Duncan Trussell Family Hour - MAJA D'Aoust

Episode Date: February 12, 2015

The legendary spiritual teacher Maja D'Aoust joins the DTFH to talk about witchcraft and esotericism. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:30 This episode of the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast is brought to you by Squarespace.com. Go to Squarespace and use offer code DUNCAN, and you'll get 10% off an amazing website. There are three levels or four levels to which I think everybody needs to confront the problem of witchcraft. Number one, the spirit of witchcraft. The spirit of witchcraft. Number two, the human beings that are possessed to practice witchcraft. Number two, the human beings, the human agents, possessed of the devil to practice witchcraft.
Starting point is 00:01:08 The verdict, shocking. The sentence, even more so. A Saudi woman beheaded for crime, practicing witchcraft. An elderly man executed by ISIS for allegedly performing witchcraft. The Daily Mail reporting that militants fighting for the Islamic State of Syria beheaded the man in broad daylight while a large crowd looked on. That's the 22% of 18 very short-passed description, says, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Very simple, very direct command from God.
Starting point is 00:01:42 His name is Godzwill, and he's been beaten and abandoned, cast out by his own family and society at large, accused of being a witch, no matter that he's a five-year-old boy. Hello friends, it is I, Duncan Trussell, and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast, and today's episode is about witchcraft. We exist at one of the most incredible times in all of human history. Every day some brand new invention comes out of nowhere with the potential to transform society from the new Microsoft HoloLens that will allow us to see holographic projected images on all surfaces to the Vajankul, a plastic foot with a vagina in the ankle.
Starting point is 00:02:31 We exist in a time so incredible that it won't be long before you'll be able to put on your HoloLens and gaze out, not at your living room, but at the alien landscape of Mars while making love to a plastic foot. Yet in this age of incredible technological advancement and novelty, people are still burning witches. That is a mind-blower. Witchcraft is one of the most misunderstood and marginalized spiritual traditions on planet earth.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's so marginalized that when people incinerate witches, which is a form of hate crime, it barely makes the news. So that's an astounding thing to me, and I think you'll find it even more astounding and even more tragic. Are you here today's interview with Maja Daou, the white witch of Los Angeles? We're going to dive right into this interview, but first, some quick business. This episode of the Duncan Trestle Family Hour podcast is brought to you by Squarespace.com. If you go to Squarespace.com and put in offer code Duncan, you will get 10% off an amazing
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Starting point is 00:08:29 Okay, that's it. Oh yeah, not it. We've got tours coming up. You can go to DuncanTrussell.com, see all the approaching dates. We already sold out a show in Brooklyn, which is happening in April, but I will be posting new ticket links tomorrow. Go to DuncanTrussell.com. You can see all the upcoming Midwest tour dates, Winnipeg, St. Paul, Madison, Chicago,
Starting point is 00:08:51 Columbus. I'm going to be in all of those spots at the beginning of March, and I hope to see you there. Okay, let's get going with this podcast. Today's guest is Majida Oo. She is the white witch of Los Angeles. You can go to her website, GodIsMyBoyfriend.com, and find out everything you need to know, not just about the spiritual practice of witchcraft, but a lot of other stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:10 She teaches classes in the Los Angeles area, and you can find out about that too. So now, everybody, please welcome to the DuncanTrussell Family Hour podcast, the white witch of Los Angeles, Majida Oo. It's the DuncanTrussell Family Hour podcast. Majida Oo, the white witch. You are here on the DuncanTrussell Family Hour podcast. I'm very excited. You have written in the forward of one of my favorite books of all time, which is Ron
Starting point is 00:10:01 Regi's incredible book. And not only that, but you're kind of legendary around Los Angeles. This is one of the great spiritual teachers here, and you have impacted a lot of people who I respect, so it's really exciting to have you here. Thank you for coming over. Aw, thank you so much, Duncan. That's my pleasure. Cool.
Starting point is 00:10:20 You know, I wanted to start with this question for you, because a lot of people, when they hear the term witch, they get weirded out. Totally. Why in a world where every single religion, almost every single religion, is actively involved in killing people, why does the term witch or witchcraft have such negative connotations? It's pretty crazy, isn't it, Duncan? It's in a world where it's acceptable to have discussions about children bombed in Syria, it's still somehow inappropriate to mention witchcraft, which I find, like you
Starting point is 00:10:54 just mentioned, fairly shocking. And I feel, for me, my kind of take on it is that pretty much anything that maintains a taboo, people enjoy getting into that melodrama, it's like some circle of melodrama that has taboo. That includes homosexuality. You could easily argue, how is it that people are still shocked or like have some aversion to homosexuality? It's literally ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So for me, it's ironic because the word witch actually just means someone who knows stuff, who is like, wants to go find stuff out. It's literally wise one, or someone who wants to know, like knowing, or how we can get closer to knowing. So the fact that it's a board in this very ignorant fashion is pretty interesting to me. So I enjoy very much using the word witch, if for nothing else, just to test people's reaction to the word, to see how much of their subconscious is just going to flash out a fear or a judgment, which I then enjoy getting into and kind of addressing.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It also works because technically I do feel like I do all of those things that are affiliated with the term witch, which is basically trying to know stuff that is hard to know. So it's a witchcraft is, what religion would you compare it to? Is there a comparison to Buddhism, to Christianity? What is, I understand Buddhism, I don't understand much about witchcraft, I understand Christianity. How can I understand what witchcraft is with another religion as a comparison? Totally, totally. Well, if you go into the histories of religion, sooner or later they all get back to some
Starting point is 00:12:44 form of paganism or indigenous cultural shamanism or something to that effect, if you go back far enough in any timeline. So witchcraft traditionally is affiliated with pagans, but what's a pagan, right? If we look at the word pagan, it's a word the Romans used for anyone who wasn't Christian. That's a pretty large amount of ideas and philosophies that exist outside Christianity. So technically it's kind of anyone who's not kind of down with Jesus, but in what I kind of research, it includes aspects of all religions, it's kind of this meaty underbelly of the techniques and kind of skeletal system that all the religions then build upon, if
Starting point is 00:13:28 that makes sense. Wow, that is so cool. Yeah. Now that's fascinating. What does the term pagan literally translate to? I think it's one from the hills or someone who's literally outside of the regular group of people, because the pagans in Rome would all kind of be like the Druids, they would be out in the forest in the woods.
Starting point is 00:13:47 So it kind of was similar to outsider. Right. Yeah. Now, there's a verse when you mention Christianity, there's actually a scripture that comes to mind, which is so sinister, which is, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Yes. They, you guys, like something went down, like they were pissed at you, like, and they were killing you.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Correct. There was a genocide. There was a literal genocide. It continues, P.S. Do you know how many witches were burned in Africa alone last year? No. Like a lot. There was one that was terrible.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I think it was in New Guinea, and she was a mom. She had a kid and she was burned alive in front of, on a pile of tires in front of the entire village. This was like a year ago, February, if you Google it. Oh my God. So it's still occurring. It's not just history. So I always like to point that out too.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So even to this day, members of this religion are being incinerated in the name of God. Correct. And the press that comes from that is almost nothing. Yeah. In Africa, they started incinerating Jews. You better believe there would be, you would probably invade. There would probably be an invasion. But because they're burning witches, it's just a kind of novelty story.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's something that's going to land a few paragraphs underneath the big headlines. That's fascinating. It's a big fear, obviously. I mean, you can look at it and try and analyze and say, why would someone do that? When this was performed, the woman who got burned, it was by a priest, by a local priest who said she was, and who knows what the reason really was. Maybe he just thought she was pretty. He couldn't handle it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Who knows what motivates those kind of gnarly judgments. It doesn't even matter that he was a Christian priest. You could take your pick of anything, anywhere. It's just ultimately a dumb paradigm of a dumb-dumb. They just kind of like, oh, she's got to go. So they just burn them, and it's kind of, if you go through the history of the development of psychiatry and psychology, all of the kind of decreeing a mental illness or a dissident, it's always dissidents or some kind of de-factor, the outsider, something that disagrees with
Starting point is 00:16:12 what you're saying. That seems to be, it's just some kind of dissenter or heretic. Which basically means someone who doesn't agree with what you're saying. Right. Oh my God, that's wild. So here you have a religion that's based on the DNA that gave birth to all other religions, the deepest, the oldest religion. So in fact, isn't it kind of a mystery where it originally-
Starting point is 00:16:39 Nobody knows. If you look at the stories, it always goes back to some creatures from the sky, right? Brought it down. Or literally, if you want to get really into it, in the Egyptian sources, it's literally women who have sex with extra terrestrial beings, and then that's where we get the knowledge, according to those old scriptures. Wow. Which is the Bible too, like look at the story of Jesus, there's some extra terrestrial
Starting point is 00:17:03 being named the Holy Spirit comes down and pregnates Mary, and then this like, scripture is born. But that's the same story in all the stories. This is the, what are they called, the Nephilim. Right. And that verse is something like the sons of God were with the daughters of men. Yeah, it's in Genesis. It's in Genesis 6-1 or something, right, totally.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So do you believe that, that this religion comes from some kind of extra terrestrial contact? I just like to find out about it. I don't know what I believe, but I just research as much as I can, and you'll find the names they use for these beings, right, it varies from like angels to demons to aliens to extra terrestrials to multi-dimensional beings, right, if you start going into the Burning Man crowd, they develop all these identities like they're Arcturian or they're like Pleiadian or they actually have identified locations that these beings have like arrived from. Do I believe any of those?
Starting point is 00:18:05 I don't know if it's necessary to believe it. I don't think that's necessary. I think what we can do is to say, hey, yeah, it's weird that we human beings seem to be somehow different than a lot of other things on this planet Earth, right, even though we're also very much alike at the same time, even like sharing DNA with pigs and chimpanzees and stuff like that. And yet we can do things that they can't do. So there is this weird thing.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So you have to say, what is it something that's from here in us that makes us do that? Or is it something from somewhere else? So I think it kind of comes down to that question. So is it possible that it's from somewhere else? I think it's sure. Why not? How could it not be? Right.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And you know, you get into the notion of what I think it's called panspermia. Yeah, totally. The fungus. The fungus. The fungus among us. The fungus among us. You know, they've shown that, do you remember, they found some form of algae on the International Space Station.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah. And they, it's living in space. And so the. It was alive still. Alive still. It's up there living. And that, you know, the one explanation was that the earth is kind of exhaling this stuff into the universe.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like a fart or something. Like a fart. So the earth is like breathing, even in the, you know, it's a rather, probably a fairly hopeless endeavor to send your life out into space, but the earth has always been such an optimist that she's still like, let's just give it a shot. And it worked. It lived on the space station. So the, that idea is, to me, always seemed kind of ridiculous, which is that some form
Starting point is 00:19:48 of life was on a meteor and it hit the earth. And then that was the seed. I do believe that there are, I think that we use the language of the highest technology that we have to refer to these beings always. So let's make metaphors for them, but we only have what we can compare them to. Whatever. Right. To describe them.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So now it's interdimensional beings. It used to be angels, but it's clearly, the muse was another name for these things. Sure. The daemon, right? Yeah. Alistair Crowley calls it the HGA. You can find so many names for it in every single culture. And that's what's interesting to me is not like, do I believe in this?
Starting point is 00:20:29 It's like, oh my God, why is every single person throughout the history of the world talking about that? Right. That's weird. Including Tesla and a great many inventors. Absolutely. Now, how much of witchcraft is about making contact with these beings? Well, I mean, honestly, the first thing that you do in a lot of traditional Wicca practices,
Starting point is 00:20:51 although for me, I kind of use a potpourri of a lot of different things like Taoism and alchemy that I integrate, as opposed to just like, you know, a lot of people think of Wicca and they think of like a black and purple velvet, gothy store and, you know, making pentagrams and stuff like that. So yes, it's that and more kind of, I think people's view of what that entails is a little limited to like candles and boobs and skulls. So I like to point out that it's also a little bit further and more extended from there. So it can include a lot of other things, not just kind of casting spells on things, you
Starting point is 00:21:27 know, and stuff like that. But one of the first things you do, even if you're only doing Wicca, is you learn to draw down the moon, which is literally taking in a celestial force into your own body. So you kind of start out, like inviting that energy to come into your form. And this is the first, you say this is one of the first things. Correct. It's called drawing down the moon. And if you get any like Teen Witch book, any like Pagan book from the library, they'll
Starting point is 00:21:54 have some kind of description of methods and techniques to do that. What is the energy of the moon? What does that give you? Or what is? Oh, you can feel it. Good thing. I don't even have to tell you. If you go on a full moon, here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:22:07 When the moon is full, lock your gaze with it. Don't blink. Just stare at it for as long as you can without moving, without, you know, faltering your will. And when you look at something, it's like eating it a little bit. Like if you look at something, you're like, it's a sensory thing. You're like getting it all over you to feel it. So it's not even like you can describe it's an experience. So you just, that you just have to do with your eyeballs by eating the moon.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Wow. Oh my God. That's so cool. Yeah. You know the story of Hanuman? Oh yeah, totally monkey guy. And you know, he got in trouble when he was a little monkey. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:44 You know that story? He got in trouble all the time. He was always getting in trouble. Which one? So little Hanuman thought the moon was a piece of fruit and so he tried to eat it and I think he might have succeeded. I don't know if they made him throw it back up again. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Maybe he took a bite out of it or you know, who knows, but I think he little baby for those of you who don't know Hanuman is this amazing monkey God. Just look it up. Look up the, listen to the Hanuman Chalisa and you can hear this spirit of friendship I think. Yeah. But yeah. So Hanuman eats the moon and then as the punishment for eating the moon, his punishment was you
Starting point is 00:23:23 will be able to do anything that, forgive me you guys out there if I'm butchering this, you'll be able to do anything that you want. You can do anything that you want, but you will never remember that you can do anything that you want. So true. Isn't that cool? So good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 That's so good because when you go into those, or when I have, I don't know if other people have experienced this too, so I can only speak for myself, when you go into altered states like that, where it's there, you literally feel like you know everything, like you can get access to every single thing. You feel omnipotent. Yes. But then when you come back into, you know, whatever the conglomeration that is your meat suit, you're like, oh wait, now I got all this stuff and you like bump yourself
Starting point is 00:24:06 into a table and you're like, wait, I can't do stuff. Yeah. So you do, you directly forget. You directly forget. And then I guess the songer, the community is, those are the, we're all trying to remind each other as much as possible. Yes. Like just remember, it's a dream.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I think we can do anything that we want. It's like we're all trying to nudge each other. Like, come on, come on, let's just do like some awesome stuff. Yeah, it makes me think of, you know, because there are these like new age terms, one of them being the awakening and the, it makes me think of what would happen on a spaceship if all of a sudden those isolation pods started opening up and people started clambering out after a long, long time in space, you really might have a few days or hours of being like, wait, what are we doing again?
Starting point is 00:24:57 I feel like that happens to me every day. Yeah, me too. But you have a community around you. You have a community. You have a class that you teach, but you have a real living community around you and you're their teacher. Can you? Well, they teach me too.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Like that's a thing I always like to point out. I feel like my community, I like to call them an army of generals, not an army of soldiers because everyone's awesome. So it's more like, and one of the things that anyone who's taught anything knows, and even you and your podcast know, as soon as you have to teach something, first thing you have to do is know about it, right? So teaching is a really good way to learn. And then I get to have this exchange with all these amazing people who just like to
Starting point is 00:25:42 think for themselves. They're people who can think thoughts that are their own instead of infiltrated by television or advertising or, you know, the melodrama that is existence. They can actually pop out of that for a second and think about other stuff. Right. Yeah. But that's, you know, and that's one, all the great teachers will, that's almost the first thing that they say.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It's like, it's almost the forward that you feel like, oh, I must say this. To be sure that I don't seem like I think I know everything. Oh, I have evidence that I don't know a lot of things. I know. I know. When you came over, you know, I've got this on my wall, I have a poster, which is this Alistair. Do you know the name of that poster?
Starting point is 00:26:26 It's an Alistair Crowley poster. It's some kind of depiction of the Kabbalah. It's got the tree of life of the tree of life. And Maja immediately started breaking down the numerics on the thing in a way that I've never seen anyone do before. So you're, you, I mean, you, you do know a lot about this stuff. You have been studying this for your whole life. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah. And I'm so, uh, I get real tenacious about it. So I'll track stuff down. Like one of the things I do, if I find out about something, I got to know, where did this come from? Where has it ever been? Other places? Like I do like a whole Nancy Drew trip with it, where I think some people will find information
Starting point is 00:27:07 and they'll kind of think like, oh, that's cool or whatever. But I'm like, who thought of that? Like, how does this come in? So I get real OCD about it. You follow the roots as far down as you can go. Yes. Totally. And, um, this, when did this start for you, the, this discipline or the practice?
Starting point is 00:27:26 In turn, I mean, for the reading, I'm such a big nerd. Like in terms of research, I just always was a big nerd, even as a little kid. Instead of hanging out playing, I was kind of fat. So I just go to the library and read all the time, um, which was its own blessing in a way. I was able to, you know, inhale all these books, but so it's been a, ever since I was little, I've had like around two, I had a near death experience because I was really sick and then again at seven.
Starting point is 00:27:54 So I would feel things. I was like, this is weird. This is not like what everybody says is happening. So then I just had to investigate it on my own. What were these experiences? What happened with when I was two, I was sick in bed and my mother was sleeping with me and I, it could have been a dream, it's possible, but I came out of my body and I saw me and my mom sleeping underneath me and it was like I was looking through a window and an attic
Starting point is 00:28:21 down on myself and then I watched her push me off the bed cause she like moved a little, you know? And then my body body fell off the bed and I saw it happen and then I woke up and I was on the floor in my body body. So it was like a transferral and I told my mom about it when I woke up and I was two years old and it was a weird conversation to have with two year old. My mom was like, well, what are you talking about? We don't have an attic.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You weren't looking through a window and then I was like, oh, and then when I was seven I got really bad pneumonia, which I get, seemed to get periodically. It's one of my deals with my meat suit. So I got really bad pneumonia when I was seven. It was so gnarly and again I had another out of body experience where I kind of left my body up into the corner and what I saw was all these rainbows on everything. So it was like, if I was looking at you, it was like all these rainbow trajectories kind of coming out.
Starting point is 00:29:15 That's super cool. Dude, it was like awesome and all the, it was like looking at Tron or something is the best way to describe it. I love that you are mentioning that. I just did a podcast with a friend of mine who goes to South America to take ayahuasca and he was telling me that the name that they had for when, when, I guess the conquistador started coming there, they called them the gray people because they can, the shamans can see auras and what you're supposed to see is like, you know, what's inside of his
Starting point is 00:29:49 is a rainbow. Apparently I've never seen it, but apparently that, but when the, but if you're shut down or your energies cloaked or something and you start going gray, so to speak. So that's true. Two, two, two of these mystical experiences. And then that's when you started and then an outs, you were an outsider. You were, you were, you felt like an outsider and so you were treated into books. This is a pattern I've seen a lot now.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. Who, what makes the introvert go inside? Yeah. So the world kind of pushes you into the, it's almost like the entire world is built to push you in the direction of these things. Like a pressure system, like a pressure cooker. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And it doesn't happen for everyone, but for some people, and this makes, do you believe that concept of we sort of pick what we're going to do down here? There's a, the class concept. Right. I think like you said earlier, if you think about how much we forget, okay, we can't even remember why we're born. Do you think it's possible that we could have picked something, right? Consciously if we can't consciously remember even being born, but we know we were there,
Starting point is 00:30:59 it makes sense logically speaking that there would be maybe other thoughts even before that. Right. Unless you just think like knowledge and consciousness exists only in a formed brain. Right. Which I think is a little ridiculous if you look at the whole natural world and even, or even galaxies, right? There's no central nervous system and there's still conscious behavior.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Right. Even in like, you know, quirks and stuff. Right. So I think it's a little silly to think otherwise. Yes. Personally. Right. You're some form of momentum.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah. Intention. Intention. So prior to your birth, you're a sort of, we don't, I don't know, but some kind of momentum. There's a, I wish I could remember where I read this, but it was a Buddhist teacher saying that he brought, it may have been a, her, his or her kids to see this like Buddhist teacher, another Buddhist teacher, their teacher, and their request was, can you tell them something about Buddhism that they can understand without knowing anything about
Starting point is 00:32:00 Buddhism? Yeah. And his response was, when you die, the only thing that will be left of you is your state of consciousness. And that is a kind of, I think of as a kind of wave moving forward into time. Like a push. Like a push. And so in, in the same way that encapsulated in all these symbols, like Baphomet or, or
Starting point is 00:32:23 is it Baphomet? You know, Tamiya Zomato. Tamiya Baphomet, Baphomet, Baphomet. It is. It is. Is it French? I think it's like French Muslims, so I guess it would be Baphomet. Baphomet.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah. Baphomet. Baphomet. So the, the, this, this, uh, encapsulated into this strange momentum that happens when you die is sort of encoded within it is the, the, your potentiality or, in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, or Arjuna asks Krishna, what happens if I give this path up? If I stop this path and it's the most awesome, happy response ever, which is there's neither any loss nor diminution along this path.
Starting point is 00:33:07 There's never an end. There's never an end in any gains made or permanent gains. And if you have a life of the spiritual path and die without gaining realization, I will give you birth in a home of disciplined men. Patriarchal. Yes. But still super cool. I want some discipline men too.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Does that count for me too? Yeah. Where are they? Come on. Hello. Don't ask me. Get a bunch of losers. Um, I, so you, um, so you started studying this stuff and when did you, when was the first
Starting point is 00:33:41 time you realized that you were a witch? I was like 16. It was a total teen witch situation. I was one of those very, a kind of stereotypical teen witchy girls, I guess I would just, but you know, I was kind of an outsider. So I lived on an island. I grew up on this little tiny island in the Northwest and I lived right next to a forest. So I would just go nerd out in the woods and just hang out there by myself all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And that was when I started to kind of feel the earth and feel nature as this living thing. So in my investigations, I looked at, you know, panentheism and pantheism and that seemed to make the most kind of sense, um, in terms of what I felt. So then I was like, well, I got to look at this stuff because that seems true or real. Did you ever make contact with any kind of spirits out there? Have you ever made contact with the beings that live inside of trees and plants? Yeah. It's really hard to describe without starting to sound schizophrenic, but, um, because then
Starting point is 00:34:48 you get into this dilemma, right? And here's what, how I test and how I feel like other people can be helped too, because you want to make sure you're not delusional, right? Because our brains can make all manner of things at the drop of a hat. If you have a little bit of imagination, you can just go nuts, right? But then it's like, is it real or am I just like, you know, having some mental masturbation happiness? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I can say to invoke those experiences when there's other people there too, so that I can be like, is this delusional or is this for real? So I can, you know, say I've contacted beings or energies or whatever, but that's all, you know, who cares. What I like to do is to do it and to do it with other people and to see what the results are. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah. So what would be your most successful example of that kind of experiment? There's so many good ones. We literally will look for things like signs or symbols from nature. So at one ritual that I was doing in a friend's backyard, they're literally, as we were doing it, a giant barn owl came and flew in a circle over our heads and landed in the palm tree and just hung out the whole time we were doing it, just like chilling, hanging out. So it'll be like stuff like that, right, where you can feel the presence.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yes. Something like pop open a bubble and something crazy and magical happens. Yeah. Always in the flavor of wonder or like, oh my God, that's impot, like miracles, right? Yeah, right. One of the craziest ones I'll share that was so nuts, I did a summer solstice ritual and we were trying to get over fear of death. That was the, the MO, right?
Starting point is 00:36:26 I know, big undertaking, tricky, but not so bad when you understand nothing ends, right? So the idea was to get over it and my friend Libby said, she goes, I liked when I went to New Orleans, she goes at the funerals there, they dress up the corpses like a party. She goes, they dress them up and for the funeral, they're like dressed like a pimp. Like she said those words, she goes, I like it because they dress them like pimps and everybody has a party. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So fast forward in time, then the rituals done, we're all in the house having a conversation. I'm talking to another girl there about her sister, we're having this conversation about her sister because her sister's having a hard time. She gets a text at that moment from her sister that says, it's a, it's a link to an article about funerals in New Orleans and how they dress them as pimps, the literal, the tag line was the exact sentence that my friend had said. Yes. Like impossible.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Impossible. Totally impossible. Now that function in the universe seems not, it seems to be alive. It seems to be like there is a person, personified. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it, you know, one part of me could think, well, maybe if you put enough psychic energy out, it boomerangs and then it just pops back to you in a kind of impersonal way.
Starting point is 00:37:51 But that doesn't, it always, there's another quality, but aside from that sense of wonder and, and novelty that comes with it, it always seems kind of funny. It's always hilarious. I'm so glad you said that it's, I call it the setup cause it's like a comedy setup, like a joke where like all this stuff is the setup and then the punchline comes. That's it. Yeah. It seems, and from that you can almost, you know, you can take in the same way that they
Starting point is 00:38:19 can find a fossil and from that fossil unfold what the dinosaur looks like or, you know, kind of come close to what it might look like. I think in the same way from those moments, you can start unfolding a little bit of what is this being, you know, and one thing is it's got a real, real sense of humor and a sense of humor in the same way that comedians have a sense of humor. It seems to have its own specific style, its own sense of humor. Yeah. And it's clever humor.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's not like dumb, dumb humor. It's always like skeetingly accurate and funny. You know what I mean? Like it's a very sad or knee kind of sad or knee. What is that? What do you mean? So like Saturn, that's where satire comes from. So satire is the, what do they say?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Like comedy is tragedy plus time. So Saturn is like Kronos, right? The God of time. He just kind of takes stuff that's terrible and then is able to just, you know, like throw a little snarky comet. But that snarky comet lifts everything because it's like, everything is stupid. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's the, it's the, it reminds me of when, if you have a, if you're a kid and someone is telling, there's a successful ghost storyteller telling a ghost story to a bunch of kids, they're going to throw in a funny thing in there that makes you laugh in the midst of this ghost story. And it feels like that too. There's this kind of acknowledgement of the predicament that we're in with a wink that comes through. It's a wink style.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Never, never, it never fully reveals itself or it's totally like a little beep. It's like a peep show. A peep show. Yeah. That's what it is. It reminds me of a form of peekaboo or something. Yeah. Totally.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm here. Just so you know. Okay. Bye. Yeah. That's it. Totally. Now why, why a game of peekaboo?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Why not reveal to us the truth? Why is this? Now, cause in a lot of people would say, yeah, that's fucking sadistic, man. What are you going to play? Oh, you think this is funny? Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:32 No, here's, I have a theory about that. I don't know if it's an answer, but why is it the peekaboo? If you look at what a, like the first thing these, if you want to look at them as beings, if you look at most things in history, the first thing out of any angel's mouth is do not be afraid. Oh, wow. Every time there were, and I had a weird synchronicity with that too. And then I found that I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:40:52 And the first thing they say is don't be afraid because I guess they're, it's terrifying. Right. Like people lose their shit. Yeah. So I feel like it's peekaboo, possibly because of our own capacity, right? So that it doesn't want to just like totally crumble our whole world. But then I, I'm like you, I'm like, why not just blow the lid off the whole thing? Like let's go apocalypse now and just have everybody deal with it.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Just deal with it. That this is the sitch. But it is, it's, I feel like it's like lovingly trying to push in the pressure cooker also because it wants us all to do it ourselves so that we're not just like parasites and think this thing is like this big awesome thing and we have no capacity for it. I think it's kind of peekabooing to empower us to feel like it's cool, like we can do it. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Maybe. I don't know. Teaching style. It's a, it's a teaching thing going on here where it's you, it's like, and it's almost like, that's why I keep going back to this ridiculous, I used to roll my eyes so many times when I ever would hear anyone say this idea of like, we choose this incarnation. I would roll my eyes, but more the older I get, the more I think, no, this does, it feels like a class that we went into and almost as though before we went in the class, we
Starting point is 00:42:07 said, don't let us know. It's a class. It's like, you know, like if the, like we went into like, please, don't give up the joke. Don't give up the joke. Right. I paid a lot of money for this thing. No matter how much I scream, don't.
Starting point is 00:42:20 No spoilers. No spoilers. I'm going to go through it this time. Yeah. So yeah, it does feel like that. I do like, um, I do like trying to reverse engineer God, goddess, whatever the word is that you have for now, is it possible to have the full vision or the full revelation of this force in, in, in this incarnation?
Starting point is 00:42:45 I have met a couple of individuals who I feel like have done that. I feel like I've had some of the force. I would not say the full, though I've gotten the full Monty, but my teacher, Dr. Calvin DeWolf, who he got his PhD in Chinese medicine, but he falls native, his native tribe Mick Mac traditions. So he's like epic and you can just see like it emanates from them. That's right. Another one I met was Amma G who, I mean, you can literally feel the rainbow rays coming
Starting point is 00:43:15 out of her for whatever you think. Is the hugging scene. Yeah. She's the hugging one. And I, this is how I tell if people have kind of like received that full force, right? It's like if someone took a bath and tar, you can smell the tar all over. It's not like a, oh, is this person holy? No, it's literally like dripping out of their pores.
Starting point is 00:43:36 No question. No, unquestionable. No, I just, you know, I had Alex Gray on the podcast and we were talking about this very same phenomena and I've, he calls it like a vent, like a steam, like a, like a vent. And I've thought of it as like a love heater or something, but there's, it's all the same. It's the same idea, which is like emanations. You can't fake it in the same way you can't fake having muscles to who you cannot fake it.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Dude, that reminds me of the Sarah Palin speech that she just gave, like where her teleprompter went down. And I feel like this is part of that apocalypse energy, right? The unveiling where it's like the jig is up. Yeah. So it's like, if you're not for real, yeah, you're every, all the emperors are losing their clothes right now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So if you're not for real, the jig is up and people can see it. This is not something you have to like wonder about in a crystal ball. Right. It's self-evident. Yeah. They, and the stories that I've heard about, uh, Neem Karoli Baba, it was, it was just that look, it wasn't like, Oh, maybe it was like, you're, it's, you know, it's like what McTarence McKinnon says about a big dose of mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It's like standing next to a nuclear explosion. Very much. You are blasted. You can't, you can't fake it. And I, you know, and you know, even, you know, even though you say you've only had a touch of this thing, I can feel it from you. I, and you too. And I, oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But I've been around people, you know, enough now that I, I do know what that, what a little bit of what, oh yeah, I know what the tar is like. I know what it smells like. And I think that that's a really important thing for people to realize. I think so too. So many of you are so paranoid about having a teacher because they think, Oh, I don't want to get hoodwinked by a scoundrel. Well, and there's a lot of those is the problem.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah, but there's also a lot of those as car mechanics or doctors or dentists. Like the, the sneaky creeps are prevalent everywhere, so spirituality is no exception. But again, it's like, how do you know your car mechanics? Good, right? The proof's in the pudding. This isn't something like, if you go to a spiritual teacher for 10 years and you still know jack-a-poo, yeah, like chances are maybe they're not, they're just not very good. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:45 That's right. Like a good mechanic. Right. Cause you can feel it when it's good. It'll go. It'll work. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's exactly right. You just, and also another thing that I've noticed or a quality of teachers is that they, their words are a secondary component in what they're actually doing. Yeah. Really. There, there's some other deeper thing that they're doing with you that you, that the words are just kind of there to fill up the space. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:11 But then there's a deeper, um, there's something deeper that's happening. Um, so as a, what is your, as a spiritual teacher and as someone who, a lot of people look up to you, what is your, they do. Oh, how do you, um, what, what, what is your day to day practice look like? Well, I usually, my, my main practice is assisting clients. So I'll do that in a number of ways where I'll either use the kind of what I call psychodivinological session where we kind of like Nancy drew to the bottom of the situation and see what we can find out.
Starting point is 00:46:48 So it's kind of like investigation. Right. And I'll use astrology or each thing or tarot to do that. And then I'll also do, um, energy sessions, which include a Qigong practice that I learned from my previous teacher. And I did Qigong and martial arts, um, pretty much from the time I was like 24. So I'm 40 now. So a little while, and it's more of just like energy movement.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So like with those, the biggest thing I'll see is it'll just move stuff. Like one of my clients had polycystic ovary syndrome and she hadn't had a period in like three years. I give her a little sash and she totally started having a period. So you healed someone. Well, it'll like move it. Like, I don't know if I'll claim like, ooh, a miraculous healing happened, but certainly I've noticed people will, their energy will move and like stuck stuff will
Starting point is 00:47:35 kind of either come to the surface. Like I gave a session on this ADHD kid and he like literally got like twitchy, like his muscles were twitching and I was just touching him. So it kind of like brings stuff to the surface to like push it out. Yeah. And, and this is, you know, so people hear that. Yeah. And they're immediately like bullshit.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Right. This is not possible in this dimension. There is no way to get arrested for claiming that they can heal people in that fashion. And yet you have had a direct experience with seeing that this works. Yeah. I've had direct experiences of seeing that this stuff works. That's got to be a little frustrating for you that, and I can feel that you feel
Starting point is 00:48:19 like you kind of have to, a lot of what you're saying, you do, it seemed like you have to nerf it a little bit, explain it. Cause otherwise you do, you sound like a total cuckoo pants, but it makes sense. Here's how I describe it. It's just electromagnetic energy. Like we literally have electricity. It's not that weird. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:38 We have, we are electromagnetic little balls of dirt walking around. So the, if you think about it, and in terms of acupunctures too, like it's just moving electricity through your body. It's very simple, right? It's that, that's it. Right. And we have to, it's almost like what you just said, this is another weird part about being in this super technologically advanced time period that
Starting point is 00:49:02 we're in, is that you actually have to dumb down what's really happening by using the current lingo, even though what's really happening, you wouldn't really say electricity. I bet you've got a lot of different words for what's happening. If you guys want to know the true truth, yes, here we go. It's all light. So anytime we, like if I look into your eyes and we get an exchange of light, that's actually releasing photonic energy.
Starting point is 00:49:27 So everything in the whole business is differently condensed light forms. So if I can give you a gish and get you to like, ideally I shouldn't have to do anything, but sometimes if like, I can get my light going and I just stand next to someone, they'll like do it in sympathy. Like how you catch a flu from someone. You can like catch light from someone too. And that should be the purpose of a teacher, should be to just like, you know, get you to be like, Oh my God, that's right.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I should totally just be like, right. So that's like the true truth. It's light. It's light. That's what it is. Yeah. And that's what, you know, when you're talking about the, the, the eating the moon, as you're saying really, you're eating light, you're eating reflected
Starting point is 00:50:10 sunlight bouncing off of this extraterrestrial planet that has this added quotient thing to it, that the moon is placed within it. It's like sun gazing. It's a, the witch version of looking at the moon is very similar to the yogi sun gazers that do it in the, at the dawn, which version's safer. I think right now, these packets, the light is information, isn't it? So that's correct. So contained inside this, these packet, these photons, like little prisms, little
Starting point is 00:50:39 prisms, like little crystals. So each photon is like a little crystal. Yeah. So it's these, and actually God, I just read that they had somehow managed to turn light into crystal. Did you hear about that? No, but it makes sense. By draw, by somehow by changing its frequency, they crystallize light.
Starting point is 00:50:56 You know, all these things are happening right now that are so insane. I know that they just go flying by everyone. Like, oh, they turn light into discoveries are epic. Like there was all these scientific truths we held for so long regarding like physics and relativity. And now it's all just like popping off at an extreme rate. It's true. But like with the crystallization of light, it's, I look at it like making
Starting point is 00:51:16 a snowflake out of water. It's just like, right? It's just a condensation. You've changed its form a little bit. And so now inside each of these, so if I look at this, a photon, this crystal or this sort of like a hologram, right? Like a laser light hologram. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Like a hologram. And this would be the atomic structure that we're all made of is many of these holograms, an arrangement, an arrangement of holograms are, is each individual photon, do they all contain the same information? So here I'll offer what Max Planck said. A lot of people don't know about that Max Planck, which is good. People need to know about him. He had the whole Max Planck Institute studies light.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Now it behaves in living systems too, like our bodies. What he proposed is that all light is only one being like. So even though there's separate photons, that it's only one thing. Because the reason he said that is if you do something to a photon over here, a photon like somewhere way far away will have a memory of what happened to that other photon, which is insane. Unless they just like shouted through interdimensional wormholes at each other. Hey, this just happened to me.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But that would mean like every single photon would be like, hey, you guys, check out what just happened to me. That's cuckoo pants. Instead, it's like they're an entire body and one living organism. So does it's like DNA, right? If my fingernail cell, if I go in deep enough, it has the DNA for my liver, for my heart, for my brain. So that's what light is.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Gotcha. Yeah. Like DNA. So the DNA I've always thought of is the kind of, if there was ever a signature that an alien put inside of all life, it would look like DNA. It looks like a signature. But we have alien DNA in us. Actually, it's mitochondrial DNA.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You have two different kinds of DNA in your body. One is yours, your cells. And the other one is in the mitochondria, which are these like semi-parasitic organisms that just kind of hang out in us and give us all the energy that we have. Right. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I've heard that's completely different DNA. I'm playing a kind of primordial symbiosis is what people theorize about. Now, to get back to this concept of light, that we're all we're. So here we are, this one light being that has varying, I don't know what you want to call it, frequencies that it's operating at. And some create like wood and stone, flesh, brain, blood. And then in the least less condensed form, we've got whatever photons are the stuff that's bouncing off of us, dimensional beings or whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Right. Okay. Right. Right. So that those things too. Yeah. So when a person is not living life to their fullest potential, based on this concept that we're all like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Why, why the depression, why the anger, why the inability to accept love or to give love, what's going on with the light when that's happening? Well, there's a couple of theories about what's going on there. And certainly anyone, all you have to do is take a little DMT and you can literally feel that because it's like a miasma. It's like a river of blackness in the Carlos Castaneda books. They call it the evil sorcerers that are at the level preventing humanity from busting through to their full potential.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Right. So you can say like evil sorcerers, there's some like force, right? What is it? Is it like, what is that thing, the darkness that sucks people into? Yes. Depression, suicide, unhappiness, like inability to function, alcoholism, disease, that's like kind of the foundation of everything when we start to fall apart and then eventually leads to death, correct?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Correct. A lot of people will call that force Kali. They'll call it gravity if they're scientists. Right. So we're all just kind of walking around until everything gets pulled off of us until we just like pull apart. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And that's the situation. Yes. So what is that? Yeah. I mean, I feel like it's just a counter force to whatever the force is to grow. So if you think about, if you have anything, there could be infinite potentialities of every other thing that it could possibly be, but we could simplify it and just say, like, according to physics, if there's a thing,
Starting point is 00:55:50 there's an equal and opposite thing. So if we have this potential to be these awesome, huge, gigantic, interdimensional beings, then we also have the potential to be these lowly little slimy, creepy critters. Right. Those simultaneously exist. What's the difference between the two? That's the question, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:56:09 How do we go from creepy crawling creeps into these like epically individual beings? So I think, and what the Taoists say and, you know, all my favorite teachers, we have to somehow come into the middle of those two things. We can't be our extreme potential or our creepy crawlies. We have to somehow figure out how to be all of those things together. At the same time. Wow. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And that's because we can't eliminate our creepy quality. Right. It's real. It exists. We all have. We can all be grumpy. I'm going to get pissed. I could be an animal and just rip things to shreds with someone like attack my
Starting point is 00:56:44 children. I could totally become that thing. Right. It's a, it's a potential that exists within me. So then it's like, okay, I have to be like that potential exists and everyone does it all around. I have to accept that people bomb people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It doesn't mean tolerate it. It doesn't mean not talk about trying to make it different. Yeah. That's not the same thing. Right. But you have to acknowledge it. Like a lot of new age people, you know, they don't want to look at anything negative and talk about negative things.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Right. We ain't go negative vibey. Yeah. So you're eliminating completely half of existing reality. Wow. That's fucked up. It is though. It's not true.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Right. Yeah. It's just not true. Right. Yeah. It is a, you know, that is a thing where you even like the contemplation of these negative concepts and that's something I always wonder about. You know, I, I'm someone who does contemplate those things.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And sometimes as I'm contemplating them, I think, is this actually just a form of laziness? It, it, what, you know, like indulgence, indulgence. Yeah. Yeah. Cause at what point does, how long do we sit at the edge of the grave and watch their decomposing bodies? Like when is it time to keep rolling?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah. To tell the brain, Hey, come on. Let's, let's start thinking about the, the other side of this. Well, cause then you get polarized, right? If you go too long into indulging that, it's like you'll get enough gravity where it'll accumulate momentum and then you get like caught up in it. And now you're trapped. Whereas equally on the other end, if you get all caught up in that, then you go
Starting point is 00:58:17 like Messiah style, right? And you think you're like, yeah, everybody's gotta be like, I'm a God. So just pay attention to me because I'm a God. So you got to go in the middle of those. God, and that's the hardest. That is so hard. Yeah. Is it hard?
Starting point is 00:58:31 It's, it's like balancing on a teeter totter. You just got to check yourself. It's like the thing and, and listen when other people check you. Like I don't like being told what to do, but if like five people tell me I'm being a bitch about something, I'm going to be like, okay, okay, baby. Right. I got to check this out. So you got to listen and react and respond to what is occurring as well as
Starting point is 00:58:53 relying on your own kind of inner authority to like make discernment and choices. It's a combo. Right. Yeah. Your own inner authority. Yes. And with this, uh, in, um, what, what is, is that your own inner authority?
Starting point is 00:59:11 Is that synonymous with your will? Is your will and inner authority the same thing? I feel like it's pretty close, if not exact. So the, your inner authority has been called like your conscience. If you look at like, what is your conscience? It's described literally as a light. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh, go on Wikipedia. Like it's cuckoo. It's a light that is located above your head. So when you get connection with your conscience, which isn't just like, you kind of get there when you go between the angel and the devil, going like, ah, you're a loser, you're going to ever make it. And then like, no, you're a messiah, you're awesome. So your conscience is kind of somewhere in between there where you go, neither
Starting point is 00:59:51 if you guys is right, just be quiet. And then you kind of like chill out and then you let what's really going on outside of your own opinions come into you. That's what I think. Okay. Connection. Okay. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yes, it does. So you're sort of pushing. Yeah. It's like getting snow out of a driveway. Okay. That's super cool. So these two, uh, the, the, what, the negativity and the positivity are in all the thought patterns that emerge from it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 This is this, this is the snow on the driveway and you push that away. And then all of a sudden that's when you are making contact with what? That's a good question. I feel like it is like your will, your true will or intent. So like, if you can imagine your consciousness, whatever that is, it's some kind of light that has its deal that it came in to do. It knows what it's here to do and what you should do. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Right. So it's, it's like your intention, your will, but also ancient knowledge, like, like primordial. So it's both of those. I feel like it's your own personal will, but then also something that extends beyond what you are. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Why do you think people are so closed off to that? It's weird, huh? Yeah. And like you look at the, we just did a, I did a show with my radio show partner, Eric Davis. We talked to this woman about, um, xenolinguistics, like where's the info coming from or how do you know who to listen to? And there's that whole thing of hearing voices.
Starting point is 01:01:24 You're discouraged from listening to any voices in our current society. Right. If you start hearing stuff or linking in bad news, bad news. If your friend starts telling you that a voice is telling them to do something crazy, even though every single musician, artists and scientists usually do things in that manner. Right. Somehow, if you talk about it, you're cuckoo.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yes. I don't like that. That's fucked up. That's fucked up. It is. And I think that that brings us back to what we were talking about in the beginning, which is this fascinating taboo against witchcraft, because what you, what you just said is, uh, identifying a kind of censorship that
Starting point is 01:02:05 it currently exists in the time period that we live in, which is that, you know, you can, they, there's freedom of speech. But if you start talking about, right, this thing that you're talking about, it reminds me of the same, of North Korean level censorship, which is that if you start saying, I think I'm in contact with higher dimensional entities, or I think that I might be a conduit through which a higher intelligence is coming, uh, if you say that to the most people, the phone is hung up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 But check it out. President Bush said the reason he went into the war was because God told, he said he heard a voice of God telling him to, but that's totally acceptable. No one was like, holy shit. The president just heard the voice of God. I can't believe they didn't get that reaction. What he said, the voice of God told him to go to war. Why didn't everybody go fuck you and burn him as a witch?
Starting point is 01:03:07 It's like, that's the same thing as like, when you take the keys away from your drunk friend, that's when you take the keys to the nuclear arsenal. No more keys for you because it, because this, this, this makes me, there's one. Ramdas, uh, said that, um, just because a being doesn't have a body doesn't mean it's telling the truth. Uh, yeah. And that's a curious thing. Isn't it?
Starting point is 01:03:32 It's, it's here there and in every religion. And I remember the Dalai Lama in a lecture that I watched said something like, I just love the way he said it, but he just sort of in a very casual way mentioned the fact that, oh yes, they're, they're entered in, there are other entities and he said, but you know, just like us, they will eventually die because everything in this dimension dies energy. Yeah. Um, but it, and I think maybe that's why people are so closed off to this is
Starting point is 01:04:02 because fear, fear, because it's like, look, if I start playing around with this concept, which there are spirits for lack of a better word that I can contact, then that opens up the doorway to what I think it is. It could be some real dangers, which is what if I connect with the wrong, what if I connect with Bush's friend? It's a serious problem. And that's the thing I always like to say too, like in my personal practices and the shamanic ones I've learned from my teacher with the Native American
Starting point is 01:04:36 traditions, it's very different than like, say the spiritualism that occurred in America where people were using Ouija boards and stuff like that. Yes. In, I guess, for lack of a better word, shamanic traditions, you do not allow the spirit to possess you. In fact, the whole point of this is to become an autonomous being that is connected to your true self. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:58 That's like being, doing what your friend says to do. Essentially, if you let a spirit possess you, you're just like a jump in someone else's train. That's wild. But it's like, I can talk to you and I'm not afraid you're going to possess me. Right. I feel confident that I know who I am. So if you just say a bunch of stuff, I'm not just going to agree with you, Duncan.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I have my own thing. And this is what people forget. Spirits are the same way. You are in charge. But again, like my, I have this Reiki master, Christina Galvez. And she said the smartest thing ever. She goes, it's just like walking downtown. So if you wear a short skirt and you walk downtown, you're going to attract trouble.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So it's the same with like dealing with the spirits. You got to be savvy, like, you know, handle yourself. Whoa. That's so cool. Yeah. It's like the Grateful Dead parking lot. You've got to watch out. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Like in reality. Yeah. Yeah. It's no different. It's the same thing. Totally. And the same, I imagine that you could apply the same. My contact with extradimensional beings has only been through psychedelics generally.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Not only, but the, the, the ones that not sell great ones have usually come through psychedelics. Interesting. But it's the, the, well, not evil either, but just like I got it. Like pushy. The first time I saw, I asked you about the beings living in, yeah. Um, uh, in nature, because when I was on a huge dose of mushrooms, it only happened to me like this once I was laying in a lawn chair. And it's so ridiculous to say this. It sounds like someone making up what a psychedelic is like, you know, like someone who would think, oh, this is what they're like.
Starting point is 01:06:41 So I'm going to lie about it, but it was that clear. Cause usually when I have a hallucination, it was, it isn't like this, but I was laying in this lawn chair, looking up in a tree. And there was plain as day, what appeared to be a gnome that was an old man and he was looking out at the sun. And he was just sort of like watching the, I guess watching birds, like old people would do or something. And he could tell that I could see him and it irritated him. You know what I mean? It was just sort of in the ear, a mild kind of grumpy irritation. And I don't know, that's not evil, but it was just like shit, man.
Starting point is 01:07:23 They're not. No, dude, if you read stories of the, so fairies are basically nature spirits. And I know everyone thinks of fairies as these cute little things, but they're assholes. Like if you, there's all these stories of like, if they could see people seeing them, they would like poke out their, your eye. Like they wouldn't, they don't like that. Like they get like to be covert because a lot of the nature spirits, what they call are like fallen angels. So it's these kind of like higher light beings that are kind of like trapped in natural form. They kind of have a body, but only an energy body.
Starting point is 01:07:54 So they're like, you know, everyone thinks they're good, but they're just, they're not good or bad. They're just hanging out like everybody else. It's like at the beach. Totally like at the beach. Some people at the beach, yeah, they play radio. They play their radio and they like, like, what are you doing? You're, why are you doing this to us? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Like, why would you play? Yeah. Taylor Swift is loud as you can at the beach to us. Yeah. So it's like that. That's cool to know because it was, I remember just sort of as the mushroom trip was happening and I was in the mushroom trip. And even to this day, I think, I think I saw a gnome as that was happening. It was that this uncomfortable dawning realization of shit, man.
Starting point is 01:08:37 That's a grumpy guy. Like they're not Disney guys. No. And they'll come and bite you and like try to get little chunks of you and drain your energy too. But again, you just have to know who's in charge. How do you stop that? You say, no, you do techniques that build your will. They seem smarter than us, but we have will and intent, right?
Starting point is 01:08:58 So it's true. Some people's will and intent, it's just they don't, they can't do it. They get tired and they just give up, right? But if you meditate and have a practice, that's how you build your strength to be stronger than them. Right. Just like I would go do martial arts so that I don't have to get raped when I walk down the street. Right. It's the same kind of concept.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Right. Right. You arm yourself with techniques and knowledge to know how to handle it. This is the circle that they talk about again and again and again. If you're, if you're sort of channeling or bringing these beings into your life, you're, there's, they're already there. That's the news is that, guess what? You personally are not responsible for invoking these beings.
Starting point is 01:09:37 You are perception open so that you can see them. Whoa. They're always there. Oh, that is so heavy. That is a real heavy thing. That's why I always say, why be afraid of something that's already happening now? Oh, wild. So you're saying that the, you know, my, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:53 So I'll tell you what you, the thing you just shifted in my understanding of this stuff is whenever I've had, and I, you know, I've dabbled in this stuff a little bit probably in really stupid ways, but I always have thought that that's so interesting. Of course, what you're saying is that I've always thought that you, that they, you know, you sort of invoke these things and then like they teleport in. I never had considered that could be true too. Like it depends on what you're invoking, right? But at any time we're in a sea of all kinds of different stuff, like a city. It's like if you were in New York, there's just shit going on all over the place. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:28 So if you want to call in a specific one, I do think it's some kind of teleportation situation, right? Because there's no time and space in these other places. Everything's like photon style. Yeah. So it's instantaneous. I got you. So if you have like the name, which is there like a dress, say, right, and you, what would one of their names be? Well, you know, if you pick anything from magic, they'll list either angelic beings or demonic beings.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Let's say an angelic, Michael. Sure, like Cassie L, right? So if we're going to Cassie L is like an old man who looks out into space under oak trees. So could have been who you saw. He's really grumpy and like he's like God of tears. So he rules like sorrow and kind of grief and he hangs out under oak trees. And so or like there's a couple of other spots that he likes a lot too. So you go to one of the areas that they like and then you kind of like bring up their name.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And it's like if it's like that song, you got a friend. James Taylor one, you know, you just call on them and they're there. It's like you got a friend song. Wow. But they're just they're like the you can feel it like they just like if you're thinking of a friend and it just makes you feel your friend. Wow. And this is and is how much of what is this? This is witchcraft.
Starting point is 01:11:41 What you're talking about. They talk about doing all these things in all the pagan traditions address these kind of things and all the Gnostics, like if you look at Gnosticism, it was like basically paganism that wasn't Christian. So they all got like, you know, put aside. But in Gnosticism, they talk about that stuff all over the place with like the Archons and what's going on in terms of consciousness and the mind. They they addressed that so long ago. And in such detail, it is almost like shocking that people are so dumb about it. Well, we're scared, you know, I'm scared to tune into that frequency too much because it's it's I'm you know,
Starting point is 01:12:18 we have such there's already a certain level of sorrow in dealing with the meat bodies around us. The idea of suddenly turning the lights on to all the other friends that we have very scary. It's scary, but that's the only way that you do it is you have to look into your own darkness. So like the thing that everyone's the scariest of seeing who they really are. They're not really scared of all the other stuff because what we are so awesome, but we're like kind of scared that we're so awesome. So we're all like, we don't want to go in the Luke Skywalker tree and see the Darth Vader head. But I think it's kind of more that than what we're really afraid of that something else could be more powerful than us. Because everything's more powerful than us.
Starting point is 01:13:02 We had taken out by like a snake or a spider. Oh, yeah. Like we're afraid of demons and people live in Australia where everything can kill you. That's hilarious. We're already doing it now in nature, right? Yeah, there's brown occluses. Oh, my God, you're totally right. And I love what you just said that what we're most afraid of is how great we are.
Starting point is 01:13:27 I think so. Yeah, because that is so because what is why are we afraid of that? That's such a good question. If anything better for me, so I'll just, you know, use myself as an example. If I kind of stop myself or get him cock block myself, so to speak. I'll notice that it's in situations where I feel like I don't have the authority. If I feel confident, if it's something that I am comfortable with, I'm totally cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:56 If I'm comfortable, if I don't know, then I go like, oh, my God, I don't know. So then I had to go through this whole point of being like, it's OK to know stuff. Right. So I think it's that we don't know. Right. Maybe. I think I don't know. I don't know the answer.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I think that a lot of people think at first that the thing you're afraid of is that the darkness or the sort of, I don't know. The foggy energy inside of us or the anger, whatever that stuff is. But then, you know, whenever I get around the Ram Dass people. And everyone, you know, or Ram Dass, it's really hard for me to be around that kind of love. Like it's really hard to to be around that thing. Like you kind of, I know what you mean.
Starting point is 01:14:45 You know what I mean? The goody two shoes where it's like, I can't. I don't feel cool because I feel like I'm getting judged because I know I have evil. Yes. That's first. That's one of the first things that pops in your head is like, I feel really kind of polluted around people like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:01 The second thing is, is just like, I just, yeah, because I don't deserve it. Because like this love coming in, I don't deserve it. So if the idea is that inside of all of us is that we are love is that or whatever that, the right name for that energy is, then it would make sense that the real terror would be realizing that it's not just that you're fighting with it coming from the outside. We're receiving it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Yeah. You're fighting from the inside too. It's stupid. It's dumbest wrestling match. Totally dumb. It's a dumbest fight. Really dumb. Like, no, I can't have that in me because I'm not, it's the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I think this whole thing with religion, witchcraft, everything, all this information is to try to get us to get our brains under control so that our thoughts don't disrupt the reality of our being. Oh, wow. That's a beautiful way to put it. Right. So that's pretty good. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. That's really good. Our minds are these blessings and curses. Yeah. That can go so many directions, get possessed, distracted, taken over, destroyed. You know, destroy ourselves, what we're thinking. And, you know, even in a bad environment, your thoughts can be what's destructive to you, right?
Starting point is 01:16:11 Like we obviously, people are in terrible situations brought on by each other in a lot of cases, but then still you got to fight extra hard with your brain. If you're in one of those God awful situations, try to keep your own thoughts and not all this like pain and suffering and trauma, which you may be experiencing. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I see it's kind of like it's like if you want to deal with people in the world. Yeah. This is the first fix yourself, work on yourself.
Starting point is 01:16:43 So this is the idea of like you can either put leather all over the entire planet or you can put on shoes. It's accurate. And so in the same way that if you want to deal with the next level up, which would be these beings that you're talking about, same concept identically. So in the practice of witchcraft, step one is take in the light. Get it in you, right? That's why it's traditionally women and like the whole sex stories.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Like I think about it. Think about that. What is sexuality is being penetrated by a force outside yourself. Whether that, but like that erotic energy that can go to a lot of different places, right? Look at that in terms of galaxies, in terms of, you know, all kinds of things. Yeah, aren't anthropomorphized. So it's like you're allowing the sword of light to kind of just penetrate you and
Starting point is 01:17:31 come in and that's the difficulty is receiving it, right? You talked about not wanting that. I think you're not worth it or that you can't do it. Primary difficulty. Yeah. So that's the taking in the moon that is taking it. Oh, that's so cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:46 How bad at pretty good, right? Yeah, really good. Yeah. Um, how can my listeners take your, or is your class open? Can people take your class? I'm currently so magic school. I was doing for a long time at the Basant Lodge and I'm trying to get a, I'm trying to expand it to get more stuff available for people.
Starting point is 01:18:06 So I want to get, ideally, I want to make like a witch church and have like places where people can take these classes, learn how to, you know, focus in how to use the techniques, cause I'm a real technique heavy person. Cause I think, yeah, you can get it in these spontaneous moments and I've experienced that as well. Or you can use, you know, substances or all kinds of stuff, but there are actually these techniques that make it just a lot easier. I call them like the dumbo feathers, right?
Starting point is 01:18:35 So you can kind of like use these ritualistic or qigong or meditation techniques and they kind of can pull off some of the layers of the tar. Yeah. You can like get at getting light to come out. That's so cool. And so in there, people can find you online too. My website is GodIsMyBoyfriend.com and I have stuff all over. I have a YouTube channel where a lot of my talks are on there and I try to put
Starting point is 01:19:04 links to other cool stuff because I really want people just get access to the information and like figured out for themselves. Like just, you know, get some of this history, some of these ideas, and then you can make your own choices. Beautiful. Thank you so much. It was so wonderful chatting with you. Oh, you're welcome, Duncan.
Starting point is 01:19:23 My pleasure. Thank you. Thanks for listening, everybody. And thanks to Squarespace.com for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH. Go to Squarespace.com. Use Afrika Duncan to get a 10% off discount. Also, big thanks to Maja for coming on the podcast. You can find out more about her by going to GodIsMyBoyfriend.com.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Thanks so much, you guys. I'll see you next time. Hare Krishna.

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