Doug Loves Movies - Jon Gabrus, Laurie Kilmartin and Julia Claire guest

Episode Date: November 16, 2020

Doug welcomes Jon Gabrus, Laurie Kilmartin and Julia Claire to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to&n...bsp; and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming babies, sticky seeds with 50 azepop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love marches. Well, some of them anyway. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from crazy times for another home alone edition homes alone it's sunday november 15th 2020 and my guests today are john gabrus laurie kill martin and julia claire hey everybody hey hi hello wow that was like almost like you planned it let's meet everybody individually starting with uh first time guest julia claire is here hello julia hello doug thank you so much for having me this is very fun well so nice to have you
Starting point is 00:00:59 brooklyn-based comedian that i i don't think i've ever met in person. No, I don't think so. No, but I've been enjoying your tweets at Oh Julia tweets. Thank you. And yeah, thank you for being here. And I just want to say, I loved your tweet about, you know, people keep posting who they look like pictures. Just posted other women who have bangs. That is me. yeah you just posted other women who have bangs that's me i also i also separately posted um most of the manson girls because i i get that um i do have a very linda kasabian vibe i think yeah i was gonna say not squeaky not squeaky no
Starting point is 00:01:43 not not squeaky i'm not I'm not small enough. I'm not like scrappy enough. I I'm just kind of like, you know, I have that look in my eye, but you don't know what's going to happen. Another first time guest. I can't believe I'm saying this. Laurie is Laurie Kilmartin. Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Hi, Douglas. Welcome to detention. I try to keep it formal when it's the first time. Yeah, we've explored that in depth on my other show, Wide World of Dougs, where we just talk about having the name Doug. And Douglas is almost always addressing down when it comes to Doug's like rarely referred to that way. Uh, but Lori has a bestseller called dead people suck and is the co-host of the
Starting point is 00:02:36 Jackie and Lori show, uh, podcast with our friend, Jackie Cation. And, um, I'm proud of you for what you did. Was it last night that you didn't do that gig? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I saw that. Yeah. It was just it was like a restaurant gig. You know, those, you know, somebody decides to put up comedy and it was pitched to me as an outdoor gig and they have outdoor seating. So I pulled up and it it all looked good but then they had decided to move it indoors because they thought it was chilly and it was it's Orange County it's never chilly um so uh yeah then I I didn't go in I mean I looked I looked through the the glass into the room and I just saw a ton of people eating within one foot of each other not
Starting point is 00:03:26 not wearing masks and i'm like i don't want to walk in and breathe whatever these people are exhaling well yeah even if you don't even if you're like a lot of these i know a lot of comedians that just aren't personally afraid of of the virus it's still you're watching people take the risk of giving it to each other while you're trying to tell them jokes yeah i don't know how to how a person can focus yeah i mean i'm not i'm not afraid i would die of covid but i i do think if you get it especially now there might not be hospital beds if you get a bad it's just so it's so fucking risky to tell jokes, you know, when you could just move the show outside and be OK. Yeah. And even outside is, you know, I feel like a little bit of a risk. So like, yeah, how dumb do they have to be to be like, hey, let's have an outdoor show and then decide to move it indoors.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's like wasn't the whole point that it was going to be outside. Yeah. That the big safety factor? Yeah. But yeah, that's Orange County for you. And that's the other thing. I kind of felt like if these people were this comfortable in a restaurant maskless, then they've been probably careless 24 hours a day since March. So again, like I don't trust them.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You know what I mean? Yeah, I did. again like i don't trust them you know what i mean yeah i did um i did the parking lot you know rooftop show at the irvine improv and they did you know i think they did everything uh they did a very nice job of setting the whole thing up um but then you know then the mall itself that it's in was just teeming with people running around without masks on. And then some of the other comics also were less into having masks on. So I'm like, well, I can't even hang out in the green room because I'm not, you know. So it's all very tricky, but, you know, we're doing the best we can.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah. And also joining us, speaking of doing the best that they can always always giving 72 percent everybody hell yeah 72 counts as passing 65 is passing i'm not trying to fucking win you're just at gabrus g-a-b-r-u-s on twitter and i'm always guilty guilty i'm always jealous of the people that have those really tight simple uh twitter handles that are just their name did you like sign up for twitter day one or is just gabrus not uh i i kept a track of it i went it's not that common i went with at john gabrus was my best bet early on but i just kept saw someone had it and they hadn't tweeted since like april 2007 or some shit like that and i was like can i just eventually get this and i just kept like once a quarter would just tweet
Starting point is 00:06:17 at twitter and everyone be like hey i feel like i should be allowed to have this this is my name and this person hasn't tweeted in a decade and then they eventually just gave it to me wow yeah i asked to speak to the manager very inspiring story sticking up for yourself yeah that's that's some some good orange county energy well i'm from long island so it's practically the same same they each have a long beach so yeah yeah they're both 45 minutes from liberal bastions but seem to be 45 years behind them oh my god absolutely and uh john you're doing your uh podcast remotely at this point uh yeah i'm not doing anything in person and for the same same reasons you guys are talking about like there's a restaurant behind me by me that had outdoor
Starting point is 00:07:11 seating and now since it's gotten to be you know freezing temperatures out they've like put out heaters and like a zip closed tent so now they're just inside again. Yeah. Oh, my God. They just created a second set of inside. People just need to learn to fucking cook. It's driving me fucking crazy. Just make yourself a fucking burger. Stay home. You don't want to be zipped into a hot plastic room. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:07:41 The shit I hear every once in a while from someone who's like a little too weird or someone i is an acquaintance where they're like too close randomly they're like oh i get tested like uh twice a week at work and i'm like i don't what you're working get the fuck out wait for me like i don't give a shit like the guy's dog got loose and i came into my came near my apartment he just came over and he had no mask on i was like and we're all in masks like trying to get six feet away in a tiny apartment patio. And he's like, no, it's okay. I get tested. I'm like, get the fuck away from us, man.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Oh my God. It's not okay. I mean, there's a, there's a, there's a comedy club in New York that's been having indoor shows, which I think is absolutely batshit. I, I, I mean, I, and I know people who I think are like I thought were like otherwise
Starting point is 00:08:27 on the level who are doing the shows and I can't I can't believe it. It's hard because you get like FOMO when you see people touring. You're like, you asshole, you're gonna fucking kill people and you're like, I would fucking kill for that weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I want to kill people. It might be to kill people. How're like i would fucking kill for that weekend oh man i want to kill people invite me to kill people how come i'm i am trying to be america's next great super spreader and that's that uh yeah it's i i'm just finding out people i thought were smart aren't. And I'm depressed. Yeah. Right. Well, there's some comics that I see them really pushing, you know, that their shows are safe. But, you know, there's still food and drink at the shows. So people pull their masks down to do that. And, you know, and they're inside. So it's already like, well, that's not as safe as you like to think it is
Starting point is 00:09:25 also most of these comedians and i say this as you know as a dirtbag myself but most of these comedians i wouldn't like trust to stay in my home for like an hour i don't trust you to assess the safety of like a health code situation yeah to be fair that's not what you want of any comedian that they're true i just need to tell dick jokes that on a certain schedule that you can line up with yeah there's real uh i just got an std test no reason to use a condom energy hey listen i got an std test it was a couple weeks ago and I've had sex since then, but don't worry. That's a, I got a COVID test last week. I'm like, but you, where have you been? Oh, you've been at the gym five days this week?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Fuck away from me, man. You've been eating samples at Costco. Yeah. It's a, it's really, it's a, it's tricky because everybody gets to make their own uh rules uh about you know what what's safe and what's not safe and i i i do it because i've done outdoor shows where they they think it's an extra layer of protection that they take every comedian's temperature and it's like well hey i'm not dying of it at this moment but go ahead and take my temperature and go oh well at least now we've narrowed it down to you might be asymptomatic
Starting point is 00:10:51 i know i know are people not reading the full articles like no one article gives you all the info you need and they're they're pulling out after two paragraphs or something yeah asymptomatics just got, it's too, it's exhausting a word to read. There's too many syllables. Right. They just tap midway through and they're like, I got this. I mean, this disease, this pandemic is genetically designed,
Starting point is 00:11:17 like it's in a lab to kill Americans specifically. All you have to do is follow rules brought down from, no, that's not happening here. It's pretty bad. If it's bad, if you're obese, it's like, well, fuck. All right. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Oh my God. Yeah. The only rule is you have to consider the common good. Yeah. The only cure is thinking about other people. Yeah. Selflessness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's like some bullshit sci-fi movie where it turns out empathy is what kills other people. Yeah. Selflessness. Yeah. It's like some bullshit sci-fi movie where it turns out empathy is what kills the aliens. The end of our country. I used to think aliens coming to Earth would like bring everyone together. But now I just feel like people will be like, they're not fucking real.
Starting point is 00:12:02 This is a hoax. It's like, oh shit. Now we're going to get fucking zapped. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for coming by, everybody. I'm comfortable with getting that reaction one out of five or so.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's okay. I liked it and I didn't want to step on any tags. I myself didn't have a tag. I was hoping that one of the other two would join in. And it was awkward. And I apologize for my part. I'm sorry. I feel like I let down the group.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And I just feel like it wasn't my place to get it. Guys, no, I'll take this one. I'll take the L on that one. It's fine. I'm going to take a lot of at-bats. So that's you. Every joke in a comedy podcast is a hot potato that everyone's going to jump at or it's going to fall to the ground.
Starting point is 00:12:51 One dude is going to really burn his fucking hands if he refuses to let go of it. I do a box office report on this show every week because I do like the fact that people are seeing movies in drive-ins and in uh hopefully movie theaters are are uh you know uh selling way below capacity i mean clearly they are because even even movie theaters that are only doing like 25 capacity they're not even selling out those tickets because there's just a lot of people out there they're just like i'm not even gonna mess with that but uh i do hope that film exhibition stays alive and so i will tell you that the a vince vaughn fan here's the good news it's number one but it's only made
Starting point is 00:13:52 three million 3.7 million okay well that makes you feel better considered a very bad opening for a a big movie uh in normal times but um i guess this freaky movie it's gotten some pretty good reviews because it's it's like taking the freaky friday thing but he you know it's vince vaughn has like a he's like a serial killer who switches bodies with a teenage girl so i am kind of curious to watch that that giant weirdo play a uh pretend to be a teenage girl yeah but i also will wait until it's free to do i bet he studied how they move in porn that's how i that's i feel like he did some work yeah and by the way my uh you know my exclamation was not because i'm i'm not a vince vaughn fan per se it was just because uh the premise of that movie deeply upsets me.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's like, let's just rip off Freaky Friday. If we drop the Friday, nobody's going to notice. Just call it Freaky. And then, of course, at number two is the latest Kevin Costner movie. And so it's also great to see that men are still ruling the box office the people that are braving going out to theaters are just going to see movies about men i'll tell you who's uh comfortable storming into a movie theater and taking their mask off while drinking big gulps men i'll tell you who's comfortable touring the united states doing live comedy yeah man yeah
Starting point is 00:15:26 dude see there seems to be parallels here yeah the number three movie is the war with grandpa that that movie's been in the top five for weeks it's christopher walken and robert de niro uh no doubt embarrassing themselves oh my god i haven't even heard of that. I haven't either. The war with Grandpa? The war with Grandpa is just the impending Thanksgiving. Yeah. Did they do a reboot of Gran Torino? Is this De Niro's second Grandpa movie? He did Dirty Grandpa, right?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Or Uncle Grandpa? Yeah, he's going to try. I assume he'll do a third. I think it's probably a trilogy of Grandpa movies. I hope Martin Scorsese directs a Grandpa movie. Did you guys ever work with Uncle Dirty? Wait, yeah, it was Uncle Dirty. Is that Larry Reeb?
Starting point is 00:16:22 No, that's your Uncle L lair he was uncle something too right yeah uncle lair but uh uncle just uh the the grandpa dirty thing just reminded of uncle dirty he's he's like a he's like an old school i think he worked at atlantic city a lot no i i'm sorry i just totally derailed this conversation for you. No, I'm interested in Uncle Dirty. I never got to work with Uncle Dirty. Okay. Do you think he's still in the game?
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't think so. I think he's Uncle Under Six Feet Dirty. Yeah, because I don't think anybody under 50 or 60 would have Uncle in their, in their name, in their stage name. So he probably has been around for a long time. Yeah. I bet you he's cause uncle dirty, that connotation changed about 15 years ago. So I feel like you wouldn't casually start yourself off with like a light
Starting point is 00:17:23 lean towards pedo in your age. You're right. age. Yeah. Back in the day, uncle dirty, he was probably like, Hey, I'm your uncle dirty. We talk a little trash or whatever. I feel like a new uncle dirty has like a new meaning. It would be like the Blumhouse freaky reboot. It's like uncle dirty. Well, it does, it does feel like, um, you know, with the absence of, of the uncle comedians that there's a an open an opening in the market for me to rebrand myself as uncle julia
Starting point is 00:17:52 it's possible because of kamala kamala harris aunties will be more popular and i would like to pitch auntie julia okay i mean yeah honestly i i i respect that suggestion i like uncle more i think i mean we all get to decide what we are now so if you want to be uncle julia then uh all more power to you thank you thank you so much but you're gonna have the material is gonna be really interesting i think so um i was saying i okay well i'll move on but i thought of another uh comedian that i wanted to talk about oh let's do it anyway because it's kind of a movie thing
Starting point is 00:18:39 laurie did you ever work with a a lady who called herself mrs john hughes yes i did yeah i did with becky pedico in colorado wow i love this that you know specifically where uh she was you know she was a nice enough lady but it always drove me crazy that her you know because i'd often be like emceeing somewhere and she'd you know i'd have to go up after her set was over so i'd have to watch the last part where she did a rap song she and uh and i never forget that i forget the couplet but the very last line was and it's about like her son and that the last line is and i smoked his weed that's like a triumphant moment that some lady smoked her kids weed oh my god but the doug benson biopic that's like your origin story where you
Starting point is 00:19:33 nod your head and you're like weed huh yeah oh the mere mention of it gets applause i'm in um but she would crash right i mean she would destroy but you know there was that very kind of you know it's very old-fashioned to call herself mrs john hughes but when i asked her the first time i met her i stupidly got excited about the name john hughes because i love movies and so i was like oh are you you're married to John Hughes and then she then she told me you know a young comic who's excited about this concept she's like yes yes I am you know like that's that was her response because her husband is of course his name is John Hughes it's a very common name but for years i was just like well she could have just said not that john hughes you know that's a name that somebody should do is like just go on stage as mrs michael jackson
Starting point is 00:20:32 maybe that's how she got all that headlining work is i thought she was married to that a lot of breakfast club fans booking clubs uh my college improv group did a show in the in the like uh cabaret at the at my college uh and we called it david matthews and timothy reynolds uh trying to get like the dave matthews and tim reynolds heads there and we just that was the name of what and then we got there and did like fucking sitting standing kneeling people fucking were pissed this is my impression of an improv show uh today okay we're gonna need a suggestion i've got a suggestion don't do this show now you should see it on zoom it pops even more it's even less humiliating on zoom oh man that's that's a rough one i mean it's it's weird doing stand-up on zoom but
Starting point is 00:21:27 improv on zoom must just be just doesn't yeah podcasts eats improv's lunch it's like why the fuck would you watch an improv show you just listen to choose who you listen to rather than like eight 24 year olds you've never heard of yeah with a a weird name yeah it says the guy by the way who's been doing improper free for 15 years so i i should say what you don't have to pay to do it all right so that's the box office report now here's the part of the show where i ask everybody uh what they've been watching and if they have a film could be a tv show but i prefer movies that you would uh you know wholeheartedly recommend for for people to uh you know watch as a form of escape does anybody have uh something they'd like to recommend on election this is ultimate escapism for me on election day i watched all four um daniel craig james but i ate 100
Starting point is 00:22:36 milligram edible with my coffee and then watched all four daniel craig james bonds yeah i felt oh my god my wife had to like work and i'm just like laying on the couch like mouth uh like dry as fuck watching but daniel craig after daniel craig after daniel craig god i don't even know anything about weed but that sounds like a lot it used to sound like i don't know anything about edibles. I've smoked weed. I've totally done that. Woo, Mrs. Hughes! Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:13 How many milligrams did you smoke? Is that how you measure it? Not when you smoke it, no. John doing 100, that lines up for me. Like, that's where if I was doing edibles, that's about where I'd be at. Because, you know, you build up a tolerance. Yeah, the quarantine has made me, like, really, my tolerance has gone. I'm like a horse now.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I've just been consuming daily at, like, gets earlier every day it's like 3 30 is my cut off i gotta work and then now it's just like you can work stone did i just get high upon waking up every time i've taken an edible i either don't feel it or i am completely on the floor just like incapacitated i there is no in between yeah they're uh they're tricky they're very uh very tricky to uh negotiate you know like sometimes you take one you end up sitting to four five four james bond movies which which they're not short movies no you're talking like 10 hours. You put some time in. Yeah. And did you walk away with, like, where are you at with, you know, we just lost Sean Connery. Who's your, is Daniel Craig now your favorite Bond?
Starting point is 00:24:34 He currently is. It was Roger Moore previously, but Daniel Craig kept this, like, you know, five on the Kinsey scale, hetero, for 10 hours he's a he's he's something special that daniel craig he is handsome as fuck and his like he he's playing like the corniest character ever and he's pulling it off like so well it's it was it was very enjoyable for me also it's very funny how many foot chases j Bond is involved in. It feels like it should be below like the tuxedo martini guy, but he's constantly running from or after people. And I was like, this feels like a job you pass along.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Once you're 007, you're like, send in the runner guys. I just kind of fuck and like deal with high level lasers and shit. In one of those movies, he, he's like on a building that completely collapses and he walks away he's like on the roof and he just ends up walking down to the ground as it collapses you guys are just jealous that you can't do that that's a hundred percent part of why i like it so much is that i'm very jealous of daniel craig yeah do you feel like they audition their running styles because he and tom cruise have a very distinct but powerful running style.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And I feel like if you had kind of your arms were flailing a little bit, you'd be a terrible James Bond. You have to have a really powerful arm pump when you run. Yeah, that's actually why I was passed over and people don't talk about that. over and people don't talk about that i think if they're i think if their legs these if tom cruise or daniel craig's legs get give out they'd still keep moving forward just because of the arm pumping cruise is maybe the best on-camera runner like yeah he really is he's a fucking movie star he just like yeah he is so you know everything about him him makes my head hurt. But you see him on screen and you're like, God damn. Yeah, you see him on screen and you're like, I don't care what happened to Shelly Miscavige.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I just need more of this guy. He is a little bit of propaganda where you're like, I mean, Scientology does work sometimes. This dude worked out pretty well for one guy. like this worked out pretty well for one guy um that's the thing is i think he just throws himself into everything with such enthusiasm yeah that's how he got caught up in scientology is he's just like he's just an intense dude and so like you know what what's left when you're one of the biggest movie stars in the world and you have all the money you want and all the weird wives that will just pretend to be your wife? You know, what's left besides like, you know, religious power?
Starting point is 00:27:18 You know, he can't run for office because I don't think he's that kind of smart. No. Right. because i don't think he's that kind of smart no right yeah i mean scientology is like all the auditing or whatever is just uh you getting to talk about yourself for the whole time so i just i think it it's like nexium yeah the ems it feels a lot like that yeah yeah i mean that's what they borrowed it from. That's, yeah, that's basically what, what it's based off of is, is the Scientology auditing. You're just talking about yourself and then the, the parent organization uses all of your secrets against you, um, which is, you know, a personal dream of mine. Uh, so that's, that's where I'm headed.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah. They have the secrets from Tom Cruise, like that he really didn't give his all while making night and day with cameron ds but it's so weird with stand-up now like the more secrets you divulge you know you almost don't need jokes sometimes the way some people are just kind of using their their past as material yeah he could just convert everything that he gave them to stand-up material is what i'm saying and be free and he would be the next mrs john hughes yes uh okay john gabrus if you if people don't have 10 hours to commit to daniel craig james bond movies which one would you say having just watched them all is your favorite oh my uh my favorite of them is probably uh casino royale i know it's the first one but it's really exciting it has eva green who's beautiful and it has um one of the most unusual like when a bad guy
Starting point is 00:29:10 ties somebody down to torture his balls it has some real uh bdsm stuff where he's hitting james bond in the cock with a big uh knotted up piece of rope and you're like i've accidentally watched videos like this just the flourish that he gives like the guy had to practice hitting somebody in the balls with a knotted up rope like he's really good at it and the fact that his tail in poker is when his eye tears blood is like when he's bluffing it's like so arch it's so awesome to go his eyes tearing blood he must be bluffing go all in i like that uh that one i like the theme song isn't that the one that the sound garden guy uh yes with chris cornell chris yeah chris parnell he does the rap he does a rap with andy sandberg uh okay so uh julia what have you uh have you been watching anything that you'd recommend
Starting point is 00:30:15 yeah i uh i last night i watched um a bigger splash that it's like a, uh, Luca Guadagnino movie from 2015 before he did call me by her name. Yeah. It's like a Ray fines. Yeah. And Rafe plays, Rafe is so good in it and he plays maybe the most annoying character I've ever seen portrayed on screen and he fucking knocks it out of the park. Yeah. He really really that guy has a
Starting point is 00:30:47 lot of range he really does and also i'm just like tilda swinton also stars in it and i'm just like kind of endlessly fascinated by her i think she's just the coolest alien princess uh in the world hell yeah um i will say that going back to like watching movies hi my early early in quarantine my roommate and i ate edibles and then watched uh moonstruck for the first time i had never seen it and uh i don't know if you know this but if you get too high and then watch that movie like moonstruck is fully a horror movie um it's i don't know nicholas cage is terrifying in it and yeah every time he like is waving around that wooden hand and screaming about i've got a wooden hand oh my god this guy is gonna kill somebody yeah and he just like i mean he speaks like he can't read a little bit um yeah the where are you taking
Starting point is 00:31:49 me to the bed it's so scary it's so scary i don't know yes i can't recommend that but i did really like a bigger a bigger splash but my favorite movie that i've watched in quarantine was uh god's own country which is like a love story set in like an english farming town that's uh two hot guys hot like farmhand men falling in love it's the same guy who plays prince charles on the, young Prince Charles on The Crown. And it's called In God's Country? It's called God's Own Country. Oh, God's Own Country. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:32:34 The performances are, like, really spectacular. Very good. Okay. And do you know if that's available, like, streaming somewhere? Yeah, yeah. It's on, I think I might have watched it on Canopy, but I think it's also on Netflixflix or hulu or something like that it's definitely on the streaming services it's really really good all right i'll track it down and then share it with everybody on my uh on the douglas movies twitter whichever one should follow by the way uh laurie what about you what's uh
Starting point is 00:33:02 have you had time to watch anything you've been busy going to gigs that don't happen this ate up a lot of time um you know i uh i just it's not a movie i but i just re-watched breaking bad and um it was so different the second time around i saw your tweets about it yeah me too yeah it was so it was so cool the first time and i i guess you know aside from maybe the sopranos there hadn't been a tv show like that where the lee everyone was awful almost everyone is an awful person and uh this time around was so depressing and walt was walt was a for some reason i thought that he turned bad but he was a shitty person before he found out he had cancer flare-ups you know and then then it was yeah it was it was eye-opening to to remember how differently i i felt about it just 10 years ago
Starting point is 00:34:08 10 years ago yeah they the woman who plays his wife on the show uh is is a terrific actress and but you know like i remember hating her because she was always in the way of walt what walt was trying to do for the rest of his family and you know and then reading your tweets i was like yeah i bet you that's not going to hold up. I bet I'd go the other way on that. Cause you know, the, you know the whole story, but you know, and, and that, that yeah, that the hatred that was thrown at her for I mean, she still won some acting awards and stuff. Cause the show was just, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:34:45 But it's also early on. And this is a spoiler for anybody who hasn't gotten around to Breaking Bad. You know, what is it, season three or four where like Walt is essentially responsible in a way for an entire plane full of people crashing? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes. Indirectly. Yes. Yeah. full of people crashing yeah oh yeah yes indirectly yes yeah it's indirect but it's still like oh boy i mean uh this guy he's irredeemable at that point and yet he's still the hero of the show for several more seasons yeah you're like i uh i skylar keeps getting in the way of him senselessly killing people and also selling a drug that's destroyed an entire economic class of people it's like what a fucking bitch yeah he's just trying to get you know buy a new pair of crutches
Starting point is 00:35:32 for his son oh my god his his son's the only good good yeah yeah i think he is i i and do you remember that that thing going around on twitter there There was somebody tweeted like a year ago, like, uh, about that show saying like the show's villain. And then there was a picture of, of Walt and then it says the actual villain. And it said, and it was Skylar, a picture of Skylar. And I was like, dude, just say you fucking hate women. I know it's a wife really annoys me. It's like, oh, yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:09 He's bringing his home life into this criticism. Even the way he spoke to Jesse in the RV, he was just so rude and condescending. That's such a funny criticism to have about like two guys cooking meth. It's true though. But he was sort of like that all the time. And then he had the fake voice when he was fake nice to his kid and his kid didn't pick up on it. It was so, yeah, I just, uh, it was hard to finish because I hated him so much, you know, but I loved Gus Fring and you know after he went it was hard to hard to finish it because I I thought that performance was brilliant. Giancarlo Esposito
Starting point is 00:36:51 was so good in that. Yeah and his death in that is just so so like a horror movie. I love it it's like it's so crazy. In Dark Knight. Or like a cartoon it's like a cartoon. A person can, like, half of them fall off. As a wily coyote, yeah. Yeah, it's like that happened to Daffy Duck once, I think. What about, have you gotten into Better Call Saul at all? Yeah, that's kind of what got me back into Breaking Bad is I started Better Call Saul thinking the whole thing was finished and I could enjoy the entire series.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And then when I finished it, I'm like, this isn't wrapped up at all. And then I read that they're holding back on shooting six until they can do it safely. So I was like, yeah. I mean, it's already a lot of scenes out in the desert where they're standing far apart. But yeah, if anybody can do it,
Starting point is 00:37:45 I think they can pull it off. I love that show. And like, you know, at first I was like, I kind of like this better than Breaking Bad. And now it's Better Call Saul is something I would watch in its entirety again, but like I can walk away from Breaking Bad for life basically. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Cause Better Call Saul, there's a lot more shading in everybody. Everybody's kind of got a good side, even though they're still basically all villains. Yeah, and they just linger on scenes in a way that I really like that TV hasn't done in a long time. And they always have some intro camera angle that's just wild. And then they go into the scene. But it's just such a visually, such a unique way to enter a scene and they do that at least two or three times an episode what about uh the breaking bad movie did you add that on at the end when you watched it all
Starting point is 00:38:36 is there a movie i forgot yeah it's called uh el camino what yeah it's uh it's you know it's basically about jesse but they managed to get walt in there in one of those i hate when they uh de-age an actor with special oh no no yeah it's it's that part's kind of rough to watch it's kind of like all of the irishmen oh that's his third grandpa movie irish grandpa irish grandpa all right so laurie's recommendation is to hate watch breaking bad again yes everybody do that um Thank you for all of your recommendations. I just want to throw in that, you know, obviously everybody loves it. I'm not, you know, I'm not bringing up anything anybody doesn't know,
Starting point is 00:39:32 but the Queen's Gambit is really good. Oh, I just finished that last night, too. I really enjoyed it. I was just talking to Josh Gondelman about that today, and he said that it's way darker than he was expecting it's like sad oh for me it was the opposite yeah i don't want to do any spoilers but i couldn't believe that it wasn't i was expecting a bleak show and it was like it was just casual and sweet the whole way for me oh man i well i i haven't watched that's also me and gonnellman on a
Starting point is 00:40:03 spectrum to pretty much like if you know both of us that makes sense that we both feel that way well the setup is you know the first hour is you know it's never fun watching you know someone be orphaned and then live in a shitty orphanage i mean speak for yourself speak for yourself, Doug. But it ultimately really is a movie about someone that's not defined by their past trauma. And in that sense, it's very triumphant. So check it out if you. Right. And the the the adopted mother's living room is a symphony of teals and blues that I can't get enough of. Yeah, and that's Marielle Heller acting.
Starting point is 00:40:51 She's a wonderful director and has made great movies. Wait, is that Emily's sister? Yes, yes. The mom? It's the mom, right? Isn't that wild? I had no idea. She's such a good actress.
Starting point is 00:41:03 She's so good in that role and she took it just as a like i wanted to take a break from directing oh my god yeah she's so good as the mom yeah she did uh she does she directs movies that are hard to remember the titles like can you ever forgive me and a beautiful day in the neighborhood and the other one's like a diary of a teenage girl or a teenage girl's diary. They are like full phrases. Damn. I love lady is crazy talented. And she's married to Jorma to cone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:34 That's a very talented power. Yeah. I found all that out when I just looked up her name while, while watching queen's gambit. Cause I thought she was so good on that. I think, can you ever, can you ever forgive me? It was so good on that. I think Can You Ever Forgive Me was so good.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It was awesome. I know that some people thought it was a little slow or something like that, but I loved it. I saw it in theaters more than once. I thought it was so... I thought everybody... Richard E. Grant, I would watch him
Starting point is 00:42:00 read the newspaper. Is that about a woman who steals... I'm thinking of something else she she forges she forges documents yes it's like forging historical documents right great letters it's so good obviously melissa mccarthy is amazing it's really it's so i don't know it's so good i think it was i think it was a little a little slept on i'll say it know. It's so good. I think it was, I think it was a little, a little slept on. I'll say it for sure. That's a good one. Let's let's let's add that to the list of things. I will to your point though, Doug, I feel like that title of that movie doesn't make you remember the movie at
Starting point is 00:42:36 all. You know, there's nothing about it that connects it. I'm not the fan of random sentences that are slapped on as a title. I'd rather they just you know they there's so many things they could have called that movie yeah yeah like easier forgery lady the famous like uh joaquin phoenix has movies that are like wish you were here you've never really here and you were never really there and then there's also like a bob dylan movie that has a similar title it's like so i can never figure out which one of those is which yeah and he's also like a Bob Dylan movie that has a similar title. It's like, so I can never figure out which one of those is which. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And he's also got, he's got two movies that like if they switch titles, it would make perfect sense. There's a movie that's not a Western called don't worry. He won't get far on foot. Right. It's not a Western. It's not a Western.
Starting point is 00:43:22 It's a guy, it's a cartoonist in a wheelchair. And then the, the, then he's in a Western. It's not a Western. And it's a guy, it's a cartoonist in a wheelchair. And then he's in a Western called The Sisters Brothers. Oh, yeah. That movie's great. I really enjoyed The Sisters Brothers. It's very unpleasant, though. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Very unpleasant things happen in that movie. Yes, it's brutal, but I enjoyed that movie. I also, I didn't like that uh when when birdman came out birdman had uh it was birdman or parentheses the unexpected virtue of ignorance yeah i choose bird just give me the option i don't understand i don't even understand that the punctuation like why is or inside the parentheses and why is it in parentheses if it's an alternate another time i didn't get any no it's the or that's what's so chaotic about it it says birdman or parentheses the unexpected virtue of ignorance isn't that just pure chaos i guess because i don't
Starting point is 00:44:20 even i didn't even remember it right um but great movie though good movie great movie if you're in the mood for a lot of uh drumming yeah the soundtrack is just like drumming all the time like uh you know it's it's like you're watching uh I love watching that Miles Teller movie. I'd love to watch that Miles Teller movie, Footloose. All right. Well, thanks for the recommendations. And it's time for me to say, shall we play a game? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Somebody wants to. Great. Yeah. I guess it's time for us to say yes. I thought you were going to say. Great. Yeah. I guess it's time for us to say yes. Okay. I thought you were going to say it then. Yeah. We'll be right back to play a game after this, these words. Hey, we're back.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And I'm excited to play this game with my guests today. I've really enjoyed playing it over the last couple of months. The game is called Weird Algorithm. And I think, John, you might have played it the last time you were on? Maybe. It's the game where IMDB, the Internet Movie Database, has this peculiar function where you can take the cast of anything and hit refine, and it'll list them instead of order of
Starting point is 00:45:47 billing in order of their popularity at the moment that you're uh looking you know looking at it because imdb has a popularity index where uh the all the different uh actors you know rise and fall. And so it's always interesting results based on, like a movie that stars Harrison Ford, somebody in a small supporting role could be listed above him on this popularity listing just because they're in the news or they've got a new project that people are excited about. So it's a ends up being a fun guessing game where you don't necessarily need to know a lot. It's a you can kind of luck into a win. So what I'll do is I'll name a movie. We'll go alphabetically. So we'll start with Julia Clare. I'll name a movie. And then all you have to do is try to guess who would be the top,
Starting point is 00:46:48 the number one most popular individual in that film today according to IMDb. And then after we get Julia's answer, we'll go to John and then to Lori. Each of you will play three rounds. Each of you will get a chance to go first.
Starting point is 00:47:04 You get three points if you name the number one person, two for two and one for three. And everybody can share answers if you want. It's not terribly strategic, but you can give the same answer as somebody else if you think they took the correct one. And I'll remind you how this works as we go, if anybody's confused.
Starting point is 00:47:28 The first film, Julia, is Knives Out. Speaking of Daniel Craig. Yeah. He's in that, of course, along with lots of other famous people. My guess at this would be Chris Evans. That's a very good guess. Chris Evans, popular,
Starting point is 00:47:50 popular actor. He was wonderful. Hog people loved his sweater in that. I mean, I, it's wrong end of the sentence there. Sorry. It's such a good movie.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And I really want um the whole aesthetic of that movie to be like the theme at my funeral or something oh that'd be great like a big chair of knives that's uh yeah people stand in front of while delivering a eulogy and also just like yeah just like shelves lined with books and like persian rugs and very yeah very spooky that's what i'm that's what i'm trying to go out with ryan johnson is uh sounds like he's fired up to do like a sequel or or at least another uh whodunit kind of movie which people are just not making anymore i know episodic television to see to see that kind of thing and um uh it was really knives out is super fun okay so julia's going with uh chris chris evans yeah what do you think john i just for uh
Starting point is 00:48:56 just because he's on my mind i gotta go with my boy dc daniel craig that's fair did you like his accent in night i had i was fully engulfed by knives out i liked everything about it yeah i enjoyed it thoroughly yeah his accent really is uh just a russian roulette situation i don't know what he's doing they're lucky there was any scenery left after all the chewing you did. What do you think, Lori? Well, just to answer differently, so I don't, you know, just copy John or Julia. I'm going to say Jamie Lee Curtis. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Okay. She is beautiful in that movie. I'm just here to be. That woman is so hot in that movie She looks amazing with white hair Yeah she looks great Yeah She leads a real Activia lifestyle We call her
Starting point is 00:50:02 One white Jamie here Does anybody want to change their answer is everybody locked in i'm locked in i'm locked in okay producer matt just sent me uh his guest via text and i'd like him to stop doing that uh okay so um uh coming in at uh i'll go all the way to number six uh is uh good old jgl joseph gordon levitt right and then number five kind of a shocker chris evans what yeah he didn't crack the uh the top three also joseph where is joseph gLevitt even in Knives Out? Oh, is he?
Starting point is 00:50:48 What am I thinking of? Joseph Gordon-Levitt? I can't pick. Is he one of the siblings? I don't remember him. I think he's a detective. I'm just looking on a cast list. Now that you mention it, he must just pop in somewhere, maybe even uncredited because imdb loves
Starting point is 00:51:06 the uncredited performances but that's so funny when i wrote it down i didn't even think wait is he even in that um all right so number four sad to say it's your boy daniel craig oh man yeah because you know who's at number three tony collette oh my god right she is so good all the time yeah he's eternal should have been oscar nominated for hereditary um but um has anybody been watching or watched Unbelievable on Netflix? Oh, yes. Great. She is so good in that. Along with Merritt Weaver, the two of them team up to stop rape.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Also a terrible title. Oh, yeah. It tells me nothing. Really bad. I think it's based on, wasn't it based on a couple of articles and maybe one of them had that word in the article? Probably. Yeah. But it's a it's a good series. I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, but I've been watching it. Coming in at number two, worth two points for Lori.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's Jamie Lee Curtis. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I'm going to try to not gloat. I am genuinely, I was so confident about my answer. I am shocked. And you know what I'll say? I'm disappointed in Chris Evans. And I will put this on him. Yeah, well, I'm sure he'll be running back up the popularity scale pretty soon. Because he's always up to something. He's Captainica and all over
Starting point is 00:52:45 well julia you did just have your ass handed to you so i hope you handle it well yeah i think i i won't spot yeah i personally won't handle it well but that's just really my process i think jamie lee curtis uh scored so highly because she, you know, she's in the next Halloween movie. You know, they put her in the last one and now she's going to be in another one that they've gone ahead and delayed the release. The movie's done and they've delayed the release until next Halloween. Wow. least until next halloween wow yeah which i mean i guess they think that's a smart move financially but uh it's just sad to me that we can't even if it's just on tv i'd just rather see it now yeah instead of wait but uh number one from knives out anna de armas no way yeah hey cool
Starting point is 00:53:42 she's probably getting a lot of google and she's and her and her career is like even more lifting off than everyone else's. Yeah. I mean, she's incredible in that movie. She is like, I just didn't I had never seen her in anything before that movie. Yeah. This this is her big her big break. Right. But she was she was amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I love the close ups of her face. Yeah. amazing i love the close-ups of her face yeah she's um number one right now of this cast i believe because the movie she did with keanu reeves years ago called knock knock is uh very popular on netflix right now oh yes i just saw that uh the classic horror movie of oh no my wife's gonna find out i did something sketchy like men right we write movies where it's like what if two chicks seduce you and it's gonna get you in trouble with your wife it's a huge problem in life yeah it's uh it's really the whole movie you're just like oh poor keanu because we also know real life keanu there's there's probably hardly anybody with a better
Starting point is 00:54:44 reputation than him. Oh my God. You know, he's like the Tom Cruise that's not in Scientology. Yeah. Right. And he dates women that are sort of his age. Age appropriate. Vaguely age appropriate women.
Starting point is 00:54:57 We love to see it. Yeah, sort of. Yeah, I think we meaning the four of us. Yeah. yeah i think we meaning the four of us i read the sort of his sort of his age part yeah in the ballpark i guess um okay so but he's also too busy learning how to you know shoot guns of all different types for his John wick movies. You know, he's really married to his career, I think. Yeah. And I hear he's very funny in that Allie Wong movie with Allie Wong and Randall Park that I still have not seen.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I watched about half of it on a plane. It was really good. You got to finish it. Yeah. They say he's really funny in that. Oh, the, the, yeah, that movie is great. And Keanu is very fun in that everyone's good in that what's ali and randall it all always be my maybe is that the one yes again it's a phrase that's very hard to yes people have to stop this i haven't i haven't i haven't seen it but i yeah i'll watch i will watch anything ali wong just don't even know when you're saying the title of a movie anymore. You could be like, hey, I'm going to go to the store. Oh, I've seen that. Yeah, and you're saying they don't make whodunits
Starting point is 00:56:11 anymore. They don't make very comedy-leaning rom-coms anymore. No, the rom-com is really so sad. There's one good one every 10 years now. Yeah, and they don't even make non-comic book action movies anymore like all my that's like all the movies i grew up liking uh rom-coms
Starting point is 00:56:32 whodunits uh legal thrillers and uh action movies they just don't make anything like that anymore it's insane did you guys see there's this uh i guess lifetime they're releasing you know holiday movies and all that kind of stuff. Stuff that they started filming recently. And they're having the actors kiss through plexiglass. And then they'll remove the plexiglass in post. So, it looks like they're actually kissing each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I mean, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. Yeah. I mean that's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life yeah I mean their lips will be all mashed backwards but somehow they're gonna take it yeah what was the there's an example of it specific actors but now I forget who it was but yeah that's
Starting point is 00:57:18 the that's the plan just kiss some plastic like where's that plastic bin I want the history of that plastic all right coming up next another movie that uh has a big cast of uh pretty famous people and and chris evans is one of them so you already kind of know where chris evans stands in general on imdb today uh it's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Oh, so good.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's one of my favorites. It's a real go-to for like just if I just want to just have fun, wash over me and not worry about anything. It's so fun. And it was the 10-year anniversary of it was recently. So I re-watched it and it total, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:58:04 It's a gem thank you you did great i'll still take credit what do you think uh let's start with john this round who do you think from the amazing cast of scott pilgrim who would be uh number? Shit. Number one. Why am I... Aubrey Plaza. That's an interesting pick. What do you think, Laurie? I'm going to say Kieran Culkin.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Ooh! Oh, that's a... That hurts so good. He's great in that movie and he's great on Succession. Yeah. To keep my streak alive, God, Jerry is so hot. Oh my God. Seriously, I want that exact dynamic so bad.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Julia, what do you think? Brie larson i was hoping you'd go chris evans again i can't well i can't because he's he's wronged me yeah you blamed him so you're gonna talk with him again uh okay is everybody locked in locked um i find um i find this very interesting uh coming in at number 13 of the cast of that movie is michael cera scott pilgrim himself titular character yeah so he he needs to do something he needs to because he's great and uh that's way too low but then let's jump all the way up to number four is uh she plays his sister anna kendrick oh yeah in a very small role for her but she's she's great like everybody in that movie uh and then uh number three which puts julia
Starting point is 01:00:02 on the board i believe is, is Brie Larson. Okay. I said it the way she did with a question mark at the end. And then this is a real heartbreaker. Number two is Chris Evans. No way. Goddamn. And then number one, and I feel how this is the right thing to do ramona flowers mary elizabeth winston oh my god no that's crazy yeah but i mean she's she's great
Starting point is 01:00:36 she's so great because the movie the entire movie hinges on everybody going yeah i'd fight for her yeah you know yeah she's more awesome than anybody else like and she really pulls it off she sells it and i think she's number one because she was great in the recent season of fargo which i think all of fargo yes yes that's what it was um she also is in the birds of prey uh with margot Robbie, the Harley Quinn movie. That was the last movie I saw in theaters before the pandemic happened.
Starting point is 01:01:11 That was my last one, too. The last one I saw was The Gentleman, so I'm fine with not doing it. Oh, no. I mean, Matthew McConaughey selling weed, you would think that movie would be made for me. And when I watched the trailer, I was like,
Starting point is 01:01:28 I don't know if it's exactly made for me. It's so yappy. It's really, it's as chatty as Succession, but what they're talking about isn't as interesting. And to be honest, I actually, I left partway through the movie because I was like, well, I can just watch this at home because things were starting to lock down when I saw it. And I was just like, this isn't even worth, I shouldn't even be in this.
Starting point is 01:01:53 There weren't that many other people in the theater, but I still felt weird, so got out of there. Okay, so let's do one more round. We're running a little long on time, so we'll jump right into it. Lori has two. Julie has one. John, this is your chance. You can do it.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Uh-oh. The film is, I know we just, the season, Halloween season's over, but I feel like it's Halloween year-round now. Beetlejuice. I knew you were going to say Beetlejuice. One of my favorites. One of my favorites.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Just watched it. Did you see the Broadway musical? No, I have not. Yes, I did. It's so good. It was awesome. It's so much fun. You know, I dare say more fun than the movie,
Starting point is 01:02:39 but, you know, it wouldn't have existed without the movie. So I take it back. I love the movie. So I love the movie so much. I, I like, I feel that I was raised on, I saw it at a very young age and I keep watching it. I love it so much. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Lori, you go first this time. Who do you think out of the cast of Beetlejuice? Boy. Well, you know what? You got to go big or go home, right? So I'm going to say Michael Keaton. Okay. Recently appearing in Trial of Chicago 7.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Playing Michael Keaton. Man, that guy, he looks like he's chewing gum even when he doesn't have gum in his mouth. That's true. That's true about him. What, that guy, he looks like he's chewing gum even when he doesn't have gum in his mouth. That's true. That's true about him. What do you think, Julia? I think because of Schitt's Creek,
Starting point is 01:03:32 probably Catherine O'Hara. That's a great choice. John? That was going to be mine, but I'm going to just pick a different one for the sporting sake and say because of the voicemail he left his daughter, it's Alec Baldwin.
Starting point is 01:03:50 His daughter who's now 45. Yes. She's not a little piggy anymore. She's a grown up piggy. Can I say, when that came out, I don't know, maybe I was just not that scandalized by that. I was just like, what are you, none of you guys have an Irish dad?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Yeah, he's also a Long Island dad. My dad wasn't Irish, but I had a Long Island dad. If my dad knew how to leave a voicemail or didn't die before that tech took off, I would have him like that. When Alec Baldwin got in trouble for playing words with friends on a plane, I was like, he has friends? All right. So the bad news about Alec Baldwin is he came in number five. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:38 That's going to happen. Yeah. Number four, Michael Keaton. Cool. Yeah. Number three, Gina Davis. four michael keaton cool yeah number three gina davis the great archer yeah yeah that's right she's an olympic archer yeah and uh number two because she's been uh kind of uh in and out of the news and um has a hit show on netflix winona rider yeah oh yeah yeah and then uh coming in number one you nailed it julia it's katherine o'hara hell yeah hey hell yeah great in that
Starting point is 01:05:14 movie great in schitt's creek and great as a person in general she's great in literally everything yeah so good also winona is so good in everything. Yes. I think they really get a fine cast with Beetlejuice, and it's a classic for a reason. But Julia wins this game with four points. Congratulations, Julia. Thank you. Excellent work. Back some more time on the show.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah, good job, Julia. Down a Titan like John Gabrus and a feisty newbie named laurie kilmartin it was like the queen's gambit back here in the in the second half of the spot yes that's the other thing i love about queen's gambit is you do not learn anything about how chess works you just have to have a clean ceiling and then you can become really good at chess. Yeah. They don't expect you to understand. They just expect you to care and it works. Like, Oh yes, I'm excited now too. Let's talk plugs. Julia, do you have anything you want people to watch you do?
Starting point is 01:06:23 No, not watch. I would not recommend that um no i i have a podcast called reply guys with my my co-host k willett who's another very funny comedian yes she was on this great podcast couple months ago thank you thank you laurie um it's yeah it's it's fun give. Give it a listen if you want. Or don't. That's up to you. I love a podcast that people have the choice whether or not to listen to it. I think it's good. Well, you just reminded people of their rights. That's true. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I like podcasts that aren't pushy. What about, let's go to John Gabrus, the High and Mighty. Yeah, I have my podcast, High and Mighty, and I also have a Patreon movie podcast called Action Boys, which you can get at with a Z. And it's optional, like most podcasts,
Starting point is 01:07:20 like Julia's podcast is optional. And since it costs money, it's more than likely a no but uh there are some free episodes we have a free feed in the podcast app and you can get free episodes at the action boys that biz uh patreon page so check us out there that's great i you know i've been enjoying doing my weed show getting dug with high on patreon so maybe maybe we can do you have guests on high and mighty i mean excuse me on action boys we we do every once in a while yeah yeah if you want if you want me to come by and talk uh about action boys i would i would love to do so oh yeah
Starting point is 01:07:57 let's do it bro okay uh and uh laurie kill martin um I have a mandatory podcast. Finally. Is it Biden's idea that everybody does? Yeah, it's very socialist. Like Biden, of course. It comes with an iPhone, like the U2 album. It's called The Jackie and Laurie Show, do with Jackie Kayshun.
Starting point is 01:08:23 You mentioned it at the top of the show. It's just us. We have no guests guests we talk about comedy and stuff of it and yeah any laurie any laurie 16 a-n-y-l-a and like like you i uh admire john's uh twitter handle yeah i didn't take it seriously when i came up with mine and now it's a pain in the ass all the time yeah john that's like that's the the low-numbered license plate of the internet yeah i i've rare i've not met a gabrus that i haven't been related to yet in my entire life and i've only met a handful but now there's liz garbus who's not now she's been around for even longer than me but the closest the closest i've ever seen is uh liz garbus since like people always get my name
Starting point is 01:09:05 wrong that's like the common mispronounce mispronunciation of my name and now there's a person in my life who has that she's the documentarian who makes amazing she did the uh uh michelle mcnamara series for hbo oh wow is gapers uh greek well that's the thing uh my dad didn't really know his real dad because he was abandoned, so we don't know without 23andMe, but we think it's we think it was like Gabruski at Ellis Island, and it's like Eastern European or Polish or something.
Starting point is 01:09:33 When he was abandoned, did he learn to play chess in an orphanage? No, he learned to drink from his single mother. So some parts of Queen's Gambit are true for him more the substance abuse less the games that he wins money doing i'm in a documentary that's coming out one month from today that you can pre-order it's called the last blockbuster and uh you can get it at uh your pre-orders in
Starting point is 01:10:00 at last blockbuster movie oh cool it's all about the, there's only one Blockbuster video rental store in existence, and it's in Bend, Oregon. I got to go visit and walk around and share my thoughts, and it's a whole documentary about that place. Thank you once again to Laurie Kilmartin, Julia Clare, and John Gabrus. And hope to have you all back again real soon. And as always, looks like I'm walking.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I'm walking. A goldfish viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you. Cause Doug loves movies.

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