Doug Loves Movies - Mike Carrozza, Trey Galyon and Eliza Skinner guest

Episode Date: September 7, 2020

Doug welcomes Mike Carrozza, Trey Galyon and Eliza Skinner to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to&nb...sp; and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, green and maybe sticky seeds With 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth There's still not one that he won't see Cause Doug loves movies Hey, hey, hey everybody My name is Doug and I love mutants No, this is Doug Loves Movies Coming to you once again
Starting point is 00:00:24 During this extended cigarette break it's another homes alone edition of the show jd powers associates calls what's that we've never heard of it it's sunday september 6 2020 pretty sure and my guests i'm very sure, are Mike Carrozza, Trey Galeone, and Eliza Skinner. Hello! Yay! I'm so excited. I hope people can tell my voice apart from these other gals.
Starting point is 00:00:55 We love movies. I love to have shows that are all ladies. This is another special edition. Let's go, girls! is another special edition let's meet individually and alphabetically starting with out of toronto new albums called cherubic or cherubic depending on what part of the world you're from everybody It's Mike Moroza, everybody. Hi, friends.
Starting point is 00:01:28 This is so cool. Thanks for having me, Doug. I've been a longtime listener, and this is like one of the coolest things. I can't believe I get to be on Doug Loves Movies. Thanks for having me. Well, it's great to have you because, you know, when these things happen, it's very rewarding to see. I saw a tweet this weekend your your album is uh is out there for people to purchase uh that's right and um uh you tweeted something
Starting point is 00:01:55 to the effect of my first album uh whatever number of years ago that was uh yeah sort of was kind of one of your most more inspirational uh things in terms of getting into stand-up and uh so to just be able to then to read that tweet and then just be able to go hey do you want to come on douglas movies it just felt uh you know it felt right hell yeah dude i'm like i'm honestly to to be like i remember uh finding out about comedy albums and then just like downloading a really big torrent of like a terabyte worth of albums and professional humor reading was on there and i remembered you from last comic standing where your segue set was like the big deal for me because i was like this dude's making fun of stand up what like the form
Starting point is 00:02:44 he's like it's a little wink to the judges and everything this rules and then uh professional humoridian is an album i listened to like uh every car drive to and from school um when i was uh just starting c-ship and uh and was getting into the idea of like oh i mean i'm toying with maybe performing and then i heard you just having like the most fun at one point, you just like have a piano near you and you're like slapping it and doing the Pelican brief thing. And, uh, it just sounded like the most fun somebody could have. And I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:15 I need to try this. He's having the blast. Uh, if this is a real job, I need to, I gotta try my hand at it. I'm glad that the general fucking around that i do was uh inspirational i mean there were obviously other bits on the album that are like you know solid jokes that i really enjoyed but definitely you enjoying yourself while you're performing is what got me to be like i'm i'm gonna call somebody and see what it takes to start comedy so i was really stoked and uh felt like maybe i should tell you about it now look at me i'm here yeah it's crazy you know if if you're a terrible guest today well oh well i gave it a shot but uh i have a good
Starting point is 00:04:01 feeling about it lots of we have lots of mutual friends. I mean, that's how comedy works, but it's just something for me to be not terribly familiar with you. I have met you before. Right. We've met in like Just for Laughs, and I think I told you the same thing about how I started comedy.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You're the one. I keep thinking I've got a lot of people I've inspired. comedy you're the one like i keep thinking i've got a lot of people i'm inspired i'm the one that keeps bringing up professional humor idiot it's it's me i'm definitely gonna check out your album thank you for sending me a link i didn't want thanks dude for this show because you know what if i did dislike it that would really be awkward yeah yeah you don't want to you don't want to listen to somebody's comedy before you have to you have to riff with them just in case that colors your interaction with them because how are you going to respect somebody you don't find funny you know what i mean yeah exactly and that brings us to trey gallion yeah what's up, everybody? Oh, yeah. I'm gonna kiss your ass way less than Mike did, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:08 What kind of shit is going on with your hair right now? You did some interesting things with your hair during this, haven't you? Yeah, it's still mohawked right now. It kind of got stuck in the mohawk because my roommate's been doing it, and that's, like, the one style she knows how to do. Yeah, I imagine it's a style everybody knows how to do so yeah i imagine it's a style everybody
Starting point is 00:05:26 knows how to do you just leave some in the middle yeah it's the easiest one so yeah and we've been letting the middle grow ways so it's pretty gnarly right now like it's pretty much hat all the time one of them trojan guards or something yeah totally but my hair is so curly like if i try to put product in it to get it to stand up it doesn't it just curls right back up yeah so it's pretty useless so a lot of hats but you know it's terrible yeah yeah and i'm keeping it damn it uh how's brooklyn treating you good man um getting out here and there went did some acid with friend of the show justin thompson in the park the other day that was fun yeah
Starting point is 00:06:16 you know freaked out a little hung out in the you know, listened to some jazz on the water, all sorts of cool stuff. What are you and Justin like close enough that you don't have to mask up when you're together? Or do you, did you have masks on for this? Oh, I mean, we masked up until we got around each other and then, yeah, then it was like dogs. You just sniff each other's butts and then it'll be fine yeah man like you got a fever no you got a fever no all right i want to hit this joint wow it's
Starting point is 00:06:52 like it's like a gathering of doctors yeah man haven't we all become medical professionals during this i've got three degrees well a lot of people have been seriously not terribly productive because of all of this but our third guest today is such a big weekend for you I should say first of all it's Eliza Skinner
Starting point is 00:07:18 and you have an album out and a TV show that you wrote. It's on Disney Plus called Earth to Ned. Yeah. I switch them around sometimes because it could really go either way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I'm just glad that they didn't make us call it Better Off Ned. Because that was floated. Yeah. glad that they didn't make us call it better off ned um that was floated uh yeah it's a it's a weirdly huge weekend for me um which has been hard to promote both of those things especially the state of the world like it's hard for me to be like hey buy my album but also like buy my album watch my show oh and um give frozen water to unhoused people like what what am i what are my priorities here this is not okay um you know i think all of those things i think it's good that you're doing all of that i think people that kind of lay low and don't promote their stuff is just like well then the people who would be whose lives would be made a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:24 better by your comedy are you know gonna not be aware of it you know like i just think putting it out there that it's an option you know just not being too uh too forceful about it yeah it's fine but that's what i've been doing is when i see that someone uh that's a friend of mine in comedy has an album or a thing coming out now because they're so awkward about promoting you're like i can help i like to reach out say just come on douglas movies then because we could just sit here and talk about it all we want yeah and uh you know as long as we're acknowledging that it's also very crass to promote at this time. Yeah. Well, I also had, with both projects, had a lot of really great people help me with them.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So I feel like a real responsibility to get all of their work out there. Exactly. I mean, you know, Earth to Ned needs another season. Thank you. Yes, I agree. They only, we actually shot 20 episodes and they just put out 10s.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Oh, if people really like it hopefully they'll put the other 10 out sooner rather than yeah well i you know i i watched the andy richter one and then uh pieces of others i uh we were particularly interested in the episode where uh the dog groomer who we actually know jess Rona, was not only on the show, but very good at acting and interacting with the puppetry, the muppetry. And but we sought that episode out to see her. And it was what the show is. It's extremely entertaining because you're obviously wanting to it wants to be inclusive in terms of the audience so it's not it's not like one of those things where it's like an adult
Starting point is 00:10:10 puppet show but it's also not for uh kids yeah it's i mean it's really a co-viewing for everybody thing um when i first got brought on it was supposed to be for adults um just be like real edgy and for adults and then they were were like, wait, kids like puppets. They're going to want to watch this no matter what. So we should make this for everybody. And then Disney kind of pushed even more to be like, yeah, this should be co-viewing. Everyone can be in the room.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And just the point of view of the aliens lent itself to that really well. Like what would an outsider think of humans and what kind of questions would be would they have and um i ended up like my goal for it kind of settled on okay ideally i would like to make a show for that that helps create a another generation of weird kids who aren't scared to ask questions and give stoners something to watch like ours it's um it's basically like it's a new and and you know visually much more spectacular uh space ghost coast to coast yes it definitely has has some some similarities with that um it's nice that we we actually get the guests in the studio since Space Coast couldn't
Starting point is 00:11:25 be. Yeah, and you don't like F with them per se. It's not to make the guests look silly, which they did a lot on Space Coast. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we, but also on the other side of it, I've worked in so many talk shows and like celebrity driven shows that I was really over that world and over the whole promoting famous people just because they're famous kind of stuff. And I liked that this show gave us a chance to ask celebrities to, to give us their wisdom as humans, just like, Hey, what is something that you know that you only know because you're,
Starting point is 00:12:00 you're just a human. So you've experienced these things that these aliens haven't rather than what what kind of on-set pranks did George Clooney play? Which I'm like, I don't know if I need to include more of that in the world. Yeah, and every talk show interview is immediately dated because of all the specific references to what was being promoted at the time. And that's the other thing about this, is this is an ageless talk show because it's just about people and aliens. Yeah. It's only dated because they're not wearing masks. I mean, the way you describe the show is like, it's really selling me on it because I'm not a
Starting point is 00:12:39 big puppet guy. They kind of freak me out, but I texted my roommate about his Disney Plus login so I can watch it. This guest list looks amazing. And I mean, it sounds great. I mean, one of the things that I've made sure to include in the show from the very get was that they are creeped out by puppets. Also, Ned has a real problem with puppets. He's like, that's gross. I don't understand why anybody would ever watch that. But yeah, we have,
Starting point is 00:13:06 we got really great guests. A lot of people that I think anybody who listens to this show is familiar with like on our, our, I was proud that on our comedy episode, our comedy experts are Paul Scheer, Kristen Schaal and Maria Bamford. Like, yeah, that's teaching an alien what, what humor is. Well, I love puppets, so I'm totally going to watch it. Yeah, like I have sex with puppets. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. Wait, yeah, exactly. Like so many things to, so puppets are nearby while you're having sex? No, like I'm having sex with puppets. Making love to the puppets. Yeah, man. I mean, that's a pretty wide...
Starting point is 00:13:48 I mean, that's tough. I guess puppets can consent if you are the one puppeteering. Exactly, and it's already got the hole. It's right there. Right. Right. I mean, a lot of things have holes. No, right. True. But it seems kind of perfect
Starting point is 00:14:03 with a puppet. Look, man. man i mean if it's a puppet you care about yeah yeah it can feel perfect i suppose i imagine yeah so from people who fuck puppets to people who are creeped out by them something for everyone victimless crime everybody it's a victimless crime i would really like you know disney plus to appreciate the promotional work i'm doing i have disney plus i'll watch it i'm gonna put my dick in it it's okay look man some people are gonna have to have some hard conversations with their kids hey for sure this is going to be some sort of puppet version of Robin Hood when it created
Starting point is 00:14:48 a whole subculture of people who were in love with animated animals. Yeah, just, are you excited for like, you know, when Comic-Con
Starting point is 00:14:57 gets back to normal, there'll probably be like people in sexy Earth to Dead plastic. I hope so. That would be great. I would love to see people in like uh see people dressed up like betty because i kept wanting to do different things with showing what the rest of her uh electronic body would be um since she's just a big floating face
Starting point is 00:15:18 um but yeah the whole time i was working on this i was like this is what we can do is for integration for uh for Comic-Con. Everybody was like, that's not the important thing. And I'm like, for you it's not, but I definitely want an Earth to Ned food truck. Yes, I do. Everyone will come up and get mugs of mayonnaise and all their favorite Ned treats. What's good to eat, humans?
Starting point is 00:15:43 We don't know. We're just winging it from back here yeah yeah we we did a food episode that one that one's not out yet though so but our um our musical episode is the the 10th episode that was released with this group and i was really excited and proud of that because i got to write all the songs for it and um the guys i wrote the songs for that episode with also helped me with the songs on my album regarding my lovers, which also came out this week. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Oh my God. We had all time together. So nice. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, well done. Well, thank you to all three of you for being here today. Thank you, Doug.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Interrupting your camping trips, because I'm sure you all went camping for Labor Day weekend. It's so beautiful out. Why would we not? Yeah. I've got to do a couple pieces of business here, starting from the corrections department. We haven't bothered them in a while, but last week I said that this guy, Matt Schultz, was, I said he was in Fast Five. Oh, he was in Fast Five. I said he wasn't. And then maybe he was in Fast Six, but not Seven and Eight.
Starting point is 00:16:58 So that's, I'm glad that's sort of cleared up. Good God. Yeah. And then now it's time for my weekend box office rapport i report the bo results and my guests show off their easy and charming rapport movies are in theaters it's happening there's theaters that are open they're not in new york city or los angeles what's the toronto scene like with the moving picture shows mike um my i a friend of mine went to see tenet this week and uh they're open right yeah yeah yeah well apparently
Starting point is 00:17:40 they only let like i think it was like 30 people into the whole IMAX room, which can seat a ridiculous amount of people. So folks just had all the space to themselves. And he said it was one of the best viewing experiences he's ever had. And this is a guy who, like, doesn't go a week without going to the movies normally. So this last, you know since march it's been really painful for him and the moment they opened he was just like i gotta see tenant uh don't care what movie i'm seeing i but i'm gonna go see that one and he was like delighted by it he loved it and uh said that he hopes he hopes that they get to stay this way which is uh i hope they don't but
Starting point is 00:18:22 i i think uh i think he, really enjoyed having his space and having so few people in that room with him. Yeah, it's tough to keep it staying that way, though, because you can't tell a business, hey, don't sell seats. Yeah, exactly. It's empty. It's kind of a tough request once they're allowed to let people in but oh yeah you know i i don't want to watch a movie with a mask on my face is where i i'm drawing a line currently like i'd rather just go to a drive-in and sit in my car yeah i agree i agree i'm a big snack guy too so i'm like what are you gonna do you're gonna pop the snacks into the mask are you gonna go
Starting point is 00:19:02 under the mask you're gonna take it off every time it's too much to think about don't pull me out of this movie a lot unnecessary business but uh so tenant managed to make because also christopher nolan just would not even let it play on uh in drive-ins like these are all all actual screens 2,800 screens had tenant and it made $20 million, which is, you know, especially for the first weekend of September, that's not a terrible opening. Usually the first weekend of September, everybody, you know, goes on, you know, Labor Day weekend trips, and they don't go to movies at all. It's like one of the slowest weekends at the box office. I mean, and then not to mention the state of the world. Wow. They've also made tenants made like $53 million already around the world
Starting point is 00:19:51 because there's, you know, lots of territories where, you know, theaters are open. Last week's number one, the new mutants was on almost as many screens as tenant and and only made $2.8 million. So it's really coming down to people making the choice of, you know, what's worth taking the risk for, you know. Wow. Not visiting your family in either case. Last week's number two unhinged with Russell Crowe.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Russell Crowe is the title action. He brought in 1.6 million on 2,400 screens. So, like, clearly not only is there social distancing inside these theaters, but people are also not going to some of these films. So if you want to see a movie in a theater, I recommend New Mutants or Unhinged because there's a better chance to be in there alone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I'm kind of bummed out that Christopher Nolan didn't want it at drive-ins. Same. I mean, I get it, but it's not the ideal Because he knows the truth, man. He knows this COVID thing is just a ploy to back the drive-in film business. And he's not going to support that. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:10 I stand behind him. I don't know if I trust a movie guy who's like, I don't like drive-ins. Like, what? Come on. Because he knows the real truth. That's why. Yeah. And the sound is so much better at drive-ins these days because you can, you know, listen
Starting point is 00:21:23 to it on radio. Yeah. If you have good speakers, you could actually have kind of a surround sound experience. It is a little, like, I saw a movie at a drive-in a week or two ago, and it was one where, like, you know, like a train would go directly by. And, like, beyond the theater, other businesses are, are like open with really bright lights on. So like it wasn't the optimal way, you know, to look at a movie, but it's still a fun way to go to the movies, especially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Drive-ins are pretty. I mean, it's, it may be one of the only parts of bits of Americana that I'm like, I'll stand by drive-in movies. Yeah. So like, I can still be like, Hey, this is pretty cool. You make out inside your car you get to see robocop yeah it's like a private showing but you know other people are doing it too i feel like maybe does christopher nolan just think people don't wash their windshields so well
Starting point is 00:22:16 and then he's bummed like that's what he's going for yeah he doesn't want to have you know he's got all these cool visuals they don't they include like, you know, dead gnats. We didn't spend all this money for somebody's bird shit on their window to ruin their experience. Yeah, this is my art, man. He put in a lot of CGI gnats into the film and was like, I want you to do a little of the artistry. That would be a hell of a prank. You just have like a windshield filter that you put over the whole movie. I saw the Tenet driving cut. Really buggy.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah. A lot of, a lot of breaks for ads for the concession stand, but. Kick on the wipers by accident every once in a while. You know how the posters for for tenant show kind of like it looks like there's sort of like a upside down world or something like a kind of a ongoing alternate timeline or something like that i swear around los angeles when i drive by the billboards that people somebody's been going around and putting a mask on the face. Oh. In the under part. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'll continue. Christopher Nolan is on to something here. There's people who wear masks and people who don't wear masks, and they're going to have separate societies that run that run, you know, concurrently next to each other. Right. Okay. So like a more peaceful version than the Elysium that we seem to be barreling towards. Yeah, exactly. Like I said, it is, that is going to be, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:56 that without the, I assume without the death count, but I have mixed feelings about Chris Nolan movies. I think they tend to be kind of lacking in heart. And I think he also has heard that so much from people that he's saying, Oh, Oh yeah. You think my movies don't have heart. I'll show you no heart.
Starting point is 00:24:18 He just makes it even colder experience the next time out. Calculated spite on the screen. Yeah. It's a very powerful thing. I hope that's what he's doing because if he's if he's like this one's gonna be real so much heart and then it's like nobody you missed the mark even worse i feel like he's putting heart into them like inception at its core is supposed to be a romance and i do not know at all yeah you end up i mean even at the end you're like is is it happening is it really what oh now we're staring at the totem you know you don't know so it's kind of like a it's a sad ending but it's supposed to be the romance at the core i don't know it's a yeah he's a visually love the stuff he's put out,
Starting point is 00:25:05 but I'm not, I'm not reaching in there for the, for the emotional elements to it. I mean the best part of his, um, his Batman stuff was the refusal to have an emotional element with their, with the Joker, right? Yeah. Being like boohoo, I'm sad. Nevermind. No, I'm not. You don't even know. Like that's what he's working with. Okay, right? Yeah. Being like, boo-hoo, I'm sad. Never mind. No, I'm not. You don't even know. Like, that's what he's working with.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Okay, cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but, you know, that's the thing is that, like, I feel like Christopher Nolan lucked out that Heath Ledger had that performance worked out. You know, like, I don't think Christopher Nolan gave him any tips on how to behave that way. Oh, right. Yeah. I don't think Christopher Nolan gave him any tips on how to behave that way oh right yeah
Starting point is 00:25:46 I don't think that proper British guy was like no but like that performance was not because of great directing no could you lick your lips more please yeah yeah I'm just saying that like when it's
Starting point is 00:26:03 when that's the direction it's meant to go anyway that's when it works um when it's supposed to be um lack of emotion like okay you're not getting in the way then um let's play some games you guys that's when i get people together like a person like trey with his deep amount of knowledge of cinema you guys are in trouble I mean whip out I'm one of these guys that's listened to it in the car and been like it's so easy and then the moment I played these games with friends I'm like I don't I can't I don't remember what movies are uh is
Starting point is 00:26:45 every answer mean girls twice yeah i've never seen a movie so this is gonna be tough for me yeah you gotta have your go-to's you know i have my go-to's for sure so maybe one of those will pop out today i think eliza's been replaced by an alien and she's placed by an alien and she's an alien just trying to pretend to be her and fit in. Yep, that's what's going to happen to everybody soon.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Get used to it. Wait, do you get to do any of the puppet voices? I do. I play, there's a character that's in a couple episodes called the Roaster Toaster. It's a small toaster that delivers roast jokes. Oh, nice. Can't wait.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yep. Does it have, what's the bread situation? Is it toasting? No. There's no, there's no bread. It's, it's an alien creation. So they probably didn't even realize that humans have anything that's at all similar. This is just a, you press down the lever and then a it lights up and says something mean about your dad.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And then the toast doesn't pop up after you deliver the zinger. Nope. No toast. They don't need toast. Or like a bagel. If it's a Jewish joke or something, nothing. No Danish. No, not a single one it pops up like five cockroaches that all go like oh shit yeah it's a new york toaster yeah exactly wow that's a little too close to home sorry you know you live in a hundred year old building we just got a few because it's because it's got all of its own set of rules and
Starting point is 00:28:26 you can ask questions all day but once you watch it you'll get it oh I'm totally gonna watch it don't worry I'll watch it I got it queued up right now I'm stoked to take a look at this I'm one of those suckers that got Disney Plus for two years because I thought I'd be like watching it every day
Starting point is 00:28:42 and all I've done is I've watched Hamilton and one episode of Jeff Goldblum talking about sneakers oh yeah that's oh yeah that's a good show I've been watching all the Star Wars yeah I watched Amanda Lorraine I'm not gonna lie I'm surprised to hear that you're not watching so much on Disney plus Doug because you're like famously the most into disney like don't you just love everything i like the i like the disney parks more than their movies and also i just i've seen all those movies you know and like streaming services what i'm finding is that there's so much new stuff that i'm not as interested in going back and watching like
Starting point is 00:29:23 because also i know that a lot of the Disney stuff I liked when I was young would probably be seriously flawed to me now so it's kind of better to almost leave it in the vault and not uh not revisit word I kind of agree with that I started watching Never Been Kissed on Disney Plus the other day and was like no no no no is this gonna be okay oh no oh oh wow they were treading a fine line here with a girl, a grownup lady back in high school. Yeah. It's really, it's really strange. Have you seen that? There's a show, a straight up show on Netflix called Pen 15.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yes. That's like adult actresses interacting with actual high school kids in a very real way. Yeah. I love that i i really like it because you can tell with that one that like first of all they're they're supposed to be kids they're not supposed to be grown-ups they i just like that they have the range of emotions of their these adult women um to to portray the kids but but also they do a really good job of editing and I don't feel like any of the kid actors were put into
Starting point is 00:30:30 creepy or weird situations in making it. Yeah, I've only seen a little bit of it but I imagine that it could get rough but it's like Bo Burnham's movie. Eighth grade? Eighth grade. It's amazing how realistic it is.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And it doesn't pull any punches, but it also remains sensitive. Yeah. I loved in eighth grade that the moment where like, you see how she sees him and he's just like this cool kid and, and obviously like a preteen sex icon to her and i feel like i've seen preteen girls shown that way in movies so many times by all these male filmmakers you know i mean it was there was a lot of that um but i'd never seen uh a kid a young girl looking at a young boy the way i did when i was young where where they should look like a cool
Starting point is 00:31:25 DJ even though they would look like a 10 year old boy to anybody else but to that girl it's like oh no he is tiger beat he for sure knows how to scratch on records and do skateboard tricks and the world slows down around him so I I appreciated that he found a way to show that. It's a good thing. I like it. The game we're going to play first today is called So Low Can You Go? I don't know. I might be good at this one.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'll let you alphabetically start with Mike, and I will tell you a fun fact, Mike, and you tell me if it's about Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo or Solo, A Star Wars Story, or neither. Okay. And then if you miss, you know, then Trey gets a shot at the remaining two answers, and if he misses, then Eliza gets the lucky free point. I don't miss.
Starting point is 00:32:31 One of you has two points starting with Mike. You ready? I am. I'm shooting in the dark on this, but I'm ready. Let's do it. You know, you haven't seen free solo or solo,
Starting point is 00:32:43 a star Wars story. I have not, but I, you know, I like my intuition. Okay. Free Solo, Solo or Neither features a vertical rock face called El Capitan. Ooh, okay. Well, this sounds like it's gotta be Free Solo which is making me think it's Solo
Starting point is 00:33:10 but I'm gonna say Free Solo that is correct hell yeah dude nice job Mike your first question on Douglas movies and you got it right man I'm feeling great today. Trey?
Starting point is 00:33:28 Well done. Yes, I'm here. Three solo or solo Star Wars story or neither had two directors. Oh, no. Two credited directors what neither you say neither yeah that's incorrect oh liza yes or solo a star wars. Which one had two credited directors? Would it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Can I ask for a clarification? Would a directing team be considered a one director credit? No, that'd be two directors. Okay. I'm going to say free solo then. Was directed by a team. That is correct. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yes. That was a tricky one. That was a tricky one. Yeah a tricky one yeah yeah they only get harder you ready mike i'm stoked let's do it uh free solo solo a star wars story or neither some of it was shot with iphones oh uh oh i'm gonna oh man free selling might be i'm gonna say neither you didn't fall for my little trick neither is correct fuck yeah dude i knew it i've been listening a long time mountain climbing you must they must have to have small cameras
Starting point is 00:35:01 yeah i thought that and then i thought you know what? Doug set me up, baby. No, they use the real shit. It's crazy. Hell yeah. All right. So, Trey, let's get this. This feels like a setup, man. Was there a round of emails that I wasn't privy to?
Starting point is 00:35:21 All right. You mean like I tell people the answers or something hey man look it's your show you know yeah 63 on rotten tomatoes free solo solo star wars story or neither oh wow um i'm gonna say solo incorrect oh my god oh oh uh what do you think eliza uh i Which one got 63%? Free Solo? Neither. Neither? Your guess is neither?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yes. That is correct. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, buddy. I am so bad at this game. And it's Star Wars, so they go high on those for sure, too. Yeah, Free Solo got a 97%. Of course.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Documentaries always get rated pretty high. Yeah, but Star Wars movies, you got a 50-50 nowadays. Yeah, but that's just not popular. Because there's so many people who don't like the, well, I don't know. I have a theory about if a documentary makes it into theaters, it was such an uphill battle for, you know, a nonfiction film to even get there, that it has to have a story where the documentary filmmakers really got something of value,
Starting point is 00:36:54 you know, that people can get excited about. So, yeah, documentaries, you know, the ones you never see, those are the ones that would get shitty reviews. Because nothing happens in them you know i'm a fan of the audience score especially for genre stuff because i feel like the reviewers had to go see it whether they wanted to or not and the the audience went to go see it planning to like it so right they're already being a fan of that's the thing is they're going in with a much more positive
Starting point is 00:37:25 attitude and it's you know and it's based usually on like opening night is when they get the score so like it's the people that they drop everything and see that movie that day that's their level of enthusiasm so then when it gets a bad score it's like oh man that movie just yeah we did not uh hit the mark, you know? Yeah. And I like Tyler Perry movies a lot. And the reviewers are like, this is garbage. But Tyler Perry fans are like, it's perfect. I dropped my drink.
Starting point is 00:37:55 It's everything I want. Yeah, man. As a horror movie fan. I dropped my drink. As someone who loves horror movies, it's always the same thing. Audience score is the way to go are you ready trey yeah man i'm ready wait is we're back to me already all right i thought it was me eliza went i i'm going to another point didn't you
Starting point is 00:38:16 eliza did i did oh eliza did yes so mike yeah you're right sorry trey hey man that's cool hey man maybe i'll fuck it up and narrow it down. I'm going to email you about this. Suck. Okay, Mike, a song called Gravity plays during the end credits. Oh, man. Can I ask a question? When did Free Solo come out? What did when did free solo come out what when did free solo come out oh gosh has it been two or three years maybe okay so yeah maybe they're like cheeky about
Starting point is 00:38:57 putting john mayer's gravity in there uh you know what fuck it i'm gonna say free solo live on the edge here i don't know who sang it, but yes, there's a song by somebody called Gravity at the end of Free Solo. Hell yeah. Which like, you know, I guess since the guy lived, it's fine. But can you imagine? Yeah, they put an ode to the movie's villain, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Well, Grizzly Man has Grizzly Teeth is the final song, right? Oh, it's so good. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah. Chomping Grizzly Teeth. Sorry. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:39:36 That means that Mike won that game. Congratulations, Mike. Oh, hell yeah. Way to go, Mike. Look at that. Thank you very much. Find out what you won after these commercial messages. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:39:49 We're back. Oh, man. I told you it was fast. Mike, you won, dude. So you get to go first in our final and all-determining game. This is going to decide who gets the bragging rights today of being the winner. There's no prizes.
Starting point is 00:40:09 There's just pride at stake. That's more valuable than any prize. Right? Yeah. Trey, have you played this game yet? It's called Weird Algorithm. That doesn't sound familiar at all. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:40:24 You are going to love it. On the IMDb site and app, they've got a thing now where if you go to the full cast list of any project, any movie or TV show, you can click on a thing to refine the list based on popularity according to IMDB and their massive amounts of data that they get from people using it. So it's very tricky reordering the cast based on who is most popular today from classic movies of the past. So I'll name a movie and then each one of you gets to name and you can share answers on this. You could
Starting point is 00:41:14 talk about, you know, just everybody has to finally decide on an answer. And if your answer, if the person that you name, if they're the top-billed person in the movie, you get three points, second-billed two, third-point one. We'll play three rounds. Everyone will get a chance to go first because we rotate who goes first. Nice. So it's cast list based on popularity? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, popularity according to IMb's weird algorithm because it data they've mined from us that we haven't been paid for i'm just trying to tell you that i've come up with a game where anybody can win so it's current popularity you've tried this before and i prove you wrong every time. But hey man, I'm game. Let's do this. Any one of the three of you can win. I think we will.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You won one of those three this time. You have a chance. We're trying to guess current popularity of... Popularity like according to IMDB today. Okay, got it. So they might have been a teeny tiny part, but we love them now. I'll tell you what, I feel like I've already won because I'm hanging out with
Starting point is 00:42:30 some pals. It's a pretty good day. All right, guys. Let's have some fun. Oh, what an attitude. Ass kisser. Entire episode. Hey, welcome to the brand, baby. Love it. Good on you, Mikey. Matt, you already jumped in and called him Mikey? Yeah. Love it. Good on you, Mikey. You already jumped in
Starting point is 00:42:46 and called him Mikey? No, bring it. I'm big time Mikey. The name Trey, you can't do that. You can't. Trey E just sounds stupid. It does, yeah. Elijah E.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Yeah, I think it's like people lock up when they try to throw something on the end of mine. It's just like Trey yeah Trey Long yeah Trey
Starting point is 00:43:13 Megan Traynor I was thinking Trey guy but I don't know if that makes any sense I just was like hey Trey guy trailer park yeah okay do you get points for that do anything for my score no points damn okay if it makes you feel any better i'll i uh if you got points on mine and i don't have a system you guys all get points. It's going. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Mike Carrozza. The film in question is, oh, look at this. Solo, a Star Wars story. Oh, boy. Okay. Who do you think from that cast if you have trouble remembering any particular names, just ask. But who do you think would be the most
Starting point is 00:44:03 popular right now? So, as someone who has not seen the movie uh and frankly i like i'm not a big uh star wars guy myself but i have to guess this is the one that harrison ford came back for this is the one no this is uh the prequel uh before all the other star wars movies of the first time Han Solo and Chewbacca met each other and when they were hanging out with Lando Calrissian and playing card games for the Millennium Falcon. Oh, I see. And is this the one where they had the Carrie Fisher hologram in?
Starting point is 00:44:41 No, this is the one where it takes place before all the other Star i see oh i mean i don't know the timeline i'm gonna say adam driver because he knows he's involved with this franchise uh all right so you'll be able to change your answer later because that's a ridiculous answer. All right, so let's go to Trey. Do you have any thoughts on this? Yeah, I mean, clearly it's got to be Danny Glover, right? You mean Donald Glover?
Starting point is 00:45:14 I'm kidding, it's Donald Glover, yeah. You were kidding? That's your choice to sound like a racist white fool? No! Okay, so you're going DG? Yeah, yeah. Alright, what do you think, Eliza?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Well, since she picked Donald Glover, I guess I'm going to go with Phoebe Waller-Briggs. Oh. Oh, sounds like I didn't get it. Ooh, I don't know. You can also share answers. So you could go with Donald Glover if you think the points are going to be there.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Oh, interesting. I see what you're doing here. Okay, well then, yeah, I'm going to jump on board with Donald Glover. Here you go, Glover. All right, what do you think, Mike? Are you going to lock in with Adam Driver? Oh, no, no, no, no. You called that a stupid answer,
Starting point is 00:46:07 and I'm going to say no. I did? Yeah. Oh, somebody did. I don't remember that. You know what? We're going teamwork on this guy. Donald Glover, lock it in, baby.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You know, the thing I love about Alex Trebek is he tells the contestants when they're stupid like we just went on a trial. Do you remember that clip of him calling somebody a loser? Oh, really? That happened? Yeah, somebody described, he was like doing that thing before the second segment where he's interviewing them like, hey, what do you like to do? Or like, he's got this set interview and then somebody's like, well, we, I do LARPing and LARPing is this and that. And he's like, so in other words, a loser. And then that was a big sting before he went back to the podium.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I think he did. Didn't he do that for someone who said they liked nerdcore rapping also? Oh, that must have been it. You know what? I must have substituted nerdcore rap for LARPing. A lot of people do. Yeah. Alex feels like Alex is so knowledgeable uh, nerd core rap for LARPing. A lot of people do. Yeah. Alex feel,
Starting point is 00:47:06 it feels like Alex is so knowledgeable that he would definitely make fun of anything that he hasn't heard of. Like if it's out of his scope, it's meaningless. Exactly. What if, what if in all the years he's hosted that show, he's learned nothing.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Like he hasn't retained any facts. He's just like, I just read him, baby. I don't know what a garbage read him baby i don't know what a garbage can is i don't know what uh that would be tough because there are so many garbage can questions uh answers yeah yeah you know i watch jeopardy sometimes yeah i get it clearly well i've got some bad news because the results from this one are strange indeed.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Okay. Coming in at number nine, I don't always go this deep, but I found it interesting that listed number nine is the guy who plays Han Solo in Solo. Oof. Oof. Star Wars story. Not much of a launching pad, huh?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Yeah. Alden Ehrenreich, which is. He must have been a real dick you know i don't know why to not get any more work off of being in the han solo project nobody liked the han solo project i mean i thought it was good okay you liked the han solo project but that was about it i haven't heard this guy's name once in my life. We're going to make a younger Lando with Donald Glover TV series for, I think for probably. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:31 so I'm looking forward to that. Cause I thought he was a good choice for Lando in the solo. Oh my gosh. Much of interest to do. Yeah. Um, but he came in at number eight. You got crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Seven is Ray Park. Six is Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Oh, you were one with that. Number one, Bethany. Fourth is Thandie Newton. Third was Jon Favreau, who does a voice in the movie. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Number two, Woody Harrelson. Number one, the female protagonist of the film played by Emilia Clarke. Yes, from Last Christmas. I remember that girl. Wow. That girl from Last Christmas. She was also on some
Starting point is 00:49:19 HBO thing, but Last Christmas is really going to be her legacy. Yeah. Real sex or something? Yeah. yeah it's last christmas last christmas i did no could you please share with us because people have i've heard but i you know critics hold back on this sort of information the twist at the end is supposedly quite silly is that true no i mean i don't know that it's quite silly it's um it's just it's not a romantic twist oh it's a sad ending yeah like it's um it's just not quite yeah i don't because i don spoil. It's a movie that's going to have a very happy ending,
Starting point is 00:50:06 and then apparently it doesn't. Yeah, no, it doesn't. And that you know straight up from the beginning. I mean, it has a happy ending if it's like, hey, you know, this character has been improved, and she will probably go on and have a better life than she did at the beginning of the movie. But it does not get all tied up the way that uh generally that type of movie if it was like on hallmark you
Starting point is 00:50:30 would expect it to get tight all right some review i read really led me astray that it like because like uh there's a movie a few years back like where one character you know at the end just turns out to be a ghost and it's the most arbitrary ghost through this whole movie. I will say the one thing this is not is arbitrary. They work very hard to make the twist not arbitrary. Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Hey, are you ready for the twist? Everybody's got zero. We got two more rounds. Oh my gosh. I mean, I'm looking forward to more teamwork guys. Thank you so much for letting me piggyback on some of these choices. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Glad to let you down. No, Hey, Hey, I'm not, that wasn't a dig. I'm genuinely, I'm glad I get to work on it because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I did not know anyone in that movie. Okay. I did not know anyone in that movie. Now it seems like I'm defending myself. You're losing me hard. Okay. Do I need to turn on the camera and flip some birds for you guys? I imagine that if you did that, it would be some sort of adorable little bird toy that you're like, see, look, I'm a cutie pie. You caught me.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I was just going to do a magic trick. Close up magic because I really like that. Yeah, dude. Alright, here we go. No cards, only coins. Oh yeah, sorry. That's okay. The film, Trey,
Starting point is 00:51:55 is, tell me who you think in the cast of Free Solo, I'm just kidding. The Mountain! Oh yeah. How about the film free billboards outside Ebbing Missouri oh what do you think Trey
Starting point is 00:52:16 do you remember the cast of that award winning film yeah I wouldn't wordy Harrelson in that one too oh interesting was he yeah wouldn't Woody Harrelson in that one too? Oh, interesting. Was he? Yeah, wouldn't he the sheriff? Yeah, so is that your answer? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:52:32 You're going Woody Harrelson. Yeah, clearly. I'm going to go Woody Harrelson. Okay, Eliza? I mean, it does sound like this algorithm is skewed towards Woody Harrelson, but I feel like people love Francis McDormand,
Starting point is 00:52:49 so I'm going to go with Francis McDormand. True. Oh, that's a fair one. What do you think, Mike? I was going to say Francis McDormand, too, but Woody Harrelson being the common thread between the movies feels like I might lean that way. Um, but Francis McDormand fans are just, you know what? I'm strategy over heart.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It's a Woody Harrelson. Let's do that. Okay. So you got Woody. What do you think Trey? You locked in? Uh, can I childish Gambino? Can I change my answer to childish Gambino? Can I, Childish Gambino? Can I change my answer to Childish Gambino? You can. Yeah, I'm going to stick with Woody Harrelson, man. That's the Woodies and Frances McDormand for Eliza.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And it's shocking. She won the Best Actress trophy for the film. And yet somehow Frances McDormand comes in all the way down at number eight. What? Wild. Wild. It's very unfair. Seven was Peter Dinklage, who appears in the film. That'd be Game of Thrones. Number three, to save some time,
Starting point is 00:53:57 number three, worth some points, is Woody Harrelson. Yeah. Mike and Trey are both on the board with one point apiece. And number two is Sam Rockwell. Fuck. Yeah. What? And then
Starting point is 00:54:13 yeah, he won an Oscar for that as well. Yeah, but wild. And then number one. He was great in that. Oh, yeah. Number one. Samara Weaving. Huh? Oh, my God. god yeah hugo weaving's very successful actress daughter must have done something recently she was on that show hollywood and she's gonna be in something else it's bill and ted is she she's in bill and ted right now
Starting point is 00:54:40 yeah yeah and she was also in Ready or Not, which had like a big cult boom, I guess, because people said they really liked that one. Yeah. A horror movie. All right. We got one more round,
Starting point is 00:54:56 you three. Hell yeah. And two of you are in the lead with only one point. So it's still anybody's game. Solid. Eliza gets to go first this round. We're going to discuss the
Starting point is 00:55:09 performers, actors and actresses that make up the cast of Three Men and a Baby. Oh, wow. No. They're doing a remake. They're rebooting it with like the jonas brothers or
Starting point is 00:55:26 some shit yeah but like was is that baby famous now or something that's my first thought yeah i think about that if the baby grew up to be wow baby is justin bieber yeah exactly i'm gonna get fucked on this um that baby was adam driver and now who's making a stupid call huh okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with ted danson just because i feel like he's he's still working the most of of the three men um and i don't know the name of the baby so yeah that's a tough one so So Ted Danson. I mean, Ted Danson is the only guy I can remember from this that, and that should be an indication to me. So I'm also saying Ted Danson. Yeah. But can I interest you in a reverse mortgage? Steve Gutenberg, Tom Selleck.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah. See, that's the thing. What do you think, Trey? Ooh. Tom Selleck. Seems like he's been in something recently. Hasn't he been on Blue Bloods forever? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah, I'm going to say Tom Selleck. I get to see him every day when I'm watching my game shows. I see him come on and insist that, you know. Yeah, man. This isn't my first rodeo a reverse mortgage doesn't it's not trying to take your home bubble what bubble it's not trying to take your home it's just putting your home up for us to take it if it goes that way so we trust you tomck. We love you so much. Why does he need more money? He's just an old guy. All he needs is mustache
Starting point is 00:57:10 wax and a nice place to lay his head. There was a trade for some sort of facial hair mortality. He's never going to lose that stache. He's trying to scam old people. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Anyway. Are we all locked in on our final answers for three-man baby? Wait, what was... Eliza gets a switch if she wants, yeah? Tom Selleck. Two Ted Dansons and a Tom Selleck. Two Ted Dansons and a Tom Selleck.
Starting point is 00:57:44 That's an order at a bar. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to move to sell it. I'm going to kick myself for this. Trey and Eliza are both going to sell it. And Mike is going to stick with Ted dance in his family. He had those CSI years. Let's do it. Danson. Come on, baby. It's going to be somebody like I'm forgetting, like the mom of the baby is going to be somebody that's famous
Starting point is 00:58:10 now or some shit. Natasha Leone was in this as a child. Oh. It's got some interesting results. I'll go all the way down to number five just to give him a nice plug. Our friend Dave Foley apparently appears in that film as grocery store clerk yeah that sounds no idea i never i never
Starting point is 00:58:34 knew about that i knew about like the ghost in that one scene but i didn't know that dave foley was in it the kids in the grocery store huh you know You know what I'm saying? Okay, I'm sorry. Never mind. No, that was great. I was on board. Number four is Ted Danson. Oh, man. I'm really happy to see us.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Your hopes and dreams of winning your first Doug Loves Movies have been dashed. Dude, how he didn't win an Emmy every year for Cheers is anyway. He won a dashed dude how he didn't win an emmy every year for cheers anyway he won a few times though didn't he he won i think two maybe at most two i believe he asked them to stop nominating him because he had won so much and he was like come on let's not be weird about this yeah and he's a nice guy because the emmy would get crazy with sometimes they give the same person an award like five years in a row.
Starting point is 00:59:25 He was so good in that show. He was. He's a good actor. He just seems really cool. Number three is the actress who played the mother of the baby, Nancy Travis. Ah, so you saw
Starting point is 00:59:43 I was... Okay, she did come in at number three. Yeah, she's currently having to play the love interest of both Michael Douglas and Tim Allen, so she's probably got a pretty sweet existence having to be the wife. Oh, like on that Tim Allen sitcom.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I think she's the wife on Last Man Standing, and she's the girlfriend of Sandy Kaminsky in the the kaminsky method oh yeah the sensible age appropriate one yeah so like last man standing is pretty much home improvement but he's got daughters now or something and he's older yeah and he's moved from one network to another and i haven't paid much attention to it word and jonathan taylor thomas is the neighbor but we don't see his face so it's not stop oh i'm gonna watch at least an episode if that's true fake news mike pretty sure
Starting point is 01:00:38 jonathan taylor thomas has been on that show uh oh he has yeah it sounds like something i thought he removed himself from acting altogether and that's why I was like, bring him back. He was such a heartthrob. He did. And then he got into directing.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I agree. He was trying to direct, I know, because when I was at Funny or Die, we had a meeting with him once. Yay! It was one of those ones
Starting point is 01:00:59 where they were like, here's Jonathan Taylor Thomas, except you can't pitch anything about him. And so we were like, oh. Oh, wow. I just wanted to direct. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Wow. Good for him after all these years. Coming in at number two. It's Tom Selleck. Oh, number two? Oh, my God. Oh, wow. That's amazing. Two points for Trey. Two my God. Oh, wow. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Two points for Trey. Two points for Liza. Good for Gutenberg. That's what I was thinking. Steve Gutenberg pulls the wheel. He's number one. And I was going to say Gutenberg, but was like, no way it's going to be Gutenberg. I mean, his Bibles are still in every hotel room.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Ah, They are popular It's the best selling book of all time I take them whenever there's one in the room And then give it to somebody Because that's the idea You're supposed to pass it along But nobody does that because they think it's stealing And also because it probably has like
Starting point is 01:02:00 You know jizz and stuff on them Oh yeah You think there's jizz on the Bible? Some people love that shit Yeah that's why people go to hotels so they can jerk off on bibles yeah without any reproach or judgment at all that's never been we are very different people trey um yeah steve gutenberg i can only think that maybe he's number one because he's he's a judge on this silly miniature golf course show called holy moly oh yeah that might do it really have we gotten that low in the in this quarantine that people have started watching that show that show is fucking hilarious because it's i watched one
Starting point is 01:02:38 episode it's mini golf plus people getting knocked into the water by weird moving objects it's no floor is lava i'll tell you that floor is lava sucks it's whatever rob wriggle is there and holy moly making jokes yeah he is nobody's fun oh they got the wriggle factor yeah you're pretty much screwed yeah he's gonna pull in some people all right guys to wrap this up. This has been so much fun. Uh, Trey, of course, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:08 like I said, anyone could win and he did. That's amazing. Thank you, Doug, for finally coming up with a game that I can win. Yeah. And I can't believe that you just didn't,
Starting point is 01:03:18 you didn't get that email. I sent you and you still won. Oh my gosh. See, he's just planting seeds. This is horrible. this is horrible final plugs starting with uh eliza skinner a tv show and a record yes the show is earth to ned on streaming on disney plus um and the record is regarding my lovers um from a special thing and it's music and
Starting point is 01:03:42 comedy so please listen. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited for a musical episode of that show. That sounds super fun. I'm going to watch your show, Liza. Mike. Yes, sir. You can find me on social media. One more time.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Carrozza. Yes, sir. That's it. You can find me on social media at Mike Carrozza, M I K E C A R R O Z Z A on Twitter and Instagram. I have a podcast called bummer boys, ex bummer, ex boys, ex it's stylized like a bad hardcore band. You can check that out. We talk about, uh, music that made us sad that week. And we've had some pretty fun guests on it. And then also my album cherubic is out as of last Friday, eliza and i both had albums come
Starting point is 01:04:25 out the same day and it made me smile to see them both pop up on itunes like right next to each other and uh like i'm already a big fan of eliza's and it's really cool and uh everybody who's listened thank you so much and if you enjoy it please let me know if you don't please don't be mean about it i really can't handle that. The album sucked! Yeah, just whisper it into a pillow if you don't like our album. All they're going to write back is, I got your money! If you see me in person
Starting point is 01:04:58 and you want to tell me it sucks, that's fine. But yeah, just don't do it online. In person. Trey, do you have any plugs uh at trey gallion on twitter and instagram and um you know for the few people in knoxville tennessee me and jeff tate are gonna try to work out an outdoor show thanksgiving week we'll see what happens but yeah follow me for that we'll we'll definitely wait until it gets really cold before doing that. Yeah, man. It'll be nice. We'll have a little bonfire going and stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And you know, Sounds awesome. Oh yeah. for what, you know, if I do end up having any tour dates or anything, I do have a live streaming show coming up on october 3rd you go to to get into that thank you to all of my guests one more time appreciate micah rose at trey gallion and eliza skinner thank you thanks for having us as always
Starting point is 01:06:00 as you wish now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes it cocky there's no room in his heart for you cause Doug loves movies

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