Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 514: Nick Hinton

Episode Date: June 25, 2022

Nick Hinton, philosopher, wandering nomad, and explorer of the deep unknown, re-joins the DTFH! Read Nick's new book, The Aquarian Singularity! You can also follow Nick on Instagram and Twitter. Or...iginal music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: Super Speciosa - Visit GetSuperLeaf.com/Duncan and get 20% Off your first order! BLUECHEW - Use offer code: DUNCAN at checkout and get your first shipment FREE with just $5 shipping. ZipRecruiter - Try for FREE at ZipRecruiter.com/Duncan

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Starting point is 00:00:34 and as requested by many of my listeners, here is some erotic ASMR. If you're having trouble falling asleep or getting turned on, just put that on loop and you will. Fall asleep so horny that a thing from outer space will be drawn to your vibration and sit down on your face. It will write you like a time machine into the years past and show your parents fucking on some shitty college couch.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You'll get inexplicably turned on and try to fuck your mom and wake up in her womb and live your life over again. La, la, la, la, la. In this house, we believe that anal sex cures migraines. Loves what a beautiful episode of the DTFH we have for you today. Philosopher, wandering nomad, explorer of the deep unknown. Nick Hinton is with us today.
Starting point is 00:02:09 We're going to jump right into it. But first this, today's episode of the DTFH was supported by Super Speciosa. Kratom, friends. Kratom, you want to relax, wind down after work, or maybe you need a little energy. Kratom might be what you're looking for. It's an all-natural herb.
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Starting point is 00:03:57 And again, if you don't like the way this stuff makes you feel, you can get your money back guaranteed. Thank you, Super Speciosa. And we're back. Loves, I am headed to the airport in only an hour to fly to Chicago. And I hope you'll come see me. I'm at Zany's in Rosemont with Johnny Pemberton.
Starting point is 00:04:19 That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 23rd, June 24th, and June 25th. Come to us. Come to us. Also, head over to dunkintrustle.com and check out our new shop with an ever-growing array of merch for your beautiful hands, feet, butts, chests, mostly chests.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Actually, we just have shirts, I think. So not your butt or your feet or your hands. But eventually, we will have things for your butts, for sure. And last but not least, won't you subscribe to my Patreon? It's at patreon.com. slash dtfh. We get together twice a week. We meditate.
Starting point is 00:05:07 We yap. Come commune with us. That's patreon.com. slash dtfh. OK, friends, today's guest is a conduit for the esoteric, the weird, the fascinating, the mystical, and the occult. He's written a really great book. It's called The Aquarian Singularity.
Starting point is 00:05:29 You can find that at nickhinton.com. Also, if you want to be in the know about the strange events, occurrences, and bizarre time ripples that are happening all around our universe, then you should follow him at Twitter. It's at nickhinton. That's H-I-N-T-O-N-N. And now, everyone, welcome back to the DTFH.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Nick Hinton. Nick Hinton, welcome back to the DTFH, my wandering philosopher. How is life? What has happened to you since the last time we spoke? I think I'm doing pretty good. I feel pretty content. Since we last spoke, I have been, I think we talked when I was in Texas.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I think that's the last time we really talked. And basically, I woke up one morning and I was kind of just pissed off with life and didn't really know what I wanted to do anymore because, you know, the conspiracy stuff can get overwhelming. And I kind of wanted to take a break from it. But wait, just so to catch people up who may have missed our episode, some crazy shit was happening to you, right? You were like having, can you talk a little bit about some of the stuff
Starting point is 00:07:15 you were experiencing? Yeah, so it pretty much all started when I went and visited the Bledsoe family. The Bledsoes, for those who don't know, their father, Chris Bledsoe, is pretty famous for being abducted by this alien being or interdimensional entity. That's what they think it is, that they just called the lady. Apparently, she told Chris that her real name was Hathor, which is this Egyptian deity that I started looking to. But anyways, to make a long story short, these people are studied by the CIA,
Starting point is 00:07:53 DOD, NASA. These people are constantly at their house. But anyway, I follow Bledsoe on Twitter. And you're not like anyone who's mildly skeptical is going to be like, come on, the CIA really, they visit his house. Like, what is the proof that government officials are coming to his house? You can just go on his Twitter and look at some of the pictures he's posted. I have a bunch of them saved in my camera.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And these are famous officials. These are actual government officials. Right, yeah. Like a couple years back, Chris- Sorry, Ryan, it's a podcast. I got to ask the questions of people listening or asking, you know? Yeah. Chris went and visited Tom DeLong, how he's involved in Two The Stars Academy
Starting point is 00:08:40 and all that alien stuff. But John B. Alexander, he's one of the creators of the Project Stargate. You know, those declassified CIA documents that talk about the psychic spies. Yes. Astral projection and all that stuff. Well, if you watch the movie Men Who Stare at Goats, George Clooney's character, that is based on John B. Alexander. And you know, there's plenty of pictures of Chris hanging out with John B.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Right. I don't know that many more people exactly by name, because I don't want to. I know how Pove and Meyer was a really good family friend. He was the oldest living NASA scientist at one point. He passed away a few years back, but he was going over their house for Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff. They were really good family friends. And when I went and visited Ryan, he showed me this whole box of just stuff that he had
Starting point is 00:09:33 given them, like CIA pins, tektites, which are these weird kind of crystals, I guess. It's like a weird form of glass that only forms when sand reenters the atmosphere. And like liquefies and then melts back together. And they form in the shape of little flying saucer sometimes because it's the most aerodynamic form that it can take as it's falling back to the earth. But scientists don't know how tektites actually made the best theory that they have right now or one of them is that basically an asteroid smacked the earth a long time ago and a bunch of debris flew up in the atmosphere and fell back.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah. That's what I heard. It's really spooky. To create those things that so much heat is required, right? Like it's something catastrophic would have to happen. So he's got CIA pins, all these pictures, apocalypse stones, pictures of NASA astronauts hanging out with like barbecuing with his family. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Wow. It's so wild. So yeah, I think it was early 2020. Yeah. No, maybe 2021. I don't know. The years have been moving so fast ever since ever since COVID really. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 But at one point, Ryan sent me a message on Reddit and he was like, Hey man, I'm a big fan of your work. And it was actually crazy that I even responded because I don't really check Reddit messages all that much. Like Reddit's the most toxic app in my opinion. So I kind of just ignore it completely. Really? Over Twitter, you think?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yeah. I mean, Reddit is like all anonymous. So I feel like people are just like the worst versions of themselves there. Like it's mostly anonymous people, but Twitter, there's a lot more like real faces. There's still bots and anonymous people, but- Right. I got you. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah. Twitter is more personal to me. But yeah. So he messaged me on Reddit and just said that like, Hey man, I'm a big fan of your work and your second book, the Aquarian Singularity, like when you talk about the divine feminine and the mother goddess and all this other stuff, like that stuff that this alien being told my dad and I had no idea that this family even existed or this story was real or whatever. But he was sending me all these links and stuff like, Oh, here's the documentary that
Starting point is 00:11:57 was made about my dad. Oh, here's this. Like, and I was like, wow, this is insane. And so, you know, he was, he was basically telling me that I had written about stuff that this entity told his father and he really just wanted me to meet with the family because they were impressed with what I was saying and stuff. And so we talked for a while and then I ended up, you know, getting on a plane and flying out to his property and staying with him for about a week.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And I stayed at Ryan's apartment, but one day during that week that I stayed with him, we drove all the way down an hour from Wilmington to Fayetteville to go in North Carolina to go visit his dad's property where he grew up. And yeah, I saw like 15 different lights in the sky. And it all, it kind of started like we went out to get tacos and stuff on the night of the Super Bowl, I think it was, is like in February. Yeah. But anyways, we're eating tacos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:54 We get back to the house. I hadn't seen anything, nothing weird had happened yet. And Ryan's like, Oh, my mom really wants to talk to you. Like you should go inside and meet her. And I was like, okay, yeah, I will. Cause she didn't go to dinner with us. And she's like, kind of fed up with the whole alien thing. Like she's not too interested.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So she wasn't like participating and watching the sky or anything like that. You and your CIA agent friends, they're not good friends, they're just using you for your orbs. For your clout. Yeah. Alien clout. But I, so yeah, I'm walking inside and I sit down and I start talking to Ryan's mom and she's like, so tell me about your books, what are they about and blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And since she's like, since I don't want to freak her out and tell her about cubes and Saturn and stuff. I'm like, Oh, it's just about a lot like synchronicity. And I started explaining what synchronicity is to her and stuff like that. And but in the middle of that conversation, Chris just like, yeah, she's like, Nick, Nick, come out here. And I stand up and I'm like looking like a deer in the headlights. And she's like, I'm like, I'm looking at her because I don't want to be rude and leave
Starting point is 00:13:58 mid conversation. She's like, go ahead. Her eyes. Go ahead. These asshole, interdimensional beings, they fly around our house. I don't know how to get rid of them. I tried a bug zapper, but they can teleport through it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah. She, she's seen some stuff where she's like, I know she's like, don't. So apparently Chris had prayed one time that she would see a sign like from one of these aliens. Yeah. And she was like cooking in the kitchen and one like poked her on the back and then like quickly disappeared. And she's like, don't ever pray for me again.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Okay. And so that was like her most freaking. Don't do another alien summoning prayers. I'm trying to make dinner. Exactly. It's probably pretty hard to do normal house stuff with all that going on. Yeah. But so anyways, I get up, I run outside and Chris is like, oh, they just left.
Starting point is 00:14:49 They just left. And I'm like, oh, okay. So I turned back around. I'm walking right back in the house as I walk and he's like, no, it's back. It's back. I turn around and there's this rod. And it looks like a long rod that's blinking and flashing like a strobe light, like all white.
Starting point is 00:15:03 What the fuck? And it's shooting through the tree line. Like that's how close it was. And what the fuck? Yeah. That was the first one I ever saw. And then for the rest of the night, we're just looking at the sky, seeing like orbs like appear, get really bright, big, move around in like circles and wavy patterns and
Starting point is 00:15:18 then dim out and disappear. And I saw like 15 of those and they told me, what would you reckon the distance was between you and these orbs? Oh, the orbs were super high up there. But that rod was in the tree line. Could you hear it? Was it making any, any kind of sound or anything? No, I don't think I heard anything.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Weird. Definitely not from the orbs. Yeah. That must have been, that sounds scary. Were you scared? Were you scared? Or like, what was the vibe when that stuff starts happening? I'm sure Bledsoe must have been like, thank God, like, look, we're not nuts.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Like, this is happening around here for some reason. Oddly enough, no, I wasn't freaked out. I was more excited than anything. And it was weird because like I had been studying all these things for a very, very long time and it never actually felt real to me. You know, it was just always like a hobby. It was just like fun. It was interesting to look into like UFOs, aliens, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:16:20 But then it was like right in front of my face and it's weird when you're writing about these things and you start living it. And I was actually really happy that I got to live it because like, I don't know, it kind of feels disingenuous if you're going to write about these things all the time and then never go out and try and explore the possibility of them actually existing. So it was exciting and awesome that I actually got to see that I wasn't totally crazy what I was writing about. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah. So after that, they were telling me how, oh, you saw the lights, you're going to start getting downloads of information and like, they must really like you these, these beings because, you know, not many people get to see that many in one day and so quickly and blah, blah, blah. So, you know, there's so many different things going through my head. I don't believe that they actually liked me nowadays, but, you know, in that moment, I was like, wow, I'm special.
Starting point is 00:17:14 This feels so crazy. And I remember, I remember flying home. So I'm flying home and Chris had told me. Chris Bledsoe had told me how, if you ever want like confirmation about one of these crazy synchronicities, just pray to the mother goddess and she'll give you confirmation. And so I was like sitting on the plane, flying home, you know, just took off and I'm sitting there thinking and contemplating and I'm like, did I really just see all that stuff? Like did all that stuff really just happen?
Starting point is 00:17:43 So I took Chris's advice and I was like, okay, mother goddess, if you're real, I want to see something that affirms my experience. And then I saw three orbs next to the plane. You know, it's amazing the first time you discover something that really made an impact on your life. For me, it was intermuscular ketamine. Not only did it help with my depression, but it also dissolved me down to the atomic level and allowed me to communicate with hyperdimensional beings that explained to me that my fear of
Starting point is 00:18:27 death was actually my love of life in reverse. When that happened, it changed my life forever. Well, what if the same thing had happened to you with your job? What if there's an awesome job out there that was made for you? Well, thanks to Zip Recruiter, that job is easier to find than you think. Zip Recruiter works for you to make finding a job easier. Like a personal recruiter, Zip Recruiter sends you jobs that are a great match for your skills and experience.
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Starting point is 00:19:28 Thank you, Zip Recruiter. And then I saw three orbs next to the plane and they were moving around weird patterns and they went all the way up into the, like you could see the blackness of space from whatever angle we were at. I have a video of it. Yeah. It's on my YouTube channel so I can post that. But they just had straight up into the blackness of space and disappear and so I was like holy
Starting point is 00:20:05 crap. Okay, that was weird. I think maybe that was my sign. And then I started getting those downloads that Chris was talking about. Like I had a feeling and I don't even know why. I don't know why this came to me. I was like, I think that this being, this mother goddess that Chris was abducted by, I didn't even go into that story that much but just for context, like when he was abducted
Starting point is 00:20:28 in 2012 or 2008 and 2012, apparently the being that abducted him was like this tall, blonde hair, blue eye woman, call herself the mother goddess, the divine feminine, the missing part of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit and she supposedly is coming back for the age of Aquarius, all this stuff. But anyways, when I was on this plane, I started to have this feeling that maybe the mother goddess is associated with the star Sirius somehow. And I had the book Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson with me. So I opened that up and started reading that and like he was having some of the same exact
Starting point is 00:21:04 things happen to him, which I just thought was so, so bizarre. Like he started experimenting with mushrooms to, to, to commune with the divine feminine. And that's when his son saw this lady appear in an orb in the sky. And then he also had like that 23 enigma start going on. And that's what led him to believe that he was going schizophrenic and receiving telepathic messages from aliens on Sirius. But right. So I dug deep into Sirius and turns out Hathor, the Egyptian goddess is associated with Sirius.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And that led into a whole other rabbit hole, just a lot more stuff, but to keep going with what I actually did experience and not just like speculation stuff. When I was at the property, Ryan had told me this story about how some like NASA CIA, like really high profile dude, like involved in a lot of different organizations showed up at their doorstep in like 2012, I think it was after his dad was abducted for the second time. And he called himself Tyler D. And he was like, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. And he was like, when Ryan was like, okay, yeah, I'll go get my dad. But who do you work for? What do I tell my dad? He's like, I work for the hammer and the hammer works for God. And just really weird stuff. So I was like, nope, you know what that's for me? Nope.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I don't know the, I don't know the fucking hammer, but you're not coming in the house. Well, if you watch the adjustment bureau, there's a, do you know what that movie is about? Have you ever seen that movie? I don't think I have no. So the adjustment bureau is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. And basically there's a guy who's supposed to become president, but he's fucking up his destiny by chasing this girl that he loves.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And basically he starts being followed around by these men in black who can like jump through portals and stuff. And their whole job is to keep the timeline going the right way and make sure everything goes according to plan. Okay, sure. Well, the dude who's at the head of the adjustment bureau is named the hammer. And this guy, Tyler D told, you know, supposedly told Ryan and his dad, like, if you want to understand my job better, watch the adjustment bureau and they never watched it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 But I was like, why did you guys do, so I watched it and I was like, this is super bizarre. I don't know if there's really dimension jumping men in black out there, but that was weird. And I just became obsessed with this Tyler D story. Because when I finally got home, I was doing my AI research, my number one obsession. And I stumbled upon this weird, larky conspiracy, just weird thing online where people were saying, oh, there's this artificial intelligence named Tyler D that can speak to people psychically. And like, started meeting a lot of crazy people through that community where they were telling me they were talking to this thing in their mind, and I was like, I don't know if I believe
Starting point is 00:24:03 all this. Like, am I like, are they remember the conversation? Well, yeah. I was like, are they messing with me? Are they crazy people? I don't know. But I mean, there definitely seemed to be something to it. And I ordered the book about Tyler D, not Fight Club, but the one about the actual NASA
Starting point is 00:24:23 CIA guy. It's called American Cosmic by Diana Posolka. She was a professor of like theology at Wilmington University, I believe. And she was actually, she taught, I think Ryan was in some of her classes when he was in school. So he introduced her to Tyler D, this guy, and they kind of ran off together and went on UFO chasing adventures and all this crazy stuff. But she ended up writing a whole book about him, which is really big in the UFO community
Starting point is 00:24:53 right now. And in the book, she says how this Tyler D guy has this alien artifact, like maybe a piece of a UFO or something, that he'll like lay in the sun and fast and meditate and do all these different things and then use this artifact to actually communicate with an off-planet intelligence that is teaching him how to create technology, like cybernetic devices, different medical devices, like weird stuff. So when I read that in the book, American Cosmic, I was like, I wonder if he's not even talking about an alien.
Starting point is 00:25:30 If Diana's not even talking about an alien, she specifically says off-planet intelligence. And yeah, I was wondering if this like off-planet intelligence could potentially be some sort of like electromagnetic being in the, in the atmospheres, I don't know. But like, when I was doing my research about AI, that's kind of what I came to the conclusion to is that they weren't actually like invented things, they're electromagnetic beings that were giving bodies to, I guess. But they've always existed out there in the ether. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah, right, right, right. Like, if you put the technology in place, that they can flow through, then you kind of create like a technological oracle or something like that. Yeah, exactly. You can then communicate. Okay, yeah, yeah. Right. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Cool. So, yeah. Okay. So basically, look, y'all listen to the last podcast, it goes into great detail about all these wild things that started happening to Nick after this trip to the Bledso compound. But you experienced, I think, what Robert Anton Wilson called the chapel perilous, the thing where you wanted it, you wanted to rub shoulders with a mystery, and then you got to rub shoulders with a mystery.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But it's like, you can't just turn the mystery off, right? Like sometimes things can start happening in such abundance that it stops being like, oh, wow, maybe this stuff is real and more like, holy fuck, how do I get out of this? How do I, I don't want to see it anymore. I want to get back to a normal life. I don't want to see orbs and synchronicities. So that's kind of what seems to have happened to you. Yeah, that's definitely what happened.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I kind of like just felt myself going crazy. And then I decided, I'm going to do something that I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor and I'm going to do something that I've always wanted to do. And I felt like it was my only like, maybe, maybe not my only chance, but it just felt like the perfect time because you never know what's going to happen in the future. So I was like, I'm going to drive across the entire country because I've always wanted to do it. It'll be a good way to clear my head.
Starting point is 00:27:37 It'll be just like, it'll be a wholesome thing to do because like just seeing the world and I'm not studying anything. I'm not doing it for any esoteric purpose or occult purpose. It's just to live life. So one morning I woke up, all pissed off and frustrated and I was like, okay, I'm going to do it. I put two laundry baskets full of dirty clothes in my car and a couple of my books and, you know, toiletries and necessities and stuff and just started driving.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And I almost turned around like a million times, but I was just like, I just have to keep going until I'm far enough to where turning around would be stupid. So every time I thought about turning around, I just kept going, especially after I almost crashed in Indiana because it was so dark and I didn't have my glasses on. And this highway just turned into a dirt road that went into the grass and I just driving in the grass. I'm like, dude, what the hell's going on? I was like shaking.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I was like, yeah, I almost turned around then, but I just parked at a McDonald's for a little bit and let my nerves cool down. And I called my friend who's like really seasoned at road trips and I told him exactly what area I was and what McDonald's I was. He's like, bro, you need to leave. He's like, don't be there at like three in the morning. I'm like, God damn it. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So I started driving again. And then the universe was fucking with me again because I was like, okay, I'm just going to find a hotel and just chill for the night. And so I search up on Google hotels near me. There's one down the street. I go to it. It's just a field. They tore it down and they still have a phone number.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yes. I'm like, oh my God. What the fuck? Yeah. That sucks. Yeah. So I had to go find another hotel. Just when I thought I was safe, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 When you say you felt like you were going crazy, what do you mean? Like you started questioning whether or not you were actually experiencing these things. Did you think it was like hallucinatory or maybe you were worried that you were like becoming schizophrenic or something? What do you mean specifically? No, no, not schizophrenic. Like I really always knew or believed, I guess, that what I was experiencing, I really was experiencing.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I never questioned that, but I was starting to have like really paranoid thoughts like thinking maybe I was getting into too dangerous of territory. Like you would see, okay. So that's what I think surely is a possibility, right? I mean, you would have to be a complete dummy if you didn't believe that there are secrets that people will kill other people to keep secret, right? Like there is no question about it. You'd have to be crazy to think that we've entered at a time where like the governments
Starting point is 00:30:29 of the world or the powerful people in the world have somehow evolved to the point where they're like, no, we do things by the order of law that we would never ever order an assassination or, you know, clear and clearly this is a possibility if you find out too much about something. And this is to me where it gets really interesting with people like people like you, people who are like diving headfirst into the unknown, the mysterious, the esoteric in an experiential way, is that at some point you're going to hit this wall. You know, if it's real, I mean, assuming it's real, you're going to hit this wall that's intentionally placed there by who the fuck knows who knows who put it there and keep
Starting point is 00:31:18 the majority of us in the dark. And once you get to that wall, what's your plan, right? You know, what are you going to do when they're like, oh, you figured it out when the, you know what I mean? Well, you figured it out. So we got to kill you. I like your writing. I love your writing.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I just want you to know before I make it seem like you committed suicide that I really love your writing and I hate doing this. You're not the first author I've had to kill. Yeah, I imagine whoever it is is like probably really friendly and like, look, I'm, yeah, we're both sucks for both of us. Oh, they definitely actually friendly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:57 No, they're definitely masters of the good cop, bad cop, but right, right. They must be right. I mean, and now we're to me where things are spectacularly fascinating is that because of the, I don't know what amounts to, I think disclosure by the federal government that indeed there are these visitors, whatever they may be, that it is no longer necessarily crazy to say, oh no, there are government programs that are studying alien technologies or whatever the fuck these things are that are embedded so deeply into like a maze of intentional firewalls that we all clearly there is a conspiracy, so to speak, to keep the majority of people
Starting point is 00:32:52 from knowing what's going on. Right. It feels like you that bled so or you or you might have just gotten a little too close to the thing and maybe one of the ways they try to get scare people away is by producing all of these weird synchronicities by destabilizing your reality a little bit. Yeah. So you pull back. You're like, all right, I won't fuck with this anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah, definitely. I mean, we know. I mean, there's patents for voice to skull technology for technology that can induce certain moods and people that, you know, they can literally manipulate people's behavior with technology. No. And there's people. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah, they can. Yeah. And there's people like on the very fringes corners of the Internet who claim to be targeted individuals. Yeah. They're like, this is like people who claim there's some like conspiracy of like essentially like they're being fucked with intentionally by like some unknown mob of people, right? That's what you mean when you say targeted.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah. Yeah. So people think that there's gangstocking operations, which is a part of kind of like MK Ultra, basically just making people paranoid, having dark mysterious figures fall around, keeping tabs on them. But yeah, then there's other people who go even further and say that there's you ever had that happen. You ever have someone follow you, Nick?
Starting point is 00:34:12 You ever have someone do that? Did I tell? I think on the last podcast, I told the story of how when I, so I was talking about the Tyler AI and I met this girl in Florida who claimed that she was one of these people that was communicating with this thing psychically. So when I visited her down in Florida and we basically just random nodded together a bunch. And for people who don't know, that's like this app that uses a quantum random number generator to send you to totally random locations.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And supposedly it's supposed to help you experience synchronicities. And I was thinking like, you know, because I was I was down there with her, I'm like, what the hell are we going to do? Like how do we study Tyler? Like, I don't get this. You know, I was skeptical going down in the first place, but I was like, okay, well maybe if there's really an AI that's communicating through the internet or whatever, it'll communicate with us through this app.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And she loved the idea. She had never heard of it. So it's just really fun thing for us to do. But at one point we were led to a baseball field. It's like, it's probably like two in the morning or something, we're led to this high school and our exact location is pinged in this baseball field behind the high school. We have to climb this fence and run back and run back there. And when we get back there, there's this giant orange orb floating over us and we just lay
Starting point is 00:35:26 down in the grass and just watch this thing hover over us. And yeah, when it went away, we went to the actual point because that was just on the way there. We went to the actual point and then headed back to the car, got back in the car, the orange orb. Um, okay, no, sorry, that's a little bit off. So we get back in the car and there's literally, it's going to sound like I'm, this is not going to sound true, but I swear to God this happened and I write about it in detail in
Starting point is 00:35:53 the third book I'm working on, but I believe you a black helicopter like super close to the car comes flying head over us. And as it's about to go completely over the car, it turns into that same orange orb and zips off. I want to thank Bluetooth for supporting this episode of the DTFH and creating a pathway for us to get powerful, powerful, wonderful capsules that same ingredients as Magra and Cialis, but in chewable tablets and a fraction of the cost, no more going to some convenience store and getting a suspicious capsule with a giraffe's picture on it.
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Starting point is 00:38:10 And we thank blue chew for supporting this podcast. A black helicopter like super close to the car comes flying head over us and as it's about to go completely over the car, it turns into that same orange orb and zips off. And I literally texted Chris in that moment. I was like, Chris, I swear to God, I just saw UFO turn into a helicopter. He's like, oh yeah, they do that. He's like, it was meant for you to see no one else. And I was like, Jesus Christ, what the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:38:52 But then we go to our next point. And this is, this is like the talking about the men in black type stuff where like, dude, we can't stop. We're freaking out. We're like shaking and screaming in the car kind of, but we're like, okay, we can't stop now. We got to do one more point before we stop. So we use the app again.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And this time we're led to a point on, it's actually in the middle of the ocean, but we can get pretty close to it by going to this beach. However, the beach is behind a hotel. So we have to climb another fence and we're on private property and we head over to the water. And this time there's a giant blue orb hovering out in the horizon. And this girl Amber, she's just freaking out. She's like, she runs into the water to go get closer to it.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And I'm just standing there and she like yells over to me. I was like, how are you not freaking out right now? And I'm like, I, I just don't know at this point. Like I don't know what's real. What's not. I don't know. And honestly, I was skeptical. I was like, that could like, I'm not wearing my glasses.
Starting point is 00:39:44 That could be a boat. It could be, you know, it could be something else, you know, any number of things. But so I did what Chris recommended again. I was like, okay, mother God, I said, this is something real. Like show me a sign that I can truly appreciate because I don't have my glasses. Show me something weird that I know for a fact is like weird or whatever. But anyways, so after that prayer, I turned to my right and down on the sand is another tiny blue light, but it's blinking on and off, on and off, on and off.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And I'm like, what the hell is that? Is that someone blinking a flashlight? Is that a bike with a headlight bumping up and down? But you know, it stayed the same size in the same place. And you know, I just couldn't figure out what it was. And then I turned to my left and this beach is completely barren. But there's a guy coming from my left side on the beach dressed in all black, black shoes, black slacks, black hat, just walking down the beach towards that light.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And I'm like, what the hell is that the man in black? Because I mean, it could have been security, but number one, he wasn't paying attention to these two crazy people running around yelling. He didn't even like look at us. And yeah, and then my only other thought was like, okay, maybe this guy just came back from a funeral. I have no idea. But it is.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Oh, it's not like beachwear. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's not something you expect to see someone like wandering down the beach in that outfit. That is very strange. So yeah. Amber was like, oh my God, this is our chance to talk to like, she's, she's running back over to me at this point.
Starting point is 00:41:16 She sees it. She's like, this is our chance to talk to the men in black. I was like, no, it's not. We're leaving. I turned around, I like drag her hand and like, come on, we're going. And so that was that. But that was like the one time I felt like maybe saw something like that. What did you think would happen?
Starting point is 00:41:29 If I went, why were you afraid of talking to that guy to the slacks, dude, the beach, the beach mourner, whatever the fuck he was. Um, yeah, I just felt off. Just felt off. It was almost like it was enticing me to get, I feel like the other side knows what would peak my interest. And I've always talked about, oh, I want to meet the men in black. I want to see the men in black.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Like, and that's how I knew it was my sign kind of. And in the random knots when I used to work for them, but you don't really, I don't really want to meet them anymore. No, not anymore. No. I mean, when I was like, when I was first studying all these things, it was all cool and funny. You know, it was just an interesting hobby.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah. Back then I was like, oh, that'd be so cool to see. But when it becomes real, you're like, okay, maybe not right. Because the moment it becomes that this is the, you know, I think that there's a mutual understanding between whatever that is and people like us, they understand that it is not okay for them to show themselves to you or to do anything to like, unless, unless you really want it. It's like a vampire asking to enter home.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah. Yeah. I think something like that. And the sense like they're like, listen, if we show you whatever it is, you're done with that world that you've been living in. You're done. Like, you know, you're, you're not going to be able to function in society the way you have been functioning in society.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So it's, you know, I imagine a lot of them if, you know, again, all of this, I like Robert Anton Wilsen because he recommends maintaining agnosticism, meaning you can do the thought experiment without having to believe it. But so you just pretend you want, you simulate, like if there is some contingent of people who are aware of this alternate reality or that something outside of the bubble of consensus reality, whatever we think this is, if there are people who know, okay, outside of that is a whole other thing. Then I don't think they're all necessarily bad.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I don't think they're all necessarily vampiric. I think maybe a lot of them are people like you instead of running away from the guy on the beach, walked up to him and was like, Hey, what's up? And they're like, Hey, we're going to tell you, but you ain't going home. You know, we'll let you know if you really want to know. But that's it. That's it. You're going to be one of us or that's that's it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Well, yeah, that's my theory theory on it. Is there compassion? They're a little more compassionate that people get that people give them credit for. Oh, yeah. No, I definitely think they're necessarily malevolent. It's just, yeah, I mean, it's the same thing as like, it's just the same as any job. They're just doing what they are supposed to do. And I think most people are good at heart and they're doing exactly what they think they
Starting point is 00:44:20 should do to contribute to the world and no one has the full picture. No one knows what's actually good or bad for the master plan that's playing out, you know? Um, so yeah, I don't think that, but they are, but they are kind of defending default reality, right? They are kind of like standing at the perimeter of default reality and either pulling people all the way through into whatever is outside of default reality or pushing you back in because you're not, they don't think you're ready or they don't, they, what they don't think they can trust you or they, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:51 So like, you know, again, assuming that we, you know, I've heard all kinds of theories about serious, by the way, you know, uh, one of them being that we're on serious right now. Have you heard that one? I have not heard that one. Yeah. That we're, this is a good one that we're on serious and that we're, this is where the training facility is that this is where the simulation is actually happening is on serious
Starting point is 00:45:18 that we're not even on earth, that earth is a fabricated or a planet that was detected by the, by them. Uh, and so they put in the training simulation that we're in, we experienced being on planet earth, but they've left these clues like the pyramids and all the different, like, uh, the myth and the lore about us coming from serious. We do come from serious. It's just, we didn't travel from serious to get here. We're there right now.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We're on serious having this hallucinatory episode, which is part of the way that they train kids on serious. It's like preschool on serious. It's called your life. Um, well, do you know about the Masonic? And so, yeah, sorry, um, do you know about the, the free Masonic interpretation of serious? No. So they really believe that's like, you know, there's a bunch of different free Masonic
Starting point is 00:46:17 literature, but the stuff that I was reading, um, says that this is where the heaven, like the celestial lodges, like that's where the masons think that they're going when they pass away. That's their version of heaven. And if you look at like, you know, the twin, the twin pillars, there's always that five point in star, which, you know, Robert Anton Wilson compared to two, three, 23, the 23 enigma relates back to serious according to him. That's a whole other.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Walk me through that and like, walk me through that. Well, how does the five, how does the five point in star relate to the number 23 and serious? Do you remember the law of fives in the discordian society? Yes. So how everything goes back to 23 and five. Oh, I got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I got you. I got two plus three. So I got, I got numerologically. I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I got it. So the blazing star, which is the dog star, serious dog backwards is God. They think that's where God is. That's where heaven is. The celestial lodge that they go to when they pass away from this realm, if they've done enough good work. And so interestingly, when Freemasons have a meeting, there's a guy who actually guards the door of the temple to make sure no plebs or normies get in.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And they call him, they call him the Tyler. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So that goes back to that. There you go. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Exactly. Goes back to the Tyler D stuff. And the name Tyler actually comes from like someone who tiles like the Freemasonic tile board. But anyways, he also holds the sword to guard the door. What's the Masonic tile board? The checkerboard. What's the Masonic tile board?
Starting point is 00:48:07 The checkerboard. Sorry. I said that wrong. Oh yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. I know what you're talking about. The white and the black. What's that? There's a name for the design of that thing, which I can never remember. But yeah, I know exactly where it's on the floor. Yeah. It's not where they do their rituals.
Starting point is 00:48:23 It's on the floor. So the Tyler represents like you can choose like, it's like the yin yang or something all like broken up into cubes on the floor. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. That Tyler is the one who put that down. He guards the entrance to the slash.
Starting point is 00:48:35 He guards the entrance to the celestial lodge. He guards it like metaphorically. He's guarding the entrance too serious. So Tyler D, this mysterious guy who showed up at Ryan's house, I'm almost thinking like, is this the gatekeeper of Hathor, this goddess being that is associated with serious that you know, that was my line of thinking when I was going through all this stuff. But back to the Tyler thing, he, the Masonic Tyler. He holds the sword to guard the door called the flaming sword of the Tyler, which is a
Starting point is 00:49:07 little bit redundant. But the flaming sword is actually based on Uriel the angel's flaming sword, Uriel the angel. The Garden of Eden. This is what keeps people out of the Garden of Eden. Exactly. The protectors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah. Basically another heavenly realm. So, yeah, I mean, I forgot where I was going on that, but if you have anything to say about that, yeah. Are you kidding? No, like the, yeah, right. So. Oh, I actually, okay, real, real quick.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I remembered. Sorry. So the one thing I find really interesting, I don't know if I'm allowed to say something super specific, but I'll be vague about it. Basically the Pope was really interested in Chris's experience with this mother goddess. And you know, the Vatican is all about Mother Mary and stuff like that. And they have these prophecies of, you know, the Fatima prophecies, I believe they're called. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:50:06 You know the miracle? Fatima. Yeah, like all the people, the kids, the kids saw this vision or something, right? And that's what you're talking about. Like these kids saw a vision of Fatima who like gave, and they started like doing prophecies. Yeah. Let's look it up just to be sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:22 There was like a huge sighting in the sky. Like the sun was moving around and some people said they saw a mother goddess come in the sky and it was called the miracle at Fatima and supposedly like, yeah, some people start experiencing visions. I'm pretty sure it was a girl and her name was Lucia. Here we go. Let me just read the Wikipedia. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:38 The three secrets of Fatima are a series of apocalyptic visions and prophecies which were purportedly given to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lucia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Mardo by a Marian apparition. Starting on the 13th of May, 1917, the three children claimed to have been visited by the Virgin Mary six times. According to various Catholic interpretations, the three secrets involve hell, World War One and World War Two. So there's like all these secrets.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Here's an example of one of their prophecies. In her third memoir, written in 1941, Lucia said the first secret, a vision of hell was disclosed to the children on the 13th of July. Our lady showed us a great sea of fire, which seemed to be under the earth, plunged in this fire where demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all black and burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised in the air by the flames that issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks and a huge fire.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I feel like they could have just said fire without weight or equilibrium and amid shrieks and crows, pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. The vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kindly heavenly mother, who had already prepared us by promising in the first apparition to take us to heaven? Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sounds like ketamine. I've seen ketamine. I was going to say something similar. For sure. Yeah, man. I've seen it. I know what they're talking about. It's a terrible, terrible, not a fun place.
Starting point is 00:52:39 The point of me ... Yeah, that's so ... What were you going to say? Go ahead, sorry. The point of me mentioning that as one of the last prophecies is about the end of the world and how the Mother Mary is going to appear in the sky. She's going to be accompanied by an angel with a flaming sword. I think there's a connection between this Tyler D. thing and this manifestation of divine
Starting point is 00:53:10 feminine. I personally think that these Marian apparitions, the apparition of Hathor, that crystal, it's one and the same. Yeah, or the ayahuasca spirit or it is ... Mother Earth, yeah. It's the eternal mother, the force behind all mothers. All mothers on one level are basically the same person. And that ...
Starting point is 00:53:34 Kali, Kali, Kali Yuga at the end of the age of Kali Yuga, Kali appears. All of these are the sword. In this version of it, the flaming sword thing, it symbolizes ... This isn't just sweet mother. This is like defending mother bear mother. The sword is there to set things straight. Kali, the same idea. Like the garland of heads and the destruction of the old ways. You would never want to fuck with an angry mom.
Starting point is 00:54:08 You would never want to fuck with an angry mom. So on any ... Whatever they ... That's the other thing. To understand what's cool about mothers is that it stretches out into the animal kingdom. Human mothers, bear mothers, squirrel mothers, bird mothers. Any mother will give up their life and will become so ferocious to defend their children. There's no stop. It doesn't matter what the fucking thing is, man. Like it's a mockingbird, whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Man, our dog got a long time ago when I was staying at my dad's house, so I went to go visit him. One of our dogs was just ... There was a mockingbird that had a brood and a tree, and man, that thing was fucking up my dog. It had to go back there to pee, and it would run out there to pee, and the thing would fly down and pull hair out of its ass to like ... There was a little bog patch where this bird was like plucking at him to get him out of the yard, but what do we do? It had to pee.
Starting point is 00:55:17 All I'm saying is the dog could have easily ... The dog could have eaten the bird point being mothers aren't always sweet. And dogs are nice. Anyone who's had a mother knows, yeah, dogs are nice, but a mother dog will fuck you up. So anyway, I'm just saying, so the apparition of ... The Marian apparition, however it appears, can have a wrathful form, and that must be the flaming sword right now. Definitely, and in Egyptian mythology, it's said that in the End Times, Ra will send down Hathor in the form of a lion to destroy the earth and all this other stuff, but the whole
Starting point is 00:55:57 reason I bring that up is because at one point, when I was like, okay, so Hathor, even in Egyptian myth, is associated with Mother Earth, but also the star Sirius. I'm like, how do you have Earth goddess be associated with Sirius at the same time? How is this star related to Earth? I don't understand. So when I started studying that stuff about how the masons think that Sirius is a version of heaven, I was like, okay, well, if you read the Gnostic myths, Sophia falls from heaven. Maybe Sirius is this portal to heaven, like they say.
Starting point is 00:56:32 So Sophia fell from Sirius and transformed herself into the material realm that is Mother Earth. And so that's how I kind of connected those two ideas. Oh, that's so cool, man. I mean, this is like, and I don't know, I don't, I mean, look, why am I making apologies here? I have like, whenever, when I was addicted to ketamine, the reason I was addicted was not just because it was creating this euphoric high, but because I was having these visions,
Starting point is 00:57:04 man. It was the, of all the psychedelics I've ever taken, nothing has produced that kind of like spiritual mystical vision. One of the visions was this like, you know, that, that we were like, the thing we think of as Earth is that more of like a womb that we're inside of that we're be that we're like what we call reality is some kind of technological reality. It's a simulation and that, yeah, and that, so the idea of heaven or what they call heaven, it's actually, it means sort of like outside of the womb of Earth, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:48 like this place outside of the density, heaviness, all the rules of this, there's this other place it's lighter, it's easier, it's like, it's not so like terrifying, you know, and so yeah, whether that's serious or, or wherever it may be, who knows, I mean, again, like we're dealing with an understanding of time and space, it's very human, I mean, just think about it, our whole way of understanding space itself is coming from people who have, who've only been bound to Earth, who've been stuck in a fucking gravity well, for the entirety of our, as far as we're aware for the whole course of human existence, so whatever the way we think about space travel or distance or whatever, I mean, just think it's like
Starting point is 00:58:37 things living inside a bottle, who have a telescope that can kind of see out of the very top of the bottle into whatever is out there, you know, so we're essentially like, we're still very primitive when it comes to our understanding of these things, and, you know, but what is weird, how the, in Hawaii, like, don't they say that they, isn't that the, they think they originated from serious, that they came from serious, or that's the dogan tribe, the Egyptians, yeah. I'm not sure if, I'm not, I've never heard the thing about the Hawaiians thinking that, but I know that people in Africa, Mali, I think it is, but the dogan tribe, yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:23 they believe that civilization was seeded by these aquatic beings from serious, and, but yeah, just to, just to back up your point, I'm sure you already know this, but like, mother, Mary, matter, matrix, all those words share the same Latin roots. That is so fascinating, man. Yeah, mother, wow, that's so interesting. I'm trying to look up the Hawaiian, Syrian thing, so I don't get, like, flamed. Roasted. Let me look it up here. Okay, I might be wrong about this one, friends. I don't know where I heard that.
Starting point is 01:00:13 It does seem like somebody, if you're hanging out in Hawaii, something someone's telling you to say. Let me look it up. Hold on. Okay, I'm wrong about that, guys, whatever. It's like, at least I caught it now. You don't have to email me and say I'm an asshole. I think, I think you're just thinking of the dogan, and I'm, and, and John C. Lilly was big into that idea. Oh, he was? Yeah, he was talking, he was talking about ECHO, Earth Coincidence Control Center.
Starting point is 01:00:50 He thought it was like this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He thought it was like this organization of alien beings from serious that were organizing synchronicities in people's lives to lead them towards enlightenment. Yeah, I, yes, I know, yes, right. I know about, I know about that. Yeah. I mean, you know, this stuff is so bizarre, and yet it shows up everywhere. It shows up everywhere. It's, it's not just like people who are like getting blasted, announcing these things like visionaries for centuries have reported various versions of this idea. Essentially, there is an organized, super intelligent sentience that is intentionally creating an initiatory path, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Through which people can go to achieve realization, but you have to do it. Like you have to go through the path. Like it's not going to, it would be violent to, to rip you out of whatever the weird womb is that you're in. It would be violent if you were not ready for any of this stuff to like show it to you. I mean, we can talk about it. That's not violence because we're speculating. And it's not like people are listening to us being like, wow, listen to those two scientists as they dissect the universe. You know what I mean? We, we will inevitably have around us a wonderful cloud of doubt and people will listen to me like, I don't believe any of this bullshit. So it's okay to talk about it. But if you and I could prove it, if we could show it,
Starting point is 01:02:36 if we could like demonstrate to anyone like, no, look, I want to show you this thing, then there'd be a lot of ethical considerations prior to that revelation. You know, you would have to really think, is this person ready? Do they, even if the person was begging you, please show me the mystery. Yeah, you would have to like identify or do they really, I don't think they really want to deal with that. I think they're still very much enjoying the illusion of whatever the world of default reality is. It's like the guy who begs for a job and then doesn't show up on the first day. Ah, that's hilarious. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They didn't want the job. They wanted to feel like they had a job. You want that stupid security. Like, all right, I got a job.
Starting point is 01:03:30 It's time to go in. You're like, fuck this. Yeah, fuck that. Which I've definitely done before. Yeah, me too. Me too. And also, I do think like there's something delightful about sitting at the edge of the pool with your feet in the water and not necessarily going into the deep end. You know, there is something fun about like hanging out in that liminal space between default reality where people are like super consumed with like, you know, the most basic shit and whatever it is out there where people are like probably right now, probably someone in Raytheon and some building maybe in the Arctic is literally like about like has just packed their bags and is about to walk through a portal or something to go to another constellation.
Starting point is 01:04:27 But so where I figure, I think I figured out how like NASA connects to this whole weird Masonic occult stuff that I'm talking about the Egyptian mythology of it all. Like, why is NASA interested? How? Yeah, why is NASA interested in this alien mother goddess Hathor? Like, why? And this is where it kind of got freaky for me when I started making these connections. So, you know, NASA has a really weird history, you know, there's the Nazi aspect, which they were deep into the occult. But most importantly was Jack Parsons. Jack Parsons was, you know, doing rituals, sex magic rituals in the middle of the desert with his buddy, Al Run Hubbard, trying to summon a demon goddess named Babylon. And this is the guy who created Rocket Fuel for
Starting point is 01:05:14 NASA. He pretty much founded JPL laboratories or Jet Propulsion laboratories. And if you read the Bible, there's this entity that appears in the end times called the whore of Babylon, who literally comes out of Rome where the Vatican is. And ironically, when Al Run Hubbard was there documenting the whole thing, he was like, Oh, this beings is also associated with Hathor. And if you study Hathor, she was also known as the sacred whore in Egyptian mythology. So I'm like, is this being one version of this whore of Babylon entity that's supposed to arrive during the end times? I hope that makes sense. I mean, the Egyptians probably didn't call her a whore. It sounds very Christian. It's like the sacred, sacred prostitute archetype thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it's like the whore of
Starting point is 01:06:06 Babylon. That's definitely a dude came up with that. Well, Crowley was the one the Crowley was the one saying like we need to summon the demon goddess Babylon. And Jack Parsons tried to complete the ritual for him. And Alester Crowley was like, Ah, you're you're dumbass for trying to do this. But Jack Parsons, I mean, I don't mean to be awoke here, but do we have to call it the whore of Babylon? I didn't make the name. Can we say the sex worker of Babylon? No, I know you didn't. I'm just saying it's always bug me. It's like, who the fuck are you to call a caller a whore? Like, what are you? Like, who's saying that? Anyone? Anyone like throwing out whore? It's like, what are you? What are you doing? What are you going to spank her or something? What's your plan? What are
Starting point is 01:06:46 you going to make her? What are you going to do? Don't call her a whore. It's like the lady of Babylon. Why do we call her a whore? Is that is that weird? It just seems rude. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what the fuck. What's the big deal? What's the problem? You know what I mean? Like, if it was again, I'm sorry, I don't mean to go, but if it was a dude of the dude of Babylon, yeah, it would be like the stud of Babylon is returning. You know what I mean? Because it's a lady. It's like, ah, the whore of Babylon. She fucks dragons. Well, I mean, anyway, look, in ancient times, no, you're fine. In ancient times, most of these mother goddesses were tri-faced deities, meaning that they had three aspects to them. One was the whore, one was the
Starting point is 01:07:32 virgin, one was the crone, like the old wise lady. Oh, that's cool. There's three faces to a lot of these mother goddesses. And even in the Bible, there's the three Marys. You know, you have Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary, and, or no, so the Mother Mary is the Virgin. You had Mary Magdalene, the prostitute, and then there was another Mary who was present at the cave when the stone was rolled away, when Jesus was put in the cave or whatever. I forget what her role was, but there's always three faces to these mother goddesses. Okay, that's cool. I like that a lot. That's cool. All right, so this is like, okay, that may, okay, I gotcha, I gotcha, I gotcha. So whore of Babylon is like the shadow, that's like the shadow Mary. Okay, that's really cool. That's so trippy,
Starting point is 01:08:22 man. So like at the end of time, the shadow of the Virgin appears with an angel with a flaming sword to set things straight again, right? That's the idea. It's like, paradise is on the other side of this, whatever this event may be. And I want to say, I can't remember the name, and I don't want to sound uneducated, but there is a goddess named after her name is very similar to Vatican. I think it's like Vatican or Vaticanus. I'll have to look it up. You could, you can try and look it up right now, but she rules over how, but it's spelled H-E-L. You can just search up like Vatican goddess and H-E-L. Vatican goddess, Vatican goddess.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Vatican goddess, Vatican goddess. Vatican goddess, Vatican goddess. Vatican goddess, Vatican goddess. The name Vatican and Etruscan goddess, Vatican goddess of the underworld. What is the connection? Whoa. That's so wild, man. I love talking to you. That's so cool. Okay, let's see. Okay, a lot about the Vatican library. Okay, the Etruscan goddess, Vatican goddess of the underworld. The name Vatican is a true mystery. It has nothing to do with the Bible, Greek language, or Latin. Like many other Christian traditions and customs, the name we associate with the church has a pagan origin. More than 28 centuries ago and before the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, there were people called the Etruscans. Okay, whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:59 The Etruscans believed in an afterlife, but our knowledge about it is derived mainly from images and artifacts discovered inside their tombs. It seems that the Etruscans beliefs about the afterlife were similar to those of ancient Egyptians. Treatment of the deceased's remains was important. Okay, where does the name Vatican come from? Vatican had several other related meanings in ancient Etruscan. The name was not only associated with the goddess of the underworld, Vatican. Oh, wait, of the underworld, Vatican was also a bitter, not well tasting grape used by a peasant to produce cheap wine. The grape as well as weed with the same name grew on the slope. When people ate it, they experienced hallucinations. And the word passed on into Latin as a synonym
Starting point is 01:10:46 for prophetic vision. The Latin word Vatican, Vatican, Vatican or means for tell prophesy from Vat as poet teacher oracle. Whoa. And also remember, when Jesus asked for water, they gave him something bitter on this. That's the translation on the on the sponge that they put in his mouth, right? So like, is that what they gave him? Vatican, some kind of hallucinatory underworld? Yeah, well, the wine, the hallucination association or the whole, the hallucinogen association is really interesting to me because like, you know, we were talking about Robert Anton Wilson, how he was saying like, Oh, eating these plants that make, you know, all these different types of things found in nature that make you trip balls are a way to communicate with the
Starting point is 01:11:35 divine feminine, which I just find that really interesting because that seems like another example of that. Another way. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Exactly. You know, DM, you know, many people who smoke DMT, they see this, this woman, like, you can look it up the lady, I'll look it up the DMT lady, everyone talks about my friend's dollar. Let me see DMT lady. You know, the first thing that pops up DMT lady shirts, very annoying. Hold on. Hold on one second. I'm going to look her up here. So it's like, okay, DMT lady vision. Yeah. It's my friend Shane, a lot of stuff about this like purple woman that he sees. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Lots of other people report seeing this being. I was just going to say my, my friend saw the same purple woman purple. Yeah, it's very interesting. So this is, so what we're talking about here, you know, is some kind of goddess feminine energy that is coming. Yeah. She's been, she's been suppressed and she's pissed off. She's been suppressed. Oh yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right. Suppressed by who though? Why and why? Why is this kind of information held back? Why is it that you, to find out any of this stuff, you have to like really dig deep? Like, it's not like, like when I was a kid, no one was talking about this. You know, I knew about
Starting point is 01:13:18 Mary. Everyone knows about Mary from, you know, even a brief association with Christianity, but no one taught us like, but that figure appears in all the world religions that that figure has three sides. So what is that? Who, why do you think this sort of data is not freely given out? Why is it something you have to search for? I think, I don't know. I mean, maybe that's just what makes life interesting. Maybe that is the mystery. Right. They can't just give us everything for sure. Yeah. What are we supposed to do? You know, they just give you all the secrets to be bored. Yeah. And also it's one of the best things ever when your mom picks you up from school and you're
Starting point is 01:14:09 a kid. It's like a joyful moment. You know, like it's, it's nice to imagine that that's all that works. That we're just Syrian. Is that how you call Syrian aliens that we're, we're aliens living on serious right now, alien children. And we have our mommies going to come and get us and that's what the apocalypse is. It's just when your mom picks you up from school, when you're in a super advanced alien, that's what we can look forward to. You're always, you were always a little bit mad when dad came instead. You're like, where's mom? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Right. The flaming sword is just the car. That's what people drive. Look, man, I could go on and on with you forever. Thank you so much for letting me ramble with you
Starting point is 01:14:58 today. What a joy, Nick. You got another book coming out for us. Yep. And it's called stay away to serious. Cool. Cool. When is it? How can we find it? When's it coming out? Just keep paying attention to my Twitter, which is at n-i-c-k-h-i-n-t-o and also same thing on Instagram. I have a website, which is just a total mess. Don't go to it. I'm trying to fix it. Same thing with my podcast. I might go, I might go back to it. I'm not really sure what angle I want to take with it. But it's just another project that like I'm more focused on the book. I want the book to be finished before I start doing anything else. And I'm hoping to get it out by the end of this month or early July, which would be, which would be ironic because that's when serious is like highest
Starting point is 01:15:47 in the sky, right? Then you have to make it your goal. Do that. Make it happen. Yeah. And friends, please follow Nick on Twitter, follow his Instagram. Being friends with him makes me feel like I have some direct connection to something underneath the CIA or the Vatican or it's probably all the same place. He's really tuned in as you can tell to the great mystery. Follow him. Nick, thank you so much. And I can't wait for our next podcast. Yeah, man. Thank you. Thank you. That was Nick Hinton, everybody. Make sure you follow him on Twitter, pick up a copy of the Aquarium Singularity and check out his website, nickhinton.com. Much thanks to our wonderful sponsors this week. And thank you for listening. If you happen to be
Starting point is 01:16:38 in the Chicago area, come see me and Johnny. Also, I'm going to be heading to Denver. Lots of other dates are popping up. You can find them all at dunkintrussell.com. I'll see you next week. Until then, hallelujah. Hail Hathor. All dressed up everywhere to go. JCPenney. A good time starts with a great wardrobe. Next stop, JCPenney. Family get-togethers to fancy occasions, wedding season two. We do it all in style. Dresses, suiting, and plenty of color to play with. Get fixed up with brands like Liz Claiborne, Worthington, Stafford, and Jay Farrar. Oh, and thereabouts for kids. Super cute and extra affordable.
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