Date Yourself Instead - How to stop being "TOO NICE" - stop giving them chances (they showed you who they are!)

Episode Date: September 30, 2024

For the ones who are sometimes just "too nice" and passive when it comes to dating... SIGN UP FOR DARE TO DETACH Join the waitlist now for the fall season. Doors opening soon! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I woke up with a vengeance. I woke up realizing that I am who I am and I'm not gonna change for anyone, any man, anybody. Doesn't matter who it is. I'm standing in my fucking power this fall. It's freedom fall. I don't care if that's cheesy. I don't care if you're cringing at me, I realized over the last week that I will never sacrifice who I am or any part of who I am for anyone, especially when it comes to my romantic relationships and dating and being in the world of social media. I used to care so much what people think and I'm done. I'm done with caring about if people are judging me, I'm done with caring about people's opinions or perceptions of me. I'm just ready to skyrocket into an entirely new
Starting point is 00:00:50 era of my life. I'm 31. I don't have time for bullshit anymore. I don't have time for games and dating. I don't have time for someone to be unsure about me, confused, not knowing what they want, throwing me to the side like an option. I am in my revenge era. But I don't know if it's revenge but more just like I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm not being nice. I'm done being nice and sweet and empathetic towards people who treat me badly. On today's episode I'm going to give you guys a pep talk of why it's so important to really honor who you are when it comes to your relationships. In any aspect of your life,
Starting point is 00:01:29 it doesn't matter if you're talking about in an environment where you're working or an environment where you're dating or an environment where you're with your friends, you need to stand your ground and be your own best advocate and not give a fuck what anyone thinks because honestly, one one life is short two You really have nothing to lose anymore because you're going to regret it in the long run because you're gonna end up getting run over
Starting point is 00:01:52 Walked all over you're gonna feel taken advantage of you're gonna feel vulnerable You're gonna feel weak and you're gonna have the life and power sucked out of you And that's what recently happened to me with the situation. I was in when I was in London I was dating someone. We were going back and forth, traveling to see each other for two months. It was really intense. And the amount of feedback I got based off of that relationship and what I described as love bombing was overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:02:16 The amount of support, the amount of DMs I got on my Instagram about how people have been through similar situations where they were love bombed, where they had the rug pulled out from under them and they felt like they lost their power overnight. They felt like something had shifted and they felt defeated and depleted and they felt like fucking shit because someone love-bombed them and then just disappeared or vanished off the face of the earth and was like, just kidding. I didn't mean anything I said. I know for a fact that will never happen to me again.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I'm actually really grateful I went through it because it lit a fire in me that I've never felt before. And one thing I really wanna note or I wanna talk about is how they're not exactly who you've crafted up in your head, they are just an illusion. That person isn't real, okay? The person that you've constructed in your head is a are just an illusion. That person isn't real, okay? The person that you've constructed in your head is a fantasy of all their potential,
Starting point is 00:03:09 of what they could be, of how amazing they could treat you, of how amazing of a partner they could be. That's all fake. That is not reality, that is not who they are. They are showing you their character by walking away. They are already showing you their character by leaving. They're showing you who they really are. They are showing you their true colors based off of their current actions and what they're currently doing to you. And you
Starting point is 00:03:33 have to be realistic when it comes to relationships in this day and age. You cannot give people free passes over and over again. You cannot give people third, fourth, fifth chances, maybe second chances depending on the circumstances. Some people do make mistakes here and there, but for the most part, especially when it's in the early phase of dating, you can't give people passes. I say it now because I've been through this and I've been that person who's given people so many fucking chances only to get burned. I'm the one who ends up getting hurt in the longterm when it comes to giving people more chances than they deserve.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And I'm here to say, you cannot give people chances based off of their potential of what they could be because that is not gonna get you anywhere. They are showing you exactly who they are in real time. So with the situation that I was in, which I'm really grateful as I said, that I went through it because now I have so much content to provide, to give real insight and real advice because I just lived through it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 A lot of people have gone through this apparently because the amount of DMs I got was like astronomical. Probably the most I've ever gotten on an episode about love bombing. So many people were like, I just went through this. I just went through this situation exactly to a T and it's like scary how accurate everything you're saying is. And I'm like, really?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Okay, well, let's talk about it. I went to a psychic who drew a picture of what my soulmate would look like. It was supposed to be a joke. I went to the psychic maybe five years ago. I had this drawing saved on my phone. So I completely forgot about it. And I just forgot that I ever went to the psychic
Starting point is 00:05:12 to do this. It was literally like on Fiverr, okay? If you know what Fiverr is, it's like this website where these people just, they can give you like psychic readings online, whatever. So I had someone draw this drawing, I ended up matching with a guy and we were talking for a bit and he looked exactly like the drawing. So in my head, it instantly clicked that this person looked exactly like the soulmate drawing
Starting point is 00:05:40 that I had received from the psychic. Just to be clear, the drawing was very detailed, like down to the nose and the eyes and the hair and in the drawing the guy was wearing a suit and there was this one photo on this guy's Instagram that literally looked identical to the drawing. I even showed it to him when we first started talking as a joke and I'm like, okay, I went to a psychic and they drew my soulmate and it's literally you. And then I showed a bunch of other people and they're like, holy shit, this is exactly what the drawing looks like, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It was eerie. So I'm very spiritual, I'm into signs, you know, I'm like a big believer in the universe sending us signs and signals and all that BS, which now I'm looking back and I'm like, I think the universe was testing me and it wasn't a sign, it was a fucking test because at the time I was like, this is really weird. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And I kept continuing conversation with this person with this thought in the back of my head that this drawing was like my soulmate, right? Even though there was another part of me that kind of knew that maybe this person wasn't my soulmate, because a few days into talking, I literally ghosted his messages and I like wasn't interested. And I think that was my intuition protecting myself. Looking back, everything like all the puzzle pieces are fitting together now. But at the time I was like, oh, you know, maybe I should give him a chance.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Even though my intuition was saying, don't talk to him, I stopped answering his messages. Then I went back and circled back and answered him after a few days of not speaking. We were talking, everything was all well and good. And I realized that he had the same birthday as my grandpa who passed. And my grandma had recently passed
Starting point is 00:07:29 and I was best friends with her. So he is the same birthday as her husband. And I was super close with my grandma and she had always said before she passed, I really wish I could have seen you get married. So in my head, I'm like, oh my God, my grandma sent me this guy. It's my grandpa's birthday.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It's her husband's birthday. Like they shared a birthday. So I'm like, oh my god, this is another sign which is so obviously looking back I'm cringing cuz I'm like it was it was a more of a It's more of a test. I think it was a test all these things were Magical in my head like oh my god. This guy has were magical in my head like, oh my god, this guy has the same birthday as my grandpa. Oh my god, the drawing looks just like him. It was another thing where I have a tattoo on my arm that basically says this guy's name. And I've always said, like, if I'm married, my husband's name is getting tatted on me somewhere. If it's the soulmate and the love of my life,
Starting point is 00:08:25 I would tat my husband's name on me. And I was like, oh my God. There were so many divine signs where I was convinced that this man was someone I could see myself with, but I was convincing myself of that based off of the signs and not based off of who he was, right? So I ended up getting swept up in this delusion of like, oh my god, the universe and my grandma sent me him and blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:08:51 blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, he was saying and doing certain things that were definitely rubbing me the wrong way. I started ignoring red flags right away because I was swept up in the signs. But what I realized is you gotta fuck the signs, fuck the signs and actually look at someone's actions and how they're treating you because it doesn't matter if you get 3,000 signs from the universe or whatever higher power you think is sending you the signs if this person is a shitty person or they're not treating you right
Starting point is 00:09:24 or they're saying weird shit to you or they're doing and saying things that make you uncomfortable run it doesn't matter how many signs you get i know everyone here is spiritual i know you probably believe in a higher power i'm the most spiritual person i know and i'm telling you right now fuck the signs okay you need to take people at face value. You need to take people for who they are and what they're showing you in real time.
Starting point is 00:09:50 That is who they are. The other thing is you cannot change someone and the only way they're gonna change is if they actually do the inner work to change and grow and evolve as a person over months and months or years of time. Okay? To unravel your true character and actually break it down and build yourself up into entirely into an entirely new person takes a while. It's a process. You can't flip a switch overnight and change
Starting point is 00:10:20 someone. So you're not missing out on someone, they're not going to go off and be an amazing partner to someone else the next day, you're not missing out on that person. They are showing you their true character. Now, if they go to therapy for the next three years, do a shit ton of work on themselves, do an ayahuasca retreat, actually break down their identity and build it back up again and transform as a human being to become a better man or whatever it is, better man, better woman.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And then they get into a new relationship, fine. If they do that inner work and they heal parts of themselves and they heal their inner child and they heal all the trauma they've been through that made them treat you badly, if they do that work, then maybe yes, they could be a better partner to someone else. But if you're worried or concerned about someone leaving you and finding someone better immediately
Starting point is 00:11:10 after you, that can't happen because you can't change who you are like that. That's just not how it works. If someone betrayed you, is disloyal to you, is dishonest with you, is shady with you, is to you is dishonest with you is shady with you is playing you or whatever it is that is who they are and that's not going to change. I always tell my friends like one of my friends she went through a really bad breakup and she was like I'm worried that my ex is now going to go find someone else and treat the next person better and I'm like, that's not going to happen because that is who he was. And he's going to be that way. His true colors are going to come out eventually with the next person, even if he treats her well for six months into the relationship. That is a character thing. Okay. That is a character thing to be a cheater, to be someone
Starting point is 00:11:58 who lies, to be someone who's deceptive and dishonest. That is a character thing. And one, I believe in karma for sure. Like if you are a deceptive person dishonest, that is a character thing. And one, I believe in karma for sure. Like if you are a deceptive person and you are hurting people and you know that you're hurting people, I believe you will receive your karma for that. And two, that is a character thing that just doesn't go away. So they're not going to be this amazing partner to someone else.
Starting point is 00:12:21 The truth will always be revealed. The truth will always eventually come out and bite someone in the ass. The other thing is, most of the time, we have created this false perception of a partner because we were so in love with them and we're so enamored with them that we place them on this grand pedestal.
Starting point is 00:12:38 If you haven't listened to my episode, how to stop placing them on a pedestal, I highly recommend you go listen to that. It's a very popular episode, On Date Yourself Instead, and it's also speaking a lot of truth around this concept of how we build someone's character up because we're so fucking special that we take our special amazing qualities
Starting point is 00:12:58 and then we project them. Sorry, my phone just dropped. We project our amazing qualities onto that person, okay? So basically what we do is we meet someone from a vibrational point of view there below us and we're like, eh, I don't really like them, right? How often has it happened where you don't even like someone at first
Starting point is 00:13:18 and they're super interested and they're pursuing you and you're like, nah, I'm good. And then over time, they like chip away at you and chip away and they're like, oh, come on, come on, come on. And they're pursuing you and you're like, nah, I'm good. And then over time, they like chip away at you and chip away and they're like, oh, come on, come on, come on. And they're persistent. So you finally cave and give them a chance. When you cave and give them that chance, what happens is you start to lower your vibration
Starting point is 00:13:36 to their level because you are aligning with their level. They are vibrationally lower than you, which is oftentimes why you're not interested in them because you're higher than them. And then the second you agree to actually meet them at their level, you go from being up here and you go down here, boop, down to their level. And then what happens is over time, because you're at their level, they're able to slowly take your power and take all your amazing qualities. And what happens is they go from being at the level here that they brought you down to,
Starting point is 00:14:08 and then they start to take your power and they start to go up and then you go below their level vibrationally. So then you feel defeated, you feel like you've lost your power, you feel like they've taken something from you because they have, because they've taken your special qualities
Starting point is 00:14:22 and they've absorbed them. They are taking your power and your energy and they are running with it at full speed because they've got you and they've got a hold on you. And once they take a bite into your energy, they're sucking all of your power drive. And then you go below them and you end up getting hurt. You end up feeling like they discarded you. When in reality, all they did was take your power and run with it. But the good news about it is everything is energy and you can get
Starting point is 00:14:52 that fucking power back. The second you decide to walk away, the second you decide to actually walk away and kick this toxic leech out of your fucking vortex and you're like, fuck you, I'm done, I'm taking my power back. You can't make me feel shitty because I know how amazing I am. You can't take that away from me. Once you actually snap energetically and you detach from what happened and you let go of this feeling of,
Starting point is 00:15:21 oh my God, I need this person or oh my God, like now I need you because you've brought me down below you and now I need you because you're holding my power. Once you let go completely and you cut energetic cords with that person, you will get that energy back. It might take some time.
Starting point is 00:15:41 It doesn't always happen overnight, but you will get that energy back. And that is why I created a masterclass around this called Dare to Detach. It's a detachment masterclass. It's a detachment program that is designed to help you detach energetically from those energy vampires
Starting point is 00:15:56 and people who have taken your power, people who have sucked your energy dry. That is the key to taking your power back is detachment because suddenly when you don't care anymore and you don't put any energy or you're not giving them or giving them any energy supply anymore, once they're cut off they start to die. They start to lose that feeling that they got from you, that validation, that energetic validation that they were getting from you, that validation, that energetic validation that they were getting from you
Starting point is 00:16:25 and that energetic supply of magic that they were getting from you, the most magical fucking person in the world. Once you cut that off and you cut off that energy source, they start to crumble. One of my friends, when I was living in Sydney last year, she was dating a guy who... So basically they weren't officially in a relationship,
Starting point is 00:16:49 but they were seeing each other every day, staying at each other's places, and they were very highly emotionally invested in each other, and they were basically in a relationship, but without the title. Now, those situations are so tough, because it's like, if you're spending basically 24 hours a day with someone, if you're going to breakfast, lunch,
Starting point is 00:17:09 and dinner with them, if you're working out with them, if your friendship circles are intertwined, if you're literally basically living with that person, you just kind of assume that you're in a relationship. But no, that's not how men's brains work all the time. Usually it's like, you need to actually say, you are my girlfriend or you are my fiance or you are my wife for those things
Starting point is 00:17:32 to actually be fucking physically true. Otherwise, it's not what it is, okay? Like even though you might think in your head, oh, we're in a relationship, oh, we're dating, like, oh, this person is my partner. If they're not saying those words, you are my girlfriend. You are the love of my life. You are my partner and we are fully committed to each other.
Starting point is 00:17:54 If they're not saying that, you might have to confirm with them because basically she thought that that was what it was and she didn't even question it. She was like, I'm super happy. This guy treats me amazing. I feel like I'm in love. Like he's like, giving me soulmate energy. And I was like, super happy for her. I'm like, Oh, my god, this
Starting point is 00:18:13 inspires me. This makes me so happy for you. And what ended up happening was they eventually did have a conversation about, you know, the title of being boyfriend girlfriend. And he basically cut it off and was like, Oh, I actually need to think about it. And I need time, whatever. She was like, kind of blindsided, because she's like, Well, I thought we were literally dating, I'm kind of confused here. And she finds out that this man was on Hinge still
Starting point is 00:18:45 while they were literally seeing each other every single day, trying to plan other dates with other women. And he was doing other things that were just super sketchy behind her back. She found out through a friend who told a friend. And it was like this universal moment where when they were on, I think it was like a four day break, she found out all of this information.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It just like unraveled in her face. And she saw the truth. I always believe the truth will be brought to light and karma will be, you know, karma is so real and I just feel like if you're a deceptive person, you will never get away with it. And that kind of happened with the guy
Starting point is 00:19:20 that I was also just seeing too when things started getting a little rocky. I actually randomly got a message from a girl on Instagram and I saw that she followed the guy that I was seeing. And I go to her profile and he had liked her recent photo. The day after he had left New York, she had posted a photo and he liked it. The day after he left my apartment that he was staying in with me. I mean I have over a
Starting point is 00:19:48 million followers so for me to even see her message and then see that she followed him randomly was just like some random woman who also by the way was like nothing against her. She's a beautiful, I'm sure super kind, lovely person. But I started to panic because I, things started to get a little weird with me and him. And I knew that it was like, coming to an end, just subconsciously, you just feel that like gut feeling where you're like, something's not 100% right.
Starting point is 00:20:18 The night that things felt really off, I saw her message, saw that she followed him, saw that he liked her photo and I literally asked her She would she messaged me saying you look beautiful in a photo of mine and I was like, how do you know so-and-so? And she was like, oh we matched on a dating app a while ago and to see that He liked her recent photo the day after he left my apartment Just spoke volumes to me about where his head was at. It suddenly revealed the truth.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I felt so sick that night and I knew at that point it was done because I was like, that is just disrespectful. And I don't give a shit if you say, oh, it's a like on Instagram, it's not a big deal. It's a big deal to me. It's a big deal to me. It shows a lack of respect. It shows that you aren't as invested in me
Starting point is 00:21:09 as I thought you were. The fact that I saw that message the day things felt rocky was God himself showing me your true colors. And I showed him the message and I showed him the girl and I was like, yeah, I saw that you liked her recent photo. I don't give a fuck. I had nothing to lose at that point. And also she messaged me. It wasn't like I was out there searching for what pictures he liked
Starting point is 00:21:36 on Instagram. It came to me and it was revealed to me very clearly that this person was not the guy that I thought he was. Anyways, sorry to get off topic here, but it just kind of ties into everything when you are with someone and the vibe feels off and they're saying they're not sure about you. Trust that and trust what they're saying at face value because the right person would be a thousand percent sure and commit to you with no question and it would feel perfect. It would feel good. It would feel right.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You would just know if you were in a relationship or not. So that being said, the girl that I was friends with, she found out all this information about the guy she was seeing and she was super into him and super emotionally invested. And then the second she found out that he crossed that line and he wasn't being fully honest with her she was like flipped a switch cut the cord I'm done you're energetically cut off goodbye and he went fucking crazy this man crumbled why did he crumble we had this inside joke in our group chat too it was like we would talk about men crumbling like apple crumble pie and we would send like the pie emoji because men crumble when you cut off your power, your energy source from
Starting point is 00:22:54 them because they were latching onto your fucking power. So when you cut them off and you cut them off energetically and you say goodbye and you actually flip that switch off, they start to crumble because they were feeling so validated and so secure because they thought that they had you. They were like, oh, I got her. I got her in the bag. I'm the shit. I'm the man. Like I have this girl wrapped around my finger.
Starting point is 00:23:20 But when you actually flick them like a fucking insect and you're like, no, actually you don't have me and you will never have access to my energy ever again because you are a fucking leech. That's when the energy shifts. That is what true detachment is about. And that is what my masterclass is there to be attached is all about. I have this side to me that I show my friends and that I show other people. And I'm like, you know what? I know this will resonate with everyone who's been through this before, because
Starting point is 00:23:50 it's just this feeling of snapping. You're like, I'm fucking done. I'm not going to let some dusty man who I didn't even like in the first place, who I didn't even want to give a chance in the first place, suddenly take my power and leave me hanging by a thread. Like, that is the worst situation to be in. And just coming from a situation like that, where I felt like I didn't even care about this guy that I was seeing. And then all of a sudden, I'm sitting in a hotel bed in London sobbing my eyes out because his feelings happen
Starting point is 00:24:24 to switch overnight at the flip of a fucking switch. Now I'm like, no, actually, I'm flipping a switch and I'm getting the fuck out of London and I'm never entertaining someone like this ever again in my life. It's a huge learning lesson. It's a huge learning experience. I'm not playing nice anymore. I deserve way fucking better. And so do you. So do all of you. So if you've been through a similar situation, send me a DM on Instagram. I would love to hear from you at list or on my podcast account
Starting point is 00:24:52 at date yourself instead. And be sure to check out my masterclass Dare to Detach, which is all about cutting the cord and cutting people off who do not deserve your powerful, amazing energy. Because a lot of people will see that, they'll see how amazing you are, they'll see what you have to bring to the table,
Starting point is 00:25:10 and they'll try to take advantage of that, and they'll try to take that and run with it. We're not doing that anymore, especially going into 2025, okay? It's already fall of 2024. It is the season that makes me the most happy. If you are not the most incredible human being with the kind of soul that makes me better,
Starting point is 00:25:32 that inspires me to grow, I want you to inspire me. Why am I out here teaching people how to be a man? Like even with the last person or my exes or anyone I've ever dated, I feel like I was always coaching them to be a man. Like even with the last person or my exes or anyone I've ever dated, I feel like I was always coaching them to be a good partner. Fuck that. You should never have to train someone to be a good partner. You should never have to guide someone into treating you the right way or being a better man or knowing how to grow and evolve. They can do that work by themselves and then come to you when they are healed. The next man I'm with is going to be my husband, is going to be
Starting point is 00:26:07 my soulmate, and they are going to come fully prepared and healed for me because I'm prepared and healed. I've done so much work on myself, I don't need someone to coach me or guide me how to be a good person or a good partner because I know that I have a good heart, I know that my intentions are in a good place, and I know what I have to offer the right man. So if you are not coming to me healed with the intentions of being with me forever, and you also need to be in a place
Starting point is 00:26:39 where you can provide for me and take care of me. I used to pay for my partner's things sometimes and it just made me feel like I was always working in my masculine energy. I'm not like into those videos that you see all over TikTok like, oh, like if you're not buying me a Ferrari and flying me all over the world, I'm not interested. Like I'm not high maintenance
Starting point is 00:27:03 and I actually would never judge someone on their financial situation at all. I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl. I know how to make my own money. I have a very successful career. I don't need your money, but it's the principle of feeling provided for and taken care of. It doesn't mean you need to make more money than me, but it just means that you're willing to work hard and be ambitious and have enough money to support me and support a family one day and support an actual future together because otherwise, what are we doing here?
Starting point is 00:27:36 You know what I mean? Like, what are we doing? Why would I be the one that has to provide and also do all of like the feminine things and take care of a household and be a woman and take care of our children and then also be the one that's making all the money. I don't have time for that.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I need a man who is going to show up and be able to provide for me. So I'm just canceling anyone who can't provide. And I'm canceling people who give me even a little bit of anxiety. If you even give me one ounce of anxiety when I'm doing well, when I'm, you know, working hard and I'm trying to make a living and support myself and build my future. If you're distracting me from that and taking away from that, you're done. Especially in the first six months of
Starting point is 00:28:23 dating. If you're taking away from my life and everything that I've built for myself and all the healing work that I've done, you're done. There's no exceptions anymore. I am done being nice. I'm done being nice. That is probably going to be the title of today's episode. Maybe not, but episode. Maybe not, but I'm just sick of having this nice girl persona of like, oh, it's okay if they do this. It's okay if they do that. No, it's not okay. Have fucking boundaries and standards for yourself. I'm talking to myself as I'm like ranting and rambling, but I know it'll help some of you who have trouble setting boundaries because I'm the same way. I'm super empathetic, I'm super loving, my heart is wide open.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And as my dad says, my dad is like my best friend, I really want him on the podcast. He helps me with all my relationship stuff. He hears all my bullshit, he hears everything that I go through with men in relationships. He was the one from day one who told me to get out of my last relationship
Starting point is 00:29:23 and I didn't listen to him. And now I have a rule of thumb. I'm always listening to my dad's advice when it comes to dating. He texted me the other day and I posted it on Instagram and people were like cracking up and he said, you have a heart with all of the wrong people. Like you literally open your heart up to the worst fucking people and you need to be protected and guarded and guard your heart at all times until you're a thousand percent sure that that person is the love of your life
Starting point is 00:29:52 and puts a ring on your fucking finger. Don't give anyone access to your heart and that energy portal. And don't give anyone access to how amazing you are because you've worked so hard to build your success. You work so hard to heal and become the woman that you are. Why are you giving your energy and heart away so freely
Starting point is 00:30:12 to these random people, especially a random guy that you met on a dating app? You don't know a thing about him. He doesn't know a thing about you. You've known each other a couple of months. Stop letting your walls down for all of the wrong people. The right person will wait. You can be guarded with the right person
Starting point is 00:30:30 for a very long time and they will wait and be patient and stay by your side. They're not going to push you if you say you need time. They're not going to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. They're going to respect your boundaries. That is what a true man does. And a true man is going to make you feel safe at all times. And if you are opening your heart up
Starting point is 00:30:52 to these randos all the fucking time, you're gonna end up in the same situation all the time. You're gonna end up feeling hurt. You're gonna end up feeling depleted because they're not there for the right reasons. And you just have to wake up, open your fucking eyes and I'm like Yeah Yeah, that is solid advice and that is exactly what I'm going to do from this point forward
Starting point is 00:31:15 You can't let everyone into your energetic portal Especially if you are as magical as you are and I know all of the women and men listening to this podcast. We have such an amazing, magical, powerful community of the most beautiful people. And you deserve someone who can match your energy. And you deserve someone who can give you the love that you provide. You deserve someone who can love you the way that you love. Is the person you're involved with or the person you're holding on to, are they really capable of loving you the way that you love? Is the person you're involved with or the person you're holding onto, are they really capable of loving you
Starting point is 00:31:48 the way that you know how to love? Are they loving you the way that you love? You will know intrinsically, like at your core, that answer right away. For me, I know for a fact, every guy, and this is kind of sad to say, but I'm gonna say it, And this is kind of sad to say, but I'm going to say it. Every guy that I've ever been with in my life, every single one has not loved me the way I've loved them.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And I know that for a fact. I know I've loved them deeper, but they've always come back running, crying, crumbling, begging. They've always said like, yeah, I fucked up big time. And I'm like, yeah, you did. I always ended up having the last word because why? I was always that girl that had that power, that Capricorn power, and they took advantage of it. They ran with it and then once they didn't have it anymore
Starting point is 00:32:47 They came crumbling back for more and I was like, I'm good. I can love you so hard I could be the best partner I could show up for you I could give you my all and give you my heart but the second you fuck with me and the second you fuck me over and hurt me and make me cry and make me feel like an idiot or a fool, you're done. That's the end of that and you can live with that. What role do you want to play? Like do you want to be the one that's chasing someone down and desperate and crying and in pain for the rest of your life? Or do you wanna be that person who knows who the fuck they are and who honors their worth
Starting point is 00:33:29 and knows their value and knows their power and you're not gonna settle for bullshit? I obviously would wanna choose the latter. What about you? Gotta really think about it because you could spend your whole life chasing after someone that doesn't see your worth, or you could step into your fucking power and say, this is the time where I am going to become the
Starting point is 00:33:51 best version of me, honor who I am, my life is too short to be playing fucking games and feeling like crap because of someone that I didn't even really like in the first place. And there was a reason for that, because you knew that you were better than them. You knew before you met them. And they brought you down to their level and then under it. We gotta switch that, okay? It's freedom fall. It's time to set yourself emotionally free.
Starting point is 00:34:17 If you haven't already, be sure to check out the masterclass, Dare to Detach. And the new masterclass, the Mind Body Soul Reset, which I'm so stoked about is coming this October. It's going to be the most incredible transformative masterclass. And I'm so excited because it's a combination of health and wellness and everything I do as far as my wellness routine, as well as all the meditations I do quantum leap exercises I do and it's all about becoming the best fucking version of you you're gonna be so
Starting point is 00:34:50 unstoppable I honestly think it's like 10 levels up from dare to detach if you haven't already taken dare to detach I highly recommend you start with that but the mind body soul reset is it's just the biggest game changer and it's going to change your life and there's going to be more information posted on the Instagram mind body soul reset as well as on my Instagram at date yourself instead so if you don't follow me on Instagram definitely do that because there's gonna be a lot of updates there if you haven't already be sure to rate date yourself instead on Apple and Spotify it truly means the world to me and share it with
Starting point is 00:35:22 a friend if you're enjoying these episodes let me know if you like videos. I feel like I'm getting used to the video content now and it's more fun for me to show you guys my facial expressions. Anyways, I love you. Thank you so much as always for listening. Thank you for your support. You guys are my best friends and stay tuned for next Monday.

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