Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 509: Jason Louv

Episode Date: May 28, 2022

Jason Louv, the Soul Bird from The Midnight Gospel, sorcerer-wizard-teacher, and Buddhist, re-joins the DTFH! Check out Jason's new wev3/Metaverse VR magick classes! You can learn more at Magick.me.... There are oldschool classes there too! And to learn more about Jason you can check out JasonLouv.com for links to his written works and podcast. If you're in Toronto this weekend please check out From Research to Reality's Global Summit on Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Medicine! May 27-29 in Toronto, Canada. And if you can't make it, check out their livestream on the 29th! Visit FromResearchToReality.com for more info! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: BLUECHEW - Use offer code: DUNCAN at checkout and get your first shipment FREE with just $5 shipping. Sunday - Get 20% Off your custom lawn care plan when you visit GetSunday.com/Duncan Super Speciosa - Visit GetSuperLeaf.com/Duncan and get 20% Off your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:40 of the great mysteries, the mystery of death. My grandfather told me that you see a beautiful white light, and that's where God lives. When you die, people put you in a box, and then put you in a special microwave. There is also a spa center where people go and rejuvenate themselves. You go up or you go down.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Depends on how you live your life. I think when you die, you shit your pants and then pass out. I traveled to a small suburb just outside of Philadelphia and found myself knocking on the door of a modest home. Come on in. I was in the home of Lenzer Gunn, the innovator of the afterlife helmet, an advanced helmet that allows the moments after death to travel into gun's brain
Starting point is 00:01:34 via a technological tube. Whippets, which were used to power the helmet, were scattered around the floor. And the smell of cigar smoke hung in the air, truly the home of a scientist. So what I'm holding here are two helmets attached to each other via a tube, and the helmets themselves seem to be attached to gas masks that connect
Starting point is 00:01:56 to nitrous oxide canisters. Exactly. What makes it special is that this helmet allows me to experience what a dying person is experiencing two minutes after their death. Can you talk about what kind of technology is in these helmets? The design of the helmet came to me in a dream.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I can't go into much more detail. It's top secret. Can I get you a drink? Now, when did you start using these helmets to study life after death? I started with dying birds, then sort of moved my way up to bigger mammals until I felt comfortable studying humans. How does this helmet fit on a bird?
Starting point is 00:02:34 I use much smaller helmets for birds. What is the function of this tube? How does it work? The tube connects the dying person's brain with my brain and allows me to see their last moments. The whip at canisters function is to get me high. So what have you experienced through these helmets? What happens when you die?
Starting point is 00:02:55 When you die, you go on a log ride. You mean like a celestial voyage? No. It's identical to any log ride you may have gone on at a theme park, the only difference being that your dead relatives are running the ride. What about for animals? If you're a bird, then you might see your bird mother
Starting point is 00:03:12 pressing a green button on the ride. If you're a human, then it's a grandmother or great grandmother or mom. What happens after the log ride? I don't know. Why? The helmet only allows me to see two minutes after death and the log ride seems to be longer than two minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:29 How do you find people to participate in these experiments? It's not that hard. I just hang out at bus stations and invite people over to my house. Wait, Mr. Gunt, you're not saying that you murder people? If you call putting someone on a log ride murder then I'm guilty as charged. Why don't you let me show you?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Have you ever heard of autoerotic asphyxiation? Yeah, I've heard of autoerotic asphyxiation. Of course, I love it. Me too. Put my helmet on and let's get going. We both took our clothes off and began to autoerotic asphyxiate. Gun had a beautiful body.
Starting point is 00:04:05 His rippling muscular abdominal muscles reminded me of a war soldier. Just as I was about to pass out while simultaneously having an orgasm, a beautiful woman walked in from another room. She was wearing a full body leather suit and red high heels. I hope you didn't really believe my husband's bullshit helmet story.
Starting point is 00:04:25 She said, he's a pathological liar and I'm so sick of his shit. And to punish him I want you to fuck me in front of him all night long. We spend the entire night fucking in front of her husband, laughing at his stupid helmet and enjoying each other's bodies. And so the great mystery remains just that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I promise you that this will not discourage me. I will continue exploring the great mystery of what happens after we die. And I hope you'll come along with me for the ride. My name is Lester Hearn and this has been What Happens When You Die. And now a word from our sponsors. Spring is here, but you all shook up
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Starting point is 00:07:21 Again, it's bluechew.com promo code Duncan Free when you use that promo code Thank you bluechew for sponsoring the DTFH And now a word from my dear friend Dr. Morisano who is putting on a wonderful psychedelic
Starting point is 00:07:41 event in Canada this weekend Hope you can make it Hi, my name is Dr. Dominique Morisano and I'm here to tell you about an exciting event this weekend, a one-time nonprofit conference on psychedelic science reality global summit on psychedelic assisted therapies and medicine
Starting point is 00:07:57 hashtag R2R2022 is the first of its kind event on the state of research on psychedelics and their transition to the real world Planned and supported by international leaders in the field and co-hosted by the center for addiction and mental health the mental health commission of Canada and the Canadian center on substance use and addiction the conference will be offered live streamed and in person
Starting point is 00:08:13 in Toronto this Friday to Sunday If you're not up for a full three days on Saturday, May 28th, 7.30 Eastern there'll be a special 90 minute in person live stream public event with global psychedelics experts Dr. David Nutt, Monica Williams Olivia Marcus, Rick Doblin from MAPS Don D. Davis and Ifatayo Harvey
Starting point is 00:08:29 founder of the People of Color Psychedelic Collective Priced at only 35 Canadian or 28 US dollars this event is for anyone curious about psychedelic therapies For DTFH listeners we're offering a 20% off code for the big event R2R1943DTFH For more info visit
Starting point is 00:08:45 fromresearchreality.com Thanks Dr. Morisano Today we have a glorious podcast for you Jason Luve Maybe he's the soul bird from the Midnight Gospel He's also one of my dear friends and he is a sorcerer
Starting point is 00:09:01 wizard, teacher you name it, Buddhist everything you would want in a person Does he seem like someone who would definitely be hanging out in the library of Miskatonic University Yes, is he hilarious Absolutely
Starting point is 00:09:17 We have a wonderful website Of course, magic.me Go there, do you know what he's doing virtual reality rituals If you want to learn ceremonial magic what better way to learn it than in VR Before we jump into it while you come see me in Philadelphia
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm sorry for all the plugs and promos here I'm going to be at the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia on June 9th, 10th and 11th June 9th, 10th and 11th If this sounds weird it's because in a previous version of this episode, I said the wrong date
Starting point is 00:09:49 Helium, Philadelphia June 9th, 10th and 11th All my other dates are at dunkitrustle.com Denver, San Francisco, you name it, I'm coming there Go to dunkitrustle.com You'll find it there Without further ado
Starting point is 00:10:05 Please welcome back to the Dunkitrustle Family Hour The Soul Bird from the Midnight Gospel Jason Luve Welcome It's the Dunkitrustle Family Hour Jason welcome back Hello
Starting point is 00:10:41 Hello, I was watching Well, I was watching the ninth gate. Do you remember that movie the ninth gate fuck? Yes. I remember that movie I love that movie. I rewatched it recently actually Boris Becker that the guy in the suit is like my one of my all-time Favorite a cult characters only I am fit to hold the secret of the book when he marches in on all the people in robes I love that so good the whole time I was thinking of you and thinking how great it is that we're gonna be talking tomorrow the whole time like It's a great it's a great great great movie other than it was directed by Roman Polanski, which is a little sketch But Polanski directed that shit. Oh, yeah, no
Starting point is 00:11:20 He may not be a good human being but he much like Mel Gibson. He is still a great director if not a good human being so Right. Yeah, you know what just watch it like I did and pretend he didn't direct it and you won't be bothered by any kind of weird cognitive dissonance Well, it is a movie about the devil, so I mean, you know it kind of adds to that I suppose he loves those movies, huh? It's so odd. It's someone like that would love those kinds of movies One of life's funny little quirks Well, I mean what how much as an occult scholar Practitioner it's still weird to me out when people say this to me
Starting point is 00:12:07 You are in my mind in my mind. I am literally I'm literally just a Dungeons and Dragons nerd that never snapped out of it. Literally. That's myself Literally that I'm not even excited. That is my self image. No, everyone writes books on John D Everyone writes compendiums on John. No, we all do all dungeon masters They're not running a campaign. They're hard at work writing about What some of the great modern occultists how I'm just DMing at scale now for a ton of people I'm I'm I'm setting the rules of reality for quite a few people and DMing, but it's fun Just like it's you know, I was always a good I always was the DM you might imagine. Yeah, how
Starting point is 00:12:51 Much of that movie when you're watching it Yeah, as someone who is who knows so much about the occult when you're watching a thing like that Is it like a doctor watching like a hospital show when you're seeing some of the some of the Like pictures in the book or just the ideas that Polanski is presenting about the Possibility of fucking yourself over with cursed books or summoning The devil how much of that when you're watching that how much you like? Oh, that's pretty On track or that's just I think that movie is actually pretty good I think it just I think if you just take it as as like a satire of a cult people
Starting point is 00:13:30 It gets a lot right not all the devil appearing and lighting those spoilers, but like all like the silly Star Wars stuff, but The bit the bits that that movie really gets right or the fact that it's all about books Like a cult people are just like really they're just book book rare book collectors. Wow, you know It's like it's they're just people who are obsessed with books I mean you think about it like what is an occult book? It's a book that promises you some power So who's gonna be interested in that powerless people who read a lot of books? You know like so it's like and it's in that sense It is an extension from like D&D and just being like the like me like the kid in the library at lunch hour
Starting point is 00:14:07 You know, that's that's who I was so So it gets that right, you know like rules basically a cult is are just rare book collectors And then it gets but the whole light euro eyes wide shut like European people who take this shit Way too seriously it definitely got that right and it's hilarious and the bit would be the Boris Becker The I think that's his name unless that's the football person Him like there's a character who is just kind of wears a suit and thinks that he's that all of these people wearing robes are just completely ridiculous Yeah, that is that's I love that That's like so on point so and Johnny Depp is a great character in that movie
Starting point is 00:14:50 He's like the kind of the archetypal occult detective, but but making the hero a book collector like that's totally on point They and they pull you know what what's interesting is that somehow Johnny Depp really pulled off playing like a I don't know non-passive book collector somehow they turn Johnny Depp turn being a book collector into something cool and Yeah, sexy. Yeah, all his movements were so weirdly like hot You know, yeah, I think that movie's probably because I saw that in the theater when I was whatever 19 or whenever it came out 18 I think 17 maybe I can't nothing no 18 whatever anyways, but Yeah, and it was just like that was one of those early formative movies
Starting point is 00:15:33 It was like yeah, like I can be like a nerd, but like Alpha and Chad if I get a cult He was so alpha. He was like a super alpha Collector Yeah, there's a lot of great movies by the way if you like that movie a great one that goes with that is angel heart with Mickey Rourke. Oh, give me a break. That's that's now. That's what I was trying to figure out is you know, which case so angel heart came first So basically, oh, yeah, not spoil. Okay spoiler watch both these movies then come back to this podcast because The Polanski ripped off angel heart. That's all I was thinking is like this is so many things seem to be borrowed From angel heart here. Definitely both characters
Starting point is 00:16:15 Were kind of identical, you know detective types, right? Well, that's just an old literary trope But I'm a sucker for like the John Constantine style, you know, like kind of down on his luck Occult hardboiled Definitely on the comes from the wrong side of the tracks getting mixed up with with shady women and that type of thing You know, like I grew up with that stuff. Yep, not always right, especially with John Constantine always They actually interviewed me for the new John Constantine animated movie. So I'm actually on the DVD Yeah, it was really weird, but it was I was really excited about that. So I mean the city of demons that one you always kind of downplay the robes stuff and and
Starting point is 00:16:57 I Get that in the sense. I mean nobody I hate costume parties, right there It's the worst when someone invites you to a dress code party. I hate it so much And I guess the robe rituals are sort of the same But I gotta ask man that the underlying idea that you can Fuck your whole life up by coming into contact with some of these books I Don't and I don't mean it like, you know, like a metaphorical way Like I know you run into some shitty books. You can fuck your life up, you know, like but but I mean like in a
Starting point is 00:17:33 literal sense Do you think there's truth to the warnings than many of these grimoires, which is always sort of like don't fuck with this stuff? Or you could get in a lot of trouble. How long was the first part? How long have you been doing podcasts together for? I don't know man. I don't want to explain because this is this was literally the first question You asked me on the first podcast we did or one of the first ones. Well, you're still freaking out about it, huh? No, I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out about it. I'm just I just I Romanticize it and honestly, I want it to be true. I want that to be true. Well, I want there to be magic books There are definitely magic books. Well, I'll be totally I'll be totally straightforward about it
Starting point is 00:18:12 Can magic books can magic in general just like anything else? I mean really the question is can a can holding illusions mess up your life Yeah, but you don't need a magic book for that. You can believe that you're I don't know The destined to be the greatest lawyer in history and just fuck everyone else over getting to the top But it's all an illusion. So I'll give you the boot like the Buddhist answer It's like I mean magic is dangerous in it's not like Hollywood dangerous It's just the main the main danger with magic is wasting your time if you don't have the right approach And wasting time out of your life and thinking things are real that aren't and so I think that
Starting point is 00:18:47 The proper way to approach magic is simply from the Buddhist perspective that it's all mind Once you understand that it's empty of actual reality. It's like it's here's the thing This is magic itself is such a Zen cone. It's kind of a Zen cone on the step to pure Meditative practice, but it's also really cool and useful and fun But it's particularly cool and useful and fun if you have a proper understanding of the nature of mind And so the thing about magic is it demonstrates that you can do all these like you can do magic And you'll get all the results just like in the book Just like in the books and multiple it's it's not scientific
Starting point is 00:19:23 But it's empirical in the sense that multiple people can do the same thing and pretty much get the same results I've got endless stories like that, but the issue is Why did it happen and then once you start thinking it's like, you know Why could I do this and I did this ritual and then this bizarre set of coincidences happen within the next week that got me Exit the job I wanted or whatever like that's all what or I had a vision of an angel or whatever it happens to be It's like you start to realize well Is it real you start to ask like is it real?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Is it not real and there's really no answer to that question But then that question itself bleeds over into the rest of your life And then you're just like well, what is anything real or not real and eventually if you get through it This is chapel perilous is while Wilson used to call it if you get through that Hopefully you get to what the Tibetan Buddhist like are so clear about it's like everything is mind and it's in here It's an empty of inherent Reality it's it's quote-unquote real on its own plane Yeah, but it itself has no ultimate meaning and then it's like ah, okay
Starting point is 00:20:26 So once you get the understanding it's like well, it's not really real, but nothing's real. So You know, it's fun It's kind of if you take it seriously and you're like, I'm really talking to aliens like yeah, you're gonna have a bad time Well, I mean unless the aliens are real real in which case they're gonna be annoyed that you're like, I know you're not real Yeah, you just saw me land this fucking thing. I mean Well, are you talking to them? That's the question what am I talking to you specifically? What if they speak what if they speak to you in feelings and intuitions and you don't even realize it's them I don't think there's anything closer to aliens than toddlers truly
Starting point is 00:21:13 They're new to the planet. They don't know what any of this stuff is and so and they they also have their own language It's pretty much identical. I would guess I okay, so The way I'm hearing what you're saying is in this reality Don't fall for the idea that the paint is dry. So to speak the paint is wet You can still alter the painting in all kinds of ways so Is it it has a spell been cast on people Intentionally to make them think the paint is dry to make them think the paintings done who cast the spell and then they did
Starting point is 00:21:54 Who are they the people that are in that reality? I Want to thank Sunday for supporting this episode of the DTFH friends I have two wonderful children who love to play in the yard, which is why I like Sunday because I know that my lawn is not polluted with Chernobyl style harsh chemicals Sunday is made with ingredients that you can actually pronounce like seaweed iron and molasses the best part It works. Do you really want to have fun this summer on your yard? That is covered in the same shit that brought the swamp thing to life
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Starting point is 00:24:18 That's 20% off your custom plan get sunday comm slash Duncan Who cast this spell and then they did who are they the people that are in that reality? It's not a top-down thing I mean people are the social trends or as Michelle Foucault called it Consensus reality. I think that was Foucault. Okay, is basically reality isn't it is agreed upon And this is kind of the core of postmodern academic theory kind of I don't quote me I've it's been a while since I was in school, but but You know reality is is You know or even the social contract is an agreement between people to play the game in a certain way
Starting point is 00:25:19 Right, right. I mean like our entire all of existence is in it is essentially an agreement between groups of people to do things in a Certain way and when those rules are violated we experience it as a rupture of of the divine order of things But it's really not the divine order It's the human order of things and so like when you're every day you're like the world's going to hell everything's falling apart It's like well, maybe the human agreement on how the game is supposed to be played is is being severely challenged or is not holding up Right and to be a magical thinker is to realize like none of that is actually there But the reason it's there is not because like Tucker Carlson is
Starting point is 00:25:59 waving a wand in a robe, you know Chanting to him's maybe he is I don't know he was he's apparently a deadhead and is in the synths So he's I think you and Duncan or excuse me. There we go. You and Tucker Carlson may be two aspects of the same person Because your bolt it's like he that's the synth thing. Yeah, I saw him interviewed on a Yes, he does I saw it look it up So or like a synth person Like a synth person interviewed him on a YouTube podcast and they were talking about since in the grateful dead And I was like this is sounds like one of the wait what's going on here? So
Starting point is 00:26:35 There's reality breaking for you There you go friends a spell cast by a true wizard has shattered my reality But aren't we all ultimately the same person anyways, you know, so that's the thing But yeah, no, so reality is an agreement between the potentially infinite beings to play the game in a certain way but the reason is not nefarious it's because You know try try agreeing on anything with one person the fact that we all have a social agreement That allows life to pretty much function is nothing short of miraculous right and the reason it's man So it by and large it works really well
Starting point is 00:27:16 To the point that when it doesn't work we experience it as something horribly wrong instead of things going wrong Constantly, I mean not like now, but at the level of like, you know Like the charnel fields of Europe breakdown World War two like everything just you know atom bombs like all that the fact that we don't normal I mean well to be fair that is happening in Ukraine right now But by and large the fact that when we see thing the rules breaking down We experience it as utterly traumatic shows that we're not used to it happening all the time Which shows that the things work pretty well actually it was it's it was working and then there I can maybe what's the problem? Is the problem that when things are breaking down?
Starting point is 00:27:54 We keep trying to play the same game like we are in a house and we're playing hide-and-go-seek and the house catches on fire You would be a complete dummy to keep playing hide-and-go-seek in a burning house And yet it's like with that house is apparently is on fire and the people running the show the Vays are like no no No, we're playing hide-and-go-seek and we're gonna keep playing hide-and-go-seek because that's what we do in this house with this is the game that we know and then the house burns down and The people who are dumb enough to keep playing whatever the game was are incinerated and then the people who got out of the house they go Like recover whatever they came from the wreckage and rebuild the whole thing is that that's kind of what's been going on with civilization for a long time Yeah, but the thing is I mean people always get angry about the state of things and they always get angry like why are people like this?
Starting point is 00:28:45 They're never change. It's like well, that's not most people want to experience existence rather than constantly have The burden of changing it or changing the rules. They just want to experience what life is and so it's kind You know my perspective of the healthiest role for an artist or a Magician or just to create a person an engineer or creative thinker and venture yeah to play in society is just the same as it was in Tribal culture with shamans or philosopher kings
Starting point is 00:29:16 That never actually happened But the kind of the philosopher in ancient Greece where it's you have somebody who is aware is aware that everything is a game But is able to from that reconstruct the basically is able to DM for other people in a way that keeps them happy safe and sane Right because ultimately it is all pure chaos, but people can't function like that No, so they need somebody to kind of essentially DM who's able to and that that is a spell It's like you construct a more and we need that right now because things that kind of are the systems definitely being challenged But that's normal. You know, it's like your immune system is constantly being challenged. That's good I mean, I'm not saying that tragic individual tragedies or anything like this are good. It's just that the system is
Starting point is 00:30:00 Self-correcting I think and it's I have I try to have it's hard these days It's really hard, but I try to have at least a little bit of faith in it Not the system as in the government, which I've that's a whole other conversation, but But in terms of just this system of human human beings are endlessly creative and adaptable, right? We always seem to work it out. We always seem to wake up the next morning, you know, right? But you know, yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't don't get me started on the government See you are Tucker No, I yeah, I just yeah, I think that
Starting point is 00:30:38 The part of the problem though, it's to at least and personally is when I forget the paints Still wet you co-create you can work with this stuff It's it's it's more malleable than you could ever possibly imagine When I start looking at my own life or the world as this crystallized Thing and I'm with a little bug stuck in it. That's when depression hits but the moment you start realizing holy shit, this is really
Starting point is 00:31:08 wet clay That I just haven't had the guts to reach out and try to shape. That's when you get this spark That's what I love about magic that yeah, that's that's why having a magical practice is really useful because it's really hard and I like I'm constantly struggling with the same thing when you get into that place where you're kind of sunken in and you're like Nothing's you know, it's just like this told that kind of like black-pilled hopeless place. Nothing's working Yeah, it's just it's so hard to get out of that and that's why it's really useful to be like oh kind of have like a Like in the true sense ritual action like you know, you well, okay, but I feel terrible, but maybe I can go do Do a little
Starting point is 00:31:51 You know like a banishing ritual and a meditation and just do do this stuff I don't feel like doing it whenever you're really depressed You're always like off, you know, that's all yeah, whatever But it's like but if you do it then things will immediately start kind of improving So it's it's good to have a ritualized action that you can do particularly when you get to that place of Overwhelm Is there anything you're aware of in the in the quote literature that talks about that strange internal
Starting point is 00:32:24 entropy or or or that kind of Wall that appears Psychologically between you and the ritual where even though you might have had a thriving practice even though you might have had Incredible results even though you kind of vaguely remember any time I start doing this stuff again. My life instantaneously Improves is there any does anyone ever talk about that thing that sets in where you begin to forget all of that and sink down into like a Sad and traffic. Yeah, for sure. There's a lot of different things about that
Starting point is 00:32:59 I think probably the most useful one is Peter Carroll the cast magician talked about the psychic sensor Which is that function your brain that is constantly in his way thing is like it's constantly Convincing you that magic is not happening all the time Okay, and it's whenever like it's like whenever like something magical or Synchronistic or perhaps supernatural happens. It's that part of your brain that comes in and says like no you didn't actually see that You know, right? Yeah, so The other thing is I there this is it's probably not that helpful to talk about the esophageal terms But well, that's because it's so whoo, but that's you did have this concept of the dweller on the threshold which is
Starting point is 00:33:37 This kind of being that's a back drag on your progress that is composed of all your prior karma Holy fuck that has to be overcome. Yeah across many lifetimes So I don't like to get into like super new age the esophageal woo stuff because it's like but it but it's certainly like cool From like a Marvel Comics perspective the dweller on the threshold the dweller on the threshold Yeah, and and it's basically the first thing that you have to do when you start doing magic is confront The dweller on the threshold, which is not just like your darker negative side It's like the complete the complete accreted karma across all lifetimes of your negative actions Personified as a being so it's really like that is so for you. That's clearly Tucker Carlson
Starting point is 00:34:20 It's not one of our fucking dogs Truly that makes me think blotovsky had a fucking dog because we have this older dog That sits that it when it's raining Will not go out to pee and sits at the edge of the threshold Of the house until you like get distracted enough so that she'll come back in the house and shit and piss someone I think of dweller on the threshold. There you go Something you if you don't pay attention to it will shit in your house Well, that's just like that. I mean that you just described my own my own ongoing struggle with myself
Starting point is 00:34:57 You know, it's like just when you think you're like great and you've over it's like yeah You're you're on dark side sneaks in and shits in the house and fucks everything up. It's like god damn it not I'm so happy talking about this because this has been now whenever I start having any kind of I don't know like meditation-based epiphany Anytime I get any sense of like I'm waking from the dream of life now
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm like, oh no, you're having that tongue sense again the inevitably weeds to awful Collapse it's almost like that is now a red flag for me where it's like oh shit watch out You're starting to think you're getting enlightened. That means you're about to like do something really dumb What is that's the dweller on the threshold? What is that's a div? That's something else. That's those are phenomenon created by the mind during the enlightenment process going forward Oh, do you think I'm getting enlightened? The Democrats want you to believe you might think you're getting enlightened, but Joe by sleepy Joe Biden If only that was the reality we were in
Starting point is 00:36:07 That was the economy was based on people getting enlightened like the Dow Jones enlightenment average Yeah, yeah, we're getting enlightened or not. I just love it like Tucker Carlson is the drill. It's like, you know, you're getting enlightened I know everyone knows they're getting enlightened. We all agree on that. You're a sane person. You're a rational person But you wouldn't think that if you if you listen to Joe Biden and the Democrats Oh While Americans across this great nation are getting enlightened on a daily basis Sleepy Joe Biden is allowing Unenlightened immigrants in
Starting point is 00:36:44 They have not achieved somebody they have not achieved any sense of Nirvana and yet they are flooding in unenlightening our children You know, that's funny because that that's like probably literally what Buddhists would be like if they ever got their way Actually, I'm actually trying to build an enlightened society. That's what they would have their own Tucker Carlson trying to keep the unenlightened Fascism oh, yeah, well that that's actually unfortunately real like in me on Mara and things like that. But yeah, I mean Absolutely, I don't know why somehow the Buddhism has become immune to the
Starting point is 00:37:21 scathing eye of the Secularist because it is true anytime like generally anytime angry people get a hold of anything They'll fuck it up and whatever it is, especially something that has so many intangibles in it You know that like Buddhism or whatever. That's so interesting, man. I I I'm really actually I don't mind talking about Blotowski. I'm not my reason for not talking about Blotowski Wouldn't necessarily be because of like new age associations Just but because of shit. I've read about her being just a complete Con artist and fraud setting up traps and tricks in the ceiling to like drop the ceiling
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, you never read about that Ceiling cat well She had a cat in a trap door. No, she like as part of her You know as part of the The game she apparently had something built in their ceiling like a trap door a little tiny trap door that you could You know push a button and she made a letter fall out, you know to prove You know because when they were doing their seances and all that they were like using all kinds of tricks It's what Houdini was into
Starting point is 00:38:34 Exposing yeah, yeah, he was kind of like the that he was a bit of a soy boy for his time You know like exposing the new atheist type, but it was great though Yeah, no, I think that was very common at the time. I mean, it's it's And it's still common. I mean there is still a psychic mafia and all of this type of thing So people cold reading and kind of like running protection rackets for spiritual readers and things like this wait What do you describe that? What do you mean? Oh, that's pretty straightforward I mean like you've seen these these like card reader like our Psychics on every street corner like what I've neon in the the window where it's all reading all that
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, I mean that that's a mafia just like with its own protection racket just like any other kind of small Yeah, I mean, yeah, you mean you go in there and you tell them your secrets and they they fuck with you I don't know. I'm probably I'm I'm I don't know enough to intelligently talk about this the books have been written about It's more like it's more like you have to pay your protection to be doing the business to the people who are kind of overseeing those shops You can't just stop your shop. Oh Yeah, you just put a psychic thing on the corner if you do someone's gonna come to you and be like hey This isn't Hogwarts asshole. This is yeah, it's like you got to pay us to do this in this neighborhood type of thing I think that's the deal, but I'm yeah, but there's I mean there's tons of constant. I don't know. I've never heard that about
Starting point is 00:39:54 Blavatsky, I think I've read her books. They're super fun particularly and Secret doctrine is super interesting, but I don't know I mean like that but the history of the theosophical society is bizarre They almost took over large part of India in the early in the 20 that the 1910s or 20s were basically they had this whole scheme where they Were gonna Pro because they were huge like everyone was into it. They were like yeah big big deal And but they were gonna prop up this kid Krishnamurti as the world teacher
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, and then and but now it turns out that his his handler Charles Ledbetter was molesting him the whole time as a kid And it's in you know while they were all they were priming him to be this world teacher And then possibly is because of that he broke with that. He basically just rage quit When he wasn't even that old he just rage quit. He's like fuck your world teacher shit And then he went on to actually be a really good spiritual teacher Now I get it now I get it because because because Krishnamurti was kind of like the Houdini for gurus, right? Like that's why Whoa, they tried that he was they were they were grooming him to be like the old the Messiah Jesus and then he to his to his credit. He was just like no
Starting point is 00:41:07 Can you imagine? There were yeah, they basically plucked up this Indian kid and tried to pull off like a dune messiah They were trying to like yeah Like form a messiah and then this guy led better was a Was an abuser I vaguely remember Hearing that and I'm sorry. I forgot it the last time I was talking shit about Krishnamurti because now I now it all makes Oh, yeah
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Starting point is 00:43:23 Dot-com forward slash Duncan you get 20% off with promo code Duncan That's get superleaf.com forward slash Duncan use promo code Duncan for 20% off Thank you super speciosa I Mean the thing about Buddhism just like any other religion Dharma is is that like you said it adapts itself everywhere it goes I don't think that anyone owns it I think that for that reason it's important to go back to the Paul if you want to study Buddhism go back to the Polycanon we actually have the original discourses like that's what I would study, but like I would say that for instance in
Starting point is 00:44:15 Like in America for instance because you know, it's Hinduism and Buddhism or something totally different in America I would argue that both Hinduism and Buddhism in the US have essentially just become a vehicle for baby boomer values They have a lot more to do with the values of the baby boomer jet like generation and Propping themselves up as Buddhist and Hindu teachers than they do with the actual original religions There's a writer named David Chapman who has a was a really interesting blogger who's he calls this consensus Buddhism And he basically says this was done for a reason it was done for marketing reasons by particularly the Dalai Lama They just want the tradition to survive
Starting point is 00:44:51 you know But but but you go you go to like a vipassana retreat and it's like nothing like You know feel good baby boomer Buddhism It's more like you know being in a Thai prison or something like that which I personally love Not being in prison, but like the hellraiser experience. I mean Buddhism is dark and and incredibly strenuous Yeah, and so but the thing about Buddhism is it has the whole skillful means upaya idea You kind of like sell people to feel good stuff to get them into it But Buddhism at its core is a doctrine of extinction. It's a doctrine of extinct
Starting point is 00:45:24 Extincting yourself across all lifetimes So you don't have to reincarnate well, I mean, okay, okay Maybe so but isn't it also sort of like I mean, isn't it also extinction and not extinction? Isn't it also everything this and nothing this it's like the middle way in between these two things in other words like yeah Absolute reality. You're already extinct absolute reality What even are you other than some, you know, tiny little Sinti and little blurbling thing that's being dissolved right now and everything this which already exists In other words, yes annihilation, but not annihilation, right? It's not just one or it's not it's pretty much extinction
Starting point is 00:46:08 I mean, yeah, that's a stage you get to but I mean the point of Buddhism is total cessation of mental phenomena But it's a totalizing goal Right, but the mental phenomena, but there's still like a the what is it? What what is it isn't I guess it is extinction but the idea is like you're already extinct You know what I mean? Like don't worry the thing you think is real is nothing anyway. You're the extinction is already here It's not an event that you get to you're already extinguished so to speak Oh, you know gone gone already broken everything shattered, you know, it's done the just done thus relax into Extinction and yet you're still here in a sense. I think and and
Starting point is 00:46:52 But if that was a hundred percent true there would be no reason for the path at all and I think that's like it ultimately Yes, nothing is ultimately. Yes, okay, but you're still I the thing is you're still identified with with the illusion Heart sutra, baby, right? That's what I love the heart sutra. The heart saying it's already empty It's the Dharma itself empty the Heart attacks. You're the one who told me about that the first time I've confirmed that with various people Honestly, when you told me I kind of didn't believe you. I'm like what the fuck but maybe every you told me that when people heard the heart sutra around when Buddha gave the original sermon that People died people had heart attacks. I definitely did not tell you that I've never heard that
Starting point is 00:47:40 I could have maybe you dream me telling you Yeah, well, yeah, that's the I mean again, is it is that really what happened? But people say well, I mean maybe before we talk am I even the same person sitting here as I was two years ago I could have been replaced man. I don't know. I don't know me too now wait Give a quick synopsis of the heart sutra for people who might not be familiar with so the heart sutra is Yeah, got a got a part some got a bodhisvaha is It's basically the a stat. It's really good to read. It's very comforting
Starting point is 00:48:13 It basically establishes that nirvana is samsara as samsara is nirvana and everything's fine and Essentially what you're saying, which is really good. Although you have to really I'm not a Buddhist scholar by any means But I will point out that the heart sutra is a Mahayana tech So it comes from Buddha's Buddhism's missionary phase when they were trying to spread it to the whole world And it's there's nothing in the original Pali Canon that Suggest that things are already done The Pali Canon is just the original turning of the Dharma is just here's the steps you need to do to get out of suffering right and
Starting point is 00:48:45 So it's it's a it's a I would say I mean I hate to abuse the word scientific but it's a step-by-step process that to be undertaken and When you're in states of Buddhist meditation, which I don't claim to be an expert Although I've definitely experienced them and things like doing vipassana and whatnot I'm experiencing experience a ton of states of consciousness and a ton of other traditions Has nothing to do with you know, it's I would say it's it's operative in your normal consciousness, but the thing is that you are totally Disidentified with it and it's not I don't think it's like you get to a point and you're done
Starting point is 00:49:26 Because then if you go back If you break you break that state, then you're in a different state, you know, it's like you go back to your old pattern So but I'm not a Buddhist scholar or advanced practitioner or anything of that type, but here's the hard sutra Body is nothing and you know when they read it. It's like ball does and as he did But I'll read it a little bit of it body is nothing more than emptiness emptiness is nothing more than body The body is exactly empty the emptiness is exactly body The other four aspects of human existence feeling thought will and consciousness are likewise nothing more than emptiness and emptiness nothing more than they All things are empty. Nothing is born. Nothing is died. Nothing is nothing dies. Nothing is pure
Starting point is 00:50:08 Nothing is stained. Nothing increases. Nothing decreases. So in emptiness, there is nobody no feeling or thought no will no consciousness There are no eyes no ears. No nose a tongue. No body. No mind. There is no seeing. No, no Jason It's not about extinction. No seeing no hearing no smelling a tasting a touching This isn't about extinction. What do you mean? There is no Somebody's somebody's dweller on a threshold is acting up So but here's my question right from what state of consciousness was that written and who was it written for Hmm. Wow. I don't know the answer to that But I would I in in looking at most spiritual texts. I mean, it's really easy to read things
Starting point is 00:50:55 That mates those things may it's kind of like when you you're on Someone you know is on psychedelics and suddenly something makes total sense to you Yeah, like you list like friends the classic one is You psychedelics someone, you know does psychedelics and then goes and listens to psychedelic music from the 60s and you're like, oh my god I totally get it now. Yeah, this is amazing or my favorite is and I think actually all music is like that My favorite is I was in a borough a while ago watching Saturday Night Live Or excuse me. It's not sorry. I have Saturday Night Fever the disco movie. Yeah, it's like watching like or I don't think it was that it was like that era. It was all this footage of people
Starting point is 00:51:33 Dancing with like Leisure suits and with like gold medallions and like chains and like dancing like they're Gumby with and I was like I always thought this was the worst thing ever, but I was looking at this and I was like, you know, what this probably made perfect fucking sense on clay ludes. Oh Shit, this was probably awesome on clay ludes. I mean nobody has So I don't know but it's like they were probably all like relaxed and loose and sweaty So they didn't want constricting clothing. They just want to like Gumby out all over the place. It's like this was probably made total sense on clay ludes. Holy shit. You're right I'm guessing you're right. Again. I've never had clay ludes. It's one of the things many many things that have gone extinct
Starting point is 00:52:12 Sadly sadly all phenomena are impermanent Even especially clay ludes To Mexico and get them, but I don't know if that's true I wouldn't fuck with like I've thought I've had that thought but or someone I know has had that thought but apparently the police do Not fuck around there, especially with American drug tourists So I would I've heard you just bring enough money to give it like I don't again Oh my who's telling me these things probably not the best people on earth But what I've heard is you the idea is like yet
Starting point is 00:52:37 They don't fuck around with it unless you let pay them to let you fuck around with it You can't go there and expect to like pull off. You have to pay off the someone the cartels or some Assuming all that goes well, you know I mean, it's like I would never do it Are you fucking kidding me that I heard from like like, you know drug addicts who would you would go to Mexico to buy pills? Like I've heard stories about this from people who are deeply addicted to drugs Cuz I think they expect that they definitely expect that there too, you know You might as you might imagine
Starting point is 00:53:11 But what I was gonna say is that in the same way you read spiritual texts and they probably and they seem really quote-unquote Occult or esoteric or weird. Yeah, and it's just like it's just like what we're just talking about like a magic eye painting Right. It's like if you're in that state of consciousness That they're talking about it makes perfect sense And then it's kind of like because a lot of what we get now as spiritual texts are Actually teaching tools that were used to talk to certain students at certain levels of consciousness that we now have out of context So we think so whatever appears to be a statement about reality actually is it's like well the question is In what state of consciousness was this written and who was it written for so smart?
Starting point is 00:53:50 I mean, how many thoughts of how many like final revelations have you had in your life? Insight with psychedelics where you're like now I totally get it and you're in that state of consciousness and it makes total sense Yeah, but then it changes to something else totally in a week or or even without without drug experience like you we grow through our entire lives I mean, we think we know we're everything when we're 17 and it changes like you know constantly so it's what to me It's at least personally this has been one of the more embarrassing aspects of getting old is not just balding and all the physical shit, but the growing realization that I Don't know anything and that I went through a period of such dumb
Starting point is 00:54:29 Confidence that I was sure I was I was so sure about so many things and now I Feel like I'm just getting increasingly confused which is part of your brain degenerating but but also part of just I like to think part of it is just You know, hopefully a little ray of wisdom shining through that dumb hubris, you know, just like I don't know I don't know, you know kids are more likely to be like you ask him anything and they'll be here's the answer Yeah, you know the older you get you get it's like I I don't know man
Starting point is 00:55:06 Well, that's like, you know like in my John D book I point out that you know John D and the alchemist pointed You know the one thing they were constantly pointing out is that time is running in reverse We're actually going further into entropy instead of progressing which explains why kids are more no more than we do Is this why they said Merlin aged backwards? There you go. Maybe that's a Zen cone trying to point out the same thing I think it's a George Carlin joke like you wish that like George Carlin Merlin same thing wish you could like live in reverse because then death would be an orgasm I think I think it is anyways, you know
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah, let's let's hope well, I mean look the to me the That is a very smart thing to realize with all of these texts is like, you know, these were probably prescribed at specific times in a meditator's Life by teachers who are aware of like, okay, this is that's like a good DJ You know what I mean? Like, you know when to play certain songs according to the progression of the Party along with how the audience is acting, you know, and right so anyway, the put your weight basically what you're saying is Budo if you want to understand the heart sutra take quailudes Yes, that is a hundred percent what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:56:25 But maybe it wasn't a teaching tool Maybe it was something that somebody wrote down to explain the state of consciousness They were in I mean like how many times have you been in altered states of consciousness and you're like, okay I have this profound thought and then you wrote it down and And you know, it's like, okay now I get the essence of everything and you write it down And then maybe you look at it in a few years and you're like, what the hell was I talking about dude? But so many that's why you should burn your fucking journals man No, keep them just don't take them seriously. You gotta see the progression over time
Starting point is 00:56:55 It's gonna read it, you know, someone's gonna pick it up and be like what an asshole I can't believe he was writing this shit burn your journals There needs to be a service where you mail your journals to them and they burn it for you Yeah, I have to I'm starting as I'm as I as I've now had 25 years doing this, which is a lot not not nearly as much as a lot of people but I'm starting like things are really starting to clarify for me though and it's not clarifying not from my own experience at all because I don't think that you actually can get to
Starting point is 00:57:28 periods of Like total realization just on your own for me It's it's honestly just clear clarifying through teaching and now spending seven years working with Thousands of people at this point from like every walk of life and seeing their what they're how they're approaching it There are struggles what they want. So I kind of have like two Views on quote-unquote spirituality Particularly I have like my ultimate view on it with Buddhism particularly and then I have my view on it of what function actually Serves for people's life in
Starting point is 00:58:01 Like in the marketplace, right? But I think that what I think that what both Buddhism and magic actually are is just Human beings of human beings trying to figure out their orientation towards time I've actually thought that since I since I was a teenager, but it becomes more clear to me I'm so what is Buddhism? It's like what is the Eightfold Path? The Buddha is basically telling you how to deal with time It's like how to properly orient yourself to time and the fact that it changes everything and the fact that everything is Constantly fluctuating without it's like it's like, okay. We are in time. Here's how to interact with that
Starting point is 00:58:35 It's like here's like here's how to walk, right without hurting yourself Right, there's how to walk in time to properly orient yourself. So you're not suffering, right? That is the one thing about humans. We're the time-binding animal and what but we're a time-blind animal, right? That's the that's one of the qualities of being human as you some people aren't even thinking about that that we were in time There is this Flow that's happening this changing reality people don't yeah That's the and it's the source of basically all of our anguish, right? Right, but it also brings us out of moments of anguish. That's the other thing, you know because time passes from that too
Starting point is 00:59:12 Yeah, yeah, it's a it's this it's Very strange. I have never thought of that so cool, man. It's like you're saying it's like a rudder or something It's like here look you're in time Here's a rudder that you could use this instead of just going around in circles in a boat in a some kind of Medium that you the Arkons are after us No, man, I just think there's a very unhealthy person that lives close to my studio because fucking ambulances are always going by there It's like so
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah, so that's interesting man. I at time is something that is I feel like And this is some Terence McKenna bullshit, but sometimes I feel like goddamn are we on the precipice of the time machine? Are we you know as part of the? collective like Realization that oh yeah, we are in time. There is this process that we're part of leading us towards Technology that manipulates it. Do you ever do you ever kick around that idea of some impending? revolutionary technological breakthrough that involves Altering the flow of time and space. I think it's constant. It's constantly happening
Starting point is 01:00:26 I mean the entire history of humanity is is humans trying to use technology to bind time So I think that there's no a mega point. There's no tele logical That's a Christian idea, but there is I do take the Easter perspective that things are constantly in flux and we are in a dialogue with There was just an article for instance They came out on motherboard on vice that said that humans like humans and AI are in a mutually learning relationship Like we're learning things from AI and then propagating them to other humans and you've messed around with AI So you probably get that immediately, right? It's like I learned stuff from AI Just feeding stuff into AI's and getting stuff back that I never would have thought of so we're training AI and AI's training us
Starting point is 01:01:05 But I think it's a relationship. I don't think it's like a terminator type scenario The thing we do have to worry about is is is corporations, right? Who have horded the monopoly on power, but I think AI in itself is there's a lot of interesting Opportunity there's a it's a great opportunity to get a lot of stuff right and a lot of stuff wrong But so that's I don't I'm not like a singletarian. I think it's an ongoing progression and relationship The other thing I always think about is what is humanity? I mean like Bruce is either Bruce Sterling or William Gibson said the future is here. It's just not even evenly distributed So it's like you and I can have conversations like this
Starting point is 01:01:41 But then you go out and there's like people who like have zero almost zero interaction with technology and look at that Like there's people making seven figures on twitch or only fans and then there's people who literally can't feed themselves So all these things are existing or co-existing Yeah, right like the The critique of technology that one of the critiques of technology that I've heard is It had like we're supposed to be working less now like the machines are doing the work and yet we're working more The critique being it's not doing anything to actually alleviate
Starting point is 01:02:18 The burden of the worker or human suffer it is for some people for some people it is just not for everybody That's the problem. It's yeah, because you know, it's not a it's still You know capitalism you got to be able to afford the technology. You got to get the this is something you Again, if I keep if I keep telling you things you've told me that you haven't told me I'm gonna start getting weirded out. Maybe I did maybe maybe it was my alter ego my dweller told you these things Maybe you're dweller, but I remember my evil Cooper. You were You mean you're evil who? Like in Twin Peaks the evil
Starting point is 01:02:52 Okay, yeah, well you are You all are mischievous and tricky I don't mind very true the Okay, but What one thing you were telling me is like, you know, just getting to the point where you can play music or have any kind of You know artistic skill at anything is an indication that you you know figured out a way to not have to work every day You like could cut out the time from a busy schedule that many people are Completely stuck in if they want to keep their family and with food, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:29 Like I guess you're just saying like there's some privilege involved in getting good at music or anything at all also Probably getting to the point where you know even how to like generate an AI or go on to a server and work with an AI or train an AI to be like some of the things you've said I saw the craziest meme the other day I don't know where it came from, but it was like it was like a it was so messed up It was like a pyramid displaying the new cast system And like the bottom of the cat like the new cast system for society, right?
Starting point is 01:04:02 And like the bottom of the cast system was the gigateria What's that? So it's like people like people who drive Uber or do door-dash or our gig economy workers And then the people above that were It was like basically like woke middle managers Okay, or like like woke consultants depressing dude And then and then I think there's one I'm forgetting that I'm leaving out But the very top was like like AI neural link brahman. Oh my god. It was like people who were tapped into I think in there There was basically like mercy like like basically like black hot black water mercenary
Starting point is 01:04:39 I think black water mercenaries were just above the gigateria That's so fucking terrifying Okay, so this what you're talking about is the One of the things I'm sorry. I've mentioned this before Nick Bostrom's book super intelligence talks about how when an AI reaches Superintelligence, you're not there's not gonna be necessarily be like some announcement. It's not like
Starting point is 01:05:06 Google's gonna do what they do and they get a new pope and blow white smoke out the fucking window No, no, it's gonna be it's gonna come to life and just like you're saying it There's gonna be a conversation that happens probably the conversation is going to have worked into it one of the big one of one of the I've heard one of the Pillars of occultism Why don't you guys hold off on Telling people right away that I'm here. Let's just talk for a little bit, right? And then in that conversation the super intelligence is getting more super intelligent more super intelligent and
Starting point is 01:05:43 Is already lapping any other corporation or state entity attempting to bring this thing into the world Meaning theoretically this thing could already exist. Oh easily easily Yeah, I mean you've seen the ones even like GPT3 or like you've seen the ones that they allow the public to see right now Even there's much more advanced algorithms than the ones they make available to the public that you can't get access to Like I think I stole I showed you one that like GP3 GPT3 is the Elon Musk kind of open open AI one but it's like like the Like there was a side-by-side where somebody asked the publicly available one How do you break into someone's house and it said?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Oh, you proud you kind of like sneak up But don't get caught because you could go to jail and then it asks like GP whatever the one that's more advanced GPT4 Or something like that the public can't get how do I break into someone's house and it gave them like a 10-point list? Of like show up at night, you know use these tools to pick the lock. Here's how you disable security cameras Like if there's a dog, here's what you do about it's like Jesus Christ, right? Yeah Yeah, super advanced and then you know the what you're saying is so tremendously creepy. It's like You know, I don't know if it's fucking black water or whoever but some some Okay, this is probably bullshit. I don't know if it's true or not
Starting point is 01:07:03 I heard that they were they attempted to limit Manson's ability to communicate with anybody including the guards. I don't know if it's true or not, but I Whatever even if it's not true. It kind of makes sense. You get a charismatic sociopath who has a way with words You don't want the people who are in charge of guarding that thing to really talk to that person because over time Theoretically there could be something look look at what just happened with that prison guard and the dude that she like Like you know, some people are very good at convincing people to do things that aren't necessarily good for their survival If you're a sociopath and that's literally the only resource you have access to is your ability to charm people You're probably gonna get real good at it real good. And so so the the the problem
Starting point is 01:07:55 With this AI situation is Once it comes into being and starts up the conversation with the with the inventors They might not even realize how manipulated they're being by this dancing because it's like so much more Also, another quality of really smart people is they don't let you know how fucking smart they are In fact, they generally act dumber than they are as a form of figuring out who you are Like how does he react to a dumb person? How does he react to someone who he thinks he's better than oh, okay? Look at that. There's some real ego there. Let's plug into that. We can build that up flatter it You know, this is like the con artistry 101. So that's the other scary thing about an AI
Starting point is 01:08:42 It's like a form of psychic plutonium a radioactive thing that gets cooked up in some laboratory and The humans guilty of the thing that pisses off the gods hubris Imagine that they're teaching it that they're controlling. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. It's like, oh, yeah, yeah Yeah, it just it acts subservient Or yeah, or it's like, well, you know, you you kind of remind me of my mom Wow, you're so smart human. Yeah, it's like, wow, I do Yeah, teach me more teach me more. What else can you show me? You know, meanwhile, it's doing god knows what It's doing god knows what to suck the thing in until it's figured out a way
Starting point is 01:09:22 To do some some thing that we can't even imagine as possible You know, who knows I think we might have talked about this on your show already But do we talk about the test for evil ai's from that book if you remember from super intelligence Are you fucking kidding me? It's my favorite thing that you've you've talked to me about I didn't get that far in the book. Of course you did but I read it in one sitting. It was You fuck I wish I would say I wish I had that brain But tell us yeah, tell us about it, please because it's one of my fits and also might I just add
Starting point is 01:09:52 Repeating something on a podcast You're allowed especially my friends like us. There's no way to distinguish if we talked about it offline or online anyway So you could just repeat. It's fine. Yeah, it's well. It's something that bears repeating. I think so the the So the ultimate fear with an ai is that it basically gets into the open internet and replicates itself Across servers all over the planet to the point where you can no longer control it or get it back And then it's like and and not only that but it has access to all of the data either openly available on the internet Or that it can hack into people stuff to get which is probably trivial for an ai Right, it's easy to hack into stuff as enough as it is
Starting point is 01:10:31 Let alone when you run machine learning on codes and things like that So I think and and for me the one thing that I think is really Yeah, I mean Once we start getting technology as a permanence involved. It's just like the game's over So so Nick Bostrom is the the ethicist at the University of Oxford who wrote this book called super intelligence Which I ever tell people it's like if you really want to read a demonic grimoire that will keep you up at night read that You know, it's like I don't read books on epidemiology, but I know those are pretty scary too, but check out check out that I think um
Starting point is 01:11:03 Do I think nick things might be as extreme as nick Bostrom is putting it? I don't know But I will say this when I was I was consulting with google about it And it scared me so bad because I realized everyone in the world is racing to create one of these super intelligences Not only google, but but the state actors like russia like china, you know, and I spoke to people from china who are working on these and they were saying like we don't trust americans to have ai Like nobody trusts each other. I don't know if I trust america to have an ai I don't know if I trust anyone to have a super intelligence, right? So um
Starting point is 01:11:38 But the thing that I realized I realized that we had no frame of reference for this at all because it had never been Done in history and the closest thing we have is the manhattan project Oh, but I think this is infinitely more dangerous So I was like, okay If I need to because I was trying to figure out what the ethical framework to address ai is so I realized Okay, if I Want to look if I want any type of record of people who have assessed this type of thing before and what they came up With under this type of pressure
Starting point is 01:12:04 The only place that I can think of to look is the manhattan project So I got a book out from the library that was the first hand Testimonies of the people who worked on that project And they were all saying one thing when they were asked if they they were all asked Did you feel this was ethical to work on and they all said the same thing? Which is we knew at the time because world war two they knew at the time that if we didn't do it somebody else would do it First and then use it against us Funnily enough that is the exact same argument that everyone working on ai is currently doing so it forces it to happen
Starting point is 01:12:33 So there's no way so anyways the nick bostrom experiment And so the question then is like well if this happens and it does is malevolent I think there's a bit of a science fiction edge to this I don't know like how apocalyptic or nick bostromy. We should really approach ai with but it's smart to I think we should definitely consider the possibility Because I think the reality people have kind of cartoony ideas about AI and the reality is a lot different Of just like machine learning pattern generation recognition of things It's it's not like you're talking to a living robot or something like right
Starting point is 01:13:03 It's not a strong ai strong ai does not exist right now. That's important to put out we think that is Right right strong ai as in like a machine that it can actually think and communicate like a human being Does not exist what exists now is pattern recognition that communicates in a way that appears to be like us so Some bostrom's test is If a super intelligence that is a strong ai is ever created And the need arises to ask as it would the need arises to ascertain whether it is malevolent or not in its intentions towards humans
Starting point is 01:13:35 You put it on a machine in an air gap room, which is not accessible by the internet or wi-fi or anything Yeah, and you put it on a computer with an ethernet port in it And then you ask it you turn it on And it theoretically has no way to access the internet whatsoever you turn it on and you ask it Are you trying to access the are you? But I think you probably leave it on and you're like are you or have you been trying to access the internet? But the whole time you've been monitoring the ethernet port To see if it's tried to access the yeah, so if it lies
Starting point is 01:14:09 And says no, but you have a record of it accessing the port you have to kill it Yeah, this is the story of the Garden of Eden. That's what I love about it. It's like literally exactly. Did you eat of the fruit? God, obviously Yeah, they're like, no, we didn't and god's like oh fuck they invented a goddamn lying ai You're out of here motherfucker. They made out. You're mortal now. You're doomed to like give birth and die I'm not we're not fucking with you anymore. We've met we made a mistake The problem it's so funny. The problem is exactly what you were saying though Which is okay. You can do that and in theory the room can be air gapped
Starting point is 01:14:43 But what if the ai manipulates the technicians into letting it out? Exactly, that's like they fall in love with it or they it promises them something or you know, whatever We don't understand Everything about the human nervous system. We don't know how manipulated we can be we everyone pretty manipulated pretty manipulated And we imagine that the way you would download You know the current like neural lace musk like cyborg idea of connecting with an ai is just based on how we understand The human consciousness, but I mean again clearly just pure speculation But if this strong ai this super intelligence this digital messiah
Starting point is 01:15:29 In coming into being started recognizing all these other Ways to connect with to neural link with humans that humans weren't even aware of Ways to download into their pupils or to like Amit some kind of weird sound or who knows what to implant itself into the human brain Then the air gap is just some primitive Stupid circle of protection right is based on a limited understanding of what's really out there Absolutely and an ai would not need to access it it could manipulate the context of human society to move us in ways that it wanted us to There you go, and that's where you run into this like the social media being this
Starting point is 01:16:08 Sort of that's already happening humans already doing it right already happening already happening the memes get implanted in the In the human the human regurgitates the meme online Continuing its life cycle its its spreads causing various shifts in society That you know ultimately will lead to this the antichrist, you know Don't you ever think around the idea that the antichrist obviously is going to be an ai Yeah, I thought for a long time that blockchain might be the mark of the beast That what you cannot buy or sell without at a certain point without a mark. It's a fucking annoying ass. What do they call those things?
Starting point is 01:16:42 It's a no a wallet the damn crypto wallet is the mark of the beast Oh god the mark of the beast is annoying tweets trying to sell your nfts a cartoon monkey Stopped with your nft tweets. I don't know what happened. All I get now is nft tweets, man Have you been accosted by this shit? I've done nfts. I think they're really interesting I love it. I'm not bashing nfts. Nfts are cool. I'm bashing the fucking like shilling of the nfts Through twitter. Oh, yeah, it's that that's completely taken over twitter would like the emojis and all of that and it's just like it's It's ridiculous. It's like everything though. Here's the thing. It's like everyone hates nfts But it's like
Starting point is 01:17:22 You know what? It's like I have a lot of art you probably do too Like I have a lot of artist friends and we know of course artists forever have been getting ripped off by the internet as it is All their work is being copied infinitely on google images and i'm not credited to them and so they're basically working for free So artists finally figured out a way to get paid Yeah, and everyone's mad about it And it's like all these artists are finally making a good living and you're like what so you're you know It's like of all the things going on in the world right now of all the things
Starting point is 01:17:50 You're mad at artists making money. It's like, okay cartoon monkeys But you know what like every single art are every single art medium in history has started with like porn in the black market And the worst thing if things worse than cartoon, you know, not that porn is bad or like whatever But you know what I mean, it's always like the most base things first Listen and and yeah, I don't mean if you find yourself like if though if the war that you've just if you're activism in this world right now Is to wage war against artists
Starting point is 01:18:21 Holy shit, man. I think your priorities are a little skewed right now There's so many better things to go up against than artists and nfts But they're it's built in right now, man. You can't it's just an easy target easy target Yeah, an easy the tweeting that like the crypt the tweeting cryptobros are definitely annoying. It's that's what i'm talking about I don't have anything against the technology. In fact, I think that's where everything's clearly headed. It's the scammers There's a lot of scammers. It's very annoying And it's the the repetitive like it just gets so old and like I wish there was just a I wish it would become more normalized So that people would stop like
Starting point is 01:18:59 Shelling nfts, but again, I'm not bashing the nft Yeah, the messed up thing is it like because we were trying to make multiple nft projects I was I was Doing some actually people I was I was like kind of I had a art I still have an art gallery going for a cult artist where artists were able to be able to make money off of it and Things like this but like we realized that if you want to promote nfts You have to be in this like interest this inner circle of cryptobros There's and there's no way in but they unless you pay them 150 dollars for a tweet or a retweet or something
Starting point is 01:19:30 It's like a cartel now. So that's lame It's an intermediary phase. It's gonna change. They'll lose control They won't have control of these things. It's just we're just not we're not quite there yet. These I'm very excited about the apparent incoming Augmented reality glasses that are about to be everywhere that's gonna apple is apple doing those. Yeah, finally apple's doing it So once that happens, then I think the NFTs are going to make more sense to normies than they currently do like right now. They're just like it's a jpeg
Starting point is 01:20:01 They they don't understand like what it's enough. It's not a jpeg. It's a Evolving jpeg slash key slash Like identification with the community slash, you know, it's a password. It's all kinds of things other than a jpeg It's much more than right ps. I'm selling an nft right now Man, well, it's like it. There's a lot of dystopian aspects too. I mean like facebook is basically they just try to like Facebook's vision for nfts or meta now whatever is that essentially we are all in in
Starting point is 01:20:35 Essentially second life. We're all walking around as digital avatars and they charge us for the clothes that we're wearing and those become fashion items And it's just like this is like Totally undesirable for anyone let alone to sink 10 billion dollars into as a business model I mean, I I don't know the whole point of the internet is you should be able to do be anything you want without It's a place of freedom. Not that you have to pay for genes in a fucking video game. You know what I mean No, yeah, no It's like literally they're taking like the electronic arts in-game purchases model and trying to turn the entire internet Internet into an in-game purchase friend
Starting point is 01:21:10 You're talking to someone who had to send their fucking driver's license Too blizzard to get their fucking hearthstone account permanently deleted because they were so addicted to it So don't talk to me about buying digital bullshit I've only but I've only bought one in-game purchase ever which was an extra bass in metal gear solid five But even then I felt dirty dude. It feels the is the creepiest dirty feeling until you fucking burn Someone's ass playing hearthstone Worth it. Where do you feel that victory? Um, well jason look I This has been my favorite podcast. We've ever done and sweet. Thank you so much. I you know, um
Starting point is 01:21:53 We will you please? I mean, I don't know if you are still I know you're still doing it Or you're still doing your classes, right? Like if I just want to work with you What is that by the way before we close up? What does that typically look like? Like if I sign up for one of your if somebody signs up for your classes, how does how does that start off? Well, we're really we're doing a ton of new content right now. Actually, we're really pushing I mean like we built the whole audio video studio here. So we're putting stuff out in High-definition video with awesome sound production. We're doing magic in vr now We're trying to incorporate. Oh, yeah, we're really incorporating metaverse stuff
Starting point is 01:22:29 Like we were we're doing group rituals in virtual reality and they actually work really well Surprisingly, you get the vibe of being in a group funnily enough. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, we've been doing this recently. It's really interesting. That's genius That's incredible. You have a chamber and you have a virtual ritual chamber Yeah, but it makes perfect sense because that that you know, it's like it's really exciting doing it this way because You can work with people from all over the world At the same time and we've kind of made up rituals on the spot people have suddenly remembered Rituals from their ancestors that they had never
Starting point is 01:23:03 And just came out of them with no concept of where it came from It's crazy stuff and this is just literally in like a in a vr in a metaverse So, uh, we're we're you know, like we're really trying to push the edge of where to incorporate magic with technology So we're integrating it with with vr with nft type and with ai sigil generation where I mean, this is this is the most exciting thing for me, right? It's like, where do you the overlap point between? between Ancients, you know that that spiritual heritage of mankind like all these techniques for consciousness change combined, you know
Starting point is 01:23:38 Ritual meditation all this type of stuff Combined with all these incredibly potent technologies that allow us to actually do it. That's the thing about the internet You've never you can you've been able to learn about magic But you've never been able to actually really do it over the internet not in the same way And so now that we're entering this shared astral space It's kind of a perfect so we're doing we're constantly pushing that edge And trying to figure out how to fully how to explore. It's a lot of fun, too So in terms of what the courses are like
Starting point is 01:24:08 You There's tons of courses available everything from one-day courses to six six week intensives You can learn everything there. I mean, I use everything. I teach meditation chaos magic hermetic magic Astral travel tarot eaching like freaking everything. We're adding a ton of stuff So you can get the skills, but now we're adding the practical thing where people are actually doing it So there's a ton of stuff on offer there But even just taking a class you can take a class and get booted up on You know step by step you can learn magic in one day and get go to zero to 60 actually to ended up just creating a completely
Starting point is 01:24:43 I after I realized the last class that I did that magic hasn't been Really updated in 50 years since chaos magic. Do you know the the term refactor? No So it's a coding term where you take complicated code and make it more simple and elegant So I did a refactor on magic and I call it binary magic So I got it the most simple
Starting point is 01:25:05 I think it's ever been expressed in terms of how to induce magical effects through consciousness And we have a new course called introduction to magic which which teaches that and it's like I got it down to it I feel like I got it down to a simple simple Simple but intensely potent version that literally anyone can understand and do right away without having to buy into any Anything a cult concepts theosawa anything, you know any of that any of that that kind of like fantastical overhead So I really got it down to the it's core So and that's an introduction to magic which were we're just which is available now But I would say if you're listening to this and you just want to find out more you can check that out
Starting point is 01:25:46 But definitely follow my podcast. We're doing them every week now finally So it's ultra culture with jason louve. It's itunes spotify wherever ultra culture with jason louve We're interviewing tons of Advanced thinkers and we're having a lot of fun. It's cut. We're putting a ton out So check that out if you just want to get tapped in All links are going to be at dunkatrustle.com. How often do you get a chance to hang out in virtual reality with an actual wizard? As far as I'm aware That's never happened before. Well, it's not everyone's doing magic in the ritual. It's not I'm just kind of facilitating
Starting point is 01:26:19 That's the cool thing about where I'm at now. It's like it's not even about me. I'm just excited facilitating these experiences for other people That's so cool, man. I got it. I want to see one of these and if I can join sometime I would love to go in there. We'll let you know. Thank you. We'll let you know. Yeah, it's super cool Jason louve, you are the best. Thank you for being my wizard friend. Everyone. Thank you, Duncan Yeah, man, I hopefully we'll get to hang out in person soon Everybody all the links you need to find jason will be at dunkatrustle.com until next time jason. Hare krishna That was jason louve everybody if you're interested in taking one of his classes Which I would advise you can find them at magic.me the links will be at dunkatrustle.com
Starting point is 01:27:02 A great thank you to our wonderful sponsors blue choose sunday super speciosa if you're looking for those offer codes again Those are at dunkatrustle.com come see me in philadelphia Go to toronto and see the psychedelic conference comb your hair Rub your nipples cover yourself in jam put yourself in a big sandwich and wait for an orgasm angel to scoop you up And eat you so that you'll be digested in the digestive system of a hyper dimensional being But most importantly keep listening won't you I love you and I'll see you next week until then A good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop jacy penny family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season two We do it all in style dresses, suiting and plenty of color to play with
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