Doug Loves Movies - Open Mike Eagle, Rhett Reese and Michael Rianda guest

Episode Date: May 28, 2021

Doug welcomes Open Mike Eagle, Rhett Reese and Michael Rianda to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to... and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming baby sticky seeds with 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love Memorial Day. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from safe spaces. Thanks as always to our presenting sponsor, OCB Rolling Papers. OCB only uses natural acacia gum for an always sticks experience. Enjoy the show. It's Thursday, May 27th, 2021. And my guests in this month's bonus ep are Open Mike eagle ret reese and michael rienda hey hello hello hello hello let's meet them individually and alphabetically starting with
Starting point is 00:00:56 open mike eagle is back hey dude how's it going man pretty good you were just on getting done with hi which we do exclusively over on Patreon. So I'm excited to have you on this show that gets much more. Unleash me from the paywall. Let me at the people. There's no reason to keep open my eagle behind a paywall. And your podcast is called What Had Happened Was. That's true.
Starting point is 00:01:24 That's what it's called and uh we talked about that on the other show but you want to just quickly tell people what what it is so they can yeah check it out so uh it's a music interview show but each season is devoted to one individual so we're on season two right now where every episode we are interviewing lp of run the jewels and company flow fame and the first season was interviewing prince paul who did de la soul and handsome boy modeling school so uh we just get to go we get to deep dive on every one of their projects and people tend to love it because they love those albums and they want to hear all the backstories
Starting point is 00:02:00 and inside jokes and such yeah that sounds That sounds great. How long does a, so a season is just one artist, but like how many episodes is that? 12 episodes so far in both seasons. Wow. And you're just going, do you know who season three is going to be? Or is that, how do you decide? Well, there's, there's only, you know, there's only a handful of people who really make sense because they have to have done, you know, so many different projects that many different projects that it makes sense for 12 episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So it's not a long list of people it could be. I've started taping season three, but I can't say who it is yet because my PR people would be really mad if I just do it without sending out a press release. They'll be real pissed. Yeah, of course. And now we just had a terrific tease. But listen to this season because LP must have a lot of amazing stuff to say. Yes, but he smokes a lot of marijuana while we're recording. So his memory is spotty at best, but it's still very entertaining to watch him try to piece it together.
Starting point is 00:02:59 All right. Also joining us today, we've got a couple of first-timers. Rhett Reese is here, co-writer of Deadpool, Deadpool 2, but enough about them. Wayne, my favorite thing. Oh, man, you're the best. How's it going, Rhett? Good, good. I cannot thank you enough for your support of Wayne. You are a one-man army, and we appreciate it greatly. Well, I'll say it again right now if
Starting point is 00:03:25 you're not watching wayne on prime i don't know what your problem is uh it's probably the second most entertaining thing after finishing this podcast you're listening to now um but it's i just you know fell in love with that show immediately you know it's one of those ones where once it got to the close to the end me me and my girlfriend, like save, you know, we just couldn't watch the last episode because we didn't want it to be over. And, um, but moving on from that, cause I mean, it's still, there's nothing to say really, as far as it's still in limbo, as far as making more.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah. I mean, look, I think frankly, we're kind of on the ropes. Like we, we, we need more and more views and more and more support. And we're trying to find that where we can, but, uh, but we're not dead yet. So hanging in. Okay. That's, that's all I needed to hear. I'm on it. I tweet about it every Wednesday, Wayne Wednesday. And I think everybody, nobody watches it and comes to me and says, hey, why'd you recommend that crap?
Starting point is 00:04:27 Everybody comes to me and says that's their new favorite thing after they watch it. And they thank me. So that makes me feel good. It's just good all around to support Wayne. And also joining us today is a gentleman who
Starting point is 00:04:43 doesn't matter what I think of his movie because it is blowing up all over Also joining us today is a gentleman who, you know, it doesn't matter what I think of his movie because it is blowing up all over. Number one on Netflix since the day it opened and for like at least a week, maybe 10 days or more. And it's called Mitchell's, Bell Mitchell's versus The Machines. A great, great animated movie. And we have the director of this netflix sensation michael rienda am i saying it right yeah no you're saying right thank you i i love this podcast i've been on board for years last man stanton leonard malton game i've been listening for years so it's
Starting point is 00:05:23 like it's a true honor to be on it I love it you know all the code words that's pretty cool I know I've got all these strategies for the games I'm like really beaked up I've been listening to I've been listening to back catalog just training well I hope you've been listening to the zoom episodes because that's the kind of games we're playing right now because yeah yeah weird algorithm i'm yeah i'm in yeah it's just it's shifted to uh we'll see when i start doing it in front of a live audience again but things have kind of shifted to uh games where you know people where people can guess you know because yeah sure some of the games are so hard that like it's fun in front of a funny in front of a studio audience to make somebody sweat a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:06 But when we can't even see the person, they're just sitting there quietly, sadly trying to, you know, come up with something they're never going to think of. It's just, you know, the games are just a little bit more accessible, I hope. Yeah. But, but your movie's great. Are they already, they must, there must already be talk of a sequel. Yeah, they're, they're, they're trying. I'm, I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm sleepy. But, but yeah, we're sort of talking about it a little bit. And I like that it has, for a while it didn't, it wasn't called versus the machines. It had a different title, but I like the versus cause you can have it be about aliens or time travel or fighting an army of clones or anything stupid like that. Um, so I,
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think that I think there could be a cool sequel. Yeah. There's so many things to fight. Yeah. I think, uh, I think loneliness could pull that off. Um, but if you death, sorry death sorry um so in the interim while because i don't know how long between uh finishing uh the mitchells and it uh showing up on netflix surprise a bit of a window there yeah no it was it was yeah it's um it's it was like we finished like four months ago or something so we i've just kind of been hanging around stressing out shaking in a corner i'm hoping that people liked it so i'm glad i'm glad it's gone over relatively well it's it's you must have found out like right away you must have been seeing the
Starting point is 00:07:36 positive uh comments you know like the movie premiered on the friday and was number one by saturday i think yeah no it was i mean it was awesome. And, and it's, it's so weird, you know, cause Netflix is like, you know, it's, it's so intangible cause you're not at a movie theater and all that stuff. But, but it was like, it's been really gratifying, but it's like the main way I sort of interact with people seeing it is instead of them being in an audience, they're like talking about it on Twitter, but thank God they like it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And they're saying nice things for the most part yeah and who knows like uh i would imagine you could get it on some screens at some point just just because people love it so much and would love to see it in a theater yeah i think that's the i i that's my hope for like maybe you know in the fall or something maybe we could get a little mini mini screening yeah or just you know in the fall or something maybe we could get a little mini mini screening yeah or just you know if they just pick a weekend where there's not a big animated movie coming out you could be that weekend's big animated movie because not everybody has netflix yes uh so uh more people see it the better i love it and i uh recommend it to people as I do, obviously, Wayne. Go see – by the way, I also love Wayne.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm going to throw another support, more support at Wayne. Let's check in with Open Mike Eagle. Have you seen Wayne on Prime? I haven't even heard of it, so I'm not going to pretend to be familiar with it at all. This is the kind of honesty we need right now because the fact that people haven't heard of wayne is the is the problem when you get to spread the word but if you feel you know no pressure but if you feel like checking it out you know send me a message let me know how much you love it i really appreciate it guys and
Starting point is 00:09:24 mike i'm sorry i haven't seen the mitchells yet it is literally at the top of our queue i've got a two-year-old boy he he saw the thumbnail he was ready to roll we're ready and and i i know phil and chris and i and i so i i apologize for not getting to it so far but no no problem when when when we were making it, I remember we turned in a draft that was like too intense. And the executive who I really like was like, watch Zombieland. This is too, this is too, like, think, think more fun. So I remember me and my, the co-writer, co-director watching Zombieland and having like the time of our lives. Like, we should make it more like Zombieland. zombie land and having like the time of our lives like we should make it more like something
Starting point is 00:10:11 yes we should say that rhett uh co-wrote both of the zombie land movies as well right yup yup that was us and now you're gonna take on you're making a new version of a clue movie that is in the works as well um though knives out stole a tiny bit of our thunder, I'm not going to lie, but for good reason. It's the best darn thing ever. But also that it's reviving the idea of a whodunit, so it seems kind of also perfect in a way. True, true. I think when someone succeeds in your space that's a little close to you,
Starting point is 00:10:41 sometimes it can be a threat, but sometimes it can be a boon because it proves that there's an audience for a certain thing. Yeah. And I'm the audience for the new clue. Cause I argue with people all the time about the, about the old clue. It's a, it's a divisive movie. So make one that everybody loves, please, which is so easy to do. We're going to take a quick commercial break now that we've chatted with everybody. We're ready to move in, move on to the next portion of the show. We'll be right back. We're back, and it's time to visit recommendation nation that's where i ask each one of my guests
Starting point is 00:11:27 to recommend one movie and one movie only that you know people are always like well based on what well based on just you think if you said it to an absolute stranger and they went and watched it they would be enriched and have a great time or have a terrible time but the enriched part uh who would like to go first wow i would not i would not like to go first i'll i'll dip my toe in the water uh an older movie and and i i say this because we've been on a ted lasso binge and I'm just reminded, I hear Schitt's Creek is similar, but I'm reminded how wonderful it can be to watch a movie where everyone's a good guy, basically.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I mean, it just makes you feel good about the world and it's not angsty. So I'm gonna go back to a movie called Once. It was an Irish movie from about 10 years ago, musical, just wonderful story about musicians. Everybody who graces the screen is a good person. There's just so much love flowing out of that movie and the music. And you just need a little once in your life if you're anxious or if you're stressed or depressed. It's that kind of movie.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It's beautiful. The songs are great. It's a real life, you know, musician. They're both musicians, the two leads. So they do all their own singing and playing. And, uh, and of course it became a Broadway musical and the guy who won the Tony for playing the lead in the Broadway musical is a friend of mine. Who's been on Douglas movies. Oh, that's awesome. Steve Kazee, but the movie that it's, uh, that the show is based on is, uh, is terrific. And, uh, you should check it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Me to Ireland. I went to Ireland right after I saw the movie. I fell in love with it so much. And then I very coincidentally ran into the writer, director, John Carney on the street, right where Glenn Hansard plays his guitar to start the movie. I look up and John Carney's walking
Starting point is 00:13:18 right down the street toward me. And I was like, this is karma of the worst way and in the worst way. And I turned to him, introduced myself. It was an amazing moment. You got to see that movie. Go, go check it out. What credits did you use when you introduced yourself? I didn't have anything. I missed a long time ago. Like I,
Starting point is 00:13:35 I think I dropped the Joe Schmoe show maybe, but I did, I was trying to fake it till I made it because Zombieland hadn't been made. So, well, that's great that you met him and uh i am a huge fan of that guy because uh you know all of his movies have been about the creation of music which i think is a very one of the tougher things to depict you know dramatically in film and uh he's done it over and over again because sing Street is also terrific. And and I also liked his movie Begin Again with Mark Ruffalo. Who's next? Who wants to go next?
Starting point is 00:14:12 I'll go now. OK. Because I need time to think because my brain works slow. And it's funny because just the anxiety I got from you asking a very simple question reminds me of why I don't do the best at the games on the show. I think the reason why is I can only ever remember the last movie I saw. That's all I can ever remember. So I'm going to recommend a promising young woman because it's the last
Starting point is 00:14:40 movie I saw and I thought it was good. That's all we need. I mean, it is good. And yeah, that's, I think you and I are opposites because if someone just goes quick, what was the last movie you saw? I can never, I can never access it right away because it's because I'm just watching movies all the time. But Doug, I couldn't even do that quickly.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I'm just saying it's all i had and it took me a while to even get to that well it is a very good movie it won uh you know best original screenplay at the oscars this year and uh it's not i think they kind of i i don't know it's a hard movie to market i don't you know what i was mistakes i was thinking the same thing because i saw it after you know i wanted to go to the theaters because i realized more of them were open and i saw the trailer and i was like okay that looks interesting but the trailer is nothing like the movie it's nothing like it at all the trailer is like the first 10 minutes of a completely different movie that that movie is kind of pretending to be before it actually starts yeah i mean it just goes to such interesting places i wish they'd uh you know kind of they
Starting point is 00:15:51 should have taken you know it's from the uh emerald fennel does uh the killing eve tv show and the visuals in both that her movie and the tv show are so striking i think they could have cut together a trailer like without dialogue and with just lots of interesting right shots and they shouldn't i don't know i guess you can't really make it look like it's going to be fun because then people are going to be disappointed because it's certainly not fun but there is hell yeah but there's a stylishness to it that i think you know maybe they could have played on that some more i don't know but it kind of reminded me of like get out or like, sorry to bother you. You know, like movies that are taking on these big, big themes,
Starting point is 00:16:31 but using like kind of movie tropes to, to, to filter the themes through it. It was really interesting. I hadn't seen anything like that. Yeah, I agree. Who's left? Michael, you haven't uh recommended something yet yeah uh i was i i've been like uh hold up making this movie so i had like a long list of things to watch and one of the ones that i've never seen before is i watched thief the michael man movie and it like blew my hair off like i was like on fire after I watched it. It's so like, it's so like powerful. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:14 like it's so cool to see Michael Mann, like digging in to like something so specific, like, Oh, we're going to learn like all the mechanics of how to break a safe, but like, because it's so specific, it's really interesting. And, uh, I love that movie. So that, that was like the last movie I saw that I was like really shattered by shattered. I don't know. It's funny that this happened because like, you know, last week or the last show, I think I did a game where all the answers were
Starting point is 00:17:37 James Caan movies. Oh yeah. And I could not have had three guests who knew they could not have, I don't feel like they knew anything about James at all. Like they didn't even know he was in the Godfather. And then, and then finally at the end, I'm like, all right, guys, come on. And they named the movie where, you know, it's a horror movie. Stephen King, Kathy Bates. I described misery practically from beginning to end before they could even
Starting point is 00:18:04 come up with that. I was screaming when I heard that. I was Misery practically from beginning to end before they could even come up with that. I was screaming when I heard that. I was like, it's Misery! Yeah, that was really surprising to me, but you know, they are great guests and nice people. So, thank you for these
Starting point is 00:18:19 recommendations. I think all of these movies are terrific. Like, the thing about Thief is like, that was one of the first movies I saw where I was like, Oh man, there's, you know, there's so much that can be done with visuals and tone. Um, you know, that at that time, certainly a lot of movies weren't doing. And like you said, it's a Michael Mann movie. So it's just, it's really, it's really about mood and, uh, it's really, it's really wellael man movie so it's just it's really it's really about mood and uh it's really it's really well done yeah it's the best it's it's also like i've it's like the best james khan i've ever seen and he's good and everything and that's like he was like lighting up lighting
Starting point is 00:18:57 it up oh yeah i mean everybody loves him jim they love jimmy the dream all right uh now it's time to start playing some games and we're going to start with rolling with it you'll like this open mic presented by ocb rolling papers hey hey that's uh that seems very appropriate right i've been doing this show for so long and finally uh a rolling paper company said hey we want to sponsor it and i was like all right i'll try to get a movie company to sponsor my weed show i guess today's show is presented by ocb rolling papers OCB is the largest rolling paper brand in the world and has been one with nature, crafted naturally since 1918. So you know they've perfected the process for a consistently great session time after time. In perfect harmony with nature, sustainable practices, the highest quality textile papers reasonably sourced and sustainably crafted have always been the OCB signature.
Starting point is 00:20:25 OCB offers a full line of papers made with sustainable fibers including flax, wood, organic hemp, bamboo, virgin, and come in a full line of sizes in both booklets and cones. No GMOs, no chlorine, and no dyes in OCB papers. All OCB papers are plant-to-puff. OCB makes their own paper from their mill in Avion to the factories they own in Perpignan. Perpignan. Perpignan. I don't know how to say it, but it's in France. With all fibers and packaging materials sustainably farmed from within a 500 kilometer radius
Starting point is 00:20:53 and the always sticks acacia gum grown in African fields that OCB has been reforesting for decades. Unlike most other brands that buy their paper from a third party, OCB oversees the entire papermaking process, ensuring a century of quality straight to your hands. And best of all, their paper booklets are made in a facility that's powered by 100% green energy. That's awesome. In 2020, OCB rolled out America's first ultra-thin,
Starting point is 00:21:24 slow-burning bamboo rolling paper and cones that have been taking the market by storm. Using only unbleached, French-milled bamboo, OCB is aiming to make bamboo your second favorite plant. As always, they are harvested responsibly, highly sustainable, chlorine-free, dye-free, bleach-free, even-burning, GMO-free, and vegan. Ask for OCB wherever you buy your papers and sample the entire line of products. In the meantime, OCB has an unreal deal for our listeners. Visit slash Doug to get four booklets of OCB and a rolling tray for only $4.99. This bundle is worth $20. Limited time only.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Follow OCB on Instagram. That's at OCB USA to stay in touch with the natural wonder of OCB. Must be 21 plus to buy our papers and follow our social accounts. Back to the show. But this is a super fun game that we've been playing because it was invented because they asked us, OCB Rolling Papers was like, hey, just play a game that we can sponsor. So this is called Rolling With It. And basically, it's a game where you're challenged to name as many movies as you can by a particular actor or actress.
Starting point is 00:22:53 So I will tell, Mike Eagle gets to go first. I will give you the name of an actor. Now, I'm going to say that bluffing is probably a big way to play here because once i tell you this actor based on our conversation i don't know how many movies you're going to know that this person is in right but the premise of the game is is you say you bid how many you think you can name like i can name four movies and that this person was in in 60 seconds you know a minute a loose minute and then uh then it goes to ret and whatever amount of movies you say you can name from this person ret can either challenge you to do that and get the point if you fail or he can add more names and then it moves
Starting point is 00:23:40 down to michael and it goes like that until somebody is challenged and actually attempts this. And, and just to give you a perspective, there's a lot of rounds where the bidding only goes as high as three or four movies. Cause I'm not picking actors that are in a thousand things. So it's a, it's a little bit strategic and let's give it a go. Okay. Love it it i'm extremely nervous uh mike the films of paul bettany how many paul bettany films can you name and this is fun i can use the world of television to explain who paul bettany is
Starting point is 00:24:26 he's on the show wandavision yep i can i can name uh i can name three paul bettany movies That's a great opening bid. Now we go to Rhett. You can say four, five, six, however many you think you can name, or challenge Mike to name those three. He's got 60 seconds now. I can name four. That's a great bid.
Starting point is 00:25:04 It's one more than three. Michael rihanna i i certainly cannot name five so go for it all right ret we're gonna put a minute on the clock and you'll get one point if you can name four paul bettany movies and michael will get a point if you can't okay uh hang on a second. And I'm also going to, I'll count them down. As you say them, I'll say the number just so everybody can keep track. So just take a breath in between. I don't know if you're going to race through these or not.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And Ryan, our producer Ryan's got the clock ready to go. So your time starts now. Okay. The four that I can name, Master and Commander. Full title? Master and Commander or the Far Side of the World. Now you're really, you're getting me because I don't know. Okay, that's one.
Starting point is 00:25:58 That's one. Keep going. Wimbledon. Two. Avengers Age of Ultron. Three. And Avengers Infinity War yeah he's a you can't throw a dart in an Avengers movie without hitting him because he's the voice of Jarmik in the very first Iron
Starting point is 00:26:15 Man so he's in every pretty much every Marvel not every Marvel movie but certainly everyone with the Avengers or Iron Man. But you did it. Congratulations. God damn it. That was amazing. I don't know how I got Wimbledon. That's the one I was very impressive. Look, Master and Commander is one of my favorite movies,
Starting point is 00:26:36 even though I can't remember the tag, whatever the second part of the title was. Yeah, it's Master and Commander, the Far Side of the World. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Which recently people started, that came up on Twitter, people were talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:53 There's some real Master and Commander stans out there. There's some people that are super into it. All right, what happened? So Rhett got the point, michael is the one who challenged him so open mike elo gets to go first again but this time michael is second in line we switch the order around mike the films of christopher lee how many christopher lee movies do you think you can name Mike, the films of Christopher Lee. How many Christopher Lee movies do you think you can name?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I'm going to go with two. I'm going to go with two. I think that's a really, really smart opening bid. I like that. Thank you for the validation. I appreciate that. Yeah. It hasn't happened yet, but it'd be fun if somebody just goes, I'm going to start the bidding at zero.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I was close. Yeah. But Michael, what do you think? I've only got three. So that's your bid, three? Yeah, three. Okay, Rhett. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I mean, I'm going to have to call you out and say prove the three because I can't. I mean, like I could bluff, but I certainly couldn't come close if anyone called me on four and I figured somebody would. So what are the three, I guess? Yeah, let's do it. Okay, should I just go? Yeah, I don't think you need 60 seconds yeah lord of the rings
Starting point is 00:28:26 fellowship of the ring lord of the rings two towers and lord of the rings return of the king you know what though here's the thing mike i could not have named the three you know apparently i can't get the back half of a movie title i would have been like lord of the rings one two and three i don't remember their names yeah you would have been like guys smalg or something um certainly couldn't have gotten a fourth either who knows i i said a kind of picture christopher lee in like a dracula outfit from something but that was all i had i couldn't think of a fourth to save my life what's what else is he in well he's count dooku in oh yeah oh man i knew there was another figure yeah the beloved count dooku yeah he's uh he's tough tough and easy at the same time you have to you know you have to go
Starting point is 00:29:14 way back you have to be like old school film buff to name all of his uh horror movies and stuff that he was in but uh one of my favorite performances of his is he plays a Nazi in Steven Spielberg's 1941. And it's very funny watching him deal with Slim Pickens plays this guy that ends up on a Nazi sub or a Japanese sub that has a Nazi on it. It's complicated. Remember 1941? I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Okay. So yeah, Mike, open Mike hasn't seen that movie for a long time. So he doesn't remember it. You're going to go first again. Oh, fine. Yeah. Because Rhett and Michael each have one point. So we're going to give this next name to open Mike. And then I should, I should bid a blind five but i'm not gonna do that
Starting point is 00:30:07 i love that idea somebody somebody who's confident should do that one day because also this first game doesn't really matter it's just like kind of a warm-up so uh but what would you like you want me to give you the name sure okay and then it's go to Rhett to challenge you or add more names. The actor, Lou Gossett Jr. Should have gone with five. Right? I was sitting there going, I think he'd do pretty well, Lou Gossett Jr. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yeah, see, I'm bad with titles. Yeah, I'm going to have to go with two again. Okay. Let's see what Rhett does with that. I imagine he's going to add to it. Lou Gossett Jr. I'll go three oh michael um i don't think i could do one so uh name it all right i could be wrong here i'm gonna go enemy mine whoa yeah that's good call iron eagle two and i think the movie that made him famous am i
Starting point is 00:31:29 wrong officer and a gentleman yeah i won the oscar for that one yeah those i i lucked out there because i only know three i don't know any more beyond that i was gonna say an iron eagle too. But that probably has a tagline again, like, or whatever. Oh, I thought, I thought he would accept it tagless. He did for me. So I, you know, I can't, I can't deny, you know, iron like evil. Well, you guys are in luck because the time breaker was going to be jack mcbrayer oh wow yeah oh that would have been various television shows yeah that would have been from the tv show but i don't know if i can't remember a movie i've seen him in
Starting point is 00:32:17 i i i think i would well there's been a few but i would i, I would definitely go for, uh, the Ralph movies, wreck it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, but yeah, he's, uh, he was on the 30 rock for so long that that was the main thing that he was doing for a while. Um, he was also on yo Gabba Gabba every episode, him and him. And, um, no, gosh, he do knock, knock joke of the day. I don't, I don't know. Gabba Gabba. I couldn't tell you who I could tell you.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Hardcore 2010s parenting will give you a deep yo Gabba Gabba experience. It was a great show, which, you know, it's like way better than most of the other stuff as I understand. Oh yeah. As kids stuff goes, it's pretty good. All right. So Rhett won that game. And I'll tell you what you won after these messages.
Starting point is 00:33:14 We'll be right back. We're back. And our big winner, Rhett Reese, gets to go first in our second and final game today uh it's a little something called parental guidance have you heard this one michael no i've i've not i don't know it okay um so i'm sorry that you you know trained for today and i'm bringing you yeah it served me so well in the last game yeah i really throwing you a curveball here but uh this is a fun game though and it's anybody i i wouldn't even be able to guess which one of you is going to do the best because it's so random uh i'm going to read random parental warnings and advice about a particular about a particular movie you know
Starting point is 00:34:07 like if you just i mean there's lots of places that do it on the internet i like the ones on imdb uh it's basically it's just the most ridiculous stuff that they just uh casually break it down so that parents can you know i mean any of you that are parents you know you know what we're talking about here i love this game already i yeah so it's basically one of the you know one of the things that are not for children in a movie uh uh could be hearing those things can you recognize the movie is basically how this game works the clues start off very difficult and then the fourth clue should give it away. So the person who goes first gets both first,
Starting point is 00:34:52 you get the hardest clue, but then if the next two clues aren't enough for the other players to get it, then you get the fourth and a giveaway clue. Each person's going to get a chance to go first, but since Rhett won that game, he gets to go first. Now, the first thing that is written about this movie for parental guidance is that there is no sex or nudity. There is a barely hinted at romance between old friends but nothing
Starting point is 00:35:30 more oh man what movie i know it's just a shot in the dark but holy cow do people get excited if you happen to name the movie that has no sex or nudity but there is a barely hinted at romance between old friends i don't even know if they're old people i assume they're just old friends that are youngish people i'll get my bad guess out of the way because i have no idea sleepless in seattle i think romance is more than hinted at that's a good point i mean some of the minor characters i don't know yeah well that's the other thing is i i play extremely hard games and then criticize your answer okay so uh let's move on to the second one so that means that uh michael rienda gets the second
Starting point is 00:36:20 clue and of course you already heard the first one So you factor the two together and let's see. Let's see if I could not knock my recording device on the floor. Okay. This movie, in addition to no sex or nudity, has typical old fashioned cigar smoking. Okay. Yeah. Terrible. smoking um okay uh yeah terrible um let's see i just relationship between old friends wowsers um barely into that i don't even have a guess that it's close but to keep it moving uh i'm gonna say any movie that involves cigar smoke the only one i can think of is barton fink and that isn't it but i'm going with it barton fink i love that i gotta say it i
Starting point is 00:37:13 gotta say it out loud close but no cigar oh that's good although that movie did have a lot of cigar smoking in it um didn't uh uh what's his name didn't he smoke his cigar a lot in it. Didn't what's his name? Didn't he smoke a cigar a lot in it? Here's clue number three. For Mike Eagle. A penguin slaps another penguin just for laughs.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I'm going to guess Madagascar. Fantastic guess. I apologize for misleading you. Back to Rhett with the final. Who needs to be warned about a penguin slapping another penguin? Because it's just the last. You want your children seeing that slapping somebody is funny. I guess.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I know. These are for nerds. It gets really bad sometimes. I write down some of the bad ones, but some of them I just go, I can't even say that out loud. All right. But this one is the giveaway one. So Rhett should secure the point here.
Starting point is 00:38:28 At one point, the Banks children get lost in the slums of the east end of London. The Banks children. Yes. You got no sex or nudity,ity cigar smoking penguins slapping each other and the banks children lost in the slums of the east end of london i thought i thought that would just give it away i'll say uh mary poppins that is correct oh right there's penguins and mary poppins yeah That is correct. Oh, right. There's penguins in Mary Poppins? Yeah, that was my issue.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Penguins? Yeah, there's that whole, you know, Dick Van Dyke dances with the penguins. Oh, yeah. And they slap each other for laughs. I had no idea. I only got that because I thought of Saving Mr. Banks. That was the only Banks I could think. And that was about the making of Mary Poppins.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So I tried Mary Poppins. Otherwise, I would have completely whiffed yeah well that's uh you know that clue was meant for you to do just that so thank you for uh doing that and getting one point we'll move on to the second round starting with this is michael versus the machines. Got it. Love it. That's gotta be a headline of like an article about you. There are no articles about me. I mean, you know, I'm looking into the future. Yeah. You know, like, like John Krasinski, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:05 before the first quiet place came out. Well, he was already famous. Never mind. Who's going first? Oh, Michael. One of the main characters is pregnant. I'm going to say mother with an exclamation point. Oh, that's it. Great guess.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm a little triggered by that movie, but okay. Mother! That's what I have to say because it's got an exclamation point right there. Like, what if that guy, who made that, Aronofsky? if he just like put an exclamation point at the end of every movie he makes? Noah! Mike Eagle. In this movie, a raccoon is abruptly flattened.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Oh boy. Yeah. Pregnancy and raccoons. That's a tough Venn diagram from my brain. I mean, there shouldn't be any movies with both those things, but there is at least one. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Wow. Flattened raccoon. I'm going to say National Flattened raccoon. I'm going to say National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Great guess. Incorrect. Yeah, I thought so. I love any time that movie gets mentioned.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Makes me smile. The third clue. Going to... makes me smile the third clue uh going to this one goes to Rhett is while in a bathtub and in labor blood is seen pouring from a woman's vagina
Starting point is 00:41:59 but no nudity is shown yikes yeah oh boy but no nudity is shown. Yikes. Yeah. Oh boy. It's one of those, you know, no nudity, bloody vaginas. No, no.
Starting point is 00:42:16 How they pull that off. I'm completely at a loss. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. No. This next one for Michael should give you the point. Emily Blunt, Cleavage at around the 20-minute mark. It's like Mr. Skin. Is it A Quiet Place? That is Mr. Skin. Is it a quiet place?
Starting point is 00:42:47 That is correct. Nice. All right. So we got a third round, and Mike Eagle gets to start us off. You ready, Mike? Is there ever been anybody to be on this show and end the show with zero points? Has that ever happened before? to be on this show and end the show with zero points. Has that ever happened before?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Did anyone know A Quiet Place before the fourth clue? No, I had no idea. I still didn't know after the fourth one. Nor did I. Nor did I. I also just almost started having a conversation about that movie.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I started talking about John Krasinski. That's what tipped me off. And I was like, oh, I probably shouldn't be talking about this right now. It's a little helpful. But here's your first, well, Mike, you know, this is your chance to get no points because if it comes back. You could live the dream. Yeah, it might come back around to you.
Starting point is 00:43:44 But let's see if you can get a point with the very first uh maybe some movie will spring into your head that's the correct answer uh probably not though because we see a woman laying on a bed in a very lewd outfit supposedly murdered so not only so it's terribly written, that sentence. A man, we see a woman lying on a bed in a very lewd outfit, supposedly murdered. So I guess it's a dead body in a sexy outfit. I'm going to say, um, cool world. That's a good guess. That could, I think that probably did happen.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Probably. Yeah, I was nine. I don't know. He can tell me anything happened in that movie. I believe you. Oh, did you, you were nine, but somebody, a parental figure thought it's animated. It'll be fine. Oh, yeah, that's that was my argument. I knew it wasn't OK. Dang it. I wanted to watch. All right. Rhett, here's your second clue to go with the naked, lewd dead body. A man and a woman are kissing to blend into the crowd classic classic trick in movies let's kiss and then the people looking for us won't notice us
Starting point is 00:45:16 doesn't seem like that would work but okay oh gosh i'm gonna say the man who knew too much another that's the thing about this you guys if if i could just give points for great guesses Oh, gosh. I'm going to say The Man Who Knew Too Much. That's the thing about this, you guys. If I could just give points for great guesses, you would all be killing it. But that is incorrect. So, Michael, what do you think of this clue? Man. what do you think of this clue man Jack is stabbed in the eye with
Starting point is 00:45:48 electronic equipment ooh yeah who the hell is Jack and why is he stabbed in the eye so dead body on in lewd clothes
Starting point is 00:46:03 and this with the second. And the second one, what was the second one? Kissing. The old kiss blend. I don't know who gets stabbed in the eye in a movie. I don't have a good guess, so I'm going to say, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:27 the man who knew too little. Nope. That's not it. Um, here's the last clue and the chance for Mike to get a point. and the chance for Mike to get a point. This should give it away. Boy, I mean, just the way they write it is, I'll just say it. The famous scene where Ethan is trying to get the NOC list in a very controlled room is intense and suspenseful. I'll tell you, Doug, is Doug short for Douglas? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I have zero clue. It's short for it's you call me Douglas. If you're bad at me. Oh, okay. Well, I'm not upset with you, but I just want to take, I just wanted to shoot straight. You know, I got no clue. I don't know who Ethan or Jack, or I don't know what an NLC is. So I'm just going to say Fight Club because I know it's wrong. That is wrong.
Starting point is 00:47:35 So you get the, you knew it was wrong point. So you don't have zero, that's one. They're heavily, it's very coveted, that point in this game and uh but unfortunately uh the correct answer just maybe ret or michael i i do have a guess mike i sure you do you have a guess i mean i have a guess sure you both have a guess how about you both say it at the same time okay we'll go'll go three, two, one, then say it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Three, two, one. Mission Impossible. Nice. That is correct. That is correct. Wow. How do we settle this tie now? Or do we need to?
Starting point is 00:48:31 You know what i mean do we just agree that we all had fun here today and leave it at that i can i can i can go down with a gentleman's tie yeah yeah it's like kissing your sister in a crowd so as not to be noticed or we could like set up a rematch, you know, in a few weeks or months, maybe, I don't know what your schedules are like, but you know, maybe even bring back open mic, you know, so you have the same spoiler in there. I will 100% come back even more prepared and do equally. Not that great. That's all I could ask for. I appreciate all of you being here today.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Let's do some plugs, starting with the man with the most not points today. The most not points goes to Mike Eagle, and he's got a podcast. We talked about it a while ago. What had happened was. If you keep a list of winners of this show for this episode, you should put that just that I didn't. That's the clear outcome. But yes, the podcast is called What Had Happened Was.
Starting point is 00:49:41 New episodes every Wednesday on my podcast network, Stony Island Audio. And you can find it wherever you find the podcast that you like to listen to terrific thank you for being here michael rihanna what else i you're you know uh let's just say it again the mitchells versus the machines watch it on netflix i only have that one thing uh but i will say let's keep it going guys tell your friends uh watch it several times i hear that matters um but yeah i know that that's kind of the only thing but uh check it out it's uh it's fun and watch with your family yeah it's family friendly but they're like i like that the um like when you you know how netflix if you sit and look at anything for more than a couple of seconds,
Starting point is 00:50:25 it's like, well, just watch it now. And they just start watching part of it. And the scene that they automatically go to from the movie is, I really like it because it does, it implies that it's more intense than it ends up being. But I like that, you know? Yeah. They know where their breath butter.
Starting point is 00:50:50 you know yeah they know where their breath butter and uh rhett reese um watch wayne everybody yeah i mean you you took it out of my mouth we need you there in a big way we do have a film coming out in the fall on netflix uh called escape from spider head i'm a little loathe to plug it because i think the title might change there's at least some talk that the title might change but it stars chris hemsworth and miles teller and uh so that one that one should come out fall or winter something like that oh nice yeah and we should say uh your part you're writing partner's name yes that he could not be here um but uh yeah he is my my better half does he uh like doing this sort of thing i think so he's game for this kind of thing i don't know i'm not sure yeah i mean if he's into it i'd love to have him on you know i don't i hate dragging people into it because then they
Starting point is 00:51:36 just sit here the whole time going i'm not getting any points um it is fun to not get points. I'll, I'll tell you. Yeah. It was a damn good time. Yeah, it does. It does make the heart swell. Rhett, I have a specific question for you here at the end of the show, because every episode, Oh, I should mention my plug real quick. This Saturday, May 29th, I'll be doing sets in both shows at jam in the van in west la google it um at the end of every episode i say a line the last line from a movie because you know there's only a few really famous last lines and then lots of you know good ones and
Starting point is 00:52:21 then some okay ones and a lot that are just like, all right, I'll see you later. Like just the most bland last line. And so my question for you, Rhett Reese, is what's your favorite? Do you have a favorite last line from the films you've written so far? Oh my gosh. You know, that's interesting. I'm not even sure if you sat here and gave me a fill in the blank. I could even if I sat for a while, I could tell you what the last lines are.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Even Deadpool, I don't think I can remember the last line. It had something to do with Careless Whisper and Wham, but I I'm ashamed. I can't I can't think of one. wham but i i'm ashamed i i can't i can't think of one no i mean i think i think wait no i think columbus and zombie land does say something like this is columbus ohio from zombie land saying good night or something like that but i i i'm oh man i'm a disgrace but that's a it's it's interesting to me that like of course you don't you know necessarily know the last lines because for one thing the during the entire process of writing and making it that line might have you know altered and changed and um but they are also a lot of times it's not you know nobody's perfect you know
Starting point is 00:53:38 they can't that's that that's really interesting i would be interested frankly to go back and look at our first draft of every screenplay we did and then look at the corresponding movie and see if the line ended up staying the line. I mean, it's it's I would guess in some cases it did. And in many cases it didn't. As you're as you're pointing out, for various reasons, it's a fascinating thing to bring up. Well, I'm glad I'm glad we talked about it and i i didn't get my answer so i'm just gonna have to guess i also think it gets confusing when they have uh post-credit sequences in movies oh true because it's like well then what is technically the last line i still feel like it's the last line of the the story and that the bonus scenes tend to you know they don't really tend to be about dialogue
Starting point is 00:54:25 anyway but what is ryan reynolds what's the last thing he says when he tells everybody to go home is is the last words maybe just go home you mean the ferris bueller thing i mean i think it would probably be precisely the line from ferris bueller whatever that was yeah maybe go home it's over go home go home yeah you're right but ryan might have added a little extra grace note at the end with you know why don't you go jerk off on a pop tart or something like that that is like but i don't think that was it that's's not it. I'm going to go with go home. Okay. Cause I close out every episode with the last line from a movie. And I think we can all agree that that one will suffice.
Starting point is 00:55:13 And thank you once again to Rhett Reese, open Mike Eagle and Michael Arianda. This was so much fun. Really appreciate you guys. And as always, as always go home now it's time for doug to watch another talkie eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes him cocky there's no room in his heart for you

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