Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Dr. Drew And Fred Stoller

Episode Date: August 18, 2015

Dr. Drew (Loveline, The Dr. Drew Show) and Comedian Fred Stoller (Everybody Loves Raymond, Maybe We'll have You Back) join the DTFH to talk about the deep existential questions that inevitable all hum...ans must face!!   This episode brought to you by SQUARESPACE.COM  use offer code DUNCAN to receive 10% off of your first order.

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Starting point is 00:00:35 Go to Squarespace.com and use offer code DUNCAN to receive 10% off your first order. Hello my sweet, delectable, delicious, sentient toes protruding from the perfumed foot of an unknown nameless goddess. It is I, Duncan Trussell and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast. Do you hear in the background a annoying drone, which you probably do? That's my air conditioner. It's a frigid air and I really appreciate the input I got from the last podcast. A lot of you guys had some ideas for ways that I could cool the room down quietly.
Starting point is 00:01:13 One of them, something called a swamp fan or something like that, a swamp gasser, which I'm not going to use just because of the name. I don't even know what it does. A lot of interesting inventions, strange assemblages of vacuum cleaners and dry ice. A lot of advice that I should have someone fan us as we do the podcast. I'd love to do that, but the scheduling to get a professional fanner and the cost of it, it seems like it would be such a pain in the ass that it would make more sense to just go to an office or install central air than to recruit someone to fan my guests.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And honestly, I don't know how much fanning is going to cut through the oily, thick heat that is generated from a 100 year old house in a city going through a four year drought. This is a preternatural heat. This is the kind of heat that you might feel being emitted from a obsidian demon horn found beneath some forbidden Mayan pyramid. This is the heat that rises from the flesh of a desert madman who just read it. The necronomicon is now running gibbering through the dunes about some ancient thing that lies at the edge of time and waits to devour humanity.
Starting point is 00:02:26 This is the kind of heat that comes out of the many moldering dried up coyote carcasses that lie at the base of Griffith Park. This is a sick heat. This is the heat of the madman's diaper. This is the heat of the spoon used to scoop the awful remnants from said diaper into the mouth of some evil fly goddess. This is the heat of the fly goddess's vagina as it explodes great pestulent blasts of egg larvae into some interdimensional battlefield where the larva explodes into thousands of
Starting point is 00:03:07 tiny spiders that climb into the nose and ears of all those who stand in their way slowly and painfully dissolving their brain into a liquefied mush which they vomit into the air and great geysers of green. It's an evil heat, so I hope you'll forgive me if I've got the AC running, I just don't know what else to do. If I don't keep this thing running in the podcast studio then I've got to go and find a studio to record at that isn't in my house or I have to move, which by the way, if you want to create, if you live in Los Angeles and you want to create some extreme cognitive
Starting point is 00:03:44 dissonance for yourself, I highly recommend going to Padmapper which is a great apartment finding application and put in a zip code like North Carolina and then put in whatever the rent is that you're paying for a house here and look at what kind of homes you can get in other parts of the country. And you very well might want to run into your kitchen, open up a drawer, pull out your favorite pair of chopsticks and drive them into your ear piercing the membrane that separates your ear canal from your brain and just lobotomize yourself as you realize that for the rent that you're paying in Los Angeles you could be renting a multi-storied Victorian mansion
Starting point is 00:04:29 in the midst of some beautiful verdant grove populated by pan-like creatures who on nights of the full moon will bring you wine skin filled with some sacred magical psilocybin-infused wine which will allow you to temporarily dance with all the sweet goddesses that have ever wandered through the emerald green of primordial earth, mother fucker it's expensive here in LA and when you consider the fact that you're paying this massive amount for rent in a place that is essentially just a dry it's like living inside the fur of a sunblasted dog. Anywho we're going to dive right into this podcast with us today are two awesome human beings comedian Fred Stoller and Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 00:05:22 We shall leap right into that but first some quick business. This episode is brought to you by the pixel lords over at Squarespace.com. Do you need a new website? Does your website protrude from the internet like the pink scrotal fold of a beachjad unaware of the fact that one of his testicles is extended underneath his American apparel two short bathing suit then it's time for an upgrade and that's where Squarespace comes in. You don't have to go down to the website district in downtown Los Angeles if you want a website you don't have to go to the dark corners of craigslist you can just go to squarespace.com
Starting point is 00:05:59 and create a beautiful website if you use offer code Duncan you'll get 10% off and you won't get hacked to death by a pseudo web designer I actually interviewed one of these shits listen a lot of money fuck you what a true bastard don't let one of these monsters shit all over your beautiful golden dreams go to squarespace.com today and create a simple powerful beautiful website they have 24 seven support via live chat and email it's only eight dollars a month and you get a free domain if you buy Squarespace for the year the website will scale to any device from phone to iPad and every website comes with a free online store if you're thinking you need a website give these guys a shot they've been supporting this podcast almost
Starting point is 00:07:06 since the very beginning and you can start a trial with no credit card required just to make sure it's right for you go to squarespace.com today and use offer code Duncan and you will get 10% off your first purchase we're also brought to you by Amazon.com if you go to DuncanTrussell.com and any of the comment sections there you will find a portal and if you click through that anything that you buy on Amazon they will give us a very small percentage of it so for all of you who continue to use that portal I thank you it's an excellent way for you to support this podcast while buying all that beautiful plastic stuff that makes your life so very happy and I know this is a hacky premise and has been said a million
Starting point is 00:07:48 times but don't go on Amazon stone late at night or you will end up with things like what I'm staring at right now which is a blackhead remover and this is a direct result of being super high watching videos of people removing blackheads from the nose this terrible grizzled nose of an Indian gentleman that has mysteriously become populated with a field of the most foul blackheads that you've ever seen in your life and it's just a 30 minute video of this doctor removing them as he comments on it now it's super high and went on Amazon and ordered one of these blackhead removers I guess thinking that I would remove blackheads from my own face and I don't really have any but this thing arrived and it's just a mark of exactly why you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:08:45 get high and go on Amazon because you'll end up like that weird doctor in Dune trying to remove boils from your face they also have bidets drones toilet paper anything you might need just go through the portal first at Duncan trustle.com I've got some upcoming tour dates I'm going to be in Australia in November and I'm going to be the laughing skull in Atlanta starting on October 15th all of those tickets are available at Duncan trustle.com we also have a beautiful shop located at Duncan trustle.com with a lot of great t-shirts posters and we just added festival banners so you could display your alliance with the overmind that is the Duncan trustle family hour podcast at the next music festival you go to go check them out all right let's get on
Starting point is 00:09:33 with the show with us here today are two wonderful humans one of them is a returning guest who you know from everything Dr. Drew and we have a first time guest on the show who has been a guest star on so many tv shows that he wrote a book about it called maybe we'll have you back the life of a personal tv guest star everybody please welcome to the Duncan trustle family hour podcast Fred Stoller and Dr. Drew it's the Duncan trustle family hour podcast is an unexpected pleasure thanks you for putting this together you guys oh thank you usually I like to go on these to like you know I don't know but this I'm really you're gonna help me learn things you're so smart and Dr. Drew was saying Duncan
Starting point is 00:10:42 well this is what happened this is what happened Fred was on my podcast and somewhere in the middle podcast he started waxing poetic about edibles and how they changed things for him and all his late discovery late discovery in life all these misconceptions he had about pot and its clinical utility and then he started talking about alternative realities and I went okay we got to go talk to Duncan because I don't think it's an alternative I think it is right now wait sum it up sum up the idea here what's the tell your story tell your story and then the idea well long story short that we talked before I didn't really do pot because in the 80s I got a bad sore throat and the stigma was Cheech and Chong hey dude hey seven years what there was actually a commercial where
Starting point is 00:11:26 pot does nothing really does nothing because you they see them hey I thought it was seven years ago so I thought it was just idiots so but then um I did uh I forgot whose podcast and speed weed was promoting it and they give you free samples at the end hey the Gino gives you the stuff and I and I speed pot or whatever they call it yeah it's a little sample bag he gives you a sample bag a little wonderful white bag yes gummy bears oh joints and I was thinking I don't do my and someone said oh no it opens up your mind and and so I am a late convert to it and what I was telling Drew is that well first of all when I get stoned like I lie in my bed and go why would someone need to go to Hawaii this you close your eyes and and when it feels right and then on edibles he was in
Starting point is 00:12:18 Hawaii in his own mind yeah when it's working you're everywhere I'm George Clooney I'm the guy who got paralyzed shot by the cops every good thing bad thing everything this no one has a nicer house that's my house it's all anything you've thought of all that generic and I was telling Drew that starting to tell you I was trying to thank Joe Rogan for taking the stigma away and there's a big thing at the comedy store and all these stragglers were hanging out there I never thought I'd be the guy trying to take free joints that were in the middle like oh he's a free and I put them in my pockets I became that guy and and and Joe's going whatever he didn't know who I was he thought it was well I'm not saying anyone's better or worse but one of these guys who just hangs out and puts
Starting point is 00:13:03 the joints in which I was and and and Morgan Murphy was saying all this hippy stuff this like hacky like you're one with everything okay so basically I try not to do pot or whatever when I have to memorize stuff and I have to do real world stuff but then I thought when this booze I was saying you're drunk but you're drunk in the real world and and and so when it's really working when the door shut I'm thinking why is that reality not the real world why is this world I and people can't see but I'm pitching me my finger like a little piece of sand that's the world we know where this traffic lights where less moon is is a gatekeeper where you know Barack Obama is the president where you know and I'm saying which one's less moon he like runs CBS and everything yeah that's
Starting point is 00:13:54 funny before we get into that see that's and what you're talking about the old world man those guys are gatekeepers to it's really funny because there were all these gatekeepers right to this castle right suddenly technology creates a billion more gates which is why it's really funny because the gates that everybody used to go into are still clotted with people trying to go through those gates it's hilarious it's like if you ever noticed at the grocery store a new line will open yeah and there'll be this huge line and no one will move to the new because they're sheep and they feel like oh I just got to stay in the line that everybody else is right another example is traffic GPS is creating all this like if people use like ways ways or certain GPS programs their apps they
Starting point is 00:14:42 end up all following the GPS exactly and so they end up with like in these huge clusters traffic so if you just dodge around the traffic and ignore the voice of the GPS for a few minutes you will zoom around all these poor people who are just being controlled by the machine a great metaphor for a lot of things when you say the old world I think maybe what I'm gathering is what I used to think is the real world like for example when I'm judging myself I'm a guy that's closer to 60 than 50 in a bunch of years hasn't had pilot auditions in years it was always lived alone or what I'm trying to say is when I judge myself well I'm trying to say these these are things but that is just a sliver sliver sliver when when when the edibles working right what I used to think
Starting point is 00:15:25 was who I was was a guy that's you know but but but wait don't finish the sentence who were you I used to think I was these things in the real world a guy that's whatever never been married a woman nervous about that always been alone you know closer to 60 than 50 not my imbd whatever the you know the credits all those things that are made up that's wise at the real world they used to think that's the real world those judgments so let's talk about that let's talk about those judgments cognitions let's talk about those cognitions they don't they don't read they're not real when I'm when the edibles working right do you know about CBT yes I'm listening to this audiobook on CBT and it's exploding my brain how much do you know about CBT I know about the
Starting point is 00:16:14 application I've never I don't I'm not trained to do it it's it's it's very useful yeah CBT cognitive behavior therapy oh I come up with that on my own I think but go ahead what have you learned so the idea is there's a triangle and cognitive behavior therapy and at the very top of the triangle you have your thoughts and the bottom two points of the triangle you have behaviors and emotions and the concept is very simple it's thoughts influence behaviors and emotions every point the triangle influences the other points right if you change it's a it's a wholism it's a holistic right yeah change your behaviors your thoughts are going to change yeah change your I thought the thoughts change the behaviors everything changes everything else so the idea is
Starting point is 00:16:54 you use a kind of empiricism to explore the cognitions you're having to determine whether or not these cognitions are right because a lot of people they have transylvania in their heads populated by superstitious gypsies that parade around as the form of all these ridiculous thoughts that you tell yourself exactly and what you just listed is cognitions you just listed a series of self-defining thought patterns which the invitation from CBT is why don't we begin to explore these thoughts scientifically so the question is you know these judgments that are not reality right well I was gonna I was telling you guys before that I realized almost every in this chronicle real world I'm more rational in that other world of the altered state but
Starting point is 00:17:47 almost every thought I have is irrational in the real world like this asshole in front of me oh he's got I'll get upset that someone had a shoe horse tattoo on their neck this asshole you know to me and and I get livid and things get upset yeah and and and well yeah that's real so let me backtrack um you know when people give unsolicited advice see my shrink when someone seems calm you go why why you how do I not hate myself I once said to my friend I know they say don't hate yourself easier said than done and he told me you hate yourself I've gotten better I'll tell you what happened I used to beat myself up and and he told me about affirmations how I've just been grown up with you know my mother saying if I lost something you know you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached
Starting point is 00:18:32 to you and I go I'm a piece of shit if I came from my glasses you fucking asshole I hate my you know I used to play tennis with Norma down throw the rack it's like if I miss you asshole so then he told me about norm told you no no no he doesn't know affirmations but that you have the little I used to say I love myself I accept myself I'd have to have those guys fight out the years of piece of shit you know those guys so then what happened was that when I did the affirmations and meditation then I'd hear you piece of shit like there were so many of those guys in my head saying you're a piece of shit loser Fred I couldn't discern them I did they were almost like you know those things and then when I started getting helping myself with cognition and and affirmations it was a
Starting point is 00:19:19 step to hear discern those things you piece of shit because then I could at least like and and try to shout it out here's my question for you so what you're doing in CBT and God forgive me I read is it CBT sort of what I'm doing but go ahead so CBT there's a concept called diffusion is what they call it and the idea is it's a process where you do you you the fusion between you and your thoughts is dissolved through a very variety of processes all of them seem like mindfulness and Buddhism so it's sort of like these these concepts all overlap tremendously all amazing yeah right it's crazy the way that they just completely but now when I do that I say it's fun it's like they're like we're rediscovering it it's just 2000 years ago but it's 2000 years ago
Starting point is 00:20:05 and it would but it was it the way that they described it back then is maybe using language it's outdated that's right it's hard to hard to understand like I say what I do now is if my farmer's market it's crab you fucking I go Fred you're being irrational you'll be so I tell myself I'm being irrational and it helps I recognize I'm being irrational trying to get out here though sure so there's when you say I tell myself it's a really interesting thing to say isn't it because you've bifurcated yourself there's the you that's being told and the you that's doing the telling yes so in Buddhism and a lot of other philosophies and in CBT they invite you to begin to explore what are you really if you're aware in other words like I'm sitting here I can see you
Starting point is 00:20:49 guys you're sitting in front of me I see this desk yes the microphone and I'm aware of it but I don't think to myself generally I am this microphone thoughts I'm aware of them they're some kind of ephemeral structure in my mind that I'm aware of and yet the difference between thoughts and the microphone is when I have thoughts I think that's me I'm thinking this yet it seems that just because because I'm aware of it they're very you're not your thoughts I'm not my thoughts so then the question is well what are you and that's where you get into some really interesting terrain and that's where the stuff really starts merging into Buddhism because the question is what who is one of the thoughts that hit me on an edible is don't define me by my past and I do that
Starting point is 00:21:31 and people do that and you know but when I'm talking about the real world Jim Jeffries had a great bit well with the gun control when he said maybe I'm not even in front of a crowd maybe I'm in a sane asylum just talking to the wall and I'm imagining I'm in front of 1200 people and a lot of like like right now maybe I'm like okay I'll give you an example I don't read Amazon reviews you know I learned that they did the audible of my Kindle single my Seinfeld here I finally did and I you know I looked at this who wants to hear this nasally loser guy talk don't spend the $1.99 so then I got upset that I thought maybe I just I probably just imagined I read that because that negative conception of reading a bad amazon review was not that this guy did it but that was
Starting point is 00:22:16 my interpretation it's almost like I imagine that does that make any sense absolutely there's a there's a term in yoga called the Vreeti's and I'm primus pronouncing it VR TTIS it's a term related to thought forms and it kind of roughly translates into cyclones in your head so so when something bad happens is I imagined that bad what what I think is bad okay so let's just think about and maybe maybe uh Dr. Drew can help us with the neurology behind it because I really don't understand what exactly happens but when you're taking in reality right what's happening is that you are creating a neurological corollary for reality yes yes your brain is is creating a representation of the experience through your sensory mechanisms it's like a chemical reflection
Starting point is 00:23:09 of stuff it's a way to think about it it's so much more bizarre and holistic than that it's almost defies description it's crazy to think about right but what's happening is there's all this phenomena happening out here I think I think discussing phenomena per se as a way to conceptualize so phenomenology is a great way to approach this okay so so this stuff is flowing there's things out there and it impinges on our sensory organs and it's converted into signals and those signals are converted into something in our head yes but like if I have a good experience it's almost like I created that if I have something quote unquote bad it's almost let's say a guy came up to my car and threw coffee in it it's almost like I not that I created that because I manifested
Starting point is 00:23:55 it but because my interpretation it's like can I give you an example please please okay I like to use this cake example so I give you a slice of cake it's not good cake not bad cake just a normal slice of cake right right I bring it in I give you the slice of cake and I say to you Fred guess what man I just found out that there's five million dollars you weren't aware of and a trust that you're gonna get when you eat that cake how delicious is that cake gonna be that's called priming that's priming your brain that's a great piece of cake right that's maybe the best piece of cake you've ever had in your life you're gonna remember by the way you could have handed him dog shit it would have been the best piece of dog shit you've ever had either right the cake
Starting point is 00:24:40 that I hand to you and then I tell you about your cancer diagnosis and that you have one month to live yes not a good cake that cake ain't gonna taste very good yes that's gonna be a good cake so so so in that way it's like what what you you begin to realize is that you have all this stuff coming into your experience but really what's happening is your your apprehension of what's happening is transforming whatever it is so another way to put it a much more concise way to put it is an asshole gets on the plane in Los Angeles an asshole gets out of the plane in New York it doesn't matter where you're at it's the interior universe that's affecting everything around you another way to put it is uh a Buddhist quote which is some people will say to you this
Starting point is 00:25:33 city is better than that city or these people are better than that people then there's no differentiations I say to you the whole world is on fire and the idea is that what's up the fire is the fire right your interpretation let me though let me though cloud this picture a little bit please and because there's a lot to be discussed in what you've just pointed out and we need to get back to that because that's what fred wants to alter right and then he's questioning what's real when that altered state when I'm in that altered state I'm going why is that not real okay but hold on I'm going to throw out another phenomena that affects all this and that is the shared phenomena that humans have the interpersonal intersubjective phenomena consensus reality well yes that that
Starting point is 00:26:18 is a cognitive flare to it but I'm of the opinion I can't believe I've not brought I must have brought this up to you before but that I'm of the opinion that that consciousness is a shared experience I don't I don't yes I don't think consciousness happens when I'm when it's working I'm in tune to every experience but hold on here no I understand but but to some extent higher planes of consciousness that we sustain are things we have to kind of either let go of how we allow other people to impinge on our conscious phenomenology or allow people to help us get to another plane it's other it's shared in some extent consciousness is disembodied like it it functions outside of the human organism no I don't but I don't believe it exists in a single scope I think it's something we co-create
Starting point is 00:27:07 together okay and I'm suspicious that consciousness as we experience it probably a little different quality 10 000 years ago so it's changing and and I do believe that if you raised in the woods as a feral child you would not have consciousness you'd have feelings and you'd have personal experiences but you wouldn't have something I would call conscious awareness interesting so you think consciousness is kind of like a circuit that gets activated I think it's shared yes and particularly two people two skulls so your theory is an individual alone if you never having had social but what about the concept that we're all connected very limited indifferent yes very well limited do you think yeah limited or just well who knows maybe it's more expanded you know this would
Starting point is 00:27:53 go into solitary confinement and yeah but that's why it's so horrible that's why it's so it's torture cutting your sir it's it's like so cut it's like amputating true are you trying to say that when when I'm in these zones yeah that when I think those bad racial shootings in the south in the movie the church that's something Fred Stoller imagined no no that's because I feel that sometimes so maybe I'm not being yes no no I'm not being selfish I just mean it's sort of like when you call like that guy you said that in the cave that has no consciousness but I'm part of him when I feel this is connected I'm part of this brilliant people here I'm part of the truck driver there's no but you're but I think you're right see this is why I want to bring this up I think
Starting point is 00:28:41 when he's solipsistic Fred he's limiting some of that a little bit right and I think maybe the cannabis is giving him access some way what I find is when I have a breakthrough same with meditation and I don't want him to get lost in a solipsistic sense of what's real so you know saying but the cannabis is amplifying some kind of magical thinking some some he's freeing him a little sorry to talk about no no no I'm I'm trying to figure this all out glass window so taking notes well let me let me ask you something in one way we're not wired to bear the the trauma of the world like tribes don't know what's happening the tribe next to them so I'm too over-sensitive I when that shooting happened I can't watch the news I can't put on links you want to do something
Starting point is 00:29:26 I'll give you a really cool exercise to do that this guy this actually I learned when I was a kid I stumbled upon this book my mom had called Roger Yoga by Yogi Ramachiraka I have no name about your parents what your mom do well my mom was a psychologist and your dad my dad was like a real estate agent so yeah well yeah where would you go well all over the place where you start we started in not real estate agent but he worked in real estate shopping center so we started in developer yes developer that's the word we start rampager yes we started in Georgia and ended up a lot of other places so I always just say North Carolina is home okay but this book Roger Yoga Yogi Ramachiraka first time I came in contact with like Eastern thinking that I remember and I
Starting point is 00:30:11 remember I was as a kid reading this and just being like holy shit as it turned out Yogi Ramachiraka it's just some English guy his name was like James Thompson I found out later each he made it all up it was like a big his identity as some Yogi was a fraud but at the time I was pictured in robes and the Amalia's anyway there's an exercise in there which is you begin as a net you can begin to practice instead of referring yourself as me or I you start referring to yourself as he so when you're describing yourself to yourself you don't think I am scared you think he is scared he is neurotic he is worried he is freaking out he is this he is that because you're it's an exercise that's trying to push you back into the place called the witness or the ottman or the observer
Starting point is 00:31:01 so that you begin to realize that in the same way that all this other shit this phenomena out here is like dust in the lens of the eye of the universe so are all your cognitions so are is is literally everything and so then you begin this practice of not just diffusing from your thoughts but diffusing from the very limited identity of yourself that you've decided is you because it really isn't you right you're right you're right sometimes when I'm tripping on this stuff well I see myself from an out-of-body experience and let me ask you is this selfish thinking or uh selfistic I'm sitting here and maybe I'm a little hungover which I like to hungover I tried to do in edibles last night so I did well so I'd have stuff to talk about but I
Starting point is 00:31:47 I slept through it and right now I'm sitting here and I'm thinking I could be hallucinating Duncan Trussell and Dr. Drew Dr. Drew could be almost like in a movie like a fictional guy like we're making up the guru celebrity that's how you're feeling that's how you're feeling now no I'm saying it could be no and why not let's say let's say okay well not just you let's say what sometimes they think what if this is a movie like someone wrote there's a black guy Barack Obama is the president um but I would argue there's a guy made up Dr. Drew you know what I'm saying do you ever get that kind of thinking like what we I'll give you or something a million times tripier if you want man and Fred Stolt is a neurotic killer like we're all we're all just a
Starting point is 00:32:30 movie and someone else's you know we're fiction does that make any sense okay Robert Anton Wilson this is a good one he says that actually we're not on earth we're in the star I think he says that we are in the uh what's the name of the dog star that that star system it's called Alpha Centauri uh I can't remember the star system he says we're in but he says that we're actually in a different star system yes the pyramids are placed there as clues no no that are somehow lining up with this star system that actually we are in a kind of simulation where we are being trained uh and this is the what this is what school looks like for an alien species is that it places you it's here so yes go into your that what you're talking about because I it's a you get what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:33:17 of us have come to you through psychedelics so here's the idea you Fred have been placed in this simulator right super advanced civilization we've placed you here because you're god you're essentially a very very super powerful god you're a god you're everything and so what we're doing here is we're giving you a lesson in limitation this is how you're teaching yourself is by allowing yourself to experience you're getting this to experience limitation and so every single thing that you're seeing me dr drew and come on it's in my imagination lots of winks we gave you a lot of winks didn't we a lot of winks like that time the guy was sending uh uh dick pics his name was weiner come on come on really you believe that right right you know what I mean but this is all
Starting point is 00:34:04 stuff we created so it's selfish but well it's not that we but then there's other winks too that you get every time just probability generally is a wink yeah any kind of synchronicity is a wink from the I love synchronicity that's my favorite thing that's the it's the relief you get when you're in a simulation and the people who are projecting the simulation into your consciousness sends you signs like hey calm down for a second man this is not what you think it is it's that great bill hicks joke it's just a ride you're in a ride you're being given this beautiful experience of human life this beautiful experience of limitation and because you've gotten so absorbed into the character you've been playing wow red you're experiencing all this anxiety in the same way when you were a kid
Starting point is 00:34:46 and you watched a horror movie you would freak out I remember watching horror movies as a kid fear paralysis I would literally go into a fear paralysis because I was so identified with the character in the movie that I was freaking the fuck out so this same thing has happened to most human beings on this planet we're in a kind of existential fear paralysis so so so drew is taking the character of the celebrity guru health guy spokesperson yeah yeah so everyone's the same but they just put different things you're the guy in Africa you're the guy you know the uh rug we play the the vet yeah yeah so people like for example what I'm trying to say also is like what if someone wrote a movie like I said where there's a you know those movies is a black president
Starting point is 00:35:32 but it's Dorian Hayward there's a a doctor drew type in a movie what why is this not the same thing as someone else's movie you know what I mean I mean that's where we get into this is so this is where you get into the really interesting concept which is it is it you have your any I'm imagining this you're literally imagining it in the sense that what you're witnessing right now is not the external universe you're witnessing the neurological corollary that's a perfectly harmonized synthesis of uh wow brain chemistry and that's why I say why is this not the real world this is so legit this is more rational and than anything in the world okay I define the world as a place where Fred is judged by his acting parts he's not acting he's always alone you know whatever the guy that
Starting point is 00:36:15 walks around the grove aimlessly that's not me but I've developed but I've made myself think that's the guy well because it's fun I mean when you really get into it like anytime like I've experienced like some some of the most intense drama which the highest level of catastrophe quite often if you give yourself a couple of seconds to witness what's going on you will notice that you're enjoying it and then you begin to that's that's alcoholic stuff I'm sure not alcoholics don't enjoy it what what's that not alcoholics don't enjoy it typically well I've noticed alcoholics tend to enjoy you mean the uh trauma and the much more of a death impulse than they have the average person yeah it's the well it's the um yeah it's so it's the they get high from the import and
Starting point is 00:36:57 endorphins and stuff that are flying around I don't know if it's I think that alcoholism result is a word is one thing that results from but I don't think it's just alcohol no no that's a result from it it's just it's just a future of many non-alcoholic people that like that get off on drama I don't mean using alcoholics necessarily I'm amazing people get high from the cortisol and endorphins that fly around people like me find that like if I take a painkiller I feel horrible I feel terrible I I hate them and I have the same experience from in drama experiences too like a versiveness like whoa I think you guys are lucky because what if but no I think I I think you guys are anybody is lucky that likes opiates because what if you
Starting point is 00:37:38 ever need them for cancer or something you know you're gonna be feel good I know I'm gonna feel like shit oh yeah my mom was like that she didn't like opiates and I remember like what she would be like I can't I can't take me confused like what are you talking about right and I'm that way with pot too and you said which is because the endorphin system in my brain or something is somehow not good it's just not good you're just balanced I mean you know what I think it's evolutionary thing I've noticed if there's a curious thing in our culture where people have to feel mildly apologetic for being balanced you know what I mean yes you know it's funny when I'm sorry yes I'm boring when I first healthy when I friend I don't do this anymore when I first would walk around
Starting point is 00:38:19 like stoned or you know an inedible I'd go I don't deserve this I remember sitting there drinking lemonade you just think about that yeah that's an I go I felt so good I don't deserve this I drink lemonade you don't deserve to feel good for that that's a terrible but that would be my thought terrible thought so good do I deserve this but you know this is the so basically what you're the thing you're just you said the same thing about this girl that you're about to date I don't know if I deserve that either no no no that may not work out anyway we'll see well I mean you so you're what you're doing is you have there's you you've put I but no I'm saying the thoughts go there but now I could discern them go that's a bad thought get out of here I could at least
Starting point is 00:39:01 pop them shoot them I couldn't see all the monsters the bad thoughts they were so clunky it was there were so many I couldn't discern all the negatives I hate myself you were just trapped in of yeah yes in in my head I have a fucking fucking you're a loser Fred you're a loser I didn't even know they were there now because I've done the affirmations I can hear I don't deserve this I'm a piece of shit I go and shoot them I could see them and now shoot them away there's a lot of ways that you know what you're talking about is a great technique there's a lot of other techniques people say bow to them they say bow to it they say treat it like a guest coming over for tea they say look at it as weather patterns that's another common description is so so
Starting point is 00:39:42 they're you know they're clouds they're they're you know it's another thing when I'm when I'm tripping from an edible I'll be feeling good you know and then there'll be a a flash image of like walking around the Beverly Center the press I'm lonely these things from years ago I don't do anymore and sometimes I'll go hey you could come in too I'll take care of all of you there you go pardon me come here you lonely Fred walking around so you're all this the enlightened master yeah and I'm like hugging them you and I'm feeling good then is that thing Fred walking around on his birthday alone and the promenade and and and I go you come here don't be afraid like how do we get how do we get for you mentioned the story the analogy or the image to me of the of hallucinogens
Starting point is 00:40:20 or substances taking you up in the elevator opening the door showing you and then the doors go and then go back down how do we get Fred into that mode when he's not high or should just be high oh no no no I think drew um a lot of things uh that have first of all you are fucking brilliant and I could never read books but when I would meditation I've learned is whenever breakthrough and and with the edibles I I have something I learned you I can't articulate what just clicked I can't articulate some conceptual thing but I get it I get it in images so I feel I'm getting stuff so some of these translate to the non-stone world to like some of the breakthroughs I made they're there what when meditation when you have a breakthrough you can't go back you know I'm saying
Starting point is 00:41:08 yes that's right well I mean I don't again it's like the ego is so tricky that the the whole time it's gonna the ego is very tricky when you're getting stoned what's getting stoned that's the same question you know it goes back the same thing like I when we say I am stoned yeah what do you mean like what's really stoned and really if you look at it well you've just created a shift in your consciousness that has taken you out of your day-to-day reality that you were used to and has given you this wonderful little other reality going up into the park and finding a nice view and looking down on the city of the self and seeing it and be like okay there I am there's this thing that I call myself so but in the same way it's like well that thing is now
Starting point is 00:41:52 stoned you know it's like the there's a that's what I'm saying it's just as legit a reality and I'm trying to incorporate when I'm not stoned you know what I mean there's a in the verse in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 2 there's a great verse where God is describing the soul and it's all these great descriptions but it's like it was never born it will never die it never came into being it will not cease to be it cannot be burnt by fire withered by the wind wet by water it is undying everlasting unchanging inconceivable and transcendent and so all these descriptions are human attempts to articulate this great observer of two things and that thing doesn't get touched by this reality this reality plays out in front of it in this but this is almost a
Starting point is 00:42:44 made-up reality like I said judging myself by show biz by women by money in the bank by how long I've been mad and it's all made up it's not real you yes it is real in the sense that in this moment if you're playing this game that you made the rules to yes there's a list on this side where here's where is this success there's on list on this side where he's where he's a failure but it's really curious if you like if we look at the human population on earth and look at the number of people who are in the most dire levels of poverty and the number of people who don't have enough to eat and the number of people who don't have access to the internet and the number of people who don't have medical care sure and you go to any of them and you say hey check it out there's this life that
Starting point is 00:43:28 oh at me they they it's michael jordan yes i know that i know that so we so you do see it so yes no no i'm not i'm not impressed the negatives people so what i mean is like so many other people yeah i'm not saying they would want to like be you but your life situation no and again people misinterpret me as negative and hating myself i'm fighting it but you you've you've you go to somewhere you go to the you know the outback somewhere you say what would you say what makes life meaningful are you happy well yeah you go to somebody and what would they say water and eating that's a great question a lot of people out there are going to be super happy but with nothing with most of them are going to talk about the people they love right and who love them thank you doctor
Starting point is 00:44:11 drew you're right because i was about to go on this materialistic thing like yeah you're totally right he's right that's it it's like you're right that's it but the the um the the but but i think fred's limiting the the way he loves and is being loved it sounds it sounds like a platitude but doctor but but because he's he's not open but then the pot opens him all right yes it opens you up to see that you're not loving yourself and that this is the world and these judgments are inaccurate my my it's interesting to hear fred talk because for me i like going deeper into reality i like being more present more in more competitive but that keeps like why is that not present that state why is that not real i'm not i'm not judging on it i'm just saying my instinct is to go
Starting point is 00:45:00 more into you see what i'm saying duncan why is why is he saying that's more real why i didn't say okay more more into the thing you might all of the wise call real well i mean it's a i you know i i had this conversation where uh you know if you have an epiphany while you're high people will degrade that epiphany because exactly so and i don't think you're doing that necessarily but people do do that uh i think that that we getting caught up in is this experience real versus some other experience that isn't real every experience is real is real okay okay okay i think we all agree on that yeah that's safe to say i think that's a way to sort of approach your question sure it's all real yes it cannot be an experience that isn't real right because anything that is is exactly
Starting point is 00:45:48 there's no way around something cannot both be and not be that's it yeah that's it and it's very strange to think about that too because that means that if you exist you've always existed have you ever thought about this yeah i do and i and i and i start immediately going to the concept not just of time but temporality what is temporality right you know where is does it is it is the temporality of this moment simply a holistic forever or is it something biologically linear that just all that all the time is in the sense that we think about it as humans is just a marking of change that's based in our biology that's it otherwise it's just temporality it's just this one moment yeah it does all just one moment i don't know what the fuck right it's all yeah it's a
Starting point is 00:46:35 moment or it's not or it's infinity and a moment or whatever so maybe we do always and have always will always or maybe one moment well let's go to the temporality okay okay so let's imagine timeline it's just a timeline timeline is time is different than temporality okay timeline is superimposed within temporality let's say that your life or is a timeline is existing in time and it starts biological time biological time yeah i love that you use that term it's so cool man it starts when you're born ends when you die yeah okay but even if that's the case yeah because you've existed once that means that before you existed since the beginning of anything your potential to exist was always there correct yeah your potential is infinite and when you die the potential for you
Starting point is 00:47:23 to be because you have the same is the same which means that really we're just the shadow of our potential reflecting into time and there's really no way to not exist once you exist because you've always been when you said time i thought of this image as analogy um do you know what what's that what's that thing uh with mp3's what's that uh apple thing where oh i'm at that age maybe it's the pod where i can't think of words anymore i've got that that's software that's linear time not movie magic for talking into it uh garage band yeah and you know you when you do garage band you know sometimes you're talking and it's the dots of the conversation but sometimes you can squeeze it together oh yeah so that's what i feel like sometimes life is like why not just
Starting point is 00:48:12 condense what time isn't this like a line it's like maybe all together you know i'm saying well if you guys ever had a near-death experience i know i am as drowned twice and doesn't time go in that moment yeah this this sound this is a it sounds like a bit but it's true that the when we went to this cheap hotel in florida was no lifeguard hell were you i was i think seven or eight and the undertow i didn't know what it was but the harder you try the more it brings you out so and that thing about going down three times drowning that's true what is that i don't know you kind of can make it about one you can make it up like three times that's about it and and and i was drowning i was gonna die i was the undertow the more all the sudden i was all the way out there and and went
Starting point is 00:49:01 down three times and then my father ran into the ocean and pulled me out and this sounds like a comedy but it's true my mother was freddy was so glad you're alive we'll take you to the toy store you could get anything you want you know so then i saw the stuffed animal it's monkey was like 35 bucks she goes anything but that meaning we're glad you're alive not that glad you know but i once did a joke this is too this was too subtle like because i almost drowned another time they say when you're drowning you see important parts your life flesh before you the only parts i saw what all the other times i was drowning but uh it's uh too subtle for stand-up but yeah oh it's stop working yeah clubs now please but but i i was uh lost in the mountains out here i was 14
Starting point is 00:49:52 and and with a big pack on my back and we tried to climb our way out and when i was like hundreds of feet in the air i was in a chimney of that started collapsing on me and i was sliding down and i literally had a moment where i went i have one chance to heave myself up this thing onto the platform or or i'm going down i'm going off and in that moment and i get a little ptsc just thinking about it in that moment time just goes like you can tell you it's it's not that your whole life passes before you it's that your whole life becomes a dot it's the craziest but isn't that what it is anyway it's the well yes but it feels like a dot you can see the whole thing like right there it just all is in front of you that yeah it was a weird experience you see your life and the
Starting point is 00:50:36 astronaut sees the earth yes it becomes a dot it just becomes but it becomes a temporal dot it's like it all compresses it and in all all moments are equal and they're all right in front of you when i'm stoned but now all that yeah yeah yeah that's what it is when i'm stoned and what should be let me ask you another i gotta get some edible stuff this is this is a stupid question but this is a stupid question but when i'm when i'm doing when it's working yeah sometimes you like i said you can't finish your thought it's almost like schizophrenia and we're it's almost with recreating mental illness what we think is a deficiency either pot or i mean or edibles or mushrooms you know what when you need to know if you can have that happen
Starting point is 00:51:22 history of uh psychedelics right one there's a few great moments in history but it's like schizophrenia they think when when tim leary goes down to mexico eats mushrooms and apparently like as a psychologist psychiatrist someone studying the mind has this revelation where he thinks i now understand schizophrenia because i have temporarily become schizophrenic the way the way we can use this for treatment because now i've been into that space where maybe a lot of other people but we strive for that so we're saying mental illness is a fun thing and i don't mean to be a silly joke so the first reaction was this is mental illness but then you read huxley talking about mescaline and he says this isn't mental illness this is the state of an artist
Starting point is 00:52:13 yes the genius this is the state of uh being caught up in the you know he described this guy shouldn't be a comedian he's too smart to be a comedian but i'm saying i'm saying you're you're eons above what i think a comedian is i'm sorry there's no first of all the whole label thing yeah i know i'm doing it but but anyway the whole point is it's not i don't think it's mental illness you're experiencing and this is what huxley says he says what you're experiencing is the filtration system of the human mind is suddenly stopped so you're taking it all more holistically although all the human mind is interestingly enough spending a great deal of energy tuning shit out way more energy tuning stuff out than taking stuff in because like right now like
Starting point is 00:52:59 listen there's a cricket in here there's humming buzzing listen just listen there's all that you feel your ass in the chair i can feel my shoe there's a splinter in my hand i can feel my breath crickets driving me crazy now crickets driving you crazy now right but so all all that stuff the lights i must be schizophrenic you're not just you just you widened out a little bit of what your experience so so your mind is always filtering the shit out so when you get when you take a psychedelic who's controlling it who's controlling the filter well that's a great question who do you think is controlling the filter that that is also the question of you know free will and everything else is wrapped right into
Starting point is 00:53:41 that it's you know what moment does something start and who's who is there to start it yeah the moving mover right right that is the question or yes exactly where are you in where where are you in your body who's making these choices why are you filtering this stuff out you know is it good to filter stuff out absolutely sometimes you need to filter stuff out i think autism when i see someone who has it was autistic i think this is like me if i have gotten eaten way too much weed there every every but it's almost a positive use we're saying autism and mental illness because the enlightenments well it's it's it's it's it can be really brutal if you're resisting it and it can be really brutal if you you need to be able to enter into consensus reality and or what
Starting point is 00:54:35 they call the marketplace and spiritual ramdas calls it the marketplace this is them you need to be able to go into the marketplace wow do your work haggle if you need to haggle be tough if you need to be tough be nice if you need to be nice but that doesn't just have to be how you live that's not the totality of reality with a capital R or who or who you are right and the other thing i mean to say to you and sure that you're very hard on yourself and i'm much better than i used to be you could say that you're you have been and i've been terrible all those cliches relationship with your so the worst worst enemy even the guy who sued me for seven months uh made my life miserable things like that i i've done worse to myself so but i'm better but i'm good i'm i'm i'm showing
Starting point is 00:55:23 i'm able to talk like i'm being repetitious discern these things and go not good but they still pop up there go you piece of shit go get out or or go oh or i must it's almost like i look at it like a crying baby like the little thing i'm a loser i'm a piece of shit all my little boy is upset it's okay i learned to tell myself it'll be okay i never heard the words it's okay from pearl i heard you'll come i'm in a box we're gonna die you know they mean the you know the people will come and kill you you'll get raped in coney island so i never heard the words it's gonna be okay so i'd learn to do that so when i'm doing when i'm going to the inner child i i i say you know it's yeah i actually the inner child thing long before i came up with that you know and on my own sort of
Starting point is 00:56:07 because i i work with this comedian when cable remember cable was not cable but public accents access so there was this comedian his son dad you could be on that cable show and then i realized if i have a son so then i had imaginary son for many years that i can't come home i'm a loser i'm a piece of shit you have to be strong for your son go yeah you know that i think of the young comedian special oh but we're gonna be in red i just have one line on amen oh dad's gonna be on a show i'm so proud of my dad he's a one line on that thing so i started having an imaginary son and who's excited for me because my mother never had the concept of being strong for your children she falls apart so as as much as i say i'm sounds like i'm beating myself up i learned
Starting point is 00:56:50 like i said when the guy you're a loser fred you're always alone oh rather than even shoot the better i thought go come here baby it'll be okay you know i mean he's a little boy in me that's crying right and i and i and i never learned to who never's done so you're okay now let's jump take that sure idea that concept now move into that here's the really intense concept sure so the concept is the universe is composed of ultimate hippie stuff here for you that's why i'm saying when i was with Morgan Murphy when when when you get first discover pot i sound like dude we're all one and i sound so hacky but it's true like they say a cliche is a cliche because it's true the universe is love right everything's love everything is so there's
Starting point is 00:57:36 already been a kind of weird love apocalypse love is swept through all things all things are love right there is literally there's a tsunami of love that is pouring into you right now and as it turns out if you can't love yourself then you are the last part of the universe but you see what i'm saying even you're the last part of the universe the one little piece of the universe the one if especially if we get into the idea of solipsism or everything's a projection of you if you're surrounded by love and it's all rushing into you then the final step in this universe waking up and entering into this nirvanic bliss state for the rest of infinity is for you to stop blocking the love the moment that you allow but in a way it almost sounds like
Starting point is 00:58:21 what i'm saying is negative thoughts isn't if it's like it's just the baby and me crying and i go come here you're passing you i'm taking your passing judgment on the thoughts yeah what is it with convergence what do you call it it's convergence that's a great word for no way when you talked about it on the drunk history i did oh i did yes you said the whole world's gonna where it's gonna be we're all gonna be machines that we're all gonna be thoughts and we're all gonna be the the uh the oneness the singularity singularity there's a personal singularity you know that your person can have and that's the moment that you really start loving yourself and that's what you're doing there's no rush by the way there's no hurry to do this but
Starting point is 00:58:59 what i think about man if i'm being really hard on myself and really calling myself a piece of shit or looking at decisions i made in the past i'm like you fucking idiot why would you ever do that i i think to myself man is the same thing you're saying about a little kid i just think what if you're treating your dog yeah so so wait i want to get one last question to sort of explore here real quick which is fred the opening question fred asked i don't think we've answered yet which is why is his reality that he's in when he's high and feels good and can take little trips and can assess the world differently why is not what i don't want to call it reality why is not that experience let's say more real than the experience or equally as important as the experience
Starting point is 00:59:43 he's having say right now is that wasn't that your question yeah well again maybe it's my judgment so i define the real world as a guy who's 57 who's always alone who is not working as an actor that's not the real world the real world of him feeling shitty as opposed to the real world that's altered by a chemical where he feels good why is one but sometimes it's not altered it it helps you get to something you need to get to my answer to that is it's all the same world you're just yeah you're shifting the it's like if i have a glass of tea and i add sugar to it it's still tea but now it's sweet tea if i add poison to it this is poison tea and and so it's very much like what fred you were just saying which is it's all good yes it's all real it's all fine and it's all and
Starting point is 01:00:33 ultimately when you're in the more negative thing your self caretaking becomes more important and i say it's good i learned to tell myself it's going to be okay i'll tell you what i do is like i learned to do little things like uh you know when i can't find i'm late i can't find my glasses and my keys on my wallet rather than i try to go i love myself i can't find my wallet i love myself i can't find my keys rather than you piece of shit loser again right i'm literally a loser i can't you know so i learned to just say i love weather it's weather i like i like the weather analogy it's those are those those dark clouds that come in let them blow in let them blow through it's all good it's all real it's cool it's just weather and also meant it's just weather another thing you can do when
Starting point is 01:01:13 you're talking about the 50 thing and the actor thing and all that stuff is imagine those are pieces of a prison cell you're living in so when you when and you've outgrown it i have yes those are not real let me tell me if there's the same thing i don't know um maybe it's i gotta go you guys okay yeah you have a you have a meeting you have got good stuff yeah this is amazing you're so cool friend no you are you i knew it's be good i knew it'd be good yeah you uh i need you to um you gotta go but email me some books if we ever have time the denial of death the whole philosophy is that about i'm obsessed with delusional people i wish i could be more delusional because because i get scared because unless you have kids to live for we need delusions to stay alive
Starting point is 01:02:05 like oh this one man's show or i don't buy that cognition man that's not true i don't next pod okay i gotta go to this meeting i'll give you i'll get me some books and the delusion of death when life gets crazy and when doesn't it shop right helps you keep it all together now with a little extra help from instacart if you need your groceries now ish but your options for going to shop right are later ish or never ish you can get everything you need delivered through instacart right to your door in as fast as an hour skip the shop and savor more of your crazy busy life with shop right and instacart visit instacart.com to get free delivery on your first order offer valid for a limited time minimum order ten dollars additional terms apply
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