you a ton of buys 100 percent so they've got that and maybe that by itself would have been like yeah fishy but not so much but on top of that what we get later
Starting point is 00:30:17 is right before he goes to get on stage with her family as they make a plea for lacy to come home or for someone who has her to let her go we get this call to amber that is just like it makes my heart drop into my butt okay i'm like stay still or something i know i'm like i'm gonna make it work how's your how was your new year that's that how was your new year it's good i'm just uh i weren't far now if i came out of an hour quiet alley that night yeah it is i could be very good so it's really off the fireworks there's the devil power it's basically the best of people company in america pop songs uh-huh it's really funny well that's good i'm glad you guys decided to go out oh definitely i can never remember your friend's name i know jeff but you always say
Starting point is 00:31:16 okay you're not doing a great job at convincing me that this guy did not do it i know i mean that call is ridiculous to be fair again i'm not trying to convince you that he's not a slime ball because this dude is gross but just just keep listening so that's new year's eve again no one knows this at the time except for amber and the police and obviously scott but at this time lacy's family is still fully standing by scott um no one knows at this point that he has even had an affair has a girlfriend he's just kind of the still the husband that's not acting like everyone thinks he should act um but the police have nothing all they have are these phone calls to amber but the more phone calls they get the less they like even try and look at anything else i mean
Starting point is 00:32:06 the more they're focused on scott and while this is all going on scott is basically just being tried through the media and here's another example there is a girl named christin d smart who went missing years before and the media like goes on a rampage and gets like a b in their bonnet and decide like oh my god you know scott went to college the same place that she went missing what if he did this what if he is this serial killer who's just like attacking women and so for a while that's all that was in the news is everyone linking scott to this other girl's disappearance and it ends up being that there's zero connection whatsoever scott had nothing to do with it the police say he has nothing to do with it but again it's one of those things where
Starting point is 00:32:54 the media was you know gung-ho to report it and it was all they wanted to talk about as soon as he's not you know convicted or not even associated with it officially forget it it never happened yeah they're just they just pretend like they never said anything and it's they can't even be bothered to report like by the way he's been cleared because that doesn't fit into the narrative that they're creating right on january 6th we get another really interesting call to amber so scott actually confesses to amber that he is scott peterson and his wife is missing and i can't figure out why he would do this and i think we've got a clip of the call we can play and i'm so sorry that this has happened and i'm so sorry i'm going to hurt you honestly
Starting point is 00:33:51 i don't want to do this out of the phone i want to tell you this i want to be the person to tell you this but uh i'm sure that's why soki called you what i'm sure it's why soki called me right why why would stop what are you talking about it is the worst thing i am um i'll just i'll just tell you um you haven't been watching the news honestly no i have not been traveling during the last couple weeks well i have i've lied to you that i've been traveling it's okay uh the girl i got married to her her name is lacey she disappeared just before christmas for the past two weeks i've been in modesto with her family in mind searching for her okay she just disappeared and no one knows okay now where she's been
Starting point is 00:35:07 scott and i i can't tell you more because i need you to be protected from the media and i honor okay they are amazing scott are you are you listening i am you came to me early in december and told me that you had lost your wife what was that about she i mean she's alive if what she's alive where she's alive where in modesto now i know i this is the hardest i i want to tell you first i here's a you need to protect yourself from the media okay okay if you've been watching the news or you haven't um the media i've been telling everyone that i have something to do with her to disappear so the past two weeks i've been hunted by the media
Starting point is 00:36:17 and i just i don't want you to be involved in this to protect yourself so britt i can't figure out you know as far as scott knows amber is you know dumb as a box of rocks and has no idea what's going on and he openly confesses to her that this is the truth i'm really married i'm scott peterson i'm in the news why would he do that i mean if she didn't already know i can't figure out what what the point of confessing to her is if he wasn't if he's not going to call her and confess like and i did all of it like why just confess this little piece if he was i just can't do you have any any no it's a really good question because like like you said like she has no she hasn't really questioned him on it yet she hasn't approached him about it she's just been going
Starting point is 00:37:03 along with like i am dating scott peterson who has nothing to do with this other scott peterson whose wife is missing and for him to call her just kind of out of the blue and confess like that does seem odd right so he confesses to her again she already knows what's up though but she's like you know wins the award for you know best amateur actress and as we go on so the case then breaks on january 14th because the police's jig is up the national inquirer gets their hands on the famous picture we've seen of scott and amber like canoodling together at a christmas party and they actually call police and give them a heads up and say hey like we have this picture like a we'd love to get you to confirm that it's true police are never gonna do that but
Starting point is 00:37:58 like just letting you know we're gonna post it so i don't know if they were being nice and saying like you know if this is gonna fuck up your investigation heads up yeah this might be the only like noble thing national inquirer has ever done right so they the police decide like okay we can't let lacey's family find out this way we have to tell them so they pull her mom and her step dad in and her brother and give them a heads up of what's been going on that they've known since the 30th they've been recording all the calls scott does have a girlfriend everything's true these pictures are going to come out and basically what the national inquire reporting is reporting is true when they tell the family it's reported that the first thing that her mother says is
Starting point is 00:38:48 why did he have to kill her so immediately this changes it for the family as well they go from being totally team scott to 100 thinking that he did it and on the 24th the police hold a press conference and i feel like this is one of the most infamous if not the most infamous press conference in this case where amber comes out and talks about their affair definitely i remember this so clearly i met scott peterson november 20th 2002 i was introduced to him i was told he was not married we did have a romantic relationship after amber comes out and and does his press conference again it's like this this super weird reaction from scott he actually calls amber and again in the press conference she at no point says like i've been a spy so scott calls her and tells her
Starting point is 00:39:49 that he's proud of her for coming forward which is again super freaking weird so bizarre like some of his actions just come out of left field for me yeah so i'm again i can't figure out where he's coming from because if he was being slimy like no part of him is angry at her no part of him it feels betrayed he's just like proud of her for doing the right thing and like you know people can say whatever they want that he was acting he had no idea that their conversations were being recorded so he at least i don't believe he'd be putting on a show so again it's just one of those things that it's still all super slimy but nothing he does makes sense to me after this goes down scott feels like he has to give an interview he hasn't spoken out at any point and he thinks that people
Starting point is 00:40:42 aren't looking for lacy anymore and over and over and over again he just says like that is my goal i don't want people to focus on me and i tried staying out of the limelight but that's making it worse so if people want to talk to me i'll talk to them but you've got to stop looking at me or if you want to look at me keep doing that but you have to look for lacy while you're doing it because i feel like all people are doing right now is looking at me and that's not helping right so he sits down with a couple of like local reporters and even like diane soyer like the big guns and does an interview and nothing good comes from this interview he kind of lies even more he says that he never lied about telling cops about the affair with amber he says he was upfront with them
Starting point is 00:41:28 but this i can't tell if scott believes himself or if he's lying again because when him and his family talk about this later they say you know the police never asked him if he had a girlfriend he never lied about having a girlfriend they asked if their marriage was good and scott still loved lacy and their marriage was good he also tells diane soyer that lacy knew about the affair and it wasn't a secret from her so he said that she wasn't okay with it but she wasn't gonna break up their marriage over it either and again no one knows how true this is because we can't ask lacy and you would think that if she knew about it he would be ending it or she would have had him end it or something but there really was no break in the affair it went right
Starting point is 00:42:19 on until she went missing so of course the media and diane soyer everyone is you know super suspicious of this then he does the thing that absolutely like puts him in his grave he is talking to diane soyer talking about how he loves lacy and he says she was i mean is amazing the past tense it's so incriminating at that point everyone in america stopped listening no i can't tell you what he said after that i don't think anyone can tell you what he said after that i'm pretty sure they like everyone cut off the interview and just started giving commentary on the fact that he's already talking about his wife in the past tense when she's been gone for one month february comes and goes lacy her due date passes she's still missing absolutely nothing happens in march the case is going
Starting point is 00:43:17 so stale police have no leads but again even in this time where they aren't moving the case forward they still aren't tracking down other leads to me this would have been a good time if if the scott angle wasn't panning out or you least weren't getting anything new and it wasn't enough to convict him it wasn't enough to take him to trial at least spend your time looking at the other angles okay who saw lacy when did they see her how often did they see her how many sites do we have like is this robbery case really a robbery case but no right because at some point in time they had a tip line open right but it just kind of goes stale that is until something happens that changes the entire trajectory of the investigation but you're gonna have to wait until next week to
Starting point is 00:44:04 find out what happens on the second part of our scott peterson special if you guys want to connect with us on social media brit do you want to tell everyone how to do that sure thing you can follow us on twitter at crime junkie pod or on instagram at crime junkie podcast and if you want more information on the cases we cover or to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter you can do that at crime junkie podcast crime junkie is written and hosted by me all of our sound production and editing comes from brit pray what and all of our music including our theme comes from justin daniel crime junkie is an audio chuck production so what do you think chuck do you approve as a reminder everyone tomorrow is both of our birthdays so please go on itunes and leave us a rating and
Starting point is 00:45:24 review all we want for birth mass is reviews yes that was amazing

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