Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 306: Maja D'aoust

Episode Date: September 22, 2018

Maja, the White Witch of Los Angeles, joins the DTFH to talk about ritual purification, dragons, and eating sin. Check out Maja's site [here](http://www.witchofthedawn.com/). This episode is bro...ught to you by Simple Contacts. Visit [simplecontacts.com/duncan20](http://simplecontacts.com/duncan20) or use code duncan20 at checkout for $20 off your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:17 Skip the shop and savor more of your crazy, busy life with ShopRite and Instacart. Visit instacart.com to get free delivery on your first order. Offer valid for a limited time, minimum order, $10 additional terms apply. Greetings to you, oh beautiful friends. It is I, Dee Trussell, and you are listening
Starting point is 00:00:35 to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast. And I've said it before, and it might be annoying. It might feel like I'm teasing you, I'm not. But my God, have I got the coolest secret to tell you guys, which I can't tell you. I can't tell you for a long time, possibly. There's good secrets and there are bad secrets. This is a good secret.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Potentially the best secret that I've ever had. Man, for a yappy bearded person. I don't know why I had to throw the beard thing in. There is no correlation between pubic hair manifestation and the ability or inability to keep secrets. Well actually, to be honest, I haven't done the study. I don't know if this kind of study exists. I don't know if anybody has done a measurement
Starting point is 00:01:23 of pubic hair on a variety of bodies and then tested to see if there's any correlation between people who have facial hair and who can keep a secret, and who can't keep a secret. You know, I don't know. Someone should do that study. I'm sure there's a huge interest in that. I mean, shit, if we could actually find out
Starting point is 00:01:43 that there's some correlation one way or the other between people who have beards and people who don't have beards, people who have shaved their pubes down below and people who haven't shaved their pubes down below, and people who can keep secrets or people who can't keep secrets, this would revolutionize so many various industries and also create some pretty intense ethical dilemmas
Starting point is 00:02:06 when it came to the interview process for jobs that involve the ability to keep secrets because you'd have to sit across from the person and look them right in the eye and say, listen, do you have pubic hair? Speaking of pubes, did you know that crab lice are going extinct? Let me look that up.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'm pretty sure this is true. Let me look this up. Crab lice going extinct, going instinct. The instinct of a crab lice. I wonder if crab lice, there's like a pubic louse that brags to his friends that he's got really good instincts. Okay, see, this is just something I heard. This is from Wired.com, September 29th, 2014.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It says, every few years an alarm is raised, habitat loss puts this species at risk, pubic grooming has led to a severe depletion of crab louse populations. An environmental disaster in the making for this species, said one entomologist who also happens to work for a company that specializes in ectoparasite control. Oh, shit, man.
Starting point is 00:03:14 This actually reminds me of a rather dire thing that an Uber driver once said to me, which is that if you're making umbrellas, you need it to rain. And he was talking about weapons manufacturers, which is really creepy. You know, if you're making weapons, you need there to be war.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Similarly, if you're making crab lice poison, you need there to be crabs. You don't want to completely end all crab lice, all pubic lice in the planet. You want there to be pubic lice. You want there to be at least enough so that people keep buying your medicine. And suddenly this cultural apocalypse has happened
Starting point is 00:03:50 where people are shaving their pubes, probably because of porn, because you look at porn and somebody's shaving their bush, you know, like, I should shave mine. And just think of the disappointment of the pubic louse, who, by the way, your pubic lice are rooting for you. They want you to make contact.
Starting point is 00:04:06 They want you to make love. They're probably down there right now, if you've got them talking to each other, like, God, he just needs to understand like it's not about making tons of money so much as finding out that there's like an infinite reservoir of love in his heart. You know, he's trying to build the house from the top down.
Starting point is 00:04:25 He wants to have all this surface level shit because he thinks it's gonna draw a mate, and maybe it will, but the mate it's gonna draw is definitely gonna have a shaved bush. And we're screwed. We're literally screwed. There's nowhere to spread. We're overpopulating.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That's so weird. Crab lice want you to have sex in the same way UFO enthusiasts want a mothership to come down to earth and beam them up to take them to some other place. Huh, I never realized that. There's actually a UFO pubic lice connection. Anyway, the point is I have a secret, a good secret, not a bad secret.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Bad secret is you've got crabs. That's a bad secret. That's a heavy secret to carry around that you've got a habitat of lice living in your pubic hair. I mean, you're not gonna put that in your tender profile. You're not gonna write down, I'm the Johnny Apple seed of lice necessarily, but they're good secrets and I've got a good one.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I can't talk about it though, unfortunately. But in a weird way, this podcast, this episode is kind of about secrets because we're interviewing Maja Da'u, the Witch of the Dawn. And as the occult has been described to me, it means hidden in plain sight. It's not evil, it's not bad,
Starting point is 00:05:47 even though many of us who've been indoctrinated or conditioned by the satanic panic style movies, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, so many others that portray witchcraft, sorcery, occultism as being something practiced by people who wanna eat your children. When we hear the term occult, we can get a little nervous like, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:06:13 But really, I think it's a beautiful term. It just means there are things around you that are hidden in plain sight by people who have a very good secret. The gospel, I've heard that means good news. So similarly, the occult is a thing that's hidden right in front of you, right in plain sight, just waiting for you to enjoy finding it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Which is like really a real, it's fun. It's like an Easter egg hunt, so to speak, you know? Like who the fuck would ever, first of all, honestly, I never like Easter egg hunts. They freak me out. I don't like them, kids get competitive, the eggs break. It's weird, you know? If only someone had sat down with it,
Starting point is 00:07:02 they'd be like, you know that the Easter egg is actually connected to heckate, the goddess of magic. And then this is a kind of pagan ritual that we're doing here that really doesn't have much to do with the resurrection of Christ. I would have been way more into it, but yeah, I don't like Easter egg hunts. And I used to like, you know, you hard-boil the eggs
Starting point is 00:07:22 and you paint them and you're, I guess you're supposed to enjoy it, I never liked it. What I ended up doing was like taking the eggs to the top of my driveway and rolling them down the driveway. For no reason, just watching the break and just hard-boiled eggs scatter all along the black asphalt of my poor grandmother's driveway or living with my grandmother at the time.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And the stink that came from that egg apocalypse over the next few weeks was just unbearable. And they were mad at me. And we tried hosing it down, but it didn't work. Like the thing just smelled horrible. But to get back to the point, you know, there's Easter eggs among us right now that have been left there by people who sometimes call themselves
Starting point is 00:08:12 witches, sorcerers, magicians, little symbols, signs, wards, things there for you to see that you have to find out for yourself. And that's how I've come to understand the occult. You know, it's not a missionary-style thing. You have to find it on your own. So today's podcast is a conversation with someone who is, who teaches the occult, who teaches magic, who teaches Western esotericism and who is really good
Starting point is 00:08:52 at conveying this great secret without giving anything away at all. So if you're interested in the occult, if you're interested in witchcraft, if you're interested in any of these things, then wow, this is a fantastic episode for you. And as far as my secret goes, well, maybe we can start talking about it in the same way the atomic scientists talk about the doomsday clock. You know that clock that tells us how close we are to a nuclear apocalypse? You know that saying, like, we're three seconds from midnight, right?
Starting point is 00:09:33 That's how I'll start talking about the secret. Right now, we're five seconds from midnight, but soon it's going to happen. In the meantime, I just got to keep my secret, you know? There will be an eschatological moment, an apocalyptic moment. You know the apocalypse actually means lifting of the veil, where I reveal what this great secret is. But until then, I got to keep my bearded, pubic, lice-infested mouth shut. As much as I would like to spread this good news, I can't.
Starting point is 00:10:08 When you hear my secret, your brain is going to spray, exploding on the strangers that you're with on the subway. They'll scream and they'll go running, but you will not care because your brain is splattered on someone else's hair. Bits of your brain will be carried by rats to the rat king. He'll put it in the skull of his mummified queen, and you will live forever as royalty. All thanks to my secret pet.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I know, I know what you're thinking with such a beautiful voice. Why did you not go into music? The truth is, I'm not allowed to sing in 37 states in this country. So it just, the only place that still lets me sing is California. Thank God. Friends, we have a great podcast for you. We're going to jump right into it, but first, some quick business. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by Simple Contacts.
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Starting point is 00:14:05 You still need those occasionally, your sweet, precious, beautiful eyes. They're going to see so many things. They're going to see your first child. They're going to see an alien land in front of you. They're going to see the splitting open of the time, space, continuum, and the reemergence of Lord Hethnorg, the leader of the galactic fleet. And so you need to take care of them. You still got to get your periodic full eye health exams,
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Starting point is 00:15:08 Dear sweet, darling friends, thank you so much to my Patreon subscribers for supporting the DTFH. If you want to go deeper into the DTFH and swim down in the inner slimy quadrants of the swirling mechanoid disks that make up the inner rectangular pulsating part of the pyramid that is the DTFH. In other words, if you want to get into the inner room and open up the codex of truth, all you got to do is go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and subscribe. You will have early access to episodes of the DTFH.
Starting point is 00:15:44 There's also access to our Discord server. And once a month, I do a long, rambling thingamajiggy, an opening monologue, basically, so you get commercial free episodes, you get extra content. But most importantly, you become my patron, my master, my queen, my king. You push my face into the slime, and I lick your boot and thank you every time you spank my naughty, naughty little body. Also, we've got lots of new t-shirts and swag over at Dunkin'Trussell.com. Just click on the shot.
Starting point is 00:16:21 All right, enough shillery, damn it. Let's dive into this beautiful episode of the Dunkin'Trussell Family Hour Podcast. Please, everyone, prepare yourselves, open your minds, and welcome back to the Dunkin'Trussell Family Hour Podcast, somebody who is, for lack of a better word, the real deal. The two times in my life I've gotten to hang out with Maja have been permanently transformative. She's a teacher. She gifted me with a wonderful tarot deck that she's created called the White Witch Tarot Tarot.
Starting point is 00:17:00 If you happen to live in Los Angeles, she often teaches classes and she does various forms of spiritual work. If you're interested, you can find her by going to www.WitchOfTheDon.com. Now everyone, please send as much love as you possibly can up into the moon and let it bounce off of the moon into the eyes, skin, hair, and etheric body of today's wonderful guest, Maja Daou. Maja, welcome back to the DTFH. So wonderful to see you.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's been too long. It's been a while. Thanks, Duncan. I am really excited about your upcoming book, A Witch's Beastiary, and it helped me create my first question for you. We have a child on the way, and I was chatting with my wife about the Santa Claus problem. Yes. I ran into that problem head on.
Starting point is 00:18:33 What are we going to do? Do we tell him there is a Santa Claus? And I was saying, well, maybe we could figure out a way to explain to him that though in this dimension, there is no physical Santa Claus, there's a liminal realm of stories with it. Yes. And your book seems, I was thinking, oh, does it have a similar bend to it? You're so right on.
Starting point is 00:19:02 It's very much looking at like, the point isn't even if they're real. The point is, is that the human mind keeps making them real every time we think about them. Right. So they're like a thought form. Right. Yeah. And in this case, when you say they, you're talking about mythological creatures.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Correct. What are some of these beasts? So like unicorns or dragons, well, dragons actually are real. So that's like a whole other story. Real in the sense of like, you think there's dragons living on planet Earth or real in the sense that they were here? There are dragons on planet Earth. They're not what people think they are though.
Starting point is 00:19:40 They're electrical. They're like these electricity things that look kind of like sperm. I don't know how else to describe them, but there are these, you can see them in the sky when you stare without blinking. But then also there are, like that's what the Chinese called dragons. So it was like a chi kind of clump. Oh, okay. It's not like, you know, they would draw them all serpent-y.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yes. Like they really look like sperm-y things and you can actually visually see them in the sky. My, my shaman teacher, Kelvin DeWolf, showed me the technique and indigenous people see them as well. What's the technique? It's really hard. You have to stare at one spot that you choose like on the horizon and you can't blink your
Starting point is 00:20:25 eyes and you can't move your eyes for like a long, long time. So most people, if you try to do it, like you're pretty good. You're pretty solid. Like even we can have a conversation and you're not all over the place. But a lot of people, they can't hold their gaze, you know? So it's like a lot of hypnotism techniques too. But it's a, it's a Taoist technique of staring and the Egyptians would do it also where you don't break your gaze, right?
Starting point is 00:20:49 You keep it and you hold it for like a few hours. It took a lot of training because your eyes like water like crazy, like you look like you're crying and everything. But it's like an energetic, like a real electrons or something. Maybe it's related to lightning. I don't know. But you can see it. Like it's not like woo.
Starting point is 00:21:08 You can actually see it with your bare eyeballs, right? How many of them are out there? Oh my God. Like millions, a lot of them, and they can wriggle into things. So they describe it like chi or energy or something, right? How big are they? It's hard to say because I see them in the sky, right? So I don't know, like if like proportionally what that is, they get attracted to people
Starting point is 00:21:31 too, which I guess like lightning does as well. It's some kind of electromagnetic thing. It's some kind of electromagnetic thing that you can see with your eyeballs when you learn how to look. This reminds me of something I read that I found to be really cool and kind of sad regarding photons, which is that photons are kind of brewed in the core of the sun for a really long time. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And it's in the sun. When a photon comes out of the sun, it's been in there for a long time. It's old. What's that? It's old. It's older. I think older than the earth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Maybe as old as the universe. Yeah. Right? The sun goes zinging out in our eyes, eat it. When it comes into our eyes. We eat light. Yes. That's part of what this technique does and like sun gazing, I don't know if you've heard
Starting point is 00:22:23 of that too. Terrified of it. It seems like you go blind, right? You can only do it, like please don't try to do this, people. Like it's like, it's a technique you can only do for like 20 minutes when the sun rises and when it sets. Otherwise it's dangerous though, right? It's not to be done at other times.
Starting point is 00:22:40 But you're eating the light essentially by not blinking, not closing your eyes. So it collects all of this light because they did this study and shows that when you blink, your consciousness resets, right? So it creates like a stutter. Cool. Like a, right? Like a flip in the movie, how if you slow it down, you can see the tracks. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Now I'm afraid to blink. If you don't blink, you can see like kind of four dimensionally, okay? So you know, if you were to think of you moving through space time, you wouldn't look like how you look now. You would look like a snake. Yes. Right? A lot of people talk about this, right?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yes. But you can actually see that with your bare eyeballs when you do these specific techniques, right? But they're very difficult to do. That's why people don't do them, right? Like my teacher, he is indigenous. So he gets the information, number one, from his lineage, but also like he just is different than other people.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. Right? And then when I train with him, I kind of pick it up off of him by being next to him. If that makes sense. You know how like when you hang out with friends for a while, you guys start talking the same? Yes. So just being in proximity, I think to people that have that perception ability, you can see it easier.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Sure. But I saw, like you can see things through space and time when you practice not blinking and not like shutting your consciousness down. Wow. Yeah. And then somewhere we don't sleep for like five days during the solstice. So you, you don't stop your consciousness stream, which again, that takes like a lot of training and I had to do a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:24:17 So don't just like not sleep without training because you'll mess yourself up, right? Some people will have hallucinations. This was actually, I, when I interviewed, I was interviewing Jack Cornfield, Pete Holmes and Pete Holmes asked him what's like the weirdest thing. Yeah. And then Cornfield said his teacher told him to refrain from sleeping because he was, there was some, he was. A Zen dude?
Starting point is 00:24:42 Was his teacher Zen? It was, no, it wasn't Zen. This was in, it was Ajahn Chah, I think it was in like Cambodia, so it wasn't Zen Buddhism. It was maybe, it wasn't Zen, it was Vipasha, Vipasha, but I don't know. So I don't, I'm not exactly sure of the lineage, but the one, like he was doing a year of not talking. Wow. The next teacher told him try not sleeping for a while and then he had a full out, he
Starting point is 00:25:06 came out of his body and stood on the. You come out of space time. Like it's not a joke. Like, like I said, I saw everything, like there was no time. So everything was connected. Like people were literally these serpenty things, kind of like in Donnie Darko when that thing comes out of his chest, you know, which I guess was like his intention. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like you can see, and when you see yourself in that kind of totality, oh boy, like. It's pretty intense to deal with karma, right? Totally. I saw, there's a Instagram artist I've followed called, I think, Encetagrus, and he does drawings of this thing that you're talking about, which I've seen, you know, from Psychedelics, and the way I've seen it is the snake thing that you're talking about is like frames pushing out. It's like nude descending a staircase by Picasso.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Do you know that painting? No. Pull it up right now. Let me look at it. It's got like a stutter and he moves fluidly. It's the perfect example of what I'm talking about done in a painting. Oh yeah, that's it. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:13 That's it, right? That's totally it. That's what it is. Isn't that? That's real. Crazy. You can see it with your eyeballs. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:21 It's fascinating to me that this other completely alternate universe exists. I guess you're looking at, what would you call that, that sort of, I don't know, snaking, framing, catapillary thing? It's like another dimension. So maybe like, it's best to describe it dimensionally because it's literally like you see through another kind of level or something, like we just see 3D, right, in these kind of stuttered blinky thingies that we go in and out of when we sleep. And then after that experience, I started having crazy lucid dreams, like nuts ones
Starting point is 00:26:59 where I would break through these levels like full inception style, like I had one last night. I have these all the time, but so just like quicky, basically I came lucid in the dream and I was in a kitchen and there was a friend of mine from high school in the kitchen and I was like, there's no way you would be here right now. Like I haven't seen you in so long and I was like, you're not you. That's what I said. I was like, you're not you.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And I was like, you're, you're my memory of you. Wow. And then I said, if you're real, you won't care if I do this. And then I punched him in the face. And when I punched him in the face, it turned into black and everything went into this like galaxy. And it like popped the whole reality of the dream into this big thing cause I knew that I was dreaming.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And then I like woke up like super shocky style, but it'll like when you kind of maintain your consciousness like that, you start to get awareness in your dreams more. So you get like more lucid. That thing you just described reminds me of a story someone told me about their ayahuasca shaman and how he had a drum. And you know, they were the oddity of this particular sacrament is that people see the same thing together. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. That's what's odd. And he was, so they were sort of in this domed space together. And then with his drum, he's opening. He's doing just what you said with a punch, but he's doing it to this space. It's like pushing it open so that there, and there's this other thing outside of it, this sort of layered, I don't know what you would call it. It's like, I don't know what you would call it.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Is this the astral plane that you're talking about when you, when you have lucid dreams? Are you right? What is that, like to describe it locationally, the best kind of word I can think is like dimensionality. Right. I don't know how else, like what is it? Other people all go there and they'll see like the same things like with the dome thing you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:29:11 So like the first time I went into virtual reality, have you ever been in VR? Absolutely. So he has this, it's like the Truman show, right? And I was like, Oh my God, whoever made virtual reality has totally done drugs. And sure enough, he totally did. And that is like what you're saying. You guys saw that dome world is what this guy tried to replicate. So if you want to see what we're talking about, you can just go into like a VR world.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Are you familiar with this fellow, Jaren Lanier, have you ever heard of him? He's the guy who coined the term VR and he's got a great new book out called The Dawn of the New Everything. Oh, that's good to know. It's amazing. Yeah. But he discusses this very phenomena that you're talking about in a different way. He, he says that in virtual reality space, and this kind of brings us to what we were
Starting point is 00:30:03 talking about. Unfortunately, before we started recording, yeah, in virtual reality space, you look down and your body is whatever the body is designed by whoever the avatar, the avatar. But should you be in a VR simulation where you have no body, you still have this sense of awareness. Yeah. And so in a way, virtual reality is sort of replicating this thing that many of us sentience minus form.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh, that's good. And when you were discussing the Bushido, I wonder if you could just say that again, what you were talking about, the Bushido warrior and finding this like inner core among the turbulence. Yes. So a lot of the training I do is a little similar where in Bushido, the samurai would keep and hold their center no matter what was happening around them. And so a lot of Buddhists, like call it like finding the hub of the wheel as opposed to
Starting point is 00:31:01 being like one of the spokes and thrown off the center. But they could be in the middle of this crazy battle with everybody dying and being chopped to bits around them. And in the center, they're still, they don't ever lose themselves, no matter what kind of chaos swirls around them. So it's like being a star in outer space, right? Where you have the center of your sentience that remains regardless of the changes, right? Like you said, of shape or form that you're occupying.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So that goes like inter life kind of thing, I guess would be like how you would go through, like if you think we are just these temporary forms or vessels that our sentience is occupying, right? Like all Egyptian style where we just kind of jump ship and then hop into the next thing, right? That would make sense. That VR would very much kind of double that or give you an experience of it. It's like a tool.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah. It's a way to, you know, you take, this is one of Ram Dass's, the story of like Ram Dass, one of his, one big chapter, or I guess you could say one turn in his story is, Tim Leary has given him, I think, synthetic psilocybin, he goes and sits on a couch during a party he's alone, he's sitting on a couch and essentially he begins to see representations of the various elements of his identity, the Harvard professor, and then that thing vanishes. And then I think it's his material possessions and those things vanish. And then he's like realizing, wow, I'm seeing this sort of like dissolution of my identity.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And then he looks down and his body begins to vanish. So good. And then, and you know, all the other stuff, he's like, I could do without that, but wait until my body and then that's gone. And now that's rough to lose your body, lose your body. That's a biggie. So this identification with a body is a blindfold, you could say to this sort of what appears to be a transcendent sentience that doesn't really seem to have any kind of.
Starting point is 00:33:27 You can get there. Like I had these disassociative moments where you can really see your mannequin or like, you know, like your meat suit is like not me. And I was like looking at people and I was like, whoa, humans, like they're just all humans. Like if you would see all these mallard ducks, right? So like every mallard duck looks the same. Do you think that mallard duck like identifies its essence with that form it is, which is
Starting point is 00:33:53 like all these other ones? Like it seems so silly that people totally identify with their, you know, vessel there in to me when you look at it kind of like in this larger scope. So it's true. Like when you lose that, not that we aren't this thing moving around because we totally are doing it right now, right? But that people hold on to that so tightly without thinking maybe you could be something without that.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Right. And what, what would you call that thing? The thing without that? I think sentience is a good way. The Egyptians describe it as like your car, right? So they show it like a bird that kind of sits on you like you're a tree. And there's a bird on you. And then when times up, the bird just goes and flies somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. Right? It's a, a sojourner at a hotel. Yes. Right? But what is that thing? That's really what we really are. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Whatever it is. Yeah. So how would you like really describe that in a word? Soul? I guess. Yeah. Like a spirit or a soul, right? Your essence.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You're kind of like your diamond. Yeah. Right. But is that this is a thing I run into sometimes when I talk with people who have been really diving deep into psychedelics or meditation for that matter is that sometimes they hit upon something that can be really quite horrifying to them, which is that in the same way Ramdas looks down and his body is dissolved. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Because that's a death experience. A death experience. And the death experience on psychedelics is usually if you can overcome the fear of death, it's like that's how you know it's working. Exactly. And then there's another death that can happen on psychedelics, which is the thing that is like, oh, wow, I died. Now look at how cool all this is.
Starting point is 00:35:45 That thing begins to dissolve. Yeah. Which is, and then you start running into this really curious, potentially. The abyss. Yes. Yeah. That. The abyss is pretty gnarly.
Starting point is 00:36:00 The abyss. The abyss. Where even the thing that you thought was, oh, this is the I am. It's too much. That's where you go crazy. That's like some Cthulhu ass shit. Yeah. The abyss.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. Just like, oh, you know, actually what you are is that whole sentience, you know, the whole bird thing. Well, the bird itself is just a, is just another ribbon wrapped around nothing. Ribbon. It is like a ribbon. Yeah. It's like ribbons or something.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Like hairs is kind of how I saw it once, right? So coming off this larger thing. Yeah. Or feathers even kind of. Oh, wow. So it's like that fractal thing where there are just these strings on a bigger string. Yeah. Like, I don't know if you ever saw that picture of Lanakia, the way they call it of like our
Starting point is 00:36:47 galaxy in the universe. It looks like this big, like, it's like a cancel quota looking birdie thing with like these hair-ish sort of feathers coming off it. Like I think that's what they were talking about. But then your like little thing is only like a little thing of that great big thing. Right. So then you like lose everything when you kind of have those things, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And it's, it's hard to integrate. It's hard to let go. Yeah. We are, at least me, like any, the great, for me, the great devastating ego blow that comes whenever I'm enjoying a nice strong cup of mint tea is when I've suddenly, you know, find myself at the, that place where it's like, no, no, no, you see, you still even in here in this realm, where you think you have an identity, yeah, you're still here. You're still clinging to some, some, you're still.
Starting point is 00:37:46 The clinging. Yeah. And it's, it's like, whenever I hit that point, I'm still can't let go. Are you able to let go during? I have like little moments, but then it's fleeting, right? So I've had, I think like three big let goes where everything was like, right? And then it makes you not ever want to do it again. And it like, it took me like a month to recover from that.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Just, you know, cause then you're like, I'm like, you know, it's hard to integrate those experiences cause it's like too big, right? So then you have to just do regular stuff a lot, right? You know, like really ground, ground yourself out and do really like earth stuff. Yeah. And just eat good food, right? You know, and like take a bath, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And then just get back to regular. But I had three, but letting go, it's really the, it's not even you personally, but it's your primal animal that doesn't want to die. So it's not even you. It's like life force that you have to fight in order to let go. So it's like, uh, my teacher describes it like this dinosaur. So when he gets into his, it's like, uh, like a dinosaur that will fight to the death before it's going to die.
Starting point is 00:39:12 It's really your will to live. So if you have a strong will to live, which I'm like kind of an animal chick, you know, so I can fight like, I'll do it. Like, you know, what is it going to take? If I got to that place, I'm not like, I'll just lay down and take it. That's not who I am. So if you have a strong will to live, that let go is going to be real rough. It's like those MMA guys that get punched out and then they're still like fighting.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Have you seen that? Yes. That's their will to live. And that's their corporeal. Like there, some people's biology is just like stronger in that will. Yeah. Right. So when you have that will, that's rough to, to drop it.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Cause your whole system is going to be like, nah, uh, yeah, yeah. We're staying right. Yeah, this is, you know, I just saw this quote and you know, I'm just like, my mind's mush. So I never remember these damn people because they all have cool names like Chuang say, you know, like there's, this is a Taoist, I think a Taoist mistake. It, the quote was something on the lines of, you know, people are so afraid to let go under the emptiness.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm totally screwing this up. Sorry, Chuang say, forgive me. I'm, so people are so afraid to let go of the emptiness, but they don't realize the thing that's afraid to let go is the emptiness. And yeah, oh man. It's like, oh fuck, I can't even, you can't, you think you can let go? You've already, there's nothing to let go of. There's nothing even there.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah. Yeah. Right. How could there be a thing? It's like a trick. Yeah. Right. When I had the let goes, I realized I was like, oh my God, what a joke.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Like my big thing after having those experiences, I was like, this is like a sham. Yeah. It's like a sham. Right. And you come into that and it's like hilarious. Yeah. After you get through the terror part, it's like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:41:17 It's like, it was like everything looked like a theater. Like it was like a theater set. Right. Or something. That's right. Like a constructed thing. Yeah. That I could see through like a sham.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah. And so, and, but then sure as shit, you're back in the meat suit. Correct. And now what? And this is. What do you do with that? What do you do here? You realize, okay, oh man, this thing doesn't last that long at all.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah. I'm here for a flickering of an, of a gnats eye. Yeah. And now I've, now I'm going to, I guess I'll go take a bath. Eat some food. Eat some food. But you know, people, I think this is where some people can really run into some difficulty.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yes. And with reintegration because. They don't ground back in. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's kind of, you know, I was sitting eating with my wife the other day and like, you know, Eve's dropping on a conversation that was happening at the
Starting point is 00:42:17 table next to me. And this woman was saying, well, my mother, you know, she started to take ayahuasca and she wants me to do it. And I'm like, mom, you want me to do drugs? And I don't, and she's like, you know, my mom, she said she was sitting at the office and then suddenly she saw that things around her were breathing. I mean, she was having some kind of ayahuasca flashback. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And I was thinking like, well, shit, your mom is actually seeing maybe for the first time what the universe. Life. Life. It's a life. Yeah. That breathing is life itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's not stagnant. Yeah. And then I'm thinking like, man, this is really cool because we are in a psychedelic revolution to the point where someone next to me, someone's mom, someone's mom is telling them to take ayahuasca. And then I'm thinking like, fuck, but no one's there to tell her mom. That's what you're, it's not, you're having, it's not, you're having a flashback is that you're witness.
Starting point is 00:43:15 There's no context or training. Yeah, man. That's why I'm so into it. Like my teacher and grateful for him is that context and knowing that is provided through it. Like I, I mean, I'm not going to talk trash and everything is wonderful, but I hear of so many people going to these retreats and they are guided not for shit and they don't, they're like dosed and left alone.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And I'm like, that was not my experience. Like you do techniques and you have to train so hard core before even any of that happens and it's all will and discipline based. So for like the stuff I do, it's hard work. Like there's no just like dosing and sticking them in the dark. I guess that is a way to do it, but I do think that decreases integration factor. And I'm also a big fan of Jeffrey Cripple's work with the micro dosing stuff, you know, and, um, I feel like too many people just want some kind of experience and
Starting point is 00:44:12 then they have no knowledge or context, uh, to either scholarly or physically, uh, to place that into, and then it causes them these schisms to integrate. That's it. Yeah. I mean, this is, this feels like the, uh, collision that the pro like one of the problems right now feels like that, that thing you're saying, people want to have these experiences. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So there's this sort of instinctual sense and a lot of people that they're, they need something that they're not, which is true. Yes. That's true. So they need spirit food. It's nourishment for their spirit. Yeah. And people right now, people are feeling it so deeply.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah. And so the, and here are psychedelics, which is a way, and they sense, oh, this is a way to get the food. Correct. But there's no framework now. So many people don't have the framework anymore. There used to be a framework for better or for worse, which was, you know, organized. There was religion.
Starting point is 00:45:10 There was organized religion. There was this real sense that this is actually real. Now all that's been people have like gotten so fixated on the matter form. They're lucky if they've read a Carlos Castaneda book now. Yeah. Right. Like that's how far removed it's gotten. No offense to everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like, yeah, dude, like have the experience. It's great. That's, and now there's so much more accessible, right? Even being made legal. Like I think there's a thing for psilocybin to get made legal now and MDMA too. I think too is coming up to that thing. So people will be having more access to these, but man, when they break out of the dome and they start to have those experiences, like their doctor is not
Starting point is 00:45:50 going to be able to tell them what's happening. And most of the indigenous people that we've now like murdered all of them. They're the ones that do have knowledge and gnosis in these areas. Like we were screwing ourselves by, by continuing to victimize all the people that actually hold the real truth and we're focusing on the drug. So a lot of, if I could say like one thing about it, support these humans that have actually so integrated this into their whole being and stop just going to take the drugs, right?
Starting point is 00:46:25 Right. It's better. Yeah. Right. Support those indigenous people who are holding it in their whole like flesh and blood as beings and live there. You can't get that from dosing yourself with anything. How do you support those people?
Starting point is 00:46:42 A lot of them are trying to spread the teachings. Like my teacher's trying really hard to teach people this stuff. It's ironic because we'll have like some white people just take it, right? And then they present it as their own LA problems. Um, but I'm like, wow, really you're just going to steal from a Native American. Oh, you're talking about the thing. Actually, I did a commercial on this podcast as a parody of that thing. Shaman Vinny Dorito walking Iowa, skaters of Silver Lake.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah. I'm like, you run into this thing where people make contact and they do it, they do it for a period of a few months. There are, and suddenly now they've become, they've elevated themselves to the, it's, it's like somebody getting an append, their appendix removed and then becoming a surgeon. It's, it's so good, you know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah. And it's rampant. Yeah. Support who showed you though. Yeah. Like you can have that experience and grows in individuals, not to negate the reality of people that really get powers from those experiences. Cause that's true too.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Like you learn from that and then you become it. But like you can't just, you know, cut and run, like take the meat and make for the door, like come on, like give them support. Like if they have an organization or maybe they have a nonprofit or maybe you can support their reservation or you can just like help pass laws that will protect their land or, you know, do real things that will assist these individuals that are holding that space for everyone or try to like not have their land taken by the government to mine for resources, right?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Like just stuff like that that could actually help support the individuals that they're getting it from. That's right. Right. Because that's the plant will confer it to you through the consciousness, but that's not going to show you what it means to be human. Well, I think it goes back to what you were saying, which is that when, when you get into the presence of some of these people, yeah, suddenly you find in the same
Starting point is 00:48:38 way that if I'm around, like, you know, some of my friends who are comedians, they're way funnier than me. I get real, I can because I become way funnier around them, right? No, that's true. Suddenly I'm funny. Yeah. And, and, and, and you start to vibe off their vibe. That's right.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. And then if I'm around, like, you know, Ramdas, when I get into his field, then everything, then it's like that thing you were talking about when you finally let go and you're like, Oh, Oh, what was I afraid of? You feel peace. Yeah, that. And so these people that you're talking about, your teacher and all the others, they're, they're holding a space.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Correct. That they've cultivated. It's a cultivation, like they're gardeners. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and it's, and it's easy, so easy to get into their presence and then suddenly imagine that, that, that, that is, that you are like that now, which is a real, we all hit this, you know, you are, because it's a human state, right?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yes. But you, you can't like disrespect the work, the work, right? This is someone that worked, don't just like steal their shit, like a coyote. It's like urban outfitters, like stealing some artists idea that took them like 15 years to come up with. Then they just take it and benefit off it. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Just don't be a schmuck. They benefit off of it until the problem is like, you can benefit off of it until suddenly you're giving bad counsel to someone and, and, and, and suddenly you're, you're faced with what, what will happen consequence big time. Yeah. And that's, that's always like, whenever I hear about this stuff, I'm always thinking like, what's your, what's your plan? Like when I hear about people doing their own, like whatever the particular
Starting point is 00:50:31 medicine is that they're giving to people, I always think like, wait, wait, what's your, what's your plan? When that intention, but if, I mean, you know, what are you going to do when that person becomes host to an entity that, uh, parasite? Yeah. Isn't the best thing. What are you going to do if something enters into the room that you're, they ditch them.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yeah. That's it. And now you've got someone who's gone on now, now suddenly what happens is the person stops sleeping, they think that they're Jesus and then they're in a mental asylum and now the West is going to do their medicine. And now you're just like injected with like, whatever, heavy metal. Yeah. And not the good kind.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Not the good kind. Right. And so then that person, there's consequences when you don't have the discipline to hold the space, right? You can't, you can just jump into it. Okay. You can, but like, can you just become a marathon runner? In like one day, you just can't do that.
Starting point is 00:51:32 So it's just like about things that are real, you know? So if you, the thing that these people are holding is evidence that these are things that human beings have potential for or capacity for. So when you allow that capacity to come into you, but you don't have that, uh, discipline, right? But this is everyone's least favorite word. Yes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Who wants to do that? It takes sacrifice. And I think the word is everyone's least favorite word because it's another word that's been like used as a bludgeon by the West. Yeah. So you, when you hear, I mean, it's, uh, um, it's, it's a term for actual punishment. Oh, so good. That's true.
Starting point is 00:52:18 People think it's punishment. Disciplined my child. Oh, interesting. And so when you hear it, you're, you're associated with being punished or, you know, and when, so discipline is the, is to me, I think of it as the, uh, it's the ladder that takes you over the wall that separates you from the garden of Eden. It's the, it's a bridge, disciplines of bridge.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Very well said. Yeah. And that went in with that, you know, the moment or it's the. I guess you could say that, you know, the turbulence between the, you that you are now and the more perfected version of you, there's some kind of, I don't know, turbulence between those two states, disciplines, the boat, right? You're going to get you over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's your vehicle. Right. It's a vehicle. Yeah. Even if you just do yoga, that's good. Like that's the thing that will get you through that. Right. If you have like a practice and a discipline of any kind, like it, right?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Anything but learning music, even music to totally because it, it builds your will that that. Yeah. Yeah. So if you go into this work and you don't have a will, that's how something's going to take you over. Just like if you go get a bad boyfriend or girlfriend and you have no will, no boundaries, they're just kind of like walk all over you.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Like if you don't develop that, it's the same as having a bad relationship with a person. That's it. Wow. Whoa. Right. Right. That's so interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:50 If you've ever been in a bad relationship, then you know what it's like to be possessed by a semen. Cause they possess you. You no longer have decisions, right? Holy shit. Who's driving your car, right? There's all those old gospel songs about, don't let the devil drive. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:07 That's what they're talking about, right? Cause that's what happens. You lose your decision making will. Yeah. That's right. Holy Lord in heaven. That's spooky. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's dangerous, but at least in a bad relationship. You've got an embodied form that you know, they like, you can leave. Well, yeah. But if you suddenly become like, infested by some kind of, it's like an infested, it's like a horde. I call it the insect hordes. And you'll see when people are taken over, like my friend, her uncle had it and they start to act like an insect and they make like a nest, like they get all
Starting point is 00:54:38 hordy and they stop like cleaning. Everything gets kind of filthy. They're not taking care of their body. That's right. You know what I mean? Like it starts to recapitulate that insecty stuff. That's right. Any, this is why I make my bed because any, like in times when I have been the
Starting point is 00:54:55 insect, I like, I'm anytime I look around. And by the way, I'm, I mean, this is a, okay, it's sort of clean. I'm sorry. I'm looking around like, oh, shit. Look at my cord. Okay. Thanks. But you know, anytime I'm like looking around the beds, not made, there's dishes
Starting point is 00:55:11 out, I realized like, oh, shit. Be in your space. Yeah, you got to watch out in the space. It's one of the signs because you're two in your head. A lot of like intellectual geniuses will do that stuff too, right? Where they're so not, can they, they'll build like one part of them a lot because we have mind, body, and spirit. And you got to like try to juggle all of those things, right?
Starting point is 00:55:34 To keep them in balance. So if you get too far, I think like what a lot, the psychedelic experience and spiritual experience, when it gets too heightened, like you were talking about when they go on Messiah and stuff. Now they're off balance from their other parts. Right. They're not in their space. They're in that other location.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah. And then they also, when you add to the fact, they think they're Jesus, but they've got like ash trays all over their house with filled with cigarettes. It's like, what kind of Jesus is that? You haven't changed your cat litter, man. Jesus would have changed. Take care of your cat, man. Your teacher.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Tell me his name again. Kelvin DeWolf. How'd you find him? Actually, magically, funnily enough, we kept running into each other. And then we found out we were both born in the same hospital in Ottawa, Canada. So he's a Canadian mcmack tribe. And we literally, our kids were born within like a week of each other, the same years, like all these weird synchronicities.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And we went to the same acupuncture school. He has a PhD in Chinese medicine too. He's really good with herbs and stuff like that as well. But so he has his native stuff and his mom, I've met her a few times. She's one of the only people left on earth that speaks the mcmack language. So these, they're like, you know, and in his, when he was going to high school, he said, like, all his friends were just commit suicide. Like there was all these suicides because Native Americans have more suicides
Starting point is 00:57:04 than veterans than like they have the highest, highest, it's a real issue. Okay, cause, and some people say it's cause of like loss of culture or just like, you know, they have like nothing so poor and like no prospects or, you know, drug abuse or alcoholism because of all the poverty. So he said, like, it was pretty common in his tribe for like high suicide rate. Right. And that's, I think there's a couple of places in America where on the Native American reservations, it's the highest suicide rate in the nation is in on the
Starting point is 00:57:38 reservations. My God, that's so depressing. It's really depressing. So, and I grew up in Ottawa and then in Montreal. So I was Canadian too, but I was like in the city. So we were both kind of having these simultaneous experiences. Like, are we just like parallel? And then we were both at the same acupuncture school and I would just keep
Starting point is 00:57:58 running into him and we would start to joke after a while. Cause like literally I would go for a hike randomly in some spot and then I'd see him there like with his dog and we just start laughing. It's like we can't get away from each other because we're supposed to do this work together, right? You know, so you know how that is with people. I don't know. Have you had experiences like that?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah. Providence, it's Providence, like makes you come together with some people. They're meant to be part of your destiny. That's right. Right. And that's not on accident. When it happens so frequently like that, you have to be like, there's something we have to do.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I think of it as, um, I, I mean, you know, these are all lenses to look at it through. Yeah. But I, I do always refer to, uh, and Ramdoss talks about this, this idea of the soul pod, soul cluster. There's some sense of signing up together. I think so too. Sometimes I think of it as like, you know how they would parachute people in, you know, and like, in the paratroopers, paratroopers, but the wind might blow
Starting point is 00:59:01 you to a part and, and, but it's like paratroopers with amnesia. Yeah. It's like you've perished, perished into it and you knew that you would get amnesia going in. Yeah. So you gave yourself and your backpack. A way to find each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Like a little note. Yeah. Little notes. And then, and then when you find each other, you always have this sense of like, oh, you, but you don't know. It's a, it's a familiarity. They look familiar. That's right.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yeah. And I think that's the, what Ram Dass calls the satsang or the, that's the, you know, and which is the weird predicament you can find yourself in, which is like, oh, okay. Well, you're my brother. You're my sister. I don't know your name, but I've known you for a long time. They're your kin.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah. Kinfo, right? That's totally real. Yeah. Yeah. That is real. I don't know why it's not everybody. Like I get in some places, I'm like, it should be like all humans should be like
Starting point is 00:59:58 down, like bros, right? But it's just, you know, we don't like each other. Everybody. Well, it's amnesia. Some people have generating levels amnesia. That's good. I think, I mean, that's, that's the other thing around us as like everyone's in the satsang.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Just some people don't know. We don't know it. And, and, and, but, and it's not your job to go to them. Like, no, you are my brother. Don't, there's no time though. I think of it as, in terms of it's like those people, number one, it's none of your business. They're doing their true, like you can't be a control freak.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Right. Yeah. And number two, there's not time. It's like, are you going to spend all your time trying to like, you know, get into this person? You'll noodle out forever. Like a Jerry Garcia solo noodle out. It'll just keep going.
Starting point is 01:00:48 That's so funny. Noodling out. Oh my God. But you know, that's what it is. Right? Yeah. Yeah. You got to focus on, this is what I always say.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Follow the enthusiasm, right? So you know who your tight bros are. Yeah. Cause you guys are going to like have enthusiasm for each other. Right. You're going to feel that, like, you know, like when you go see your favorite band. Yeah. I mean, not always.
Starting point is 01:01:10 You're going to fight and you're probably hate each other sometimes, like brothers and sisters or whatever, but you're going to have like a passion. Yeah. That you share. Yeah. Those are your tight bros. Tight bros. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Don't not, yeah. And that's just, people are always knocking on these doors and like, well, then the door is an opening. So just, just move on. It's like, don't keep knocking. They trying to go in. They bark up the wrong tree. Bark up the wrong tree.
Starting point is 01:01:31 It's a waste of time. Yeah. But so this, this phenomena to get back to your teacher, his name's Calvin DeWolf. Yeah. So did he name you or you have similar names? No, totally not. It's where my name is Daou for people that don't know. And it's French Canadian and we're, they're both French Canadian names.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Daou actually means of the August, which is funny. I don't, have you like gotten any of the, um, Don stuff? No. Like with a lot of people that get messages or reception. There's all this stuff of the new Don that's starting. Like if you talk to the Starseed people. Oh that. So like the Don or like the Golden, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:09 So that's the AU. I call it the AU. And that's like the, uh, the August one. It's this very actually profound spiritual thing that's all over. And a lot of the people in the Golden Don, which was that esoteric group, they all based it on that. But now all the Starseed people are calling it like the Don of consciousness that we're having this reawakening, right?
Starting point is 01:02:31 So it's part of that. So my name comes from that word August, which originally is that like the Golden one or like Hawthorne, right? So that's my, my birth name. He, everyone thinks my name is like a hippie name. You know how like the witches do or whatever, but it's my birth name. Yeah. My mom is a hippie.
Starting point is 01:02:51 So it's her fault. I got you. This, this Don, the, the, this realization of this Don, um, I think is a, as another simultaneously is the best thing ever. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. When you realize that, and you realize that, oh, there's a big team working on this big, big, big, big, big.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And a lot of the team isn't even on the planet. And, you know, and so when you start realizing that, it's incredibly exciting. I think the problem that can happen though, there, there's two problems. Number one, the translation problem, which is that's how do you go into this kingdom? Having been in that kingdom and translate the message that you've been given into a way that in this kingdom, you don't sound crazy, crazy. You sound really crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And if, and it, you know, it, at the very least you, you, you could sound annoying or obnoxious, you know, and all of these are, I think a problem of bad translators, it's like, it's not going to be efficacious though, right? Like you, if you have these experiences and you can't share them with people, it's like for nothing. I mean, for you, like each individual that can get those realizations in them, that's like enough, right? Like it's like chunk, right?
Starting point is 01:04:16 Like accomplishment, right? But then like a lot of people call themselves the way showers that are having these experiences because we feel this drive to let other people know, like even if nothing else, just that there is some larger spirit or consciousness or sentience that we can share like a hive mind that is, you, it's not like, you can do stuff to see that it's true. It's not like made up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:44 So there's certain individuals that are sharing the synchronistically simultaneously. So then how do you like let someone in on the joke in a way that's going to, like you said, not run into those translation walls? You don't want to do that because it's like, all the instincts, by the way, it's like, I feel like I'm beating up on people a little bit here and I don't need to. I'm like, you, so it's like, okay, suddenly you're in the dome, so to speak. You get outside the dome for a moment.
Starting point is 01:05:15 You look around, not, you realize like, oh, oh my God, it's a festival. It's happening. It's, oh my God. Look at all these people. It's incredible. Oh wow. This is, everything's going to be fine. And then you come back here and Bummer'sville bum.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And that's what, that's what you say. Oh, it's Bummer'sville. We call it, what are the default reality? Bummer'sville, whatever you want to call it. And so you're back in Bummer'sville and then this is where you, you, you see a person who is, uh, drinking the juice of Bummer'sville, which is booze. Booze is the do of Bummer'sville. Slurping the do of Bummer'sville.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Yeah. They're drinking, they're, you know, they're alcoholic. They're depressed. They're locked into their body and they're doing everything you would do. If you imagined that all there was was that, which was within this dome. True. And then you want to, you come up to them and you want to tell them, hey man, you don't understand.
Starting point is 01:06:10 There's an entire legion of light that is right now working to like get through the dome, the cracks in the dome are unsealable at this point. They can't stop it. It's happening. And then the person's like, all right, druggie. What go back to the kid? Take another fucking bong, hit dumb ass. Well, yeah, they think, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:30 So how do you, I can tell you my strategy, please, my strategy is to provide an experience. I feel like you can't with words, although sometimes if you have like a good brain proper sentence that will like use like a Zen Cohen, you know, where you can really like get them. Yeah. Where they go like, what? They have a realization.
Starting point is 01:06:54 So realization is a way that can be done through words, but it has to be directly about them. Right. You'll never be able to explain it using someone else. They have to make it about them always because that we're us, right? Whatever you can't like do it. I get it. So it has to, that will often happen.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Sometimes accidentally, it's hard to get people to do it on purpose. That was part of what I tried to get in my tarot deck was the brain poppers to make people go meta. Yes. So you try to get their brain to open through a concept. That can work, but you can also do it through a direct experience. Okay. Like, so divination is a way that people can have an impossible experience where
Starting point is 01:07:41 they'll see something and they're like, that doesn't make any sense at all. How could that be? Yeah. But so for most of the people that are so locked in, the pop out way is going to be through like a miraculous experience, right? And so all the psychedelic people have that miraculous experience through the psychedelic, right? So they, they can understand that part, even if they can't transcend the
Starting point is 01:08:05 don't, right? They can, they get caught on that. Whoa, like this is bigger than me. The other way is they have to have an experience that is going to make them larger than themselves. Right. Okay. They have to somehow connect through their heart, through feeling or through
Starting point is 01:08:22 love to something bigger than them. So a good way to do that actually is through suffering. So a lot of what, oh, that gave me goosebumps. When I do healings on people, when I had like my biggest pop out, it was through my own suffering and I was suffering so bad. And then I was like, Oh, this isn't my suffering. This is the suffering. And I was like, Oh my God, humans.
Starting point is 01:08:52 This is the, I'm not having my suffering. I'm having the suffering. And when I depersonalized it, I went trans personal through suffering. So it was like some Jesus business. So you go big suffering or like a big feeling. Okay. So like you're feeling sad. Yeah, just you know, you and every other motherfucker that ever lived on the
Starting point is 01:09:19 face of the earth has felt that feeling. So you kind of try to take their bad feeling and you make it bigger. Most people try to make it smaller and make it go away. Don't do that. Make it as big as you can. It's like called, they call it contemptous moon D, right? So you got a hater. They hate some stuff, make that hate so big, it goes to everything.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And then they're going to see past themself and see, Oh my God. Look at Nietzsche hated stuff as much as I hate stuff. Now they're going to come into a relationship through their own personal suffering to something that is way larger through space time. So if you can pop people open, right? To to transcend that this is just happening to them. Yeah, right. But it's like a trick.
Starting point is 01:10:06 You got to use like tricks, tricks. Yeah, yeah, tricks. This this this concept tricks, the tricks. You need tricks. Yeah, skillful means. You got to fool them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:17 And that is my to me. That's my favorite thing because it's like comedy too. Right. It is comedy. Correct. And it's the because a great comedian will will pop. Well, well, they're good poppers. Yeah, they're great.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Because they're so they're such a distortion. They can relate. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You watch, you know, just watch an interview with Chris Rock when he's and just watch his spontaneous genius that's like completely like totally. His daemon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:49 His daemon. Right. His daemon and his ability to just instantaneously distort reality in the most convincing yet sweet, hilarious way. And it's incredible to watch. And just that alone, people are laughing. But what in that moment there, he's popping. He's popping him out.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Yeah. Yeah. That's incredible. That's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. And he uses joy, right? So you can use suffering, but also joy is really good. Joy. I know this is yeah, the suffering thing.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I love it though. I love the suffering thing that particularly to imagine, you know, for example, when the suffering is happening, one fun thing to think about is, and again, this is probably a bad translation of it all. But here's a fun thing just to imagine for fun. Imagine that you were part of a legion of like glowing ships. Yes. Like a kind of extraterrestrial.
Starting point is 01:11:42 We don't want to say it, but just light ships and imagine that the light ships as just a kind of eternal sort of, I don't know what they do. They surround, for lack of a better word, darkness. Yes. And then when they surround the darkness, they convert the darkness or alchemize or something, something they do to the darkness, makes the darkness. Like turning up the volume on a knob. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And yeah, it's just shift. And they don't non-consensually shift the darkness. The darkness, when it comes in around it, it pops into them and their field. And then it gets shifted because it won't, that's what darkness does. It's almost like a fuel. Yes. So in that way, imagine. It is.
Starting point is 01:12:17 It's energy. So out there, but this, you're, so you're basically a UFO pilot in this incredible extra dimensional ship. And the, one of the ways that you do this thing that you do is to come into a human body and then the suffering that you're encountering. Imagine that the suffering that you're encountering, it is the thing. That's your. It's the digestion of the thing.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah. Yes. And so now when you're approaching your own suffering, if you see it in the sense of like, oh, this is my little piece of the field to tend to. Oh, yum, yum, yum. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You have to eat it. Yeah, eat it.
Starting point is 01:12:51 That's it. You be a sin eater. So a lot of my services I do for people, they have suffering. So I'm like, come on, give me, give me, give me what you got. Right. That's the, like the confession or like that. Like what you need to eat and digest your suffering to transmute it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Right. Yes. Yeah. And that, that's beautiful, man. This is a, that's talks about, you know, there's ways to do this. You can eat it yourself. You can offer it to Kali. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:20 You know, as an offering. Yeah. Cause they, that's, you know, or I'm not just saying like that, they eat that. So when you make the offering, they're like, yum, yum, yum. Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Delicious. Delicious. Thank you. Thank you. Because someone can't eat their, their like stomach is having problems, probably from the alcohol or whatever. Right. So they can't digest.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Right. They're like having digestive issues. I would be afraid if I'm a, I can't eat people so I can barely handle my own. I'm just working on. How do you do that? Don't do, how do you purify yourself out? You have to do clearing, right? So you do clearing and cleansing.
Starting point is 01:13:52 So it's funny because all of the Christians will not, maybe not all of them, but they always diss on the witches, using these familiar spirits to like work with people like this is what they call them. Right. I did my next book that's coming out is called familiars and witchcraft. And it talks about how people do, like they perform as a sin eater. Okay. So when you are a sin eater, you then have to purge and cleanse yourself of it.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Right. So that you don't take it on yourself. It's very simple. Right. The, the age old technique is baptism. Okay. So the best way to clear it is like you just go under, you take a bath, like a salt water bath, like a baptism.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And that's like in all the Jewish stuff, they say, like, you just take these like ritual baths. That's why they wash their hands too. Like every morning they wake up and they say the mode on knee prayer and they wash their hands and they say, don't let me bring anything back from where I just was, right? Which is like we were talking about. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:51 What's the name of the prayer? It's called the mode, M-O-D-E-H-A-N-I and they thank God for returning their soul to their body and they wash their hands three times so that nothing got brought back with them. Wow. But this, the washing is also like what they use for women when they have their period because they say when women menstruate, they can take on these entities. Like you have a higher risk for it because you have like an opening or whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:18 It's not like anti-female. It's actually to keep out these dark entities, right? Is where it stems from the research that I did anyway. So it's very simple. You just take like a ritual cleansing or clearing and you have to clear your mind too so everyone holds stuff. So this is, people don't know what sin is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Are you guys ready? Yes. Everybody thinks sin is a bad action. Like they say sin is cheating on your wife. That's not what sin is. Sin is the hate that will give your wife for you. Not the action of cheating on your wife. Sin is the hateful, grosso, negative energy you're going to give to your wife as
Starting point is 01:16:01 a result of that action. Sin is what we give each other through being jerks to each other. They say, don't steal from each other. Not cause stealing is bad, but because of the hate it causes in each other. Sin is a hidden bad feeling that we keep inside ourself for our kin. This is what the story of Cain and Abel is. Okay. So Cain has all these bad feelings about his brother because he like was jealous
Starting point is 01:16:29 and he keeps it to himself. That's my bad feeling. And now I'm going to get you. That's sin. Not the actual action of killing his brother, which a lot of people are going to freak out about, right? Yeah, sure. But then God forgives Cain.
Starting point is 01:16:42 He says, no, you can live forever. It's cool. I don't care. Like just don't be a jerk. Right? Yeah. So, but it's that the sin that people are carrying. So when I provide a service, you can't really like heal any action that has happened.
Starting point is 01:16:54 But what you can heal is that hate and bad feeling that people get inside them. That's what they need to digest is that, that's what sin is. Right? No one knows that. So they hold these grudges or bad feelings or like, you just hate someone because they did something really bad. This is why it's so bad. Like all the victimization now, it's just people hate each other and just justifiably
Starting point is 01:17:21 so, right? Everyone's just doing things that wreck a person. Yeah. Like there's no justice for it. Now they got sinned. Yeah. They hate you now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:31 How can you not? Now you got to clear all that out. Holy shit. That's so cool. Right? We really have to clear out all those bad feelings and then figure out a way to deal with the problems that we stop giving each other hate all the time. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Yeah. You know, just listen to that Beatles song, carry that weight, you know. The burden of contempt, the way they showed me was you can't like the cross on your back. It's the contempt. Contempt is the thing. It's so heavy. When you have it, it's so heavy. It is.
Starting point is 01:18:04 And you're carrying this around with you and it's like, you know, the issue of forgiveness, you know, is like, you know, people think this forgiving means making it okay that they did that. Whereas like, I guess from this POV, forgiveness would be relieving yourself of the sin. Like taking a poop. Wow. It's, it's a elimination system that we have forgotten how to use. And it's held in the body.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Isn't it? It is. And it eats you up. It does. It's like a darkness in your belly. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:39 But if people get it, it's not their fault. It's usually justified because someone really messed them up through maybe even violence or trauma or like generationally, like black people, like Jesus, right? Like how, how can you? I don't even know how they live in America. Like, well, how do you, right? Like so much gnarly, so much gnarly for people to bear that burden of contempt is too much for them to even lay down by the riverside.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah. Like it's, you can't, it's so big. I know a lot of contempt. I know. And it's in that, that one in particular, it's like this thing where like some people get, some people, I think find it like annoying when people start talking about reparations or as though like, come on, really, you're going to bring that up. It was not that long ago.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I kicked them in the shin. They would hate me for the rest of their life, right? They couldn't do it. They couldn't carry that contempt that they're asking the other person to carry. Yeah. We all got to help each other carry that load because you have to see they are righteous in their contempt and we have to help each other through the sin burden. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Helping each other through the sin burden. That's the mission. It's like, this is heaviness. That's just, you know, it's being, if we go back to the idea of the sort of, I don't know, the tunnel of selves that we were talking about, or the initially talking about the frames of existence, a lot of time that, and then we were always like, okay, we're kind of like, we're a human, but we're also a tunnel. And then we realized that these tunnels have created a kind of, I guess you
Starting point is 01:20:22 could say circulatory system that transcends space and time and that dripping out of each of these tunnels is contempt. This is the transmission of, this is the transmission of trauma generationally. And so now when you realize some people, forget some people, yourself and the sin you carry within, when you realize that you're kind of like a pipeline opening up into this time space and then pouring that contempt into this time space, you realize, oh shit, man, it's pretty important for me to get my pipes cleaned, you know, because I'm, that's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yeah. And that's the job. It's the more that we can like begin to like, do this thing that you're talking about, eat it, eat it. And the more what starts coming out of these pipes is the dawn, right? That would be the idea that on you're talking about the new thing. It starts coming out. Really?
Starting point is 01:21:18 I think what's happening. Wow. Yeah. To try to clear it. And what we have is you can see the resistance to it with everyone. All the corruption is rising up to the surface, right? Like earthworms at an earthquake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Right? So it's all coming up in order to get rectification and reparation, right? So these people that are scoffing at the rectification, like that is exactly what we have to do. There's no other choice, right? Like we have to get on and we got to get on it now. We got to pay our tab. We got to pay.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Yeah. And then once you pay the time and paying it's settled. Yeah. Forgiveness, right? And you settle the issue. There's no, you can't avoid settling. No, gotta settle the tab. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:03 This is a good way to look. I mean, to pull it out of like a big perspective back to this self, you know, like when you do run into a place where you're paying a tab, uh, which everyone if you're, I think if you're incarnated as a human being, you've got some kind of, yeah, you've got to build a pay. I don't know. Consequence. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Consequence or something you got to pay for, man. I mean, just the fact that like, you know, my wife, she's pregnant. I look at the amount of suffering a woman goes through, uh, to make a human. And then you, as any human walking around, at least one tab you've got to pay is the suffering of your mother that she went through to make you exist. Well, there's ways out though, you know, the way out, this is what my teacher says. That's all karma. So what you're talking about is karma.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Those are real, like a physical law, but there's also dharma. So dharma is a thing that rectifies everything in a spontaneous. It's like, uh, I call it gamma cause it's like a, like, like if you were to look at everything's all messed up, it's like if Mary Poppins came in and just the whole room got cleaned. Yes. Right. So there is also dharma, but dharma happens through not forgiveness, but through mercy. So there's, I get goosebumps when I think of this, but there is a higher force.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Just like there's these like dark forces. There's this higher force that is mercy, that is real, right? That can like you have all your cart, like you're saying, like there's all these things you got to reckon. Yeah. It's like reckoning. Yeah. But then there's also this like thing that can just be like, oh my God, it's spring.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Hurray. Oh, the problems I had in winter are gone. I love that. Like just gone. Yeah. So you, that's like the new dawn is when you have that like, oh my God, everything is relieved. It's like a relief. And that's, that's like a force that's bigger.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I would kind of call that like Holy Spirit or Providence or something, you know? Grace. It's like grace. This is a good final question. Yeah. How do you deal with the problem of encountering that grace and feeling like you don't deserve it? That brings you to humility, right? Because when I felt it, I was like, oh my God, this is you like, you go on your knees and you're
Starting point is 01:24:28 crying because you're like, how could this be? And it's true. You feel like you don't deserve it, but then it's there nonetheless. And it's like this rainbow that's just like for you, you know? And it, you just, it brings you humility to know that even at your worst, no matter the worst thing you've done, which is really hard for victims here because they want the punishment. No matter what, like if someone did something wrong, they deserve the punishment. Because the fact that everyone deserves that grace is hard to reckon.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That's right. But it doesn't make it any less true. My job. Thank you. Thank you. What a joy. That was, I'm filled with the joy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:17 The joy. Please tell, tell them how to find you. Oh yeah. I have my website is whichofthedawn.com. So my email is maja at GodIsMyBoyfriend.com. And I usually post like most of the stuff that I do with either myself or my teacher on social networking, of course. So I'm pretty easy to find.
Starting point is 01:25:39 When does your book come out? It's going to be out, I think October 26th. Okay. So around Halloween, real spooky. Beautiful. We'll keep our eyes out for it. Thank you so much. My pleasure, Duncan.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thank you. Thanks for listening, everybody. That was Maja. Ooh. All the links to find Maja will be at dunkintrussell.com. Much thanks to Simple Contacts for supporting this episode of the DTFH. If you enjoy the Dunkin' Trussell family hour, why not subscribe? Leave a nice rating.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Leave yourself a nice rating in the great comment section of time. Take a shower ritualistically. I actually tried that. It's pretty cool. I love you guys. Until next time, Hare Krishna. Hey, are you tired of the irritation you get down there? From pads and other bladder weakness products,
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