Doug Loves Movies - Joe Cornish, Samm Levine and Sean O’Connell guest

Episode Date: February 13, 2023

Doug welcomes Joe Cornish, Samm Levine and Sean O’Connell to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming baby, sticky seeds with 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey everybody. My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you on Friday, February 10th because, you know, we don't want to do a show when the Super Bowl is about to start on Sunday. So we're getting a jump on it, but you won't hear this until after the Super Bowl. So congrats to the Eagles or the Chiefs. And I've got one guest who has maybe been on more than all the rest, and two new guests. And they are Joe Cornish, Sean O'Connell, and Sam Levine, a.k.a. Little Wolverine. Hello, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Hello. Let's meet everybody individually in alphabetical order by first names. That means, first up, writer, director of Attack the Block, The Kid Who Would Be King, and new on Netflix, it's a series, Lockwood & Co. It's Joe Cornish. Hi, Joe. Hey. Hello, Doug.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Good to be here. Thanks for having me, man. Thanks for doing it. It's, what do you got, like 10 o'clock on a Friday night where you are? Yeah, it's 10pm on a Friday night. You've really ruined my Friday night because I couldn't really start watching a movie. I just put my daughter to bed. So I've been watching YouTube videos about the Grammys to fill in the time, which is pretty
Starting point is 00:01:43 low rent. Well, you know, the Grammys to fill in the time, which is pretty, pretty, pretty low rent. Well, you know, the Grammys, they're four hours long, so there's plenty of stuff to cover, I guess. Yeah. And, yeah, well, thank you for abandoning your Friday evening. I know after you put the child to bed, you probably really go out in rage. So thank you for taking it easy tonight just for us. It's a pleasure, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Eight episodes of Lockwood and Company are available right now, season one, if you will. Do you have a preference as to how people watch it? Do you think they should binge it or savor it like a traditional series? I think they should binge it and then just watch it do you think they should binge it or savor it like a traditional series uh i think they should binge it and then just watch it again and again and again and again and again and then they should get into a kind of insane fever uh and get their neighbors and physically force their neighbors to watch it on their own netflix accounts so it counts as a an individual view almost like a virus and it should sweep through the world really in quite an unpleasant brutal
Starting point is 00:02:53 way everybody just watching it over and over again um because that would be bad for everybody but really good for me yeah and i don't know if they're enjoying it as long as they're having a good time watching it over and over again, which I think they will. Also joining us today is a man I call ma'am for no reason, really. It's Sam the Ma'am Levine. Hey, Sam. Oh, hey, Doug. I think it's because ma'am rhymes with Sam. Yeah, but that's it. That's where it ends. That's the only point yeah and you know there is a legit reason i call you a little wolverine and that's because of your
Starting point is 00:03:31 luxurious who jackman-esque beard indeed yeah uh it's a title i wear proudly truly what's going on buddy um you know everything was going great until last night. My neighbors busted into my home and attacked me and my wife and forced us to watch Lockwood and Company on Netflix. And you didn't enjoy it? It was great. No, we loved it. I was actually really glad. And I was telling them in the middle, I'm like, you didn't have to bring violence into this. We would have watched this on our own gladly. All you had to do was recommend it.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But they were insistent doug yeah well that's you know when uh when joe sends out his minions they get to work um god bless you for rescuing my joke keeping it afloat but do you love the show sam it's really good yeah we're two episodes in and we plan on binging the rest of it this weekend. And it's really... Sorry, Joe, it's really good. It's a really fun show. Thank you. For sure.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Sorry to break it to you, Joe. Oh, no. Sam's a fan. Yeah, you make something this popular, you might have to make more or other things as well. It really, really becomes a whole thing. And we've got also joining us today, another first timer on the show. It's Sean O'Connell from Cinema Blend. How's it going, Sean?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Good, Doug. First time, long time, all that jazz. I'm a huge fan of the show and uh i honestly can't believe that i'm on it i listen all the time and so getting to uh to come on and play some games with you guys and talk movies is truly a thrill so thanks for having me uh for the uninitiated you're welcome for the uninitiated uh tell everybody what cinema blend is sure uh we are an entertainment website we cover movies and television and pop culture in general. I run a lot of their
Starting point is 00:05:28 entertainment interview projects. I go into junkets and I cover movie screenings. I've been their managing editor for a couple of years now. And then through them, I also have a podcast because, hey, who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's called Real Blend. And we do a weekly podcast and talk about what's going on in the news. And we like to have directors on a lot. And so recently we've had the likes of Ryan Johnson and Guillermo del Toro and Damien Chazelle has been on. And then friend of the show, I'm just going to name drop, you know, left and right. Tom Hanks is a friend of the show and has come on repeatedly, which is very strange to me. And then after
Starting point is 00:06:07 it came on the most recent time, he sent me a typewritten letter to thank us for having him on. And that was surreal. That was very surreal. Wow. I mean, you know, you just have endless questions about war and space. Yeah yeah we only talked about splash oh okay yeah splash on the money pit which he loved because no one brings those up so you know it's uh one of the best moments in cinema when he's stuck in the rug in the roof of money pit and he uh hallucinates thinks, says he thinks he saw some Care Bears.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Care Bears. Let's try Brad. Brad, Brad, Brad. Do you have your own handle or are you just on social media through CinemaBlend? Oh, I am Sean underscore O'Connell because there is another extremely popular mixed martial artist. Right. Who also has the name Sean O'Connell.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And sometimes I get a ton of responses when he gets into some sort of trouble. And then every once in a while I get into trouble and then he direct messaged me and he's like, you're right, dude. I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We'll be okay. He has very funny weigh-ins. And I hear about them all the time from people. Hey, I mean, speaking of funny weigh-ins, there's several weigh-ins brothers who are really funny. It's time for a portion of the show that I like to call the recommendation nation. And that's where I ask each of my guests to recommend one movie, but with a twist of my choosing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And since Valentine's day is fast approaching, uh, next Tuesday, I believe, please. I'd like you each to recommend a ROM with or without com. In other words, you know, ROM coms are fun to watch around Valentine's day, but maybe you'd like to recommend a serious romantic film.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Maybe one that's not happy or, you know, doesn't work out in the end, but whatever you'd like, just recommend one romantic film. Sam sam let's start with you um you know there's a film uh that i was thinking about recently and i guess it it kind of maybe qualifies as a rom-com there's certainly some rom and plenty of calm um the kids are all right oh okay with annette benning annette benning mark ruffalo julianne moore yeah um that's uh that's one i was thinking about recently and uh uh certainly got a lot of fanfare when it came out and uh and i was happy to uh say that i hadn't seen in a few years and upon re-watching a couple
Starting point is 00:09:00 weeks ago i i think it's a really strong film yeah i remember enjoying it it's very uh like uh it's a it's like a two mom situation is that what's going on there yep there's the two moms and uh they had you know kids with the the donor and they didn't really know the donor and so he sort of comes into their lives and you know makes things interesting if you haven't seen that i don't know way too much it is ruffalo yes it's the hulk yeah yeah i just like to you know remind myself of what we're talking about because i did i do remember liking it and uh you know not a whole lot beyond that so it might be worth a rewatch for me. Joe, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Have you got a romantic film that's like a fave of yours? Yeah, I'm going to. I appreciate Sam starting it off because he's given me some thinking time. And I'm going to go for a 1979 movie called Rich Kids, directed by Robert Young. OK. Do you guys know Rich Kids? Have you ever seen Rich Kids?
Starting point is 00:10:09 No, I do not know. Never heard of it. It's set in New York. It's about two, a 12 year old boy and a 12 year old girl who's from separate families. Their parents have divorced. And it's a kind of New York junior love story. These two awkward teenagers falling in love, trying to deal with their parents' divorce. It's got John Lithgow playing one of the parents. And it's a really fantastic movie that very few people have heard of, weirdly.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And it's just really good. There is a Blu-ray of it around. It came out about four or five years ago. And it's just one of those great 70ies movies that's all shot on location. You know, compared to modern digitally shot movies, it kind of looks like it just looks beautiful. Like those late seventies movies do that are shot on the streets of real cities. Wow. Two fantastic performances in it. And I highly recommend it to people if they can find a way to see it. The end of my speech.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You know the name of the actress that's the girl? Trini Alvarado. Yes. I knew she was in other things because she's in that movie, ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous stains. I think. Oh, there we go. Right. That just came out as well on Blu-ray. I think for the first, yeah, that's a, that's an interesting movie. Uh, uh, you know, it's, what's her name before she found the Tuscan sun and the, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:37 Diane Lane. Yeah. Before she became Superman's mom. Oh, that's a. Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. What about you, Sean? What do you think for a romantic movie for people to check out? So I want to give a little bit of love to some guy who doesn't get it that often. And that's Adam Sandler, who will dabble in romantic comedies every once in a while, especially early on in his career. And I think the wedding singer doesn't
Starting point is 00:12:07 get enough love. He is very, very funny in it. He has tremendous chemistry with Drew Barrymore. It's a great balance of, because I mean, Sandler's not a leading man for romantic movies, you would think normally. And when you drop him into the middle of the 80s genre, he has a lot of fun with, you know, updating the music from that and the fashion and all the stuff that sort of weighs into that. But again, it's just his relationship with Drew Barrymore is really fantastic and carries it through, which is a perfect 95 minutes. Like it's exactly how
Starting point is 00:12:38 long it needs to be. And if you can get to the end of a movie and billy idol can help you get the girl uh on a plane and that's that's a win in my book so you know sandler goes on to make a couple others that are forgettable you know click and things like that but i think if you go all the way back to the wedding singer it was a great bridge between his his billy madison uh water boy days and and him becoming the king of netflix which he is now. Yeah, really, I think it was third after having Gilmore and Billy Madison. I think it really set him up as, first of all, being able to play a character whose name isn't in the title, but also, I mean, he's still in the title,
Starting point is 00:13:16 but not his name, his character name. And then, but yeah, it really bridged, like, it was the first step to, like, he could make movies that aren't silly completely. I mean, obviously Wedding Singer has its silly moments, but yeah, it was. And Drew Barrymore really fought to make her role in that, not just the girl. to write specifically for her character and, uh, make it, uh, more, uh, even, and not just, uh, you know, a lot of his movies, the girl just tends to be like almost like James Bond movies or something
Starting point is 00:13:53 where they're somewhat disposable. Yeah. Um, but that's a great choice. These are all three. He threw Steve Buscemi work on a regular basis too oh no no that's steve buscemi doing sandler a favor yeah yeah he was throwing he was throwing his favorite sandler because okay semantics i understand yeah it was fun to see buscemi in like a coen brothers film and then see him in the new sandler movie wearing goofy eyeballs or something like that it's a it's a tradition of some pretty amazing actors who you know work with the Coen brothers and all sorts of people, you know, your Turturro's, your Pacino's.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like people love to be silly in a Sandler movie who are very, very serious actors normally, you know, because even in his comedic roles, Miss Chemi's in, you know, pretty dramatic situations. Redogs and Coderre, like there's some shit going on. One thing's being weird and funny. But in Sandler movies, he really just came in to be
Starting point is 00:14:52 like, you know, weird homeless guy or whatever he was doing. In so many of them. That'd be a fun game, the cameos. The Pacino Dunkin' Donuts scene, I think, has to be one of his greatest scenes ever when you say he pacino
Starting point is 00:15:09 pacino of course it's not al or it's dunk dunk pacino the dunk pacino yeah yeah okay well those are great great recommendations fellas and uh thanks for that and we will uh you know well i'll hear from the listeners if anybody is checking any Well, those are great recommendations, fellas. And thanks for that. And we will, you know, well, I'll hear from the listeners if anybody is checking any of this stuff out. And let's take a break. And we'll be back with some games after this. We are back with some games after that. You ready to play, fellas? Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:46 All set. Nervous. Yeah, well, maybe you should be because this is really dumb. This game is called 80 for Brady Bunch. I'll say a fact, fun or otherwise, and then your job is to tell me if it applies to the new motion picture 80 for Brady
Starting point is 00:16:11 or the Brady Bunch movie from back in whenever the hell that came out, or both. That's right. There's a chance that these two movies have something in common besides the name Brady. I'll start with joe i'll give you the fact you tell me which one is it's brady 80 for brady brady bunch or both and if you miss then sam gets a chance at it with uh just the two options and if sam misses then sean basically gets a gimme point and whenever somebody gets one right the next person goes first on the next one no pressure obviously guessing is one
Starting point is 00:16:51 way to succeed because actually knowing these things I'd be surprised if any of you has anybody seen 80 for Brady no no, no. Didn't get a chance to. I'm so excited about seeing it. I've tried to imagine it in incredible detail. So I feel like. You still won't get it right. No matter how hard you imagine it, you still won't get it right. The version I've imagined is like 18 hours long. That's how long I want it to be.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah. They keep it a tight buck 45, I think. Maybe a little over two. My version is very adult as well. Yeah, this one's not adult enough, in my opinion, because the Jane Fonda character really wants to go wild, and they mostly just treat her like she's slutty, but she's not that slutty. Joe, you're up first. i'm ready okay has an actor in it who has appeared
Starting point is 00:17:52 on the series seinfeld do you think that's 80 for brady the brady bunch movie or both uh man that's very broad i mean pretty much every actor has appeared on seinfeld haven't they there's been a lot of uh short roles and recurring roles on science played by a very long running show yeah i mean so i'm saying but but you're saying it's this this person has only appeared in one of those movies not There's an actor who has appeared in Seinfeld. Are they also in 80 for Brady, Brady Bunch movie, or both?
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'm going 80 for Brady because I think they've appeared in 80 for Brady because Brody. Brady? Brady. Because they'd be old. Seinfeld is old. And 80 for Brady is old. Right. 80 for Brady is about old people.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So I think it's, yeah, that's my answer. Oh, that's an interesting theory. But that's 80 for Brady is not the answer I'm looking for. Sam? My instinct is to say both. Are you going to go with your instinct? I guess so, yeah. I'll go both. You'll listen to your instinct?
Starting point is 00:19:11 Because it's correct! Hang on, isn't that what I said? I thought you said 80 for Brady. Yeah, but before that I said, well... Final answers. That's a clever way to do it say all the answers by the time you're done talking you got it all covered i'm just trying to confuse you yeah it's easy to do but um yeah it's both because two different actors that have been on seinfeld show up you know one in brady and one in brady bunch and they are uh reene Santoni, who plays Poppy on Seinfeld, who is
Starting point is 00:19:48 in the Brady Bunch movie, and Patton Oswalt, who played a video store clerk dealing with George Costanza on Seinfeld, is in 80 for Brady. Wow. Yeah. Very exciting start to this weird game. Sean? i'm ready you get you gotta go first on this next one uh 80 for brady brady bunch or both has a character in it named brisket i am gonna go uh 80 for brady you're saying 80 for Brady, a character named brisket. What made you arrive at that?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I'm assuming that there is some type of a tailgate scene where hijinks ensue. Oh, okay. And you would have somebody from new England, uh, in a Brady Jersey who's making some type of smoked meat. Right. And they, they ring a couple of jokes out of that,
Starting point is 00:20:44 of course. Um, now there, I just don't see, of smoked meat. Right. And they, they ring a couple of jokes out of that, of course. Now they're, I just don't see, cause you already have Sam, the butcher. So I don't see them also going with brisket for the Brady bunch movie. That seems like overkill. So I'm just going to stick with 80 for Brady.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah. You really, yeah. You really thought this through. I don't know if any of that really applies to why a character's named brisket but he is in fact a character in 80 for brady hell yes all right yeah and that character is played by pat and oswald oh wow there you go okay joe here's your chance to get on the board. Sam has a point. Sean has a point. Oh Lord. Yeah, you can do it. You can do it. Also, none of this matters.
Starting point is 00:21:29 RuPaul, the great RuPaul Charles that we know from RuPaul's Drag Race is in 80 for Brady, Brady Bunch movie or both. Well, I know that I know RuPaul appears in the Brady Bunch movie. Weirdly, I started out on a TV show in the UK called The Adam and Joe Show. It's kind of like a homemade TV show. We started on British TV in 1996. And our show was produced by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbata,
Starting point is 00:21:56 who managed RuPaul all the way back from the early 90s. So I was very familiar with Ru's stuff since way before drag race since the beginning of of her career so i know she's in the brady bunch movie is she an 80 for brady probably i don't know i mean i don't know does she still maybe she's above that kind of cheap cameo these days so i'm'm just going to say only the Brady Bunch movie. That was so fun listening to you work all that out because you
Starting point is 00:22:31 arrived at the correct answer. RuPaul is not in 80 for Brady. So yeah, congratulations. You're on the board. Yeah, they couldn't afford Ru. Yeah, Ru's so busy with Drag Race and the You're on the board. Yeah. They couldn't afford room. Yeah. Bruce. Bruce. So busy with drag racing,
Starting point is 00:22:47 the spinoffs and now hosting lingo. It's crazy. All right, Sam. Yeah. Uh, this next one starts with you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And here it is. All right. Directed by a woman. A for Brady, Brady Bunch movie, or both? Well, I know that Betty Thomas directed the Brady Bunch movie. That film came out in 95,
Starting point is 00:23:21 so I saw it in theaters twice. I was the perfect age for that sort of nonsense. out in in 95 so i i saw it in theaters twice i was the perfect age for that sort of nonsense um and i don't recall if 80 for brady is directed by a woman but oh i'm really fighting with my instincts because i want to say yes, but... No, I'm... I will say only the Brady Bunch movie is directed by a woman. You're going
Starting point is 00:23:53 solid Brady Bunch directed by a woman. Yeah. A woman you say is named Betty Thomas. Yeah. You said that? I did say that. Because Betty Thomas. Yeah. You said that? I did say that. Because that would be true.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And 80 for Brady was directed by Kyle Marvin, who is a man. All right. I never really did the research on that. I just looked at a picture of him and saw his name. So I'm going with Kyle Marvin as a man. I don't know his exact pronouns but uh so sam you did it brady bunch movie was the one directed by a woman and who of course went on to direct lots of stuff including howard stern's movie yeah and uh that was one of the first things i ever auditioned for by the way our first features i ever auditioned for, by the way. Our first features I ever auditioned for was Howard Stern's private parts.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Which part were you auditioning for? The private part? The 12-year-old Howard or whatever it was, the one who plays with puppets and then does the Dirty Puppet Show. Why wouldn't you get that? I don't know, Doug, but I got the chance to ask Betty Thomas that a couple years ago. Oh, what'd she say? no, Doug, but I got the chance to ask Betty Thomas that a couple of years ago. Oh, what'd she say? She was like, well, if I'd have known what you're going to do later in your career, I would have hired you.
Starting point is 00:25:10 That seems like a very convenient answer, Betty. Yeah, this sounds like a very confrontational situation you had with Betty. It was, oh, it came to blows, Doug. I don't think I've ever had the chance to say to a director of a movie why didn't you cast me well i didn't ask her why didn't you cast me i just i told her it was one of the first features i ever auditioned for and she said oh why didn't i hire you and i said i wonder that every day betty yeah that's why that sounds more like how it would go down yeah uh well congratulations sam you won that first game but as you know i mean it doesn't hold much at all just means you're forced to go first in the last it may
Starting point is 00:25:52 work against me i don't know it could very much work against you that's the that's the fun of the arbitrary nature of these things and um before we wrap this one up though just because i looked it up and it it's funny to me uh it's john i'll give you a first crack at this one up, though, just because I looked it up and it's funny to me. Sean, I'll give you a first crack at this one. It's not worth any points or anything, but the parents movie guide on the Internet Movie Database, IMDb, it lists, you know, it has different categories. And for the film sex and nudity it's listed as uh mild is that 80 for brady the brady bunch movie or both um because i want it to be true i'm going to say both yeah that's what it is
Starting point is 00:26:48 say both yeah that's what it is it's both yes thank god i want more details i just wanted both to be true yeah they're both mild but it's funny that the one for 80 for brady goes on to say they talk about sex a lot but it's always very it's always discreet or something like that i'm like yeah i guess strap-on jokes are kind of kind of discreet. Just so long as the kids can get into the movie. Sam, I didn't just see the film. I saw the film's premiere at the Palm Springs Film Festival. And those four ladies,
Starting point is 00:27:16 just to get to watch a movie they're in, you know, watch it in the same theater while they watch it, and then watch them talk about it afterwards. I mean, Sally Field, Rita Moreno, Lilyly tomlin and jane fonda that's like a mount rushmore for me of actresses i liked when i my whole life so uh it was very exciting and fun because also they've got their relationship to each other jane and lily are obviously really good friends uh but also just they all just really are great at like being sweet to each other and
Starting point is 00:27:46 sniping at each other and uh especially sally field came out of nowhere with uh how funny she was during the q a yeah so that's why i got that movie on the brain plus it is you know it is super bowl weekend and i i find nothing more hilarious than the one year that tom brady doesn't make it to the super bowl and then he retired before he retired like two seconds before this movie got released and that's it's funny but i guess it's based on some real old ladies that really did go to, to see him play. And he's in it, Tom Brady,
Starting point is 00:28:30 a little bit. And he's not bad. You know, his acting's fine. I mean, he's playing himself, but he seemed like a sincere and nice guy, at least when he's talking to the great Lily Tomlin.
Starting point is 00:28:41 He's also in one of the Ted movies, I think. Oh, really? That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. They got one of the Ted movies, I think. Oh, really? That makes sense. Yeah, they got a real Boston connection there, I think. Congrats, Sam. You won that game, but like you said
Starting point is 00:28:54 and no, doesn't mean anything. And we're going to play our final big game after these messages. We'll be right back. All right, We're back. And Sam Levine gets to go first in a game. I call whose tagline is it anyway? Oh boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 This is a tough game normally, but I may be extra tough today because here's how it works. Sean and Joe, I'll say a tagline from a motion picture, one of the advertising lines used on the trailers or the posters or whatever. IMDb usually lists a few. And this could be from any movie in any time of the history of cinema. Well, no silent movies. Maybe the artist, but other than that, no silent movies maybe the artist but other than that no silent movies
Starting point is 00:29:45 so it is tough but just take a guess is what i say some people get really caught up and trying to you know really think about it and uh sometimes just the the wildest guess turns out to be correct uh i think i said this damn Sam's going to be first. And then we'll switch the order around. So then we'll go Sam, then Joe, then Sean. Each of you will get a crack at it. And if somebody gets it right, the next person will go first on the next one. And Sam, here we go.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Oh, and important to mention, Sam knows this already, a theme will emerge that also may make it even harder, you know, once you figure out the theme, but we'll see. Why would they make it harder, not easier? Because sometimes when it's like, you know, very specific, you know, things you have to think of, like when the parameters shrink. Then if you can't think of anything, you're really screwed. But you'll see as we go. Starting with Sam.
Starting point is 00:30:55 See a female colossus, her mountainous torso, skyscraper limbs, giant desires, exclamation point. That's the tagline. A female colossus. A female colossus. Her mountainous torso, skyscraper limbs, giant desires. torso skyscraper limbs giant desires a lot of desires a lot of uh you know taglines play more like a poem or something yeah i
Starting point is 00:31:34 wow i the only thing that i can possibly think of is attack of the 50 foot woman that's the only thing you think could you i mean a giant colossus what was what sex was the colossus in the movie colossus there's probably a boy colossus right i don't i don't think i saw that one with dan hathaway and jason suikis? No, I missed that one. It's good. That is correct, Sam. Oh, my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I thought for sure it couldn't be that because that was the first thing I thought of when you said a mountainous torso. Is that what you said? Yeah, her mountainous torso. Who doesn't want to see a mountainous torso is that what you said yeah her mountainous torso like well who doesn't want to see a mountainous torso it's um the original attack of the 50 foot woman the you know movie from uh way back when and then has been remade since as a tv movie starring daryl hannah but uh but you got it sam attack of the 50 Woman. That was a tough one. Good job. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I had no second guess. I didn't know what to make of it. Let's go to Joe for this next one. And Joe, I'm going to give you two taglines for this movie because I don't think one on its own is going to do it. Okay. But also two together. I don't know how much help they're going to be. The first tagline,
Starting point is 00:33:08 the first one is arg, A-A-A-R-G-H exclamation point. I know how to spell arg. You do? Yeah. I was worried that like just saying it, arg, like you might think I'm trying to be a pirate, but I don't think it's a pirate thing. saying it are like you might think i'm trying to be a pirate but i don't think it's a pirate thing and then the other one is you've never seen a film like it i mean that is very oblique i have to say when when you said ah when you said arg and then paused and then we had a brief conversation i thought that was the beginning
Starting point is 00:33:45 of the first tagline i know that was just the first tagline just like a guttural noise thing just arg and they put that somewhere like to promote this movie and you've never seen a film like it that could be yeah all all films claim that you've never seen another film like it right i'm gonna give you the third tagline that they listed because it's crazy because that one is like nothing you've ever seen. I mean, no one film is exactly the same as an... Even Gus Van Sant's remake of Psycho isn't exactly the same as Psycho. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So that is a tagline you could put on pretty much anything. So listen, I'm just gonna go uh i'm just gonna go for just a process of random deduction so is it a pirate movie arg uh and what sort of a movie would someone say arg um a pirate movie what is a pirate movie where you've never seen a film like it i don't know like yellow beard i'd go for yellow beard which was that weird eric idle kind of comedy about pirates i know i'm wrong i can sense it in the air that i'm wrong but i think this is a very noble stab in the dark and also i think it is a much much much much harder one than Sam's that I had immediately.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And I think this is really unfair. And I think it's because I'm British. And I think this show is very xenophobic. And it should be cancelled. Edgar Wright has that same complaint every time he's on. Yeah. Well, you know, he said to me, do you want me to come on with you? And I said, come on, sure, come on with me.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And then he said, actually, no, I won't because I don't want to overshadow you. To which I said, well, look, I'm six foot three. So that's going to be very difficult unless the lights are positioned very low behind you. Yeah, and it's Friday night, so Edgar's got to go enjoy a night out in Soho. Would Edgar get this? I don't think Edgar will. Edgar will listen to this. Edgar, let's leave a pause here for Edgar to have a guess.
Starting point is 00:36:00 There's the Edgar pause. And let's see whether now Edgar's he can play it like Vicariously. Send us your guess, Edgar, and let's see where that now because he can play it send us your guess Edgar we'll see if you got it the other thing it could be is it could be a caveman movie that could be like a caveman grunt it could be like that Ringo Starr
Starting point is 00:36:17 caveman movie or something like that no it's just called caveman that's a good call so there you go two guesses I'm hedging my bets that. Yeah, that was just called Caveman. That's a good call. So there you go. Two guesses. I'm hedging my bets. Oh, I see. We've got a double guess. Well, unfortunately, we're both wrong. But I appreciate the effort.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Sean, does any of this make any sense to you? This one's actually really easy. What? Yeah, it's Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Men Tell No Tales. Because by the time they got to the fifth one, they had just given up. So they put ARG on the poster. And then in an effort to convince you that you hadn't seen the other ones, they told you that you haven't seen anything like this film before. Right. This one takes it somewhere different.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Like this time, boy, you're going to be surprised. Yeah, strap in yeah i you know i i really thought you knew the answer that way you the way you came in so confident it really sounded like a real sam levine move but unfortunately that's not the right thing damn it uh sam um i okay so i have a guess i'm quite sure it's wrong but i'm going to try anyway and it's a very long title and i'm probably going to say it wrong but if i'm even close you know it's me along i'll see if i can get it right i think it's called like um it's like the pirates who can't do anything a veggie tales movie i think oh wow
Starting point is 00:37:45 i don't remember what it could be a spongebob movie yeah it sounds like a kid pirate movie we got hooked on pirate movies and i think i have a feeling we're all off i have a feeling it's gonna be something yeah the pirate thing is a bit misleading yeah It's the way you said it, Doug. You said it like a pirate. Can you say it again in the way that it should be said that suits the film, please? Okay, alright. Arrgh!
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh, well, that's completely different. Yeah, that doesn't sound anything like a pirate. That's very... Alright, let's go from the beginning. Joe, you're up first. This now feels like some kind of gladiator movie or a Roman movie where somebody's just been impaled on a spear. So I think it's the tagline for the forthcoming gladiator sequel. Oh, OK. Scott, that's just started shooting.
Starting point is 00:38:40 That's wrong as well. How do you know it's wrong? How do you know it's wrong? It hasn't been released yet. It's wrong in terms of do you know it's wrong how do you know it's wrong it hasn't been released yet it's wrong in terms of uh what i've written down well i still think i've got a point i've got a hard answer here and it's hard to come up with obviously but sean any any more guesses uh vertigo no verdon no sam uh misery are you describing your current state yes No. Verdon, no. Sam? Misery. Are you describing your current state?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yes. It is both my current state and my guess. Yeah, because I could quote what he says when she hobbles him. When she hobbles him. Arr! He's like, arr! I'll never write again. Like, why did she? Yeah, she should have also smashed his writing hand.
Starting point is 00:39:27 But anyway, the film, the reason that someone would say Ark and why you've never seen anything like it is because people are generally not used to being attacked by tomatoes. No, no. It's called Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. All right. But is that the tagline? Is there just like a speech bubble coming out of someone's mouth?
Starting point is 00:39:54 It's listed as a tagline under the tagline listings on IMDb, but you never know what kind of nonsense they get this, where they get this stuff from. But that means we're back to Joe gets to go first again for this next one. That's goes a little something like this. Yikes. Hang on. There's more. There's more.
Starting point is 00:40:23 This one does keep going. Yikes, they've landed. They've landed, exclamation point. What do you think that is, Joe? Well, it's not Mars attacks, is it? Yikes, they've landed. I mean, it's some dumb alien. Could it be Attack the block my film uh could it be uh
Starting point is 00:40:50 god i don't know yikes they've landed yikes um do you know what the tagline is for attack the block yeah it's inner city versus outer space which i thought thought of myself. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a rare good one. Better than Yikes They've Landed. Yeah. I mean, come on. Certainly better than that. Oh, you've never seen a film like it. You've really scraped the bottom of the tag barrel for these ones.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Joe, you have the sequel coming up. You could still use Yikes They've Landed. Well, maybe Yikes They've Landed again. Ah, you've seen. Well, maybe they have yikes, they've landed again. Ah! You've seen a film similar to it. That's what it would be. I have no idea. Yikes, they've landed.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Like, come on, so something freaky from space. Oh, God. I'm just going to have to say Mars Attacks. It's the Japanese tagline for the Japanese release of Mars Attacks just to get out of this hellish loop you just got to say something and the thing you said is the correct answer it is Mars Attacks well I got to stay because we have a show
Starting point is 00:41:56 to do but yes it is Mars Attacks nicely done yeah yikes they've landed and then the other one was even more specific That's hacks. Nicely done. Yeah. Yikes, they've landed. And then the other one was even more specific about how, you know, they're here and they're going to take the country or something like that or take over.
Starting point is 00:42:16 But yikes, they've landed. That's real. What is the noise the aliens make? What is the noise the aliens make? Well, I'm going to have my own competition between you guys who can do the best version of the noise. And Sean is starting. Sean?
Starting point is 00:42:32 That sounds like a goose. Sam? That's better than Sean's. Doug? Sam gets it. All right. Oh, man. If only you were Sam gets it. Right. I think Sam nailed it. Oh, man, if only you were Betty Thomas,
Starting point is 00:42:48 this could have led somewhere for me. Yeah. It's, you know, they make that noise, and I don't think it really caught on in pop culture. You don't hear people going around doing that noise very much. I just heard three people going around doing that noise. Tom Brady makes that noise very much. I just heard three people going around doing that noise. Weirdly enough, Tom Brady makes that noise. Okay, so Sean, you're up first on this next one. You've got to get this one
Starting point is 00:43:11 to stay competitive with these fellas. Okay, I'm ready. And so far we've got Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, and Mars Attacks. What do you think the tagline what movie is this tagline for sean for a new york cop and his witness the distance between life and death just got very short oh that's 16 blocks that is correct yes wow 16 blocks is the answer that is very strange because i'm currently writing a book about bruce willis and i just did 16 blocks is the answer. That is very strange because I'm currently writing a book about Bruce Willis and I just did 16 blocks as a chapter.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I just finished that chapter. Yeah, I see. That's where the timing comes in. Wow. Because, you know, Joe saw Mars Attacks 20 years ago and was just thinking of it today. But then if the theme is movies with the word attack in the title, how does
Starting point is 00:44:08 16 Blocks sell? David Morris attacks Bruce Willis. Hang on. Joe, if you haven't figured out, 16 Blocks attack and block what he's working off of. This show seems
Starting point is 00:44:23 dumb on the surface, but underneath the level of sophistication, that's why I love it. That's what keeps me coming back. Yeah. Well, this next movie could have attack in it, could have block in it, could have thought in it. And Joe is up first.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I'm sorry. I believe I'm up first. You're correct. Sam is up first i'm sorry i believe i'm up first you're correct sam is up thank you you'd never never give any other player a break the sam ravine story yeah that's me okay sam you ready yes parents can be such dot dot dot oh uh that's uh blockers that is correct yeah oh wow good call thank you yeah i remember that tagline very well because they wanted to call the movie cock blockers but the studio would not let them yeah and i think there was even talk of c blockers but then that just sounds like you're you know taking something to lower your vitamin c intake right or or something like that um sam congratulations i don't know how you did it you always you always do you are a winner today oh congratulations
Starting point is 00:45:43 congratulations thank you congratulations sam you did it thank you so much what does sound um You are our winner today. Congratulations. Thank you. Congratulations, Sam. He wins the opportunity that, you know, this might not even be something everybody wants to win, but he can come back as soon as like the very next episode to, you know, defend his title. So especially anybody that's got something they're really trying to promote, or Sam, who's just a lifelong trivia hound. It's fun to be able to come back. If you had to guess,
Starting point is 00:46:16 Sam, how often do you think you've been on the show? How many times? Is it even possible to guess the number? I would say at this point it's got to be over 50. Got to be, right? Yeah, it it feels like it it's been going on with you and me now since i think the end of 2006 yeah like maybe beginning of 2007 yeah sam if you're trapped and need help just make some kind of a sign yeah we just put him in a room during the pandemic and we don't let him out. And it's working out great.
Starting point is 00:46:50 The tiebreaker that I had set up, just in case a tie would occur, is there's a film that has the tagline, The Clones Are Coming. Oh, is it Attack of the Clones? Yes. Star Wars. Star Wars. Yeah. Yeah here's this is another tagline it was that is that the correct answer yeah yeah that's it that's a terrible tagline
Starting point is 00:47:14 isn't it yeah if the tagline to star wars was the the wars are starting in the stars. You can't use a word from the title in the tagline, can you? I mean, I think people do, but it's silly because it's so much more fun. Like Jaws, watch out for its jaws. Yeah. Would not be good. The tagline for that movie really should be send in the clones. Yes. Good point.
Starting point is 00:47:43 That's a great point. Right. They blew it. No, they didn't get anything right because here's the other tagline that i wrote down from that movie that i i guess i get it but it's just it's just weird a jedi shall not know anger nor hatred nor love yeah i want to see that that's not fried green tomatoes the last bit of that could be nor precisely what set he is standing on yeah
Starting point is 00:48:11 because of the green screen yeah nor who he is acting with pretend it's a monster nor who he is nor which character he is acting opposite could be anybody but it's Sam Levine nor who he is, nor which character he is acting opposite.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Could be anybody, but it's Sam Levine has not been in a Star Wars film yet. Yet. There it is. You'd never know. But congratulations on your win today, Sam. Do you have anything you'd like to plug? I do. guys valentine's day is just a couple days away here we go and you forgot to get the person you love something i am on cameo i'm very reasonably priced and i can tell them how much you love them uh or anything else you want me to say really i'm not that picky so uh come find me on uh on cameo no one's ever requested you say something that you went no i'm not going to say that one time yeah because sometimes they try to get you to do ads
Starting point is 00:49:11 or they try to get you to say something political or something that you don't necessarily agree with that is correct it was a political thing and i was not going to say it yeah you can say it here if you want. Nah, I'm all right. Well, thank you, Sam Levine. Get those cameos from Sam, from Samio. That's your change name is Samio. I really should change my name. That's a great call, Doug. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And yeah, do it for Valentine's or for any occasion. I've got, I announced that I'm doing Valentine's cameos and I just keep getting ones for, it's reminding people that a friend of theirs has a birthday coming up, so they're just getting birthday ones instead of Valentine's, and I'm fine with that. Joe Cornish, Lockwood and Company is on the Netflix. Do you know what the tagline is for that, for the show?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, hunt or be haunted. Ooh. Which is pretty good because there's only one letter difference between hunt and haunt you sure it's not lock up the company your words no i'm sure it's not that okay or it could be hunt and be and be haunted yes or haunt and be hot yeah maybe that's for the second season if we get one so that's where you're at right now is just waiting for these awesome numbers to come in because everybody seems to be loving it and then you'll get a second season no the numbers are very good we're number one we were certainly number one in the world last week yeah i think probably the moment those words left my mouth we plummeted to number 68 that's what usually happens when you say stuff like that out there algorithm killed you they put a lot of stuff on there but i just i just was flipping
Starting point is 00:51:01 around netflix today and saw that you know here in the the U.S. it's in the top ten. So still doing great. And we'll encourage everybody to check it out. Please do. And binge the whole thing so it gets all those eight credits for you having watched it and watch again at your leisure. Sean O'Connell. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:51:23 What would you like to plug? I have a book. I have a book that came out just recently um and it's the one about bruce willis that was fast it's on shelves now um it's about spider-man it's about spider-man's film history um and it goes all the way back to the nicholas hammond uh television show and uh several projects in the 70s and 80s that tried to get off the ground with stanley backing them and then it goes through the toby mcguire years the andrew garfield years and then all the way through tom holland um he's my all-time favorite character and hero and i love those movies more than anything and so the book is called with great power and it has a ton of
Starting point is 00:51:58 cool exclusive interviews for people who were involved in those films over the years. And I was putting it together as No Way Home was coming out. And so I got to sort of see that whole journey come to a close. And all three of those guys joining together on screen was kind of the culmination of the book that I was trying to tell of why this character is so important and how come we all come out to the theaters to see versions of that character on the big screen. So that all worked out pretty well. So again,
Starting point is 00:52:26 it's called with great power and it's all about Spider-Man in the movies. That's just like a right up there with like a movie fever pitch while they were making it, the Cubs went on to actually, you know, or was it the other team, but anyway, they went on to win that year in a massive, uh, upset. Very similar. Uh, but Sam knows more about that. He's a Cubbies fan. I am. This was the 2004 red. Um,
Starting point is 00:52:56 It effectively killed Jimmy Fallon's, uh, white socks, red socks. I can't keep track. It's okay. It did. I mean, I think so. I think he's busy with the taxi but yeah probably the one-two punch yeah that was a movie no but a taxi a movie nobody hailed i really want to say i just want to one second I want to say thank you to Joe Cornish. That's a Gene Shalit joke. Taxi is a movie no one would hate.
Starting point is 00:53:36 What's that, Sean? I just want to say thanks to Joe Cornish. He doesn't remember this, but when Joe did The Kid Who Would Be King, they let the journalists bring their kids to New York City to interview the talent. And my young son got to interview Patrick Stewart. And it's something he remembers fondly. They did a whole training session with the kids so that they could learn how to do sword fighting and work with their shields. And it was a great, great press event. And he loves that movie too. So I don't think I'll ever be on a show with you. Hey, that's so great.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Please say hi to your son from me. Was that that really snowy weekend in New York? It was really, it was like a big ice storm weekend. Yes, bitter cold. And they had us in that old public school. A weird school, yeah. Yeah. Wow, that's great.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Really fun movie that more people need to see. Thank you. Wow, that's great. Really fun movie that more people need to see. Thank you. Yeah, after you binge Lockwood and Co., then go ahead and check out... The Kid Who Would Be King, Attack the Block, six hours, seven, eight, nine. Nine and a half hours, you can view my entire oeuvre. Yeah, actually, there's a lot of dumb TV before that.
Starting point is 00:54:44 You can get slapped across the face if you ask somebody to look at your oovah. But thank you to all three of you for being here. This was terrific. I would like to plug that Doug Loves Movies is back at Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles on Sunday, March 5th. And, yeah, one more time. Thank you, Sam Levine, Joe Cornish and Sean O'Connell. This has been terrific. And as always,
Starting point is 00:55:14 this is Lieutenant Harold Woodruff. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you, cause Doug loves movies!

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