Doug Loves Movies - Alexandra Kotcheff, Hannah Leder and Sam Morril guest

Episode Date: January 18, 2021

Doug welcomes Alexandra Kotcheff, Hannah Leder and Sam Morril to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to... and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, squeaky babies, sticky seeds with 50 azopop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies, coming to you once again from a mix of hope and despair for another homes alone edition it's sunday january 17th 2021 and my guests today are alexandra kochiff hannah leader and sam murrell hello hello how's it going uh let's it's good thanks let's meet everybody uh individually and alphabetically starting with a first-time guest alexander kachif is here hello everyone so excited to be with you doug how are you doing you know you know everyone said 2020 you know oh god like let's go
Starting point is 00:01:08 2021 it's gonna be way better but it still feels like 2020 i wish i could be more hopeful but you know i'm hoping for maybe a better february yeah i think february is going to be really great compared to january uh i think it's just going to be a matter of uh you know of degrees you know we just have to each month i'm hoping it'll be at least a little bit better than the last and you are alexandra co-producer co-writer co-dire, and co-star of a movie that's available for people to see now called The Planters. Yes. And let's talk a little bit more about that movie after we meet the other co-producer, co-writer, co-director, and co-star of The Planters you doing hannah i'm good how are you doug we'll establish that a few times i think um yes how did the so the two of you made this
Starting point is 00:02:16 movie together and um it's on uh you can watch it on demand wherever you do those things. It's been out for a little bit? Yeah, we had our little drive-in, pop-up, virtual cinema run, and then switched to VOD this last month. And it is still available there on iTunes and Amazon and wherever you like to buy movies. Yeah, all of the places. So how did the two of you end up doing, you know, why did you make your own movie? How did you end up doing that?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh, that's a good question doug well we um we've been collaborators we collaborate on a screenplay maybe that's almost my goodness it's almost been 10 years when we first started just thinking that we wanted to write a screenplay together and we realized that no one was going to give us money for that one so we were like let's just make a proof of concept you know short. And so the people will give us money. It was quite delusional, actually. So we thought The Planters was going to be a short film. And we realized that we could shoot it without a crew as a feature, which was another delusional thought.
Starting point is 00:03:36 But it ended up working out. And that's what got us to make our first feature. us to make our first feature. And everything was like from get-go you knew which parts you were going to play and you knew that you wanted to co-direct the movie? Yes. Yeah, that was
Starting point is 00:04:01 part of the seedling. I mean, we knew we wanted to do that in that first feature Alexander was talking about. So we figured we should do the same kind of thing for this other wild hair idea, going to shoot without a crew. Well, just could you give us just the short version of, you know, I guess you probably had to describe the movie to people many times. Like, how do you describe it? You know, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:32 So, well, The Planters is about a reclusive telemarketer who dislikes human beings. And her friendship, unlikely friendship, with a woman with multiple personalities. So she ends up getting a lot of friends in one. And it's essentially a story of friendship and unconditional love, if you look at it positively. And a story of loneliness and connection and all those kind of darker elements as well. So that's the kind of plot of our film.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And so that's how i mostly describe it to people yeah and a planter though is a person who uh plants something is like is this a thing you you knew about or made up the the planter uh concept we we made it up i mean i'd say loosely inspired i there are you know there's geocaching and there are people that love treasure hunting but the the planting was was definitely a somewhere in our imagination that popped out i wonder if there's people now going to have you heard of anybody planting anything with a similar sort of intent? Because in the movie, every time she plants something, somebody comes along and takes it but replaces it with some cash,
Starting point is 00:05:54 which is a pretty sweet deal. You know, that would be amazing. There was something really funny that happened on our festival run where this couple came up after, because part of the promotional thing was we'd do these postcards and we'd have coordinates on the postcards. And the coordinates would generally be where the theater is that the film would be playing. But for Austin Film Festival, we had two different theaters. So we just picked a rant, like not even a theater coordinate.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And this couple came up and they're like, hey, we were trying to figure out, you know, should we go to those coordinates? And I was like you're good you're here it's like but they were very excited and it would be awesome if if um if some weird planting thing took off because we could all use a little more treasure in our in our lives yeah it's a it's a pretty uh pretty sweet deal to uh uh you know i got so many items that I would love to just put in a jar and bury and then, you know, get some cash back. Yeah. And this episode, we could call it Sam listens to Doug talk to the filmmakers of The Planters. Sam Murill is here. The returning champion won the games last week.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I asked him to come back. He actually said yes. I mean, I feel like a lot of those games, though, were up to chance. I don't feel like a real champion as much as I feel like just lucky, Doug. Yeah, you're the person who kind of lucked into the win because all the games on the show, they're a little less. I didn't even know what some of those movies, I'd never heard of soap dish. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Had an Alexandra. Have you heard of the movie soap dish? No, no. Perfect. This is going to be, this is a level playing field today. We'll see how it goes. Alexandra is actually filmmaking royalty, I dare say, because her father, your father, Alexandra, is Ted Kochiff, who directed, first of all, just a great director in terms of he didn't have one genre.
Starting point is 00:08:11 He did all the time. He was always doing different things. But I guess best known for directing the first Rambo movie, First Blood, and Weekend at Bernie's. Oh, my God. Yeah, you can't get more different than first blood and weekend at bernie's you know that's really funny because he had two two of his films like those are kind of his hollywood what people know of him but two of his films the last like five
Starting point is 00:08:38 years have been named can classics uh the apprenticeship Duddy Kravitz and Wake and Fright. So he has really the art house, the Hollywood comedy, and then the action film. So you're right. He has quite a vast variety of genres. I finally saw because I'd heard about it for years. I finally saw Wake and Fright
Starting point is 00:08:59 just the other day. And that movie is messed up. Especially if you're a kangaroo lover i wouldn't recommend it i know i know i don't know if anyone would describe themselves as a kangaroo lover that's a weird description you know or i guess i don't know if you just have a lot of sympathy for if you like animals yeah yeah and and i mean the kangaroos in this movie they're pretty uh uh it's it's pretty wild uh you know and i guess there's some sort of disclaimer at the end of the movie saying hey let's be nicer to kangaroos i
Starting point is 00:09:38 think well the actual story for that scene was he actually just followed kangaroo meat hunters. So he just, it was like a documentary style. He just followed them as they did what they do. Yeah. And what they do is, and I don't think it's nice. Oh God, no, it's disgusting. It's horrible. People like walked out of the theater in that scene.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. I mean, it's a, there's a lot of, a lot of stuff going on in that movie. It's a very, it's one of those movies where of those movies where you're well into it when you're like, is this going to reveal what it's about? Like, what is happening? Where is this going to go next? And it's really something. Before we get into my first question that I like to ask all of my guests each show,
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'll just quickly say that of course the weekend box office there's not uh there's not too much to report there's a new liam neeson movie called the marksman that i guess is is currently number one with uh it made 3.2 million dollars this weekend probably a little bit more with tomorrow being the Martin Luther King holiday. Box office numbers sound like they're from the 1950s now. You know, so sad. It's very, very sad. But, you know, at least there's movies out there, mostly in drive-ins.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And, you know, at least they're making some money and getting seen. That's the important thing. Alexandra, I'll start with you on this question that I ask everybody. It'd be great if it was available on streaming, but it doesn't have to be. Do you have a movie that you would recommend for people during this weird time that we're in? Well, I've been watching, I have, it's, you know, you'd think that during a pandemic, you'd have a lot of time to watch movies, but it strangely seems the same. But that being said, I've been watching quite a bit of Fellini lately. seems the same but that being said i've been watching quite a bit of felini lately uh i don't know it's the mood i've been in either something romantic something like i feel like we're so
Starting point is 00:11:51 steeped in realism lately that i just like to escape into like another time and this kind of romantic view of the world um and yeah so i've been watching quite a bit of Fellini which one is which one would you say is a good starter for somebody that may not have seen a lot of Fellini Knights of Kibira is my favorite right now so I would say that
Starting point is 00:12:17 that one go watch that alright I will put you down for Knights in in Kibira sorry in I will put you down for Nights In? In Kabira, sorry In And what about you, Hannah? Do you have a movie
Starting point is 00:12:34 that is out there now that you could recommend? It's Nights Of Kabira I'm sorry to interrupt It's Nights Of. I just googled it. I was like it's not Nights In. Nights Of Okay, Be careful. Like as soon as the guest says they've Googled something, then everyone assumes they're going to cheat during the game.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Okay. Okay. I just did one on my phone. Phone is off. Nights of, is that where we decided? Nights of Kavira. Correct. C-A-B-E-R-A. C-A-B-I-R-I-A. Oh, my God. Figure it out on your own, everybody. Yeah, you'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Just put it in Google. Just go Fellini, Knights of, and you should be good. But, Hannah, what's a movie you'd like to recommend it's not a recent film but I recently rewatched Being There by Hal Ashby and I feel like that is it's a really good time to watch that film I you know
Starting point is 00:13:44 Peter Sellers is like this man who's seemingly never been off of this compound where he's a gardener for this very wealthy man who then dies and then he's kicked off the compound and like all he knows of the world is through television and he's and it's it it just gets crazier from there he gets hit by by a car that Shirley MacLaine is inside of, and it's just brilliant. Yeah, it's pretty amazing the way his simple, the mind that he has from watching television and just quoting things from television,
Starting point is 00:14:22 he gets pretty far with that. It's pretty incredible and not, not that far fetched. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like we're, we've in a, in a more sinister way kind of seeing people rise to power and, you know, and, and, uh, yeah. Yeah. But not as, not as savory as a as a character.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's what it's what is what if a nice idiot got a lot of power? All right, Sam, I know you've spent the last week thinking about how to improve your answer from last nonstop. And I really dug myself a hole. No, you know, it's so weird you said being there because I've never seen it. And I just started it at my friend, my friend, Matt Salic, who directed my special. I ended up watching it at his place
Starting point is 00:15:15 when we were like 45 minutes in, but his kid wasn't feeling well. So I had to leave. And he's like, don't watch the rest without me. So I'm like, I got to fucking wait to, you know, so I'm going to go, I'm going to finish it. I loved what I saw so far though so i'm looking forward to it but uh my pick my pick is uh this uh movie called election from the 90s uh alexander payne made it i think he got me too
Starting point is 00:15:35 so i feel bad for saying it but there's a whole cast of people it's a great movie uh it's funny as hell it's reese witherspoon and matthew broderick and uh it's just a another you know another movie with obviously bigger meaning but uh it's just a plain funny movie with a lot of cool little nods there's this part that kind of they kind of rip the good the bad and the ugly and uh it's really, really funny. I think that, you know, Alexander Payne, like his first, first few movies were all, I mean, even his later ones have been good, but his first few movies were really, really well done. And, you know, and also took on some, you know, like in the case of like Citizen Ruth, it's about, you know, and also took on some, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:25 like in the case of like Citizen Ruth, it's about, you know, it's basically an abortion comedy, which is, doesn't seem possible, but. Yeah. The anti-Juno. Yeah. But somehow, yeah, somehow it works. But here's the weird timing about election is a girl who, one of the lead actors in that movie just died a couple of days. What? What?
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah. Uh, and it's kind of under the radar cause she had stopped acting, uh, basically, but, um, she's the one who plays, uh, Chris Klein's sister. Oh no. Oh, no. Oh, man. Yeah, her name is Jessica Campbell. And, yeah, it was kind of, you know, during all the crazy news that's been going on lately,
Starting point is 00:17:15 it didn't get much attention. What happened? I don't know. I'm not sure what she died from. I mean, I don't think it's like a COVID thing, but it was some sort of condition that, you know, I think she might've been aware of, but yeah, she was great in that movie.
Starting point is 00:17:37 So funny. Yeah. I mean, the movie is so, so many, I feel like no jokes really miss it. So it's so funny. Yeah. It's very tight. And, uh, the, the music and, uh, performances, everything, uh, everything comes to you. And how they portray an affair as unromantically as possible in a motel and how it goes South, like everything about it actually feels real. Like, uh, like in your mind, you're like, an affair would be glamorous and then you're like, but it won't, you know? So.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah. Yeah. No, that's a, that's a great movie. I was thinking about it the other day. Cause it's like, you know, one of the last scenes in the movie takes place right outside the white house. When Matthew Broderick throws his shake at the car that Reese Witherspoon is in. Yeah. And I kept thinking of it whenever I see footage of all the madness outside the White House. I just think of Matthew Broderick throwing a shake at a car. Not quite as terrible in terms of behavior, but still weird.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah. All right, so we got some Felitti, some Ashby, and some Alexander Payne for people to check out. And I'd like to play some games now, but first
Starting point is 00:18:58 a quick commercial message. We'll be right back. We're back. Is everybody ready to play a game? Yeah. I appreciate your enthusiasm. Um, we're going to play two games to, uh, determine a winner today. And the first one is called,
Starting point is 00:19:22 how long is it? And in this game, I'm going to name a thing, and then each of you are going to guess how long it is. And the closest without going over, Price is Right style, is going to be the winner. Wow. Okay. I'm nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about uh there's a classic tom hanks movie called sleepless in seattle and it concludes romantically at the empire state. So my question is, how long is the Empire State Building,
Starting point is 00:20:09 or rather how tall, I should say, is the Empire State Building? And this is including the spire at the top, which is, this is a little hint, I guess, or clue clue that's 204 feet tall just just the spire on top so i'm embarrassed i'm a new yorker and i have no idea right that's like a sort of thing that's uh you know you're right there living with it and uh yet, and I'm sure someone's even said to you or you've heard somebody say out loud how tall it is. I'm so void of New York facts. I'm so embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I was walking with my friend today and he's like, well, this second floor used to be an advertising window. I have none of that. I'm so embarrassed. So when I'm with people who have that, I'm so jealous. You should at least get a few, you know, like it's fun when you're walking around New York, when somebody just points at a building and goes,
Starting point is 00:21:12 that's where a scene from that movie, you know, took place. I got some of that, but that's a few of those. Yeah. Yeah. What's your favorite one. What's your favorite, like, Oh, that's where they shot last scene of Annie Hall is pretty cool. hall is pretty cool oh the like when they're outside the movie theater uh the coffee shop oh yeah yeah okay that's a cool it's just so new york or yeah that's a good one yeah i don't know well empire state building uh you know of course the original king kong concludes there. But everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:21:49 How tall do you think it is, Alexandra? Goodness. I mean, I can't even fathom in what are we going in inches, feet, meters? Feet. Feet. So the spire on top is 204 feet. And it's, you know, clearly not, you know, there's lots of building underneath it but how much how many okay i'm gonna go with 1500 feet no that's that's a lot
Starting point is 00:22:14 okay let's go with that okay all right so she's saying 1500 feet from ground to the top of the spire. 1,501. 1,501. Okay. I like you really embracing the price is right aspect of it. You're dollaring your own bid. Hannah, what do you think? Well, I feel crazy because I feel a it's like the number i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:22:46 is a lot bigger than that if the spire is like 204 and the spire is like a floor or two i don't know is it like 10 000 feet is that insane i don't know i don't know how big buildings are 10 i'm gonna go with 900 no no no 10 000 square feet i mean 10 000 feet excuse me 10 000 feet yeah but is my building super small i just thought about anyways just let's go ahead oh geez i'm like trying to do this well sam what do you think well i'm trying to do the My building's super small. I just thought about anyways, let's go ahead. Oh, geez. I'm like trying to do this. Well, Sam, what do you think? Well, I'm trying to do the math in my head. Cause I, I'm trying to ballpark how many floors I think it is. And then I'm like, how many feet I would guess like,
Starting point is 00:23:38 I'll go 5,000. Oh, no, maybe, you know what? I'll go... Yeah, I'll go 4,000. Uh-huh. Come on, Sam. All right, Sam's going 4K. I mean, I... Like, I would have hated to get this question personally because
Starting point is 00:24:09 i you know i've never thought about how tall any building is really and that one in particular uh knowing that the spire is 204 feet tall makes this answer seem crazy to me but it's the building itself is 1250 feet tall with 204 feet of spire so that's a total of uh the total of uh uh 12 what is it 1 454 feet wow wow good job wait who won so nobody won but since everybody went over i think i think it's only fair to say alexandra is the best because she was only off by six feet. I'm only off by six feet? Yeah, that was pretty impressive. Oh, shit! That's awesome!
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. But it was over, so, you know. How many floors is the Empire State Building? Is it like 30-something floors? I think it's more than that, isn't it? Really? Like in the 70s or something? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I have no idea. I'm embarrassed. It's crazy tall. I'm super embarrassed. Super. Yeah. I didn't realize how short the Empire State Building was. Because I was like, that sounds like 1,500 feet.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I don't know. Maybe it's hard to conceptualize. Yeah. Well, cause each, each floor is probably what, 10 or 15 feet. So maybe 20. How tall is the floor? I don't know. I'm thinking like, if this were like diehard three and I had to come up with riddles, I'd be dead on the first challenge, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Well, we're going to call Alexandra the winner of our first game today. Congratulations. Thank you. That makes me feel so good. You were so worried that everybody else's guesses were so much worse i know i under did that one yeah i mean can you imagine 10 000 feet i want to see i think that's like skydiving that's like yeah i have no concept of space clearly i was thinking each each floor is like a hundred feet tall like in my brain oh man that's that's a smart way to look at it skydiving though because i remember i think i i think i dove from like 8 000 feet and there definitely wasn't a building reaching up right nearby um all right let's take another quick commercial break we'll be right back no flipping we're back we're
Starting point is 00:27:06 here with the makers of the planters and the maker of sam morrill's stand-up special which i i think during the the week since you've been on the show sam i think everybody that listens to douglow's movies has seen your special hell yeah up on the up on the roof if you're one of the couple people that haven't but you haven't gotten to it yet you know sam can't win every week so you gotta you're just gonna have to remember to watch his special um i got one more game that's a little bit more involved than that last one to determine our winner today. It's called, whose tagline is it anyway? I'll say the tagline.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Oh, that reminds me. Do you know what the tagline is for the planters? We came up with one, and it was two uh what is it hannah um i don't know if this is the official one i feel like it was um two friends too hot to be weird too hot to be weird. Too hot to be cool. Yeah. A lot of times people involved in a movie don't, you know, even the filmmakers themselves don't know what ended up on the poster and in the commercials and stuff. The taglines are, they're a mixed bag. You know, sometimes they're,
Starting point is 00:28:42 they describe a movie perfectly and other and other times they're pretty cheesy. So I'll say a tagline from a movie. We'll go to Alexandra first. And she gets to guess what movie it's from. If she can't get it, if you can't get it, Alexandra, then we move on to Hannah. And if she can't get it, then Sam gets a shot. And, you know, they're not easy. So don't, don't beat yourself up if you can't think of what it is.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Some describe the movies therefore better than, better than others do. Are you ready for your first one, Alexandra? Ready, steady, go. What movie had the tagline ride together, die together? Ride
Starting point is 00:29:34 together, die. Thelma and Louise. You know, that's a terrific guess if taglines gave away the endings of movies. But that's not it. What do you think it is, Hannah? That was actually my first thought.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That would be a great tagline for that movie. I don't think they would want to give that away. I don't know. Fast and the Furious 3 or something. I don't know like fast and the furious three or something i i don't know i you know it could have been it certainly could be the tagline for any fast and furious movie but i know they they love to work family into it somewhere oh usually uh sam what do you i think i think i know this and i know this because they say it a hundred times in the commercial for the and it's a franchise i'm guessing i think it's bad boys
Starting point is 00:30:29 because for some reason they say ride together die together and they're like three of them so they don't die together so what are you saying i'm saying it's bad boys will smith and martin lawrence what's the full title? Bad Boys. So I'm guessing it's one of the sequels. Bad Boys 3. Oh, man. You're so close. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:30:57 What is it? It's called Bad Boys for Life. Get it? He gets that, Doug. Wait, there was a fourth? Yeah, it just came out. It was the last big hit before the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Wow. No, I've only seen the first two. Even the second was pretty bad. I'm still impressed that you figured out that it was a bad boy situation but i can't they say they say in every commercial they're like we ride together we die together that's the only reason i know it yeah that's a really that's a strange attitude they both have
Starting point is 00:31:35 families yeah like they really should i hope they're more mature by the end of the fourth movie uh all right so nobody has a point yet. We're back to Alexandra. What movie had the tagline A Tide is Coming? Blue Crush?
Starting point is 00:32:00 I like that. That's not correct, but... That's one of those, Blue Crush, that's one of those movies when it's on cable, I have a hard time turning away. A lot of great surfing. Hannah? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:24 The Tide, or A Tide, apologies, not The Tide, A Tide. um hannah yes the tide or a tide apologies not the tide a tide is coming okay um it's coming that's tough uh it's not a Jaws film, but that's the only thing popping up in my head right now. Um, uh, This shark's riding a wave into shore. Yeah, exactly. Uh, I, I,
Starting point is 00:33:02 um, man, I don't know. I'm trying to think of anything that has to do with water or the ocean. A little more down a little bit. Uh, yeah. And then I'm like, maybe a, maybe a documentary of sorts, but that would be really dramatic for a documentary. Uh, of sorts, but that would be really dramatic for a documentary. I'm going to go with...
Starting point is 00:33:30 Was there another shark franchise? Was that just Jaws? Wasn't there something else? Where am I? Well, there was, you know, I guess there was a shark in that one where Blake Lively stuck on a buoy.
Starting point is 00:33:48 The shallows. I'm going to go with a perfect storm. Ooh, that's pretty good. That's a really good one. That's a really good guess. It's not correct, but if there were good guesses points, you just got one. Well, thank you, Sam. Well, it's not Titanic. I'm going to guess.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Cause that's not what happened. I'm thinking just a tide. That's it. They were worried about the tide. They didn't, they weren't concerned about the iceberg why i haven't even seen this movie but for some reason i saw a news story that russell crowe is starting shit with someone on twitter because they didn't like master and commander so i'm like that's in my head for some reason master and commander far side of the world yeah um was a paul uh peter weir movie that uh i never i always thought it was you know a boring movie but uh some guy said that he put it on because it's good it's a good movie
Starting point is 00:34:56 to if you need to fall asleep like if you're having a hard time sleeping you should watch it and then russell crowe came back with a a response about how the kids today they don't have uh you know they don't have patience yeah but i liked it he shout out his cinematographer he was like this person did this and i was like yes that's what you do when you're on when you're on a thing you stand by your people like i liked it yeah he was very specific about everybody involved in their contributions and it being a great movie. Then, of course, lots of people pile on because it's not a movie that, you know, it's a well-liked movie in a lot of circles.
Starting point is 00:35:37 But it's still pretty funny that you can just randomly insult some movie on the internet and then you've got fucking Russell Crowe in your face about it. Oh, I'm sorry, Russell. I feel like Marlon Brando would have been on Twitter, you know, if he made it. I feel like he's like that type of dude. Yeah, absolutely. And it would have been, we would have cherished it because his comments would have been so weird um but a tide is coming was the uh the tagline they came up with for the aquaman
Starting point is 00:36:13 motion picture uh just a couple of years ago yeah i don't know i don't know what the tide has to do with aquaman i think doesn't he kind of control the tide i guess i don't know he controls all the fish so if he gets all the fish to swim in one direction that would change the tide they're running out of superheroes now they're getting they're getting pretty lame yeah and it's funny like on the boys uh on that show the guy that's like the aquaman character he's like just this horrible dude that can't can't get his shit together um ready for your next one alexandra yep so are these are any of these just clarifying questions are these older films or newer films or is it just up in like a whole
Starting point is 00:37:05 variety of films just so i can get my brain right uh there are films from all of all of films all up until today but i generally don't do movies that just came out because there's no reason for people to necessarily know the taglines unless they just just happen to look at the poster or something. Okay, I'm ready. What movie had the tagline, the game has evolved? Jeez, come on. The game has evolved. Guys and Dolls. Guys and Dolls.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It was a lot more evolving to do at that point um that scene in guys and dolls speaking of shit that hasn't aged well is when brando's like she's never drank before and he's like have another one it's just like a milkshake he's like sure they are let's get a bunch and you're're like, oh, boy. Oh, no. Yeah. And she falls in love with him because that's how drunk she gets. That is a really good movie. Yeah. That is one of those musicals that's got a shitload.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Those last, like, four songs are all killer. Yeah, the music is quite good. It's the characters and the relationships are a little weird. And Brando beat out Sinatra for the lead. That's how good Brando was, that he beat out the best singer. It's amazing. Yeah, I guess just Brando just had more heat at the time because he certainly, his singing is a little rough.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah, it's not amazing. Black be a little rough. Yeah, it's not amazing. Lock be a lady tonight. Lock be a lady if you ever been a lady. Lock be a lady tonight. That's incorrect. Guys and Dolls is incorrect. Hannah?
Starting point is 00:39:03 Can you say the line again? Mm-hmm. Thank you. The game has evolved. The game has evolved. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oceans.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I'm trying to think of the sequel. Did they do more? Was it like Oceans 13? Ooh. Oceans 13 is my guess. No, the tagline for oceans 13 was a tide is coming um no it's not an oceans movie but that that would have been a a good one sam damn that's that was a good guess my first first thought is the movie The Game, but I don't think they would say the title in the tagline.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It could happen, but in a game show format such as this, it's a bit much to give it away like that. The game has evolved. Jeez. I have no idea Jumanji just kidding that actually sounds like the answer oh really I was just joking I feel like it's like the new Jumanji
Starting point is 00:40:17 probably yeah that sounds like what it is what was that one called Jumanji 2. No, it's, again, Sam, so insanely close. What? And you're not even the first one to say Jumanji. But the answer is Jumanji, but the answer is Jumanji. Welcome to the jungle.
Starting point is 00:40:48 God damn. I heard that. I was like, that's gotta be it. Yeah. It is a game. Yeah. It was the first one was called the,
Starting point is 00:40:55 the first one with Chris, I mean, Chris rock with the first one with the rock and, uh, Jack black and Kevin Hart was called Jumanji. Welcome to the jungle. But the reason the tagline is saying the game's evolved is because it was a board game in the original Jumanji and in the new Jumanji, it's a video game.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah. But as a team, you guys almost got it right. That was good. Yeah. That was really good teamwork. Good job, man. But some are very specific. really good teamwork but some but some are very specific and um you know this one is an example of that so we'll see how you do with this one uh alexandra which movie had the tagline
Starting point is 00:41:36 kevin has 22 distinct personalities the 24th is about to be unleashed movies to know this uh kevin um pass i'm also wondering if i wrote just something down wrong because it's 22 distinct personalities the 24th is about to be unleashed well what happened to the 23rd one i don't know and this sounds like i'm thinking of like dark movies but this sounds like a comedy yeah what do you think it is hannah i mean the only film that popped into my head which i haven't seen is we need to have a talk about kevin is that a film it is we need to talk about kevin yeah he doesn't anyways that's my guess even though i'm i know it's wrong he doesn't have multiple personalities but that it's still that you came up with a movie that's
Starting point is 00:42:40 got someone named kevin and it is's good. It's good. Damn. My first thought, which I haven't seen, is that movie Split. But I don't think it's a comedy. And this sounds like a comedy. Multiplicity? I don't know. That's your guess? Multiplicity?
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, that's my guess. I know it's a clone movie. We talked about that movie last week on the show. I know. I don't know. I don't know what this could be. Well, it's a movie called Split. What is wrong with you? Oh, Sam! I was right? You said the answer out loud. Man, I've been close on three of these. I'm pretty dumb.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, you're always really split balling it, but you don't get quite... Damn! All the get quite. Damn. All the way there. Wild. Yeah. Somebody's going to get a point eventually. Alexandra. Goodness.
Starting point is 00:43:34 What movie has the tagline, every generation has a story? Oh, that's dark. That's a dark tagline. Kids. They had a story. It was sad to tell. I know. Shanna.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Shanna. I'm. Is that name of the play that John Wells did? It turned into a film. No, no, that wouldn't make sense. Every Generation. I don't know. It's a toughie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I, I, what was that film with Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman and they're all in different times. Oh, the hours, the hours. No, no, that was, that was a horror film. Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman, and they're all in different times. The Hours? The Hours. No, no, that was a horror film. Was it The Hours? I'm just going to say The Hours. That's the one where Nicole Kidman had a fake nose?
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yes. Yeah, that was called The Hours, and Ed Harris had AIDS in it. Yes. I want to be clear, that's just in it. Yes. I want to be clear. That's just in that one movie. Not Ed Harris himself. Sam? Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:16 It sounds like a war movie to me. Every Generation is. But it could also be one of those period dramas. Every generation. This is a weird guess. Flags of our fathers. No, but while you were ramping up to saying that,
Starting point is 00:45:33 you said one of the words in the title. Really? Yeah. Every generation has a story. It was the tagline for Star Wars episode seven, the force awakens i wouldn't have gotten that yeah but you did say war though these are hard i know it's so difficult but this next one i really i have really good feeling somebody's gonna figure this one out
Starting point is 00:45:58 okay you ready alexandra sure. The tagline is merely, the most lethal sniper in U.S. history. Oh, American sniper. That is correct. Alexandra is on the board with one point. I was going to say shooter with Mark Wahlberg. Oh, yeah. That would be one, too.
Starting point is 00:46:24 All right. Here's another very specific one for you, Hannah. You're going to go first this time. Oh, yeah. That would be one, too. All right. Here's another very specific one for you, Hannah. You're going to go first this time. Oh, boy. Because Alexander has a point. She's going to run away with this thing. Propose to this cop's sister.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Rookie mistake. Propose to this cop's sister. It feels like it's from the 1950s. I know what this is, and I don't know the title. Well, maybe it'll come into your head while Hannah thinks it over. You can take this if you think it's it. I think I know it. I think it is. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:05 Okay. I know it know it. I think. Really? Okay. I know it's an Ice Cube movie. What is it? Is it called The Ride Along? Shorter. Ride Along. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I remember that trailer. I think, like, on Jeopardy, you wouldn't actually get the point if you added that to it uh yeah i feel like i've been so close uh yeah no that you definitely deserved uh you deserved a you've been close many times point so now you have one and alexander has one and uh hannah still needs to uh get in the game here we got one more opportunity alexander gets to go first though okay what movie had the tagline misery loves family misery loves family it sounds like an italian um yeah oh uh godfather no oh
Starting point is 00:48:15 um what is that film with Betty? You're going to say Betty White because it's her birthday today. Yes, I was going to say Betty White. I can't look it up. So. Oh. Sorry, I was thinking. Um, it sounds, Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I was thinking somebody thought of it too late. Yeah. No, I was thinking of Betty Davis. Oh, um, Betty Davis plays like the mom or the evil sister all about Eve. Is that what that film is that would be a
Starting point is 00:49:06 great tagline for that movie i think that's a great movie i mean so many so many family movies where you could say misery loves family all right i think i gotta guess all right what is it i've never even seen the movie but it feels like it could be this movie. My Big Fat Greek Wedding? No! Oh, man, I really thought you were just going to blurt out the right answer. Really? You sounded so confident. I know, but I've been very confidently wrong on a few of these. Yeah, and I think you have seen this movie.
Starting point is 00:49:41 That was the tagline from Meet the Fockers. Oh, that was my thought! I didn't see it. I liked the first one a lot. I never saw the second. Oh, yeah. Meet the Fockers was the second one. And, of course, after that was Little Fockers.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And the fourth one, they never made it, but it was going to be called Fuck This Shit. Fuck, fuck this. All right. So the thing that those movies all had in common is that they were all big box office hits in uh january of uh the uh year that they were released and alexandra and sam are currently in a tie so we have to do a tiebreaker oh sam, Sam, I got you. I think you do. I'm going to say the tagline for yet another movie
Starting point is 00:50:30 that was a big hit in January and the first one, you can guess as many times as you like, the first one between Alexandra and Sam who guess the correct title of this movie is our winner today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:47 The tagline was enter the world. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What kind of tagline is that? Enter the world. Enter the world. Enter the world. Boy. Hmm. the world enter the world oh boy hmm
Starting point is 00:51:07 enter the world if I keep saying the tagline it'll come to me Narnia it's not Narnia Avatar it's Avatar that is correct
Starting point is 00:51:24 oh no it's not I just thought of big budget movies yeah that's the idea is i i thought that you both would blow it out like right away because also like it was such a you know for the people that loved it it was such a transformative you know experience to go to uh uh what uh what's it called pandora it bugged me out of the gate i i love that it's like it's set deep in the future with all this technology and the guys using like a manual wheelchair like they can't even get them like a motorized wheelie you know there's so many issues i have with that movie but uh i know people liked it well it's essentially like the the main character he starts, you know, fighting.
Starting point is 00:52:07 He's basically, you know, he's in our army, and he basically, you know, is a traitor to the other side when he falls in love. If the movie took place in, like, you know, a real war in the world, and a U.S. troop decided to join the other side just because he fell in love i think people have a very different reaction to that movie you know it's a cooler movie though that kind of had that that tone but is a way better movie i thought was uh district nine yeah absolutely that was a that was a good movie but just dirtier and clunkier too though like yeah like it wasn't as much of a fantasy you know it wasn't as pretty true true
Starting point is 00:52:53 uh all right well congratulations sam you did it once again you uh good job sam congratulations the uh the winning spot again so you get to your, uh, plugs first for the few people that haven't seen it yet. Tell us about your special watch. Uh, yeah. Watch up on the roof, which is my pandemic rooftop special self-produced on my YouTube channel. And then also last year is my, uh, my special, I got this, which is on comedy central's YouTube channel. They're both free. my special I Got This, which is on Comedy Central's YouTube channel. They're both free. They're both commercial free.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And I think you'll like them. They're a good time. I think they will like them too. Thank you, Sam. Thank you. Again, you don't have to commit right now, but you do have the option. You have the option to come back again next week if you'd like. I feel like now I have to, but yeah, let's talk. Could you imagine like if feel like now i have to but yeah let's talk could you imagine
Starting point is 00:53:46 like if now suddenly you just have a weekly podcast you have to do because you just don't lose come back every time uh but it's been delightful playing and talking with uh alexandra and hannah Alexandra and Hannah, Alexandra Kochiv and Hannah Leder, The Planters is available wherever you get your entertainment on demand. Yes. Check us out. We'd be happy to entertain you for 74 minutes. It's super fun and not, yeah, like you say, it's not a long movie. It's like just the length to qualify as a movie.
Starting point is 00:54:28 But it's really fun and, you know, I recommend it. And thank you for being here. It's very nice to meet both of you. Thanks, Doug. It's been awesome. Do either of you have a Twitter account or do you are you uh not in that game we're not in that game what's that we're not in that game we're on instagram at leader kachif and we both have our own instagrams as well so you can oh cool about us
Starting point is 00:55:00 there what's the uh i'm so jealous of you guys what are your over? I know it's so great to not be on Twitter. What's your tags on Instagram? I'm Alexandra Kochef. That's just my name. And Hannah and I, as a directing duo, we're Leader Kochef, which is our two last names together. And Hannah? Kochiff, which is our two last names together. And Hannah. Is mine at Hannah leader? Yes, it is. Okay. That's my tag at Hannah leader. There you go. So it sounds like, uh, Alexander's more of the leader when it comes to the Instagram situation. She is, she is the queen. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And so the two of you are working on more projects together yes nice yes well please come back and uh talk about them when you uh when you have another another movie coming out um i don't really have anything specific to plug so i'll say once again watch sam special and watch the movie The Planters. Between the two, that's like two hours of your life. So much more. So much more life to live.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Thank you again to my guests. Alexander Kochov, Hannah Leder, Sam Murrell. Until next time, as always, he'll be alright. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you cause Doug loves movies!

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