Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Aubrey Marcus LIVE from the Brooklyn Bell House

Episode Date: July 21, 2017

A live DTFH with Aubrey Marcus recorded at the Bell House in Brooklyn. Opening music by Emil Amos. We talk about Flat Earth Theory, Aubrey's encounter with the God of the mosquitos, and the amazing... power of the human mind.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. I'm dirty little angel. You can get Dirty Angel anywhere you get your music. Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. New album and tour date coming this summer. Hello, my delicious, beautiful, shimmering, translucent balls of effervescent, aqueous, fleshy energy currently trapped in a gravity well
Starting point is 00:00:26 and floating through the time space continuum. I welcome thee to the DTFH and I thank you for pressing your ear against the sonic hole of this podcast and allowing my seemingly lesbian, raspy voice to go swirling in a helix pattern into your brain and hopefully transforming any kind of energy blockages, demon infestations, meme nests or troll burrows into something no longer holding you down
Starting point is 00:00:55 to some icy, brutalized version of yourself. Walking down the street in Brooklyn, you realize how rich New York must be because every two blocks there's a pile of cool shit that somebody's like, yeah, I just don't want this anymore. Bookcases, really nice furniture, computers and books. You see piles of books everywhere. Picked up a copy of this book, Psycho Cybernetics,
Starting point is 00:01:22 a classic self-help book written by a plastic surgeon who believes that there's a kind of internal self that lives inside of you. You notice that you fix somebody's ears and suddenly they start acting differently and how some people, they don't need any kind of adjustment and yet the inner self, the inner physical self that they picture themselves to be is somehow malformed.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Surely you've run into this situation before. You'll be around a spectacularly beautiful person, symmetrical in every way, glowing with the radiant light of the energy of life and yet they see themselves as the hunchback of Notre Dame because inside of them is this assembled mass of insecurity, conglomerate of bad memories woven together with tears
Starting point is 00:02:15 and this creates this body that lives inside all of us where this, you know, you get punched in the face when you're in the fourth grade or your dad throws a beer bottle at your mom and turns to you and says, this is your fucking fault, you shit bag and this all kind of like starts to grow this inner self and then when you're on acid and you stare at the mirror,
Starting point is 00:02:38 you'll see just how wavery the sense of self is because your face will change, it will become a death mask or maybe an Alaskan or a Buddhist or like an old lady or a woman or a man or like a drug-addled freak or a deadly murderer or a demon's face as you're staring at your face and it's crazy and then you realize, whoa, okay, I get it. Whatever I think I am is this influx kind of
Starting point is 00:03:11 permeable membrane that's always kind of shifting and changing based on the circumstances around me and the effect of my gut biome and my epigenetic structures and whatever weird race memories are embedded in the unexplored quantum levels of my DNA and then you realize, oh shit, whatever I am is not really what I am, I don't even know what I am.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So this book is super cool, at least the premises because the idea is you can sort of use your will to go into the inner self and reassemble it, wipe away all the crusty dried up shit bombs that some demon threw at you when you were too young to be able to discriminate and you accepted whatever anyone said to you as the truth and you just sort of, you scrub it off
Starting point is 00:04:09 and then you begin to ask yourself, what would the perfect version of me be? And the power of the mind and the conduit that you are to the universe will pour through you and the answer, you don't even have to worry about coming up with the answer, you just have to ask the question. And there's lots of ways to think about it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I like the multiverse theory particularly because you sort of imagine like, oh, well, if we're in a multiverse or a simulator that has a bunch of multiverses in it, a simulated multiverse, a simulator simulating infinite multiverses and we're in one little node of the multiverse, then this creates this potential of the spectrum of self, the version of you that you are now,
Starting point is 00:04:53 the worst version of you and potentially the ultimate version of you, level 99 plus flip in the pinball machine and that ultimate version of you exists somewhere in the multiverse and the ultimate version of you is sending out prayers throughout the multiverse to call all the other versions of you towards the supreme version of you. I know this sounds a little complicated to imagine.
Starting point is 00:05:22 There's some super self on a transcendental, ethereal fishing boat, throwing out shimmering lines of data hoping various versions of itself will connect to those lines of data but that's kind of the idea of Buddhism, the Dharma. Buddha is the ultimate version of all of us, so to speak because we're all the same thing and anytime somebody pops into this particular node
Starting point is 00:05:48 of the time space continuum with some kind of essential truth, some kind of transformative data that creates religions accidentally as a by-product usually, then that is you. That's you further back in time, sending out these sonic or written bits of information to the you that is now in the hopes that you'll pick it up, digest it, assimilate it
Starting point is 00:06:16 and then transform that inner self into something perfect so that it creates the effect of a sort of mutation throughout time so that people kind of, you know, there's probably like some, at some point, you know, when the monkeys started coming out of the trees, you know, that was as astounding as Jesus, I'm sure, when you were a monkey completely ruled by your instincts
Starting point is 00:06:45 and you never were gonna step foot on the forest floor because that's where the fucking snakes and tigers hung out and then you saw some crazy monkey do the forbidden act, scale down the tree and skitter out into the forest floor and grab a fruit that had landed there and climb back up the tree with a fruit, that must have seemed astounding. Now it seems, you know, whatever, that's what monkeys do.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Same thing with humans, right? Some of us skitter down the fear tree onto the forest floor of the unexplored realms of the psyche and gather up transcendental fruit composed of whatever the next phase of human evolution is going to be, maybe the fruit is the mushroom, if you believe Terence McKenna, but I digress. This book's really cool.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It's the idea that you can go within the you, that you think you are, which certainly isn't you, it's just a body and actually sort of do some surgery on the whatever the core instructional data is that runs your habitual patterns, your patterning data from like transforming that or replacing it or amending it with a more positive, beautiful, happy, healthy, focused self,
Starting point is 00:08:07 you can actually experience these crazy changes in your life. I believe it, it's a pretty smart book. And I'll tell you, these live podcasts, man, when I get to have conversations with folks like Aubrey Marcus, it seems to prove the point of this book because you talk to these guys and they've got really, really good info
Starting point is 00:08:28 and it's inspiring. And also, after these live podcasts, my favorite thing is talking to you guys who come to the shows. We all hang out after the shows and it's a fucking blast. And I get all kinds of great information, how CRISPR actually works. It cleaves, friends.
Starting point is 00:08:44 CRISPR cleaves, it does not replace, it cleaves. That's another podcast. Or how about this one? Data about a Crayton bar in Brooklyn, which I pedaled to yesterday on my bike and I ordered a big ice cold glass of Crayton tea. Well, I had him put it in my bike canteen and I really fucked up on that one.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I fucked up, man, because I drank this giant, I got the biggest glass. I inevitably do this, man. Anything legal, I just think, God, that can't be that strong, seriously. There's no way this stuff can be really that strong. And I drank this whole giant canteen of Crayton tea as I was riding my bike home.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And by the time I got to the place I was gonna eat breakfast at, I started saying thank you, God, thank you, God, for this beautiful universe that we live in. It's just such an incredible gift to be alive. And I thought, my God, this Crayton's really fantastic. Like, whoa, this is some heavy duty shit. But I think really what had happened there
Starting point is 00:09:52 is I was just getting endorphins from riding my bicycle in the sun. I don't think the Crayton had actually kicked in just yet, like maybe a little bit, but then I get home and I get hit with waves of pure nausea. Just classic shit when you take like an opiate and then I was bedridden for the whole day with just waves of opiated nausea rolling through my body.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So watch out for the Crayton, guys, or maybe do a Google search before you dose yourself with this stuff. Don't do what your dumb uncle Duncan did yesterday because you can really get sick from that shit. But I mean, I don't mean to call it shit. I know a lot of you guys out there love it, swear by it. It's helped a lot of people with their opiate addiction,
Starting point is 00:10:39 their anxiety problems, their social anxiety. Don't mean to diss the Crayton, dissing myself. But this is a byproduct of what happens when groups of people get together and exchange ideas, which is why I love these live podcasts and why I'm so very grateful to all of you who show up to them and for all of you who stick around afterwards.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Because I love talking to you and I also love it when you guys talk to each other and make connections and friendships and that makes, that makes us a little community, which I think is pretty cool. And I hope we keep doing it. The next one is the 15th of August. And I don't know who the guest is yet working on it.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Got some lines out, but I can't say it's gonna be yet because I haven't heard back. It's gonna be a great show though. And the last few live podcasts that I've released, I've kind of edited the beginning part of it, but I'm just gonna leave this one in its entirety because it really turned out great. The only thing I'm cutting out is a video that I showed
Starting point is 00:11:52 of this fantastic rap called Cartoon Ball, which is about how we live on a flat earth because it helps sort of set up what I wanted to talk about in the beginning. So friends, here we go. We're gonna jump right into this live podcast, but first some quick business. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by HelloFresh.com.
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Starting point is 00:14:04 as your loins quiver and lips tremble, fueled by the delicious fresh ingredients that went in to your HelloFresh meal. Remember, go to HelloFresh.com, use offer code Duncan30, and you're going to get $30 off your first week. That's a lot of delicious meals. That's a lot of summertime post-meal humping. Friends, nothing better than making sweet love
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Starting point is 00:14:57 If you sign up at Patreon.com for $5 a month, you're going to get early access to every DTFH. As soon as I record an interview and have the audio file, I'm uploading it to Patreon. No commercials, no opening ramble, just the raw, unedited file. So if you don't feel like waiting around for a DTFH, head over to Patreon.
Starting point is 00:15:19 There's also a lot of opening monologues minus a podcast there. Just me rambling over there, some weird music I've been working on, and ways for you to connect with me and do other Patreon subscribers while supporting the DTFH. Head over to Patreon.com forward slash DTFH to get all the info.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Thank you to those of you who use our Amazon portal. Anytime you go through the link located at DuncanTrussell.com and buy something from Amazon, Amazon will give us a very small percentage of whatever you may buy. So head over there. Buy yourself an Ableton Push 2 and learn to make music.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Oh, you say you're not a musician? Neither am I, but what's more fun than sitting in front of a shimmering, glowing machine of sonic perfection? That's what an Ableton Push 2 is, and you can get one at Amazon.com. Just go through our link first. We also have a shop with lots of great posters
Starting point is 00:16:18 and T-shirts located at DuncanTrussell.com. And finally, if you wanna come out to a live DTFH, the next one is August 15th at the Bell House. Tickets at DuncanTrussell.com. And now, a live DTFH. Here we go. Hey everybody, welcome to DuncanTrussell Family Hour podcast. Woo!
Starting point is 00:16:45 I'm just here to bring up one of Duncan's best friends, Emil Ameth. Woo! Woo! ["Lions For My Face"] Lines for my face and my hands Lines for on the left and right I'm in the middle without any plans
Starting point is 00:17:38 I'm a boy, but I'm still a man I'm 18 and I like it I like it I got a baby's brain and an old man's heart It took 18 years to get this far I don't always know what I'm talking about Feels like I'm living in the middle of town
Starting point is 00:18:28 I don't always know what I'm talking about ["Lions For My Face"] I gotta get out of this place I gotta get out of this place I gotta get out of this place I'm going running to outer space Cause I'm 18 and I get confused every day 18, I've gotta get away
Starting point is 00:19:59 I'm 18, I just don't know what to say I gotta get out of this place I gotta get out of this place I'm going running to outer space I gotta get out of this place Cause I'm 18 I'm 18 I'm 18
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm 18 ["Lions For My Face"] I tend to play other people's songs now I don't know why ["Lions For My Face"] This is an old big star song, it's very cheesy I think cause it's just like so fucking good though Like it's not a, you know, anyway
Starting point is 00:22:00 I've seen people do this before, this is a device I don't really know how to play this song Wait, wait, it's a good song No, I gotta think of the fucking words, that's a problem You got this, probably, might ["Lions For My Face"] Years ago, my heart was set to live But I've been trying hard against unbelievable odds
Starting point is 00:22:52 It gets so hard in times like now To hold on People, they will run to you But at my side is God ["Lions For My Face"] There ain't no one going to turn me around There ain't no one going to turn me around ["Lions For My Face"]
Starting point is 00:23:40 Just hold on Just hold on Just hold on Just hold on There's people around They'll tell you that they know You can run to them Cause it's easy to go
Starting point is 00:24:31 ["Lions For My Face"] They'll dress you up and zip you down And stand you in a row But you know you don't have to You can't just say no ["Lions For My Face"] There ain't no one going to turn me around There ain't no one going to turn me around
Starting point is 00:25:15 There ain't no one going to turn me around There ain't no one going to turn me around I've been built up and trusted Been broken down and busted But they'll get theirs And I'll get mine If we hold on Hold on
Starting point is 00:26:14 Hold on Hold on There ain't no one going to turn me around Hold on Thanks, Duncan will be up here in a second Evil Amos everybody, let him hear it! Evil Amos! Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Welcome, welcome Thank you guys so much for coming out How many people have been to a live show here already? Cool, welcome back, welcome back sweeties Cool man, we got a good one for you We got a good one for you tonight For those of you who are fresh to this thing that we're doing here Basically the way it works is this
Starting point is 00:27:39 We're going to have a conversation with the enigmatic genius Aubrey Marcus who's backstage right now Let him hear it, let him hear it, he's really cool But before that I try to replicate the form of my podcast And so I'm assuming most of you listen to my podcast The way it works is I do this weird rambling opening thing But when I'm doing that, that takes a long, that takes, believe it or not That could take sometimes two or three days of me sitting in front of my microphone
Starting point is 00:28:25 Repeating over and over again something And then listening to it and thinking to myself, God, Jesus Who do you think you are, man? What the fuck are you saying? That doesn't even mean anything Are you okay? Maybe you're not okay, maybe you're really not okay And then I'll go back and do it again and again and again and again
Starting point is 00:28:48 And then somewhere in there something will happen And that's what the opening monologue is So in this case I only get one shot So we're going to go for it And what I've been doing, what I really like doing is I just kind of get you guys to tell me some stuff Maybe I could mix into it Even though tonight I have something very special I want to talk about Do you guys want to like throw in some ideas for how we can do this opening monologue?
Starting point is 00:29:15 Anybody out there? Egyptian gods, not bad, what else? Blockchain Fuck that man, I don't know anything about blockchain Like I can only just say I don't understand it Are you a blockchain man? Are you an Ethereum man? Are you like connected to that shit?
Starting point is 00:29:34 After the show, explain it to me But I don't understand it at all Maybe, well I can't pre- What? It won't be fun, that's nobody wants to hear about blockchain No offense dude, because I do think it's the future Which is not a very entertaining future, that's all So no blockchain
Starting point is 00:29:59 What? What did you say? Oh shit brother I think I've got a little surprise for you And somebody in the audience is already like No, don't talk about the flat earth man What are you against it, what do you work for fucking NASA demon? Are you a NASA demon?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Are you a spy from NASA? Well we're going to do flat earth and Egyptian gods I think fits in nicely, how about one? I'm down to learn about the little aliens that live underneath Antarctica You're down to learn about the little aliens that live underneath Antarctica But your flat earth is where you stop That's your cut off, right there You're like look I just am not going to go that far
Starting point is 00:30:48 Under Antarctica is cool But outside the ice wall keeping us from the rest of the flat earth You don't want to cross that barrier Because you've been programmed by the man sister We're going to wake you up tonight girl You're going to be woken tonight Because we're going to go there What else, so we've got flat earth, we've got Egypt
Starting point is 00:31:10 What? My love life? I mean god man it's like great But it just feels like you go from Egyptian gods to flat earth Like and now let me talk about my sweet Cora Who came out on stage and brought in the start of the show That was terrifying for her by the way That was like we had to beg her to do that
Starting point is 00:31:35 So alright maybe something about love, that's not bad What do you got? Pantspermia Pantspermia? I know a lot about that man Actually connects to my love life Okay cool so that's some great topics The solar eclipse on the 23rd
Starting point is 00:31:58 Tell no one about that It's not going to happen man I've got some insider info it's all No that shit's scary man I could talk about that But wow how do I connect it all Okay cool I think I have an idea so great Okay so here's how we start off the show And then we're going to jump into the actual podcast
Starting point is 00:32:18 The way I like to do this, oh yes So Aubrey and I are going to do a podcast for like an hour And at the end of the hour there's a microphone right there And anybody who wants to come and ask questions please do If you listen to the live podcast I think it's maybe the best part Is the connection between you and me and Aubrey It's like a group effort here So if something pops into your head
Starting point is 00:32:44 If you already have a question for Aubrey A question for me or something you want to ask Come and ask it but just keep in mind That like there's a big difference between A question and a statement Like a huge difference And the statements are okay But it's like sometimes like I've noticed at the end of the show
Starting point is 00:33:09 Somebody will have something, a very long thing they want to add Which is fucking, I really mean this, it's cool If you got something like that Just think oh yeah there's other people waiting in line They want to ask a question So just keep that in mind So if you have a thing you want to add in That you want people to know
Starting point is 00:33:25 I'm not going to stop you But stop yourself Don't do like a twelve minute thing On like fucking leather working or whatever it is Just like do it like quick, just quick, quick And then we'll be able to like keep flowing from that So just time yourself, that's all And then we do that, we have thirty minutes to do that
Starting point is 00:33:48 That's going to be the end of the show After the show, if you guys are into it There's a bar somewhere down We'll hang out here until we got to go They have a great bar in the back I come out there and we'll just hang out So if you want to chill and hang out after the show, hang out And then classically we've moved from here
Starting point is 00:34:09 To a bar down the street So if you want to continue the party after the show That's open for you too Okay so that's how the podcast works And the way we're going to start it off And the way I always start it off Is we all do the ohm together And my fantasy with us doing the ohm together
Starting point is 00:34:34 Is there's like someone in the audience Who doesn't know about the podcast Who like you just like ended up here somehow And they get stuck in a room full of people Ohming all of a sudden and they're like Oh no, what is this man What is it Whoever that is out there
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'll tell you what it is It's your family You've come home You've come home This is your home now And you'll be here forever So we'll light some incense And we're going to do the ohm
Starting point is 00:35:13 For a little bit longer Than any of us feel comfortable doing it That's the right amount of time to do it And really the ohm is so beautiful To do congregationaly So when you're doing it Just listen to what it sounds like When a group of people is making this sound together
Starting point is 00:35:31 And if you really want to go deep into it Consider the fact that at any given moment All over the planet Probably at this point what Millions of people are making this sound Millions of people are intoning this sound And have been intoning this sound For, you know, probably for as long as there's been the word
Starting point is 00:35:53 Ohm, ohm It's in there, you know And it's in a lot of other important words Rahm, adhikrishan, adhikrishan, adhikrishan It's in a lot of stuff So as we do that, just listen to it Open yourself up to it a little bit Because it's a really rare chance
Starting point is 00:36:11 I don't know, maybe not for some of you guys Who have super cool fucking yoga studios or whatever But for me it doesn't happen When I'm playing World of Warcraft So it's nice to like hear it from a group And then I'm going to light this incense up Maybe a couple of them Just pass it around and it'll fill the room
Starting point is 00:36:28 With some nice incense And then we'll start the show So who's got a lighter? Anyone have a lighter? You got a lighter? Thank you so much Yeah, it's perfect Here you go Just light those two things up
Starting point is 00:36:40 Thank you Now it's still going Up, up Guys focus or the shit won't fucking light Okay, there we go Hold on Hold on I'm off key man
Starting point is 00:37:20 I got a terrible voice Now here's another thing I've learned about doing these shows Inevitably there's like a really great Alma in the audience Who is it? Which of you is like a great Alma Don't be ashamed of it Cool, come up here for a second Help me out here man
Starting point is 00:37:36 Give her a round of applause What's your name? Shiva Nash Of course you're good at homing You You start it You just stay up here Should we say?
Starting point is 00:37:54 Shiva Nash everyone, yeah Should we say something about homing? Yeah, you tell them about homing So in the Hindu Trinity It's Om Aum And the A is Brahma The U is Vishnu And the M is Shiva
Starting point is 00:38:14 So it ends with the destruction So the last syllable is very important too Okay, we'll start Om Om Three Om Om
Starting point is 00:38:40 Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:38:56 Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:39:12 Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:39:28 Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:39:44 Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:40:00 Om Om Om Om Oh Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:40:16 Big one Om Om Om Om Om Om Om
Starting point is 00:40:32 Om Thank you brother, thank you so much! Awesome! Awesome! Come to every show! You'll be our house owner! That was beautiful! Cool, okay man!
Starting point is 00:40:54 Alright, so here's the thing I prepared for you. I want to show you this video. If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen me tweet this thing, but I'm obsessed with this video. This video, it's a video that is, you know what, I don't even need to explain it. I'm just going to play it for you, and then we're going to talk about it. It's about three minutes, so hang in there. Really, really observe, watch, and be amazed.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Wow, so, I really, did that hurt you? It's a little painful, but first of all, here's one thing. I think it's funny about it. I'm pretty sure for the amount of money that he spent on the stock footage that he bought, he could have paid for a weather balloon and put a GoPro on it and like put it in the space to prove that the earth was fucking flat. Like instead of spending the money on the video, he could have done a science experiment, right? Like, that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:42:06 The other thing, by the way, if there's anyone here who is a flat earth or believes that the earth is flat, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being kind of sending. No, because here's what it is. This is why I love flat earth theory and why my mind keeps going to it. In that video, I think it's so hilarious, is because I think flat earth people have actually stumbled upon something real. I think they've stumbled upon something real, and for them, it's that we're being tricked by NASA, which is fucking, if you work at NASA and you see shit like that, you just must be like,
Starting point is 00:42:48 are you fucking kidding me, man? Like my whole life's been doing this, and there's a group of people who like doesn't believe, but aside from that, what they've stumbled upon is what in Hinduism is called Maya, which is this idea that the reality that we're in right now is an illusion. It's fundamentally, it's what Alan Watts calls a wiggly world. Everything's kind of wiggly. Everything's a little confusing. Everything's a little off, and so in a weird way, we are being deceived,
Starting point is 00:43:34 and this is what's interesting about the term Maya is Maya is personal. It's alive. It's not some impersonal force like gravity. It's more like a magician or a sorcerer. It's something that's actually trying to trick you in every single moment. So this reality that we're in right now, it's very sticky. So one of the things that can happen when you're alive is you start getting incredibly distracted by all kinds of things, things of the world.
Starting point is 00:44:11 This is when I was very young and first finding out about the Hare Krishna's, they have great literature, and one of their books had this incredible picture drawn on it of this family, a mother and a traditional family, like a fifties family. So the mother's like in the kitchen, the father's wearing a tie. I guess he's just gotten home from work. Everyone looks tired. Children are climbing on the father and written underneath it is the caption, the bonds of Maya is what it says.
Starting point is 00:44:49 It's really stuck with me because it's this idea that the longer that you stay in this dimension, the more you're going to start getting stuff that orbits around you, much like planet or the sun has things orbiting around it. A person will begin to get these things orbiting around it, inevitably from living on the planet. Like I have orbiting around me of a cat, a fucking poodle, and a little rescue dog, and all my stuff, and it kind of like orbits around you. It's very sticky.
Starting point is 00:45:23 We live in a very sticky world. So it feels like the Flat Earthers have stumbled upon something real, which is, yeah, there's a big deception happening, but the deception is happening at a much higher level than being deceived about the earth being flat. The deception is happening in the very nature of reality itself when you become embodied and enter into a dimension where the topic of death is never brought up. Like they don't fucking talk about that. You'll never see a car commercial that starts off with like, everyone's going to die,
Starting point is 00:46:01 but check out this incredible Mercedes. This thing's going to be on the planet a lot longer than you. Like when you die, this thing, oh, someone's going to still be driving this thing around for sure. No, that never gets pointed out that, you know, you go into a thrift store, or you go into like any kind of like thrift store and you look and you know, there's fucking cool mugs and plates and clothes and books. And like, I don't know if it ever crosses your mind, but I often think like, how many people are dead who used to own this fucking mug set?
Starting point is 00:46:40 Like how many people, like maybe the person who owned this amazing cutlery was like fucking massacred by it or something. You wouldn't know, but you ever think that? You're like, shit, like I'm basically when you go to a thrift store, you know, you're like standing in a kind of like cyclone of matter that has become disentangled from what it was originally orbiting and is now being re-assimilated into like other orbits. And so like, you come and you're like, oh, that shirt's fucking cool. I'll take that. I'll wear that shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:18 But one day some guy named Jeff, that was his favorite fucking shirt. Like he wore it when he was holding his like, when he was holding his wife probably, you know, like he probably wore it as he's holding his wife and saying, they're kind of love you so much. Like you're so important to me. He might have been wearing it when the doctor's like, yeah, you know, you got two months to live. Jeff, you're going to better get rid of that shirt, man. It's pretty fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:47:53 So that aspect of reality, this is the deception. And it's, I don't know how intentional it is, but certainly we are deceiving ourselves. You know, we're deceiving ourselves because we don't want to think about that. We don't want to think about the impermanent nature of reality. And it, you know, when I watch that video, I think, okay, okay, let's imagine that somehow I take that guy up into the sky. Because I was thinking like, how do I prove to that guy the earth is round? Like I keep thinking like, how much would it cost? How much would it cost?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Like if I was Elon Musk, I was thinking, you know what? Fuck it. I would take that guy and I would take, I would be like, listen, man, I'm going to take you into space. And we're going to see that the earth is not flat. Like you're going to see it's a ball and like it will cost you nothing. The only condition is that for the entire journey, you have to listen to your song. Like you have to just keep listening to it over and over and over again. As you gaze upon the beautiful blue marble that we live on and realize how wrong you were.
Starting point is 00:49:07 But I think that, so, but I just, I fantasize like let's imagine because even Elon Musk could do that. That guy would be like, sure, I'll do it. But in the ship, he'd be like, I know I'm not in space. I know I'm in a basement somewhere and you're projecting this shit. He's not going to believe it no matter what. Like you would have to take him out of the ship and like rip his space suit off of him and be like, look. And then like as he was imploding, he'd be like, I was wrong. But in the fantasy, I take that guy up into space and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I have to, I guess I have to be an angel for him to believe me. Like, so I'm like an angel and I'm like, behold, I want to show you the flat earth. And I take him up into space and I'm like, look, you're right. It's flat as shit, man. It's so fucking flat. It just goes on and on. It's flat. And then I take him back to earth.
Starting point is 00:50:09 He's still going to be an asshole. Like nothing's going to change. He's still going to face the same exact problems. It doesn't matter what shape the earth is. Is the earth is a rectangle? If the earth is a triangle, if the earth is a snake, whatever it is, we're still proceeding that problem is a much deeper problem. And that is the problem of existence itself and the problem of the impermanent nature of reality
Starting point is 00:50:40 and the fact that every single one of us is in a position where we are absolutely certain to die and lose everything that we have. This is the problem. This is the problem. And it is a bigger problem than the shape of the planet, which brings me to... I'm trying to think of a way to work fucking Egyptian gods. And then, baby, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I had too much of a plan already. So this leads me to something I want to read to you. My friend, Raghus, sent me this. And it's a pretty incredible passage written by a Tibetan monk. Always a llama, rather. Always stay alert, therefore, and watch what your mind is doing. Think about it. Over countless lifetimes, have you not been deluded, fallen under the power of your negative emotions,
Starting point is 00:51:32 and as a result, had to undergo time and time again the sufferings of birth, sickness, old age, and death? Yet still, you cling to Samsara as if it were a happy place. You take things that are impermanent to be permanent. You work frantically to amass possessions you will never be able to keep without ever being satisfied. Surely, now it is high time to start observing your mind. Be aware of everything that arises in your mind immediately, as though watching your face in a mirror. Identify your emotions as the enemies that have spoiled your past lives and will spoil your future lives, too. If you fail to cut them at the root as soon as they appear, there is no emotion that you cannot be rid of,
Starting point is 00:52:28 because their emotions are simply thoughts, and thoughts are just like the wind moving through the empty sky. There is nothing to them. I think that's so beautiful. Is that cool? Okay, that's it, man. Let's bring up our guests tonight, everybody. With us here tonight is truly a brilliant human being. He is the CEO of this incredible company on it, a company I'm quite fond of. I slurp back one of his things he makes called Alpha Brain all the time.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's like fucking Adderall. I really like it. I don't think he likes it when I say that, but it really reminds me of Adderall, which I love. I haven't tried snorting it yet. Maybe I'll ask him if I can, but not only is he like an incredibly talented business person, but he is, I guess, I don't know, he might argue with this, but I think I might even call him a shaman. He's someone who travels to South America quite frequently and studies plant medicines, not just ayahuasca, but many others. We'll talk about that tonight. So, everybody, please give a gigantic round of applause to Aubrey Marcus, everybody. Let him hear it. Aubrey Marcus.
Starting point is 00:53:56 What's up, everyone? What do you think, Aubrey? Is the earth flat? Man, I love this fucking cartoon ball. It's the best. I do, too. Yeah, I love it, too. Have you ever gotten in a real argument with a flat earther before? Almost. We have a 10th planet Jiu-Jitsu at our headquarters, and so it's like the epicenter of all flat earther. You're talking about Eddie Bravo's place. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Well, it's not his headquarters, but all of his Jiu-Jitsu instructors get a heavy dose of flat earthing. Because he firmly believes the earth is flat, and he's passionate about it. He plants it in when they're tired and about to get choked, and he whispers it in their ear. It's like, the earth is flat. Go to sleep, bitch. And then they're out, and then they wake up, and they have weird ideas. Well, you know, man, something happened to me once. I was getting a massage, and the masseuse was a flat earther. And so that's weird. Fuck. That's one of their tricks, is to be relaxed and tired, and then they're like...
Starting point is 00:55:05 You want to come, Duncan? You want to come? You want to fucking come? You better tell me it's a flat earther. Is that what happened? Was that the story? You know this lady. She's the best. Yeah, pretty good, man. Well, what I realized is she's giving me the massage, and she's saying the earth is flat. And I had that thing that many people get initially, where you're like, you want to be like, shut the fuck. Yeah, like anger.
Starting point is 00:55:31 You really believe this shit. The earth is flat. Are you serious? But then as I'm getting ready to be like, just ruin the massage by being like, come on, this is around. Then I realized, I don't understand cosmology enough to present a good enough argument to her that the earth isn't flat. Like, if I try to like, argue it, I don't think I'm going to be able to do it, man. Like, you know, you need to know some pretty, if you, unless you're an astronaut and have firsthand evidence of having been up there, you need to have some pretty compelling mathematical evidence based on seasons and the movement of the planets and where the sun is and how eclipses happen to be able to get that across. Do you understand things at that level? Could you, if you had to debate the man who made this video,
Starting point is 00:56:24 do you think you could argue against him? Yeah, I was thinking about that. I think the best move is they have that live feed from NASA of the earth, like, as it's changing and you just line up, like, weather in places and where that camera is pointing to and be like, look, man, I mean, how are they going to virtual reality, put all this together in real time with the weather? Easy. And then I just leave. I just go away. Easy. Fuckin' they're reptile aliens, baby. They can do that shit. They're satanic demons, man. Did you not watch my video? They're demons.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Like, so you couldn't, but let's just say it was using an argument, the classic argument, which is, no, no, no, no, that is a, that's like some kind of like CGI plant. Does that look real to you? That's what they'll say. They'll show you pictures of earth that NASA has taken and they'll say, does that look real to you? And you'll look at it and you'll be like, no. That does not look real because how could anything so beautiful exist in space? How could we be on something so incredibly beautiful as that? No, that doesn't look real because the thing we're in right now is so inconceivably beautiful that it doesn't feel real at all. And that's when they're like, that's when they start choking you out, I guess, or whatever. No.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So, but I don't think I have the, I don't think I have the necessary information to like, to defeat the argument, which maybe we all need to do. Like maybe you need to ask yourself, can someone in the audience, can you like, present compelling evidence that this thing we're on is not flat? Shut up! Get him out of here! I don't know where that came from. Who said that? Oh, you've got the evidence? You have the evidence? Sounds like a witch is in the grass. Okay, yeah, so there's tricks, you know, there's stuff you could do theoretically. I mean, gravity itself is dependent upon the Earth's spinning, right? I don't know, no, no, it's the mass. Gravity comes from, so gravity is the mass of the planet pushing into the time space continuum, bro.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It's like, it's like, no, it's like, it's like when you're sitting in this couch, it bends it a little bit. And so the mass is like creating a bend. We're in what's called a gravity well. So we're stuck in a gravity well right now because the compression of the pressure of the Earth's ass is pushing into space. I don't think they're this flat, but I will tell you this, it has an ass that NASA doesn't want you to see. It's got like this incredible ass. So, yeah, I don't know, man, but I guess the reason that I'm bringing that up is just because when you begin to really contemplate, what do I fucking know? Like, what do I really know? What can I really, really know? I think you find that you really don't know as much as you think you do.
Starting point is 00:59:47 It's tough, you know, it's like, what do we really know? You know, like, for example, do we know that this thing called the United States of America is like an actual thing? Like, how much is like, I don't know, man, like, or even more, like, how much, I guess what I'm getting at and what I want to talk with you about, Aubrey, because you have such great experience with psychedelics is how much of what a person thinks they are has been put there intentionally by outside agencies? And how much of it is authentically what we are? That's an interesting question. I think that a lot of times people imagine and hypothesize these conscious forces that are aligning themselves and trying to plant things in our own heads. But I think a lot of times it's guided by our own fears and our own egos and the own forces of resistance that are inside ourself.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Because, you know, as I have experienced it and understand it, there needs to be an opposing force to that force of truth and that force of recognition of who we really are. And that force is going to thwart us in every single way so that we have a game to play, so that this thing, you know, if we didn't have that force of resistance, the moment we wanted to be enlightened, boom, we'd be enlightened. The game would suck. It would be a video game with no monsters. There would be no hero's journey. The prodigal son would already be home and would be staying home, would never wander off, and so would never have to come back. So the whole game relies on the fact that there is a force of resistance and I think that doesn't need to be externalized.
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's internalized. You know, that's the force of our mind, the force of the ego, the one that says, I am not, you know, one with everything. I am not love. I am not truth. I am separate from everything else and maybe says, oh wait, but I am God or I am the only God. And that force that comes and thwarts us in all these ways and I think that gets projected out in mass and it may seem conspiratorial, but it's really something that we all have inside us. So I spend a lot more time focused on those own forces inside myself that are thwarting me rather than worried about what these outside pressures are because it all starts here.
Starting point is 01:02:05 When you talk about it, it seems like you're implying that we've chosen this reality, that we've chosen this birth. Do you believe that? The thing we're in right now has been something that we've decided or that someone has decided for us? Yeah, so check this out. This is, it's a hard question to answer, but and I go from my experience generally, you know, and that's why I love talking to you because you have references grander than experience. And I have some as well, but recently I smoked five MEO DMT. Anybody else experienced that before? Couple.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Couple. So I experienced it. This was from the Sonoran Desert Toad, Colorado River Toad. And it was a really interesting experience because I've had a lot of DMT experiences, ayahuasca dozens of times and DMT even, you know, NN DMT. The molecular comes from plants even more often. And this one blasted me straight past what I call polarity, that division where there's resistance and assistance, angels and demons, light and dark, you know, the duality of the world blasted straight past that into what I could only describe as the unicity. That point when the universe is infinitely expanding outward and runs out of steam and collapses back to that single point where all is one, all matter is one, all of God's mind and thoughts and everything, love, truth, all of it is all one. The devil and the angels and everything together as one in unicity.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And that thing is the thing that in my terminology I call God. It's very impersonal. It's the same force. There's no differentiation to say that God thinks is an absurd statement, in my understanding, because it's one single unified unicity, one force only. When you were in this state, where were you? Yeah, I was in Tennessee. So anyways, so I blasted, so I blasted that. And it's like, it is the fucking best feeling I've ever felt in my life.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Like, combine like the moment of orgasm with that time that puppy licked you and you got that surprise hug and like, same time for me. And like, every fucking thing, all the things at once, and it was just lighting up every cell of my body. Like, it seems completely impossible that my brain could produce a feeling that good. Because you imagine like, the strongest reward that we can produce is the moment of orgasm, because that's necessary for life. So the body pushes out as much sensation as it can into the body. And then to feel this at like a million fold that, I was like, this isn't my brain. This is something else. I'm into something else.
Starting point is 01:04:54 And it could only be described as that. No visions. You know, I'm used to seeing visions and, you know, I talk to the mosquito God and all kinds of crazy shit. And I'm asking, I just get used to that. What did you say to the mosquito God? The mosquito God? Well, I was in Peru and I was kind of getting annoyed by mosquitoes. I have a message if you see him again.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah, yeah. I was probably planning. I say, so he comes to me and I go, Hey, man, like, what the fuck? And he goes, he goes, Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's like, I'm just, I'm just nature's taxes, man. I'm just nature's taxes. You got, you got all this blood. I just take a little bit and then the frogs eat me and they get a little bit and I spread it around.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And I was like, Oh, okay, I guess it's okay. But then I was like, I was like, but what about malaria? That's terrible. And it's like, fuck, fine. Oh, he asked malaria. That's a parasite to us too. And then in the corner of my eyes, so this chaotic mass that was malaria God. And I was like, no, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:05:55 I just, I just bounced out. This is like, okay. Okay. Boy, it's hilarious about that. I think you actually met the fucking mosquito guy. Cause that sounds like what he would say. He was smart. I mean, that's a better answer than I ever could have come up with.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Well, no, it's just kind of like if you sleep with somebody and they give you gonorrhea. And you're like, Hey, what about the fact you gave me gonorrhea? And they're like, talk to the gonorrhea. Fuck you, man. But it, but, but no, it's like, no, that does sound like exact. Like, yeah, that's what I'd say if I was a mosquito. It's like, I don't know, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:40 You've got blood. Yeah. Yeah. That's fascinating. Wow. So you have seen, you've spoken with them with like different entities. Yeah. What felt like it.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And yet this experience. It was all the entities. It was everything at once. And so in that moment, you know, I was in that space and it lasted about 20 minutes. And I was, and for those of you who are interested in hearing like the longer version of the story with some recordings, I'm releasing a podcast with Corey Allen coming right up too. So check that out. But anyway, so I'm in there and my sitter asked me if I wanted another, another hit, another go.
Starting point is 01:07:18 And despite it being the very best feeling that I've ever felt, it was the same feeling the whole time. And already just with 20 minutes of that, I was like, you know what, I'm ready to get back to thinking and struggling and trying and the good, the bad, the game, you know, things I got to accomplish, things I want to do. I want to talk about this thing. I didn't want to stay there. And so for me, it was an understanding of like, yeah, it could be all great if we just decided not to, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:47 play this game and have this world the way it was. It would feel amazing, but we wouldn't have the game and the game is where the magic is like the infinite differentiation where we all get to be little perceivers and little gods exploring different universes ourselves, feeling all of the different emotions that are now suddenly available. When you divide that one ball that's incredibly dense and intense and divide that into the tiny little pieces, you get so much more surface area of perception. And I think that's the ultimate choice of like, why, like why, why all this? Because now we really get to break down and get granular to all the little things that are possible.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Wow, but so for this monad or whatever, this, what did you, unicity? Yeah. We're like a drug. Like, yeah. So we're what happens when this unicity gets super high and differentiates and becomes us. Yeah. So that thing, our experience of this is that thing probably terrified some interdimensional toad and was like, oh, let me try this for a second.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Fuck, I'm something now. Wow. Yeah. That's really interesting, man. I always, I go back and forth on that a lot when I think about it. It reminds me of, are there any Kabbalah experts here? Nope. Yep.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Someone, what's the name of the very top part of the tree of life? Kether. Kether. Kether? Crown. Crown. That's what he's talking about, right? Crown chakra is the same thing.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Crown chakra. And it's like, so like in the Kabbalistic tree of life, stop me if I'm wrong, just yell it out. But the Kabbalistic tree of life is evil. I'm just kidding. The Kabbalistic tree of life, it starts, I think it's supposed to represent the unfolding of God's mind in the world. Right? Or? Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 01:09:52 It's, you have Adam, Katmom, the first man as it's called, who got shattered into all these individual pieces. So now it's up to us to put Adam back together again into the one whole. Wow, cool. So that's what, that reminds me of that. It's like when you had this experience, you went back into this totality or something. But what, and yet here you are, a thing again, and you like being a thing. I like being a thing. I mean, it sucks sometimes.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I mean, shit sucks occasionally, you know, and sometimes a lot of the time. You know, there was periods in my life where I was pretty down, pretty depressed, pretty hard on myself, pretty anxious, still go through bouts of stress. Like it's not all, I mean, I have a very blessed life and I have a lot of fun, but there's struggle and there's difficulty, but it's all part of it. Like that's the fucking hero's journey. That's us finding our way home and getting lost and having the Silla and Sharibdis for those of you who know the Odyssey and the Lotus Eaters and the Cyclops and the, you know, Cersei and all of the different, Calypso, all of the different influences and things that happened till eventually we find our way back to truth, which is that we are part of that unicity, part of that one source. Okay. I want you to heal me here because I'm going to tell you one of my greatest fears.
Starting point is 01:11:14 And it's really dark. So I'm literally at this point going to play devil's advocate. This is fucked up, but I can't really get around it. So maybe you can fix it. Okay. So this is like a psychedelic experience. This came from psychedelics. And it was, forgive me if I told you this already, but it'll be cool with our friends here if we can like, you can like make an adjustment here because this one bugs me a little bit.
Starting point is 01:11:43 I mean, I'm trying to think about it, but okay. So when we contemplate the fact that there was a big bang or a singularity that exploded in everything, when I think about that on psychedelics, I have had this vision of a moment where that thing became aware that it was a thing. Like it went from being just a thing that wasn't aware, like it knew it was something, but it was like everything that knew it was something. And so it didn't have anybody to be like, what the fuck? I'm a thing. It was just this field of awareness with nothing to like reflect to, to express what it was experiencing, which was in this vision I had. The most, the deepest horror you could imagine. It was like the infinite loneliness, infinite disconnection, infinite like, it was just horror, incomprehensible.
Starting point is 01:12:51 The horror of the thing that was literally as alone as you could be because it's the only thing. It's just a thing. And that this gave it a nervous breakdown and it shattered into an infinite number of little pieces that became the planets and ultimately the people. And the thing that you call the opportunity to do the hero's journey is in fact a desperate attempt from a thing that never should have been to escape from the reality of its never ending ultimate absurd loneliness. And so human existence in itself is nothing more than the desperate attempt of an accidental God to evade the never ending, unrelenting loneliness of its situation of having come into existence. Can you fix that man, please? You know, from everything that I've experienced and felt that we carry a piece of that always in our heart. And I felt that, I felt that thing you're talking about where it's hopelessness, loneliness, feels like there's no way out, feels like we're stuck, the world is turning into chaos.
Starting point is 01:14:09 In fact, we all go through that experience at a certain point in our birth, right? We're sitting in the womb, everything feels like infinite space, even though we're confined, all our needs are met, we're not eating, drinking, we're listening to the heartbeat of our mother. And it's just serene and then all of a sudden the fucking water breaks and it's like chaos and we don't know what the fuck is going on. You know, like we've all had that deeply archetypically planted in our head. And that's one thing that Stan Groff talks about is that's part of the process, you know, of what we are all indoctrinated into. But there's some other shit too. There's also the part where we realize, oh fuck, there's an opening, there's a way out of this chaos, there's a way out of this hell, right? And that's through the birth canal, so we start to fight.
Starting point is 01:14:52 We just start to, all right, I got this, I fucking got this, I'm going to make my way out. And we get very, you know, attuned to that warrior archetype, like I'm going to find a way out of this, I'm going to make it. And we make it out and then we gasp that ecstatic gasp of air and realize, holy shit, we're birthed into a whole new world and then we get placed on the chest of our mother, reunited again with love, right? We feel all of those things in our life and in our heart we can find all of those things. And we can find the darkness but we can also find the other side and when we find the other side, we know that shit's real too. And to me, that's how I know it's not the, you know, dystopian world that you're talking about because I can find that world but I can always find the other world too. Sometimes it's not easy but it's there and it's so pure and so real and so beautiful and so forgiving. You know, like you can come to that space and show your very worst, the thing you're most ashamed of, the thing you would never tell anybody and it doesn't even flinch.
Starting point is 01:15:55 It just holds no record or wrong and absorbs you back in love, the ultimate symbol being that Christ consciousness figure. And I felt that too and so I know that's real and that feels infinitely more real than the other. The other feels to me like delusion. You know, when I'm spiraling through that thing, I feel caught up in delusion and when I find the love, that thing in my heart that's the opposite of that, it feels like truth. And I guess that just has a different harmony like a guitar that's in tune versus a guitar that's out of tune. So the idea here that you were saying in the beginning is we need these two things for there to be the light that must be the dark. So therefore that thing really, it isn't delusion, is it? It's actually a fundamental quality of existence. It depends on what dimension you're looking at because at the one delusion, at the unicity level, you know, that's the ultimate truth.
Starting point is 01:16:57 As soon as you go to polarity, there's some delusion. The delusion is that both sides aren't God, right? That's the first very delusion. As soon as it differentiates the first and resistance, light and dark is created, the delusion is that it's not one thing, that they're not the same thing. Like differentiation itself is the very first delusion. So the moment we get into that realm, we're blinded. So the truth is that when you can feel back to the very, very core, that is what I feel like is truth and that feels like love. So this experience we're having right now, as long as I'm playing the game where you're an Aubrey and I'm a Duncan, am I delusional? Yeah, we all are. We're all blind, but that's how we play the game. That's the ante. That's the ante for this poker game, right?
Starting point is 01:17:46 We don't get to get in without being blind when we start, otherwise it wouldn't be a game, right? Because we wouldn't be able to play it the same way. Anybody ever tried to play poker with no money or no clothes attached? It's like the worst fucking game ever. Horrible. Everybody stays into the end. You can't bluff anybody out. They're like, I call you with nothing, of course. You can't play poker with no stakes. You can't play life without some stakes on the line. But the thing is we just keep compounding the stakes that are already there. The stakes are there. Our body's going to die. We're going to get sick. We're going to lose all the things that we love at some point.
Starting point is 01:18:18 There's plenty of resistance baked in, but we just add a whole heaping shitload of more on top of it, and that's what's unnecessary. Because sometimes I'll brush up against love, and it's like, you know, I don't think I'm going to do that. It's so unbearable. Just today, I was holding the poodle. And the thing I've gotten into is he stinks, but I don't know if there's any dog lovers here, but I've really gotten into smelling his hair. And I'm just like, and Cora's like that with a cat. She's like, doesn't the cat smell good? I'm like, I don't know, maybe, but the fucking poodle. Yeah, the poodle smells good, man. I'm like, I'll hold him. He doesn't know what to do. It's just some fucking, the monkey is like, here we go. The monkey's picking me up again, making those sounds while he smells me.
Starting point is 01:19:27 This is terrible. But I'm like, holding him. I'm like, man, I fucking love you, man. Like, I love you. Like, I love you so much. And then that feeling will open up in my heart. And it's like, God damn it, I love this dog so much. And then I'll think, you got like, what, nine years left to live, maybe? It's true. And then it's like, oh, fuck, I can't deal with it, man. I don't want to lose you, Gatsby. I love you so much. And like, and, and you know what I'm talking about? And that's an experience, experience of the auntie you're talking about. Yeah, these are real fucking stakes here, man. Yeah, this is not close. This is like, I'm gonna, like, we will have to say goodbye to the thing we love the most. And that is so on one level, reprehensible, that in the sense where you're like, what kind of fucking game is this, man? Who invented this game? Who was like, hey, let's play this game? You're gonna watch an innocent little dog die.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Oh, he's got any other games? Hey, Unicity, is there like, maybe one where the dogs don't die game? Because I'd like to play that. So let me ask you this, though. You could sit around and sniff your poodle for how long? No, what's like the maximum length of time before the pleasure diminishes? You don't want to know the answer to that? I do, I do. I mean, it can't be more than an hour or two. No, no, no. No, fuck no. We're talking like, you know, 10 seconds sniffs, like, I'm not fucking, I don't wear them like a SARS mask. So ultimately, with all these things that are, that are pleasurable, they just, they dissipate over time. You know, it's the temporariness that's the beauty. It's that classic symbol of the samurai of the cherry blossom tree, infinitely more beautiful because it blooms quickly and then the flowers fall. You know, that evergreen perennial, no one romanticizes and writes poetry about the flower that blooms all the time and it's always the same, right? It's, it makes it infinitely more special in a certain way. And, but I think what's really interesting is not necessarily that, but it's interesting our response to it.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Because our response to it is almost to give up the good just so it won't feel so bad when we lose it. It's like forfeiting the game before we even play. It's like getting your cards, not even looking at them, pushing them back in saying, I fold just in case these cards suck. You know, like, it's a really weird thing that we do. Because we do that in relationships, you know, if we're scared about a girl or a guy leaving us, we'll break up or push them away just so that we won't break up. But then we miss all the love in between, which is the whole fucking point. The only point is what we get to experience. So, you know, the symbol is just let that pleasure flow through you like you put your hand in a fast flowing stream. And it's just, okay, here's poodle sniffing, you know, here's, here's sex, here's coffee, here's cheeseburgers, here's all these things until I die. And then we'll get another round where you put our water, put our hand through the water and experience it all. And just don't grasp, because the moment you grasp, time is a motherfucker and it'll rip that thing right out of your hand.
Starting point is 01:23:03 And you'll lose fingernails and you'll have bloody stumps on your fingers trying to hold onto this thing. Whereas if you just let it go, you can experience all the pleasure. That's beautiful. And is that part of what you consider being a warrior to be? Is that the idea of being a warrior? Or is this some other, is this part of another philosophy that you have? Because when I think of like the warrior ethic, it makes me think like, yeah, if I'm shutting down, which I certainly do, when it comes to like things that I love, poodles or whatever, then that's a form of cowardice. And I think, oh Jesus, you're a fucking coward. You're like, well, you're chicken shit, man.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Like you can't fucking deal with loving a poodle. Like how can you do anything? But I think that this is a state of consciousness that many of us enter into. The big numb, that's what it is. You go numb, numb, dumb, and full of fucking cunt. I don't know why I said that. But you go numb, right? You go numb.
Starting point is 01:24:18 It's like instead of your foot falling asleep, the part of yourself that's even capable of experiencing that love, it'll only open up for a flickering second and then it shuts down. So are you, how often does your, do you shut down? Yeah, every day. And then every day I try to open it back up again. It's like a constant practice, releasing attachments, anchoring back to changing the point of identity from the ego mind, which is always worried about what it's losing to the consciousness, which feels infinite and knows that it will have infinite pleasures, infinite experiences, infinite pains, infinite everything.
Starting point is 01:24:57 So it removes that kind of delusion of scarcity and says, alright, this may go, but it'll just be different. And then I'll experience different things and different things until eventually, from my own experience, I'm confident that there will be a point where we make it all the way back to that feeling I felt when I smoked that toad juice. And that's ultimately, and then from there back to another journey, where another whole differentiation, where this collection of light or whatever you want to call it, this thing that is me and my consciousness, will get ultimately transmuted and I will completely disappear, but I'll still be always connected to that one thing. So it's a constant battle between living this world and then changing my identification point back to the consciousness, observing me in this world.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And that's where I find like the real joy and love and happiness. And I think I'm getting a little bit better at spending more time as that self versus more time as the scared shitless self that's just trying to close down so it doesn't feel more pain. But it's not a straight line. I mean, this thing is like the worst stock jarred ever. But ultimately, it's heading towards longer periods of peace, longer periods of joy, longer periods of bliss, but it's a motherfucker to get there. I mean, I've had to burn in the fires of ayahuasca and all these plants and all my own suffering
Starting point is 01:26:21 in order to learn the lessons to get the skills to make that transition. So for you, it's ayahuasca. But I mean, do you think this is a necessary component for us? Like there might be people here tonight who are like, yeah, well, I'm not going to fucking drink your smoked toad powder. I'm not going to drink ayahuasca. I don't want to do it. So how do we achieve that kind of what I've been taught is called mindfulness? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Are there other tactics that we can use? Yeah. I mean, I think and I don't recommend psychedelics for everyone. That's certainly like a super personal calling and don't rush it. I've tried to rush people into it. It's never a good idea. So like always just go, you know, only if you're truly called to that. But I think there's a lot of other ways.
Starting point is 01:27:16 So recently experienced the maps MDMA psychotherapy protocol, which is fucking incredible. I mean, and a lot of us have probably done Molly or done MDMA out in like a club setting or outside where it really opens up our perception of the world in an amazing way. Touch feels amazing sound. It sounds amazing. Everything seems awesome in a way that you're outwardly perceiving, but with blindfold headphones, you know, as little sensation as possible. You try to get an almost like a sensory deprived state. Then all of that just focuses inward and really flowers open your heart. And when that happens, it feels, you know, really infinitely more connected than probably any other plant medicine I've done.
Starting point is 01:28:01 So I think that wait, what is the protocol? Can you? Yeah. So you take, you know, you take depending on your size, like there's a weight to size ratio and you take, you know, somewhere between 200 and 200. And 350 milligrams of MDMA. What's the standard dose for, like, what if most of us probably take? See, the thing is, most of us have just taken shit, like cut with a bunch of stuff. Like the reference point is fucked.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Like, I don't even know. I'm sure there's probably like two. Brooklyn, people here have taken good in the MA, man. I'm sure there's people here like have taken it. So assuming that we've taken it, do you know the milligram? Probably around 200 is like a normal, like good, good healthy dose. So is this map still above that? It was for me a little bit because I'm, you know, I'm like over 200 pound guy.
Starting point is 01:28:48 So it was a little bit heavier than that. But it really feels like a lot of the, and I love all the plants and, you know, they'll have a very special place for me. But this just cut, you know, pun intended to the heart of the matter. This like took me to the core truths about myself and about my relationships with other people, about how much I loved life and humanity itself. I mean, since that experience, I'll just find myself sitting in a coffee shop and just looking at all the people. And yeah, they're going through their shit and they're struggling and they're working. And I just love people more, you know, and that's a bigger gift than a lot of the medicines have ever given me. It's just a sense of love and forgiveness for myself and love for fellow people.
Starting point is 01:29:28 So I think the world has gotten fucked up enough that we need bigger allies. And I think MDMA assisted psychotherapy in that protocol, you know, where you're really sensory deprived and focused inward. And you have someone, in my case, there was a recording going and someone, you know, there to ask, you know, ask questions. And if I mentioned anything, bring it up. Very skilled practitioner. You were like laying on a couch? Yeah, like basically a bunch of pillows. Like I was flat earth and I was pushed down into the, but yeah. And so I think that's one really great tool, but there's so many others.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I mean, meditation, floating, yoga, ecstatic dance, you know, holotropic breathing or shamanic breathing. Like all of these different practices all have a super valuable place in just getting us out of our head and our identity space and into the more consciousness space. I want to ask you because you run a business, pretty big business. How do you fire somebody when you're in this love space? Like how do you, this is something, you know, or break up with somebody you love or break up with someone or two. But like from a pure business perspective, like this is something I'm always interested in, you know, like I do a podcast, you know, so like my job is not, I don't have employees. I don't have to deal with a lot of the stuff you probably have to deal with. But one of the things that we must deal with no matter who we are is the world.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Got to pay those bills, got to pay those taxes, got to deal with this stuff. So how do you balance this out? How do you balance out running a business with expanding your consciousness and entering into these heightened states? And do you ever think there'll be a point where you're going to have to make a decision between one or the other? Fortunately for me, like the business is a key part of this whole movement. You know, I don't look at it as separate like this is how I make money and then this is what I'm doing. You know, the business is giving people the tools and the motivation to get their body in the proper state and get their mind in the proper state so they can actually have the space and availability to explore consciousness and to feel love. Like if a tiger is sick and wounded, you know, try to pet that thing, you know, fucking bite your face.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Try to pet a healthy tiger. Well, a healthy, well-fed tiger, I'll take that chance any day over the sick, you know, malnourished. And most of us are sick and malnourished in a pretty significant way just based upon the nature of the life that we're living and how different it is from our ancestral roots. And so it's really hard to connect and feel conscious when everything is focused on how sick and how shitty we feel. So, you know, the real message and power of on it is to get that base of the pyramid, you know, this physical vessel that we're going to, you know, moving around and get this thing solid. So then we can start stacking on top of it. Then you stack the mindset practices, which are still with on it. But then you start stacking the love and relationship and spirituality and all these things that transcend and go beyond on it into more of my personal message.
Starting point is 01:32:43 But it all is necessary. So for me, when I'm going to fire somebody, first of all, it's a horror of horrors, like I fucking hate it. But I make sure that I've given that person every chance to contribute to that movement because that's something that's greater than me. And I truly believe that I would fire myself if I was no longer helpful for the organism, right? You have to put the good of the organism first. So I know it's coming. I've done everything I can and it just doesn't fit. Then that's where that kind of warrior archetype actually comes up, where you just have to step up and say the good of the whole is greater than the cost of this one. And ultimately that one won't be significantly happy if they're not contributing to the good of the whole.
Starting point is 01:33:24 They'll feel it. And so they'll feel worse about themselves. So in most of the cases where I've had to separate people from the company, it's been a blessing. And we've stayed in touch and their lives have improved since then in a lot of cases just because they weren't able to contribute. And that was eating them up. But man, yeah, it sucks. And I remember season one of Game of Thrones, which I know just started up. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 01:33:49 But when Ned Stark was explaining, like I think to Rob, the one who reads the sentence must wield the sword. And so I make sure I put myself in all of those firing meetings so that I'm the one that's looking them in the eye and I'm the one that can transmit and do that with as much love as possible. Because if you do that out of anger, if you do that out of any emotion other than love, you fucked it up and you shouldn't do it. And so if I'm ever angry, I'll never call that meeting. It has to be from a real place of resolute peace. You know, it's like, I'll tell a quick parable real quick. There was a parable of a samurai who was dispatched by his shogun to kill a thief. And, you know, samurai is bound to follow the shogun's orders, so the shogun.
Starting point is 01:34:34 The samurai goes to the thief's house, sees him, unsheaths his sword. And as he's about to cut the thief's head off, this thief spits in his face. Samurai, for an instant, flushes with anger, sheaths his sword, leaves. Thief starts shouting in, so, aha, fuck you, samurai, I got you, blah, blah, blah. Samurai comes back next week. Same thing goes into the house, unsheaths his sword. Thief spits in the samurai's face. Samurai doesn't flush with anger.
Starting point is 01:35:04 One stroke cuts his head off, right? And the idea being that the first time it would have been an incorrect deed, it would have been a wrong deed because he did it out of anger. The second time he did it because it was his duty. And so it's not just the action that has to be right. The motivation and the feeling behind it has to be right as well. Also, we learn from this parable. The samurai comes to your house spitting his fucking face.
Starting point is 01:35:32 And then moves. Get the fuck out of there, man. Gate locks on your door. That's cool. I like that. That's cool, and that sounds incredibly difficult. This is maybe the most serious question. And maybe if you can, take some time with it.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Imagine this. Here's the game. God has come to you and put in front of you somebody who just never seems to be able to get in good shape. And says to you, listen, you need to convince this person. Now, obviously the person ultimately has to make the decision. But if you don't convince this person to teach this person or give this person what they need to overcome that thing
Starting point is 01:36:34 where when they wake up and they're like, I think I'll sleep for another hour. I think I'll work out tomorrow. I'm going to destroy the whole fucking planet already. So it's serious. What would you say to that person? I guess the real question is, give me to the gen, man. Man, I think there's some forces inside us all that seek to punish ourselves.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Some things that we haven't forgiven ourselves for. Some things that we think we're not worthy of. Some pleasure, some love, some joy, some bliss that we feel we just aren't worthy of. Or maybe we're scared that if we feel that we're going to lose it, that same thing we talked about. But a lot of it, I think, is that we judge ourselves to the standard of perfection, which is bullshit. And then we hold these grudges against ourselves and punish ourselves.
Starting point is 01:37:24 So I think a lot of the things we do, you know, driving ourselves to ill health and not taking care of our body is an act of punishment against ourselves. For some sin that we've committed in our own mind that we're judging ourselves harshly for. So, you know, my first tactic would be to try to get them to forgive themselves, get them to love themselves, identify, you know, the fact that we're all imperfect, we all fuck up, we all do these things. But we're still worthy of love, you know, we're worthy of infinite forgiveness. And from that standpoint, I think the problem corrects itself.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Because as you start to build that love and forgiveness, you'll start to nourish yourself in better ways. And you'll start to be drawn to these things that are, you know, better and healthier. And you'll start to reward yourself, you know, with these things instead of it seeming like a punishment. Because so many times, even the act of going to the gym is like, I'm a fat, lazy piece of shit, I got to get in the gym. So it's still an act of punishment for the sin of being lazy, rather than an act of love and an act of worship for the fucking amazing being that we are.
Starting point is 01:38:27 And so I think making that switch is going to be the most powerful thing you can do. I'll remark this everybody. Wow, dude, you're the best. I'm still not going on a journey. No, I will. No, I just was picturing, as you were saying that, like I was picturing how embarrassing it's going to be when I'm at the gym and like the tear is rolling around.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Because I think about the beautiful thing you just said. Man, so here we have this wonderful human being with us tonight. Ask him some questions, you guys. There's a microphone right there. Anybody who has any questions for Aubrey or me, please don't be shy, step up to the mic, and let's have a conversation. Go for it. Yeah, please. First I got to say thank you guys so much. I'm grateful I came today.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Thank you for coming. A lot of revelations today. But my first question is, I eventually want to get to like a, to make a studio podcast room in my place. And I'm trying to think of the things to surround myself with. So my question for both of you guys is what do you guys surround yourself in your office space, your podcast room? What are your reminders, the core, whatever you guys can throw at me to brainstorm? Yeah, I think the more important thing is to stop worrying about the space and just record that fucking podcast. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:40:01 Like the very first thing is make that thing real and don't try to get everything perfect before you start. Because that get everything perfect before you start is bullshit because it'll never be perfect. That's an ongoing journey. You know, your guests will come in, they'll give you things, you'll attract things and things will naturally evolve around that. But plant your fucking flag in the ground and record that first episode. Put it up on iTunes and then figure it out from there. Awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:26 That's beautiful. That's great. LED lights don't hurt. Cool LED lights, man. Some like, you know, like, I have stuff in my pocket. He's right. Just don't, whatever your brain is, you know, if your brain will, by the time you will have assembled some kind of like a cathedral before you record the first podcast, if you let your mind trick you. But so you can sort of build the studio around the podcast.
Starting point is 01:40:59 And the more you podcast, the more you'll find stuff that you're learning and you'll put it on the wall to remind yourself. Like, my theory of podcasting is that I try to get out of the way. And I think that's definitely Aubrey's theory of it. And so I have things that remind me of that around. So like, I have a Ouija board on the wall because, you know, the Ouija board transmits information from somewhere, but it's really coming from you. I have, like, something from Alex and Allison Gray that they made, which represents, like, the tree of life. And just stuff, so when I go in there, and I feel like I'm entering into, like, an alchemical chamber, and I feel like I'm giving the podcast the space to come through me instead of me to have to force it. And so I have stuff like that around, you know?
Starting point is 01:41:58 So listen to him first, start the podcast, but don't be afraid of, like, making it witchy and cool and, like, or whatever matches your idea of how to channel the energy into the world. Awesome. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. Good question. Thanks, guys. I love you both, just so you know. We love you too.
Starting point is 01:42:22 That was the greatest ohm ever. I know, man. It's so cool. Thank you for coming. Permanent seat there for you if you want to. My question's more about discipline. So, like, over the last three years, four years or so, I've learned a lot about health fitness and, like, what I need to do to be productive. And I think I've done better at it, but I still struggle on, like, a weekly or daily basis, like, making productive decisions.
Starting point is 01:42:47 So I guess the question's more for no offense. I guess it is, brother. But I guess, like, what are the tips you're getting? Perfect jab, by the way. I like you waiting to throw that hook until halfway through the question. Well done. But yeah, my question's just, like, any tips you could give out to, like, just being more productive on a daily basis, doing something productive instead of maybe putting up a video game or whatever it is? Yeah, you know, I think one of the ideas that I've been playing with a lot is this idea of mental override.
Starting point is 01:43:25 And I started to learn this from my homie, Bodie Miller, who's one of the top skiers in the world, also one of the top partiers in the world. And, you know, what I learned from him one day is I was, you know, complaining to him that I had a song stuck in my head, and he goes, we'll get it out. I go, man, I just fucking told you it was stuck, like, stuck in my head. That's the point. He's like, no, it's not. Like, who's in control of your mind? Are you in control of your mind, or is there some other mind that's in control of your mind? I was like, well, I guess I'm in control of my mind.
Starting point is 01:43:53 It's like, we'll get the fucking song out of your head. And at that point, I was like, oh, I can do that. And then I tried it, and like, yeah, I could. It was hard, but I could. And that was that first moment where, you know, he started to explain to me and unravel this idea of how much more choice that we actually have, that we pretend that we don't have. You know, so you're saying, like, what can I do to get myself to do this thing? Well, who are you if you need, if you want to do something and you can't do it? So you're identifying as something that doesn't have the power.
Starting point is 01:44:28 You're surrendering to some form of powerlessness to pretend like, oh, I don't have the power to make that choice. So really, you have to own the fact that you can make that fucking choice, and you just got to do it, you know? And that's the idea of mental override, this idea of like, I'm scared of that thing, I'm fucking pushing forward. And I practice that. Like, I've told this story many times, but I'm like, I really hate crickets, especially the Texas crickets and cockroaches. They're like the skeleton and the legs and like, oh, don't like it. But I'll see one, and I don't like killing these things either, you know, don't think that's cool. They're just cruising around in a tree outside and they wound up in my house.
Starting point is 01:45:06 They don't deserve to die for that. So I could use a cup, which is kind of the cowardly way to do it, which is what every cell in my body is screaming for me to do. Or I could mental override, know that that thing's not going to hurt me, and I could grab that thing with my hand and gently let it outside. And so I'll take that moment, not every time, I'm going to be honest. But I'll take that moment to practice mental override and say, I'm going to, you know, show that I am more powerful than these thoughts in my mind. Like, and recognize my own, you know, sort of omnipotence over my own universe, my own godhood that I've surrendered and practice that. Because then when it comes time to make another decision, like, you know, I have two hours and I really don't want to write my book, but fuck, it'd be nice to get two hours of work done in and that resistance comes up.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I can apply that same force, you know, to that. And I don't mean to really beat this point to death, but I think it's super important. One more story. I was at the maps dinner function and I was talking to someone who had kicked a habit of being addicted to painkillers. And he had a horrible painkiller addiction and he goes, you know how to kick your habit to painkillers? You put the bottle on the fucking counter and you don't take another fucking pill. Mic drop, right? Like the recognition of how powerful we are, like who is really in charge. And, you know, so that's the roundabout way, but it's also the most direct way.
Starting point is 01:46:33 You know, take control of who you are and just fucking do it. Thank you. Yeah, Aubrey and Duncan, it's so cool to be talking to you guys right now. Like, Aubrey, you have been like one of the most impactful people in my life. Like I just got back from South America for three months. I did like six weeks in the Amazon, 15 ceremonies of ayahuasca and five with Wachuma. And it like... Where'd you go?
Starting point is 01:47:08 And it was like three and a half hours outside of Ikea. It was like deep in this tribal village and it was wild. But like you go down and you do something like that and you kind of come back and you're like, how do I even like relate to people anymore? Like it's kind of like really crazy. Like what was the integration process like for you? And like how did you like explain that to your loved ones? Like it's so hard because you're like, they're like, oh, how was the ayahuasca, Matt? And I'm like, well, like I was like at the center of the universe.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Like you said, like just like one thing. And like it's like, I literally feel like I'm just like talking to myself right now. Like just like, because you guys are just wearing different masks. Like it's crazy. So it's like, how's that integration process work for you? It's wild. Well, there's two parts of that question. One is how do you express it?
Starting point is 01:48:02 And ultimately when you showed up to the shamans, how much did they tell you about everything you're going to feel? Well, he spoke Spanish and like I did it. Like I had to teach myself Spanish while I was down there. So I was like pretty much experiencing it on my own. And then like like relaying what I felt in Spanish to him. And then he was like, like I pick up like 70% of what he was saying. But ultimately, whether he spoke Spanish or English, he wasn't going to tell you shit because it's a show, it's a show, not tell. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:34 And that's so, so ultimately you can't, you know, you can talk about it and have fun with it, but don't take it seriously. Don't take it seriously. Don't think you're actually going to convey the truth of this experience to anybody. It's not even possible. So the wisest ones, the masters, they don't even try. They just show who they are. And if that's intriguing to somebody and they'll tell the stories or whatever, that's fine. But don't expect somebody to understand it without experiencing it because it's ultimately an experiential game.
Starting point is 01:49:02 And that's really, that's really the art. Take the pressure off, you know, ever thinking that you're going to explain this the right way and someone's going to get it. And be like, oh man, I feel like I just took ayahuasca. Like no fucking chance. You can do the best job in the world. It's not going to happen. They have to feel it and they'll feel it when they're ready. But you just got to be you ultimately to the, to the, to the maximum.
Starting point is 01:49:23 And I think that's, that's also the part of the integration. It's looking at everybody not like, oh, you guys are all asleep. And if only you knew the truth, but loving them for where they're at, you know. And so removing that judgment piece, because as you go further, that idea of judgment, which we all do, we're all judging people all the time. But it becomes nonsensical and delusional. And you understand like just love people for where they're at and just really connect with them on that level. And instead of identifying as this thing that's of a higher level, which can get really egoic, just love all the levels. You know, appreciate all the levels of consciousness.
Starting point is 01:50:01 And that seems to take a lot of the sting out of it and a lot of the pressure out. But definitely connect also with people who, you know, are on, you know, can experience you on those higher levels of consciousness. So you don't feel lonely. You know what I mean? And like, does Whitney like has, is like Whitney's like psychedelic usage, like on par with yours because like, like my girlfriend, like. Let me judge Whitney real quick. Hold on. Well, we just like, like, I've done like.
Starting point is 01:50:30 Whitney's is Isabel's girlfriend. Yeah. I've just like done like so much more and it's kind of like hard in our relationship to be like, like, this is like, like, I like teach cannabis meditations. And if there's any police here, I only teach regular meditations. But like, there's like, like, it's hard. You think there's cops here? No. No.
Starting point is 01:50:53 No. It could be wild. It was just like, like, I tried to teach her like the importance of like meditation, but it's so hard in that kind of like, in a relationship when there's that skew. Can I chime in here? Sure. So there's something wrong that talks about a bunch. It's just like, when you get these heightened states, there's this missionary impulse that can come in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:17 And so what he says is, fuck that. He doesn't say that. But like the idea is all we can do is work on ourselves. That's it. We work on ourselves. That's the job. So whatever that means to you, whatever the ayahuasca showed you, work on that. But then if everyone is myself, like, aren't I supposed to be working with everyone?
Starting point is 01:51:38 Start with the one that holds your penis when you use the bathroom. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I think that's good advice though. Yeah. I appreciate it. Once you, that one, you'll notice that the more you start working on that one, the ones
Starting point is 01:51:55 around, other than other people will hold your penis when you say, I know, you'll notice the tears. But you will notice that things begin to shift, that things naturally begin to shift and that the articulation of these states of consciousness, someone just told me, it's not fair to expect another person. Did you tell me this? Someone just told me it's not fair to expect another person to understand your heightened state.
Starting point is 01:52:27 They can love you and respect you, but to expect them to know and then to try to get them to know by telling them through words can end up being an accidental form of aggression. This is why Ram Dass says sometimes people just need you to give them a blanket. Sometimes somebody just needs a cup of tea. That's it. Bring one blanket, cup of tea, sit down with them, maybe somebody needs you to help them move. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:59 You know? Yeah. And just do that. Like what you're saying. Connect to them on that level and then all the other stuff takes care of itself. Yeah. Yeah. That's 100%, right?
Starting point is 01:53:09 And I think there's also an expectation that the person we're with is going to be our everything. You're my everything. Bullshit. Never. It'll never happen. Everything is the everything. All the people are the everything, right? Like love them for their something, not hold them to the standard of being your everything
Starting point is 01:53:30 because that's bullshit and they'll always fall short of that. So love them, you know, infinitely for their something. And maybe your girl, you know, I'm sure she has that something that you love and just love the shit out of that. And don't expect her to follow you on this thing. But if you want, you know, if somebody else with a different something is the right person, that's a different choice. But regardless, you're still going to have to love that person for their something and
Starting point is 01:53:55 all that you're just going to have to love who you're with for their something and not expect them to be everything. All right. Great advice. Thank you. Thank you. That's a dope shirt, by the way. So Duncan, what's up, Aubrey?
Starting point is 01:54:10 What's up? Thank you for putting the show together today. It was awesome. Thanks for coming. My question is, I'm going to borrow it from Tim Ferriss is what message would you put on a billboard for millions of people to see? You go first, Duncan. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Oh, boy. Did you say millions? Yes. Billions, whatever. I mean, it's, that's a tough one to ask because like, I don't have, you know what? If I had that kind of thing floating around in my head, like a billboard slogan or something, I'd be so maybe, maybe so much happier or so much crazier or something. Like, because if someone said, oh, yeah, do you want to like put, you throw something
Starting point is 01:55:02 up in this fucking billboard, man, like millions of people are going to see it. It's going to be something about my friend, Brendan Walsh, who I fucked with on Twitter. It's just going to be some weird thing. Like, you know what's going to be? You're going to troll them? Yeah, I'm going to troll Brendan Walsh. I'm going to like, probably put a picture of him up there and like say that he's like one of those like...
Starting point is 01:55:28 Child pedophile. Insurance people, like when you're in a car wreck or like if you ever had Miss Aethelioma call Brendan Walsh and it's going to be his phone number. It's going to, you know, it's going to be man, something chaotic, not something pithy. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to put up there like, love everyone, man, because it's cool to love. Because that, you know what I mean? I think that that's a tough thing to sum it all up in that way.
Starting point is 01:55:56 But what, do you like a billboard dude? Do you make billboards or something? Copy, bro. What do you got, Aubrey? You know, I've been asked this question before and like every time someone asks it, it changes, which is interesting. But I think ultimately the message is just fucking have fun. You know, so Duncan's billboard may be the actual best billboard because every time someone
Starting point is 01:56:23 saw it and got in on the joke, they would start to laugh. Like somebody had the opportunity to broadcast to seven billion people and they trolled their homie. Like that's hilarious. Right? That might be the best billboard actually because that's what we're fucking here for, man. We're here to have fun. So, you know, I think that's as good a billboard as any. I back his.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I doubled down on Duncan's trolling. Can I tell you a quick billboard story? Sure. And I'm not saying Brendan Walsh did this. Okay. But there was a person who lived in near Brendan Walsh. You may have, there was a billboard that just showed a woman looking at her phone and like it was just a normal text on there.
Starting point is 01:57:11 And somebody who wasn't Brendan Walsh might have gone up on that billboard because he printed something sticky that he put over what she was looking at on the phone that says, your mom's, your mom is dead. People drive by and it's like a fucking woman looking at her phone. Like what? Oh my God. But so that's another funny thing to put on a billboard. Thanks for the question, man.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Your mom is dead. All right. Thank you and I love you guys. Hey, Duncan. Hey, how you doing? Good. Hey, Aubrey. Thank you guys so much for an amazing show.
Starting point is 01:57:54 And my question is this, even though it's not the most important thing, I'm curious about the pattern generators in the DMT world. What I mean by that is like, if we look at a computer screen, if we zoom in enough, we see the pixels. So if we look at the DMT world, the Astro world, whatever it is you want to call it, other than pure light, how can you describe all of those particles of light being generated? And what do you see in like the periphery versus the center as far as how they're able to be generated?
Starting point is 01:58:26 Like what's the best way to describe that whole process if it's possible to? Man, you must think, you must think I'm really fucking got some information on that. I don't know. Just like what you see. So to say, all right, so as far as I understand the Sega Geometry, the closest I got was that belief is the most important thing. That's the intent. And the intent to differentiate, like that starts the momentum, that starts the movement,
Starting point is 01:58:52 you know, from that single unicity, belief then starts the infinite differentiation. And then the Sega Geometry is how it gets done. It's how it gets done right. And that's just what the code is that builds all the things. So belief and intent lead, and then the Sega Geometry figures out how to get it done. Thank you. Thanks. The question.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Hey, guys. That was super great. Thank you. This is a question for Duncan. You mentioned a while ago, I don't remember when a project where you would try to induce the overview effect by combining VR with float tanks. Yes. I've tried to find more information about that.
Starting point is 01:59:33 I was hoping you could talk about that project. Did you pull it off? It failed miserably. Oh man. God damn. What happened was, well, it might, so here's, there's just a few different problems. The main problem is just steam. Like, so when you're in a float tank and you put VR goggles on, they steam up.
Starting point is 01:59:54 And so the water is like, it's incredibly salty. So there's no way to like, in the float tank, in the dark, like, you'd have to take the goggles off and like, clean them off. So things fog up. The other thing about it is the, very quickly when you're in the float tank, you realize that the float tank seems to have its own mind. And it's kind of like, take that thing off your fucking head, man. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:00:22 Just lay still, monkey. You don't need to see the earth from space, man. And then ultimately, the other thing I realized is that the earth's flat, baby. I don't like, there's like, you know, I'm not going to fucking look at some ball in there, man, because that's a lie. But the, so essentially that was technical difficulties. It was too heavy, right? Now I think if you used an HTC Vive and you ran, you could run the cords, they didn't
Starting point is 02:00:56 touch the water. I think there's a, I mean, it's, it's, it's salinated water. So I think, isn't that the most, that you could, that conducts electricity better than any water? Is that correct? Like salt water? So it's maybe not even, maybe you shouldn't have like HDMI cables running out of your head, floating in water with epsom salt in it.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Or you really are going to get the overview effect, because you're going to electrocute yourself. Yeah, it's hilarious. You pry electrocute yourself and literally be floating over earth. Like, whoa, this work, man. Holy shit. Wow. Fuck, I'm dead.
Starting point is 02:01:37 But it didn't, it didn't work. Try it. Is it super dead? The whole project is dead? What? Is it, the whole project is over? It's not over. I, it's, anyone here can do it.
Starting point is 02:01:49 I would, you do it. You do it. I, I want anyone in the world to figure out how to do it, because I do think there would be something really quite beautiful if someone could manage to create VR goggles that were lightweight, that somehow were resistant to getting, to fogging up, that were safe, and, and also program some kind of perfect depiction of planet earth from space. Ultimately, the dream would be to, to in real time project satellite imagery in there. So you are, you have kind of teleported off of the earth and are, are looking down.
Starting point is 02:02:27 That would be amazing. So if you want to do it, do it. I mean, that was never a thing that I, I figured even talking about on the podcast, lots of people would try it, but nobody, as far as I'm aware, no one has done that yet. I don't know. I think some people have tried putting VR goggles in the float tank, but I don't know if anyone's tried the overview effect again. I'm going to figure it out.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Let me know, man. Seriously. Let me know. I'd like to, I'd like to join you if you figure out how to do it. Thanks for the question. What's up guys? Hey, what's up? How do you deal with or do you deal with over analyzing decisions?
Starting point is 02:03:08 Yeah, I think the, I think the key is to know when, know what that threshold is and try to get back to your, you know, your heart, your instinct, you know, something else that, and realize like ultimately you may be wrong. You may be right. You know, I think it's Carlos Castaneda who said he's, which is kind of a madman. I always have to disclaim that because there's always someone who plays gotcha. And he's like, oh, he's a fucking crazy person. Like I get it, but he had some smart things to say occasionally.
Starting point is 02:03:41 And, you know, what he said was, you know, just pick a path with heart, any path, you know, and that's the only real thing that we can do is we're never going to fully illuminate the future of all possibilities. You know, so just pick the path with heart and then don't have any regrets. The worst thing is to do is to decide something and then spend the next infinite amount of time stressing about whether you made the right choice or not. You know, if you made the choice, fucking back it, you know, but try and make it from a place that unifies your thoughts with that kind of deeper instinct.
Starting point is 02:04:13 And that's how you do it. Because a lot of times it's a fucking toss up, you know, and I'll actually flip a coin sometimes. I like legit flip coins. And just to remind myself like this is a fucking toss up, you know, let's flip the coin and let's just go with it. And I always go with the coin flip. I don't fuck around and be like, best out of three.
Starting point is 02:04:33 No, that's a pussy move. Best out of three. You fucking flip once and nothing. I feel like Joey Diaz would do a bit about that. I flip once and nothing. Cocksucker. But yeah, that's my process. Do you, do you, is this something you ever, you're dealing with?
Starting point is 02:04:53 Constantly. Yeah. So like that, you walk me through it. So like you have some decision that you are about to make and you overanalyze it or is it after the fact that you overanalyze it? No, it's beforehand. It's like a paralysis by analysis thing. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Like maybe like frozen in some, like in your bed or sitting on a chair somewhere immobilized in bed in the car at work. Yeah. With something to do. Yeah. Just something to, some choice that I can't make. Like what? It could be a career move.
Starting point is 02:05:28 It could be about a friend, a woman, anything. A woman? Maybe. Like kissing her or something? Or like, like asking her out or something? No, maybe a bigger move. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Just like which direction to go? Like should you report her to the police? Cause she sounds, we, no man. Don't have any, I was hoping he, I don't know man. I find myself quite often in that predicament of like, oh fuck, I got to decide on this thing. And that's usually, that's when I make like the best music and stuff because instead of doing the job of making the decision, I'll be like, you know, man, I'm just going to
Starting point is 02:06:31 learn how to like do baselines on Ableton and like, I'll just go and start doing other shit. And then, then inevitably though, it's weird when you think back, it always works out, doesn't it? Like, you know what? It always works out. Like here you are, you're here, you're standing here, you're alive, you made it this far. And it worked, didn't it?
Starting point is 02:06:52 And then you start thinking like, oh, who's making the decision? Who's the decision maker, man? Who's the one who makes the decision? How much are you in control of really, you know? All of these things. These are the things I think about as I like, frozen in bed, just trying to decide if I should go to crunch to just work out for the first time in three weeks, much less like asking a girl to marry me or something.
Starting point is 02:07:15 I'm like, fuck man, who's making these decisions? Who is the decision maker? Who is the one who chooses? And you know, ultimately, I don't know the answer to your question. The only, the most success I've ever had though does match what Aubrey is saying, which is that eventually you just have to, you have to just tell your, you just have to go do something. That's what I'll do.
Starting point is 02:07:38 Like when I'm really frozen, I just get on my bike and ride around and then I, like whatever it is I need to do will come to me. So I'm definitely not the one to answer the question. I think you touched on a really important point though because, and it reminds me of something that this Buddhist teacher, Mujibaba, who I've been following recently, he talks about and it's using hindsight as foresight because in hindsight, we're pretty much grateful for fucking everything. You know what?
Starting point is 02:08:06 I'm grateful I made that mistake. I learned a lot from that thing. I'm better because of it. I'm stronger because of it. So in hindsight, we're like, man, I killed it. You know, that was perfect. It's just the way I would have done it, you know, for the most part. With foresight, everything's like, I'm going to fuck this up.
Starting point is 02:08:19 I'm going to fuck this up. I'm going to fuck this up. And so, but if we can switch that and use hindsight as foresight and realize, yeah, it may not be the best decision, but I'll learn something along the way. It may drive me all the way to my rock bottom, but I'll pick something up from that rock bottom and I'll bring it back and I'll be better and wiser and smarter for it. So it takes the pressure off the decision because you'll realize that either way, no matter what you do, you can't make a wrong choice.
Starting point is 02:08:43 There's always going to be some value there. So if both decisions work, what's the pressure? So just go with the fun. Go with what sounds like more fun. You know the poem, the road less traveled, the most misunderstood poem on earth. You know, you guys know this, the most misunderstood poem on earth because it's like two roads diverged into the wood and like everyone use it, like use it to fucking car commercials or something like that.
Starting point is 02:09:07 I took the road less traveled. No, you didn't ask. Well, you're in a fucking SUV. You didn't do anything special. You're in an SUV. You didn't do anything special. You're in an SUV driving to Vegas. You took a very traveled road.
Starting point is 02:09:23 So that poem, check it out, man, because I always thought it was like the explorer picks the less traveled road, but when you read the poem, both roads are identical. There's no difference. And it's exactly what he's saying in hindsight. He makes the decision. Oh yeah, I took the unique one, you know, but ultimately what's unique? Everything's been done. Everything's been done.
Starting point is 02:09:51 What is that? The wisdom of Solomon? What book is that? Anyone know what book that is in the Bible? There's like this great book. It's this sorrowful existential book, man. And it's what? It's a song of Solomon, right, where he's like, I'm a king.
Starting point is 02:10:07 I did everything. I did everything. Smelt poodles, smoked toad juice, but I tell you, it's all been done. It's all been thought out. It's already been done. Don't trouble yourself or think of our sweet Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who says, behold the lilies of the field. They toil not, neither do they, what is it?
Starting point is 02:10:39 Neither do they sweat or something, like look at the lilies, they don't worry about what they're going to wear, but look how my father in heaven clothed them. Think of how much greater he will clothe you, sufficient under the day is the evil thereof. Like don't worry too much about what's coming in that state of super consciousness and emerging into the Godhead, realizing that you're completely embraced and taken care of by the universe and surrendering to the very beautiful idea that there is a higher consciousness moving through you and will make the decision for you in the most perfect way at the most perfect time, can often relieve you of the kind of sweatiness that comes from the neurotic contemplation
Starting point is 02:11:25 of some monumental decision you think you have to make. As the inevitable bumper sticker says, God is my co-pilot, may God your pilot and you be the co-pilot, why would you have God as your fucking co-pilot? Let the creator of the universe fly the plane, man, it'll work out way better. Thanks for the question. Thank you guys. Oh yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 02:11:49 I like that a lot. Hey, I was camped out across the street from you guys at Burning Man and I was wondering, do you have any plans to go back? Which? Aubrey? What's up? You were camped out from the booties? What?
Starting point is 02:12:05 Yeah, at Burning Man. Oh, you were camping across from Enchanted Booty for us? Across from where you guys were at Burning Man. I wanted to know if you have any plans to go back and if you do, would you put together your own camper and art project or anything like that? How many people here are going to the burn this year? Are? Yeah, are going.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Who's going? One person. Yeah, you know, Aubrey's going. I'm going. Where are you camping? Yeah, where are you camping, Aubrey? The camp's called Playa Alchemist and I think we're right on that first row, what do they call that first row?
Starting point is 02:12:45 What kind of camp is Aubrey? It's one of those fancy-ass camps. He's trying to convince me to go. Yeah, Duncan doesn't want to go because he feels like he needs to rough it and to really earn the experience. And I get that. I value that. But I think there's also a certain humility of realizing that we each have our own way
Starting point is 02:13:04 to toil and this isn't, for me, a chance to prove how tough I am or prove how humble I am. This is a chance for me to have the most fucking fun possible and if people can't accept that then they're missing the whole fucking point of Burning Man anyways. So yeah, I'm flying the fuck in and I'm going to have a nice ass trailer and I'm going to have a shower and my shit and I'm going to have a fucking blast while I do it. Well, I'm part of a flogging camp and what we do, we wake up at four every morning and we whip ourselves with fucking like a thorn belt and we whip ourselves until we bleed
Starting point is 02:13:48 and then we lay in the fucking alkaline sands just like let it burn our backs and then once we're like sufficiently in pain, we go by fucking Aubrey's camp and we throw our blood from our back onto his fucking RV and hiss it in so that's my, that's the camp I'm going to be at. No, I think I'm going to camp with Aubrey this year now. Thanks for the question. Are you going to be there? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:21 Enchanted Booty Forest is where I usually camp so, but you'll probably find each other, man. I'm going to be spending a lot of time at the Ministry of Disinformation this year for sure. I love that camp. Anyway, no Burning Man talk. That's rude. After the show.
Starting point is 02:14:36 See you later. Cool, man. See you, brother. Hey, what's up, Duncan? What's up? It's my first show. My name's Freddie. Thanks for coming, Freddie.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Yeah, man. Anytime. My cousin actually brought me the People X. Oh, yeah, yeah. Bringing Freddie. Yeah. So my question is for a lot of people here, a lot of us here, we go ahead and we listen to you, whether we're driving to school or whatever it is that the, you know, whatever
Starting point is 02:15:00 the fuck we're doing. So to an extent, you are our information. Now, I'm just curious, what is your information? Do you go like, are you listening to podcasts or music wise? What is it that you're listening to? This is for you and Aubrey. In the past three weeks, can you guys go ahead and like, just tell us, you know, very basic human level, like, what the fuck is it that you're bumping in your car, fucking full volume
Starting point is 02:15:28 on your way here? You know what I'm saying? What do you listen to music wise or if you're not really a music person? What podcast or whatever, what is your information? What is it that inspires you? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, man. Well, I am a, so like, I hang out, like my teachers are these Ram Dass people, right?
Starting point is 02:15:50 So I'm friends with this guy, Ragu Marcus, who loves the love, who runs the Love Server Number Foundation. This guy is like my teacher and he, so this is where a lot of, it's weird how it works, and I feel very lucky, but he, so what happened, the way it works for me is, I will get on the phone with him, he'll call me randomly, but it's always at the perfect time and we'll just start talking. And he'll be about some bullshit and then all of a sudden, he'll be like, he's really cool because he's like, what's going on and he really means like, what's going on, right?
Starting point is 02:16:35 And then I'll tell him what I'm freaked out about, who I'm pissed off at, what I'm worried about, where I'm fucking at, I'll just be completely honest with him and then he'll, really comes out of it, man, and it's the most beautiful thing, and that is what I read to today came from him, that passage, you know? So that's where I get my information from, it's from that satsang and from Aubrey, what I consider to be my family, I've got friends like this and they give me lots of info and I'll read stuff, you know, I'm reading like, it doesn't have to be like lofty, I'm reading this thing called, right now, Rain World, you know, the sci-fi book, Rain World, ooh,
Starting point is 02:17:22 it's good, man, it's so good, and like, I'll just get stoned and I'll read and I'll be like, what the fuck, this is incredible, man, and that'll make me so happy or like, I'll go out and look at my fucking, I don't want to sound like a complete hippie asshole, but I'll go out and look at my fucking tomato plant, man, I'll just stare at it. That shit is awesome, my father's a gardener and like, he has a garden literally like, from that wall to this wall, like, out to here and we're Dominican so they come from like, literally the motherland and he plants and shit and he puts so much time into that garden and it's like, he really just does it because he feeds a lot of people, like,
Starting point is 02:18:04 we have a really big family so he, you know, he grows all this shit and man, and I learned a lot about plants through that so, I never really cared about plants or anything like that, but I definitely understand what you're saying about going outside and looking at the fucking tomatoes and being like, you know what I'm saying, there's a beauty, yeah, definitely, there's a beauty behind that shit. Dude, you know what I've started doing? Tell me. Playing my flute, I play the flute for the tomatoes, I go down and play the flute to them, and
Starting point is 02:18:33 I swear. Wait, wait, wait, you play a flute to the tomatoes? Yes. And I think maybe that's why they're not growing tomatoes, just stop and we'll grow tomatoes so there's one tomato on there, but I swear, man, I know when I look at that thing and I love it and I say to it, I talk to it and I'll be like, I know you're not making tomatoes, I'm cool with that, like, I'm happy to hear this here and I feel like it feels it and they're like, I feel it, there's a rep, how do you say it, God damn it.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Reciprocity. Fucking prosody, I'm not an idiot. But there's a reciprocity there and so yeah, man, but anyway, finally, not to like, I just start because I have this mug and I'm trying to learn how to play the pentatonic scale, like riffs on the pentatonic scale on the mug because I've been watching videos of people play the mug and like they're like, when it's really cool. So I've been trying to learn that so I've been listening to you in parliament because they're the masters of like funky riffs.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Cool. That's it, there's the answer to your question. I'm sorry you asked it and I'm sorry for giving you guys an example. No, no, that's cool. How about you? Oh, by the way, I like your shoes, but I'm actually more interested in your socks. Yeah, my socks have roses on them. Oh, roses, all right, cool.
Starting point is 02:20:00 Yeah, from stance. Yeah, like Duncan said, I got a lot of people who I talked to who really transmit a lot of information. Obviously, Rogan's podcast, I don't listen to all of them, but whenever I see a guest that piques my interest, I'm usually rewarded with something pretty dope. So that'll sometimes lead me to books, like I listened to him interview Sebastian Junger and then started his book tribe and so I'll kind of find things that way. And then actually my podcast is a great way for me to connect with people because I'll
Starting point is 02:20:27 do the research on them. Like I was going to have a conversation with Jamie Will who was part of the authors wrote that book, Stealing Fire, incredible book. So then I'll read the book before I meet him and then we'll have a conversation and that will like illuminate a whole piece of the world for me that I'll be able to draw references to. And so that's a dope process, but you know, it's sometimes I like to turn my brain off and for me, that's hip hop.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Like when people are rapping about deadly combinations of drugs, like Molly Percocet. Molly Percocet. And I'm like, yes, there's nothing more unconscious than that because that is a deadly combination. Thank you. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. For sure. That's the question.
Starting point is 02:21:09 Guys, it's 1017 right now, which means that they're going to want us to, I don't know how much time, how much time do we have? 10 minutes. Okay. So we got 10 minutes. So we'll try to, I think we have enough time for everybody just know we can do 10 more minutes. So go ahead, please.
Starting point is 02:21:28 All right. Well, thank you quickly. And I've never done ayahuasca, but I've had two psychotic experiences. And Joseph Campbell says that the psychotic drowns in the same waters that the mystic swims with delight. So my question is, what do you think are the differences between the psychotic experience and the mystic experience that allows the mystic to swim and the psychotic to drown? Great question.
Starting point is 02:21:56 All right. Cool question. I mean, with the time limit and everything, this is, I didn't plan it. So I'll take a stab at it. I think, because I've been in a psychedelic experience that felt psychotic. And I saw in that experience that there was two paths. There was the fear path, which I genuinely to this day believe would have driven me into psychosis.
Starting point is 02:22:24 The most intense experience I've had. And it was not like the toad thing, which was beyond polarity, and this was like smack and polarity. It felt like all of the good and evil of the universe was trying to find its way into my body. And it was completely overwhelming and terrifying. And especially the dark side of it, realizing that I was also made up of the dark stuff as well as the light, and we're all these beings.
Starting point is 02:22:50 I really truly felt that if I would indulge that fear and started questioning if I was ever going to make it out and went with what was happening, I may still be hiding under a table somewhere. The stakes felt that high. And for me, the choice I made was, all right, that's the fear path. What's the love path? What's the faith path? What's that thing that is the other way?
Starting point is 02:23:12 And that's the faith that I was going to make it out all right. The faith that no matter what was flashing through my mind, I would be okay. I held that steady thought in my mind, and then I followed love. And it was any type of pedestrian type of love, like poodle sniffing, certainly counts. Like anything that brought love and anything that brought a positive feeling, I just used those like lily pads to find my way out of that experience. And it was a harrowing experience. I actually had to sleep on the floor because I needed to feel grounded for like four days
Starting point is 02:23:45 after. It was really, really gnarly, but ultimately a very valuable experience. So for me, I think that the difference is, is one is in some way indulging the fear path and in another way just choosing the love and faith path. But I got to recognize that in certain states, that choice may not be available. So be kind and sensitive and gentle and don't trust that this thing is real, and it has real limitations and real, real issues. But for anybody who finds themselves in that dark place, just love will lead you out.
Starting point is 02:24:21 It sounds corny as shit, but it's the truth. It's the thing that felt real. It was the only thing that felt stable enough to guide me out of this fucking mental chaos. That's nice. There's something Saraswati, I always think about, which is the bridge between suffering and grace is surrender. And how often, I mean, when we think about that beautiful idea, the mystic, like swimming or surfing, I like to think surfing.
Starting point is 02:25:02 You ever watch people surf? It's nuts. And when you think about what they're doing, it's crazy, they're riding energetic waves that are rolling through time and these things are so big and they can rip you to shreds. If you didn't know what you were doing in there, surely when they're on a wave, if there's even a moment's thought that isn't based on connecting with that massive energy, then they can really fuck themselves up, I'm sure. But they love it.
Starting point is 02:25:31 Just like what you're saying, when you talk to surfers, they will just, they love it. They are in love with it. They can't get it out of their minds. This is their in love with this energetic field. So that must be it, right? It's this sense of like, oh, great thing that could destroy me. I love you. Oh, you're destroying me?
Starting point is 02:25:53 Oh, I love the way you're destroying me. I think it's like, I love it. And then I think, because if you look at it from that perception of like, oh, I'm going to be here forever, are you going to reconfigure me? Oh, you're reconfiguring me? Okay, reconfigure me. Let me be reconfigured and you let go. Then in there, it goes from being this resistance thing that you're so good at talking about
Starting point is 02:26:17 and not doing to being a form of surfing, being part of the energy, experiencing the energy and loving it. Maybe that's what he meant. Yeah, kind of like the hand in the stream that either gets like brushes gently or gets ripped off. Yeah. Surrender is such a key tool. It's a prerequisite for faith, too, because it's just understanding that, you know, allowing
Starting point is 02:26:40 what's happening and having faith that you'll come out the other side. Yeah, beautifully said, Duncan, for sure. That's lovely. Thank you very much. Thank you. Hi. Hi. I have a real life practical argument against Flat Earth because my brother is a Flat Earther
Starting point is 02:27:01 and I thought maybe you share it with me. Who was? My little brother. Okay. How old is he? 23. Okay. I know.
Starting point is 02:27:10 That's not a question. But if you fly to Asia or Europe or anywhere lateral from New York, you go up towards the North Pole and not straight across around or anywhere near the equator because it's less mileage, therefore less gas, therefore less money. So it relates back to corporate money and not cosmology. Someone works for NASA. My grandfather actually worked for NASA. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:27:39 Thank you. Wait, what? Yeah. Which is super exciting. Here we go, folks. Hey, thanks a lot. I remember that. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:27:47 Cool. Hi. Thanks for the good talk. I had a question about feeling, do you still take any drugs just for fun? Because maybe because I'm older now and I've been taking drugs for so long. Can you move closer to the mic? Oh. Because I've been taking drugs for so long and everything and it's, I don't mind smoking
Starting point is 02:28:09 weed and watching a sausage party but I'm on MDMA or acid or something and I start feeling kind of guilty that I'm high but I want to just dance and have fun but at the other level I have this consciousness. It's like, oh yeah, well you should just maybe just take a slow meditate, work on yourself and that's what this experience should be and not dancing around and being out of rave. You know, honestly the best handling of that topic and I don't even want to touch it because I want to let you know about it is from that book, Stealing Fire, at the end they call it hedonic calendaring.
Starting point is 02:28:43 So it's basically identifying these ecstatic states that you're going to reach and just schedule them out and make sure that they're not deleterious to your life and plan different ways that you want to do that and actually put some forethought into it. So it's not like, yeah, what is that? It's a double stack press of what? Sure. You know, like that's not the best way to do it, rolling the dice but like plan it out, know what you're doing, stack the modalities that make sense and like take ownership of
Starting point is 02:29:09 it rather than it being like, oh yeah, fuck it. You know, you can have a little bit of that, a little bit of lax but like, you know, come with a strategy like you would with the serious parts of your life, like take fun that seriously in a way, like plan time for it and schedule it out and make sure that it's going to support your life, not tear it down. Yeah, let me give the other answer. All right, thanks. You know, wait, the thing that comes into your mind, right, when you're in the midst
Starting point is 02:29:43 of a wonderful psychedelic experience, the kind of friend, not me, who took some mushrooms for no reason and just got on his bike and he was peddling through Brooklyn and he was having the best day of his life all of a sudden. He told me, he realized, my God, I cannot believe how incredible life is, I'm just out here on my bike and this is the most beautiful thing ever and then a feeling of guilt went into him because he started thinking like, I shouldn't be doing this, what am I doing? You can't just be on your bike on mushrooms, just riding around, you can't do that, there's got to be a reason, there's got to be a purpose.
Starting point is 02:30:32 I'm like, I'm Asian, I'm like, I should study, you know, I should study as an Asian. Yes, man! Yes! And I'll tell you, I think that voice that pops into your head, if there's ever proof that there is a satanic force on earth, it's the voice that would come into your head when you're dancing and say to you, you shouldn't be dancing. Totally. The earth is flat.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Yeah, thanks for the question. Thank you so much. Cheers. Thank you. First off, I just want to thank both you guys and Joe Rogan for bringing so many people into the float world. I'll be happy for the local float community, the local Brooklyn float centers here, they brought me out.
Starting point is 02:31:25 Wait, who did? Your Lyft floats, your local center? Yeah, so anyone here go to Lyft floats if you want to see them. I didn't even know there was a float center in Brooklyn, I was wondering about that. Are you fucking kidding me? What's it called? I'm not kidding you, man! I mean, that's how absolutely lazy I am, because I'm just like, ah, I was probably not one.
Starting point is 02:31:45 I never heard of Google, I'm not going to look it up, like I could just look it up, but... It's all lies. Yeah, it's called Lyft. What's it called? Lyft. Oh, cool. Look it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Oh, thank you. Okay, beautiful. Yeah, so, just anyway, thanks for bringing people into the world, you know, it's part of our mission. But I got one quick question and one longer question. One is have either of you guys tried or have the desire to try IvaGain? No. Three times.
Starting point is 02:32:15 Three times, okay. And it's gnarly, and I've not met anybody but me that's had a positive experience with it. I watched someone detox from heroin on it, which seemed very effective, but a lot of times people just white out and it's just hellish. There is like a certain reset that happens from the nervous system. I liken it to being like an ant on a tuning fork, but fuck, that's a hard medicine. You know, it's like 24, 36 hours awake, it's physically hellish, like it's super gnarly.
Starting point is 02:32:46 And I would, I don't recommend that medicine to people unless they really got some serious shit and they need a serious like hard reboot reset. And I think that's where that, where that medicine's purpose is just because for whatever reason the other people who've, I had a really beautiful spiritual experience, but a lot of people just white out and it's just hell, you know, so it's a tough one. And then my other question was since you guys have all this experience with altered states and you sort of blasting past reality more or less, how, or, or do you ever struggle with the surreal nature of reality in your everyday life?
Starting point is 02:33:24 And then how do you push past that if it happens at all? Because for me, I walk around, especially in a city like New York, I'm from California and especially in a city like New York, I just think about, I get overwhelmed. So I'm sometimes about the infinite complexity, essentially. And when you talk about all the other heaping bullshit we throw on top of the world to play the game and even you guys listening to you guys tonight describe it as a game or, or multiple passes through a river and it just seems surreal, you know. And so does that ever hit you in life and then how do you push past that?
Starting point is 02:33:59 Wow. Yeah. I, you know, I have this picture of, I, I, I, I always have the hard to say of my guru named Crowley Baba and I will sit there and burn some incense and look at him and he's got this like incredible smile on his face. This is the most incredible smile he has and I'll look at that and I have this picture of Ram Dass. It's a puja table.
Starting point is 02:34:21 We call it a puja table. You know what that is? So you get a table and you put on it pictures, right? And it can be whatever you love, doesn't have to be some saint or anything like that. It could be just things you love, teachers you've had, people who've moved you, family members that you love, whatever, you sit there. Man, I'm in, I'm always in a dumb hurry, an idiot's hurry, you know. So like I'm like rushing from one thing to the next for really no reason at all.
Starting point is 02:34:52 But what I'll do is I'll go to that puja table even for a second and I'll look at that picture of Neem Crowley Baba and Ram Dass. They're always smiling and I'll remember my contact with them and I'll feel this thing. Well, it's love. And it's a thing that, yeah, no shit man. This is a wild ride. We're on friend. This is a wild ride.
Starting point is 02:35:14 When I'm walking down the street and I look around, I'll just think, yeah, I am in a bardo. I have died. This is the end. I'm in some kind of spirit realm. New York's a spirit realm. This could be the realm of hungry ghosts. I really mean that. We might be in a post-death experience, right?
Starting point is 02:35:33 It could be. I don't know. There's infinite possibilities. Yeah. So, but in the midst of that, I'll anchor into love and I have a tool that I use which is a symbol of that thing for me at this point in time. It could change. And that's what I have.
Starting point is 02:35:46 Just a little thing like that. Just a little window you can peer through is the maelstrom rages behind you with all the terror of the world. Just a little eye hole, a key hole you can look through and there it is. That's what I do. And you just need one anchor? What's that? You just use one anchor and need one anchor point at a time?
Starting point is 02:36:08 I play Hearthstone. I'll sit and play Hearthstone to avoid and numb down, but like the, to have some kind of path, whatever it is, to find the path, find your path, figure it out. You can, you know, you probably know what it is. And then just start playing around with it, little bits, little bits, little bits. And then, you know, it's just like they say, it's like when you plan a scene, little creeper tendrils start growing out of it. And it'll grow into something strong and you'll always have that thing to go back to.
Starting point is 02:36:41 A reminder. And I'm sorry. I know I said we had a limited amount of time, but your question is so important and there's a, you can look it up. It was on Reddit. Dude got hit in the head. And his friends had assembled like this whiteboard because he lost his short-term memory and he, and he kept asking the same question over and over again, which is, where am I?
Starting point is 02:37:01 Oh, I wrecked my bike? Oh, where did it happen? You just kept asking the same question over and over so his friends had answered all the questions he asked on a board and they put it in front of him so that when they weren't there, when they went to use the bathroom or whatever, and he freaked out, he could look at that whiteboard and they're like, here are all the answers to the questions you keep asking us. And he could, and he could like see, this is what Neem Koli Baba is to me.
Starting point is 02:37:26 This is what Ramdas says to me. This is what these teachings are to me. They're the writings on the whiteboard that when I enter into an amnesiac state and get coiled up into my ego, I go back and I'm reminded of what everything probably really is, which is love. And you can find something like that and for everyone, it's probably different. And that's one of the tools that I've been taught to use and your community is that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:53 Thank you. And I guess for me, you know, one time I never asked that question is when I'm having sex. Like you never asked that, but sex doesn't have to be with just a lover. You know, you can have sex with your cheeseburger. You can have sex with that cup of tea, with that drink of coffee, with that every single activity you do and like be fully engaged in intercourse with that thing. And whenever you find that thing, whatever it is, like like really being presents, the essence of Zen, right?
Starting point is 02:38:20 It's like fully engaging yourself in whatever it is, then that question disappears and you no longer worried about that because you're engaged so intensely with that thing. So whatever it is, go for it. Have sex. Yeah. Fuck you. Thank you. Great question.
Starting point is 02:38:36 See you at the Float Conference. What's that? I'll see you at the Float Conference. Oh, cool. Yeah. See you there. Coming right up. Quick question.
Starting point is 02:38:44 Appreciate you guys really much. Aubrey, you touched on it before a little bit, but I also run a wellness company coincidentally. I'm wondering like, you know, day-to-day business, you know, dealing with the outside forces, internal forces that may be trying to thwart you, you know, lawyers, problems, whatever it is, employees, like what keeps you personally motivated or inspired to come and be 110% be a leader for your people? You fucking guys, of course, like what else? What else would it be than other people who have, you know, experienced this?
Starting point is 02:39:21 When I start focusing on myself, it gets exhausting and I lose all motivation, you know, but when I realized like, oh, there's some people who are fucking digging this and it's making a difference. You know, I love people. So that's what makes it easy. Like, just take all of that thought off of yourself because that's a spiral of exhaustion and just focus it on who you're impacting. And you do that and you'll have, you know, seemingly inexhaustible energy.
Starting point is 02:39:45 That's a great answer. Thanks for the question. I appreciate that. Thank you. Aubrey Marcus, everybody. Let me hear it. Aubrey Marcus. Thank you all.
Starting point is 02:39:53 Thank you so much. Thank you. You guys, thank you so much. Thank you. You guys, thank you so much for coming to this. It was so wonderful hanging out with you tonight. We're going to be, I'm going to be out there. We're going to go have a couple of drinks down the street.
Starting point is 02:40:08 Come chill with us. Thank you for coming. Good night, you guys. That's it, you guys. Thank you for listening. If you like the DTFH, give us a nice rating on iTunes. Subscribe to us. Go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and sign up.
Starting point is 02:40:22 But most importantly, just keep listening. Hopefully I'll see you at the next bell house show. Until then, Hare Krishna. Thank you so much. Saving off regular sale and clearance prices, exclusions apply.

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