Doug Loves Movies - Amy Miller, Dan Soder and Greg Wyshynski guest

Episode Date: June 1, 2020

Doug welcomes Amy Miller, Dan Soder and Greg Wyshynski to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, green and maybe sticky seeds With 50 azepop or kernels in his teeth There's still not one that he won't see Cause Doug loves movies Hey, hey, hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love Minneapolis This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from where we live. It's Sunday, May 31st,
Starting point is 00:00:30 2020. My guests today are three of the greatest in the game. What game? I don't know. From the worlds of comedy, sports, satellite radio, and cable TV, it's Amy Miller, Dan Soder, and Greg Wyshynski
Starting point is 00:00:45 yay hi guys it's a yay time I always hate that part because I know that even if you all were super pumped and super excited it just still sounds like you know
Starting point is 00:01:01 like a scene on the Muppet Show where there's three or four muppets that are happy about something play an applause track right after the intro yeah we could like get that kind of shit together but by the time i figure that out how to make that happen uh you know podcasts will be open again and we'll be allowed to make them in pairs or groups of three. Sure hope so. I mean, I think we can already, like, we can already just show up somewhere and record a podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I guess there's no real rules against doing that other than they discourage you from, you know, interacting with people you don't dwell with. The cool thing is that I do a lot of interviews for like hockey stuff. And now all the radio stations that have been shitting on podcasts and how technically inefficient we are for the last like five years are all now recording from their own basements. So I feel,
Starting point is 00:02:03 I feel like the playing field is finally even between us and regular radio. We got them. Just took a pandemic. It just took hundreds, tens of hundreds of thousands of people dying. But we fucking got them. You hear that, Mike and the Mad Dog? Eat a dick. I don't want to say it was worth it.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Wait, you made up Mike and the Mad Dog, right? No, that was a sports show on... Oh, okay. I forget what it was on. WFAN. WFAN, I'm an idiot. It is treated as the first super popular sports talk radio show that everybody then copied kind of
Starting point is 00:02:45 like the Howard Stern effect, right? Like, like everybody was trying to do their Mike and the Mad Dogs. It had to be one dude's name. And then a nickname was the format for all sports talk radio then. Yeah. Maybe you could do that, Doug. It could be like a Doug in the Doug in the kangaroo. And you're like, what's this?
Starting point is 00:03:03 It's just, it's just, Doug and the kangaroo. And you're like, what's this about? It's just a movie. Let's meet you guys individually and alphabetically, starting with Amy Miller and her God. Hi. Hi, Amy.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Someone just knocked on my front door. It was very alarming. That's why I went away. Not just the sports talk is the reason that I went away. We had no idea you went away. Okay, good. It was all sports the entire time you were gone. Yeah, I don't know. I don't like anybody coming anywhere near my front door. Otherwise, I'm doing great. Hi, everybody. Hi. So the podcast is called Who's Your God? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And, you know, what do you think right now? Has he or she been taking some time off or something? You know, it's funny. This Christian singer just came out today and said that he no longer believes in God. And it was big news in the contemporary Christian music community. Oh, I can't believe that he said that. And he came out today. And now that that's out of the way, I got some stuff to say. It was really muffled. It was already a dick in his mouth when he said it.
Starting point is 00:04:23 He had to take it out to make the announcement yeah i don't know man i'd love to have you on to ask you these questions doug yeah i've you know i of course i do almost anything that you wanted me to do but i've been you know kind of kicking that can down the road because it's not it's not really a topic that i'm that excited about of course um but also i guess that's maybe that's interesting i don't know it just feels like you talk to a lot of comedians who probably don't really have much god in their life you'd be surprised a lot of them have secret god that they don't talk about in the green room. Yeah, there's Pete Holmes, but who else? No, he talks about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Oh, yeah, he's one of the open ones. Well, Dan Soder, of course, is also here and he's very open about his Mormonism. Oh, I was going to say I kneeled before the great Odin. I go back to the old gods. Oh, alright. I'm just to the old gods. Oh, all right. I'm just living my life until I can finally walk to Valhalla. You're a hipster for gods. Yeah. I like a god with a good micro brew and possibly a unicycle.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I only like unicycle. I haven't picked a god because I'm vetting a few options. Yeah. Well try Steve, Steve. I'm looking into several different gods and just making sure, you know, just seeing, checking some boxes and making sure that what they are into lines up and it's hard to find one that matches, you know, matches your thing. Like I need one that understands how important pop tarts are yeah
Starting point is 00:06:06 well i heard uh any kind but plain oh cinnamon brown sugar is my thing oh yeah that is a good one nissan's got a god to remember all june you can get the guy that likes pop tarts doug it sounds like your God might be Kellogg, now that I hear this being spelled out. Oh, yeah, definitely, definitely. I was born in a manger in Battle Creek, Michigan. Dude, the three wise men, wait, are Rice Krispies Kellogg? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Man, I still can't believe Crackle gave me all that myrrh. Where did Crackle find myrrh? Tony the Tiger is the Holy Spirit. Oh, snap. So, Greg Wyshynski is here. Hey, Greg. How is the world of hockey coping with this pandemic? How is the world of hockey coping with this pandemic?
Starting point is 00:07:10 Are there going to be games with nobody in the stands or some shit like that? That's exactly what it's going to be. And in fact, hockey just this past week came back with their plan to come back and play games. It's going to be like 24 teams in like a playoff. And everybody was stunned that like hockey got their shit together before baseball and football did to come out with a plan and also because hockey is more famous for like canceling their seasons than actually playing their season so it was uh it was a good moment uh is it gonna happen i don't know the players haven't actually said that they feel comfortable coming back and playing in a global pandemic. But we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But yeah, there might be hockey this summer in August when everybody's thinking about hockey. I heard that the virus, you know, you can't spread it on ice. Well, it's an interesting sport to come back and play during a pandemic because all these guys do is like spit on each other there's one dude on the boston bruins who was famous for licking the faces of other players to agitate them uh and i don't know i don't know if you guys know this but there's occasionally
Starting point is 00:08:16 in hockey a fight uh which would also be sort of not something you want to do when socially distancing so hockey not really tailor-made for these pandemic times but but they're going to come back and play it in some way shape or form but they're used to having the crowd really spread apart so that's nice that's true that's yes that's true that's why the florida panthers are the favorite to win the cup this year because you know no one comes to see them this is very true they should all just have makes there's they should have sticks that are six feet long and then that way they all know when they're too close to each other now fun fact dog in canada that was actually the example they were using on signs at
Starting point is 00:08:57 parks to let people know how far away they should be from the person in front of them on a hike if it literally was a picture of a hockey stick. And it's like, you know, a hockey stick would be this far away from the guy in front of you. And that's actually what they did in Canada. It's crazy. That is hilarious. Canadian distancing is so funny. How loose his front leg.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Some of the germs can stay a long time, like delicious maple syrup. And if you get the COVID, you'll get hot like a Tim Hortons cup of coffee. Stereotypical Canadian ways to identify it. Yeah, well, the problem is that nobody in Canada really understands the virus, so they are doing a special episode of Degrassi Junior High to explain its dangers. It's the only language they all speak. Yeah, because anytime Thoreau says anything,
Starting point is 00:09:51 they're just like, what? Yeah, whatever you say, man. Are you getting gray? You're looking good. All right, you guys, quick. Can you just call him Thoreau? I called him Thoreau. Yeah, no, it's Trudeau.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm high as shit. You know what's fun about this version of Doug loves movies. I can just keep smoking weed throughout the episode. It's true. It does make it easier to do that for sure. Um, but yeah, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:21 don't, don't trash Canada on my show. You guys, it's my, it's becoming my favorite country. Don't, don't trash Canada on my show, you guys. It's becoming my favorite country. Don't fuck with my escape route, you guys. Let's start off with a game that the listeners love,
Starting point is 00:10:41 but most of my guests suck at it. It's called Build a Title. Do you know this one, Dan? No. It sucks. Do you say that, Amy, because you're not good at it or because you just think
Starting point is 00:11:02 it sucks in general? No, yeah, because it's hard. I think it's a good game. Yeah, but that will be the fun today is how hard it is. It will be fun for everybody. The listeners love to hear you struggle. Okay. If you guys would rather just put gags in your mouth
Starting point is 00:11:24 and act like you've been tied up we can do that route they love a struggle okay um so the game is uh basically where i give you guys a title and then you take turns we'll go alphabetically like from the start so it's gonna go amy then dan then greg you take turns adding another complete movie title to the initial title via the first and last words so i've got an example for you. Purple Rain Man Who Would Be King Ralph A Dog See the Alf from Ralph, Alpha Dog
Starting point is 00:12:12 Day After Noon, etc. That would be like a pretty satisfactory one to arrive at one that's that long. Just adding titles as we go.
Starting point is 00:12:28 There's often contention about whether a title is appropriate or not because of how you pronounce any particular word, but we'll take those on as we come to them. Any questions? No. I'm prepared to fail spectacularly. And we take the, uh,
Starting point is 00:12:46 A's and the, the, uh, away from the, uh, the titles, uh, cause,
Starting point is 00:12:51 uh, that'll really F it up. Okay. The title suggested to start us off. Our starter title suggested by Stam. Wow. On, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:03 the Twitter is three men and a baby so amy you just need to start off with a movie that ends with the word three or begins with the word baby i feel like i'm gonna really fuck dan on this one. Oh, great. Three men and a baby boom. Oh, okay. Oh, mother of God. That is a tough one. Boom? So I have to start with a title that has boom
Starting point is 00:13:36 in it? You have to go... It starts with boom or ends with three, which I feel like there's a lot of possibilities there. Oh, yeah. It starts with like O-M or something, right?
Starting point is 00:13:51 I mean, not that easier, but... Yeah, Oom. I don't think there's anything... Can I do Omen? Can I do Omen three? Yeah, that's the thing is you can't because it doesn't sound right to go boom-o-men. Boom-o-men it yeah you guys are talking about omen right this is a bad guys oh this bad humans making me feel like dan why does your voice drop like that i don't know
Starting point is 00:14:26 man it's such a scary movie the human um okay how about if i can start it's have to start with three or end with three and with three so that'd be extending or building a title into a longer title. So Rambo three, what Rambo three Rambo three. All right, Greg, it might be over before it even begins. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 That was a, that's a harsh one. Do you have anything to add to three men and a, and a baby boom? Do you have anything to add to three men and a baby boom? Oh, man. Rambo, three men. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 There's a ram to be had here. I don't think there's anything off of boom unless we can go off the hard M. Is that possible? Whoa, let's relax,reg yeah dude our country is not okay for that right now it's not a good time like could you could you go baby boom midway no settle she was right greg she was cutting you off at the past don't even yeah all right so it's got You're going to get something that ends in RAM. The problem is that there's a lot of LAMs, but there's no
Starting point is 00:15:51 RAMs. The plural kind of messes you up. The plural is killing me, too. You can't go 21 grams. You're right. Right. What about just RA? Oh, right. Right. Uh, um, um, just R a,
Starting point is 00:16:09 is that a possibility? No. Uh, Oh man, you know, Greg, I really fucked you on this. Cause I could have been,
Starting point is 00:16:17 yeah, it could have been like, yeah, it could have been a lot of things. I'm just high enough that I want to watch Rambo 3. No, no. Ram, Ram. Remember that movie about Liberace called Beyond the Candelabra?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah. Yes. Beyond the Candelabra, Rambo. Ram. Yeah, does that work? I don't think it does. I love it. Ram.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, I got nothing. I can't think of anything. Candelabra. Candelabra Rambo. The singular plural thing is killing me. So I can't think of anything that would be a Ram. Why don't I change it? What accent does that sound like? Candelabra.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Candelabra. North Dakota. Okay, so you can't think of anything, Greg? No, I'm blanking on anything that would be a ram. That's a tough one. Alright, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I could change it to Karate Kid 3. What? Oh, you don't have could change it to Karate Kid 3 what? you don't have to change it no it's Amy's turn what? we're still doing this game? yeah I didn't come here to not do this game
Starting point is 00:17:38 okay I'm just checking in with you to make sure you haven't thought of something no I haven't thought of something. No, I haven't thought of anything, Doug. There's got to be a boom of some kind. Let's go to Dan. Dan, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Was there a Rambo movie where the last word in the title was Rambo? Other than the one that was just called Rambo? Was there one called John Rambo? There was one. There's Rambo Last Blood, which is number four. Rambo 3 is just called Rambo 3. Yeah. Rambo.
Starting point is 00:18:23 The first Rambo is First Blood. Yeah. Rambo 2, Rambo 3. Then there's Rambo is First Blood. Yeah. Rambo 2, Rambo 3, then there's Rambo. Oh, fuck. I just realized one I could have done. Oh, shit. I'll make you a devil's bargain. I'll say it if you let me back in.
Starting point is 00:18:46 No, I'll give you a Doug Benson bargain, and you can tell us after the game's over, and I won't hang up on you. I think that's a fair deal. I'll take that deal. So, Dan, you don't have any ideas? I just enjoyed hearing you say all the Rambo titles. Oh my God, I have one. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:14 We already passed you as well. But I don't have one, so we're all dead as well. People that are out are the only ones that have ideas. All right, so I'm going to call it. I i'm gonna say dan's the winner but i'm dying to know what greg and amy have to add so you go first oh yeah amy go first okay rambo three men and a baby boomerang yes oh nice that would have been so good great job that's a great job i still feel like a winner that is so good i bet you people uh listening thought of that too and are going crazy okay so that's great so then uh but greg what was uh yours there was a movie i'm pretty sure called son of rambo yeah that was like an indie movie yeah there was um yeah and it was like a like a foreign film and
Starting point is 00:20:15 it was about like two kids growing up so that would that would have been that's the one that came to my mind but boomerang is so much better but isn't that i mean good pull but just what a turn of events that the winner of that game is the person who couldn't come up with one more. Between the three of you, the person who didn't come up with any more is the winner.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yes. Yeah. Little work. That's how competitive you are, Dan, is you just won by sheer will. I white-duded this victory. What a white guy victory. That's how competitive you are, Dan, is you just won by sheer will. I white-duded this victory. What a white guy victory.
Starting point is 00:20:51 He barely tried, but we like him. But he wins regardless with zero effort. In fact, he fucked over everyone, and he wins. I like Son of Rambo, Three Men, and a Baby Boomerang, though. I think that's a good title. It can actually almost fit on a marquee. Do you guys have anything for... Oh, I know what I'd do with Boomerang. I'd go Boomeranger Management.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh, yeah, that's good. Oh, that's good. Yeah. But what do you got for Son? Does anybody have a movie that ends in Son? Rising Sun? Rising Sun, yeah, that's good. Oh, that's good. Yeah. Well, what do you got for sun? Does anybody have a movie that ends in sun? Rising Sun. Rising Sun, yeah. The Michael Crichton.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Jason's son. Evil in the Sun. Good Son. The Good Son. The Good Son, yeah. Empire of the Sun. No no what do you mean no because it's a different spelling oh i see now we're talking about spelling yeah no uh this version is is verbal but if it was written down then that changes it you're right
Starting point is 00:22:06 then that wouldn't fit but this is just all about sounds and Dan you did it it's so exciting what happens to the winner in this game and I'm going to tell you all about it after this break we'll be right back
Starting point is 00:22:22 we're back man that is the speediest commercials break. We'll be right back. We're back. Man, that is the speediest commercials in the business right there. Dan Soder. Hello. It's like you just got here.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I'm excited for this in-depth one-on-one interview. That's how high you are. That's how high you are. That's how high you are. You just said hello like I just picked up. Oh, my God, Amy, Greg, you guys are here? What's going on? Since you won that first game, you get a special advantage in the game that determines our,
Starting point is 00:23:03 you know, quote unquote winner today. That game is called last person standing. We're going to take turns naming movies and actor or actress has been in. And, uh, you know, if you can't think of one, you're out. Here's where you get an advantage, Dan, you get to go first. Okay. Then it's going to go to Greg and then to Amy and then to me, because I like to play in this game and spoil it for everybody.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And your advantage, Dan, is you get to pick the name of the actor or actress that we are going to play today. yeah greg is just greg is stunned this is a massive setback for him and amy's over there going doesn't matter who picks the name well if i could if i could you know it's always been as a you know veteran douglas movies player it's always been my dream to be able to pick this category because I would have gone, I always wanted to go with Yahoo Serious, the obscure Australian comedian
Starting point is 00:24:11 who's only done like two films and just kind of fuck over the competition. Don't pick that, Dan. I won't. But... But you'd automatically, Greg, if he has done two films and some other fool knows the name of the other movie, if you went first, you'd say, you know, Young Einstein.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Then the other person would say that other movie. And then there'd be no more movies. So that other person would win. Your selection would just hand the win to someone else. Yeah. Well, I didn't say it was a good plan, Doug. I think it's a good plan doug i mean it was just a plan i think it's a i think it's a fun plan and that's why you've clung to it that's why you've been clinging
Starting point is 00:24:51 to it for years for years and you never you never stopped to think about what a terrible idea it is and i'm glad i'm glad i finally got that out of your head dan hold on uh one second i just kicked over a glass of water all over the floor And I'm glad I finally got that out of your head. Dan, is there anything else you want to say? Hold on one second. I just kicked over a glass of water all over the floor. Oh. Oh. A glass of water?
Starting point is 00:25:14 What's going to happen? It doesn't sound like an emergency. I believe the technical term is a puddle. Oh, no. I just spilled some water and my Roomba is headed its way. Maybe there's a gremlin on the floor. They get pretty crazy. I'm going to loot my own Roomba tonight
Starting point is 00:25:39 and make a video of it. I'm just going to stomp the shit out of a Roomba and then set it on fire. What do you think he's getting? A towel or a wad of paper towels? I thought he was moving to a new home. Yeah, no, I left.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I moved out, guys. I live in LA now. So let me know when you guys want me to come over. I'm doing this in the guest room of my girlfriend's apartment and she's got like stuff on the floor it's a hardwood floor so i put my glass of water down you know thirsty and then my dumb foot you just kicked it so there we go that makes sense i feel like if it was your stuff you would not have have cared. No, I would have just kept going.
Starting point is 00:26:25 You would have seen me. We would already be to the fourth movie by now. By the way, Dan, you can't pick Corey Feldman because I did it last time. Oh, that is a good pick. It was a really good one because we were running late anyway. Well, I got one that's going to really open it up because i've been watching oh no i've been watching movies uh just whatever comes on the tv that's what i've been doing this entire quarantine you know not seeking out good stuff you're watching commercials yeah but i'm watching
Starting point is 00:26:56 the oh yeah i watch commercials i watch everything uh i'm a psycho and And I watched Grease recently. And, you know, never really, I don't think I've ever paid full attention to the movie. And it's just fucking nuts. They all look like they're 40. Yeah. It's a very fun watch. I'm excited for all these new revelations about the movie from 1976.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's crazy. Because when it came out, everyone was like, Rizzo is 33. Yeah. Also, the youngest actor in the movie that looks the part is Lorenzo Lamas, who is the guy that dates Olivia. Yeah, he's like the lunkhead guy. Yeah, but then he becomes the renegade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:52 So I think for the actor that I'm choosing is the John Travolta. Whoa, that does open it up. That is a long list. Yeah, you guys. We might have to you guys this episode might turn into a two parter yeah
Starting point is 00:28:09 isn't Pamela Adlon young in Grease or is that Grease 2 that's Grease 2 she's so cute Michelle Pfeiffer yeah that white gold motorcycle
Starting point is 00:28:24 who's that guy straight up yeah that white gold motorcycle cool rider that's what that was a song right any cool rider yes it's very oh yeah they yeah that i i just remember that when i saw that movie i was excited because i was a fan of the original grease and then i like the bowling uh lane number early on and then i i couldn't tell you anything that happens for the rest of the movie and i've seen it a few times you don't remember michelle pfeiffer humping a ladder i mean if you showed me a picture of it i could probably recognize it, Dan. It would be great if right now I was like, there's a grease, too? It really is weird. It's kind of like gone the way of, you know, people don't probably realize that there was a sequel of sorts
Starting point is 00:29:19 to Rocky Horror Picture Show. Yeah. It's a totally different movie. It's like the Valley of the Dolls sequel or like any of that shit where it's just totally like a departure in its own way. Yeah. It's just sort of
Starting point is 00:29:34 like it just extended more because of the creators or whatever. And then, you know, of course, Tim Curry's not in it. And guess what? It's not as good. No. Not as good. No. Not as good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I hear that guy that was really bitter, the guy that made it, because he wanted to be the star of the first movie, and it accidentally became somebody else. Yeah. The guy with the better part. It was Richard O'Brien who I think, like, wrote the songs, and, ended up being the Hunchback, I think, instead of being Frankenfutter. Yeah, what's his name? We don't call him that anymore, but
Starting point is 00:30:10 that's fine. The differently angled person versus Frankenfutter. Okay, so I could talk forever about that movie, but we have to talk about John Travolta, who was not involved in that in any way.
Starting point is 00:30:30 So we'll start with you, Dan. Give me any John Travolta movie. Look who's talking. I can't right now. We're all on just audio only, but good answer. An unplanned pregnancy movie. Greg?
Starting point is 00:30:58 Luke, you're talking to T-O-O. I knew that was coming. That was obvious Amy I know what you think I should say but I'm going to say Greece oh really
Starting point is 00:31:13 but I might as well say look who's talking now there it is and I'll say staying alive I appreciate There it is. And I'll say Stayin' Alive. I appreciate how quickly you did that. I'll go one step backwards and say Saturday Night Fever.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. Yeah. That guy is not afraid of sequels. I'm going to go with Michael. Ooh, love Michael. Oh, yeah, Michael.
Starting point is 00:31:52 He's a troublemaking angel who smokes cigs. Yeah, he likes sugar. He's an angel who doesn't play by the rules. He likes sugar and dancing with ladies. Yeah, look at him. And wearing long trench coats. Yeah, or overalls with no shirt. If you go back and watch Michael and think he's a mass shooter instead of the Archangel, it makes a lot of sense, too.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Amy, this seems like a good time to mention that Michael is actually my god, cigarette-smoking John Travolta. Oh, perfect. That's who I generally like to. Oh, you know what, you guys? I just had a premonition. Are you going to tell us what it was? Oh, that he was in a movie called Premonition.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Is Premonition the one where he thinks he's abducted? Never mind. I don't want to give away one. Son of a bitch. But I don't know the title. I'm going to go Pulp Fiction. Oh, of course. Revived his career.
Starting point is 00:33:01 It was one of two career revivals that he's had. We're waiting on the third one right now. It could happen. He was great in that OJ thing. Is it my turn? That's right. You or me, I forget. Wait, oh no, it's Greg. Good call. That's fine. Let's go
Starting point is 00:33:29 keep going backwards. We'll go back to his birth at some point. Let's go Carrie. Oh. Very good. That is a good one. Now you, Amy. Phenomenon. That's what it is. Good job, Amy. That movie is, Oh, good job,
Starting point is 00:33:45 Amy. That movie is a lot better than you guys might remember. No, I really liked it. The ending is very sad, but I watched it really high. You know what you guys, I was waiting to see if this was going to be the case.
Starting point is 00:33:59 That's what I meant when I said premonition. Oh, I was wondering. Okay. Phenomenon is what I meant when i said premonition oh i was wondering fucking phenomenon is what i meant to say does that mean you're out i'm out i'm so out oh hell yeah yeah yeah amy you only have to get through these other two dudes okay what do you got there? Face off. Face slash off. Craig? Broken arrow. Great. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Excellent. Excellent pull. It's my turn, right? Yeah, I think it's called Battlefield Earth. i think it's called battlefield earth that's zinu's favorite joint i'll tell you um battlefield earth is in travolta's best known for on his IMDb page and I'm sure it is by design because
Starting point is 00:35:08 somehow that movie for as awful as it is it still kind of keeps a life for itself I guess because it's made by a massive weird religion I just thought about it because I've been watching so much bad stuff that I was like I should watch Battlefield Earth
Starting point is 00:35:24 isn't it kind of the only time he's in some crazy makeup like that too Yeah, well, I just thought about it because I've been watching so much bad stuff that I was like, I should watch Battlefield Earth. Isn't that kind of the only time he's in some crazy makeup like that, too? Maybe. Yeah. He definitely goes nuts with the wigs and stuff, though. Oh, yeah. But as far as overall makeup, like prosthetic makeup, I can't really think of a Travolta movie where he did that. But maybe we'll come up with one because we've got a long way to go
Starting point is 00:35:51 and a short time to get there. Who's up? I'm up. I would say The Punisher. Oh, yes. Back before Marvel knew how to make movies. Oh, yeah. The Punisher. Oh, yes. Back before Marvel knew how to make movies, The Punisher. It's got some good
Starting point is 00:36:10 parts though, doesn't it, maybe? The Thomas Jane, Kevin Nash fight scene in the kitchen is really cool with the Russians. It's a really cool fight scene. Okay. Dan reminds me that Kevin Nash, I think probably pound for pound better acting career than Hulk Hogan
Starting point is 00:36:26 easily have we said Get Shorty yet? no that's all I have let's go with Get Shorty fuck you Greg okay let me ask you a question Amy yes
Starting point is 00:36:41 the characters in Get Shorty yeah did some of them survive at the end? Amy. Yes. The characters in Get Shorty. Yeah. Did some of them survive at the end? I don't really know what you're getting at Doug. Well like if they made a sequel to Get Shorty. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:03 What do you think they would call it? And I don't think that I'm going to think any less of you if you don't know the name of it. I'm not going to think you're a nerd. Get shorty too. Or lame.
Starting point is 00:37:20 But all you have to do is be what? I don't know. I don't know what I have to do is be what? I don't know. I don't know what I have to be. All right, you're out. Oh, fuck. But we tried.
Starting point is 00:37:33 We tried to get you to the next level. And now I'm stuck on it. Now Dan is wondering what kind of weird-ass clues was he giving her. And I just can't think of it. I couldn't think of. But do you want to try some other Travolta, Dan? What was your idea? I was trying to think of the Fred Durst directed one that just came out.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And I can't remember the name of it. You know, the Fred Durst one. It's called like, I don't know. But then I'm like, I get stuck on that. And then I'm like, well, there's and then I'm like well there's way more there's way more John Travolta movies out there yeah there's a lot
Starting point is 00:38:11 such as the movie where he is in in a movie a movie that he's all up there on the big screen doing stuff is about sometimes he's inside sometimes he's outside what's the one with him in uh where he's russian
Starting point is 00:38:37 uh the hunter damn it what i don't know fuck i can't think of one. I'm blocked. It's hard. Oh, man. You got one, Greg? Yeah, I'll go. Wait, I'm not asking for it. I'm out. Just applying pressure on Dan. I can't think of one. I'm out.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I have many. There's many. Listen to you. I'm sorry. We's many. I'll just go. Listen to you. I'm sorry. We'll go with primary colors. Primary colors. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:39:13 That's right. Now, let me ask Amy and Dan a quick question. Have you now thought of another one, even though you're out? Yes. And I'm so mad. All right, baby. What do you have, baby? Poison Rose.
Starting point is 00:39:35 What is that? It's a streaming exclusive. It is so unbelievably bad. I watched it it with we watched it with my mom and i mean it was just a real pile of horse shit and i want to watch it again doug is a sidebar how have you handled the gaming films because i knew that i know being in the theaters is always sort of a big thing for the games. How have I handled what? The increase in direct-to-streaming movies.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Because you couldn't do cable movies for a long time, could you, on the show? Oh, well, that's always been a weird area. I like to think of if a movie is made for television with commercial breaks and all that nonsense, then I don't think it counts like Brian's song or something. But, um, you know, once, once Netflix and everybody started, you know, once every place is making their own movies, I can't really judge them for not playing in theaters. Plus I'm seeing a lot of them in theaters, like a lot of Amazon movies, you know, I'll see it at a festival somewhere, and then it'll come out on Amazon. And so I can't not call Britney Runs a Marathon a movie just because it opened on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Although I think that one did play in some theaters. Yeah, I saw it in a theater. Yeah. Typical. But, you know what I mean? There's examples now, especially with the pandemic of movies that might not ever get a theatrical release. But I'll still call them movies if that's what they were meant to be, you know. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:13 So I thought of a shit ton of them, of course. One that I thought was going to come up when we were talking about bad Travolta is he starred in that Gotti movie. Oh, my God. I saw that in theaters. I saw that in theaters with dan c germain and mike lawrence that's one of the hardest i've ever laughed in my life is the opening scene i swear to god the opening scene is like a shot of everything that he did and then it's just him standing at either the brooklyn or the queensborough bridge and he turns around and he goes my name's John Gotti. This is my city, New York City. And everyone in the theater legitimately laughed like it was a comedy.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Oh my god. That would be fun to see with an audience. I'm so mad. I'm so mad because I got blocked and there's so many. What was the name of the sequel to Get Shorty? Oh, Be Cool. God damn it. I think we could blocked and there's so many what was the name of the sequel to get shorty oh be cool be cool hitting his watchable films pretty much yeah i mean he's been in some stinkies he did that bromance with uh lily tomlin called moment to moment and then another way another sneaky way
Starting point is 00:42:24 to think of titles is just you know think of people he's been paired up with and probably worked with more than once because everybody says he's a real nice guy uh livy newton john he and livy newton john were in a movie called uh oh what was that something about being two uh two of a kind what no i've Never heard of that. Yeah, it was, you know, an attempt to recapture the Grease magic with those two. But you know what? Let's take all the music out and all the singing and the dancing. Let's just leave in dumb dialogue and thinly written characters. Oh, and also, let's put in a heaven element.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Like, there's, like, angels played by, like, Charles Durning and other weirdos that, like, look down on what's happening. Oh, my God, it's so bad. That sounds high concept. Yeah. They should have just put Travolta in Xanadu and been done with it. What else? What else have we missed?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Oh, hairspray. Yes. Oh, sheairspray. Yes. Oh, she did prosthetic makeup. She did prosthetics. He was like under a ton of it in Hairspray. Yeah. He gets into this thing where he starts to make kind of the same movie
Starting point is 00:43:38 in consecutive years or within range. There was the Old Dogs, Wild wild hogs thing wasn't he yeah he was in wild hogs right and then and then he did he did a movie called i want to say he did a general's daughter i think and then he had like another loyal lawyer movie that was around that same time too i wish i wish he was in wild dogs and old hogs. Wild dogs and old hogs. Old hogs. My favorite barbecue place. I really miss it.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah. Okay, so that's true. What else? Do you have any other fun pair-ups? I think that was about it. What was that movie from the guy who did taken that he was in uh from russia to paris or from paris to paris with love from paris with love i have it sounds about right what is the russian one i'm looking it up i'm looking it up i'm warning you guys because oh no i need to know
Starting point is 00:44:42 what that one where he was the russia he drank Jagermeister and he's like this is it's not Gorky Park it's not Russia House those are the only Russian movies I know oh wait and what was the one with by the way Poison Rose good call
Starting point is 00:45:01 White Nights he has so many that you're like dude you made a lot of movies that no one knew killing season killing oh yeah no he's got a lot of straight to but also he's the voice of bolt in the uh animated movie oh yeah he did uh the taking of pelham 1-2-3 Yeah he did that remake Also about Poison Rose Brendan Fraser's in it and he looks like he's already dead It's the worst progression I've ever seen an actor make
Starting point is 00:45:38 Can I tell you guys one that's going to make you angry the second I say it Yes Swordfish. Yeah. That's a big one. Oh yeah. A real,
Starting point is 00:45:50 that movie is, is, is eminently rewatchable for a number of reasons. And also one of the first movies I can remember that, that starts out with a giant, remember that giant explosion at the beginning of that movie? Like it's like the best action thing in the entire movie happens in the first two minutes.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah. It's kind that movie. Like, it's like the best action thing in the entire movie happens in the first two minutes. Yeah, it's kind of weird. I think he was also in a movie about, like, he was a professor at a school. The movie was more about the kids. I think it was called Sing. Hmm. No idea. I'm pretty sure in one of his lulls,
Starting point is 00:46:22 like, it was before Pulp Fiction. Or was it called Shout? Look Who's Talking. Oh, no. I think it was. Yeah, a new music teacher in 1955, West Texas. It's called Shout. Home for Wayward Boys brings new vision and hope for many of the interned boys.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That's called Shout. Yeah, you guys got to sing. It's with Heather Graham. You guys' life is tough, but maybe this way everything will be better. What? Ladies and gentlemen, Adele Dazeem. Please go see my movie, Valley of Violence. So you just brought
Starting point is 00:47:06 him up you just suggested him you didn't feel strong about it you just wanted to do the impression that's it dude that's it I long called you guys I love it I think that's so great so yes congratulations
Starting point is 00:47:21 to Greg Wyshynski for pulling that one out. Congratulations, Greg. Do you have anything? Thank you. No, thank you. Yeah. Did you still have more?
Starting point is 00:47:35 Did you still have more, Travolta? The only other one, I did do the classic write down a few that come to mind tactic. the classic right, right down a few that come to mind tactic. And the only one left on this little list I made was domestic disturbance where he plays. Oh yeah. Yeah. He played,
Starting point is 00:47:52 is that, I remember, I remember the, he's the bad guy in it, but is he a cop in it or is he like a bad neighbor? I forget. There's two kinds of those movies and I forget what it was. There was also Lakeview Terrace. Yeah. That's the one I'm thinking. I always get's two kinds of those movies and I forget which one it was there was also Lakeview Terrace
Starting point is 00:48:05 yeah that's the one I'm thinking I always get those two confused but I know that he's sort of the antagonist in that movie yeah I think Domestic Disturbance is the one he was in I also thought of a western he was in that I like a great deal called
Starting point is 00:48:23 oh what's it called now i've now i lost it uh in a valley of violence oh i saw that one listed and never heard of it no yeah it's um it's ethan hawk is like the uh hero and he's got an adorable dog and they just want to hang out in the West. And he becomes a foul of John Travolta is a small. When I say small town, I'm talking like five buildings. He's the sheriff and. And the Ethan Hawke gets in trouble and it goes from there, but it's, I really like it a lot. If you want to check that out. Okay. In a valley of violence, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:11 Greg Wyshynski is our official winner today and you know, doesn't really win anything, but do you have, you know, something you'd like to promote Greg? Sure. So I do a podcast called Puck Soup, which is about hockey and pop culture. And it comes out every week, and you can find it on iTunes. But we also have a Patreon, which you can find if you just look up Puck Soup Patreon, where we do other podcasts, including one that I do with my wife, Ruby, and our friend Ryan, called Misen Pod, a Top Chef podcast that we started this season.
Starting point is 00:49:47 We all love Top Chef and with no sports, it's the closest thing that we could find. My wife. There it is. Hell yeah, I love Top Chef. Team Melissa, baby. Oh man, we did a draft before the season and I've got Kevin and Gregory. Oh, that's good. My top picks. We'll see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:50:11 When you dorks are sick of the kitchen, come see me on MTV. I'm watching The Challenge. Oh, man. Vito has always told me to watch that show because I like Big Brother, but I just can't. It feels like this is embarrassing but it feels like too young you know like there's a lot of flashing lights and shit amy that's exactly how i felt where i was like i'm not going to the roller rink i'm 36 and then my girlfriend was
Starting point is 00:50:37 like no there's people that you still know from when you watched it in 2005 and i'm like there's no way and there are and they're all my age so it's like this weird experiment in reality tv where you see all these people and you're like they're old now like me all right oh now okay now i'll do it but then there are young hot people and they're just idiots so it's it's the best of all oh my god what a nightmare sorry about the tv talk doug oh no i i love it i will i definitely have you know i've logged some time with the uh with both of the with top chef and the challenge but i haven't uh haven't really i you know checked in with them lately so i might have to now after this i've been looking for you movie recommendations, but real quick though also, Amy,
Starting point is 00:51:26 what do you want to plug besides the Who's Your God podcast? Oh, that's pretty much it. Just follow me on Twitter at Amy Miller, Instagram Amy Miller Comedy if you want to see me making old racist mad
Starting point is 00:51:41 all the time. I have also Patreon for my podcast, Who's Your God god and if you go on my website you can buy an amy miller pillowcase and i will personally mail it to you with a special note oh that's so nice and a copy of a john trivold to film of my choice. Dan Soder, of course, is a star of billions on Showtime. Yeah, the star.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I'm front and center. You could see me once an episode for a couple of minutes. You're my mom's favorite. Yo, I went, I went in the hearts and minds of all my friends, parents. I'm finally doing it.
Starting point is 00:52:22 They hated me as a teenager, loving me as a fake investment banker. Oh man, so that's so sweet and uh so they did they there's a new season starting soon it's already in the can no we are airing i think we're airing episode four tonight and there's three more that we filmed uh we got we had to stop production after episode seven so there's still five more to go in the season well that's uh you know uh for both fans of the show and for your own personal sake it's nice to know that that's gonna you know pick up again at some point yeah definitely it's um it sucks because like you know i feel like this season the end of the season is gonna be massive so it'd have been cool for people to see it but um you know it's nice to know that eventually someone has to hire me maybe maybe not maybe they're just like we can do a covid rewrite and my fee got taken out
Starting point is 00:53:13 because he went to florida yeah i mean like is every show that's contemporary gonna have to have references to or even scenes of, uh, you know, pandemic. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Cause billions also does a great job of dialogue. Uh, Brian compliment and David Levine to do an awesome job writing it, but it's like thick with references. So I can't imagine going forward. They can do it without referencing a massive pandemic where they're like, you, you have me uncovered like a mask in a room full of people with COVID 19 like you can't just you're gonna have to you're gonna have to say something about
Starting point is 00:53:50 it i don't know it'll be interesting to see what shows do or in movies you know all right yeah i've been thinking a lot about that because it's like escapism versus realism right like do you want like a show like billions you want to just kind of exist on that path where we weren't all shut down for you know months or do you want it to incorporate i mean it's a show that incorporates so much from reality anyway right so like i guess you have to touch on it at some point especially because it impacted the economy the way it did nobody knows the answer greg we're all trying to write shit i know everyone's like amy it's Amy, it's just me. It's just me zooming with my agent again. I go,
Starting point is 00:54:27 okay, here's the idea. It's about 2009. No one knows it's happening. I only know 2002. Can we please write something for 2002? I just wanted to say that my date at the Acme comedy club in Minneapolis, one of my favorite clubs will happen it was supposed to be you know
Starting point is 00:54:47 in the middle of summer but that seems a little too soon at this point so I'm hoping it'll happen in the September October range you know if we get these things together how do you guys feel about you know Amy and Dan where are are you at with flying in planes? Are you going to just try to not do that for a while? Well, I don't know. I think I have a gig coming up in a couple weeks, like late June. Where's that at? Might be popping up at the St. Louis Helium.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Well, Dan and I are booked together in July, too. Are you at Zany's, right? Yeah. Which one? helium well dan and i are booked together in july too are you zanies right yeah which one in nashville okay so that's at least that's like uh you could probably you could fly direct there right yeah i don't know like on the tail end of like getting back you know when everything was starting i didn't love flying but my plane was so empty that i was like i don't i mean somebody's spit is gonna have to jump like four rows to get in my mouth you know yeah and i heard recently because i was always worried about all the recycled air in a plane but i heard that you know the modern planes that they all the air is going into some sort of filter so actually
Starting point is 00:56:05 that is kind of the air wise it's uh reasonably safe you just don't want to be touching surfaces that somebody has sneezed or coughed on and your face is covered oh yeah i wipe down like my whole tray with clorox and yeah i mean i don't feel good about it but i also really want to do stand up so it's kind of tough. That's a perfect way to say it. I'm going to get the test for the antibodies and see if I have the antibodies, because I feel like if I have the antibodies, I'll feel more comfortable
Starting point is 00:56:33 traveling, staying covered up and safe. And then what do they do? Put the audience under a sneeze guard or something? Yeah, it's like Subway. Or will we have to wear masks there's already clubs open and they just space everybody out you can only sit directly with like people from your household i don't know how they try to prove it with your driver's license
Starting point is 00:56:59 this is like two clubs by the way like and it's very irresponsible but we won't say which ones they are because i want to work everywhere um being a comedian it's also a business and then i think they keep the first couple rows empty so that and then the host like wipes down the mic although i don't know i mean if i was headlining certainly i would bring my own i think i have my own that i've been using for podcasts guess who's coming on the road with me i can't plug it in i'm gonna i name her like bb king my microphone is by the way no no house music i'll just sing that song just like i go plug in melinda from the back of the stage I'll play myself on
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm just gonna I'm gonna go Mike list I'm just gonna yell do it just gonna yell the whole act the diaphragm comedy just when I'm featuring Dan I'm gonna do a lot of jokes about sucking dick but with the microphone fully down
Starting point is 00:58:04 my throat well don't worry because melinda will be in her platinum case in the green room with me i'm gonna lick the mic stand too yeah i go and then halfway through a joke i go son of a bitch she licked that i just felt it i just felt it it's wet it's fucking wet that was something yeah that's the thing about stand-up comedians is that like there's gonna be somebody that thinks it's funny to you know yeah spit on the microphone right before the next guy yeah and guess what it was never funny that's gonna what's the deal with uh are you gonna go to uh skank fest dan yeah i mean listen i uh if i i don't care about killing any of those people i don't care if you come see me at a comedy club i i don't care about killing you uh it's your choice i feel i can just see like
Starting point is 00:59:02 i can see luis gomez like charging people $10 a head for him to spit in their mouth. Dude, that'll be awesome. Yeah, if Luis is, he'll sell it as the, he's got antibodies, so if he can spit in their mouth. And then he'll be laughing his way into a new Nissan Altima, because Nissan knows that viruses are spreading. But so is savings. In these troubled times. In these troubled times. In these troubled times. It's Moon Tower.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh, my God, there's this one. Those are people I care about. Is what? Is Moon Tower. Yeah, Moon Tower is weird, because that's the week before. I don't know if, I mean, if Moon Tower happens,
Starting point is 00:59:42 that's going to be fucking... Oh, they do have a new date for Moon Tower? Yeah, September 17th through the 19th. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's another one that will be really interesting to see if they can pull that off, if it's not too soon. The problem is that people want to be cautious, but at the same time, you can't have a major
Starting point is 01:00:08 event like, okay, let's go ahead and do it two weeks from now. It has to be planned, and you can't really plan for more waves of the virus or whatever. Well, especially since in the last two days in every
Starting point is 01:00:24 major city thousands of people have been on top of each other you know yeah there's so much there's so much sex going on during this big orgies last night oh my god I heard that people were just tearing it up all over town
Starting point is 01:00:41 I'm hoping the fire, just having fire near you, cancels out the virus. The germs couldn't handle all the fire. That's all people are trying to do is just set the virus on fire. Yeah, they're trying to get it like, guys, let's get this
Starting point is 01:01:01 all together. We can burn this off. I heard the virus is on a lot of products available in stores and that heroes are going in and taking all those products off to a secluded, isolated location. Yeah, the Nikes really soak up the virus. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, wouldn't that be great if there was some really awesome thing like that?
Starting point is 01:01:31 But there isn't. That's how I end the show. This is the most depressing ending. When are you doing shows next, Doug? Do you have live dates coming up? I do. I have July 22nd at the American Comedy Company in San Diego. That was supposed to be like a Doug Loves Movies during Comic-Con.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Of course, Comic-Con is canceled. So I swapped that over to a stand-up show. I hope that that could work. And then what do I have after that? You know, it's from, um, in my case, it's like the clubs are all saying, Hey, let's, we don't want to open yet or let's do this down the road. And, uh, so I'm just sort of, I just don't know what to do as far as taking dates. You know, I keep trying to,
Starting point is 01:02:22 I want to make good on every date that I already had on the calendar. So, you know, I want to decide everything now, but it's the kind of thing where every week you wait, there's more information, you know. Yeah, it's tough. Isn't that right, Greg? Yeah, no. I was actually just just thinking you know that i'm
Starting point is 01:02:47 usually flying all over the country at this point in the year too covering the playoffs and uh they did ask the commissioner of the nhl you know when they when they start playing games again uh what what the deal with the media is can can, can we come cover the games? And, uh, his, his response, if you read between the lines was, and I'm paraphrasing, who the fuck cares about you guys right now? So I have no idea if I'm going to be plane bound or whatever. I'm paraphrasing, paraphrasing, but I have no idea if I'm going to be hopping on planes or what anytime soon. Yeah. I mean, isn't the, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:23 I think there's so many jobs where people are going to be doing them at home because you know people are finding out that so many jobs don't need to be you know you don't have to come into some space five days a week or whatever it is and also just the you know a lot of those jobs are just going to go away completely. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. It, it, and it's like, you know, the, the, and then it becomes a situation and this is actually something that's going on. I think it's in, it's one of those Scandinavian countries, but there's like a thing going on in their legal system, finding out if corporations should pay part of,
Starting point is 01:04:00 or all of your rent if they're forcing you to work at home instead of coming to an office, which will be an interesting issue over here in the uh in the states for sure that's really interesting because to me like it's such a win to get to work at home that then you're going to go ahead and press your luck and say that you want more than that yeah but they're also not paying for office space which is wildly expensive. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely saving them money, but I just love the idea of not having to go into work.
Starting point is 01:04:31 For sure. I mean, I wish I could go into work. Well, I do too. I do too, but our work is so, you know, it's so social and that's what we're,
Starting point is 01:04:39 that's a lot of what we're missing. And then, you know, the, the shows you do on the internet, this standup shows on the internet, like it's kind of the the shows you do on the internet this stand-up shows on the internet like it's kind of a fun thing to do in the meantime but it just doesn't and comedy is like one of the things that really needs the the uh the audience you know yeah it's pretty weird
Starting point is 01:04:59 i like the ones where they do let the sounds of laughter in you know i i like those over the even though the laughter sounds weird uh those are better it's weird when someone forgets their mic is on and then starts like making a sandwich and just talking yeah that's the thing is you gotta do a lot of mic policing when you when you invite people in but i i also i just feel like it's the same with this podcast. The listeners and each of us, we all know when funny things are happening because we're all laughing at each other. I think stand-up is such a weird, unless you're a comic that's just constantly
Starting point is 01:05:39 cracking yourself up, it's just weird when there's no laughter. You need somebody to be laughing like that's the other thing i say to comics now that want to do it on the internet is just uh you know have a friend in the room that's off camera but like just you know kind of talk to them you know yeah so you have some so you're delivering to somebody like not just to avoid. Yeah. It's weird. You don't want to what? You don't want to go back early headline a club and then become like a super event, you know, like 30 people at the dance show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Get ready, Amy. It's going to be a barn burner. I, but if either of you got I mean if Amy or Dan you know your first headliner show is gonna be a super event I mean there's just no there's no getting around that but yeah it's weird like you know you know
Starting point is 01:06:37 why are they putting us in a position by they I mean you know the virus that group of people that got together why are they making us have to you know, the virus, that group of people that got together, why are they making us have to, you know, do shows for, you know, like all we do is hope for sellouts our entire careers. And now we want to have a smaller audience. And hope that they don't laugh with their mouths open.
Starting point is 01:06:58 The goal is to just get very docile people who enjoy turning away their faces from the stage. Everyone should face away from the comedian. Yeah. Please hold it in. Don't acknowledge it. All right. We all got to go.
Starting point is 01:07:19 We all got such busy lives right now. Thank you to Amy Miller, Dan Soder and Greg Wyshynski the three best guests a podcast host could ask for and be safe out there and have as much fun as you can
Starting point is 01:07:36 and I'm closing every episode with a closing line from a motion picture and I think people might recognize this one as always what a day what a motherfucking day
Starting point is 01:07:53 now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie eyes of gold his viewing prowess makes him cocky there's no room in his heart for you cause Doug loves movies

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