Doug Loves Movies - Mark Ellis, Chris Sullivan and Clarke Wolfe guest

Episode Date: August 5, 2024

Doug welcomes Mark Ellis, Chris Sullivan and Clarke Wolfe to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as it pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see because Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey, and one more. Hey, everybody. My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug loves movies recording on Sunday afternoon August 4th 2024 my guests today are Mark Ellis Chris Sullivan and Clark wolf hello Hello and another hey Let's meet them individually and alphabetically by first name. It's his first time on the show after a triumphant appearance on Wide World of Dugs. It's Chris Sullivan.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It was. It didn't feel like a real triumph. I mean, you won that episode. There's only one guest on that show, but you definitely ran away with it. That's right. Thank goodness. Yeah. Welcome to this show You just recently launched your own podcast. Can you tell us about that? Yeah, correct. It's called that was us It is a this is us rewatch podcast with my good friends
Starting point is 00:01:19 Mandy Moore and Sterling K Brown We we only got six seasons of the show, and we didn't want the fun to end, and we loved hanging out. So we decided to go back and re-watch it for ourselves and walk everybody through our experience. So that is available on YouTube and everywhere you get your podcasts, Doug. It sounds absolutely lovely, but do people
Starting point is 00:01:42 have to have like tissues standing by? Like is it, does it remind everybody of how often that show was so very, very sad? It can, it can get a little, it can deal with grief, but I think one of the, one of the kind of skills that three of us have is to kind of point out the great levity that the show also contains. So yeah, bring your tissues, but be prepared to laugh, Doug. How do you think you would fare if you had to do a movie trivia contest against your co-host Mandy Moore and Sterling K. Brown?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, that's interesting. I think we're actually pretty evenly matched Mandy Moore and Sterling K Brown. Well, that's interesting. I think we're actually pretty evenly matched. Although Sterling watches just about everything there is in modern times. I don't know how well his film history is. I might have him there, but I think we do pretty well matched. Okay. Well, for today, I have two other guests joining us and
Starting point is 00:02:49 The first of which is a frequent guest on the show. It's Clark Wolf. Hi Clark. Hi. Thanks for having me back Doug it's always good to talk to you and especially About movies. So let me ask you this. Out of the three Guardians of the Galaxy movies, which one is your favorite? The first one, the first one. That is not the right answer. Your right answer. Number three, Sullivan.
Starting point is 00:03:17 No, no, it's Chris Sullivan in part two. You're supposed to say part two is my favorite. My favorite character is Taserface. I'm going to do you one better, Doug. I got onto the zoom right at the mark. And usually I'm the first one, but I was working on something and I got distracted. I am a huge Chris Sullivan fan. I am a huge This Is Us fan.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I love it. It was my favorite because I'm a big horror person. And so anytime anybody would ask me like, oh, what are you watching? I'm like, this is us. This Is Us is my favorite show on television. And they're like, really? And also Chris Sullivan, your accent work is so good in the Nick that I actually Googled you to look up if you were actually.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Wow. Yeah. actually Google to to look up if you were actually. Wow, yeah, so while Guardians Part 1 is my favorite, it remains a huge crystal in advance. Well, thank you, Clark. That's really nice. You're welcome. Oh, so you thought he is one of those sneaky like British actors that does an American voice in This Is Us and then does his natural speaking voice in in the neck. Actually, yes, at first that is This Is Us and then does his natural speaking voice in the Nick?
Starting point is 00:04:26 Actually, yes, at first, that is what I thought. And then I Googled it and I learned. I learned what I was all the, I was wiser then. But yeah, I'm very, very happy to be here. And Mark Ellis is cool too. I just, I've known him for a long time and he already knows I'm a big fan. So, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:43 We're sick of each other. Yeah, we really are. Yeah yeah let's not get ahead of ourselves sorry we're talking to you right now Clark about Chris gosh what are my favorite arcs no I'm just kidding that's TV we'll do it for Doug loves TV okay if that ever gets off the ground, I'm having trouble getting funding. So our third guest today mops the floor with the other two guests down in Sweet Home, San Diego on preview night at Comic Con. It's Mark Ellis. Thank you. Thank you, Doug.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And look, I'm not here to to rain on this Chris Sullivan parade, but Guardians of the Galaxy 2, his performance took me out of the movie, Doug. I was so in it, and then I saw Chris show up and I'm like, uh-uh, I'm out. Yeah. Oh, no. Because it was so good? Because it was so good?
Starting point is 00:05:37 It was too masterful and nuanced. That's right, it rose above, it pulled the movie into, I was trying to pull the movie into something into something it wasn't which is my fault. Well, here's here's why I would not be good on a TV version of the shows because when Chris said he's doing the podcast with this is us in my head. I heard the last of us and I was like, oh, that's a cool concept. I was like, it's interesting that Mandy Moore and Sterling K Brown and Chris are all big fans of this zombie show, but I guess I'll have to check it out.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Well, you know, maybe once they get through six seasons of their own show, you know, maybe they do go and jump over to a recap of every episode of The Last of Us. And any show that has us in the title, I guess. This is us discusses the last of us last of us I mean the episode where Rebecca gives her last wishes to the kids oh my god all right I've got a bone to pick with you to mark Ellis and it's called long legs of Mark Ellis and it's called Long Legs. I'm here for this discourse. Oh, no, Mark made it his recommendation on the San Diego show.
Starting point is 00:06:53 But it was the most like, I don't know. You'll maybe you won't like it. Maybe you will. It was the most wishy washy recommendation. And I went and saw it. And now I know why I would give a similarly wishy waswashy recommendation. And I went and saw it and now I know why. I would give a similarly wishy-washy recommendation because it's one of those movies
Starting point is 00:07:11 where I think you have to really like exactly what that movie is doing. You have to be predisposed to what that movie is doing. Because I just couldn't get into it. I thought it was well-made and that Nicholas Cage, of course, delivered the weirdness, but I thought that I was never scared by it. I don't know if I was supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's a risky movie to recommend to people. That's actually why I used it as my rec, because we were in front of a live house, sold out crowd in San Diego, 200 people at the show, and I just had to talk about I just had to get it off my chest and be like, I don't know what I just watched, but I need to share this with you all. So I felt like it was more of a safe space for me than a
Starting point is 00:07:52 movie recommendation. Yeah, so as such, I will never trust your recommendations ever again. You're the only reason I went to thinking about me while looking at Nicolas Cage's long legs. Yeah. I mean, people said, I already heard this. Well, this is not really a spoiler, but I heard before I saw the movie that the pre-title sequence the cold open, if you will, is like a perfect little, like it's just absolutely perfect
Starting point is 00:08:27 little three minute horror movie. And I don't disagree with that. So that's my recommendation is that you definitely see the first three minutes and then the rest is that's that's your business. I don't care. It's all downhill from there. It is so it is really because I even was told ahead of time that first three minutes is the best part.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And I was like, well, that's all that's, you know, that's can't be possibly true. And when the word long legs came up on the screen, I went, that was a really good three minutes. That was really good. It was a good show. Yeah, it's a perfect show.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like you should have put it out as a short first to what everybody's whistle. OK. Like they should have put it out as a short first to let everybody's whistle Okay Wet whistles get in for free before So after that Discourse about how I didn't agree with marks recommendation I'm gonna ask everybody to recommend a movie starting with
Starting point is 00:09:23 Chris Sullivan. Could be old, could be new, whatever, just please recommend a movie. There's a movie I've been recommending for the last few years actually. It came across it mid-pandemic in 2020. It came out direct streaming and it was called Nine Days. Do you see this movie? It starred Winston Duke and it was this incredible cast. Bill Skarsgard, Zazie Beats, Benedict Wong, Tony Hale. And it's this small independent film about this man who lives in a house who is interviewing unborn souls for the opportunity at life. Oh.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And he monitors a certain number of souls on these TV screens in his living room. And one day, no spoiler, but one day one of these screens goes blank and he realizes he has a position to fill. And so all of these souls show up at his house to interview for the opportunity at life. And it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It's just, it kind of caught me off guard and it is incredible. It's one of the best movies I've seen in the last 10 years. I haven't heard anything about this movie, but everything you said makes it seem compelling. do you know it's dreaming somewhere right now? I'm sure it is. I think I think I watched it on on Amazon Originally, okay, but yeah, I'm sure I'm sure it's still out there nine days nine days
Starting point is 00:11:00 all right not the most inspiring title, but days. All right. Not the most inspiring title, but but an inspiring movie. It's a good one. All right. Clark, have you ever have you ever heard of nine days? I haven't, but I actually just wrote it down. I'm going to check that. That cast is like, I mean, it's crazy cast.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yeah, that's an incredible group of people for sure. Yeah. All right. What do you got for us, Clark? What would you like to recommend today? Well, hold on. I'm crossing off long legs for my recommendation. So I knew Clark would see eye to eye with me, Doug. I think that we probably saw it and we're like, we don't know what we saw, but we're going to give it the benefit of the doubt. I enjoy Oz's work very much,
Starting point is 00:11:41 and I enjoyed watching the movie while I watched it, if that makes sense, but I'm not a particularly clever person and I was ahead of it the whole time. So I was kind of like I want more Yeah, it didn't stick the landing for me, but you know, I I support a Original genre, you know, and so, so but not recommend. I was very, I was very happy to take the gamble. I didn't know if I how I feel about it, but I was willing to take the risk just because I could go see it in a theater, but also at the, you know, very end of it's like it's about to not be in theaters anymore. So like there was a, you know, a few other people in the, in the theater, but like there was a few other people in the in the theater.
Starting point is 00:12:25 But like something like that in particular, I think it's fun to see it in an almost empty or just a couple other people theater because because then those people become creepy. You know, like the whole vibe, the whole room becomes creepy. Whereas when you're sitting there with like a hundred people and half of them are munching on their popcorn, hard to you know Just escape into the movie But anyway What's your recommendation then? Okay, so my
Starting point is 00:12:56 Recommendation is actually coming out later this month on August 23rd And it is my favorite movie I saw at Fantastic Fest last year and I'm very curious if you saw it Doug it's called Strange Darling directed by JT Molnar did you see it Doug? I did not. Oh okay well it stars Kyle Gollner and Willow Fitzgerald and my advice it's I'll call it a thriller. So it's not quite a horror movie, but it is a thriller. And all I would say is, trust me, and do not watch any promotional materials. If you can go in, I actually haven't watched any trailers
Starting point is 00:13:39 either. But if you can go in completely blind, that is how I would suggest doing it. But like it's a really fun spin on the sub genre that it is doing and the performances. Kyle Garner has been a working actor for so long and he's so good in so many things, but he really gets to shine. And Willa Fitzgerald is like, she's blowing up right now and she is so good.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So trust me when I say, go see Strange Darling, not in a Mark Ellis way, not in a long legs way. I love the express. Well, yeah, I love that it's a full recommendation. You're not shy. You're not saying, oh, you might think it's weird. And you just say, I love the expression going blind Be sure to go in blind because I imagine a person going in and thinking that means they should have their eyes closed the whole
Starting point is 00:14:32 Time yeah, just don't watch just listen Very radio play yeah Go to the theater for it, But yeah, it's, gosh, it was just, I, and you know, it does something in the, so it does that thing that sometimes movies do that I really don't like where it's acting like it's from the 70s and it has like, you know, somebody, it opens with some, a woman running towards the camera in a field, like kind of Texas chainsaw style. And then it just freeze frame title. And I, that's not for me.
Starting point is 00:15:13 This is the opening moments of the movie. It's not a spoiler. So I was like, I was like, I'm not gonna like this, but gosh, it couldn't get into anything at Fantastic Fest that year. And it was just so challenging. So I like it's fine whatever and y'all this movie won me over like snap of the fingers it it is it's great and everyone involved is insanely talented and um yeah I I think just make sure you give it at least 30 seconds don't't give up. Don't get in this case.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. If you can get over the first three minutes. Exactly. Yes. Yes. Good call, Chris. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. It's like when they say, you know, you have to watch a season and a half of The Wire before you really click in for you. Maybe they could edit the first three minutes of long legs onto the front of this. Oh, I like that. Actually, that's a fun one. Alright, Mark. I there's a lot of pressure today on this one. Yeah, I mean, look, I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:16:14 gonna recommend a movie that I actually enjoy. So, it's not recommending in a Mark Ellis way. It's recommending in a way that I actually like the movie. Okay. I'd be interested if Chris has seen this. I'm pretty sure Clark and I at our annual New Year's Eve bash that we both attend, we're talking about it. Because I've been recommending to everybody since I saw it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's a horror movie that is, it's pretty low budget. It might be only available on YouTube. And it is a found footage style film about this disgraced YouTuber who's trying to, like, rebuild his career after, like, almost getting canceled. And so as a stunt, he's going to livestream himself going into a haunted house. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And it's called Deadstream. It's on Shudder. It was on Shudder, and it blew me away. It is so well done, and it's such a hard thing to get me to want to watch something that looks like it's on YouTube and it's like streaming so you can see comments sometimes and it's just so well done and it feels so authentic and it's like legit scary. It's got good twists and the guy, he's got a great scream, which you need in a horror movie and he's funny enough to where you get some laughs,
Starting point is 00:17:27 but there's also genuine scares throughout the movie. And I was just very impressed. And I was like, sweet, we can still do found footage scares without making it feel like, you know, Paranormal Activity 9. I love this. All right. I mean, I asked you to recommend a movie
Starting point is 00:17:44 not drag down a classic. The ninth, the ninth activity is your favorite. Yes. Yeah. It was finally figured it out. They finally figured out the formula after nine of them. That franchise was the peak of that franchise was part three, where they put the cat on the oscillating fan. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I remember watching that and just being like that, I am not going to sleep tonight and I'm never going to see anything scarier than that. I was mad that I did not think of that. You know how sometimes you watch things in movies and you're like, damn, that's good. How about y'all? It was a car to your point. Like you said, you're not particularly clever watching movies. I am a moron. So I'm watching a show like and this has happened before. When I'm watching a TV show and I can predict the things that are going to happen in the first couple of episodes, I'm like, oh, boy, this isn't going to be that good. I know the quality of the show based on my ability to predict it. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That was a really interesting round of recommendations. Good luck to everybody trying to find these things or remember when they're coming out. But August 23rd, I believe, is when you can see Strange Darling. That's what I'm going to see. And I'm excited for all of these This is probably I should have a special sound effect or something. This is probably The first time that I had not previously heard of all three of the recommended movies Yeah here, I found out noise to make
Starting point is 00:19:22 All right. All right. So. I didn't hear anything. Is that the joke? What's that? I didn't hear anything. Is that the joke? You really couldn't hear it? No. You were just going to edit it in later. Like a sound from Pee-wee's Big Adventure or something.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You can't hear that? No. Doug, do you smell burnt toast? You okay? I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I can't hear that? No. Doug, do you smell burnt toast? You okay? That was a real minute four of long legs moment right there.
Starting point is 00:19:59 All right. We got to go for a break so I can get my sound effects together. We'll be right back That's what I should have does this ask you to make a noise I Love it when the videos of a dog or a cat Enjoying the the stopper behind a door like flicking it and making it make that that noise those videos are They're always great. OK. It's time for our first of two games today. And it's something that I call, Whose Tagline Is It Anyway?
Starting point is 00:20:37 I will say a tagline from a motion picture. You tell me what movie is the tagline for. Makes sense. Fair enough. Yeah. Uh, we start with Chris. If he doesn't figure it, if he doesn't know it, then we go to Clark and Clark doesn't know we go to Mark and of course it could be possible that all three of
Starting point is 00:20:59 you don't know it, don't beat yourselves up. These are tough, but they're also,'re also thematic in some way that you might catch on to at some point all right Chris the first one is how do you kill something that can't possibly be alive how do you kill something that can't possibly be alive that That is exactly what I said. If there were points for repeating it back, you would be doing great. Unless. Okay, good. Let me sing voice.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yes. Yeah. How can you kill something? I don't try to be too dramatic with them because sure, you don't want to give anything away. It could be a comedy. Right, and it's often just printed at the bottom of the poster, so it's in the eye of the reader. Right, it might be three men and a baby, you don't know. The... That's the director's cut.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I wish, yeah. How about I Don't a beetle juice I Mean beelzebub can't possibly be alive or killed so that's not a terrible guess but as incorrect Clark, okay, all right This is tough. Um, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go or killed, so that's not a terrible guess, but as incorrect. Clark. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:22:26 This is tough. I'm gonna go Reanimator. I like it. It kind of hinted at the fact that it will be reanimated in the title, but Mark? I mean, it feels like this movie is too popular for us to not know that this was a tagline for it, but I'm going to say I'm going to say the first Evil Dead. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I like it. I mean, it's pretty much a foolproof tagline for any movie in which something comes to life, uh, something that shouldn't be alive is alive and needs to be killed. But hard, they're hard to kill cause you know, they can't possibly be a lot. And in this case, it was a car named Christine. I was thinking pet cemetery. I was so Stephen Christine. Oh, boy. I was thinking Pet Sematary. I was so Stephen King. There you go.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, I get it. Yeah, it's like a zombie was a person who was alive at one point. A car has never been alive. Right. Yeah. I mean, it can't possibly be alive. It couldn't possibly. I mean, unless you've seen the Love Bug films.
Starting point is 00:23:43 That's true. We have. Which we all yeah, I think those movies existed in there in the Christine universe Yeah, which is how do you how do you make love to something that couldn't possibly be a lot? That was that Cronenberg movie crash Okay, or? Didn't there's another car sex movie recently the something with Cameron Diaz oh yeah yeah you're talking about mark okay so we're back to you Chris you're first on this next one okay inside every man there are
Starting point is 00:24:22 two people one good one beast The set the Hulk the the the original Hulk film Inside every man there are two people one good one beast Well you really you're really are your opinion of the Hulk when he's talking else I didn't say the Hulk was the beast oh wait the beast just a mild-mannered scientist yeah Bruce Banner regardless of that perfect logic, that is incorrect. Dang it. Clark, what do you think of inside every man?
Starting point is 00:25:13 There are two people. One good one, but East, but East. Okay. I'm going to play the theme. I'm going to like play to the theme and guess what I think might be it. Is it silver bullet? Oh, no. That was pretty smart. That was one of the smartest wrong answers.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah. See, not particularly clever. What did I say? I love that was one of those horror movies that I saw too early that I caught by accident. I love like visceral memory. It's a bad move. Mark, what do you think it is inside every man? There are two people, one good one beast. Boy, I'm not as insightful as Lady Wolf here, so I'm just going to take a. Step, semi in the dark, it sounds like it could be a tagline for the movie split, even though there is a lot more than just one dude.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I'm going to go split. OK. Well, that is incorrect. And but here's something very fun just happened because you said the title of this movie during that wind up during that lead up to sit to the guests you just gave Wow The movie is wolf But can I contest that he said W O L F E Yes, that's true. He was
Starting point is 00:26:46 Definitely saying it right, but thinking it wrong. He deserves it. Yeah. All right, so We're back to you Chris and Here's the tagline All aboard full steam ahead for the life story of America's greatest storyteller It's it's Mark Twain The What's the title the the untold story of the first liberal racist of the first liberal racist.
Starting point is 00:27:30 No, that's not it. You want to take another stab at it? Mark Twain tug my steamboat. I'm sorry. All of those answers are incorrect. Clark, all aboard full steam ahead for the life story of I'm sorry all of those answers are incorrect Clark All aboard full steam ahead for the life story of America's greatest storyteller What's that called I I I don't know I'm gonna I you know gosh. I I think I gotta, I gotta pass. I don't know. Now I'm confused by the theme and everything.
Starting point is 00:28:15 It's all very confusing, Mark. Listen, I want somebody to get this. The theme, I think I know what the theme is, but I'll let it lay. Mark? Yeah, can I have the tagline one more time? Yes, all aboard. How do you have sex with something? All aboard.
Starting point is 00:28:35 All aboard full steam ahead for the life story of America's greatest storyteller. And that's not the tagline to long legs, huh? Exclamation point. No, long legs is more like the world's greatest singer. This American Idol hopeful. I am I'm just going to try to just piggyback off of Chris's effort, and I'm just going to say Mark Twain, my
Starting point is 00:29:03 friends call me Sammy. I you know Chris was so close and then I thought Clark or Mark might just tweak his guess a little bit and come up with it but it was called the adventures of Mark Twain. Wow I've never even heard of this. From 1944. Oh, okay. He picked movies with all our names in the title. Oh. All right. Chris, you're up next. Nice. Good job, Chris. Wait, we're still playing the game?
Starting point is 00:29:37 What's that? I gave it away, didn't I? I did. I thought the game was over. 44 to get a movie with Mark in 40. We still go with market. I still have 42 more of these, so we got to keep it moving. Here we go. Number four of 42.
Starting point is 00:29:54 There's no place like home for a holiday. Chris you're up. No place like home for a holiday. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. That is correct. Chris is on the board. Oh, right. Chris has got one point. Thanks to Clark Griswold.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Clark, are you ready? I'm ready. Clark Griswold. Clark, are you ready? I'm ready. More is never enough. More is never enough. Yes, that's correct. Clark Wolf. Um, Lady Wolf. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, and now I feel like I should be able to figure this out. Oh, the wolf of Wall Street. That is correct. What? With an E. It should be. It should be. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And you didn't know my full name is Christine. We're all learning today Mark's gonna learn something that's for damn sure You could tie it up three-way tie mark you get this right a lot of pressure right now, yeah He's a good cop in a bad mood Good cop in a bad mood. I believe that is gonna be, see now you're speaking my language. Now you're in my section of Blockbuster.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I believe that is Marks for Death. Marks for Death is correct. We had to do it. Wow. Wow. Is that a Bronson movie? Who is that? That's a Seagal. Seagal. Steven Seagal. Yeah, cause he was you know, he's he's above the law. He was Another one like that and then there's much
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, hard to kill. Yeah, mark. You've got never hard to kill mark for death. Never been a better man in a worse mood Yeah, another tag guy Another tagline they have for that movie was linked up all three of them above the lob. Hard to kill and marked to death. It's marked for death. It's fun. All right. So since we have a three-way tie, it was so beautiful that way that worked out.
Starting point is 00:32:16 If anybody had gotten any of the first three right, you wouldn't have then had to guess first on your own name in the title. It just really fell together beautifully. But that means we have to settle this. And so it just we just start with Chris and he gets to answer the tiebreaker. If he gets it wrong, he's the winner. If he gets it right, he's the winner.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I mixed that up. And it makes it right. He's the winner. I mixed that up. It makes it up. I said the wrong thing to what wrong thing one time. Let's just say I win and move on. I guess. Yeah, exactly. You win. If you can answer this question.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Okay. Okay. Okay. If you can't Clark gets a shot at it. If she can't mark it's a shot at it, but be shocked if it gets all the way to Mark or we'll find out which film, which film franchise has the, uh, subtitle, you know, after the colon, the mark of the coven, which film prize franchise has a title that after the subtitle says the Mark of the Coven?
Starting point is 00:33:26 The Craft. I don't think so. I mean, that's not the right answer. Clark? Um, okay. I'm going to say the Omen franchise. No, I'm sorry. That's not it either mark well it is my name
Starting point is 00:33:51 I'm gonna I'm gonna say that's one of those paranormal activities that threw a forkball bias that is correct you said paranormal activity earlier activity not activity have you guys find paranormal activity it really boy it really cleans you out like it's really like haunted by it's like it's like drinking a ghost okay so congratulations Mark you do that first this mark at the coven was one of the I guess the most recent paranormal activity Perhaps yeah number nine usually usually when you involve my name. That's the end of the franchise. Oh You let me tell you something preparing this game It almost fell apart because there are very few known movies with the word mark
Starting point is 00:34:42 in them yes, I few known movies with the word Mark in them. Yes. I was, you know, I almost went Mark of Zorro, but every tagline rags about Zorro being in it. So maybe maybe be a little too easy. All right. The Mark of Zorro. Another Zorro movie. So Mark will be our winner. You'll get to go first in our next game that we'll play after these messages. We'll be right back. We are back, and Mark must be feeling good because he took down that first game, and so he gets to go first. There it is. Something that I like to call weird algorithm. the the the the the
Starting point is 00:35:30 the the the the the the the the the to figure out, but it is not completely unknowable what's going on there because
Starting point is 00:35:46 it's a they have every title, every movie or TV show you can you know click on something that shows you the cast of that movie or TV show and then you can change the order of the cast, the order of the billing, based on popularity according to IMDB at that given moment. I did this, I entered these titles this morning. And so I'll give you the title of the movie and Mark will go first. He will try to guess. I'll even tell you the two leads, the two top top build people in the movie just to jog your memory but then mark has to figure out who in that movie might be the most popular today because if you guess number one you get three points number two is worth two points and number three is worth one point
Starting point is 00:36:37 anybody below that it's not worth any points also in this game you can discuss your reasoning for answering a certain way, but you can also share answers. You can agree if you want. It's sometimes not a great move strategy wise, but you know, I don't want to force anybody to, you know, change their answer to something they have less confidence in. So, Mark, we will start with you the first film that we are going to talk about in this game of weird algorithm is Batman forever starring Val Kilmer as the Batman and Tommy Lee Jones as double-face he was of course he was two-faced in that it's it's fun to sometimes do that on the internet and see how quickly people
Starting point is 00:37:31 correct you but I Try not to do that on this show. All right, Mark Who do you think? Who thinks top billing recording a popular, you know star meter? okay, well I that movie really just disappointed the hell out of me when I saw it and I was like 13 and I was like, that's, that's what I was waiting all year for. Um, but he wasn't a bad Batman though. Val Kilmer. No, no, I, I, I love Val Kilmer as, uh, as,
Starting point is 00:38:02 as Batman slash Bruce Wayne. Tommy Lee Jones was, yeah, you know. Didn't really wanna be there, didn't wanna have that uncomfortable makeup on is what I would guess. It's like he was trying to out act, like out over act Jim Carrey and like that's never gonna happen. So it's either, for me it's either Jim
Starting point is 00:38:24 or it's Nicole Kidman as Dr. Chase Meridian. I'm going to go Nicole Kidman because she's on all the AMC promos and she just had that ex Patriot show. You know, I have not been one of the fortunate ones. I have yet to be in a crowd. I don't go to AMC is very often, but I have yet to be when I do go, there's never nobody there. I have yet to be like in a crowded AMC where everybody goes apeshit for the Nicole Kidman thing. That, that sounds so fun to me, dude, they did. Because as you know, I saw a top gun Maverick like nine times opening weekend
Starting point is 00:38:56 and to have her run before a Tom Cruise movie was particularly feasible for everybody. movie was particularly useful for everybody. Okay, so you're going with Nicole Kidman. We go to Clark. What do you think Clark? Do you? Do you feel like Nicole Kidman would be the top one now or maybe somebody else from that movie?
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yes, I was I used to love this movie. And so I was running through the cast in my head, even the smaller parts. And there's maybe one other person that I could potentially guess because she's also kind of out in the zeitgeist right now. But I too was going to land on Nicole Kidman. So I'm also going to say Nicole Kidman.
Starting point is 00:39:46 How dare you be more eloquent than me in my answer? Hardly. Thumbner, thumbner. All right, Chris, do you agree with these two or do you wanna be the outlier? Me say Nicole Kidman too. That sounds like there's a movie called Nicole Kidman 2 I'll start from number three
Starting point is 00:40:14 just to make it suspenseful that was of course Val Kilmer I love that he's still doing well in the popularity index without you know working much Number two is the aforementioned Jim Carrey Mm-hmm and number one y'all nailed it is I knew it! I knew it! All right, well now we rotate the who gets to speak first each time so this round will start with Clark Then Chris then Mark Clark
Starting point is 00:41:08 Staying in the world of Batman, but a different version of Batman. This is Batman Begins with Christian Bale and Michael Caine. Michael Caine. This is actually my favorite of the Nolan trilogy. I, gosh, you know, people love a Gary Oldman. They love talking about Gary Oldman but I think I'm gonna go Killian Murphy because he Because because Oppenheimer right and and yeah From last July of last summer I know but what else would the kids be talking about like of that? You know I mean it's a great cast. I don't oh but what else would the kids be talking about? Like of that cast, you know? I mean, it's a great cast.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I don't, oh, unless there's a theme. No. Yeah, what do you think would be another option? I was thinking theme two, Clark. You were thinking the theme two? But if you were gonna say a different option, what do you think another option would be? Well, you know, it naturally wouldn't be,
Starting point is 00:42:09 it wouldn't be Morgan Freeman and it wouldn't be Christian Bale. And it wouldn't be Katie Holmes, who also was married to Tom Cruise. Oh boy. Oh, I see, I see. No, there's no, the theming is just that we've just done two Batman movies in a row. That's a whole theme in there. It's a double theme.
Starting point is 00:42:33 So yes I'm gonna so and then I'm trying to think of anybody else who was in that movie but yes I'll stick with Killian Murphy as Scarecrow. Okay. I feel like maybe there's one or two Christopher Nolan movies that Killian isn't it. But anyway, Chris, what's your guess? I'd say Killian Murphy too. Always going for the sequels. Mark. Listen. Yeah, I mean, I can't think of anybody in the zeitgeist in that movie that would be more popping right now the the the the
Starting point is 00:43:26 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:43:42 the the the check and make sure Clark you sticking with Killian I'm sticking with Killian all right Chris likes Killian still too oh yeah and Mark loves the Killian kill your darling like is that your favorite beer no Killian's like all right so Right. I'm slightly killing it. Right. Right. All right. So Liam Neeson was worth one point because he is third on the rankings. Way to go, Mark. And then number two is good old Christian Bale. And number one, I guess from the just endless steam of Oppenheimer, the endless Oppenheimer fallout Alright so everybody's tied up. It's like we haven't even started playing a game yet and
Starting point is 00:44:36 This one's gonna separate the Clark's from the christen's and the marks because this is where we're all fucked This is where we're all fucked. This is where somebody needs to stick their neck out or we're going to have to go to a tiebreaker, which I am ready for. But nonetheless, the third film and Chris, you're up first this time. The third film is the Dark Knight Rises. We skipped a chapter. Dark Knight Rises starring, of course, the aforementioned Christian Bale and Tom Hardy. Who do you think from that film would be the most popular today? Well rolling back through that one I'm trying to figure out where my my buddy David Desmolchian would fall. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:26 On the list. He had a couple really cool things come out recently. Yeah. The Devil was awesome and he talks about that on a previous episode I was on of Doug Love's movies right after they had made it and I was like I can't wait to see this movie and it was worth it. He's really fun. Um, but I think, I think for this one, I will, I will, I'll go, I'll go Tom Hardy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Fair enough. Mark. All right. I'm going, I'm going way rogue. This is, uh, this is a tight window. I'm trying to hit this seven iron through. But I did catch, it's my least favorite of that trilogy, not even close. But there was a scene where Chris's boy, Tom Hardy,
Starting point is 00:46:21 enters into like a Wall Street building. Oh, you are so smart, Mark Ellis. You are so f-ing smart. He punches out a young Glenn Powell. You are so smart. It's tough to get more popular than Mr. Twister, Mr. Top Gun Maverick. I'm going to go with the Texas Longhorn. I'm gonna go with the Texas Longhorn. My my guess Glenn Powell See you changing from Tom Hardy to Glenn Powell, I don't think I could do that Doug that would be against the rules Right. So I think you can change your answers Let's see where Clark lands. What does Clark think?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Unless Glenn Powell wasn't credited. That's the only hitch in this I could find. I'm going to go Christian Bale simply because you told us in the last one, the rankings and he was number two. So I'm going to go Christian Bale. After praising me for my intelligence multiple times she's Failing Following the rules of the tiebreaker somebody's got to win this the darn thing and I think it's gonna be Glenn Powell
Starting point is 00:47:36 But we'll see unless he's not credited all right So let me Reconfirm with everybody Chris. Are you? Jumping ship on Tom with everybody Chris are you Jumping ship on Tom Hardy, or are you sticking? With the Bainster. Oh, you know I will stick with with Tom Hardy just for my bag well my deep love for Tom hard I Love that okay, so Mark's got Glenn Powell Clark has
Starting point is 00:48:14 Okay, so Mark's got Glenn Powell, Clark has Christian Bale and Chris is going with Tom Hardy. This is fun. I'm excited. This is a really, this is a fun conclusion with a fun group of guests, but is it truly over? Let's find out Coming back in next week to find out who won I Mean, I wish we could go to a break here, but we've already gone to both of our breaks so Number six and also that's an annoying thing when they do that on shows number six is Possibly steaming from Axel F exposure.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's a JGL Joseph Gordon Levitt. Okay. All right. Bad news at number five, Chris Tom Hardy, number five. Got it. Yeah. What? But there's some movie with him coming out. It looks really cool. He was in that bicycle. He's in bike riders
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah, oh, yeah that too, but I saw him in a trailer for something else. Oh, yeah Now there is another venom coming anyway number four is and half the way Selena Kyle now this one is gonna surprise everybody I mean the Wow. Is she Gordon's daughter? No, she's older prison child. So she's got like dirt on her face, wrapped up in blankets. Okay, if she's credited in the movie, then she's not. A child in prison. Number two. Slipped by everybody.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Good old Juno Temple. Yeah, her little friend, of course. Yeah, she's Salina's friend, Jen, who like they show enough that you're like, oh, I'm kind of into this character. And then she just disappears for the rest of the movie. Bye bye. Yeah. But yeah, I really truly until today, I that juno temple is in dark knight rises and Also, I had certainly forgotten at number one is in fact Glenn Powell. Yes
Starting point is 00:50:34 So Christian Bale wasn't even on there. I even as trader trader number one Is Glenn Powell yeah, and the Christian Borel bail is That was what was so funny to me is that in Batman begins. He's second ranked but in Dark Knight Rises he doesn't even make top six But he's close he's like Happens when you punch Glenn Powell in the face He's a kingmaker. What can you say? You know, you just. That's what happens when you punch Glenn Powell in the face.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Well, we just made another king here today and his name is Mark Ellis. Congratulations, Mark. You are our winner today. You did it. Yes. Nine points. I feel like a team effort. This is more than any other time I've been on the show. This felt like all three of us contestants collabed and we got along. Yeah. And we figured out each other's names and it was just a good teamwork session.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah and the two of us and the two of us let you win on that last one. Yeah you're welcome. You're welcome Mark. They gave it to you. They just handed it to you. Also can I chime in real fast because I am a huge Paranormal Activity fan. And when you said The Mark of the Coven, I was like, did they make a Paranormal Activity movie that I didn't know of?
Starting point is 00:51:51 That's a fan film. Yes. Whoa. So good job, Mark Ellis. There is a movie called The Marked Ones, which is a real Paranormal Activity movie. But I was like, you broke news to me, Doug. I was like, wait a minute. That is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I would have seen it. I didn't know we were just allowed to Google things while we were recording. No, no, we're not. We're not. I know, I know. Jeez Louise. I know.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I'd tell you something about the Mark of the Coven is that I actually directed that film just so that one day, it was given to me one of the other people. Nailed it. Yeah, because there just aren't enough movies with the mark in the title. Apparently, Doug had to go all the way back to 1944 to find one. They wouldn't go for Paranormal Activity, Ellis Rising.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Well, that was the other thing, was I was really hoping that there was like a movie that was like hell is Something because then you have Ellis is in there but anyway Mark Ellis promote yourself. We'll have you back soon. But in the meantime tell people where they can find you Well, it's a great week to be here and a great week to win among such stiff competition because I am heading to Little Rock, Arkansas. I'm going to be at the Looney Bin Wednesday, August 7th through August 10th. You can get tickets at
Starting point is 00:53:16 And then later on this year, I'm going to be in San Francisco and Las Vegas coming up. So thanks for having me, Doug. Thanks to Clark and to Chris. And I will say, I re-watched Guardians 2, this is independent of the show, like a month ago, and I liked it even more than I did the first time I saw it. So that's all because of Chris. Thanks, Mark.
Starting point is 00:53:37 A little bit of Kurt Russell. A little bit of Kurt Russell, but mostly. Hear that, Clark? Hear that? All right, you know, you're making a case. We're making a case. Clark Wolf, what would you like to promote today? Thank you so much for having me on, Doug.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yes, you can follow me on Instagram, at Clark Wolf, Clark with an E, Wolf with an E, and I am in a new horror anthology called Tenants, and it will be out via Cranked Up Films in late September. So if you wanna just follow me, I'll keep you posted but it's a real fun movie and I get to play a murderous influencer, wellness influencer, which is very, very fun.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah, I like to think every wellness influencers up to some shady stuff. Yeah, I think that's a safe bet Chris Sullivan, thank you for your first appearance on the show was it was it satisfying for you? I would call it triumph, you know Another triumph another podcasting you just keep triumphant throughout the my podcast universe I can't but I triumph all the time That was us what's it wait, what's it called? Come find our YouTube page we're available wherever you get your podcasts and we're about halfway through season one right now. So you got plenty of time to catch up and
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, you can find me on Instagram as well at Sullivan Graham. I Love it. You're gonna be I'm excited that you're participating Tuesday night in the Benson movie interruption at dynasty typewriter Next week, I guess I just move in with you, right? We just. Yeah, you're on all three of my my running shows. But of course, that's that's the movie
Starting point is 00:55:34 interruption. You have to come see it in person. There's no podcast of it. And we do it the first Tuesday of every month at Dynasty Typewriter in L.A. So come see us this Tuesday with not only Chris Sullivan, but also Lamorne Morris will be there and Martha Kelly as well. So it's going to be super fun.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And then I'm doing a Douglas movies at Rooster Teeth Feathers in Sunnyvale, California on Sunday, August 11th, next Sunday at 420. All of my dates and details are at Thanks again, Chris and Clark and Mark. I like Clark and Mark. I like when the guest names rhyme. Me too.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's always fun when that happens. And, you know, I end every show lately with the last line from a motion picture after I add as always. And this one is from the motion picture, Christine, that we were talking about earlier in the show. So as always, God, I hate rock and roll. ["Duck Loves Movies"] Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes it cocky. There's no room in his heart for you cause Doug loves movies.

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