Duncan Trussell Family Hour - DAVID SEAMAN

Episode Date: August 27, 2013

David Seaman (rise morning show, RT TV, The David Seaman hour) joins the DTFH to talk about the NSA and other intesne topics. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone it's me Duncan and I hope that you're doing great. I'm gonna start this podcast off with one of my favorite monologues about technology and it's from the movie Waking Life which you should watch if you haven't watched it by Richard Linklater the whole thing is rotoscopes so it's got this beautiful mushroomy psychedelic flowing effect to it and it's filled with so many interesting ideas and the thing and the music is beautiful and it's just a very poignant incredible film so definitely you should watch that you can rent it on iTunes but in the meantime here's a clip from Waking Life
Starting point is 00:00:38 about technology. For looking at the highlights of human development you have to look at the evolution of the organism and then at the development of its interaction with the environment. Evolution of the organism will begin with the evolution of life, proceed through the harmony coming to the evolution of mankind, Neanderthal Chromanean man. Now interestingly what you're looking at here are three strains biological anthropological development of cities cultures and culture which is human expression. Now what you've seen here is the evolution of populations not so much the evolution of individuals and in
Starting point is 00:01:14 addition if you look at the time scales that's involved here two billion years for life six million years for the hominid hundred thousand years for mankind as we know it you're beginning to see the telescoping nature of the evolutionary paradigm and then when you get to agriculture when you get to scientific revolution and industrial revolution you're looking at ten thousand years four hundred years a hundred and fifty years you're seeing a further telescoping of this evolutionary time. What that means is that as we go through the new evolution it's going to telescope to the point we should be able to
Starting point is 00:01:47 see it manifests itself within our lifetime within a generation. The new evolution stems from information and it stems from two types of information digital and analog. The digital is artificial intelligence the analog results from molecular biology the cloning of the organism and you knit the two together with neurobiology. Before under the old evolutionary paradigm one would die and the other would grow and dominate but under the new paradigm they would exist as a mutually supportive non-competitive grouping independent from the external and what is interesting here is that evolution
Starting point is 00:02:21 now becomes an individually central process emanating from the needs and desires of the individual and not an external process a passive process where the individual is just at the whim of the collective. So you produce a neo-human okay with a new individuality and new consciousness but that's only the beginning of the evolutionary cycle because as the next cycle proceeds the input is now this new intelligence as intelligence piles on intelligence as ability piles on ability the speed changes until what until you reach a crescendo in a way could be imagined as an almost instantaneous fulfillment of
Starting point is 00:02:57 human human and neo-human potential it could be something totally different it could be the amplification of the individual the multiplication of individual existences parallel existences now with the individual no longer restricted by time and space and the manifestations of this neo-human type evolution manifestations could be dramatically counterintuitive that's the interesting part the old evolution is cold it's sterile it's efficient okay and its manifestations of those social adaptation you're talking about parasitism dominance morality okay war predation these will be subject to
Starting point is 00:03:35 de-emphasis these will be subject to de-evolution the new evolutionary paradigm will give us the human traits of truth of loyalty of justice of freedom these would be the manifestations of the new evolution and that is what we would hope to see from this that would be nice the telescopic nature of the evolutionary paradigm if you say that three times in front of your computer a German intellectual climb out of the screen and French kiss your asshole it's true I just did it's wonderful feels good I love that it really breaks down where we're headed it breaks down what the singularity is but in the
Starting point is 00:04:13 process of this incredible evolution that's happening this amazing marriage that's happening between analog and digital the wedding that our sweet Lord Jesus Christ talked about so much this technology is being used for shitty things if you don't believe me just listen to this clip from somebody freaking out and on the world of warcraft oh 25 hundred leads bring that 25 hundred literate here in a fucking two-shot that dumb idiot yeah yeah bring up cuz I fucking own anybody in your fucking guild retard you're the best you're the best bro yeah no I'm not the best but I'm better than you that's all
Starting point is 00:04:54 I can say stop even fucking talking cuz I rape you and I rape anybody in your fucking shit guilt isn't that amazing those two kids are using technology that didn't exist 10 years ago they're wandering around in a virtual reality a simulator a reality simulator where they have projected their egos onto avatars running around a fantasy land and instead of being happy or instead of marveling at the intensity of that experience or the implications of what we're going to be able to do in just a few years using that technology they've just reverted to hissing at each other and calling each other names the de
Starting point is 00:05:39 emphasis on predation has not quite happened yet and of course that's just a small version of the way technology can get used for shitty things in the large-scale we see technology being used to blow people up and to monitor everyone on the planet and this can be quite frustrating to those of us who see the potential of where all this can take us which is possibly a mortal life where we can experience multiple existences at once and anything that we can think of we could instantaneously create it's frustrating when you see that this technology this these tools of connection are being used by warlords
Starting point is 00:06:27 for the same old purposes that tools are always used by warlords which is to hurt people in the planet but Terrence McKinnon was very optimistic about technology and here he is giving a rather dated talk on the way technology tends to get out of its creator's hands to be used for other purposes the technology is the production is the we could think of it as the residue of the workings of the imagination and the imagination is not is under the control of the the super ego or the over mind so that I think technology has a weird way of always escaping the intentions of those who are working with it a perfect
Starting point is 00:07:18 example would be the the chip which makes possible the personal computer that thing was developed under contract to the Air Force by I think sperry Rand and when it was finally finished it didn't work right it was far too slow they wanted it for guidance systems of missiles and this kind of thing so this thing is a thousand times too slow it's just the lonely it's worthless toss it in the wastebasket but somebody said but wait a minute you know what you could do with this and created you know an information revolution that must be absolutely appalling to the forces that wish to control I have an apple to
Starting point is 00:08:01 computer and a 350 dollar modem and I can access the Defense Department databases I can access all the complete shelf list of the library of Congress all chemical abstracts in short all information in the world I can access from my living room in Sonoma County and so can anyone else who buys a thousand dollars worth of equipment this was not part of the plan apple to he had an apple to and he recognized the reaction things were going because he's a genius that's Terence Jesus Christ McKenna if you're not familiar with him just do a Google search and prepare to get your mind
Starting point is 00:08:48 blown here we have this technology what many people are calling the seventh kingdom of life which is growing through us into the world and technology tends to have the effect of harmonizing complexity it connects it allows the rapid exchange of information and it fuses people and things together people in the form of social networks things in the form of just look at any kind of new the new prosthetic arms that are out where people can control them neurologically this is a fusing of inorganic inorganic matter using human neurology to control the inorganic matter and this fusing is going to happen
Starting point is 00:09:49 more with increasing rapidity and with amplified intimacy to the point where we will inevitably have neural prosthetics and designer blood cells which will transform our potential and what we are in really extreme ways it's a very beautiful thing and that is where we're headed but in the process of heading in this direction this technology it's not just getting away from the military and being used for things that the military wouldn't have intended it for it's getting away from designers and development developers and being used by the government to monitor all of us and to control us and so you see it's a
Starting point is 00:10:43 double-edged sword but there are many people like Terence McKenna who believe that there is an intellect a kind of vital force flowing into time of which we were we are apart and this vital force this intellect is the wind in the sales of evolution and technology could kind of be compared to the skin of a balloon that is being inflated by this vital force and is moving in the direction of a pure manifestation of the very same force that caused all life to grow from this planet it's kind of a techno Christ the second coming a utopia that is made possible through the harmonizing qualities of technology and anything that
Starting point is 00:11:52 gets in the way of that harmony anything that gets in the way of that fusion will eventually become obsolete in the same way that anything that doesn't function in an ecosystem in an efficient way will eventually become extinct this is going to happen in front of us during our lifetimes according to a great many people because the difference between this new life form technology and all other life forms is that it evolves at an exponentially increasing rate this idea was articulated very beautifully by a Jesuit priest named Taylor de Chardon and I'm now going to play for you a clip here is a clip from the reflection
Starting point is 00:12:47 series podcast I found it on YouTube and this is a clip of Iliad Delio talking about this amazing human I don't know what the reflection series podcast is but it seems pretty cool you can Google search it I'll have a link for it on my website he was an evolutionary thinker and by evolution here you know I think to understand he art it's not I think to interpret him in a Darwinian sense but in the Bergsonian sense for him evolution is a descriptive process of the whole of life as life you might say unfolds toward more complexified life forms so the law that best describes his thinking is convergence complexity the whole
Starting point is 00:13:38 unfolding of this cosmic life is one that moves from a simple to more complex and more complex means greater unity and so he looks at this unfolding from matter to life to mind to spirit we of course are oh I should just note here that for Teyar the whole of evolution really can be summed up in the primacy of consciousness he did not see that consciousness enters into evolution at some point in time rather from the big bang you know whatever that big bang is that the beginning so to speak of the universe consciousness is present and consciousness you might say is what evolution is about it's the unfolding
Starting point is 00:14:26 the converging the complexification is the rising of consciousness in evolution so he does give a primacy to consciousness so we here we humans are you might say the outflow of what we know today to be about a 13.7 billion year old universe story it's it's rather a fantastic story we are emerge we emerge from it we can self we can reflect on it but we are you might say continue to be in it we continue to be in evolution so Teyar describe the of the human person as evolution made conscious of itself I'm gonna put that clip the entirety of that clip at Duncan trustle.com so you can listen to the whole thing it's
Starting point is 00:15:21 really cool and you should get into him if you've never heard of him before but McKenna waking life Sharden they're all talking about the same thing and it's something that we're all feeling which is that we are rapidly accelerating in the direction of a new era for not just human beings but for everything on the planet the reason that I'm playing all these clips is because today's podcast I talked with David Seaman about the NSA and the way that the government is currently using technology to monitor humans and to control humans by gathering information and I wanted to play all this stuff because I think the
Starting point is 00:16:18 podcast maybe can come come off as a little sinister and I don't want to spread fear out there so I wanted to preface the thing by saying that I believe that there is a transcendent force that is expressing itself through matter and through us and this force is all about harmony and fusion and as it unfolds there's gonna be some black wizards who try to use it for shitty purposes but ultimately things are gonna turn out okay so I'm gonna play one more clip to for you this is Glenn Greenwald who's a journalist who helped Edward Snowden leak all this information his partner was recently
Starting point is 00:17:10 detained at an airport and held illegally for six hours just because he's with Greenwald but this is what this is Glenn Greenwald's advice to all of us and let me tell you if anybody is catching heat right now because of this NSA stuff it's definitely Glenn Greenwald here's Glenn Greenwald with a little bit of advice for all of us and one of the things that I set out to do is one of my principal priorities and how I've done this story and how I've gone about that is to show that you actually don't need to be afraid that you can stand up to the United States government and be defiant when they
Starting point is 00:17:47 deserve it and exercise your constitutional rights without that so that that is the message that I hope more than anything is conveyed on a visceral level the revelations about the NSA are important the things that we learn about journalism and it's important but ultimately the thing that matters most is that the rights that we know we have as human beings are rights that we ought to exercise and that nobody can take away from us and the only way those rights can ever be taken away is if we give in to the fear that is being deliberately imposed and so that I hope is the message of Edward Snowden and of the
Starting point is 00:18:30 reporting that we're doing which is you not only shouldn't be afraid but do not be afraid don't be afraid that impulse inside of you that makes you want to stand up for bullshit like the NSA in the on the big scale and for whoever is trying to oppress you or hold you back in the small scale that is the force of evolution unfolding through you and you should be a servant to that force and you don't have to be afraid of anything let go of the fear put down that snake filled suitcase writhing with brown recluses and jars of AIDS let it go everything's gonna be fine because you are part of the unfolding intellect the
Starting point is 00:19:26 embryonic Godhead that is at this very moment emerging into time at an exponentially increasing rate and anything that gets in the way of godlings gets crushed or I guess recycled is a better way to put it so be on the side of harmony connection and don't be afraid to stand up to people who are trying to get in the way of this thing that's happening and anytime technology gets subverted to kill people or to control people to dominate people or to hurt people then it's getting in the way of this techno utopia that is in the process of being born so don't get bummed out by this podcast that's all
Starting point is 00:20:21 that's hippie talk for saying don't get bummed out by this podcast if it gets a little heavy or too sinister everything's gonna be fine the guy at the very forefront of all of this is telling you not to be afraid so don't be but and it's fun to think about it and it's fun to watch the way this technology unfolds in the way that humans react to it in different ways depending on what type of person they are okay all right let's get this show on the road first though a little bit of business the Duncan trustle family hour is brought to you by short design t-shirts holy shit these shirts are so so very soft there's
Starting point is 00:21:03 nothing softer than these shirts these shirts every time you put one of these shirts on you will feel as though you're being embraced by your soulmate you will feel as though the arms of a gentle lover are wrapping around you forgiving anything that you've ever done and inviting you to a transcendent union the very marriage that happens between Rada and Krishna is they make love and from their love making create all of time and space this is what you can experience by putting on a sure design t-shirt if you don't believe me go to sure design t-shirts dot com check out some of these amazing designs these shirts are perfect to wear
Starting point is 00:21:45 at a biker bar if you want to feel what it's like to get punched but they'll make you a candidate for back massages at any yoga studio I promise you go to sure design t-shirts dot com if you put in my name Duncan you'll get 10% off these shirts we're also brought to you by Amazon dot com I don't understand this program very well but Amazon there's a Amazon portal on my website and what that means is the next time you're gonna go to Amazon to buy anything go to Duncan trussell dot com and go through that portal and then anything that you buy I get a percentage of that and that helps support this podcast doesn't cost
Starting point is 00:22:29 you anything extra so when you're going to buy your books on witchcraft when you're going to order video games textbooks or butcher knives hatchets frying pans garbage bags fingernails it's all there on Amazon and when you're going to order these just go through the portal and it will help support the Duncan trussell family our podcast we also have t-shirts and posters located in the shop and if you really want to go nuts you can donate to the podcast and much thanks to those of you who have been donating and continue to donate to the Duncan trussell family our podcast if you don't want to do any of that but you
Starting point is 00:23:14 like the podcast and you want to show some support all you have to do is go to iTunes and give us a nice review or just subscribe to us and give us a nice rating that's it that's all you got to do but you don't have to even do any of that just enjoy the podcast don't be afraid French kiss as much as you possibly can shake off the boss or the lover that doesn't appreciate you don't let yourself be in second place to someone make sure that people understand just how special you are and make sure that you understand how special you are didn't you listen to any of this you're the universe unfolding into time you are
Starting point is 00:24:06 the fleshy manifestation of the intellect he is it plunges into the future towards a techno utopia you are one cell in the expansion of the techno Christ you're not some you're not a slub you're not somebody that game they can get they get they get you're not somebody that they get abandoned to go to shitty concerts you're something to be embraced appreciated massaged oiled and worshipped and adored and you should do the same to those around you today's guest on the Duncan trustle family our podcast is an amplification journalist he is in the process of creating his own morning show called the rise morning show you can
Starting point is 00:25:03 follow that on Twitter at rise morning show you can follow David seaman on Twitter by going to at D underscore seaman seaman and I'll have links to his podcast at Duncan trustle dot com so now everyone rip open your metaphysical chest cavities and allow the temple of love that exists within to illuminate wherever David seaman happens to be at this moment in the time space continuum now here he is the great David seaman David seaman welcome to the Duncan trustle family hour cheers did Hari Krishna so you are looking for a place in Los Angeles huh I am making the big
Starting point is 00:26:15 move I'm allowed to say that on here yeah I don't have anyone who actually stalks me oh you don't they're very lazy stalkers just Twitter only don't you worry though you really put yourself out there man and the stuff that you say it not only attracts people who are logical and political but there is a fringe of people who maybe would stalk you on both sides people who agree with you and people who probably vehemently don't agree with you including the NSA well I mean my views are so moderate on these things like it's actually one of those cases where everybody else is crazy and there aren't that many situations where
Starting point is 00:26:57 that's the case but in this instance like you have these agencies that are acting in ways that are unconstitutional and illegal yeah and to call that out is actually the most sane thing you can do like I had a guy the other day comment on one of my YouTube videos and he said have you tried anti-psychotic medications my he was like my brother my uncle or something after he did that he stopped worrying about the government spying on him and I was like you know dude you don't fucking get it like maybe that was acceptable I think that 15 years ago but knowing everything we know today to call these programs out is not
Starting point is 00:27:30 paranoid this is like just basic journalism 101 like first day of journalism class is you challenge authority and you gather facts and that's what people are doing and it's not paranoia and it's not anti-american and so I really don't allow the people who are a little bit behind the curve in terms of the data and the information they have I don't let that slow me down at this point there was a time where I you know I had less confidence about this stuff and I thought maybe they're right maybe I'm making such a big deal out of it maybe Obama's a good guy and I'm just being a dick but I just know too much at
Starting point is 00:28:07 this point to ever go back into that kind of pre-red pill environment you know well I would like challenge anybody out there to point to a time in the United States history that hasn't been marked by covert operations and violent wars first of all so you can't really pin down a time I don't I'm not aware of a time because where where pretty awful stuff hasn't been happening from the roots of slavery to Vietnam to the concentration camps we had for the Japanese to obviously these terrible wars that are going on right now where they're using not just the drones but if you seen that vice documentary on
Starting point is 00:28:52 in Iraq the 50% birth defect rate in Fallujah have you seen that no I haven't seen that but yeah we leave these regions war-torn and even Afghanistan I mean I've only seen Charlie Wilson's war and read some articles about it but that's sort of what we did in Afghanistan was left in a half-assed kind of situation not just half-assed we're using this new I mean we a half-assed but poisoned because we're using this there's a new kind of weapon we're using a bunch of new weapons that we you know war is great because and war is great if you're a weapons manufacturer because you make a lot of money but also gives you a place
Starting point is 00:29:27 to test the weapons that you've been working on and there's a new type of weapon that uses shit I can't uranium it's called some some special type of uranium the way this amazing device works is you launch it into a house it sucks all the oxygen out of the house of course causing your lungs to collapse so anyone who's sitting in the house they're long your lungs collapse because there's no all the oxygen gets sucked out and then you're incinerated so you get these two phases of death first the air gets sucked out of your body to the point that your lungs collapse and second you're roasted now the way that this
Starting point is 00:30:07 weapon works apparently is it somehow uses uranium so we left uranium all over Fallujah and now there's a 50% birth defect rate where kids are being born either you know dying within the first couple of years or with severe brain damage you know I can't remember the name of the senator there's a senator who's been trying to get the military to admit they've done this but of course the military will never admit it because then they have to pay for it which they don't want to do so point being when someone tells you you should take anti-psychotic medication because it will make you stop worrying about the
Starting point is 00:30:43 government yeah what you just said with that weapon system you explained only sounds beautiful if you're a total fucking sociopath oh yeah otherwise like if you have even a shred of empathy for your fellow human beings that you stop and you go there's something wrong with that first of all second of all our taxpayer money is going toward these sorts of things so let's dig a little bit deeper let's find out what's going on and there are some people out there who go oh you're being anti-american you're being anti-Obama which yeah I am anti-Obama at this point I think he's a fraud but I was talking to Abby Martin actually I
Starting point is 00:31:17 guess we're both friends with her yes and we were talking about how these sociopaths seem to rule the planet in a lot of ways today and that there's a antidote to that or maybe not an antidote just a response which is that there are also people out there who care too much people like us and she has a word for it I think it's called empath or empath yeah people who actually care about what's happening around them and there's kind of this battle this ideological battle between the people who care about what's happening in your environment and your country and your planet and the people who not only don't care but are seeking
Starting point is 00:31:48 to profit off of things that are pretty terrible and on a smaller scale like this isn't the same as sucking oxygen out of a baby's body but I think it's terrible to violate people's constitutional rights just to make a buck you know this is not being driven by a real need it's being driven by money like the program the NSA using is using is designed to make billions of dollars for these contractors who have to provide the servers and the software and staff there was a simpler solution to it called thin thread which was abandoned and would have cost you know a fraction of what they're doing now hold on before we get
Starting point is 00:32:20 into that and I do want to get into that because you're an expert on it I want to I want to I want to before we go flying deep into that I'm sure people who was in this podcast know about what's happening with the NSA but for those of you who don't can you just explain it as though you are explaining it not no no offense I mean when I say explain it like you're explaining it to a six-year-old I mean so I can understand it I'm sure you guys already understand it but just take us through exactly what's happening with the NSA okay and by the way when I flew out here from from Florida to LA it was one of those flights that has free
Starting point is 00:33:00 satellite TV because Virgin America is pretty good about that yes and I was just looking at this you know string of TVs in front of me of you know 50 or 60 people watching their TV screens and it was all people watching Juliana Rancic on e-news talking about some bullshit about Kanye West and Kim yeah and all this stuff yeah it was that and then people were flicking between that and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and I even tweeted about this is like a like a living nightmare for me so I'm surrounded by all these people who are watching these two sources of information that I do not consider to be news yeah and then I
Starting point is 00:33:33 wonder why I encounter people on Twitter who are like fuck you you're being anti-American right for discussing these programs and it's such a big jump it's like how do you get from believing that that is news to the government is spending your money to wiretap you illegally well what you know what it is is it's a basically what you're doing is we're having a really wonderful party here there's hot tubs plenty of great dope lots of drugs but you're the assholes coming in and saying they're crucifying people in the backyard and that makes us you can't enjoy the party as much how am I going to enjoy this
Starting point is 00:34:06 fucking party when I know that the electricity running the hot tubs is fueled from the blood of blown up kids hey shut up let's just enjoy the party yes we're all vampires and we're grinding up human beings so that we can have a great time over here but I guess that you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet friend I think that's why people get mad because they don't want that cognitive dissonance and this entire thing this thing that we're in called America seems to be a machine based on reducing cognitive dissonance to point where it's you're not even sure what it is you just maybe and if you do feel
Starting point is 00:34:41 cognitive dissonance then they'll start telling you you're you're depressed you're just depressed right get on some medication you're depressed you have low serotonin levels it's not that there's some deep part of yourself that like turns on the news is like holy shit man I'm living in the belly of the antichrist it's that you're just not feeling well you should take antipsychotic medication yeah you're making this all up even though it's on the homepage of the Guardian and the Washington Post so I'll just imaginary like the other day at the homepage of the Washington Post which is one of the most influential
Starting point is 00:35:11 newspapers in DC obviously and the surrounding area their top story was that the NSA's internal audit has found thousands of privacy violations and this is their own people saying we found this and people were saying oh well the NSA is coming forward with their abuses no the reason why this became public is that that whistleblower Snowden had this in his cache of documents right this is one of them was internally they know that they're fucking up right and so you have the very people who are running these things going oh look we it's almost like something out of a out of a bad movie like there was one example
Starting point is 00:35:44 where they messed up the country code to zero which I think is for Egypt somebody typed in 202 instead so they sucked in all the phone calls from Washington DC whoops small mistake there now we have every single politicians phone calls every single journalists metadata you know now now also did you read a Glenn Greenwell just tweeted that his partner got arrested in the UK did you read about that yeah I was reading about that on the way over and they used a terrorism statute terrorism statute to detain him at Heathrow Airport and for nine hours because that's what they're allowed to do is up to nine hours they
Starting point is 00:36:23 seized his laptop and cell phone and video game consoles interestingly enough he played video games I thought that's kind of cool yeah yeah it was it's so weird because it's like why do these laws exist are they being abused we know they're being abused because this happened because this guy's only crime is being the romantic partner of a journalist who's doing some very sensitive work yeah and so they're using a terrorism law to make his life more difficult and to steal his property and steal his his time yeah I mean this is a this is a point of law when the government decides to detain you and impede your
Starting point is 00:37:02 freedom of movement that's a big deal in fact a lot of people tell you when dealing with police officer police officers one of the first things you're supposed to do is say am I being detained officer right if the answer is no you're free to basically just get the fuck out of there yes and that's a very important distinction legally in effect they're using a terrorism law on some guy whose only crime is being the boyfriend of a journalist is beyond Orwellian oh yeah absolutely and they're using this to I mean that's what Greenwald was writing is there it's clearly a form of intimidation if you
Starting point is 00:37:36 think if things keep progressing in the direction they're going because it does seem if you if you look at this thing you can actually actually saw a timeline someone made a really cool timeline on the internet to show the this per the escalation in the surveillance state that's happening right now if things keep going in this direction where do you see the United States in five years we could go one of two ways one way is it gets a lot worse and it gets to the point where we literally have thought crime because we are very close to that at this point when you're just the boyfriend of a journalist and you're
Starting point is 00:38:08 being detained under terrorism laws is if the original version or the original definition of a terrorist was somebody who kills innocent people to further their political ideology yeah that was the original definition and now a terrorist has just become somebody who's a minor inconvenience to this multi-billion dollar transnational surveillance state complex and that's a big redefinition of that word right and so in five years time it could be that if you go on the wrong YouTube video you listen to the wrong episode of the Duncan Trussell family hour that's every episode every episode okay then then
Starting point is 00:38:44 you're fucked that's one direction we could go in I think the other direction is you're already seeing public support for these programs there it's crashing crashing burn on this the polls they're doing people don't support this stuff and every time there's a new instance like this thing today yeah with him being detained or anything like that you see this or you see them trying to put Bradley Manning in prison for up to 136 years yeah when the public sees these things they go this is extreme and the one thing of American politics is the man who tries to position himself the most in the middle yes the guy who wins
Starting point is 00:39:18 at least in theory right that's what a big thing of political theory and at this point the government itself does not seem to be moderate it seems like it's extreme and a lot of the American people are like this is fucking crazy so this needs to be rolled back and you had a vote the Amash amendment where they were gonna defund the NSA and they only lost by five votes yeah Abby was telling me about so that's incredible because that means the second time something like this comes forward now that there's been additional pressure put on these people in the house it's very likely that it'll it will actually
Starting point is 00:39:47 succeed and you'll start to see defunding some of these more ridiculous programs because people are fed up and people are not stupid like I use that example of I was looking in front of me at the TV screens on the airplane and part of that is that's the only options available you're stuck on a plane they give you some free shit yes so when people have their internet at home I'm sure they're seeking out better information in the form of Reddit and podcasts and Google news and so people know what's going on people know what's up and there is this ridiculous article actually posted on the Guardian it's a
Starting point is 00:40:17 big newspaper so they can't always get it right you know they had this this contributor who was saying that Obama's popularity is falling but we don't believe it's because of racism and I was like oh no shit maybe it has to do with all the articles that have been coming out about these civil rights abuses wait now what do you think happened to Obama because do you think he started off a fraud or is there something that happens to a person when he gets that kind of power that you just transform into a beast I don't even want to pretend to know the answer to that it's something I think about a lot also I sort of love
Starting point is 00:40:56 the idea that there's an adjustment bureau type of situation where you get in there and they're like here's what the public is told which is that terrorism is very sporadic here's the reality we're stopping hundreds of attacks every week and if it weren't for what we're doing it would be total chaos throughout the world yes and that's one possibility I don't see any evidence to support that I think it's something that people like to fantasize about is like oh Obama's actually looking out for us yeah there's some secret information that we the public cannot see and what's so creepy about that is that the Germans did the same thing
Starting point is 00:41:28 like I know people on the internet hate when you compare anything to Nazi Germany yeah it's actually a thing for it called Godwin's law where you it's it's like the more you talk online the more likely somebody is to compare something to Nazism and I think that uh if you're if you're at Subway and somebody's making your sandwich and you tweet out you know this bitch is a Nazi yeah that's not an accurate comparison you know her making your sandwich is not really the same as the rise of the you know national yeah not really the same as the rise of the national socialist party in Germany so it's not accurate but when you see a government that's doing more and more creepy illegal stuff and their justification is basically
Starting point is 00:42:07 this is too complex for you to understand there's some stuff going on behind the scenes and if you could see that you would agree with us yes the Nazis did the same thing where people are going why are you carting off homosexuals to these death camps right why are you carting off journalists and uh communists and all this stuff and of course jews this is a national security situation if you could see everything we can see you would feel differently about it we're trying to protect the they didn't call it the homeland they called it the fatherland yeah and there's a book called they thought they were free the germans 1933 to 1945 which will scare the shit out of you when you even skim it because they were being told a lot of the same
Starting point is 00:42:44 stuff that the department of homeland security is telling people today sure but maybe there's a little difference and well yeah I mean obviously like going through a body scanner and being put in a microwave oven for three seconds no no no I don't mean that I mean the difference is that um I don't know what the danger was in Germany but I think there is a danger here and I think the danger comes because we've been dropping bombs on people in the Middle East now for I don't know how long has it been going on for a decade is it a decade how long has it been going on for how many people have we killed we've we've incinerated I think at least a hundred thousand people I look the numbers up man it's a big big number of people that we've blown up not to mention the
Starting point is 00:43:25 people we've poisoned so there's a group of people in the Middle East who are not very happy with us man I was talking to Abby about this you know that if we for example got invaded by like the idea is if let's say a group of seven militant fundamentalist southern Baptists somehow managed to hijack an airplane and fly it into that mosque that's in the middle of Israel because they want the temple built there let's say that that that had happened and so because of that we got invaded somehow Russian Vedas I ran invade who knows and they invaded they invaded us and they flew planes over DC and blew up people and killed and you know people who've been killed you know people get and then your aunt calls and she tells you that
Starting point is 00:44:15 your or your rather your sister calls and says that she just had a baby with fucking birth effects because it had plutonium in it from something that the Russians were dropping and over time you're not going to be the one who starts sharpening his sword and figuring out a way to go to Russia but somebody is without question somebody wants payback there's no way that somebody over there doesn't want payback and all the people that want payback there is a very small percentage but a percentage that can get it guaranteed there's so many nukes and bio weapons floating around out there what I'm saying is I think that one thing that the Obama administration and Bush and everyone is saying that is true is that there is people who want to blow up things here now
Starting point is 00:45:03 and that our ability our government's ability to fight those those uh radical elements is actually lessened when they misuse the immune system you know this whole infrastructure that we've built up as a kind of immune system and instead of actually you know if you need to detain somebody in airport at an airport because they really do have radical ties and because they might have something in their suitcase that can kill a thousand people yeah that's when you should maybe bend the law and do kind of an NCIS situation where you go in there and you go under the Patriot Act we're gonna keep we're gonna keep your ass in this chair until you tell us where the suitcase nuke is exactly that's when you I don't want to say should be using because I don't think these
Starting point is 00:45:38 powers should exist in the first place you don't but if you're going to use them that's when you use it and then for every time you use it on a journalist boyfriend or on somebody you tweeted something that makes fun of President Obama every time you use it in a way that's completely inappropriate you lessen the likelihood that the American people are going to allow you to use that in the first place and you lessen the validity validity of it but you don't think these things should exist at all these you don't think there should be um an NSA you know I well here's the thing the NSA most people most people did not think about the NSA at all before these disclosures came out in the Snowden documents yes and those who did think about it thought that it
Starting point is 00:46:15 was a secretive government agency that hired brilliant people brilliant mathematicians to hack into the communications of our enemies to break enemy code which is something that has been important for a very long time yes to do that and then that gives us a strategic edge on the battlefield and with terrorist groups allows us to infiltrate them digitally uh that's what we thought they were doing and so that's legitimate right like we need that yes and it turns out what they're doing instead is that's what they used to do and then post 9 11 all these programs started being turned inward and when you're changing it from actual foreign surveillance targets where you do want to know what they're saying because there's a you know a security benefit
Starting point is 00:46:56 there when it turns from that let's figure out what you've been what you've been sending over your direct messages on twitter yeah and that's fucked up you're abusing the technology you have you're abusing the mandate you have why do they care why are they why are they surveilling us why do they care I think information is power so that's what it is they just want what's what power are they gaining from reading my boring emails to my brother you can take that out of context so since it's secret information it's not subject to the same kind of review and this has been the big issue with that special operations division of the DEA which uh they claim Reuters did an exclusive on this they claim that the SOD is obtaining NSA data what's the SOD special operations division
Starting point is 00:47:41 of the DEA and they claim that it's sucking in or that the NSA is giving them certain data and then they can use that data to figure out who is dealing drugs are involved in other common drug crimes within the United States so again nothing to do with terrorism all right and then they can't actually admit that that's how they found out that you were a drug dealer yes because that would expose the program and that would also expose illegal surveillance yes so they do something called parallel construction which is the most creepy shit you'll ever hear and again this isn't me making this up this is all from the Reuters piece yes parallel construction is oh we're gonna stop this the NSA or somebody there goes stop this guy at 7 p.m. when he's at the
Starting point is 00:48:17 intersection you'll find a lot of weed and so the the issue there i think for years people wondered how are they so good about targeting these guys who drives down the highway with like 10 kilograms of cocaine you know i think that's insane who does that in the middle of the day and they do that because they had very specific intel based on a legal surveillance and searches of people's emails and text messages get this guy at this time you can say he has a broken tail light and then once you're once you're talking to him say that you smell weed in the car before you know what you have probable cause and now you have a legitimate a legitimate investigation but it was based on wow on a fishing expedition on drag net surveillance holy
Starting point is 00:48:57 shit that's scary isn't that scary so scary that's terrifying to think about wow so to answer your question that's how it can be misused and then there's the other thing which is six years ago you were stoned and emailed your brother yeah fuck america in response to the outcome of an american idol episode yeah you go yeah fuck america you become this popular podcaster this famous comedian and you start criticizing whatever administration exists five years from now they bring you into a fucking room and go we don't know about this email yeah fuck america my fantasy that's my fantasy getting taken into that room no because that room is kind of like getting to see that unicorns exist or something like once you get into that room it's
Starting point is 00:49:38 the final proof somehow it's like wow you guys are real and then you get to be face to face with the mantis you get to talk to the thing and be like what are you yeah you're just like me you're a person you're an earthling what are you man are you are you crazy what are you a brain are you in a cult are you brainwashed who do you work for see that room is really curious to me because right now these beings i read about them all the time i just haven't come in contact with them it's like a myth they're these mythological weirdos who yeah have their who have zero problem arresting somebody for drugs and taking their but because like this is an important thing you guys to bear in mind that uh when somebody gets busted with drugs it's not just like they they do a
Starting point is 00:50:24 little bit of jail time it's that they their money goes their house gets taken by the government their money gets taken their family gets broken apart their kids get put into other homes that's real that happens in the united states it's not just like you get arrested it's like you lose everything and a lot of the time you're losing everything for growing a plant it's not even that you're losing everything for cocaine which you shouldn't it's that you're losing everything for plant matter that's a really important thing to realize to bear in mind on top of all the other stuff well that is absolutely terrifying man i figure um that's really terrifying but i you know and that here's the thing the mantis in that room yeah i i love that term the mantis is
Starting point is 00:51:11 like a praying mantis across me at the desk yeah just feeding on misery and confusion uh unfortunately again that's the fantasy that i wish existed was the adjustment bureau type of thing yes it's a lot uh more mundane it's just money and the law enforcement uh they are a club you know they have lobbyists they have uh conferences where they all hang out and talk about stuff it's about jobs it's about money and you take away one of these uh agencies that shouldn't exist in the first place like the dea that's putting kids in prison for decades yes you take that away a lot of people are out of work yes we can't allow that to happen so they at all costs you know priority number one is self-preservation well it's it's you know what it isn't that is
Starting point is 00:51:52 a mundane because that's vampirism bottom line that's basic vampirism because what you're doing when you arrest a person for money what you're doing is you're using this device called a prison to transform their life energy into group cash yeah and when you are it's almost like the matrix it's only a couple steps away from that and using them as a fucking human battery yeah that is I don't yeah I think it's the exact same thing prisons are uh like solar panels for humans that turn human life into cash and each person represents a certain amount of money for the prison per year you know we you if you and I start a prison you want it to be overpopulated you want that fucking thing overpopulated because you're gonna make so much more money same as a
Starting point is 00:52:38 retail store they look at a revenue per square foot yes no different if you're a for-profit prison corporation all you care about is get the get the clients in they're not really clients technically the people who are paying you to arrest them are but get them in there stack as many as you can and here's where it gets really terrifying this is the big slippery slope that really terrifies the shit out of me um uh you know the study that shows that more intelligent kids tend to use drugs so here's what you've got happening you've got this weird well I believe that uh using psychedelics and using drugs is a basic human right I think it's an ancient thing humans have been using drugs forever the reason that so many people are in jail because of drugs is not because there's
Starting point is 00:53:20 so many bad people in the world it's just because there's a basic need for people to have altered experiences uh in the same way that we like to take vitamins we enjoy uh drinking water I think it's that natural a thing people like to get high it's fun it feels good it's a basic human right so you take a basic human right and then you criminalize that basic human right something where there's a deep instinct in us to get high from time to time in the same way cats like to chew on catnip it's a human instinct what about the human instinct for truth yes now they're trying to criminalize journalism and whistleblowing uh same thing seeking the truth is not a radical actions when you're naturally in a room with two or more people and you start talking about anything
Starting point is 00:54:04 whether it be your fucking crops in the backyard if you're a farmer or you know the other people in your city if you live in an urban environment you're interested in the truth you want to cut through the gossip and see what is actually happening around you yes that is a basic human instinct and now you have the government saying no no no wiki leaks is dangerous there are certain things that should not be revealed and my whole thing with that is they keep telling us if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear which is why you have to take off your shoes at the airport why they can sift through the contents of your yahoo email account all this stuff that's the explanation and i'm like if that's the new reality that's the new post 9 11 reality we all
Starting point is 00:54:39 have to accept then what the fuck are you hiding and what do you have to fear right is the criminalization of journalism and of whistleblowing organizations right now is it an all-time high that's not not up to debate by anybody it's an all-time high so something is being hidden and i wonder what that is well i mean i i i think it seems like you already nailed it it's what's being hidden is just that a lot of people are getting rich off of putting people in jail and and and they've constructed this amazing trap because if smart people tend to use drugs and obviously smart people tend to seek the truth and you make those two things something that can get you into prison then basically you end up getting a lot of intellectuals and intelligent people and people who can really
Starting point is 00:55:21 make change in into prison yeah the difference is we accept man when i watch cops when you watch cops and you think watch cops with the mindset of people should be allowed to do drugs they want to do drugs and it becomes the most horrifying thing ever because really what you have is just people who are naturally wanting to uh express themselves or now i'm not saying it's great a lot of these people fuck themselves up well that's their fault they're still not breaking any laws outside of the fact that they have a substance on their body but when you watch cops you're just seeing like people who are trying to uh uh experience happiness getting thrown around by muscular people with handcuffs and guns that's spooky man and we watch that for entertainment
Starting point is 00:56:10 like look at him run oh she's gonna run he's gonna run oh he's running watch oh fuck he just threw him on the ground so hard you very rarely see on cops a cop coming into a house and stopping a criminal from robbing you very rarely see on cops someone getting in the way of an actual crime happening you'll see like domestic abuse uh cases where that's being stopped but generally it's just people with drugs getting the shit kicked out of them by really big dudes yeah well there there are moments where i slip out of being a part of this whole society that we're in and i see it in a more objective way like the uh the juliana rancid thing when i was on e-news or i wasn't on e-news when i was watching it can you what do you can you put that away sorry i'm just
Starting point is 00:56:51 i don't i'm like sorry it's dave's david's friend is here and he just showed me on his iphone that our private prison's been 45 million dollars in oh i wasn't sure what that was in lobbying and um but uh yeah so juliana rancid when i was watching this on e-news they're like don't go away after the break we'll have this on and it's something so unimportant and the production quality is what you would expect from a news show and again i'm not an idiot i know e-news this is what they do anyway yes but the point is a lot of people tune into this and they really care about what she has to say and it has no impact on your life at all right meanwhile you're driving in the mall with some weed on you and you get pulled over based on that nsa sod data that you were talking
Starting point is 00:57:33 to your friends about smoking weed you get pulled over and then they create a fake investigation using parallel construction that has an impact on the rest of your life and yet you tweet people like me and say i don't give a shit man i'm not political you can't vote anymore don't forget that you can't vote if you get a felony right you can't vote yeah so if you yeah like not everything gets your you can't get a job anymore that shits on your record permanently so yes man it's a um it's a it's a that it's very spooky to really see see what the truth of what's happening in this country uh but i think it's important to note that this is not a the the truth is this this it takes different forms uh but this is not a new thing it's just they always find
Starting point is 00:58:24 something to make us afraid of it used to be the communists well according to adam uh at adam scorgi on my show a while ago and he did this documentary about drug culture and drug policy and according to him the criminalization of marijuana started with nixon and the reason why is that nixon's people they saw all these anti-war protesters that were becoming a real threat to the administration's policy yeah and of vietnam and you can't arrest people for protesting clearly protected but they realized oh a lot of these protesters are also smoking weed all the time we can get them for smoking weed so then they criminalized and did this whole campaign then you have people in prison for a decade because of what they had on them because you can't get
Starting point is 00:59:06 them for what you really wanted to get them for which was having independent opinions there you go see that's it that's people a lot of times people who want to find out who people who have an exploratory instinct will experiment with drugs if you criminalize drugs then you can start arresting people with an exploratory instinct and that will allow you to further your whatever awful stupid thing you're trying to further like the military industrial complex because um or the uh this newest thing which is the surveillance state um but you know you you were saying that uh you said there's two directions that you see things going in thought crimes uh and then maybe this the some middle ground where this lessens but man it does seem
Starting point is 00:59:58 that there is a progression happening in the world towards something you know I don't want to I don't want to like I don't want to sound too much like I'm on the uh Alex Jones show here but if you look at what's happening in the world it it feels like this is an intentional progression in the direction of something this doesn't seem like it feels like it's going somewhere I you know I don't know about the shadowy puppeteers running things or what it is but it feels like this is a logical progression yeah I I complain about this uh to my friends somewhat often that there's so much crazy stuff happening right now with the US government and not just the US government it's also the UK to some extent but you know we're kind of taking the lead in terms of the
Starting point is 01:00:47 surveillance state yeah and uh I'm getting so many stories that I don't have time to cover all of them like you get something like this is fucking incredible like they're actually doing this yeah and then a couple hours past and it comes out that they've detained Greenwald's boyfriend or partner yeah and that airport for nine hours using a terrorism statue like really I've got to drop the other story it's not as important and then in a few hours from now there'll be something new like the rate of information coming out right now about this NSA stuff yeah is uh it's pretty unbelievable I mean and the way that they're doing the different uh news stories or they're just doing it piece by piece you have you know the government say oh we're not reading your emails and then the
Starting point is 01:01:26 next round of documents comes out they're reading the emails yeah and then but only if you're a terrorist and then the next round of documents comes out SOD is actually you know building investigations on common drug crimes and then I just wonder what it'll be a week from now when the next round hits the uh the Guardian and here's what scares me man uh when I go into into a paranoid state and start considering these things is that once you accept as you should if you just have if you you must accept the fact that war is a profitable endeavor and you must accept the fact that prisons are a profitable endeavor and then once you realize that you have to ask yourself well are these wars justified and are these people in prison actually criminals and I
Starting point is 01:02:21 think that if you really look at the world you will the answer to those questions is no wars are not justified that are happening right now there there are some bad guys out there but not nearly as many as as is justified by our current program yes that's what it comes down to like yes they're a handful of psychos yeah who will do everything in their power to destroy modern society but they're fucking running the country and two and two um these people in prison most of them not all of them it's like that Richard Pryder Richard Pryder's got a great joke on prison where he went there to shoot I think it was stir crazy uh I think that was the one but he was in I don't remember which movie it was or he's in prison but he's like some of these motherfuckers need to be
Starting point is 01:03:09 in prison these are there's some definitely some people in prison who that's where they need to be but I think that's a very small percentage of the people who are actually in prison right when you realize these two things uh when when you understand those two things that's where you start feeling the mind boggling sense of vertigo that's where you start hitting the wall of the conditioning because the conditioning is like hey listen I mean here's I'll tell you the fucking story here's the story this is the nursery rhyme this is the bedtime this is the uh this is the boogie man in the closet of America that they've told us here's the story right now in Yemen right now in Africa in Yemen in uh in Saudi Arabia right now in Afghanistan there is a growing group of
Starting point is 01:04:01 fundamentalist Islamic terrorists who are trying to basically create what's it called a caliphate they're basically trying to create uh Islamic state around the entire planet they're trying to take over the planet with with with sharia law essentially and they recognize that the United States is uh uh uh basically the one of the last free places on earth one of the last places where you can truly be yourself so much freedom so much freedom and because they hate that freedom because they can they can smell it wafting over across the ocean and it makes them puke it makes them puke in their burkas they can't stand it it interferes their prayer session when they're just trying to prayer session it gets in the way when they're cutting open their their animals to
Starting point is 01:04:52 sacrifice their evil gods and their in their muttering prayers assembling bombs and just waiting for one little hole one little fucking hole to open up at the airport one security guy to not look at into their back just one moment so they can get into this country and detonate a small scale nuclear bomb and destroy all civilization or an anti-matter bomb why stop at nuclear they're working on it right now over in in uh yemen here's another story let me tell you another story here's another story the other story is there is a group of very wealthy people who make who recognize that every single transaction in the united states is that involves money is taxed and they recognize that there is a giant well of money and the best way to get that money is
Starting point is 01:05:45 through war because if you if you are manufacturing weapons the way you siphon taxpayer money into your bank account is by uh uh creating a war so that the taxpayer money gets used to buy the fucking weapons so when you recognize that there are people that truly that evil in the world there was some asshole who walked into haliburton one day he's like hey man last night i had a dream or where a demon came to me and told me about this badass new bomb that sucks the air out of your lungs collapses your lungs and incinerates babies give that man a raise give a raise let's make this holiday holiday bonus and here's a little extra it actually leaves radioactive particles in the fucking village which will get paid to clean up in 10 years but uh exactly this this will blow your
Starting point is 01:06:29 mind so james clapper everybody knows him from lying to congress about the surveillance programs director of national intelligence james fucking clapper as i call him uh he is supposed to be one of the absolute top people one of the top people at the food chain of our intelligence community yes and he in the past had said that the muslim brotherhood was a mostly secular organization now this goes to what you are talking about because it has fucking muslim brotherhood in the name that would be like somebody saying the christian ministers of america is a secular organization so this fucking falsehood is what he propagates through the intelligence community that oh they're secular and then in egypt now we have total chaos yes because they're killing protesters that they
Starting point is 01:07:12 disagree with yes guess what they're not secular that these are the kinds of people who do want to impose a religiously influenced rule of law they do exist and so what we're doing in some cases say we i mean elements of the government we're actually backing the wrong side we're backing the fucking shitty people who want to drag us back to the stone age i don't know why that is i think part of it is strategic we want certain partners in the region sure but part of it might be we got to keep that demand because we're companies if all of the threats go away and all we're doing is the tanning journalists people are going to wake up to that so let's back from time to time some of these fucking crazies so that we see the images streaming in if people's face is bleeding and
Starting point is 01:07:54 people having acid thrown on them let's have that from time to time because if the middle east actually develops a somewhat stable rule of law we might not be needed well yeah man and also um right i i think i mean yeah i don't i was gonna ask you about egypt but uh i i think that i don't know enough about the egypt thing by the way i just know the muslim brotherhood thing well it's which to me is astounding is that you are the director of national intelligence if you're that wrong about something that i could have an you know i could have a glenn beck argument with somebody at a gas station yeah who would know more about the muslim brotherhood right then this guy does sure and you have access to everybody's emails and the whole satellite array so what the
Starting point is 01:08:32 fuck is going on if that's the conclusion you came to you know to me what's scary about all this is that if let's imagine that you are let's just imagine that there's some group of people who are making lots of money off of war and off of surveillance what's the very best thing that can happen if you're if you make a lot of money off of war and surveillance what's pretty much like you wake up in the morning turn on the news and get a big grin on your face another terrorist attack a big fucking terrorist attack or civil unrest because then all these emails you've collected you have a very good reason to build new algorithms to sort out who the you know the activists are and you're seeing uh again i don't know how much of a link there is in hollywood between
Starting point is 01:09:14 you know propaganda and just directors being smart about picking up on topics that people care about yeah but there is this movie the east uh that either just came out or is coming out where they're called environmental terrorists it's this domestic environmental terrorist organization who target corporate executives who are ruining the environment well like that's something that we're starting to see in real life is that people are getting so fed up with what's happening that some of them are not becoming terrorist organizations but becoming activists who will actually protest and will actually speak up and so you have this you might have this need created over time where we have to track these people within the u.s and even some of the language from
Starting point is 01:09:52 people like diane feinstein one of the senators on the intelligence committee is it's called protecting america and then you have senator lindsay graham saying we need to protect the homeland and you know this has become a battlefield you're like this isn't a fucking battlefield go to any mall is this a battlefield do we have like the situation is real even yeah we don't have that you know and you're calling it a battlefield so maybe you would like it to be one because that necessitates this whole illegality you've done over the past few years that to me is the scary thing the moment you start the moment you create a condition where people profit from prisons and war is the moment you invite someone to create a catastrophe because they know that they won't
Starting point is 01:10:38 get so rich and especially when a lot of these people who are profiting aren't even in america so then you have this situation where it's like all look all you need all all we need all we need is just one one building to blow up in manhattan that gets tied to iran and then we could play it a hundred times on tv yeah one building that's all we need guys remember that weird shit that happened i don't know if you remember this but because sometimes it's almost like they try to do this shit there was some weird thing that happened that they were trying to peg on iran i don't know if you remember that it was this weird thing with like it emerged for like two days into the news and then vanished suddenly i wish i could remember it yeah i i don't know exactly what you're
Starting point is 01:11:24 talking about but for a while when they were trying to push the iran rhetoric yeah it sort of it fell apart it i feel like it didn't go the way what they wanted they wanted to but for a while every night on cnn erin bernett every fucking night was some new scary thing that iran was working on yes you're like really this is the most important stuff what about what china is working on what about any of these other issues centrifuges yeah centrifuges they're working on it centrifuges are spinning at this very moment making plutonium they're gonna bomb us they're gonna bomb the middle east by the way uh when i said that yemen is working on an anti-matter anti-matter bomb that was a joke earlier i was being sarcastic yeah i know people are gonna fact check everything
Starting point is 01:11:59 this podcast there is no anti-matter he's making shit up that was sarcastic well look i mean i just try to what i try to do when it comes to like especially since i've been doing this show with rogan and i've run into some real kooks um and seeing the the what a kook what a kook is like i i try to as much as i can not be that kook you know so what that means is you you only go off of the evidence you try to just go off of evidence and then from that you can you from that you can sort of forecast what's probably gonna happen but that the truth you know there's it truths the truth is people profit off war that's a truth people in the united states profit off war it's called the military industrial complex people profit off surveillance and people profit
Starting point is 01:12:47 off of prison so and people get really rich from this stuff so once you realize that truth then you have to ask yours to i already said all this shit anyway the point is these sons of bitches are making money off of evaporating people that's the world that we live in right now what can somebody like me do about it outside of rambling about it on a podcast or having informed people like you on my podcast what can people out there do to combat this um rising surveillance state i think the first thing people can do is uh when you hit that wall of conditioning as you put it earlier you come up against that wall and you start to you know creep over you look over the ledge and you see that there's something else out there that is not what your fairy tale
Starting point is 01:13:34 tells you is the case yes when you start to see that you got to break through the wall and then you've got to help your family and friends see what's going on right because to give you an example when i do these youtube videos to raise awareness for different nsa programs i always get some people in the comments go david why do you not believe in any rules or regulations you don't believe in any government this is outrageous i'm like you're conflating you're just making shit up i believe completely in laws and regulations and you know certain elements of government what i don't believe in is illegality and doing things in the dark right it's like some people are not complex enough to understand that opposing something
Starting point is 01:14:11 that's illegal and dangerous does not equal this guy doesn't believe in government right and some people are they don't have the complexity to see that and it's the same with any of this shit people hear you talking about the industrial prison complex they go he just wants people out on the streets fucking each other and smoking weed all day i do and you might actually want that it sounds kind of cool but but the point is there's not this extreme situation where it's either you're either with us or against us it's a lot more areas of gray and we don't have to be fucking crazy about this stuff but you're so right man your your attitude is so stable and right uh and and moderate it really is good that you know there's a hippie part of me that that doesn't like how moderate
Starting point is 01:14:56 you are i don't want it to be shades of gray i want it to be more i i i you know when i think about obama getting impeached oh god it fills me with such happiness to imagine him getting impeached it fills me with such happiness to imagine somehow by some miracle something just starts working in the government people like no man you got you got to get the fuck out of here you can't do you can't ma you can't you violated the you're the president and you violated the fourth yeah well he's so egotistical i'm just sick of hearing about obama care and hearing about uh he gives these philosophical lofty uh press conferences like the thing on the surveillance or the leno appearance you're like the leno appearance yeah you're like yes this is what we should be doing we shouldn't have a
Starting point is 01:15:43 domestic surveillance program and then you fact check and you're like wait this is completely false false bullshit and then once you know that for a fact which you and i do and i'm sure almost all of your listeners do you get to that point where you realize he's lying to the public then how do we believe him on other things that we used to believe him on exactly then is he telling the truth about obama care is that really good is he telling the truth about uh any of the fucking shit that we're doing right now or is that all bullshit too because when you it's like when you meet somebody and they tell you if they tell you i drive a red uh a red Cadillac and you go out and they drive like a Honda Accord and it's black yes and that's only one falsehood it doesn't mean
Starting point is 01:16:19 they're full of shit about everything but that seat of doubt has been planted and it's a very big seat of doubt you're like why the fuck would he lie about something that obvious right then you start to understand is this person a pathological liar what is it they say in rivers and politics the lightest things float to the surface yeah like there's a quote about that yeah so yeah so it's like yeah exactly like if you what the deeper shit that he's doing is just who knows god dammit and also fuck you obama here's another reason fuck you obama now you've made it so that i have to sound like a god damn fox news personality by saying i want to get you impeached it's like that's embarrassing i don't want to be i don't like i don't want to land on that side of things
Starting point is 01:17:01 that's where this weird convergence is happening between right wing people and people like us because we both really don't like obama and that's a frustration to me for some reason well you're absolutely right i've i've been labeled a progressive i don't know what i am i think i just take a little bit from everybody yeah uh but i've been labeled a progressive and i now do these op-bed columns on a very conservative website and i've had people say like how cool is that that their conservative base is agreeing with everything you're saying yeah because when it comes to constitutional rights there's a fucking rubicon that you do not cross and even my dad who's more conservative than i am because again i'm i've been labeled a progressive i don't know
Starting point is 01:17:40 exactly what that means but he's definitely on the more conservative side and a lot of issues he watches a fair amount of fox and that's not the discount you know his views on anything else but point is he watches a lot of fox and he said to me you know i have no patience no tolerance at all for somebody who says snowden's a traitor these programs are to protect us he's like when somebody says that i don't give a shit what they have to say it's like that's not a good american that's a person who's not interested in you know accountability and you're labeling somebody who went out on the line to tell us what's going on labeling them a traitor you're full of shit i don't care what you have to say you know like that time magazine reporter who's taking all this
Starting point is 01:18:18 heat online now for saying that he he can't wait to write a column defending a drone strike that kills julian assange wait what was that guy's name um we gotta find i'm gonna run wild mic you guys mic grunwald what a fucking pig he yeah he was basically like calling for the assassination of a journalist right essentially or even if you want to say well julian assange is not a journalist what he is is somebody who enables whistleblowing he's a conduit for whistleblowing if you're a journalist business is your fucking bread and butter and the comparison i made is what he said is like a dentist saying uh toothpaste is bad you know like don't use toothpaste yeah eat candy all day it's absolutely ludicrous like a journalist you want that inflow of information so that you can
Starting point is 01:19:05 then tell the public which is supposed to be your customers you can tell the public what is going on yeah and you have something else here you have a guy who is totally a part of the establishment and thinks that he's doing the establishment he works for a solid by being a fucking asshole and that's what it comes down to is that i saw that tweet and a lot of other people saw it and you my producer paul was calling him out on twitter and uh and you get to the point where he he said he oh no somebody said what you're doing is just giving the assange supporters a persecution complex and he responded uh something like you're right i'll delete it and he deleted it because of that not because he was being a biased fuck but because somebody said you're gonna give them a
Starting point is 01:19:43 persecution complex which by the way you tend to develop if you have time magazine reporters saying they're fantasizing about writing a column that defends your execution let's not act like time magazine is exactly a bastion of journalism i mean those guys are just shills if you there's there's shills but they hit a lot of people who aren't exposed to the podcast and reddit and all this stuff you hit you know 65 year old women waiting in the doctor's office yeah and you hit hundreds of thousands of subscribers who've been getting your magazine for 20 years not to mention when somebody says time when something says time or cnn or new york times it has an added level of credibility that is not found on a lot of this new media stuff so you have somebody who's really
Starting point is 01:20:23 derailing the conversation of being an asshole time magazine will tweet they time does this thing and i a lot unfortunately a lot of news sources do this thing where they get paid to do a thing that seems like a news story those are the words the atlantic does that too it's like watching it's like actual prostitution yeah it is prostitution it's like we're gonna use our logo put in very small print below that this is a sponsored placement then it's gonna be a fake article with fake information time magazine does not do sponsored placement time magazine i i've seen them tweet like uh like as though it's a news story like new perfume line coming out from like they they have ways of phrasing this like obvious uh um corporate uh product placement but you know lino does that
Starting point is 01:21:10 too do you know about that no i didn't know about that so lino gets paid to uh do commercials and his monologues oh so like corporations will i think a lot of late night shows do that there's actually a montage of i consider that a form of mind rape like if i if i'm doing your show and i'm like you know what this new tucate is i love this beer and if i'm saying that because i've been sponsored then that's that's pure evil that and what you just did is the way that they would do it they do it in that clever way like here's the playing guys we're gonna you guys are gonna talk about the shill stuff just make sure you say tucate five times tucate tucate tucate tucate and then and then but there's a great uh anyway there's a great montage someone made of all the
Starting point is 01:21:54 lino product placements and his shitty monologue and uh like one you know one of the most obvious when it always comes to mind is the windies girl turned 50 to turns 50 today and it's like and then and then he and then he's like a sketch where the windies girl's like making windies but but you hear him say you know windies is he says to her windies is known for his distinctive burger shape you know like they said to him just just say distinctive burger shape and do whatever else you want so it's so funny to see him sitting there knowing that this is a man who is a hundred percent okay he used to be a comic but he's a hundred percent he still is a comic but he's a comic who's like he's just a comic who's been mounted by some hoof thing
Starting point is 01:22:40 underneath the hollywood hills for far too long one of those mantis you talk about yeah a mantis has fucked lino many lino has taken many mantis loads to the face but but uh but the fact that when you see lino sitting with obama right you draw the same conclusions right is he being told these crazy teabaggers who want to limit our ability to hunt down terrorists yeah it's like well we don't believe you about the wendy's shill so should we believe you about the political jokes he's getting no and when then you realize that not only is lino a shill you realize obama is the same goddamn shill and you realize they're both just spitting out catch phrases that have been written uh for them by we don't know who but when you know lino like when lino threw out the thing
Starting point is 01:23:26 about russia persecuting the gays it's almost like uh during that uh interview with obama it was like a um which is by the way fucked up into the deepest level but it just felt like uh this is something it seemed like they sat down like listen here's the here's what you could say that would be a really great jay we love your show we love you so much and we know you're retiring soon and just sit talk a little bit about the gay thing that's happening over there as terrible as that is it's certainly i think what what is happening in russia to some young gay teens is awful it needs to be condemned but on the list of fucked up things happening in the world today that the united states can have a direct influence on it's somewhere around number like
Starting point is 01:24:11 five thousand yes like why don't we talk about the fucking peaceful protesters in china being dragged off the streets and having their fucking organs harvested that to me seems like a bigger deal can you imagine what about the all the economic shit in south america which is partially due to our policies 30 years ago i mean these are bigger you imagine if lino said that to obama during the the denigel it would be it would be the end of his it would be the end of his administration that's why some of these people piss me off so much when he lied about domestic spying i'm sure lino has a fucking kindle or an ipad or something i'm sure he's read a couple articles about the nsa program why couldn't he just say you know mr president with all due respect that's not what i've
Starting point is 01:24:49 read then get a response the same with the press conference yes in the white house where the white house press corps was there and they are to borrow a term from alex jones i believe their prostitutes i mean he said about he started talking about the nsa they didn't ask a single valid follow-up question and then they start joking about you know their vacation coming up then very quickly jessica yellen from cnn gets up to ask a question she moves the topic on to immigration so it's like we're back in a safe territory now what a fucking disservice to the american people to do that instead of grilling him about these nsa programs yes mr president let's talk about immigration and then he's back in republicans versus democrats and that's something that is
Starting point is 01:25:28 you know totally natural to him and totally safe to talk about it is goddamn creepy um uh hold on i have okay i've just got a few more questions for you have a little bit more time i've got all the time in the world okay great um okay if you knew that by breaking the fourth amendment you could prevent what happened in boston like you knew this is a obviously a thought experiment but it's like you knew that by doing the surveillance you knew that you would stop some you know group of kids from getting blown up or what named the most horrible thing a nursery getting uh covered in acid if you knew that you could stop that from happening would you then go against the constitution well yeah i'm not fucking ron paul absolutely if there are innocent
Starting point is 01:26:22 people who you knew you know would be saved you got me no here here's here's the thing with that first of all the laws are already bent all the time this is what's so scary about what's happening now if you work at the fbi or one of these you know three letter agencies and you for sure know that some creep in boston is about to kill a bunch of little kids yes but the judge says sorry we can't approve this warrant which doesn't happen all that often warrants take about 15 they take 15 minutes to fill out judge judges are highly uh they skew toward law enforcement heavily because that's their friends that's their family you know so if for some situation in some situation that was the outcome they go you know what i'm taking the responsibility fuck it you wiretap his phone
Starting point is 01:27:06 and we get this son of a bitch and you see that's what happens they're always bending the rules the problem is the rules themselves are being rewritten so for example the cia 30 years ago if there was some guy in south america or in russia who was who actually was planning to attack innocent americans we would send somebody over there tap them on the shoulder as they bump into him at an airport that person would die of a heart attack or whatever they have all kinds of creepy tools at their disposal right so and the cia is specifically designed for america to do its dirty work the same with every country's intelligence agency all right so we're already doing the creepy uh middle of the night stuff that we need to do to protect our
Starting point is 01:27:44 interests in our population yes and but the law still says you can't do that so what happens when you change the actual law to where you can say yeah we just go kill whoever we want we just use drones on anybody with any suspicion level whatsoever based on secret evidence then you've got a fucked up situation because what you're doing in broad daylight is the thing that 30 years ago you're supposed to be doing under the table only in the most dire of situations now i want to go back to the question i asked earlier because you said well inform your friends and family as a form of activism but what what are some other actions people can take uh i really think that's the biggest one i know it's self-serving since i'm a journalist but there is not enough support for
Starting point is 01:28:25 real journalists guys like mike runwald work at time magazine i'm sure get a cushy salary he's respected yeah and then there are people i don't even want to include myself in this group because i'm not a part of it they're investigative journalists out there who just have twitter and a wordpress account yeah and they're the ones staying up till 4am digging through these documents posting incredible stuff and they have not only not much of an audience but no support framework they get busted on some kind of trumped up charge and disappear and we saw that with barrett brown i think you fall into that group man you put a lot of work into this you have your podcast the david seaman hour has i don't know what 136 episodes or something like that yeah it's about that 136
Starting point is 01:29:10 you have this youtube channel with hours and hours and hours of content i think you definitely fall into that group you're you know like you guys are have really got a fire burning underneath you that i think a lot of people don't have thanks yeah i definitely have the fire and i understand the stakes i think the difference is that there are people who are risking their very lives to bring this information out there people like glenn greenwald that to me is a real journalist not that i'm not a real journalist just different what i do i call it amplification journalism it's a made-up term i made where i'll see some article on you know wired's website one of their blog posts gets two comments and like 10 retweets or something yeah and i read it i go is this this is
Starting point is 01:29:56 fucking huge and then i find a way to do like a four minute youtube video on it and then i constantly tweeted at people and before you know it like it's a more mainstream thing that's what i try to do because i i respect the people who are digging yes and what i want to do is provide an easy platform to get these things into a a size limit that a lot of people will actually tolerate because you send somebody a democracy now segment that's like 60 minutes long nobody's going to sit down and watch that whole thing especially if it's an interview with some old crusty nsa whistleblower and not with katie perry or something you get it down to four minutes you make it interesting you tell people why it impacts them they will care that's beautiful i love that term amplification journalism that is
Starting point is 01:30:39 awesome you're an amplification journalist that's super cool but so so you think that the direct action people can take is to make themselves aware and then to become their own little amplification journalist yeah because then you wake up your whole community and then at that point it becomes very easy for you guys to say you know what there's a midterm election next year we're going to get this creepy old fuck out and get anybody in i don't care if it's a deaf mute person with an iq of 50 if they're going to vote against the patriot act and they're going to vote against spying on american citizens we'd prefer to have that person in there we prefer to have four scump in there over the asshole that's been representing us and if enough districts decide
Starting point is 01:31:22 to do that that's one change and then the other thing is when people are awake they respond in ways that that the businesses have to uh make room for like for example all those people outraged about what that time magazine reporter said they're probably going to have to either fire that guy or i think at the very least censure him or make some kind of public statement that this is not our standard operating procedure right and that's only possible because there are enough people awake if it was a situation where he said that and every single person was like well yeah fuck julien assange then there's no no real impetus for anything to get better so a more aware public is it leads to a better society necessarily um who do you think uh what do you think is going
Starting point is 01:32:04 to happen on the next election i think we're probably going to end up with another shill obama type i mean they're already pushing hillary clinton on the left and on the right a lot of people are saying chris christie neither of these people in my opinion have any credibility at this point she wasn't a very good secretary of state uh under obama she didn't call him out on any of the creepy shit that i'm sure she must know he's up to so she's just an establishment politician on the left and chris christie on the right is an establishment right now he's governor of new jersey has a fucking nasty views when it comes to medical marijuana and some other social issues so you have you know pick your poison left or right next time around but both hands are part
Starting point is 01:32:41 of the same body i think that's what we're gonna get in 2016 also the guy's gonna have a fucking heart attack when he's giving a speech man that that guy needs to that guy's in bad shape he is you can you gotta you gotta like you can't be president and like be be out of shape at that level it's too stressful his heart's gonna spray out of his mouth during a state of the union address it's just too much that guy's gonna be sweating like a fucking pig that'll be like having boss hog run the united states of america you know how scary that's i want my leader to be more disciplined than me exactly that's what i want i want so i want to feel like yeah this guy's like this guy's got his shit together i i i like i i like fit people i feel guilty every day i want
Starting point is 01:33:24 to be fit i battle against my fat every day like i'm fighting some giant squid but i i lose i like whenever i'm around fit people it's like ah it's possible i don't want to look at the president because by the way you know how bush was kind of like bush was really inspirational for dumb people you know like dumb people are like ah see he did it he did it you can be president united states and be dumb as shit because he like had this way of seeming really dumb he wasn't he's like a malicious anti christ figure who just put on the guys of being a can i can i say something about the whole anti christ thing really fast yes please there i get a lot of emails from people who uh they definitely are like the kooks that you mentioned yes where they see some information that's valid but they're
Starting point is 01:34:10 also willing to take in a lot of bullshit yes and they go obama's the anti christ and whenever there's some new surveillance program mark of the beast first of all mark of the beast is a very vague statement what the fuck does that mean we're a society that's driven by data and words yeah so any single combination of words you could claim is the mark of the beast yes that's bullshit second of all when people give up their power by saying he's the anti christ then we can't rationally improve our leadership what does that even mean he's the anti christ you're basing this on a pre scientific book i don't want to debate whether or not he's the anti christ i think he's just a leader who's making a lot of a lot of bad choices and he's taking a lot of shortcuts like you don't want your
Starting point is 01:34:49 leader to do the thing that's the most convenient you want them to do the thing that ends up ultimately being the best for everybody yeah and it's so obvious at this point in time he's making all the convenient choices and none of the difficult choices well i mean by the way i have no problem with the term anti christ because in anybody who no but here's the thing it it these people who would otherwise call their representatives to demand the end to the nsa programs yeah they feel disempowered because they go we need to look out for the the return of the of jesus and then he'll fight the anti christ oh and then it'll be fixed you're like you don't need to do that shit you just need to call your representatives keep your fucking head together and consume better sources of information
Starting point is 01:35:29 and then things will get better but if you're waiting for this magical mystery man to help you out then it doesn't get better the kook part of me needs to talk um the the the whole anti christ thing clearly is um let me just start by saying that the anti christ thing clearly these are it's all some symbolism it doesn't it was the book of revelations uh actually 666 i think they actually found out that it's a different number all together that they were wrong on 666 that'll all that nonsense but here's what's really curious tarence mckenna um the famous ethna botanist who you know tarence mckenna you wrote um food of the gods a great many other things yeah he experimented with like hundreds of different psychedelics yeah and he's a brilliant brilliant philosopher uh so he talked
Starting point is 01:36:17 about how there's clearly a race going on right now there's a race going on between um technology and the apoc and like a nuclear apocalypse or the collapse of civilization and that technology is accelerating towards this point of the singularity or machines waking up and that is the second coming of christ that's the tech it's just not what the uh jesus freaks think it's going to be but what it is is a technologically enhanced global uh uh empathic internet where we can all uh basically experience every other person's emotions using some kind of technological conduit and the moment that happens you get this like waking up of the planet that's a real thing that's not coming from um a bullshit place that's coming from uh a lot of stuff that's going on with
Starting point is 01:37:08 neural prosthetics right now people trying to implant devices into the amygdala to record human memory the idea of now how far away this is from us right now who the fuck knows it could be 20 years it could be 100 years but definitely within the next yeah we'll look at my iphone to get here is basically like our our homing uh organ at this point yes and that's just going to become uh encoded into the human body eventually and that's going to allow a kind of connectivity unlike anything our species or any species has ever experienced that's going to be the waking up of the guy in mind as they call it through technology that's that's real we're on the path to that man that's jesus that's the that's jesus now anything that gets in the way of that you could call the
Starting point is 01:37:54 antichrist and any and what gets in the way of connectivity is secrecy what gets in the way of connectivity is shadowy actions is keeping people away from the truth and god damn it i don't care if it's obama or a backwards talking midget that lives underneath david lynch's house if they're getting in the way of the truth and what they're doing it truly is anti christ like behavior anti christ consciousness yes yeah that you brought that around in a beautiful way i think uh the cancer analogy is one that i use because you have the internet which is like this global uh global nervous system and also an immune system this isn't my own phrase an immune system against bullshit the internet it it uh sniffs out propaganda and obliterates it
Starting point is 01:38:39 it's very good at that damn right and when you have suddenly the awareness that at certain points along this nervous system are black boxes literally in some cases black boxes that are scooping in that information that's supposed to be private and supposed to be between individuals scooping it in to be used by some secretive government agency possibly against you at a later date that whole system is damaged now you can't say what you really want to say so where can you say it because the internet for a lot of people has been the place where after a long day at work you sit down and you say what you really mean and you get your if there's a spirit or a consciousness or something that's where your soul actually connects to other souls because you're saying what you want
Starting point is 01:39:16 devoid of ego devoid of physical appearance taylor swifts bitch yeah something more often than not it turns out to be something like that david semen's a faggot but uh uh it turns out to be something even that i think in a way is beautiful and people are saying these really hate filled things you're seeing what they really wanted to say during the day but couldn't as crude and as racist and evil as that might be we're all working it out and what you see is that comment either gets downvoted to oblivion and if that person keeps doing that sort of thing they have no audience right or somebody responds to them in a way that's thoughtful enough that even if they shut it down after they see the same kind of thing a hundred times
Starting point is 01:39:53 you know what i might have had racist parents you know or whatever the realization is if they need to have right that comes because we're having this really frank discussion but when you shut that down by the knowledge that the nsa could be listening to any single one of your youtube comments and saving that data for a later time you have a system that has cancer you got to chop that cancer out and this is why um you asked me about solutions the most amazing thing about the nsa problems i don't think it's going to be the people that stop it at all like it's definitely necessary for us to become informed just because you want to be informed and to call your congressman and complain because that's what you should do yes what's ultimately going to stop it if anything is that
Starting point is 01:40:32 big business is going to lose a lot of money it already came out they're predicting the loss over the next few years will be 30 billion dollars or more because cloud services are so huge right now and now you have businesses in other countries going we don't want to deal with the us we don't want our data on their servers because their government is too volatile wow and so you're going to have microsoft and google unless they're totally spot spineless which i don't think they are i don't i think they're committed to making money for their shareholders microsoft and google and yahoo and apple are going to say we need to put down our foot all at once because this needs to end it's destroying our source of revenue yes you can't have an internet that's secretly being tapped
Starting point is 01:41:08 into by obama or by chris christie in four years you know so we need to put an end to this now and one day you'll wake up and you'll see on the homepage of google a link saying are you aware that abnc is happening just as they've done in the past with sopa it'll be something like that where they all do it on the same day within 48 hours the nsa is defunded because the outcry is going to be so huge not to mention i think they're already gonna want to bone up on their lobbying activity they need to stop it the internet can't exist the whole idea of cloud data doesn't work if you have an nsa sitting there scooping everything up ah well that i think is a beautiful way to end the podcast because it's on a optimistic positive note of what is and it's good because
Starting point is 01:41:50 you don't have to do anything it's one of those things like all you have to do is sit back and watch yeah sit back and watch watch the thing fall apart which is a you know which is a fun beautiful thing to do and um and and and i think in the meantime it's not like you just sit back it's like you you do it's like it's like watching sports you want to root for your team and maybe you do something but what i'm saying here is it's the structure itself that's going to correct this one thing glenn greenwald said in the speech he gave at that socialist convention i don't know if you saw that you have this very beautiful articulate speech um he said uh don't be afraid that's what he said he said that's the best thing you can do is don't be afraid don't let them scare
Starting point is 01:42:33 you because this is he i think he really does believe it's all gonna work out i saw that somebody sent me a link to the video i thought it was inspirational it's something that every journalist in journalism school should have to watch yes one don't be afraid and i think he also said the first amendment protects me and as long as you believe that it's almost like being told that if you're a child and you're you believe there's a boogeyman under your bed if you're a journalist then you truly believe in the first amendment you know you're golden because anything that happens to you is completely unconstitutional yeah and is just kind of a a bunch of shadows constructed into this this fear that should not be there yeah and if the first amendment doesn't
Starting point is 01:43:10 protect him then the fucking wait which one's the right to bear arms oh no the second then the second will god damn it just kidding um man you're cool david thank you so much for coming on on on the show uh how can people find you people can find me uh david seamen dot net is my website and when people go there that just redirects to my youtube channel so it's all those videos i mentioned the other thing uh rise morning show just rise morning show on twitter if people can follow that it would be appreciated because a big following helps our videos get viewed more so great that's for the morning show by the way that's not for me but i'm the host of that so so rise morning show on twitter i'll have all your just send me your links go to drustle.com
Starting point is 01:43:54 in the comment section uh you will find all the links to get in touch with uh david seamen and um thank you very much keep it up thank you this is awesome bye that was david seamen and now here is a song i just discovered that i hadn't heard from daniel johnston and i've heard most of his songs this is from the album space ducks parentheses soundtrack from the game and it is a really great album it's got songs from lavender diamond on it fruit bats and uh deer tick so get the album space ducks and give us a nice rating on it space ducks fighting all the evil all the creepy people in the war and outer space space ducks loving every respect helping all the rejects it's a war in austin texas
Starting point is 01:45:03 uh space ducks it's a carrying race it's the death of the human race it's a war in outer space space fighting for the freedom of all the little children knowing we can live again you and when we can live again we can live again space ducks
Starting point is 01:46:06 destroying all the sin so long ago waiting for time space ducks we got less than we even get help us not to forget to the evil of the united states yeah all right

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