Doughboys - Kura with Jesse Farrar and Mike Hale

Episode Date: May 11, 2023

Jesse Farrar and Mike Hale of Your Kickstarter Sucks join the 'boys to talk travel, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and Mitch's Costa Rica trip before a review of Kura Revolving Sushi Bar. Plus, Snack or... Wack: Costa Rica edition.Sources for this week's intro: Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. Want to watch this episode? Check it out on our YouTube channel by going to slash Doughboys media. Wigs, cold turkey may be great on sandwiches. I don't know if you agree. I love it on there. Yum. Between some bread.
Starting point is 00:00:21 But there's a better way to break your bad habits and we're not talking about some weird mind voodoo from your crazy neighbor or eccentric cousin. We're talking about our sponsor Fume and they look at the problem in a different way. Not everything in a bad habit is wrong so instead of a drastic uncomfortable change, why not just remove the bad from your bad habit? Fume is an innovative award nominated device that does just that. Instead of electronics, Fume is completely natural and instead of vapor, Fume uses flavored air and instead of harmful chemicals wigs,
Starting point is 00:00:52 Fume uses all natural delicious flavors. Yum. You get it. Instead of bad, Fume is good. A bad habit you're free to enjoy and makes replacing your bad habit easy. Your Fume comes with an adjustable airflow dial and is designed with movable parts and magnets for fidgeting, giving your fingers a lot to do, which is helpful for de-stressing and anxiety while breaking your habit.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Boy, Mitch, you gotta say this thing. Well-weighted, perfectly balanced, fun to fidget with. Wigs, it feels nice but you know what else? It looks nice. That's right. It's beautiful, real wood, got a nice shape to it. It looks slick and you're gonna look slick and you're gonna be breaking bad habits. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Stopping is something we all put off because it's hard, but switching to Fume is easy, enjoyable and even fun. Fume has served over 100,000 customers and has thousands of success stories and there's no reason that can't be you. Join Fume in accelerating humanity's breakup from destructive habits by picking up the Journey Pack today. Head to and use code DOBOYS to save 10% off when you get the Journey Pack today. That's and use code DOBOYS to save an additional 10% off your order today.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Hey, buddy, it's Weiger. The WGA Strike, the Writers Guild of America work stoppage continues, so no scripted intros for as long as this thing goes. And again, it's gonna go as long as I said last week as the studios make us go because we have very reasonable demands that they are, in many cases, not even acknowledging. I thought what I'd do starting this week and, you know, continuing on is just give you like one stat, one little like kind of nugget that you could have as a takeaway. Take it easy, DOBOYS listener, not that kind of nugget.
Starting point is 00:02:40 All right. I know you're fucking smacking your lips. Your mouth is watering. It's a different kind of nugget. This is a statistic. This is Weiger's Nido stat of the week. Here we go. 10 years ago, around 33% of series writers, this is TV series writers, worked for WGA minimum,
Starting point is 00:03:00 the least they can legally pay us. Now that percentage is up to 49%. So we've gone from one-third of TV writers making the minimum to half of TV writers making the minimum unless we do something about it, that number is going to keep growing until eventually there's a class of writers who are making the absolute minimum and then a few superstars at the top making millions. So we got to fix this. Thank you to all of you for your solidarity and support.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And enjoy this week's episode because this week on DOBOYS, we are talking... Kura. Welcome to DOBOYS, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Mike Squintzowski, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. What? That's from Josh J, who writes, because Mike Wasowski from Monsters Inc is all head, but his eye is huge so he'd have to squint to be more like Mitch. Don't ever stop the pod and shout out to my brother Cody, roastspoonman at
Starting point is 00:04:16 Mike Squintzowski. Someone ask AI to get on that, dude. I want to see a squinty Mike from Monsters Inc. Can you imagine a one-eyed Mike? If he was squinted? That's good stuff. I kind of have more of a sully body type. You know, yeah, we kind of have...
Starting point is 00:04:34 Birds. It's fascinating how sully is box office gold. You got fucking sully from Monsters Inc. and Monsters U. You got sully from the eponymous sully, and then you've got fucking sully from a Jake's sully from the Avatar franchise. I didn't even think of that. Sully. You put a sully in a movie, you're going to do fucking wild box office. You're hitting hard with sullies. Who's your favorite? Is it Jake's sully?
Starting point is 00:05:00 I do like Monsters Inc. sully, even though I like the Avatar franchise more than Monsters Inc. I do like sully from Monsters Inc. I wish Dave Thomas would come back as a Navi. Don't you wish we could have a Dave Thomas Navi? Don't you wish Dave Thomas could come back as a Navi? And his daughter? I don't know, our guests are being respectful, they're not responding, but I can tell that they want to. I'm just bored.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You're bored at the thought of Dave Thomas coming back as a Navi? I don't care about him, you know. How about Wendy comes back as a Navi too? She's alive. Sorry to get braids, plug him into the home tree. How about our dads? Oh yeah, my dad is dead. Yeah, you think he would like to come back as like a big cat guy? I don't know, was he a tall guy? Was he a tallfeller?
Starting point is 00:05:46 My dad was a little short of the meal, fucking little bitch, but if he came back as a Navi, I'm like, and I do something wrong, and he's like, it's spanking time, and then you're like, oh shit. That's exactly what I want. This guy's gonna fucking spank the shit out of me. Yeah, that's cool. Let's talk about that more. Alright, hold on, you're not introduced yet, so I was just fucking chill out for a second. We have stuff that we handle up top, so... Well I know, you gotta close some more apps on your phone.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Is the idea there that you don't, you feel like your phone doesn't have enough memory to run the apps that you have open? Or what is the thought? Look, you need to shut the fuck up. I wish Dave Thomas was a Navi, that's all I was trying to say. If he's a Navi, who are the space marines? The old lady asking where's the beef? Yeah. Kind of weird because they're not really enemies in it.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Oh, I guess she is kind of an enemy. No, she's an enemy of the other burger chains. So yeah, it doesn't quite track. They really didn't do a good job expanding the Wendy's verse, so we're gonna have to fill in some of the... If we're gonna make this a thing, we're gonna have to really... You haven't been introduced yet. You've riled up, you're rattling the microphone. Your phone is heating up like crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:20 A lot of fucking joke ideas in this bad boy. Fucking overheating. Are there really jokes in there? Do you write down jokes? Dude, every set... Dude, I can't even tell you what it's like being me. It's just the things that are coming in your head every day. You know how it is. Well, because you gotta write it down or else it's just gone, right?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Because you just have that idea and you're like, huh, that's funny, and you gotta document it. Like when you were driving your set, he was driving us over here. That's okay to say. That's okay to say, right? He was driving an R. Yeah, we can say that. Yeah, so he was driving his car, he was driving us over here, and he saw some guy walking down the street. He said, look at that guy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And so he stopped, he took a picture with his phone and then he was writing some notes like, this guy looks funny or something like that? Yes. Is that one of the ideas that you would save that? Yeah, of course. This guy looks funny. You should tell the world who the guy was when they said this guy looks funny. We saw Jonah Hill.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yeah. I wrote down, this guy looks funny. He looks funny. Of my notes app. We're in Hollywood. Yeah, that's where he probably lives. We're all I know. Should I throw out some of the fucking gold here?
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah, again, mind the microphone arm. Okay. I've rested here. How about the end? Is that okay? I mean, that's a question for him. I'm gonna sit you with some of the stuff that comes into my head. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:32 This is how we chew. I wrote that down. This is how we do. That's good. That is good. Thank you. Here's another one. Text Alan McLeod.
Starting point is 00:08:42 That's pretty good. Why didn't, now that's one of those things, because I've heard if a task takes less than two minutes, you should just do it now. No. Like, and so. Well, that's a hard idea, but if it's late, then you gotta write it down. Is that why Mitch jacks off like 20 times a day? I do have, don't forget to jack off.
Starting point is 00:09:06 There's a lot of questions. There's a lot of stuff that I write down and then don't do, I guess as well. You know what? Make a Twisted Metal post. That was one of them. I was trying to do it before this all started and I didn't do it. Finish it off because we're recording this episodes coming out a little bit later, but we're recording this the day that the Twisted Metal teaser releases April 28th.
Starting point is 00:09:29 This might be closer on the real trailer drops. Who knows? It's possible by the time this episode releases. So what do you think I should say? Do you have any text right now? What's that? Did they ask you to include specific stuff? But you gotta hit the stuff they want you to include.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's a good point. Okay, so far, I'll just tell you what I have so far. I have a clown face emoji. That's for sweet tooth. And then, oh baby, exclamation point. Here's, and that's it. How about just, that's great so far. Johnny.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Well, I mean here's Mitchy because here's Johnny. Here's Mitchy is probably. Did they clear that? Well, John Doe is the character in the show. So here's Johnny kind of does work. Okay, we can do that. Yeah. I mean, I think it is confusing to write here's Johnny at the top of the Twisted Metal post.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I don't know if you want to put a spoiler in, but if you want to get people like Amp to see it, you could be like, check out episode three for an extreme close-up of my asshole. I think, I'm going to check what Jesse was saying. I was going to check to see what Peacock says as far as saying that, but I think they gave me the green light. That should be okay. That should be okay. That you have to know you're going to say that.
Starting point is 00:10:42 They're the ones who shot it. Okay, I just looked. Yeah, you can say that. Okay, great. Okay. Okay, so, okay. Option one, not your usual rotor. They gave me options.
Starting point is 00:10:54 These are going to be good. This is going to be good. I'll read them. This could maybe get me in trouble. Let's see what happens here. Option one, not your usual road trip. Hashtag Twisted Metal premieres July 27th on at Peacock. So that's first.
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's pretty good. Option two. I actually kind of like this option. Yeah. Engine revved, road trip mix in, stream hashtag Twisted Metal on Peacock July 27th. That's it. That's it. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Don't overthink this. Copy, paste, post. Then also check out the official teaser for hashtag Twisted Metal streaming on Peacock July 27th. That's safe. That's what the stars are going to do, but that's not for you. Should I put a little flavor on it? That's what I'm thinking. I actually have a pitch on that.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Quit clowning around. You know, something like that. All right, let's hear it. How about like parking soon to your local idiot box? Because if you ever call a TV an idiot box. Points. Points, you get points. Are you hosting the reboot?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Oh, wow. This is also kind of, by the way, my audition for that midnight reboot. You're getting all in on one post? I'm trying to. They said like they need someone of an equal weight or a higher of James Corden to go in and take over. Right. So I'm putting my hat in the ring.
Starting point is 00:12:23 There's a lot of, you know, there's a few of us big guys in Hollywood. And you all kind of know each other and stuff, right? And your friends? Oh, yeah. Or are your foes? Oh, Chubb Club, dude. There's, all of us get together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And like, it's kind of like. What is it like? Kind of like the pussy posse, kind of. Sure. But like. I didn't think you were going to say that. Except none of us, except we don't, we eat, we only eat food. If you, it's like Supley was in it.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So Supley was the only crossover member we had. He was in the pussy posse and in Chubb Club. Yes. But he, he's now since he's gone. He's, because he got in good shape, Ethan Supley. His jersey is in the rafters. What's that? His jerseys.
Starting point is 00:13:17 He retired his number. Yeah. Kind of. I mean, it's not, you know, we don't love it when you leave the Chubb Club. Right. And you're a crossover member in both the Chubb Club and the Nub Club, right? And there with a vegan Mortensen. It's a funny thing.
Starting point is 00:13:32 We're like, I mean, what a great member to have in there. There you go. Is that sort of thing of the Chubb Club and the Nub Club, like, no, like restaurants or social gathering spots like to see either of those clubs walking up. But I am a part of both of them. Mitchie had a drop to play. Yes. Emma.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Sorry. Emma. Let's hit him with a drop. If you had to give up appetizers or dessert. Wow. Which would you rather give up forever? Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Wow. Wow. One gotta go. I'm a cream man. I'm a dairy dude. Ice cream. Gotta include ice cream. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:12 One gotta, gotta go. A lot of stuff you see on the appetizer section of the menu. Sometimes you see a quesadilla. You'll see buffalo wings. No more mozzarella sticks. No crocs. No more wings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 No abs, man. One gotta go. You can't eat mozzarella sticks. Get some. Again. Get some. You got me. You sick son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:14:36 You buy desserts. Advertisers or desserts. You gotta give up one. One, one, one, one. Dude, that fucking energy from the live show you felt right there, dude. Oh my God. Dude, fucking cages. Dude, turn that into a serum injected into my fucking veins.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Don't you get on your phone just because you see him on his phone. I have to look up the email. I have to look at my phone sometimes. Weigler looks at his laptop. That's true. I do look at my laptop. That's work. This isn't work.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Let me see your screen. Mmm. Mmm. What? Well. I'm doing my taxes. If I had been funnier earlier, would you have let me like mess around for a little longer? If I would have been like funnier with the Chubb Club.
Starting point is 00:15:21 You were fine. You were doing fine. It's just like we got a lot of show to get to. All right. I didn't know if it was a thing of like, all right, here we go. Like, let's get it. You're not. No, we started like a half hour late.
Starting point is 00:15:29 We got a lot of show to get to. I just thought it would be fun to name like other members of the Chubb Club. I thought you were going to say something to you like that. Like Kevin James. Maybe I don't know. I don't know. He's not like it's the thing. He also looks kind of slim.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah, he looks pretty good. You want us to go around the room and name fat guys? You just want to say like, yeah, this guy wants to wear a body shame celebs. What are we doing? What's the upside for us on that? Or you? I thought it would just be fun. I mean, Jonah is out too.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Jonah Hill is not in there anymore. He's kind of, he's leaning out. John Goodman's out. John Goodman is out. Yeah, I don't know. The voice of Sully. Is he kind of in or out? He's kind of got one foot in the Chubb Club.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Goodman. I can't tell what the Goodman weight loss is either. It's one of those weight losses where you're like, There's a big shirt. It's like a billowy shirt. You can't get a bead on it. That is a great, I think that is a great idea to wear big, which is wear bigger clothing, which I never wear like a humongous shirt.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And then people are like, tell that guy's friend and skittier. That guy's a fat guy. That's the Kevin Smith, right? We're like a five XL hockey jersey. Yes, but he, but he lost a lot of weight. He went on that. He had a heart attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:41 He went on that old milk diet. What is with these guys? Yeah. What is with these dudes and their fucking heart attacks? What did he do? He went on like an old milk. It was an all milk diet at one point. I think so.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I think he had some gimmicky dairy diet. He did a dairy diet. And then he did like another diet that was fucked up too. Maybe he just ate like, didn't he eat like bones or some shit? There was some diet. What the fuck are you talking about? You're thinking of the KSC commercials. I think I'm thinking of the KFC commercials.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Um, oh. Weig's. Yes. That. Hey, Spoon Man. When I heard Blake's question from the Milwaukee show, I knew it had to be immortalized in a drop. What a Sophie's choice exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Wow. My latest album, me and Julio is on all the platforms. Just search for Tron F Kennedy or go to Tron Love you guys. Tron Thanks, Tron. I think a bit of context was emitted from that. My memory of that live show is that at the end of Blake's question, and Blake had a very
Starting point is 00:17:47 memorable questioner, an eccentric individual. You remember this guy? Yeah. I feel like at the end of that, I turned the tables on him and he made him chew. You did. And I was like, oh, is that coming in the drop? And it's on the drop. And he's, and he, and he was great.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That guy was great character. And your parents were at that show. That's true. They were. Yeah. And were they Navi as well? They were both Navi. Well, they were disappointed.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah. With what they saw. They thought it sucked. But yeah, no, they were, they were like my dad's Navi and my mom, like I'm a half, like half Navi. That is cool. Yeah. That is very cool.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I circled that date on the tour because I was like, I never hook up on tour and like tonight it's going to happen. Like his parents are in town, they're going to want a third. That's actually kind of fucked up to say because you like talk to them and stuff. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. You're like friends with them. We're on stage, baby.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Anything goes. You said a thing about my dad being a Navi earlier for God's sakes. I thought that was helping you for my twisted metal post. Do get it twisted. That's good. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. That's actually legitimately good and it's on message as well.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Do you get it twisted? Fuck, that's good. I'm going to use it. At least I'm going to use that line in the post. If you don't use it as your main, you got that one. Yeah. It's not like you're going to be one and done. You're going to be fucking squeezing this thing for everything it's worth.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You better fucking post about it every day. As a member of the Chubb Club and a hopeful member of the Pussypot, future member of the Pussypussy, I hope you enjoy this trailer. How's that? Something like that? That's good. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Cool. We're settled. We've got to figure it out. I am going to use do get it twisted. Do get it twisted. You get it twisted straight. Do get it. Do capitalized, do get it twisted.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Is that what you mean? Like some emphasis? I think the capsule confused it a little bit because it might read like an acronym. You could maybe put asterisks around the do, but I think if you just write do get it twisted, it'll read. And you know what? I don't want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Don't get it twisted. You know what I mean? If you write like annoyed grunt, get it twisted. Yeah. But do we want that though? What about, what about you're a dough boy, what about dough? Get it twisted. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That's fucking good too. What about, uh, come on baby, let's dough the twist. Let's dough the twist. Chubby checker and Mike Mitchell. Yeah. Let's dough the Chubb Club. All right. I've taken up too much time.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Let's introduce, let's introduce our guest. Yes. From the podcast, your Kickstarter sucks. We're turning this show, Jesse Farrar and Mike Hayler back. Jesse bike. Thank you so much for being here. What a delight. Hello.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I think the last time we had, very, very, very excited to have you both. We love having you on the show. I think the last time we were in person. Is this possible? We were on stage in Nashville. Is that correct? That's my memory of it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:47 For sure. Yeah. With you all in Nashville. There we go. Hey, now I understand what you're saying. Thank you. Had an absolutely delightful time. It was, it was so fun out there.
Starting point is 00:20:56 That was, Mike, as I've often said to you, you know this, that was probably the last time I had fun that I can, and maybe the first time also, I want to say. It was fun dodging the tomatoes and stuff that people were throwing at us. Right. We had a lot of fun. Dude, they throw those, that's like a thing we request. We want people to throw food on stage. That's a part of the Doe Boys gimmick, right, Wags?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Waggy. Yeah. They were just throwing loose food. Wags, help me out here. Yeah. They throw it into something. They throw edible panties on stage. What else, guys?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Come on. Come on. Let's rip this out. That's fucking nasty, dude. Edible panties are kind of nasty. Sorry, is that, is that a real thing? It apparently is a real thing. Is it?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Okay. I think it's like a gummy. I think it's like a gummy slash fruit rollup, sort of, yeah, material. Okay, but are they crotchless? You're fucking horny. You're a dog, dude. I'm saying leave them on. Well, I'll pull them to the side.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I don't give a fuck. So someone's wearing animal panties, you'll pull them to the side, fucking eat them out and cover it back up. Oh, the devil, quite the gentleman, my man. What was that? You're out here from, you're out here in LA for a few days. We're very excited. You made time for us.
Starting point is 00:22:22 What does it travel like from Tennessee? And what do you like to do when you're out here in the city of angels? Oh, man, I didn't think, I thought the plane ride was okay, Mike, I thought, right? It wasn't too, this is doable. I could do this every weekend if you'll have me. I thought it was great. It was a short, what, four-hour trip or whatever it was. You fly direct?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Can you fly direct from? You can fly direct. Yes. Wow. Yes, yeah. We just got our second plane at the Nashville airport, so they are flying direct now. Yep. You have to sign up six months in advance.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Did you find it tiring that we had to pedal so much on the way over here? Was that a lot for you? Because I know for a minute, in case you're wearing a full Memphis Grizzlies kit and we're recording this the day of game six between Myles, Angeles Lakers and Grizzlies. Wow. Dude, don't bury the lead, dude, tell them what's happening. Which what? Which we're tending tonight.
Starting point is 00:23:17 That's what I was trying. Those two of us are going to go. Portside. Right? Yeah. Those are the seats you guys got. Yeah, we're sitting next to Bad Bunny. It'll be a blast.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh, wow. But I know from what I've heard that there's not like a direct flight from like Memphis to LA. That's like a whole thing. Memphis is different. Yeah. Memphis is like a, I think they have like a regional airport. So maybe you can, you know, hop, skip and a jump a few places.
Starting point is 00:23:42 It's a municipal airport. The single engine like a plane or something. That's where you go if you want to be like a rich guy who dies in the mountains. I think it's where you take, that's where you take off from there. But yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't too bad and we've had a, we've had a good time. I've been out, I've sort of been taking a page out of your book, Wiger. I've, I've been getting up early because of the time difference. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm waking up like 6 30 in the morning and I'm like getting up and like walking around town, which I feel like that's something you say you do when you're on the road a little bit. Yeah. I love to a little morning walk, a little to wake up with the, get a little sunlight first thing. It helps my circadian rhythms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And apparently the weather has been bad at home. Yeah. Now this will be dated by the time people hear this, but right now in Nashville, the weather, it's a little bit overcast and somewhat chilly with some rain. So I don't, I think that will, I think that will age well. You think so? Circadian rhythms is kind of gross. It reminds you of cicadas.
Starting point is 00:24:36 The bug? That's because you're saying it wrong. Dude, I'm going to tell you this. I don't know. I don't know if I am. I don't know, I don't know either, I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm nervous about the game tonight. I'm really nervous about it.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I'm all nervous too. I don't know what's going to happen. D.B. and I might go to a game too later on tonight. What are you all thinking of hitting up? There's a few games we're going to, there's like multiples. There's more than one game? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:07 We take our pick of which one to go to. Okay. There's like more than one. There's more than one game? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Choose basically.
Starting point is 00:25:16 What's on the list? Even. I mean, where do you start? There's so many games. I mean, there's a lot of options to attend. Alphabetical order. Let's go from there. Hey.
Starting point is 00:25:25 You got a thought up. It sounds like you're maybe considering doing, like David Fincher's the game. Like is this reality or is this a game? I mean, like, I don't know if I can answer that question the way you want me to answer it, but like, yeah, we might go to the game. Okay. Just be careful. You might lose your mind.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Do you like, so we actually, we went out, the three of us, when we were in Hot Lanta, we went to, we also did an episode recorded in the, in Mitch's hotel room. Yeah. We went out and got sushi in Atlanta. And we're talking about sushi today. Oh yeah. I didn't go. I'm curious about, yeah, you didn't go.
Starting point is 00:26:02 But I'm curious about. Do you know why? You had a different dinner. No, but you know why I didn't go? Why? Because I was auditioning for Twisted Metal the next day. That's right. Wait, is that true?
Starting point is 00:26:12 100% true. I thought you went to a different dinner. I think I just went to some fucking different dinner. I think you did go to a different dinner. That's not, that's bullshit. No. I, I had, the next day I had, I had the callback for Twisted Metal in, in your, that was in Nashville though, right?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah. Wait, we're, we're, I was talking about Atlanta when you're shooting, no, in Atlanta. Oh yeah. No, I just didn't want to go with you guys. Yes. That's right. Yeah. Also, the game we're going, we're, we're going to the, the Donkey Kong finals tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:45 There's a. The Donkey Kong finals are tonight. Now is this like a bit like, like Billy Mitchell, like this is like the arcade game, Donkey Kong or are you talking about? You're talking about, you said Billy Mitchell? Yeah. It's my dad. Well, no, that's not who I mean.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I mean the guy, the Donkey Kong guy. Yeah. Yeah. He's playing in the Donkey Kong finals tonight. He's playing your dad as a Navi. Yeah. That's coming back as a Navi. Got it.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Oh my God. The Donkey Kong finals, the traffic is going to be a nightmare because of, of course, the Donkey Kong finals. You guys should probably. Mario Kart. Oh, right. Sorry. Did he come racing?
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's not, that stuff's not real. But the Donkey Kong finals is happening. Oh, the banana peels, the blue shells. What else? You don't get to worry about the blue shells, my man, you're, you're never in first place. Am I right, Wags? Doesn't the Donkey Kong world in the Mario movie seem kind of dystopian? Like they've just got these cars like going everywhere.
Starting point is 00:27:47 It's just like, it's like, wait, these are big motorists? I didn't like that. I didn't. There was two. We talked about this in the car over here. I did too much, too much DK in my Mario. I save it for the Donkey Kong movie. Like I understand what they were, they were justifying the existence of the Mario Kart
Starting point is 00:28:01 so they got to come from somewhere, we're just going to say that the Kongs are big Kart dudes. But it's just like, I never thought of the Kong world as like, oh yeah, they're these, like these Dwarven engineers, basically, like they're making, they've got all these like this great steamworks and they're building these fucking, you know, these motorized vehicles that they're driving everywhere. So is this tied into Diddy Kong racing because there was also Diddy Kong racing? Yeah, Diddy Kong racing was its own thing.
Starting point is 00:28:24 But this is, they're not. What I'm saying is that why they were like, hey, so maybe like the Karts come from the Kongs. I could have been part of their logic. Yeah. I, what's weird to me is like from the game, we all remember they would ride a rhinoceros or a dolphin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah. And they didn't do that in the movie. I haven't seen it. So this sounds so crazy to me. Well, no, no, but it is. It is a little loud. That's the thing. Are you upset about spoilers?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Should we? This can't be what the movie is. It, it, it's, it sadly is kind of what the movie is and Weigar likes it. He's in the tank for the company. That's not, it's not. I'm a fan of illumination. I like the movie. I think it's, I think it's really cool to look at.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's pretty. I think it, yeah. I think it's gorgeous. But your, your bias. Hair holder. My bias. Yeah. Follow the money.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I thought it was weird when the first time Mario goes down the war pipe, they, his dick gets stuck at the top and then like, and then they have to like cut the, the, the tube open. Do you remember this part? Like it's like, they circumcise them. Yeah. Well, they, well, yeah. They circumcise them.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah. But that, that, but it set up the gag where they cut to toad and he's like, oh, he's like holding his head. Yeah. Yeah. Because he thinks he might be next. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:38 He thinks he might be next. Because of the mushroom tip. So he's, he's worried about his head. Right. Okay. His head is basically a glance. He's like, they're going to do that to my head. It looks like a cock.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah. He said, I mean, and that's, that's just a line he says. It looks like a cock while he's grabbing his head. Yeah. Of course it looks like my cock. I got a fucking toad. Is there a tall toad? That would have been fun.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Oh yeah. I don't think we're going to tall toad. No. It'd be called like wode, I guess. That kind of sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Why would it be wode?
Starting point is 00:30:14 Because of Wario. Oh. Yeah. No. Like if they have an evil mushroom guy, maybe he's called load because he's big. I like that. Load. Load is good.
Starting point is 00:30:24 He could be called load. Yeah. I think the toad is would have been fun to see. Yeah. There's a lot more. There was too much DK in the Mario verse. That's that was like, think about it, you didn't even get to see like, you want to go to like the Iceland and the lava land.
Starting point is 00:30:40 They got room for other biomes. They're going to get to the other biomes and the rest of the France. I don't know. I think I heard that this is the only one they're ever going to do. Because they've told the whole story that they need to tell. There's no more. Well, they don't want to do something if it's not a story that was telling, right? D.B. told me that he that he knows someone on Nintendo.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He asked about the biome specifically. That's the one. Atlanta. You were talking about Atlanta. It was that was right around Mitch's birthday. That's right. Which one thing I will look, we'll get to the meal later. I know I don't want to jump the gun.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I just think it was what was weird to me about the meal was is that I lied and said that it was almost Mitch's birthday so that he could get ice cream. That's right. He didn't even comment on that at all. Not to say it's not my birthday. He didn't look embarrassed. I guess I don't know. Is that something you always do and it's just normal for you to do that?
Starting point is 00:31:37 No, I was mad at you when he did it. Okay. But you didn't say anything? Well, because I know I think, didn't I say to the lady, no, it's not my birthday? No, you said, and I can't wait. I'm turning 40. You said it's my double birthday actually. I maybe said it's my double, but now I feel like I, now I can't tell if this is things
Starting point is 00:32:01 I said or if they're putting this into my head or why. No, you did say so. I thought you played along. I thought you yes and did it. That's my memory of it. Yeah. Oh yeah. You kind of played along with it.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And you got an ice cream. It was Marge was our waitress and she was great and I embarrassed myself early. I think that's where it was. I had asked her earlier on, she brought me a drink and I said, is the robot not going to come? There is a robot there. Which we'll get to. And she was like, no, like, you know, and then like, she's like, sir, I'm at work.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yes. She had to like talk to a 40 year old man who was asking me about a robot. And she was like, no, I can go with the robot's tired right now, talking like a fucking baby. Oh, he's tired right now. And then I started to cry. Yeah. So she had to be like, no, no, no, he's going to be okay. The coloring sheet was very cool because it had it had the robot on and you didn't color
Starting point is 00:32:57 inside the lines, but it was still very fun to see. And then I drew, I drew Marge and I drew me holding her hand. But I had already embarrassed myself by asking about the robot early on. So I think when you said it's his birthday, I was just like, whatever, I've already embarrassed myself. I don't care. Marge really was like, I'm going to bring you, I'm going to have the robot bring you ice cream to which I wanted to be like, can we hold off on that for a second?
Starting point is 00:33:27 It was immediate. It was immediate. We had, we had taken three, look, I mean, we got to get into the restaurant, but it was like three sushi. We took three sushi plates out. It was not. Yes. The service there was great.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It was always fantastic. And she was like so on top of things that, that the birthday surprise, which included also some gotcha prizes that are tied in with Demon Slayer, Kametsu no Yuiiba, because it's, it's like the fucking. And that three times fast. I think it's Kametsu no Yuiiba. I may have said it wrong. What is it?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yep. I'll look it up. It's, it's, it's demon, it's tied in with Demon Slayer, the anime. And so they had some gotcha prizes from that. And then it also had like a little happy birthday cup and then a vanilla ice cream for you. But she brought that out like immediately. Oh, so that franchises the pig man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I thought they just put those up on the wall once we came in. There were pictures of pig men on the wall and I, when Wags and I came in, I just figured that they like started putting them on the wall. Do not serve this man. Yeah. But that's the cart. That's the anime. You'd love that pig man.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Inosuke. He's a, he's a little like aggro dude. He's like super buff. He's got a pig head and he like gets riled up. You think I'm fucking, you think I, hold on a second, so you're just comparing me to the pig man. It's like a real angry guy gets fucking pissed off about things, the smallest thing, like makes him furious.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And his cock is small. Got a real toad on him. That's bullshit. I am a love, I love life. What? Anyway. What? What did you just say?
Starting point is 00:35:04 You love life. It's fucking cool. Oh my God. Life is fucking cool as hell. I was just in Dwight's. I was in Costa Rica. That's right. A week.
Starting point is 00:35:18 That's right. When did you get back? I got back on Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday night. Okay. Saturday night live. It was on Saturday. Okay. Who was hosting?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Who was hosting? I think Lauren hosted. I think it was one of those episodes where Lauren hosted. Yeah. Those are my favorite episodes. Those are so funny. He did. He did a Chris Rock impression early on, I remember.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Yeah, he was saying the difference between stuff. Yeah. And some other stuff as well, I think he said. And he was like, he had like five minutes on the slap as Chris Rock. But it was a great show, I believe. But I missed it. I think I came back after the show. But I was there for a full week.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I saw Monkeys. Very cool. I saw Howler Monkeys, which are nice. And they make like kind of ghostly like whoo. Like they make noises like that. They do. And it's scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:15 In the night, it can be a little scary. Then there's what white face Monkeys. Okay. So hold it. So you're in the jungle. You saw a bunch of Monkeys. I saw the fucking Mario movie again. You think that I, for a full week, saw the Mario movie and didn't go to Costa Rica?
Starting point is 00:36:31 No, I'm on vacation. You're in the chair with your eyelids, pride open, watching the Mario movie, right? I was in the jungle. How did they get those things open, by the way? Did they? They bring the jaws of life. Yes, they use the jaws of life on my eyes. That's what you're asking?
Starting point is 00:36:53 Specifically when they clockwork orange you to what? Specifically? I didn't say that. I know. We were on the Pacific coast, though, in Costa Rica. Was that right? Yeah. You can be in the Gulf coast or the Pacific coast.
Starting point is 00:37:04 We were on the Pacific coast. I saw hollow Monkeys' balls and he had a huge, he got a huge set on them. Wow. This guy had a huge set. You got to sound like you're bigger than yours. What's that? Yeah, we're bigger than yours. Oh, a thousand percent bigger than mine.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And he was a little monkey. They were huge. But you know, I felt better because other people commented on it. The other person comment was on, was my god son who's in fourth grade, but he also did say that they were big. Wow. Yeah. But he had a big sense.
Starting point is 00:37:32 The white-faced monkey, which is, they call it Monkey Mafia there because they like come and steal. They're like kind of, they're like fucking devilish. They like come and like take your stuff. And they were just like by the pool and they, they took, they, they took a pool noodle flags. And you were trying to eat that, right? Yes. The pool noodle and I slurped down like fucking spaghetti.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Is that what you want me to say? I put some fucking ragu on all of the fucking pool noodles. I'm trying to tell you about my fucking Costa Rica trip. A beautiful place. I went down to waterfall. Why? Very cool. I slid down a waterfall.
Starting point is 00:38:21 There's a video that I'll show you guys. But it was great. Life changing trip. Two cans. Some macaws. I saw some macaws. I saw like a scorpion spider. I saw a ton of shit.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Wow. It was, it was fucking great. It was great. You can go, you can ever go to Costa Rica. Check it out. Well, there you go. Well, hey, we went somewhere else talking about Kura Sushi and we'll be right back with our thoughts on that.
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Starting point is 00:43:23 the United States, and the practice of conveyor belt sushi, which is what this place is, dates to 1958 in Japan and boomed in the 70s and 80s. Mitch has his phone out and he is showing something. This is the video I think I've seen of you going down the water. Yo, you saw it already. I think I saw this. Yeah. Check this out, DB.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's very cool. Did they, the one I'm familiar with just from social media is there, where is that place where there's like a hole in the, like the rock and you slip down the hole and then you pop out on the other side. Have you seen that? Yeah, I fucking hate those. I would never do that. That's the most horrifying thing I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Wait, what? Explain what I'm doing. I'm not, it's like a part of a waterfall or some kind of thing, but you like, there's like a hole in the ground basically and you like jump in it and you look like you're going to die and then you pop out the other side and people love to like line up and do that shit, but it's just, it's really scary to me. Like a natural tunnel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I clogged up the waterfall for like a good hour. I just got stuck and then like the water backed up. It flooded like a village or two, but it's fine, you know. I wasn't going to say that. I know. It's a long video that they were watching where they, they then to get a piece of bamboo and they like shoot me out of the, they get me, they work me out of the. And you were trying to eat that too?
Starting point is 00:44:41 Dude, pandas, a million pandas can't be wrong. So we went to the Koreatown location. There's a few of these in LA. That's the one that's closest to the studio. As I mentioned, there's a demon slayer crossover right now. And this place seems very much like for kids. There's a lot of kids shit. And I think that's also like ties in with the key gimmick here, which is you're seated
Starting point is 00:45:06 at a table in a lot of the pictures you'll see of these and their people sitting at bars. But this concept, it's like there's individual booths and the booths are adjacent to a moving conveyor belt that has a bunch of individual trays of sushi and other cold dishes on it. You can also order hot dishes and those arrive on a separate conveyor belt. And then there's drinks which arrive via a motorized robot. Yeah. And then there's a human server. Or a human server, but by and large, it's a robot wheeling those over to you with a
Starting point is 00:45:31 little ditty it's playing. And then also when you go in there, you're like, I hope that our biggest dipshit isn't sitting next to the conveyor belt. And unfortunately, Jesse was there next to the conveyor belt. That is a thing that's a little awkward for a larger party is that there's one or two people who are just responsible for minding the conveyor belt. And I'm not sure we found that a stressful experience. I would have found it probably a little bit stressful for me.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I think DB knocked it out of the park. I thought you did a great job. Jesse, I thought you were all right. You did okay. Room for improvement. There is room for improvement. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I can take constructive criticism. No, I thought it was. I thought it was fine. I didn't mind it. I felt bad for you because I wanted to make sure you were getting everything that you wanted. So in that sense, was there a little pressure? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But I find I thrive under pressure. Wow. Yeah. I think they come very quick. If you put Vin Diesel on the strap, that means you can feel at home, right? If you put Vin Diesel on these things, he's going to even be like, whoa, slow it down. That's where my head is at. For me, even like, it's like, you look at that thing moving around, you don't want to
Starting point is 00:46:48 watch it too much. Why? I'm going to Ralph. That's what's going to happen. A little motion sick. That stuff is really moving. They're just whizzing the dishes right by it and you blink and you'll miss one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I'm going to freaking barf if you're looking at the thing too long. And we did. Yeah, we did. And we did barf a few times and the robot came and cleaned it up. Yeah, the robot sucks it up. If you throw off the robot does come and suck it up. That was cool. So the robot is-
Starting point is 00:47:15 And then the robot goes, mmm, after it sucks up. He likes it. Yes. Yum, yum, yum. He likes it. Yeah. So the robot is like a, I mean, like, how would you describe its shape? It's kind of this trapezoidal, like, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Curvious hell. Yeah, I would say thick, yeah. Yeah. It's a bulbous kind of vacuum. They put a big ass on it for some reason. It does have a huge ass and it gets in your way. It genuinely gets in your way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:45 When we were leaving the restaurant, I had to step over one of its ass cheeks to leave the place. But it did literally block us while we were leaving. Yeah. When you, you squeezed past it and went, ooh. I felt it, I felt it, I felt it like gyrating on, on to my crotch. Yeah. And the moaning was like when I was scooting past it, I was like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah. I knotted a little bit. Yeah, of course. Like this, like not even that much. Yeah. No, for sure. Which the robot did vacuum up as well. Because you suck it out of your pant leg on the way out, right?
Starting point is 00:48:16 It kind of rumbled out of your pant leg. The robot, yeah, is like five feet tall or something and it's as we, so we, on the show, I'm the short king. It's a short king. It's a short king. Yeah. It's a short king, I know. You're right.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You're right. On YKS, we talked about this before. So a lot of times we'll have inventions on there that people are trying to create. Sort of be like a picture of it or like a prototype or whatever. But in this case, this is one of the funnier use cases of the website, I feel like, which is when some guy just wants something and he's like, this already exists. I just wish somebody would give me the money to buy it. But they wanted this, I think this machine specifically because I feel like it's like
Starting point is 00:48:59 one of a kind because they're like everywhere. There's one at a bowling alley in Tennessee and we've gone to kids' parties there and what's weird about it? Random kids. What's that? Random kids' parties. There's a bunch every Saturday, so you can just stake them out and get free pizza. There's no security.
Starting point is 00:49:19 There's light security. But yeah, they'll- They say, my kid is here somewhere. You're that old buster around getting to- They'll take the pizza in the box and then they'll put the pizza on the robot and then they'll walk you back from the bowling lanes to the party area and- But the person who works there will be walking with the robot as it sings its little song and stuff like that and it's a very weird- It feels like a redundant experience to me, but I've seen the robot before. The same model robot, basically.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, exactly, yeah. Tell me how this is. It puts the pizza in the box or else it gets annoyed again. I get the reference, but what does that have to do with anything that we're saying? Because we're talking about robots. Are you doing a post on this? You said- Yeah. It puts the pizza in the box.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I was just thinking like it puts the pizza in the box or else it gets annoyed again. The last part I think does need work, yeah. Like the annoyed would ruin the pizza that you got down there. Yeah, or else it gets the hose again. I don't know what the one-to-one is there or else- No, I mean, I think it's fine. I think if you're talking about like it's Hannibal Lecter pizza sort of thing, it just felt like such a left turn from where we were, which was talking about robots.
Starting point is 00:50:37 No, okay, that's fair. Like, if you were talking about, I don't know, if you're going to put it into the Star Wars universe or something, it would make more sense for me. We're talking about like a robot term, like a pizza terminator or something. Okay, all right. I don't get in your head about it. I mean, I want you to keep like pitching ideas when you have them. You can come back from this.
Starting point is 00:50:53 This is survivable. Yeah, you'll be fine. What is he- Oh, we want to say about the droids. These are not the droids you're looking for. Yeah, this is not the annoyed you're looking for. There you go. So we don't have everything single thing we got documented because it is just a chaotic anarchic sort of process where stuff is coming by.
Starting point is 00:51:18 You'd be like, oh, that aburi eel with a miso cream cheese to pick one out. Like grab me that one and you'll just grab one off and you'll have like two pieces of nigiri on a plate or you know, like a few pieces of roll on a plate. You can order, like we ordered like a tempura appetizer that just came hot on a different part of the conveyor belt. Well, it's all just kind of coming out at once. Like Mitch was saying, we got some desserts early. And so, you know, I guess we'll just sort of like, I have the menu up and then if anything
Starting point is 00:51:45 comes to mind, we can talk about anything in particular. But like- I think that was funny to me is that you went to the bathroom and when you came back, there were two drinks resting on your ass when you came back. I think- Right, they kind of mistook me for the robot. Yeah, they put the drinks there. You balance them really well though, I will say. Oh yeah, I fucking- Glad to cross the floor.
Starting point is 00:52:08 They gave me a task, I can achieve it. So the salmon toro was one that we got early and I thought all the salmon that we had there was pretty good. I thought the salmon was good. Bunch of salmon, like just like a dashi olive salmon, which I think we got garlic ponzu salmon, which I know we got salmon toro, sockeye salmon, umami oil salmon. They've got a bunch of- We've got a couple of grilled salmon too, that were lightly grilled.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Yeah, we got a bunch of those and then we also got some- Mitch, you got a squid, we got a sweet shrimp, we got some seared peas- All right, he had a point out that I got the squid. Mitch got the squid because- Got a scallop? He doesn't care about ethics and stuff. I don't have any problem with people eating squid. I was like, squid, that's wild and you got- Jesse, you grabbed it for me.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah. And then why he was like, I don't eat cephalopods, that's what he said. Well, he said actually first, didn't you remember what he said actually? Yeah, he did say actually. He did say actually. And what was the finger up in the air? Yes. What was that?
Starting point is 00:53:04 It was, and then there was, he'd had a little atom ruins, everything, it bounced out of his forehead. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah, my hair got extra high. Your hair got high. You guys are emitting when I whistled, like I wolf whistled and then a high horse came in and I took, I got out of it. And I, you know, I had never heard the term cephalopod up until that very moment.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Octopus and squids. And I think they have like too much brain function where I feel guilty about eating that. And I have heard that. I knew it. When you said it, I was like, oh yeah, this is bad. But I don't mind people who eat them because I know, like, it's fine. I don't, I don't fucking judge anyone for anything.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I felt pretty bad once we had it. Once we got shamed by- Yeah, once we got shamed by Weigur. Well, we immediately had to get shamed is when I started to feel bad. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Actually, for me too, I think it was after he shamed us that I felt worse. But you were already feeling bad because you wanted the Pib Extra and he wouldn't let you get it.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Oh, that's right. That was a whole thing. I wanted a Pib Extra for the table. And I was like, what are we, what are we doing here? You don't need to get a Pib Extra here. I thought it was fun. You said you don't need it is what you- You did not need one. You had another drink.
Starting point is 00:54:07 We did not, you need a Pib Extra for the table. A Pib Extra. I've never had- Five straws. That's what we were. I've never had a Pib Extra. I think I, I certain you've had a Pib Extra. I don't think I've had one ever. What Nick said was like, you're already extra enough.
Starting point is 00:54:20 He said to you. Yes. Which is also rude. And then he did the snaps. I don't know. Yeah. He was very animated at the beginning of the, of the launch. He really was.
Starting point is 00:54:31 We didn't, we didn't get the Pib Extra. You don't do cephalopods. You don't do, you don't like Pib. I don't know if there's a moral reason for the Pib, but we didn't get it. Um, actually Pib is considered highly intelligent amongst, I mean, there's no way that's because there's no way. The other one's a doctor. Dude, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:54:50 There's no way that Pib is, is thought of as highly intelligent. And I don't get like their branding for the longest time was Mr. Pib, and then they switched to Pib Extra. And I think there's, it's just the same thing. I think it's just a rebrand, but I don't know why they call it Pib Extra. It's such a weird name. Like it's, did Mr. Pib getting trouble or something or like, I don't think Mr. Pib is a real guy.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I don't think Mr. Pib. Where did the extra thing come from? Yeah. Where did the extra come from? What is that? I don't know. And that's why I wanted to try the soda. And you didn't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:17 It's fine. It's fine. What did you guys think about the, the starry rebrand? We like it. I think it, I think the starry zero is pretty good. I think the regular starry is like, I think I probably prefer Sierra Miss, but there's also like Sierra Miss was made with, with real sugar and starry is made with corn syrup. And I think that's the real motivation for the switch.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Oh. Like we can rebrand it as something new and cool, but also it's a much cheaper soda to produce. You're telling me there's no Mr. Pib himself? No, I don't think he's a guy. Yeah. Pib Extra is just a reformulation of Mr. Pib. And it, it's Coke's version of Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I'm trying to lie too. Yeah. Yeah. It replaced Mr. Pib. What are you doing after this? Do you want to go get a Pib Extra somewhere? Um, I can get one of my own things. We're going to go to the staple center with you.
Starting point is 00:56:09 We got it. We got it. We have the, the docket finals. I don't know if it's going to, I don't know if we're going to have time. I don't, I don't leave until tomorrow. Do you have, do you have a favorite in the Donkey Kong finals or no? In the Donkey Kong finals, who do I choose your favorite? It was my favorite.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It was my favorite of the finals, yeah. To take home the, the golden barrel. The golden barrel. All right. Do you have, do you have, do you have a favorite or not? I, I think, I'm Baby Kong. It's his year. Baby, that's, is that real?
Starting point is 00:56:38 Sorry. Baby Kong, is Baby Kong one of the real ones? Baby Kong is real. Okay. I also think Baby Kong would be good to say. I know, I've been watching Kong all year. I know what Kong is. Tell me you don't know anything about the Donkey Kong finals.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Some of the roles we got. We got the, the Kura role. We got the, I think we got the golden crunchy role. We got some, we got, I know we just got a straight up spicy tuna role and a real crab California role. Can I tell you what my least favorite role was? Please. Because it stood out to me.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I think. Spicy garlic popcorn shrimp role, right? Yes. Was that it? No, I liked that. That one was okay. It won, it won me over a little bit. It wasn't exactly what I wanted when I first tried it.
Starting point is 00:57:29 The one that I didn't love was the Kong. We had Kong. Okay. That wasn't a role. Yeah. Okay. That was just, yeah. Kong shishimi or whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I sort of remember what this one was. I took a picture of it. What was that? I forget what it was. Oh yes. I put it back in there or I'm not sure what that is, but. I also didn't like the sweet one. I'm not, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm not seeing that one on the menu, but I Yeah. I think the tofu that wrapped around the rice. It was like a little pocket of something. Yeah. That was not very good. Yeah. That was interesting. It's a little Cronenberg-y.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Wait, I kind of like that. Being DB didn't, the sweetness, why was that guy told you, I think that like, you know, I only started really, I said 10 years ago, but probably like 12 years ago or so. Sweetfin, I said this on the show before, was kind of my, not Sweetfin, what's the sushi place, Wags? Sugarfish. Sugarfish, thank you, Jesse.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Sugarfish is what it is. And that was kind of my gateway to sushi. I didn't love a lot of sushi. And then in here too, it was kind of a gamble of what, you know, sometimes you get, you pull a tray and you're like, this is kind of, this is different. This is very different from my palette. It is low risk though.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah, that's what's fun about it. Because it's so much, it's just an experiential thing. Like this is not the highest quality sushi. There are dozens of places you can get better quality sushi. But also not bad sushi. It's not bad though, it's good sushi and they have real wasabi, which is nice. And you know, things like they mentioned,
Starting point is 00:59:00 like the California roll is made with real crab, a lot of, most of the time that's imitation crab. So, you know, it's not a low quality product. But yeah, it's a pretty low risk proposition because each plate I think is like, what, 350? So you're paying 350 for two or four pieces of something. And if you, you know, if you don't like it, well, that's whatever, that's one plate.
Starting point is 00:59:19 It's fine, it doesn't ruin your meal. So yeah, I think that just the whole thing is just stuff's coming, stuff's whizzing by. You see something that looks interesting, you pick it up, you like it or you don't. And most of the stuff I liked. I think it's a pretty fun experience. It is fun.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And I think it's a well done chain version of this. Like they kind of have all the kinks worked out. The, I feel like the tablet ordering and you, you, you fed a go that the most. But I think the tablet ordering seemed pretty straightforward. It wasn't overly complicated. Yeah, not bad, pretty intuitive. And that's for ordering drinks and hot dishes.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Right, right. Yeah, and for calling the server, if you have to complain about nesting the robot as much. I noticed that the other boy got to see the robot. Meanwhile, I'm over here with my fucking thumb up my ass. And also I'll say this too, the eggs, we should talk about the eggs. The eggs, yes.
Starting point is 01:00:13 The eggs. The eggs. Yeah. I don't know how they never had the super fans. How did they never do that? Not do like an egg campaign. The eggs. The eggs.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah, I mean, it makes so much sense. It's right there. The bears, the eggs. Makes the most fucking one to one. You know what else? California raisins singing about California rolls. I think that could have been fun. Little California crossover.
Starting point is 01:00:39 That would have been amazing. I think that could have worked really well. People would think that raisins would be in the rolls though, don't you think? That might confuse people a little bit. That's maybe confusing. But maybe that's part of the song. Like, we're not in them, you know?
Starting point is 01:00:54 Oh yeah. Thought of everything over here, dude. Always a step ahead, Mitch. So when you brought up the eggs, are you talking about the tomagosushi? Is that what you mean? Well, that is one of the eggs. Or are you talking about the roe?
Starting point is 01:01:12 I'm talking about the fun egg surprise balls that come right to your table. Oh yeah, the little dacha balls. Which I got also for my birthday. I was brought a couple of eggs. But they'll shoot out right at your table. Why? I didn't get, is it random?
Starting point is 01:01:30 Or is it when you hit a number of plates? The reason you didn't know, Mitch, is because I was there first. The rest of us filed in somewhat afterwards, which is cool. I feel like I got the full experience with Mitch. So you weren't there for the explanation as to why the... Look, you said to us, what are you guys, the late boys? Because both of us were not on time today.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Let's be fair. Yeah, the escalator, the train stationals were going to haul my ass up like fucking five flights. I was out of breath. Oh wow, five flights. Sounds like an average dinner for you, Mitch. You think I eat at the top of my house? I think you drink like 40 beers.
Starting point is 01:02:17 OK, I thought you were saying I go up my stairs. They make fun of me for stairs on a podcast. I was also lost in a parking lot, which I said to you. Then later we all were. And then later we all did. You got to admit, it is confusing and weird. It was a little tough to get in and out of there, yeah. And so I was a little...
Starting point is 01:02:37 Weigher got there before me. But what did they tell you in this fascinating 10 minutes? It was more than 10. But I think the explanation was every five plates you were supposed to get a roll of the gotcha. That's what it's called, the gotcha mission. I don't think... We did not get every five.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Ultimately, we can say the number of plates we put away. I'm sad because we were almost at 50 plates. If we had known and we were almost at 50, we would have gotten another one. We got 49 plates, yeah. So we should have gotten nine little toys. I don't even think we got nine, including the free ones that you got
Starting point is 01:03:15 with your birthday surprise. I don't think we did either. So there's some kinks to be worked out yet. Kind of find that we matched Weigher's age in number of plates, but not even that far off. I mean, for either of us. But I thought that was the fact that it comes right to your table is a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's cute. And then it did Weigher that did make you say like, this is maybe like Chuck E. Cheese in Japan. It definitely has it as like, just again, that's leaning so heavily on this anime tie-in that yeah, it's got these gotcha prizes. It's got these little toys and key chains and pins that we got.
Starting point is 01:03:53 It feels like, yeah, this is a thing that you take for like a kid's birthday sort of occasion. And I feel like kids would have fun at this. You know, assuming they had their pallet has the let's them enjoy sushi. All right. It seems like Weigher's really angling to get the kids. Just saying we could bring some kids.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Be a better, like we could review the restaurant more accurate if we had like kids in our part. I agree. The only problem I find with this is that the tables are so small, we'd have to have one adult sitting with all the kids. Yeah. We deputize one of us is like kind of overseeing the kids.
Starting point is 01:04:22 What is going to hang it up with them? I don't want to do that. Oh, I can, you know, I mean, I can do it. I mean, I can do it. It's pretty good. You're OK with that. I can do it. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Well, if you're going to do that, we'll all just leave. And you can be there with the kids. OK, that's fine. OK, buddy. We really appreciate that. You should check out those bowling alleys, too, by the way. I was tight, but also like that's the way it's kind of set up. There's no way around it, I guess.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It's a pretty small footprint for that, at least that location. You know what? I thought the booths were kind of roomy, despite that, as a big guy, I had no issue in the booth. There are smaller booths at bigger restaurants. I agree. Yeah, I agree with that, J.F. I was a chair, bitch.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I was a chair at the end, and I was still actually felt all right. I felt pretty comfy. I didn't feel like it was in every one of my life. They were kind of thrown like the chairs, right? Big chairs. Yeah, they're big chairs. Yeah, they were substantial. I was comfy.
Starting point is 01:05:18 They were big chairs. Yeah, you had a robot dubbed you chair, bitch, right? The robot did sing. It's saying happy birthday. It's saying happy birthday. That was nice. Which was nice. Yeah, but didn't say much else.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I'm disappointed. Do we have any favorite bites? Because I thought the sweet shrimp was particularly tasty. I mean, I always liked sweet shrimp. I thought that was really good. The garlic ponzu salmon, in particular, I thought was good. And I thought among the rolls, I mean, honestly, I thought that was a pretty decent,
Starting point is 01:05:45 just straight up California roll. It was a good California roll. I thought the California roll was really decent. You know what surprised me was all the beef bites we had, I thought were really good. Yeah, so there was a bunch of different seared beef ones, I think they might have a wagyu, I'm not sure. They have what they call premium American beef,
Starting point is 01:06:03 which I think was the fancier one. Oh, and what was that one? The one that came with just one, the fancy one? What was that? Was the bluefin smoked? Or no, was it the bluefin? It was the bluefin, I think that only had one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:16 The beef ones came with two, generally. The premium one stood out to me as being particularly good, because I think one of the things that they do with the cooked stuff there is make it really thin in a way that almost imitates what you would expect from a raw fish. But the premium beef had some actual chew on it, which I thought was good and didn't make it seem
Starting point is 01:06:38 like I was just slithering down a piece of cooked flesh. It felt like actual steak kind of. You weren't slurping down a pool noodle. And I would never do that. I'm normal. Neither would fucking I. For sure. The white-faced monkeys stole it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 White-faced monkeys also ruthless. They eat other monkey babies. They're fucked up. They're fucked up monkeys. Didn't see any squirrel monkeys. But I saw a lot of monkeys, Wikes. I didn't see a big vacation. It was mostly monkeys.
Starting point is 01:07:11 There were a lot of monkeys. There was a scorpion in our house, like a fucking huge scorpion. I'll show you a picture of it. And I actually did see a pic of this. Yeah, you saw it. Hey, DB, get over here and take a look at the picture.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Jesse is flipping off. Oh my God, a scorpion's huge. I have not pulled it up on my phone, just for everyone who. It's reading a book. Millie's dad is nicknamed Scorpion. There it is. That's the scorpion that was in the house.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Oh, God. But there's nothing for sense of scale. There's not like a quarter next to it or your cock. Should have put your hand down. There was a picture of my cock next to it. There it is. Oh, yeah, I can see now. Yeah, it's pretty big.
Starting point is 01:07:53 It looks huge. It looks massive compared to that thing. You could shower outside. That's fun. Did you do it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you could shower like facing the jungle. And then like a group of monkeys digs come
Starting point is 01:08:06 and they start to laugh at my dig. Which is, you know, a little disappointing. But. And your mom was there too, right? Yeah, she was laughing too. You joined them. I was like, get out of the fucking tree, mom. What the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:08:22 I love her. She's a good lady. Good lady. She's a good lady. She sounds really cool. She's great. You never met her, huh? I've not met her, no.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Let's keep it that way. She's single. The way I heard you talking about edible panties, I don't think I want to hear. I might just have to. The Inari, I think we mentioned earlier. I liked it. It seemed like people were kind of split. Among the hot dishes, we got the,
Starting point is 01:08:53 let's see, we got a garlic fried rice, which I thought was fine. I thought it was pretty good. And we also got a tenju, which is just like basically a tempura sampler. The tempura sampler I thought was very good, but you made the great point that there should be a dipping sauce.
Starting point is 01:09:03 I would have expected a dipping sauce, but that's one of those things where just like, I don't know if a lot of the dipping sauces that we have in America are like, you're not supposed to use that for that, you know? And so like, I wonder if that's a thing of just like, we've come to expect that there's some sort of, you know, like a little pool
Starting point is 01:09:19 of something to dip a tempura in, but you're not actually supposed to have it that way. I have no idea. Here's my pitch to this restaurant. A little bottle of vinegar as well as the soy. What do you think? Where did that come from? Why would that?
Starting point is 01:09:30 Because vinegar goes good with soy. I think you can mix the two together. Right, Wags? I'll be out of here. I think that, I mean, I don't know. I mean, it's that typical thing you've read into. They could do that. And some hot sauce would be nice.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Legitimately sound crazy. Give me to the fucking Donkey Kong finals. In reality, there's almost not enough room on the table for even the stuff that we do have. That is true. And I was the only one who had napkins that looked like little nut rags that was disgusting. That was sick.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It was sick. And they were like, but there was no, it is kind of complicated because there's a little chute for your little plates. And they were like, we were like, should we put like, you know, we bought out, what are the green? Edamame? Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Edamame. I was just talking about mommy and then I forgot about Edamame. I might just have to Edamame in a minute. Dude. You know what I'm saying? This might be our most tense episode. But we were like, what do we do?
Starting point is 01:10:35 Do we put these down the chute? Yeah. And she was kind of like, no. Like it was like, it seemed like they just want the plates down that chute. Plates only down the chute. And that's partly how they account for how much food you've eaten.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Because it's like you, they, you go down the chute and they count how many plates you have. And that's what comes out of your receipt at the end. Which is crazy. So every tray is basically the same price? It is. Yes, it is. They're all, they're all $3.55 apiece.
Starting point is 01:10:57 So that's insane. And there's like a little sign that says, it says plates only please or Jedi going down the chute. The garbage chute. Yeah. That was the one exception. If it were you were a Jedi, you could slide down it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Or I guess like a, I guess a droid. All two different droids. And then a lady. If you were a droid or a lady, like a, like a lady in terms of like a sort of a regal sort of title. Absolutely. Yeah, I repeat. These are not the noise you're looking for.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, the only, one of the only whiffs, we got a matcha dessert, but it, or sorry, it wasn't a matcha dessert, it was a mochi dessert. Mochi dessert. But it was like kind of a cocoa.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I think it was, was it the warabi mochi? That's what it was. And I just like, it wasn't a texture. I like mochi. I do too. But I think that was a big whiff. This one was like, someone compared it to baker's chocolate. It was like a, it was like a, a chocolate without any sweetness.
Starting point is 01:11:51 It was just kind of like a, like a powdered cocoa. That too, that to me was only the, I just started thinking a cocoa, the gorilla. Remember the one who gave side language? Yes. Oh yeah. That was a, that was a fucking fraud too. Wait, really?
Starting point is 01:12:04 The gorilla was full of shit. Yeah. It was like, because like cocoa would like, would just kind of do something. And then his handler would be like, oh, cocoa says he loves you. Yeah. Eva Anderson did a whole thing on this.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Like she's, she's, she's investigated this a lot. Dude, we were about to see her tonight in the fucking fucking confinals. Fucking bullshit. Opening up. Yeah. She's a, she's a fucking fraud. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Big of fraud. She's an MC. Wow. Careful, dude. Careful, dude. I'm not talking about your dad. Dude, I would never talk about your dad that way. Talking about the guy who-
Starting point is 01:12:30 All right, dude. If you get into Whammer territory, you're not going to be mad. My dad's Whammer. Yeah. Whammer. You know I would never do that. Whammy Anthony Mitchell.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Um, it's apparently a sweet and nutty soybean powder. So that's why we, it looked like cocoa, but it did not have a cocoa flavor. That was just not to my taste. Yeah. It wasn't, wasn't something my palate's accustomed to. I did like the, just a bowl of watermelon. Enjoyed that watermelon.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Also you did. Ate it all. You did. All for me. Yeah. You, it was, it was all for whys. No one got to taste it. Because I was in charge of handing over the dishes.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Weiger said, give me that fucking watermelon. And I said, yes, sir, right away. I grab it and he like, did you see how he like, like he like, yeah, he like, yeah, and he like scratched my hand. He scratched your hand. He scratched my hand. With his fingernail. With his fingernail.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Cause he was so interested in it. And then the cut looked infected by the end of the lunch. Well, it was glowing. But you munched the melon. I did. I do believe I offered the melon and it was mostly met with silence. And so I just, I had all the melon. Cause it was understood that we would all share it.
Starting point is 01:13:34 And you went ahead and just ate most of it. So that's why I thought it was unspoken that we would. Yeah. That's why we, that's why we were bad. We were, we were, we were, we were pissed off. Well, that's why we gave you the silent treatment. Yeah. And then also, I mean, just to throw this out there,
Starting point is 01:13:51 he had his melon plate and I was like, man, that fish dessert looks pretty good. There was a fish, like a pastry fish. How mad he got? He got so, he got very, he got fucking pissed off. We got to add some context in terms of timing. You raised his hand up. We were paying.
Starting point is 01:14:08 This is like weird, like we're closing out and you're like, oh, we should have gotten that fish dessert. I was like, that's just fine. We're done. We had enough. We're all full. Well, you said you don't need it. It was like a fried, it was like a fried, like breaded,
Starting point is 01:14:23 it's like fried dough with some vanilla ice cream and. It's a fish shaped pastry with red bean paste filling and vanilla ice cream. And DB's right. You just raised your hand. You didn't even make a fist. You just kind of raised it in the air. Like we knew, and we knew what that meant. Like there's something bad's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And so I said, okay, all right, it's fine. We can go. We can go. And then you were like, I want to sit for a while. And then we just sat there for like 20, 30 minutes. We're done. Why is he making us sit here? I could have ordered this and we could have eaten it.
Starting point is 01:14:53 You could have had. But yeah, if we just sat there. It's like a punishment for no, I'm going to drink the rest of my water while I sit here. You don't need to just chug it or whatever. I want to sit for a bit. And then we went outside and we saw two big dogs fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And then you got down and wrestled with them. That was awesome. I wrestled with them. The guy started to kick my ass because he thought I was getting too excited. And then he went to leave and he put his leash on you. I remember that. And I looked up and I saw my car and the dog was driving you guys over. Hold on, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Hold on, dude. Hold on, Negatoro. That was also one of the plates we didn't get. That was one of the plates we didn't get. Negatoro, which I think would be a cool way to say no from here on out. Negatoro, I'm good. How long was it when the dog was driving you guys until you realized? We almost got to the studio before you guys.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Well, he put it in the ways directions to Petco. And we were like, wait a minute, why am I mistaken as to Petco? And then also I heard that you guys actually got to the studio. You went to Petco and you're like, this is weird. This is weird, yeah. And then you got to the studio and there was a COVID test and Anya gave us a COVID test. And then my test came back as dog. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Mitch, you tested positive for dog. Wait a minute. And then you came back and you made the switch. I was kind of happy when you guys realized that when you came back. I was kind of doing all right. You were finally getting them little balls taken off. Yeah. You guys came just a minute too soon.
Starting point is 01:16:24 That had to be a relief. Honestly, it's better to have them gone. Yeah, for sure. A lot of problems sitting down and everything. Yeah. Are you at that age? I don't sit to sit down to piss. Sorry, just sit down on your own balls and squish them?
Starting point is 01:16:39 I know. I don't think my balls are that loose and big personally. I don't know if this is a fact I think too, but it's very, it's just all there in a little, I call it the bird's nest. Just like a little compact bird's nest. But your penis is still on top of the balls, right? Yeah, it's laying there. It's like, it looks like three eggs.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Okay. When you go to a piss, do you ever actually take out a ball and try to do it? Occasionally, yes. Yeah. And then nothing happens. You go, damn it. It looks like a bird's nest and there is like loose pieces of like grass and straw in there. What?
Starting point is 01:17:19 Secret butts. Loose worms, loose worms. Are you all right over there, Wags? Yeah, I'm good. You're tired? I'm all sleepy. I was going to have a coffee before the record and instead I went with a Coke Zero and I should have opted for the coffee, but I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 01:17:35 It's good because we only have another gigantic record after this, so it should be all right. I'm going to be fine. And then we've got the Donkey Kong final night as well. It's fine, it's fine. Yeah, it's fine. I don't know how much more... Oh, he seemed mad there. Well, you're mad at him for being tired. Do you not see how you did that?
Starting point is 01:17:51 Yeah, no, I guess I get that, but I want him to be having a good time. I'm having a good time, I have a great time. It's important for you, for the people around you to be having a good time. Yeah. That's a big thing for you. That is true. It is true. I know.
Starting point is 01:18:05 You know what? I'll say this, I was having a great time at that restaurant. I think overall it was good, right? I think it's a fun experience. I think it's a fucking hoot. Honestly, it's there for... Just to say, talk about another sushi chain that's kind of on the same scale. The one I think of... I think it's an American chain, it's called Kabuki. I don't know if y'all have Kabuki out there.
Starting point is 01:18:27 I don't think we do. But that's a place where it's just like you sit down and they... It doesn't have the gimmick of the stuff coming by on a conveyor belt. It's just... Type of theater in Japan. Careful, Mitch. That's the truth. Careful. It is. Once he gets started with this stuff...
Starting point is 01:18:45 I don't want to hear his opinion about it. No, not at all. Let's nip it in the bud. For me, honestly, if you want to... Dude, just give me the go and I will fucking unleash it. Fucking masks and all this shit. But that's a much less... The sushi is fine. It's kind of on the same level of this. It's probably a little cheaper, but it's a much less fun experience.
Starting point is 01:19:09 It doesn't feel like a special occasion place. And then there's better quality sushi. You can go to individual sushi outlets out here or go to an upscale chain and have better quality fish. But I think the sushi is good enough where it's like... I don't know. It's just a fucking blast. I had a good time. I wish either we had someone else instead of Jesse or no one.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Like Jesse was gone. But besides that, I had a blast. How do you guys feel? Do you kind of agree? I was all right with Jesse being there. I mean, if he was not there, would I have had a better time? Yeah, but I was fine with him being there. Sure, sure, sure. Well, for my own part...
Starting point is 01:19:59 I thought it was good. I think probably the part that I liked the least is when I was there on time 20 minutes before everyone else. That part for me was tough, but the rest of it I think went pretty swimmingly after. Dude, are we ever going to hear the fucking end of this shit? I don't think you will ever stop hearing that specific complaint. The hot water in my house went out for the second day in a row.
Starting point is 01:20:25 So I was a little bit floundering. I told you this, that I took a cold shower yesterday and my dick was already shrunken in the hot shower. So then the cold shower came and it decimated me. Twice in a row, something's going on. I can figure it out. Sorry, the connection between that and you being late to the... I had a call.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I had to wait for his dick to inflate. I tried to fucking jack off the cold shower. It was so fun. Look at those, dude. Plumbing places that I wrote down in my notes app. Okay. They're used for work. I was trying to call.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I need hot water back. But you needed it right before you were leaving? Yeah, it's two days in a row. I need it. Look, it's Friday if we want to dox the day. It's Friday. Well, it's the day of the Donkey Kong finals. So people don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:21:19 That's a good point. It's going to be so dated when this comes out and the Donkey Kong finals will come out to go. Yeah. I know. They'll go to online. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:35 And yeah, it was a mess this morning. And also it was confusing to get into their dogs fighting outside. But I had... I don't think you can... You can blame the restaurant for the dogs that were fighting on the sidewalk outside. Dude, that slowed us down.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Was that a hindrance to you at all or no? I didn't. I thought those dogs were roughhousing. Some big boys were roughhousing and they just needed to, you know, get out of their system. Besides all that, I did... I had a very good time. I had a great time.
Starting point is 01:22:07 I don't know where this is going to go. I don't know either, but we're going to find out right after this break. We'll be back with more dog ways. Oh, shit. What's up, everybody? I'm Spoon Man and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Helix Sleep. That's right. You know it. You love it.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I know it. I love it. I've had my Helix mattress for quite a few years now, Wags. I have the Moonlight Lux. It's like sleeping on a cloud. It's the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on. Do your pets love the mattress, Mitch? Wags, Wally and Irma go nuts over it. They sleep on that thing all day long.
Starting point is 01:22:41 They love my mattress. I love my mattress. Wow. Anyone who has slept in that bed loves that mattress. So, you and your cats? Me and my cats. And my mom and sister went visiting sometimes. But that is it. Helix Sleep is a premium mattress
Starting point is 01:22:57 brand that provides tailored mattresses based on your unique sleep preferences. The Helix lineup includes 14 unique mattresses, including a collection of luxury models, a mattress for big and tall sleepers, good for no-boys listeners, and even a mattress made just for kids. You know what Wags? Everyone's probably thinking, Spoon Man, how will we know
Starting point is 01:23:13 which Helix mattress works best for ourselves and our bodies? Well, guess what? You take the Helix Sleep Quiz and you find your perfect mattress in under two minutes. I took the quiz. I got matched up with my Helix Moonlight Lux. I love it. I sleep on a cloud. I get the best sleep I've ever gotten.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I get zonked out when I hit that mattress. And your personalized mattress is shipped straight to your door, free of charge. Helix knows there's no better way to test out a new mattress than by sleeping on it in your own home. That's why they offer a 100-night trial and a 10- to 15-year warranty to try out your new Helix mattress.
Starting point is 01:23:45 And Wags, everybody is unique and everyone sleeps differently. That's why Helix has several different mattress models to choose from, each designed for specific sleep positions and feel preferences. Models with memory foam layers to provide optimal pressure relief if you sleep on your side. Models with more responsive foam
Starting point is 01:24:01 to cradle your body for essential support in stomach and back sleeping positions, plus enhanced cooling features to keep you from overheating at night. And if your spine needs some extra TLC, they got you. Every Helix mattress has a hybrid design combining individually wrapped steel coils in the base with premium
Starting point is 01:24:17 foam layers on top. It's the perfect combination of comfort and support. Wise, as I already told you, I took the Helix sleep quiz and I was matched with my Moonlight Lux. And you know what? I wanted something that felt like a cloud. I wanted to be nice and soft on my bed. And that's exactly what I got. I sleep
Starting point is 01:24:33 on my stomach. Sometimes I sleep on my side. I go all over the place, but my Helix Moonlight Lux works for me. I love it. Mitch, not only is the mattress the best you have ever slept on, but the setup was fast and easy. Helix mattresses are delivered in a box and straight to your door for free. Plus Helix mattresses are American made and come with a 10 to 15 year
Starting point is 01:24:49 warranty depending on your model. Don't want to take my word for it. Helix has been awarded the number one mattress picked by GQ and Wired magazine. It's even recommended by multiple leading chiropractors and doctors of sleep medicine as a go-to solution for improving your sleep. Helix is offering up to 20%
Starting point is 01:25:05 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Go to This is their best offer yet and it won't last long. With Helix, better sleep starts now. Our next partner has truly made a positive impact on the most important people in my life.
Starting point is 01:25:21 And no, I'm not talking about Wags and Casey in here in the studio or Emma. I love the three. No, I'm talking about Wally and Irma Wags. Come on. I love those two. Those little rascals. You love them too. That's right, Mitch.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Your cat's old food would stink and that's why I'm happy you found our next partner, Smalls. That's right, Wags. You'd walk into my house and I'd see you come in and you'd go and you'd fall over from the cat. I usually faint. I'm feeling woozy.
Starting point is 01:25:53 And then just sort of pad drift to the floor. No, I would like kneel down and I put a pillow under your head like a cool move. Yeah, and then you'd be hearing me say honkshoe, honkshoe for like 90 minutes and all those kitchens of Z's. But Wags, it's 2023. Are you still feeding your cat
Starting point is 01:26:09 kibble? Well, now is the time to update your cat food with Smalls. Smalls cat food is protein-packed recipes made with preservative-free ingredients you'd find in your fridge and is delivered right to your door. Smalls was started back in 2017 by a couple of guys home cooking cat food
Starting point is 01:26:25 and small batches for their friends. Today, Smalls has served millions of meals to cats all across America. At this point, you might be wondering, why can't I just feed my cat kibble? When it comes to big pet food, let's just say you do not want to see how the sausage just made. Think pink sludge getting extruded at extremely high temperatures.
Starting point is 01:26:41 If that sounds gross, imagine having to eat it every day. Smalls takes a different approach. It is cooked gently just like food would be in your own kitchen and they work with leading cat nutritionists to create recipes that are exactly what your little furball craves and needs. After making a switch to Smalls, 78%
Starting point is 01:26:57 of cat owners reported that their cats had linear and softer fur and 90% reported overall health improvements. That is a big deal. The team at Smalls is so confident your cat will love their product that you can try it risk-free. That means they will refund you if your cat won't eat their food.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Wigs, Wally and Irma eat Smalls and they love it. And you know what? They're shiny little guys. If you've seen them, their coats look nice. They're happier. They got more activity going. They like Smalls and you can see an improvement in their health. Remember, higher quality
Starting point is 01:27:29 ingredients mean a healthier and happier life for your kitty. So head to slash Doe Boys and use promo code DOE BOYS at checkout for 50% off your first order plus free shipping. That's the best offer you'll find but you have to use my code DOE BOYS for 50% off your first order. One last time
Starting point is 01:27:45 that's promo code DOE BOYS for 50% off your first order plus free shipping. Do it. Welcome back to DOE BOYS. We're here with Jesse for our Mike Hale. Your Kickstarter sucks is the podcast. And the chain is
Starting point is 01:28:01 Kuro Sushi which we're going to review right now. Y'all have done the show before. You know this works. We're just going to go around. Give our closing argument if you will on this particular experience. Give it a rating from 0 to 5 forks. Mike, seated to my left. We'll begin with you. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 01:28:17 We have a similar kind of place in Nashville called Sushi Train but that's fun. We lower quality sushi I would say. Also I would say we had a place called that.
Starting point is 01:28:33 We don't know whether it exists anymore or not because we went there probably six years ago. It was awesome when I was there. I enjoyed it. That was a lot of... And under Biden all the trains are derailing too so could be. I remember I went to that place sometime and I forget if you were with
Starting point is 01:28:49 if I was there with you but they were broadcasting the it was when they were rebroadcasting the OJ Simpson trial. On the TVs there with all the families they had like the court footage and stuff and the bloody sidewalks and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:29:05 It was really bad. And they were putting the old trial on TV. I guess so. It must have been that. It would be wild if you were watching it and then at the end if they're like guilty. You know what I'm saying? Yeah they changed it. It's like a Star Wars special edition.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Special edition OJ trial? I would feel like I was in the Twilight Zone if that happened to me. I feel that way a lot these days. I know what the way things are going and stuff. Sushi train in Nashville, Tennessee. Still open.
Starting point is 01:29:37 You're 100% right. Yeah. Yeah. All this stuff man. It's funny how it all happens at once, isn't it? All this stuff. I think what will happen for me, I'm like, alright is Rod Serling going to step out now?
Starting point is 01:29:53 That's kind of how I feel. Well this is the thing. I asked my wife this probably two or three times a day and she's like, I'm getting worried about you and I'm like, yeah who else is? Let me guess, who puts you up to this? Rod? Rod do this? You hear the crazy thing? I don't even want to freak you out.
Starting point is 01:30:09 He was a professor at Ithaca College. Truthwags. He was a professor at Ithaca College. Have you seen Black Mirror? No, what's that? I don't know. I heard about it. I don't know either. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:25 I'm not sure. I don't know what it is. I think that he like, I don't know. You're going to laugh him because it's going to sound silly. But I think Rod Serling, he taught like, he taught G101. Oh, because you went to Monsters University, right?
Starting point is 01:30:49 That would have been a good, that's a fun cameo in Monsters U if Rod Serling should have been included in some way. Yeah, I mean, I think the issue there is that he was dead for like long dead by that point. Oh, in the Monsters University canon he's dead? You're saying he can't be alive
Starting point is 01:31:05 in the Monsters University canon? Yeah, he canonically is dead in my timeline. I didn't know they went over that in the movies. Mike, I'm going to adjust your microphone real quick. Yeah, just a little windscreen's coming off of the end there. All right, we interrupted you. You were talking about the sushi train. We derailed the sushi train.
Starting point is 01:31:21 You were talking about your... ...degenge. No, I thought it was good. The fish was very, very good, very tasty. I don't know, people always say if you want good quality sushi, go to the coast or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Where the fuck did you hear that? I'm stupid. Where the fuck? Who said that? That's what people say. Who are you talking to? People say that. Well, what about the drink? We didn't talk about our drinks. We didn't mention the drinks. I get a green tea. Oh, yeah, you guys had green tea. I had a Diet Coke. No, I didn't have a PIP. Wait, did you have a PIP extra?
Starting point is 01:31:55 No, I didn't get it. You didn't need a PIP extra. Wait a minute, but you almost got one. I almost got one. You didn't need one. Yeah, you didn't get one. Isn't it weird when Weigar said, Mike, I'm going to adjust your microphone, and then he started to touch Mike's beard? I thought that was strange.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Did you? I didn't think the beard touch was strange. I thought the throat stroking was strange. I think you said, I got to get your warmed up buddy. Was that what it was? I think those were his exact words. That was on the replay.
Starting point is 01:32:27 What were you talking about? Sushi is better on the toast. Yeah, drinks also. What are we? We had the raspberry tea. I thought that was good. It just happened like 20 minutes ago, I can't remember. Yup.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Yeah, that was good. What else? I will not be bailing you out of this. You have to recount your own experience and you have to give it a you know what, I'm not going to tell you what you have to give it. No, I would honestly give this place five forks.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Holy shit, I love it. I love it, I love it. What are you, five? Yeah. It was good. And they have the little robot who does sex noises when they, I liked when I said,
Starting point is 01:33:19 can I get a milkshake? And the cup disappeared in his body and it was like mmm, mmm, mmm. And then the cup came out and there was a milkshake in it. That is, that's the craziest one too because you think that the robot is just delivering you drinks and then it,
Starting point is 01:33:37 and then it makes you want. It makes a drink and it's like vacuumed up a bunch of puke and cum earlier. Yeah, so you're like, wait a minute. I hope those are separate buckets. Oh God. And the drink, correct me if I'm wrong, it's a slurgo surprise.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Which is also kind of like, who is slurgo? I don't know who that is. Five forks, five forks. I think that's a great score. That's a wild ass score. Well, J.F., what's your verdict? Well, I won't be making that mistake.
Starting point is 01:34:11 No, I thought it was good when we were talking about what place to pick out. I think we landed on this because, well, first of all, you were absolutely no help. I had to come up with all of this on my, I basically, I'm basically the architect of this whole show, so if you like it,
Starting point is 01:34:27 you know, give me a follow. I think, for me, the thing that is the handle for this is the tech part of it. You know, on our show, we're always talking about tech. First of all, we love tech. We love tech. But the reality of it is, if you allow me to say so,
Starting point is 01:34:43 I feel like tech sometimes lets us down. Wow. I think tech often over promises and under delivers. And I don't think that's the case with this place, actually. I was ready to behave this a little bit more and say, this is a corny gimmick.
Starting point is 01:34:59 This is, like, unsatisfying. I would rather do it the traditional way or whatever. You're cool with the robots taking server's jobs. I'm sorry, is something happening on your watch that's more interesting than the show we're doing? I didn't look, I wasn't looking at that. Yeah, he's looking at the time.
Starting point is 01:35:15 He's looking at fucking the show. And you're fucking anecdote. You're pro-tech anecdote. The man going to, interesting, going to arena tonight. Taking your scooter.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Forts and favors the bold, my man. What is why you're looking up over here? I brought up your email. Hey, Amelia, this is from you. Don't read my fucking email, you bastard. Sorry for leaving you hanging. I was talking to Nick about it and then I forgot due to being stupid.
Starting point is 01:35:47 You offered some suggestions. You did suggest Kura, you did say or some kind of gimmicky sushi place Kura if it's relevant. And so, yeah, I'll give you kind of for a picture of this place. But yeah, but I don't,
Starting point is 01:36:03 you did all the work. I overstated it a little bit. I did a lot, I don't remember you suggesting one place. I said, that's a good suggestion. Let's do it. Does that qualify for you as a suggestion? I think that, I think if someone comes to us with like, hey, I'd like to cover this place
Starting point is 01:36:19 and it's like, hey, this is a place we haven't covered and or this is a place that we haven't been to in a while. We'll oftentimes say, yes, Mitch knows this. I personally didn't want you on the pocket. I said. I'm on the don't invite back list with
Starting point is 01:36:39 it. What else is on that list? Probably shouldn't say even. Yeah. Is there anyone else on that list? No, it's just, yeah, no, it's just just quality. Yeah, and Jesse.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Yeah. I thought that it was, it was pretty good. Here's what I don't like. There's a couple things I didn't like about it. One thing I didn't like. I didn't mind the cramped table. I think that's part of the fun and you're kind of shuffling. Hey, what about that actor guy?
Starting point is 01:37:11 Wait. What? Shut the fuck up. What? What are you saying? Well, I was just saying I the cramp, the table is small. It is what it is.
Starting point is 01:38:03 It's not the smallest table I've eaten that out here. I almost feel like we went to Jesse Boy. Oh yeah, I've been to Jesse Boy. The one that we went to was the tables were small. That was a small ass table. It was like this. That's the table, basically. I think that is the exact table.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Wait, did you fucking take that from Jesse Boy? Did you take that from Jesse Boy? I did take this from Jesse Boy. Jesse Boy is a Korean fried chicken outlet. I thought it was famous. Is that a phrase you heard a lot growing up? Like it's when you were younger. Oh, because your name's Jesse?
Starting point is 01:38:35 When you were younger. I grew up in Jamaica, so a lot of times that's what they would say to me. I'm not going to do the accent, of course. No, please. I went to, can I say, I think I've told this anecdote on the show before. Jesse Boy. We ordered in from Jesse Boy.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Me and Rob Wiseman and Libby Watson of the show. I was like, I got this and my credit card was declined. That's pretty good. Yeah, that's nice. But also one last thing. Who is the actor guy?
Starting point is 01:39:11 Great question, Mitch. You don't want to talk about it. We'll talk about it later. Who is the actor guy? We got it later. So, what the fuck? You were talking about Jesse Boy.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Jesse Boy was a small table. My laptop is sitting on. Like God forbid you got off track on your fucking Jesse Boy fucking bullshit. You just want me to fucking shut up. You want me to shut up? I want your score, dammit. Give me your score. I want to hear the rest of this Jesse Boy bullshit.
Starting point is 01:39:43 That was literally it. I was just saying the table was small. But I don't think that's a problem here, legitimately. I think it's okay. I think that's part of the deal. Tables are bigger. I think what I don't like about it is there's some confusion about what goes down
Starting point is 01:39:59 doesn't. Because you don't just get plates. You also get bowls on top of plates. And then of course there is the unfortunate situation of sometimes you didn't like what you got or your eyes were bigger than your stomach. Or you have edamame, like the rappers. Does that go down the chute? I feel like we got mixed messages from the people
Starting point is 01:40:15 which is fine. I don't carry the word. It's kind of weird to get who's at Marge and Ethan, was that the other guy? John. So, it's kind of weird to... And also don't worry, we'll edit out your Jamaican accent attempt. So that was confusing because you get a little bit
Starting point is 01:40:33 overwhelmed with all the food and you go, what can I throw away? What do I not throw away? And also that's the way they count how much you owe. So you don't want to fuck it up. You don't want to get charged too much or too little. So there's like a little lack of clarity there I think for me. But what I also don't love is that honestly the best
Starting point is 01:40:49 stuff there was the stuff that's not the raw fish to me. So it puts me in that unfortunate situation of actually I like the cooked steak and I like the ice cream and I like the Mitch's ice cream. I like the cheese, I like the cheesecake. The cheesecake was good. The cheesecake was really good.
Starting point is 01:41:05 But you can't hold that against them. I'm not holding it against, I'm saying I want the fish, especially from Tennessee where this is not, we don't do sushi all the time. If we want fish in Tennessee we go down to the crick and we smack it on the head with a rock. Right. I've heard that.
Starting point is 01:41:21 That's what we do. Crick fish. I mean we go down, we catfish noodle, settle down Mitch. It's not that kind of noodle. Fair enough. I didn't, honestly I didn't think about how you would go down to the crick and bash a fish in. It's skull in. Before you started
Starting point is 01:41:41 your review I didn't think of that. So this is a good point. So that's just my perspective. Yes. So I'm guessing you're going under four. I wish that the raw stuff knocked me out and it really was fine. To me I would think good grocery store sushi is what some of that sushi felt like. No way.
Starting point is 01:41:57 I think D.B. is right, no way. I don't think I fucking give a fuck. But I like all the other stuff all the accoutre, hey the garlic fried rice was. I thought it was good. Amazing. French fries you thought were good. The nuggies were awesome.
Starting point is 01:42:17 And the catch up overall I would like more of the sushi to hit. Good salt I thought. There was good salt there. I thought the salt. What did you think of the salt? It has a quality salt. They give you a lot though on the table.
Starting point is 01:42:33 They kind of just pour a big heap of it on the table before the start of the meal. But good salt. It's a good size. In all seriousness the real wasabi is probably the best thing on the table. Yeah that was good. I liked it a lot. That was very unique for me. I don't know that I've had it before so that made everything great.
Starting point is 01:42:49 You put that on everything, it's a four and a half forker all day long for me. Just for the fun. If you put that on, but is that your score? Four and a half forks? Yeah because I put that shit on everything. I thought you were falling lower. I thought you were going to slam this place. I didn't know if you want to cover the fucking table size
Starting point is 01:43:05 again before you got into your fucking score. I'm sorry, do you think the fans like it when the show is short? Is that what you think? The only short things I like are robots wigs. This place had that in spades
Starting point is 01:43:23 I'll say. Well there's one. There's one. I think there was just one. I also wouldn't describe it as short. I think it's like pretty big for a robot. Yeah for a robot it's pretty tall actually. It was a tall robot. Yeah good point. That changes my fork score slightly.
Starting point is 01:43:41 I had a blast at this place. I agree that the sushi is not the best sushi I've ever had. Are you going to wrap it up? But I think eating there, if you go with a game plan that's the best idea because you're going to just start grabbing plates
Starting point is 01:44:01 and it's chaos and that's what happened especially with us. I mean maybe it was part of the reason is because it was us that we were just grabbing shit left and right and disgusting pile of sushi everywhere. A lot of people change tables away from us.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Yeah that's true. The robot stopped coming to our table. Danger! Yeah I remember that. But I think this place is a blast and I think the food is kind of good enough that I I like want to go back
Starting point is 01:44:33 with friends like D.B. and Nick and better friends who I like more than Jesse and I think it would be a great thing to I think that's like a great group outing. And I got to go
Starting point is 01:44:49 I'm going to go four forks. Wow four forks. Still alive. It falls to me. I get to act as gatekeeper. If I'm above that four fork threshold it's getting in the golden plate club
Starting point is 01:45:05 but do I think it belongs there? I've talked about how this has a current crossover promotion with the anime Demon Slayer. I've watched all of Demon Slayer. Right now it's in the Swordsmith Village Arc season. It's a fantastic anime.
Starting point is 01:45:21 It's a story of Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko who has turned into a demon. Her entire family is massacred by demons. And Tanjiro has to go through the story where he just learns to and a big part of it is he just has this positive outlook.
Starting point is 01:45:37 He has this perspective where he's like he's always trying. He's always not an eternal optimist but someone who's always trying to see the good in somebody and trying to look on the bright side of something and see a positive outcome. And
Starting point is 01:45:53 I feel like applying that perspective to this place it is really accomplishing the novelty that it is core gimmick. It is really really accomplishing like hey we have conveyor belt sushi and we're going to do the best version of that that we can.
Starting point is 01:46:11 And I think from that standpoint I think this is the kind of place where I don't know it's not the Demon Slayer of sushi restaurants but it is like a place that has that same sort of sense of fun
Starting point is 01:46:27 that you have if you're engaging with a good piece of media and so I feel like the Demon Slayer tie-in is appropriate. I feel like this place like I was having fun like I was watching the fucking Demon Slayer Mujin Train movie I was like having a blast while I was eating there
Starting point is 01:46:43 and I feel like this place absolutely belongs to the Golden Plate Club. So I'm going to say that this is also a four fork or four fork for Kura Sushi. Golden Plate Club. Do you think there's any like heavy metal fans that see Demon Slayer and they're like
Starting point is 01:46:59 Demon Slayer I love both those bands and then they tune in and they're like there's a band Demon is there a band called Demon and then they're like oh there was no comma you know what I'm saying you think that happens there is a band called Demon
Starting point is 01:47:15 you think I'm fucking making this shit up it just sounds like a made up metal band I'd never heard of Demon there's no comma but there is a coma is that a band that's probably what look it up metal death metal I think a metal fan would like Demon Slayer
Starting point is 01:47:31 because it's like action packed and it's bloody but it's also it's got a great score but to go back to my thing do you think that ever happens I think that absolutely happens I think that's a lot of their audience is people who thought they were going to see a double bill of two metal bands well that's unfortunate that that happens
Starting point is 01:47:49 that'll do it for Kura Sushi I'm just trying to move it along because I don't want to sit in my own I don't want to sit in my own awkwardness that about wraps things up on this I should have had a coffee earlier hey it's time for a segment we got food stuff we're going to decide if we should put it in your mouth
Starting point is 01:48:07 it's Snacker Whack and Mitch you went to Costa Rica that's right Wags you guys this is Snacker Whack Costa Rica edition yeah eat like a Tico is that what they're like I'm going to look it up Tico yeah eat like a Tico Wags pure Avida
Starting point is 01:48:27 that's what they say in Costa Rica you know what it is a funny thing to me that it was like pure life what does it mean yeah pure life yeah you live life pure there you go maybe I'm getting it wrong we kind of had Kura Avida today we did have we did Kura Avida
Starting point is 01:48:43 I'll say this it is funny like to like oh like people trying to come into the you know like the thing that right-wing people are afraid of people trying to come into the States and stuff and then you go down to Costa Rica and they're like the nicest
Starting point is 01:48:59 and happiest people that live in paradise that don't want to ever come up into our shithole of a country I was just saying it's it's an interest oh my god it's just left turn I love this I was trying to make some sort of point yes but it was a good point
Starting point is 01:49:19 that it's just paradise down there people don't want to come to America it's it's it's the scare tactics that people use on the right and it's like life is it is pure it's pure Avida down there life is better down it was fantastic it was I loved it it was life-changing this is also like a functional
Starting point is 01:49:35 state that probably has like a thriving church yeah I know that some people do have to flee some awful situations I'm not denying that but I'm just saying the way that it's always marked up is like people are trying to come into our country and your fucking your core point I'm fully convinced that there are like many other countries that are just that I'd rather
Starting point is 01:49:51 live in but I just I'm just fucking stuck here that's fine as you go to Costa Rica and then you'd have a blast there's a few different things I got okay great um we got white monkey nuts cool those things are huge I which is bringing a little shit
Starting point is 01:50:07 so okay I think that now did you get these from a did you go to a grocer there did you go to a liquor store did you get these at the airport I'll tell you this should I start with the most American snack yeah let's well yeah let's do that way
Starting point is 01:50:23 so the day that we went to the waterfalls they pull out a bag of this which is basically their version of munchies and I'm not sure how to say it de todito de todito yeah that's probably de todito de todito and is that an O at the end
Starting point is 01:50:41 I think so and so on the yes it is an O and so on the top it has I don't know what these ones out of the on the father's like Krojito Krojitos and this looks like this is a Lay's brand a Lay's max chip and then Doritos wow but I was like these are fucking great
Starting point is 01:50:57 what are these and they were Doritos these are these are really tasty and Mitch is doing a lot of crinkling of the bag into the microphone for everyone out there who has misophonia so but the Doritos have like a lot of different flavor on them here and I don't want you guys to finish this bag and take it home and eat it but
Starting point is 01:51:13 sure take like one of each of the chips one of each of them okay but we climbed to Waterfall Wags they cut us fresh fruit wow and they opened up this very Americanized snack the de toditos um you know what they're fucking great
Starting point is 01:51:29 you have this with the fresh fruit that's fun and some water that's fun how many different types of chip is there three you can take all I was kidding I don't have to well yeah I don't want to fucking overdo it I know you're right no you got all of them is there three yeah okay um yes he by the way
Starting point is 01:51:45 is wearing shorts and resting chips on his bare thigh I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the chips because Mitch doesn't have bowls or anything no fresh fruit there I didn't bring the fresh fruit would be sweet you can't bring back fresh fruit Wags you can't do it all right next
Starting point is 01:52:01 app tostones tostones patacones oh Jesus Christ so it looks like it looks like the three snacks here is I'm just looking at it's crujitos and then lays max and Doritos and yet a de todito looks like fiesta snacks so these are 30 grams these earth lamb
Starting point is 01:52:17 snacks these are so these are plantains um for a plantain chips tostones patacone patacones and it's aho garlic which what does that mean is that is aho white or I don't know
Starting point is 01:52:33 it's garlic I have no idea um the uh there's another varietal of de todito which was advertised on the back beer which has um the grujitos but also has Doritos and then cheetos in place of the
Starting point is 01:52:49 lays max that seems fun the lays max by the way are the ruffled lays I think that's a I think that's a snack I give de todito I think they're delicious big time snack and you know what I think these are pretty fucking good too Jesse doesn't like them as much that's a plantain or was
Starting point is 01:53:05 a plantain chip the de toditos I think are a whack for me what there's nothing there there's nothing to it what the fuck are you talking about there's nothing going on it's just whatever it is very basic it is a very simple thing I like it for the on
Starting point is 01:53:21 on on its own terms but no I understand it and how you're if they if they open that up for me at the top of the waterfall I jump off head first hahahaha you wouldn't be able to climb up this thing motherfucker hahahaha apparently aho I'd already be up the bitch
Starting point is 01:53:37 while you're climbing it aho just translates as garlic so it's just saying like garlic in English now I think these are fantastic these are great these are great crunch to them these are good the texture is awesome on this really crunchy really crisp I got sold on I was never like a big plantains guy
Starting point is 01:53:53 and then in Costa Rica just have I had some great plantains and I I'm a fan you know what I like about those is that it's like a strong garlic flavor without being overly salty I actually garlic sexiness on that hahahaha
Starting point is 01:54:09 I think they are very salty but it's not like punishingly salty I feel pretty punished god damn it what is a snack or whack for you I think it's a snack those are a light snack snack for me for both of them D.B. do you have thoughts on snack or whack
Starting point is 01:54:25 for either of those I'd rather snack on the tostones yeah 100% I agree with that so much better but you still have it's a binary question are they snack or whack you have to say it or they won't let us leave it's true Casey actually locked the door
Starting point is 01:54:41 he has a button we got the Matt Lauer studio he has a part of Haggum so he has a button that locks the door so D.B. what's your answer definite snack tostones light snack alright hell yeah that's what I'm talking about
Starting point is 01:54:57 el to... what was it called he doesn't know I don't know day to dito here's Brit Brit chocolates pineapple so we are getting these kind of like raisin
Starting point is 01:55:13 that's I mean these this is maybe going to be weird mm-hmm but we are getting some we're getting in so we're getting some fruit I can't open this shit fuck you made me help you no I got him there you go um they kind of they're a little raisin eddy I guess this is a dainty little patch
Starting point is 01:55:29 little little pack it's a little dainty little pack here we go pineapple pineapple have you had pineapple covered pineapple before what I say you said it backwards I said it backwards chocolate color chocolate covered pineapple chocolate covered pineapple wait what pineapple covered
Starting point is 01:55:45 nope yep it's a pineapple that's covered with chocolate the chocolate covered pineapple you know they have the they do have the reverse for cherries though you ever seen that and these are these are little like these are a little like a I'm talking my fucking self well you bored us it was boring your fact
Starting point is 01:56:01 your factoid sucked I was expecting I was expecting chunks those are good I think those are fucking good they're little balls Jesse we get a pineapple chunk those are a 10 out of 10 all day wow we want them over with the those are great we got some dark chocolate on there
Starting point is 01:56:19 that's not a lot of them I'm some tasting some pineapple I think there is a hint I think there's a little hint of pineapple in there and we're gonna like we're gonna all jack off into like a cup and then taste it see if it's improved well we did work we tasted before we tasted before yeah we did that before
Starting point is 01:56:37 but the what was your what was your drink that you you should know the name of it I remember the first time but the your drink that we had remember the drink he had wise we said a few minutes ago it's okay we don't have to I think it was the slurgo special that's right
Starting point is 01:56:59 that's right oh slurgo surprise surprise yeah you're cheeky cheeky here is this is these are funny chickies okay all right that's how it's gonna be all right it's funny these are like kind of these also why it's
Starting point is 01:57:15 given to me at the waterfall wow oh you know what there's only two of them fuck did miss did they just like leave a trail of these up the water and that hand that to them we're gonna we're gonna split these you just hand it you almost put this one three ways you know you know you you give that to them
Starting point is 01:57:31 we're splitting this cookie this is crazy there's two cookies what you get a whole one give them the fucking cookie you get the smaller fucking piece thanks buddy is this is like a chicken like cookie sandwich it's like yeah it's like a three wafers with chocolate connecting them they seem
Starting point is 01:57:53 like vanilla wafers but they've got like a nice little you know a bit of artistry on the outside it's like a Kebler thing right yeah it's like Kebler very Kebler Jason crumbs in my head I don't want your crumbs no take his crumbs no um you're making him put them in his pocket
Starting point is 01:58:11 put them on your leg like the rest of us this is a dry guy yeah that's dry and I think I regretfully have to to deem this one is wack yeah I disagree I think it is still a snack I think they're pretty good I think they're pretty good
Starting point is 01:58:27 it isn't flavor though but it's just so dry it's very dry they're very dry it's you like this I have a bit of a sweet tooth oh I like that because of the your job so I'm more inclined to like I'm more inclined to like cookies and
Starting point is 01:58:45 cake and stuff like that so so is it a soft snack that was a soft snack for me I think the I think it would be better if it was just like straight up shortbread it feels like the cookie has like some other kind of thing to it that is not quite hitting for me but I like fair enough I like and Nick is right is a bit dry yeah it's a dry guy
Starting point is 01:59:01 but pretty decent that's that's it that's the you guys just ate like ticos it's good Costa Rica some great snacks some fun some great fruit the fruit was the best which I guess we got a little hint of in the chocolate so that's that's fun but it was just good I couldn't
Starting point is 01:59:17 I couldn't I couldn't bring back pineapple I couldn't do it I couldn't put it under my hat I couldn't do something like that I can do it so what do you want to say you know what do you want me to do no it says it all get two coconuts down the front you're sure and then hahahaha
Starting point is 01:59:33 hahahaha and my mom is just like hahahaha I should have done something like that I did drink out of a coconut I drank out of a pineapple it's fun it was a blast but pretty decent snacks good snack showing for Costa Rica
Starting point is 01:59:49 that's it that's the end of the segment that was Snagger Whack Costa Rica edition just like a restaurant by your feedback I was going to sing that at one point the mighty jungle the spoon man snacks tonight thank you in the jungle
Starting point is 02:00:05 the mighty jungle the burger boy whacks tonight that's fun I'm fucking jacking it off you're jacking it off and I'm snacking alright time to end the episode you're too tired we have a voice mail today
Starting point is 02:00:21 Emma let's go ahead and play this do you think that I sang that pretty good that was pretty good it's a hard song to sing I realized I don't think you had to do the falsetto I think you could sing it in your normal register in the jungle what is my regular
Starting point is 02:00:37 what's the top of your register in up up here where's the top of your head voice before it turns into falsetto I think it's up here it's up there in the jungle
Starting point is 02:00:53 the mighty jungle but it seems like it's close to crack yeah so you should go down a little bit go down like a half register in the jungle go down a little bit in the jungle that's my next level down
Starting point is 02:01:09 you could down like an octave in the jungle alright that sounds pretty good how do you do that how do you do that I don't know how do you talk I don't know
Starting point is 02:01:25 alright whatever let's read the fucking mail back I'll learn about this stuff later you guys will teach me right yeah hey doble boys this is Alicia from Northern California the last couple years
Starting point is 02:01:41 I've been in and out of relationships and there's certain foods that these guys either really liked or maybe introduced me to but now every time I see them on a menu I think of them which is super obnoxious
Starting point is 02:01:57 so my question for you is are there any foods that you see or eat that always remind you of someone because you have an association I guess good or bad of course I say that because I'm an ex-boyfriend who introduced me
Starting point is 02:02:13 to the doble boys which means every time I listen to an episode I think of him which is also super obnoxious he hasn't stopped me from listening so far though so obviously you guys are doing something great
Starting point is 02:02:29 love you guys thanks thanks Alicia thanks sorry sorry sorry about your complicated relationship with the podcast and with food don't date someone who likes this podcast I think it's a bad movie in general
Starting point is 02:02:45 and I'm also not surprised like whatever food that her ex-boyfriends that she dated to listen to this show is like I'm sure like a chili burger or some fucking sloppy bullshit I have one my dad used to make steak au poivre
Starting point is 02:03:01 that's fun pepper the steak light that shit on fire with some booze I forget what it is really near and dear to your heart it's like a peppercorn sauce is that what it is? I don't know
Starting point is 02:03:17 is it flambé? is that what it's called when you light it on fire? steak au poivre though reminds me of my dad he also made really bad burgers my dad was a bad burger maker great steak au poivre he's from the school of cooking
Starting point is 02:03:33 the fat out of the burgers what a fucking roast your dead father Jesus Christ maybe made better burgers you still be here but uh there's like also stuff that like my mom and my dad were my mom made like a great like
Starting point is 02:03:53 chicken like a chicken in red sauce spaghetti dish that I love so those are specific things and like things with my grandma people who made that you know what I'll tell you a thing that a thin crust pizza from Domino's
Starting point is 02:04:09 reminds me of Koalic oh wow I got it with him a couple times he was the guy who was like thin crust is like the way to go he was like 13, 14 years ago and then we got it and he's like this looks disgusting and then he called Domino's
Starting point is 02:04:25 he's like I got it for free and then he was eating it for free so that reminds me of Koalic you talking about taking a poivre yes it does have peppercorns and it is like you throw in cognac or something and ignite it to get a little whatever the fuck
Starting point is 02:04:43 that does to it as a finisher so yeah I mean like you know not just to associate with dead relatives but like I feel like my grandma when she would take care of me I feel like the thing she would always make is pork chops and she made fucking great pork chops
Starting point is 02:04:59 and she introduced me to pork chops with applesauce and she also sometimes like she'd put it like if I like as a treat she'd put like a piece of cheese on a pork chop which I was like that's kind of wild but it was so like she's a fantastic cook and she just executed it so well I always think of that I always think of like her cookies
Starting point is 02:05:15 because she was a tremendous baker my grandma Joe and she just like she could bake the shit out of things and she would sit like when I was in college she'd like send me like a box of cookies that she'd bake every month she'd make cookies and she would make cornflakes cookies which were great she made
Starting point is 02:05:31 when you were over there she'd like put it in your bowl like a fucking dog rather than what I thought you were going is that you were going to tell me like she sent in a note that said like now you can make these oaky I did think about that too that's good
Starting point is 02:05:51 it's a I definitely would think I definitely feel like specifically cornflake cookies and then she would make cookies with the yellow cake mix which were fucking awesome that sounds great and so like I think of yellow cake cookies and cornflake cookies and pork chops
Starting point is 02:06:07 is associated with by grandma Joe RIP I'm sure I have other things I'll have to think on a second JFDB anything coming to mind yeah my grandma also loved to cook for me what I remember is
Starting point is 02:06:23 you go to grandma's house you get spoiled sometimes and so she would bring out like you had a tough upbringing? I would just never get spoiled my grandma knew when to call it quits sounds like Putin could have used your grandma
Starting point is 02:06:41 I can remember going up there and she'd bring out the little TV tray with like a tea towel on it for the shitty little TV and I would my snack would be like Rice Krispies I loved the cereal Rice Krispies
Starting point is 02:06:57 she would put the sugar a little container of sugar next to it put the sugar on there she'd slice up the banana for me and put that in there what? a sweetheart it's very nice that was really good my dad also dad
Starting point is 02:07:13 would make chicken stew in a pressure cooker so anytime I ever used the pressure cooker I remember thinking as a kid is this going to fucking explode in here? you don't know but that was a lot of fun I've said this on the stream before and I know I've said it on our stream before
Starting point is 02:07:29 because when I said it everyone was like you already fucking said this that's my favorite thing you fucking do 400 episodes of a podcast at a certain point you repeat an anecdote you told 4 years ago we've heard that before
Starting point is 02:07:45 I was about to say that to you about your dad about my dad you heard that when we were in college I've been with my wife for a long time since high school and when we were in college she went out to the grocery store
Starting point is 02:08:01 and got some popped hearts which I don't eat now but in college you eat popped hearts sure get your hat as a skew what are you doing? I've heard of you askew hahahaha she was like
Starting point is 02:08:17 I got your popped hearts they're in the cabinet or whatever and I open the cabinet and there are blueberry popped hearts I go what the fuck I don't eat blueberry popped hearts I've never eaten blueberry popped hearts I have one flavor of popped hearts I like it's the unfrosted brown sugar cinnamon popped heart
Starting point is 02:08:33 so now if I see blueberry popped heart we'll be in the store and I'll grab it and be like hey remember this and pointing at the popped heart box yeah because I don't want her to grow I want her to stay where I can you know manipulate but no
Starting point is 02:08:49 how long has your dad passed how long was it he died when I was like don't get him started your dad's dead too motherfucker don't get me started my dad's been dead 11 years
Starting point is 02:09:05 he listened to like an early episode of your kickstarter oh really hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
Starting point is 02:09:21 that was the corners that was the corners hahahaha that's I have I'm going to give a shout out toast to my grandma she's kind of up in a little piece toasting white which people told me didn't exist
Starting point is 02:09:37 and then she would also make breakfast muffins that my mom now makes but I was going to say my mom makes big tannic wags I don't know if you had it but you're going to have it at some point I'd love to try it I might try it you know what I would love for you to try it
Starting point is 02:09:53 I think you would enjoy it I think I really would Mitch skew your hat again this way other way hell yeah this is like a different guy this is a different guy
Starting point is 02:10:09 he has like a Jamaican accent right hahahaha alright we added out my Jamaican accent okay good Mike any food you associated with anyone for better or for worse preferably someone dead that you loved oh my dad
Starting point is 02:10:25 oh no hahahaha hahahaha nah nah nah nah you know same thing grandma cornbread or something like that also I can't
Starting point is 02:10:41 for a long while eat beans and rice and I don't know how to cook still so you can imagine how bad it was years ago but I can't eat just it's so nasty to me unless you put some hot sauce on it or something or some seasoning or something like that did you grow up with the old folks
Starting point is 02:10:57 ripping up the cornbread and putting it in buttermilk did you guys do that yeah I grew up with that and it was so disgusting I used to make many sandwiches just a piece of bread two pieces of bread and you know
Starting point is 02:11:13 my mom did a thing for a while where she would open up a bag of those peanuts and put them in like RC Cola or like Dr Pepper or whatever just really weird ass country bumpkin shit I got a song for your grandma tell me this is early but
Starting point is 02:11:29 where you going with that yellow cake mix in your hand so you switched a gun to yellow cake mix okay but your grandma's name is Joe yeah her name is Joe so that's good that works hey Joe
Starting point is 02:11:45 it's a surprising because it comes in the cookie it's yellow cake mix cookies that is funny that is funny my mom also made Guinness beef stew that's the last thing I'll say I landed on such a killer Guinness beef stew from my mom
Starting point is 02:12:01 cat food reminds me of Wally and Irma yeah I actually I'm trying to give some others that are not like just like how about you know this is one that I had I had a roommate who was excellent
Starting point is 02:12:17 at plusing up like ramen or cup noodles and what's that which is a history terminology you're using there what did you really think that was funny my hey Joe I have to be honest with you I don't know the song
Starting point is 02:12:33 Jimi Hendrix song you don't know that song but I could see that it was funny alright good that counts do you know who Jimi Hendrix is no no do you really not know who Jimi Hendrix is
Starting point is 02:12:49 I swear to god I don't know who you're talking about you're full of shit you don't know Jimi Hendrix you little fucker you little fucker but he was excellent at plusing up ramen or cup noodles so I always think of that
Starting point is 02:13:05 oh ok your friend sorry we got a lot of talents huh I always think of that this ramen comes from the side of flambéed guitar what do you know of course I know he's a rock god we're not worthy of your ramen
Starting point is 02:13:23 sorry you don't know he's one of his greatest tunes also so specifically that like specifically like that like a fucking packet of shitty ramen that you could like like throw an egg in and some lunch meat and some fucking green onion and all of a sudden you've got like a proper meal
Starting point is 02:13:39 and then the other thing I was gonna think of oh just from Boy Scout outings there's so much like fucking chicken cacciatore that was made in a Dutch oven and peach cobblers that was made in a Dutch oven and every time
Starting point is 02:13:55 like I have such negative associations with those dishes even though I've had better versions of them but it was like a shitty camp version of them that was like burned on the bottom during the worst weekends of my life you know growing up so it was like I have a very negative association with those
Starting point is 02:14:11 did you have a food that's like irrational for you not to like because I had I think I had split pea soup or something when I was a kid and I threw up because I had the flu wow so I just never ate it again that's what I was gonna say is what have you thrown out that has fucked you up you know like the thing you I have one of those you taste it on the way up and you're like
Starting point is 02:14:27 I'll never do that again lemon chicken was it for me you mentioned that I spinach artichoke dip actually a TGI Friday spinach artichoke dip that was nasty yeah so you don't eat it anymore really I haven't had it as regularly I actually can I'm fine with it but it's just not not a thing I'll go out of my way to order yeah because I just have a negative association
Starting point is 02:14:43 sad sad end to the episode who else died there's a lot a lot a lot of Jimi Hendrix Jerry Springer Jerry Springer yeah he's dead the two big ones yep by the time this comes out there's probably
Starting point is 02:15:03 even more we don't know about it you want to take a stab at who might be dead by the time this comes out not dead now might be dead when this comes out who do you think um I would say um I'm gonna say Henry Kissinger let's fucking kill it let's go let's fucking get him out of here
Starting point is 02:15:21 how is that fucking big old meatball gonna hang on yeah I hope to God my I hope that neither of the finalists in the Donkey Kong finals I hope they're both with us by the time it's a one on one competition the finals oh my god dude tell me you don't know
Starting point is 02:15:37 no I said no I didn't know I see it though I have enough time I swear to God well so I think might be dead but uh fucking Jesse might be dead what fucking zip his trap oh boy oh crap mm-hmm how do you feel
Starting point is 02:15:53 about that I like that guy everybody in the comments I hope he's okay hope he's okay we already heard the lemon chicken thing though so I don't know kind of a bad episode uh Emma put this uh episode in a folder entitled evidence
Starting point is 02:16:11 so uh hit us up with whoever whatever food association you have with someone for better or worse hashtag my food dude and if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants you can email us at or leave us a voicemail at 830 go to that's 830-463-6844
Starting point is 02:16:27 and you can get the dowboys double a weekly bonus episode by joining the golden or platinum play club at slash dowboys Jesse for our bike hail to the funniest dudes around one of the podcast you can listen to your Kickstarter sucks tell us about the show anything else you want to plug yeah thank you so much for having us on thanks for making time for us we're in town
Starting point is 02:16:43 what a delight it's a lot of fun always love to have you to hang out um yeah your Kickstarter sucks is the show um like everyone else uh we got the we got the digital cup out there throw a few bucks in there we got uh we got patreon episodes for everybody which you guys have been on
Starting point is 02:16:59 a couple of times the stuff that's right for Mike tober one of our favorite uh episodes had a blast that was uh that was really great um we like to do that from time to time we watch movies we talked about it's funny it's come like we talked about that yes i think i believe we touched on the fact that it's come like
Starting point is 02:17:15 i don't know if we did um yeah we uh we do talk about Kickstarter but you know what like this show it's so much more than that it's about two friends getting on in this crazy world buddy ah it's been a wild ride just celebrated episode 300
Starting point is 02:17:31 originally so that was a big milestone for us uh Mitch we were talking earlier i just i can't believe this is our can't believe this is our lives man we're so lucky you know to be able to 100% do this um and 100% we're lucky also uh slash go off kings you can
Starting point is 02:17:47 uh see me and stefan heck my co-host and a lot of times mike will be on there as well we love to play games and and goof around and and real i have to say i take a little bit of credit i feel like for sort of doing a ghost of christmas future with you guys on peep this out in joey's world tour oh yeah i hope you've kind of been
Starting point is 02:18:03 scared straight a little bit as to where you might end up in just a few short years if you don't get together you guys there's i mean i think that they were there i don't think no you're better than them guys you're better than them but we love to watch them on there and have a good time so i mean we need to do your thumbnails is a
Starting point is 02:18:19 thing that would go a long way we we way i way more than those i definitely way more than at least some of them there's no one who's thin man is joey the big guy joey's big peep this out
Starting point is 02:18:35 peep this out i'm taller than i'm for sure he's actually six three really this out is like a yeah and he's like he's a leaner dude he can hoop can he really oh wait peep this out is the lean guy there's a leaner guy yeah joey's world tour is a bigger dude i actually heard that peep i actually heard that peep
Starting point is 02:18:51 this out is going to be in the donkey kong finals there's no this year he's gonna be no he is fucking where you getting your information from god no seriously you're not you're not going to finals dot kong you're not just end this
Starting point is 02:19:07 can we just end this is are you done with your sorry i didn't mean to interrupt your five-minute plugs do you have anything else the fucking plug i would definitely say do get it twisted with twisted metal wow i like that i can't wait for a plug like a young shelled into
Starting point is 02:19:23 you or anything else just shows that you want to check out i'll pull a young sheldon check it out you certainly will i do it for this episode of dole boys and all the same with the speed badminton i'm nick why you're happy eating yeah
Starting point is 02:19:41 think you can add read with the big boys meaning the dole boys then shoot your shot to become dole boys ad chad we're putting out a search for the fan who's the cream of the crop at cold reading commercial copy the finalists will be revealed on a june episode of dole boys double and the winner will receive
Starting point is 02:19:57 a one month paid gig as our promo reader wow info on how to submit and the test copy is on our social media we want you to be our ad chab uh i mean ad chad emma can you fix that in the edit
Starting point is 02:20:13 that was a hate gun podcast oh my gosh hi guys for the band moona and oh my gosh guess what i'm joe zett hi joe i'm katie and oh my gosh i think i'm Naomi and this is gaiotic our podcast now on headcum we have a lot of our faves
Starting point is 02:20:29 on the beautiful boys from lost culture ristas and the snl separately bone yang and matt rogers sexy sexy people brace coolant smith clay duval honey fob du rakib we have teagan and sarron for a two-parter we love them mommy and daddy yes which one's which
Starting point is 02:20:45 we're gonna be sort of figuring out which queer people fit into which stereotypical roles yeah i wish we'd like spent less time on the podcast doing that than we actually do feel like i've just been compulsively trying to find out who's the top and who's the bottom well i think these are the hard hitting questions
Starting point is 02:21:01 everybody wants to know will you remain gay once you come out as gay is being gay overrated absolutely find out more on gaiotic subscribe to gaiotic on spotify apple podcast stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts new episodes drop each wednesday

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