Date Yourself Instead - Love yourself enough to leave - stop abandoning yourself pls

Episode Date: June 24, 2024

Love yourself enough to leave. If it's not right for you and you know it, it's time to walk away. If this title resonates, I know this episode was made for you. I made this for the people who ...are scared to let go. If you continue to grasp at potential and it's taking away from your self love, YOU ARE ABANDONING YOURSELF. You deserve more out of love and life xx. If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend. JOIN THE DARE TO DETACH MASTERCLASS DOORS ARE STILL OPEN FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was on TikTok last night and I saw this video about a girl who was breaking up with her boyfriend and she said to him, you are literally the worst person I've ever met in my entire life. And he said, well, you're in love with me. So what does that say about you? And she said she felt so humbled and there were so many likes on this comment when he flipped it around and gave her that perspective because she realized in a way that he was right. She was so in love with him and so invested in clinging on to someone that gave her absolutely
Starting point is 00:00:31 nothing and he was this horrible person to her. He treated her like garbage, he wasn't giving her what she deserved, and yet she continued to stay. Yet she continued to cling on for dear life hoping that things would change and get better. This episode is gonna be about really knowing your value and your worth and loving yourself enough to leave a situation. Your future self needs you to pay attention.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Your future self is crying for help if you're stuck in a toxic situation with someone where you feel like you're being dragged energetically, but you can't seem to let go. This episode was made for you. You continually abandon yourself. If you continue to hold on to someone you know is not right for you, when you know you truly deserve more and you continue to entertain something and you continue to have this person in your life,
Starting point is 00:01:24 even though you know that they're not giving you what you need, you are abandoning yourself. You are telling yourself that you do not love yourself. You are telling yourself that you are willing to sabotage your own life by giving your energy and your time and your love and your peace away to someone that's not reciprocating. When you look at it from the perspective of self-sabotage, it definitely changes things. For me, I know whenever I've been in a toxic dynamic with someone and I continue to entertain it,
Starting point is 00:01:55 even though that inner voice is on repeat in my mind saying, you deserve better, you deserve better, you deserve better, and I don't follow it and tap into that and really trust it. I do feel the sense of self abandonment and you will feel that way. You'll feel that sense of abandonment by feeling maybe physically anxious all the time, by feeling worried and stressed out all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Where your energy is focused matters. And if your energy is focused on this person all the time, and if the relationship is going to work, what they're up to, what they're doing, you know, it can be so hard to pull yourself out of that. But you ultimately are really leaving your self-love behind when you continue to hold on. And this is something that I've been reflecting on recently, especially because
Starting point is 00:02:48 over the last four years, I was on and off with someone and I have yet to fully tell this story in full detail because it's a novel. It's literally a fucking novel. But I was entertaining someone on and off for a very long time. It was a lot of the reason why I started the date yourself instead brand. It was the lot. He was the reason I learned so much about what it's like to truly love someone and have to walk away, even though I was willing to sacrifice literally an arm and a leg for him, I was willing to do the most to make the relationship work, to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And I was constantly chasing after this idea of it's not the right timing, but if it's meant to be, it will be. It's not the right timing, but if you really love someone, you'll find a way to make it work and happen. It was the epitome of that type of relationship where I truly believed with all my core, eventually, we would end up together in some way, shape or form because I thought the love was mutual. I thought we were on the same page. And as of recently, or fairly recently, I guess you could say, over the last couple of months, I've realized so many things about this idea
Starting point is 00:03:58 of letting someone go, even if you believe they are the love of your life. Because if you continue to hold on and cling on and grasp at straws with someone and it's taking away from your self-love, you are abandoning yourself and you're also neglecting your inner child. That small version of you that craves love, affection, warmth,
Starting point is 00:04:18 kindness, and someone who really gives a shit about you, you're abandoning that younger version of you too. And every time I envision a small version of me, a younger version of me sitting next to me, waiting for me to give her love, it breaks my heart when I'm abandoning that young version of me. It breaks my heart and it makes me feel sad because I'm willing to neglect that little version
Starting point is 00:04:46 of me that just wants to be loved, that just wants to be treated properly, that just wants the same care and respect and kindness that she's willing to give someone else. And this four-year relationship was not only the reason I really decided to start date yourself instead, but it was also the reason I changed so much as a person over the last few years. And I'm so grateful for the experience and I wouldn't change any part of it at all whatsoever. But I will say the one thing it did teach me the most out of anything is you have to love yourself enough to leave. You have to love yourself enough to leave.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You have to love yourself enough to walk away, pick up all the pieces, pick up how that person broke you and destroyed you, and carry on and take all those pieces with you and trust that you'll be able to put yourself back together even better and stronger than you were before. If it makes anyone listening to this podcast episode today feel any better, I spent so many nights crying, obsessing, wondering the end result of this relationship, dying on my hands and knees,
Starting point is 00:05:57 literally heartbroken to the point where I was physically incapable of walking, okay? I spent nights puking. That's how seriously debilitated I was after losing this person. And I can confidently tell you with all my heart that I am so much better now as a person. I am so much more confident as a woman.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I am so much stronger. I am so much better confident as a woman. I am so much stronger. I am so much better without this in my life. And a lot of people in my life thought that this person was my husband, thought that this person was my soulmate. And a lot of people supported the relationship. So from my perspective, it was harder to pull away for that reason too. I believed that this person could be the father of my children. I believe that this person could be the person that I would spend the rest of my life with and build a family with and share all these memories with for the rest of time.
Starting point is 00:07:01 But if you feel like you are sacrificing your self-love and your self-worth and you are sacrificing your peace on a daily basis to make shit work with someone, regardless of how much you care, regardless of how much you love them and believe they're your soulmate and the one, in this current moment, if you are neglecting yourself, you need to love yourself enough to leave. As I said at the beginning of the episode, your future self needs you to pay attention. And you will hear that future self talking to you in your head consistently if something isn't aligning and if something is not truly meant for you and right. You will wake up every day feeling anxious. You will wake up every day with an inner voice saying, this isn't right, I need to get out,
Starting point is 00:07:46 but I don't know what to do. And it's common. A lot of people will go through this feeling of anxiety and dread knowing that they need to walk away and leave, but they're just like stuck. They're stagnant, they can't. They're like, fuck, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to leave because I'm so in love
Starting point is 00:08:01 and I'm so invested and I gave years of my life to this person. I've built so many life to this person. I've built so many memories with this person. We have such a strong foundation for success. So how am I supposed to just detach, walk away and move on? It's all about changing the perspective around the situation and understanding.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Once you are detached and you're able to remove yourself, you will see it crystal clear later on looking back. You'll be like, why was I in it for so long? Why did I waste so much energy and time begging for something to work? Why did I cling on so tightly for dear fucking life to someone that wasn't willing to fight for me and do the same for me? You will see it once you're so far removed out of it, but I could tell you if you're in the thick of it now,
Starting point is 00:08:45 it will be difficult to envision and see. But I can promise you, speaking from my own personal experience as of recently, being on and off with someone for four years, thinking that this person was potentially my future soulmate, thinking that this person was the love of my life for so many years, and now being so far removed out of the situation,
Starting point is 00:09:08 I can promise you that nine times out of 10, you're often blinded because you're so deeply invested. And when you're so deeply emotionally invested and tied into something that's not working, it could be like this constant rabbit hole where you go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper because you've built such an attachment to that person and all of these memories you share. You're not willing to see anything outside of the bubble you've created with them.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And people can tell you, this isn't right. You deserve better. You deserve more. But unless you tell yourself that and you believe it fundamentally at your core and you're brave enough and bold enough to walk away and detach, you're not gonna see it. It's so easy to get blinded. This man also would convince me that he was so deeply in love with me
Starting point is 00:09:58 and he was willing to bend over backwards to try to make it work, but he wasn't doing anything to actually move the relationship forward. It was always staying stagnant, and that's another red flag you have to look out for. If you're confused about leaving and you're not sure whether you should stay or go in a relationship,
Starting point is 00:10:17 if someone's telling you all these things and feeding you all these narratives of, oh, I love you just as much as you love me, I wanna marry you, I wanna be with you, I wanna spend just as much as you love me. I wanna marry you. I wanna be with you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I feel the same as you feel, but I'm just not ready. X, Y, Z.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They'll say the things you wanna hear, but then follow it up with an excuse. If someone is saying all the right things and then following it up with an excuse and not effort to make it work, but instead making an excuse to temporarily get out, they're basically communicating to you that, don't want to be with you. I don't want to make it work. Words are just fucking words.
Starting point is 00:10:53 At the end of the day, they're just words. If someone is not making the actual effort and taking the actual action to make the relationship stick and hold the relationship together, it's not it. And it doesn't mean it can't work in the future. Sometimes it's bad timing, okay? Life happens, shit happens, people go through things, sometimes breakups happen and breakups can eventually make a couple stronger. You could end up separating and getting back together, you could end up taking space.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And when you come back together, relationships healthier and better, that's a possibility for sure, no doubt. But the point is in the current moment, if someone is saying, I love you, but I can't, I love you, but my work's crazy. I love you, but I have a lot of family issues. I love you, but I need to figure all of these things out and I can't commit, take it as they can't commit. Because they can't.
Starting point is 00:11:45 They're literally communicating that to you. And instead of taking it as this soft blow and, oh, they just need time, they just need this, just be, like, cutthroat about what they're saying because it'll help you detach and move on. Another thing I remember, this person that I was in love with had told me is if it's a maybe, it's a no. He was the one who always said that to me
Starting point is 00:12:09 and then would dangle this idea of maybe for the most part, I do believe we're gonna end up together, but I need time. And that gave me this false sense of hope, right? This gave me this false sense of, this false visual, I guess you could say of what the future could be. So I was always envisioning that it would end up working out and I was always quote, trusting the process of it all, putting that in quotations,
Starting point is 00:12:34 because he was feeding this narrative that what's meant to be would be in my head. So I would end up always having him in the back of my head, which is manipulative, right? And the truth is, I made an episode about this recently while I was in Bali, love is freedom. Love is trusting that, yes, what's meant to be will be,
Starting point is 00:12:59 but you have to let that person fully go and walk away. You can't be feeding this person with delusional narratives in hopes that they're gonna stay because you just want them there, but at the same time you want to live your best life and not be with them. That's manipulative. There's a huge fine line between manipulating someone and actually loving them and caring about them and wanting what's best for them. For me, I felt in a way it was really eye-opening once I completely and fully, for the last time, cut it off, cut the cord and detached, it opened up this new dimension.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I kid you not, an actual new dimension where it felt like a veil had been lifted off of my vision. And suddenly I saw the world crystal fucking clear. And I was like, you know what? I see it now for what it is. I'm not sugar coating anything. I'm not making excuses for this person. I'm not scared of this person anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I'm not afraid that I'm going to lose the love of my life anymore. This is their decision that they've made for four years. They are communicating that they are not ready to be with me. And whether that's true or not, whether they're confused about whatever they're fucking confused about or not, I still have to choose to love myself enough to leave because this isn't working for me.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Now, when you really ask yourself the question, what's working for me? Is this working for me? Forget about what's working for them, okay? Focus on you for a fucking second because you matter. Your opinions matter, your emotions matter, your feelings matter, your perspective matters, your values matter, and your fucking life matters. So do you love yourself enough to walk away if something isn't aligning for you?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Forget about how they feel for the second. Forget about how they feel in this moment in time, because if you're not happy, why aren't you focused on that? Versus thinking, oh, are we gonna end up together? Are we gonna be together? What's the end result of this relationship? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Think about it for a second. Are you fucking happy? Get real with yourself, get honest with yourself. Stop being afraid to nurture your own wellbeing. Stop avoiding how you truly feel about the situation. That's what we do, right? We deflect and we end up thinking about what this person wants.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Why does it matter what someone else wants if they're not willing to commit to you and consider you as a main part of their life, right? Why are you so fucking concerned with how they feel if they're not concerned ultimately with how you feel? And if you do think they are concerned about your feelings and you do really trust that they care about you and love you and they are on the same page as you,
Starting point is 00:15:43 then if you truly make a clean break and you give that person time and space, then you will end up together and probably in a better and healthier relationship. As I said, it's not always black and white, shit happens where people need time and space in order to evolve and grow as people and end up in a stronger relationship. But if something is being dragged out for years energetically, you have your answer right there, right in front of you. And when you love yourself enough to walk away and leave and actually detach and say, you know what,
Starting point is 00:16:17 this isn't fucking working for me anymore, a new dimension of time and space will open up for you. Basically what ended up happening, long story short, I'm keeping this very vague for a reason because I'm not ready to open up about the details of the story. I don't know if I ever will because I don't think it's necessary.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I think I'm able to communicate the key points of what happened and help other people without diving into the full details. But what I'm here to say is, basically what ended up happening was I cut the cord for absolute good. In my energy, in my soul, I was like, no fucking more, no more. This is it. This is done. No more. I am so beyond done. And once I did that, everything started shifting for me in the most insane ways you could possibly think of. Energetically, spiritually, mentally, physically, I just feel like I look different. I feel like actually emotionally very different
Starting point is 00:17:21 because I don't have all of these anxieties and stresses and fears weighing me down anymore. I feel free as fuck. I feel like I'm able to take on so much more in my life. I feel like I'm able to do so much more in my life because I was brave enough to actually cut the cord. I've said this in other episodes. If you are actually broken up with someone, but you're not broken up with them energetically
Starting point is 00:17:45 in your mind and you're still thinking about them and you're still looking at the camera roll of you guys together and you're still reading texts together and you're still talking about them to your friends, family, you're still venting about them, you're still immersed in their energy, if you're still in that energetic space of being attached, you're still basically dating them.
Starting point is 00:18:02 You're still in a relationship with them energetically. And you're not gonna allow yourself to open up that new timeline and open up that new dimension of life because you're still energetically stuck in their vortex. And that's what I was going through. I wasn't even with this person. I was no longer dating them. I was no longer together with them. There would be months of time where I did not even speak or interact with this person. But my heart and my mind was still energetically soul-tied to them because when you've built a relationship with someone over years, energetically you have all these cords and all these attachments to them.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And I never fully cut all the cords off even though we weren't in contact. And I was denying myself the truth. I wasn't being fully real with my soul. I've said this before too, which I love this concept because it's so fucking true. This idea of it's the battle of your ego versus your soul's calling and your soul and truly what your higher self and your soul wants
Starting point is 00:19:02 versus your ego. So your ego will wanna stay stuck in the relationship energetically. Your ego is going to want to cling on because it's safe and your ego wants to feel safe and protected and nourished. If you're comfortable with a situation, if you feel like this person, what am I going to do without them? I don't know who I am without this person.
Starting point is 00:19:19 That's your ego. But what is your higher self and your soul telling you to do? If you really shut that ego out for a second and you dissolve that version of you, you dissolve that ego part of you, and you're like, there's an inner voice up there somewhere saying that this isn't right. I'm just terrified. I'm fucking scared. Once you get in touch with that and you become real and honest with that soul version of you, and you actually listen to the soul versus your ego, that's when you're able to open up that new timeline of your life.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And I'm so grateful that I got to a place where I was able to detach so fully to the point where I'm able to make this episode and share it with you guys and give you this message because I feel like it's a divine calling for me to relay this information. Like I need to tell the world, listen to your fucking soul's calling and not your ego.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Listen to that inner voice that's telling you that something's not right. Because you deserve it to be right. You deserve the ultimate form of love. You deserve peace, you deserve happiness. You deserve to be fucking happy. Your soul deserves it. So when you really embrace that concept
Starting point is 00:20:35 and you dissolve your ego out of the picture and you're like, you know what? I'm playing it safe. I know this isn't aligning for me. I know this person isn't giving me what I deserve. And you tap into that soul version of you that's saying, I'm rooting for you. You deserve better.
Starting point is 00:20:52 You deserve the love of your life, not someone who's playing hot and cold games with you for years. That's when shit gets really good. When you honor your truth and you're actually getting really honest with who you are and what you deserve. That is when life truly opens up for you and all these blessings and miracles and your manifestations start coming in
Starting point is 00:21:12 and you will feel like the world gets clearer. I think also for me, speaking from that experience, I don't think my heart was ever fully open to meeting anyone new. And people had asked me this before. When are you going to be ready for a relationship? I see you're dating yourself. You have this whole brand about dating yourself.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm like, listen, everything happens in divine timing. God makes no mistakes. I don't believe in forcing relationships to happen. I think subconsciously I've been alone technically, partly because I was still energetically bound to someone who I thought could end up being my soulmate longterm, and then also because I was not willing to fully open my heart and give myself that experience
Starting point is 00:21:59 of what true love could actually feel like, which is freedom. If you haven't listened to the Why True Love is freedom episode, I highly recommend you go listen to that episode because it'll make a lot of sense and it ties in very well to this episode. But true love to me now, I'm realizing,
Starting point is 00:22:16 is all about feeling freedom. And it's scary when you live with an open heart because you don't want to get hurt. You don't want to open yourself up to someone new. Sometimes falling deeply in love can be intimidating because it's vulnerable, it's raw, you're showing someone all these sides of you. It's definitely an experience
Starting point is 00:22:38 and you have to be ready for it. And I think for the last two years in particular, I just wasn't ready for it. And I think that's partially because I was denying my soul of the truth, that I deserve to be loved and I deserve to be happy. And it's easier to give advice than to take it. I'm gonna be really honest with you guys.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's easier for me to sit here and give advice than always take it. Now I try to apply it as much as possible, but I'm human, right? I am a human being. I still have emotions and feelings and I still go through the same experiences that you guys go through and that's why I'm able to talk about it. That's why I'm able to share what I've learned because I've first-handedly experienced these things and I've first-handedly experienced these things, and I've first-handedly been through a lot of shit. So I'm able to give this advice. But I think for the last couple of
Starting point is 00:23:32 years, I really was denying my soul of the truth, which is I deserve to feel free, I deserve to feel happy, and I deserve to be with someone who knows exactly what they want. I deserve that. I deserve to feel happy and I deserve to be with someone who knows exactly what they want. I deserve that. I deserve someone who can commit and say, I want you, you want me, let's fucking go, let's do this, let's take on the world together, let's build a life together, I want to do life with you. Everyone deserves their partner in crime. You deserve what you give out.
Starting point is 00:24:04 What you're putting out to the world, you deserve that right back at you. You shouldn't be the only one pouring your love into things, people, places. All of that should be reciprocated. And if you're currently in a situation where you feel like you're giving way more, you're chasing someone down, you're energetically being drained because you're doing the most and that person isn't on the same fucking page as you. Just be honest with your soul. Tap into that soul calling. Is your soul really happy with the person that you're entertaining right now? Is she looking at you? Is he looking at you and saying, wow, I'm so proud of you for continuing this 10 month situationship?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Or are they like, sap the fuck out of it. Wake the fuck up. You deserve better. What are you hearing in your head? Be honest. As you're listening to this, wherever you are, if you're in your car, if you're at the gym, if you're on a walk right now,
Starting point is 00:25:02 and this is resonating with you to some extent, good. That's the whole point. Because I've been there, the whole point of this episode is to really give you a nice little wake up call. Because I think I need it too, right? Everyone has had an experience like this where you're chasing someone down energetically or you're trying to make shit work, you're trying to force everything to come together,
Starting point is 00:25:28 when in reality is when you're in the best place, when you're truly happy with yourself, you become a fucking magnet. You become absolutely so radiant and magnetic and so powerful that you don't need to force anything. I was just texting my group chat this morning with two of my best friends. We're all super into this stuff, all about energy and vibration and alignment, and we talk about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And one of the things I texted my friends this morning was, you don't have to do anything. If someone is deeply willing to make something work with you, just sit back and look fucking pretty because you are a magnet. You are the magnet. You are an energetic force of nature. You are energy. You are powerful.
Starting point is 00:26:15 If you are truly in your power, everything is going to align perfectly for you in divine timing. Sometimes things don't happen immediately because it's not the perfect timing. But in divine timing, if you were standing in your power, everything is going to align perfectly for you. It's facts.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's just the laws of the universe because everything is made up of energy. And when you are in your flow state, when you're truly in alignment, when you're truly feeling high vibe, everything is going to happen for you in the perfect divine timing. So trust that and also understand
Starting point is 00:26:54 that if you're forcing something constantly, you have to love yourself enough to walk away and let go and detach and feel light and free. Give yourself permission to feel free. Give yourself permission to feel free. Give yourself permission to feel fucking good. Life is about feeling good. Don't let someone dull your shine and make you feel like life is supposed to be stressful and heavy.
Starting point is 00:27:15 If someone else has come into your life, initially maybe swept you off your feet, made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and made you feel really good, and then shat all over it and started bringing you down. Embrace the initial experience and say, you know what, this person gave me a lot of amazing experiences, but now that time is done.
Starting point is 00:27:37 They taught me what I needed to be taught. They taught me how to be strong. They taught me XYZ, whatever you think this person has brought to you. If they're not making me happy anymore and it's not the same as it was, and they're not the person they were three years ago, it's time to be real about it and detach and walk away and allow myself to experience something else. I have to allow myself to grow and move on and transform.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'm going to allow this experience to teach me what it needed to teach me. And now it's up to me to let go, move on, walk away and have a new experience. I talk about this in my masterclass, Stare to Detach, this concept of letting go of good for better. Sometimes things were good. Sometimes things were really amazing with someone. Yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Obviously you wouldn't have initially entered a relationship if it was bad. If you initially amazing with someone. Yes, of course. Obviously you wouldn't have initially entered a relationship if it was bad. If you initially were with someone and things were amazing and things started to decline, it's easy to grieve that initial few months with that person. But if it's not that way anymore, that doesn't mean you should still try to hold on and make shit work and try to get back to what it was the first month you were together.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Sometimes if you've been working at something for a very long time and it's just still not making you happy and it's still not clicking, that's a sign to let go, move on and give yourself something new. Immerse yourself in a new experience and take the lessons you needed to take from that. Be grateful, embrace it with love and say, you know what, thank you for that experience, but it's time for something else. And there's nothing wrong with that. And sometimes if you're brave enough to let go and move on and walk away, if it's truly
Starting point is 00:29:19 meant to be, as I said with that person, things will align at a later time. I read this quote on Instagram the other day and I wrote it down because I didn't want to forget it. Being alone will not kill you. It's better to be alone than with someone who is super inconsistent and giving you nothing. I also put a twist on this and put it in the group chat on date yourself instead. twist on this and put it in the group chat on date yourself instead. Being alone won't kill you, but being in a dragged out situationship will. And that's fucking facts, okay? Because I know from experience, when I've allowed something to continue on that I knew
Starting point is 00:29:57 was not aligned for me, it drained my soul. It crushed my world. I was not the best version of myself. And I let it heavily weigh in on every other area of my life. My career was suffering. My family relationships were suffering. My friendships were suffering. Everything felt dull. It felt like the world went to black and white.
Starting point is 00:30:17 After being in color, being on this high with someone, and then you see the relationship declining, it's like almost like the world goes from color to black and white, and you start getting blinded, and things start getting blurry, and you can't think clearly, and you don't know how to make decisions, and you don't know how to leave a relationship because
Starting point is 00:30:35 your vibration is constantly lowering and lowering because you're around someone that's not right for you. So that's why when you detach, and you could learn more about this in my master class, Stare to Detach, that's why the power of detachment is so real and it works because when you do that, the world goes back to color because you let go energetically of everything that was keeping you stuck. The other thing and the big takeaway over the last few months I've realized is,
Starting point is 00:31:06 it's better sometimes to have a slow burn type of relationship versus rushing and getting love bombed and feeling like this person is all about you for one or two months and then dropping off the face of the earth. Love bombing is such a real thing. And if someone's whining and dining you and giving you all this love and affection and showering you without really knowing you, like knowing anything about you and they're just doing it, it's not always the case.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But I will say, just be a little cautious about that. Because how could you be so heavily invested in someone if you know nothing about them? I don't think that's healthy. I thought that was healthy at a point because I was like, it's so easy to fall in love with me. You see those TikToks where you're like me thinking, me not knowing that I was being loved bomb because I know it's so easy to fall in love with someone like me, which is
Starting point is 00:32:03 funny and cute. And yeah, it makes sense, right? When you love yourself and then you start attracting people that treat you right, that's amazing and you deserve that. But if someone is excessively over the top, oh, we're getting married, you're my wife, within two weeks of knowing them and they don't really know anything about you and you've barely met or hung out or spent time with that person,
Starting point is 00:32:24 just make sure you're operating at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Alarm bells will probably go off in your head if you feel like something is just not right about it, because you can't really fall in love with someone without knowing them. You can have feelings for them, you can have an attraction towards them,
Starting point is 00:32:43 you could be really interested in them, but just take your sweet time because if it's your fucking soulmate, if it is the love of your life, if you're supposed to be with someone, you can take your sweet ass time because they're not going anywhere. If it's the person you're supposed to marry, they're not gonna go anywhere if it's meant to be, right? If it's faded, you don't have to rush. And I get a lot of messages about love bombing, and I've been through it. I've been wined and dined and lavished with all this emotion and physical affection and cuddling and I love you within a couple weeks of knowing someone and of knowing someone and then things just exploded and got messy for a reason, right? Because it's not entirely genuine if someone knows nothing about you and they're saying
Starting point is 00:33:34 that they're in love with you. You have to think about that, okay? You really have to take your time. Appreciate the process of dating, appreciate the process of getting to know someone on an intimate level and work at your fucking pace, work at your own pace, take your time. If this person is your soulmate, there is no rush.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And I learned this through my recent relationship experiences just, it doesn't mean be overly guarded. It doesn't mean have all your walls up. It just means go at a pace where it's healthy, where you're honoring yourself, where you're loving yourself and you're still carving out time to be independent and do your own thing and still date yourself while dating someone else. Date yourself and honor yourself and value yourself while getting
Starting point is 00:34:29 to know someone. It makes it healthier and a smoother process and a better transition into a relationship and it also makes you see things more objectively so you know if this person is actually going to be right for you. And the other thing I will say is that person will be willing to wait and move at your pace if it's the right person. If you're saying to this person, I need time, I just wanna take my time,
Starting point is 00:34:57 they will respect that if it's the right person. They're not gonna force you to do shit. They're not gonna force you to rush the experience with them. They're gonna respect that and honor that and make you feel safe and comfortable. With that being said, I hope that this pep talk was inspiring, was helpful, could help you get out of a little funk. Wherever you are in the world, I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Thank you so much as always for listening to Date Yourself Instead. If you enjoyed this episode, feel free to share it on Instagram. I'm always looking at my Instagram notifications. I see all the love. I see all the support on stories. I appreciate it more than you know. If you haven't already, be sure to rate the podcast on Apple and Spotify. It would mean the world to me. And also be sure to check out the Masterclass, Dare to Detach.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Doors are open for the summer right now. I would love to have you there. I love to see you there. We have such an amazing, amazing community of people in the Dare to Detach program. You can always use the code selflove for an awesome podcast discount. Thank you again. I love you. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:36:02 You deserve so much love. You deserve to love yourself so much to the point where you know when it's time to walk away. If you enjoyed this episode, also always message me. Send me a DM. I love to hear your feedback. I love you. Have an amazing week and stay tuned for next Monday.

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