Doug Loves Movies - Nick Kroll, Scott Aukerman, and John DiMaggio Guest

Episode Date: January 24, 2013

Doug welcomes comedians Nick Kroll and Scott Aukerman, along with voice actor John DiMaggio.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates any rappers screaming 80s 50s He quits 50 as there's not more kernels in his feet There's still not one that he won't see Cause Doug loves movies Hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love the crap out of movies. We're going to talk about movies. This is Doug Loves Movies Too Much, coming to you from the UCB Theater in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:00:35 on Tuesday, January 22nd, to Oceans 13. Since last I spoke and you listened, I recorded the Tournament of Championships 3. Yeah, I think I'm going to sneeze. Hang on. No. I don't think I could sneeze while in front of an audience. But the whole feeling that I'm about to
Starting point is 00:00:57 sneeze happens anyway, so that's not distracting. Andy Wood, Kate McEuchie, and Jon Hamm were all actually available and in the building and competed head to head to head it was first person to five points was the winner and yeah so of course it's a
Starting point is 00:01:14 90 minute episode and it will be available soon or now for two bucks in the comedy album section of iTunes and at What? What does that say? It's a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:01:34 if you like the Leonard Maltin game. That makes sense, Doug. It's a good thing you wrote that down. Because it is all Leonard Maltin game. We talk a little bit at the beginning. Oh, you should listen if you like the Leonard Maltin game. Handsome dudes or an adorable lady.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yes, I call Jon Hamm an adorable lady. If you have to choose, San Francisco, Bay Area friends, if you have to choose between this Saturday's movie interruption at SF Sketch Fest or the Sunday one, maybe this will help push you to one or the other. One of the guests joining me to interrupt Catwoman on Saturday at the Roxy Theater will be Eugene Merman, and one of the guests joining me on Sunday will be Judge John Hodgman.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I don't know why it doesn't say Judge, but I just called him that anyway because I think he calls me Doug Loves Movies. And I did meet somebody recently who kept calling me Doug Loves Movies. Like he thinks Loves Movies is my last name. I mean, Doug loves movies. Like he thinks loves movies is my last name.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah, so John Hodgman will be judging Anaconda. And of course, those are both schedules permitting, those things. And is where you go for deets and tics. Flew back from SAC today, Sacramento, and on the plane, Katrina Bowden from 30 Rock and Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I definitely would have gotten second billing in the news story of that crash. This has been another installment of Plane Droppers. If you're living in the Los Angeles area and a member of CineFamily,
Starting point is 00:03:27 you and a guest can come to the Benson TV Interruption Potluck on Sunday, February 3rd. I'm not allowed to say what we'll be watching, but the event kicks off at about 3.15. Let's see what's in the prize bag, you guys. Some good stuff in here. We've got some sort of promotional item that was signed by the person who brought that promotional item.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We'll talk about that in a second. We've got a calendar and a poster and, of course, a Douglas Movies T-shirt, another T-shirt from the nice folks at and of course a copy of Smug Life and I think there's a Douglas Movies
Starting point is 00:04:14 button maybe in there oh no no no this is awesome somebody made Douglas Movies rolling papers so there's one rolling paper in there for you. They gave them to me. I'm just sharing a little of it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And, uh, so please help me in welcoming to the stage John DiMaggio, Scott Aukerman, and Nick Kroll! Nick Kroll! Sit wherever you like, boys I love in the first scene in Sling Blade when JT Walsh is in the crazy scene in Sling Blade when J.T. Walsh is in the crazy house with Sling Blade.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Is that the scene where they eat potatoes? No, they're in prison. But he drags a chair across the room really loudly and obnoxiously, but no comment is made. Doug really does love movies. I do. That's what that reminded me of. This is also, what you did
Starting point is 00:05:28 was also the sound effect for bowling. I did it terribly, but you still got the idea. That's John DiMaggio. He's actually here, everybody. I made it. I fucking made it. My God.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I showed up last week at 8 o'clock. Yeah, yeah. The week before that. And you were having such a good day. You sold a lot of papes. Yeah. Yeah, word. He's a newsie, you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Come on. I'm telling you. I did that one for the listeners. And you're... I'm telling you. I did that one for the listeners. John DiMaggio is the Christian Bale voiceover actor. Oh, shit. Right? Don't get in his eyeline while he's reading a dog. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:15 When he's playing a dog character. I was in the middle of baking pancakes, for Christ's sakes. Great control. That was Nick Kroll everybody That said that thing And Nick brought Sylvester Stallone a voice over He brought a Card that has all the
Starting point is 00:06:46 characters he plays on his new program on Comedy Central. What's it called, Doug? It's called The Nick Kroll Show. Close enough. It's not The Show Kroll, I know that. It's not The Nick Show Kroll anymore. Nick Show Kroll. And yeah, so he signed that for you, so
Starting point is 00:07:02 that's very nice. And Scott Aukerman is also joining us. Hello, America! Back at the UCB Theater. How does that feel? This place stinks! After the demise of your show. I never realized that. I'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:07:17 that your show died like that. It was such a big hit. It got cancelled. When did the UCB Theater cancel your Tuesday night stand-up show? Oh, it's so terrible. Yeah, I brought a calendar. I brought an Earwolf calendar. Still on sale with phrases from our shows. Oh, that'd be a fun game.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Sure, it would. If you have two minutes to kill. I'm trying to. I don't think I've gotten any of them right so far. Hey, show everybody on the internet that one. No mopes allowed. No mopes allowed. What's that from?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Don't know. Oh, actually... I think it's from Improv for Humans. I'm not sure. Oh, okay. But yeah, they're still on sale. They're at a discounted price because we're in the middle of January.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So feel free to get some. Aukerman, you're selling these calendars pretty hard. Please buy a calendar. I suck my life savings into them. And this is a picture that John DiMaggio brought. I wrote it out to dear eBay. So if you want to sell it, I'm serious. What do you think they'd get for it?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Speaking of being serious. $20? $25? I have no idea. Let's just sell it to someone and put the money in the bag, I say. Who is this character? That's Jake the Dog from Adventure Time. A
Starting point is 00:08:41 highly popular show for eight-year-old boys and stoners. Why are those two things mutually exclusive? I was getting high at eight. Suck a dick on the corner for crack money. Wow. So when does Comedy Bang Bang the TV program return? I feel like we'll find out soon.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh, okay. Yes. But you're about to go into production? No, I feel like we're going to find out if we are back soon. Oh. Yes. Sorry. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I didn't know we were in that zone. Spoiler alert. You're getting ready for it like it's going to happen, though, right? Like you know the storm might be coming I've been working out a lot Trying to lift Reggie Just in case I ever have to in a scene Reggie Watts
Starting point is 00:09:35 Trying to teach him how to read The man can't read Is that true? No, he chooses not to. I've told this story before, but we gave him all the scripts, and he arrived the first day not having read any of them, and then said, I kind of like this process where you just tell me the lines and I say them.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That is a terrific process that he invented. Keeps him in the moment. You've got to admit that. You have to. It's like on Island of Dr. Moreau, Marlon Brando had an earpiece, and they'd tell him his lines, and he'd repeat them. That was actually Les Mis as well. Those earpieces weren't just for singing.
Starting point is 00:10:18 They were telling them the lines. I think Beyonce gave a big fuck you to Les Mis with her lip syncing at the thing. Because nobody knew the difference. Everyone thought, holy shit, Beyonce. Right? Did anyone think it was lip synced? No. Did anyone watch it?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Also no. How did it become clear that she had lip synced? Somebody in the... Oh, the military band or some shit like that, right? Yeah, yeah, the Marine Corps band fucking looked up and went, for real? And had to tell everybody. Couldn't keep
Starting point is 00:10:54 one fucking secret in his goddamn life. That person's clearly a big Ashanti fan. Fucking Ashanti That's what was going on there So you've been Not only Bender on Futurama But you also are
Starting point is 00:11:14 Beard Papa in Wreck-It Ralph, Scott Aukerman Oh you are? I had a bit part in that But what is Beard Papa? I saw the movie but of course Beard Papa is some saw the movie, but of course I fucked up. You know what? Beard Papa is some kind of a logo guy. The questions are going to get harder.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I know, man. I'm struggling right now. Help me out, bro. No, he's this spokesmodel thing for this Japanese company that makes... Cream puffs! That's what it is! And apparently it's in Pasadena, right? There's a place in Pasadena that sells them? So it's like
Starting point is 00:11:54 cream puffs. But the director of the film, Rich Moore, I worked with a ton on Futurama. He directed many, many episodes. The movie turned out great. It's great. It's really good. But do the voice for us right now real quick. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Here we go. What's my character's name again? Beard Papa. Hi, I'm Beard Papa. Great job, John. Thanks. What did he really sound like? You probably don't remember. I don't remember. You do so many things.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It was one line, man. It was like, I swear to God, I don't remember. Big Papa in the house. That's it. That's it. That was it right there. Big Papa, what up? That was it, too.
Starting point is 00:12:40 No, seriously. It was just one line, and I was just happy to see Rich. And he was like, okay, say this one line. And I was like, no, but no. And it one line, and I was just happy to see Rich. And he was like, okay, say this one line. I was like, and it was done, and it was over. And he was like, all right, man, great to see you.
Starting point is 00:12:51 All right, cool. And then all of a sudden, Wreck-It Ralph came out. Yeah, you're in a classic, buddy. Word? I want more detail about this day. Oh, word? So he said, great to see you?
Starting point is 00:13:01 Did you get like an Arrowhead water, a Kirkland water? I got a Kirkland water? I got I got a Kirkland water Let's talk about movies Have you been to the cinema much lately? Are you too busy being
Starting point is 00:13:16 voices and everything? Damn, snap Where did I see the last thing I saw in the movies? Well, I just saw Les Mis speaking of that I see the last thing I saw in the movies? Well, I just saw Les Mis, speaking of that. Sure, sure. I saw it last night. It's a little nappy.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Wow, it's way nappy. It's seriously nappy. It's good to go... I like going to sleep to it. I saw Hitchcock, which was really good. You like that? Yeah, I kind of liked it. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I thought Anthony Hopkins was good. If Hitchcock looked and sounded exactly like Anthony Hopkins, that's what he would have been like. But yeah, it was kind of a fun movie. I said it before and some guy chewed me out on Twitter. Scarlett Johansson does a really good Janet Leigh in that movie. I thought she was great. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I thought it was well cast and stuff. What have you seen, Scott? Nothing, I think. I honestly think that like... We're in the January doldrums. Yeah, last year was the last time I saw movies. I, you know, Django and Les Mis and all the stuff. I saw Django too and Silver Lining Playbook.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, I know you don't like it at all, but I really like Silver Lining Playbook. I did not hate it. I just didn't. I got tired of all the yelling. Right. I wanted more dance contests, less yelling. My favorite of the year still was The Raid Redemption,
Starting point is 00:14:31 which we saw together. That was my number one of the year. So fucking good. Such a fun movie. I saw that. Is that the, it's like Filipino? Where is that from? Filipino?
Starting point is 00:14:42 It was shot in the Philippines by a dude from the British Isles. No, like an Irish dude. I saw that twice in the theater. I kept coming. To the theater to see the raid. And then just ejaculating all over the seats. I saw Les Mis last night in my home theater. Because they finally sent it out to everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They held out for a while. I'd never seen Les Mis. I've never seen it, so I didn't know the story. I didn't know anything about it. I was like, oh, shit! Javert! Oh, shit, Javert! No mercy, Javert Oh shit Javert
Starting point is 00:15:26 No mercy Javert Seriously No fucking mercy Javert The guy stole bread once No quarter That's bullshit But why is he so focused on that one guy Everyone's so fucking mean in that movie
Starting point is 00:15:42 He owned a bread store That bitch lost her job and went straight to the streets. And why did she lose her job? All the other women in the factory were just like, oh, this isn't going to work out. Let's get this bitch out of here. They have no reason. She's just over there doing her job, looking pretty.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Jealous because of that fucking herbal essence is hair. Yeah, the hair is probably a little too luxurious for how poor she was. And by the way... They couldn't let it get frizzy or some shit like that. So what I didn't understand, so Jackman... Ugh. Just picture
Starting point is 00:16:19 Jackman and Hathaway just chatting about musicals. I would join them in that conversation. I bet. But he's supposed to be this good guy, and he owns a sweatshop. You know what I mean? It's like, I've changed.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I found God. Also, it's like eight years later. I'm the mayor. I know. A guy with a fake name. But that's old-timey shit. I've become a wealthy mayor in eight years. I feel like that old-timey shit, you could pull that stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:52 There's no Google, you know what I mean? Yeah, I was a mayor in another town. All right. All right. You still bread? You ever still bread? No. All right, You still bread? You ever still bread? No. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You can hang. Welcome back to Analyze Miz. Someone I was talking to today pointed out that eponine spoiler, turn it off, turn it off. But please don't say that to my listeners. Turn off Doug's show, everyone. You guys don't turn it off. Turn it off right now.
Starting point is 00:17:27 You've only had 30 years to see Les Mis. Or to read it. Or hear about it or read it. But she dies in it, right? And she's Sacha Baron Cohen's daughter. And they don't give a shit, in the least. She's just dead. Yeah, that's sort of how it plays in the Broadway show, too.
Starting point is 00:17:45 They show up at that fancy dinner at the end. That's crazy. They're all just going, I'm a wacky guy. Oh, my daughter's dead. Comic reliefs. Children can just perish and it doesn't matter. That is weird, though. I'm starting to notice more things
Starting point is 00:18:01 that I find strange about the whole enterprise. I don't like Russell Crowe. He just showed up for that fucking movie. He was just like, wow, man. That's how it feels. He's all magnitude. Feels like he's just pushing
Starting point is 00:18:18 every song. Every song feels like he's pushing it right from his balls. By the stars. He can't breathe. Yeah, he doesn't breathe when he sings. They get bigger, louder singers to play Javert every time. Really? Yeah, yeah. I think Jeff Goldblum would have been better.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Jeff Daniels would have been better. Any Jeff in Hollywood would have been better. Jeff who lives at home? Would have been better. Jeff Probst would have been better. Welcome back to Les Mis. Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys R Would have been better. Mm-hmm. Jeff Probst would have been better. Welcome back to Les Mis. Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys R Us would be better. Dahmer.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Hey, Nick, has El Chupacabra seen any movies lately? Oh, an interesting intro to El Chupacabra. Has he seen any movies? Has he seen any movies? Has he seen any movies ever? He was. Have you seen any movies of El Chupacabra? Peliculus.
Starting point is 00:19:15 No, I have not seen any movies of recent. I saw a movie. Who else has joined us? The baby. The baby saw a movie. The baby is here. Yeah, the baby saw a movie. What movie did us? The baby. The baby saw a movie. The baby is here. Yeah, the baby saw a movie. What movie did you see, baby?
Starting point is 00:19:31 ¿Qué película has visto? I saw el regador de Ralph. Which one, baby? Reggae Ralph. The baby saw Reggae Ralph.
Starting point is 00:19:51 What was your favorite character in Reggae Ralph? Mr. Mustache. I assume was translated from his character. Beard Papa. That's character. Beard popper. Beard popper. That's right. Beard popper. Señor mustache. Señor mustache. Señor bigote.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Mr. mustache. Take care, Chupacabra. Thanks for stopping by, you guys. Kroll Show, 10.30, Wednesday nights after Workaholics. This is the part of the show. Here's another one of your famous lulls. People get disappointed if there isn't a lull at some point. Where were your lulls that we've become accustomed to? This podcast isn't enough like Les Mis.
Starting point is 00:20:54 They talk too much in the movie. Did you not like that? I was told they didn't talk. They hardly talk at all in the musical. I didn't like Mr. Pretty with the Kermit voice either. I don't know who it was. Amanda Seyfried?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah, the guy, the romantic lead. Mr. Pretty with the Kermit voice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eddie Redmayne. Eddie Redmayne. Oh, that guy. He might be a talented actor. I liked him okay.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Just the voice drove me crazy. Yeah, he went real high with it, but the part is sung that guy. He might be a talented actor. I liked him okay. It's just the voice drove me crazy. Yeah, he went real high with it but that's the part is sung that way other times. He looks like an off-duty
Starting point is 00:21:31 drag queen, that guy. There's something about him just like, damn pretty. Yeah, they do. They totally do.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Hey, what are you, off-duty? Yeah, I just clocked out. Yeah, word. This is one of my
Starting point is 00:21:44 favorite Denny's. Babies love Denny's. What did old man Juarez think about Les Mis? I'm wondering. It seems like it would be right up his alley. They're very fair pricey. I think he said they were very fair prices. Very fair prices.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I don't have much money on Medicare. Seems like with the secret that he revealed on last week's CBV, he'd be into it. And just to remind the listeners out there and other people who may have participated in that, what did he reveal? He revealed a torturous secret he's been living with
Starting point is 00:22:30 for his entire life. He had a secret love of another man, his roommate. Oh, my God. I'm gay. Yo soy gay. Yo soy gay. Yo soy gay.
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's his favorite catchphrase. Ah, it's Alzheimer's. I have Alzheimer's. Oh, I thought you said you love Neil Simon. Richard, go hand in hand. I do love Neil Simon plays Richard, go hand in hand. I do love Neil Simon play, but I have Alzheimer's. Oh, he has Alzheimer's,
Starting point is 00:23:11 so he didn't remember outing himself. Right. Do you notice the posture I take when I do the characters? Isn't that the plot of that movie, Beginners, with Christopher Plummer? That's like my favorite movie from last year. I still haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Oh, it's great. I heard that you see it. Do you see that? A cat's thoughts. I heard it's great. Oh, it's great. Christopher Plummer's awesome. It's great.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So Mike Mills made that, and then his wife, she made the crazy, oh, fuck. What's her name? Does anyone know? She looks like Kristen Schaal. Yeah, Miranda July is Mike Mills' wife. What was the what's her name? Does anyone know? She looks like Kristen Schaal. Miranda July is Mike Mills' wife. What was the name of her movie? The Future. You guys should go to game night together.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Where you give all the answers. That was pretty good. But they're married to each other and when you watch both movies it's interesting. It informs one another's movies when you see both of them coming out. So that's one of my famous lulls
Starting point is 00:24:12 that I've added to... The baby in Old Man's Forest probably has some thoughts on that, too. They took off when I started on this little run. I like how you can keep track of them like that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They come and go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Let the games... begin, citizens of Los Angeles. Gentlemen, this is the part where you get up and you pick a name tag from all the delightful name tags that you could choose from. There's some interesting ones out there. Yeah, just go ahead and go and grab it. There's some interesting ones out there. Yeah, just go ahead and go and grab it.
Starting point is 00:25:09 There looks to be someone who... I leaked that you were going to be here, John, so he's playing directly to you. There's another one over there, but he blew it. Is that your real passport? It's always a clever move. Oh, yeah, take his passport. Yeah, absolutely. Let's set it on fire.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Hey, UCB, security, this guy just tried to steal my wallet. Canada. This is your passport. Okay. Howard Sheffman. That's not a young man's name. Howard Sheffman. That's not a young man's name. Howard Sheffman. It's tight in the crutch.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I hurt my grun. Because it's tight in the crutch. We're all looking at you like you're looking for something in there, but we just need his name. Oh, I'm sorry. Howard Sheffman. Okay, so Nick's playing for Howard Sheffman.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And that's really a creative name tag, Howard. I want to tear it up. I've never had such a desire to tear something up. That's why you picked it? Because you just want to destroy it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Because a lot of these people made some effort to make a nice name tag and then you picked a guy with a passport. What did this guy do? Just give me the most important piece of identification he owns. What do you got there, John? I got a picture of Bender and it says, bite my shiny metal Bob. So I'm playing for Bob.
Starting point is 00:26:46 He's in the front row. Let's just make sure. Is your name Shiny? Shiny Bob. Shiny metal or Bob? Shiny and Bob. All right. What does Bender sound like?
Starting point is 00:26:56 He sounds like this. He's a combination of three things. A drunk at the end of any bar. Slim pickings, and a guy that my friend made up in college called Charlie the Sausage Guy. Charlie is a sausage lover.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Sausage is fun to have fun holding all kinds of sausages. You can have tiny, tiny, mild sausage, sweet, sweet Italian sausage. You can have brats. You can have brats,, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny in college. Yeah, you put them all together in a blender and you get Bender! I love that. That's Slim Pickens.
Starting point is 00:27:50 That guy's a goddamn treasure. In 1941, he's so funny in that goddamn movie. Blazing Saddles was my favorite. Who is he in Blazing Saddles? He's the... He's the... What in the hell in the wide
Starting point is 00:28:06 wide world of sports is going on. I told you boys to come out here and lay some rail. Wide world of sports. Totally. Another time he calls a bunch of people Kansas City faggots. Exactly. He does. I told you boys
Starting point is 00:28:22 to come out and lay some rail. Not jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots. But he says faggots. He doesn't say faggots, he says faggots. Who's got change? Anybody got any dimes? Oh, shit. Somebody's got to go back and get a shitload of dimes.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Fucking love that fucking movie. Oh, man, that movie. I could watch that movie a lot. Oh, god damn it. You should do a one-man show where you just say things he says. Sandwire, main office, tell them I said, Al, got you.
Starting point is 00:28:56 He gets hit on the head. I know that whole fucking movie. It's retarded. Daddy love froggy? Why am I asking you? These are blazing saddles! Yay! Did you know that Gig Young was playing the
Starting point is 00:29:17 Gene Wilder role in that movie and the first day on the set he had to do the hanging upside down in the prison cell scene and he like never recovered like he was just too he had to do the hanging upside down in the prison cell scene. And he never recovered. He was just too fucked up to do it. Yeah, Gig Young. It would have been a crazy different movie with that guy in there instead of Gene Wilder. Gene Wilder is genius.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And Mel Book called up Gene Wilder and said, hey, do you want to play Black Bart? Get down here. Let's do it. And he said, OK. Listen, Bart. He just jumped right into it. And he's so great. He's so good in that.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And Richard Pryor was supposed to be Cleavon Little's part. Yeah, exactly. Because he wrote it. Because he wrote it. And then the studio didn't trust him. They wanted a star. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Cleavon did a good job, though. He was great. Yeah, real good. He was awesome. God, that's one of my favorite movies ever. I had the feeling you might have liked it from knowing every line from the movie. I had the feeling you might have liked it from knowing every line from the movie.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I had a tape. Just don't do the campfire scene. Don't worry about it. I'm doing it live. Fuck it, we're going live. We're doing it. Yeah, exactly. Wait, hold on Do I have it?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Sorry For anybody who didn't turn the show off When Scott asked them to Yeah Exactly The stragglers are all getting out now But we should I want to say that I got Dick Dale's
Starting point is 00:30:49 oh that's right what's your name tag it's either Dick or Dale I don't know or maybe neither your name is Dale and that's your face you put over his face on the Dick Dale album cover nicely done that's why I picked it
Starting point is 00:31:04 did it detect some sort of accent no album cover? Nicely done. Great. That's why I picked it. Do I detect some sort of accent? No. Okay. Anybody could say no without an accent. Javier Bardem could just be like,
Starting point is 00:31:13 no. No. So, here's the thing. I... Can I just... I'm sorry to please please so I took this guy's Canada passport and in the opening of the Canada passport it says the minister of foreign affairs
Starting point is 00:31:37 of Canada requests in the name of her majesty the queen all those who wait so like so you're still your passport is still based on the queen of another country get a life canada i'm just gonna cut that part i've already had problems with Canada. That's cool, though. It's a nice piece of comedy.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Because I was just going to say that John DiMaggio's never heard the show before. And, you know, he's a busy man. And I haven't watched all of his cartoons. See? So take it easy. So we're even. Yes. But,
Starting point is 00:32:28 I just don't feel like explaining the Leonard Maltin game to him. Okay. No, why not? Well, because we've got
Starting point is 00:32:37 13 minutes left. Uh-huh. Because we're having so much fun just talking and making noises. I bet if I named, what's another movie you'd love as much as Blazing Saddles?
Starting point is 00:32:49 I don't know, Bananas is pretty funny. Bananas is the best, do something from Bananas. Suck out the poison. Suck out the poison. Suck out the poison. Suck out the poison. I think I should suck out the poison. Suck out the poison. Suck out the poison. I think I should suck out the poison. Oh, yeah. Wait, was that Woody Allen on Entourage?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yes. That was awesome. Oh, yeah. What's happening with the Murphy group? You know? I mean, come on. Vince, you're Murphy group? You know? I mean, come on. Vince, you're my roommate, you know? I love you, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:32 We're going out, so. There it is. So this is what I'm thinking. Let's just play one round, winner take all, of how much did this shit make what's that explain it to me how much did this shit make
Starting point is 00:33:51 we've played this a few times on the show I tell you the name of a movie everyone bids on how much they thought that that shit made price is right style made in gross? adjusted gross? no adjustments
Starting point is 00:34:06 just domestic box office and if it's one of those movies that got re-released a few times that counts but it's not and you can just like Price is Right you can bid a dollar but if you go over you're over? it's closest
Starting point is 00:34:22 to that going over remember that shit? still going right? over? It's closest to that going over. Closest to that going over. Remember that shit? Still going, right? Yeah, it's on every day. DC! I remember the bargain version. It's like doing an Obama impression
Starting point is 00:34:39 saying, remember that shit? Yeah, I know. But who won the election, though? You mean in more of a spiritual sense? Yeah. Who won? Carrie? I think...
Starting point is 00:34:56 The Stephen King novel? Stephen King? Yeah. Yeah, he always wins. He's a king, not a president. Can a remake of Carrie be any good? Is it possible?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Ooh, the tough questions. Well, this is like the third one, isn't it? Because they retook it. They tried it again before. They've tried a couple of Broadway musicals.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Oh. Nobody seems to be able to get a good one going, but this one is... We're all going gonna laugh at you this is gonna have wait I just noticed
Starting point is 00:35:31 they're all gonna laugh at you the Sandler bit the Sandler CD he says that over and over again you sure you didn't get it from there no that's Piper Laurie and Carrie the The mother. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:46 They're all going to laugh at you. Okay, Sandler. Are we sure that she didn't steal it from Sandler? Now that I'm not sure of. That could have been it. Sloppy Joe's.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Sloppy, sloppy Joe's. What if Woody Allen liked a sloppy Joe? You know, I just don't really like sloppy Joe? You know, I just, I'm really into sloppy Joe, so yeah. You sound like David Wayne doing a character. It's a very specific Woody Allen of the one where he, like, gets really introspective with a girl, where he, like, corners her on the street.
Starting point is 00:36:21 He's like, you know, I just feel really in love with you. I like that you just have one tonal version of Woody Allen. Did someone just yell the Pink Panther? Why? It sounds like it. It sounds like the Pink Panther? The Pink Panther doesn't talk. Yeah, he wasn't...
Starting point is 00:36:43 What the fuck are you on, man? In the movies, the Pink Panther is a diamond. He's not a person. Snagglepuss, you think he's a... Ah, Snagglepuss. Exit, stage left even. That is correct. Well done.
Starting point is 00:36:59 You usually don't get to stick around for the adjustment with a heckle. Oh. don't get to stick around for the adjustment with a heckle. I want to do a thing where people just shout impressions for us to do and we buzz in. Oh, I love it! Let's go. Start shouting.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Tom DeLuise. Scott just buzzed in for Dom DeLuise. Stop. I really wanted to buzz in. I don't know if I can. Okay, go ahead. What does he say in Blazing Saddles?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Watch me, faggots. Fucking. Yeah. Stick out your hands. No, no. Throw out your hands. Stick out your toots. This is the way we're doing.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Okay, that's enough. No more singing. No more singing. That's better. Because I don't want to pay for that song. Carson, he says. Carson? Cartman or Carson?
Starting point is 00:37:51 I'll do Cartman-Carson. The, uh, peers, uh, looks like they killed Kenny. Wow. That was all right, man. So it was more sounded like one had the attitude of the other. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I like it. Bruce Valanche. Bruce Valanche. Buzz in, somebody. Does anybody know even what he sounded like? No, but he just looks like him. Sound dead? He's alive.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Oh, shit. He took a vow of silence today. He's... Sound dead? He's alive. Oh, shit! He took a vow of silence today. Yo, you weren't reading the trade? He's dead to me. Bruce Valanche looks like a Muppet with Down Syndrome. Aww. What kind of mind thinks
Starting point is 00:38:36 it's funny to yell out Michael J. Fox? Wait, I'll do Michael J. Fox. Okay, here we go. Here you go. Doc! Paul Lind. Come on, Doc.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Paul Lind? Oh, fuck. Go ahead. Yeah? Yeah. Center square for the block. Paul, what's there a shortage of in Brazil? I don't know, shoes and fathers?
Starting point is 00:39:11 This is my impression of Paul Lynde walking into a room full of women. Oh my God, it smells like pussy in here. I think. See, this is so much better than watching him be confused by my game. By the way, I thought they had asked for an impression of Homeland. Wait, I got that. Scott's got it. What the fuck are you doing, Carrie?
Starting point is 00:39:40 That's in the opening credits. What the fuck are you doing? Oh, is that Mandy Patinkin? Yeah, that's Patinkin in the opening credits What the fuck are you doing? Oh is that Mandy Patinkin? Yeah that's Patinkin In the opening song The greatest lyric of any song Mandy Patinkin He's got the highest singing voice
Starting point is 00:39:53 Of any actor alive Scott wrote Had him sing in a motion picture That Scott was writing on Oh wait I think I remember. The Mr. Show movie. Yes, that's right. Exactly, I saw that.
Starting point is 00:40:08 He could not care less about me. Really? Yeah, did not give me the time of day. But it was his idea to have his naked ass hanging out of his stupid outfit, right? He came to the set and asked to do that. Yeah. He was like, you know what? I don't like the scene as written. What if I got naked?
Starting point is 00:40:24 We were just like, what? Okay don't like the scene as written. What if I got naked? We were just like, what? Okay. Sure, if you want to. What a scoop. There you go. There's an 11-year-old scoop.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Now go sell it, DiMaggio with the hat. Yeah. Aw. Your papes. What's in the papes? X-Tree, X-Tree, read all about it. How much did this shit make?
Starting point is 00:40:51 The motion picture. Two out of the three panelists are in this motion picture. What? Yeah, that's right. Not me? John plays an EMT. And Nick plays Young Doctor. Okay. Which we've discussed on the show before and the film is called Little Fockers
Starting point is 00:41:10 and I know you guys aren't the types that really stare at the box office results of things you were involved in Oh, on this one I did Well you might have an advantage then So let's start down here with Scott Let's have Scott go first Closest number without going over Worldwide or domestic?
Starting point is 00:41:34 Domestic Okay According to 67.8 67.8. I don't know what that audience noise meant. What do you think, John? I don't really know. 85 million.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Straight shot. No.8. 86.3. 86.3. Whoa. Can we just take a second? You really want that small of a difference between your number and John's?
Starting point is 00:42:31 That he put 85 and I want to say 86-3? Yeah, that's a really tiny window you have there. But if it's without going over, price is lifestyle. As long as I'm above... You should just do 85-1. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Isn't this your game? It is. Wow. But why don't I just do 85.1? Because I think outside the box. That's why I was in the movie Little Fockers. Let's get another fucking turn.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Wait a minute. You don't get two turns. He said 86.3. Come on. He didn't get two turns. Well, fuck. I'm saying 86.3. Don't you worry.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I was teasing him Just like when I decided to do the movie, little fuckers, I didn't think twice about it. No, it's good strategy, what he did. Shit. Yeah. 60 what? I said 86.3.
Starting point is 00:43:23 86.3. 86.3. I said 86.3. 86.3. It made 148 million. So Nick Kroll is our winner. Yay! That strategy worked.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Now, are you going to have to get all this back through, like, customs to Canada? Oh, okay. I'll take back the rolling paper. Do you live here, Howard? I don't. Here you go. You're here on vacation? He came to visit. He came to the show.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, yeah, don't forget this stuff. All the prizes. Let's put all the prizes in that bag. Shit. Let's get all the prizes in there. Oh, and there's your passport back. And yeah, so that's what I'm going to read here at the end of the show.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Is there a shithead on the back of his? You don't want to ruin his album. I wish Howard had lost so that he would have had to write someone was a shithead on his passport. The Queen of England. Yeah. She is Oprah, right?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Okay, Scott, you get to hit a shithead also. Write down a shithead for me to say at the end. I get a shithead? Yeah, yeah. For the first time, I'm letting a guest pick a shithead. Oh, wow. And I'll say it. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I'll totally say it. God, so many shitheads in the world. I'd let you all do it. So, did you get all your plugs in during the course of the show, Nick Kroll? No, I'll repeat it one more time. I've never been so desperate to plug something before in my life. I know, you're normally just very relaxed about it. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I have an agenda here. We get through a whole episode where you never mention the league. I will mention Kroll Show, which is my sketch show, which is on right now every Wednesday, 10.30, 9.30 Central after Workaholics.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Thank you. So fucking watch it, DVR it, and don't write mean things to me on Twitter or to my handle. It really hurts
Starting point is 00:45:21 my feelings. Would you say if people are going to DVR it, they should just save it until six months from now and watch it then? No, I'd say in the plus three or plus seven category of amount of time so that
Starting point is 00:45:34 you're counted. What do you got to plug, John DiMaggio? Well, out there on IFC, it's airing after Portlandia. It's a new IFC, it's airing after Portlandia. It's a new animated cartoon, and it's very, as opposed to a non-animated cartoon. No, but it's a really funny show.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And let's see, Adventure Time is currently running on Cartoon Network. And we'll have new Futuramas in the summer as well. Which corner do we have to go to if we want to buy your papes? Oh, word? Want to buy my papes, yo? Oh, you know what? I want to buy your papes. Actually, I'm executive producing a film called I Know That Voice.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And it's a documentary about cartoon voiceover people. And we're just about ready to wrap this thing up. June Foray involved? June Foray is involved. I mean, everybody. Maurice LaMarche. Maurice LaMarche, Billy West, Hank Azaria, Nancy Cartwright, Rob Paulson,
Starting point is 00:46:35 Great Elisle. Great Elisle. Dan couldn't do it. Tress McNeil did not want to do it. What about Scooby-Doo? Scooby didn't do it. No, no, it. What about Scooby-Doo? Scooby didn't do it. No, no, no. The actual Scooby-Doo. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:46:49 We couldn't get Scooby-Doo. No, no, no, no. And Scott, do you have any plugs? Listen to my podcast, Comedy Bang Bang. I also have Analyze Fish. Just came out, number fifth episode. Do you want to do an Analyze Miz? Yeah, let's do it. I'm up for anything you want to do an Analyze Miz? Yeah, let's do it. I'm up for it. Let's do an
Starting point is 00:47:07 Analyze Miz. I would love to analyze Miz. As the world's biggest Les Mis fan. You're saying you like the motion picture? I like it because it's a motion picture of a show that I like. That's why I like it. I like some. I could do music. I could defend musicals all day. But I've gone, like Harris goes on tour with Fish,
Starting point is 00:47:26 I go on tour with Les Mis. I go to all their shows. I take Molly and go to Les Mis shows. One more time for Nick Kroll, John DiMaggio, and Scott Aukerman. Wait here, I'm going to take a picture during the closing song.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And as always, I mixed these up so no one will know who said which one. As always, Will Ansbach is a shithead. And Zap Brannigan Yeah, I guess you did that one. is the shithead. And President Barack Hussein Obamacare is the shithead. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie Eyes of gold and viewing crowd was makes it talkie
Starting point is 00:48:22 There's no room in his heart for you Cause Doug loves movies

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