Duncan Trussell Family Hour - NICK KROLL

Episode Date: January 22, 2015

The host and star of the Kroll show NICK KROLL joins the DTFH to talk about comedy, spirituality, and the final season of the Kroll show. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Macy's friends and family. Get an extra 30% off great gifts for her just in time for Mother's Day when you use your coupon or Macy's card. And take 15% off Beauty Essentials or shop specials she'll love while supplies last. Plus Star Rewards members earn on every purchase except gift card services and fees at Macy's. Sign up today at Macy's dot com slash star rewards. Savings off regular sale and clearance prices, exclusions apply. Hello, my dear sweet golems of the Northern Sun.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It is I, Duncan Tressel, and you are listening to the Duncan Tressel Family Hour podcast I Bow in Your Direction. Today's episode features the amazing Nick Kroll who has an incredible show that is on Comedy Central right now called The Kroll Show. He's several seasons in. This is the last season. Nick Kroll actually had the guts to end the show prior to it being cancelled which is a really novel thing.
Starting point is 00:01:03 A lot of times people let their show experience the same kind of life as their pet. They have a lot of fun with it and then they keep it around a few years longer than maybe it needed to be because the poor little thing can barely walk and it's peeing all over the floor and anytime it moves you can hear the remaining vertebrae and it's rapidly disintegrating back click like an old lady's high heels walking through a graveyard. Nick Kroll had the guts to actually end his show and move on to brighter and better things and he's a really cool guy and it was nice to get to sit down with him. We're going to jump right into that but first I want to offer those of you who have seen
Starting point is 00:01:45 American Sniper what I would consider to be an antidote for the diarrhea of propaganda that got sprayed into your mind by that movie. This is Charlie Chaplin and it is from the movie The Great Dictator but for those of you who went to American Sniper and sat in the audience and felt that sinking horrifying feeling that comes from realizing that not only are you in the presence of some really hardcore, disgusting propaganda but you're also surrounded by people who maybe aren't aware of the fact that they are getting hypnotized by the military industrial complex and that really you're not in a movie theater you're at the very top of a water slide that could
Starting point is 00:02:33 lead to your nearest recruiting office. That's a really creepy invasion of the body stat snatcher style feeling that happens when you're sitting in that theater and this speech by Chaplin is the cure the balm and it is my wish to slowly and softly rub it into your heart chakra with my raspy lesbian voice. So here it is Charlie Chaplin's famous speech from The Great Dictator if you've already heard it listen to it again it's a really important thing to get this kind of information out into the world when a movie like American Sniper is actually doing good at the movie theaters instead of having the effect that you see at 3 a.m. at an underground warehouse
Starting point is 00:03:22 rave in Los Angeles which is causing people's eyes to roll back into their heads over and over and over again. Here it is Charlie Chaplin from The Great Dictator. We all want to help one another human beings are like that we want to live by each other's happiness not by each other's misery we don't want to hate and despise one another in this world there's room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone the way of life can be free and beautiful but we have lost the way greed has poisoned men's souls has barricaded the world with hate as goose stepped us into misery and bloodshed
Starting point is 00:04:02 we have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in machinery that gives abundance has left us in want our knowledge has made us cynical our cleverness hard and unkind we think too much and feel too little more than machinery we need humanity more than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost the airplane and the radio have brought us closer together the very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world millions of despairing men women and little children victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison
Starting point is 00:04:45 innocent people to those who can hear me I say do not despair the misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die liberty will never perish soldiers don't give yourselves to brutes men who despise you enslave you who regiment your lives tell you what to do what to think and what to feel who drill you diet you treat you like cattle use you as cannon fodder don't give yourselves to these unnatural men machine men with machine minds and machine hearts you are not machines you are not cattle you are men you have the love of humanity in your hearts
Starting point is 00:05:36 you don't hate only the unloved hate the unloved and the unnatural soldiers don't fight for slavery fight for liberty in the 17th chapter of st lucas written the kingdom of god is within man not one man nor a group of men but in all men in you you the people have the power the power to create machines the power to create happiness you the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful to make this life a wonderful adventure then in the name of democracy let us use that power let us all unite let us fight for a new world a decent world that will give men a chance to work that will give you the future and old age and security by the promise of these things brutes have risen to power but they lie they do not fulfill that promise they never will
Starting point is 00:06:22 dictate us free themselves but they enslave the people now let us fight to fulfill that promise let us fight to free the world to do away with national barriers to do away with greed with hate and intolerance let us fight for a world of reason a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness soldiers in the name of democracy let us all unite i think i've actually played that on this podcast before so forgive me i just needed to psychically gargle with that stuff after having clint eastwood's warmongering bitter camo jizz sprayed all over my brain by that terrible movie okay great we're going to dive right into this excellent episode with uh nick kroll but first some very quick business the duncan trestle family our podcast
Starting point is 00:07:18 is going on tour i'm leaving for texas tomorrow i'm going to be in austin on friday uh that show sold out but i think they're going to release 15 tickets at some point tomorrow so if you're somebody who did not get tickets for the austin show at the parish keep your twitter up and i'm going to tweet as soon as i get the ticket link but they're not putting the link up until tomorrow i'm also going to be at the come and take it comedy takeover festival which is a really great comedy festival that's happening with some awesome comics like maria bamford and todd berry like these are heavy hitters these are legends and geniuses they're going to be there in houston texas and i'm going to be there uh on the 24th i'm doing stand up and i'm also doing a live podcast so i'll
Starting point is 00:08:07 be doing uh stand up there with johnny pemberton and danielly ballelli you can get the tickets on my website and it's cool because you get to i think if you get tickets for the festival you can see a lot of great comics uh too so go do that and also if you're in dallas texas i'm going to be at the sons of herman hall on the 25th with johnny pemberton and this show is about 65 sold so that means that it's going to it'll probably sell out don't wait to get tickets get tickets now by going to my website it's god it always feels so uncomfortable saying that get tickets today feel like a fucking mattress salesman or something but it's there for you i'll be there with johnny pemberton come hang out with us there's a lot of other dates on the website for march i'm going to
Starting point is 00:08:59 be in winnipeg st paul madison chicago and columbus and i also have some east coast dates that are going to happen soon i'm not sure if the ticket links for these are active because it's kind of into the future but just to get you guys ready i'm going to be in the arlington draft house in arlington virginia i'm going to be in cambridge massachusetts at the cinclair i'm going to be at the trocadero in philadelphia and i'm going to be at the bell house in brooklyn uh you can go check out those websites i don't know if the ticket links are up yet but if you want to be super responsible and get something tickets in advance for something that's happening in april go do it now because these shows do tend to sell out thank god thank you uh for making that happen and for giving me
Starting point is 00:09:48 an incarnation where i can actually say that thank you for that okay uh we are also sponsored by amazon dot com if you go to the dunkin drunken trussell dot com to the comment section uh of any podcast there you'll see an amazon link and the next time you're buying something through amazon click on that link it's a way for you to support this podcast without having to do anything more than buy some wonderful thing for your life from amazon dot com and i would recommend the book mindfulness by joseph goldstein you can also get a free download of that by going to audible trial dot com ford slash family hour signing up for a trial membership of audible sorry for rushing through this stuff guys but i gotta get packed for my tour and i actually spent like four hours trying to record this intro
Starting point is 00:10:39 and doing this really embarrassing long cliche filled anti-war rant and i listened to it and i was so embarrassed to hear my raspy lesbian voice vomiting out the exact same thing that so many other uh low test i don't know if i have low test but i think if you heard my voice and had to bet i have a feeling i know where your money would be so i don't know just something about listening to to myself rambling on and on about something i think we all already know which is that war sucks and we want it to stop really really embarrassed me so i i didn't just sit down to record this i've been sitting here in my studio for hours trying to record it and now i'm just gonna upload it because i gotta go on tour and i'm not gonna have time to put a podcast up this week
Starting point is 00:11:38 if i don't get a podcast up today so here we go that let's dive right into this episode today's guest is the creator and star of the kroll show which you can watch on comedy central have links to that at dunkintrustle.com he's also a super funny stand up funny stand up and all kroll related links will be located in the comments section of this podcast everybody now welcome to the dunkintrustle family hour nick kroll you a clear microphone you've got here thank you my friend these microphones according to the box were the same microphones the same model used by michael jackson really to record thriller
Starting point is 00:12:39 really isn't that amazing uh because i was thinking like i remember hearing about a guy who had access to algreen like the microphone that algreen used to do a bunch of his like a guy in memphis who had these like microphones that were very special very special i mean and you know with a podcast you really want to capture the depth of your voice like that's what people are in it for you got a great voice nick kroll i'm feeling it right now it's it's i think i sound a little under the weather or something if there's a there's a deep rich velvety timber yeah you've got a serious velvety timber you have a beautiful voice but it's a higher it's a raspy lesbian trucker voice but i appreciate i've come to terms with my crap voice it's just an embarrassment your voice matches
Starting point is 00:13:20 your face oh thank you that you know i that's interesting because some people say it doesn't some people think when they hear my voice they think of like a woman with like a middle-aged woman with short hair who smokes really so that's cool man well it's always when you listen to the radio or podcast you're like what does that person look like because oftentimes you don't know and i'm always like because sometimes radio voices are so sexy or whatever that you're like oh i bet she's so beautiful or but he's a real handsome guy and then you see him and you're like oh it's just like a balding weirdo with a big fat tummy yeah you're neither of those oh not yet you're fit not well mildly fit but nick thank you so much um yeah that's a curious thing and also it's the same
Starting point is 00:13:59 thing is sometimes when you see a person who has a very beautiful body yeah but inside there's just maggots yeah yes but the maggots cover up love not to be completely negative it's just there's sometimes a layer of maggots the maggots are feasting on the love inside that's a very interesting question yeah i think the maggots are feasting on the thing that the desperate resistance to just being sweet that's what i hope but maybe people are nasty all the way down i think there are a couple real nasties to the core really but i i don't think many or i i've chosen to look at people who i find to be either shitheads or mean or monsters or whatever that like all of that is manifested from a place of self-hatred right and so if you can if at least you don't have to like
Starting point is 00:14:44 them but at least you can pity them right which is way way worse than being mean to them yes yeah right yeah i remember somebody i i don't remember you said it but he said the the worst insult that you can give a person is to feel sorry for them there's nothing worse you know because it's like to if you just tell someone you suck you're a cunt you're kind of at their level right but when you're like man i really feel bad for you yeah people are like oh god jesus christ yeah it's very similar to when someone comes up to you and asks you if you're are you okay oh interesting you're like yeah why do i do i look i seem not okay yeah and that'll ring in your head for days like oh my god what is it that i like i know because we all kind of feel a little not okay
Starting point is 00:15:28 all the time oh yeah we're all on the verge all on the verge of what throwing ourselves off a fucking bridge yeah that is true i love that you're really say that i think that's a real a real like gift to the world just if everyone just would admit like hey guys we're all completely yeah on the precipice of throwing ourselves into oblivion people feel so much less inclined to act like everything's okay yeah i'm shocked i'm shocked uh i'm shocked that more i'm shocked that more people aren't killing themselves yeah i just i mean i'm i wish it were a joke because i'm and i won't it's it's i'm flirting with material that i'm working working on but it's because i'm thinking about it a lot which is i have an amazing life and uh and yet i'm still uh quite um i'm i think
Starting point is 00:16:16 i'm actually a pretty relatively happy person but there are still a lot of times where i'm like what are we doing what am i doing here what are we all doing here yeah like this is either boring or super sad right like what is the point of this and i'm not telling anybody to go do anything to themselves um unless they tape it and i can jack off to it but the worst fetish that is the most expensive fetish because like you have to get a prostitute to kill herself because it's not good enough to kill it wouldn't be good enough to kill the person that's not what you get off on you actually need to find someone about to kill them and the and if the lighting's not because i don't want to watch it live i need to see a video of it because so i can replay it you know like i don't
Starting point is 00:16:56 want to be there live and it's not a i'm not as scared of being caught it's more just i don't know it's something about it's tied to internet porn for me i need to see it in like a four by six screen what would be the name of that kind of porn um you know like the little you get you yeah you're looking at porn there's always that yeah the genre list yeah represents all possible fetishes yeah i mean it's i mean the obvious would be like well i mean shit there's there are the suicide girls so it's like the real suicide yeah yeah yeah that'd be amazing yeah Jesus they would be like the real housewives yeah well you know that would be it's only the i think the reason that that is such a suicide in general or jerking off someone committing suicide is like
Starting point is 00:17:43 such a horror to imagine uh is is because we don't know what happens yes correct you know if we knew that on the other side of death was some kind of expansive free anything you can think you can have traveling through time ecstatic nirvanic bliss state yeah this planet would have such a very low population density like right everyone be like oh let's get out of here it'd be like Detroit it'd be like a place that maybe you accidentally have to drive through but you don't want to hang like you go what are you doing why are we here yeah it would it would not many people would be here i would reckon i would think i was i was in Detroit last winter uh doing a show and i went out for a drink with a guy who i knew who lived i think in Ann Arbor but knew Detroit
Starting point is 00:18:28 and it was truly i mean it's truly like um uh desolate you know but and snowing at night and we're driving you know we're going and he's like i'll take you to like a distillery you know because that's the thing is now that like hipsters are moving in and starting their like distilleries and art spaces and stuff so it was like this cool bar but in the middle of i mean like Armageddon right post apocalyptic it's it's intense the first american ruin is what detroit is called really yeah the first it's a ruin oh yeah it is i've been there i went to mark ridley's comedy castle you ever performed how was it it was terrible was anybody there uh we'll see you know when i went to perform there this was before i'd started like really podcasting this is in the
Starting point is 00:19:16 very beginning of it so now when i go to shows i i get fans from the podcast and it's beautiful shout out to the fans hello fans but the uh at that time it was just like you know that where you get the random roll of the dice when you're doing comedy sure sure sure cut that thing at a comedy club so it's like some cool people some people you're not sure of and then there's the table of disabled elderly veterans that decided to come to a comedy show and they're there they can't wait they can't they can't wait for your demonic puppetry yeah exactly man and that comes out and you just feel bad for yourself and bad for them and bad for the whole yeah you're like because you can't be angry with them you're like you're not my demo i'm so sorry that you have to i know
Starting point is 00:19:58 that you're not going to like this it's not your fault but i'll also become insecure and angry with you for it yeah exactly it's not it is i do kind of blame them in the sense that like if you were going to see if you go to see a movie you at least look at like well what is this movie like right but comedy is different from that in a sense yeah it's like i'll just go see a comedian yeah man i couldn't i think i couldn't deal with touring that way early on i was like i'm not going on the road until like i can fucking have people know who i am wow go on the road how long have you been doing comedy i started in oh two i guess really like i moved to new york and started doing open mics and taking class at ucb so and then and i was doing stand-up but i was doing real you know
Starting point is 00:20:39 kind of alty alt stand-up and character stuff and didn't really start focusing on doing stand-up in a real way till you know probably like 0506 or something oh wow and when did so when did the things start when did you start feeling the momentum that like stuff was taking off for you um i don't know i mean i think like i don't know because i feel like you know it's all these like markers like i feel like careers are all these like weird little internal markers like i remember there's a show in new york called invite them up which was like a big uh alt show that Eugene merman and bobby tisdale ran and it was like the cool booked weirdo show it was like doing like comedy death ray and in LA and um and i remember getting booked on that and being like being like
Starting point is 00:21:24 more nervous to do that show than i was to do like like uh you know kimmel yeah you know um and so because those alt shows can be just because in your mind you you're you look at those like if those guys don't like you yeah then there must be something wrong with sure but i i had the same thing i i didn't go to the store i didn't go to the comedy store until ran as easy you know who was like a homegrown i mean i think yeah you came up with him there like was a homegrown guy and like we were on the league together and then like i got invited to the store but i wouldn't step i was scared shitless to go do a set there wow like it's all the unknown wherever you are it's the unknown it's like doing your set doing a show still like if i were doing a set at a random place on
Starting point is 00:22:08 the road now and it wasn't like a show of mine yes i'd be fucking freaked out wow you know because you're just like and and then also doing shows on the road now where it's like it's my show it's like shit now there's an expectation for what i'll do you know it's just like you know you can you can at least there's a lot of like i've found i've now had access to some very very interesting powerful very successful people in hollywood yeah and they're all everyone's insecure and wants to kill themselves i love that you're saying that and it is true and you know what it means man i think that means that you respect the audience and that you respect uh the what you're doing because the day that i'm not nervous about performing yeah that's a bad day like if i'm sitting
Starting point is 00:22:57 there and i have a show coming up and i don't feel butterflies or worried or freaked out that means something's wrong that means i'm numbed yes you're just cruise control yeah yeah and i and i i think that that's a real thing and i think it makes it also it's like it's a bummer when you see people like um who are touring or doing a show you know or on a show and they're just like checked and good you know god bless them people have to do their job and make a living but it's a bummer because like we got into doing all this because it's like this weird crazy fun creative thing that we get to do you know and then when it just becomes this like not gonna go cash the paycheck you're like oh it's a bummer but you you you are in a really special segment of the comedian population in the sense
Starting point is 00:23:41 that you've had this very successful show that's been going on for a while two shows going on at the same time and so you've gotten to experience what would be considered the upper echelon of what can happen for a comedian like outside of uh louis ck dane cook level super rock star which you're probably approximating that hugely but but but close man because you because you have the so you're like up in the very upper echelon of that uh pyramid and man i i would uh imagine that that is a pretty pressurized place to be because there's this every bit of success a person gets there's this extra notch that goes up on the expectation level you know and also every level of success you get those little stumbles when you are coming up and
Starting point is 00:24:33 people didn't know you can see more like big stumbles right yeah well i think that i honestly believe it's all relative and it's all scale it's all the same shit like like again you know the success fit like wherever you are like you're there you're there's someone who has the career that you want so whether it's like you know like if it's with no knowledge about this and like you know i'm like you know i'm sure there is like there's like someone louis is like fuck man why don't i have his shit right you know like chris rock comes out with top five and it pops right sure louis like i you know like i got my show but i want a movie like that right i'm sure chris rock is like fuck man zack alphanakis gets to go make like all these kinds of movies
Starting point is 00:25:22 and zack is like shit you know like i mean it's like i think at every level there is this expectation that you're not accomplishing you're not where you want to be and maybe that's and maybe there aren't it's not always that case but i think that one that it can be the engine that drives you to is is the engine for ambition i'm struggling with that right now of like what is what is ambition and what is um insecurity if that makes sense you know what i mean so like if you are feeling insecure about yourself it drives you you can either depress you down or it can drive you to succeed further right um because you're restless because you want more you know yeah but it also means that wherever you are you're not quite enjoying whatever it is that you've you've achieved
Starting point is 00:26:06 you know so it's funny to hear you say that about me and and it's it fully makes sense like i have two shows that have worked that are people seem to like and people love it yeah and which i'm very grateful for and and and and and and i'm like well but i think i'm done i feel like i'm creatively done with with uh my show so i'm gonna i'm gonna move on to the next thing and then all of a sudden you're like shit did i just throw away the the height of my relevance have i walked away do you know what i mean like is this like why am i walking away but i'm like well i did it because i was feeling like i accomplished what i want to accomplish and the kind of show i wanted to make and but i there is the other side of that of like fuck like maybe that's the most hubris you that's
Starting point is 00:26:47 filled with hubris to walk away from something that is working well no i think it's faith to walk away from something that's working and that it's an acknowledgement that you exist in a universe of abundance and that as long as your intentions are correct you're gonna get rewarded in ways that you can't possibly imagine that's what walking away is and that part of your brain that's like fuck that's it man oh fuck yeah what are we gonna do now yeah that's the part of your brain that is the same part of the squirrel's brain when you see it freaking out scampering around looking for the next nut yeah that's part of your brain if you let it drive your life it's ironic i do i went to the doctor and it turns out i do have a squirrel there you go bud yeah that's the that that thing
Starting point is 00:27:30 it's being counting man it's like uh you know ambition i think is uh i think a lot of words in in our language and in all languages just need to be reinvented because there's too much bullshit attached to all of them because when you hear ambition i think it's either got some like positive connotations if you're going to business school or some negative connotations if you're an artist but it's just a weird stupid word i think and uh insecurity it's a great question ambition versus insecurity um well if you read if you to me it's like you know that moment where you're in rhythm with the universe and everything's just working out and you feel like uh uh i don't know like some kind of like Norse god pounding away at a sword or something like you're just the
Starting point is 00:28:20 engine of creativity is just popping in your life and your soul focus or most of your focus is just on be allowing yourself to be a conduit to this thing that's growing out of you for some reason that you can't understand every once in a while yes so go ahead every once in a while doesn't happen all the time but god damn it when that happens what's better than that that's like making out with jesus it's like the greatest feeling you get there's nothing like it yes that feeling that if you stay right there no matter what happens to you or if you all have the intention of getting into that place no matter what happens to you you're already getting the big paycheck because that nothing can buy that feeling everything else is just trying to approximate or fake
Starting point is 00:29:02 that you're in that state you know yeah and maybe insecurity is a the more insecure you feel it's more of a you can't feel insecure okay when you're on stage having the greatest set of your life think of if you can remember the greatest set you ever had you don't feel insecure right no no no you're surfing you're surfing the whole thing yeah yeah now maybe that's ambition maybe that that could be what you would call ambition it's being just that explosive volcano of whatever yeah is inside of you you just blast and creativity jizz all over the tits of the crowd forgive me for saying that but the other uh but when you're on stage who are you asking for forgiveness for that what who are you asking for okay so i have in my mind like a cast of critics uh-huh and so that that was a
Starting point is 00:29:55 that critic was like somebody who writes for salon dot com not that anyone listens to this shit from salon dot com but that was a slate that was a slate feminist yeah that i was apologizing to because it was such a misogynistic thing well but i would say that i mean you're you're possibly right but uh and you know there i know a lot of girls who don't mind having uh getting come on their chest in a loving way and i i'm maybe now i'm i'm courting i'm courting the critic who's just like typing about you he's like hold on we got a real scoop now but i mean that if i can i could i could equate the same analogy to you of like two people making love when you're surfing it right and it's like yeah i'm gonna fucking blow on your chest like because we're so we're so in
Starting point is 00:30:46 this together like yeah and like you can fucking squirt all over my face like whatever it is like do you know what i mean like a word we are surfing this rhythm together and it is finding those rhythms and i think you're right and there are a few sets like that every once in a while feels electric and sometimes every now and again life feels that way yes um and it's a but it's a it's a it's a if you are it's a difficult thing is like trying to you can't create i mean you can create the the you can create um the framework for that ability you can like build that surfboard and try to get to the wave at the right time right but like you're like i'm i don't surf but i'm assuming there are a lot of mornings where people go out and they're like fucking surfsuck today
Starting point is 00:31:30 even though i set it all up like even though the swell was supposed to be gnarly or whatever the yeah no no and there it is that it i love that you say constructing the surfboard because i think that's like all the work you put into it and and get in like figuring out the right places to go to catch that that swell but uh the uh a hunter because you're so surf surfers are a form of they're like a hunting like phenomena they're hunting waves right but still a form of hunting like putting yourself in the right place to catch a thing which happens to be goddamn swell of water that's being pushed by some kind of bizarre gravitational field that i i don't understand at all but the uh in a comedian it's the same kind of thing but
Starting point is 00:32:18 you know hunters it will talk about hunters are weirdly similar to smokers and the smokers aren't it's not just the cigarette that they like it's the packing it's like going outside yeah it forces you to go outside and a hunter it gives you something to do yeah while you're wandering in the wilderness and i think with in this case like if there's a way to figure out how to make even the the moment proceeding catching that wave just as special if you just keep the what i mean is you just if you're a surfer and you're going out to surf that fucking wave because you know somebody's filming you and you want to look good that's going to be a shitty day yeah compared to the day where you're floating out there with your friends just waiting that's a cool awesome day so
Starting point is 00:33:07 it's that thing right it's like uh doing it for the moment for that moment for the moment itself i think if you keep it there everything else works out yeah i i think i and i hope so i think that that is the it is although i would say if you have a lot of ambition that it's those people the people who succeed on a crazy level in our in our in our in our society yeah are are very mapped out with what they're doing they're not just going with the flow of it or they are going with their flow of it do you know what i mean it's like they are they're surfing is like i'm scheduling beginning of the day to the end of the day and i'm gonna i'm gonna have figured out like who's attached to my movie by the end of the day wow or do you know what i'm saying like i was talking
Starting point is 00:33:57 to a friend of mine who's a very successful chef like a fucking game changer chef okay and businessman and he's just like he's on a it was talking to me the other day and i'm like oh this motherfucker is on a real he is like on some real like i'm taking my failures i'm turning them into success and i'm doing all of these things i'm no longer even in the kitchen because i'm running this and that and that and it was exciting it was really inspiring talking to him he is a he's a killer in a way that i'm not necessarily like i'm a like i'm a uh like you know there there's every profession or like comedians like you know they're killers do you know what i mean those dudes who are like no fuck that i'm taking this and i'm taking that yes do you want to do my
Starting point is 00:34:40 shit no then go fuck you you know what i mean and and or they're not even unpleasant about it but they're just they fucking are killers they go on stage they're going to murder that audience that night you know what i mean other people are like you know i'm going to do new stuff i want to get this right and like also this guy's got to follow me and i don't want to fucking try to get a standing out tonight because like it's going to fuck up their whole night other people like no no no no no no you know and i guess you have to respect them for surfing their night you know i'd yeah those kinds i know what you're talking about it's like people who are existing in life like they're at the super bowl or something in there and this kind of like uh yeah i just was passing i was going
Starting point is 00:35:18 to get my beard trimmed and pass some poster for a show on i don't know what the show is but it's apparently about i don't know it's there's a picture of some like black dude and his hot wife and she's kind of like you see his back but he's looking to the side and she's holding him and he's like he runs the music industry yeah and anyone who crosses him will pay that thing which is yeah which is a a kind of capitalist yeah archetype which is this it's the michael douglas wall street version of the soprano it's all that that thing no one gets in my way yeah i rise to the top you're sweating through the day you're making these weird phone calls that involve saying yes and no and the no people are suffering and the yes people are profiting so that kind of like that weird
Starting point is 00:36:04 and those people generally will become like the nucleus of this bizarre vortex of sycophants and stuff like they'll always have this insane orbit of yeah oh god i've seen that shit man that's wild well and it's it's in real life and then it's also it seems to be basically the only thing people want to watch in a dramatic series so it's like the anti hero who you're like look at that monster like with soprano walter walter you know walter white or don draper to you know it's empire tarenz harrod yeah it's the new show um and it is it's just like these fucking monsters who you somehow identify with you like oh i understand why he's you know such a monster yeah but you but it's intense it's not and it's like do you want to be that person you know do you want to be that
Starting point is 00:36:52 i don't but i want the trappings of their success you can have you you know what man i think that that i think that uh that's a trick is people like to make you think that if you're gonna like have this kind of glorious ascent and and have all the trap the material trappings and all the stuff that goes along with it you have to be like that yeah i don't think so no i don't think so i don't think so but may i mean maybe like i what your chef though he doesn't sound he just sounds kind of hopeful and awesome and organized you know i ran into fucking john jones you know john jones the you there's a ufc he's this fighter in the ufc and he was the title whatever they call the main i'm not a sports guy title card what do you call it the main champ yeah yeah so i like i like the main
Starting point is 00:37:36 champ but man like you know whenever you get around you get to be around somebody like that some part of your brain like the record button turns on because you're like let me observe this rare being to see what's going on and and sweetest fucking guy man right of course he's like standing at the he's like came over to rogan because we're doing shows with him in vegas he's talking to him like i don't obviously have no idea who he is and and i would not expect him to like say anything to me or anybody who's like what's your name going around the tail saying hi to everybody in a sincere way very sweet saying to joe you know uh you know i've i've done everything i can to get ready for this if like he was saying what he was going to do in the fight which is really interesting
Starting point is 00:38:21 he was going through his tactics he was saying like i'm going to throw the guy like three or four times if i can because the guy had never been thrown before but he was like you know what if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out and i've done everything i can do well totally relaxed next night this guy who is the no joke man this guy was like radiating a kind of sweetness that comes out of like folks i meet at spiritual retreats like rom das and like you know people he was his exact vibe and he's like viciously just yeah feeding this guy into a bloody fucking ball lifting him up throw him through him like three times and so so that guy's literally a killer yeah but yet he seems to be living his life in a very sweet way so i think it is he won oh good spoiler alert
Starting point is 00:39:09 spoiler alert he fucking won and it was glorious to why it was glorious because you're like oh my god this is a guy who was just he had his intention and he delivered yeah yeah and i think the trick that gets played on people by these motherfucking uh shows is that you begin to think like god if i'm gonna be like if i'm gonna have this real success i better start stabbing some back cutting some throats hurting some feelings i don't know if it's true no i don't think so and i and i have my my experience also like having the biggest the biggest bummer about my sure that putting crawl show to bed is like it's truly like this last season the the vibe on set and the crew was so good like it was it was such like everybody was looking around me and like this is fun and we
Starting point is 00:39:59 like each other and this is a great way to spend your day yep you know and that and that was like that's the biggest bummer to be like am i breaking apart a team and i think a lot of these people have worked together and will continue to work together and and i hope to work with a lot of them again too but it was that thing of like shit like this was a really functional machine here this was a lot of people working very nicely together no assholes like you know i gotta say man it's just to me it is such an honorable beautiful thing that you did which is that you ended a show it wasn't canceled it wasn't going downhill you ended it just because you were you were ready to move on now that to me is a real is a is a beautiful thing and i you have to trust that
Starting point is 00:40:48 just like your things are going to be fine for you things are going to be fine for the team that was surrounding that show but if you continue to do something if if if you continue doing whatever it is that you're doing especially when it comes to comedy because it's a money making device or a survive if you keep if you keep god get ready for a fucking stupid hippie thing but brother if you keep functioning from your first chakra you know you never what's that to explain that survival so the first chakra is like at the like basically right between right between it's your taint it's right between your balls and your asshole that's the first chakra and the first chakra is where the so like the idea is energy is moving up from the earth into the sky which it is
Starting point is 00:41:32 and energy is moving down from the sky into the earth so there's a cycle that happens and so the earth energy the first energy conduit it touches when it goes into your body is the first chakra right and that's all survival based so when you find yourself like waking up in the morning and worrying about money or if you find yourself worrying if you're you know you're going to lose your girlfriend or your hat whatever it whenever you're caught in that kind of mental place they say your your your energy you're focused on the first chakra and the idea is to like push that energy to move move the blocks so that it'll like flow up through all the other chakras try to get up to the like the third or fourth at least and up and out up and out and
Starting point is 00:42:14 where the rest of the chakras they all run up the center of your body so the second one i'm gonna fuck this up but uh the sec yeah they so it's like it goes up through the center of your body the second one's your like sex the third one is power i believe the fourth one is love the fifth one is uh communication the sixth one is intellect i think and i believe the seventh one is like the pure mystical potencies or and you should be functioning from all of them well you know i you go through all those throughout the day you're probably gonna go like i'm gonna cycle through all of them or most of them you know you're like you're gonna as a comedian definitely you're gonna be like figuring out ways to articulate how you feel yeah and then and but
Starting point is 00:42:58 you'll notice like there's a kind of behind everything that you do there's a this general sense of like um you know what you're saying like god fuck i always feel like i'm in the verge of killing myself you know so it's like the water is always gonna be a little murky if you've got energy blocks in there and theoretically i don't know from experience but if you like remove those energy blocks then that underlying sense of being like on the precipice of suicide at all times goes away yeah that that underlying sense is just the feeling of having like your energy kind of imbalanced yeah and just to preface i don't want to belittle the idea of suicide in that you know like i'm i'm using it as a term of you know of general on we and hopelessness
Starting point is 00:43:44 but leading towards that i you know what i mean we all think about suicide man i think so many i think it's a one of the most i don't think you're belittling it i think you're just removing the taboo of like because a lot of people don't understand that suicidal thoughts are if you're if you have half a brain and you exist in a dimension which according to buddhism is one of its primary characteristics is suffering then you're gonna think of every single way that you can reduce the suffering and one of the most obvious results and kill yourself well so for one of the like if you typed into a computer if i am in a if i'm in water and i don't want to be wet what are some things i could do the computer is gonna write back get out of the
Starting point is 00:44:25 water in the same way if suffering is one of the primary characteristics of the existence that we're in obviously get out of this fucking dimension and perhaps you'll stop suffering so do you think that there is whatever after this do you think there's something after this well i mean yeah i do think that for sure do you i don't know i have not thought much about the afterlife i have i don't because i don't have any sense of it i have not troubled myself to focus on it too much smart that's because you're smart and that's that was you know they were always asking buddha like what happens when we die and he's like you really don't need to worry about that right now he was like guys come on that's like worrying about laundry that you need to do 50 years down
Starting point is 00:45:12 the road right right no point in thinking about that because it's not really gonna like it's not gonna chance it's not gonna alter that your your moment to moment right state of existence and that's the start there which is like how do i feel don't worry about what happens when i die the first thing to ask yourself is how do i feel most of the time and then if and then instead of trying to make that really like nuance just think most of the time do i feel pleasant or unpleasant simple question most of the time do i feel pleasant around like in the day if every moment could be categorized as a pleasant or unpleasant feeling when there's like scales and the unpleasant goes on one side pleasant other where the scales in my life yeah for most people it's unpleasant it's
Starting point is 00:45:57 pretty unpleasant so the the hopeful idea in buddha is that you can actually get those scales to right to balance out so that they're not on either side to keep it balanced balanced not more pleasant than unpleasant yeah i think that's kind of it's called the middle way so is it because you're just like if you're trying to be pleasant all the time you're just you're searching too hard or you're just trying too hard or what well it gets pretty weird man it's like the so it's like pleasant and unpleasant for either of these experiences to happen it requires an observer to be aware of the pleasant and unpleasant state and so most people have attached themselves to the pleasant and unpleasant state as an identity so they think i feel i feel bad therefore i am
Starting point is 00:46:45 bad but really it's in the same way that you can look at this table right now i see a table and you don't think i am that table in the same way the reality of of thought and feeling is that since you are only a field of awareness observing the feeling you can't be it so buddhism is just trying to disentangle you from your attachment to pleasant to to identifying with your feeling states and recognizing your true identity which is a woman yeah which is a woman with jizz all over face and tits what a dream what a dream do you think it's all dream this yeah yes i do i think it's a i think that it's like if you're if you are as if i think you a lot of people think when they wake up in the morning they've actually woken up and they haven't they're still dead asleep because as long as your
Starting point is 00:47:38 life is consists of a bit habituation habitual like yeah anything then you're pretty much dead asleep like just like the next time you go buy something it's really this is a very fun experiment that you can do uh watch your watch the way you buy something because you've been i've been i've realized recently when i buy stuff i get on my phone and start looking at my phone as i'm paying there you go like like as if it's like i'm ignoring the final stage of this process that's it so watch just watch that don't change it watch it and and it's really awesome to start watching yourself go through all the like habitual things that you do watch the way you open your car watch the way you put your seatbelt on watch the way you start the car watch the way that you buy groceries watch the
Starting point is 00:48:24 way you unload groceries watch the way you you watch tv you start watching yourself and you realize oh my god almost everything i do is a kind of weird uh thing i figured out a long time ago like how to how to do it like and i'm not thinking i'm not putting any thought to it at all and that's the interesting thing about being in a relationship i think is when you you start to date someone and you spend a lot of intimate time with a specific person you are watching them and seeing their thing of like that's how she makes coffee or that's you know and it's a weird it's a weird thing to and and also to know that you are being watched as well damn right and and also and usually in a relationship where shit gets weird or for me it does is where instead of like watching myself
Starting point is 00:49:07 you start watching the other i start watching the other person instead of like watching myself and analyzing why i'm doing what i'm doing i'm watching them i'm like what the fuck would they do that when it's because it's easier yeah it's easier yes but but the dream thing man i love that question because uh it's it's really fun to uh watch what happens when you aren't paying attention watch what happens in your life like how does the house get messy how does your house get messy it's a great question how did this shit how did this shirt get here these socks get there whatever when your house gets messy usually it's because you're in a hurry or because you haven't been paying attention and this weird zombie like version of you has been like going around your house throwing
Starting point is 00:49:48 shit everywhere while you're up in your head or staring at your phone you're not there at all but if you start watching yourself you'll notice the house a little will naturally just start becoming clean because you finish the cycle you take stuff out and you put it back so your whole life starts transforming if you just stop sleepwalking right you know so yeah it's a great plug for sleepwalk with me michael bigley is god nick uh um shit man i i to me it's a i think we got off track a little bit i wanted to finish complimenting you because yeah and i i think i was probably getting ready to deflect it feeling like because what i started feeling like was like why am i i'm making duncan i'm now making duncan compliment me no no no no no not not not making me
Starting point is 00:50:38 you know when when you came over when we were talking and you said that you just decided to stop the show i didn't realize that i didn't know exactly the reason that it was stopping but i didn't realize that you were making the ballsyest move that a person could make which is that you are going to for the sake of art turn off a money fountain an ego fountain a career fountain and move in the direction of freedom that is unprecedented i have not heard of anyone doing that uh in comedy i don't know how often that happens i don't think that happens that much especially after the how many seasons did you do three especially after three fucking seasons that's a bbc move i've always respected the bbc yeah yeah yeah because they just stop yeah that's the idea is like this that
Starting point is 00:51:26 that was my feeling was like the english shows are just like yeah this is this is the best like the office the english office was 12 episodes you know what i mean yes and and not that the american office wasn't a very good show but it's like in those 12 episodes we are left with the same feeling that we were with like a hundred episodes of the american office yes and you're left god damn it man there's you're left with that like there's that feeling of sadness when you realize this is actually the last episode of a show mm-hmm oh i love that feeling that is such a great that means that you have that's like a relationship you've had this beautiful relationship with the show and then it's just it's gone yeah that's so much better than the endless strobing of the exact same
Starting point is 00:52:10 bullshit over and over again until people are sick of it or the networks like get the fuck out of here it's just it's over yeah what you did was badass what you did was a kind of like i don't know man it's like uh hendrix dying in the fucking oh you know i mean it's that thing you instead of letting your show turn into a a fat old thing that used to be what it was instead of letting it become santana you put your show to sleep that is i said that is the way i've been described as i put it to bed yeah it's just put it to bed so we'll see um but i feel very good about the show and i but i but i also think you know yeah i would love to say that it was entirely a power i'm looking just around the room entirely a power play and then but they're also part of that decision
Starting point is 00:53:02 is made out of not pure confidence but out of insecurity do you know what i mean it's a combination of being like no i'm putting it to bed because i'm ready for the next adventure but the other side of that is i and not knowing anything about buddhism but assuming if there's if there's you know a constant that constant balance of of um whatever you were saying of pleasantness and unpleasantness of the other side of that is like i don't i i want to put the show away before people stop liking it yeah that's exactly what that's but that's a fear-based decision as well as a power-based decision yeah but it's still i mean it's like they're yeah i guess it's fear-based yeah i know what you mean i i just think it's like i'm not gonna keep serving this meal yeah if if
Starting point is 00:53:46 i think i'm gonna serve this recipe or whatever this meal is a certain amount of times i'm gonna make a new meal yeah that's i'm a fucking chef and i make new stuff too that's the goal and you challenge yourself to i can't remember who said this but they said from time to time you need to kick the ants nest over and let the ants rebuild a new nest and when you do that you get more and more beautiful things because now when the ants rebuild the the whatever weird ant towers they are making they've got all the experience from the last time and they're gonna add they're gonna add the the whatever novelty or inspiration is happening now and they're gonna add their experience to that and it'll be something even better that's the goal that's the hope that's the hope is to go
Starting point is 00:54:25 make something new and different and bigger or having learned and you know that's the goal how do you have something planned i don't i don't i have a couple now i have a couple like movie ideas and tv ideas that i'm starting to ruminate with but i wanted the mental space opened up to to start to because i'm not capable there are certain people i've seen i'm like wow you are making that show and you're fucking doing these three other things that are in development like wow that's amazing like my i have a certain amount of brain space yeah and crawl show was taking up i'd say like 80 to 90 of my creative brain is power so what what's your now that the now that you have a clear schedule yeah what does your day look like how much time do you spend writing or
Starting point is 00:55:06 sort of throwing out fishing lines to figure out what the next thing's going to be um i don't know i mean as we were saying before we started i was like somehow the free days seem more stressful than the the full days in that you're like shit i have to accomplish these three things like i just went and got like the tsa pre-check thing done you know what i mean but like i'm like shit like that i went and then i forgot where do you go to do that um close by here no shit i thought you had to go to fucking lax you have to go to lax if you want the international one if you just i mean which i would probably eventually get but for this is like for domestic it's like it's in glendale so you go to glendale yeah and then they and then i don't i don't have my passport and so i have to go home
Starting point is 00:55:46 and get it and come back um they interview you they fingerprint you they they interview you they don't really i mean you fill out a bunch of stuff beforehand it's very simple they don't ask you cool questions no it's like but they you fill out stuff ahead of time being like have you been convicted of a crime or you know that kind of stuff you know so then it's it's that kind of stuff and then they fingerprint you and and there you go you know my friend arie you know arish yeah he says you shouldn't buy your rights back like he doesn't want to sure you know oh i think it's very when i walk through the airport it's like it's a real class thing it's a real class thing to be like i have the time and the money to pay so that i don't have to fucking wait with how much was it there's
Starting point is 00:56:26 85 bucks if you have a tsa precheck and you're traveling with somebody did they get to go through precheck no see that sucks you got to be a solo traveler because what are you gonna do leave your buddy in the dust while you go parading through the prince line but it is nice if you're a comedian it is nice it's like it's nice to be like oh i don't have to take my shoes off anymore at the airport yes and that is that is just brutal man it really it's not just the it's just the general like yeah like now let me take your belt off it's demeaning there's something very demeaning about all of very demeaning and also i plan my outfits for travel based on the two minutes before i get on a plane before i go through security in the two minutes afterwards like i need shoes that i can
Starting point is 00:57:09 slip on very fast so that i'm not and you're like it's two fucking minutes but yet i'm like no i gotta wear that i gotta wear that sweatshirt because i can stuff all the shit in my pockets so that i can stuff it in the bag and put you know you know it's just it doesn't make any sense these glum shit bags it's that's the other thing man it's like they're so glum like you have to go through this they know they're just we you know like when you have to throw your water away we were that just happened i don't care about my water but like i you know i threw the water away and my friends like yeah that's real dangerous and the guys like google search hogby gossip buggy the k i hate survive you know something like that but yeah that's cool man i mean so your day now oh yeah so
Starting point is 00:57:52 so my day is now it depends on the day like right now in these couple weeks like right now is is crawl show promo stuff so a lot of my day is like doing a podcast or you know answering it doing some sort of like online you know answering some you know pitchfork wants to do something about the music or you know things like that and then um but then it's also now so my hope is like if i get i just need to schedule shit i also write verbally i write much better verbally than i do uh sitting down writing so you record you just record it in your phone well i meaning that i like to write with people so like i'll meet with a guy who i'm working on a script with i'm gonna go now sit with him and go to coffee shop talk about it and then walk around and like out of that will hopefully be
Starting point is 00:58:39 the next incarnation of the beginnings of an outline for a script cool movie script movie script and then like stand up like i'm gonna go do a spot tonight but i'll sit down probably for an hour and listen like i've been trying to get my head wrapped around doing stand up again which is the that's the thing i'm having trouble jump starting because in doing crawl show the last few years i haven't written a ton of new jokes i mean i have the hour that i can but i don't want to go to a city i've been doing do the same hour so it's like so it's starting again so that is like now like trying to fucking do you know just like but i write on stage i don't i don't know how you what your processes of like writing jokes but like i'll say something mildly
Starting point is 00:59:19 funny and then i'll come on stage and realize that it wasn't funny at all that's how i've been feeling so or i'll listen i do record my sets so i'll go and listen to them and see what little nuggets i liked and try to expand on that and um and then uh and then um um what else i mean that's sort of the i mean so the days fluctuate in that way um i'm trying to like listen to more like uh um like uh podcasts that are informational in some way or just i'm just trying to absorb now i'm trying to get back to absorbing useful media that's a huge part of writing is making sure that you have some kind of input that isn't solely the internet because i know my shit dries up quick if i'm just like on doing their reddit huffington post whatever loop that will dry the field so
Starting point is 01:00:13 fast yeah my goal this year my big new year's resolutions is like my big new year's resolution is like just scale back on like uh scale back on booze pot food and my phone yeah because all four of those i feel in in some level like in in um i feel slave to all four of those now here's an interesting you know i've been speaking i've been telling a lot of friends a lot of people are the phone resolution is a big one right now because we're all kind of realizing like oh this is this is as much of an addiction as any other thing yeah but it's like you know man that so there's a buddhist concept which is movement masks suffering movement masks pain and it's like if you just start becoming mindful of why you're looking at your phone why you're drinking the booze why you're
Starting point is 01:01:05 it's a really interesting idea which is and you and you were hitting on it earlier which is that the concept that every comedian kind of feels the same way regardless of where you are on the totem pole there's still a general sense of someone's the a pain that comes from wanting to be at another tier you know that suffering from longing for that thing and then buddhism that concept gets stretched out over all things which is just basically like we are on a bed of nails and the attempt and what a lot of people are doing in their careers or jobs or anything or pleasure seeking is trying to take the nails and rearrange the configuration of nails on the bed of nails that we're laying on with the delusion that if we get the nails in just the right pattern
Starting point is 01:01:50 they'll stop hurting as they pierce our flesh truth of the matter is it doesn't matter which configuration of nails that you have in this existential torture device that you're laying on you're still going to be suffering so when you start applying that idea to and you'll begin to realize like shit man i'm looking at my phone or drinking this shit or eating too much or smoking weed or doing whatever it is that i'm doing generally because i have this idea that it's going to reduce my anxiety right but if you really start paying attention to your anxiety states as you look at your phone as you smoke weed or drink or eat too much or whatever you realize shit it's the exact same before and after yeah no change and so then you're always oh what
Starting point is 01:02:32 i'm doing is just kind of a pathetic flailing in the face of oblivion to try to just uh it's a sort of temper tantrum involving all this shit have you thought about uh making a show called or a band called existential torture device i have now make it your next project cool that's making your next project um uh how are we doing we were we it's 204 you've got a shape okay cool i wanted to talk to you a little bit about how you make a care how do you have these great fucking characters man and they're so uh they're so like nuanced and they're you're so fully that thing how do you do how do you do that i'm always fascinated by that process um how do i do that um i think it's uh i mean i think it's i'm more and more i think about like family constellation uh like where
Starting point is 01:03:24 you're born in your family um and i'm the youngest of four and um there's a combination of things that happen i think when you're the youngest in certain i mean i can't speak for all families my family uh is that i you're naturally everyone is charmed by you because you're the youngest and they all feel like they have some part in in the creation of you right um you know what i mean they're like he's so funny it's like because you because you taught him that joke you know and now he's delivering it um and also you're around people all the time and you're just observing stuff you know so i think as the youngest oftentimes you get to just sit and watch everything going on uh whereas if you're the oldest you're like either you are rebelling wildly against where you're your parents or you
Starting point is 01:04:08 are trying to placate and make sure that everything in the house is moving moving smoothly and that you are the you are the one who is like you are the one who's like look um i know the kids are a lot but i'm going to be the one who helps you through this you know the peacemaker yes and i or they go the other way right you know what i mean or they be like i'm going to go light toilet paper on fire in the bathroom yeah and show all the other kids because because i'm i don't want to deal with the pressure of being the the the little adult right so i think the youngest oftentimes gets to just sit there and like all of your friends at your siblings have friends over and you just watch you're just observing everything so i think that it started in some capacity for me there um
Starting point is 01:04:50 and i think it's so i think it's a lot of it is of of constantly um observing people in their mannerisms uh and then it really was helpful in new york being able to ride the subway like the thing i miss most about new york is the subway i miss the public life of new york uh i i miss that a lot i think la is obviously has a lot of advantages but you're in your car you're in your home you're in pods like you're you're alone and so when i moved to la a lot more of my inspiration for characters came from tv or from the internet of being like i'm interested in that kind of guy and then you watch uh you know youtube clip of whatever what i was doing bobby bottle service before jersey shore but then jersey shore comes on and you just get to watch even if it's a manufactured
Starting point is 01:05:37 reality that they're dealing with yeah they're their natural state and way of talking and and manners are coming through so you just start to take note and uh you know it's like so i think it's like um i think what what i think everybody has like a song um and so like the great and this is a different thing but like the great comedians you like their song right like chris rock like i've seen chris rock do sets at like the cellar right after 9 11 and he's doing jokes but he's not doing his song he's just seeing if the jokes work all right he's working on it and he's talking like this i mean he's talking like chris rock but he's talking like this what a blah blah blah because he's like i know if i put on the song people will laugh whoa you know what i mean so
Starting point is 01:06:25 then eventually when that when the jokes are there then he then he starts singing wow do you know what i mean yeah so i think everybody has their song and you're just trying to learn people's songs wow does that make sense yeah totally man that's really cool i haven't i haven't quite expressed like that so i'm enjoying the idea that's badass yeah so i think like um so i think that that's part of it and then it's like and then and then really it's like um putting together a team of people who you who you trust and like who can both writers i oftentimes now a lot of my characters have ended up i've ended up collaborating with other people on so it's whether it's like oh hello the like the Upper West Side guys me and me and john mulaney or it's publicity with me and and jen
Starting point is 01:07:11 slade or you know rich dicks with me and john daily i oftentimes have a partner who who exists in that world and we sort of can play off of each other and create a language that unto themselves but when you what's the like rich dicks what's the first time you guys did that or did you do it by yourself or i i saw john daily do um he on on stage one night he did this thing wendy shawn he played a guy named wendy shawn which is just is still his character's name um wendy shawn who doesn't have a care in the world i think was like the full title of it and he was just like a rich he was just like he was a rich dick and and i and he and i were buddies and had been working together and i and i saw afterwards i was like dude i've been circling around having grown up with these
Starting point is 01:07:57 kids and gone to college with these kids and been in new york and observe these people like not saying i'm beyond like i was in the middle of some of those people um who are friends of mine but i just was and he crystallized it and i was like we gotta fucking do these guys like well let's go make something with these guys and so we started going on hikes and talking about what it could be and formulating some world of what it was and then met with crizel john crizel who uh i was connected to and was like i have this idea with my buddy john it's this thing called rich dick's and he's like got it like he he knew because he also knew some of those guys and and then we started to make it and it continues to evolve but it was that was really daily did it first i saw i saw what he
Starting point is 01:08:42 was doing and it was it was like you know it was again it was like that song that you're like yeah how does it fucking how does that go again yeah that's it that's right i remember now um and and that was sort of the basis for that that character is is there a feeling that when you're doing these characters is it how much of it is a feeling like how much of it is like is is the like if there's a compass leading you in the direction of what they do is there a feeling that goes along with it um it's a combination of things i mean it's like for me it's a huge thing as i was saying like the team of people you work with both the people like i perform with but then also like the the wardrobe people like once i get into wardrobe and makeup like and i and i'm wearing those people's clothes
Starting point is 01:09:22 like it's a cheesy thing that they're like you know it's like actors like i need to be wearing the character's shoes right which sounds sort of cheesy but then it's like no man makes sense fucking dress like that you dress like bobby bottle service yeah and like a tight shirt then it's like the shoulders come back and you're fucking peacocking and you're your bobby bottle service you know what i mean like it's that you feel it you feel that you feel you're wearing the jewels you're wearing like the fucking ring he wears and all of a sudden your your hands are like you're expressing your hands with your pinky out because you've got that fucking big ass ring on you know what i mean so like you start to inhabit you start to inhabit it that way that is so badass
Starting point is 01:10:02 nick because do you know why because everybody's doing that this is what's so crazy everyone's wearing the clothes of this certain character that they think is who they are they don't realize that if you were just change what you were wearing or just shift or alter some aspect of yourself you would probably turn into some new thing yeah or there are the people who are shapeshifters who are constantly changing like their existence is the ephemeral nature of whatever look they're taking on oh wow i mean like there are people like that who like every couple weeks like every there's what there is a couple people in our world whom like every couple months i'm like oh you got a new look now whoa that's so funny shit man i wish we could talk forever you got a
Starting point is 01:10:45 meeting coming up in three minutes so we gotta end this nick where can people find you uh people are gonna want to watch your show or people already watched they already know the show but dude it's a comedy central 10 30 tuesday night uh after tosh um and it'll be yeah it's starting january 13th and runs through you know there's 11 episodes i really like i will say this about the show as we were talking about ending it like the reason i felt comfortable ending it is because the all the stories and characters and worlds that we created start to collapse and collide into one another cool i mean not oh and not in every sketch but like a lot of it starts to really mold and and you know the show has this awareness of its own collapse is what you're
Starting point is 01:11:31 saying like the characters so certain episodes you'll see like you'll you know certain episodes will start with a character in one world get she'll get in a publicity she gets in a fight she leaves she ends up in a gold digger show uh you know like another kind of reality show with manzukas and seth morris playing different characters you know these these gold digger characters then those gold digger characters like leave and end up in a new show which is like a you know meanwhile the oh hello guys have left new york they prank henry rollins wow he leaves them on the side of the road they then i mean it's like that's certain shows like that all start to it becomes this like multi uh multi genre narrative of one story
Starting point is 01:12:17 that's fucking cool man i can't wait to watch that thank you so much man i really appreciate you coming on the show yeah the last thing i'll say is that the the season three if you haven't seen the show seasons one and two are on the comedy central app they're on hulu itunes and amazon prime right now uh and the dvds so if you haven't watched the show it watching seasons one and two will give you the background for all the characters and storylines so that if you watch season three you'll appreciate all of it that much more great i'll have all those links at duncantrustle.com in the comment section of this podcast thank you very much i see you around thanks bye i'll see you around thanks bye that was nick crow everybody follow him on twitter watch his show
Starting point is 01:13:02 go through our amazon portal love yourselves sit by a warm fire go to a spa massage your grandmother's feet give us a nice rating on itunes and come see a live d t f h if we come anywhere near where you happen to live see you next time harry christina

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