Doug Loves Movies - Trey Galyon, Martha Kelly and Chris Tellez guest

Episode Date: December 31, 2020

Doug welcomes Trey Galyon, Martha Kelly and Chris Tellez to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to&nbsp...; and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, green and flaky skitties, seats with 50 ads and popcorn kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, everybody. My name is Doug. Oh, what's happening? My name is Doug and I love Martha Kelly. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you from the end of a terrible, horrible, not good, very bad year for another Homes Alone edition.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's Wednesday, December 30th, 2020, and my guests today are returning champion, plus two more friends from the Austin, Texas comedy scene. We've got Trey Gallion, Martha Kelly, and Chris Tellez. Hello. Dang. What up? How's everybody doing? Hey. How's everybody doing? Hey. Like the three of you are like real friends,
Starting point is 00:01:10 like that, you know, stay in touch and whatnot, yes? I mean, a fair amount, you know. I text them a lot, but we get responses. But yeah, I think we're homies. That's what I meant to say, is two of you hear a bit too much from one of the other ones. Yeah, I have a lot of time. I mean, you're one of the people, I have a few of them, Trey, that will send me some things that do stump me.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Like, why did he send that to me? Yeah. Well, I like to do that with my friends, for sure. Like, Martha, I'll just send her random sketches that I do. Nothing in particular, you know. Yeah, right. right i just be texting like hey happy new year yo or hey happy birthday and you know they just don't respond but i definitely am one of those people well chris is still we're still putting him through that
Starting point is 00:01:58 hazing phase or whatever yeah it's been 10 years but yeah are you talking what did you hear something i didn't hear anything no i never hear anything what i don't who's talking right now stop oh guys let me introduce the three of you let me introduce you i'll introduce you individually uh starting with uh second or third time on the show i think and was guests last year around this very day uh at the cap city comedy club rip yeah it's chris tell us hey chris hey man thanks for uh having me back on this I think is the third time but yeah I was just thinking that it's crazy that that was just last year it just hit me today I was like damn it went by quick we were just we were hanging out without a care in the world everything was so fun yeah
Starting point is 00:03:00 it was really a great a great time. Yeah. It was not that long ago. So what's going on? You just, you know, hanging out there in Austin? Yeah, I'm just here pretty much streaming constantly or playing video games and hanging out with my dog. And every now and then I do a show, you know, there's the social distance shows, you know, so I'm like alone out here. So it's, I go a little mad. So yeah, sometimes I, I cave in and I do some shows. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Do you do that thing where people can watch you play video games? Oh man, I've, I've thought about doing that i think it's a twitch but man i am i'm just not technology savvy at all so i don't even want to start to begin to think of the process of getting that started well i'm glad you figured out how to be in a zoom meeting so you could be with us today i got help and uh and also joining us is returning champion. She kicked everybody's asses last week, a few days ago, whenever it was. Hi, Martha Kelly. Hi.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Hi. Great to return as the world champ. You are the current world champ of of Douglas movies and uh you know I think it's you you didn't just you didn't just win like people tend to win on this show you obliterated the competition in two different games um uh well since i've always done so terribly every other time i'm excited to have absolutely crushed the one time yeah i was gonna ask did you put her up a bunch of cream puffs how dare i don't even know what that means you mean like easy questions no no like put her against people that weren't very good also.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Oh, the other people were cream puffs? Yeah. You think that still applies? And like, is that a thing people say anymore? Well, I mean, I just said it. I know, but you know what I mean? It just like smacks of, snowflake-ism. Like, why take something that's awesome
Starting point is 00:05:29 and then assign it to meaning less than in some way? Oh, I see what you're saying. Well, I mean, I'm not a really big fan of cream puffs. I prefer mortadella. Yeah, I don't really care one way or another about cream puffs, but it's still just a funny old-school thing to say to somebody. I wish I'd remember it the next time I get in an altercation with a man, because if you call another man a cream puff, he's going to lose his mind.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh, yeah, that's true. You know, in the heat of an argument, that's a good one. Anyway. Doug, do you want to hear about the movie I watched specifically for today? I would like to, but did we introduce Trey Galeone yet? Oh, no. Yeah. We haven't officially introduced Trey.
Starting point is 00:06:18 How's it going, Trey? It's going pretty all right. Yeah? Yeah. Figured everything out over here. We first met, you and I you're in brooklyn now we you and i first met in austin texas yeah we sure did yeah we used to hang out a lot i remember going to the premiere the south by southwest premiere of uh getting our um super of getting super high me. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You were at that? Yeah, yeah. Exactly. We hung out all night. We had to sit in the aisle because there weren't any actual seats. Was this at the Paramount?
Starting point is 00:07:04 No. I remember it being at the convention center yeah yeah that the friday night was the premiere at the paramount and then sunday afternoon they played it again over in the convention center and they did overbook it and people were sitting yeah in the aisles yeah yeah didn't make it any less good it was still oh yeah no i know i just uh you know just got i got a little confused because i didn't think you were at the premiere and no i guess not the proper one now yeah i was so silly like that year i was like so excited about being in austin and doing shows at cap city that i left my own premiere to go headline cap city that same night dude i mean and i should have just stayed at the premiere i should have just chilled out but
Starting point is 00:07:51 i was i was excited to go you know do a show for people in austin that don't have fancy south by southwest badges that was a very kind thing to do yeah well badges that was a very kind thing to do yeah well i went to south by this year i went anyway just like well i'll probably do a show at cap city or something nope you got stuck there for well i mean yeah i always correct everybody that i wasn't stuck there it was it was delightful way to start out of a pandemic yeah worst places like in an abandoned hotel in downtown austin i mean it was pretty it was pretty sweet uh but you know i can only sustain that for so long plus we strangely must have been between waves or something because we thought it was going to be okay to fly home i mean we sat far apart from other people and and wore masks but i don't even yeah i think we wore masks the whole flight i don't even remember because it was it was really at a point where everyone was very concerned about like
Starting point is 00:08:59 some things just sort of went on as usual well Well, I mean, was it a full flight, that first flight out or whatever, or the flight you took out? No, I mean, you know, I intentionally booked a flight that didn't have very many people on it. Oh, okay. And also, but that was the first thing airlines did is they really promised that there wouldn't be a lot of people on the flights, and they were partly right because just so much tourism just vanished and so much business travel just
Starting point is 00:09:29 vanished so they you know well because people were freaking out those first two months like i didn't want to go anywhere near an airplane those first two months you know yeah i mean i still don't maybe ever you know because this whole oh now there's another strain that spreads even faster, you know, out of the UK or whatever. I'm not pointing fingers of blame or anything, but I'm just thinking that, like, it's just going to be an ongoing thing that we're going to have to deal with somehow. And the way that it seems to work is masks and distancing the insisting those things don't work don't seem to be changing anything yeah it's like crazy like uh 6th street out here has been apparently packing up all the bars are just going buck wild so oh my god that's so terrible. I would, I mean, I really miss going to a bar on six street, but I like going on like a weeknight when the whole street was lit up and lots
Starting point is 00:10:31 of loud music, but you know, not very many people there. And bars here are, you know, bars in Brooklyn are closing, you know, especially since they reclosed restaurants, you know, a lot of bars are like, well, people really aren't going out now. And so they're shuttering for the winter if they can make it through the winter well i apologize for making this about about that this is supposed to be a safe haven from that conversation it kind of snapped me back into that world and others so i'll start with you martha because you said you watched something
Starting point is 00:11:06 specifically for today to talk about because uh i do want to know everybody's favorite movie of the year but i don't know if this qualifies um hmm it might uh you know what was it? I may have built it up too much. I watched the first Paddington movie. I had seen the second one, but I watched the first one, and what a delight. People love the Paddington movies. People love the Paddington movies. Children and adults alike seem to really get into it. I saw both of them, and I think I see what people are seeing.
Starting point is 00:11:56 But it doesn't hit me the same way it hits others. But people do really, really love it. So I recommend it to people because, you know, it does seem like, I just don't get it. Like he's like kind of gets in trouble, but it all kind of works out pretty. Is it like because it's so pleasant? Is that what's appealing about it? I love cute animal stuff and honestly i would rather there was less
Starting point is 00:12:29 of him being in danger and just an hour and a half of a cute talking bear would be what i would love, but there's a little darkness. The first one, there's a death, and then danger from Nicole Kidman, who plays a terrible person. Even though I'd already seen Paddington 2, so I know Paddington does not get killed in the first one, I still was stressed out about it. How do these compare to the Alvin and the chipmunks movies? The Alvin and the chipmunk movies are cuter.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Cause there's three cute animals instead of just the one, but. Now they get into shenanigans too martha you know some tense situations i don't like that either my my least favorite thing is seeing cgi animals get their feelings hurt i really don't like it okay so that's across the board it's not even acceptable in the alvin and the Chipmunk movies? No. All right, fair. So that's probably my favorite movie of the year, Doug. I feel like I maybe built it up too much by trying to talk about it before it was time.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I don't think so. I don't think you can overhype Paddington. I think anybody can watch it for a little while and they'll know that they agree with you or they agree with me. Right. And then they can see it accordingly. it's really well done. I mean, it's really like, you know, but again, it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:27 so show-offs over in England, the acting is just superb for a movie that, you know, is just a silly, silly, you know, bear movie. Yeah, it is. The humans in it are really great. I'm probably going to check out both of them today after this podcast. Let me ask you
Starting point is 00:14:49 this, Martha. Martha, have you seen Sonic the Hedgehog movie? I have not. Would you recommend it? I haven't seen it either, but it feels right for you.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, I would recommend it. It's not too stressful. I don't think it'd be too stressful for you, Martha. I mean, that little guy, he's so fast that he can get out of any predicament. Well, yeah. I mean, unless they tie him down, then I'd be worried. Are there any sad CGI faces on this? Oh, no, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I don't think he super gets his feelings hurt enough to where Martha would have a problem with it. Like, I think it would be a fun romp for you, Martha. All right, I'll check it out, guys. I appreciate it. I think that, like,im carrey is the bad guy he's like comical enough that sonic himself doesn't take him seriously so you know sonic sort of treats him the way bugs treated elmer you know hey i think crying i think that's the
Starting point is 00:16:01 dynamic but i haven't i haven't seen the film. Well, in Paddington 1, Nicole Kidman straight up tries to murder Paddington. So it's pretty grave. Yeah, that is pretty intense, man. Yeah. I think maybe Sonic will be more must-be. I'll let you know in 2001 or two maybe now how do you feel about ted i've not seen it all right all right trey enough with the hard-hitting questions
Starting point is 00:16:36 you and your gotcha journalism. All right. Chris, do you have a favorite movie of the year? Preferably this year, but it could be any year. Man, this year's been so wild. I can't remember what movies even came out this year. I saw a lot, but I guess I was thinking the Borat movie was probably the most recent one that I thought was awesome. So I'm going to go with the Borat.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Borat 2 for short. Yeah. That title is a tough one to remember. Subsequent. Movie film. Yeah. Either that or I was going to say Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, but I don't know if that came out in 2020 or 2019. But that movie I watched.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I think that one was technically the year before, even though I believe it was one of those Christmas movies. Oh, okay. Well, I watched that one a lot this year. you know, I don't really have anything specifically bad to say about it other than it just doesn't it just doesn't excite me the way it does everybody I speak to about it. Yeah, I think like the first two times it excited me
Starting point is 00:17:54 a lot more. The other times I mean, I just dug it. It's just a weird movie, man. Yeah, it's definitely a weird movie. That's what I guess that's what happens is you get comfortable with how weird it is and you enjoy the weirdness or you go why the fuck is this happening it's like a cool way to just kill off three hours if you have them because i don't even
Starting point is 00:18:16 feel those three hours go by i'm like damn i just don't know how you how it's a tribute to the movies in hollywood to have a hollywood actress act like you should put your feet up and take your shoes off in a movie theater yeah yeah i have no idea what's going on with these people in the movie but like um like leonardo di caprio is just very captivating and i'm like god damn he's great the acting's amazing and they got those like long ass takes where like you know the one where he keeps screwing up his lines really for forever and he's great the acting's amazing and they got those like long ass takes where like you know the one where he keeps screwing up his lines really for forever and he's so good yes yes yes my favorite scene was when he had to freak out in the trailer when he's just yelling at himself and
Starting point is 00:18:56 just going fucking berserk it was just awesome um that little girl though is impossibly precocious. Yeah, impossibly precocious. I guess that actress really is pretty much acts that way. So I guess so it's real. Yeah. Trey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 We've got a lot of time to think this over. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't remember i re-watched the lobster does that i'm kidding um arabellum come out this year was that this year um antebellum i mean came out this year but the best movie i saw this year was atomic blonde i saw that for the first time this year does that count i guess so uh i like that movie yeah that's a good one yeah what was did charlize do another movie since then that's kind of like that? Or did somebody else do one?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Seth Rogen but that was not action at all. No, I just saw something recently where I was like that's so much like Atomic Blonde but without what made Atomic Blonde so great. Those fight scenes are just unreal. The dialogue scenes are whatever
Starting point is 00:20:28 but the fight scenes are so good and also just the choice of music they use throughout it's really good yeah the whole 80s soundtrack is awesome yeah like no shit like uh when i went to go see atomic blonde at alamo draft house i don't know what the hell happened, but they played like the first like 25 minutes with no audio. Everybody was watching it. It became like, we were all angry. Then everybody was just laughing at one point. And then they paused the film for like another 15 minutes. And then they came back and said, Hey, we're going to restart the movie. Everybody's food is on us. We were like like all right atomic blonde rules like we just all became fans free food yeah but that's what i think of when i
Starting point is 00:21:11 see that movie it was just like what the is going on in the first 30 minutes i don't know well that's funny nobody started making up lines for it like doing dialogue for it themselves everybody was just quietly like g to themselves. That's creepy. Nobody was talking because we were like, what the fuck? Is anyone going to come out here and say anything? There's some really talky scenes in that movie that you might have just been sitting there
Starting point is 00:21:36 going, what the... Cutting from face to face. We were seeing people dying already. Oh yeah, dude. We were like, who's he? All right, well, thank you all for being here. We're going to play some games. My money's on Martha.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And we're going to start those games up after a brief commercial message. We'll be right back. No flipping. We're back. And are you, is everybody ready to play some games? I'm ready. Let's do it. I still sound too loud.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I apologize if I do. This first game we're going to play, Martha, I hate to break this to you, Chris and Trey, but Martha just destroyed this game when we played it a few days ago. So I thought, let's see if she can keep going. Probably not. I was going to say the same shit. Here's how the game works.
Starting point is 00:22:48 The game is called So-and-So and the Something-Something. And it's, in fact, I take basically classic or hopefully fairly well-known movie titles, and I give it a name with that structure, a name of one of the lead characters, and then describing some element of that particular movie. Okay. You know, like Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And like I said, Martha was really good at it. We're going to let Trey go first today. We're going to go alphabetical order. So I'm just going to give you the fake title. You tell me the movie that I'm thinking of. And if you get it, you get a point. And if you get it wrong or can't think of one, then it will move to Martha and then to Chris
Starting point is 00:23:46 ready Trey? yes okay what movie could be titled Chester Lee and the Sneaky Soccer
Starting point is 00:24:01 Scenario Chester Lee and the Sne soccer scenario. Chester Lee and the sneaky soccer scenario. Lady bugs. That is correct. Yeah. What's up martha wow trey really coming in coming in hot shot across the bow i think that's what they call that all right you got one point we'll see how this shakes out we'll go to martha next next Martha one movie could be
Starting point is 00:24:46 called Frank T.J. Mackey and the Mastery of the Muffin Frank T.J. Mackey Mackey
Starting point is 00:25:02 Frank T.J. Mackey and and the mastery of the muffin? Yeah. Hmm. Oh, God. A muffin. Let's see. And he figures out how to bake a great muffin.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Hmm. how to bake a great muffin. Oh, God. Doug, I haven't... Did you know Ladybugs? Would you have guessed Ladybugs? No, I absolutely would not. I think maybe you lost your magic in this game somehow.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I think the last time was your luck learns how to bake is it Is it Men Don't Leave? No. Good movie, though. It's a good movie. She does make a lot of muffins in that, but her name on the picture is not Frank. Chris, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Oh, man. Can you say it one more time? Frank T.J. Mackey and the Mastery of the Muffin. Oh, yeah, man. See, I'm in the same pinch as Martha. I can't even think of any, like, muffin-type movies I've seen or themed movies or, like, a movie with a bakery or some shit. I can't even think of one. So it's definitely a cooking movie. yeah i got nothing all right let's go to trey
Starting point is 00:26:52 um i love you to death i need that's very nice to hear but what's your answer Remlins No I'm kind of shocked Frank T.J. Mackey was the character Played by Tom Cruise In Magnolia Oh They say his name a lot And
Starting point is 00:27:18 He claims in his One of his speeches In his you know Sem is that he'll he could turn men into a master of the muffin right yeah that one once and it didn't really take you know what I mean it's a lot to take it's a there's a lot going on in that movie and that's one I think I would not recommend that to anybody because I feel like there's a good chance they would hate it. But I love it for some reason, but that might be part of it
Starting point is 00:27:55 is I just love how brazenly weird and pointless it is. Frank T. Mackey. T.J. Frank T.J. Mackey. Like, I feel like character names in his movies are pretty memorable, but I don't know. I'm always surprised by what, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:16 what people know and they don't know. But that one whipped all the way around. We're back to you, Martha. Hey. Aurora Greenway and her dying daughter. This is easy. Sorry to be cocky about it, but it's Terms of Endearment. That's correct. I just saw a little bit of it on cable. That's why it was easy.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Oh, okay. Yeah, that's Lori. Shirley McClain's name in terms of endearment, Aurora Greenway. Yeah. See how easy this can be, Chris? Yeah, definitely. All right, here goes. I'm ready for the next one.
Starting point is 00:29:04 All right. Sandy Olsen and the ladies who wear pink. God damn. All right. Sandy Olsen and the ladies who wear pink. Man. Man. Ladies who wear pink.
Starting point is 00:29:25 God damn. um ladies who wear pink god damn I'm gonna say bridesmaids no but I don't know what I don't take issue with that answer the only thing I don't like about it is it's incorrectness yeah I think I was just thinking of the movie
Starting point is 00:29:44 cover in ladies who wear pink and I could be wrong about that. It was worth a shot. What do you think it is? I had to guess. What do you think it is, Trey? The Ladies That Wear Pink. Ladies That Wear Pink. That's the Expendables?
Starting point is 00:30:14 No. Why did you say the Expendables? It's the only thing I could think of. Oh, okay. I couldn't think of a... This isn't that game where you just name any movie you can think of. You have to... I should add that to the repertoire, though. Just beep someone's
Starting point is 00:30:34 out if they can't think of the name of a movie. I was gonna say Surf Ninjas. Okay. Martha? Andy Olsen and the Ladies Who Wear Pink. Is it the First Wives Club? No, but another completely reasonable guess.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I guess I never knew what her last name was. I just think of her as Sandy in Greece. Oh. Oh, I feel like such an idiot. Who knew that her last name was Olsen?
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. They're always saying, Danny Zuko, Danny Zuko, and then with her, they're just like, oh, Who knew that her last name was Olsen? Yeah. Heavy lady. They're always saying, Danny Zuko, Danny Zuko. And then with her, they're just like, oh, Sandy. Well, Sandra Dee is the only other thing they call her. Yeah. Just overthinking it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It was right there. I could have thought of that. All right. So where did we start that one? We started with Chris, right? Yes. Okay, we're back to you, Chris. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:57 What movie could have been called WW and the Dixie Dance Kings? All right. WW and the Dixie Dance Kings. Fucking shit. I'm going to go with Breakin'. It's got to be breaking, right? Surprisingly, no. That is not right.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Breaking too? Trey? It sounds like you're feeding a horse. Yeah. Yeah. Jeez. Dance. Martha. Martha. It's, ah, geez, dance. Martha? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Before I answer, I just want to clarify. I'm not allowed to look it up on my phone and find the answer, correct? That is correct. The idea is everyone is going play fair all right uh ww and the dixie dance kings how about uh oh god uh what about um about Biloxi Blues? No. I have to apologize for this one because
Starting point is 00:33:55 I just wanted to see what would happen. There is a movie called WW and the Dixie Dance Kings. That's the actual name of the movie? There really is a movie called W.W. and the Dixie Dance Kings. Oh, that's the actual name of the movie? There really is a movie called that. It was a Burt Reynolds movie. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I almost said Smokey and the Bandit. I would have been kind of in the ballpark. I might have given you a point for that. That would have been terribly impressive. All right. So that was just being dumb. We've got to get serious now. Chris, Jim Garrison and the Magic Bullet.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Okay. Okay. That could be a lot of movies. There's a lot of movies with bullets. Man, shit. that could be a lot of movies. It's a lot of movies with bullets. Hmm. Man. Shit. I'm going to just go with assassins.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Let's go. Yeah. Just go whenever in doubt. It's right there at the beginning of the alphabet. Just go with assassins. That's how I thought about it. Yeah. Trey.
Starting point is 00:35:04 This movie came out in 1991, Doug. And I remember it well because it was the first movie that really introduced me to the world of conspiracy theories. I'm going to have to say that that movie is JFK.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Oh my goodness. He just did it, everybody. I was going to say JFK. I didn't know where the fuck I, everybody. I was going to say JFK. I didn't know what the fuck I did. I don't know why either. I kind of thought that might be an easy one. I don't know why assassins jumped right in there and pushed it out of the way.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah. I guess, Martha, you probably knew what that one was, right? No. What's the clue again? Jim Garrison. That's the character Kevin Costner plays in JFK. And it's Jim Garrison and the magic bullet. No way. I would not have guessed that.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I was going to guess American Werewolf in London. That makes me feel better. Yeah, that makes more sense than whatever Tela said. Thanks, Martha. It's not a reunion without some fighting. Everyone else, since you all have seen each other. It's all in love.
Starting point is 00:36:22 The only thing Trey wins for that remarkable achievement is getting to go first in our next game, the game where everybody gets to go first, because we play three rounds, and we distribute the getting to go first equally. It's called Weird Algorithm. And we should get, like, a music sting of uh some you know rip off some weird owl thing
Starting point is 00:36:48 like just a real quick like eat it anyway isn't it funny that you still podcasters could still just use any music they want and still not get like in trouble for it or wait what i didn't know that thanks i mean doesn't it feel that way i mean maybe i don't maybe i just don't know what i'm talking about but like aren't there aren't there podcasts that your theme song is just some song that they took and decided to make their theme song i mean i guess you know they're not paying for it, I don't think. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I've been talking about it for years. It was just like when they wouldn't have breakfast after 1030 at McDonald's. It took me many years of talking about it and complaining about it, and they finally said, okay, we're going to fix that, and then it was still a few more years. But it's still not all day. It is in most places isn't it is it yeah i think most mcdonald's like they switched to all day like a few years ago yeah keep up trey man that's hey also mcrib is backrey, by the way. Darn it.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Do you guys know how to play Weird Algorithm? I do not. All right. IMDB, the Internet Movie Database, has a function where you can just take a motion picture and you can reorder the cast based on popularity according to imdb's popularity algorithm that particular day like i look these things up either last night or this morning and um so i'm going to just name a movie and then you have to guess who in the cast of that movie would be uh the top build
Starting point is 00:38:45 and i give everybody a little hint at the beginning i'll name a couple of the actors that are in it that are possibilities but i'm not going to tell you if they've watched in the top three or not they're just more or less uh who you think of as the stars of these movies. Remember, it's a weird algorithm. So expect the unexpected, and anybody can win. Trey? Yep. The movie is The Adjustment Bureau, starring Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, and a lot of hats.
Starting point is 00:39:22 and a lot of hats. So between Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, or anyone else you could think of that was in that movie, who do you think came in at number one? I'm going to go Matt Damon. Trey's going Matt Damon. You will have a chance to change your answer in a moment shared answers are also allowed but strategically it's harder to win if you get a point or don't get a point
Starting point is 00:39:56 at the same time as someone else Martha I haven't seen that movie and I don't know anyone in it besides those two. So I'm going to go Emily Blunt. I like that strategy. Chris? Yeah, so I'm just going to go Matt Damon.on i was gonna go emily blunt as well but
Starting point is 00:40:28 i'm just gonna go matt damon on this one all right so trey's in for damon yep as is chris and martha is going for blunt yeah blunt. Here we go. Fifth place, I just put it there because it's interesting and nobody thought of it, but maybe he seemed like he should be higher. Anthony Mackey. But then in the third
Starting point is 00:40:57 spot is Matt Damon. That's worth one point for Trey and one point for Chris. And then coming in at number two is Emily Blunt.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Two points for Martha. But if anybody had remembered that a young man who one day would become super famous for hiding his face most of the time, number one from the Adjusting Bureau is Pedro Pascal. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, he's kind of hot right now. He's so hot that he was able to leap to number one in the cast of a movie with genuine movie stars. And in the movie, he plays like mob guy number three wow weird algorithm welcome to it yeah man i went damon because i was like didn't some i saw his name somewhere recently ah but yeah you ain't gonna beat pascal right now never seen it so it was just a toss up for me. I wouldn't have remembered he was in it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Okay. Martha gets to go first this next round. She's got two points. Everybody else has one. The film, Martha. Apologies if you haven't seen it. I should run these by you first. Date Night starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So I have seen it one time years ago. Zero recollection of who else is in it. So I'm going to just guess Steve Carell. Wait, can I change my answer? Yes. I'm going to make a random guess based on patterns that Doug has had in the past. I'm going to guess Pedro Pascal. Oh. I don't even know if he's in it, but just random.
Starting point is 00:43:14 All right. Chris? Also never seen it, but I feel like I've seen the poster. They're both on it but i'm gonna go with tina fey yeah okay enough day trey i'm going with nick kroll that's a good guess i mean he, he's in it. He's definitely in it. Just because the new season of Big Mouth came out recently. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Okay. Solid logic. Right. That's what I thought. Yeah. All right. I'm going to tell you the top four in a second. But I'm going to tell you who didn't make the top four real quick mark walberg mila
Starting point is 00:44:08 kunis tina fey steve carell and james franco oh all didn't make the top four oh that's how brutal this game can be maybe they're not on the list together. Number four, Bill Burr. Right. Right? Yeah, he's the cop. Yeah. Number three, Olivia Munn. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:38 She's the receptionist at the same spot where Nick Kroll isn't. It's almost like they filmed with him and then he was busy or something. So then they got her because it becomes a different person. They don't make a thing out of it at all. Or maybe they have a scene together. I forget, but it's weird. He just sort of vanishes. She's like in it more than he is, I think. Anyway, number two, think uh anyway number two kristin wigg is in that movie no she's backed she's a apex predator exclusively on hbo max number one i would not have thought of this myself, but it is Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot
Starting point is 00:45:26 is in Date Night. Oh, she plays Mark Wahlberg's lady friend. Gun of a gun. So, Pedro Pascal not in it at all.
Starting point is 00:45:44 No, he wasn't in that one but I like that you know you know a pattern could occur sometimes my pattern this time is sincerely just movies where it's like what ones where
Starting point is 00:45:59 it's a real nice takes a real good turn but this next one I think is shocking in yet another way. Who's going first this time? It's over to Chris. Alright, let's go. I gotta get
Starting point is 00:46:16 one eventually. Let's do it. You got one. You got a point for Matt Damon earlier. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Alright, but this movie is Home Alone starring Macaulay Culkin. for Matt Damon earlier. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. But this movie is Home Alone starring Macaulay Culkin.
Starting point is 00:46:30 All right. I got this one. This is a cream puff right here. I don't think you're using that the right way. Is that not what it was? This is a softball,
Starting point is 00:46:44 not a cream puff. Oh, okay. This is a swisher. Oh, my just question. Is it about Home Alone or something else? Yeah, I was just telling you about Macaulacaulay culkin right that's who you're going with yeah okay excuse me sneezed i sneezed i'm allergic to your answer oh no uh katherine o'hara
Starting point is 00:47:19 trey's going katherine o'hara i'm yeah I am that's what I'm saying why am I regretting my answer already and Martha I also am going to guess Catherine O'Hara although I only remembered she's in it because Chris said her name
Starting point is 00:47:40 but she's probably super popular right now because of Schitt's Creek so that's my answer yeah well she she's probably super popular right now because of so that's my answer yeah she certainly should be super popular right now because of and everything she does and person that she is first i have to say sorry to marv and harry the wet bandits didn't make the top three. Gus, the polka guy played by the late great John Candy, he didn't make the top three. Number three for Home Alone is Kieran Culkin.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Of course, we're enjoying very much on the television show Succession. I don't know what else he's got going on, but he's up there. He's got those balls. I mean, when you're writing Tyron Joe Pesci, things are going right. Number two is Catherine O'Hara. Yeah. We did it. So that means Martha's got four points. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Thanks, Fred. And Trey, you said Catherine O'Hara too, right? Yeah. But that only brings you to three points. Yeah. Number one in Home Alone is, yeah, Chris figured it out. It's Macaulay Culkin. Thanks for letting me win, guys.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I appreciate it. Let's have like 10 points right but now you and martha are tied that's more than i ever expected this is awesome we have to play it play this off trey just hang out for a sec if you don't mind yeah man i'll be over here yeah just be over there in your spot i just want to say that i thought chris said catherine o'hara so actually thank you trey for saying her yeah i heard you gave me credit for that earlier i appreciated it last thing i thought was that you would retract that i thought that was just a jab at me mar Martha. I took it in stride. We're cool.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Alright, yeah. Don't say anything, Trey, because now everybody's thinking about how you and Chris sound the same. Hey, Trey, let me tell you, it did feel good. Enjoy it. All right, so here's what Martha and Chris have to do. I'm going to name a movie, and then each of you, as fast as you can,
Starting point is 00:50:14 name a person you think would be the most popular from that movie. And hopefully we'll be able to tell who started to speak first if you say the same name but no matter what happens here today we're let's all stay friends no see see how she's gonna say sure arthur really wants this like being champion going into the new year i can't i can hardly think of a better place to be at right now. Yeah, man. And to know that you're the Douglas Movies champion
Starting point is 00:50:49 at the end of this miserable year, you rose above it. Wait a minute, that could happen for me, too? Listen, you don't have a chance here. I'm just... I just have to go through the motions. I don't know who's going to win I'm excited Alright so just
Starting point is 00:51:10 As soon as you can name anybody From this movie that you think would be number one I've listed The top seven in case you each Say different names that are also not Number one The film Is Bridesmaids.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Melissa McCarthy. No, Kristen Wiig. Kristen Wiig. Kristen Wiig. Kristen Wiig. Here we go. Number seven, Maya Rudolph. Number six, Jon Hamm. Number 7 Maya Rudolph Number 6
Starting point is 00:51:45 Jon Hamm Number 5 Ellie Kemper Number 4 Melissa McCarthy Number 3 Rose Byrne Number 2
Starting point is 00:52:00 Jillian Bell She's in that Disney Plus movie. God smacked. That's not it. God mothered. God smothered. I do love me some God smack, though.
Starting point is 00:52:18 God got some zazz on me. I don't know what it's called, but it's on Disney Plus. And number one is, of course, the number one, in my heart, bridesmaid, Kristen Blake. Thanks, Martha. You did it, Chris. Thanks. I appreciate it. There's no way in hell I thought I was going to win. That was very exciting.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Can you be with us as returning champion on sunday afternoon at the same time on january 3rd uh let me check my schedule do you watch football day on sundays not anymore i don't not as champ i mean you could take an hour off to come be with us and um what are you going to promote in the meantime is there anything going on places people can check you out uh yeah i mean just follow me on instagram um and twitter i uh do have a show in dallas uh january 10th. We'll see if it goes on. It is a social distance show. But, yeah, that'll be at Hyena's. Yeah, otherwise, follow me on social media. I mean, your fans are showing love for you,
Starting point is 00:53:36 whether they, you know, come and stand far away or they just don't come at all, you know? Like, either way, they're supporting, you know? Oh, totally, man. I totally understand if people don't want to come out to the show. Absolutely. Awesome. Trey Gallion. Hey man. Yeah. At Trey Gallion on Twitter and Instagram. And then Jeff Tate and his brother and myself have started a podcast
Starting point is 00:54:07 called rough drafts r-u-f-f drafts uh where we pick a different um a different topic or we draft movies each episode you know and uh we have a different category every episode. So like we did Christmas movies, New Year's Eve movies, movies filmed in Austin, blah, blah, blah. But yeah. It's got to be fun. But those guys and you, that's a great crew. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:54:40 It's fun because, you know, Jeff knows everything about movies and I know nothing. it's fun because you know jeff knows everything about movies and i know nothing so it's a nice mix uh i appreciate how comfortable you are with silence thanks you again thank you again for being here thanks to you again martha kelly um well i have a show on Twitch tonight I'm part of called the year in review it's a eight o'clock Central Time and it's a million Austin comedians in teams each doing one month of the past year and uh doing a few jokes about it and um i'm in november there's a lot of great people on it and then saturday night i'm doing a master pancake
Starting point is 00:55:34 showing of wonder woman 1984 and that's also on twitch oh neat that's fun. Yeah. Pancake is always fun to do. And that movie, there's plenty of stuff to talk about. Well, I'm excited to watch it. It'll be your first time seeing it? Well, I'm going to watch it before then. Because it's divided. Yeah. It's divided into teams who each do like a half-hour chunk.
Starting point is 00:56:09 So I'm with Vanessa Gonzalez, one of my favorite comedians in the world. That's awesome. So, yeah, so you're going to watch the whole movie, though, because some of the jokes in the section you're going to watch the whole movie though because some of the jokes in the section you're going to do could still be referencing stuff that happened earlier in the film. Yes, except in this instance, I'm on the first 30 minutes but I'm still going to watch the whole movie. You could do some hilarious spoilers in that first 30 minutes right
Starting point is 00:56:46 i definitely will watch the whole movie and then um on tuesday i'm getting my first root canal and i would appreciate uh thoughts and prayers oh god you got you got them all because everybody has been through that or doesn't want to go through that. But most of the time it seems pretty, you know, it's not so bad. I think they're way better than they used to be.
Starting point is 00:57:20 They have a different way of doing it that's not medieval. Yes. I think they also do a better job of numbing wherever they need to to numb i think there used to be more you know masochistic dentists who just like the idea of you know doing those things to people who aren't numbed enough i'm surprised there isn't a long history of people biting down as hard as they can on sadistic dentists but I've actually never heard of that but it should have happened I don't want to why am I bringing this up we're trying to wrap it up is there an option with a rookie now can they just knock you out Martha uh i don't think so no because they want you to be
Starting point is 00:58:06 able to like open wider or whatever you know like a knocked out person if you just jam their mouth open that can't be good for any anything right it'll be fun yeah i've i've had a i've had a few root canals and it's not it it seems like a lot worse than it's gonna you know but like the initial i remember the anesthesia i got one time for a root canal that initial shot was probably the most painful thing i ever experienced but that was just because it was just a doctor didn't you know didn't like numb the area before the the injection you know so it's like even though it's to even though it's to numb, it numbs
Starting point is 00:58:47 eventually, but in the meantime, he just jabbed a big fucking needle in my gums. Did you tell me? Did you go, hey man, what the fuck, dude? Yeah, that's exactly what I said. No, you just sit there and fucking take it. You know,
Starting point is 00:59:03 he's a professional. But, I mean, sometimes they say this is going to hurt, like especially when they push the plunger on the syringe for the anesthetic and it kind of, you know, enters you or whatever. I guess that moment can be pretty painful, so they usually warn you about that. Two for flinching. I'm one of those. Always dreaded a root canal and you about that. Two for flinching. Make it one of those.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Always dreaded a root canal. Now double that. It's really, it can go any direction, I feel. I think any dental procedure or surgical procedure where you're awake during it, you can have so many different experiences, you know. Okay, where are we at? Everybody said their plugs Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:49 Fantastic let me do mine Doug Loves Movies On Twitter It's a good place to just follow For just movie stuff Just stuff about Doug Loves Movies And then also If you're missing the
Starting point is 01:00:05 Getting Doug with High show, because we don't it's not on YouTube anymore, it's because it's exclusively at Patreon. Go to slash gettingdoug to become a member of the 420 Club. Thanks again to
Starting point is 01:00:20 outgoing champion Martha Kelly, incoming champion Chris Tellez, and all-around waste of space Trey Kelly. Man, thanks. I love all you guys. You guys too, man. Thank you, Trey.
Starting point is 01:00:40 As always, that's right. That's right. Atta boy, Clarence.

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