Doug Loves Movies - Reena Calm, Patrick Cotnoir and Gabe Mollica guest

Episode Date: September 30, 2024

Doug welcomes Reena Calm, Patrick Cotnoir and Gabe Mollica to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, I'm Jake Johnson, host of the podcast, We're Here to Help. But this episode right now that you are listening to is sponsored by Brooklinen. Brooklinen provides luxury bedsheets, pillows, comforters and blankets delivered straight to your door. How do I know this? Because Brooklinen delivered me a quilt sheets, pillowcases, and I love them. Plus, Brooklinen has been tested and awarded by experts, including Good Housekeeping, GQ, Wirecutter and the host of We're Here to Help.
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Starting point is 00:01:00 Get 15% off your first Brooklinen order and save extra when you bundle Hey, hey, hey everybody, my name is Doug. I love movies. This is Douglas movies recording on Sunday, September 29 2024 My guests today are Rena calm Patrick hot nor and Gabe Malika. Hello Hi Hey Let's meet them individually and alphabetically by first name.
Starting point is 00:01:50 He is a regular panelist on the show and he's got something to promote. So he's here today. Malika. Hey, Gabe. What's up, Doug? It's nice to it's nice to be here. I have a movie thing to promote. Can you imagine? I know I got excited that you reached out to be like, hey, I've got an event that's movie related and I'd love to come on the show and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And that's what I love that in a guest. So tell us about your thing. This might be the most Doug Lowe's movie things I've ever done in my whole life. I'm hosting a screening of Rat Race in Manhattan on October 19th at 6.30 at Village East. And the writer of the movie, Andy Breckman, will be there for a Q&A. And me and my friends crowdsourced the jacket that Smash Mouth wears at the end of the movie.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And so we're gonna be wearing that too, and all the money goes to the food bank. So get a link in my Instagram bio and come watch rat race in a theater. Like it was intended. Are these jackets? Uh, what's so special about them other than of course, Smash mouth is legendary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Smash. Mouth wears them and they seem to be like in the movie, the characters like talk about them a lot. They're like, get these guys some jackets. And then they like party at these like very custom jackets. And this one I think might be the only one that has survived. We don't know. But yeah, people are excited about it. And like, I did it kind of as a joke, like, Oh, everybody tossed me a few dollars and we can buy this jacket. And then like over a hundred people sent me
Starting point is 00:03:20 money. They're like, we should own this. And then Smash Mouth followed me on Instagram and was like, this is awesome. So it's been a weird, it's my life is weird and it would be a lot more fun if we sold out the movie theater. I mean, it's not one of these joints that has a bunch of screens and you only have to get 30 people, right? Yeah. It's, it's, it's not a small movie theater, but Andy, the writer also has a, he has a radio show that has like a cult fan base. So hopefully they show up to.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Does he have what's his social media deal? I tried to find him on social media and I feel like he's not on it. He's not really on it. He has that radio show that you can call into. But I could also just give you his email. Doug, we're cool like that. No, I was just, you know, when you first brought it up, I was, you know, I was kind of curious if, you know, I had any, I like inviting people on the show that when you know, I hear
Starting point is 00:04:14 about them and think they'd be an interesting guest, and then see that they are already following me on social media. To me, it feels like that's like, you know, they've opened the portal for me to reach out. They still may say no, they still might say no, but at least they're not getting like, at least they're not going to be like, who the hell is this? You know, you know, like, why, why are you asking me this or whatever? And, you know, I have always been, I have to say, as a genre, a bunch of actors running around trying to accomplish something that's the entire plot of a genre, a bunch of actors running around trying to accomplish something
Starting point is 00:04:45 that's the entire plot of a movie, whether it's a race or a scavenger hunt or something like that. I've always been hugely into those movies, even ones that aren't good. And Rat Race is actually on the higher end of the scale of those movies as being one of the better ones. So as soon as you brought it up, I was, you know, just excited about it in general. Good. I'm glad. Yeah. Me and my friends love this movie. And it was cool to see that, like hundreds of my followers also were like that movie rules. And we like the jacket because if you donate it to the jacket, you really love it,
Starting point is 00:05:17 which means the reach of this movie is like way more than I thought. Let me ask you this, though, about rat race. that I thought. Let me ask you this though about rat race. I mean, next to maybe twister, is it like the worst treatment of a cow in the history of cinema? That's a great question. I feel like one of those like documentaries that tries to convince you to become vegan is probably more cruel to the cow. But yes, they're very cruel to it was it was a different time. You know, it was 2000. Yeah, you didn't even stop. You didn't think for a second, let's raise money to get a cow and like have it float through the theater like almost like a Pink Floyd experience.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, a hot air balloon. Yeah, why did you get a hot air balloon? Believe me Doug, I'm in enough financial distress without getting a hot air balloon. You know, we got to stick to jackets. Well, I love it and give the date and where they can get tickets again for anybody that's in the area. Yeah, it's not event, right? There's a link in my bio on Instagram. It's at the village East movie theater, but they're they're not posting the link so you got to go to my Instagram, it's just gave Malika and
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah, it's around people are people are buying tickets, which is exciting awesome also joining us today is the a current champion who's returning to, you know, uphold his title. And I love this guy from Jump because he has a style of film in his name. It's Patrick Cottenwar. I truly love that you bring it up every time. It makes me so happy.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Makes me so happy. Yeah, thank you for having me back. This is time number three in like a month, which is wild. Yeah, you first joined us on the George Lucas talk show crossover event. Yes, yes, yes. So I don't know if we've even talked about this in your appearances, but what is your favorite of all of the films in the Star Wars franchise? Oh man, that's a great question. I think it's New Hope. I think it's the original, just
Starting point is 00:07:31 because it's got that weird 70s shaggy kind of feel to it still, no matter how much he tinkers and toys with it. It still feels the most like you're watching a weird 70s movie. But I really love Rogue One, I really love Last Jedi, too. Those are like my top three. But I think I think you got to go the original. Well, you know, I get the love for Empire, but it was never my never my favorite one. All right. Well, that, you know, New Hope, I you know, when I think about it, just, you know, being there for the when the film came out and not, you know when I think about it just you know being there for the
Starting point is 00:08:11 When the film came out and not you know not really having that much Knowledge of any of the actors or you know I'd certainly seen American Graffiti and thx 1138 but I still Just just the explosion of how popular that movie immediately became and how you had to like really you know commit to waiting in line to see something that was you know kind of a an unknown just sort of like oh it's a you know it's a movie where people fight in space but I just never get over the feeling of that. I thought I was really seeing something new and special when
Starting point is 00:08:50 Chewie is playing that, you know, sort of board games. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The chess game with the little figures that actually like murder each other. Yeah. And it's just such a throwaway moment. You know, like, but I just it's just stuck with me as one of the things I have, many things that I I loved about that movie, like the very first time I saw it. I know. I don't think I've ever heard you talk about this, but was George on set for Captain EO?
Starting point is 00:09:19 I did not see him. I was just there for the, you know, the final day of shooting. Are you are you aware that in Skeleton Crew, the new show that's coming out, there's like a lot of Captain EO stuff. What do you mean? Like stuff like what? They're like multiple creatures that are the same species as things in Captain EO. You mean like basic? Yes, yes, they're basically making Captain EO
Starting point is 00:09:44 cannon with Star Wars Skeleton Crew, which is coming out in a few months. That is crazy. Yeah, because I really feel like those characters were all kind of a swing and a miss, like they were just all kind of there's such a randomness to them and their their personalities weren't weren't particularly it. Yeah, well, I don't think it's the same characters I believe it's just the same species from what I can tell right so like that that little thing that flies around What's he called? Oh god? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:10:17 Well that guy will you be able to see the arm of the person puppeteering? Like if they want to keep it if they want to keep it original, you know, if they really want to respect the source material, they'll do that. But yeah, when I was there, it was a project out of control, so it's really come full circle that I might have to sit through Megalopolis. I saw it two nights ago. How'd that work out for you? Look I went to the one with the guy there, the guy getting up to talk to the screen and it's not look my opinion is it's not good but goddamn is it fascinating you know? Right. It's just you know watching it thinking of all the context behind it and all the stuff that went on making it
Starting point is 00:11:01 like I'm never gonna stop thinking about that movie you know Yeah, I guess so which I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it's crazy Yeah, I was gonna say I think if anyone has any modicum of interest in it they should go see it I don't think there's a Coppola movie I haven't seen and maybe only one or two that I Might never think about again and even then when I start thinking of Coppola movies. I'm like well Yeah, there was this one in that one. You know like sure they sort of come up, but you know I was reading today on
Starting point is 00:11:38 Ex-formally Twitter You know somebody defending it by saying come on you got to give it to him. He made the conversation You know somebody defending it by saying come on you got to give it to him. He made the conversation You know and then I have to respond to the very next post was like that was 50 years ago, dude Yes. Yes. Well, I mean think about when was the last time he made a good movie It's been it's three years. It's been a bit and it's been a minute I wonder if George Lucas ever you know And it's been a minute. I wonder if George Lucas ever, you know, kind of holds it over his head that like his stab at science fiction didn't work out as good as as George's did.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Look, I would I would repay Francis's hundred and twenty million dollars to hear George's uncut thoughts on Megalopolis. Needs more lightsabers. All right. We have to introduce our third talk about all this stuff forever. But she's been waiting patiently. I dare say even calmly she'll be joining us for five. Joining me rather and the audiences that come for five shows at the Comedy Club of KC. That's Kansas City on November 14th through the 16th. It's Rena Kahl.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Hey, everybody. I could have listened to you guys talk about Star Wars for like a long time, but for me, it's like kind of the same as if I was watching football where I'm like, I think I understand what's going on here. They know a lot, huh? Hey, dude, I thought I knew Star Wars and then Patrick was talking about characters. I was like, oh man, I don't know anything. The one thing I have to say that I wanted to interject during that chat, which was fascinating, how little of it I understood was that I think we can just agree to keep calling it Twitter. Because you did like, you know, fact check yourself, Doug, and it's formally Twitter.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Now it's X, but we still call them tweets, right? Like you have to. Yeah. And you have to say something. Well, you know, first of all, we still call them tweets because we know it irritates Mr. Musk. Sure. Also, you just have to say something because like just from jump, he picked the worst name for the thing. Yes. Because when you just when you're just like, so I was on X, that is that's different. We call it Molly.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Now that's called Molly. Meaning, you know, it's just that didn't think it through, really. And and so I always just say ex formally Twitter because I just don't, I can't stand the idea of people saying it's not called Twitter anymore. I don't need that correction from people. So I just blurt it all out in one fell swoop. Yeah, it's cool that the way that they shortened the name made it actually longer and more complicated to discuss in every situation. But that's pretty much my thoughts on Star Wars. Um, they did like they took a simple thing where Star Wars could have been one, two, three, four, like all in a row.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Didn't need this, you know, don't even need subtitles really. Cause the subtitles are always just like, and now we're going this and then maybe this and then what's crazy is that he's like taken over this, whatever space that we all use to weirdly communicate. But also he's trying to be a Skywalker. Right. Because anyway, just tried to tie it in there. But yeah, like doesn't that feels like it should be its own focus.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Like, I don't feel like you can be an astronaut and the Twitter guy. Right? Yeah, I mean, it doesn't seem like he's great at either. But well, you know, time will tell. But speaking of things that aren't great, I have not been to Kansas City in a minute. And this is how long it's been is I keep hearing that they fixed the airport. Oh, yeah, the airport's actually pretty nice. I was just there a couple of weeks ago. And the wildest thing to me was that I of all places I've flown to,
Starting point is 00:15:37 that Kansas City's airport has gender neutral bathrooms, which just kind of like surprised me given the nature of everything. But and it's not like I mean, everybody has their own stall as a bathroom should be. It's but it's a communal space for the sinks and stuff. And it was a really great way to watch a man just like look me in the eye while not washing his hands after he went to the bathroom. Yeah, you have to wait till he's out in the on the concourse for that. Right. You're just out there in the world with them, knowing knowing the truth, but to actually see it in real time, you have to wait till he's out in the on the concourse for that. Right. You're just out there in the world with knowing, knowing the truth, but to actually see it in real time, you know.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's funny, too, because that's not the fix I was looking for at all. But I'm pleased. You know, I love that development, but I just it was always like an airport. I was not thrilled to have to deal with, especially when there were delays because of the way they had like three or four you go through security and just be in an area that had three or four gates. You could no longer be at all in the whole, you know, you weren't in the whole airport anymore. And it was very frustrating because it was really treating its treat is it was acting like it was, you know, a tiny town with a tiny airport.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But, you know, as we know, Kansas City is a pretty big place with a pretty big, nice size populace. So hopefully they'll all come out and see me and you in November and they won't be upset that I trashed their former airport. No, they they you know what I love about Kansas City is that like they know who they are. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I just saw a show here. Eddie Pepitone and Chris Gethard came through and they were both of them doing like jokes about suicide. And at one point, like Chris Gethard's like, man, that stuff does not go so well in other places, but you guys are like, yeah, of course we want to kill ourselves. But no, I mean, it's I've been living here for about a month now,
Starting point is 00:17:36 and I'm calling it my Chapel Road era, but like the part where she moved back to Missouri to regroup and get her life together. But I will say about the airport, I haven't had experience in the former airport, but it feels kind of like driving around Kansas City where it's like you kind of just have to know better than what the directions tell you. Or at the airport, there's very little signage for if you're not from around here, you just are supposed to just kind of know where to go. So there's that, but that kind of matches the city, the lawless randomness of some of the way the infrastructure is laid out here. Well, I'm excited to, to come back, even though I'm a little sad that, you know, previously
Starting point is 00:18:22 before the part of the reason it's been a while since I've been there is because I used to go there fairly frequently to do stuff at the Alma Drafthouse Theater downtown. Oh yeah. It was downtown though, so like, you know, just like a lot of cities, downtown isn't the spot to go to, so that place closed a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So I'm just excited to come back in general. And it'll be super fun to work with you. The downtown of every city is just where all the corporate companies send their people to say they're in a city, but none of them are from there. And the comedy club we're going to be at is right on the state line of Kansas and Missouri, which is another really weird thing about Kansas City, because it's both states. Yeah. But it's like it's a Missouri city. It identifies more, I think, as a Missouri city.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But then again, Kansas doesn't have a city. So it's kind of like we should let Kansas have this one. But whatever. Yeah, it's a real it's a real struggle over there, but not so far from St. Louis either. Yeah, no, there's like a rivalry. I don't know. I don't get involved, but it's funny the way they trash each other. It's like, come on, guys, calm down. You all suck. No, I'm just kidding. I love you both. Well, before we play some games today that will will revolve around movies and not airports. Let's let's visit recommendation nation.
Starting point is 00:19:51 That's where I ask all of my guests one at a time to recommend one movie in Gabe Europe. First, let me guess rat race. I'm definitely recommending rat race. Absolutely. No, particularly on October 19th at 6 30 PM. That's a particular, uh, I'll also recommend the apartment. I love the apartment. I always, I rewatch it like once a year. It's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Okay. Um, you know, the thing about the apartment is I've always loved it. You know I always thought it was a good movie, but the it gets more sinister and Unpleasant every time I watch it. I still think it's great, but You know it's sort of like what madmen took and ran with Which is just that you know Except for Jack Lemon and even he's got some questionable choices in the movie, the men are all just disgusting. Oh, absolutely. The madman comparison is so real. It was the exact thing I felt the first
Starting point is 00:20:57 time I watched it. Yeah. No, I really think they took a Matthew Weiner. Weiner took a lot of took a lot of inspiration from from that movie and but that's what was the great thing about Billy Wilder is just such great dialogue and and story and you know with he never made like a science fiction space opera or anything like that. But he still managed to traipse around between various genres and do them so well. Yeah. I totally agree. In the Jack Lemmon performance, he's like the most charming,
Starting point is 00:21:36 goofy, awkward person in the world. I'm like totally mesmerized by him. Yeah. Shirley MacLaine's great in it. She's unbelievable. Of course, just like two or three I mean that was the other thing about Billy Wilder and his writing partner. I like I L diamond which is so hard to say the the two of them like
Starting point is 00:21:57 Really nailed the I don't think there's any filmmaker ever Other than Billy Wilder who has had as many great ending lines of movies as it's almost like they built their stories backwards so that the last line of the movie would be killer. Yeah, yeah. They're like, it's like a button on a great sketch, but it's like dramatic in some way. And like I do solo shows. So like I care about the last line like a lot, you know, and a solo show.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's like the whole thing. And so I, I totally agree. I love it. Yeah. And he just said they'd be profound. Like some of them, you know, of course the apartment is shut up and deal, which is like, you know, they don't have to be playing cards. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Shut up and deal with it. All right. Well, you win. Sorry, Patrick. I'm excited to be back next week. This is going to be great. Patrick, what would you like to recommend this time? I watched recently some movie that came out during the strike. So I feel like it didn't really get its due that it deserved, but it's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem. It's the animated one that came out last year that Seth Rogen produced. It's great. It's so fun. I've never really been a Turtles guy, but I think that this movie really,
Starting point is 00:23:16 it made it click for me in a way that the other stuff has not really. It's just a fun like coming of age movie, movie except it's about the teenage mutant turtles, you know This is insane. The cast is crazy for a movie. That's I mean, I should say for a podcast Douglas movies that is made for and by adults. Yeah this movie you're referring to has come up on several occasions as a has come up on several occasions as a recommended movie. Yeah, I think the art in it is very cool. It feels like Spider-Burst almost except more handmade, I think. But I'm glad that other people are talking about it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, people do really like it. It does have its fans and some more people might check it out now, including myself, because for some reason, if I don't get on an animated movie like right away when it comes out, even the really hyped ones like right now, this wild robot, if I don't see wild robot in the next couple of weeks, it may be years before I get around to it or maybe never. And it's a shame because, you know, the great animated movies just are are also some of the just the greatest movies ever made.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But there's still even for me who loves animation, there's still that like stigma that are that feeling that you don't have to get to it. It's less than that's not as good. Yeah, it's definitely I get that. No, I definitely recommend, I think you will like it. It's very silly. But it's also like very heartfelt and just like the performances are good. A lot of it they recorded together. So you've got, you know, that sort of improv-y nature to it. And, uh, you mean just like entourage? Just like entourage.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah, exactly. They talk, Leonardo talks so much about the Murphy group. It's really wild. They both have turtle. That's true. Exactly. That's probably why I made that beat. Have a great night everybody. I'm out of here. I just never tire at the Marvel that was I just never tire at the Marvel that was for friends who never speak over each other Entourage series and the film While doing drugs Turns and they are just very polite with one another even though they're insulting each other's penis size on the regular Okay, Rena this is quite a selection we have so far.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, it's really eclectic. Okay, so I was watching Maggie Smith stuff in Remembrance. I finally watched California Suite, but then I don't know if this is allowed because I just watched this today and it's definitely the best thing I've seen in a long time, but it's technically a documentary-ish. It is. The new one with Will Ferrell, Will and Harper that's on Netflix. Everybody's talking about it and yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:16 it was really, really good. I loved it. I cried a lot in a healing way and not just because of the, you know, main topics of the movie, but also just as somebody who's driven around the country a lot and just seeing kind of like a less glamorized, really honest depiction of some of these places where I'm like, Oh, I've definitely had a meltdown by that road and you know, things like that. But yeah, it's really a beautiful film
Starting point is 00:26:45 and that has to be my top pick. Yeah, it's great. I saw it at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas last week. And I feel like guests are gonna be bringing it up to me with regularity, especially since it's on Netflix. So it's not difficult to see. And I was very moved by it. And I was also, I just thought the filmmaking was so good
Starting point is 00:27:17 in that they don't leave you a blubbery mess at the end. A lot of movies that are sad, they hit you hardest at the end. And this one at the end. You know a lot of movies that are sad They hit you hardest at the end and this one at the end you're smiling But during it there's some tough parts Well, there was one moment where it could have ended and I remember like being emotional watching it and just thinking to myself like but They're comedians. They're funny people So there's no way that this is the end like they, they're going to fix what they just did to us, because... And then they did.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And yeah, I think, like, it was such a good... It was done so well that I know it's a documentary, but it definitely feels, I don't know, just less clinical or, you know, it feels more emotional than some documentaries, at least. It's definitely also cinematic with the fact that there's so many people we love and stories from showbiz in there so it kind of like all wraps up in a really nice package together. Yeah it's beautiful and
Starting point is 00:28:17 it's you know it's really awesome of Will Ferrell to not only how he handled his relationship with Harper and you know being trans but also you know just putting himself out there because there's plenty of people that you know now are just like Will Ferrell sucks just because he did this one thing that they, you know, that they don't understand. And I hope that there'll be a lot of like, you know, grandparent type people that will have access to it on Netflix and maybe get a little closer to understanding that there's no reason to hate someone for being trans, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, a lot of people hate what they don't know. I really loved that. I think what got me to want to watch it was the quote I saw he gave in an interview about just like, you know, how cool is it to be able to like, I don't understand why anybody would not want you to be the most authentic, happiest version of yourself. And it was also cool to just see that, you know, in the random places they went that yeah, even if you go in with a certain mindset, And I have this all the time traveling on the road where people have certain preconceived notions about certain areas. And then you get there and you're like, Oh, you know, any idea I might have had is out the window because these people are great. Everybody's here to be themselves and have
Starting point is 00:29:38 a good time. And yeah, anyway, I loved it. Great recommendation. I'm sorry, Gabe. I'm taking away your win. Yes! Stop the steal, Doug. Your arena is in the moment. You're recommending this old bullshit. I mean, the value changes between these three movies are really interesting. Oh, but yeah, the men in the old movies, it's hard to watch some of them, you know, speaking of, you know, gender roles and all that stuff, even if they were decent men back
Starting point is 00:30:14 then and like when the apartment came out and California Suite, some of that stuff that I saw a lot yesterday was well, that's nauseating. It's kind of a little smirk on enough. It's a mark on Maggie Smith's amazing career that she's in a movie that her scenes with Michael Caine are terrific. But the movie is extremely flawed. Yes. flawed yes other areas even then when it came out in the 70s but now more so because of how we've changed our opinions of things over time specifically in one case Bill Cosby of course right right there's one line in there he says about I'm gonna go give him some sleeping pills when he's gonna He's going to go help Richard Pryor and, you know, it's just you can't make this stuff up.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It is all the time. Yeah. He's crazily open and open about it. All right. I could talk about that movie and movies in general all day, but we got to play some games. We're going to do that after the break. We'll be right back. play some games. We're going to do that after the break. We'll be right back. This episode is brought to you in part by Smalls. Cat food has been the same forever. It's time for cat food to move into the 21st century. That's why you've got to try Smalls. It's time to make kibble a thing of the past. Smalls cat food is protein packed recipes made with preservative free ingredients you'll find in your fridge.
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Starting point is 00:33:18 We are back and the first game we're gonna play today is called the little search engine that could I typed a word into the search engine on IMDB today. And then I wrote down the top eight movies that have that word in the title. You think would be in the top eight today with that movie in the title according to? the popularity meter of IMDB number one is worth eight points number eight is worth one point And then we got all those other points in between you can figure that out the person with the most points after three rounds wins and You know go the same order. We just went with the recommendations Gabe after three rounds wins and you know go the same order we just went with the recommendations Gabe Patrick Rina and but you'll like I said
Starting point is 00:34:11 you'll each get three guesses and the word since it is now autumn I chose the word fall so Gabe you're up first name a movie it's got the word fall. So Gabe, you're up first. Name a movie. It's got the word fall in it. If it's in the top eight, you'll get some points. Okay. Um, the one that just came to mind immediately is a new ish movie. Uh, I believe it's called the fall guy.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I love how you're saying that. Like, no one's familiar with this. Yeah. I believe it's called the Fall Guy. I love how you're saying that, like. No one's familiar with this. Yeah, I didn't see it, but I'm like, I feel like I saw ads for it. It must be on someone else's popularity. It's gay. Good game. It's good. You should see it. I am. Maybe I will.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I keep hearing from everybody who's seen it that they love it. And it's just one of those movies where they didn't get out and see it in a theater and love it loudly enough or quickly enough. Whatever went wrong there. I don't get it because I even spoke into because it also it looks like a movie that would, you know, appeal to typically appeal more to men than women because it's, you know, about a stunt guy. And, you know, I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:35:29 So I assume he like solves crimes. And Emily Blunt is there, of course, but it's not like it's not going to pass the Bechdel test, I'm guessing. But even women I speak to all the time just rave about it. They love it. And as it turns out, it is number one on the list. OK, with fall in the title. So Gabe is off to a roaring start with eight points. And maybe more people will check it out.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Now, my issue with it, my problem with it sight unseen. Maybe Patrick, you can help me out with this, is that they they just went ahead already, didn't give it any time at all. They've already got an extended cut on the streaming service that it's on. Oh, interesting. And the original cut. So I'm just like, well, even though the extended cut might be better or might be more of a good thing, I still just want to see the the thing they made and intended, you know, so I'm going to watch the original one first.
Starting point is 00:36:34 But it's just weird to even have to make that choice at this point. It's like, are they going to start coming out with movies like, hey, you don't have a lot of time. Here's the 90 minute version or you could watch this four hour version. Yeah, you tweeted about that. I hate the multiple versions of things. I've never liked the whole director's cut concept because even though it seems good, I've never I've never seen one that I was like, oh, I'm so I'm so happy they did that. There might be a little bit of an improvement or something.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It's sort of like the Arrested Development season four, how they had the funky cut come out first. And then like six months later, they said, oh, we did it like a regular episode. Now we changed it all. And now you have to click like seven buttons to find the original cut of those episodes. Yeah, like my problem is I often don't know. I'm watching an extended version of director's
Starting point is 00:37:25 cut like I watched the extended cut of Fall Guy and I liked it. I also think like it's weird that the Sydney Opera House just keeps being like the go-to destination for it was in that Sydney Sweeney one too and you know what's interesting the guy that's in the Sydney Sweeney one is in a new one called the Hitman and it's like And then I watched it again, but I watched the rest of the movie. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again. And then I watched it again is that like I watch what I didn't realize was the extended cut.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And then I watched it again, but I watched the regular one and I'm like, wait, am I? Did I dream a scene that was not in this movie because I can't keep track. Also, the original, it's not like the original was a tight, you know, two hours or hour 45, which, you know, most movies of that ilk should be. It was already over two hours long. Yeah. And then they added then they added 20 more minutes of stuff. I'm just like, I bet you I'll feel like even if I like it, that it's a little long in the first place. So to add stuff and to not know where they I just spend the whole time wondering, well, was this
Starting point is 00:38:42 was this in it initially or was this not in it initially? So I and it's a great way to trick me into watching it twice, I guess. Because if I like it, I will I will probably check out the extended version. All right, Patrick, it's your turn. Movies with fall in the title. Yeah, the first one that popped into my head. And I don't I don't know if anyone saw this movie. But the only thing that I know about it, I have not seen it, is I remember
Starting point is 00:39:08 they chain they they CG the actress's lips to change the when they dubbed it into other languages. So it looks like the actresses are speaking like French and Spanish and stuff. And I think it's just called fall. It's about the girls who are like on the really tall tower. Is that right? I all of that is news to me. But I do love it that you you know that the it's often happened with this game where I'll say the word and no one will ever guess just a movie with that with this that word like no one ever you know I'm even like when people like I I can't think of another one be like well You know just take a stab at it. Just say say something that has that word in it and
Starting point is 00:39:53 And they never get there, but you Patrick have stumbled onto a movie that It turns out has been made that movies with that title have been made multiple times. No So what I need you to do to determine how many guys are gonna get is pick between and I don't know which one you Were describing sure sure between 1997 2022 or 2023. Oh God I'm gonna oh my god. I'm going to. Oh, my God. I'm going to say 2020. To. Twenty twenty two movie called Fall,
Starting point is 00:40:31 just the fall is number two on the great. Seven. Wow. Points. Wow. All right. Looking good for me. It's your turn. You still everybody's still in it. As long as you could still add up to more than eight points, you could win this thing. So, OK, well, I've got one.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And I don't know if a lot of people saw this. I don't know if anything was CGI, but have you guys heard of the film Legends of the Fall? Oh, yes, I have heard of that. It was a small one, art house. Yeah, yeah. I remember it was a big deal at the time and I saw it, but it wasn't really my cup of tea. I couldn't make it through without falling asleep.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Oh, falling asleep. Yeah, Legends of the Falling Asleep was the original title. Yeah, legends of the falling asleep Was the original title They cut it and but eventually I'll come up with an extended version and we'll use the whole title and It's number five on the list. Hey We're also on the board With four points and I'm also proud of all of you because we usually don't have three correct guesses in the first round of this game. That's awesome. I also want more of these retracted cuts, like the Arrested Development thing.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Show me the Legends of the Fall for Dummies. I'll tell you something I really enjoyed watching, mostly because it revealed one thing to me that I had never noticed was somebody put together a cut of pulp fiction where it's told linearly. There's no there's no jump time jumps. It's just all just straight straight for straight through. So like the flashback to Christopher Walken when you know when Bruce Willis is supposed to be a kid. That's the first scene in the movie. Oh, I'll be a good first scene. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I'm really would get. Yeah. Well, what is this movie? But the first thing they do have is also pretty good. But when you see it all strung together in that order, in the right order, you see John Travolta walk past Amanda Plummer and what's his name, Tim Roth, to go to the bathroom. Oh, cool. You you shouldn't notice because it's the first scene in the movie
Starting point is 00:42:55 and you haven't even met John Travolta's character yet. You don't know that he's, you know, and he's even walking around in a dumb T-shirt that he had to wear because they got blood all over the car when he shot accidentally shot Marvin. So I thought that was that at least that one moment made it worth it for me. That's because I'm such a nerd. All right. So where are we? Oh, Gabe, it's your turn. Sorry. What's your second guess?
Starting point is 00:43:22 My second guess is an Oscar movie from a couple of years ago. I don't remember exactly when. Anatomy of a Fall. I mean, not to make fun of your memory, but it was just this last year. Oh, wow. Very recent. It was post-COVID. Wow. Okay. Wow. Here we go. Yeah. I never saw it,
Starting point is 00:43:42 but it has a dog in it that people at the time would not stop talking about It's the greatest dog performance in a film ever So that's my that's why it's on my list amongst, you know, many other reasons as air butter ratio But number three on the list Six points which makes his lead insurmountable, but just for fun. Well, it's not insurmountable. So let's let's keep going, Patrick. What's your my girlfriend's favorite movie is called The Fall with Lee Pace.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I think it's 2006. I want to say I want to say, is your girlfriend super horny for Lee Pace or probably? I hear that detail. I've never seen this movie and she keeps getting on me about watching it. And they just re-released it because they just made a four K version of it. So I'm going to see it in a few weeks. I was just at that festival, Fantastic Fest, and it was one of the things that they were showing.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And I didn't get around to seeing it, but I wanted to because I, you know, learned too late that it stars Lee Pace because I'm a huge fan of him. And like ever since, like pushing gazes and which is insane how tall he is and how tiny Christian Chenoweth was. But they had like they had like scenes together. I don't know how they did that. One of his giant. He's a giant. Yeah, I know. But it didn't come off that way, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so it turns out the fall is number four on the list. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah, that is that you got to thank your girlfriend for that. I will, because it really helped you. Yeah, that is that you got to thank your girlfriend for that well because It really helped you. That's great. So yeah, so this is not this is not over by by any means Rena could be a spoiler here by Taking another one off the list. It's the fall is also by the same director Tarsem saying I want to say and He had made the cell with J Lo and Vince Vaughn and it was a very interesting visual movie so I do want to see the fall because they say that you know almost every shot in it is like a
Starting point is 00:46:03 painting and that all any kind of effects are all practical, they're like all actually on set. OK, that's the end of my advertisement for the fall. Reena. Well, I don't have a girlfriend to recommend stuff, so I'm going to lean on the support of one of my showmate partners here on the pod and say one of the other movies from a different year called fall. That's what we're there was one in the 90s. Yeah, I want to go with the earliest fall. You want a 1997 fall?
Starting point is 00:46:39 That's the one. 2023. Yeah. Yeah. Excellent choice, ma'am. Wow. in 2023. Yeah. Yeah. Excellent choice, ma'am. Wow. Number six on the list were three points. Could be a spoiler. Ultimately that you took those points away from somebody else. What's your, what's your third guess, Gabe?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Oh God, I think it's one word. So I don't think I'm going to get this. A skyfall. Oh, well, you know, it. Oh, God, I think it's one word. So I don't think I'm going to get this skyfall. Oh, well, you know, it could be on the list if people cared about skyfall as much as these other eight movies. But unfortunately, it did not make the cut. so that gives you a total of 14 points and Patrick could take this. How many points do I have right now? I should say you could tie it up actually. That's your only thing you could do is tie it up. Okay. That's if you come up with the number 7 movie. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Number 8 movie you would fall short by one sure I'm the only thing I could think of is to take that third fall off the list I don't know where it it lands if it lands the 2023 is that what it was yeah 20 23 yeah let's do that one I mean this is a thing that I Even using this game to kind of point it out to the world that I am not a fan of just think of another title Like yes the over the repeated use of certain titles is is crazy There's even more than these three versions of fall like it's just been used a bunch of time So why not you know why not change it up? Why not call it autumn or whatever? Because I can't think of any movies that are just called autumn
Starting point is 00:48:29 but the fall or rather just fall is number eight on the list Only worth the one point. Okay But just for fun, do you have one more? Yeah, I feel like there's a Let's the harder they fall is that a That is number seven on No way it's true You nailed it wait did I come in third but with more points?
Starting point is 00:49:09 came in third with the third most amount of points. Oh my God, that's awesome. But an impressive score. What is that moving? Isn't it like Bogart? Like Humphrey Bogart? Isn't that like one of. No, I think it's more of a it's kind of a gritty 70s. It's not purely black exploitation, but it's sort of a it's kind of a gritty 70s
Starting point is 00:49:29 It's not purely black exploitation, but it's sort of in the genre Curtis Mayfield might be I think involved and I feel bad that I'm not fully educated on it, but Rod Steiger is in it And he's you know of course very white so yeah, but this was this was amazing how How only competitive it was and you the three of you knocked off all eight titles on the list? that's you know and nobody said falling down which is further down on the list and
Starting point is 00:50:10 And lots of other movies with fall in there But Gabe is the one who prevails with 14 points and maybe I need to you know take a look at the format of this game a little harder you know, take a look at the format of this game a little harder. And the beautiful thing about it is that as our first game of the day, when it's the second game of the day, the person who gets to go first is the person who won the first game. So then you sort of you sort of win that advantage, whereas playing it first, I just arbitrarily go by alphabetical by first name
Starting point is 00:50:50 Because reena calm for instance your whole life. You're pretty You're you know if it's alphabetical. You're pretty close to the top You know you're yeah first with the the C last name so switching it up on you was just to you know Just teach you a lesson that you finally you was just to, you know, just teach you a lesson that you finally appreciate it. I mean, yeah, it's very polarizing to have, you know, far out letters like that. So it's probably affected your entire world. Like having like a double M that must be weird, right? Yeah. That's the other fun thing about this game today is that out of the eight movies with the fall in the title, I have only seen one of them.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And I don't remember it that well. There was a bear in it and it's called Legends of the Fall. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Did you stay awake? Did you stay awake for the whole thing? I think so. I saw it like in a motion picture theater. OK. It was slightly. This is my take on it. It was slightly less boring than a river runs through it. Oh, that's maybe what I'm thinking about.
Starting point is 00:51:59 If they're handsome enough, it can be boring. They're both Brad Pitt's. But yeah, the river runs through it is Redford and Pitt's, but River wants to it is Redford and Pitt. And that just as a fall is Anthony Hopkins and Pitt, I think. Got it. But then there was also me, Joe Black, that was Hopkins and Pitt. And like six hours long. I mean, I don't know. It was just a lot of bad. Yeah, that movie is very, very slowly paced, which is interesting because
Starting point is 00:52:24 That movie is very, very slowly paced, which is interesting because the guy who directed that is his first few movies were just so Martin Bress is his name. Some of my favorite movies of all time, especially Midnight Run, is such a perfect movie to me. And then then when he just got that like sort of power that a director can get when they've had like, you know, he also had Beverly Hills cop and going in style, like he was making hit movies and then meet Joe Black comes along three goddamn hours long and boring is all hell and then also say RIP John Ashton midnight run.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah, I was I was gonna get to that eventually after making my Gili point After watching Beverly Hills Cop if you'd have told me in a few years this guy's gonna make what everybody thinks is the worst movie Of all time I've been like you're out of your mind genius But it could happen to anybody and yes the great John Ashton who of course is in all of the Axel Foley Beverly Hills Cop movies including I enjoyed very much seeing him in axle F The news came out today that he passed away and I was gonna give everybody a few days before talking about it Because you know
Starting point is 00:53:43 It's weird to bring up that somebody just died on this podcast. Well, sorry, because I heard you brought it up. You heard it here. Worst. He grew up in my hometown and he went to high school in my hometown. Oh, wow. Yeah. He's like he's the number one guy on our best known for on our Wikipedia page.
Starting point is 00:54:03 What? And Enfield, Connecticut, it says, you know, like a famous, famous people from this. Yeah, he's the guy I just said. I don't I wasn't thinking in terms of I think it was best known for is. I know. I said that. And I was. Yeah, I know. As soon as I said it, I was like, that's not the right way to say that. No, it's it's not the right
Starting point is 00:54:32 Also, I've just been such a chatterbox today that We actually run out of time for we don't even have time to play a second game and people have to sit through commercials Just to hear us You know, I'll do our plugs and wrap it up, but I really hope they do. We'll be right back. We are back and apologies to everyone, especially John Ashton fans. Tiger, that was his name in Beverly Hills Cop. And, and he was also he's so funny in Midnight Run. And that's what triggered you, Patrick, to bring it up this because I said Midnight Run. But, uh, and ranks number one from Connecticut exports.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. You know, for me as a person who has to come up with all the material for each episode, I'm excited that I don't have to think of one of the two games. I'm going to play on the next show, but I'm sad that, you know, we didn't give Rena and Patrick a fairer shake at trying to win this one. So you're all welcome to come back as soon as you want, but I'm gonna say it right now, Gabe is our winner today. Well, the prophecy has been foretold.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Thank you, Doug. You won the rat race. Yeah. I'm Mr. Bean of this episode. I was just saying to producer Ryan, which rats do we have in the maze today? Gabe Toprat, of course, you want to plug the rat race screening once again. Yeah. Over October 19th and 630. I get tickets on my Instagram. All the money's going to the food bank and there's going to be a Q and a,
Starting point is 00:56:28 and you can get your picture with a prop from the movie and all my friends are going to be there and it's going to be fun. I love it. And, um, you know, uh, obviously, uh, I encourage, uh, this sort of thing. I've really enjoyed, uh, seeing people put together, you know, just screenings of movies they love and, you know, getting everybody into a theater to see it because it's sort of sad that except for occasional repertory house like the new Beverly in LA, you just, if you want to see some of the big screen, you're probably out of luck. You probably have to watch it on
Starting point is 00:57:06 TV or or your your watch Yeah, I think recommend though the writer of the movie is so excited because he goes he like created monk He like wrote for SNL and he's like I never get to watch people enjoy my stuff. So he's like really fun Oh, that's great Patrick hot noir What would you like to plug? Great. Patrick, hot noir. What would you like to plug? George Lucas talk show. We talked about a little earlier. I do it with Connor Ratliff and Griffin Newman.
Starting point is 00:57:31 We're doing a live show October 18th at the bell house. If you're in New York to see Gabe screening the day before. And also earlier that day, the next day we're doing at three 15, we're going to be at New York Comic-Con doing a show. You can still get tickets to the Bellhouse show. I don't know if Comic-Con tickets are still around. November 9th we're doing a show at the Smod Castle Cinemas in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey with special guest Kevin Smith. And then if you're in LA or if you want to buy a streaming ticket I've been doing these live readings of the Star Wars prequels at Dynasty Typewriter.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I've been doing these live readings of the Star Wars prequels at Dynasty typewriter. We're doing Revenge of the Sith November 16th. You can go to Mustafar, L.A. Dotcom or just find a typewriter's website. Follow me on Instagram at Connor on Twitter at Patrick Connor. That's it. Love it. Thank you for doing this. Thank you. Rina, calm. What are your plugs? You know, right now, I'm really just mostly working on some pretty hot reels, uh, and
Starting point is 00:58:29 tick tock, some pretty, some extended cuts and things like that. If you guys want to shoot on over to my Instagram or tick tock, any of it, I'll be there. I'll show up. I've been on a little bit of a hiatus. That's H I G H A tis. Doing some self care. Yeah, I'm really excited for the weekend here with you in Kansas City. Definitely go to the Comedy Club, Casey, if you're anywhere in Kansas or Missouri. Missouri. If you're anywhere on the other side. Yeah. Come cure your misery at the comedy club with us next month or a month from in November.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And then, yeah, in the meantime, I've got a book of puns available on Amazon and I've got a number one album streaming on all the things called comedy. And, uh, yeah, just find and whatnot, I go the other way with it. When I have a reel that's popular, I figure out how can I make this even like shorter? Oh, yeah. And then I put out and I put out a shorter cut because you know, the shorter reels are the shorter reels. And then I put out a shorter cut because you know, the shorter reels are the shorter reels.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And then I put out a shorter cut, because, you know, the shorter reels are the, you know, more likely I get multiple views out of people. You also do something that I've done in the past that I really feel like is really more of a trademark for you. And I haven't done it as much since I've seen you do it. I don't know if this is something you hold dear, but the fart cut.
Starting point is 01:00:08 It's perfect. It's perfect. You got to have a nice sound to close it out and that's the way to do it. That's the best punchline. They used to have a button you could press to add the fart sound and then now, either all Instagram or just mine, it's not there anymore, maybe because I overused it. But I just use the voiceover thing now and just make it with my mouth.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah, I do like a smooch at the end of a lot of my videos. And sometimes it's a really funny, like more of a butthole smooch is kind of a sound is how I guess I would describe it. That's what a fart really is. But yeah, you're prolific in that way. I appreciate it. Well, I appreciate you. Douglas Movies is coming to the Santa Cruz Comedy Festival this Saturday, October 5th, and to Wise Guys in Salt Lake City on October 19th. Both of those are at four 20, lots of other dates out there coming up and you can find them all at and one more plug for seeing rat race. Since Gabe officially won one more plug for him, Rat Race, October 19th. But find all of my guests
Starting point is 01:01:28 and support everything that they're doing. And I always do now at the end of the shows, I say the last line from a movie and after I say as always and this is why I know Rod Steiger is in The Harder They Fall because he has the last line. As always, I wouldn't give 26 cents for your future. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes it cocky. There's no room in his heart for you, cause Doug loves movies!

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