Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Laying About with Shane Mauss

Episode Date: June 13, 2017

A rant about the glory of bikes followed by a conversation with comedian and psychonaut Shane Mauss. We talk about learned helplessness, pain administration chambers, and the joy of laying about. T...his episode sponsored by Fulton and Roark. Go to Fultonandroark.com and use offer code Duncan at check out to get a 15% discount.

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Starting point is 00:00:35 Go to Fulton and Rourke that's R-O-A-R-K dot com and use offer code Duncan to get 15% off of their amazing line of colognes, exfoliating soaps and shaving cream. You can make the father in your life feel like he's in the Illuminati by giving him a gift from Fulton and Rourke. Did you know that your grandmother or great grandmother is burning in hell? Her eyes are getting ripped out by demons every three minutes and regenerating but you can stop this from happening. Go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and subscribe.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Not only will you get extra podcast episodes, you'll save your grandmother's soul from eternal damnation. Hell sucks. Save your grandmother. Go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH. Absolve me of my sin. She deserves your love. Okay, let's do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Hello friend, it's me Duncan and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast. Hello, man. Ah, god damn, I've been riding my bike again. Boy, does that just juice the serotonin out of your synaptic vesicles. It's so glorious. You get addicted. You get a little trembling thinking about biking. It's really, really the antidote.
Starting point is 00:02:03 If you're somebody who like me tends to fall into long periods of numb, soul negating, horrifying depression, then just getting out on a bike and riding around can do so much to help assuage that incredible numbness that can slowly and silently creep into your heart like kudzu wrapping around some young sapling cutting off all connection to the sun and slowly killing it like an anaconda choking the life out of a young lamb. It can happen. It happens slowly though, man. Next thing you know, you just don't feel anything.
Starting point is 00:02:47 You're just kind of annoyed all the time and fuck for me, there's some things that fix that. Intermuscular catamine doesn't hurt, but also climbing on a bike and just riding outside and smelling civilization, going through the different zones, walking is awesome too. And admittedly, it depends on where you live. If you happen to be in a place, devoid of bike lanes or nowhere near a park or somewhere just, I don't know where you are, I guess in some like horrific crucible where the roads are cratered and snipers, maybe you're in the future.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Maybe you're listening to this in the future after the economy collapsed and all the streets have bubbled up from the solar flares that wiped out the satellites that caused a complete collapse of the communication technologies that gave us the incredible conveniences that we've taken for granted and become so accustomed to. You might be some scavenger sitting in the rib cage of an enemy that you just killed with your hatchet and sling and you've found an old phone that mysteriously still had energy in it and the podcast was stored in the phone and you don't have a bike. All you've got is a backpack made of the dried out leathery faces of the enemies that you've
Starting point is 00:04:10 scalped and it's filled with teeth and lubricant and you don't even know what I'm saying right now because you no longer speak English, you speak some new grunting language based on the sound of squealing pigs and roasting martyrs that you've thrown in your boiling pits of tarry oil that you've harvested from the desiccated cars that were exploded by the fire bombs dropped from the alien UFOs that flew into our planet's atmosphere after the satellites got wiped out by a solar flare and this could just sound to you like that's the case I don't know what to tell you man you can't understand me you're just some ogre thing wandering in an apocalyptic wasteland so I'm not going to talk to you anymore but if you're somebody
Starting point is 00:05:05 who lives near streets just get a bike they're not that expensive they're relatively cheap for the amount of joy that they can bring you I forget somehow I always forget but the moment you're just fucking driving down the road and you can the gears are spinning and it's all these satisfying little clicks and words and the bumps and the barbecue smells and the blasts of exhaust and the what is someone burning fucking wood someone with someone burning some kind of ancient wood near here what does that smell coming from and then the quick blasts of music coming from unknown parties somewhere in a relative close proximity that you'll never see and the smell of perfume and the sound of birds singing and the whir of the wheels and the zones that appear in
Starting point is 00:06:02 cities you go from like deep acidic Williamsburg with like just acidic Jews everywhere and silence and kids playing in the alleys and a kind of like feeling of like fuck I just traveled backwards in time to suddenly being in like deep hipster Williamsburg and then just it's amazing it's amazing you don't have to be in New York either if you do live in New York and you're not riding a bike it is insane that you're not doing that you don't even realize the fact that you are living in a kind of utopian paradise the other thing that becomes strangely clear when you're riding around on a bike is how miserable people in cars seem like people in cars are beeping at each other screaming at each other I just saw some guy climb out of his car today and just scream just scream
Starting point is 00:07:00 like somebody who realized that they were in hell he would been in a kind of amnesiac state where they forgot there the scream of god spoiler spoiler alert the scream in angel heart by the way if you haven't seen angel heart just cut ahead like 50 seconds the scream in angel heart when harry angel realizes that he's the murderer and he sold his soul to the devil this guy just clambered out of his fucking car and was like it's the strangest thing and what's really crazy in New York and this is a obviously it's special about New York it's generally faster to get where you're going on a bike because traffic is so fucking bad here and it's about the same as taking a train that's weird that's a really weird thing so if you're in New York and you've got the subway
Starting point is 00:07:59 blues or whatever because they've raised the price on the subways man get a fucking bike just try I know I sound like the most judgmental condescending person on the precipice of joining some kind of vegan biking collective some kind of anarchist vegan biking collective that throws paint bombs at city monuments and incinerates trash cans and throws bricks through the windows of chipotle's I know I sound like that I'm sorry but my god if you are up to your neck in a kind of dark soupy inexplicable depression if you just feel bored if you need a a change if you want to get a nice terrifying rush because you do get those when you're out there too it ain't what you would call safe you're out there on the streets people don't see you if they do see you they're they're pissed
Starting point is 00:08:53 because you've got this saint-like glow to you because you've discovered the fact that you can get on a thing you power with your own caloric energy that takes you from point A to point B while making you healthier while allowing you to stand on some ridiculous peak of judgment and gaze down on the fools driving their cars I've only been doing this for three days I've become so egoic and puffed up and judgmental of drivers that it almost negates the health benefit that the bike is giving me so forgive me for going on and on about this but what it is kind of fun to temporarily feel superior don't get me wrong I'll be in a car before long guaranteed and I like it climbing in the back of a cab that doesn't smell like a billion hummus farts being
Starting point is 00:09:44 exploded out of a fucking exhaust pipe of some kind of spaceship which can happen sometimes you do end up in some stinky fucking cabs where whoever's been riding in them or maybe the person driving is just been not like farting like you know intermittently here and there but there's just been a kind of central air conditioner style release of foul putrid gas that's just been pouring out of someone in there for hours and is seeped into the old brittle seat so that every time the cab hits a bump the just a swamp bubble of doom gas comes out of the seats the seats are farting you might as well have stepped into some kind of world war two battlefield where they've just dispersed something worse than mustard gas something created in the
Starting point is 00:10:41 alchemical laboratories of the driver or passengers small intestine using a terrible mixture of ingredients including hot dogs old onions radishes and potentially cat brains based on the murky musty thick smell that sticks in your nose but it's nice when you feel the air conditioning when it's super hot outside so don't get me wrong I get it I get it man I'm going to be in a car I've owned cars I've gotten sucked into car culture I've driven around in a Mercedes at the peak of my midlife crisis when I turned 40 trying not to think about my bald spot and pretending that sudden bouts of acceleration would be enough to help me escape from the inevitable truth that all humans must face which is that eventually we will be extinguished by the forces of time
Starting point is 00:11:35 I've done it man but listen nothing when it comes to transportation and depression fighting compares to a bicycle holy god get a bicycle friends you won't regret it my dear children we have a wonderful podcast for you today today's guest is a um a psychonaut I guess you could say also I maybe a scientist not he is uh he's been on the podcast before and boy do we have a wonderful conversation I hope you'll stay tuned Shane Moss is here with us today we're going to jump right into it but first some quick business this episode of the DTFH is brought to you by Fulton and Roark go to Fulton and Roark.com that's Fulton and ROARK.com and say 15% off your purchase by using the code Duncan Fulton and Roark is a men's fragrance and grooming company
Starting point is 00:12:41 that specializes in solid cologne shave and shower products all designed to make getting ready easier and more enjoyable their travel friendly wax base colognes go anywhere plus there's nothing to break or spill and of course they all smell fantastic Fulton and Roark's bar soap is designed to exfoliate the skin with or without a washcloth and gq magazine just name their shave cream the very best on the market today try for yourself at Fulton and Roark.com and say 15% off your purchase by using the code Duncan at checkout Fulton and Roark makes getting ready feel as though you are about to be initiated into a secret society and have been given sacred oils to put on your body to prepare yourself for entering into a chamber of purification and bliss I'm not even joking
Starting point is 00:13:34 I'm a little bit of a cologne snob normally I won't wear this stuff but Fulton and Roark has hit this perfect balance it smells like earthy and insincy and and and I don't know for lack of a better word special it's really cool and they come in these like amazing silver cases with the kind of important weight to them that you slide open and then scoop out a little bit of the cologne and you put it on your neck if you know any mantras you could say it as you're applying it whatever it's going to make getting ready for whatever you happen to be doing seem a lot cooler than usual it makes great gifts if you want to give someone a cologne that looks like you travel to westworld to get it for them this is the product for you they also have fantastic
Starting point is 00:14:27 shaving cream and their soap is incredible I use all of it so go to Fulton and Roark.com remember offer code Duncan will get you 15% off of your order and that's a good deal this stuff is high quality and I love it Fulton and Roark.com check them out oh shit I had to get on the voice changer for this one join the inner sanctum of the deep TFA to become an initiate be anointed in the sweet sonic healing glory of the deepest waters of the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast subscribe yes and patreon.com go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and become an initiate gain access to content that will only be available there sitting there right now growing like a defraxist crystal in the underpin of the warnarian pyramid is a brand new podcast waiting for you all you
Starting point is 00:15:36 have to do is subscribe there's many tears that you can subscribe to from two to ten dollars but no matter where you land you'll have the same access to podcasts video podcasts songs and many other things most importantly you'll become part of a community that is supporting the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast join us go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH today's guest is a comedian a philosopher a scientist and a psychonaut who just finished a hundred city tour the good trip tour you've also seen him on comedy central and he has a netflix special that you should check out called mating season he also has a great album out called my big break which you can get on iTunes now everybody please welcome back to the Duncan
Starting point is 00:16:37 Trussell family hour podcast Shane Moss hello hey man glad to have you back here in new york city good to see you so you um you just had a show at the bell house yeah yeah it's fun the tour is wrapping up the last time we talked was or on the podcasts anyway was right before the tour and uh that was back when everyone thought i was a complete crazy maniac for doing a big long tour that was me i thought that for sure i didn't think you'd make it yeah i mean i didn't know what happened to you how what number show was the bell house show um 105 i think good fucking god yeah yeah and you've been driving from one place to the next yeah um i drove all of it until sorry sorry no no problem um
Starting point is 00:17:52 i now can't hear go ahead and there we go yeah sorry about that that's okay um i i drove all of it until the end of january and then i got rid of my car and then i flew and rented cars places from the because i was just kind of picking up sporadic things here and there but yeah the first the first part of the tour i made a full loop around the perimeter of the u.s and then i made a small loop um and then i was around the midwest after christmas because i'm from wisconsin and then uh just been tacking things on since that it's supposed to end mid mid february and then i was going to do a big international tour which got pushed back i'm hoping to do more um some international stuff this fall how many shows are left in this tour um
Starting point is 00:18:39 like three or four i'm doing um ashville athens chattanooga and then might be adding one to three more shows in colorado where are you performing in ashville um the moth light and i'm doing both my um good trip show and my dmt talk uh there which is just a talk that i give about my dmt experiences with some laughs but i wouldn't call it a comedy show and then i'm uh doing my live here we are podcast in ashville as well and that's kind of officially the end of the tour but i might i might stick a couple more on in colorado if you had to pick let's say you had to pick between doing a comedy you could only do comedy shows or you could only do dmt lectures which would you pick man sometimes i feel like i'm getting more and more away from
Starting point is 00:19:31 um comedy i mean i think that i think that it's easier to uh i mean the the really challenging thing to me isn't creating jokes it's um trying to come up with new ideas and saying something novel and meaningful that is affecting people in a different way uh that's really really hard to do and to come in every time that you know i think i have some great new idea about how science works or whatever i'll run it by one of my podcasts guests i have a science podcast and and they're always like oh yeah so and so did that work like 50 years ago or whatever but uh i i think trying to trying to say more meaningful things is really really for me it's really fulfilling and challenging and um and it's easier to have some jokes along the way where it's harder to do the opposite to
Starting point is 00:20:25 have a comedy show where you need to have x number of like laughs in it you know it feels a little bit like haiku doesn't it yeah like you're you're you're sort of in a weird way you're like constrained to this particular form that is slower to develop a little bit than the other form and i don't know sometimes i feel like god that fucking the that word comedy can in a lot of ways for example like this podcast if i told people prior to the podcast hey this is a comedy podcast yeah right remember that right i mean let's try it right now let's do a right now as just let's do some comedy podcast yeah i think it'd be fun be wacky like what would you do but i but i've had comedians i mean what it happened it hasn't happened that much
Starting point is 00:21:23 in the in the beginning before people understood what podcasts were yeah people once i can't remember it was someone people will come on the show giving you setups and then get and doing doing their thing and they're like and i heard there was a comedian once who said something to me along the lines of look man i mean we're comedians why why when i see why if you when you're not being a comedian then what are you right right it's like well that's the strangest in like how why are you just a comedian too why are you just identifying as that listen we work in the auto factory okay that's what your dad was that's what i am that's what you are all right we don't talk about politics we talk about cars working on cars that's what we do
Starting point is 00:22:22 leave it to other people to do that other stuff is this one of your skits is this one yeah this is one of my gags trying out one of my jokes see that's the thing so like now if we rephrase that and you go shane what would you rather be doing morning radio and telling jokes on morning radio or having meaningful conversations on podcasts that sometimes we have some laughs as well i would say no fucking question no question it's it i mean and i i mean i'm careful to sit because like morning radio can all but like go to hell for the most part there's still some good stuff out there but it's really rare to find it and whereas whereas stand-up comedy i think still has a lot to offer people it's just right now this time in my life it's definitely not what
Starting point is 00:23:19 what makes me as fulfilled as some of the other things that i'm working on right i mean even my psychedelic show is like really i would say it's i would say it's like a third like ted talky it's a third like funny stories it's a third which are like very genuine and things that happen and then a third like much more like jokie you know but to do that to do like a third luxury kind of stuff and just like a regular old comedy club would be challenging yeah i think like a lot of people would just straight up leave they just be like what the fuck is this asshole you know i've been trying this new thing with comedy where i do the thing i exactly think that would maybe make people walk out you should try it yeah you might be pleasantly surprised because yeah what
Starting point is 00:24:08 ends up happening is people really really seem to like it and the thing that you thought was the thing that you could never do turns out to be the thing you should have been doing all along and the stuff that you think you should be doing is actually kind of what's the word condescending to the audience because you're like oh i guess for you guys i better do this because you're not going to get this other stuff and then you do the other stuff and they're like thank fucking god you're doing that because they like it and they know that you're treating them just like you would in other words like if like you're we're sitting down at the dinner table with a group of people just be yourself right right try it out you don't have to like need to talk down to people at a
Starting point is 00:24:48 dinner party where they're not going to get my stuff yeah yeah no i i um i definitely have been for years really trying to put more give people more credit because it's it's not it's not that i think that people are dumb or anything that come to comedy no i know it's it's that it's that the point of a comedy club you can have you can have a room full of you know you can go and do a corporate gig for for nasa and it they're still gonna respond to dick jokes more often because it's the whole point of it right people have been using their brains and racking their brains all week probably doing way smarter shit than anything that i was doing all week and then saturday night comes around and they just want to turn it off for a second get drunk and have some simple ass laughs and they
Starting point is 00:25:40 deserve that too absolutely people can do but it's just there needs to be like some we need to start categorizing shows a little more like hey this is the style of comedy that you're going to see night so you can if you if that sounds appealing to you you can if it doesn't you can go to a different style on a different night thank god for podcasts because it saved us from like what it used to be like which was uh you know if you go do a you do shows on the road and like you're gonna do it some fucking comedy club and then you know people come to comedy clubs like they come to like soup plantation or something they're just like god it's gonna be comedy you know it's just gonna be comedy and i know like when i go to soup plantation not to knock soup plantation like i'm
Starting point is 00:26:34 gonna get some soup and it's all gonna kind of taste the same you know right people think that's gonna happen with comedy right and it doesn't it doesn't work like that but we get to do these podcasts and people know us now you know what we're like a little bit so most people when they come to my shows they know what i'm like right so it's not going to be as shocking as it may be when a you know group of veterans uh in their 80s rolls in to the comedy club and then they're not gonna like it right some of this stuff i do necessarily maybe not to knock uh elderly veterans i mean elderly conservative veterans you know and now that i think about it when that happened they actually did have a good time so i don't know why i use that forgive me veterans i quit i'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:27:20 by the way man not speaking of veterans and not to change the subject by the way not knocking veterans my dad's one thank you guys um but a lot of us are so brainwashed right now man i was talking to someone about this kathy griffin thing i don't mean to completely change the subject no no problem but just the idea of like shaping your comedy for a group or something right um so i was talking to someone and they're like did you hear what kathy griffin did i'm like yes of course i heard what kathy griffin did well she shouldn't have done that she shouldn't have shown a picture she should have that that's what isis does holding up to capitated heads she shouldn't have done that and i'm like i don't know man it's it's if isis were doing paper mache
Starting point is 00:28:19 maybe that could be some therapy that that we introduce into it yeah this is the worst thing that kathy griffin did was apologize that was fucked up for her to do that holding up the fucking head of fake head of donald trump is it like i mean i'm not gonna sit in defender but i'm also just gonna say like i just thought it was sort of boring i was like what is all the hubbub about like and and it's i mean i just saw some video like guar did the same the same thing with obama during the show yeah he would cut obama's head off during but it's like guar so it's like well they cut the heads off of everything it's all they express no but this isn't about like this isn't about no one's offended all right okay like certainly
Starting point is 00:29:12 trump isn't offended i'm like that guy doesn't care at all mm-hmm what it's about is power right ideas like i think trump cares a little you think he got his feelings hurt by kathy griffin i don't think his feelings are hurt i think it just like i think he's just in that rival remote all the time and like he's kind of fueled off of that and like spite and kind of you know attacking the haters like he's always talking about haters yeah so weird yeah honey yeah so like i'm sure like riled up up in that in that way like just more fuel for that hater fire that he's so it's so weird that the president's just always talking about hate using those words and everything it's really strange it's really so strange it's this
Starting point is 00:30:08 yeah it's it's definitely part of the singularity because if not for twitter this wouldn't happen this is a hundred percent because i guess he would he could theoretically you know send out like mass emails prior to twitter or something like that or like post facebook post but it's technology you know that that is causing this this bit of dissonance is because we can't pretend that our president isn't an idiot like you you have to just be like man the guy is really like awkward and embarrassing he's like just an embarrassing he's like an an embarrassing he's like a kind of just embarrassing like it's like it's like every day it's just like well he it feels like he has to one up himself i know i know oh yeah i mean it's it's it's like the jackass
Starting point is 00:31:05 guys you know it's like well you just can't just hit yourself in the balls anymore like we we're gonna need a little more than that you're gonna have to do something more than fucking fall asleep tweeting and and like not finish your tweet because you just drifted off with those i like that he was like when he was like dumb it's a real word like what what is is it like just clearly just like a narcissistic personality disorder which is which is certainly a valid or is he just like fucking with everybody like i can't tell if it's just a genuine disorder or if he's just trolling every because both seem equally valid to me he seems like a shitty like teenager yeah like just like a teenager that's just always gonna do
Starting point is 00:31:58 something wrong like when he comes home he's gonna do something wrong he's always do something wrong i don't give a you know really the thing that bothers me is more right now trump is an entertaining person to watch it's in a form of entertainment i don't really care too much about him pulling out of the fucking paris thing apparently the the impact of that is going to be minimal and also it would the thing well i don't think it was gonna have much of an impact on the environment that's right i think i think that like globally it makes us kind of dicks well that's yeah that that is true it makes us look like assholes but as far as like the actual impact on the environment from what i've read it's a very minimal impact and the other thing is it seems
Starting point is 00:32:41 to be inspiring people to be more environmentally minded just to fuck him up like whatever his stupid plan is i don't really care about trump right and then in the sense of like being like flustered or horrified what bothers me is the people who have assigned themselves as the defenders of trump yeah that's weird to me dude it's their adamant defense of him and and one of the first things they'll say to me is i never heard you talking about that like this about obama and it's like no then you never saw my shows when obama was president because i fucking was attacking him too presidents in general in general dumb idea to have presidents exactly and what's so but a president fine you know what it's gonna self select to create a specific type of person that's gonna get into
Starting point is 00:33:30 that seat of power but the defenders of presidents those are like the you know how nerd used to be a like a derogatory term and then it became popular well defenders of fucking presidents these are like government nerds like it's like they're like it's like it's the nerdiest thing that you can be is to be like don't talk about the you didn't tell him about obama it's nerds it's like deep embarrassing it's embarrassing why are you so infected by the fucking state that you feel the need to stick up for some kind of obvious buffoon what is your driving you to do that you know yeah i mean it's one thing to just be like you know i vote i vote republican every time that's just how i vote that's one thing but then to be like
Starting point is 00:34:29 no he's he's gonna save us all like he's like to think that is when it's i mean my my grandparents small town iowa you know very very limited life experience out of just this very small town upbringing and yeah and not terribly well educated and you know not uh not the most open minded or adventurous people and and they um they thought and they're like hyper religious and we're still like even when like all this stuff that are like grabbing pussies and all this other stuff that you would the which like uh you would you would think that would be horrifying to like if i if i say the word pussy on tv like my grandma is terrified right i mean you wouldn't say that in front of her at the table you'd be like yeah i was grabbing pussies right what do you call her
Starting point is 00:35:27 me ma grandma what do you call grandma grandma one of my favorite things about tours is i get to grab pussies throughout the whole tour she wouldn't like that probably but they i mean when trump got elected they sent out uh they first off they went to um they went to go and and meet trump at one of his things and paid you know ten thousand dollars for a picture with him or whatever it was i imagine but uh but they sent this picture out like in a card after he got elected to everyone and was like they were like uh finally god has spoken this is clearly divine intervention like actually believe donald trump who is first off if you think donald trump believes in like religion your religion or god or any like gives a fuck about any of it like other than himself you're out of your mind
Starting point is 00:36:23 right but to but to think that he's like selected by god to save you is it totally different but i don't know i think you know as we were talking about twitter here's how i do think that social media is just fucking with us so much so i used to write jokes i'd sit i'd write in my notepad i'd write a joke it'd mostly be garbage a month later i would look back at this joke and i'd have some way of improving upon it i'd be like maybe it's good enough to try out now it doesn't go that well a month later i'm going through my notebooks again i see this joke oh here's a better place for it in my act and then all of a sudden it's like a great joke and it works really well because the the non-conscious world is is doing so much more right than than this
Starting point is 00:37:13 consciousness stuff is but now it's like oh here's a premise you know what rather than spending three months of just kind of playing around with this idea and thinking about it while in the shower i'm just gonna tweet out this half big premise yeah hoping to get like three retweets and a few likes or whatever and like my joke writing skills have just gone down the garbage i mean i mean i can i can write just as good a joke if i actually put my old methods back into practice right but it's just so so distract i mean fortunately now i do longer form things and and so twitter's just a way of like ah this isn't going to fit in anywhere i'll just throw this out quick but now apply that to something like a politician creating policy
Starting point is 00:38:04 it can take a long time to evaluate sure figure out like what the best solution and and you're talking about so if you have trump all of a sudden like oh quick here's an idea and just tweeting out this half-baked idea and like that and it's a signal to the brain that's like well i'm done with that you know just like mind doing jokes it's like done done thinking about that idea it's done i have tweeted it i have finished that idea and uh and i think that's what uh that's what a lot of people are doing including our policy makers and everything else rather than like creating policy it's like oh this this policy could maybe benefit people which i'm suspicious that but there's really any politicians thinking that way anyway but instead they're going like
Starting point is 00:38:53 oh will my twitter followers right enjoy this phrasing of a stupid idea that i have they're getting confused but the truth is like i mean if you look at every response whenever trump tweets you never it's like every 15th one might be someone being like great it's generally just an endless stream of pure hate people hate him apparently but again that's not its statistical truth but whoever's using twitter so when he's looking at the responses he's got an he can't be thinking like oh i must be doing great because like everyone is like you're a dumbass like you're just stupid man like you're dumb you're a dumb dumb person but the but the the the the essence of it is formality right it's like there's certain jobs
Starting point is 00:39:45 that you kind of would rather the person doing the job express some formality right like when i go to the doctor for example i i would prefer for my doctor to be a little formal with me you know i don't necessarily want him to be like hey dude what's up fuck sit down man let's take a look at that you know like it's weird i just want to feel kind of like all right this is serious this is serious i want my airplane pilot to be like that too you know i like it i don't want my airplane pilot to be casual when he's making announcements i want to feel like he's up there fucking focusing with all of his might i'm flying this i don't need a groovy flight no i need like so so i think that like what ends up happening when the president begins to become informal
Starting point is 00:40:37 in the sense that when he doesn't spell check his own tweets the message it sends to the world is or to america or the people is i really don't care enough about you to spell check my shit like the thing that you would do like if i'm sending a business email you know i'll like look at it twice let's just make sure that there's no misspellings in here because i want the person i'm doing business with to know i respect them enough that i'm i'm gonna like at least think about what i'm sending out this is the problem because them to me with twitter the impression it's giving is the guy doesn't give a shit about us because if he did he'd spell he'd see be formal there'd be a formality a kind of like practiced form out that's what i liked about obama you know
Starting point is 00:41:28 i liked obama because when he was conning us he was doing it in a formal way yeah and he was like people like oh he said all the right things and he's charming sure it's like well that's a pretty big part of the job yeah that's that's much of what the job is even even if even if he's like pulling a con which is like at least it's not such an incredible and obvious embarrassment we want our con artists as an american the american tradition is when we're getting conned we want to pretend that we're not getting conned yeah right we don't want the cognitive dissonance of like look i know i'm being conned like you know like with obama it's like i'm pretty sure i'm not positive about this but i'm pretty sure you have increased surveillance i'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:42:18 that you have definitely killed a lot of kids with your drone attacks i'm pretty fucking sure about that and i'm pretty i'm not positive about this but i'm pretty sure like you're like making lots and lots of money off of this you know the fucking these wars that you that you are continuing and you and and you know but there was something so smooth about him right so but with trump the problem is is like man look you're like obvious like you are obviously conning us and then that's where it gets really problematic is people like your grandparents who are getting the con they they're they're not the problem is they're not just because it's a different world of hell or something they're pretending that the story these people are telling us is real when it's not it's
Starting point is 00:43:15 not real it's the state as always doing the same fucking thing hypnotizing you tricking you jeff sessions wants to restart the fucking war on drugs mandatory minimums come on man all you fucking trump supporters out there come on like i i that that's that's where they're really gonna shoot themselves in the foot hardcore is on the drug stuff yeah because there's a million i mean libertarians were a big part of getting trump elected yeah and they are not going to have that and even pretty hardcore conservatives are warming up to the idea of of legal marijuana and everyone's kind of you know seeing it now and that's gotta bother you right man you are a psychedelic advocate of vocal you have a show about psychedelics how did you feel when you saw
Starting point is 00:44:13 that jeff sessions sent out that fucking memo suggesting or saying that they have to start enforcing mandatory minimums again how did that make you feel i mean it's just like it just seems like it's just par for the course i mean it just seems like this is the same stuff that i've had to hear about my whole life i mean i'm like i i just feel like my small town midwest upbringing i got real exposure to the kinds of people that they're manipulating and trying and uh and trying to market to those people those people like really get together and vote and and uh and they're you know they work really hard doing their one specific task that they know a fair amount and then a lot of times uh it's you sit back at the end of the day burnt out exhausted and watch like
Starting point is 00:45:06 whatever the dumbest thing on tv you can find because you're you're burnt out and you're fried and then you drink too much on the weekends and everything it's not like you know people aren't spending a lot of time sitting there considering all the little nuances of of uh of life not that they aren't capable of it but it's don't forget they're chomping on those fucking oxy cottons oh that's a really big thing too and then and then that's a thing like small i mean if i go and visit my grandparents this is like this is like i mean it looks like a ghetto there because it's you know there's all the mom-pop businesses are gone everything and the the farming industry has changed dramatically and and uh and so all these all these things like addiction that was something
Starting point is 00:45:59 that was reserved for like um you know inner city urban youth uh you know that was it was always you know these dangerous minorities of course are getting themselves hooked on whatever but then all of a sudden in real if you look at something like math where you have like a whole bunch of open like i had a podcast on talking with this guy that wrote a book all about the apple the history of appellation meth use and there's a bunch of tree cover for a meth lab it's there's not you know these are small towns there's not a lot of police enforcement around and there's like uh there there's certain industrial products um that are used uh that that work really well for making meth that are used in um for at farms so it doesn't raise suspicion when you're getting a lot of this
Starting point is 00:46:50 and then people are having to work longer and longer hours in their factory jobs or whatever like gutting chickens or this monotonous i i did four or five hours four or five years of factory work and it's brutal factory work is brutal um it wasn't and it wasn't really the worst thing that i did it was fine but it can just be like really monotonous and and what factory did you what factory did you work i worked for ashley furniture and their manufacturing um company in in uh arcadia wisconsin outside of my hometown and um you know what was your job i had a few different jobs there so i would um they're like on this table there's kind of this um this molding on it like you you put this board if this were fake this looks to be stained but if it were fake you put
Starting point is 00:47:42 this board through a machine that would put kind of like the fake siding on it and so i'd do that i worked a cnc router meaning it would cut pieces into um into shapes and like drill all the holes or whatever to you know put together a entertainment system later on in the assembly line i did a little assembly work i did some i did like forklift and i loved driving forklift if i if i wasn't a comedian i could do anything else it'd be like driving forklifts and cranes and that sort of thing i like pulling lovers um what was the pay enjoyed that um well it was all kind of peace rate and so i would say i was probably getting about $15 an hour um what was your shift a little more than that overnight shift 10 to 6 fuck so you're doing graveyard work man in a factory
Starting point is 00:48:32 yeah in the midwest yeah for four years yep how did you stay what what was like this is the idea was that i was going to save up enough money to go and pursue my big dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian which i was just terrified of doing so it worked it worked i mean eventually i so i mean i took a third shift job specifically so that i would drink less um and then i ended up uh like after we had a christmas party that was like six in the morning or whatever um you know after the shifts over at some local bar i was like oh i'm gonna do that and then like every friday i would next thing i know i was just going to the bar at six in the morning rather than because i was drinking too much before that so i took that third shift job you still drink yeah yeah i quit for like
Starting point is 00:49:21 three years to hit the reset button and then i'm probably about due for another reset well you've been on the road yeah yeah it's you're gonna drink too much on the road yeah and i have july and august off to kind of get back in shape and everything and um but yeah so drinking on the road for sure but but that's you work in a factory if you can have some meth which is exceptionally cheap from my understanding and you can have something that not only keeps you awake and focused but there's a bit of euphoria involved too um and so were you doing meth no no no but i've done i've done aterol um just on on this tour i had like three or four aterol with me for emergencies when i had like a eight hour drive and like zero sleep and i had to get to radio blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:50:10 and man when's the same thing you take a boring monotonous eight hour drive that's usually painful to get through and hard to stay awake and stay focused and you take an aterol and it just blows right by yeah and so now you can have this job that's putting bread and butter on the table just blow right by like that and and then you're even working overtime you know and and uh making a little extra money for the family and then you have like a good source of of meth and then so like your friends are asking you and then next thing you know you're dealing meth and then next thing you know that's more profitable than working in the factory is and and so this is this is invading small town real rural america everywhere and i i just having done uh about
Starting point is 00:50:55 i think i did because i did a couple cities twice i think i've by the time the tour is over i'll have done a hundred different cities um and uh i didn't shy away from small conservative towns at all and it's been really interesting because these small um conservative towns that like a lot of these people like mean really well and have like you know values or morals and blah blah it's just they think that these problems are something that exist outside of their town and they're like worried about this the the stuff that they see on tv of like what minorities are doing or whatever and don't even look around that like my grandparents are scared of of terrorism meanwhile they live in a house that's falling apart my grandma like fell down these steps in this poorly
Starting point is 00:51:41 built home that are way too steep and like broker hip and everything it's like your house is a threat to you right and not not like terrorists don't care about lansing iowa i assure you but they're even so like they're like oh gee here like the terrorists are moving into trampolo like like this this town of like 500 people i'm not kidding you and like they literally believe that there is like what town atomic radical uh terrorists that are infiltrating these like 500 city uh small towns and they're everywhere they just see them everywhere because it's very salient on the news i mean humans are really bad at statistical reasoning man what they're really bad at is research it's the thing is is like okay so you have this threat that you think is coming terrorism who is it and they'll say oh it's
Starting point is 00:52:38 isis who is isis what is isis why is isis that's where they that's inevitably you hit a wall with them it's called the illusion of explanatory depth and we all do it what is that explain that so you can so they give people surveys and they go like you know how a toilet works and people are like of course i know how yeah toilet works and they're like well how's the toilet work then everyone's like uh no one knows how toilets work there's like two people in the world like and even that those people like you know man this is how we this is what we think is something to do with the silver knob but we don't know but but you know i i just had a i don't know what it is man i think my beard is getting to a certain length
Starting point is 00:53:31 where like islamic taxi drivers are like opening up to me or something and like it's awesome man and i got into this like like probably hour long like the cab driver pulled into a parking lot to explain to me what's happening in yemen because he's yemeni and yemeni yemeni so he's so you know yemen is being bombed by saudi arabia right now right so i should say i'm embarrassed with my lack of uh unless anyone think that i think of myself as a smart person i do not keep up with what who's bombing who is the one thing that i like to just check out from he was explaining it to me in and in great detail and it is such a complex situation and it is so fucking like crazy over there there's so many different
Starting point is 00:54:29 types of power and play and so many different governments like russia and the united states and iran that are all warring basically like what's happening is there is a world war you could almost say there's a world war happening a kind of cold war hot war happening and the major world powers are using like these chess pieces made of people living in the middle east to wage this war so and it all comes down to like you know or a lot of it comes down to sunnis and um like two different types of yes and a bit like first what he's explaining to me and again this is a taxi driver that picked me up i didn't fact check this it made it he was passionate about it and he'd actually taped on his taxi a book list that he had taped there so that people
Starting point is 00:55:26 were like hey what's that list and that's what he would go into is explaining what had happened because he's from yemen and um so anyway uh the point is it is so much more than terrorism right you know and and and one of the things he was talking about is remember like zikari i think was his name that like the guy who was running isis do you remember that anyway there was a this name started chain he started talking about this guy zikari uh this this terrible leader like you saw him like like he was one of the main targets that they wanted to take out and all of a sudden they're just talking about this guy in uh iraq the uh just dude the deadly dude who's like the leader of all these people well my taxi driver's like no one knew who he was like he starts talking about this guy
Starting point is 00:56:17 and in the middle east people are like who the fuck is he talking about like no we haven't heard about this guy who is this guy like if he's this dangerous we would know about him right but like you know i mean he's the way you put it is like this it's like imagine if like suddenly somebody in the middle east started talking about like carl french in the united states deadly carl french he's he's leading a fucking he's leading like armies are you the fuck is carl french has anyone heard of this guy right and so so it's really creepy because the insinuation of course is that you know we are creating imaginary people or we're training people and putting them over there so that we can fight this war against like russia or that we can fight this war against iran and
Starting point is 00:57:07 that we're like sort of like russia iran the united states and israel they're all doing this fucking world war right now but they're saying it's no no no it's syria we're just trying to like work shit out with syria why do we care about fucking syria why does he know why did we shoot missiles at syria well they chemically attack their own people what really that's why we did it because they chemically attack their own people but like what about all the other shit going on all over the world what about all you know what why would we be suddenly so obsessed with syria this is the kind of thing when you sit down with your grandparents or your dad or people who are really deeply in in this stuff you say hey why are like not that people should like do chemical
Starting point is 00:57:52 attacks clearly it's an evil thing but why are we so obsessed with the middle east what's going on what does that make sense to you is that what the founding fathers wanted that's what we want so it's fucking creepy man because that thing that you're talking about with toilets mm-hmm clearly the powers that be understand that and they're like just tell them it's a fucking talk tell them it's like terrorists they won't ask any questions they won't go five steps into it trying to figure out what the fuck it is or why it is you don't hear it on the news when people are talking about this why is it fucking why isn't anderson cooper or why aren't these people going deep and like here's what it is here's what it is there's a tribal fucking society
Starting point is 00:58:37 in yemen the tribal society is sunni the shiites want to kill them the sunnis don't want to kill the shiites but the shiites are in power so there's a power disturbance but russia wants the shiites to stay in power and you you you ron is shiites so they want the shiites to stay in power and russia's powers with iran but the united states hates iran because the united states wants the oil in the middle east so the united states is giving money to various groups of people out there who some of them are sunni but some of them maybe aren't sunni some of them are like part of another group that appears during wars and that's isis that was the most i'm not going to keep going i'm sorry no that see i mean part of the thing is is that's like a lot that's a lot to take in and most
Starting point is 00:59:28 people are most people are uh exhausted and you know working their ass off and also we're all addicted to every fucking thing in the world but why are we exhausted sugar to alcohol why are we exhausted we're overworked why are we overworked because i i think that uh i mean i think that a lot of uh people are manipulating um poor people i think it's like a really nice easy way to get cheap labor and it's not very i mean it's also i think that uh jobs i don't understand job why would you create jobs this sounds awful like let's get rid of jobs more jobs no i want a president who's like we are going to get rid of so many jobs yeah i mean look i i'm i'm moving to uh i'm moving to my girlfriend's outside of portland wash or oregon in and uh in washington just
Starting point is 01:00:33 across the border and and uh in oregon you you have to every gas station's full service people pump your gas for you because it was part of a job creation program yeah why is that we just created that you mean that dude could have just been sitting at home and then in return i could have got out of here faster now i'm like having to wait for him because he's having to like fill up eight different cars at once so this is actually taking longer than if i was just pumping my own damn gas if you're making up jobs if you're making like trying to like bring people back to do obsolete jobs why not just admit it and like pay people to dance in front of the fucking gas station play guitar sing or the way yeah that's that would be like re poetry yeah instead of pumping
Starting point is 01:01:24 ass like have them do something if you're gonna make a fucking job of the the point is man that we we the the reality of being a human being is that we are very fucking intelligent and we shouldn't and for for eventually we won't be able to have jobs anymore because it's all going to get automated or a lot of it will be and in the world so this job it's bullshit fast food gone that's a vending machine now yeah and and and and it's one person working there making sure that the thing's still running no matter of time matter of time a cold the whole fucking coal shit trump's obsession with coal it's going bye bye coal's going bye bye like we can try to like you can like try to like get into coal as much as you want but with market pressures coal is
Starting point is 01:02:15 gonna go go kaput elon musk is gonna fuck up coal coal's gonna go away now i don't know exactly when that's gonna happen but i imagine that's already like the so the we're not far then you have then you have self-driving self-navigating cars now you don't now guess what no more uber jobs or lift taxis or taxis for you and now the police don't need to do traffic patrol like they used to there's there's a like tow truck companies aren't going to be as busy as they once were there's less accidents that means less paramedics i mean and these are all good things yes these are all wonderful things that's right what you don't do is then like well now we got to find some other bullshit thing for you to do when you could just cut everyone's jobs down to and say 30 hours a week
Starting point is 01:03:08 is a full-time job now if you want two full-time jobs and you want to work 60 say if you want three full-time jobs because you just believe that's like that's what brings you all the value in life is to work your go for it you know suit yourself but people people should be able to make a living off of working 30 hours a week our hunter gather ancestors were working for five hours so how do you do that what are you thinking like basic basic wage what do they call that yeah i don't know that mid like the minimum living wage yeah i mean yeah this is uh i mean i'm this is definitely not a thing that uh i am confident in my ability to have a good solution well the question is who pays it right right i mean that's a very good question i think that there are ways of things
Starting point is 01:04:01 that seem costly that are ultimately minimizing a lot of costs like say sticking more if sticking more money into education might or say rehab or halfway homes this might seem like a big drain on uh this is why are we putting our tax money into these like drug addicts or whatever or or like you know these uh or or even kids other people's kids that i don't i have nothing to do with in the education systems wrong and there's plenty of points to be made but the problem is is that to put someone through one year of sitting in prison in a privatized prison that's costing some what is it something like 50 or 60 thousand dollars a year i think it's more than that yeah that's what you're paying to like whether you'd like it or not there's no that's coming out of
Starting point is 01:04:59 your tax money no matter what that's it and if you and so if you if you think about now someone gets 30 years in prison or whatever and now you're you're paying i think it's closer to 75 thousand dollars a year for just your average prison i mean please fact check those those numbers bombs don't forget the cost of bombs the cost of bombs the cost of the cost of police enforcement so all all that stuff has a cost the cost of someone going to an emergency room that's uninsured has a tremendous cost yeah and all of these things so uh that are i mean i wish the conversation was more about preventative um care because that's certainly we're able to say that when it comes to like military spending like this is preventative you know you want to build more bombs so that other
Starting point is 01:05:52 people can't bomb us and then we have rummage sales for our old bombs to the people that we're worried about bombing well no right or or it goes to the fucking police the militarized police but yeah man this is the problem right the problem is that they've gotten us tired what you're saying is right we're tired we're on opiates we're bleary right now we're confused and bleary and we don't fucking understand the the the power that we have as uh species right that's the essence of it if we understood that if people understood that then there would be so many things that we could immediately do the paris accords everyone's like oh the fucking paris accords well i mean if like the majority of us just stopped eating beef yeah as a response to the paris accords just
Starting point is 01:06:42 stop eating beef you can still eat chicken you can still eat fucking fish just stop eating beef so like a major industry gets fucked if enough of us could organize to do that you know so that suddenly the shockwaves every time stuff like that happens we organize and everyone's saying that's what it is everyone's saying the answer to it is micro organization micro micro communities that's the idea is like we have to diss we have to detach from the state this is the one of the things that we have to do is like get the fucking state out of your head forget about the fucking state they're not gonna help you no one's gonna help you they don't care about you president trump doesn't give a fucking shit about you the congress doesn't care about you senate doesn't care about
Starting point is 01:07:31 you no one fucking cares about you except your friends and your community and the people around you so it's like we have to it seems like the answer would be get the blinders off that they've put on top of us so that whoever lives around you start talking to them figure out what's up how can i help you is there anything i need to help you can i help you i'd like to help you that'd be pretty cool to help you it feels good to help and if we start doing that in our little communities then then that that's a nightmare that would be a fucking nightmare for them wouldn't it yeah they would hate that i have a friend i have a comic friend named jake baker and he's always going on and on about this because he started uh he started um going to uh you know
Starting point is 01:08:20 after they bought a house and like kind of not the best area in la but they started doing these community meeting things and just like going around and making sure all the neighbors were getting involved and it just like cleaned up everything and then they were they'd even have like police officers come in to explain because you know it's a bad neighborhood so police don't you know we're kind of thought of as the enemy and everything too and so they'd actually have police come in to be like hey we've been having problems with um you know people hanging out at this one particular corner it seems like there's you know some we've seen some fights at that corner is there anything that can be done and then explaining like what what goes into having to
Starting point is 01:09:04 take action on something like that and what people can do and how many times they need to call in before they're able to respond and and um i guess it's just changed the entire community and then it gets people talking i mean in my my little and this wasn't my idea this is actually um this guy michael garfield um suggested that i i do this uh who's a really cool interesting smart guy um but he he uh i started doing this based on his advice is i usually do an intermission during my show because it's an hour and a half to two hours long and so i split it up a little bit and it's also has a nice like the first half is like one on one the second half is like gets a little deeper into things but one of the things that i love about it is is that i'm like you know i'm like i
Starting point is 01:10:02 was scared to do this show because i was in the closet about my psychedelic use i've i've been sitting on this show for years and i didn't even think i'd be doing it for like another five years that's how nervous i was and i didn't know how many people were out there that were into this and interested and it could be so hard to meet people in your community so try to like get out of your head a little bit and introduce and make some new friends because honestly people are also like hey how do i find out more about like these various ceremonies because there are so there are like legal ceremonies and like different countries you can go to and and all sorts of people doing amazing there's there's people like working with cannabis in a spiritual way and like all these
Starting point is 01:10:42 kind of legal things that that you can do and all these loopholes and learning about holotropic rhetoric you know there's a million things like this and if you just like meet some other people that are knowledgeable this is how these human networks work really well because we we we can each one of us can be really knowledgeable about the particular area here and there and then when we get together and talk about it our collective knowledge is is something really special but we're becoming more isolated now we're just kind of getting our information from like zoning out and like i fucking love netflix man i love i love television but i have to like go out of my way to be like okay you get to watch the leftovers each week and that's it and then when that's over
Starting point is 01:11:35 you can have one other show a week because billions on showtime or something and that's it like you don't get any more than that because i can binge watch and just be like oh i wonder i've never seen this before i guess i'll watch eight seasons of it in a week this is the app that i'm surprised doesn't exist because like they have this app for video gaming twitch you know twitch i've heard of it but i don't know what it's about it's just video i do it it's very fun like you twitch stream video games and groups of people watch you play video games but there's like a chat room where you can talk to them and interact with them and like it's just a fucking blast but i don't understand why this is not being maybe it hasn't i'm not aware of it but where this hasn't been created for like
Starting point is 01:12:18 binge watching tv shows you know like it's like yeah like i mean you could have like a mystery science theater thing with you and your buddies too yeah and then at least you're connecting with people and having conversations about it or like join rooms of people watching tv shows and like talk to them while the shows are happening and then you sort of include the community in there you know i i i think online groups of people community groups of people in your own fucking neighborhood anything that is anything that involves connectivity with other people more than you're connecting is a good thing i'm trying to find the name of this app that i just heard about actually um so sorry i was still no problem yeah no um i and and this is even coming from someone
Starting point is 01:13:10 who i'm i'm not the most outgoing person in the world either and it could be like really uncomfortable for me to like you know think of an icebreaker with like strangers or whatever sometimes but if you put yourself out there and do it i mean there's there's some amazing people out there well you don't have to put you i mean like one thing that you can do is just is get the intention in your head that you want to help out and then uh something will come to you the moment you flip that switch in your head there will be the opportunity to do something more than you're doing you know i was thinking this i was reading this fucking book on the cabala and uh there's famous rabbi i can't remember his name but he was talking about how
Starting point is 01:13:57 it deadly important it is when anyone ever ever asks you for money to give them money whenever ever you do it because this is the one of the camouflages this is how god camouflages himself one of the one of the costumes god loves to wear is a poor person i've had that during dmt trips i've had that message um given to me and i've never heard this before but i've had that message given to me on like four or five different trip occasions yeah that's one of the universe's favorite clothes thing clothe they like that's the caught that's one of the costumes and so when people come to you and say hey can you help you help and then you don't just have to give them money you'd be like hey what's up yeah how are you doing now they might you know they might not
Starting point is 01:14:43 want to talk they might be like out of it or whatever but uh other things will you know other things will come that this is something daniel pinchback i had on my podcast recently said which i really liked is if you want to know what to do imagine you're a cell in your own body and then start acting the way you'd want that cell to act and that was one of the smartest bits of advice because it's like you know when he said that at first i thought about it and i'm like oh well i'd want the cell to be healthy so i should get a little healthier and so i started eating better after that conversation i'm like all right maybe i'll just like start eating like um just try to eat a little cleaner than i have been and then now that you're talking now that we're talking
Starting point is 01:15:29 about this i realized oh fuck you don't want your cell to be a hermit i don't want to fucking sell in my body to be a goddamn boo Radley i want the cell to interact with the other cells around it right so the moment you just get into your head you know what i want to try to help a little bit more as a cell in this body which is my neighborhood or the people living around me it's kind of magical what'll happen because almost right away something will come up to you like hey you know it's the weirdest thing man right after i was like thinking this after reading that book and thinking man you're selfish don't you need to help a little bit more i'm walking into the building this guy barely know i'm talking to him i know he has turtles he keeps turtles and we're talking and he's like and
Starting point is 01:16:15 i know he's kind of looking for work right now but we're talking he's like i need a filter for my turtles i'm like what do you mean a filter he's like you know a filter i'm like no one hey not everybody knows about fucking raising turtles man no i don't know what you mean a filter it's like you know it's a filter i'm like all right all right and i realized oh fuck man i bet his turtles are gonna die and you can't afford a filter for the turtle so i got home this is literally just after thinking like you gotta help more yeah and then i just was like ah fuck went on amazon looked up turtle filters they're like eight bucks same day delivery oh fuck i'll get a fucking turtle filter turtle filter comes i'm like see the guy i'm like hey got your turtle filter dude he looked
Starting point is 01:16:59 like he was gonna cry you know he's like thank you thank you gave me the biggest hug i gave him this like filter it was the one of the best days i've had in a fucking month it was the best day you know because i started acting like a cell all right and cells i don't think i don't think you have to be so like focused is like i'm gonna start a community group and not i don't mean to do that voice that's a cool thing to do and if you're like i know i i would fail miserably but they do all sound like that we should listen to that person they have that leadership quality voice no if you're a true doe or whatever start a group i i just i i guess that is actually with my voice to make fun of anyone else's voice is not cool but uh but i just know if i was i know
Starting point is 01:17:50 what happened if i'm like you know what i'm going to start a community group i would dread that fucking meeting with all my heart as it was approaching i'd be like there's gotta be a way for me to get out of this man i was high when i said i know i know well i i mean my main hang up is like i already feel um dangerously close to like giving sermons just during my during my act where it's like that's not what i want to be doing necessarily i think there's like a certain uh level of kind of arrogance in it too but if you can inspire people um you know that's great but but at the same time i'm like may it just makes me a little bit unsettled sometimes you know when you're putting you gotta check yourself but you gotta know well you need to check yourself
Starting point is 01:18:40 and you need to ask yourself what am i right now am i am i a conduit or am i just fucking like blowing steam right now yeah that's all you always know the difference because when you're being a conduit synchronicities happen yeah when you're when you're being a conduit that's when the little coincidences happen and that's when the flow state happens and that's when you're like oh this is easy this is easy when you're not being a conduit that's when shit's a little more like you know the the bumpy or like tricky and you could feel it inside of you when you're like when you're being the other version but both are okay it's the intention that's all that matters is the intention really that's all that fucking matters yeah i mean this is uh i when i put this
Starting point is 01:19:22 particular act together which is the third themed act that i've done i i thought that it's not that i didn't think i was the only person doing psychedelics or anything like that i just didn't realize how robust the community actually was i was i've done i've just been doing psychedelics just by myself like i've just been eating mushrooms by myself and writing about it for like 20 years you know and then i started doing it i started meeting all these people all these different researchers and like maps kind of took me in and and and uh just talking with all these people and people taking under their wing and ever and seeing all the amazing things that happen once you just start putting yourself out there just a little bit and just i was just following
Starting point is 01:20:06 my natural curiosities and natural inclinations and just like you know what fuck it don't be scared just do the thing that you want to do in your interest like i was just scared and uh man once you start putting yourself out there a little bit um yeah that's uh there there's a lot of other people that are that are just waiting for other people to be like oh good this guy this guy's into the thing that i'm into as well now we can get together and have conversations about it and yeah you and it's like the moment you sort of give up the idea that you're the listen you're not fucking gondi okay you're not gonna do a goddamn salt march there's not gonna be a well i'm gonna do a salt you might do as i mean i'm gonna do nothing i love more than salt march when you
Starting point is 01:20:58 when you were growing up we'd always take you every third of july before the july the salt marches made the fireworks look like nothing oh god i love you and you didn't you just would get like a salt shaker you could even get a salt lick and you just march and you're just walking whenever you whenever you get tired just take take the salt and pour in your mouth and keep walking but you know better times the story of the salt march is pretty fucking cool you know the salt march gondi salt march you know about that tell me more about it it's just this i mean i i know of it and i know like absolutely nothing about it in particular well gondi was trying to figure out how his toilet worked you know and so it all starts there if you really want
Starting point is 01:21:59 to get into the secrets of the world just study your toilet i the um so yeah basically what happened is um uh he he the god damn uh british were set were making it so that like indians couldn't mine their own salt right they had to do it through the british empire or something is just like classic colonialism bullshit and so gondi was gonna lead some kind of like protest you know but the story goes that like it the way he was working wasn't so organized like they wanted him to do something he was gonna do something i can't remember exactly how it goes but it's just like at some point he just gets up and starts walking towards the ocean and like he's and then people are following him as he's walking towards the ocean it's fucking gondi
Starting point is 01:22:59 i'm sorry if i'm butchering this guy's the essence that i like the the the meat of the story that i like i guess it wouldn't be meat he was a vegetarian but like the what i really like about the story is that it wasn't like planned the fried okra of the the fried okra of the stories he was just sort of like guided by his own intuition to do this thing and but what he did is he gets to the ocean and he basically like picks up some of the the brine in his own hand and holds it up breaking the law because he's like mining his own salt essentially right that was the fucking and that started a rebel that basically started like the domino effect that made india no longer a part of the british empire that was part of it and it didn't happen from some kind of like
Starting point is 01:23:49 meetings or or strategy in the normal sense it was like i'm sorry if i just ruin that story that what i'm trying to say is trust your intuition like what you're saying follow like whenever i start following the thing that i think i shouldn't follow because i enjoy that thing too much and i should follow the thing i only have enjoyed instead of the thing i shouldn't that i do enjoy it and then when i start following that thing that's when the flow state starts yeah it's always when i'm like doing the thing that i'm like well this is what i do or should be doing or you know what i'm saying i have a hook and an angle yeah give up the angle but if you in that man that's the when shit gets really it's not by the way it doesn't have to be glorious the thing you like to do
Starting point is 01:24:35 it could be video games it could be some kind of it could be anything it could be some kind of like repressed sexual fetish it could be you know it's in every area of your life there is something that you're not doing because you're afraid and you're like oh i shouldn't do that that's not really what i do i'm the blah blah blah yeah i mean well one i pretty much only do glorious shit i just like i know that about you i know that about you no you you came to i didn't know how you got it new york but you came here and a chariot pulled the lions yeah how did you get lions to to oh it's just i saw i was at central park i saw a guy and it's just it's really easy he let you borrow it or gave it to you yeah it's just like i gave him 40 bucks and like i gotta get
Starting point is 01:25:21 it back there in a little bit too but but how do you get the lions to obey you they're cats no they're already trained you know if uh you know if if they act up um you gotta whip them uh that's i know that's i know that's we're gonna get a lot of angry listeners but you know they're it's either it's either bad or they eat you uh so so you know not a hard choice no and uh and it's just i feel like it's just uh it's fuel efficient for sure and it gets people thinking you know about just other ways of getting around and what are you just leaving tied up yeah mostly um i mean right now i i should probably go and check out to be honest now that you mentioned that i did i put a bike lock on but it's like a lot of things could happen
Starting point is 01:26:16 it could slip right out of the collar dude there's a lot of people who walk their dogs around yeah shoot well it's fingers crossed but yeah there's this have i ever talked to you about um learned helplessness uh it's something that i think about a lot uh when we're talking about putting yourself out there because it's something that once i read about it i was like oh that was me for a lot of my life so you you uh put there's a rat in a cage and there's uh it it learns that there's a few different scenarios one a light goes off and then it gets shocked okay so it knows it's going to get shocked and it can brace for it and then it's not as bad it's just like randomly shocking a rat because it's ready for it right so a lot of stress is about predictability
Starting point is 01:27:13 so so like sometimes they'll they'll have games where people like uh can either play this game and maybe get shocked or just like take it and they're like just give me the shock like i don't want to sit there nervously like waiting for this shock to happen and so and then there's another condition where um where the shock happens and uh and it can hit a lever to stop the shock so then it has control yeah and so the shock sucks but the most ideal scenario is is you can turn on a light and then the rat knows to press this lever and and then the shock won't happen and this and it will learn that really really quickly but then the two other ones you can take control away and it still gets shocked um and and you can take predictability away and it still gets shocked but it's still
Starting point is 01:28:03 there's still either predictability or control in one of those or you can get rid of both and just randomly be shocking this rat and then you can take that rat and put it back into the environment where if it learns that if it turns on the light and it or once the light turns on it hits a lever and then it won't get shocked um you you could put any rat in and any rat would figure this out but this rat won't figure it out because it will no longer learn because what it's learned from all the random shocks is that life is just full of a bunch of unpredictable shocks that you have no control over so there's no point in even looking for any opportunities fuck it man you're just gonna get shocked don't be tricked by the lever man the lever is alive man and i think that's a lot of our
Starting point is 01:28:57 lives right now is a lot of people that are now kind of blind to potential and possibilities people that have just completely given up and um and i mean it's easy to do it's really easy to do so teaching people how to unlearn helplessness is a really really uh tricky thing just showing like little bits at a time of how how like here's a change that can be made here's something that you do have some control over that you can take action on here's a way that you can make predictions and start moving toward a goal you know i fucking love that dude yeah that's beautiful because it's like oh that's the last thing they want they don't they when i say they whatever it may be the embodiment the summation the the the the the total of all those people who depend on the majority of us
Starting point is 01:29:55 to just fucking lay back and get shocked for them to like for it to work out for us to start being like wait a minute we don't have to do that uh that's so exciting to me because that's what that's the dream right is is is is all of us are the majority of us learning that we don't have to get shocked anymore we don't have to oh i love there's still gonna be a shock here in there in life oh but you're gonna get your fucking ass shocked you're not getting it shocked you're gonna get dragged by because like you know like what happens is when too many people start being like hey wait a minute you know i don't think we want to get shocked like that anymore and they start marching then eventually the the you know that's when they show up right when you hit the force field of the wall
Starting point is 01:30:41 when you hit the wall that they show up with the sprays and they spray you back into complacency you go back into your house you get back into your pattern like okay okay listen you've you woke up a little too much okay we get it there's a lot more of you than there is of us and we're gonna fucking spray you with with shit their hurts and we're gonna use sonic weapons and we're gonna fuck with you until you go back in there and just pretend that everything's okay again that's all we ask we're gonna pretend we care about you you pretend it's okay and if we pretend these things together we're gonna have a wonderful country and that's the fucking problem is because we don't want to pretend and and and anymore that's the essence of it and when they stop pretending
Starting point is 01:31:27 that's when it goes from being a pseudo democracy or an oligarchy to a fucking tyranny because tyrants or that's when they stop pretending that's when they're just like no i'm a fucking dictator yeah bitch get back inside or i'll shoot your ass yeah yeah and when and that's why when one of these motherfuckers stops seems to be like kind of not pretending anymore that's where shit gets a little creepy because like hey he's not even pretending what happens if they all stop pretending you're anyway i love it learned helplessness yeah ooh that's a beautiful thing i know i i get like that and i mean the thing is is our life is so much more complicated than this nice pristine little lab setting that they've set up so it's not a perfect metaphor um and and the world is so much
Starting point is 01:32:20 more chaotic nice pristine nice pristine shocking chamber yeah yeah like but but it's also a good lesson that i mean to anyone in a position of authority um that that figures out that you can fuck with people enough to just make them hopeless and uh and and then people are just operating out of survival and fear and just kind of you know checking out and just like getting through it and then you know like okay they went to work all day what do you do for work i get shocked for eight hours straight it's just as part of this job creation program that like we had robots doing all the buildings and like making food for us and stuff and so so we just so we created these jobs where we just shock ourselves for eight hours straight
Starting point is 01:33:16 and then i'll love that and then we get done and then they give us a rest uh they after 10 hours of being shocked they let us go home and and uh and then they they sell us they sell us all the addictive nonsense that that does that in no way makes us happy i feel like i'm gonna have to delete that only because it's they're gonna listen to like if anyone hears that they're gonna that's a great idea what we could do essentially the the future looks like this it's basically these pain administration chambers right where there's a menu like on the wall it's like here's what we pay right for like uh we will for we will give you $50 to punch you in the fucking face that's what you get for you will punch you in the face once you get $50 yeah right if for 200 we will
Starting point is 01:34:09 fucking kick you in the balls so fucking hard it might rupture your fucking testicles and that's how we do this basic uh living wage is you just have to go to the pain chambers get your dose of pain when you look at like it's gonna be weird because when you see people who are wearing like nice clothes you're like fuck jesus christ that's like five kicks in the balls you got that new mac dude that's like 10 kicks in the balls it was worth it man yeah i i mean that that's that the future future is amazing let's commodify fucking pain this is like the new the next president's gonna be like i have created more pain chambers than any other president with better payment for the pain i mean the thing is is we as i mean it feels i think it
Starting point is 01:35:08 feels particularly unnatural in our modern society to kind of like relax to like sit back and do nothing it's like we're really unsettling for people i there's a there's actually i mean there's a study where they they have a here's a study they take people in and then they go i go here's the waiting room sorry we're gonna be like 30 minutes but there's like no magazines or anything like that and they're like if you touch this it can shock it'll shock you but you know so like you can touch it if you want to but you know it'll shock you horribly and they just leave people for 30 minutes people can't handle it they're just like i gotta touch the fucking thing everyone breaks everyone needs to shock absolutely i would touch that thing within 30 seconds
Starting point is 01:35:58 yeah like oh well i gotta know what that shock is like that's the shock yeah i haven't been shocked in a while i forgot what it feels like to get shocked it could be interesting oh man it's uh that thing that you just said though is another mark of the darkness of the particular empire that we're living under whatever the fuck it is which is that there is a built-in mechanism of guilt where if like you're not doing anything if you're just you become what's known as a layabout like look at you why aren't you look at this layabout what why aren't you doing something you need to do something you have to be doing something and then you're like well look what's there to be done really what's there to be done it looks like
Starting point is 01:36:47 everything's being done okay it's not like shit's fucking up because i'm not doing something it seems like in fact i'm not really needed at all and it's true you're not that's what unemployment is unemployment is we don't need it we don't need you if we're doing all right without you we really don't need you so it's like we don't need you whoever you are whoever it is out there you quit your fucking job everything's gonna be fine and and become a layabout yeah i mean isn't that isn't the problem like crime and these people going out and stealing and everything like we'll just i'd rather just pay someone to be a layabout which by the way people think that like people people think that like everyone's going to there's people that take advantage of every system at every single
Starting point is 01:37:28 level and certainly we should sure make sure that uh there aren't these loopholes and we're not all being taken advantage of absolutely but at the same time this like people aren't living for for like work the the ramen and like you know ramen noodles and a roof over their head and like some clean water that's not what people are working for people are working for their new iphone that they want to show off and their brand name clothing or taking a girl out to eat at a fancy restaurant that's what motivates people is advertising so it's already built in the layabouts don't get that they aren't getting laid they aren't having friends because it's like well what do we do well i can only lay about that's all that i like sometimes other people want to do more than just lay about
Starting point is 01:38:32 and so so there's already these built-in incentives to do more than lay about but we need what we need to make sure is that that people have the opportunity to just lay about and sit back and think and create better ideas sure let them do it who like the the fact that in this society the one of the core teachings is your job is your life your job is your life and what is the job the job is like you're working for a you're fucking working for a factory i know and that's who you are that's your i think that about myself all the time it's so inescapable and look at what my fucking silly job is the fucking silliest it's well i mean that's who you it's what and i take it very serious very but i'm a comedian i gotta tell you though man when i fucking go out i'm i got i'm you know
Starting point is 01:39:33 i've got this little yard and like when i go out there and dig in the dirt and just pull up weeds oh you gotta get that hammock going out there you're gonna love that thing the feeling of that yeah is far greater than most things i've ever felt and it's just real simple you go out and you put your hands in the dirt and you like weed and i forget how wonderful it feels i do it from time to time and in other versions of myself and every time you get out there and do that and the sun's beating down and you're sweating you're dripping fucking sweat and it feels good you just stick a fucking thing in the ground and it grows i put tomatoes out there and it's gonna grow tomatoes because here's one of the big secrets that they don't want you to know if you put seeds in the ground
Starting point is 01:40:24 it makes food happen wow amazing right out of the ground right out of the fucking ground like it grows on trees or something you don't clock in the dirt isn't like hey you unless you fucking work for eight hours a day out here now i'm not saying that you don't have to work to farm obviously it's a lot of work but my point is that if we all get together and start growing food for each other and like realize that a lot of this shit that they're telling us is in is is absolute brainwashing it's it's just brainwashing man it's like they want us to be their fucking servants that's all they want us to work for them in their factories they want us to work for them in their fucking pain chambers and and and and the what's insane is and this is the final phase
Starting point is 01:41:13 they're gonna fully automate yeah and then what are they gonna do to us yeah what are they gonna do to us shame i i uh i don't know shock us some more no a lot of people say like one of the conspiracy theories is they're gonna fucking kill us one of the conspiracy one of the conspiracy theories is private prisons arbitrary laws right start imprisoning people who are quote layabouts and then once they go to the private prison make them do slave labor and now you have a new slave class which is cheaper than robots temporarily so that's kind of the scary thing about the slippery slope that the prohibition of drugs which is a fundamental human fucking right like drinking water standing in the sun going jogging if you make anything like
Starting point is 01:42:05 that illegal then you suddenly create a situation where you can arrest anybody that you want whenever you want to fucking arrest them because everyone does drugs right everyone does some form of it everyone experiments everyone does it you can't make sex illegal there'll be a revolution you can't do it you could try you can't do it they're doing that in parts of russia though you know they're trying to do that that is a thing you can do but here they haven't gotten to that point but you can't take a substance it's completely harmless and put a five-year mandatory minimum find a substance that uh self that the people who tend to do it are uh more curious and intellectual oh that's good let's get the fucking people who might start a revolution let's get the people who
Starting point is 01:42:44 like might fucking stir people up let's get the people who are going to start community fucking meetings and let's figure out something that they all have in common what do you know they like to get high all right let's make that illegal now we can arrest them put them in a private prison and put them to work for the fucking corporations now you have a slave class composed of the people who might be starting community meetings and you've solved a real big problem for your machine of death which is these loudmouth blabbermouth community salt marching shit fucks rain on your goddamn parade too much so that's what's happening and it's no good yeah well eventually too it will be like rather than stamping out license plates or whatever
Starting point is 01:43:31 it will just be like we'll be crafting like these artisan like uh end tables and stuff like that for for the well you know like like like our artists will be enslaved in these prisons and I think that's part of the main big reasons why uh the importance of you and I starting this cult of ours I think I think that the importance of it is uh is we won't shock you um there's there's no fucking in our cult uh there's there's just when did that happen it's zero I'm just I'm just brainstorming here in our cult there's we don't we don't have any sex we have zero sex ever every cult is like that's like one of the things we try a different one like just no sex well Shane's cult there's no sex Michael that's all there is is sex it's a it's a big yeah it's a
Starting point is 01:44:29 big rivalry between our two cults your cult's gonna have three members yeah the best three we're not distracted by your by your foolish evolutionary underpinnings I'm in a fuck cult yeah you're you're in a sex prison you're obsessed it's all you think about not our cult our cult what are what are you I mean like that's like the greatest thing that can happen to you in a cult is the cult leader finally fucks you and you're like oh my god it's real they really do fuck people in cults wow this is crazy I'm that guy I went to this I wasn't I was gonna culty vibe recently I was at this party and it was like some pretty new agey like you know psychedelic people it was where was it I don't want to say so it's very possible that they're
Starting point is 01:45:21 listening right now and like they're like really a nice people like they're there there might be a person in the listening that might know and here's the thing man this is one of the problems is that first of all the problem is they use the word cult number one is like that gets thrown around a lot the other problem is when like you hear about these stories of like quote cult leaders fucking the like cultists just to get together yeah well the the thing about is is like I mean this is something that like another thing that pinch back explained that I thought was quite really smart it's just like what's happened here is in our culture people are so severely sexually repressed that instead of like just being able to have sex a lot of like guys that they cannot
Starting point is 01:46:07 have sex like they can't get except maybe through uh possibly like paying for a prostitute or something because they're not like matching the current criteria for what draws a mate or because of their you know um because they're like a victim of I don't want no scrub scrub is a guy can't get no love from me right that song it never will stop infuriating me because it's just such an obvious like because I always think about that song and other species like I don't I need more than one tail feather look at the way he waves his tail feather and brings seeds to me I don't want that seed I like shiny stones or whatever the fuck it is that your mating pattern I like all the dung balls with my dung beetle male I like my male that have collected all of the other insect
Starting point is 01:46:59 corpses why are you dating Tony he only rolled you he only rolled three dung balls did you see the how many dung balls jack brought to me at 15 dung balls whatever it is the whole thing is like you know cultural conditioning or whatever so the so then what ends up happening is like if you do happen upon a group of people who aren't fucking obeying the the laws that you've been taught the sexual norms or whatever then you will start thinking because god knows I've been in the situation where like wait a minute it's happening the orgy's happening I'm out of here you know what I mean and then you think oh this must be a fucking cult when really what it is is probably and I bet the people that you're with it's just a group of people that like not being an individual
Starting point is 01:47:47 and like to merge together in a way that like with psychedelics can happen where you're suddenly not a one anymore you're an us and sometimes the us likes to fuck like you know when I'm like I hate to break this to you guys sometimes I have sex and when I'm having sex I know I shouldn't well this is my code oh yeah we're talking your call but when I'm having sex the animals get on the bed yeah and suddenly now it's like I'm having sex and there's the cat and the poodle and there's fox and they're looking they're there they're drawn to the energy and you're and it's weird because you're like you you're like I want to do this in private right but but you but the moment I'm not saying I do this all the time usually I get them out of the room because I can't deal with
Starting point is 01:48:32 it but the moment the moment you let go a little bit and like wait a minute maybe I'm not a me maybe I'm all of us you know and this is like the sum total of my web of consciousness extends out into all beings in the house then suddenly it really goes from being an awkward thing to just kind of like yeah I guess we're just you guys are all part of my vibration and I'm part of your vibration and we're here merged together this is such a more beautiful conversation before you fucked your dogs in that story and that's when I start fucking my poodle I think I just got a few more members for my cult actually I don't fuck my dogs I didn't mean to like that um I did suck off the poodle but you know and then that's the next
Starting point is 01:49:17 thing you start doing you just like want them in you want them to feel pleasure I mean that's it you gotta you gotta clear out the pipes so look I want to hear about this so tell me what happened so this uh I go and there's like this guy there that's dressed in like full kind of like Buddhist garb and everything and he's talking about like he uses all these potions to heal people and study he has all these like little vials like 30 different he's like I just scooped these up I had like 50 yeah like 5 000 of these different little potions and it's like kind of like aroma therapy kind of yeah also sells insurance by the way and uh part time shop and also sells insurance and um and so they're pretty legit and so he uh like I want what happened was is just a separate room
Starting point is 01:50:09 there's like this gathering I see this separate room and there's just like this dude's like this seven-year-old like ugly ass like like old dude and then he's just like surrounded by like eight or nine like fertile women just like gobbling it up all these potions I go in there I'm like hey man let me hit all those potions and he's like going and he's like talking about what each one does and then he's like sprinkling a thing on your head and whatnot like oh yeah for sure need that one and then and like some of the descriptions there's like a big campfire story between each one one was like you know you know that thing that like the fear that that keeps you from realizing your dream this one brings it all to the surface so you can see it and and all yours
Starting point is 01:51:03 I'm like oh yeah I need that my oh the fear has been stopping me from my dreams and like sprinkling and all this I'm like this motherfucker is doing all this fucking witchcraft nonsense and and like and it's working and then he's and as I'm thinking this I'm like Shane don't be a dick maybe it's like and then he's like oh see you feel that one now we're feeling all loosey goosey and real like warm and cuddly I'm like this motherfucker's closing deals what the fuck is happening right now and then he brings out this one it's like it's like uh it's like uh uh I think they call it like Cleopatra's milk or something like that that's his cum no someone told me that afterwards I was like oh no you're right and I rubbed it all over my face via the instructions I was just trying to gather
Starting point is 01:51:59 some anthropological data and I rubbed his cum all over my face I'm sure of it but he was like Cleopatra's milk he's like so Cleopatra had this thing that like this milk that gave her eternal life and beauty and and uh and you know so I'm like uh your skin does look great man and so he's like so this is like you'll have this and it will be like a natural facelift and all the girls are like oh I gotta get rid of and by the way these are like new agey like head and shower armpit hair like all natural we don't care about our looks and social conditioning in women don't need to be a certain way you tell you tell one of these girls that you have a magic potion that's going to get rid of like oh I'm gonna be beautiful forever oh and it's organic and
Starting point is 01:52:57 they're like going crazy and and then the dude's like then he's like after that one that was like really sealant and now everyone's like real excited they're gonna live forever and be beautiful forever and then he's like got pictures on his phone about like he's like see I just make this stuff and and this is how I harvest it using the seed of this thing and like he's got a he's really got his wrap down and and he's like uh he's and and there and he's like yeah so you can even come and help me harvest and everyone that does gets like a free bottle of this stuff I'm like oh my god you just have help me oh fucking help me harvest my cum he's just got a bunch of like hot chicks helping him harvest his his come clearly and then like to
Starting point is 01:53:50 make more placebo to get more hot fertile women and his weird cult that dude's crushing on the cult here's the thing man he's way better he's doing way better than the no sex and the dog fucking cult that we're trying to create before I've gotten to that cult when I grew up I grew up on a cum farm and it's not as easy as you're making it out man you are kind of being a dick like is no it's different these days with the it no it's that there's a lot of machinery now the drought that will that will milk it no it's not the same you don't get this I'll tell you when I I remember like waking up in the morning what time going out to what you got to wake up at five on a cum farm four sometimes depending on on the season you go out there man and you just
Starting point is 01:54:38 have to like sure the first dick you're like you still got a lot of energy you had your copy but by the 25th dick you're exhausted yeah and then god forbid there's been like not enough um water like the music is wrong because then you start like getting dry spurts yeah you just get like you know and and also like some some of those you're just like milking and milking and milking and it's just nothing yeah and you got to do it I come from a family of cum farmers and they're like you know try going back try going back to the house you have to be excited about it too like every day you have to because if you're not excited they're not gonna they're not gonna be they're not gonna come if you're if you're not if they get the feeling you're tired
Starting point is 01:55:34 or like you're bored you're not gonna come yeah just to really just clock the clock and in and out yeah there's they're on the wall just really mailing it in there was a a wood carving on the wall of our house that said no frowns on the cum farm and you know it's just you can't frown I I like the one that says like 11 days no injury on the cum farm you have to erase it with your semen covered oh god man there's nothing worse zero days it happens that's the other thing that is kind of probably gonna offend people listening about what you're saying we're not here we're not trying to offend anybody yeah but there's a lot of like 80 percent of my audience is cum farmers and and there's a lot of it's a monotonous job you really
Starting point is 01:56:27 want to have some sort of distract and distraction and it's dangerous dude because you you go what happens is do you if you ever heard of cum vertigo yeah so yes I have but just explain it to the listeners thank you it's actually I have I've been writing so the way you do harvest cum is after you've gotten a full bucket of cum and this is like you don't just think of how long it takes to get a full bucket of cum it's it just depends on what you've been feeding them but it takes a while so it takes a day so it by the way I just want to say we have been like a lot of a lot of the stuff that we've talked about today has been like a little bit like I'm not sure we know what we're talking about this is Duncan is nailing every fact of this yeah I got this the salt march
Starting point is 01:57:17 I don't know but the fucking cum farm you because I grew up on one this is like this is in my life cum is in my blood so if you if you you take a you take a by the end of the day you take a bucket of cum yeah and you have to take it to the cum vacs right and so when you're standing in front of what is like the size of like those backyard above ground pools trying not to spill filled with cum not to fall in right well no that's cum vertigo because when you climb up on the ramp and you have to go out on a diving board above the cum to pour the bucket in you can't just pour it on the edge you've got to go out or the outflow because cum like when you get enough together it makes this like beautiful spiral yeah that's the point so you're standing at the edge of this it's just a
Starting point is 01:58:06 good reminder why you do it too yeah you mean for you get a glimpse of that beautiful cum spiral when if you've never seen a cum spiral it is the most beautiful um it's alive this is why we do this this is why we do it but what happens and I've seen it happen myself uh one of my friends who spent the summer because a lot of kids come into work hypnotic I see you see it happen they stand at the edge and what and you'll hear it sometimes they call it the song of the cum babies and you can hear it it's like these children like an angelic choir singing from within there I think we're all familiar it calls you yeah it calls you it calls you home and I saw it happen to my friend Jake Tamir he was standing at the edge of the of the cum board and he looked back at me and he said
Starting point is 01:58:55 I'm going home and he jumped he jumped into the cum it's one of those things where it's like you can't blame the guy but it's like think about all the cum in there and now we gotta empty the vats oh and they try doing fucking CPR and a guy who just drowned and cum you know what that's like because you you're not gonna once you get cum in your lungs it's over like it doesn't work like water and like but you still legally have to do it so like that was another thing I had to do is like I was the dude who had to give CPR to be blue had gotten cum vertigo and fawn in the cum vats and when they sometimes they'll convulsively just vomit come into your face you know but they're gone that's the thing I mean just uh you'd think there'd be
Starting point is 01:59:43 easier ways to harvest I mean it's all it's all it seems a little quaint well yeah that's now there's factory cum factories that are doing it but it's like not the same it doesn't have the same potency right right you want the free range for sure it's it's like I mean if you want to get rid of all the wrinkles yeah it needs to be free range free range come you let them wander you let her on our cum farm they would just wander in this like over acres and that was kind of the other annoying things you have to go out and you blow this cum whistle and then they come out of the forest well that's the thing I mean as I'm sure you know growing up on a cum farm is that that uh when you just have the purists like because yeah because you go to like uh you go to like a city
Starting point is 02:00:33 where they just like there's no cum around you know and so you're just getting like all the cum's shipped in yeah it's just like by the time it gets to you it's just so watered down there's all sorts of other there's salt in there you know lipstick yeah they're just all of the and it's not what you think is is uh just pure cum there's only like 10 percent cum in there and that's not you know if that you got to know what you're getting if that sometimes it's not cum at all and and that was and the other thing is you know these factory you know these cum factories it's just you're you're not getting you you don't know what they've been feeding them and you know well that this is one of the things about the cum farm that I worked on we are very specific about
Starting point is 02:01:18 who we are harvesting and every once in a while a perv from the city would sneak into the cum farm because they think that we're not going to be able to tell the difference and that they were just going to get jerked off and you know right away like I could tell you know you're not one of ours get the fuck out of here I'm not jerking you off I mean this is this is the problem with having the what what are they called you know you don't like the fake weed that goes out there yes drives people crazy yes uh yeah that's the trouble with cum is like that's and that's the problem with the regulations too you have it regulated and then there's all these cum analogs and then the next thing you know you're so far deviated from the original purity of the pure
Starting point is 02:02:06 magic of that original cum that that you know people are going crazy like we haven't evolved to make all this weird fake processed and then we're all addicted to all this fake cum and that's right and this is why we got to do these meetings guys you need to have community meetings make sure that the people in your neighborhood are drinking fresh cum and you you can offer them your cum and and you know that's what what what I do at all of my community meetings all you got to do is give it a name like don't just say this is my cum Cleopatra's milk yeah that's it and that it's how we will change the world together you know um it it's funny because there's uh there's ideas with um uh like schizophrenia like why did schizophrenia evolve uh because it doesn't
Starting point is 02:03:01 like cancer and things like that that they don't hit you until evolution's already had its way with you you already spread your genes out so it doesn't catch it schizophrenia you're in like peak mating time in the early 20s or whatever and um and then they did they went around to uh that was probably Denmark or something like that the Dutch are always keeping like really good record I don't know where it was exactly sweet I I'm not sure but um but they what was the thing oh yeah so they went around and they found all of the all of the people with schizophrenia and then they went around and they found their family members and their family members are all like hyper religious very superstitious begin to these like ceremonial like in the traditions and take everything like
Starting point is 02:03:51 very very literally it's not a metaphor it is actual reality and so it says this word of schizotypoid you take a schizotypoid person and they can in the right scenario get it channel these these things you can go into church uh or get together once a week and channel and speak in tones yeah got you and then you turn it off and then you're like you know help hunt and you know act like a normal person through the rest of the week and then got you but but but you get a couple of these people together and then schizophrenia is you know these two kind of recessive traits um start expressing themselves right and then you have schizophrenia um but it's quite possible that um schizotypoid is is what a lot of a lot of these shaman have and they were able to because because
Starting point is 02:04:44 you're able to have one you're able to tap into the spirit and two you actually believe it yourself and when you believe something yourself you're able to convince others that you believe it that much more and that's not to say like schizophrony or shamans or like uh full of shit or or they have this condition or whatever it's just interesting that that that's how um we we've kind of evolved to um follow these people that are a little bit a little bit crazy in a way and and maybe maybe in the um sense that we are uh now kind of everything's kind of robotic and we have these systems in place and everyone behaves this way and and we're kind of being um you know socialized maybe it is people people are voting for like kind of these lunatic politicians as as kind of like a
Starting point is 02:05:43 natural like hey look at that lunatic that like goes out there and says anything he really believes it maybe that's in us for some reason to really worship these people and for ladies to to be attracted to these guys that can kind of make themselves the center of attention and then your child goes off to become the center of attention and has a bunch of ladies sleep with him and so on and so forth because shamans certainly got laid like crazy back in the day you definitely want to be a shaman if you're older huh i see what you're saying well you know i i don't man i don't know i didn't see this particular thing go down but i mean i don't know did it what happened did you split did the guy end up like um i don't think that he sealed any deals but you could tell it's
Starting point is 02:06:31 a wrap that he does very regularly and i'm sure that he's had um some opportunities in the past and it was definitely just like it was a little bit it seems like it was like taking advantage of like how did you get into this come avon party um i just uh it's some people that are in the weird different areas psychedelic worlds we got to be discerning friends listen if you if you get around to come don't as as abraham lincoln said don't fall prey to the wiles of the come shaman because you could get in a lot of trouble and it might be fun it might be fun trouble but you know you got to be it's because it's the power of come i've seen it the come that from the come that to the come vile it all contains a very specific type of uh hypnotic resonance that'll pull you in
Starting point is 02:07:31 male and female alike to quote i believe it was um a martin luther king junior who said yeah um there's two things in life that i have trouble saying no to sure pizza and come and it's like it's gonna get you that's the main thing well that's what bonds all of us together that's what you know there is there's no separation yeah um once you're just talking about pizza and come um yeah it's i mean it really was it was a magical night there was a lot of talk about like exploding into fractals of light and stuff like that during it too wow and i was like i was like well i was like i was almost gonna i was gonna like call my parents you know just so they knew you know like in case they find my shoes in this weird house like what are your kids up to
Starting point is 02:08:30 well justin he's doing like a computer programming and she went out to hollywood um got himself in a cum cult and exploded into fractal turned into a rainbow so he's just out there zipping around through the universe he drank so much sacred he turned into a rainbow that's what rain went that's what rainbows are whenever you see a rainbow that's someone who just drank sacred comma that's someone just projectile vomiting come across this guy shane it's always a pleasure to have you on the podcast we gotta close on that um i love you buddy you gotta i love you too man you got a few more shows uh yeah i have a couple more shows but i i mean i'd say more importantly if you check out my podcast here we are um but uh i i'm making a documentary about psychedelics
Starting point is 02:09:21 and i have if i make this show into a special which i'm going to i just don't know where it's going to be distributed i'm gonna do a follow-up tour for it um as well so i can kind of get deeper into the subjects so uh yeah just shane moss i'm at uss.com thanks man thank you that was shane moss everybody all the links you need to get in touch with shane will be at duncantrustle.com thank you for listening thank you Fulton and Rourke for sponsoring this episode go to Fulton and Rourke use offer code Duncan to get 15 off your first order subscribe to us on patreon patreon.com forward slash d t f h don't forget to use our amazon link and thank you so much for continuing to listen to the podcast i'll see you guys soon Hare Krishna
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