Doug Loves Movies - Randy Baumann, Billy Wayne Davis and Geoff Tate guest

Episode Date: June 28, 2024

Doug welcomes Randy Baumann, Billy Wayne Davis and Geoff Tate to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as a pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see because Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey everybody. My name is Doug and I love some movies, some of them. This is Doug loves movies recording on Thursday, June 27th, 2024. And my gorgeous guests today are Randy Valvid, Billy Wayne Davis and Jeff Tate. Hello, boys. Hey, hey, let's meet everybody individually and alphabetically by first name his tour dates can be found at Bwd tour Calm he's Billy Wayne Davis. Happy New Year, dude. Happy New Year. It's been a good new year Has it yeah, I guess
Starting point is 00:01:01 That's nice I see that I see that on July 5th, you're going to be at here after at the Crocodile Club in Seattle. And I did a Douglas movies last year there in the summer during a heat wave. So it was a hot crowd. Oh, that's a good. I'm worried because, you know, it stays late or light out late there. So I always worry about playing the Northwest in the summer. But God, if it's hot, that that would be that be so helpful to get people inside.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Well, I would say so normally, but this Seattle venues aren't too big on air conditioning because it's so rarely hot. Ah, I live there, you're right. Every year there's two days where like three old people die because of that. That is just... Yeah, we almost died on stage. Sacrifice what they do. Yeah, that is, yeah. It was, I convinced, Ken Jennings lives in Seattle, I convinced him to come down and get beat by Jeff Tate in a very hot room. But we did it in the afternoon. We did in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:02:12 So at night, it does probably, you know, cool down quite a bit. So I think you'll be in. Yeah, they have the best air conditioning in the world is what I hear. You'll have to come check it out. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. I didn't mean to discourage anybody. Wear a tank top and shorts. So our next guest today was at that hot show.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And his name is Jeff Tate. Hey, Jeff. Hello. Hi, everybody. You did beat Ken Jennings on that show. Yes. Yeah. I do. How often do you brag to that about people? Is that like something you bring up like in a bar or in a smoke circle? I beat Ken Jennings at trivia? I don't know that I ever am the one. I never bring it up out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It comes up from time to time, yes. But I've never brought it up out of nowhere. It comes up from time to time. Yes. But I've never brought it up. Just like, hey, you guys, you guys ever heard of Ken Jennings? I think it's not a, it's not a bad icebreaker. Really? If the conversation gets odd or awkward, you could, I think it's kind of like, I beat Ken Jennings at trivia one time.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I think people would be like, oh, no shit. Yeah. I mean, he's the greatest of all time on Jeopardy, you know, like It's an unassailable title and then you took him down. I took him down. Yeah, we have pretty we have a pretty Eve We're evenly matched because we've done a few together now and I think it's about even Okay He does seem more approachable now that you said that, Jeff. Oh, yeah. He's not quite the type you thought he was.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah. Now that it's like, yeah, it seemed like I could have a conversation with him now. And that's probably why, because you brought him down a peg. Oh, yeah. Well, he also doesn't in conversation. He doesn't throw around a lot of facts. You know, I mean I mean he will if you bring up something, you know something about but he's he's he doesn't come off as a no at all at all. He's just a very pleasant dude and I'm proud to know him and happy that he still participates in in this program from time to time and our third guest today, won on the show, our last live show
Starting point is 00:04:30 that was at the Bottle Rocket Social Hall from, he's from WDVE radio in Pittsburgh. He's a man who rocks and his name is Randy Valman. Hey, Randy. Good to talk to you, Doug. Good to defend my title. Uh, so after the last bout against Chris Porter and, uh, Greg Fitzsimmons who apparently have never watched a movie in their entire life or never, if they did,
Starting point is 00:04:57 didn't even ask one question about the movie or wonder anything. They don't stay for the credits. Those guys. Oh, not big IMDb flippers, you know. You know, people have their priorities in different places. You know, Chris is like going to go to a lot of music shows and Greg has to do a lot of hat shopping. But how are you feeling about going up against these guys today, Randy? I feel pretty good about it. Although I know that the competition is going to be a little bit harder.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But I have a question for you. When you talk about Ken Jennings, is there a Ken Jennings of Doug loves movies? What do you mean? Oh, yeah. It's Sam Levine. Yeah. Yeah. He's destroyed me on several occasions where I was like, oh, Sam Levine. Yeah. Yeah. He's destroyed me on several occasions where I
Starting point is 00:05:46 was like, Oh, Sam's on. I was like, well, there's no reason for me to be here. But Jeff, you think Jeff's beaten Sam, I bet. Yeah, I have. Yeah. So maybe maybe I should have said, Jeff. These guys, Billy, you can talk to any of you got. You got stuff in common with them. They've all lost to me. I think I lost you too.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So that's awesome. Right. Jeff just has and Sam Sam has a brain for some of the games, but it's easy for me to throw Sam off with. Like if I know his weak spots, you know, and I try not to prep the games, you know, to help or hurt anyone. And a lot of times I come up with the games before I even know who the guests are going to be. And then of course, that bites me in the ass because apparently the games were too hard in Pittsburgh because Randy was the only person that ever got anything
Starting point is 00:06:43 right. True, I think I'm the only one that got a question right. Yeah, I really do think that's how it shook out. And it's multiple choice. Yeah. So it's pretty hilarious. But before we play some games today, I like to go through Today I like to go through with each of you recommending a motion picture starting with Billy Dee What do you got what's a movie older new that you would recommend to the listeners oh
Starting point is 00:07:19 I know it's old, but I Recently saw is it video in Eagle Rock is that the name of the place? It's a very cool. Yeah, it's yeah cool like VHS kind of store, but also has this theater and my wife and I went on a date to see bull Durham and If you haven't watched that movie in a while Rewatch it. It's Truly, it's one of the best. It's the gear when you watch it again.
Starting point is 00:07:47 You're like, this is no wonder I watched this movie 19 times the first time I saw it, because it's so good. Well, Durham, yeah, it's got those three, you know, those three leads in the movie. I've all have really good chemistry with one another. And then and then, you know, you can't beat have an R list standing around yeah I mean any I mean you're not wrong he is anytime you need comedic relief he really knocks it out of the park every time it is yeah no he's always he's always really I
Starting point is 00:08:22 swear to God he that that that guy what's the comics name? I called him our list, but then Robert will yeah, Robert will he you know Like really I think he got our list off of how how much people enjoyed him in bolder on I That's what I was I told my wife in the middle of it That's what I said. I was like, oh, this makes sense. He got that HBO show because of course they watched this and I was like, this guy's amazing. So yeah, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And he got on HBO at the time when, you know, if HBO started a series, they let it go for way too many years. So, so long. Yeah, it was a thing for a while. I saw Jiminy Glick, the Martin Short character, interviewed Bill Hader and I on on Jimmy Kimmel Show. And I saw the clip of it. He makes an artist reference at one point. He says, I haven't seen Barry, but I just love that our
Starting point is 00:09:27 That's what he said I haven't watched HBO since they made me mad and cancelled our list All right, so a bull Durham, how do you where you at with the Kevin Costner these days Are you gonna go see horizon his 18 hour Western that you have to go to the theater several times to see All of it. I I might go to the first one And then we're gonna we're gonna I think we'll audible after that, you know Yeah, you have to assess after that, but it's all it's just weird to go to a movie I know this has happened a few times lately, especially like with IPs like Harry Potter and Wicked but The just the idea of going to a movie where you're only you're just I'm gonna see the first part now
Starting point is 00:10:12 And then the next part is gonna be later. It seems so weird to me that I Guess we could blame Roberts and Meckis for putting out the two back to the future two and three like only a few you know, like several months apart and, uh, sort of got people on that train a little bit of a train, get it. Uh, all right. So Bull Durham, Jeff, what do you got? What would you like to recommend? Uh, the other day I watched just cause I was missing, um, Cincinnati.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I watched the Ides of March. Now I saw you even post about it. You're like, people are sleeping on the Ides of March. Yeah, I mean, it's good. This movie is amazing. It's really good. Is that the the political thriller? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Why are you sure you don't just love Ryan Gosling to the point where you're kind of, you know, blinded by? Maybe. That counts too. Because you love Fall Guy. You love the nice guys. Yeah. I don't know where you stand on Barbie but I know I stand on Barbie I
Starting point is 00:11:26 crush her head I mean I saw Barbie like three times in the theater but tell us tell us a little bit more of I'd to March because I saw it and was not I wasn't into it and I haven't, haven't revisited it. Maybe you're making me revisit it because I saw it in a theater probably later at night than I should have. So I wasn't like, you know, and I was probably higher than I should have been. So I walked away not thinking it was that great,
Starting point is 00:11:59 but why do you like it so much? I think it's an interesting take on it because it's first of all, just like who is it for? Because it's about a Democrat running for president. So no Republicans are going to watch this movie, but the Democrat is flawed. So Democrats like the jet, like I just find that like the trades you have to make or whatever, because Gosling starts out idealistic and then turns jaded almost to guard his to like to help with his idea to like keep his ideals in the game. Yeah. And I just like I just thought that was an interesting it just it was an interesting story
Starting point is 00:12:44 and it's like one of those action movies but where all the fights are just conversations. like somewhere. Jeff, that's called arguing. Arguing. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it has it has a every scene has somebody in it. Like it's like a Philip Seymour Hoffman's in it. Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey Wright, Marissa Toma like every it's just a bunch of heavy hitters to like every every everyone. So many people I like are in that movie. Maybe that's why I was disappointed, because I liked everybody so much and it didn't didn't move me somehow.
Starting point is 00:13:30 But I'll try again, Jeff. Well, this is but I'm but I also if a movie's got a month in the title, I only watch it that month, so I'm going to wait until March. I'll set an alert. I'll text you March. March 1st. There was a movie I kept telling you to watch. I told you a bunch of times and every time I asked you, you hadn't watched it. And I bet you still have it. I don't even remember what it was now.
Starting point is 00:14:00 But there was something I was convinced that you would like. Maybe I'll think of it when we're working together this weekend in Spokane where I am now and Jeff will be tomorrow. But plugs are at the end of the show. Randy, you've had some real time to think about this. What would you like? Last week you recommended a foreign film. Are you going to pull that nonsense again this time?
Starting point is 00:14:28 So bad. Movie loving audience about a movie that is outstanding. But I recognize the error in my ways very quickly. No, no, it was a great recommendation. I was just cracking up. It like Chris Porter and Greg Fitzsimmons just like not having any idea what that movie is, nor any interest in finding it and checking it out.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It's a, it is an awesome movie. So then I was like, Oh, I should have said the new road house. Cause that would have probably gone over better with those two. Right. And I only from the entertainment standpoint would have said that, like, you know, I don't think it's great or anything anything or even as much fun to watch as the first one, but in its own, like as its own thing, it's fine. But since Billy Wayne mentioned Robert Wool and you guys were talking about, and then kind of rightfully given him some, some shit for, you know, know his smartiness his artless and all that the movie that really kind of propelled him before that is one that everybody
Starting point is 00:15:31 needs to see I think and it is one of those super dumb like late 70s comedies the Hollywood nights yeah I almost mentioned it while we were talking about him because that was you know he did that before Bull Durham it was like kind of like, isn't he supposed to be like college agent or something? It's like one of those, it's kind of like the dumber version of American Graffiti and they're like in a car club, you know what I mean? And it's the last drive and it's very much like adjacent to American Graffiti. But Robert Wohl is like the prankster of their car
Starting point is 00:16:07 or their gang or whatever the hell it is. And Tony Danza is like the tough guy and he's going to Vietnam the next day. And his girlfriend is Michelle Pfeiffer. And she's like, oh, you know, what's the point of us staying together? She's just a total smoke show, you know, pre-fame Michelle Pfeiffer.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And basically Robert Wall goes around pulling pranks on Stuart Pankin. So it's like all these B celebrities from the 80s. It's super fun to watch. And it's like got legitimate, like hilarious parts in it. It is ultimately very stupid, but he was, oh, and a young Fran Drescher is in it as well. Wow. Yeah. Okay. Dresher is in it as well. Wow. Yeah. OK, it's why I know you had
Starting point is 00:16:48 you really had us until you went too far with the friend dresser. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like young friend Dresher, it all makes like it's like I guess it's like seeing Robert Wool and Will Durham where it all makes sense where you're like, whoa, that that lady is hot.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Well, Shelley Long, Shelley Long, she's like Shelley Long. Before she got on The Nanny, Fran Drescher was a completely different performer. So like Shelley Long in the in the Henry Winkler. Yeah, night shift. Sure. Yeah. I mean, night shift is wild because it's like Henry Winkler stabbed at, you know, he had made several movies because because Fonzie made him so popular that he was just in movie after
Starting point is 00:17:29 movie where he was the lead and never really, like none of them really popped. And that was a great example of, in that case, it really made, you know, it really made Michael Keaton, like Michael Keaton slipped in there and was stole the show. And then of course, Shelly long was, uh, was young and hot at the time. Um, these are great recommendations. Um, I might rewatch all of these because of you guys, but, uh, right now I'm going to watch some commercials. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:18:06 We are back and man, Those are some cool-looking commercials All right, so our first game we're gonna play today the game we're gonna play first today is One that I've been playing a lot lately because I enjoyed so much and it's something called the little search engine that could in this game, what happens is, today I typed a word into the IMDB search engine, and then I wrote down the top 10 movies that came up, that their algorithm told me are the top 10 movies with that word in the title, and each of you are going to have three guesses, but we're going to take turns. We're going to start with Billy, then go to Jeff, then go to Randy. And you'll each have three times to guess a movie and we'll see if we can
Starting point is 00:18:57 knock out all 10 of these. If the movie you mentioned is on the list, the higher up it is on the list, the more points you get. And like I said, it's 10 titles that you gotta try to hit. And don't be discouraged if yours isn't in the top 10, because there's a lot of movies with this word in the title. In honor of Deadpool and Wolverine coming out this summer, the word I chose today is dead. So Billy, you take the first crack at it. Name any movie that has the word dead in the title.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Hopefully one that's searched enough and popular enough that it could be as high as number one on the list. Dead. They wait. The line just went dead. Yeah. Any movie with the word dead. I just thought of like eight video games is what I thought. Oh, that's it. That's a different podcast, Billy. I know. Yeah. That's why I want to be an actual I was actually moving did I hit House of the Dead House of the Dead okay you think that's a popular movie today when
Starting point is 00:20:12 people are looking up movies on the on the IMDB yep that's what I think okay zero points for Billy but you're gonna get two but you're gonna get two more. You're gonna get two more guesses, but Jeff's gonna show you how it's done right now. Jeff, what do you think is the number one movie with the word dead in the title? Evil Dead 2, Dead by Dawn. Also not in the top ten, but I really like your enthusiasm I thought I was saying number one Right. Why do you think that would be number one?
Starting point is 00:20:57 I don't know. It's popular. All right. I mean, you know, it has the word dead in there. So I gotta give you that much. All right. I mean, you know, it has the word dead in there, so I got to give you that much. But it has it. It's in it twice. I kind of thought the fact that it was in it twice by health. Oh, maybe they canceled each other out somehow in the algorithm. Maybe there is too much dead. OK, Randy, you have the chance here to put some points on the board before anybody else.
Starting point is 00:21:27 What's your dead title? Dead Poets Society. Number one on the list. So society. I'm not even mad. It's just like, yeah, there was. I'm guessing that it's number one for maybe a couple of reasons. Like, first of all, that I think we just, every year we have two anniversaries with Robin
Starting point is 00:21:47 Williams. We have his birthday will come up and then we have the day that he passed. And people's, you know, it's been 15 years now and it's still on both of those days, it still comes up. You can't avoid it. He was such a legend. And I also think that maybe Dead Po poet society's getting a little love on IMDB because of that movie
Starting point is 00:22:09 That documentary Bratz about the Brat Pack Because those guys were kind of tangential Brat Packers, you know The Taylor Swift thing might have something to do with it, too. Oh, yeah, cuz her thing is called dead poets something or no. Tortured poets, tortured poets. Yeah. Well, you know, that's the thing. She's funny. That movie. Yeah, that movie, the Tortured Poets Society. It sounds a little less intense.
Starting point is 00:22:49 But I don't think there is such a thing as a poet that isn't tortured, but fortunately there's plenty of poets that are still alive. Okay, so Randy's got the big ten points, but that's not an insurmountable lead because there's still a lot of points to be had Billy What have you got for us in round two? dead presidents At is a great answer a very Not overlooked a movie, but I thought it was really good. It came out like during that kind of spate of Hood movies, you know, and gangs and stuff like, you know, that's where the dude was carrying the head in the jungle, too. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. Yeah. No, it's yeah. A lot of that movie. It's very intense and also very, you know, stylish. The Hughes brothers directed that But unfortunately did not make the top ten No, as soon as we started talking about how good it was. I was like this is not gonna be in there All right back to Jeff, what's your next guess Jeff? Can I say Deadpool?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Oh man. Yeah, yeah. Son of a bitch. The word dead is in the title Deadpool. That is true and if you want to say it, you can say it. Okay, I'm gonna say Deadpool. Did not make the list. Yeah, that's what you get.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I really was hyping you guys up to Randy like, oh, Randy, you're probably gonna lose today. What's your next guess, Randy? I mean, I feel like I want to, I want to just throw out all the rarer ones that they won't score points, but Evil Dead seems like that would be up there. Right? It absolutely does seem like it should be. Turns out, old Evil Dead or original OG Evil Dead did not make the top 10. And then Evil Dead from 2013 when they rebooted it, that one landed at number 11. So unfortunately, Randy, you have not
Starting point is 00:25:16 added anything to your score, but you don't need to because now it truly is an insurmountable lead. But just for fun, Billy, let's see if you can get, you know, some points here. Or I think it's impressive if you say three movies with dead in the title that we're all familiar with and they aren't on the list. There's a there's somewhat of a skill in that as well, I think. I don't know if the skill is the right word, but it is something. A special kind of unlucky.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. What is it? Is it dead, Fred? What's the name of that movie? I keep thinking. It's young Einstein's. No. Dead. Wait, no. Drop dead, Fred. dead friend. Thank you drop dead Fred I know it's not on there, but I had trouble thinking of it because it's not in front of me
Starting point is 00:26:14 But I have been trying to think of the title of that the whole time We've been playing that game and that's a win for me. Yeah, you got there You got there when I said it all All right, Jeff. Yeah, I sure did. Jeff, come on. Yeah, I know that you now I'm going to go ahead and play. I'm going to go ahead and say something that I normally wouldn't say if it was still competitive at this point. I'm shocked that you haven't said the number two movie. Oh man. That has dead in the title. Oh, this is too much.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You're going to kick yourself all the way to Spokane. Yeah, I will. Was that a hit? No, it's a hint that you and I are working together in Spokane tomorrow. So I'm gonna say what I was was been in my head since I've missed with Deadpool and that is dead calm. Oh Dead calm that is a I love that movie Nicole Kidman one of her first and she had that big red head of hair and Nicole Kidman one of her first and she had that big red head of hair and
Starting point is 00:27:30 Sam Neal in a rare villain role which is excited or no he's not a villain in that He's a good guy right, but Billy Zane Billy Zane complete maniac you thought he's a maniac on the Titanic get him on a smaller boat, and you're really in trouble When there's only two other people on the boat to blend them in with. Yeah. He really stands out. Dead Calm came in number nine on the list.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And so Jeff got two points. Randy has 10, of course, so he can rub it in by adding a few more points in his final guests. I was gonna say Dead Alive. Not a bad choice. Peter Jackson, early Peter Jackson. Very, very violent. Like somebody gets like their whole head taken off by a lawnmower at one point and Living dead What's that? But since I'm from Pittsburgh, I have to say night of the living dead. Oh, okay. So you're changing your answer Yeah, I have to you're changing the answer from one that would get points to one that doesn't get any points Well, if I win anyways, right? Yeah, I have to. You're changing the answer from one that would get points to one that doesn't get any points
Starting point is 00:28:45 Well, if I win anyways, right? Yeah, absolutely You can just go wild I need uh, yeah uh dead alive came in number 10, so uh, that's worth one more point so you're uh, you're the winner of this game with the lucky 11 points and um You're the winner of this game with a lucky 11 points. And this ended up being trickier than I expected it to be. And I will run down the titles that you did not get, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Number eight, Sam Raimi movie that I think is very underrated. It has one of the most amazing casts in any movie ever. Because once you've got Gene Hackman, Leonardo DiCaprio, the Like, you know, when they do, he do those shots where they look through the hole in the head before the guy falls over. Really fun. I wish Sam Raimi would make more like really violent movies in genres that aren't specifically horror. Yeah. Number seven.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So close when Evil Dead did come up, but this one is the more recent sequel to the reboot of Evil Dead, called Evil Dead Rise. Oh, yeah, exactly. And then number six, you tap dance around it with other Living Dead movies, but number six is Dawn of the Dead, which I now I'm forgetting if it was the first one or the more recent one But I love them both So that was number six number five now, this is where this game gets a little wonky because You know people look up shit that nobody's ever heard of in enough numbers to make it appear on the list nobody's ever heard of in enough numbers to make it appear on the list. Uh, from 2023, this is a pretty recent movie, but I'm completely unfamiliar with it, something called the dead don't hurt.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Oh, that's the Jim Jarmusch movie. No, that was, um, dead. Dead. Don't die. Dead. Don't die. Dead. Don't hurt these dead could die, but they but they don't, it doesn't hurt them.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And then another one that I was just like, what is this? Number four is a movie called Dead Man's Shoes. Possibly the sequel to The Man with One Red Shoe. Number three, this always cracks me up. I always say one of the movies that's going to be an answer out loud, Deadpool and Wolverine. And Jeff, this is the one where I can't believe, have you thought of it? No. I can't, I'm trying so hard. Okay, well don't be too upset when you hear this, but it's Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning part one.
Starting point is 00:31:56 God damn it, I was in my head, I was trying to think of, is there one called Dead Reckoning? Like I kept putting the phrase dead reckoning together in my head, but I couldn't pull it. Well that's so confusing, Putting the phrase dead reckoning together in my head, but I could have pull it Well, that's so confusing because because is it a two-parter now or did they decide to scrap the the two-part aspect of it They see yeah They scrapped the part one part and now the the part that was just gonna be called part two just has a different name Hey, do you know what it is? I can't remember. Yeah, cuz I mean the subtitles are missing impossible movies
Starting point is 00:32:26 I mean my favorite is Ghost Protocol cuz I you know, anytime I'm wearing a hoodie. I say that I'm in Ghost Protocol, but But they're all they're all so fun But of course once again number one was Dead Poet Society So Randy you won the game, but as happens in Doug Loves Movies, that basically just means you get to go first in our final game, the game that determines it all, and we'll play that after these messages. We'll be right back. We are back, and Randy Bowman, with with 11 points won the first game.
Starting point is 00:33:05 That means he gets to go first in a fairly new game that none of you gentlemen have ever played. And I'm very excited about it. It's kind of in it's a little bit in beta. I've already tweaked it since the first time we played it. And I hope it gets to a point where it is a beloved family favorite. It's a game I call always bet on yourself. Forget about betting on black. Bet on yourself no matter who you are. And this game it's like Final Jeopardy if Final Jeopardy was multiple choice. It's like Final Jeopardy if Final Jeopardy was multiple choice. So we're going to start with Randy. I will give Randy three potential answers. Then, Randy, you have to decide how much you want to weigh the pager on whether or not you think you'll know which one of those is the correct answer without knowing the question yet.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And then, each of you start off... I start off for everybody else? What's that? How much can I wager? You all start off with 100 points, and you will each get two shots at this. And so you can, once you hear the three answers, you can say, well, I'm fairly confident I might know the answer, and you can bid up to 100 points. But I wouldn't bid 100 points on the first round
Starting point is 00:34:37 because if you missed the question, then you're down to zero and you don't get to play a second question, because you got nothing to bid. This game put me at a disadvantage in the second game. Because now I'm based on my bet. Yeah, well, by going first, you definitely like, you know, the other two players will have kind of more of an idea what to bet, but that's why there's two rounds and, you know, it really is, that's why I said it's beta because I'm really trying to, you know, figure out the best way to play this. But if there is a tie, if you are ended up in a
Starting point is 00:35:21 tie with someone else, Randy, at the end, then you get a question that only has two answers. If you are ended up in a tie with someone else, Randy, at the end, then you get a question that only has two answers. If you get it right, you win. If you lose, the other person you're in the tie with is the winner. So that's where you will get an advantage if it comes down to that. I think that's all of the things you need to know. So are you ready, Randy? I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Okay. And you just have to figure out, well, one of these three answers, like, what could the question possibly be? You don't, you know, you can kind of try to talk through it out loud when you're making your bid, but I won't, I won't give out any info any more information other than the three answers that one of them is the correct answer. And Randy, this first one, the answer is either A, B, or C. Like the letters A, B, or C? Like the letters A, B or C? Yeah. 50 points.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Okay, this is exciting. That's a strong opening bid on what could be a very tough question. A, B or C, in which alternate ending of the movie Clue is Tim Curry actually a butler? Remember when Clue came out, they had three different endings in whatever theater you're in.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You saw either ending A, ending B, or ending C. Yeah. And they're all on the DVD. Which one of those do you think Tim Curry turns out to actually be a butler? Because of course, throughout the film, he plays a butler. I'll go with C. Unfortunately, in the ending, he is Mr. Body, the person that the whole movie everybody thinks has been murdered, is actually, Kim Curry is actually Mr. Body. In version B, he's an FBI agent. And in version A, he's just a butler who ends up dead because he's too good at figuring
Starting point is 00:37:43 out what's going on. So they have to, you know, whoever the murderer was in that one has to kill him. One ending has like every single person is involved in killing somebody. That's a movie I need to watch again because people are always telling me how much they love it and I wasn't that into it when it came out. All right, so that means that Randy is down to 50 points, but you still have that whole amount to wager on your second question that's coming up in a little bit. Jeff, are you ready? I'm ready. All right, your three options, your three possible answers are Spielberg, Scorsese or Billy Wilder. Okay, I'll bid 50 points.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Okay. Which sequel averse director has helmed the most movies with a number in the title Spielberg, Scorsese or Billy Wilder? All right, I'm going gonna say Spielberg. Spielberg is incorrect. You're knocked down to 50 points. See Billy, you've got so many more points without having done anything yet. Spielberg just has Ready Player One and 1941 are the only titles of movies he's directed that have numbers in them. Scorsese only has one because he co-directed a documentary called The 50 Year Old Argument.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And Billy Wilder has four movies with numbers in the title. Five Graves to Cairo, Stalag 17, The Seven Year Itch, and a movie called One, Two, two three So Randy has 50 and Jeff has 50 and now Billy gets his first crack at it the three potential issues are The company she keeps the yin and yang of mr. Goh or halls of anger the the the the the
Starting point is 00:40:22 the the I really do. Cause you know, you'll just be at 99. So those guys, it's all going to be on them to, uh, to catch up. Uh, but let's see if you get that one point, which one. Yeah. I, yeah. You just named Lana Del Rey songs, I think. No, it's which one is Jeff bridges screen debut. the the the
Starting point is 00:40:56 the the see halls of anger. That is incorrect. Ah, that was the actually, I think, the third movie he was in. The company she keeps. He was an uncredited baby in a train station scene. It was great. He was good in it, though. He was good in his Nepal babies get started early. You know, if you're in a if you're in a showbiz family, the Just 99 so Randy it's back to you and on this one You know just to catch up to Billy you're gonna have to bet it all Okay, or you could play it safer and hope that Billy does something
Starting point is 00:41:58 Billy's too smart for me. I'm not gonna do that. I got all these weights No, I don't you guys underestimate underestimate the hillbilly in me. You really do. Okay. The options are, Randy, the options are a boy and his dog from 1975 dog from 2002 or one Ton Ton, the dog that saved Hollywood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Okay. What do you think with those, with those dog movies? How do you think you'll do? No, I mean, you know, SAT test process of elimination. That's all I got going for me at this point. Hoping you give me, you know, some sort of keyword in there that denotes me, something like that, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:56 I'm kind of fucked. So you're betting it all? I have to. You know, I don't have to. Yeah, go for it is what I say. It's, you know, one in three chance if you have no idea. Of those three films, which film has this last line? No, just an ordinary dog and my friend.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Okay, and my choices were a boy and his dog. Mm-hmm. Dog. Dog. Channing Tatum and Wan Tan Tan, the dog that saved Hollywood. I'm gonna go with a boy and his dog because it sounds like maybe that's the kid
Starting point is 00:43:40 who is stuttering and the dog is helping him overcome a stammer at a very young age, not unlike a young Joe Biden or something like that. It was Don Johnson in that movie, played the boy, and his dog spoke to him through mental telepathy. Yeah, I've never been more confident. This is from 1975. Channing Tatum's dog was like, you know, a military dog that like saved lives and then has to go back to a regular life. It's kind of like the Heart Locker, but with a dog. And one time the dog just saved Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:44:21 But it's not as funny as it sounds. the Jeff Here's your I'm betting it all Well wait until you hear these three answers, haha, you're right you're right The the options are murder by numbers the notebook or the United States of Leland Okay, I'm gonna bet it off. Okay. Which Gosling movie was hatched first? Which Ryan Gosling movie of those three was the one that was released, filmed and released first? Murder by Numbers, The Notebook, or The United States of Leland for 50 points.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to guess, um, well, I know like murder by numbers was, he was like, really, he was like high school. He played a high schooler. So I'm going to say murder by numbers. That is correct. Murder by numbers with the doesn't, isn't he the killer in it? There are two there are two killers or maybe they are meant to be two killers.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I can't really spoil it because I don't know for sure. It has a twist ending. And if I wait long enough between viewings, I forget what the ending is. And it's Sandra Bullock, the investigator. Yeah. Yeah. And then they date it for a while. Oh Ryan Sandy beat All right, well you pulled ahead to 100 points
Starting point is 00:46:14 So Billy has to he doesn't have to put a lot of points on the line to try and beat you But here are your three Answers that you'll be choosing from Billy the quest quest for fire or vision quest do two dollars yeah I like I like that bid so for the game for the win if you get this Which one of those movies the quest quest for fire or vision quest takes place in Spokane, Washington Say the names of the the first was the first one again. There's the quest quest for fire or vision quest. Oh, B. B quest for fire quest for fire.
Starting point is 00:47:14 You know what that is? That I don't know what any of them are. Quest for fire is a movie about cavemen and doesn't have any like. I stand by it. I stand by it. I lived in Seattle for six years. I've been to Spokane many times. The Quest is a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie and which I think all of those are in New
Starting point is 00:47:40 Orleans. And then Vision Quest is a movie about Matthew Modine wants to be a successful wrestler, but it's also a romance with Linda Fiorentino in her first movie role. And that is the one that takes place in Spokane. So Jeff is our winner today. Congratulations, Jeff. Hell yeah. Always bet. Congratulations, Jeff. Hell yeah. Always bet on yourself, Jeff. Do you remember when we met Matthew Modine's son, Bomo Dean?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, Bomo. I remember Bomo. Bomo Dean. Yes. But yeah, I'm excited. I'm going to try to find some of the places they've filmed. No, I'm not. But, um, I will let's do it.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah. Jeff, you get to do your plugs first. What would you like to promote? Oh man. I'm going to cover some of y'all's plugs real quick. I'm in Spokane this weekend with Doug Benson and then next weekend, check out BWD and, uh, I'll be on some of those with Billy. Yeah, amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That worked out really great. This booking. And then I have one that's my own and it is in July. What is that? What is that? God damn date. Uh, okay. I saw you looking it up or just trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:49:03 No, I'm looking it up. I will definitely have it it is a It is Saturday July 27th in Cleveland, Ohio at the old 86 Okay, yeah, very cool and all your dates are where a Jeff take comedy calm All right, cool. We'll have you back soon You know, I've got a show coming up in Portland at helium there. So
Starting point is 00:49:36 Perhaps you'll be on that one. Oh, yeah, maybe it was cross our fingers Billy Wayne Davis always a pleasure. What would you like to promote? I will be at like you said the hereafter at the crocodile in Seattle July 5th. That's Friday It's next weekend the day after the July 4th and then Portland at the White Eagle Saloon on July 6 Jeff Tate's gonna be there and then on July 6. Jeff Tate's going to be there. And then on July 8, it's a Monday. I'm going to be in Springfield, Oregon, at this dude's backyard in all of these cannabis growers and hash makers and glass makers. And Oregon people are just going to take over this dude's yard.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And I'm pretty excited about it. So if you're in that area Hit up that dude. It's all on all on my socials So just Google billy Wayne Davis and it'll come up and then I met in Eureka In Humboldt July 18th one night only it's a Thursday You're hitting all of the really really weedy spots. I love it. It is harvest time. All right. Uh, and then our friend in Pittsburgh, Randy Bowman, thank you for, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:58 joining us again. And what would you have anything you want to plug? Yeah. You can follow me on on instead. Randall B. Graham and the DVM morning show podcasts each and every day. And, you know, because it's Pittsburgh and there's a lot of expatriate Pittsburghers, we have a pretty big national following all like that. You know, we're the Steelers station. So there's lots of Steelers fans and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And also today I put out a record that I put together last year with a bunch of bad-ass musicians. It's like a New Orleans funk kind of record. I've been playing and recording music my whole life. So we put out a record. It's really cool. It's called wandering fool. And it's on all the streaming platforms, Randall Bowman. I love it. So wait, what's your Instagram name? Randall B Graham.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Okay. Cause that's a, that was a tough one. I couldn't figure it out. Cause I was like, I just assumed that you had like DV in your, you know, the radio station in your name. I always go, they're very cool about it. Like we just do separate things, you know, cause it's like, I'm a musician and Bill's a comic and Abby's on the show. She's a musician as well. And we all have all these separate projects going on all the time. So it's cool. They, they put a bunch of creative people in the room, you know, and I've been there for 25 years doing it. I feel real lucky. And, uh, and this record's really cool. Like for,
Starting point is 00:52:14 if you like going down in New Orleans and digging on the funk down there, you'll like this record. Well, and I like, uh, you know, coming and hanging out with you every year at the DV e comedy festival and and doing you know, Doug Lowe's movies there, so thank you for that and I've got some stuff coming up in turns out. I'm gonna be in Spokane At the heat Spokane comedy club if you're listening to this the day it comes out, you know
Starting point is 00:52:43 Because it comes out at midnight tonight, so it'll be out Friday, you can come see me tonight or tomorrow night in Spokane. And I'm doing a Dabs Day show in Sacramento on at the punchline on July 10th Dabs Day. And all of my dates are at Oh yeah, I'm also doing a Benson movie interruption on Tuesday July 2nd at the Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles. Those are always super fun. Thanks again to all three of these dudes, Billy Wayne Davis, Jeff Tate, Randy Bowman, and you know, I like to end every episode with a last line from a movie. So as always, no just an ordinary dog and, and my friend. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you cause Doug loves movies.

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