Doug Loves Movies - Shane Mauss, Dale Dudley, Bob Fonseca, and Deb O'Keefe Guest

Episode Date: November 28, 2011

For his second DLM at the Cap City Comedy Club in Austin, Texas, Doug welcomes Shane Mauss, Dale Dudley, Bob Fonseca, and Deb O'Keefe to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming babies, sticky seats with 50-as-a-pop or kernels in his teeth. They're still not more than he won't see, because Doug loves movies! Hey everybody! Hey! Hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug. See, I can do it without the piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I totally know it. I don't get sidetracked or anything. It's all good. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you from Cap City Comedy Club in Austin, Texas. Yeah. I came up with a new slogan for Texas and it's, or for Austin specifically. Austin, Texas, it's the bestest.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Has anyone tried that one before? I hope Rick Perry steals it. There's some awesome things in this bag, including what else I wanted to say here at the top of the show. One of my crazy psychopath piece of paper that I write out to remind myself of all the things that you need to remember. It's Sunday, November 27th at Two Oceans 11 at, of course, 420-ish. 430-something. We got any name tags up in here today?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Oh my goodness. There's some cake. People are really getting on this food thing. And the thing to keep in mind is it's not me that's making the decision here. So that my panelists might not be as into food as I am. But that cake does look amazing. Is that like tiramisu or something? Whatever. What is it? It's Oreo cake. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That sounds amazing. All I can think about the entire show is Oreo cake, Oreo cake, Oreo cake. Oh, this show should be sponsored by Oreo cake. Yeah, you were holding that up. You finally gave up because you were like, he's just going to sit there and say Oreo cake for the rest of the show. I'm going to put my name tag down. I think it said Scott on it. Yeah, there you go, Scott. And then something's lighting up over there, and then Kermit the Frog's face popped up over there. It just reminded me once again how shatteringly, heartbreakingly disappointed I was in the Muppets movie. Why are there so many? It's alright. Go ahead and enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Don't let me stop you from enjoying it. Yesterday we had a very exciting Leonard Maltin game right here at Cap City Comedy Club when I inadvertently switched categories from Walking Dead to movies on a train mid-stream. to movies on a train mid-stream. But seriously, Polar Express is like a movie about the Walking Dead on a train. So you can understand my confusion.
Starting point is 00:03:17 So thank you to Cap City for providing stools today after the chair debacle we had at the top of yesterday's show. It's a great club. Be sure to check it out when you're in Austin, Texas. Cap City Comedy Club. It's in a mall that used to have a restaurant called Dracula.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm terrible with directions. The cab driver's like, where am I taking you? You know that mall that used to have a restaurant called Dracula? Go! Now you ask me questions. This is a cash cab, isn't it? Every cab I get into.
Starting point is 00:03:55 When are you going to start asking me the questions? I need a stoplight shout-out. Last night I tried to watch My Week with Marilyn, but only lasted through four days. I fell asleep right there in my seat at the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz. I just slept through the fucking back end of My Week with Marilyn.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Michelle Williams is great, though. And Kenneth Branagh really gets Laurence Olivier's voice. He really nails that. But Laurence Olivier, spoiler alert, never nails Marilyn in the movie. Today, someone tweeted me a Craigslist entry that read,
Starting point is 00:04:48 My birthday is coming up and I want to meet a little person and buy that little person alcohol. It would be all over Austin. My birthday is Monday the 28th, but I'm starting the 27th at Cap City for Doug Benson's podcast it will continue into Tuesday and Wednesday I also promise it won't suck
Starting point is 00:05:15 and it will be a good time to condense and repeat I think basically his Craigslist thing says I want an Oompa Loompa now. So did that guy, is he here? Yeah! Oh my god. And you
Starting point is 00:05:37 did you get to find a little person? Maybe. Maybe? You got a potential little person on the hook? Yeah. Because I also got a bunch of tweets telling me that they were like, well, what was it? Because I was subtle about it when I retweeted it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:55 People were like, well, what was it? The link was, they cut you off, or what do they call it, shut you down? I don't know yet. But you can't access your thing. That's all I'm trying to say. Wow. This is the first he's learning of it.
Starting point is 00:06:13 This guy is better at being on the internet than me because I didn't understand any of that. And yet he doesn't get it. I bet we have something in common. Today's prize bag includes two tickets to tonight's master pancake show
Starting point is 00:06:32 at the Alamo Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar location 8 o'clock tonight I hope you participate again it's going to be name your own pancake where the entire audience brings in movies they want us tonight, I'll be participating in, it's going to be Name Your Own Pancake, where the entire audience brings in movies
Starting point is 00:06:48 they want us to, I'll be joining in on, sitting with some other dudes and just, maybe some ladies I don't know I haven't met them yet but we'll be, you know, during whatever movie the audience chooses and I am bringing a movie
Starting point is 00:07:04 that I'm going to try to persuade the audience to choose because it is a classic motion picture called Lifeguard starring a young Sam Elliott yeah this is like 20 years before he started
Starting point is 00:07:19 talking shit about the dude and he plays a lifeguard. And you've already imagined the entire movie in your head. You're like, Sam, Elliot, lifeguard, got it. You know? You think there might be a scene
Starting point is 00:07:34 where he gets in a fight or something and there's going to be some sex and it's on a beach and boom, we're good. But it's a hilarious, hilarious movie. And I hope, I'm going to try to convince the audience to pick that. And two people or one person is going to win two tickets to go to that tonight. It's sold out already. They didn't even say how it was going to be there. These guys are just popular. And yeah, the shows are a lot of fun. I went to their
Starting point is 00:08:03 Thanksgiving show on uh friday night and with all the clips of tom hanks and it made me go it made me reassess tom hanks it made me go that guy i always loved he's been he's just been doing a bunch of movies that just are stupid to watch forrest gump come on it is like, just, it feels so stupid now. Like, aren't you a little mad at yourself when you see Forrest Gump? Like, every time you see it, like, really? I was that into Forrest Gump? And I remember when Castaway came out, I was like, oh, enough with the fucking Wilson. And people loved Castaway, and I didn't get it and I think it's just
Starting point is 00:08:45 because Tom Hanks is so lovable that he's been like he's just been skating around on a pond of shit his entire career but god damn it I love him I love him what did you say ma'am? The terminal that's right terminal, that's right. Terminal is a great description of watching that film. I kind of liked it, it was alright. He lived in an airport. Figure out a way to shave every day. Alright, so let's see here. The prize package.
Starting point is 00:09:26 There's a bunch of crazy shit here that we'll figure out when the guests get out here. We'll figure it out. I love the headset that our fantastic sound designer for the evening brought along with him. I never get to wear a headset when doing anything
Starting point is 00:09:42 in my life ever. I feel like when I was walking around like in the lobby in the bar and stuff I was just like I need to be fucking taking people's orders or watching out for the make sure the president's okay or this thing just makes me feel too official and like I'm supposed to be doing something. So yeah so I brought wokeys, and the heads-free headset makes it a really nice transition into shooting some Wootmonkeys into the crowd. Hopefully, the low ceiling kind of makes it hard. I'm better at it when I'm trying to talk into a microphone at the same time. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Just get out there, little guy. Don't be afraid. Oh, I forgot to do this, too. Alright, here we go. I just can't believe that I really screwed up on this one. It's going to happen again. I can feel it. It's not going to go far.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Get ready. Get ready, front row. There's going to be monkey in your face. Oh, not bad. Not bad. All right. All right. Let me try one the other direction here. And by the way, this is like so fascinating for the listeners. I'm happy to say this will be a free episode. You won't have to pay to hear me doing this
Starting point is 00:11:02 for five minutes. Here we go. Oh, no. I don't have to pay to hear me doing this for five minutes. Here we go. Oh, no. I don't feel good about this. Watch your faces, Front Rose. Front Rose people. Oh, okay. Not too bad. It's going to make
Starting point is 00:11:20 that noise from now on. So, I don't know if you feel happy or sad right now. Also in the prize bag, it's... Oh yeah, I already talked about the two tickets for the thing. So that's tonight. There's a special code in there
Starting point is 00:11:35 on a piece of paper that you have to go up and say at the box office. It's two words. And if you can't make it, share those words with a friend so somebody will get to go. Because I know it's the last minute. You guys probably have stuff to do. Like, oh, shit, I DVR'd 60 minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So we'll figure out what's in there when the guests get out here. And then these are also prize bags from a local, very popular radio station. And my first CD, Doug Batson's Professional Humor Idiot, is in the prize pack. So let's get the guests out here. What do you say? Let's do it. It's a very, very long wind-up.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Coming to the stage, please welcome Deb O'Keefe, Dale Dudley, Bob Fonseca, and Shane Mars. Applause Welcome them. Here they come into the arena. Applause Here they come into the arena. We'll be back after these. Oh, here we go. They would have been here sooner.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's hilarious, though. You can start talking way back there. You have a headset microphone. You didn't have to wait until you hit the light and threw your crutches down. I hate those things. Yeah, I like those. Very dramatic entrance. Yeah, who's the heavy breather? That's me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:14 We have to work on that, Dale. I love Forrest Gump and I love the movie where he's stranded with a volleyball. Cast away. For the record. Hey, is this how it started last time? Because I heard some good things about last time.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I'm indifferent about Forrest Gump. Well, okay, I'll jump right to it. I was on the Tate and Teabag podcast taped in this very facility. Some of the same nice folks were here for that show as well. And basically, I was pretty hammered. facility. Some of the same nice folks were here for that show as well. Basically, I was pretty hammered. I had a little reefer as well, so I was pretty
Starting point is 00:13:54 incapacitated. Dale Dudley, I think you took the crown that day. World class, man. I quit drinking for 40 days. I got up the next morning and I thought that was fucking great I remember people laughing a lot
Starting point is 00:14:07 Doug it was 40 days but not in a row so I got up the next morning and I was running it through the sound program to put it on the web and I kept going who's that mumbling who's that slurring and then I realized it was me
Starting point is 00:14:23 and I got a friend in and said, is this as bad as it sounds? And he went, yeah, it's worse. You're drunk while you're listening to it as well. Huh? I was... He's not sober right now either, so... Much more sober than the...
Starting point is 00:14:39 Fingers crossed it'll go the same way as last time. Look at this. Look at this. Did you know there would be so much plaid on stage tonight? I'm fucking humiliated. Why didn't we call? I would change, but I have a bra on under here. Can someone take something off so we don't look so twatty?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Thank you. That's really what I was going for. I've been trying to bone this guy for years. Oh, you're married. I didn't mean that. I don't know what's happening. So, let me introduce you all individually so that the people listening can match up your voices to who exactly you are and what your deal is.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I write a little question for each person, you know. It's like a talk show. But like if I hosted it. Deb O'Keefe from Austin's 101X Morning Show. Your partner on that program, Jason Dick, was here yesterday. You're a very competitive person, I think,
Starting point is 00:15:44 from how I know you. How do you think this happened? Yeah, and you got a busted... Competitive slip and sliding. Shit you not. Did you win? Hello? Who's been on crutches for two months?
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'm the big winner. No, I think I lost horribly, but at that point, I thought I was being the big winner by jumping backwards and going four at a time, and it sounds like an awesome sex orgy, but it ended up like this. Regardless, I'm just excited that,
Starting point is 00:16:19 because when you said hello, I thought that you might have early stage Alzheimer's, and I was like, oh shit, she's been here for a while and she just said hello just out of nowhere, we've been talking next thing you know she's like hello, I'm like, oh shit, she thinks that she just got here and we haven't
Starting point is 00:16:37 been talking so that's Deb O'Keefe's voice everybody and then next to her is the infamous Dale Dudley of the Dudley and Bob Morning Express. Is that what it's called? Yeah. Morning Express.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, yeah. The express train to honesty. To low ratingsville. Just this month. We'll take you right up to Bleak and then jump right in. Something like that. You get heavy on that show. We get heavy?
Starting point is 00:17:09 I think, for morning radio. Yeah, we get a little obnoxious, but what else are you going to do? You're going to talk about your boyfriend. And me broken leg. That's exactly what I don't do right now, actually, Dale. Yes, he did it. Oh, it's frecky time. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Want some water? Not yet. I didn't get to thank you for... I didn't finish. I was sober for 40 days. Thank you. I got a 30-day chip and a 10-day chip. Does that count if you're now drinking?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Don't clap him. He's fucking drinking. Are you kidding? He should be beaten. Anyone in AA right now should come up here and beat him for bragging about his goddamn chip. Please, don't come up here and beat him, anyone that's in AA. I still haven't taken the Xanax, so we're okay. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Questions? But seriously, who's in AA so we're okay. Oh my God. Questions? But seriously, who's in AA? Just yell out, let us know. If you're in AA or not. We need to identify you. There are definitely some people who should be in AA right now. Yeah, it's called Texas. You guys are fucking good at it.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Driving all the way over here You were like texting like crazy I'm a good driver She did it great But she was like yeah there's a fine or whatever And Pretty accurate imitation And I don't know what point that story had
Starting point is 00:18:42 Oh I just imagined That you probably are also a pretty good drinking driver Not to put a Not to put a target on your back Yeah exactly that's just how you guys are good at it I shouldn't say that for all the I got a lot of moms against drunk driving
Starting point is 00:19:02 that listen to this podcast Well they're you know jerking a dude off for a little side money. So Dale and Bob Fonseca is also here from the Bob and Dale and Dudley show. I think we're sitting in the wrong order or something. I don't know. No, no, I jump around. But I just want to acknowledge the two of you together. You're sitting with somebody in between you, but I want to
Starting point is 00:19:27 acknowledge that you have a show together and that you are... 20 years, man. 20 years in, so today's going to get, it's going to be pretty competitive today when we play the Leonard Moulton game. The two of you won't really want to beat each other in this game. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Do you have a chip for 20 years? No, I haven't started drinking yet. Like a gold medallion like this big for 20 years with Dale. Italians know
Starting point is 00:19:53 how to hold their liquor. Do you guys remember if either of you were the victor the last time we played on your Tate and T-Bag podcast?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Was there a winner? We didn't play the Leonard Maltin game. We played on the show. When you came on the show we played. We didn't play it during Tate and T-B? Was there a winner? We didn't play the Leonard Maltin game. We played on the show. When you came on the show, we played. We didn't play it during Tate and Teabag? No, we just curse a lot on Tate and Teabag because we can't on the radio.
Starting point is 00:20:13 We just say fuck a lot. You said fuck. Well, it sounds fun. I think you probably picked up a lot of listeners with that. Thank you. It's very creative. Trust me. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Because you really have to scour the internet to find a podcast where they say fuck a lot. It's quite rare. And it fucking drives me nuts because I want to hear fuck a lot. So what's your question for me? Or can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Please. Which is the pot that makes you nervous and which is the pot that mellows you out because I always get the wrong one? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:20:44 That's not the two distinctions. No pot's supposed to make you nervous. The last time we spoke, you said... Because I told you, every time I smoke, which is very rare, I get wigged out. I start climbing the walls. I'm pacing the floors,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and you said stay away from sativa. Yeah. Right? Is that right? So what's the other one? What's the the floors, and you said stay away from sativa. Yeah. Right? Is that right? So what's the other one? What's the good one, and where do you get it? Indica isn't necessarily the good one. It's the one where if you're like your situation, and you want to be like, I'm high for a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I want to feel like Willie Nelson. And then drift off to sleep. If you do it at bedtime, it's going to be great for you. But for me, it's like I want to be up and doing shit and it just really brings me down. It's in a good way. It feels good when it's happening. We all love sleep. Sleep feels great.
Starting point is 00:21:34 But if all you wanted was sleep, that'd be pretty fucked up. That'd be like a Lars von Trier movie. Yeah, I just experienced that. That's awful. Either way, he's a nice man. So that is my question to you. Whatever I just said.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Thank you for being here, Bob. Thank you for taking your shirt off. You're welcome. I'm no longer fertile. You know that. All right. Now that disgusting cat is out of the bag. Dale and I You know that That's fucking shit Alright Well now that Now that That disgusting cat
Starting point is 00:22:06 Is out of the bag Dale and I Had on air Vasectomies Three weeks ago Friday So wrong Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:13 And now they're sitting On the The pointiest stools I could find Have your stitches Come out yet man No I still
Starting point is 00:22:21 Oh You guys have stitches In your balls Yeah you want As I'm speaking to you? Just one little one. That is horrendous. I tried to
Starting point is 00:22:29 chew it out this weekend. I can't reach that. Yeah, you gotta get some help. You gotta do some ab work. You need an assistant. I got one of my dogs to lick
Starting point is 00:22:43 because it's supposed to dissolve. A dissolvable ones? Yeah. Anywho. Shane Moss is a very funny comedian. And I have no stitches in my balls right now. Feeling pretty good about that. Feeling pretty...
Starting point is 00:23:00 It takes balls to have a vasectomy, by the way. Huh? Who likes puns? I need some of that nervous weed. Are you DTF right now? I want to take this seriously. The nervous weed. I get that nervous stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I want to get my life straightened out. So I saw you... Last time I was in Austin I ran into you here. Yeah. And you were like, I live here. Yeah. And I was like, cool.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And then some little time went by and then I was like, oh, I'm going to be in Austin. I should get Shane to be on the podcast. He'll be right there. And I looked at your tour dates to make sure you weren't going to be in Dallas last night. So I was like, oh, that's perfect.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And he'll want to come home and do a show at 4.20 in the afternoon. 4.30, whatever. And then you get here, and tell me what you announced. I just up and moved, like two weeks ago, to L.A. Yeah, he lives out in Los Angeles now. You know where I do the show every fucking week. Sorry. I enjoy Austin a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:11 What did we do to make you move? How rude. I had a relationship change recently. Oh shit. Why do you have to go all morning radio on a guy while we're sitting here trying to do listen to whenever podcasts came? Well, I don't need that nervous weed anymore, huh?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah. Well, give us three reasons why it didn't work out with her. No, I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I don't want to talk about it at all. Unless you break up during a movie or something. Then it's relevant. But if you broke up on your own time, movies had nothing to do about it at all. Did you break up during a movie or something? Then it's relevant. You broke up on your own time.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Movies had nothing to do with it. It wasn't about a movie. I don't fucking care. Let's not even get into it. Doug loves movies. You've never seen Back to the Future? This is bullshit. I'm out of here. I've seen...
Starting point is 00:25:02 Haven't you seen Seinfeld? They break up for a lot less't you seen Seinfeld they break up for a lot less than that Seinfeld it's a really dark period in my life
Starting point is 00:25:11 so thanks for bringing it up you doing alright you gonna be okay yeah there's a lot of lovely people in LA
Starting point is 00:25:17 you brought it up we just asked why you moved and I told you well that's your fault don't blame me for this mess you could have said
Starting point is 00:25:24 it was the fucking summer or something. Oh yeah, I moved because it's summer. That's what I meant to say. I moved because it's summer. It's really hot. I love Austin. Do you go to a lot of movies by yourself now?
Starting point is 00:25:43 The Hot Week movie special. No, I've never been to a movie by myself. Ever? Come on. I feel bad for people that go to movies by themselves, but some people like it. Why do you feel bad for them? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I worked with a guy a while back and he was going to the new Predator movie by himself. For some reason, it just made me sad. I was like, the new Predator movie by himself. And for some reason it just made me sad. So I was like, ah, I don't want to see that. That's because he went to see the new Predator. But he's like, no, I just like going to movies by myself.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But I've never done that so I don't understand it. It's the best way to go. This is a great time to try it. Having just broken up with the best woman you'll ever know. Sorry, it's just the facts. I can be lonely at home.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I don't need to go out to the theater to be lonely. Is she here? No, she's not here. You sure? We're pretty positive. Maybe she's a fan of ours. What's positive. Maybe she's a fan of ours. What's that? Maybe she's a fan of ours.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah, she could be a fan of yours. Cheryl? I wouldn't bet on it. Becky? But, hey, I'm being mean for no reason now. I'm just projecting on you guys. Because if she's not here, I'll get you laid tonight. Oh, I like sex.
Starting point is 00:27:05 DTF, ladies. Okay, all right. Doug, take control. So you're just going to get me laid tonight? Well, I mean, not personally, but I could probably aid in the process. We said we would. So as a team, we'll get laid.
Starting point is 00:27:19 We're the plaid group. Sorry, Dale. All right. I've never had a team helping me with my sex before. Takes a village. Will you push on me? Well, I'm doing...
Starting point is 00:27:32 How far does the... How far does the helping go? I'll only go a certain way. Right into the bedroom, give me some instructions. Hang out with her and her boyfriend. All right, so that worked out pretty good. I let that go for a little while.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Is that going to stay in the podcast or you cut that? No, I'll leave it in. The other ones I've heard are more professional. Podcast listeners are very patient, I find. Or desperate.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, yeah. If people here got easily impatient, you wouldn't be here today, right? You'd just be like, oh, that guy's going to make me impatient. And it's a bunch of people that go to movies by themselves. He's going to say something wrong about my favorite movie. You're going through
Starting point is 00:28:22 my box of goodies? Here's your box of goodies, that, here's your box of goodies. That's right. Go delve in there. Yeah. What do you got? That's the main prize. You brought some stickers
Starting point is 00:28:30 that say Jason and Deb and some whatever these things are. It took us five years to get these. These are like fucking gold dust. What do you think
Starting point is 00:28:37 these things are right here? Well, okay, so listen, can I explain my box? You can, but there's a lot. This will take an hour. Let me describe my box. It's like, it's very complicated. My box, it is. There's a lot of... This will take an hour. Let me describe my box. It's very complicated. My box, it is.
Starting point is 00:28:47 There's a lot of... It's hard for me to understand. I don't know if it's just because I'm a man. My box goes in a lot of directions. But your box is confusing to me. It's too complicated. It's like, how can I sort through all of this? And what am I supposed to do with all of these things?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Isn't there an easier way for me to just make you feel good about yourself? My box appeals to everyone. Go through all this shit and try to figure it out. Can't you just go, hey, if you just hold that one really hard, I'll be good. And I'll be like, bam, done. It's watching HBO. It's not TV. You can just shake it.
Starting point is 00:29:19 The box just appeals to everyone. That's the bottom line. Anyway, there's a bunch of crap in her box. And it's confusing. If anyone at ever point has given me crap, it's now in my box and I give it to you. It's confusing and not worth worrying about.
Starting point is 00:29:33 She takes care of herself. It's like a mini version of hoarders. But it's more varied with less rat shit. It's hoarders to go. If you want a bunch of shit you're not going to need and kind of regret
Starting point is 00:29:49 having around, be sure to win the Leonard Maltin game when you go to the Douglas Movies taping when it comes to your town. My box is basically the best white elephant gift
Starting point is 00:29:58 for this Christmas period. It's like you have kids you need a gift for, you have an old lady in your life, or a virile young gentleman. My box will suit all of them. Just saying. Books. I don't know how
Starting point is 00:30:10 much of that you're getting away with because of the accent. All of it. Like, if there was a girl with just an American accent who just kept saying box over and over again, you'd be like, just say pussy and get it over with. I don't know what you're talking about. We all know what you're trying to say.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Wait a second. So I just wanted to use an example. Bob and Dale brought basically the same gift bag. No, I'm going to add to mine. Oh, okay. But essentially the same gift bag. But the big difference... This is some good stuff in there.
Starting point is 00:30:45 There's a book, the book version of the Liam Neeson smash, Unknown. Because who didn't watch that thinking, oh, this would be a better read than a watch. This nonstop action
Starting point is 00:30:59 would be so much more fascinating if I could read about it. So that's available. There's some movie passes in there. That's for the highbrow people. That's to pick up dog shit. Oh, okay. No, you pull the bag out.
Starting point is 00:31:15 There's a baggy in it. That doesn't pick up the dog shit. But you can wear it on your belt and just walk around all day getting all the pussy in the neighborhood. No, all the box. All the box. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:28 That's a Harold and Kumar Christmas t-shirt. Oh, okay. Very nice. A KLBJ t-shirt and two movie passes. KLBJ. And a fucking shoe. And a shoe. My wife and I had a wonderful weekend with our five-year-old and a baby in a hotel room.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Fucking sick. And my son found that under the bed. What do you bid on this shoe? Start the bidding on this end. I was thinking maybe somebody is missing a tuxedo shoe from Horseshoe Bay. I have your other shoe. And now I'm holding it.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But now you're passing it on to someone else, though. Right. It's like paying it forward. If But now you're passing it on to someone else, though. Right. And you questioned that. It's like paying it forward. Like if the thing you gave to the next person is like a nuisance because now they've got to figure out what they're going to do with it. I like half of my feet to be really fancy. Me too. You're such a great person, the way you're passing along this problem.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Fonseca had a good idea. If somebody has a silver Sharpie, we would all sign it as a commemorative gift of the night. Oh, I wonder if anybody has a silver Sharpie. We signed the shoe. Yeah, yeah. It's called hands-free podcasting. You guys should try it. Hands-free podcasting.
Starting point is 00:32:40 It totally rocks. Do you have a utility belt? You've been smoking some of that organized weed Alright, I'm signing I'm signing Alright, there I go I signed a shoe Okay, I feel a bit awkward
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, it's weird, right? It's probably like the most second sexual item of apparel. Make sure you save the heel for Dale. Wow. What? I'm right on the heel. What is that?
Starting point is 00:33:17 He's a jerk kind of thing from like the 50s? That's just sexual tension. Sexual tension. Between Bob and I? I hate to mention it. We've already consummated. This should take a lot less time. And again, this gets edited out.
Starting point is 00:33:34 How did this work? No, no, no. People love the part where Deb writes a whole long thing. I got nervous. I kept thinking, you're mocking my box, and I'm handing a fucking shoe around. Did you just say mocking my box? You mocked my box.
Starting point is 00:33:49 My box, I can tell you exactly where it's been, and this shoe is a fucking mystery to everybody, and now we're handing it around like it's a child's toy. I love it. I was watching the Hollywood True Story of... What's her name? Oh, goddammit, I can't think of her name. It was on today. Oh, you're going to love this story. Jenny McCarthy.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I was watching the Hollywood true story of Jenny McCarthy, and I was like, oh, remember how much we all loved when she'd make those horrible, ugly faces? No. We didn't like that at all. That's all she did in that whole, I watched 10 minutes of the Hollywood True Story, and I was like, I've seen enough of that face that she makes.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Oh, the shoe has been signed. Wow, that was very ceremonial, how you dealt with the shoe thing. Look at that. That is gorgeous to have a single shoe signed by all five of us. That's called recycling.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's sad. It really is sad. Are you going to mention Shane Moss brought beer? Oh, that's right. I'm sorry. I was going to bring a CD and I forgot. Yeah, let me grab those beers. That's fantastic. That's the best box all night.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Some N-word Modellos. I like beer where it makes me uncomfortable when I look at the name. Are we going to sign every bottle? I don't have time. Oh, boy. I don't have time. Oh, boy. I don't have time for that. So what was the close second funny, hilarious beer that you could have bought when you were going through the store today going,
Starting point is 00:35:33 which beer is going to be the funniest to talk about? Did you have any other options? So you're accusing me of putting a lot of planning into this. I'm accusing you of being a professional. That's what I'm accusing you of. You can't say there was no planning when all of us are wearing headsets. This is like
Starting point is 00:35:52 minority reporting here. It is not ramshackle when everyone's just fucking free to roam and talk at the same time. No, I didn't find another. It's actually a beer that I enjoy, and then on the way over, I was like, how do you pronounce this correctly?
Starting point is 00:36:10 I better not try it. You can't help but think of a funny way to talk. If it had been some other beer that was your favorite, that would have been funny, too. I wasn't accusing you of anything. No, I'm just... I was just saying that if you had another example, that would have been fun.
Starting point is 00:36:27 No, nobody... I think they make a different Negromodello. Nobody blew anything, Nakia. What's that? They make a light Negromodello too. Why are you saying that? You said that they're a different beer that could be as uncomfortable or awkward to talk about. The next funniest beer.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I am... Like another funny one is rape beer. See what I'm saying? You had a backup. Why didn't you just say it? I don't know why you waited around for it. You should have just said, well, here's the other one I was thinking about.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Coming your way. Ladies love it. Alright, shall we play a game, you guys? I was thinking about. Six pack of rape. Coming your way. Ladies love it. All right. Shall we play a game, you guys? Yes. I say we play a game. Get him to do my bag. Whose bag?
Starting point is 00:37:15 It's the same as mine. Is it? Without a shoe. Yeah. Is your sack any different than Dale's? I think it's pretty similar. Oh, he's putting some cash in it? Are you kidding? You're swinging the puck. Let me see if it's a different book. Oh, he's putting some cash in it? Are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:37:25 You're swinging the puck. Let me see if it's a different book. Oh, no, it's the same book. The same book, Unknown. But you know what? This is coming really handy because you want to have one for the home and one for the office.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You want to have two copies of Unknown. How much cash? I'm going to put... You get to the other place and you're like, what else can I read in this very... You guys make so much money out of this. What was your second pick for funny? I'm going to put 30 You're like, what else can I read in this very thin volume? What was your second pick for funny non-funny?
Starting point is 00:37:48 I'm going to put 30 in mine because I like to make it rain wherever I go. You know what I'm saying? Are you hearing this? I'm also going to put in Dinner for Two to Verde's Restaurant on Hamilton Pool Road. I'll mail it to the winner, okay? Okay, Dinner for Two. That's bribery. Anybody want to raise me?
Starting point is 00:38:07 No, but Debbie went down the we make more money wormhole. Oh, did she? I mean, clearly you're throwing cash around making it rain. On a red-headed stepchild at the radio station. You're like, does anyone want to put more money into a bag for no reason? Oh, yeah. I got money.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Sure. Can I have a scotch and soda, please? Can I get a drink? If you're weak. I've got it. I need a Xanax I've got to take. I had a good joke and then I lost it for a second. Now it's back. I hope it's good
Starting point is 00:38:46 because now there's been too much build up, enjoy your beverage hey Doug, when do we talk about movies? check it out the great thing about reading the book of unknown is that January Jones is a better actor in your head than she is in the movie she's hot though man that's all I'm doing up here is a better actor in your head than she is in the movie.
Starting point is 00:39:07 She's hot though, man. That's all I'm doing up here is just trying to get to the next movie joke. I went and saw a movie just for today. As did I. Oh, I totally skipped over the what have we seen lately portion. That's a shame because I want to play... No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:39:24 What was it that you saw? I took my little boy to see the Muppets movie. At the Alamo Draft House. I don't want to be lame, but that new soundtrack is really good. Is that totally lame that I just said that? The new little Muppet. Anyone heard it? It's really cute.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I'm sorry I even said that out loud. You're putting every conversation back to music. That was in my head. There's other things. You imagined it, because you're high. I didn't say that at all. He's putting every conversation back to music. That was in my head. There's other things, you know. You imagined it because you're high. I didn't say that at all. He's not high, actually. What?
Starting point is 00:39:52 I'm high if I just said that. How dare you impugn me? I will not sit here and take that. I will sit here and ask you, what did your child think of the Muppets? He drew he took the pencils and drew pictures of Mickey Mouse and ignored
Starting point is 00:40:14 the film. Oh, shame. How old is he? I had a couple of laugh out loud moments but I fucking hate puppets and cartoons. Wow, you're going to be the best dad ever. Listen, kid, I hate
Starting point is 00:40:30 fucking puppets and cartoons. What do you want to see? Paranormal Activity 3? Good, let's go. You drive. I took a seven-year-old to see the new Twilight movie last week. Is that wrong?
Starting point is 00:40:46 I don't know. I feel like that was really fucking wrong. I've lost all perspective. Was that scary or violent at all? If you're seven and there is a baby vampire coming out of your vagina that is eating you from the inside out and not in a good way, that's not right. I felt so fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I turned the kid around. I'm watching the movie and I'm like this the whole time for the birthing scene do not fucking watch and she's like don't worry
Starting point is 00:41:11 I am not straight back this way I like that you said not in a good way like if a baby I mean not a baby but it just starts
Starting point is 00:41:19 performing monsters Shane I have a good imagination okay that's in a great way in my mind Shane, I have a good imagination. Okay. That's a great way.
Starting point is 00:41:28 In my mind, I'm just a positive person. In a good way. And there's a good way for everything to be eating you from the inside out. If you're just positive about it. Some disgusting bit of conversation. My favorite part about the book version of Taken
Starting point is 00:41:47 was was when it's like get under the bed, he told her. That's a prize. Huh? That's a prize. And then she got under the bed. Oh yeah, that's a prize. And then she said, I'm under the bed.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And then he said, okay, now they're going to take you. That's the only part I remember, but... I'm going to read every Liam Neeson movie from now on. I have a cousin that canceled the trip to France because of that movie. That really happened. They're going to go to France, and that movie. That really happened. They're going to go to France and then they saw Take and they're like, no, I'm not going anymore.
Starting point is 00:42:31 It worked. The message is out. Alright, this first game is called Build the Title. That's a relief. More people today liked it than yesterday. I don't know what that means. We have a better crowd than yesterday.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I don't know. Just saying. I'm trying to win them over. You're right. It totally worked. They're totally like, yeah, we're better. I'm English. Haven't you noticed?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Oh, God, we've noticed. a great device to be able to tell an audience Oh, you should have Boy, you could be bombing Oh, last night, whoo, those people You guys You know what you're doing with those people last night They're terrible Then you should just tag on.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Now do you love me? I just need your love. That's all I'm up here for. So here's how Build-A-Title works. I, in this particular case, got a title from someone on Twitter named at Reaction Force.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That's kind of a weird name to pick. He should be wearing a headset. Yeah, Reaction Force. That's kind of a weird name to pick. He should be wearing a headset. Yeah, Reaction Force. Ready for duty. All right, Reaction Force. I'm just going out for a few hours. Just watch the place.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Will do, says Reaction Force. So that person suggested Duck, You Sucker, the classic Sergio Leone movie with James Coburn, I believe. Duck, You Sucker. So who thinks they know how to play this game? Build a title. All right, we'll start. Listen to all during the holidays.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Okay. Scotch and soda. Because we don't play it. Scotch and soda Scotch and soda for one of the panelists One of the other panelists would like a Kettle One and tonic And other panelists looks good
Starting point is 00:44:34 on beer right now I'll take a Kettle One and tonic as well Two Kettle One and tonics please And some heart tape Did you say heart tape. What is that? What happened? Heart tape?
Starting point is 00:44:51 I just said it. There's something going on over here. I want it to feel good. Sorry. Well, I mean, if it makes you feel better, I'm not terribly sad about it, but then I'm just an asshole. I'd rather be a sad guy than an asshole. I'd rather be a sad guy than an asshole.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Wow. Alright, so we'll start with you there, Dale, and then we'll go to Deb, because that's easy for me to remember. Oh, you want to start with me, because I said I like the game? Yeah. Yeah, you started up.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I've not played this one before. I've played the other one, and I fucking suck every single time. All right, well, we'll get to that in a second. Wait, this is different from the Leonard Maltin game? That's what I thought. So probably all four of you don't know how to play this game. No, I don't know. So I'll just sit here.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Start with me anyway. I'll play it by myself and you guys hang out for a second. All right, so duck you sucker. You could add punch, sucker punch. So you'd have duck you sucker punch. Oh, no, I've played this game with you on Twitter. Okay. All right, I'm down now.
Starting point is 00:45:56 No, okay. Come on. What are you doing? It's like one person is outraged. All right, sorry. Come on! You guys are peaking! Wouldn't that be horrible if that was his natural speaking voice?
Starting point is 00:46:17 That's how he speaks. Totally mocking how he sounds all the time. Good morning! Have you read Unknown yet? all the time. Good morning! Have you read Unknown yet? All right, Deb, so you want to try one? I'll go.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Just for fun. Okay. So it's Duck, You, Sucker, Punch. Drunk Love. Punch, Drunk Love. Bam, she nailed it. Duck, You, Sucker, Punch, Drunk Love.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And then, now we go down to... A movie with... No, now we go to Bob. We go to Bob. Okay Love And then Now we go to A movie No now we go to Bob We go to Bob Okay And so now you get to God I want to help so bad
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'm missing it right Add to punch Add to drunk Like a movie that starts with Love I mean sorry Love starts with love Or a movie that ends
Starting point is 00:46:58 In duck Drunk Wait a minute Love Duck You Sucker Punch Punch Drunk Love Wait a minute. What? Duck, You Sucker. Punch. Punch. Drunk.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Love. Story. Bam. Love Story. Yes. Nice. He did it, ladies and gentlemen. That's right. Love Story.
Starting point is 00:47:14 That's the name of a movie? Yeah, it is. Where do I begin? I just saw part of it on TV today, I think, or yesterday. Ali McGraw and Ryan O'Neill. That's correct. Am I correct? Give him some old points. Do I win a Jameson and Coke?
Starting point is 00:47:29 What? What did he say? I can't hear him. Old points. Are we the oldest you've had on? Oh, no. I don't discriminate, but, you know, love story. Love story.
Starting point is 00:47:46 You've heard of it I don't discriminate, but, you know, love story. Actually, can I change? You've heard of it if you're over a certain age. Because it was love story. It was fucking huge. Can I change my answer? Can I change my answer to love actually? Make it harder for the next person? No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Why not? Because it's devious, and it's what you should have done in the first place. Rules are rules. I'm just going to make it half a you should have done in the first place. Rules are rules. And it's going to make it half a Shane story. Now we go to Shane. So it needs to start with story or can it be never ending story? No, it has to start with story. Or what's the other option?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Duck. End in duck. End in duck. Duck you sucker. Pudge truck. Love story. End in duck. Mighty duck.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Someone just gave me a thing. Awesome. I'm taking it. No cheating. I didn't think you could decide. They gave you a wrong answer. It's plural. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:48:32 You gotta go with Duck. I'll go with Mighty Duck then. Emilio is really sunk to a new low with the Mighty Duck. That doesn't count. It's just about the coach and his adventures. He's completely duckless. How was the duck? He starts a foundation.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Why did you have to go with that? I apologize for not... I apologize. That was mine. I'm sorry I did not pre-admonish the crowd. Usually I say, please don't yell out the answers, but I got this vibe today that no one was going to yell out an answer.
Starting point is 00:49:13 No, I just forgot. But, you know, as we move forward, try not to yell out an answer, or anything for that matter. Yeah, just from now on, after I'm done, don't yell out any answers. Yeah, if we ask you to yell something out,
Starting point is 00:49:25 then sure. Am I still winning? So wait, where are we now? So he still has to do the duck movie without the two cheats he was given
Starting point is 00:49:31 by the audience? Oh, we're at Love Story. Love Story. Howard the Duck. But no cheats. Thought of it on my own. They just said it first.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Oh, so you're going to take Howard the Duck? Yeah. Okay. Oh God, he's going to hit you with a crutch now.
Starting point is 00:49:46 That would be awesome if I beat him to death like Robert De Niro in Untouchables with a baseball bat. Who's that? I take this game seriously, Shane. Quit fucking around. No, that's a good answer from the crowd. So enjoy your hollow victory. The win with an asterisk. So Dale's up now with... Yeah, so we've got Howard the Duck. So enjoy your hollow victory. The win with an asterisk. I'm pretty proud of that.
Starting point is 00:50:05 So Dale's up now with... Yeah, so we've got Howard the Duck. So it has to end in... Story. End in how or start with story? End in how? Howard. And Howard?
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, I broke it down to how for you. Or start with story? I don't know any movies that end in Howard. Yeah, there is. There's one. Wait a second. I got one. You want it? Wait, the duck. No, that's... This is Yeah, there is. Really? Wait a second. I got one. You want it?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Wait, what the fuck? No, that's... This is worse than audience participation. Why is everyone cheating? There's a movie that the title ends in Howard? I don't know if this would be wrong. I don't have my part in here.
Starting point is 00:50:34 These two... I'm baffled by that. I've got it. It just came to me. I feel like one of Jeff Dunham's puppets. Melvin and Howard. Oh, nice!
Starting point is 00:50:49 Nice! This is a guy who's so competitive that he forces the lose on himself just to brag about what he knows. Like the fact that he had an answer, he could not contain himself. They are technically a team. It's a win for him, just having an answer.
Starting point is 00:51:06 God damn it. Look at how happy he is. Smugfuckers. Alright, what's my choice here? Alright, so you need... How many rounds do we go? Too many. We go until we hit stoppers.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Oh, okay. Yeah. Cool. I really am full of swear words right now. That was supposed to be a stopper. A movie that ends in Howard. Very impressive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:27 But again, we've got two hollow victories. Three hollow victories. Let's call it three hollow victories. The only person we really wanted to win is Deb. But we'll see what happens. Well, that one changed. We'll see what happens. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That doesn't always make it so. Okay. What are my choices? It has to end in Melvin. Or Mel. Maybe. That doesn't always make it so. Okay, what are my choices? It has to end in Melvin, or Mel, maybe, or start with Story, or I'm not going to say it, but maybe you can figure it out. What's up, Melvin? Hey, you know what? You made me mad earlier with your cheating ways.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I really think the staff here is so... Okay, wait. Story. No, I'm giving you another second to think. The staff here is just overwhelmed. It's a great crowd. People probably all ordering a lot of drinks. But I'd still like a Catalan tonic.
Starting point is 00:52:20 That's what I like. It's like we're not even here. Well, they're not listening to the show they're working so sometimes you have to bring it up again sometimes you have to be like where's my fucking drink but I don't do that because I am polite
Starting point is 00:52:35 I respect the people that work here the men and women and the weight service industry are awesome and I really appreciate all that they do on with the contest. But where's my fucking drink? It's the only point I'm trying to make. I didn't want to say it because of the last podcast
Starting point is 00:52:51 we did together. I look so bad drinking. Oh yeah, no, it's good for us. This is probably for our own good. This is probably the most amazing... Are they doing this on purpose? Yeah, they're probably just back there going, they've had enough. They'll forget they even asked.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Let's not even worry about it. If they bring it up, just give it a while. They'll just talk about it for too long and then lose interest or whatever. So we're at Melvin and Howard, the Ducky Sucker Punch Drunk Love Story
Starting point is 00:53:21 of Us. That's right. Is that one? That is one. Story of Us. It was The Story of Us. Is that one? That is one. Story of Us. It was the story of us. Listen, Stickler McGee. Bruce Willis. Like when you're alphabetizing films, you don't start,
Starting point is 00:53:37 you take the out of there. Nice. Thank you. You got yours. I'm sorry to be such a dick about it. Star of the show. And those guys wanted stuff too. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Should we tell you? There was another kettle wanted tonic for Shane. Jameson Coke, Jameson Soda. If just everybody would order one, it would be great. I'll take two of those drinks. I go through them pretty quickly. That would be good.
Starting point is 00:54:08 How's your job with the transit system? Are you still... What? With the traffic system? Transit? Oh. I should have just said bus driver. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Oh, I get it. You don't have to drive tonight, do you? No, I don't. He's a bus driver. It was confusing for a while. You don't have to bus to drive tonight? Where are we? I got it now.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You're trying to make a joke about me driving a bus of children around. Drunk. No, more. More specifically, like handicapped children. Did you ever see that movie The Sweet Hereafter? That thing is brutal.
Starting point is 00:54:55 If you want to fuck with a friend, tell him, hey, you know what's really funny? You gotta give it like 20 minutes and then it gets hilarious. Okay, so who are we on now Not me Dale Who did the last You added story of us
Starting point is 00:55:14 Then we go on to Bob So Bob has to add to Melvin and Howard the Duck You sucker punch drunk love story of us So end with Melvin Or start with Us No start with... Us. No, start with the.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Us, you silly. Story of us, comma, the. Stop it. Ah, 20 years. People, put down your tomatoes, people. This game is irritating, huh, everybody? What? You gotta work this.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Before you release the home game, you have to work this shit out. I'm telling you, it's been worked out. Everybody's fine with it. You're the only one with a problem. Am I starting with the or us? It's a game with no stakes, first of all. Us, right?
Starting point is 00:56:00 Us? Us. Us. Us! Can I ask a question? Us! Us? I've never... Us. Can I ask a question? Us. That's to be the greatest heckle ever. If you could convince
Starting point is 00:56:11 an entire room to just go, Us. Like the comedians just stop thinking about themselves and just try to entertain. Us. So wait, can he change it to... You can't do shit to it. You've got to think of a movie that starts with the word Us.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I'm not trying to help this fucker. He's cheated the whole game, okay? But could it be a word that starts with U.S.? Like, could it be U.S.A. or U.S. Marshall? It has to be the word us. Why are you trying to help him? Us!
Starting point is 00:56:53 You got your wish. Everyone's yelling us. Did you just ask that, dude? You shouldn't be embarrassed if you can't think of it just because you're stupid. Us. I can't think of it just because you're stupid. Us. I can't think of anything that begins with us. But I'm sure people
Starting point is 00:57:11 if not in this audience tonight out there in the Twitterverse someone will write to me and say he should have said us versus the vagina monster. Really, I'm going to Google it right now as we speak. Don't look it up.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Can I not look it up? I'm not playing. It's not my round. Yeah, but it's going to come around. All right. Oh, okay. 1968. John Frankenheimer directed film.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Written by, screenplay by Robert Towne. Behind the lens was Hal Ashby. It was called Us and Them, 1968. Motherfucker. Us and Them is a film. You forgot he was a film major. No, Us and Them is a film. Look what up.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I like the use of the wireless, Bob. Us and Them is a film. That's the best way to lie, by the way. Look what up. A ton of details on that. That's a real good way to lie, by the way. Look what up! A ton of details on that. That's a real good way to lie. Jesus. I felt like I was being attacked by...
Starting point is 00:58:12 I wonder if I can answer in a more boring way than what just happened. Are people really looking it up? Look that up! Look it up! I made that up. Seriously, look it up! I made that up. Seriously, look it up. I'm looking up.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I'm going to say us and them. There has to be an us and them. Something you said there had to be wrong. That was like a presidential speech. I'm going to say us and them. The film of the us festival. Do we accept TV series? I know that.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Is the TV series called Us and Them? Do we accept TV series? No. BBC? Them and Us is in fact a movie, and Us and Them is not a movie. Oh. I smelled bullshit all over that one Wow
Starting point is 00:59:06 I didn't like it I hate that smell Them and Us was in fact a TV show and Sweden or some bullshit Yep, was not a film What's the acronym for more than anybody cares about? Oh, TMI Okay, so
Starting point is 00:59:24 I lose, so... I lose, so I'm out. You're out. Does anybody else have an answer? On the stage only. Us? Oh, um... Something begins with us, ends in Melvin. If none of us can come up with anything,
Starting point is 00:59:39 then Deb is the winner. Us guys? Should be. Yeah, that's not right. Us. I'm going to see Us guys. I'm going to go and see that. Too bad there's a movie called Caramel. Caramel.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Caramel. Is there one just called Us? There's no guessing at this point in your album. And you can't just say that Us, even if there was a movie called Us, you can't just add the word that's already there. I was going to say us. What, Shane Moss isn't anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:11 No, I'm out. I'm out. Okay, I'm going to call it. Deb is our winner, you guys. Deb won that one. I don't want to take too much credit. It got fucking hot at the end. Couldn't have done it.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yeah, nicely done. And as the gentleman in the audience coughed into his hand. Pussies. Did he say something really mean or was it just like half mean? What? What he said when he coughed in his hand. I don't know what's happening. I'm a lady.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Very offended. Who said that? What'd they say? I don't know. Oh my God. Is anyone up here? I'm like you. I'm all paranoid now.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Don't worry about it. Just drink more. Okay. All right. Is Shane drunk yet? Yeah, a little bit. Is anyone else still thinking about a baby coming out and performing? That's scarred in my mind forever.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Oh, why'd you make me think of that hilarious joke? Go see the movie. Terrifying. Don't take a seven-year-old. Oh, why'd you make me think of that hilarious joke? Go see the movie. Damn it. It's terrifying. Don't take a seven-year-old. Why are you dating seven-year-olds? I'm not dating a seven-year-old. Single woman taking out people's kids.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Weird. That's what happened. When are we playing the Gene Siskel game? When does that... It's time for the letter ball game, everybody. Yeah! Here we go. Edit that other game out.
Starting point is 01:01:36 That's why I'm staring at my phone. That was a fun round of that game. Yeah, you don't listen to this all the time. I listen to... Are you kidding? My wife was screaming at me. We were listening in the car on the vacation from hell. Aw. These guys made such nice songs.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Oh, I didn't know how... Are they going to bring the house lights up? I know who I'm picking. This is like at a Springsteen show where they hold up the signs for the requests. It's exactly what it's like. Look at that one back there. Can we pick now? Is it possible to get the house lights up and the each down so we can see a little?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Let's go ahead and do that part. Let's go ahead and pick one. Can we go out there? Will you all pick one? Yeah, everybody just pick whichever one you want to play for. Should I pick on looks or creativity? I do like that as cake is the line. You know, it's all up to your own aesthetic. You know, you make up your own mind. I don't want to have for. Should I pick on looks or creativity? I do like that his cake is alive. It's all up to your own aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:02:25 You make up your own mind. I don't want to have anything to do with it. I like the guy with the driver's license. That's way too much work. I'm going to go with looks. I'm going to go with the hot chick in the front. Does anybody have a new iPod or something like that?
Starting point is 01:02:42 Is it all just food, Doug? How does this work? Whatever you want, man. Whatever speaks to you, man. I'm going with that. I like Hawaii. Do you like... I like Hawaii. Christmas cookies?
Starting point is 01:02:52 That's a lot of work to do such a stupid thing. Do you like people named... Do you like anyone named Bruce? That's nice. What'd you get? Oh, that looks delicious. Is this real hair?
Starting point is 01:03:05 It's the vasectomy cookie, see? It's the balls and there's the cut. And there's the stitches. I have to hop because I'm broken. I'm going to be an arsicist. You can take the one with my name on it. And the Funyuns. I can eat my sign afterwards. It has Funyuns on it.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Is that human hair? I just picked it because she's hot. The sign isn't that great. It's just like... That was really fun watching her hop around, wasn't it? No, I don't want that. That's people food. This guy put us real social media.
Starting point is 01:03:40 That's going to sound so weird to me going, that was fun watching her hop around and then him immediately going, no, I don't want that. That's people food. I chose Bruce because he says love you, Deb. And it's Bruce. Is your name Marshall Bruce? They had a love you Bob up there earlier.
Starting point is 01:03:56 No, this is actually a thing we do on our show. You don't know because you're doing your shit whenever it is you do. Oh, let me describe it. Let me describe it. Do you like the I love you part? I love this part, yeah. But it's better if I tell him about it than if you tell me describe it. Let me describe it. Do you like the I love you part? I love this part, yeah. But it's better if I tell them about it than if you tell them about it. Because if you tell them, it's like bragging.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Okay. But me telling it. It's pretty awesome that you invented it. Can I try it? That you went down to your laboratory. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, laboratory. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:04:22 And she went into a British laboratory and came up with... She gets on the phone with somebody at a business, a place of business, and she asks them some mundane question. And then before she gets off the phone, she has to get that person to say, I love you.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So the whole conversation is her just like... Do you want to recreate it? Closer and closer to say... Do you want to recreate one? No, I don't want to recreate one because it's really it's creepy anyone that happens to anyone that happens to you might be changing their lives because when they hang up the phone they will never stop thinking about that weird phone call they got that one time that thing that was like a dream but real and that no one else witnessed, that was awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah, but do you know how many times they get an I love you? I don't know. What's the percentage? Love you. No, I wish it was that high. It's probably about 20 to 30%, but still that's fucking high.
Starting point is 01:05:18 When you call a business and you say, hey, what time are you open till? And they go, six. You go, okay, thanks. Love you. We'll be doing that tomorrow morning right after a little nickel bag I don't need to say anything after that do I
Starting point is 01:05:40 if I went to see them and it was free I would ask for a nickel back It's so fun to pile on those guys There's probably a million successful bands That are that fucking horrible Why focus on them? What did they do wrong? Why is horrible a crime?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Why is Happy Feet 2 not doing that well at the box office? It's like Happy Feet 1, but it's the next more of that. Happiest Feet. The one that likes to tap dance. He has a baby that can't tap dance. And then he has to find his own thing. Wait, you saw this film? No, I didn't see it.
Starting point is 01:06:24 That's what I'm saying. I'm just like, oh, I feel like you saw this film? No, I didn't see it. That's what I'm saying. I'm just like, oh, I feel like I've seen it. Like, why do I need to see it? All those poor animators, though. The company's really having a hard time. That Penguin movie about tap dancing. Oh, that old trick. Everyone's seen that movie.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Again and again. Once and twice. Why is there dead hair next to me? Like from a corpse. Someone made crafts. Oh, that's her sign. Yeah, let's recap the signs, you guys.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Let's talk about... So Deb picked Bruce and the Funyuns and a picture of Bruce Willis. Yeah, because nothing says Funyuns like Bruce Willis and vice versa. And then Bruce Willis was yelled out quite a bit last night, so I'm happy that that got brought back. And what does that say? Tay.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Tay, okay. Oh, I keep reading that. It looks like that's something that would be on the wall of a family living in Whoville. Or a serial killer. What's the difference, really? Wait, hang on. Did you make this or find this at a garage sale? She does hair.
Starting point is 01:07:34 You do hair? Terrifying. So she finds it. And beautiful. This is the best part of the show. It's from 1975. I'm sorry. I was trying to say this is the best part of the show
Starting point is 01:07:50 to try to drag it to a halt. People are fascinated at home about the name tags. I think I picked the best one. I think yours is very nice, Shane. It's a driver's license. It's huge, and it has a square cutout from a face to be in. And then it says
Starting point is 01:08:11 McLovin on the bottom. Is that a reference to that sonar movie? Who was in that? That was Mintz Plass. Fucking Mintz Plass, yo! That was Mintz Plass! Yeah. Christopher Mintz Plass, yeah. Fucking Mince Plass, yo. That was Mince Plass. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, Christopher Mince Plass. Yeah. And he's been on the podcast. Oh, really? Very nice young man. So, and that's on behalf of Eric, though. Oh, yeah, Eric. Eric, not McLovin.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Thanks, Eric. Have I seen this before, this name tag? No. Eric? No. No? Okay. No. Eric, did you steal this ridiculous name tag? No. Eric? No. No? Okay. No. Eric, did you steal this ridiculous name tag?
Starting point is 01:08:48 No. Impossible. Greatest name tag ever. It's never happened before. I was somewhere where a guy had an ID with his head cut out. But, oh, it was a weed ID, so I beg your pardon. His was better. So, um... Just joking around with McLovin.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And then you've got some sort of dessert. Is that real food? Cox and balls? What are those? The vasectomy cookies, because nothing says Christmas like a vasectomy. Wait, what is it? When I eat something, I like it to look like it has ball stitches on it. You see the stitches?
Starting point is 01:09:27 Who brought them? I was thinking about eating one of those. Where's Chris at? What does this sign mean? What does shithead mean? That's for later. That's for later. We'll read that later.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Did I do something wrong? Yes. Probably, yeah. Is this old shit you guys are going to bring up in front of everyone? No, it's the podcast stuff. So, Chris, is you? Okay, cool. I'm confused.
Starting point is 01:09:55 What are those things? What are the shapes? Take this delicious gift I made you, shithead. What are they? It's a weird attitude. They are nutsacks. About gift giving. Dale and Bob specifically, they're nutsacks.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Wow, you really are like a fan, like one of those. What the fuck's wrong with that? This might be in the first act of your E2 Hollywood story. Of when he killed him? Dudley and Bob.
Starting point is 01:10:26 A very long association is about to begin. It's probably already been going if you know them that well. Have you won anything from them in the past? It's that guy. What do you mean
Starting point is 01:10:39 that's that guy? He gave us the set for the last cast, right? Oh. I don't know what that means. Just be quiet. He's terribly ashamed of you right now. I don't know what that means then. Just be quiet. He's terribly ashamed of you right now. Don't know what the...
Starting point is 01:10:49 Oh. Listen, seriously. He was going to silence the lambs reference. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Help me get this couch in the back of this van or whatever, this chair.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Whatever it was. Yeah, an upholstered thing. He said chair. It was confusing. It was small enough for a girl to be able to help him put it in there and get pushed in
Starting point is 01:11:03 in the back way. And I've been telling people, hang on a second. Yeah. That makes way more sense in context. You're right, Leonard Molden. You're right, Leonard Molden. I just thought I had zoned out and someone was yelling, help me with this chair for some reason.
Starting point is 01:11:22 We are getting drunker. We should play the game. I get it. Did you take a Valium yet? No. Why are getting drunker. We should play the game. I get it. Did you take a Valium yet? No. Why not? Valium. Fuck you, it's Amex.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Same thing? No, I'm not going to take it. When are we starting the podcast? That's it. What I do is I get everybody together. We talk a lot. Then we play games. I really like to get you guys warmed up
Starting point is 01:11:46 before we really start the podcast. Yeah, yeah. It's going to be about another 18 minutes, I'm hoping. You know, that's what I'm shooting for, of just, like, just, you know, yeah. Just really bring it so that when it comes time, when we get there at 6 o'clock tonight, we can start the show. And it's going to be a great show. If you give it your all in this last part.
Starting point is 01:12:19 It's called the Leonard Maltin Game. People have... Everyone has somebody they're playing for. Shane's playing for Eric. And Tay, of course. I'm playing for Chris. She's playing for Bruce. Bam.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Bruce Willis. Wait. Don't read that. See, I listen, Doug. The learning curve is pretty amazing. Like, that's not the first time that's happened. There's just like, you know, I try to give you all the insider tips I can before the show starts, but there's so many things like that.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Like, don't read the back of your name tags. It might have a shithead written on it. I did not say that to you. But it did happen already once this evening before it happened to you yeah but you did tell me that myself what? I thought that was somebody in the audience for a second
Starting point is 01:13:13 like you threw your voice into some guy in the front row with the loudest shushing heckle of all time just like oh my god that's amazing this is it would be almost as annoying as if somebody in the crowd did it. It's an incredible shusher.
Starting point is 01:13:29 But he's right, though. It's time to play. I've got some categories for you guys. Let's start with, who should we start with? I don't have any real good reason to start with anyone in particular. So let's start with Deb. I've been dreading this all week, you guys. Okay, so that's a good reason to start with anyone in particular. So let's start with Deb. I've been dreading this all week, you guys. Okay, so that's a good reason to start with you
Starting point is 01:13:49 because it makes you very nervous. I think you've told me every time I play this game I'm as bad or worse than Sarah Silverman, who's terrible at this game, which doesn't make me feel very good because she's a professional comedian. She's not terrible at it. I don't know what she's talking about.
Starting point is 01:14:03 You told me that! I don't think I said that I said she's terrible at remembering the rules But she's great at the game That's my point I'm good at movies but I don't Oh whatever It'll be alright
Starting point is 01:14:17 It's going to be totally fun People are going to love it You get three categories to choose from You get What I now call the Walking Dead train, which is based on a little thing that happened yesterday. It has nothing to do with trains. It's just movies with either walking or dead in the title of the film.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Then we've got Hey Friends, which is movies with someone from the TV show Friends in it. And then we have Christmas movies, holiday films. Take your pick. Deb O'Keefe from 101X Mornings
Starting point is 01:14:58 in Austin. Let's do... That is a really bad category. How do you pick Christmas movies? Here we go with that terrible category. I'm an opinionated robot. Christmas movies would be easier. Change.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Wait, can I change? I'm being heckled. You can't change. I can't change. This train is going out of the station. Okay, go. Sorry, Ted. This movie. I'm just heckled. You're really working that. You can't change. I can't change. This train is going out of the station. Okay, go. Sorry, Ted. This movie. I'm just trying to win.
Starting point is 01:15:28 This movie from the category that I can't remember with all this nonsense. The category was... Friends. Okay, friends. I should have just looked at it and figured it out. Is this a walking dead in the title? All right. Movie with one of the friends in it.
Starting point is 01:15:49 2010. It's called A Bomb by Mr. Leonard Maltin. Let me remind you guys, don't yell out if you think you know it. It's just between the people on stage playing for the people whose name tags they picked. He calls this movie Relentlessly Charmless. I mean, really, what were you expecting? He called it a bomb first. Pretty good!
Starting point is 01:16:13 It's a bomb that's relentlessly charmless and even the fans, even avid fans of the two leads will be disappointed, comma, if not dismayed. Yeah, this movie dismayed the fans of the people. Relentlessly charming at Charmless is not a thing that's possible.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Like you can't. I've seen this movie and I agree. I agree. I mean, you know, lovely people involved, but boy is it relentlessly charmless. From 2010. And there are nine names. So how many names do you think it would take for you to guess?
Starting point is 01:16:56 Reading from the bottom of the cast list going up, most obscure to most famous, to those two leads. What do you think, Deb? I can name that movie in eight actors. Bold. That's bold. Does that leave any more for us?
Starting point is 01:17:17 Oh yeah, it does. So then we'll go to Dale. Are you allowed to say, are you allowed to pass? Are you allowed to ask for Christmas movies? You're allowed to. Are you allowed to notice you're getting a little tipsy? Your options are to bid lower or say name that movie.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Oh, name the movie. Yeah. Okay, so you're giving her. Yeah. What was your bid again? Eight. Eight names. Eight names out of how many bid again? Eight? Eight names. Eight names out of...
Starting point is 01:17:47 How many was it? Nine. Nine names? A lot of names. All right. Well, there's interesting things at play here. Let me give you the breakdown. Dumb move on Dale's part.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yeah. If it was anybody but Deb. But in the case of Deb... Yeah. I think he might have a shot. I'm calling this like 50-50. What do you think, Bob? Do not say the answer.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Or tell either of them the answer. Can I safely assume it's a rom-com? Why do you do that? Why does somebody have to do that? Can I just say this? Right now, I know what the movie is. I know the two lead roles in it. But for the goddamn life
Starting point is 01:18:26 of me, I can't think of the title. However, once you've gone down... Why would you say that? Because you're going to give me the... Thanks. Oh. Oh, no. Hang on. Oh, my God. Lord. No, I'm kidding. Stop it. What is going on? Side boob Sunday on stage.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Someone's got a good doctor. In the middle of trivia, two people just had sex on stage. How bizarre. Don't think about that vampire baby. Do not think about that vampire baby. Alright, you get eight names. This movie is a bomb from 2010. Relentlessly charmless.
Starting point is 01:19:05 And even avid fans of the two leads will be disappointed, if not dismayed. And your eight names. So, just hopefully something will jar your memory. Christine Baranski, Carol Kane, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Peter Green, Kathy Moriarty Jeff Garland Jason Sudeikis Jennifer Aniston
Starting point is 01:19:29 Oh, says the audience. What does Deb say? Any idea? Just spit it out. Just say it. Those people were in Shazmataz. But different words
Starting point is 01:19:42 that are the right answer. I can see the movie in my brain and the beer is blocking the connection. It is... What happens in the movie? Don't try to help her. Like, think about the story of the movie. I know the story.
Starting point is 01:20:01 She's getting away and he's the bell. He's what and she's what? He's the bell. Hey, hey, hey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, hey. There's getting away and he's the bail bondsman. He's what and she's what? He's the bail bondsman. Hey, hey, hey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, hey. There's no reason to whisper it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Why are you whispering? Tim. She's the ex-wife of the bail bondsman and he's going out there. Yeah, and what are they doing and what else could it possibly be called? But what would you call that When people are doing that stuff Come on you can do it dog I've never done the Bail thing
Starting point is 01:20:32 Come on dog Time's up dog Bail bondman It's called the bounty hunter Shit Time's up, doll. It's Bale Bonsman. It's called The Bounty Hunter. Oh, shit, bro. Shit. Oh, that man is handsome. She is out.
Starting point is 01:20:52 You weren't supposed to call me on it, dipshit. You're supposed to go down the line. Then I would have thought about it. That film was so awful, I accidentally saw the whole thing once. What do you think of Dog the Bounty Hunter? Familiar with that at all? I'd rather watch that Than The Bounty Hunter
Starting point is 01:21:06 With Jennifer Aniston And Gerard Butler Okay well that's They're going to put that On the DVD cover I'm so ashamed People flock to it Alright so
Starting point is 01:21:15 Dale Dudley prevails And gets the point For doing that Oh I get a point For that mischievous behavior First person to two points wins And they win all those fabulous prizes. Two copies of Unknown the Novel.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Boy, you could get together a table read. Sit down, and one person's Liam, and one person is everyone else. How do I get to be in the tournament of champions. No, that doesn't... What you did is not impressive at all. A little bit. It was ballsy. I will give you credit for that.
Starting point is 01:21:54 I don't know if you knew how ballsy it was. It worked out. That's the important thing. Let's switch it up here. We'll start with Shane this time. Oh yeah. I'm having the best time. Thanks. We'll go in the direction of Bob because we've got to get Bob in here.
Starting point is 01:22:11 What are the categories? Bob is chomping at the bit over there. So Shane gets to pick a category. Would you like State of Austin? That's movies that take place in one of my favorite states, Austin, Texas. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 01:22:27 The king of Austin movies. Take place or are filmed in. Because sometimes it's a substitute for nearby Texas. And then today is William Fixner's birthday. William Fixner. So great as the guy who runs the bank at the beginning of The Dark Knight and many other things. Is that a category? One of my favorite actors.
Starting point is 01:22:51 It's his birthday today. So the films of William Fichtner. No one said this was going to be easy, Bob. Or wait. Or wait. Hang on a second. Requested by Dale Dudley himself. Because, you know, that's how it works.
Starting point is 01:23:04 You just request categories when you're going to be on this show. Hey, why don't youley himself, because you know that's how it works. You just request categories when you're going to be on this show. Hey, why don't you have this category to make it easier on me? Oh, great idea. I'm not going to do that. Yes, I am. So we went with DJs. Films that feature or about radio
Starting point is 01:23:20 DJs. These ones are always very authentic. Yeah, so it's great that Shane gets to pick because he can steer clear of the... I think everyone else on the stage is more fascinated by DJs than he might be. He's fascinated with DJs and he knows more
Starting point is 01:23:35 about Austin than I do, but I don't know who that one dude is. This is quite a terrible... This is like Sophie's choice. I don't want any of them. Those three kids, take them. That second choice?
Starting point is 01:23:52 Can you just tell me what else he's been in? I just want to let that one breathe a little bit. I'm proud of myself. Is he always credited as William? What's with all the questions? I'm going to pick the second one, the guy who I don't know. Bill Fichter! See, strategy's
Starting point is 01:24:16 huge in this game. He was the guy in the beginning. Are you shushing me again? It's from the audience. It's the audience that's shushing you. He's the guy in the beginning of the... I look at the people like I'm going to entertain their questions. Like, what kind of show like this do people just get to ask anything they want about the answer to a trivia question?
Starting point is 01:24:46 Yeah, I was trying to tease them. Is it animal or mineral? Just let it play out. I will tell you what I want you to know, and then you try to discern it from there. That's why I'm picturing this guy's face, that's all. Make it easy. All right. So we're starting with Shane, who cleverly, smartly,
Starting point is 01:25:05 picked the category that none of you will be good at. Damn it. And this movie, Leonard Maltin gave it two stars. This is one of those times when I disagree with Leonard Maltin, and I've probably done this movie on the show before and disagreed that time as well, because I'm not a flip-flopper. And Leonard says about this movie,
Starting point is 01:25:24 he calls it frenetic and energized. Frenetic and energized. And then he also says that it is well cast. What's the year again? This movie from the year is 1999. Two stars from Leonard. I disagree. And he lists about 12 names.
Starting point is 01:25:46 99? Yeah, 12 names. That was before you were born, dude. How many names do you think you get in there, Shane? It'll go to Bob Fung. How old were you in 99, Shane? I would have been 29. Deb O'Keefe?
Starting point is 01:25:59 Wait, 19? I forget how old I am. I mean, I can talk during this part, right? Nothing important is happening. I would have been 19. What do Dale does that. I mean, I could talk during this part, right? Nothing important is happening. Yeah, it would have been 19. What do you think it is? How many names do you need? I watched a lot of movies around then.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I'll say, but I can't picture the guy. You have no clue. Who the fuck is this guy? I'll say... This is like a game show in a fucking dentist chair. Why is everyone admitting everything about themselves that will help their competitors? Can you spell Fickner, please? I was in a blackout during most of this guy's career, so...
Starting point is 01:26:39 No, I actually feel pretty good about it. I have no idea about him or any movie he's ever been in. Wow. I'm going with 10. Out of 12. Bob Fonseca. One of the faster thinkers on the show tonight.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Wow. I'm going to have to ask him the name now because I don't know who the fuck Bill Fichtner is either no offense to the Fichtner family if they happen to be listening I really enjoyed that time he did that interview on your show you guys were so nice to him
Starting point is 01:27:16 you were both staring at IMDB pages just asking about shit you'd never heard of that never happens I would so love it if he was on your show I don't know, Did I play it right? I think you might have. I don't think he can do it. With this panel, I think giving up is the best choice.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Every single time. Wow. I'm feeling very confident. Just put all the pressure on someone that's not you and you'll probably win. So, how many names do you get? He said ten.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Ten out of twelve? Yeah. And you said name it. I think so. Okay. No, you thought so, so it's happening. Here are your clues. Two stars from Leonard.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Boo, Leonard. 1999, frenetic, energized, and he also said that it was Well cast And some of that well cast In fact a majority of it All the way up to those last Two names I hope they're all foreign names Okay that's funny because you know I'll have a hard time
Starting point is 01:28:18 Pronouncing them but Here it goes Schmickle Flingsle Nick No okay here's your Ten names that I think I can pronounce Every single one of them here it goes Schmickle Flingsle Nick no okay here's your here's your ten names that I think I can pronounce every single one of them
Starting point is 01:28:28 I make that I throw down that gauntlet James Duvall Scott Wolfe Timothy Oliphant Jay Moore Breckin Meyer Jane Krakowski
Starting point is 01:28:38 J.E. Freeman William Fichtner Taye Diggs and Desmond Eskew were 10 people out of 12 in a motion picture that got two stars from Leonard. I think it deserved more. 1999, frenetic, energized.
Starting point is 01:28:54 I don't know any of those people. No idea? I don't know a single one of those people. Well done again. The point goes to Bob Fonseca and the answer is Go! Seriously, leave, you guys.
Starting point is 01:29:08 That's a great movie. I wish I knew names of people that aren't terrible. I don't want to say the podcast was going poorly, but at one point the entire audience screamed out Go. They're smart. Good crowd. Good crowd. Damn it. Yeah crowd. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Yeah, everybody knew it. Listen, what the fuck kind of category was that? Why only two stars? It's time. What happened? It's a very difficult category with the guy that we didn't know in the movies. Yeah, but I'm telling you. Look at you sighed.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Wow. I really wish you guys, this club should fix the gas leak because it keeps intruding on the show. Fix it for good, like it's gone now. Try to keep it turned off henceforth. No, he played smart play by picking William Fichtner. It just backfired on him because Bob was smarter in knowing that nobody up here knows anything. But it's still fun for the audience because they can all feel superior to all of you guys.
Starting point is 01:30:12 So who has a point? Dale has a point? I have a point, right? Is that right? Yeah. It takes two to win? Yeah. And I hope because the show's running long at this point, so I hope that someone from the Dale and Bob... Dudley and Bob.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Dudley and Bob. Morning. K-L-B-J-F-M. From the Dale and Fonseca morning team on K-J-F-K. No! Worst plug ever.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Listen, what if they slip up Worst plug ever Listen What if they slip up And forget the www What's going to happen You just aged yourself Hey same categories please Seriously I'm going to give you new categories Wait who's going Is he going or am I going Let's see who challenged who You challenged him Hey, same categories, please. Seriously, I'm going to give you new categories.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Wait, who's going? Is he going or am I going? Well, let's see. Who challenged who? You challenged him, and Deb wasn't involved in that. So we'll start with Deb, and then we'll go to Dale Dudley. And then Shane, and then... Here you go, Deb.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Pick a category. Would you like... Here you go, Deb. Pick a category. Would you like... This category's going to piss you guys off even more than Fickner. Edgar Wright hasn't seen it. Yeah. Movies that esteemed film director Edgar Wright has never seen, and he's doing a series of them.
Starting point is 01:31:43 He's showing a bunch of movies he's never seen at the New Beverly Theater in Los Angeles. If you're in the area, it's December 9th through the 16th, and I think on the 15th, possibly, check your listings. On the 15th, I'll be showing the movie that is loaded up in this game right now is what I'm going to show on December 15th with Edgar Wright at the New Beverly. Or you could pick In Theatres Now. That's movies that are in theatres now.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Hopefully more than a thousand of them. Or Five Years Ago to Today. The number one movie exactly five years ago to this very date. The number one movie on that very day. Three great categories compared to the last three terrible
Starting point is 01:32:24 ones. Oh, well, so then it should be super easy to pick because you could just start talking and you'll have said one of them. I think I want to go with,
Starting point is 01:32:37 does the audience agree with the movies that Edgar Wright hasn't seen? You don't have to placate them. They have nothing to do with this. I like Edgar Wright. You have to play to win. them They have nothing to do with this
Starting point is 01:32:45 I like Edgar Wright He's been on our show, he's a nice dude Well I'm excited to talk about this movie Because this is a movie I recommended to Leonard Not Leonard, to Edgar I'd recommend it to Leonard too But he's already reviewed it And that's what this whole game is about
Starting point is 01:33:00 But Hey Leonard, have you ever seen Yes Doug, I've seen everything. Thank you for calling me Leonard. He doesn't like it when I call him Len. Bob has a question. Who the fuck is Edgar Wright? Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:16 mother... Son of a gun. Now do you shush him now? I need a reference point. He's got three kids. Fuck you. I don't know either. You nerd.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Wait a second. He didn't sit at home and jam off every movie. Who did I invite to this show today? I mean, I feel like... What kind of movie heathens? No, everybody's got gaps in their film knowledge, but that's a pretty... He's kind of giant.
Starting point is 01:33:40 You've probably maybe seen parts of... Is he a director or an actor? He's a director. Okay. And you've probably seen parts of... Is he a director, an actor? He's a director. You've probably seen parts of... He's made three movies in my opinion, or three great movies. He's my favorite director because he hasn't made one that made me go, why the fuck did you go and make that
Starting point is 01:33:56 stupid movie? I was hoping I'd get a good example by the time I got to this sentence, but I couldn't think of a director whose movies I liked and then suddenly I disliked one. You know what I mean? Eyes Wide Shut? No, that's Kubrick.
Starting point is 01:34:10 That's an okay movie. No, I'm not. Yeah, isn't that weird how, I kind of feel like I just like it because it's Kubrick. Like, it's not, I don't think it's a good movie, but I'm just like sitting there watching it going, well, this is the last thing he did, and he spent several years on it,
Starting point is 01:34:22 so I'm going to sit here and nod intelligently and appreciate a man who, the last thing he did, and he spent several years on it, so I'm going to sit here and nod intelligently and appreciate a man who most of his other movies were great. Yeah, yeah. It was no Barry Lyndon, but... Yeah. Alright, so which...
Starting point is 01:34:37 Edgar Wright hasn't seen it. Oh, I should tell him. The three movies that he directed are The Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, and The Swarm. The Swarm was the third one. Seriously? Those are the films of Edgar Wright.
Starting point is 01:34:55 That's not true. Yeah. Those were produced by Irwin Allen, though, right? Well, yeah, they were a team. They worked together. Okay, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. All right.
Starting point is 01:35:04 People thought they were dramas, but those were funny... Those movies didn't even seem like they had a director. They worked together. Okay, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. All right. People thought they were dramas, but those were funny. Those movies didn't even seem like they had a director. Those were hip, funny comedies that made fun of those kind of movies. I thought Steve McQueen directed the first one. Well, you know he did. All right, Deb, here we go. Three stars from Leonard Maltin for this movie that Edgar Wright has not seen. I'm going to make him watch it.
Starting point is 01:35:25 He's going to love it, I hope. It's from 1976. Leonard Maltin calls this movie bright. And he says that this movie has a clever use of classical music. I could name anyone. Why are you doing this to me? Shh. It's on.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Now, seriously, shh is Deb? Shh. It's on. Now, seriously, shh is Deb's thing. Let's think of something else for Bob. Fuck off! No, Bob, hang on. This bidding starts with Deb. You're way on the other end there, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. Your confidence is scaring everyone on the panel.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Well, no, after that Edgar Wright shout-out from the crowd. What was that all about? He just runs around like a professional wrestler. I want the house lights up. And then has sex with women on stage. Yeah, we should have just given him a mic that was plugged in somewhere. Shouldn't have given him a walk-around headset like that. No, it's too much freedom. Okay, so here we go.
Starting point is 01:36:26 So, Deb, you get, like I said, Leonard gave it three stars. I disagree. It's a classic, 1976. He calls it bright. He also says that it's got a clever use of classical music. And there are only six names listed. So out of the six names, how many names do you think you get it in? Then we're going to go to... I'll name it in six. Dale Dudley. Six names listed. So out of the six names, how many names do you think you get it in? Then we're going to go to...
Starting point is 01:36:45 I'll name it in six. Dale Dudley. Six names. Good, strong opening bid. Smart play. Smartest play so far of this game. 76. How many stars?
Starting point is 01:36:57 Repeat the... Three from Leonard. Three from Leonard. From Leonard, yes. It's Leonard's opinion. And... She said six names. You can go five, four, three, two. Give me the review again.
Starting point is 01:37:07 You can go zero. The review is Dale Dudley is a fucking... No, it's Bright. Calls it Bright. He also says that it has a clever use of classical music. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Wait. You know how to do it, right? You know how to play the game? Excuse me. I'll do it in... I'll do it in... I'll do it in four. Four names, says... Shane Maas, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:37:41 I'm going to name it. You can name it well we'll see won't we four names is that what he said oh no no I think I have the name of the movie what did you say did you say the words name it
Starting point is 01:37:56 oh sorry I forgot about the rules oh you can name it no no you have to bid lower now Bob knows what you're up to. I'll change my bid to zero. Because Bob went with one. I'm going to go with zero. It's going to be a three-way tie then, and I'm going to pee.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Zero names. Can I try it? Now we go to Bob. Bob, you can go to negative names. Go negative, bro. I know you know this. Negative? Yeah, this is going to blow your mind apart.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Name the movie. Bob doesn't know it. He doesn't have any points yet, so... But you'll win and it'll be over and these people get to go home. Now, what if I'm wrong? You're not wrong. Negative names is, if you say negative one name, you have to name the movie
Starting point is 01:38:42 and the top-billed actor. Okay. Top-billed?. Okay. Top-billed? Or actress. Top-billed. It goes from the bottom down. You can go negative two, negative three. But you get to start the movie. But what is... Just go zero.
Starting point is 01:38:54 If I'm wrong, and I already have one point, what happens then? Does she get the point? She'll get the point. So I'm going to lose by naming the movie. You can't lose a point. Okay. Correct.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Alright, so I'm going to say 1976. Give your names. Make a bit. Negative negative one. Say one. Whoa. A lot of help from a lot of sources.
Starting point is 01:39:27 I hope you did the right thing. So he says negative one, so then we come back down here to Deb. Name that movie. She says name it. So you have to name the film and the top-billed performer in the film. And if you get it, you win the game because that's two points. I know he's got it. Yeah, this is for the win.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Otherwise, Deb's got a point. We've got a lot more to go. I'd like another drink. Is that possible? Is it too late? I don't think it's worth it to ask for one. Let's kind of hope it ends soon. What?
Starting point is 01:39:59 A posse over there? I'm having a blast. Are you guys doing all right? Is this fun? Am I the only one that has to pee really bad? No, I need to go blast. You guys doing all right? Is this fun? Am I the only one that has to pee really bad? No, I need to go too. You can. We'll hear everything you say.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Oh, damn it. Why? All right, can I? All right. Why did I get a vasectomy? Name it, Bob. And by classical music. Name it.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Oh, my God, You know this movie. Name it, Bob. Paul Newman. No. All right. So you're already wrong on half of it. Do you want to try to guess the other half? Jesus, man.
Starting point is 01:40:33 No. That was some ballsy play going negative. I thought you might have some idea. Can I? So Deb gets a point. I can't lose a point. Can I? Everybody has a point? Who's not got a point? Can we guess? Shane doesn't have a point. Shane doesn't have a point I can't lose a point Can I? Everybody has a point?
Starting point is 01:40:46 Who's not got a point? Can we guess? Shane doesn't have a point Shane doesn't have a point Was it A Clockwork Orange? No, just for fun What's that? No, it wasn't A Clockwork Orange
Starting point is 01:40:53 That was like 74 But that movie was really bright It wasn't The Sting? No, sir Is it classical music? Well, it was The Sting? No, sir. The classical music? Well, it was... The Sting was about 72, I think. I didn't know what Edgar Wright knew about music.
Starting point is 01:41:10 But 1976, it's truly a classic. It was remade, and I didn't care for the remake that much, but I'm very excited to show it with Edgar in December, and it's called Bad News Bears. Holy fuck! Bad News Bears? My fuck! Bad News Bears? My ignorance got me a point. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:30 This is the worst cast. Did you guys love Jodie Foster in that? Exactly, because she's not in that. Directed by Michael Ritchie? You say that to most crowds, they'll be like, yeah! People think Jodie Foster was in that. It's the weirdest thing. I've had arguments with people. Yeah, it's Tatum O'Neil, and I'm just like, no, it's Tatum O'Neil, and they're like, no, it's Jodie Foster was in that. It's the weirdest thing. I've had arguments with people. Yeah, it's Tatum O'Neill.
Starting point is 01:41:46 And I'm just like, no, it's Tatum O'Neill. And they're like, no, it's Jodie Foster. It's the weirdest argument to have with a person. Can I get an extra point for naming the director? Wait a second. Michael Ritchie? Michael Ritchie, yeah. I don't know what that...
Starting point is 01:42:02 Can I get an extra point for this? It was the music of Carmen, right? Can you imagine other people having to play any board game with you? Well, can I do it this way? I know there's rules, but I've got an idea of how I could make the rules different to benefit
Starting point is 01:42:19 me. I'm trying to make it better. I'm trying to play chutes and ladders with this motherfucker. Is it because he has children? The kids are always asking you, can we do this? And you've sunk into that. Alright, let's go on. Who challenged Deb on that last round?
Starting point is 01:42:36 Who said she should name it? No, I challenged Bob. So Deb has a point. Dale has a point. I have a point. And this guy's got zip. Where should we start, though, is what I'm trying to figure out. I haven't got to pick a category yet. Oh, that sounds exciting.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Let's let him pick a category. He's just mocking me because I don't smoke dope. You know, with you, ABC doesn't stand for always be closing. It stands for always be cheating. All right, here we go. You get to pick a category. Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. What do I get? Listen, cheater. Would you like a movie that had Weezer on the soundtrack?
Starting point is 01:43:13 No. Don't ask him. Would you like a movie that the category is called That Time of the Movie? That's period films. The category is called That Time of the Movie. So that's period films.
Starting point is 01:43:32 And then Walking Dead, which is movies with either walking or dead in the title. Which one would you like? I would like the movies of Larry the Cable Guy for $100. I will... What a weird thing to be proud that you know... I have three kids. That's all I see. Like PG movies.
Starting point is 01:43:53 It's too bad there aren't any good ones. What was the first one again? Weezer. Weezer. I don't want that one. Weezer. Soundtracks. I don't want that one. Oh, that one?
Starting point is 01:44:06 Weezer, Weezer, Weezer, Weezer. Weezer soundtracks? I'll take Walking or Dead. All right. Nineteen... Let's call it 89. 1989. Three stars from Leonard. I think that's fair.
Starting point is 01:44:23 He says about this movie That it's well made Hence the three stars Extremely well acted Hence the three stars What's wrong with it? Why didn't he give it four stars? And then he also says Dramatically obvious
Starting point is 01:44:38 Dramatically obvious Even a robot can tell it's dramatically obvious. And then, yeah, and there are, did I give you the year already? 89. And there are 11 names? Yeah, 11 names. Nine. Start us off.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Bob says nine. Let's go to Shane. Well, I've been wrong a lot. And in my life in general. You know what I'm really looking forward to? Why does that make people sad? Why does that? I was just trying to be funny Can't wait for the future to get here
Starting point is 01:45:28 I've got a feeling good things are happening in the future I'll help him name that movie What? Yeah How many names does he get? Nine Nine names. Oh, dear.
Starting point is 01:45:46 89. Out of 11. Three stars. I think you have a chance, Shane. 1989. I think he's bad at stuff. Oh. This is exciting because if he doesn't get this, then Shane's got a point.
Starting point is 01:45:58 We got a four-way tie. Oh, God. But if Bob gets this, yeah, you should go to the bathroom there. Dale Dudley, ladies and gentlemen. Going to the bathroom? Now? It's the stitches, I think. Is he all right?
Starting point is 01:46:16 Yeah, he took a really long route. You know the quickest. You've been to the rock shows. The quickest way to the bathroom is the stage dive, man. All right. Who? Nine names for Bob there. Okay, Bob.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Here's your nine names. Do you want the clues again? No. Okay. I like the way you play. Thank you. No, I feel like the audience is turning on me. He'll want the clues again at some point.
Starting point is 01:46:42 This is for the win, by the way. Uh-huh. Or the four-way tie. I feel like people are rooting for me right now. Yeah, I'm very likable. There's a lot of people in this crowd that want to sleep off their drunk right now. So just keep talking, just keep it down. Okay. So like just keep talking Just keep it down Okay Laura Flynn Boyle Was in this movie
Starting point is 01:47:12 This is a good Eleven people First one out of the gate Laura Flynn Boyle That's pretty good Then Kurtwood Smith Who? Kurtwood Smith
Starting point is 01:47:21 Okay I can tell you who he is If you guys are into clues Norman Lloyd James Waterston Kurt Wood Smith. Okay. I can tell you who he is if you guys are into clues. Norman Lloyd. James Waterston. Abelon Ruggiero. Dylan Koosman.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Gail Hansen. Josh Charles. You're supposed to get nine names, right? And Ethan Hawke. That's nine names out of 11. People know what it is, but there's Bob sitting there. Ethan Hawke, bullshit. Sitting there without his grunge covering. He's down to his T-shirt. I do like that you're just wearing the T-shirt now.
Starting point is 01:48:04 You're self-conscious. I could ask him to take that off. He's going to freeze to death. And then he's just shirtless here. So if you ask him to take his shirt off, he'll do it, do you think? We'll try it out. Hey, Bob. Bob.
Starting point is 01:48:19 1989. Take his shirt off, Bob. Come on, Bob. Sorry, Dale, you walked into it all the time. I don't know what's happening. I think I've said that a few times tonight. Geek the Hawk. Runaway jury, more like
Starting point is 01:48:36 runaway four guests of Doug Benson. Just trying to throw movie jokes in. Keep it about movies. Are you serious? What do you think? You got any idea, Bob? Before Sunrise? That is incorrect.
Starting point is 01:48:51 It's got the... Walking in Dead. Walking in Dead. Oh, Walking in Dead. Walking in the Dead. Walking in the Dead. I forgot how the game works. Take a show.
Starting point is 01:49:04 We offered to recap it. Take a show. We offered to recap it. He said, oh, no, no, no. I got it. I do not want the clues again. What way could that possibly help me? You might remind me of some crucial information that I've forgotten. If I hear the clues again. No, I got it.
Starting point is 01:49:21 I got it. What did I miss? Nothing. Yeah, you left just the right time. You missed it. What did I miss? Nothing. Yeah, you left just the right time. You missed us. We're in a four-way tie. Yeah, I don't know. That's what happened. The remaining names are Robert Sean Leonard.
Starting point is 01:49:33 I don't know it. Robin Williams. Oh, Captain. My Captain. It's called Dead Poets Society. Oh, shit. Yes. Or some people call it Walking Poets Society
Starting point is 01:49:45 Why only three stars? So that means Shane Moss has a point We have a four way tie This is getting so intense You guys I gotta make a call I gotta check and see if it's okay I gotta check and see if it's okay
Starting point is 01:50:02 For us to keep going Because the show's gone way over time. The club might be bad. The bar is closed. Let me just check with them really quick. They're fine with it. They said we could keep going, so we're good. I had them on the line.
Starting point is 01:50:17 They heard everything I said, and they just were like, it's good. It's good. Here we go. You got on so quicker than a drink. Yeah, yeah. Oh, like I said, they're busy. There's a lot of nice people here. Why?
Starting point is 01:50:27 Okay, the bar's closed. That means they can bring us some more drinks. Bring us some more drinks. That would be rude. If the bar's closed for you, the bar's closed for us. Yeah, that's how it works in democratic society. Fair is fair. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Scotch and soda. But I could get a drink if I needed one because I'm special. Who are we starting with? Read back the Austin category. Who are we starting with? Listen, you guys stop trying to tell me what to do, and then here's what's going to happen. I'm going to do what I want to do, and then we're going to be done.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Yeah. Live your own life. You're like more contentious than stand-up comics. I think it's that morning radio thing. Like you're just like
Starting point is 01:51:11 you're if you're up early you're you're fucking involved. You're not just sitting there like oh it's early. No you're like I I'm a person that
Starting point is 01:51:19 can be up at this hour. Let's do this. Traffic, weather, sports. Why why the rape face? That's what we do every morning Because the traffic in the news is often terrible We don't do traffic in the news
Starting point is 01:51:35 I know you guys don't do that stuff It's true Doug Benson does believe That every radio DJ in the world Is a rapist. Wait, wait, I have to be on record about that? Yeah. Alright, let me sign that on the same thing where it says
Starting point is 01:51:52 taxes should never be raised on anyone. I'll sign the whole thing. Grover. Okay. I like that I'm Grover now. What's going on, you guys? Sorry. Who did the...
Starting point is 01:52:09 One more point. It's a four-way tie. One more point. Yeah. Who got the last one right? Shane got the point. You challenged him. So we'll go down here to Deb, and then we'll go to Bob from Deb.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I'm scared. This is exciting. Oh, I pick? This is a truly exciting game. Oh, I do, apparently. Super long show, but it's an exciting game. I haven't picked once. You get to pick from the following.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Yeah, that's right, ma'am. Thank you. I have not picked once. But seriously, guys, you're giving birth. The head pops out. And it just starts just gently licking your clitoris. That definitely
Starting point is 01:52:51 makes things go smoother for you. Was it painful? It was at first, and then my own baby gently licked my clitoris. Oh, that's not...
Starting point is 01:53:09 In a good way. I told you not to think about that too much. Don't think about it too much. It's a great strategy in any competitive endeavor to just beg for pity. I haven't gotten to choose. That's not how it works, dude. That was before Shane's riff on the baby.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Yeah. It was delightful. So Deb gets to choose. I'm excited for Deb. I rule the show with a fist clenched full of something. And you get to pick between the following categories. We haven't done Christmas movies yet, have we? No.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Christmas movies. We haven't done State of Austin yet, have we? No. State of Austin. And we also haven't done DJs. Those should be all very simple. These are great categories to finish this off.
Starting point is 01:54:09 It's too much pressure on me. Someone's going to nail this. I'm thinking about Christmas Austin. DJs. Christmas Austin. I never understand why what the audience thinks makes a difference. Use the thing in your brain.
Starting point is 01:54:31 All right. Which category does it like? Dale wants me to do upstairs. Who cares what they want you to do? I'm going to do Christmas movie. That's all you care about is being contrary? Get your mind in the game. People don't try to fuck with Alex Trebek. They try to win.
Starting point is 01:54:46 It's fucking Christmas season. Alright? Apparently after Thanksgiving it's Christmas. It is Christmas. You're right. I hate Christmas, but I like Christmas movies. Alright, here we go. This is going to be right up your alley. I had to live my life through falsities
Starting point is 01:55:01 and happiness that isn't mine. Christmas movies. Here comes the shushers. Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush. Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush. Okay. Two stars from Leonard Maltin for this Christmas movie. It takes place at Christmas.
Starting point is 01:55:20 It's a Christmas movie. He says about this movie that it is a it's violent. And he also says that there is a walk-on by the person who owns
Starting point is 01:55:40 a building that the movie takes place in. Yeah, that's a crazy clue. Tal thinks he knows it already. No, I just know it was... I just want it to end. 14 names. 14 names, Deb.
Starting point is 01:55:52 How many names do you think you get it in? Did you get the year? Did you get the year? 1992, Christmas movie. Two stars from Leonard. There's an angry Muppet in the crowd. Draw me! Through the whole movie, they keep telling Animal, Ah! His angry Muppet in the crowd. Drumming! Through the whole movie, they keep telling Animal
Starting point is 01:56:09 you can't drum anymore. Like, what the fuck? Telling Animal he can't drum. What else is he good for? Drumming keeps him away from shit he'd be up to if he wasn't a drummer. I can name that movie. Can I say that?
Starting point is 01:56:27 In how many names? Zero? In negative one. Negative one. Negative one. I like it. Alright. No wonder you're having sex with this broad over here.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Sorry, Tay. If I get this wrong, I'm so humiliated. But I will name the main actor as Macaulay Culkin. Wait a second. What are you doing? Why are you continuing to speak?
Starting point is 01:56:57 Who? You move on to the next bidder. We're not there yet. Did he say name it? Oh, I didn't say name it, did I? Yeah, he didn't say name it. Oh, you made a fatal error. If I was Rolodexing through my head,
Starting point is 01:57:17 what's the worst thing that could happen right now to this game? What is the single most fucked up, what do I do now? This is complete bullshit thing that could happen. It's blurting out. What should we do? I should just leave. I'll take my crutches and I should just go.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Oh my god, that is so dramatic. You and your You knew you were coming on this show. You broke that on purpose. That's such bullshit. You all want the sympathy vote tonight. No one wants to just earn it. You all want to beg for their approval.
Starting point is 01:57:54 That's bullshit. I think she got a really uncomfortable back rub earlier and it fucked with her head a little bit. That's what I think. That's understandable. Why are we all being punished for her? He touched my shoulder. For her?
Starting point is 01:58:05 He did touch my shoulder. Hermiston. All right, show off. What's the name of the movie? I don't deserve to win. Wait a minute. What's the name of the movie? Hang on.
Starting point is 01:58:13 This one's blown. We'll play another round. What's the name of it? What's the name of it? What is the name of it? Is it Home Alone 2? Yeah! What's it called?
Starting point is 01:58:22 See, I knew this would happen. We still had a real fight going on here. What's it called? See I knew this would happen We still had a real fight going on here What's it called? Home Alone 2 is I think if you can give more information you win It's not Judgement Day It's not The Reckoning It's not Search for Curly's Gold It's not
Starting point is 01:58:43 Electric Boogaloo Wrath of Khan. We have this argument on the Jason and Deb show on 101X when we play our very similar game. It's not final anything. Lost in New York. It's called... Yeah, she said it. She said it.
Starting point is 01:58:57 Home Alone 2, Lost in New York, when Macaulay Culkin is the number one star. But I'm so sorry. If you guys don't want to win, I would totally understand it. I think she fucked up. You didn't win shit. You didn't win, I would totally understand it. I think she fucked up. You didn't win shit. You didn't win shit. You got it right. Let's fucking move on.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Jesus. It's the make something out of everything crew. Just fucking drop one thing for two seconds. It's so difficult. I'm not even stoned. Are you yelling at me right now? You guys don't know the other three. Wow, you don't...
Starting point is 01:59:28 All you do is interview musicians, so they're never going to say anything. They just say yes or no, and then you have to do all the talking. But in this case, you can hang back a little bit. Just take a breath and be like, hey, I should try to play this game. I knew this would be fun, though.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Did she win? You don't talk to your L.A. panel like that. What's that? You don't talk to your L.A. panel like that. Yeah, you see how that works? Yeah. See the difference between them and you? Why are we all in trouble for...
Starting point is 02:00:01 Sorry. You know, I'm personally very satisfied that the shushing is no longer sexist. And I wish there was a boring black guy up here. Yeah, really test your moxie.
Starting point is 02:00:17 See where you guys are coming from. What if the Pope was up here and was saying something boring? Quiet, Pope. What if the Pope was up here and was saying something boring? Shh. Quiet, Pope. That baby head, it's all covered in goop, right? So it's like a natural lubricant. You know?
Starting point is 02:00:38 It's, uh... Real sexy stuff. Real sexy stuff. Real sexy stuff. Is the bar closed? I heard a rumor, yeah. So this is all... This is just a road trip to painful sobriety. Everyone in here is like, I really want to fuck it up on this Sunday night.
Starting point is 02:01:03 We're going to drink your guys' fries. They're not twist-up. Yeah, have a negro modelo. It's the name of the beverage. I'll figure it out. Oh, you got it? All right. So we've got to play to that point again, but we're going to penalize Deb.
Starting point is 02:01:20 I'm sorry. Take my point away. She loves being penalized. No, you can keep your point. You can keep your point, but Dale Dudley's going to start first, and then we'll go in the opposite direction of Deb. Movies I've been in for a hundred. She might not even
Starting point is 02:01:33 get to participate. Alright, so we've got DJ movies. We've got... We've done State of Austin yet? State of Austin or period films. Which one of those do you want? Deal. Okay, Bob.
Starting point is 02:01:47 Deal. Let's do the DJs. Kind of weird. We will do. There's only like three movies with DJs in it. Weirdest teamwork. You know it's going to be awful. If you lose movies filmed at Austin, you look bad.
Starting point is 02:02:01 We're going to do movies. I think if either Bob or Dale wins They both fucking have the most amazing Jerk off session when they get home We did it They just chant we did it the whole time We did it They probably jump on their cells We did it
Starting point is 02:02:17 Why are they fucking now You said jerk off session but you're not using your hand at all No what I do is I slam A cocktail glass into my dick. Yeah! Let's do movie sessions. Try it, you guys. It's almost as good as a fleshlight.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Fluck those... Fluck those things. That's a clean way of saying fleshlight. Fluck those things. That's good. Dudley and Bauer are just like, oh, let's just get this game over with so we can go home and smash
Starting point is 02:02:49 cocktail glasses into each other's necks. They're not in the same room together. Movies filmed in Austin with local DJs in them. I do not think you're in this movie, but it was filmed
Starting point is 02:03:05 completely or partially in Austin. Two and a half stars from Leonard Baldwin. 1999 is the year. 1999? Yes, sir. 1999. Okay, good. We can proceed. I thought he had a whole thing about remembering 1999
Starting point is 02:03:21 when Martin Landau Back when people used to party like it was. Remember in 1999 when Martin Landau... Back when people used to party like it was? See what I'm saying? Searing, this movie. Searing. Searing. Searing.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Not Ian Searing, but Searing. He also calls it well-made in every respect. And he lists Seven names How many names did you get in this movie From 1999 It was filmed partially or completely In Austin, Texas
Starting point is 02:03:54 Give me Give me five Five names to start it off We go to Shane Name it so I can win this bitch. These good people have homes to get to. Yeah. You guys should start a group
Starting point is 02:04:16 called Quitters Anonymous. Sorry. I love the way you play. How many? What? How many? Why do I? Five way you play. What? Why do I? Five. Five names.
Starting point is 02:04:31 How many stars in this movie? I'm looking at it. Two and a half. You're going to get five names, Dale Dudley. This is for the win. Two and a half stars, $19.99. Searing. The movie is searing, and it's well made in every respect. Searing. The movie is Searing.
Starting point is 02:04:44 And it's well made in every respect. And the five names you get out of seven names are Janetta Arnett, Alicia Goranson, Allison, I know. She's so great. Allison Foyland. Brendan. This is going to sound like I'm making it up. Sex toenail.
Starting point is 02:05:12 Sex toenail. Sex toenil. Sex toenil. Sex toenil. How many is that? Wait. And here's another one that sounds made up. Peter Sarsgaard.
Starting point is 02:05:25 So Peter Sarsgaard, yeah. So what do you think there, Dale? Can I get the top two also? Yes, they are. Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. 99, it's searing. It's searing.
Starting point is 02:05:40 What was shot in 99? Around here, somewhere. Might have been, you know, somewhere else. Might have taken place here. I don't know. If you guys make eye contact and he knows, do you know? I like that he's just like, oh, I'm going to go and help you. And he has nothing but bad information over here.
Starting point is 02:06:00 He's just like, he can't wait to give me bad information. The only thing I can think of in 99 was Travolta was hanging out back then. No, it was earlier than that. What was the movie he was working on? He was working on a movie called Michael.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Well then, is that your guess? I'm not getting anything from Doug here but then again, it's always hard to tell. Look at him. How can you tell?
Starting point is 02:06:20 I'll guess Michael. Yeah, that's incorrect. That's incorrect. You know who else was hanging around here? Maybe you didn't recognize her because she looked like a man. Hilary Swank was hanging around. And so was Chloe Sevigny because they were making Boys Don't Cry is the name of the movie. That was made here?
Starting point is 02:06:40 Who told them the name? Was it you, Shane? Shane Boss is our winner. Wow. Oh, wow. Thank you, guys. Thank you. I'm very talented.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Holy shit. Congratulations. Congratulations. Where is Hawaii guy? You're playing for that guy. Eric, where's Eric at? Come up here, Eric, and get your prizes. We have a lot of prizes for Eric.
Starting point is 02:07:08 We've got a bag with some stuff in it. Oh, don't forget your second copy of Unknown. It's always good to have a backup copy of Unknown. He was already there. He was already ready to go. He believed in me. You get a shoe that everybody signed. These are great
Starting point is 02:07:25 for like throwing out of your car window. And these beer you get all these beers. Sorry, I get four. Do you have someone who can help you with all the shit you want?
Starting point is 02:07:34 Wait, I'll do it in the pot. I can have my Funyuns. Oh, you get the Funyuns. He's a good man. There's a Harold and Kumar shirt times two. Oh, okay. That's nice.
Starting point is 02:07:43 And then there's a bunch of stuff in there. You got everything? An old dirty shoe. Box of stuff. Oh, shit. A box full of fuzzy animal things. Eric, take my box.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Dude, I defy you to keep anything that's in there. I defy you. Put any of that on your dresser at home, and you're a terrible person. He's going to love my box. Let's hear it for Eric. So you say you got a shithead written on the back of here? Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:13 Nicely done. Is there nothing written on Taz? Oh, you wrote it on there. Nicely done. See, she's smart just in case I got it. On the night when I can really move around, I didn't need to as much. This is fantastic. Oh, we give these back?
Starting point is 02:08:27 I don't know. Eric, do you want your thing back? Or do you think he should try to take it to the airport when he goes back to Los Angeles? What is this that I just discovered? I just took his name off to put my name on it. And what does it say? I discovered underneath. It says something that's a secret.
Starting point is 02:08:48 I can't quite read the writing. McLovin. Yeah, you're like Indiana Jones. It says McLovin. That's not good. With a G. It said McLovin before because of his Halloween costume, and then he covered it up with Eric to make it into a name tag for night.
Starting point is 02:09:04 And you fell for it and you won all the prizes. Everyone here hates you now. He is going to get beaten and pepper sprayed. It's nobody's business. He took a piece of paper and
Starting point is 02:09:19 tacked it on with his name on it and I fell for that bullshit. I thought he made it just for today, for me. I'm not the drunkest. Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Nothing. I don't even know how to pronounce one of these shithead names, so I hope I do it. Wow, these are interesting.
Starting point is 02:09:39 Very creative in Austin with the shithead names. Do you guys have anything you want to plug before we take off? Starting down there with Bob Fonseca from KLBJ Mornings, Dudley and Bob Show. Anything else? What did I say? Fonseca? Fonseca? Fonseca.
Starting point is 02:09:58 That's the way you do it. Yeah. Why don't you call yourself Fonsexa? Did I leave anything out? Do you have something coming up? Are you guys going to do another cruise ever? No. Fuck no.
Starting point is 02:10:14 I love cruises. No. Nothing to plug. Monday through Friday, 6 to 10. Yeah, if you're in the Austin area, give them a listen. KLBJ FM. Shane Moss, what do you're in the Austin area, give them a listen. KLBJ FM. Shane Moss, what do you got coming up? I've been on their show.
Starting point is 02:10:29 They're a lot of fun. Yeah, I just moved to LA, so you can maybe see me there. I'd love if you checked out my website or Facebook or Twitter or one of those sort of things. Yeah, he's got a very funny Twitter account. What's your name on Twitter? Just Shane? Shane Comedy.
Starting point is 02:10:46 It's not like a nickname. Like, Shane Danger. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that my last name's spelt a little weird. And people have trouble with it. It's Moss. M-A-U-S-S. So people have trouble with it.
Starting point is 02:11:03 And so it's Shane Comedy at Twitter to make it easy for people. Yeah. And I write ridiculous jokes all day long. I'm probably going to... Those are the people you really want to ensnare in your Twitter feed is the dumbest people that can't figure out how to spell your name through a mere Google search.
Starting point is 02:11:18 Yeah, get those idiots on board. I'm sure they're nice people. Through a mere Google search. They're nice people. People are mean. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like I pounce on people too fast probably about how they should use Google.
Starting point is 02:11:35 Get self-conscious about it. Somebody wrote to me today, I'm putting on mute until Monday, whatever that means. And I just wrote back, I'm putting you on block until forever. And then I really blocked her. What do I care? Then they create a new account. Oh, you block people? Man, I wish I was famous.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Block somebody anyway. I take all the insults that people want to throw at me. I was like, ah, thanks for following anyway. Alright, let's see what he's made of, everybody. Shane Comedy.
Starting point is 02:12:11 At Shane Comedy. Throw the worst things you could possibly think of at him and see how he deals with it. There are people calling you right now to be mean. Last night, someone wanted me to autograph a CD with the worst thing that I could possibly say.
Starting point is 02:12:30 It was to the guy's girlfriend, and I came up with it right on the spot. You want to hear it? I really wish we had time, but... Dale Dudley, what have you got to plug? What is it? What's the worst thing? Set it up again. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:12:46 He told me to write the most disgusting, this happened last night, the most disgusting, ridiculous, horrible thing that I could write on someone's CD and off the top of my head. So I came up, I'm pretty proud of it. I wrote, dear Kelly, Matt just told me that he doesn't know what love me that he didn't know what love was until you queefed his bloody semen back into his mouth.
Starting point is 02:13:13 That's pretty bad, right? That's pretty bad. So if you follow me on Twitter, you'll get more of that kind of nonsense. You guys are going to be the only people who knew what was said underneath the bleep. It's going to be a long bleep when it gets to that. Except for
Starting point is 02:13:38 wouldn't it be funny to long bleep but drop back in and you could hear him say queef? In a sentence, the only word you couldn't hear is queef. Queef. Whoa, worse than queef? Better have been blood or cum.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Disgusting. I'm stuck coming out my nose right now But thanks though We're almost done I don't need another drink I'm good Thank you
Starting point is 02:14:11 Thank you very much I am Cap City Comedy Club Yes Dale Dudley What's going on? Same thing Mornings
Starting point is 02:14:20 KLBG 743 82769 on your dial. My website, You guys are streaming live at Bloody Queef. It's
Starting point is 02:14:34 I'm so proud that I'm not the one at this podcast. It's Every morning live and podcast. And we have morning live and podcast. And we have Taint and Teabag, which is just us acting like Shane at our houses. Just hanging out, eating pizza and talking. Yeah, and then I'm Dale Dudley on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:14:57 He's Bob Fonseca on Twitter. And then I have a film coming up in the spring. Are you waiting for us to stop you? No, I've got to see... By all means, make this as slow as possible. This isn't the part... You know, we still got lots more to go. We're going to play another game. The movie Bernie with Richard Linklater.
Starting point is 02:15:18 I got a nice little chunky scene in there with Jack Black. Congratulations, cutting room floor. Oh, no. Under five. Good for you. Good for you. I'll believe it when I see it. with Jack Black. Congratulations, cutting room floor. Under five. Good for you. I'll believe it when I see it. I've seen it.
Starting point is 02:15:34 Oh, really? It's done? Yeah, it's done. It's a great little film. That's the perfect time to talk about how juicy and chunky it is. That's awesome. Congratulations. Thank you. Deb O'Keefe from Mornings 101X. What's your morning show called? I'd like to really fucking apologize. Fucking's awesome. Congratulations. Thank you. Deb O'Keefe from Mornings 101X. What's your morning show called? I'd like to really fucking apologize.
Starting point is 02:15:48 Fucking the whole game up. I don't even want to talk about the show right now. You're off my Christmas card. I wonder if the home listeners can't hear that. I mean, I guess it would be good if they couldn't hear it. Can they? It's in my distraction. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:04 My partner Jason was on the podcast last night, and he was mad. He didn't win. It's called podcast. That's what I said. Oh, podcast. Sorry. No, no, no. The first part.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Say it again. Thank you for having us. It's called podcast. Hang on. I like podcast. All right. Help me out with this. Podcast?
Starting point is 02:16:29 Yeah. Is that right? Yeah. It's just like dog boat but with two other words. Pod. No, because dog boat
Starting point is 02:16:38 is dog boat. Dog boat. Dog boat. No joke I say is meant to be like, no, but seriously, what we're really talking about here. I just need a pee and I want to go home.
Starting point is 02:16:52 You're just constantly correcting a stupid person. Yeah. All right. So yeah, you can listen to this on 101X if you'd like. That'd be really nice. But listen, this whole month, we have a really cool charity event that we do called 12 days of jason and deb where you can give without even knowing it we have um several events
Starting point is 02:17:10 throughout the whole year you just show up you eat and drink you go see a movie you see a band you're going to do it anyway but a portion of what you spend goes to um help the red cross relief helping out the bass drop fire victims so you can find details on that at it's always fun and a great way to help out again you don't even know you're helping out the Bastrop fire victims. So you can find details on that at It's always fun. And a great way to help out. Again, you don't even know you're helping out. Stuff like this, you go have a night out with your friends and a portion of what you spend will go towards...
Starting point is 02:17:35 You could have stopped when they clapped. That was like the perfect time to be like, oh, the pitch is done. They're in. I've got a million more things to say about it. Let me talk until you clap again. God, America. I'd like to thank God. Nice people are kind of showboats, aren't they? A little bit.
Starting point is 02:17:55 A little braggy, but how nice they are sometimes. Alright, you guys. Thank you so much for being here, all of my guests, and all you guys in the audience for for being here all of my guests and all you guys all you guys in the audience for coming for staying super late we've all got other things to do I've got to get over to the Alamo Draft House
Starting point is 02:18:14 Lamar the Lamar edition so as always I don't even know which ones of these to do first because it's just it's a really amazing array of shitheads but as always I really don't know which one's
Starting point is 02:18:30 the funniest one. Okay, I think I know. Renesmee? The Twilight Baby? Is a shithead. Renesmee. That's the worst. That's the thing I was talking about earlier. Julia Roberts and all 400 of her teeth are a shithead.
Starting point is 02:18:59 And the face-fucked mother-in-law is a shithead. Now it's time for God to change another talkie. Ace fucked mother-in-law is the shit.

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