Doug Loves Movies - Samm Levine, Mary Santora and Kurt Zeigler guest

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

Doug welcomes Samm Levine, Mary Santora and Kurt Zeigler to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as a pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see because Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey everybody. My name is Doug and my voice is shot. This is Doug loves movies recording on Sunday, June 30th, 2024. Happy years halfway over day. And my guests are Sam Levine, Mary Santora and Kurt Zeigler. Hello. Hey, let's meet everybody individually and alphabetically by first name. He's a returning champ that was full pulled Not fooled pulled from the audience at mcgoobies in Maryland a couple weeks back. He's a mild Man a credit union employee and his name is Kurt Ziegler. Hey Kurt. How you doing? Good, how how you doing? Good. How are you doing? Hello everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I'm all right, except for this, uh, this voice thing. I just, uh, I arrived in Spokane, Washington a couple of days ago and, and my, uh, lost my voice and then, uh, proceeded to do four standup headlining comedy shows, which did not help my voice. But now I after this podcast is over I'll have two days to rest and hopefully things will improve or I'll just always sound like someone who smokes cigarettes which I do not. Kurt Ziegler how has your life changed since becoming a Douglas movies champion? Oh, man, it's been crazy. I can't I can't even keep track of all the letters I'm getting and all the fan mail.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Just it's it's nuts. But you got a lot of you got a lot of letters, like a few vowels and a few consonants. Exactly. Exactly. No, but I sent it to a lot of people and oh you did. Oh, that's yeah. Yeah. I got a lot of people to listen to Douglas movies that never heard of it. What is this? I appreciate the bump because, you know, most of my guests just do it and move on, you know, because they got busy show business lives. But I'm glad you were able to use it as a calling card or a just a show off card. Yeah, does anybody do you know anybody that just listens to it like on their own who would stumble onto you
Starting point is 00:02:40 suddenly being a guest or was it all people that aren't familiar that you had to go hey listen to this well the only person like that is my ex girlfriend so that should be pretty funny she's gonna be like what what is yeah oh shit I might lose a listener over this over the situation but you gained like five or six with the Kurt Ziegler bump. So, okay. That's fantastic. Well, thank you for being here today. Also joining us is another champion.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's all champs today. It's Mary Santora. How's it going, Mary? I am one of the people who just move on with my very busy show business full life. So you're you're welcome that I'm back to be honest with you. No, I'm actually forward the episode to your friends and family say, listen to this. I'm a champion. I will give you a share to my
Starting point is 00:03:38 Instagram story. That's the best I can do. Actually, I'm back home in Cleveland for a week and my step kid has never seen Wizard of Oz. So we were watching Wizard of Oz just before this. Oh my god, I hope Sam and Kurt do okay today because it's all Wizard of Oz. Oh my god, the refresher course. Yes. It's funny. I saw, you know how Seth Meyers does that thing where he gets drunk with a celebrity and they just goof around? He did one with Mary, I mean Mary,
Starting point is 00:04:14 he did one with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and during it while they were drunk, she said to Seth Meyers, you look like Ray Bolger from Wizard of Oz and he did not find it to be a compliment He was pretty upset about it You know you give a guest a big shot of honesty juice that's what's gonna happen All right. What did I want to ask you Mary? Oh, how have you been wearing like a crown around in your day to day
Starting point is 00:04:47 life since you won on the show? Just a sash. I'm not really a guy more of just a sash a little understated, you know. I don't think you're a guy at all. But what does the what does the sash say on it? It says a champion 4EVA forever. Oh, well, that might change today, unfortunately. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I like your confidence. I really do. Because our third guest is Sam, the man, Levine, aka little Wolverine and deadpool in theaters july twenty six hashtag not an ad. I said. Hey buddy. No further questions. My voice is too shot for this. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Nothing. But I do change with me since we last did this. We can move right into the next. Well, a lot has changed since your zoom avatar because it's a picture of you from freaks and geeks. I know. It's a picture from like a week ago. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. A lot has changed since your zoom avatar because it's a picture of you from freaks and geeks Picture from like a week ago. I don't know what you're talking about. You stand in front of a brick wall. Were you doing stand-up? I'm also standing at a water fountain. Oh right. It is a little water fountain with a brick wall behind it. I get it now.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So yeah, so before we play some games today to determine what I would call an ultimate champion, I'd like each of you to recommend one movie. We'll start with you, Kurt. Go. Okay, I'm going to go with there's a movie. I think it's on Amazon. It's the guy by the guy who did he wrote American Beauty and he created like six feet under in true blood Alan ball, but it's called Uncle Frank. Oh my God. I'm so happy to hear this because I think it's one of the most under appreciated and not correctly heralded movies in a while. I mean, I guess part of the issue was it came out during the pandemic and it went straight to streaming. But I think that movie is amazing. Tell everybody a little bit more about it.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, I think it's amazing too. It's the girl I think she was in the movie. But she's like a teenager and she goes to, I think she goes to live with her uncle, who is like the one person in the family that she bonds with and her uncle's gay and lives with his husband or his partner. And then it just kind of like goes from there
Starting point is 00:07:17 and you find out a lot about her uncle's past and stuff. And it's like good, like a coming of age movie and really good drama. And there's some funny stuff in it too. So I really, really do. I also agree. I think it's one of the best movies of the past few years and like nobody knows about it. Yeah. I thought when I saw it, I was like,
Starting point is 00:07:33 this is the best picture contender and Paul Bettany should get an award. I think Steven root is really good in it. Like it's just, oh yeah. He's like really bad. I forgot about him. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's so mean. And, you know, most of his roles and in real life, he's a sweetheart. So it's a it's a great performance. Have you seen that movie, Sam? I have. And I wholeheartedly agree with everything. OK, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I went to that pause gave me pause like I have. I have No, it's great and Steve's on is great in it everybody oh yeah, yeah, it's really It's a character actor dream and uh, and it's just really good So regardless to what Mary and Sam recommend I'm telling everyone listening find uncle Frank and watch it I bet you it's still on Prime, because that's where it started. And I don't think Prime really ditches stuff. They just keep it in the collection.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Mary, what have you got for us? I know that you, it seems like every time we talk to you, you're binging horror movies. That seems to be what I do. I don't know why. My boyfriend's real into horror movies and then he always ends up falling asleep so then I have to watch them alone. Actually, I wanted to ask you, and I'll recommend this weirdo movie. Did you ever end up watching Mad God? Mad God?
Starting point is 00:08:59 I told you about it the last time we were in Austin. I don't even remember you recommending it. So unfortunately I have not watched it. It is probably the most unsettling movie I've ever seen. This guy did this claymation movie and it took him like 30 years to do it. And it's like the only thing he's ever released. And it's very, very uncomfortable and super weird. And I can't even really describe it very very uncomfortable and super weird and I
Starting point is 00:09:31 Can't even really describe it other than like if you're a fan of like weirdo horror sci-fi claymation with just Strange scenes and almost no plot. I would go ahead and recommend mad god to you It sounds to me like a full length tool video. Kind of actually. If they did a claymation one. Yes. That's almost exactly what it is. But yeah, I agree. It's really awesome. It's very weird. And you recommended it on the show previously?
Starting point is 00:09:56 No, we were talking about horror movies in the green room after the show. And I recommended it to you after the show. Okay. Well, that explains a little better why I forgot about it, but it's just called Mad God. Mad God, yes. It's so, it is, I will say probably one of the most, definitely the weirdest and one of the most unsettling movies I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:10:21 All right, well, you know, I'm not anxious to see it, but I might give it a try Do you know where it's living right now? Is it on a streamer? I think it's on shutter. Oh If you have that's like well, I'm not I as much as I love horror movies cuz I love movies in general I haven't subscribed to to shutter because Just all horror is not really what I'm looking for. Then you know what? I'll recommend Wizard of Oz. We'll double recommend. Well, let me ask you this. What is your,
Starting point is 00:10:59 you know, because we see Wizard of Oz over and over again, but I bet you anytime somebody watches it, they sort of learn or see something new that they don't remember from seeing it repeatedly in their childhood. Did anything stand out to you on this recent viewing? Honestly, I was rewatching it, right? And like I said, my boyfriend's daughter has never seen it. And so I'm like paying closer attention.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And I just, I've never picked up on how subtly funny it is that like a lot of the humor is not directly said, but it's in like the way that these old 30s and 40s actors use their bodies and their faces. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's not that it's like the best... Yeah, the script isn't the best written jokes,
Starting point is 00:11:52 but the way that they do like the physical humor. I was like laughing out loud while I was watching it. Have you ever seen the deleted scene where the scarecrow is singing his song, you know, each other's song when she meets them?row is singing his song you know each other's song when she meets them he's singing his song and there's like they made these like rubbery fences that are around the cornfield and bounces off of them. Yes, so I have the two disc DVD collection of Wizard of Oz and And so I have seen those, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You've gone deep on it. You've seen all the little extras and stuff. And I didn't mean to use the word little there, you know, to besmirch munchkins. We all know what you mean. Have you ever seen Under the Rainbow with Chevy Chase and Carrie Fisher? No, I have not.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's a movie that, it was an amazing premise that the movie didn't turn out that good, but it's an amazing premise because it was just all about the hotel that all the Munchkins stayed in during production and how they all were super partiers. Like they all were just acting crazy. It's a documentary or it's like, you know, it's Debbie Chase and Carrie Fisher. Those are both actors that appeared in films a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:13:17 No, I didn't know they were like doing like a mockumentary type of whatever, dude. It is a joke in the movie that I always, always like repeat like when I'm in an elevator. I mean, I don't say it out loud, but I think of it when I'm in an elevator with smaller people or children is a bunch of people are crowded in the elevator including you know a bunch of little people and Sam what's the name of the guy that was one of the two Enos brothers in the Smoky the Bandit movies? Oh God. The big Enos, what was his name? He's a great comedian and now I can't think of his name.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Is it Paul Williams? Is he one of them? No I can't think of his name. Paul Williams. Is he one of the Paul Williams was the little one. Oh, and then the big one was that guy who was he was like he used to write for like award shows at tonight's show. And he's always a really funny guest. And I feel sad that I can't think of his name right now. But he's in the elevator. And there's all of these little people.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And, you know, it used to be the elevator rapper When you got into the elevator, you'd say where you're going with, you know, which floor or what part of the hotel? And uh, he gets in and says ballroom and all the little people back away from him If I come to me it's like, you know, it's one of those things that like during the show, I might suddenly think of his name, but anyway, so watch Mad God and Wizard of Oz on a double feature and then thank Mary Santora for the nightmares that you're going to have. Welcome. Because Wizard of Oz is scary too.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Dude, the flying monkeys are terrifying looking Because they're people looking they could just swoop down and grab you no matter what size you are. Oh Like they're strong little monkeys so strong Yeah Okay, Sam yep I've been you know really into these recommendations, so I'm counting on you. Oh, you're this one a third good one. It's gonna fit right in Okay
Starting point is 00:15:30 the 2011 classic Cowboys and aliens Watch Cowboys and aliens you heard me doug. Yeah, wait just a second though though it just came into my head his first name was Pat oh Wow, okay, then I was not thinking of Pat anybody for his hats. It's Pat somebody okay. Go ahead. Tell me Tell me about why you like this movie that was Trashed and people weren't into it at the time of its release trashed and people weren't into it at the time of its release.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Honestly, it's because earlier today, a memory came back to me and it's a strong one and a good one. And it's something that probably pops up in my brain about once a month. So back in 2019, I was at an event and I was having a very nice conversation with Olivia Wilde and a woman who couldn't have been more than 60 years old on the outside came up to the two of us and started chatting and she was obviously a big fan of Olivia's and so they're having a very nice conversation mostly about the event and then at the end of it, this is 2019, the woman says to her, you know, all you've
Starting point is 00:16:47 been so sweet and I don't want to give away my age or anything, but I loved you in cowboys and aliens. And Olivia just said OK cool thanks and then the lady walks away. And Olivia and I sort of look at each other and she goes what the hell was that that movie came out in 2011. What the hell was that that movie came out in 2011? It was eight years ago. What does she mean doesn't want to give away her eight?
Starting point is 00:17:15 Was she pretending to be nine like That's what I was thinking about and that's why I want to recommend it really just so I could tell that story So you really don't think anybody should watch it now you should probably watch Frank let's be honest So It's all the Cowboys or actors we know but like the aliens when they show up. They're like a special effect, right? There's no no stars playing aliens No, maybe Michael Jackson because it's
Starting point is 00:17:50 Harrison Ford and James Bond yes, Harrison Ford and James Bond. Yes, Daniel Craig It's it's Indiana Jones and James Bond fight the aliens that would have been a smash hit even though it's not very good Right if they'd have just called it that and James Bond fight the aliens. That would have been a smash hit, even though it's not very good. Right. If they'd have just called it that. That's where they went wrong. I guess they would have been ahead of themselves. Because he hadn't done a James Bond movie yet. No, he'd done a few. It was 2011, so he'd already done at least two. He'd already made A Quantum of Solace?
Starting point is 00:18:28 I believe Quantum of Solace had come out by then, yes. I love that Daniel Craig is a beloved James Bond when he's in one of the worst James Bond movies ever made. Quantum of Solace, the title is not, that's not, I mean, it's bad enough. Is not that's not I mean, it's bad enough But then the movie itself Is so goddamn weird Yeah, the villain in that movie has to drink a can of motor oil in the middle of the desert like what is happening? Well, we don't see it. We learn that he drank it later
Starting point is 00:19:06 But why why would that happen in a jays, but okay anyway So I mean it makes it easier for the listeners to just go watch uncle Frank or mad god or wizard of Oz Because you gave them this nonsense movie, but also if Olivia Wilde is listening, at least we've got that going for us. Yeah, I'm sure someone will bring this to her attention. All right, thanks for your, Rex. We gotta do a break so I can rest my voice. We'll be right back. We are back.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I gargled with some Listerine and I don't know if you can hear it, but I think I'm like at least 10% better. I'd say 30. Oh, okay. Thank you. Our first of two games today is something I call so and so and the something something. Have you played this before, Sam? I don't think so. Maybe. I don't know know it's just gonna make me laugh every time then I guess
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah First probably familiar with it. Mary probably isn't doesn't know what I'm talking about Here's how this game works Mary there's movies out there Many of them all the Harry Potter's and then others like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, where it's the name of one of the main characters of the film and then something more about them or, you know, what's going to happen in the movie. So what I've done is taken classic movies. All right, take it back. I've taken movies that exist and I've... Be aware their classics are not as for you to decide, but I've taken these movies and
Starting point is 00:20:53 I've given them a new title which is the name of one of the lead characters and then something else about the movie that hopefully sounds kind of like a catchy title that would exist. I mean, one of my favorite ones of all time was there's a movie starring Alan Arkin and Carol Burnett called Choo Choo and the Philly Flash, which is actually the two characters but anyway I'll say Kurt's gonna go first because we're gonna for this first game will go alphabetical my first name so Kurt's up first I'll say the made-up title and then he gets to guess or pass if you don't think you know it on what the film's called if he gets it right he gets a point he misses Mary gets a. He misses, Mary gets a shot. Mary misses and Sam gets a shot.
Starting point is 00:21:49 If he misses, there's no point for that round. And we just start back again with Kurt on the next one. But whenever somebody gets one right, the next person in order will go first with the next title. You ready, Kurt? Yes. A man of many words. What do you think? What move? And some of these might be super easy, but a lot of them might be super hard. Yeah, I don't know which way it's gonna go for each of you individually. But Kurt, what movie do you think? I changed the title to Sunny and the runaway robbery? Sunny S-O-N-N-Y. The Sting is incorrect, but there is a scam in that movie, so you're partially right in your own way. Mary, any idea what Sunny and the Runaway Robbery would be?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Is it Ocean's Eleven? No, but that's a terrific guess. And I just remembered on a previous installment, in fact, the one where you won, I think you recommended Inside Man. Yeah. And when I asked people on X, formerly Twitter, when I did a poll saying, who do you think picked Inside Man?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Nobody thought it was you. They were very sexist about it with the male guests on the show would recommend a Clive Owen's likely joint about a robbery but oceans which oceans did you say 11 I thought the old man's name was sunny oh okay maybe it. Maybe you're kind of right. But that's not what I'm looking for. Sam, what am I looking for? I think you're looking for Dog Day Afternoon.
Starting point is 00:23:52 That is correct. Al Pacino as Sonny, in my mind, one of the greatest movies. It's just so good. It's so tense. And it's way ahead of its time because he's married to a trans person in the film, played by Chris Sarandon. And there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:24:13 sensitivity in regards to that relationship. But it's a, it's a robbery that ends up with the hostages and all that kind of kind of business. Any movie that's about a robbery and hostages, I feel is like inspired by or certainly they take notes from Dog Day Afternoon in real life. Hostage situations and recreate that movie all the time. Stands on the board is one point but Kurt is up next Charles Foster Kane and his stupid sled Citizen came Hey, I don't know who's gonna get the easy ones.
Starting point is 00:25:10 This one's not so easy, Mary. Perfect. Yeah. I apologize. Susan Harris and the Randy robot. Um, man, I don't know any of those words. Um, I'm gonna say, uh, the Terminator? No, but you know what? What? You get, you get, uh, Doug points.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's, you know, where I appreciate you for guessing the name of a film that has a robot in it. I don't know how Randy he is, but, uh, the Terminator is definitely a robot. Um, Sam? Uh, he is, but the Terminator is definitely a robot. Sam. I'm sure this isn't right, but I know somebody does sleep with a robot and bicentennial man. They do. Right. Yeah. And Beth Davids.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I don't maybe your character's name is Susan. I don't remember, but it's possible that I mean, he was certainly a Randy robot. They Randy robot they make Absolutely, they make tender love to each other Yeah, it's a it's Robin Williams is a robot, right? Yes. Yeah, he's bicentennial man. Yeah, and Yeah, while they're having sex. He just keeps screaming oil can oil can Can what oil can what yeah that is in practice but but another terrific guess I like when people come to play and make an effort and Kurt do you have any idea what this is I'm gonna be honest with you I'd be shocked if anybody figured this one out
Starting point is 00:27:02 for some reason the only thing I could think of is that weird movie with Andy Kaufman where he plays a robot, heartbeats. It feels like all the greats have played a robot at some point. They're like, I'm tired of human emotions. I wanna play a robot who tries to have human emotions. But that is also incorrect unfortunately this movie
Starting point is 00:27:29 is one of the weirdest things that came out of the 70s cinema where anything it seemed like anything could happen in a movie more so than any time in history it's a film called Demon Seed. No. Whoa. And in that movie, very famous at the time, popular actress, has tricked people into coming to the theaters. Julie Christie plays a woman who is impregnated by a machine. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And it was not consensual either. I'll tell you that. Oh, no. God. And he gave her the nuts and bolts, huh? Yeah. And it was not consensual either. I'll tell you that. No, God. And he gave her the nuts and bolts. Yeah. It is the weirdest freaking movie singular, Mary. Oh, yeah. It's a really creepy, weird ass movie.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And I. I don't know if it's fine on to be or Pluto or something. If anybody wants to check it out out if anybody doesn't believe me Just look it up in them like a movie review book Leonard gave it five and a half stars. He loved it so much You say it was the perfect length Yeah, it's a tight two hours probably It's a tight two hours probably. Because back in the 70s, I, you know, maybe like a big war movie, like a, or like, you know, any kind of thing that was epic or had a big cast would maybe be like three hours long, but most movies were pretty decent about two or under,
Starting point is 00:28:59 you know, unless it was like, you know, Lawrence of Arabia or something. Okay. So who went last? Uh, Who had the last guess on that? Kurt? Yeah, he had the last guess and he also got the last one correct. So it should start with Mary again, I think. Yeah, let's do Mary again. But not like that robot. Not like the robot. As soon as I was saying, I was like, this is not a proper way to say this okay Mary yes
Starting point is 00:29:30 You're gonna get this one. Okay, I feel I feel strong So you got you get lucked out and landed on an easy one in my opinion Elliot Taylor and the long-distance call Elliot Taylor and the long distance call. Elliot Taylor and the long distance call. Phone booth? That is another amazing guess. Because Keith is someone calling from like right across the street. Yep. But he's on the phone for a long time.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yes, the distance is time. The distance of time is long. The third dimension. Yes. He's on the phone for like nine miles. It's a very long time. The whole goddamn movie, yeah. Sam, what is it?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Full title, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. Oh, come on. Unbelievable. I'll tell you, I bet you, I bet you I failed you by actually researching, because I don't think they say his last name that much in the movie, if ever. Maybe their mailbox says the tailors or something. I don't know where anybody figured this out from. Might even just be in the movie if ever. Maybe their mailbox says the tailors or something. I don't know where anybody figured this out from. Might even just be in the novelization. But if I only just said Elliot
Starting point is 00:30:50 and the long distance call, it probably would have made it more obvious. But I'm still enjoying your guess. I'm going to make a best guessers hall of fame and put you in it. Mary. Dude, I'm the I'm so bad at this game. Right. But you've had an answer every time and the answers have not been that far off. There's so many people play this game and go, I don't know what you're talking about, Doug. I'm going to I want to leave. I have context clues. Yeah, exactly. That's what we're going for. OK, so Kurt's up next.
Starting point is 00:31:29 And I'm not going to say ahead of time if I think it's easy or hard because that's probably an extra clue. All the treaties and the spice world. Dune. Yeah, I also would have accepted Dune too. Because they won't shut up about the spice in any Dune movie. It's all about the spice. Okay, so Kurt's got two. We're back to you, Mary. I hope this one. I hope this one rings some bells for you. Something. Come on.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sophie and her slutty mommy. Sophie and her slutty mommy? Yeah. It's not a horror movie. Okay. I only know one movie with someone named Sophie and it's Sophie's Choice. Is that not it? Sophie's Mother and Sophie's Choice is a slut. I've never seen it. Also, I'm not into slut-shaming.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm just into that it's funny to call this movie about a slut when you find out what we're talking about Sam. Do you think you know it? Um, I mean, obviously, I also thought it might be so his choice, but then it can't be so he was not the name of the child. Yeah, we never meet Sophie's mother and Sophie's choice, right? Yeah, we never meet Sophie's mother and Sophie's choice, right? No, we don't. I think we see them in flashbacks, but I don't think we spend any real time with them. Oh, okay. Is it Mamma Mia? Oh, that's a good one. God damn it. Oh, it's a musical and probably doesn't appeal
Starting point is 00:33:27 to a lot of dudes. In the film, Meryl Streep has relations with three different dudes so close together that she has no idea which one's the father of her baby and also does not feel interested in pursuing any kind of results. She just lets it go. Like, I'm just going to have this kid on my own, and the three guys don't need to know about it. And then when Sophie's about to get married, she finds her mother's diary, reads it.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Like, what's up with that? Reading someone's diary? And then decides to track down all three guys and invite them all to the wedding and chaos ensues. But so much singing and dancing too. Yeah. Well, so much Pierce Brosnan singing, which is that's the reason not to watch. But anyway, congratulations, Sam.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You won that game. Thank you. We're going to have to get to the tiebreaker, which was Fred and his modern Stone Age family. Is it Freddy got fingered? Obviously, that's the Ketson's movie. It always cracks me up that the theme song for the Flintstones, that they call them a modern Stone Age family. And I feel like it's just their way of saying that.
Starting point is 00:34:47 They had more money than any like they were affluent Stone Age people. Because they could afford a lot of appliances around the house. There were animals that had to do the job as a full time job, just being like the needle on a phonograph record or something. And then they go, it's a living. Like, oh, so the Flintstones pay you to put your beak on the record so they can hear it. They had a lot of slave labor around the house, let's be honest. Yeah, animal slave laborers, but at least they're getting paid something, I guess. I don't think they'd say it's a living if they didn't get anything out of it.
Starting point is 00:35:27 But also this reminds me that in the Jetsons, someone recently told me that the backstory in the Jetsons is that when they first met, you know, Joe Jetson and Mary Jetson I don't know if that's their names but when they first met he was 23 and she was 16 oh my yeah Doug age really is just nothing but in what? I was just going to say, maybe they also measure time in distance. And the years, the years didn't matter. That's it exactly light years ahead of him in maturity. Well, the distance between this game and the next game should only be a few minutes. We'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:36:23 We are back and Sam took down game one but it was it was competitive and fun and everything I like about doing this show but what we're gonna play now is something Sam Levine does not like about this show. It's a game called Weird Algorithm. I'm not playing it just because you're here Sam and I'm playing it because I think it's a fun game that that your your genius movie trivia skills might not be enough to win this thing. So we're gonna start with Sam, then we'll go to Mary, then we'll go to Kurt, but each round will start with a different person. And here's how Weird Al algorithm works. I go to the IMDB website and I type in the name of a movie and then you can change the cast order of
Starting point is 00:37:30 the listing of the movie from their genuine order they were credited in. You can change it to the popularity algorithm on IMDB to determine the order of the people. So I will name the movie and then I'll go to Sam first and I'll say, who do you think is the top person on IMDB today, popularity wise, that was in this film? I will also name the top two actual build people in the film, but those two people aren't necessarily popular today or in popular enough to be in the top three.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Once Sam's made his guess, we'll go to Mary. You can have the same answer as Sam as you want, or you could guess somebody else. It's up to you. Then we go to Kurt. Same thing. You could share an answer, but strategically at some point, somebody needs to say a different answer, but that's up to you. If it's a tie at the end, I have a tiebreaker ready to go. But
Starting point is 00:38:35 there's usually disagreements on who they think is going to be top build. Plus also, the top build person is quite often something out of left field. Somebody you may not even have known was in that particular movie. So that's certainly something to think about. If you get the number one person, it's worth three points. Number two is worth two points and number three is worth one. And we're going to play three rounds. And like I said, a different person will go first each time
Starting point is 00:39:02 and you don't have to have your own answer. You can share an answer with somebody else. You ready, Sam? A different person will go first each time and you don't have to have your own answer you can Share an answer with somebody else you ready Sam I guess so Okay We're doing the og the first hunger games motion picture the hunger games starring J. Law and Ja H Josh Hutchinson Who do you think Sam from that big cast, a lot of people in that movie,
Starting point is 00:39:29 who do you think would finish number one or at least in the top three by popularity today? I am going to say, because we've talked about how IMDB works, so I am going to take a, it's probably a long shot guess, but I will say Donald Sutherland. Recently deceased, great actor, Donald Sherland plays president snow in the Hunger Games. That's who you think's number one because of the attention is passing is brought. I mean, I will say I know women always no matter what tend to do better on IMDb. So it's probably going to be.
Starting point is 00:40:22 J-Law but I but I will roll the dice. Mary? I was actually going to say the same thing because there has been so much buzz around him because he just died. And such a great actor. Yes. Working all the way till the end,
Starting point is 00:40:42 like you look at his IMDB and he's got, uh, you know, the credits that, uh, you know, I think he's even got stuff that hasn't come out yet. Um, Kurt, do you agree with Mary and Sam or do you want to say somebody else? I think I'm going to do, uh, I'll do Jennifer Lawrence, just to initiate that recent romantic comedy. It's pretty popular Can't remember the title but no hard feelings. I think it was the title. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah They all do that. I guess a generic title cuz no hard feelings that you can't remember the title Yeah, they couldn't they couldn't call it naked beach fight. Yeah My god, it would have done so much better if they'd called it naked beach fight starring Jennifer Lawrence
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, what is told a few more tickets? I think but I Wish I I hope that all of Hollywood Is you know recognizing that she is really good in that movie? She's great I think she's a great actress, but it's so we've seen so many movies where she just has to play somebody that's just shit on and down-drawn and trying to you know succeed and very dramatic and you know things like mother but Thank you for including the exclamation point. I was I tried to even though my voice is shot
Starting point is 00:42:02 Okay, and so that's the other thing about this game is I go back and give everybody a chance to change. Sam, are you sticking with Donald Sutherland? I guess. Mary, you too? Yeah. And Kurt, you still like J-Law? Yeah, they all stick with that. All right. Well, I'll start with the bad news. Jennifer Lawrence managed to come in fourth, so it's not worth any points. Wow. Yeah, it's interesting who did finish in the top three because number three don't even remember he was in it. Jack Quaid. I don't even know who that is. Is that Dennis Quaid's brother?
Starting point is 00:42:43 You're thinking of Randy He's a robot no Jack Quaid is not only Dennis Quaid's son, but also The star of very popular series called the boys the star of a very popular series called The Boys. Yeah, which I would think maybe you'd like. You haven't checked out The Boys, Mary? I'll have to check it out. Yeah, I mean, it's a very violent superhero show.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Oh, perfect. Yeah, it gets pretty nasty. I like have trouble watching it because it's so rough. Coming in at number two, interesting development. I like have trouble watching because I it's so rough Coming in at number two interesting development actress by the name of Mandela Stenberg Who is shot to the top? Top of the popularity charts on IDB because she is currently played Rue on the series the Star Wars series acolyte
Starting point is 00:43:48 People are into, I guess. And then number one, we're three points. Of course, it's Donald Sutherland. Hey, we did it. Are both on the board with three points each for Kurt. And still anybody's game. And Mary gets to go first on this next one. Hey the film that I enjoy quite a bit did well at the box office and
Starting point is 00:44:12 That's a awards film called hidden figures starring Tajari P. Henson and Octavia Spencer so you could take one of those sounds like you're not familiar with it Mary No, the fact that you gave us two names are the only two names I know in this film So I'm gonna go with Trying to think of who's been more relevant out of the two Recently yeah I'll go with Tajari P. Henson to Roger. I'm sorry. Okay to Roger. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:52 Kurt what do you think? Yeah, I can't remember who else in that movie. Um, I guess I'll go with I'll do Octavia Spencer Change it up a little I like it Sam, can you think of anybody else? I guess I'll go with I'll do Octavia Spencer Change it up a little I like it Sam can you think of anybody else in that movie that might today be more popular than those two great actresses? I can but only because he is a New movie coming out so I'm gonna say Kevin Costner. Oh nice
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah, Kevin Costner. Oh, nice. Yeah, Kevin Costner. Or is in a film, I think he even is the one that says is ridiculous at these amazing black women who are figuring out how we can go into space through their math abilities should also not have to walk a mile to go to a bathroom. So he's, he's, he's, I'd say more of a hero in that movie than in the movies where he thinks he's a big hero. All right. Okay, so Mary, what do you think about that piece of information?
Starting point is 00:45:54 Do you think Kevin Costner is more popular right now than either of those two actresses? No, I'm going to stick with it. Okay, Kurt, how about you? Actually, yeah, I'll go. I forgot about that Horizon movie coming out or even that he was in this. So I'll do Kevin Costner. OK. Sam, you're good with Kevin Costner. I guess so. OK, so we got two Kevin's one tragedy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And this is a tragedy to me, because Taraji and Octavia finished sixth and seventh on the list, unfortunately. But number three, it's kind of wild that the top three are all white people in this movie that celebrated Black achievement. But number three is Kirsten Dunst. Who's always great. So I can't be too mad about it. But in fact, number two is Kevin Costner. So that gives her two more points and Sam two more points.
Starting point is 00:47:04 It's not a two more. And then I just have to add that this just in Horizon part one that Kevin Costner has decided to walk away from the smash hit Yellowstone, it's the most popular show on streaming, I think. He walked away from that to make these horizon movies. This is only part one. And the the people that write about movies are already calling it a bomb because it only made 11 million dollars on it on this weekend.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Opening weekend. Yeah. Yeah. How could you live? And it's just an instant we're riding it off. This is a failure. It's wild to me because, you know, like a movie like something about Mary, you know, when it came out, did that kind of money the first couple of weekends and then word of mouth made it one of the biggest smash hits ever. So I guess we're just not in that world anymore and movies just are called flops very quickly
Starting point is 00:48:08 So yeah, so he was number two number one Currently being watched by a lot of eyeballs on Netflix because he's the star of hitman Glenn Powell Yeah, he played he played the Glenn in the movie. That's probably why he was hired. Just John Glenn Powell, they called him. Yeah, if they didn't call him out on the set, they're just silly. OK, so Sam has five, Mary has three, he Kurt has two and we're going into our third
Starting point is 00:48:46 and most important round, because it's still anybody's game, or anybody could tie it up at this point. So Kurt, you're gonna go first. I haven't watched it, because it sounds really lame. There's a documentary called Bratz about the Brat Pack that just came out. So in honor of that documentary, I picked the movie St. Elmo's Fire starring Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, and a bunch of the Packers. So Kurt, which person in that movie do you think would be number one?
Starting point is 00:49:27 Well I know the guy that made brass I think he's in selling almost fire Andrew McCarthy he is in fact in the movie yeah yeah I'm gonna go with that I'm gonna go with Andrew McCarthy okay Sam what do you think? I would have leaned the exact same way because of the recency of Bratz, so I will also say Andrew McCoy. Okay. Mary? I want to switch it up just to be different, but I also don't know anything. I think. Like, I want to say Rob Lowe because he's hot. Well, let me tell you this about Rob Lowe. He is currently hosting one of my favorite TV game shows.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Because he has this show called The Floor that I just love. It's so it's the basic premise of it is so stupid, but it's very watchable and fun to play along. Because there's this floor of like a bunch of people. I think it was 80 in the first season, they're going to make it 100 this season. This new season is about to come out. And all these people on the floor, they each come with their own trivia category. And the idea is to challenge each other until it narrows it down to just one person who's like the winner at the end of the season.
Starting point is 00:50:47 But in the challenges, it's always like the person says their subject is movies, they'll go Academy Award best pictures. And then the two people have to go back and forth, naming movies just based on an image from the movie. And so, of course, they'll throw in some that are super hard and it's just it's just really fun to watch. You know because a lot of times the person that's not an expert in a topic will still beat the person who's a so-called expert. That's also because people think they're experts in things that they don't really know that well. Anyway it's a fun show Rob Lowe hosted in his inimitable very stiff style and Not sponsored yeah, so is Rob Lowe your guest Mary um, yep Okay Kurt, what do you think? Oh
Starting point is 00:51:40 Wait, you already wet. So do you want to stick with Andrew McCarthy? Yeah. Or was my description of the floor exciting enough to make you change your mind? It was exciting, but I'll stick with Andrew McCarthy. OK, and Sam? I will stick with Andrew McCarthy. OK.
Starting point is 00:52:04 You know, Mary, you've done a great job here today. Of course. Yes. I'm proud of you. No, you're not. Out of all the goddamn brats that are in St. Elmo's fire, Rob Lowe came in sixth place. Oh, well, yeah. Yeah. I thought he'd be on the list, man, in top three.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah. I mean, especially, you know, I mean, he's out there. You know, we see he's in those Atkins TV commercials all the time. And I bet you he never eats those things. Now, all of his food is prepared by a professional. Yeah. No, he just said to me, he's just like, oh, the lemon pound cake is to die for. Yeah. Yeah. Shut up. I've eaten a processed food in 25 years. That's my guess as well
Starting point is 00:52:52 Demi Moore came in number five number four was Emilia West of as number three is Ali Shidi Number two is Ali Shidi. Number two is Judd Nelson. Yeah, and I think, cause he's actually in Bratz, like that's, or yeah, I think, no,
Starting point is 00:53:14 he's one of the ones that's not in it. That's probably why people are looking up his name, because they don't talk to him in that movie, I don't think. No, they don't, I've seen it. Yeah, they talked to all these other people. And of course yeah the Bratz was directed by Andrew McCarthy so you guys Kurt and Sam both filed into that correctly but unfortunately three points at this point is not enough for Kurt to win Sam is our winner today with with eight points. Congratulations Sam. And let me just add this about the Bratz documentary. I have not seen it but what I did do is go back and read the initial
Starting point is 00:53:56 article about the Bratz and Andrew McCarthy made this movie as like I hate being called a Brat Packer. In the article he's not even cited as being a brat packer and he's only mentioned like parenthetically at one point as being someone who wasn't really a brat packer because he lived in New York at the time so he didn't really run with all those people anyway right and somehow he's the most upset and had to make a documentary where he stands around in a kitchen with Amelia Westwood whining about it have seen the doc. If you want to talk about it. Well, I don't have a lot of time, but I agree with that assessment, even though I haven't seen it. I it's loosely it's it's started in the article, but then the phrase grew exponentially from the
Starting point is 00:54:43 article and then started to apply to him and a bunch of other actors. Yeah, but it was a vague application because like I never called like, you know, the outsiders, you know, you can argue that they were all Brad Packers, but I never feel like Ralph Macchio or Tom Cruise or Patrick Shwazee ever really got painted with that brush as much as Emilio and Rob did. It mostly seems like it's about St. Elmo's fire, which is why it's kind of funny that Andrew McCarthy kind of got dragged into it but also wasn't really a member of it, you know, at the
Starting point is 00:55:17 same time. But did you think the movie's worth watching, Bratz. If you're really a big fan of those movies from that era, it's worth it. Otherwise, I mean, you know, I wish the content of what they had discussed when he meets up with all the old actors was a little different. The best part of the movie to me is when he sits down with Malcolm Gladwell McCarthy. And they talk about, you know, that era, what that meant at large, what it meant in the bigger picture. And that's what I wish the doc had been more about. So I don't know. I guess it's a fun watch if you're a fan of the films of the era. Yeah. And there's a lot of people, you know, that are jumping on the how come Anthony Michael Hall isn't in it bandwagon, but he was just actually a teenager. He was younger than everybody else and so also didn't really get roped in as being a
Starting point is 00:56:16 backpacker specifically. And not only is he not in the movie, they literally never even say his name. They show images. Yeah. Yeah. But at rare points, does he name him Mitch? It sounds like a weird doc in terms of what they overlook and what they put in. But Sam, there's no overlooking you as an ongoing. You're going to continue to be a champion.
Starting point is 00:56:42 But what would you like to promote today? Well, you know, of course, Doug, you can find me on Cameo. And that movie I did where I play the evil human trafficking business man, it's called City of Dreams, and apparently it's coming out this summer, but they haven't told me anything I learned that from seeing a movie poster Okay Yeah, sometimes they don't reach out to the people in the movie, which is strange strange play, but I Guess it happens and we'll have you back on the show soon. Mary Santora, what would you like to plug?
Starting point is 00:57:26 Oh, you can just follow me on social media. It's just at mary santora comedy on tiktok, instagram, or facebook. All of my upcoming tour dates are at and then you can also, if you want, sign up for my mailing list. That way I can send out, I send out two emails, one when tickets go on sale for the road and then the week of the show in your area. So it's super simple. You just put like your name, your location and your email address. And then I, Hey, I'm coming to your town and, and it's totally free and I don't spam you. So that'll help me out a lot if you want to do that.
Starting point is 00:58:00 That's genius. That's a really good way to do it. Cause I, every time I go to a town like the next day somebody's like I didn't know you were coming. I was like, yeah talk about it a lot on all my things, but right I don't email anybody So maybe I should get on get on that It's thank you me but it is it has been working. I will say that so if you want to sign up for that cool Kurt Ziegler, do you got any ex girlfriends
Starting point is 00:58:26 you want to mention or? Well, he just started crying. He's like, well, actually, this girl after the show, my goobies, this girl came up to me after and I, it's been a while since I've been single and I think she was flirting with me and I totally just whiffed it and I just kept, I was like, oh yeah, when, when is she going to leave me alone? Then she finally walked away and drove off alone in her car and then afterwards I was like, I think that girl was flirting with me. I guess I should have capitalized on that, but I didn't realize it was happening in the moment because you know, I'm rusty so if she's out Yeah, wrong dude, we're doing it wrong Sam
Starting point is 00:59:15 I mean I married but I feel like I should have been doing the podcast for years. I should have taken more advantage Yeah, well if some if, any woman reaches out to me and says, I'm the one that talked to Kurt at the Mgoobies, I will give her your email address and apologies in advance if some psycho responds. Oh, one other thing, one other plug. I was actually, this is a big one. I was a rapper in high school. So if you want to look up my music video
Starting point is 00:59:47 I went by MC chode and my song is called on the mic and it's you'll get a big laugh out of it. No I'll get a big laugh at it without without bothering to look at it This Tuesday Doug loves movies. Oh wait, Benson Movie Interruptions. I mix up my own shows. I'm doing a Benson Movie Interruption at Dynasty Typewriter Tuesday at 7.30 and with terrific special guests.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And it's your choice. You bring in a movie and then the audience decides if we wanna watch it or not. And then on July 10th, Dabs Day, I'm doing standup at the Punchline in Sacramento and Douglas Movies is coming soon to Portland, Oregon, San Diego and Sunnyvale, California. All my dates and deeds are at and as always, thank you to all my guests for being here, Sam Levine, Mary Santora, Kurt Ziegler, and I was gonna, I wanted to, I was gonna quickly try to look up the last line of the movie Bratz for my closing last
Starting point is 01:01:04 line of the episode today. Oh my closing last line of the episode. I know it you do what is it I literally it ends with I mean it's kind of a spoiler because we already said Judd Nelson is not in the movie, but I think literally the last line is Andrew McCarthy's phone rings and he picks up the phone and he goes Judd. Judd? Probably Judd Avedon, probably. Yeah. Probably, yeah. Well, I love that because I was just going to guess what the last line was and the one
Starting point is 01:01:33 I came up with was, so it turns out we're not much of a pack after all. But I like using the actual last line. So as always, good! Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you, cause Doug loves movies! The Globubies

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