D&D is For Nerds - Stories of The Greyhill Free Company I #8 Just Rewards

Episode Date: June 26, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sands Pants Radio, Australia's most family-friendly podcast network. Previously on Stories with Greyhill Free Company. Ork-made weapons receive a negative one to hit, but you can deal double damage in exchange for destroying the weapon. Why don't we grab part of the goblin that we've killed and we will use that. Give them a taste for it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 A bit of a distraction, even when that comes up. You butcher the goblins. Like... Wait, someone else was doing butchering of sentient creatures. Sorry, sapient creatures. It evens out. Two wrongs make a right. There's two wolves in cages, but there are several more cages.
Starting point is 00:00:52 How many wolves have you killed? What do you call yourself? I am Clovis, and this is Rex. Frex? Frex. No, actually, two more goblins attack you with javelins. I'm pretty certain you're the biggest threat. Just because I'm the biggest.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Two more javelins impact you. Hang on a minute. Cass, you thought you got your equipment and you still chose to use your knife. Two goblins scurry out, clutching ropes, and they pull the ropes taut such that the tent flaps are open permanently and you can see within the tent. One of them is the alpha goblin who is riding on the back of that direwolf and then
Starting point is 00:01:31 standing next to them. She is covered in like strange arcane symbols and markings. It feels like you were about to catch a horrible disease but you managed to shake it off. You're attacking the direwolf with your scimitars? Yes, please. I would like to break them both off in the dire wolf
Starting point is 00:01:47 and I would like the dire wolf to pass away. Very funny. First attack, hit. Second attack, hit. Alright, so both of the scimitars, this is gonna hurt. You deal 20, 25 points of damage to the dire wolf.
Starting point is 00:02:07 The dire wolf is still standing. Fuck off. So that's bad news for us. Fun fact, that would have taken down the goblin boss. No! No!
Starting point is 00:02:21 Just gotta say, probably go for the goblin boss. You break off both scimitars The direwolf is very hurt They are, to use a more classic term from D&D Bloodied, which means less than half hit points But still standing So, then it is their turn Those two goblins that open the tent
Starting point is 00:02:43 They just, like, bow They spend their turn. Those two goblins that opened the tent, they just, like, bow. They spend their turn in worship. Okay, good on them. The goblin boss turns around to you, gives a big crooked grin, and says, He gets a nat 1. Grim Determination. You have advantage on your next attack against the Goblin Boss. Well, either of you do.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Either of you get advantage on your next attack against them. He swings at you and then you duck underneath the blow. You're just filled with like a determination. You're going to take this guy down. Then the wolf. Shockingly, the wolf reaches out to nip at you, but you roll away from it and the wolf's attack misses. That is insane.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I love it. Then the chieftain. The chieftain, not the chieftain, sorry, the shaman, cleric, you're not sure. Once again, you're illiterate. They sweep both of their hands back and start chanting. Their eyes roll into the back of their head. At first, you're not sure what's happening. Then you realize that the ground, little microfissures are appearing around you.
Starting point is 00:04:03 The ground trembles a little bit. You're ready to, like, roll out of the way of some sort of ground-based attack, but then tiny tendrils of thorny vines shoot out and scratch at you. You take one point of piercing damage and need to make a constitution saving throw. This time you fail. You feel sick. You feel immediately awful. Something bad has happened to you
Starting point is 00:04:32 and it feels like there is poison within your veins. Every part of your body feels cold except for your arteries and veins that feel very hot. You are poisoned. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Cool and good. Cool and good indeed. Then it is global. You spend the rest of your turn arriving to see this. Oh. Can I? You can make a religion check when you see. You recognize these arcane sigils as some sort of prayer
Starting point is 00:05:05 which would indicate that they are a shaman or a cleric rather than an arcane spellcaster but you can't read them especially at this distance would I have been 60 feet to attack? no, your turn ends and you're here ok
Starting point is 00:05:20 I guess you could use a bonus action if you had one. What do I have as a bonus action? Don't thank you too much. Equip my shield. Clever. That was Globble's turn. Big T, it's your turn again. You have no weapons in your hands.
Starting point is 00:05:43 You have two scimitars left. Yeah, you can draw weapons. Can I double scimitar the... You can only draw one weapon a turn, unfortunately. You need a special ability. Can I play a single scimitar? Mm-hmm. Goblin boss? Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:58 You get advantage to this attack, but I'm just letting you know. So here's the shake-up for you. Advantage to attack the goblin boss. But even with your break off ability, you're probably not going to down them in one go. The dire wolf, on the other hand, only a regular attack, but you are more likely to kill the dire wolf now because you've done a lot of damage already. Well, I should probably go for the dire wolf. Finish what you started. Finish what I started finish what i started in
Starting point is 00:06:26 for a penny in for a pound adam have you fucked me it's not one it wouldn't have mattered oh no advantage would have helped i have fucked you yes that's all right it's my fault for listening your next your next two attacks deal minimum damage. Ah! Fuck! Alright. Well, on the bright side, you don't lose the scimitar because you don't hit. Cool! Big T, that was your turn. So,
Starting point is 00:06:54 the goblin boss turns, sees you, Globble, and then that big grin, he charges you down now. He attacks with his scimitar, he hits, slashes at you and deals That big grin, he charges you down now. He attacks with his scimitar. He hits. Slashes at you and deals eight points of damage. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I have my shield on this time. You did have your shield on, unfortunately. He rolled 18. On the right side, the wolf is now too far to hit you, Big T. On the other hand, another ball of that strange substance comes flying your way. Yucky. Miss. It splashes near you and little bits of it touch you, but you are not hurt.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And then it is Globble. Can you make a saving throw, please? Yes, of course. Come on, Natty, 20. 12. 12? Well, that's a successful saving throw. That's at least not you're not going to die.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yes, that's something. I like that. Big T, that's a successful saving throw. That's at least not, you're not going to die. Yes, that's something. I like that. Big T, it's your turn. You've now got two scimitars. You could basically get to anyone if you wanted to. If, okay, so if I attack with both scimitars this turn, does that count as both of my attacks that deal minimum damage? It would, yes.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Okay. You might still be able to take down the wolf, actually, because you get a plus five to your damage. So that's even if you get minimum damage. Don't break it. Oh, you'll get... Oh, I did damage wrong last time. Sorry, you also don't get that plus five on your second attack with the scimitar.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You need another thing to... That's okay. To try and balance out two-weapon fighting. It's hard to draw two weapons and you don't deal extra damage on the second. Anyway, what would you like to do? If I, mechanics-wise, if I destroy the scimitars, is it going to give me a decent bonus or is it better to just use them to attack? I see what you're asking.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Because I have to do minimum. I suppose you would be maximizing your damage output if you just accepted if you didn't break them and just deal minimum damage on your next two attacks but so how much longer you're in the fight is also important were i in your position i would still break them even though it's not optimal but it it's expedient. And right now, you want to take out as many enemies as possible. Yeah, you just don't have the time. I would like to... I'd break one, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:09:12 That's not a bad idea, actually. Then you still have something to fight with the other two. Yeah, fair point. I would like to use my scissor tars and break one of them, please. Okay. Into the direwolf. And once again, I would like him to pass away. So unfortunately you're poisoned.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So this would have been a critical hit. It's just a regular hit, but that's still something. So you break this one, minimum damage, dealing seven points of damage to the dire wolf. That, the dire wolf goes down. Yes. Oh no. The head goblin into a rock.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yes. That boss goblin falls and takes 1.5. Okay. So not a lot, but something. Then you've got the other saboteur. You could attack the boss goblin if you wanted to. I would love to. Here's a fun fact.
Starting point is 00:10:01 So break it. Because he gets the disadvantage. No, break it because your good friend who you're standing next to has your equipment. That's true. You can just pick up your glaive now. And the next, because this is the next attack to the goblin, it's an advantage? Well, it cancels out your disadvantage. A nice happy neutral. You hit, breaking the weapon off. This attack will only deal two more points of damage
Starting point is 00:10:28 because it's minimum damage and you don't get your bonus. Anyway, just two points of damage, but it's still hurting. So they've taken now three points of damage. Can you pick up the glaive? Yeah, can I? You can pick up your glaive. Glaive grab. It is the goblin's turn.
Starting point is 00:10:44 That boss goblin stands up. Meh! And then he attacks you. He misses. He swipes, but he's kind of staggering around. You can see one of his legs is broken from his fall, and you manage to dodge his attack easily.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Oh, that's good. And how embarrassing, because he said meh beforehand. You feel pretty confident. So then it sucks when you get struck in the back of the head by the globe. It's a critical hit. Oh, no. Shit, shit, shit. No, that doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Shit, shit. Oh, I feel it in my fingers. If this attack deals acid poison or necrotic damage, it deals poison. Your dexterity modifier is reduced by two until you finish a long rest. So your AC is reduced by one. And also ranged attacks are less accurate. Hokey pokey. You only take the regular amount of damage, though.
Starting point is 00:11:38 That's something. Which is? Just one point of damage. Okay. And you would need to make a constitution saving throw, but you are already diseased. So this is, they're basically doing nothing to you now because you're just sick and going to die a month from now. No, so that takes me from one to zero.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So you can use your good boy card, yeah. Yeah, I was going to say I want to use my good boy card so that my damage leaves me at one. Good. Good. So with everything that happened, it's almost as if nothing did. Nothing happened. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:10 A lot of things tried to happen. And they resisted. Not a single thing occurred. Double. Come on, Natty20. 11. That's another success. It is Big T, your turn.
Starting point is 00:12:24 With glaive in hand, who would you like to attack? Glaive in hand and song in heart, I would like to tear this man apart. You swing. Disadvantage. Doesn't matter. You hit.
Starting point is 00:12:42 You deal. It's a d10 plus 7. Fuck, you're powerful. You deal 17 points of damage. Yes! You cut the boss goblin's head off. Yes! Oh, my God. I've been trying to do that for so long.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So long. It's good I manifested this. It sails clear through the air and hits the ground. The boss goblin tumbles over backwards, unable to block this attack because another goblin was not close enough. They need to be within 10 feet. It's the goblin's turn. The shaman casts another spell.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It looks similar to the last one and the ground begins to crack beneath your feet and you're ready to defend off like tiny little thorny brambles. But then big mondo vines come out and they try to hold you in place you manage to roll out of the way but they keep sprouting all around you you're going to have to get out of this area and global come on natty 20 15 well you're stable And global. Come on, Natty20. 15. Well, you're stable.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'll say if you want, we can say since you're stable, you're like, you can't get up and move. You can't take any actions, but you could talk if you need to say anything. Yes, right. Throw the javelin at us if you can't get there. It is your turn, Big T You can get to them this time Oh, then just get to them It's fine
Starting point is 00:14:10 Leap and attack I would like to leap and attack Now, this will kill me Oh, it's disadvantage Ave Maria Why would it kill you? Yeah. Why would it kill you? Yeah, why would it kill you? You just miss.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You swing, but the shaman ducks underneath your blow. Yeah. Oh, no, as in this series of events, me not running away is going to lead to my death. The shaman tries to throw another globe at you, but now that you're within melee range, they are disadvantaged, just like you do. That's useful. Natty won.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Hey! She kills herself on purpose. The beast within, make a DC 18 wisdom saving throw on a failed save. You are subject to the polymorph spell for a d8 round. Come on, come on, come on. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Come on. Something I can just punt into the sun. Fails the saving throw. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. Come on. Something I can just punt into the sun. Bail's the same in throwing. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. There's an awful sound. And then standing before you is a deer. You can kill a deer. I can kill a deer. But is it true polymorph?
Starting point is 00:15:20 The GM decides which. No, it's polymorph. What do you mean? Sorry? As in, is this a deer or is this the lady in the deer? You don't know magic. That's fair. But I know how to kill the deer.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So... I can start riding the deer. What? Jump on. Jump on. Jump on it. Standing before you instead of the goblin shaman is a deer. The deer turns around and runs.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I guess you get an attack of opportunity if you want. Is it better for me to use the javelin because they're running away? You can't use the javelin. Glaive, please. You miss. Big T, it's your turn. You could chase after the deer. What's the speed of a deer?
Starting point is 00:16:06 What's your speed? Your speed is 30 feet. I reckon a deer is definitely faster than you, but you could chase after them if you wanted. Javelin. Javelin the deer. You hurl a javelin and strike the deer. You deal eight points of damage.
Starting point is 00:16:20 The deer cops like a giant spear to the back. It stumbles and falls but then gets back up and keeps running. Now like running a little chaotically because one of its legs is kicking out wildly. Can I call out to the wolves? You could
Starting point is 00:16:37 Um, no you can't You can't get enough breath in you to do that. It's your turn Globble. You can roll to see if you get a 20. Yeah, an 8-0. Big T, what breath in you to do that. It's your turn, Globble. You can roll to see if you get a 20. Yeah, an 8-0. Big T, what would you like to do? Is there anything I can do for Globble at all? Now that they're stable, not a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Probably destroy those other goblins. Those two goblins are just still lying, prostate praying. I'll chop their heads off, please. All right, you kill both of the goblins. I won't even roll. And then that deer has just disappeared. Yeah, the knight. The deer's gone.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Well, we can end combat. Put me up against a tree or something. Can I dig a nice hole and... I can't feel it. What do you have to do that? Oh, to put it – Oh, to bury him.
Starting point is 00:17:30 No, you're not going to bury him. He doesn't look well. Say what? You know that cauldron? If we could just fish out some of those parts and just plop me in there, I'll be right as rain. Okay. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'm not going to fish out the bits. You're too sick. Well, I did my best. Close your eyes. I'll close my eyes. All right, you're put in the pot. Yes, that's good. In my mind, I'm like, it'll make him stronger.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It will make me stronger. I like hoik myself up once again like someone at the edge of a pool. You can put yourself on one hit point. That's fine. Okay. Well, here we are. We're both on one hit point, that's fine. Okay. Well, here we are. We're both on one hit point. Can you fix us?
Starting point is 00:18:11 In a minute. Say what? Here's your equipment. You're pretty sure at this point the camp must be cleared. You've not encountered any goblins. There might be like a patrol, something outside of the camp that might come back. But right now in the camp, you think it's just you. Say what?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Here's all our equipment back. Let's just quickly put that on if you need it. Oh, good. Some of those blows hurt. Yeah. I like gesture to a hole that you can nearly see through. Right. So let's have a quick short rest, if we can, just to recover some hit die.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Sounds good. It was nice. While we recuperate that. And then perhaps we will ransack this town or village, camp. Camp. Grab that breastplate especially. Can you hear that goblin leader? If you want to grab that breastplate, just lick the split right now.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Oh, of course. Yeah. I need to make sure I grab that... What did you just say? I need to make sure I go grab that breastplate. Okay. Yep. You strip the goblin of their breastplate. You can add to your equipment
Starting point is 00:19:17 what is it called? Breastplate of the Hulk. Alright. That was a bit of a touch and go there. Well, while we're having a bit of a kick around the camp, maybe we'll grab a bit of wood on the fire so I have a bit of sight, and I'll go and start inspecting the town or the camp and see what we have. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Any kind of loot, a healing potion. Short rest while we're doing this? Is it possible to get some hit points? Short rest you've already used. I've already used that, yes, you're right. You've got no extra healing from that. Oh, that's all right. Don't you have magic left?
Starting point is 00:19:56 I've used both of them, unfortunately. Right, well, yes, we'll have a look around and see what kind of loot there is whilst, yes, keeping an eye out on around and see what kind of loot there is. Whilst, yes, kind of just keeping an eye out on any patrols that are coming our way. I think maybe if we eventually go back to our own camp, we can have a proper sleep, cash in, split it only two ways.
Starting point is 00:20:19 That's true. Yes, well, what we'll do, we've got the breastplate. We basically sort of know where that dragon is, that vim, don't we? Oh, up. Yeah, we've got that mep. Mep. You don't think the, you think you'd have to actually go there and find the tree. You don't think you have enough details to go by.
Starting point is 00:20:39 We've got this mep. We're quite, I think we're quite close to where that tree was. Not too far, no. Let's see. If we have a bit of a rest, then we go to there, and then we mark that off. We go back to our camp, inform our good friend, the business boss, the half-orc, you know what his name was. Business boss.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Moromarsh. Moromarsh. Moromarsh. Moromarsh. So inform him think it's both. Maramash. Maramash. Maramash. Sorry, Maramash. So inform him of the unfortunate passing of our good friends. And then perhaps see who's around. And then we go on to the chapel. What do we say?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Maybe there's more contracts around here. Ooh. We'll see what we can find. Because if we go back after this one, we can still do all the other ones along the way. That's true. We only made it to step one, but we had three steps. We had three steps.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Let's try and do at least two of those steps. Because we saw some of those debts out. So yes, we'll have a quick look around and see what's in this camp. And now, a word from our sponsors. Six travellers embark on a journey into the Dead Pines
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Starting point is 00:22:58 and from darkdice.com. Anything else to sell? What? Anything else to sell? Make more money. Yes. Turning over the camp, you find in among, most of this comes from the equipment that you find. So like the equipment piles where you found your own equipment.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yep. You see 40 gold coins, 1,000 silver coins. You find a box of silks worth 25 gold. A small bag of spices worth the same.
Starting point is 00:23:36 A set of iron dice. Iron dice. Oh, heavy. Yeah. That would be worth 5 gold. I'll take them. Okay. Oh, heavy. Yeah. That would be worth five gold. I'll take them. Okay, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Here you go. Big T, you have the iron dice. Who dice player are you? Oh, yes. I don't mind to throw a bit of dice. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I challenge you later. Okay, when we get back to camp maybe we'll have a couple of rounds of dice shall we say. Yes, Absolutely lovely.
Starting point is 00:24:06 A ceramic figurine of a little girl. Who's this? It looks like a little girl. It looks to be worth about 20 gold. What's this? 20 gold.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh, good. My favorite kind. Rabbit fur gloves. Ew. They're very fine make. They look to be worth maybe 85 gold. It looks like maybe something taken from a noble. Ew, wow, these are very nice.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Do they fit me? I don't like the feel of fur on my gross. No, they wouldn't fit you, no. No, the feel of fur on fish, yuck. I put the gloves on about three of my fingers. I'm fancy. I work in the castle. Well, you're a very fancy noble lady.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh, wow. I eat. Who am I? Who am I? I don't want to mime eating a fancy soup. Are you king or queen? Yes, yes, yes. Who am I?
Starting point is 00:25:03 I mime brushing my yes. Who am I? I'm brushing my hair. Who am I? Who does this? Oh, so fierce. Fierce lady. And you find a strapped pack of 20 crossbow bolts. The crossbow bolts feel magical. They feel like the heat to the touch. There's a magic crossbow bolts feel magical. They feel like the
Starting point is 00:25:25 heat to the touch. There's a magic crossbow bolt. Do we have a crossbow at all? I don't know. Do either of you have a crossbow? No. Oh, you can also loot the equipment of your compatriots. I think we might have to. Good to find a crossbow. They'd want us to keep going. I don't know if any of them have a crossbow. I'm checking now.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Well, Kentura did not, definitely. Does anyone have a bow and arrow and also a stick? He did use fancy bone arrows. Cherry Cheeks used a short bow. Falmorn also didn't have a crossbow. Let me double check. Did Falmorn
Starting point is 00:25:58 really not have a crossbow? No crossbows. And then finally you find one other thing. a ring. Can I get highs or lows? Highs. Highs? Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:09 The ring has no indication of, it's just a plain ring. At first you only pick it up because it looks like it's made out of silver and might be worth something. But when you pick it up, you feel light, like an airiness slips through your entire being. There's obvious magic to the ring. There's a magic ring. This is probably worth quite a lot. Oh, it looks empty. It does look quite empty. Do I know enough about magic rings not to just put them on?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Well, I suppose that's just common sense. Hang on, but I don't. Do you say that it feels funny? It feels quite light. We probably shouldn't wear it. It feels funny. Why not? We't wear it. It feels funny. Why not? We might be cursed.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So, you know, when you think, say, for example, you have a bit of sandwich or a bit of meat. Yes. And it's delicious. And so you bite into it, but it's rotten. No. Exactly. But then it's in your, if we inspected it first, we would have seen. You'd have a little vomit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Mine are big for you. We need to work out if this ring is... What? A little vomit for me is big for you. Yes. So we need to work out if this is rotten or not. That's all. I open my mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I go to put it in my mouth. No, no, no, no. I try to reach. You can't reach high enough. I can't. Are you swallowing the ring? Put it in your mouth. No, I'm to reach. You can't reach high enough. I can't. Are you swallowing the ring? Put it in your mouth. No, I'm tasting it.
Starting point is 00:27:28 You can taste if food's rotten is the logic. It's easy. You taste it, and then if it's rotten, you don't swallow it. You roll it around in your mouth, sure. What does it taste like? It tastes like metal. Silver, I think, specifically. Do I feel light and fluffy?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah, as soon as you're holding it, like an airiness passes through you. It's before you even put it in your mouth, though. Okay, I take it out of my mouth. Yes, it's a bit weird. It doesn't taste rotten. No, but it feels... Yes, if Felmo...
Starting point is 00:27:56 What would Felmoon have done? Not put it in his mouth. Yes, so let's put it in my breast pocket here and we'll have a look at that. Oh, I feel heavy now. Yes. That's just your regular feeling. I feel light.
Starting point is 00:28:09 That's weird. We'll inspect that a bit later when we get to camp. Okay. When it's not touching skin, the effect ends. Oh, that's good. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Well, yes, light ring. Okay, that's good. All right. Well, say what? Can we put it on someone dead? See what it does? It probably wouldn't do anything. Great thinking.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I've never heard of this. Some rings might still have an effect after the death of their wearer, but most would not. We'll give it a go, though. That's very outside the box. All right, let's have a good go. You put it on a corpse, one of the many, around? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Nothing seems to happen? Nothing happened. Do you do anything with the corpse to test? Poke it. Pick it up? Drop it? It drops normally. Throw it?
Starting point is 00:28:54 It falls normally? I walk over and pick up the rig. All right. Yes, we are. We'll probably inspect it a bit later. Okay. That's all in the camp. I didn't want to look at anything
Starting point is 00:29:06 else. I want to go have a big sleep. Yes, yes, yes. Well, let's go have a bit of somewhere else. Oh, I will let you know that there were other trade goods in among that stuff. Oh, for taking for us? You could grab trade goods, yeah. There's nothing here worth a lot, though. You could take an entire
Starting point is 00:29:22 cart's worth and only get 20 gold out of it. So not much. Not worth the time. Well, this will slow us down. You know the whole bathtub conversation that we had about slowing us down? Yeah, that. Okay, we're going now. I want to go home.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Let's go near a brook and have a good eight hours of rest. I'll have a bit of a sook by the brook. Have a sook by the brook, please. Brook sook. All right. Can I get you to roll the encounter dice twice? Ten. Ten?
Starting point is 00:29:51 All right. You, I suppose it's still dark, but you hear it again. Here it is. That's the sound of its wings. Can we maybe make perception checks? No, neither of you can see it in the dark. Can we, using the sound, be like, oh, I think it's heading that way. Even with the sound, it just kind of echoes through the scrubland.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's hard to tell. Okay, well. No, it's near there. And one more time. I think it's a one. A one. You're fine. You both get the benefits of a long rest.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And, oh, let me add, Tree Stump, the poisoned condition to you. You are still poisoned? Oh, I don't have to be. That's all right. No, you are still poisoned. Damn. You feel awful. The feeling kind of progresses.
Starting point is 00:30:43 You feel colder, but your blood feels hotter still. I know where it's from, right? I'm not like, the ring was rotten. No, it's the same feeling that you got from the shaman, yeah. You also now have one level of exhaustion. Oof. Oh, that sleep made the opposite of sleep. Well, whilst we're sleeping, I'm going to prepare a different spell
Starting point is 00:31:06 instead of Furyfire and have an ice knife instead. Okay. I want to have a bit of a once-over of my good friend here, Big T, to see if I can see what's going on there. Sorry, I should have done this last night. My apologies.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I'll have a bit of a quick look. You feel bad. Big T seems fine. Yeah. Thank you, Possum. You seem quite fine. But you are a bit cold to touch. Hot to touch, actually.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Big T, Globble puts their cold, clammy hands on you and is like, you feel cold and clammy, like you should. You feel cold and clammy, yes. Like everyone feels cold and clammy, yes? I usually feel hot and dry. Maybe you're feeling better now, though. As happy as a clam. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Thank you, Possum. That's okay. Thank you, Possum. That's cute. Well, do you want to rest again, or what would you like to do? At the end of your long rest, both of you can level up to level two. Hey! Oh my god, we're feeling so
Starting point is 00:32:10 powerful. I like that seeing our good friends die empowered us somewhat in the arts. I suppose you could describe it as that. I mean, like, it was a day later. That's true. It was reflecting. It was longer than, actually.
Starting point is 00:32:25 It was a couple days later. Yeah, that's true. Actually, before we've gone out, what is, in terms of the Greyhill Free Company, in terms of fallen comrades, what is the... If you can recover the corpse, that's good. Okay. I was just going to say, should we have recovered the corpse of our fallen comrades? The idea is that they will... there's like basically like yeah well i guess what's company
Starting point is 00:32:50 policy right now basically what happens is mora marsh will if you recover the corpse will endeavor to get the corpse back to family find like a next of kin and then there's basically not basically there is a payout that will happen so all of all of these people's money will go to their next of kin and you will actually still be indebted to give like the money that they would have been owed on this mission okay so you're still splitting it five ways just like to several people's families. Even though they failed. Well, the idea is that it's kind of like a pension or a buy-in scheme where if you were to fail, these people would do it for you. To what family? To your next of kin.
Starting point is 00:33:38 That's this guy! Well, then, yeah, fair enough. If you've nominated Globble as your next of kin then Globble gets to decide what happens to the body and Globble gets your money I didn't know you'd done that, that's so touching Thank you
Starting point is 00:33:53 And Globble you would have listed a next of kin as well Probably my family I can only imagine Yes I'm getting a bum deal Bum for tree stump Well then find someone else you can rearrange your arrangements i'm very touched you chose me i'll find someone else i clearly don't have anyone i can imagine it was me and um uh felmorn um yes we'll have taken the corpses of our good friends with us yeah all right a bit way are you going straight back to camp now i would
Starting point is 00:34:23 say like look after a bit of, after the rest of whatever. We've heard the creature. Why don't we? So I think I can now. You know which direction you should be going to look for it? Why don't we just head there,
Starting point is 00:34:35 find the tree. We're not going to engage the beast. It's all in a new way. And then we mark it on this map that old cherry chicks had and get the dust that it off the grime.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And then we should mark that there and then just head on back here. Oh, did you want their equipment, by the way? Let's go through their equipment and see if there's anything that you want. Yeah, I should have. Equipment is fair game. You're allowed to turn over a corpse. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:00 It's what they would have wanted. Any special personal effects. Calamari would have wanted. It's kind of like an honor system. Any special personal effects. It's kind of like an honor system. Any special personal effects. Yes. So Falmorn obviously doesn't have their spell book because that's currently around. A touching tribute, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yes, I'm allowed that. An homage. I'm allowed to have that. There's rope, if you wanted. Other than that. Oh, and a horn. A horn? Yeah,, and a horn. A horn? Yeah, they played the horn.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Most people can't play a magical, a musical instrument. Oh, right. What do we play? I don't know. That's up to you. Is that what I play? A fell horn's horn. No, I think you're more of a percussion, I believe.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Dunk? Yeah, a dunk. What about me? What do I play? The wettest fiddle on the planet. Hang on. No, I'm thinking of a flute. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I also thought of flute for some reason. Fiddle's a stringed instrument. Yeah. Why did we both think like a recorder? No, I was thinking of a flute. Kentura had nothing of interest. What did Kentura play? Oh, a herbalism kit, actually.
Starting point is 00:36:03 You could pick up a herbalism kit. All right. Yes, why not? That'll go well with the spices. What does a herbalism kit, actually. You could pick up a herbalism kit. Alright, yes, why not? That'll go well with the spices. What does a herbalism kit do? It allows you to construct magical potions if you have the proper training. Can it deconstruct a magical potion from my body? No. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:16 no use to me. What kind of training do I need for a herbalism kit? Herbalism training. Okay. You could still use it, you just would be using it untrained. Okay, well, I think I've never saw it. Okay, You can still use it, you just would be using it untrained. Okay, well, I think I remember something. As we're tooling around walking, I might be like, I think I can remember maybe some herbalism things and try and make a rudimentary cure.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Well, you're not really sure what you're curing. Oh, that's true. She's fine. Yeah. From Cherry Cheeks, there's a set of thieves tools. Yeah, yes. If you wanted. Cherry Cheeks, there's a set of thieves tools. Yes. If you wanted. Other than that, oh, and a bag of ball bearings, a thousand. Oh, yes. If you wanted that.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I fell over some of them once. You keep falling. You fall over and you still slide a bit. Would have been good when we were running if we put them down and off we'd show of chairs. They would have stomped them into the ground where outside. But it's still slippy. I suppose so. We'll grab the herbalism and the ball bearings, maybe the
Starting point is 00:37:12 horn, there's a bit of momentum. And then you are going in search of that wyvern creature? Yes, why don't we go in search of that wyvern tree. If we mark the tree and I think we heard it, hopefully it doesn't notice us. Just how clever is going in search of a giant wyvern nest when a band of goblins slew three-fifths of the party?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Find out next time on Stories of the Greyhill Free Company. Hey, dickhead, are you thirsty for more Sandspants? Let us shoot our long, hot ropes of content right into your gaping ear holes. Head to sandspantsradio.com to check out all 26 of our public podcasts and become a member of Sandspants Plus to check out 20 more bonus shows and bonus feeds. That's sandspantsRadio.com. Hey there, fellow adventurer.
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