D&D is For Nerds - Stories of The Greyhill Free Company III #12 Yet Another Family of Three

Episode Date: July 2, 2022

At some point you have to think the problem is us. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ahem. You're listening to the Sandspants Network. Home of comedy, culture, adventures, and ghosts. Previously on Stories from the Greyhill Free Company I can once again guide you to the edge of my forest, but once we get to the edge, I cannot leave. I must remain. Perhaps, as all goodbyes could be,
Starting point is 00:00:37 this is perhaps our final goodbye. It feels there is a sense of finality about this. I have no portent of the future, but perhaps flashes. Look at you, there unbeknownst to you about to be turned into stone You can't just say things What? Why aren't wagons ever the right
Starting point is 00:01:00 way up? Yeah Why aren't bandits, why are they gonna be so rude? Why can't they just like leave the wagon as it were and be like, we've already looted it. Leave a sign.
Starting point is 00:01:10 We are not here for an ambush. And then just leave. He misunderstood pretty badly. He keeps, yeah, he goes past the wagon. He's heading to camp. When do we figure that out? Where does he tell him to go?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Well, you know that he's heading in the direction of Cab, and you don't know what else you could have possibly applied. He's left. He's gone. On the side of the wagon, you see stenciled in fancy lettering, you see the words Leopold's Errant Mercenaries, which you know to be another mercenary company that operates in this area. Basilisks are multi-legged reptilian horrors
Starting point is 00:01:47 whose deadly gaze transforms victims into porous stone. Are there any little piles of rubble to suggest that it is in fact a basilisk? If you go brooding around you do indeed find that there are little piles of rubble. You can see well, alright, so
Starting point is 00:02:03 just torn apart corpses you find eight obviously this wagon was a four horse wagon so you find one horse statue and a lot of rubble now it seems we both have very very important information that would confirm a thing do we both get you well of course I assume you confer unless you say otherwise. I'm a bear. I absolutely- But I know it's a basilisk, yeah, because I can see rubble. Well, you've not had a close look at the corpse.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I mean, no, I guess it's not hard to tell. Sure, yeah, you see the corpses. I think we might be dealing with a basilisk because this horse is only one left of, I think, four horses. And if you look at the little piles of rubble, I think he ate the other ones. And all the other corpses are very torn apart. Is there a way, do you, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:03:02 do we have basilisk shades or something? Yeah, we all know about basilisks. Well, you know, well, Gloppel, you already, I already rolled for you. You know dick shit about basilisks. Yeah, but Tree Stump, you know that basilisks thrive in arid, temperate, or tropical climates. They can also be found underground because that, a deep enough underground kind of mimics that sort of a condition or those sorts of conditions. If you go deep enough, it becomes hot, obviously, underground,
Starting point is 00:03:35 so it can kind of form that arid climate. With that knowledge, you know that they're not home here. This is not where basilisks are native to. This is a much different environment, so it is unusual to spot basilisks here. You know that basilisks can be domesticated and trained, but it is not for the faint of heart. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And someone had a faint heart if they even tried, because this is not domesticated you know that basilisks are sought after by alchemists and all sorts of different magicians basically every part of a basilisk is a highly valued resource for many different reasons so like not only are not only can parts of a basilisk be used to replicate their effect of turning people to stone but also parts of the basilisk can be harvested to reverse the the stone effect or whatever that they have in addition to that you know that it's their gaze specifically, a basilisk's gaze that turns someone to stone. If you do not have a remedy made from the basilisk,
Starting point is 00:04:53 only a very powerful cleric can reverse the process. In addition to that, they're poisonous. Or I should say venomous. Sorry, venomous. It does sound like we need to leave we shouldn't be here well and so what is it uh-huh is it if they is it medusa style if they look at you or if they it's medusa style yeah if they look at you oh uh so sorry you were also asking about not looking at them yeah yeah how do. How do we... Frustratingly, Fifth Ed does not have any rules that I know of, at least, about averting one's gaze.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Does that mean it's unavoidable? Not. I would allow, if you so chose, I would allow you to close your eyes while you are fighting. You will incur a 50% mischance, and it is, if the creature moves, it will be harder to track it. Okay. Well, um... It really sounds like we should boot it. Again, I don't know shit about fuck right now.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So depending what Tree Stump says, I think this is basically, I don't know what the rest of the party think about anything. So, unless they know what a basilisk is. But ultimately, whatever you're saying, Tree Stump, is probably going to dictate what we do next. I will convey, if we look at it, we are going to turn to stone. I very much do not think we should be here, because it's tricky to get out of stone,
Starting point is 00:06:24 and then someone has to carry you, and they have to take you to a very powerful cleric. If we look at what? The basilisk. I did say it was a basilisk, didn't I? Yeah. I tap two for no. This is a basilisk. A basilisk is here.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's going to turn us into stone. I did say this because I said there were three horses and now there's one horse. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Oh, it's because it's a basil there were four horses and now there's one horse yeah three are eaten so a basilisk is something can i say this as i'm like walking away and gesturing like we need to leave yes a basilisk is a big reptile and if it looks at you, you turn to stone and then it will eat you and you turn out of stone in its mouth so it can feed. Can I have a big sniff to see if I can smell anything reptilian so we can not head maybe towards it if we are heading towards it?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah, you can try to sniff it out. We are heading towards it. Yeah, you can try to sniff it out. You smell a, like, a hot, sweaty creature nearby. It's very pungent. Okay. Can I gesture, like, where it is and then just, yeah, just gesture where it is so we can avoid it? You gesture towards a large boulder the size of a small boulder nearby. Actually, sorry, it would not be a single one,
Starting point is 00:07:58 but like a collection of rocks. Okay, let's not go there. Now, remember, if we do come across a basilisk, close your eyes and don't look at it because it might turn you into a rock and then we'd have to find the cleric or you'd have to get in its mouth and the getting in his mouth is a bad idea because it'll be in you by then we need to not deal with this so scary uh chantelle everyone yeah everyone else has kind of been moving a little bit with you, Tree Stump, but Chantel standing up hasn't moved at all. She says, can we, can we just leave?
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's a road. I head back and I'm like, mid-paw, be like, no, no, she's right. This is scary, but okay. What do you do, Tree Stump? What does she mean? What do you mean? Well, where do you? I was in it's a road.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We can't leave. We're on a road. No. No. Do you ask what she means? What's your job? Are they paying me? I'm not doing this free labor.
Starting point is 00:09:07 What are you talking about? When have I been? We've already told the people at Greyhill. We got a messenger going back. They're fine. They're fine. They'll bring back people who know, right? Is Tree Stump saying anything or is Cass saying something?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Because if Cass is saying something, I'm letting you know, Cass doesn't have a lot of influence over Chantal's decisions. Tree Stump could. Tree Stump's kind. I've started turning back because I've put one and one No, yes, Chantal has a very good You've put dumb and dumb together is what you've done
Starting point is 00:09:51 I follow as well Yeah, Chantal has a point It's like if we do nothing then we just leave a basilisk here to roam free and it's already destroyed a rather different mercenary group But it's already got another snack who we can't save. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:10:06 What? It's already got another horse. It'll be good for a bit. Yes. What? Fine, let's go kill ourselves. So it's fine because then the next group who might be a group of merchants. No, they're still a spare horse.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, and so then another merchant group comes by. And maybe they're better than us. Who's to say? Maybe they've been paid. A merchant. Not adventuring, but merchants come by because it's a road. Also capitalist scum. No.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Let's save these people. Let's save the lives of all these future people. Treesump is so kind. We're gonna do the good thing. We're gonna do the nice thing. I don't know if Treesump is kind as tends to look after themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, well maybe that, no, let's, Chantel's being good, let's be good. If it's behind the rocks, let's blast the rocks with some magic and weapons and never open our eyes. What did we say about casting things without just saying?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Without knowing what's there. What did we just say? I follow Chantel. She's got a good point. I would hate for anyone to get hurt. Before you could finish having this conversation, all of you hear
Starting point is 00:11:26 the rock formation begins to move. It unfurls itself and then one foot, a second foot, a third foot, a fourth foot, a fifth foot, a fourth foot, a fifth foot, a sixth foot. That's too many. And then to bring up the rear, a seventh and eighth foot.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Okay, cool. Slowly, imagine if I just kept going. No, I just thought you were going to end at seven. You thought you were going to stop at seven? Yeah, I was so afraid. Slowly, laboriously stretch themselves out. The creature brings itself up to its full size and height. It's on, well, not all fours, it's on all eights,
Starting point is 00:12:15 but it is easily as big as tree stump. Its skin is craggy and rocky, and you see all along its back in no particular pattern just many different places jagged red spines running from from its nose up along its head and then all the way down it has a tail to the like tip of its tail it's two eyes you can't it doesn't you don't look directly into them obviously but you can see when they're not looking at you, they both glow with a blue haze. It echoes.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It like calls out into the open plane. And then you hear from the- Don't like that. Don't like that. Then you hear... Outstanding. Out of the grass, a second one appears. And then, from behind you, back the way you came. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And the call, finally, of a third basilisk. Let's go to an issue. Cool. Oh, by the way, so you have Seren, Chantel, and Yayola. Who would like to act with who? Who's on my back? Oh, I guess Chantel's on my back.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Chantel is on your back. So I guess we never moved, huh? Okay, all right. Yeah, I'll I guess Chantel's on my back. So I guess we never moved, huh? Okay, alright. Yeah, I'll go with Chantel. And Tree Stump, who would you like to go with? Sirin. Oh, we've got fire as well.
Starting point is 00:13:57 That's... We've got your best friends. Basilisk's, uh... Stone is... You can turn stone to fire Catch it on Fire Yeah we sacrifice fire
Starting point is 00:14:14 And as soon as she gets stopped That's not what I was at all saying Cass I was saying she could burn the Why are you sacrificing Your best friend You monster That's what I'm saying You're saying the sacrifice She could burn the bath. Why are you sacrificing your best friend, you monster? That's what I'm saying. You're saying the sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Well, I suppose, look. You used the word sacrifice. Because you're suggesting that she gets in the mouth. I was saying if she could cast fire. Oh, I thought you meant get turned into stone, get in the mouth, burn him from the inside. I am so sorry. How would you get that?
Starting point is 00:14:43 That's what I was wondering. I was like, don't sacrifice fire. How would you get that from her? She can cast... But I suppose if you made a fire, you can cast fire. That would make sense. Gloppel and Chantal, you are first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So I guess I'm going to be closing my eyes and using only my sense of smell to attack the basilisk. All right. You've got to bound forwards using your sense of smell. You reach the basilisk and you lash out at it. You can make one attack with your bite and one attack with your claws. Yes. Yes. Well, I guess it would be foolish
Starting point is 00:15:25 not to bite the stone lizard. Well, it's not made of stone. It turns things to stone. You said it was a bit rocky. I would describe it as craggy. Okay. Which feels a little bit like I'm
Starting point is 00:15:41 splitting hairs. But as the DM, I get to determine these sorts of things. That's fair. You're allowed to split the hairs. Yeah. The hairs are mine to split. No, yeah. Look, it does have a really tough hide.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And you know what? You are absolutely right. You would describe it as rocky. But thankfully, a black bear, a bit tough. They're kind of strong. So do you want to attack one of the two in front of you or the one behind you? Where's Big T? Big T is in...
Starting point is 00:16:12 So you were all... Big T would be kind of in between the two at the front. I'm just thinking like... Has Big T moved forward a bit? Because, yeah, it would be... At this current time, myself and Chantal are the ones you want to kind of take the hit, as well as Big T. The others you don't want. I guess the one
Starting point is 00:16:29 behind us. If Big T is near the other two. The baby one. Oh, okay. It's a family unit. Yeah, I didn't know. Well, you don't know that. Are we fighting
Starting point is 00:16:44 another three family? Yeah. Well, it's't know that. Are we finding another three family? Yeah. Well, it's a mama, a papa, and a baby. I mean, the baby is a full-grown adolescent. But if we take out the baby first, the mom and dad will be sad. They're going to be so furious. They'll be mad. I just didn't know that, Adam.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I didn't even look. Thanks. Good. I would never have considered it. I would have assumed they were like three friends hanging out doing crime together. Oh, they're just trying to take care of their kid? You worry too much about this. We haven't encountered this before, and it hasn't ended badly.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I was just going to be like, no, it makes sense to take... Because you don't want them to, like... How many things do you think you've killed thus far? Goblin, Cobbold, etc. How many of them do you think didn't have a family? I mean, we all had a family. I don't think you can say this to us. I think that's... And look, they've
Starting point is 00:17:28 killed, like, a bunch of us a few times. Oh, yeah. These things will try to kill you if you don't try to kill them. It's kill or be killed. So, it's just a fact. I just didn't want to deal with the parent rage, that's all. Oh, yeah, that's gonna happen. Yeah, I know now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Like, I, Zammit, like i know this odds or even zamit oh let's go with the odds odds and then odds are evens again evens your first attack hits and your second attack would have hit but unfortunately you aren't are not currently viewing the basilisk your ability to smell tells you like the the basilisk is in, but doesn't tell you exactly where. So your second attack is a miss. That's alright. You deal seven points of damage to the little baby.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Great. And then I'll get Chantal to swing with her warhammer while she's riding. She attacks with her warhammer while she's riding. She attacks with her warhammer and hits. Yay! Oh, wait, sorry. Odds are evens again.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I keep forgetting. Evens. Oh, unless you want her to keep her eyes open. No. Evens, she hits. Yes. And, um... Fuck it. I guess, um... X and surge, Y naught, and try and get her to hit again. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Her second attack. Oh, no, that's still a hit. Odds are even. Let's go with evens again. Hit again. Chantal, you and Chantal deliver a dizzying series of blows to this basilisk you can tell with your scent that it is like slowly trying to fall back and it yelps several times in pain which is how you know you've heard it pretty badly that's good well it is little baby's turn well it's the basilisk's turn the little baby goes first it attacks and it's going to attack
Starting point is 00:19:27 let's say chantelle it you feel mr black bear mr glovel you feel something big heavy and made of stony skill skin land upon you because both of you have your eyes averted While you have a 50% miss chance, it has advantage to hit. Thankfully, it rolled pretty shittily. Yeah, well, it's a baby. It's an idiot. It lands and starts scrambling and clawing on you. You hear Chantel call out, get off, get off, get off, get off, get off, and you feel her kick it, and then it falls onto the ground. And who are?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Well, tree stump. What do you want from me? Actually, no. So one of them, Papa, launches at you, tree stump, but Mama is going to go help baby. Tree stump, are you also averting your gaze? Absolutely. Advantage means it hits.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You feel something big and heavy land on you, tree stump. You are nearly floored and take a total of 10 points of damage plus two poison damage. So it bites you for 10 points of damage. And then you feel hot, sticky fluid being injected into your body for an extra two. I would like to use my stone's endurance at this time. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:00 15. You obviously can't get hit points from this, but you take no damage. I could. Why not? No, you don't. from this, but you take no damage. Oh, I could. Why not? No, you don't. You body the blow and take no damage. I absolutely body it. I slayed, really left
Starting point is 00:21:14 that mum embarrassed, making a milf look bad. Because everyone is averting their gaze, no one gets an attack of opportunity as Mama splits through your formation and slams into Gloppel from behind. Oof. Urgh.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Urgh. This is a message for all the seasoned and aspiring DMs out there. Do you wish to treat your players like the common dogs they are by rewarding them with treats? Well, then do we have the solution for you. Our patented Good Boy cards will make your players feel like they're doing a good job while at the same time dehumanizing them without their knowledge. Are they mad at you? Deflect by telling them they're a Good Boy and hand out one of our Good Boy cards.
Starting point is 00:22:01 The complete deck of 50 cards is available from our website, sanspansradio.com slash shop with each having a unique ability your players can use in game or horde and never use like the dog brain idiots they are we also have bad boy cards available for when you want to treat yourself to something nice grab either or both in a bundle while stocks last once again that's sanspantsradio.com slash shop a glopple you do not avoid this one i'm if anything surprised by it yes glopple you take 11 points of piercing damage and then you feel your big old rump being filled with fucking poison yeah you take a further six points of damage from that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Okay. Okay. Still a black bear, which is nice. That's going to be a shock when I'm not. Helpful. Ooh. Tree Stump, it's you and Sorin's turn. I would like to absolutely stab.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Mm-hmm. No, she jumped off of me, didn't she? Yeah, she hit you as if to knock you off balance and then landed in front of you if i were to rage for example um if you use reckless attack you get advantage which would cancel out oh no it's not sorry you don't get disadvantage you get a 50 chance so it actually well you'll be attacking advantage. So you're more likely to get their AC, but it's still a 50-50 mischance. Where, how are my sensors doing? Where do I think they are?
Starting point is 00:23:34 You think it is where it landed. That's pretty good. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I'd like to rage and go at it with my halberd, please. I should actually say as well, you can, if you want, make a perception check as your action to try and detect where it is.
Starting point is 00:23:49 If you're uncertain of where it is. That's all I'm saying. I feel pretty certain, but thank you. Yeah, I'm going to rage. You rage? Use my halberd. Kill? Question mark.
Starting point is 00:24:00 You swing with your halberd and catch nothing. It moved. Well, now I'm even more enraged. Fair enough. What would you like Sorin to do? Sorin doesn't actually know where they are. I mean, Sorin knows they're here. Unless you want Sorin to not avert their gaze.
Starting point is 00:24:20 No. What do we know about the gaze? Is it like instantaneously you look and be like, oh, no, we're stone? Tree Stump is the one that knows this, not you, Gloppel, having fought them previously. But Tree Stump is aware that there is a range, first off. So it's not – they can't do it from the horizon, which isn't very comforting because the horizon is quite far away. But you know
Starting point is 00:24:45 what i mean yeah yeah they there is a range the range isn't very far but it might be further than what you're thinking so you can safely fire a bow at them but you might not be able to safely throw a rock at them if that makes sense okay so spells would be good at a distance is what you're saying yeah the basilisk loses this ability if it is unconscious for whatever reason so it's something that it actively has to turn on and use on people and you do not turn to stone immediately you turn to stone slowly oh but that's terrifying yeah that seems worse uh so that didn't help adam basically there's a little bit there is like a little bit of time after you've initially locked eyes with it there's a little bit of time where someone else can save you
Starting point is 00:25:40 okay how can they save you well if the if the basilisk is forced to stop looking at you or if the basilisk is knocked unconscious or whatever oh so it has to keep looking it's like a concentration thing yeah the basilisk has to keep looking at you it doesn't have to the basilisk doesn't have to keep locked eyes on you but the basilisk must continue to be looking at you okay well that is good to know you know this none of us do yeah well it's good for me to know oh oh my god you rolled pretty well i this is sorry buried a little bit i didn't even notice this this big t this is something that might be helpful for you to know yes a basilisk that sees its reflection in bright light assumes that that is a rival. And then it will target itself with its gaze.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Could I just yell out and be like, we need the mirror, if anyone's got a mirror. You could call that out, yeah. I mean, like, that doesn't really explain what you're using the mirror for. I guess people can figure it out. Yeah, I feel like we're all clever enough. Make it look at itself. Tabatine did just fly away. Yeah, we got a communications problem.
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's fine. Make it look at itself. So, yeah, Serena, I want them to just use perception to try and figure out where they are. Well, Cass, look, you said they could look at itself. Serene in her backpack has a disguise kit. I don't think...
Starting point is 00:27:14 Which... If you have something, like, surely you'd have a little pocket mirror, right? I'll look up a disguise kit, but I don't think that's an assumption that we can make. You need to be able to look at yourself. It's got cosmetics, hair dye.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Well, see, the description literally does list the things that it has. And there's no mirror. A mirror is an actual item, so... Yes, yes. You would really need it to either specify that it has a mirror is an actual item so yes yes you would really need it to either specify that it has a mirror or for someone to have a mirror in their equipment well we tend not to care too much about the inventory of these things and that's on us whoopsie daisies well like when would you have thought to need a mirror well exactly that's what i mean so would any of us in this situation because i know
Starting point is 00:28:05 gluple never would have a mirror not in a million years tree stump i would assume the same no absolutely not but the others like i'll leave that to the dm's discretion chantelle and yayola neither of them would have a mirror sarin might be the only one who might have a mirror because she does tend to fuss over her appearance. Okay. Highs or lows? Highs. Highs? Highs.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Sure? Yes. Yes. You don't want to change to lows? No, I think you don't want this. So no, I don't want to change to lows. Okay. Are you certain?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Interesting bluff. I don't know. I can't. He's got that cheeky smile. Could go either way. No, no, no. certain? Interesting bluff. I don't know. I can't. He's got that cheeky smile. Could go either way. No, no, no. Sticking to highs. Sticking to highs?
Starting point is 00:28:51 All right. Yes. Sarin pats herself down and is like, No, I left it at the camp. Mamma mia, Sarin. Should have picked low. Hey, hey, Gluffle Remember all those shape water things I gave you? Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:09 You gonna make an air mirror? I think a mirror needs a backing I think if you look at water, you look through water Typically You have a reflection What about I've got plated armour We can do water in front of plated armor.
Starting point is 00:29:26 That's not... I mean, you could polish the hell out of your armor. No, water in front of... There's like a background to it. So there's something dark behind it. You are having a really long conversation right now. And I don't mind typically, but I feel like because you are in character
Starting point is 00:29:44 trying to figure out if you have a mirror i thought this is me and cast talking well like okay being like does anyone have a mirror and then we do all of that conversation does anyone have a mirror and then surrender doing the pat down that could have been like one second but you two being like well if you shape water and i'll right right right i feel like sorry sorry water, put the cape or something. Sorry, my assumption was Cass was asking me that, as in Zamit that. Absolutely, but I see what Adam's saying. Yes, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Could you shape water with a background for a mirror? And I would grumble as a bear, and that's about it. What about puddle on the ground? Once again, I would just grumble as a bear. Puddle? But as Zamet, I would be like, no. Why can't you make a puddle on the ground? By the way, with her perception check,
Starting point is 00:30:36 Serene calls out, Tree Stump, you can move up behind you. Next time, swing there. Thank you. All right, that is Tree Stump and Serene's turn. I don't understand why making a puddle on the ground, because surely that's distracting enough that he'd look at the puddle and then he'd be like, oi, who's that?
Starting point is 00:30:55 You could try to make a puddle on the ground. Here's the thing. The response you got was a bear grumbling. Once again, I need to stress how much I am currently a bear. Yeah, I suppose I wasn't considering the bear essentials of your character right now. Can I get odds or evens three times?
Starting point is 00:31:14 Odds! I'm thinking evens. Alright. Evens. Okay. That sucks. No, what? Big T, you feel fire bathing the area around you as fire calls out i got this one i'll help and then no one takes damage she would have hit three times had she not been averting her gaze. Yeola is going to cast... Oh, clever Yeola.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm glad one of us is. All of you, even with your eyes shut, hear, oh, see, sorry, like a flash of light. It kind of like bleeds through your eyelids. And you hear a terrific gong sound, which you recognize as Yeola conjuring a weapon, a spiritual weapon. The spiritual weapon swings and is not hindered in any way because it doesn't have sense like that. It hits the basilisk that you are fighting, Big T, and causes eight points of damage.
Starting point is 00:32:23 That's the pop damage. Useful. That's the popper. Useful. Then Yayola is going to cast Guiding Bolt. Six, some power, I've got swoo. Odds or evens? I'm always going to go evens for some reason. Like, I want to go evens. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:40 That's a pity. Yeah. The Guiding Bolt kicks up dirt into you, Big T, but clearly has missed its target. Damn. All right, Glopple, it's a pity. Yeah. The guiding bolt kicks up dirt into you, Big T, but clearly has missed its target. Damn. All right, Glopple, it's your turn. Give it a big old sniff, or is it still on top of me? It's still grappling.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Well, you could tell there's one in front and one behind. Okay. Where is it? Where could it possibly be? Well, I'll try to attack two times. The one in front. Odds or evens? Odds.
Starting point is 00:33:11 All right. Unfortunately, you do not score a single hit. Would you like Chantal to also swing at nothing? Yeah. Ah, I missed my die. A yes? Sorry, that was a yes for Chantal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Odds or evens? Evens. Ah, that sucks. Goddammit. How? How? It's the basilisk's turn, or the basilai's turn. Surely not.
Starting point is 00:33:46 The basilisk in front of you and the basilisk behind you Attack you Bear boy You get hit from the front You take Nine points of piercing damage Okay So Chantelle's on top of you Okay That sucks
Starting point is 00:34:02 So what happens there? Well, the damage that you... Oh, I know, I got the damage. That's fine. I'm just curious, literally, what happens there. You turn into Glubble again. Chantal falls on you. You probably break your back.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Your lower back was already a quagmire before this began. But then a not small person, Your lower back was already a quagmire before this began. But then a not small person, Chantel is like the second biggest member of the party after Big T. Chantel, in her full plate, lands on top of you. Ouch. Even Chantel, who probably got rattled by that. Actually, you would take an extra 6 points of damage thanks dude you're welcome
Starting point is 00:34:49 Chantal well that's what you get for falling off a horse so I figured this is about the same Chantal also takes that damage and then says perhaps next time we think more carefully about riding someone who is a polymorphed animal.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's not a bad idea. Then you vomit because you take another eight points of poison. I imagine Chantel crushing you wearing full armor would sound like a wind chime. Just with the amount of tiny little breaks that would happen. All right. And then the one behind you mama attacks chantelle and that's a hit chantelle takes seven points of piercing damage and then 10 points of poison damage chantelle is below half hit points all right so that was the one in front of you the one behind
Starting point is 00:35:46 you and then big t you get attacked from behind as well no yeah big t i'm sorry you take 10 points of piercing and then six points of poison damage well i do a little spill in my mouth do you have advantage for raging like uh um yeah just does yeah oh unbridled fury help me how much piercing damage did i say 10 yeah give yourself five hit points back i believe you take i believe you are resistant to piercing damage poison damage still hits you the same though damn give yourself five unholy and i'd spew a little bit in my mouth that is the basil eyes turn it is tree stump and syrinne's turn well now i know where it is because it's in me yes i would like to kill um i would like to try and do that with my halberd please odds or evens odds you miss you swing clear over its head. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:45 No, that's fine. What would you like Serin to do? It's not your fault. Could be. Serin would have heard me go a little bit of spew and ouch. So I think Serin would have a good idea about where I am, where they are. So Serin would like to attack as well. Well, a bunch of Serin's attacks actually don't require uh because it requires a saving throw she just needs to be aware of the creature oh so she doesn't roll mischance dissonant whispers
Starting point is 00:37:11 uh vicious mockery if you want to go for a cantrip i'll go dissonant whispers the basilisk needs to make a wisdom saving throw which i think it fails i don't think basilisks are very wise i guess i was wrong. No, they fail the saving throw. They're the fucking wisest creature there ever was. You are fighting... Who are you fighting? You're fighting Papa. Papa takes...
Starting point is 00:37:35 Damn! Papa takes 21 points of damage. Hey, that's good. Head explodes? No. Damn. I mean, it hurt. That fucked the the basilisk up it coughs up blood onto you big t but it's uh still fighting if i would have done me then that was tree stump and sarin it's fire and yayola's turn oh uh i'm also just gonna help you out big Serene is going to use Bardic Inspiration because it's a bonus action. And they're going to give you Bardic Inspiration.
Starting point is 00:38:10 So in the next 10 minutes, you can roll a d6 and add it to any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. My friend believes in me. I feel better now. Saving throw. So you could open your eyes. You get a bonus. It's not a guarantee, but you get a bonus, yeah. Don't give me those ideas.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I'll use them. Oh, no. Find out next time on Stories of the Greyhill Free Company. I'm going to go. Baseless Speculation, rudely interrupting your good times to tell you about another podcast I do called Baseless Speculation. Do you often find yourself looking at a new Spider-Man trailer and thinking to yourself, I wonder how Sony are going to shit the bed on this one? Or perhaps you're a big fan of X-Men and will ponder how they would even show the Krakoan era of mutants on the silver screen. Or maybe there's some news that some fucking guy is going to play Mario Mario in the upcoming film Mario about that plumber Mario and his brother Luigi.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And you think to yourself, I wonder what they're going to do there? Why do these plumbers keep jumping on turtles? Us too. So we made a show about it where we baselessly speculate on upcoming films, TV shows and more. We baselessly speculate on upcoming films, TV shows, and more. So join me and my beautiful co-hosts, Jackson Bailey and Joel Dusha, who you might know from either this very podcast or anothery,
Starting point is 00:39:54 on Baseless Speculation. Available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon are doing a podcast thing now. You can find us there if you'd like. Google? They have Google Podcasts now. Really, there's never been a better time to search for podcasts, especially ones called Baseless Speculation. Hey there, fellow adventurer. If you're picking up what we're putting down and want more D&D content, we have just what you need to scratch that itch.
Starting point is 00:40:26 D&D is for Nerds Plus, the symbol, not the word, where you can listen to select campaigns that were once only available to Sants Pants Plus members, the further adventures of the Greyhill Free Company if you want shorter campaigns with beautiful guests, and D&D is for Nerds, not
Starting point is 00:40:41 Ognot, where all our non-canon D&D adventures go to rest. Just search for D&D is for Nerds, not Ognot, where all our non-canon D&D adventures go to rest. Just search for D&D is for nerds on your favourite podcast app of choice and join us on this epic quest of D&D podcast discovery.

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