Doug Loves Movies - Steve Byrne, Brea Grant and Jess McKenna guest

Episode Date: October 5, 2020

Doug welcomes Steve Byrne, Brea Grant and Jess McKenna to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, squeaky babies, sticky seeds with 50 azepam or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug Loves Movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug, and I love Mean Girls. Yesterday was Mean Girls Day. This is Doug Loves Mov Movies coming to you once again from Pandemia. It's Sunday, October 4th, 2020. And my guests today, in alphabetical order, are Steve Byrne, Bria Grant, and Jessica McKenna. Hello! Hi! Hello everybody. Let's meet them individually, shall we?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Starting with half. Would you call yourself half of the Off Book podcast? Yeah, that seems fair. It takes more than two to make it, but I think half of the vibe of the podcast feels right. You're in the main two. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Top two members of off book podcast it's jessica mckenna everybody hi um i got one movie related actually it's not a movie it's a tv show question but it involves acting which you do Um, you were, you played nurse Tammy on an episode of modern family. Ooh, boy, did I, how was that? What's what is nurse Tammy do in the, in that episode?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Uh, she doesn't do a ton. Um, but she does have to stay in the shot. Uh, she, i think has three or four lines but um because of the way that they shoot i mean it was a really efficient shooting process i was like uh wow this is such a well-oiled machine i kept being apologized to for running behind schedule because it was raining that day and um los angeles doesn't know how to deal with rain and i was like this is the most efficient set i've ever been on and yet everyone was like we're so sorry you had to wait for 20 minutes but they they shoot like so efficiently and quickly and with that like mockumentary style that I was just in the back and I just had to like self look Z like unclear of how many props I could touch.
Starting point is 00:02:25 But it was great. Otherwise it's a day where the young, the oldest daughter of the Phil Dunphy crew, man, I only watched like season one of that show, but she's in the hospital and she has like a bunch of ex-boyfriends coming in. But it was very fun and intimidating to be like, okay, I'll just stay in the back of the shot and look like a bunch of ex-boyfriends coming in. But it was very fun and intimidating to be like, okay, I'll just stay in the back of this shot and look like a nurse. Yeah, just hang out over here, Nurse Tammy.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, I'll just touch a bunch of things and look at a chart. I love that. I love like I'll watch the extras in the background sometimes because in real life, people do not carry around and look through charts nearly as much as they do in the background in movies and tv um would you say that you uh had on that show you had a 12-hour shift because also joining us it's just a segue also joining us i loved it it's great is the writer director of a movie that is out right now called 12 hour shift it's bria grant everybody thank you for having me hi you know what my favorite thing is about people uh in background people is um during dance scenes like big dance like i like you know like proms and stuff like
Starting point is 00:03:39 that because i know for a fact there's no music playing but all the background extras are having to dance and like find a rhythm to know music. And it's my favorite thing to look out for. Yeah, that's super fun. Plus also they think that like, oh, you know, we should mouth that we're having conversations,
Starting point is 00:03:56 but they often don't do it like there's loud music playing. So they're like, look like they're talking softly. Yeah, or at the same time and no one talks at the same time. Like there's just so many, like, yeah, it's, it's fun. And especially an independent film watching the background, which you know, is just somebody's mom or something is the best. Yeah. It's all like a favors that have been called in.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. And they're not, they're not even, they're not even people that aspire to be extras, you know, they're just. Totally. Totally., they're just. Totally, totally. They're just there. But you've written and directed this movie that's out right now. But you don't act in it at all or do you make a cameo? Correct.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I don't act in it at all. I don't. Well, I did. I needed a voice for a TV in the background and I used my own voice because I was in editing and we threw it in there and then we never changed it. But other than that, I'm just the director and the writer. That's enough, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Oh yeah. No, it's probably too much. I just, you know, it's just always interesting whenever a performer, you know, someone who's done a lot of acting transitions into behind the camera, you know, it's just always interesting whenever a performer, you know, someone who's done a lot of acting transitions into behind the camera, you know, sometimes they put themselves in it. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they give themselves a small part, you know, just just varies. But I like knowing that your voice is in there. So when I watch it, I'm going to listen for that. I might even contact IMDB because I love when they list uncredited performances.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Oh, that would be really good. It's, I think, weirdly, I think that my name, if you listen really hard, I think I say this is Tammy with the weather. So that's a weird connection that we have. Two people playing characters named Tammy's in the background. Two Tammys. Oh my gosh. Tammy's in the background. Two Tammys. Oh, my gosh. So, Bria, what's the short description of 12-Hour Shift?
Starting point is 00:06:01 It's about a couple of nurses who sell organs on the black market in the year of 1999, and things go wrong, and it turns into kind of a black comedy heists movie all over the course of one 12-hour shift i think i love it already and is one of the nurses named tammy by any chance it's not unfortunately and i just what a bummer we have a karen though who's who's really fun okay that's great timing that you managed to get a work at karen listen i've shot this movie a year and a half ago before there was we'd ever heard of a karen or a pandemic or applauded our our frontline workers so this is uh it's quite a time for this movie to come out yeah it really is uh fell in line quite nicely with uh with what's going on and i had one movie question for you because you you have played an uncredited role in a big movie um junkie girl
Starting point is 00:06:57 in max pain yeah uh i literally had no idea what you were about to say. I kind of forgot that existed. I forgot that movie existed, honestly. Yeah, I did play her. I was, I like, the opening of the movie, they reshot the opening of the movie and I was on, I think I was on Heroes at the time
Starting point is 00:07:22 and I knew the casting director or something and they called me in there like, will you play this role? And is the plot in Max Payne drug-related? Is there, like, a special drug in Max Payne? I can't remember. I think so. I think that's part of what they're, you know, after, whatever, the plot has something to do with some, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:40 fancy drug that does something weird. Yeah, and I think I'd do the drug at the beginning. That's all I got. That's all I remember. That's plenty. I, I just love that stuff. And that you, you know, weren't even sure what I was bringing, going to bring up. I got one of those for our next guest. Hey, Steve Byrne. Hello. How are you? I'm good. How are you doing? Good. I was, I just followed the other talent on the,
Starting point is 00:08:11 on the, on the game show today. So I'm excited to work with everybody today. Wow. On Instagram, you followed us? I followed you on Instagram and then Jessica, I followed on Twitter. Cause I don't think you're on Twitter, Bria, right? I left that trash fire. And I can't wait to let you guys know offline about my new podcast called Two Tammys.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So hopefully we can all go on again together, you know? Oh my gosh, God bless you. I'm a terrible Twitter follow, but I'll take it anyway. I have similarly, basically, that's just a husk of my former Twitter self. Sorry, this is Steve's moment, not my Twitter moment. No, we're all here together. It's fine. Yeah, we are.
Starting point is 00:08:55 We're all here together separately. And Steve is the writer-director of a new film that i believe uh people could start watching mid-october on the 16th called the opening act yes it's called the opening act uh all of that was correct i think all of that was correct it comes out the 16th of october yes douglas and it's you're a stand-up longtime stand-up and now a filmmaker. You made a documentary about the amazing Jonathan called Always Amazing. Yes. And now you went on to make a fiction movie about comedy, about standup comedy.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, semi-autobiographical about, you know, I think we all have that moment where you're, whatever you are, whether you're an actor or actress, musician, stand-up, you take the plunge, right? You have, I guess, the job that you're supposed to have, and then you can't stop thinking about whatever it is you want to be doing. And this whole film is about a kid that's in that situation and his very first time ever on the road. So the whole film takes place over four days. I was originally going to call it four, four, one hour shifts, but then I saw a 12 hour shift out there and I said, scrap it.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So it's the opening act and it's semi-autobiographical. All the things that happens to me over 23 years have been placed in this film. So it's fish out of water. You'll get to see what it's like to be on the road as a comic, what the light is, getting the intros right, the managers, nothing good happens after midnight when you party with the feature act and then warming up to the, you know, the kind of haggard veteran of the road. So it's all there and you get to see all three echelons, MC feature and headliner. And yeah, it was a lot of fun to get to do,
Starting point is 00:10:51 but I think as Bria can probably attest, it was the most all encompassing occupation I've ever had in my life. And I've never done a triathlon, but I would assume it might be something like that where it's just taking every fiber of your existence and trying to you know do the best job you can on a daily basis yeah you reached out to me during the filming correct um and i you know i'm sad that it didn't work out but i you know was it was very very nice of you to ask me to play a part in the film.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. That was the fun part of like, you know, cause every comic knows what happens over the course of the weekend. So it was when it came time to cast it, it was like, well, let me just pick up the phone and the casting director didn't really have to, I think she just got to check the fucking thing. Cause I cast the whole goddamn thing most of my myself so i was pretty happy with that but i i think it's i think it's definitely the best film about stand-up i'm not trying to just say that but wow and film about stand-up and i watched
Starting point is 00:11:58 them all even as i'm in the edit and i'm like i think we we got it right and the more i keep hearing stuff from comics that have seen it the the more I think we're on that path. So I don't mean to be Oasis or Noel Gallagher, but I do feel pretty confident in it. I would say my movie is the best movie about nurses selling organs on the blackboard. That's what I was going to say. I was going to jump in and say it's the best organ heist movie out there
Starting point is 00:12:23 ever made. The most accurate. Definitely. Well, that sounds terrific. And it's going to be, what are the formats people can see that on October 16th? Theaters, drive-ins, VOD, Apple, iTunes, Amazon, all that stuff. But I think before you do it, you got to see the 12 hour shift for sure. Right. Well, they've got, uh, everybody's got a week or so to do that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And, uh, and then see your movie. I, I demand the listeners of Douglas movies, you know, uh, listen to, or watch, you know, the work of all my guests. And, uh, so you got a lot, you got a lot of work to do. Now you got to go back and watch every episode of sullivan and sons you gotta watch all of dexter and all of heroes yeah please please you won't understand my art unless you do that and listen to every episode of off book podcast my it's the number one podcast i would listen to if i listen to podcasts oh thank you yes thank you please listen to um over a hundred made-up musicals where many involve
Starting point is 00:13:32 a bear i love i i you know i fell in love with the show when i saw it live and i really have you know listened to a few episodes and um it's so much fun and And I've also, you know, asked you to come on Douglas movies and improvise songs on there as well. And you're a good sport about that. But I'm, you know, in this new Zoom version, I feel really silly trying to get a musical number going. It's pretty daunting. Yeah, we've tried like, man,
Starting point is 00:14:04 five or seven different versions of online hosting to get it as close as we can, but it basically just does involve us singing still with latency, and it's really crazy, but thank you so much, Doug. That's so nice. Thank you all for being here. Let's play some games. all for being here. Let's play some games. This first game is a new one that I just came up with. It's called Title, Character, and the Something, Something, Something. And basically, it's a play on the fact that there's a lot of movies out there where the title is a character's name and then some more information. The best example of that would probably be Indiana Jones and several things that he got mixed up in.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So I'm going to say, I'm going to go to each of you one at a time. We'll play alphabetically. So I'm going to go to Steve first. I'm going to say a made-up title for a movie that follows that format. And based on the information in that title, you have to guess what movie I'm talking about. Got it. Okay. And if you miss,
Starting point is 00:15:15 then it moves on to Bria gets to go second. And then Jess, if she misses, you each get a shot at it. If the people before you miss. Cool. And we proceed like that with a bunch of them until we have a winner. Steve? Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:32 What movie could also be called Detective Loki and the Vigilante Dad? Oh, Thor Ragnarok? This is just Steve. What'd you say oh no no no uh thor in the dark world thor the dark world so in those movies loki is a detective oh fuck i feel like there's always a point where like uh Doug, I listen to your show and there's always a point where someone goes, I know about movies and I feel like this is my moment to say that. Part of the fun. The second game we're going to play today, you know, the less you know is almost the better. But in this particular one, this is, I think this is a tough one. Start off with a tough one. So you don't have a guess, Bria? I think this is a tough one Start off with a tough one
Starting point is 00:16:23 So you don't have a guess, Bria? Well, Loki is a detective Was he kind of a detective and like Oh shit, can I say it now? No Don't worry, Steve I had no freaking idea That's okay
Starting point is 00:16:44 What about you, Jess? Do you have an idea? Steve, it's going to come around the bend. I'm going to go with Ragnarok. Yep. I'm going to go with Ragnarok just as a shout out to Goldbloom's blue eyeliner.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I love that movie, but that's not the right answer. The whole Loki thing threw everybody off. Steve, it's not worth a point, but do you still want to guess? No, because I fucked up because I thought it was the snowman, that detective movie, but that's the guy from X-Men, not, I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Sorry. No, Detective Loki is a character played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and the vigilante dad is Hugh Jackman and the movie's called Prisoners damn it okay that's a that's a tough one out of the gate there should the next one should be easier this is the hardest game I've ever played that was insane this next one goes starts with Steve and uh maybe it ends with Steve. Okay. Sugar cane, Kowalczyk and the transvestite train.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Oh, Jesus Christ. It, it, it, it doesn't start any Murphy. Oh God. This is sugar cane. Kowalski you said uh kowalchik sugarcane kowalchik oh my god i'm gonna have to pass i apologize that's okay
Starting point is 00:18:15 i would i would love to see more of that on uh on tv game shows apologies to the host i just don't know it i apologize alex uh bria do you have an idea okay say it again sugar cane kowalczyk and the transvestite train i'm trying to be accurate with that I'm not trying to be insulting to anyone. Oh, oh. Is it like Silence of the Lambs or something? That one is pretty insulting to some people. I just went with what I might fear. I don't know. What is it?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Jess, do you have an idea? No, absolutely not. But just to Steve's polite pass, I'm just going to do the most basic thing I can and reference Great British Bake Off, where when a contestant was eliminated, the first thing they said was, thank you. And I feel like that really encapsulates my feeling of watching that show.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, no clue. Murder on the Orient Express? They're a terrific guess because that, of course, does have a train in it, and there are a lot of people in women's clothing. I don't know which ones are. I think they're all actually women, the ones in women's clothing in that movie but in a movie where two guys are trying to escape from gangsters
Starting point is 00:19:50 so they join an all-girl band and go on the road and train some like it hot oh man people don't remember that her name is Sugar Cane in that movie I didn't remember that at all.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Marilyn Monroe, I should say. All right. They are going to get easier, I swear. Okay. Steve, are you ready? I am ready. Another Steve. It's Steve Stifler and his dessert-dicking friend.
Starting point is 00:20:21 American Pie. That's correct. Oh, yeah. Good job. Why don't we start with that one uh you know I wanted to give everybody a chance to show off gotcha okay starting with a difficult one but now this means that Bria gets to go first in this next one and it goes like this you might be able to put this together even without recognizing the name it's flipper purify and the interracial
Starting point is 00:20:54 affair um the recreational affair the bodyguard great guess because that does happen in that film i feel like okay i can't guess again i was gonna keep going what do you get what's the first part again flipper purify purify i was surprised by that to be honest What's the first part again? Flipper Purify? Flipper Purify. I was surprised by that, to be honest. Man, all I can think of is a Brita. Boy. Boy. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Mm-hmm. Yeah. Nope. I got nothing. Brita filter and something that shouldn't be a big deal. That sounds like a good movie. Thank you so much. Steve Douglas, with a tsunami of respect, I apologize. I'm going to say I'm a goose egg here on this one. The interracial affair is even in the title, essentially. Jungle Fever?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Spike Lee's Jungle Fever. Damn it. Wow. Wow. I could see that that case i could see like the vhs case and it wasn't coming into my brain what the name of that was what is flipper purify i don't know what's going on there i mean just just his first name is flipper i mean i guess maybe it turns out to be a nickname or i hope i don't i don't know who would name their child at birth Flipper. That's Wesley Snipes' name in the movie. Uh-huh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Wow. Yeah, that surprised me. I feel like they don't say it out loud in the movie much. All right, this next one, this one's real wacky. We're back to Bria gets to go first. Okay, I'm ready. Santanico Pandemonium and the Striptease of Death. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Okay. Well, it's probably not Striptease because you wouldn't have put that in the title. So what is the Gina Gershon movie with the dancers from the... Oh my God, I'm going to... Oh, Showgirls? Yeah, is it Showgirls? Is it Showgirls? No, I don't think Nomi Malone's name was Santanico Panda Movie.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Oh yeah, you're right. Nomi Malone. I should have remembered that. All right. Okay. Okay. Santan. Okay. Um, um, oh boy. Uh, Santanico one more time. Santanico pandemonium. I think anybody should get points for spelling Santonica.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I can't even say it like the spelling bee. This is crazy. Uh, I'm just going to striptease of death i'm just gonna shout out um the a movie i've recently re-watched the trailer of and was really shocked by uh bedazzled just gonna get throw some throw some attention towards brendan frazier yeah and elizabeth hurley yeah Hurl some attention. Hurl. That's incorrect. Yeah, definitely. I know this is going to be wrong, but true lies. Oh, because Jamie Lee Curtis
Starting point is 00:24:35 does the dance? I don't think anybody dies when she does her striptease, though. Yeah, that has been burned into the hard drive since eighth grade, so. Santanico Pandemonium is Selma Hyatt in her first film role in From Dusk Till Dawn. Oh, nuts.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Cool. See, when I was coming up with these, I was like, when I was coming up with these, I was like, well, how many movies, you know, could these be mistaken for? Yeah. And that's the trouble with with these, I was like, well, how many movies, you know, could these be mistaken for? Yeah. And that's the trouble with this game, I think. It's not like you come up with other answers.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You just really have to think of the thing. But this next one, I think somebody's going to get it. We'll start with Bria again. Okay. Egon Spengler and the Bad Business Plan. Oh, Ghostbusters. That is correct. Okay, thanks.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Back in business, baby. All right, wow, wow. Wow, that was great. Yeah. So now I know what to do, I think, for this game in the future. But for now, we've got to do one quick tiebreaker. Sorry, Jessica. It's between Bria and Steve. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Don't leave, though. Don't leave after you say thank you. No, that's okay. Thank you. All right. So between Bria and Steve, first one to tell me the correct answer, because one or both of you should know this just based on my fake title.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Ready? Okay. Wayne Zielinski and the Bug-Sized Babies. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids? That is correct. Yeah. I've been thinking a lot about old Rick Moranis lately. Yeah. I've been thinking a lot about old Rick Moranis lately.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I think that's why I remember, you know, I just, his name just popped into my head. The name of his character, Wayne Zielinski. Cause I couldn't tell you much else about a honey. I shrunk the kids other than his name and that a bunch of kids get shrunk. There's ants. Are there ants in there? They have to fight or something. Yeah. There's a bunch of different big bugs. You know, the grass is real big, of course.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Like the lawnmower is an issue. So is the dog and a cat probably. Yeah. Your general like shrinking issues. They go through the spectrum. But my favorite in the series is Honey, I Blew Up the Baby. Because first of all, it doesn't sound like you made the baby large. It makes it sound like you really just exploded the baby.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But then also just a giant baby running around. I can watch that all day. But congratulations to Bria for winning that game. Wow. And that means you get to go first in our second and final game of the day, which we will play right after this quick break. We're back and we are ready to play this game. People love it. I don't, Bria says that you mentioned that you have listened to
Starting point is 00:27:41 the show. Are you familiar with the game weird algorithm? I am. And I think it is really spectacular. It's so messed up. I'll explain to Steve and Jessica. Basically, on the IMDB website, the Internet Movie Database, database if you are a star trek fan and um they list the cast of every project in billing order but you can click on a thing now this to refine the list and change it to imdb's
Starting point is 00:28:19 uh basically their decision of what order that cash should be placed in based on popularity. Oh, wow. Yeah. And it's very strange. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if, you know, if you looked up Max Payne, I bet you, Bria, I bet you you're pretty high up there on the list. Oh, yeah. Even though you're an uncredited junkie. I mean, yeah, no Mark Wahlberg, but I feel like I'd be up there on the list. Oh, yeah. Even though you're an uncredited junkie.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I mean, yeah, no Mark Wahlberg, but I feel like I'd be up there somewhere. Yeah, but that's the thing is like you, you probably have some, you know, some real good juice going right now from, you know, doing press for your movie and stuff. Right. So the idea is it's a fairly unpredictable algorithm.
Starting point is 00:29:04 The only thing I can say to focus on is if somebody's like been in the news that's from a particular movie. So it could be somebody with a really small part could be towards the top of the list just because they're in the news. So I'll name a movie and then each one of you gets a chance to guess the name of one person from that movie you think would be the top billed person. If you're right, you get three points. If you get the second billed person, it's two and third billed is one point. No points for anything after that.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And yeah, and we'll switch the order around so everybody gets a chance to go first. Great. Any questions? Ready to rock. That's not a question, Steve. He meant thank you. He meant thank you. Yeah. That's right. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions? Thank you. Thank you. That's a question. Yeah, that was my question. Do you have a question am i ready to rock all right um so like i said bria gets to go first this time oh cool um wait me or i get to go first okay bria does you get to discuss your answers
Starting point is 00:30:20 too because you can share answers that's that's a key thing is you can you can glom onto somebody else's answer if you think it's the right one uh the film is casper the it's just the one word but he's often referred to as the friendly ghost this would be the 1990s era or 80s or something casper i think yeah i i should have wrote down a year but they haven't they haven't uh rebooted it since um this is the one where casper uh appears before a girl played by uh christina ricci yeah which. I feel like Christina Ricci is going to be my person, but I can't remember who plays the parents in that.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Do y'all remember? Yeah. We can discuss right now. Bill Pullman is the dad. Oh, shit. She doesn't have... There's no mom in it, a classic princess move.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And Casper is, I think, maybe not voiced by, but when he becomes a real boy for a moment at the end is Devin Sawa. And the tricky part is there are three boisterous uncles and I'm not sure who they're voiced by, but they could be voiced by someone who's currently significant. Wait, you don't know the voice of Fatso? Why'd you even get out of bed this morning? I know.
Starting point is 00:32:00 The fact that she remembered Devon Sawa is in it. I'm impressed. I'm impressed by this rundown in general. Thank you. This was a big moment for me. I remember seeing this movie with my friend Amanda and her mom, and we were like, oh, my gosh, Devon Sawa is so cute. I felt the same, but I'd forgotten that it was him for a moment.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I blocked that out. But I also thought he was really cute, and I may or may not have tried to write him a fan letter after this movie, if I'm remembering correctly. That's amazing. So my only guess, like, well... Do you think your fan letter got to its final destination? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Thank you. Well, that would be my pitch for why maybe Sawa could be in the top is like, I feel like Tiz final destination season. And I also think he has a slight bit of a social media activity. But yeah, I mean, Christina Ricci is also, I think a good guess. It's also her season too. Yeah. And plus Wednesday. Yeah. It's also her season, too. It is. Yeah. And plus Wednesday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It is also her season. And here's the thing. Always Bill Pullman season. Well, do you watch The Sinner? No. Is that a TV show? Yeah. That's the first season was Jessica Beal, and the second season's somebody else, but Bill Pullman's character is in both seasons
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh no And Bill Pullman plays He's like a detective but he likes Having his I think he likes Having his feet crushed fetish Crushed wow Something with having
Starting point is 00:33:42 Terrible stuff done to his feet That was a hard show for me I didn't get through the first season Not that I'm extra sensitive in the feet area I just don't think that feet need to be messed with At all They don't require crushing I don't need sexy feet, I don't need squashed feet
Starting point is 00:34:03 Where do you stand on sandals? How do you feel about open-toed sandals? Oh, the worst. Wow. Okay. It doesn't bother me that much. But I don't like wearing sandals. I don't like that it has to be that one big thing between your big toe and the next one.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. I don't like that feeling. I don your big toe and the next one. Yeah. I don't like that feeling. I don't like feeling that all day long. Yeah. Great story. Steve? I've never seen Casper. Well, he's a ghost.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Do you think we've all seen him? I met the movie Doug. And I just don't know who Devin Sala is, but I'm sure he's very talented. I wish I could help out more here. I apologize. Well, it's not a matter of helping out. You just have to pick somebody.
Starting point is 00:34:53 You can choose from all the people that have been mentioned so far since you can't think of anybody else. Christina Ricci's the girl. Devin Sala was eventually Casper. Bill Pullman's her dad. Do any of those seem like they would be number one to you? I would piggyback off what Jessica said and think maybe Devin Sawa's number one.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Okay, so you're locking into Devin Sawa. Bria, who do you want to lock in on? I'm going to lock in on Christina Ricci. I feel like her longevity has really solidified her as a pop culture icon. And Jessica? Yeah, I think I'm going to go with Sawa for the upset. All right. So we got two Sawas and a Ricci.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Sounds delicious. Yeah. sounds delicious yeah and it's i i couldn't have picked a better first example for people haven't played this game before because it just is weird how it shakes out uh i listed all the way to number eight because those were all names i recognized uh the voice of fatso is Brad Garrett. So he got number eight. But none of the other voices of ghosts made it, the uncles. So I don't even remember who they were. But in number seven, in a Ghostbusters-themed cameo, is Dan Aykroyd. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Six is Amy Brenneman. Is she the wife to this does uh christina ricci have a dead mother is that what happens yes yes yes that's ringing the bells sorry bad news for two of you uh devon saw what came in at fifth dang sorry yeah number four bill pullman number four bill pullman wow only number four yeah because the number three is what we call a regrettable cameo because it is mr mel gibson wow wow i do not remember that wow yeah and then uh coming in at number two, Christina Ricci. So that's two points. Oh, wow. For Bria.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And number one, again, probably a cameo that the filmmakers might be like, well, that's not really standing the test of time. Clint Eastwood. No way. Yeah, there's like, I remember it. There's some weird fantasy she's having Like Casper's Turning into different celebrities for a couple
Starting point is 00:37:29 Seconds each Yes yes And they got some actual actors to do that Yeah I mean it's all people that were probably Making some other movie for Warner Brothers At the time I know Clint Eastwood's been That's been his studio for most of his career So they probably just you know
Starting point is 00:37:45 uh called in a favor yes I think it was like a true ripoff of the genie moment where where Casper acts a lot like the genie uh and morphs into different celebrities wow I'll tell you um when Robbie Dangerfield I think is another yes I remember that now that you're putting it back in my brain when we were filming Sullivan and Son we were on the Warner's lot and you know it was Roy Wood Jr. and Ahmed and Owen Benjamin
Starting point is 00:38:15 and myself and we would go out outside of the sound stage and we would throw a football to each other to just break up the day and get some sunshine and Owen Benjamin could launch a football to each other to just break up the day and get some sunshine. And Owen Benjamin could launch a football, no joke, 80 yards. And there was one day he threw this football. It was a total bomb. And coming around the corner was Clint Eastwood.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And Owen missed Clint Eastwood, I am not joking, by six inches with this bomb of a football. And he literally almost killed Clint Eastwood, which would have been the second worst thing Owen's done since he's gone crazy. I thought you were going to say that he caught the football. I personally was angling for a Jan Brady moment. Where, you know, Jan Brady is the one who ate. No, wait, Marshacia marcia gets her nose broken
Starting point is 00:39:06 right that's right yeah marcia gets it marcia marcia marcia that'd be so funny clint eastwood oh my nose yeah my nose my nose okay bria has two points we got through the Casper round. Now Jess gets to go first in this next one. And sticking with a theme, the motion picture called Ghost. Great. Okay. I am ashamed to admit that I've never seen Ghost. It happens. Some people don't get around to it. Yeah. You know, it just sort of slipped on through.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Okay. So we got Demi Moore. We got Whoopi Goldberg. And we got Patrick Swayze. And that's, I think, as far as I know. Yeah. That's pretty good. As far as I know. Yeah. That's pretty good. As far as I know.
Starting point is 00:40:07 So I'll probably play it safe after learning from last round and probably go with either Whoopi or Demi and learn from the Christina Ricci role that they'll probably still be up in the tops. Maybe probably not the top spot, but that way I can get on the board. So I'll probably just try to get strategic here. I love it. I'm going to let discussion keep going for now. This is good logic.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Steve, what do you think? Yeah, I saw it once when I was a kid. I cried. I never went back to it because the emotional toll was too heavy. Much like Joker, it's a film I'll only see once.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I'll go Whoopi one, Demi Moore two, Swayze three. You're like, you're slotting them in. That's what you're guessing. You're like betting on racehorses or something. You're at win, place, and show. Well, the Korean side of me took over and just wanted to throw money down on all of them so i know that there's a cameo in there or somebody in there that's higher up i just wish i
Starting point is 00:41:10 remembered it is a it's not a even though it's got some comedic stuff in there because of whoopee it's a it's an emotional uh experience and then you you know, Patrick Swayze passing, you know, earlier than anyone would want makes it even, you know, a more unusual experience. Yeah. I think of that movie every time I see a penny going up a wall and what I should be thinking is, Oh my God, there's a ghost in here. What do you think, Bria?
Starting point is 00:41:50 My initial inclination was Whoopi, and I think I'll probably stick with that because she's on TV. Is she still on TV every day? Oh, yeah. Yeah, so that seems like we'll be keeping her up there.
Starting point is 00:42:09 She's still on The View. She's on The View. Yeah, that's what I meant. She's on The View. Yeah, I think so. Yes. Yes, she is. Okay. She's there to be the opposite of Meghan McCain in every way imaginable. Right, right. Short of just being, you know know i guess a man would be more opposite but yeah um i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna say whoopi because i also don't remember
Starting point is 00:42:32 this movie well enough to name anybody else except those people i'm sure there's somebody else famous she won the oscar for best supporting actress for it yeah that's true and again the test of time i feel like although you know i've been watching um brave new world have you watched brave new world on peacock no no well demi is in it and she's great she's it's a bunch of british people and demi more and she's amazing i mean they're also good but she's she's the only like america on it anyway um based on the book it's based on the book but like set in the current it's set like in the future from now if that makes sense i think it does because the book is old so the future in the book was probably like you know like 50 years ago 10 years 20 years ago yeah yeah so it's like settlement future um where you have like no privacy and no
Starting point is 00:43:27 monogamy and um but then there's like the outlaws that still do that kind of stuff and still believe in privacy and she's one of them anyway i'm still gonna go with whoopi in spite of all that okay all right so brie is locked in for whoopi uhopi. Jess, are you locked in for anybody? I think I'm going to lock in for Whoopi. I just feel confident she'll be up there. Steve, what do you think? Yeah, I'm going to go the same thing. Whoopi, and I would say Demi Moore, number two.
Starting point is 00:43:59 But you're going Whoopi Goldberg, number one? Yeah. Okay. Wow. Coming in at number seven, I assume because he appears on a television, probably in Whoopi's home, Arsenio Hall. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah. Number six, sorry to say this makes all of you wrong, is Whoopi Goldberg. Wow. Wow. Wow. Number six. Yeah. Number five is a mani Goldberg. Wow. Wow. Number six. Yeah, number five is a man who I think is a terrific actor. He plays Milton in Office Space,
Starting point is 00:44:36 but I don't recall what he does in Ghost. The very good Stephen Root. Ooh. Yeah. Wow. He's a... Yeah, and then four is uh tony goldwyn ah who plays like he's the he's the bad guy essentially of this of the story yeah um he went on to be i guess he's on he was on scandal yeah he's really good in scandal yeah uh number
Starting point is 00:45:01 three the late great Patrick Swayze. Number two, this one, I cannot figure out why this would happen. Number two is, does anyone know who Vincent Schiavelli is? No. He's that really tall guy with the like, you know, kind of sunken face. They always, he always plays, you know, weird characters and he passed away, but he, he is best known maybe as the the teacher that takes all the kids in fast times to go see an autopsy. Oh yeah, that guy.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. And he says, you know, Hey B go easy on me today. I switched to Sanka. Did he pass away recently? Yeah, not too long ago, but not recently enough to make him number two on this list. I don't know what, he plays a scary subway ghost in the movie. One of the reasons that Steve Byrne won't see it again. But yeah, coming in at number one, and probably because of the Brave New World thing is Demi Moore.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Oh, way to go, Demi. I should have gone with what I knew there. Yeah, there's some real tough twists and turns in this game. Also, she is like, you know, we've already talked about one of her other movies since we started this show less than one hour ago. So it really, she's a star she really is yeah i mean that show sounds i think it sounds great but i'm also like how many how many shows can i watch concurrently where it's just bleak and horrible
Starting point is 00:46:40 and yeah and the current or near future you know yeah yeah it's tough it's tough it's tough but i do yeah this is a little less bleak weirdly than like it's not a handmaid's tale situation you're not like walking into like you know i don't need anything that's as rough as handmaid's tale i it's just like it stops being entertainment for me when with that much, you know, villainy and oppression. Yeah, it's rough. It's a rough show to watch. Well, Doug, don't watch the news. Yeah, exactly. I mean, there's so every every night I watch the news, they have cliffhangers. You got to tune in again the next night.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Right. Yeah, it's real. It's all so scary. But speaking of scary, the third title and the final title in this game, which means Steve gets to go first this time, is the original Scream. Oh, wow. Okay. Scream 1. They just announced they're going to go all the way to scream five okay i'm gonna go drew barrymore then with my number one oh drew barrymore who passes away before the opening
Starting point is 00:47:54 title sequence yes because she just had a show come out i think a talk show uh oh you're saying her daytime talk show would make her popular right now. Yes. Yes. I would say her number one. And, um, I would say Courtney Cox, my number two, Her scene and that and scream is, is, you know, one of the better horror movie scenes ever. Yeah. Like the rest of that movie kind of pales in comparison to it. It's like really the best part. Yeah. And also they like, didn't they in the marketing,
Starting point is 00:48:26 I mean, she was on like posters. Oh, yeah. No, they did a real So smart. They did a real Janet Leigh with her where they like didn't let it out that she was going to die right away. Yeah, it was good. I'm sorry to anybody who we're spoiling this for.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Who hasn't got around to watching a scream movie. What do you think? Who's up next? Well, so David Arquette is in my movie in 12 hour shift to plug 12 hour shift again. So you're saying you gotta be a team player and go, go David. I think I have to, I think I have to, you know, he's a team player for me. He produced and acted in my movie. I feel like I got to go David Alquette. Do you use him as somewhat a comic relief or is he more,
Starting point is 00:49:21 is his character straighter in this one? He's like, he's only in the movie for a little bit. He is, he's kind of, or is his character straighter in this one? He's only in the movie for a little bit. He's a tough guy. He's a prisoner who tries to commit suicide and ends up in the hospital. And then he keeps trying to escape and it throws the heist off. And so he's kind of like this monkey wrench in their, uh, like a monkey wrench in their plan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:45 He's kind of a tough guy, but he says some funny stuff because he improvised and said some funny stuff. And it was real good. Yeah. It's hard for him not to be funny. He's, he's a very amusing guy. Yeah. Try to get him on this show. So if you can tell him, I'd appreciate it. I'll let him know. I'll let him know. Um, I'm going to go with, I'll go with David Arquette. I'm team David. I'm let him know. I'll let him know. I'm going to go with David Arquette.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I'm team David. I'm team Arquette all the way. Okay. I like that. I appreciate that. What do you think, Jess? Okay. So we got Jamie Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:50:16 We got Matthew Lillard. We got Nev Campbell. Matthew Lillard? Is that his last name? Yeah, Matthew Lillardthew lillard is that his last name yeah matthew yeah shaggy from scooby-doo right oh and don't forget about rose mcgallan oh that's right yeah isn't she yeah that's a really she's in the news a lot you know whoa yeah and she gets murdered really Really brutally in that movie Yeah with the garage door situation Oh yeah Wow
Starting point is 00:50:51 Oh gosh tough Yeah wow maybe I'm gonna go Rose McGowan Okay I like the Drew Barrymore thought and she was also Lampooned On SNL last night. I don't know how recently. That Chloe Fineman nailed the Drew Barrymore impression.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah, she did. That was so good. So good. I also love that they just gave her a one-person sketch, because she did all of the other impressions as well. Yeah. It was like her with herself. Yeah, I'm going to go with rose mcgowan um that seems i gotta swing for it steve yeah i'm gonna stay with drew barrymore
Starting point is 00:51:35 i think that's my number one oh yeah okay so we got drew barrymore david arquette and more david arquette and rose mcgowan right yep all right correct i'm sorry to say this and please tell him to not listen to this episode i i i was shocked by this coming coming in at number nine in that cast, and he's above a lot of other pretty well-known people, too, is David Arquette. That new cast. I mean, what can you say? Like, he's like Jamie Kennedy. He's like a few notches behind him. Number eight, Skeet Ulrich.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Oh, my God. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. The Skeeter. Oh my God. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. The Skeeter. And then number seven is Liev Shriver's in the first screen, I guess. Right. I forgot about that. Yeah. He plays like, isn't he? He's got like,
Starting point is 00:52:35 his name's like Cotton or something. Yeah. Cotton. Yeah. What a cast already. And then the cast is amazing. So it's not, it's no insult to not be in the top two or three, but it's, it's still pretty crazy. How number six is Matthew Lillard. And then, uh, I don't know why I didn't, I didn't write down number five for some reason, but no, Rose McGowan comes in at four, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Sorry, I led you astray. No, no, I, you know what? I just, I had to make, we had to make a bigger choice, you know? Yeah. It's quite all right. Yeah. Go big or stay home, as we say when we're doing Zoom shows. Go big and stay home.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Number two is Courtney Cox. And number one for the motion picture screen is drew barrymore oh yes nice job yeah that three points makes steve our winner today what thank you yeah i think we're all winners we made new friends and and i'm very excited to have met you all and i think that makes us all winners. Yeah. People, the listeners are winners too, because they have a new podcast to listen to called Off Book. If they're not already listening, a lot of them are probably already listening.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And then 12 Hours Shift, the writing, directing of Bria Grant. And in a couple of weeks, October 16th um what's his name what's it called again the opening act the opening opening act yes yeah opening act and um thank you all so much for being here thank you again thank you for having us yeah that was super fun and uh you know if you go on any other movie trivia shows don't sell yourself short you all knew something wow right even though i lost i have a newfound sense of confidence right now so i'm feeling good yeah same and also i'm like right it's time to watch scary movies yeah that's what i also decided to do with that game is just sort of kick off hey it's october
Starting point is 00:54:43 let's start watching and talking about scary movies like we haven't already been doing that for like the last five or six months i haven't fallen into that yet i haven't watched any like contagion type movies on purpose i tend to go the other way but you still find parallels with every you know with what's going on in so many movies. Do each of you, could you quickly tell me a recommendation of a movie for people to watch that they could just access via streaming or something? I would suggest 12-hour shift. I like where this is going.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I like this. As soon as I get off here, I'm going to go to iTunes and rent it and I'll watch it tonight. So I'm pretty excited because I have the night free. And after hearing the ringing endorsement, I think that's how I'm going to spend my evening and a good way to kick off October. I'd like to do a follow-up interview with you about this.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah. You know, usually the guests, the guests usually don't pledge to immediately go see one of the other guests' movies. And I really appreciate that. I will do it. I'm going to make sure you do it. You know, if I go on a whole bunch of podcasts,
Starting point is 00:55:57 then eventually a lot of people will see my movie. If we can always get the guests to pledge to watch the movie afterwards. That's a great way to build up the box office i literally just rented everybody has a podcast now well thank you so much we're out of time worked out it came to down to the wire perfectly oh i should plug that you can find me on cameo and patreon and wherever doug's are sold i end every episode with a um the last line from a motion picture you don't have to guess anymore the guessing is over as always except maybe i wouldn't name our son Elvis. True. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky.
Starting point is 00:56:51 There's no room in his heart for you. Cause Doug loves movies.

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