Duncan Trussell Family Hour - AJ and Gino Gentile from LA Speed Weed

Episode Date: August 12, 2016

Aj and Gino from laspeedweed.com are kind enough to drop by to discuss the insane restrictions and regulations that anyone attempting to run a legal medicinal marijuana service in the state of Califon...ia has to face. No advertisements.   This episode is donated to Norml.org  PLEASE go there to help reform insane marijuana laws.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get out and do something new this week at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. On view now. See this major retrospective from the internationally renowned Pennsylvania photographer Judith Joy Ross. I use an 8x10 new camera wooden box with a lens on it. Explore this amazing body of work as she shares her soulful, timeless portrait of everyday Pennsylvanians. The PMA. See, shop, eat. Open late every Friday. Tickets on sale now at philamuseum.org. Hello, sweet friends. It is I, Duncan Trussell, and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast. News break. Let's start this episode off with some serious bullshit that just got puked all over this country by the reptilians over there at the DEA.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Actually, I think reptilian is too friendly a term for any group of people that would choose to keep marijuana out of the bloodstreams of their society. Reptilians, at least reptilians, the idea behind reptilians is there's some kind of intergalactic extraterrestrial super advanced species. At least they've got spaceships. The people over the DEA, they're sitting in their comfortable leather chairs, smoking cigars and reaping the benefit that comes from stealing the property of human beings that are growing or ingesting or having their possession, a substance that has been shown to be very beneficial for human beings on every single level, from treating PTSD to helping certain types of seizures to helping people who are dealing with the nausea and loss
Starting point is 00:01:44 of appetite that comes from radiation therapy and chemotherapy, or as a creativity drug, or as something to amplify the experience of sex or eating food, or just something that's fun to inhale before you play video games. Here's the article. The Drug Enforcement Administration has denied two petitions to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. Marijuana will remain a schedule one drug, the most restrictive category under federal drug control laws. Schedule two drugs include Ritalin, Adderall, and Oxycodone, among other drugs. So the DEA is telling us that marijuana is as dangerous as heroin, oxycodone, Ritalin, and Adderall. That's what they want us to accept. A group of armed men and women,
Starting point is 00:02:49 a group of people who have imbued upon them the power to confiscate the property of people who have certain substances in their possession, a group of people who have destroyed the lives of countless human beings, a group of people who can pull up in front of your house, in militarized vehicles, kick down your door, shoot your dog, maybe even your cat, depending on how big it is or what kind of mood they happen to be in, and take all your stuff, rip your kids away from you, put handcuffs on you, and take you to a federal dungeon where they can take away years and years and years of your life for having in your possession a substance that is absolutely harmless and grows from the sweet soil of our beautiful planet earth.
Starting point is 00:03:47 These people with that level of power want us to accept their assessment of a drug that is being shown again and again and again to be incredibly beneficial. This brings to mind a Ray Kurzweil quote that I keep thinking of, which is that things aren't getting worse, information is getting better. In the old days prior to the internet, if some federal agency spit out some nonsense about this substance or that substance, you kind of just had to accept it because you didn't have the ability to instantly connect to a network of information and to determine whether or not the statement by the federal government was accurate or not. But now we know you just have to do a quick Google search to find all the data and research you need
Starting point is 00:04:42 or maybe you could, God forbid, use your own personal experience as a way to determine what is real and what is not real. Either way, with just a very small amount of exploration into this topic, you will quickly discover that marijuana is certainly not as dangerous as oxycodone. Now you might want to decide for yourself what makes the thing dangerous, maybe how many people have died consuming the thing. I think that's a pretty good watermark of danger. There's some other things you could look at too, but let's just say how many people have died from consuming the thing. You do the Google search. I'm not going to do it. You do the Google search. Look up how many people have overdosed on oxycodone in the last year versus how many people have died from marijuana
Starting point is 00:05:39 overdoses in the last year. Then go back and look at the DEA's classification of marijuana as something more dangerous than oxycodone and gaze upon one of the horsemen of the apocalypse. Things aren't getting worse. Information is getting better. Here's what's going on, because information is getting better and because now we don't have the sweet, sacred denial offered to us by the government. In other words, we can't stick our fucking heads in the sands of delusion and pretend that marijuana is dangerous as heroin or oxycodone because we know that the research is out there to show us that it certainly isn't. That means that we're forced into two forms of action when the federal government does things like this. We have to take action. One action
Starting point is 00:06:39 that you can take is complacency. That's what you can do because you know that marijuana is certainly not as dangerous as heroin because you know that marijuana is certainly not as dangerous as oxycodone, and yet the DEA has decided to classify it as being that dangerous and to continue to enforce it as though it were that dangerous, which means that they can continue to take people's homes, take people's cars, take people's children, and destroy people's lives for a drug that is definitely not harmful, at least not on the level that they're claiming that it is. You have to become complacent in the same way in North Korea, people who know that Kim Jong-un wasn't brought down to some beautiful snowy peak on the back of a dragon that he doesn't shit rose petals and piss
Starting point is 00:07:29 diamonds in the same way that people there know that, but they have to say that he does because if they don't, they're going to get taken to a fucking labor camp in the same way now. In this country, you have to become complacent. That's your one choice that you have. You become complacent. You just sit back and think, well, those folks over at the DEA, I guess they've got our, they know something I don't know. I guess that they've got our best interests at heart. That's the federal government. I'm just going to trust my government. You get to do that. You get to, even though the data isn't out there, you get to live a life where you complacently accept what the federal government tells you is right and what the federal government tells you is wrong and pretend
Starting point is 00:08:19 that they must know more than you do, even though you know that's not the truth. So complacency. That's one option that we have here. Just sit back and do nothing. The second option you have is rebellion. There's no, there's nothing in between. There's nothing in between. Now that we have true data on the health benefits of marijuana, now that it's all out there for us to see in plain view, now that we know that this is not a substance as dangerous as oxycodone, if the DEA is saying that it is, then we know that the DEA is full of shit. We know that the DEA is making decisions that aren't based on the health of the people, but based on the DEA making money from confiscating people's property and from whatever they may be getting from lobbyists,
Starting point is 00:09:19 from big pharma who want to keep marijuana illegal because they know that marijuana is a safe and economic alternative to the poisons that they're spitting out of their fucking factories into the bloodstreams of so many people who are in a lot of pain for various reasons and they go to a fucking doctor and the doctor prescribes to them oxycodone or Vicodin or the doctor prescribes to them some other maybe an SSRI, some antidepressant that they're going to get addicted to or maybe an anti-anxiety medication that they're going to get addicted to because there's no alternative because they can't prescribe marijuana even though they know that marijuana could function as a painkiller. It can function as something to help people sleep. It could function as a thing
Starting point is 00:10:14 to help people combat alcoholism. It can function in so many different ways. A doctor knowing that cannot prescribe that because depending on what state they're in because the DEA has made the decision to classify the substance as a schedule one drug. So not only is the DEA going to increase their profit margin by keeping this a schedule one drug but the DEA is going to increase the level of suffering of the people living in this country who don't have access to a drug that can help them fight pain. I speak as someone who has experienced the positive benefits of marijuana not just as a creativity drug not just as a wonderful recreational drug but as someone who has gotten radiation therapy. Now if you've never gotten radiation therapy and I'm sorry I think we talk about this
Starting point is 00:11:08 in the podcast but I'm obviously a little passionate about this topic so I think it's even worth saying it twice. When you get radiation therapy you feel like shit. You're getting radiation shot into your body and your body doesn't like radiation. You get tired, you get nauseated, you don't feel like eating, you feel sluggish, you feel like shit. Now when I was getting radiation therapy they prescribed a drug to me and maybe my brain has blocked it out. I can't remember the name of the drug. Some kind of trisza something zizzle. It sounds like the name of a demon you know. Zizzakatan or Bizzafidel. Some monstrous drug that you're supposed to take to combat the nausea associated with getting radiation therapy and what the drug does is it makes you fucking tired
Starting point is 00:12:00 man. It knocks you out so here's how it works. You drive to go get radiation therapy. You get radiation shot into your body by the time you get home you're gonna you start feeling a little sick then you start wanting to throw up but you can't really throw up. It's like feeling car sick and so you take this pill that's prescribed to you that's supposed to battle the nausea but the way it's supposed to battle the nausea is by knocking your ass out until your next radiation treatment. That's the way it works. It sucks. So I don't know why it's really weird but I actually just was taking this pill instead of consuming marijuana to see if it helped with the nausea. I don't know why I did that. It's really weird so a few days I'm just taking this pill. I'm getting more and more
Starting point is 00:12:43 depressed. I'm so tired. I feel so sick. I'm dreading going to get these radiation treatments and then Jean who was one of the guests on today's podcast from LA Speedweed very just for just just to be sweet came over to my house and gave me some marijuana in the hopes that it would help me combat this this nausea that I was having and so I tried it and what do you know it completely worked it worked like miraculously worked suddenly I was feeling better suddenly I could eat again suddenly I didn't feel sick now just think about that man and you know I was getting a relatively small dose of radiation compared to the amount of radiation treatments and chemotherapy that people are getting every single day just think about that
Starting point is 00:13:38 here's a non-addictive substance a substance that is not physically addictive that can treat the nausea and loss of appetite that comes from cancer treatments and the DEA is keeping it away from the people can you think of a more demonic thing for a government organization to do can you outside of blowing up kids with drones outside of all the other stuff that the federal government does here and there can you think of something worse than keeping a set imagine if the DEA categorized penicillin as a schedule one drug imagine that if the DEA was keeping something that had that was an antibiotic away from the people imagine that that's what they're doing only in this case it's uh it's something that anyone I don't know how you make penicillin
Starting point is 00:14:34 but marijuana is not only this incredibly beneficial substance but it's also something that anybody with a little with a little pot of soil and a little bit of a green thumb can grow in their homes for free all you need is some water and sunlight you don't have to go to some guy wearing a fucking weird white outfit in a hospital to write magic words on a piece of paper that then you take to some pharmacy enclosed in plexiglass because lunatic rednecks keep attacking it with shotguns and axes because they're trying to get the oxycodone that has to be kept in a bank vault somewhere in the pharmacy you don't have to do that with marijuana you can just grow it yourself and guess what some of the massive corporations involved in making money by selling
Starting point is 00:15:33 things like oxycodone that make people permanently addicted to them and destroy people's lives they have a lot of money and they want to keep marijuana as a schedule one drug to force people to consume the poisons that they're putting out on a daily basis and the DEA has become their henchmen so the number one drug cartel the big pharma has is their enforcement arm has is their paid army the DEA who are continuing to support regulations that fly in the face of science and fly in the face of the personal experience and the will of the people and so this is a sad day and it's very upsetting to me because a human being's right to take drugs is a sacred right it's a human rights issue and something like this is uh is incredibly upsetting
Starting point is 00:16:44 and I know it's just a speed bump I know it's just a temporary setback and the end of the ridiculous prohibition of marijuana but any setback any speed bump anything that gets in the way of getting a medicine to people who desperately need it is a horrible fucking thing for example my mom died of breast cancer and she was in a lot of pain she was in a lot of pain and she didn't like taking pain medication because it made her sick and so I came to visit her with uh some marijuana I had a marijuana tincture which I gave to her and she said this is the first time in months that I felt okay I gave it to my mom first time in months to get that substance to my mom I had to break the law I had to break the law to get a
Starting point is 00:17:50 substance to my mom who was in pain from cancer I had to do things that could have landed me in a federal penitentiary to get a substance to my mother to help reduce her cancer pain that's what the DEA is doing the DEA is standing in the way of people trying to make their mothers who are dying of cancer hurt a little less that's what they're doing and we're paying for them so friends we have the information information's better information's better things aren't getting worse we know that we have two choices we can not be complacent can't just sit back and pretend that this is okay we've got to do things and there are things that you can do you and god forbid I'm sorry to say this but you got to talk about it
Starting point is 00:18:48 are you somebody who consumes psychedelics or marijuana are you somebody who takes these substances because they help ease your pain they help your life in some way you've got to talk about it you've got to is the folks over at uh I believe the folks at maps are saying this and forgive me if they're not come out of the psychedelic closet let your voice be heard don't be afraid tell people about what has just happened and tell people that you take marijuana and it helps your life so that's my rant on the thing and of course you can write your government representatives and of course you've got to vote you've got to vote coming up in november in california for example on the ballot will be the legalization of marijuana you have to vote for the legalization
Starting point is 00:19:39 of marijuana you have to go and do this and you have to talk about it you have to get the information to the people who have been brainwashed by the federal government into thinking that this substance is somehow dangerous you have to get the information to them that shows them that it isn't to shows them that it does not need to be classified as a schedule one drug shit like this has to encourage us in some way or another to fight harder to become stronger to really fight this thing because even if you're not a marijuana user this affects you this affects you because it's the federal government telling you that they decide what's healthy they decide what's a medicine and what isn't they decide what's a poison and what isn't a poison even if that thing that they have decided
Starting point is 00:20:31 is a poison has been shown to be a medicine how is this any different from some orwellian i know it's a little bit i don't it's such a fucking hat cliche thing to compare this to the 1984 but when the federal government says marijuana is a schedule one drug they might as well be telling us that four is one that the number 33 is actually the number 12 and expect us to accept that we cannot you've got to talk about it go to the polls do whatever it takes to expose the DEA as being a corrupt organization to expose any of the people who are involved in whatever groups influence the DEA's decision to expose any of the scientists who are saying that marijuana is somehow a substance as dangerous as oxycodone to expose
Starting point is 00:21:30 all of them as the frauds that they are to make them feel the the the shame that must be associated with trying to enforce and to force people into a reality tunnel that does not reflect what's actually happening in the world i'll just close this thing with a tiny little clip here's terence mackenna talking about drug legalization the the whole drug thing leave alone psychedelics the whole drug thing is properly understood as a civil rights issue i mean people should be able to take whatever drugs they damn well please in the same way that they should be able to express their sexual preferences in the same way that women should be allowed to vote uh people of low incidence of light reflectivity should be treated like everybody else and all these things which are
Starting point is 00:22:30 perfectly obvious you cannot have a free society and regulate people's drug use any society which sets out to call itself free and democratic with the footnote that certain states of mind are forbidden is headed down the slippery slopes of totalitarianism there ain't no way this can be avoided so aside from our belief as a group in the wonderful healing uh and teaching potential of psychedelics even if psychedelic drugs didn't exist i would favor the legalization of old drugs because i just think that you cannot treat people as though they were infantile that's called paternalism that's the old dominator game we have to just admit you know that we're all in this together and that nobody has cornered the market on the truth for sure friends we're not going to do a commercial
Starting point is 00:23:31 for this episode but if you feel even the slightest inclination to look into things that you could do to help reform marijuana laws do me a favor go to normal.org that's n o r m l dot org donate volunteer check out all the things on that site that you can do in whatever state you happen to be living in to fight back against this kind of nonsense also if you listen to this episode and you like today's guests then why not go to laspeedweed.com and if you have a marijuana prescription sign up for an account and they will deliver some wonderful high-grade plant medicines right to your door today's guests are two brilliant entrepreneurs and marijuana activists who run la speedweed which is uh la's number one delivery service they're literally putting
Starting point is 00:24:32 their lives on the line so that people can have access to these very important plant medicines and as a sad preface i apologize for the weird sound quality this episode this is prior to my studio upgrade so it sounds a little tinny and the damn logic metronome invaded the beginning of the podcast i'm sorry so now everyone please blast volcanoes of sweet astral love in the direction of today's glorious guests a j and gino gentile you guys run the top marijuana delivery service in california correct and you have uh you've run into some trouble can you talk about it a little bit yes thanks for having us something i really appreciate it every time we come out here it's
Starting point is 00:25:52 a great time and um really enjoy doing the show so you're right there is uh some trouble that's going on but it's not just for speedweed it is for the entire medical marijuana industry within california um and not in california specifically but la specifically which has laws that are that contradict the laws of the state so uh sooner or later they're going to have to get in line with each other but they're not in line currently and what that's doing is hurting the patients so what the city attorney would like to do for uh los angeles is shut down all of delivery so it doesn't matter what the dispensary or what delivery service all of it is illegal which is going to be in violation of state law eventually in 2018 new laws were passed by the
Starting point is 00:26:52 governor last year uh that regulate marijuana and uh there was a carve out that um for los angeles that um had had los angeles had their own set of rules however as the rules progress they're going to be in they'll be controversial because they won't be in line with what the state laws are now hold on a second i interrupt sure all right i would i would have quizzed on me for a second right into the mic all right did can you hear me yes okay your question for you have you ever heard of zoning ordinance measure g uh no i have not okay have you ever heard of assembly bill 1266 nope have you ever heard of senate bill 675 no have you ever heard of ever heard of assembly bill 1575 that's the cleanup bill to 266 jesus christ you have it of course you have it because nobody ever pays
Starting point is 00:27:46 attention to that kind of stuff right why would you follow a zoning ordinance or an assembly bill or any of that stuff right it's hard enough to keep track of what donald trump and hillary and bernie and everyone else is saying yeah keep track of your zoning ordinance right so that's the trouble and i put that in quotes that speed we just run into speed has been operating fully state legally since 2010 in 2013 los angeles passed a zoning ordinance called measure d that says this group of dispensaries is 135 of them yes that are designated pre ico yes again we're in the weeds these 135 dispensaries have legal protection everyone else is locked out of doing operating within the city limits right um so you've got this legal monopoly created by this
Starting point is 00:28:37 zoning ordinance which happened to be written by an attorney who also happens to represent many of these dispensaries so there's sort of a little quid pro quo happening there which is oh fuck which is common in the city of los angeles and many big cities and that's kind of where we are today so deliveries in the city limits are not allowed by anybody not even the monopoly shops so the city attorney is saying if you want your medical marijuana and you're a citizen of la city you must go to one of our monopoly shops and that's that if you're blind it can't drive if you have no legs if you if you're a retired marine and you got blown up by an ied and you can't get to the shop too bad so sad find another way you cannot have marijuana delivered to your house
Starting point is 00:29:25 even though the state says you're allowed to possess it the state says we're allowed to use the roads the state says you're allowed to do whatever you want in your home and on your property the city is saying no to that no to that and no to that so this is a civil rights issue this is a privacy rights issue this is a patient rights issue wow so this is essentially someone i mean not maybe you guys can't say this you probably can't say this but it sounds like there's some collusion going on between i'll say i'll say i'll say right right here at for a time in memorial there's collusion going on within the city because how can you allow a zoning ordinance that creates a monopoly to be written by the attorneys that represent those businesses in the monopoly
Starting point is 00:30:09 that's crazy that's crazy how could so now the city attorney as much as i want to throw him under the bus and he deserves to be under there i remember this is a reelection year so um so pay close attention to who you're voting for who should we vote for we don't know yet um the city attorney of la his name is mike furr if mike furr publicly says that he supports patient access but it was the will of the voters to pass the zoning ordinance and as the city attorney it's his job to enforce it now to me that sounds like political doublespeak yeah you're the city attorney and there's this shitty law the shitty zoning ordinance that tramples on our rights and as the as the top law enforcement official in the city help us out as citizens and say this is a
Starting point is 00:30:59 terrible law and we need to fix it now everybody in the state knows that this is a terrible law in la so when we travel we go to events throughout california especially up north where things are kind of settled and mellow yeah they understand this is a real industry they say what are you guys doing in la you that's the biggest market in the world for cannabis and you're messing up everything you're 10 years behind the laws and we just shrug our shoulders and say we're we're involved we're part of the process we talk to the politicians but they will not listen so this is politics and money this is not about protecting children or keeping weed away from parks and churches this is about keeping the dollars within the 100 well that's that let's go back to what you just said the idea
Starting point is 00:31:43 of keeping weed away from parks and churches why why keep weed away from parks and churches those are perfect places to have weed in your system in fact those are two of my favorite places to be high sure of course and and and i understand that you're uh because of your job and and you guys have to be aware of all of this stuff that you just said which to many of us is very confusing very complicated to cut to the core of the issue it's that there shouldn't be any outside agency controlling the flow of a very ancient sacrament into the bloodstream of our species of course we should be able to control our own consciousness no matter what it is and that's that that's that to me is the dismaying shitty aspect of all this is that that hiding behind all this you know the idea
Starting point is 00:32:40 that first of all i have to be a patient right i have to so now i have to fit into the role of someone who's sick if i want to take this thing which is historically is co-evolved with human beings his responsible for so much of our culture our mythology which is in every single religion of the world maybe that i'm aware of that every single for thousands of years they find they find cannabis in every part of the world and yet there's still some fucking asshole who what's his name the city attorney yeah that's mike pure there's a guy named mike purer who has placed himself in the position of modulating the flow of nature into the universe via this amazing drug that's where i go that's satanism if you ask me it's absolutely absurd but he will say it's the will
Starting point is 00:33:35 of the voters you guys we put out this the zoning measure to keep dispensaries limited to keep them away from schools so if you want to limit dispensaries in your neighborhood i'm cool with that i don't want a lot of pot shops in my neighborhood i have a 15 year old i don't need him walking by there but you don't tell me why don't you want a 15 year old to walk by a pot shop it depends on the pot shop it's the typical la dispensary especially the ones inside this monopoly they're sketchy there's there's an armed guard out front you got a bus through three doors it's a sketchy looking operation now i've been to some in other parts of california that look like a spa they're awesome maybe totally fine for my for my teenager walk by totally cool but most of the la dispensaries
Starting point is 00:34:19 no thank you right but let me get into my home yeah right well but see this is the thing it's like so what ends up happening you create a prohibition and anytime there's a repression of a natural drive then their corruption ends up happening right so which is why like you know a lot of porn when you look at porn a lot of it just has this feeling like man this is fucking this is kind of like dark it's got a heavy feeling if you go into uh some gun stores i don't know if you guys ever got in a gun store in l.a some of them are creepy man like they've got a real creepy vibe in there and and a darkness there's like a shadowy quality to it so when even on all of all of these places they have that shadow not because of the thing that's being dispensed is innately
Starting point is 00:35:08 good or evil but because there's a sense of having to overcome an unnatural repression against something that shouldn't be repressed so this is the real problem to me is these bastards in their imaginary quest to um in their imaginary quest to somehow make our children safe what they end up doing is creating these festering sores all over the city which are these shops where the people running them are or have been or they act like criminals and they have to and because the thing marijuana itself has been transformed into some kind of evil product of nature when it isn't everyone involved in any kind of regulation around it has accidentally become part of an unintentional or intentional conspiracy to make nature seem like it can be flawed that human you
Starting point is 00:36:05 know what i'm saying it's like this is the classic human attempt to place humanity over nature is what we're talking about so every single person involved in any kind of regulation against marijuana can you imagine if somebody tried to regulate wildflowers if somebody was like we got to get these fucking daisies out of the parks because when people see a daisy it makes them feel like there's something more important than money or something like that it's like that man what the fuck this to me i'm sorry i'm going off on a really tangential hippie rant and i'm taking away your time to talk more about this that's okay because what you're saying is it's right along our philosophy as well um one of the one of the things i wanted to touch on um from what you said
Starting point is 00:36:54 before uh about having to fit into the mold of being a patient yes um you know my argument is always that regardless of who you are if you are using marijuana you are a patient because even if you don't uh if you're not treating yourself for something you know heavy like cancer if you're getting mood regulation you are a patient right so so most people who are smoking marijuana don't really realize that they are a patient because they think they're smoking getting high or smoking and getting creative or or something along those lines well that's mood regulation that that the pharmaceutical industry is making billions of dollars off of by giving people purposets and well-butchered and and all sorts of mood regulating drugs when marijuana
Starting point is 00:37:45 essentially is that um is that mood regulator for millions of people so regardless of if you have a doctor saying you need medical marijuana for what is ailing you if you're just using medical marijuana you are getting that mood regulation which um of course to me is makes everyone a patient so when i was young um and started smoking marijuana i saw what i was smoking just to get high not realizing that it became part of my whole entire life as my mood regulator right um and and what again it wasn't until i got um uh excuse me into my 20s that i started thinking of it this way and realizing that um you know by by my late 20s that this is what it was doing for me um i have uh in in our family we have um plenty plenty of family members who have tried
Starting point is 00:38:52 different mood regulating drugs and so i realized just in my genetics i probably would be on one of those if i wasn't a daily cannabis user so for me um for for me i feel like the mood regulation of it makes everyone a patient are you guys familiar with the term exo pheromone you ever heard this term terrence mckenna talks about it you know this term i don't tell me so so the idea is that uh the way that plants interact with each other interact with an outside world despite putting out these chemical chemical scents regulators the chemicals that draw bees to them chemicals that make birds carry their seeds chemicals that just that's the language of the vegetable kingdom sure is that of the chemical release right so the idea is that
Starting point is 00:39:49 thc the cannabinoids are an exo pheromone being produced by mother earth and because she wants to have a conversation with these super advanced monkeys that are building skyscrapers all over and so when you get into the concept of and i do appreciate marijuana as a medication it is a very powerful medicine that treats a variety of ailments and i i as someone who's had radiation therapy and i can remember they gave me these fucking pills man for the nausea not even know i didn't do it man but i was taking these pills i think i was just so freaked out because i was getting radiation therapy i was just taking these pills doing what the doctor said and i had some speed weed laying around the house you brought me some right but i didn't take it for
Starting point is 00:40:44 some reason i don't even know why it's so weird even though everyone's like oh this will help nausea all of nausea all of nausea i don't know why i didn't try but then suddenly i'm like man i can't take these pills anymore they're the pills mixed in with the radiation therapy you're in bed all day you can barely move that the way that they treat the nausea is by making you knocking you out that's how they sound like fucking i'm gonna you know get high and see what happens so suddenly in this fucked up probably one of the most fucked up months of my life nausea is gone just gone i just feel a little bit more like myself again oh god what a relief so man i know this is a medicine and i know that it is one of the most powerful compassionate incredible substances that we
Starting point is 00:41:30 have access to on the planet but it's not just a medicine it's a language it's a communication coming to us from nature and so when you get these people who access i think many of them are well intended i don't think they really i don't think they realize what they're doing but it's a form of censorship and what an awful form of censorship because it's not as though you're censoring books it's not as though you're censoring movies you're censoring the language of nature as it attempts to communicate to humans and that is one of the most devastating things that you can do because nature usually what it tells us is what's really important in life you know and that's where things get sinister isn't it because because the things that it
Starting point is 00:42:24 thinks are important quite often are not what people in the government and people who are trying to make money think are important and that's where shit gets fucked up because now you get into some kind of deep conspiracy where people in power are actively attempting to disrupt a transmission coming to us from the earth right and i think the same holds true for for psychedelics and when you see DMT, MDMA, psilocybin, all of these all these compounds i don't want to sound too much like a hippie but i'll do that yeah there's this there's this extra vibration there's this higher level of consciousness that you achieve with these different mind-altering chemicals none of which have been proven to show
Starting point is 00:43:16 any harm long or short term right and we are not allowed because some agency says you're not allowed to experience a higher level of consciousness right that's it we need you down here that's it we can keep a hold of you because once you take a nice trip or uh you get i was not a marijuana smoker at all i was i was anti anti until my 30s but it's made me a nicer guy it's made me more open to experiences and people and it it's just made me a better person and i'm i'm not a daily consumer before you regulate any type of substance you should be forced to go on some type of regiment of that substance for a while and then because whoever's in charge of the DEA at any given time if they come out of like a 30 day instead of detox we would put you in intox you come out of like a
Starting point is 00:44:08 30 day inhospitable cannabis they'd be like dude we gotta totally make this leak it's awesome yeah well there there is that's the other irony and it is that these people are not consuming the thing because they've been conditioned to think it's poison i was so me too we i mean we anybody who's our age and the right now the younger people are in the tail end of this war on drugs but we were in the you know where there's whenever there's a war there's propaganda and we have been permanently encoded with some high level propaganda that has taught us that some substances are drugs and some substances aren't drugs and the substances that are drugs are things like heroin cocaine uh methamphetamine and then somehow shoved in there is marijuana
Starting point is 00:45:01 right when it doesn't fit in that category and so a lot of these regulators that's in their brain and they don't understand so the where it's really interesting is uh because what i do as the i guess the resident hippie here talking about the language of the earth man is uh i like to demonize these people and because it's easier than but what's really happening i had rick doblin on this podcast rick doblin is the guy who runs uh the multidisciplinary association for psychedelic studies he's uh doing such great work right now getting these substances psychedelics tested and so he deals with the fda regularly and a lot of people on that side of the fence believe it or not they just care about the data that's it they don't care about they don't have some agenda to keep marijuana
Starting point is 00:45:54 away from people or psychedelics away from people they just have a limited amount of data and from that limited amount of data they've created regulations and a lot of times that's that the these regulations are good if you look at the history of the pharmaceutical company and look at like christ what was that drug they put out that that made made it so that babies couldn't grow arms and legs what was that uh what was that called it was called um phalidomide yes phalidomide you know that that was an example of a pharmaceutical company being incredibly irresponsible ignoring what was happening and because of that a whole generation of people were born permanently disabled uh so this is why we need the fda they just but they need data and because
Starting point is 00:46:41 of the obstruction of several presidential administrations they don't have the data and now they're assembling it thanks to people like dalvin but i found it very refreshing to hear that people on that side of the fence believe it or not want humans to be healthy they want humans to feel good they don't want people to be sick and there isn't some nefarious thing but somewhere there is somewhere on the fucking telephone somewhere or someone's stepping on the tube on purpose and i always wonder who the fuck is it is it the lobbyists is it the pharmaceutical companies they have lobbyists who are against marijuana because they think it's going to reduce their yes and exit is that it big big alcohol big tobacco and big pharma and the prison industry
Starting point is 00:47:25 and the prison industry as well so you buy into that you think that there is a the prison industrial complex the far that they they they're people this is just where it gets weird i try to imagine a human being actually thinking to themselves we must keep marijuana illegal so my prison will stay filled with people is that real man that's only part of it i mean if you look at people who are in prison for marijuana it's only people who are moving heavy weight there's there's not no one's in prison for right my possession they're they're they're just not you'll hear people say that that that's an argument but there's there's not there's just heavyweight dealers are in or in prison but it is but but it all adds up to a problem so you've got you've got the prison union
Starting point is 00:48:11 who happens very connected to law enforcement so now you've got law enforcement like the dda that needs to protect their budgets and we've got two three billion dollars carved out for marijuana enforcement i've got all these agents if i don't use my budget i lose my budget so what am i going to do with these guys so you've got the agencies protecting their budgets now you've got big alcohol doesn't want another mind-altering substance on the market big tobacco we don't need another inhalant you know they hate they hate vaporizing and then uh and then big pharma does not need cannabis on the market because cannabis seems to cure every fucking thing you throw at it it is it is like the superman of of herbal remedy but see right there man that to me it's i think i
Starting point is 00:48:52 think if there is a culprit it must be someone in big pharma because if i mean if imagine if there were like zanex seeds like if you could plant zanex that would be a disaster well that'd be a disaster for the world because zanex is one of the most horrible horrendous drugs out there that i'm aware of it's it's one of the most satanic drugs on earth but so here you have cbd which my experience with cbd has been so good it is i i've never encountered anything as wonderful as cbd it's uh it relaxes you helps you go to sleep it's cure i had insomnia at one point and then and i don't take i was taking cbd regularly i don't anymore but at one point i wasn't able to sleep my dad had given me these hardcore fucking barbiturates to like go to sleep i took them for
Starting point is 00:49:45 a few few nights got really really foggy and sick it was awful but then i started taking melatonin and cbd right damn out like a light and and now i don't now i'm sleeping just fine and because whatever was fucked up inside of me got rewired yes and that's something that it grows out of the ground and the receptors are there just waiting for you to plug into them i mean how did we wind up with an endocatabinoid system by accident or by evolution you know it's there for a reason it's either evolution or happy accident or god or god maybe god wants it whatever you believe it say either either one if you want to go the religious angle god created everything god wants us to have kind of cannabis or you go the evolution angle obviously our bodies are meant to uh take
Starting point is 00:50:34 in cannabinoids and into our receptors and process them so um i think both sides of that argument are equally valid well there there does seem to be i mean you know there does seem to look if you ask me i'm going to say god is a term of convenience just because you can put a lot into that category but if there does seem to be you don't we don't need to trace it all the way back to some intelligent creator but it does seem that humans and cannabis have had a very happy relationship for a very long time i don't i don't think those cannabinoids are just accidentally in there because it seems like mostly the human organism is very efficient and everything inside of us has some purpose they're even finding out the appendix might actually be a useful thing that they didn't
Starting point is 00:51:22 realize so everything running in the system needs to be there including the cannabinoids so um yeah it's really terrifying to me to think that there are people in the pharmaceutical industry who are actively attempting to remove us from marijuana and they're putting people in jail for it man so okay there's enough of my ranting this is what i wanted to ask you guys when when did you get the idea to start speedweed because not to like sound like i'm like giving you both blowjobs here or anything but of all the companies on earth speedweed is my favorite it's the best it's been so wonderful to me when i had cancer it was there for me and let me tell you man when you are i don't mean to keep going back this when you have fucking when you are getting radiation therapy doing anything
Starting point is 00:52:22 is like it's like you've got a a weighted vest on man okay and not all of us can afford a nurse and not all of us can like have access to help right so for me just like i can remember the first time i was able to walk up the street to a starbucks from my house and what a victory that was it was like oh fuck i did it but i had to sleep for like four hours after that so the idea of getting in your car right after you've just gotten radiation therapy and driving to a goddamn dispensary in LA traffic in LA traffic to get something that's going to make your nausea go away what's that guy's name who's stopping this that's mike furor says it's the will you voted for this this is what you voted for LA man mike furor you gotta understand that not all of us even though i clearly am a hippie
Starting point is 00:53:15 not all of us there's a lot of people in bed right now who can't get out of bed and they don't have family and they don't have caretakers and they're sick and you're keeping them from getting help and that's fucked man that's fucked so any i i will when i'm around you i'm sorry man i mean i can this is something that gets me really pissed off man i appreciate that it does so it should it is absolutely disgusting to have to have people's rights trampled on like that and to prevent really sick people from from have access to medicine it's it's really disgusting where we are right now i i don't know if i'm going to disclose this is location but where we are right now you're not allowed to do just no access to medication where we are right completely banned
Starting point is 00:53:57 completely banned who did that and what gives you the right to do that right now if you want to regulate the number of shops in a city do that you want to keep them up to a certain standard do that you want to test the meds do that um but you have to you have to still give us an outlet i it drives me crazy that i can drive down Santa Monica Boulevard and see billboards for absolute billboards for this titty bar billboards for this crazy thing but you cannot advertise cannabis anywhere no way no no way because it's evil because it's evil because these people have been conditioned now okay so here's my question before i went on another self-righteous virtue signalling fucking rant uh when did you guys start speedweed what's the history here man how did it how did
Starting point is 00:54:45 speedweed come into existence that's a good question um i guess we're about six years old now um and i'm from the east coast new york city both me and my brother uh originally new yorkers aj um moved out here earlier than me uh and like he said he was close to straight edge he wasn't really a marijuana user right so when i came out this is straight edge but i was drinking a third of a bottle of whiskey every night to get to bed like a lot of americans are and that that's that's really really dangerous and that part of my life is over thanks to cannabis all right you know where now it's a glass of true or wine of a week where it used to be all right just pouring the jack daniel's in the glass to help me get this all you got access to it's the only thing you can get it was medicinal
Starting point is 00:55:34 yeah that's right so when i uh decided to move out here we were in uh the technology business and um i decided to move out to california um and uh because we were we were partners together and um wanted to uh work on new projects once i got out here day one i went and i got my driver's license and said uh to uh my brother you know you're drinking every night you know even though it's not a problem there's probably a healthier way to medicate yourself and he was um playing around with some nutraceuticals and things like that and i said why don't you try cannabis and like he mentioned before he was almost anti cannabis um my whole my entire life you know because i've been cannabis user since i was 15 years old or so uh daily and even though uh um he wasn't uh he wasn't
Starting point is 00:56:30 he didn't like hate that i used it uh he accepted that i used it because i was still very productive but he wasn't a user himself so when i got out here i said i i pretty much dragged him over to the doctor i said come with me let's just go go get a doctor recommendation right and and he would and i got a little little uh pushback from it sure what you were like no way man i'm not i was absolutely freaked out we come from a law enforcement family like generation wow uh dad is a hall of fame nypd detective wow uh and i was three days away from signing a law enforcement contract myself genus got a degree of criminal justice wow so this so you know when i was born the the war on drugs began under nixon and i grew up with reagan and nancy telling me to
Starting point is 00:57:17 just hang out wow that is in there and that's still in there now even in this business this many years i still feel like we're doing something wrong me too that's where it's in me too they got us man they got and the younger generation they don't they're they're clear of it yeah look at the polling and they're over 70 pro cannabis yeah so that's great so so the war on drugs is that's winding down thank god you know but we're gonna need to die in order for righteousness to finally emerge and i'm willing i'm willing to throw myself on the grenade yeah and and you know as i pass into that next level of consciousness i'll be looking down at everyone getting baked on on earth and just feeling like we did it man yeah and i'm great um but so anyway i was definitely against
Starting point is 00:58:02 going to the cannabis doctor and this is years ago before it was as professional as it is now yes and a quick plug on speedweed.com you can get your doctor's rec online through video conference you don't have to go to some yeah i did that yeah and how great was it so easy right well i'll tell you here's how it's really cool about it man is the uh the doctor that i talked to you through speedweed actually like gave me some other recommendations for supplements and she was amazing man it was it was really cool like she talked to me a lot about cvd why it worked she talked to me about vitamin d that if you you know a lot of people have vitamin d deficiency it was really she was very sweet this was not like other doctors that i've gotten prescriptions from
Starting point is 00:58:45 not that any of them are bad but a lot of them are so uh hogtied by the fear of being prosecuted for writing a prescription to the wrong person that they have a very cursory interaction with you that's usually based on filling out forms but the person i talked to was clearly a well-intended very sweet doctor which was surprising to me because usually you expect it to be like a kind of like quick okay fine okay can't sleep okay fine yeah it wasn't like that at all she was actually like why why aren't you sleeping what's going on like actually seemed like to have some compassion yeah yeah and that is certainly the evolution of our industry and where we're going and and as um you know cannabis comes into light because our first
Starting point is 00:59:30 experience with the doctor was sort of shady oh he dragged me up there to somewhere in San Fernando it's an office building surrounded by barbed wire that look like to improve his mogadishu we go into some office with no windows and there's some crazy girl behind the counter that says all right the doctor will see you both now so now i'm freaking out thinking i'm you know i'm gonna get physical i'm gonna get naked yeah paper next to my brother we sit down in an unmarked box with this doctor who obviously speaks english and he looks at me first which was a terrible idea because i'm already having a panic attack and he says why do you need weed and i and i'm just staring at him and i feel my brother staring at me like dude don't fuck this up and the doctor sees my anxiety
Starting point is 01:00:12 and says oh you have stress and he said yes he says you have terrible sleep i said yes because you have weed and he called it weed and he signed this piece of paper he looked at gene and said why do you need weed and gene said i have stress and trouble sleep he said oh good you have weed and he gave us these pieces of paper that looked completely illegitimate but they genes like that's fine and he took me to a dispensary and by goodness he took me to a decent one um big and that was really my entree into the industry i i have been in LA for years and always thought it was a counterculture hippy thing where stoners go and they get their you know their sketchy marijuana i do realize there is an actual industry and i didn't realize there's actually people being
Starting point is 01:00:54 helped by this yeah yeah well that's i mean that is that there are my experience with the first doctors i went to is like that too and thank god it's shifting uh but very quickly so you what are you what do your parents think about this that you guys are running this massive marijuana delivery service totally supportive no kidding as long as as long as we're following the law are you guys following the law yes then we totally support that or do you think some police officers feel frustrated that they have to enforce marijuana laws i know that for an absolute fact because growing up around cops and almost going that way myself i still like i mean i i think that's one of the most noble profession absolutely um there's plenty of asshole cops we all know that we all
Starting point is 01:01:37 encounter them but most people in that profession are noble and believe me on that one of my closest friends is a is a ranking officer in in san diego um he's a ranking officer in eastern division i'm not gonna mention his name he's gonna be in trouble um so i asked him what's going on in san diego because there's a lot of busts going on in san diego right now federal um federal task force sheriff's department sdpd they're knocking people over and i and i asked my buddy what are you guys doing he says the feds are here we got to do it they're told my guys don't give a shit about this we don't worry about anybody with you know carrying weed because we know that there's no collar there we know there's no arrest there so while i'm not going to spend 6 12 18 hours of my day in court
Starting point is 01:02:22 i'm not going to get an arrest right just a kid smoking a joint what i have better things to do with my time right you know my buddy is is part of the units that like jump through windows and rescue hostages and right and do and you know fight crime like superheroes they don't care about a little bag of herb and i don't think any real cop on the street does the real cops that go out there that like to do the job do the work that want to help people like my dad wanted to help people and he helps people primarily his primary tool with helping society was his next day he was that kind of cop right he went down Times Square and cleared the decks and then it was safe for citizens to walk he wouldn't care about some kid with a dime bag he really wouldn't and cops these days
Starting point is 01:03:08 so this is the uh to me another the tragedy of this thing is that you get you know you get a faction of society that actually wants to help people who will die for you cops will die for you they'll die these are people who don't know you they're the ones who come into a building where there's a domestic disturbance they're the ones who are who you call when someone is about to break into your house and then they have to enforce bullshit laws to criminalize a substance that criminalizes substance that is harmless and then people start looking at the cops not as heroes anymore okay for example of the other day i don't know what happened one of my neighbors was burning some kind of weird shit out of their chimney i don't know what it was or what's going on but the
Starting point is 01:03:58 whole neighborhood smelled like chemicals and so the chief of the fire department came to my house because they need to get my backyard to look at my at this house so chief of the fire department awesome firemen badass come in you're a badass they're firemen you were like fighting fires and i don't want my house to burn down because my neighbor ignited it with whatever so but a cop because they've been supporting these bullshit laws you look at them like what's wrong with you man you're taking people to jail for a thing that grows out of the ground and so then they don't get what they deserve which is respect the kind of respect the hero deserves which is which is they're out there trying to make it safe man yeah and if you if the moron drugs ends and police
Starting point is 01:04:48 officers no longer have to support these ridiculous laws they get to look like heroes again mostly not that there aren't still going to be shitty races backwards bullshit cops i'm sure they're they're going to be out there but i always have that the public perception of authority is going to shift if the authority are are actually enforcing laws that we need like don't kill each other don't rob from each other don't drive drunk because you'll run over people so that's another casualty of the war on drugs is the relationship between the population and police officers and i got something else to add about that when we were the only company um invited by the board of equalization to do a presentation for the entire state on the um on on transportation
Starting point is 01:05:41 within cannabis the board of equalization that's the agency in california that controls the taxes so they're kind of that's the agency that's sort of spearheading the legislation right now right like the irs for california right okay so so we were the only um a retail company uh that was invited to speak um one of the other people doing this uh on the panel with with us was the highway patrol and they directly said look we don't care about marijuana we just want you to tell us who's the good guy and who's the bad guy so if you tell us let's regulate this and you have a license and we know you're going from point a to point b with marijuana you're allowed to we just want to get the guy who's not allowed the guy breaking the law is the guy who's the bad guy so even even the
Starting point is 01:06:31 police are frustrated over cannabis because they don't want to have to enforce a law just like adria was saying that's a waste of time for everyone uh as well so um so that that's important to take into consideration that if proper regulation is put forth they don't have to deal with that anymore right but when the city was building their case against us and and i think it's it's fair that we need to say that is that the city of l.a. is suing speed for operating so so you've got that tremendous waste of of taxpayer dollars now is they're suing us the company that is working closely with the state government that is loved by the state government but the state government looks for for guidance we're being sued by the city in which we live so during while they're
Starting point is 01:07:16 putting together this ridiculous lawsuit my wife and i were followed around for months by a narcotics officer now our narcotics officer is a highly trained highly talented highly paid individual and he spent months following us around and his report is saw aj get into his car and go to the office saw jen take their son to school saw aj carrying in a manila envelope which could have had cash but i don't know i couldn't tell it was months of that you saw the report yeah because it's in the lawsuit so this is so this is this this is how we're wasting our talented officers time is by following around legitimate business people that you know how much do you think they had to pay that guy for that what what is a narcotics officer making in in l.a. at his rank
Starting point is 01:08:01 70 grand a year 80 grand a year maybe more on if it was new york would be over a hundred thousand a year so so months months building this case against us um and there's and there's no hard facts in the case it's speed weed is operating a a sophisticated delivery service um from from at least seven locations in the greater los angeles area well what locations they're not in the lawsuit where are the addresses right you know there's a couple of addresses there but but there was just offices um how much is the city paying for this lawsuit i don't know i i mean that's a question that that i that the media should ask is what does it cost to enforce this lawsuit because the city was happy to just the city wants a couple of million dollars from us and finds these you're
Starting point is 01:08:48 not getting it we said we'll go to court and then you know that the city would like us to resolve this outside of court of course they would i don't want to resolve it outside of court i want to sit in front of a jury of my peers and explain what proposition d has is doing and what the city has done if you paid these fines two million dollars you could continue to deliver in la no we would bankrupt we would be personally bankrupt the bankrupt the business we're they've already devastated our our business and they're devastating the entire industry there's no legal delivery allowed in the city limits and now cease and desist letters are flying out of city hall you know at a million miles an hour shutting down every delivery service operating in the open so
Starting point is 01:09:27 it's a shakedown it's an absolute shakedown but they're not shaking it really shaking us down for money what they're shaking us down for is statistics for the back of their baseball cards because it's an election year and people are paying attention and this is the year that the city attorney and the mayor have to announce do they want to be reelected what politician doesn't want to be reelected so now these politicians get to say measure d said shut down the dispensary so i shut down 400 dispensaries i shut down 180 delivery services including speed read the biggest one i did this i did that i did this so reelect me because it's very interesting that all the evidence is from years ago against us right over two years right so why did they they said that we're an imminent
Starting point is 01:10:10 harm to the uh to society um so why did it take two years to to put together the suit instead of prosecuted if we were imminent harm how come we weren't uh dealt with right at that point why because it's an election year um at least that's what what um you know most of the thoughts are um the other there are a few other things to to consider as well um proposition d you know this lawsuit is not a criminal lawsuit it's a civil lawsuit so uh because we are not violating any criminal law whatsoever we are in full compliance with california cannabis law the other a few other things to consider um is that this is a zoning law and they want to apply this zoning law to our delivery vehicles well zoning law typically is for commercial buildings you walk into a
Starting point is 01:11:04 commercial building this is occupancy 85 right for the room that's zoning law you got to post that so historically zoning law has not applied to vehicles if that was the case when you're getting food delivery or from dominoes you would expect to see an a-rated kitchen and you know a letter in their window or and you know again we're talking about zoning law and that zoning law applies to places within la well our business is actually not in la all right um so we just we just travel through it and and i know you have a lot of listeners from all over the place yeah every every cannabis enthusiast should take a close look at what the cities are doing because these zoning bans are happening all over california and nobody's aware of them so in the city where
Starting point is 01:11:51 we're sitting right now they did that they zoned cannabis out of this city um you look at cities like uh englewood hawthorne um all of south the south central uh the bay it's all banned delivers a band pretty much most of southern california delivers a band except for a few small pockets is there is there any chance that in the next few years marijuana will just become legal in california like it is in denver yes but it's going to be it's going to be a messy road to get there because remember all those assembly bills i was asking about yes you didn't hear that nobody's heard of yes they create an an a huge bureaucracy they want to put um unions in charge of all transportation they want anyone using cannabis to register in the database they want
Starting point is 01:12:43 they want the they want um food and agriculture in charge of all the flowers they want the teamsters running all the deliveries uh they want an extra 15 taxes on cannabis use which actually just passed and and we all freaked out and signed petitions to get that pulled back they've lowered it to 10 but they're not calling it a tax they're calling it a usage fee so in some parts of california you're going to be paying 40 tax on cannabis what happens when you when you charge 40 tax the guy goes on the internet he finds the dude who's not legitimate and he just buys his eight for 40 bucks like always because he's not going to go to your shop that's certified by the city and pay a hundred dollars for it there's no reason to do that he just creates a bigger black market right and cannabis
Starting point is 01:13:31 has survived in the black market for decades very comfortably and very sure and most people want to stay there you know we don't we follow all the rules and because we've done that we put ourselves on the radar as a target what do you guys that's what i want to talk to you a little about is what does feel like to be saddled with this kind of responsibility because you you guys accidentally or or intentionally became the top marijuana delivery service in one of the largest cities in the world and now the largest cannabis market you guys are now at the forefront of this war for something that if you don't win it if you lose this it could create a horrible cascade that leads to some kind of new form of bureaucratic prohibition that ultimately at the root makes it
Starting point is 01:14:28 so that people who are sick have to go jump through extra hoops to get something that makes them feel better that grows out of the ground what does that feel like man it is fucking frustrating it is absolutely uh emotionally devastating and draining because what happens is when you create that bureaucracy and all this mess that we have to deal with and the taxes you take good people like us who are trying to help people and people think that speed weed that we're like burning a hundred dollar bills to keep warm that we're rolling in money speedy doesn't make any money we've been not we haven't made a real profit ever because we followed all the rules pay taxes so what you do now with this bureaucracy is you push people like us out because because i'm at the
Starting point is 01:15:14 point where i just want to throw up my hand and say you know what you guys are fucking it up i'll come back in five years when you figure out that everything you're doing is going to make it worse all right so you push us out and then the black market thrives so this proposition d and the city attorney mike furor and the city la city council are the best friends of the black market can have these the assembly bills that are running running through sacramento right now the best friends of black market that's scary man i said this very thing in sacramento in the capital in front of everybody i said you guys are going to create a black market that's already thriving and this is just more this is rocket fuel because you can't take people who don't follow the law and give them
Starting point is 01:15:58 new laws to follow they're not going to do them you can't take people who don't pay taxes and give them more taxes to pay they won't pay taxes so all you're doing is burdening us and eventually we're just going to say there's no money in this for us all right you know i can't make my 30 grand a year anymore you know that's that's what we make our employees make more money than the owners do because we were trying to build something of value that would that would kind of ride this wave of industry into the into the next phase instead we're saddled with lawsuits and regulations and taxes and all this nonsense that just makes you go you know what we'll take our talent and maybe we'll go do something else you know maybe we'll we'll go build build wooden cheds or mini houses
Starting point is 01:16:39 no right or i'll raise beagles or something don't raise beagle smart talented people will find other things to do so don't so don't you want them here don't you want good people here in this industry and and we should talk about the balance of harm that uh to our to our company um there's money in beagles by the way i am thinking that of the things you listed one of them is raising beagles that's so weird believe me i'm not gonna let him do that um do you love beagles i you know i i i kind of like beagles this is a good why did that come out of your mouth i don't know that's in did your mind just manufacture beagle raising it in and you know brother a lot of years here i've never even heard him use the word beagle i think i think i've been quoting an old firefly
Starting point is 01:17:32 episode or something i think that's a firefly so i so maybe uh beagles are in our future um but uh you know i think that it's important to talk about the balance of harm to a company let's just take cannabis out out of it we're trying to operate legally and and do everything the right way well we've had to lay off 65 employees that were paying taxes and and also um by doing this they lose tax revenue from from us now you know those people are on unemployment now right and so there's a balance of harm to those people and just to our company in general but also let's talk about the money that they're going to lose in taxes by doing this right la needs money la needs tax money from cannabis or anywhere else they need tax money so why cut out tax money
Starting point is 01:18:26 when people just want it regulated and do it the right way there's obviously a demand um these are the demand isn't from criminals the demand is from citizens who are taxpayers who are voters why would we take away money that is going to the state we should regulate it and allow that money to flow fairly from the end user to the government so of course we don't want it to be unfair and uh tax too heavily but at least give give that legal way for regulation so that the city doesn't have to lose that tax month uh that tax money I believe um as a last year the cannabis industry paid taxes on two billion dollars in la alone now that's they pay taxes on that so so but still you know calculate it you know at the 40 percent level or or whatever it is
Starting point is 01:19:23 that's a lot of money that's being lost by the by the city so what do we do what do we do what can people living in california or not living in california what can we do during this election year to make you guys succeed in your pursuit of having a legitimate marijuana delivery service not just in LA but hopefully all over the country eventually what can we do well well let's talk about california first just just so everyone uh listening realizes we are open in the rest of california that they're where there aren't bans so we offer overnight amazon prime type service by by medical courier that will come to your house uh the next day so that's open in all of california but where places are banned like like LA we can't deliver there right so um so what
Starting point is 01:20:19 californians can do is certainly join our our collective you use us because the larger our basis the the uh more we have the more ammo we have um to show why this is a legitimate legitimate and why it's a needed service throughout california right we have on our site go to speedy.com slash la ban is one word that there's a petition there that you could that you can read a little bit about what's going on with the ban and just put your name uh in there and a comment about why you think it's unfair we and we'll we'll get that to the politicians is that effective well that do you think that would work i know that i know for a fact that they're paying attention to us i know that for an absolute fact um an advantage to being speed leaders we have eyes and ears everywhere
Starting point is 01:21:07 including city hall um we have great relationships with attorneys around the city good relations law enforcement good relationships with politicians in the city we know that they're paying attention to us uh every time speed weed is mentioned in the media uh city hall forwards that mentioned to our attorney as a way of them saying that they're keeping an eye on us that's cool so that's cool so uh so we know that the city attorney is going to listen to this and that's just fine um we have over three thousand signatures in in our database right now and we're going to start sending those to city hall one by one by one until they get the message proposition d as it stands is going to change this year most likely what they're going to do is take the proposition d shops the monopoly
Starting point is 01:21:52 shops and codify them within state law to make them the only shops that can operate within the city limits and uh that just came through the city council last week delivery is not mentioned there so delivery is still banned inside the city limits of la and sorry to all you guys who are have been using our service and loved it we can't get to you um you're using a different service they're drug dealers uh according to your your leadership so that how do we change this you gotta get out and fucking vote it really makes a difference um so first vote for gary johnson so there's a shout out to gary after that that was that was going to be my next thing thing to mention that on the national level you should support gary johnson for president uh right now
Starting point is 01:22:36 he's polling at 10 percent and uh if we get him to to 15 percent he gets on the national debates and that's what we really need um because his voice is an important one for former governor of new mexico um who uh who is a supporter of cannabis and um would de-schedule cannabis so it would be very important for our industry um especially uh even if his um agenda is just heard got it yep so that's it vote for gary johnson keep your ear to the ground guys go to speed weed fill out this uh fill fill fill out the petition i have filled out the petition let these let let the people who are getting in the way of this stuff know what's up because really the oh yeah okay some of us we're having marijuana delivered because we're too lazy to drive to a marijuana shop sure there's a
Starting point is 01:23:31 contingent of us that are doing that but even so so what it's it should be free to do that anyway but there's some of us oh whoever is listening in city hall if someone is actually listening people get sick and marijuana makes us feel better and it's real it's not just a bunch of hippies making something up it's real you are obstructing sick people from getting medicine and these two people here are the sweetest humans i've ever met these are not criminals these are good people who are just trying to run a successful business and by the way a successful business i said business god damn it what a terrible way to end that but here's the thing man here's the thing when you say we're not even making money i say make money if anybody deserves to profit it's folks
Starting point is 01:24:24 who are at the forefront of a major human rights issue putting their asses on the line because that's what you're doing man you're getting trailed by federal agents come on federal agents are following you when you drive your kid to school come on man and you're acting like it's not a big deal that's a big deal that's fucked is what that is because you guys are doing nothing wrong so anyway that's my say on it you already know how i stand guys you too thank you so much for what you do here thanks for coming on the show keep me posted let me know how i can help in any way because this is a bunch of bullshit and i want you guys to be okay no beagles no beagles thanks dunkin that was aj and gino from la speed weed go check them out at la speed weed dot com please
Starting point is 01:25:19 do not forget to go to normal dot org see what you could do to help in some way reform these ridiculous marijuana laws thank you guys so much for listening i will see you next week with a wonderful conversation with one of my dear friends zack leary have a great weekend harry christina you you you you
Starting point is 01:28:06 you you you you you you

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