Distractible - Musical Memories

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

First kisses, funny dances, going on stage: today the guys talk certain songs that transport them to specific life moments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable, a Wood Elf production. This week, Bob has his gag reflex tested at the dentist's and attends a Nickelback serenaded PG van orgy. Wade gets emotional on tour after jerking and reveals he is a godfather of pee-pee. And non-musical Mark explains soaking, the non-thrusting, jump-humping augmented sport, and he admits he cannot swat to staying alive. Yes, it's time for Musical Memories. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yes, hello. Hello and welcome to another episode of Distractible. I'm talking like this now and I'm pretty much committed to it. I will be your host for today. My name is Bob. If you've never listened to the show before, there's rules, but they really don't matter. Basically, I'm the host, and my two friends, Mark and Wade, will be the competitors. Say hello, competitors.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Hello! Are we also talking like this? Everyone talks like this now. Mark, get on the bandwagon. All right. Welcome, welcome. I don't think I want to. Come on.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Why are you being such a shit, Mark? Okay. It sounds very ingenuous. Ingenuous? Anyway, as the host, I will pick a topic, and then the friends, boys, the other ones will compete about it, and I will give points. But I'm not very careful about that, so I basically just pick a winner at the end. But they have points. There's points. Don't question it. There's points.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No defense, but I don't think Mark is playing along. Playing along with what, exactly? I don't know what happened, and I hate it. But welcome to another episode of Distractible. We sound like used car salesmen. No, you sound like game shows. Oh. Come on down.
Starting point is 00:01:56 They're ready to win. Game shows in the game The Sims. Got that cadence. Anyway, yeah. Hey, small talk. i had two teeth pulled yesterday that's good go to the dentist kids it hurts you had two teeth pulled yeah it turns out i've been feeling kind of sick for a while and i was like oh maybe that's my i'm you know maybe i was seeing doctors and trying to get stuff there's i had a wicked infection in my gums like a deep
Starting point is 00:02:23 infection that it didn't hurt. I had a little bit of tooth pain last week, which is why I made a dentist appointment. But then I got in there and they took an x-ray and they were like, whoa, are you all right? Fine. I don't know. I love to hear that. I had like a really bad infection. I guess it progressed so quickly that like it went from kind of sore to just like, I didn't feel any from it anymore yeah and uh it destroyed two of my teeth so that's not my favorite thing you don't want to hear that when you walk into any kind of medical facility or like all right sit on the table here's a whoa how'd you walk in here nurse come take a look at this one look at this yeah mind if i run some tests pull your pants
Starting point is 00:03:05 in i mean it was crazy so they did not put me under for it so i was awake but they like gave me nitrous which i've never had before which makes it kind of like super chill yeah really chill and then they numbed up my whole it felt like they numbed my whole jaw and my whole cheek and i couldn't when they finished they were like like, all right, we're done. We're just going to wean you off the nitrous and sit you up a little bit. And I was like, you're done? I couldn't even tell you had done the tooth out.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah. So it worked and they did a great job, but my mouth feels weird. Yeah. No, I had an infection of my gums. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, they make you rinse out the cavities that are left behind.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Not cavities like cavities in tooth, literally just like just like the indentation yeah the holes where it was so they give you this little like syringe with a curved end on it so that you can kind of wash it out now what i did was apparently something you were not supposed to do which is actually stick the end of it inside oh because what that does is if you press on the syringe and it's like in there it creates kind of like a little seal and it can rip the stitches. Ah. Because they stitch it closed. Cool.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And so that's exactly what I did. So I felt like this kind of like little pop. It was like popping your jaw a little bit in my, like near where it was. And I was like, oh, that was weird. It didn't hurt at all at the time. It was just kind of like a little crack. And I went like, hmm, that's weird. Next day, my face was swollen.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You guys remember those pictures of after my, my, it wasn't beating weird. Next day, my face was swollen. You guys remember those pictures of after my, my wasn't bathing, my whole left side of my face was swollen. It's because I had a horrible infection from that, that happening because the water that I was rinsing out with must not have been perfectly like, oh no, it probably wasn't even that. The water was fine because it was saline you wash it out with. But the rest of my mouth is swimming.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Everyone's mouth is swimming with bacteria. That must've been it. I was on the couch for a week i couldn't even move from that i felt terrible yeah dude on the bright side you guys should be rich with all the teeth you've lost right yeah tooth fairy don't like adult teeth that's not how this works well then at least your adult teeth came in to replace your other adult teeth right what what no aren't we like sharks where we have like seven layers of teeth if we lose one another one comes and takes its place all right i wish are you like that i would hope so have you experienced that yeah have you lost any adult teeth you know can you not even tell because i come back no i broke a tooth but it was able to be repaired with i don't know what
Starting point is 00:05:18 they repaired they put something on there and there's tooth super glue yeah a little cyanoacrylate on there a little curing agent. You got it dried up. Yeah, but no, I didn't. I didn't do any of that. No, dental health is very important. Yes. And it can be very, very bad. And I already feel better.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Like, I felt like kind of tired and run down. Like I had an infection, I guess, for like a couple months. I think I got this a long time ago and it just festered. And it wasn't, it didn't hurt. And when the doctor looks, she was like, yeah, that's really deep. You can't really see it but uh if you look on the
Starting point is 00:05:48 x-ray here you see this huge pus sack in there where your gums and bones are supposed to be that's bad that's not a good do you not go for like the two checkups a year like I do my six month cleanings two a year every six months no honestly i i get really anxious about the dentist and so i put it off and this happens to me i the last time i had like a dental cleaning was like six years ago or something yeah no i hear that from so many people sorry mark go ahead say no you're gonna about to hear from me same thing i i for some reason really need to go to the dentist i'm great about brushing my teeth but even then i know I need to go because I can feel like what I think is the beginning of a cavity in one of my teeth. And I just have not gone for some stupid reason. Yeah, no, that's how I was going to
Starting point is 00:06:33 introduce that story was yesterday. I got high and cried in front of two strange women because I had not, I had never been to this dentist before. They put me on the nitrous, which makes you really chill, which also makes you really like open and while they were doing it i started like shaking i was grabbing the chair and my arms were shaking and they while they were you know they're in your mouth and it's that dentist sound of like scraping and things in your head that's that starts happening and i was just like and they were like it's okay it's okay baby and i was like i don't know you i'm just gonna cry out a little bit it's fine i just need to cry keep going i'll hold still let me cry and like i held perfectly still because i'm terrified if i move a millimeter they're gonna stab a thing into my brain or
Starting point is 00:07:15 whatever but i was just sitting there just like high on nitrous just like softly weeping as they took my it was not my favorite experience but go to the dentist because if i had just gone to the dentist like ever in the last six years i might have avoided that i've never minded the dentist like when i remember growing up everyone preferred going to the regular doctor over the dentist but i was the opposite i hate going to like the normal doctor for like a normal physical the dentist never bothered me like i just go and i'm really chill if i go to a normal doctor's office i feel like my heart rate skyrockets whereas at the dentist i'm just like ah kick back just open my mouth the normal doctor like feels your leg and
Starting point is 00:07:48 like puts a thing on your chest and listens to your heart and your lungs for a second and then it's like your leg you seem healthy your leg i don't know they they just like touch you i feel like when the doctor comes yeah the doctor comes in and they're like all right now stand up now stand on one foot now how far can you bend your elbow in this direction down no down i know there's a lot of pressure you gotta perform and then like you do it and you feel like you do a bad job and then they're like oh okay okay and then they write something down and then they're like ah you're fine i feel like one of those monkeys on the street that has to like dance and perform for them whereas the dentist i just kick back sit i guess i just yeah lay back sit
Starting point is 00:08:21 and open my mouth that's it the dentist sounds don't bother you the drill that that like no the scraping the drill none of it that shit in your head oh the worst part about the dentist for me is whenever they um put the the sandy coating on your teeth and like you feel the crunch when you close your mouth that's the worst part for me is that the what the polish i think it's the polish they put on after they do the cleaning and like your teeth feel like you got sand in there okay yeah sure sure that's my least favorite part of the entire dentist experience also i almost throw up every time i had a braces for a long time as a kid and they do impressions right so they take the huge tray of goop and wedge it up into your teeth to get like a make a mold of your teeth that always goes far enough back that it triggers my gag reflex so hard and they don't they do not give a shit they slam it up in there
Starting point is 00:09:04 and they're like all right we gotta hold this for 60 seconds and i'm literally like and they're like it's fine you're fine stop don't throw up on me and i'm like you don't need to breathe 60 seconds of joy i had to have that done for a night guard not for braces but for a night guard and uh i don't think i had to choke on it during. I have a not very deep gag reflex. I don't know. It's sensitive.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Anyway, good small talk. What happened with you guys? That's my thing. I mean, many things happened to me, I guess. Good. Good things. Bad things. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Pretty good things. Helped Sean with a thing. That was cool. Great. I did not know that he was in L.A. Is he? Or are you guys working in L.A.? Yeah, he's in L.A. right now.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, that's cool. He didn't mention that. Didn't say a thing. He didn't say a thing. Do you? No, he was in L.A. Is he? Or are you guys working in L.A.? Yeah, he's in L.A. right now. Oh, that's cool. He didn't mention that. He didn't say a thing. He didn't say a thing, do you? No, he didn't. Man, that's really weird. Nothing. Not a word.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I would assume that if you were good friends, he would have told you. I didn't hear from anybody. Yeah, no, usually my friends would tell me if they're, you know, coming across the whole world, be within driving distance, maybe want to hang out. No? No, I mean, yeah. No, I think your assumptions are correct. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Surprising. Shocking, even. Yeah. What's up with you, Wade? I also didn't get a call, but I no, no. I mean, yeah, no, I think your assumptions are correct. That's weird. Surprising. Shocking even. Yeah. What's up with you, Wade? I also didn't get a call, but I live further away. Nothing new. I've told you guys. Have I talked on the show about how we had to get a whole new HVAC system?
Starting point is 00:10:14 I think I did, right? I think literally the last time we were going to record, we postponed it so you could do that. And then you talked about it when we recorded. Maybe I can't remember what we've talked about or not. But yeah, we had a new HVAC put in and once again the inspections are so weird if you get a company that knows what they're doing that installs a water heater or a furnace or an ac unit or whatever like in order for the warranty apparently to be good like the county at least in
Starting point is 00:10:39 ohio or whatever the county has to come inspect it and make sure it was done properly and they give you a number and then like you'll get a letter in the mail. It's like, call this number. Specifically, Monday through Thursday, either from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. or 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. And I called during one of those windows and I got a guy's like, hey, we got a new HVAC installed. We need an inspection. Great.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You need to talk to the inspectors. Okay. Can you put me through? No. What? You'll to talk to the inspectors. Okay. Can you put me through? Uh, no. What? You'll have to call back. When? Uh, specifically Wednesday between 8 and 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:11:10 What? So now I've got to get up Wednesday at 8 a.m. to make a phone call to schedule something with a specific inspector, apparently. So I have a one-hour window in a two-week period with which to call this inspector. Well, you better not miss it, I guess. Damn. Yeah. Set some alarms. Tomorrow morning, for not miss it, I guess. Damn. Yeah. Set some alarms.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Tomorrow morning, for those out there, I got a call. Yeah, I got to set alarms and call this inspector because apparently the number I called wasn't good enough and they can't do anything for you. You have to talk to someone specifically who's only there one hour every two weeks. Well, I mean, they did warn you, so maybe you should shut up.
Starting point is 00:11:40 No wonder nobody has working warranties when the hoops you have to jump through. Hoops, schmoops. Right? Yeah.ops right yeah am i right guys yeah you tell them yeah yeah i'm telling them that that's my that's my life fixing my house that's my life well good small talk solid stuff really really good is there ever going to be an episode where we talk about our lives and the thing that happened to you is not that your house broke again i mean i guess someone could die but has anything else happened to you other than your house just being a nightmare at all times if so that was so traumatic i've blocked it out fun stuff yeah or good things could happen too yeah well i'm gonna i'm gonna have some knowledge of you having
Starting point is 00:12:21 a baby we'll see we'll see okay yeah we'll see about it good old uncle wade godfather wade that's right presumptuous god uncle wade maybe the most presumptuous thing i've ever heard yeah maybe god uncle you're the backup uncle uncle i'm bench warmer uncle wade it's still up oh yeah i guess that's important it's fair to say so we talked about on the live stream that we did uh this would be technically the first time in a recorded episode man he's pregnant everybody yes it's very exciting thank you i don't mean to be disingenuous it's been i announced this technically on saturday a couple a few days ago now and it's just been constant everywhere comments when i live stream social
Starting point is 00:13:06 media everything everywhere i do appreciate it i just miss when my social media used to have things other than people telling me congratulations that mandy is pregnant i'm sure we'll get back to that someday what about you what about your life what about how you feel yeah i feel feel good i tell you what having a pregnant partner makes you feel really useless okay guess what i can do to help bring things you need a glass of water on it you know uh food you need a snack got it don't you worry you just keep growing an entire human inside of you and i'll keep bringing you trinkets we're both contributing it's nice to see you both
Starting point is 00:13:47 equally carrying the weight yeah we're pregnant i get why people say that now this is really hard on me too geez you know as someone who's not a dad i do have one piece of advice for you when you change the diaper on a boy be very careful because as soon as that cold air hits you have a fire hose that could go anywhere oh yeah no we're definitely getting pe diaper on a boy, be very careful because as soon as that cold air hits, you have a fire hose that could go anywhere. Oh yeah, no, we're definitely getting peed on a bunch. I've heard that boys just spray it. They really do. I remember as an uncle, my first nephew was born over at my grandparents' house.
Starting point is 00:14:15 My brother went to change his diaper and boy, oh boy, was my grandpa's favorite chair soaked in urine, as was my brother. Boy, oh boy. Boy, oh boy. Was there pee everywhere? Sure sure it's great for your skin or something i don't know yeah probably pee is probably a great thing to have on you what do you think makeup is it's just pee it's great for leather right you piss is it good to piss on leather yeah you condition it make sure you piss on your leather couch at least once every six months
Starting point is 00:14:40 oh my god i need to go find henry winkler fonzie i'm coming what did he just say where did you go what did i miss did i have a stroke did he just we have a whole discussion that led to henry winkler being brought up what happened i don't know man i really don't know first thought about leather was picturing fonzie with his leather jacket and how i want to piss on it now god that was okay even i have whiplash from the whiplash. Whoo, man. All right. Wait, you got to slow down.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Guys, keep up. You've known me long enough. Keep up. You're traveling too fast. I can't go that speed. I can't follow where you're going. Yes, you can. Put the leash on.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Put the leash on. Hold on tight. Ah, shit. Shit. Anyway, don't pee on your leather couch. That on tight. Shit. Shit. Anyway, don't pee on your leather couch. That's gross. Try not to anyway. That's a joke.
Starting point is 00:15:30 If you do it accidentally, no judgment, but just, you know, it doesn't do anything. Ideally, don't do it. Anyway. Great episode, boys. You guys want to talk about the topic? Oh. I'm the host. I got a topic.
Starting point is 00:15:43 You want to move on to that? You want to do it? I mean, we could just literally talk shit for a whole Oh. I'm the host. I got a topic. You want to move on to that? You want to do it? I mean, we could just literally talk shit for a whole episode and I'll save what I've got. Getting older and having kids. The episode. Okay. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:54 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:55 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:57 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:58 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:58 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:58 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:16:02 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.. I'm a GMC Econoline minivan. I'm a GMC Econoline minivan. I'm a GMC Econoline minivan. I'm getting older though. And that brings me to today's topic. Your fridge? A long time ago, a GMC Econoline minivan in the parking lot of a high school. It's waiting. Something's about to happen. Inside that high school.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Is where the baby was made? No. God. Inside that high school, innocent young Bob with his innocent young friends are attending a basketball game. We're all band kids, so we're all in the pep band, sitting in the stands, playing Chamaleon, playing the fight song. Fight on for Dublin.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Dublin will win. It's a good time. We all have a great time. I don't remember what happened in the basketball game. We probably lost. We sucked ass. But it ends, and we all go and drop our instruments off in the band room. And now it's time.
Starting point is 00:16:49 The van, patiently waiting, is there. It knows what's about to happen, even if we don't. Three friends and their three girlfriends at the time make their way out to the parking lot. We rode together. It's a big van. Orgy! You're predicting. I'm going to be right eventually. You're predicting. I'm going to be right eventually.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You're not entirely wrong, I guess. I knew it. Whoa. Six young high schoolers, three couples, climb into the van, each one taking their own row. It's a three-row van. There's a front, a middle, and a back. We spread out. You don't want to be too close together.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Of course. Turn the van on. Pump some jams. But we don't go anywhere. No one's even in the driver's seat oh in the middle row young innocent bob gets to kiss a girl for the very first time his girlfriend sidles up next to him and then climbs up on his lap and looks deeply into his eyes and bob goes in for a big open mouth kiss because he doesn't know how it works their teeth clang together like two shields on the field of battle whoops hold on wait a minute that wasn't how i thought that was good i thought you made out
Starting point is 00:18:02 with your mouth open no idiot god geez this guy anyway once everything gets worked out bob and high school girlfriend start making out as do the other couples like you do when you're in high school just six kids in a in a van all just making out in the high school parking lot like you do totally normal this moment will be etched into bob's memory for the rest of his life. He will never forget what it was like to kiss a girl for the first time. The weird situation of all his other friends all around him. Everyone just making out, having a great time, going to town. And of course, the soundtrack for this defining moment.
Starting point is 00:18:42 The song that will never leave leave that will echo for eternity in bob's mind a true classic look at this photograph every time i do it makes me laugh what the hell is that seriously though my first kiss my first i mean that's maybe not my first like kiss i've been pecks on the cheek or, but that's like my first making out with a girl ever is inexorably tied to the song Photograph by Nickelback. I mean. There's a lot of meme-y hate for Nickelback on the internet, but I fucking hate that song.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I have nothing against Nickelback. I think they do have some bangers. They're a fine band. Like I don't hate them the way that a lot of people might on the internet. But why is that the song? Why couldn't it have been a good song why couldn't it have been like metallica or something epic like making out do you not see how perfect that song was well it's a song about looking at a photograph and memories and what are you doing but remembering that moment yeah to that song yeah it. It's so meta.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. It is. And now every time the meme on the internet happens where the edit where it's like, look at this graph. And it's him pointing. Think of your first kiss and the shield clank. Yeah, the clank.
Starting point is 00:19:56 The shield clank. So hot. Anyway, that's all to say today's topic is how music is memory uh-huh i want to talk about things that have happened in your life that have a song or soundtrack tied to them things that have happened that you've seen where the music was like just perfect or and maybe this isn't a thing maybe we'll talk about how this is only a thing for some people. But for me, stuff in my life often has music tied directly to it where it's like defining moments of my memories.
Starting point is 00:20:33 There's a soundtrack. There's a clear soundtrack. It's part of the clearest part of the memory is often the song that's playing and the feeling that that evokes for me. Another thing I remember really strongly is when Mandy and I were getting together, we were sort of dating and going out a little bit. And at some point, Mandy was like, you should come over. I was in class.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It was like a nighttime class. And she was like, you should come over. We should hang out. And this was like, this led to the night where I would say Mandy and I officially got together. And what we did was we watched the YouTube music video series of R. Kelly's In The Closet. Oh, interesting. So, you know, that's complicated because of all that stuff that we knew about R. Kelly
Starting point is 00:21:14 for a long time, but now is officially stuff that we know about R. Kelly. But like, we spent a long time laughing and watching those videos. It's very funny music. That song, I don't know, whatever, that song story is tied to that memory forever for me. It's like a defining part. Is this a thing you guys experience? That is fascinating. There's so much to unpack from that.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I almost don't want to jump into our own. Oh, what are we unpacking? I mean, no, not necessarily unpacking, but just like the sheer steps going along there, because it was like not only your first kiss the shield clashing the van situation oh yeah whose idea was it to get the van was it all agreed upon or like all right we're gonna make it just reminds me like mormon soaking for some strange reason i just the camaraderie of trying to like of what i'm sorry what is that that you just referenced soaking mormon's soaking soaking. You don't know about Mormons soaking?
Starting point is 00:22:05 No, I don't know what that is. So. No, but sounds like they were soaking. High five. Basically, Mormons are one of many types of religions that don't endorse sex before marriage, right? Ah, okay. So soaking is something that these kids came up with because it's all a bunch of horny
Starting point is 00:22:23 teenagers, right? That it's not sex. And I probably extend probably extends beyond teenagers honestly it's probably like young adult mormons who are not married i mean unmarried yeah yes unmarried who's trying to keep that according to them it doesn't qualify as real sex if your penis is inside of a vagina and just sitting there it's soaking this has a very interesting uh accoutrement to it the wikipedia for soaking says in the like the third sentence this practice is said to sometimes be accompanied by jump humping yes that was my very. Which involves enlisting the help of a third person to jump up and down on the bed in order to create a little motion in the ocean without the individuals engaging in the soaking technically doing any sex movements.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yes, it's just happening. Whoa. The sex is against our will. Yeah. Oh, interesting. Oh, it's's like it's like a sport it's like oh no i'm falling oh and my pants are coming up oh i'm far we just happen to fall in this position oh no oh no an earthquake oops okay well before we jump into this because that is a lot to unpack this is a legitimate earthquake. Oh! Oops!
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay, before we jump into this, because that is a lot to unpack, this is a legitimate thing and people do this and it helps you to cope with your reality and it's fine. But I hope you can understand, people who may have engaged in this or Mormon people in general, that this is a very interesting and kind of amusing idea to us. Yes. interesting and kind of amusing idea to us. Yes. Not at all belittling it, but man, that's a lot of gymnastics for me.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I feel like if you got it. Imagine going to like the gates of heaven after death and they're like, did you have premarital sex? Like the first person to soak's like, no, I didn't. Look at the rule. Billy jumped on the bed while I was just sitting there soaking. It was like a drunk person in a car with ropes tied to the steering wheel and a brick on the gas pedal steering with...
Starting point is 00:24:35 I'm not operating anything. I'm just sitting in a car pulling on some strings. Operating a vehicle while under the influence. I'm just loopholing God. No big deal. It makes me think that God is looking at humanity with a spotlight and just panning across the earth, but then you get caught in the spotlight
Starting point is 00:24:51 and there's some Metal Gear Solid effect, and it's like you're in bed, but you're not moving. You just go like, what's up, guys? I can't even look down. It's like, oh, they're just sleeping. Oh, they're just sleeping on top of each other. I thought something untoward was happening. No, they're just soaking oh they're just sleeping on top of each other i thought something untoward was happening but no they're just soaking because there's another guy in the
Starting point is 00:25:09 room jumping on the bed at the time like oh clearly they're just taking a nap while their friend is having a frolic on the bed that's fine yeah exactly they must have had the purest intentions by inserting the penis into the vagina and i'm sure they meant nothing by it yes yes i should know i made that so what does that have to do with three couples making out in a van? It just is like, I'm bringing it around because it's like just the collaborative plan to make this situation occur reminds me of like these circles that I was never a part of as a child. Listen, you think it was a plan, then clearly you were never involved. The way this
Starting point is 00:25:45 happened was we all rode together it was actually my girlfriend's van it was a big van it was like a hand-me-down you know so it's like family van and we all rode together because big car multiple people whatever convenient and not a word ever was no one was like not even the boys were like we can try and get make out after the we all walked out to the van and everyone just sort of looked at each other and started like taking seats in the van and sitting and then like just collectively everyone was just like yeah just started making out with each other a little bit no one said a goddamn word i can't even remember how it happened they heard no i'll tell you what happened. They heard the sound of a gong, almost like a shield clashing on a battlefield. And they were like, oh, that's the signal to start making out.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And then they all started making out. So you did it. And I led the charge. I think you did. I sounded the clang of make out. Oh, my God. It's time. Then they went at it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I remember something like this happening to me at one point do you it was kind of a similar instance where some friends and i walked home from school and we were each with our significant others and we like were in my family room and we like sat down and like i think we were ready to turn the tv or like talk about something and we looked over and so we had like a lazy boy chair in one corner. Then there was like a same wall, but opposite end, there was like a couch. And then across from that, there was like a little bit of like a brick, like where the fireplace was. There was like a brick thing that like jutted out, you could sit on or whatever. And my friend and his significant other that were sitting there just grabbed a blanket, huddled up and just started making out and i
Starting point is 00:27:25 looked over at the lazy boy my friend that was sitting there and he like shrugged and turned to his girlfriend and then i looked at mine and she looked like around and looked at me and we both like simultaneously shrugged and everyone was just making out all right teenagers just make out that makes sense drop of a tooth we didn't want to interrupt them it's like well we kind of wanted to do this anyway so let's just all do it i guess whatever everyone's doing totally normal this is not about me listen it's a funny story and i have fond memory but the music we're talking about music okay you're stumbling making music You're stalling. Making music. High five. All right. Music.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But yeah, as a foundational thing, you guys can stall a little if you want. Does this happen to you? Do you feel like this is a thing you've experienced or is this like a thing? Because I am a musician, so maybe it's more meaningful to me. How do you guys feel about this?
Starting point is 00:28:21 So it depends. There's music that definitely, like if I hear it, is the question, is there music now that like brings up memories of the past because that's definitely yes sure and there's like memories i have that are entwined with music one example that we probably all somewhat share is anytime i hear the song like we could be heroes just for one day i think of the tour like it's like my adrenaline starts going and it's like i get the goosebumps because when we did the You're Welcome tour,
Starting point is 00:28:47 for those of you listening that didn't go to the show or whatever. Fake fans over there missed out on an experience of a lifetime. Yeah, true. They'd be playing songs for the audience and the last song that would play before our intro would kick on and we'd be ready to start the show was the, We could be heroes. And then there was a little fake out and the song would come back on and there's a live version with a with a false ending
Starting point is 00:29:09 yeah but then our our song for animation would play both of those songs like have the same response for me it's like yeah that song to do, we could be heroes. This is very counter-stripped. I don't want to sing the whole thing. He kind of talks it. He does not. We could be heroes. He does not. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:29:36 He does not talk it. He just sings it in a low voice. I don't know. I think he talks it. We could be heroes. It's not even that low. Point being, when I hear the song, my goosebumps pop up. Hey, we could be heroes.
Starting point is 00:29:51 We could be heroes. Just for one day. Just for one day. There you go. Nice. You're welcome. But that song, when I think of the show, I think of that song sometimes because that was our cue to be like, okay, it's showtime. Let's go. you're welcome but that song when i think of the show i think of that song sometimes because like
Starting point is 00:30:05 that was our cue to be like okay it's it's show time let's go yeah and the very first show remember how nervous we were and like as that song ended for real like our intro song started playing it was like holy crap it's happening what do i do and i remember that thought like coming to mind it's like you know this you know this you're good you're good i was like just consoling myself and then like every show after i had the same like goosebumps excitement not necessarily fear of because we got pretty comfortable with it but i still get like the goosebumps and like my adrenaline starts pumping when i hear that song and like it brings back all the memories of the tour that is nice did you have a bit that you guys did with anyone because i always pushed ethan out on a rolling thing he
Starting point is 00:30:41 was laying down and the song would be playing and we'd just be standing there and then there's this one part where ethan would sit up halfway up and we'd lock eyes and just be like i'm a little bad boy a little bad uh i stood next to you too while you did that because i was on your side so you got to watch so you got the benefit too yes i watched your bit good bit because tyler and mark were on the other side where dan was you were basically alone we usually had um like ak or or kirsten whoever was doing like costumes and props and stuff over by us i forget why yeah they were part of their routine that you weren't wade you were you were off in the shadows i was just there
Starting point is 00:31:14 suit yeah i was not a part of the the singing just moping around with your butt rose if you didn't see the show none of this means anything to you but if you saw it you know yeah you know uh man would you guys ever want to do a tour again uh yes yes and no like yes it was a lot because we would do like 16 or 17 shows in like a three week 21 days would be gone and in that 21 days we'd do like 18 shows which felt like a lot it was fun i mean i would do it again but like it was definitely exhausting i remember getting back from those and being like all right i gotta record youtube and stream again and it's just like my body was just like no you aren't no you aren't yeah i i think i would say i want to be on stage with you guys again but i don't know if i'd want to do a tour
Starting point is 00:31:58 in quite the same way that we did all right bitch okay got him yeah no it might be nice might be nice to do some distractible tours all right still not getting the high fives that's fine whatever i'm not exactly in the same state it was it was an awesome experience and like i do miss it like i miss a lot of parts of it i miss that adrenaline surge pre-show and i miss like doing the like you know the whole thing was fun the improv and the the scripted bits and whatnot they were all great uh doing the q and a's afterward like it got emotional on some of those Q&As, man. There were times where you guys would say something like,
Starting point is 00:32:28 stop, stop the tear jerking. I love jerking, you guys. Stop jerking me. Oh, no, not here. No. You and Tyler probably jerked us the most, I think, Bob. Oh, yeah. You two were the jerkiest. Yeah, definitely. Big jerker. Anyway, speaking of jerking,
Starting point is 00:32:43 I have a memory that is talking music. Yes, excellent. Yeah, that's definitely. Big jerker. Anyway, speaking of jerking, I have a memory that is talking music. Yes, excellent. Yeah, that's very topical. So not speaking of jerking, Amy and I were staying out of there. No, no, speaking of jerking, this is about jerking. Yes, go on. Okay, ooh. Writing my fanfic.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Interesting. Okay, all right. Anyway, me and Amy, we were out at an Airbnb out in the desert, and it was a nice trip. It was a little vacation, a few days. And at this particular Airbnb, they had, you know, a, what do you call it? Big round black disc. What?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Record player. They had a record player. Oh, okay. Right. Sure, sure, sure. Big round black disc player. Got it. I'm with you. I'm with you. sure sure sure big rob black disc player got it i'm with you i'm with you it was very real i could not remember they had a record player
Starting point is 00:33:32 god man and they had they had an abba uh record oh and so slapped it on amy has a picture because she brought her polaroid camera of this occurrence so there's there's a nice picture tied to the but i remember it remember it was playing through and it started, I think, with, I'm all that woman! You know? Yeah. All that woman to me!
Starting point is 00:33:53 And then there was a fly. There was a fly that appeared just materialized in the space inside the Airbnb. And there was a fly swatter there. And Amy, I think, both has a picture of this and a video of it. But then staying alive came on so it was literally me chasing this fly around the Airbnb with the fly swatter to the beat of staying alive so I was trying to only swing on beat which really ruined my ability to kill this there's me chasing around like, ah, wap, ah, ah, staying alive, wap,
Starting point is 00:34:25 staying alive, wap, ah. Let me just chase around and sing along to it. It's a very fond memory and I do like that a lot. I'm not really a music kind of guy either, but I just like really,
Starting point is 00:34:35 really, really think back at that a lot. Whenever I hear that song, I think of that. Isn't that also the song you're supposed to do CPR to? Yeah, and I was trying to kill a fly to it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Sounds very counterculture. Yeah, you can either murder or save to that song. It's a great song. Yeah, and I was trying to kill a fly to it. Sounds very counterculture. Yeah, you can either murder or save to that song. It's a great song. Yeah, it does everything. Yeah, so basically I'm not a music guy. I don't actively listen
Starting point is 00:34:56 to music a lot. It's not that I don't like music. I appreciate music, but I've never ever in my life built up a habit of like, oh, I want to listen to some music right now. I can honestly say with a straight face that I'm just not that type of guy. I don't have a music collection. I don't have go-to music on my phone. If I work out, sometimes
Starting point is 00:35:15 I listen to music. Sometimes I don't like it really is not an integral part of my life or my life experience. And both of you know, if I i'm driving there's nothing playing like it's just like if it's my choice there's nothing happening i'm listening to silence and this is very strange i know this like not common but what is interesting when i do listen to music it does stand out so the periods of my life that are guided by music often do stand out more in strange ways maybe maybe the same i don't really know i'm like a step up from you and that i'm very similar i don't have like better than me is that what you're saying you're taller you step up you're a step higher than me yes this is some you're a tier and i'm s tier in this um okay all right well fine fuck you piece of shit music isn't like a huge part of my life
Starting point is 00:36:02 either but i have a little bit more integration than you do. I do have music on my phone. Guys, I need to pause the discussion for a second. I'm sorry. Oh, sure. No worries. I'll tell everyone how I'm better than Mark in a minute. You think you're better than me? You think just because you're taller than me that you get to say something?
Starting point is 00:36:17 I know I'm better. Oh, you think you're better because I'm taller? Oh, there it is. There it is, everyone. There it is. When it comes, everyone. There it is. He's got me. When it comes to matching up to me, you came up a little short. I was already dead.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You could have stopped. No, I'm stomping and spitting on your corpse. Why? The memory. I'm going to play some music while I do it. All right, fair. Flight of the Valkyrie. Dun, dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Stomp, stomp, stomp. And now you'll always remember that. Well, I'm gonna come back as a zombie to the sound of... What's the Thunder Mountain guy? Lester. The Thunder Mountain King. The Thunder Mountain King?
Starting point is 00:36:56 Imagine... Oh, what the... Lester, the Mountain King? The Mountain King song. Is that it? Hey there, fella. I'm Lester, the Mountain King. I don't think... In the Hall of i don't think in the hall of the
Starting point is 00:37:06 mountain king in the hall of the mountain i don't know what this is from no it's it's another song that's famous like the valkyrie song oh it goes doodly doodly do yeah that's me coming back as a zombie to kill you now i know what i'm dying to thank you you're welcome now that i know what i'm dying to maybe we're not so different after all high five yeah i award both of us five points i'll take it i'll take five points i'll take it i'll take it bob I'll take it. Bob doesn't have to know. He doesn't have to know. What if we co-host the one he's hosting? He doesn't know we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:49 What if we take over? What if we take over this one? He hasn't awarded any points as far as I know. That's true. Yeah, we've each given one example. Huh? You want to write a movie? Together?
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, you want to co-write? Yeah, let's co-write. Okay. All right. How's that work? What do I write and what do you write when we co-write? I don't know. We'll both get on trains and we'll head towards each other and then we'll meet at the center stop
Starting point is 00:38:08 between us and then we'll what if you write most of it then i just write and in my name under your name under like the writers and producers line i don't like it i love it yes i do it i felt it that's why we're co-writing on the same page on the same page. We're on the same page. It's beautiful. Anyway, I'm going to go spend $100,000 on cameras. Do you want to spend $200,000? I don't like it. I love it. Great. I'll send you my address for the other $100,000 worth.
Starting point is 00:38:33 All right. You just want the cash. You buy the camera yourself. I'll just send cash. If you send that much cash, I'll have to pay taxes on it. If you just send the equipment, I won't have to worry about it. I don't think that's how it works, but okay. I think so.
Starting point is 00:38:43 If you give someone a monetary gift that's more than $10,000, isn't it taxable? Yeah, but I think if you give them an item, isn't it if you gift them an item of that value, or is it not how that works? I don't know. I have no idea. That'd be harder to track. That would be harder to track. Let's do that then. I'll give you a briefcase with $100,000 in it that is valued at $100,000. Okay. Over the next few years, I will slowly deposit it into my account to make it look natural. Okay. Natural. Natural accumulation of wealth.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It happens. That's the trickle down effect hitting you. It's trickling onto you. Okay. Should I hold my breath for the delivery of this case? Yes. It's definitely on its way, right? This is not a bit.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Oh, a hundred. A hundred? Just a hundred. A hundred. A hundred. A hundred poos. You know it. Can we make it a million? Instead of a hundred. A hundred? Just a hundred. A hundred. A hundred. Purse. A hundred poos. Yeah, you know it.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Can we make it a million? Instead of a hundred thousand? You hit. You hit. Great. This is really nice for me. I feel like I really came out ahead. You didn't.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I will, though. Right? Yep. Thank you. Man, it's late. I like co-writing with you. This is fun. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Okay, hello. I hear a disturbance don't worry bob i got those guys working on the house and i thought that the house was collapsing but it turns out they were just asking some simple questions they were just like banging on the front door like something horrible was happening yeah we're talking about music. Let's talk about Bob's house. Today's episode, Bob's house. Anyway. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Wade, you were saying you're better than Mark. Please continue. We settled our differences, actually. Yeah, we went through that while you were gone. We kind of settled all that without you. And we awarded each other points. Yep. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:18 We both got five points. Well, you have no idea what scale I'm operating on. That might be meaningless. It could be. Probably is. Might not be, though. You have the copying my memory memory did you share any other memories wayne do you have any other i do i have a couple other ones um so i don't know if you guys had like a couple song but like i always had a couple songs my like each of my exes that was just like our song for some reason
Starting point is 00:40:40 and there are definitely times where i'll hear one of those songs like i'm just sent down memory lane he's distraught he's melts into a puddle of tears oh god what could have been as i shake my fist at the skies no uh but that's a memory that comes up it's a pretty quick one there's one that's never this is so sad there's one that's never happened but in my like dreams it did and so like i associate the two and like I'm just always ever so hopeful. The song We Are the Champions like that plays like whenever someone wins something like a big tournament or whatever. We finished. That's the only time it plays ever. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Never. If you hear the radio, somebody won something big. But I remember hearing that whenever like we played basketball tournaments and my team finished twice like three or four times in these tournaments we never won one but we always were right there um and i remember hearing the song play and i was like you know what at least the cincinnati bengals will win one day my football team will win and i will hear that song and i will have like the tears streaming down my face the goosebumps i'll just be screaming yes um and then last year we got to the super bowl and then didn't quite win it which hurt but was cool to get
Starting point is 00:41:49 there but like i don't know since since i started caring about sports which i guess i started playing basketball when i was in like second grade so i probably actually started caring like third or fourth grade just i hear that song and like i just am filled with like hope for a moment of like yes one day and then like reality is like maybe not so i always have like a mixed a roller coaster of emotions when i hear the that song play on the radio or wherever or when it's played after we lose and the other team gets to celebrate while we don't it's a good song it's a good song it does sting a little when you're the loser yeah yeah when you can hear it played. Because they don't have any time for you.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's just rude, really. He's in your locker room and through the wall. We are the champions. It's actually a guy who climbed into the vent and is three feet behind you above your head. Just like... You guys hear that? No.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Just be... Open your locker and there's just a vent in your locker. You guys hear that? No. Just me. Open your locker and there's just a vent in your locker. There's a vent everywhere you go. You see some eyes behind it. We are the champions. No time for losers. Blowing cold air on you like, oh, God. In your car, the back of your headrest has a vent in it.
Starting point is 00:43:04 We are the champions. oh, God. In your car, the back of your headrest has a vent in it. Sitting on the toilet, you look down, your toilet seat has a vent in it. So now there's a vent under the water in the bowl of the toilet, and you just hear like... I look at my camera my camera has a vent in it I turned around creme brulee has a vent in it unbelievable oh god
Starting point is 00:43:33 if you look at your wife your wife has a vent in her what's wrong honey you got a vent on you, don't you? Where is it? Where's your vent? Honey, I don't understand. You open the vent and there's a vent in it.
Starting point is 00:43:55 That's just another vent in there. Yeah, you crawl inside. It's a vent inside a vent. Ventception. Here at the hardware store, you see vent covers and a cold sweat runs down your forehead. One of the vent covers has eyes behind it. You walk in and a judgy older man walks
Starting point is 00:44:12 up to you and knowingly is just like, you look like you're here about some vents. It made playing Among Us really uncomfortable for me. Yeah, you're at the carnival instead of a house of mirrors. It's a house of vents. Look around. You see people everywhere everywhere but they're not you who are they anyway uh what are we talking about songs music yeah music stuff uh you know you got weights wiping the floor with you mark you got me i got another one in two i got another one
Starting point is 00:44:41 in the bag right here good god man that's why i'm a step above you mark because music means something to me what was what hello hello internet hello i'll come back god geez yeah way to step above you mark in in every sense of the word did you guys hear a voice i did like a vent or something i heard but i thought was a whammon's voice whammon oh god no let's not do that anyway why don't you like music mark uh it's not that i don't like music yeah it's not that i don't like music i don't want to give off that impression because there are certain pieces of music that i really like i i like a lot of game soundtracks and i like a lot of like classical music and like but i'm not the type of person
Starting point is 00:45:25 that's like, I listen to only Beethoven. I don't even, I wouldn't even know the first thing about that. I like the Doom soundtrack and I definitely like some songs that they play on the radio. Not that anyone listens to radio anymore. God, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I don't, I don't know. I don't know. This was kind of a thing when I was in high school and like I was dating my high school girlfriend and she would get on my case a lot because I was like, I don't really listen to music. But instead of being like, here, here's music that I have to do, it'd be like, what's wrong with you? That makes her sound a lot meaner than she was.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Then she'd slap you across the face and just throw cassette tapes at you. Yeah, pretty much. But it was just like this thing where I was like, I didn't really understand what the appeal was and I didn't really have that drive in me to pursue it. I just never have. Even to this day, like I don't go out my way and go there. I find that funny because the man who learned how to play guitar and perform music on stage in front of people. What is that from? What?
Starting point is 00:46:19 I don't know what that is. Yeah, it's more of a it's more of a desire to like feel that thing that i think i'm missing you know what i mean i feel weird for not doing that so i try to like i really do when i was in high school i would like buy an album and and like to be honest like i bought um i knew my girlfriend then at the time liked brand new right the band so i bought their their album and i like was like i was like yes okay and then i listened to some of the songs like i really like some of the songs they're very emo but you know i would listen to them and you know i was a teenager at the time like yeah it speaks to my soul and then i would buy a different album because like okay maybe there's something to this so i
Starting point is 00:46:59 bought a corn album ah it was the one that had like twisted twisted transistor and stuff like that and i was like, hey, I went out and I pursued music and I bought this. And then I went to my girlfriend at the time and I was like, I bought an album. I bought Korn. And then she really was like, ew. You like Korn?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Freak on a leash was the shit. I really felt like an asshole. I was like, oh man, I thought I was like, oh man. And thought I was like, oh man. And then I just, that was kind of where it went. It was like, it fizzled out. So it's a series of peaks and valleys where like, I've never really felt the drive. But when I have tried to like relate to it and like get into that, that feel,
Starting point is 00:47:37 there are some songs that I'm like, hell yeah, I'm big on the Doom soundtrack. I love the Doom soundtrack. But oftentimes I'll kind of like have these repressed things about like, oh man I don't want to be judged for it so it's probably like a few factors there right weird yeah what was weird it's so weird Mark it's so weird god that's why you're a step below oh god you're a lesser human for your opinions on this no unforgivable i was gonna say unbelievable and then i had a stroke i'm sorry unforblivable unforgivable the other one i've got is kind of a sad one i mean it's definitely a sad one you all know sarah mclaughlin's commercials in the arms of the angel with like the puppies and all that right of course yeah my favorite commercial my
Starting point is 00:48:25 family decided like whoa we're gonna talk about that later uh the my grandpa died when i was like four and i don't really remember much about his death at the funeral but when my dad died that was like the first death i remember my family decided that that song was going to play so like i remember we were walking up to like at the wake and like that song kicked on then they played it again like at the service like where they usually come up and say a few words they whatever conclude then they take you to the cemetery i remember that song coming on it was just like oh god this is devastating and like every funeral i've been to since they play that song and anytime i hear it anytime it's referenced anytime sarah mclaughlin
Starting point is 00:49:03 comes on to tell me about sad puppies i just like i flash back and i just see the faces of like all my family in caskets which is really sad uh and that song just has always had that powerful emotional like just devastation feeling it's gotten weaker over the years because you know obviously i've memed about it enough and talked about it enough where it doesn't have the same impact but there are still times where i'll like it'll be unexpected i'll just hear that song you know i creep around the corner there's a vent and just in the arms of the angel and uh you know then imagery just all these imagery just like flash cards going across my mind i'm sorry that was very sad but just like your rendition of that was much like your rendition of We could be heroes In the arms of the angel Fly away from here
Starting point is 00:49:48 You know, she talks it She kind of talks through the song She talks the song Hey, in the arms of the angels From that dark hotel room and the endlessness that you fear I know your jazz man is just Ethan from a long time ago From that dark hotel room and the endlessness that you fear.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I know your jazz man is just Ethan from a long time ago. You know, Jazz Ethan. Yeah, Jizz Ethan. Jizz Ethan. Jizz Ethan. Jizz Ethan. Jizz Ethan. Jazz Ethan. Jizz. You know, Jizz is actually the name of the cantina music in star wars the oh yeah it's actually called jizz yeah what yeah why yeah i don't know but you
Starting point is 00:50:34 know that it is called jizz like that's the song title or the genre no it's the the genre i don't i don't know just the the that cantina music is called jizz i'm not sure if it's specific that song in particular or just like cantina music it's genre i'm gonna google this and i'm gonna be upset google star wars jizz but do not look up images just look up like the actual i'm looking up images hang on star wars jizz jizz on wikipedia well that's not a reputable source this imagery is not that audacious oh well that's sad i like the people also ask what is space jizz called oh that was the space jazz damn it the return of the jedi novelization introduced the term jizz whaler to describe a musician but the term jizz as a genre of music was not introduced until the publication of tales from
Starting point is 00:51:28 the mos Eisley cantina 12 years later there you go okay the packaging of the 2007 figurine dan and the modal notes figures five pack full band describes their music as jazz, like the real word that exists. I feel like it's only in this podcast where we can go from like, yeah, that reminds me of my dead family to jizz whaling in like two sentences. It's all music, baby. This Wikipedia or Wookieepedia entry has all the places where jizz appears in Star Wars. And it's more than I would have thought. It's quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:52:04 There's a lot of jizz. There's jizz everywhere in that wars and it's more than i would have thought it's quite a bit there's a lot of jizz there's jizz everywhere in that universe star wars is very jizzy do you like jizz let's put some jizz in your ears what what what is that a reference to that's not b movie smile on your face jizz in your ears. I was trying to Heath Ledger Joker. You want to know how I got this jizz? No, man. I feel like I can figure that out for myself.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I don't want to know. My father was a jizzer. You've got some jizz in you. I like that. My father was a jizzer. You've got some jizz in you. I like that. My father was a jizz whaler. Go from the whaling club. He'd have all this jizz backed up inside of him. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I feel like that's a thing that didn't need to... Why can't jazz exist in space? No. Why can't it just be jazz? Why's it gotta be jizz? Oh, no, no. What else was it just be jazz? Why's it gotta be jizz? Oh, no, no. What else was it gonna be? Juzz? Jaws? Pfft. This guy.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Jaws? Jaws? I'm sorry, do you play Jaws? I love Jaws. I love Jaws. I want to go downtown to a Jaws club. Oh, my God. Is that a day? The Jaws club's gonna be jammed. It's gonna be jammed. What are you even doing here? What are you even doing here?
Starting point is 00:53:25 What are you doing here? Are you jizz-wheeling right now? That's a fucking goddammit. You know what they say, a jizz band without a clue horn should just find a new gig. That's all I'm going to say about that. I agree. Yeah, everybody knows that popular saying among aficionados i've heard that before there are sub genres of jizz oh jizz wailing is
Starting point is 00:53:52 a sub genre of jizz i didn't know that there are a lot of things that jizz can do for you many paths to the jizz side of the force also the music form music form of JATZ, J-A-T-Z, was reminiscent of, or in many ways similar to, jizz. Guys! Not from a jizz eye. A jizz eye? Have you ever heard the tale
Starting point is 00:54:20 of Darth Jizzius? It's not something the jizz eye would say. His jizz was so powerful. It could bring people back from death. Oh, God. What happened to him?
Starting point is 00:54:35 His Padawan jizzed all over him in the night. Ah, that's time. See, it was nice and elegant before. That's too much. That's too on the nose. Gross. Oh, my bad my bad my bad of course fucking what's wrong god you ruined it so bob music do we win uh well i gotta say i feel like i've set mark up for failure on this one you got you got any last ditches mark got anything i used to run a lot to lady gaga's disco stick. I fucking love that song. I really, it's something
Starting point is 00:55:05 about the BPM, something about the pacing. It was like, I could listen to that song on loop on a treadmill and I would just keep going. I feel that. But that's all I got. That's like the last little squeak of anything I have. Well, it was certainly worth some points, but we'll have to see how it all shakes out. Alright. You know what?
Starting point is 00:55:21 One regret before we wrap up, one regret I have is back when we were doing Drunk Minecraft 10 years ago and we had like the the walking dead thing we always did the me ask you something rick ask me something ask me something the lady gaga song edge of glory was a thing and uh i remember i came up with like this little mini parody called uh i'm on the bed with lori and it was shane uh and i really wish in some way i had made that an actual video way back when whenever that was a popular thing i want to make that i had this idea i had this visual where they're like then rick would probably like i'm on the bed with you and like they'd all three start dancing like that you know like i don't know that sounded more like george lefkowitz oh man i don't know what a niche regret man i do it's a it's one i've had for 10 years
Starting point is 00:56:14 that's a deep cut man it hurts me every day when i think i hear that song it hurts you you wake up when i hear that song i feel like a chest pain of regret from what could have been what could have been you would have been in a completely different place if that had happened that would have changed the arc of your entire existence i guess it was rick and laurie on the bed it was i'm on the bed with laurie i know shane you want her too and then he pops up i'm on the bed with you uh god man i'm sorry i'm sad for you yeah it's one of my deepest content creator regrets i'm sad for you 10 years my biggest regret as content creation is not making that video gonna be hard to come back from
Starting point is 00:56:57 yeah see why it haunts you i've gotten over in the arms of the angel but edge of glory still haunts me to this day poor guy can't even say it i can't say the name of the angel, but Edge of Glory still haunts me to this day. Poor guy can't even say it. I can't. Say the name of the title. On the bed with glory. What would be the title of the song? The bed with Lori? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Probably. Oh, man. Say, Wade, you had a strong lead up until that point. I know. I know. I deserve that point. That cost you, man. That cost you.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Such a terrible decision really gotta deduct something for that i feel like yeah well thank you for uh participating i feel like we talked at least at some points a little bit about music oh yeah yeah so we pretty much covered my topic no yeah i am looking over the points now. And I got to say, the unbelievably embarrassing failure that you just revealed to us by not making that music video a reality, Wayne, wasn't enough to take the win away. You win, sir. I've done it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:56 All right. That's fair. I do feel like this one was kind of skewed against you, Mark. I really didn't know that about you. I think that's interesting because you strike me as you care so much about sound in the context of like making space and all the things you make. You're so careful and thoughtful about the soundscape, but that's not music. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:14 So I never thought about the idea that you might, you know, people are allowed to not have music be like a central part of their memories or their life or whatever. And that's interesting. But I do feel like I screwed you on that one a little bit. No, no, it's okay. I did my best effort and it just wasn't good enough which is a theme throughout my life and i get it i don't know marky you're a freak wow we're gonna talk about all of that later okay i was trying to do the chrissy wake up i was trying to set it up i don't know
Starting point is 00:58:38 what that is you gotta you got a victory speech wayne you want to rub it in? Mark don't like this. Yeah. Thank you all for allowing me to be the music man to your ears. You're welcome. Great. You kind of gave a loser speech already, Mark. You got any wisdom? Any words? Music lives within our souls and exists throughout our very being. We extend ourselves throughout the world in the music that we share.
Starting point is 00:59:05 In our ears and out your ass. Blow it up and eat some grass. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. That started off, I liked it. And then it went to a place where I was like, oh, I don't know if I like it. It's a loser speech. That's what it's for.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I'm just staring at vents all day, hearing music creeping through them. Anyway, congrats. I don't like this, Christy. music creeping through them anyway like crazy Jesus day thirsty lose my shit because i was like all right i'm just gonna rat and wait it's just like i don't like this i was listening to the song i listened to shakira one of the other episodes so i decided to listen to some music for this one you're not allowed to like shakira anymore she's in trouble hate to break that to you but she's a criminal conspiracy theory she's being framed she would never criminal all right well that'll be the topic for the next episode wade's shakira episode next episode we will defend shakira and we'll make a flawless plan to save her life well you can
Starting point is 01:00:17 let's not commit to anything uh thank you so much for listening to this episode of distractible make sure you go and find Mark at Mark fire. Wade at Lord minion, seven, seven, seven, or minion, seven,
Starting point is 01:00:28 seven, seven, me at my skirm on places. We all do streaming and the YouTube and the whatnot. And, uh, yeah, make sure you like,
Starting point is 01:00:34 uh, check out the merch at shop store, store, store, store. Dot. Distractible podcast.com. And,
Starting point is 01:00:42 uh, make sure you follow so that you get a notification on your phone when the new episodes come out. Thank you everybody for listening thank you competitors for competiting and that's gonna be it for this bad boy. Podcast out!

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