Duncan Trussell Family Hour - SHRIMP PARADE with JOE ROGAN and Chris Ryan

Episode Date: April 15, 2014

The newest episode of SHRIMP PARADE! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello my sweet friends, it is me Duncan and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast I thank you for climbing out of that great ocean of nothingness that has separated you from me ever since we got Blasted out of the white hole. They call the big bang and connecting via those earbuds. You've jammed into your sweet Warm soft sticky ear holes. It's a pleasure and a true honor that you're allowing my raspy lesbian voice to vibrate the tiny little bones Right next to your brain. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. I like being here safely stuffed into your holes. I
Starting point is 00:00:39 Can't spend too much time yapping this podcast clocks in at two and a half hours So just some quick announcements first biggest announcement May 27th I will be doing a live Duncan Trussell family hour podcast from the Hollywood improv This is the first time I've done a live podcast in Los Angeles We've got Emil Amos from the Holy Sons Flying in to play some music for you guys in the beginning. Unfortunately, it's only a 90 minute show So I'd like for him to play for a long time, but he's definitely gonna do some songs
Starting point is 00:01:13 Haven't nailed down the guests just yet, but I'm working on some Some really interesting folks. I wish I could talk about it, but I can't you can get tickets at Duncan trussell.com There's a ticket link there So that's really exciting and the improv is a cool place for us to all gather together because there's a big bar That we can all hang out at before and after the show And there's some cool places in the area too that we could wander to if the improv gets too stuffed with fools The Duncan Trussell family our podcast is brought to you by sure design t-shirts sure design t-shirts create some of the sweetest I don't know if they're sweet
Starting point is 00:01:52 I've never really shoved one in my mouth yet, but I guarantee they'd be good for playfully gagging your lover Because they're just that soft if you ever had that problem where you realize you can't find your bondage ropes because you're too Stoned and you can't remember where you put them. It's the worst Or maybe you're just at a hotel and you didn't bring your ball gag or your bondage ropes Well, the next best thing is a sure design t-shirt Just take the sweet trembling hands of your darling lover place them gently behind his or her back And tie them together before you shove them back on the bed and ravage their helpless Squirming bodies and after you make sweet love you can use the shirt to mop up the mess
Starting point is 00:02:34 Put it on and then go to yoga class with a sticky smelly Disgusting sure design t-shirt that you've clearly used to mop up your unholy love juices People are gonna love it in your class When you go into downward dog and they look over at the strange yellowing Still moist stains on your shirt. They're gonna know that you have connected With a transcendent consciousness that runs through all things Speaking of shirts. Have you gone to our shop yet? If you go to Duncan trussell.com and click on the shop link you will find that we have
Starting point is 00:03:13 amazing posters amazing t-shirts and amazing stickers all of these T-shirts and stickers contained within them special powers because they're sigils that we use to spread the energy of love through this strange material dimension that we happen to exist in Where are the shirts? I hope you wore shirts to Coachella These shirts are magnets for novelty if you go around with a Duncan trussell family our t-shirt on there is a 15% chance that a talking hummingbird will land on your shoulder and tell you where treasure is buried in your backyard
Starting point is 00:03:58 or maybe even Inside your heart listen to the talking hummingbirds if a hummingbird talks Write down what it says write it on a little note tie it to a balloon and release it and You'll have 17 years of good luck. That's science fact We're also brought to you by amazon.com If you've never heard of amazon.com I'm very excited to tell you about this tiny little company
Starting point is 00:04:32 They're a boutique company that has a website where you can order anything Whatever you want you can order it. You never have to go out anymore You never have to go to the stores. You can just sit in front of a glowing rectangle Type in what kind of plastic you're looking for. Oh, you want it an inner tube? No problem. It's here Do you need? Hygienic swabs it's there. What about those embarrassing things the things you're embarrassed to go to the store and buy like a necktie Now you no longer have to go do a public store and get stared at like a weirdo because you're buying a noose with
Starting point is 00:05:09 Polka dots all over it that you're gonna wear to the job you hate you can go online and order it Anonymously That's a wonderful thing. You know what I just bought from amazon.com a burky water filter These are hardcore Alex Jones level water filters that actually remove the fluoride from the water At least that's what they say You can pour LA city water into these things and as you know LA city water is 80% cocaine and 20%
Starting point is 00:05:40 narcissist tears It's disgusting, but a burky water filter magically transforms this foul tasting substance in the unicorn piss And if you've ever let a unicorn piss in your mouth, you know it tastes good So go to Duncan trussell.com and go through our Amazon portal every time you do that They give us a very small percentage of anything you buy and it doesn't cost you anything But it's a great way for you to help support this podcast While buying plastic and cotton and food they even have food there So if you're gonna spend your time out in the world spend it doing
Starting point is 00:06:20 Interesting things going to museums go to the La Brea tar pits take your dog on a hike But don't spend your precious human incarnation lost in these hell mazes that we call shops Getting sneezed on by the children of anti-vaxxers You can get really sick that way Okay, this is number three. I can't remember this is number three or four of a series of Conversations I've been having with Chris Ryan and Joe Rogan. We just swap we this rotates through our podcasts I think Chris Ryan has created a page where all of these
Starting point is 00:06:58 Are listed If not, I'm sure we'll make one soon. We haven't come up with a name for this thing It could be shrimp parade. It could be old men in the snow. It doesn't really need a name I guess, but if you like these conversations, you can find more by going over to Chris Ryan PhD Com or the tangentially speaking part of the Farrell audio website Or by going to Joe Rogan net and now everybody sit back and enjoy The shrimp parade with Joe Rogan and Chris rolling God bless you all sweet angels of the internet
Starting point is 00:07:36 We have gathered together again for another epic episode of shrimp parade Which is what we call it when it lands on my podcast the Dunkin Trussell family hour I'm here with Chris Ryan the legend from the podcast tangentially speaking and of course the author of the number one book on romance and keeping your marriage together Moeby's at dawn And of course Joe Rogan host of the Joe Rogan experience podcast legendary comedian host the UFC and a Hunter now who has we just went shooting guns. I'm still a little giddy. He's got a fucking
Starting point is 00:08:16 I don't know what you had what that is man, but that's an air cannon What what gun is that Joe every time you pull the trigger it creates the same kind of concussion that if you throw a grenade It's a seven millimeter Remington ultramag. It's a very high-velocity Long-range rifle. It's a rifle that you'd shoot something with confidence 200 plus yards away It's insane that it's so loud I mean it's like one of those old dudes there at a pacemaker. It would disrupt it. No Dude's get used to it. It creates shockwaves. You feel it in your brain. Well, it's something. It's very powerful It's a serious serious rifle. It's not something to be joked around with if you want to cut any of the real sounds into this
Starting point is 00:09:02 I recorded on the range some you're shooting. Oh, really? Yeah, I was talking with Duncan when you were shooting so if you If you want to add real real world sounds because he's you're not I don't think you're intentionally underplaying it But it's like the first time you shot it. It's shocking. It's like something's gone wrong It sounds like a meteor impact. I was telling you I felt the breeze on my face every time you shot it the first couple times I just thought oh, there's a little breeze and I could feel like my hair move and stuff And then I was like, well, no, that's that gun and I felt every time you shot there was like It was like the breath of a lover what? That's cool, that's what an assassin says right after he blasts
Starting point is 00:09:48 Well, it's it's a gun that would allow you to hunt pretty much any large game species whether it's an elk or You know a large moose I Don't know. It's a good question. It would have to be it would probably depend on what kind of bullets You'd have to probably use illegal bullets. You'd have to use some sort of steel covered steel jacketed bullet It probably it would be like a Like getting hit by a car. It doesn't matter if you're wearing It would break your ribs. Oh, yeah, I would definitely and and internal damage
Starting point is 00:10:20 You know who was a sniper speaking of snipers dr. Ruth Westheimer. No shit, you know that little Sex lady who's this letterman. She was a sniper in World War two. Oh my god She was in the the army as a sniper. Yeah, was she for the Germans? It must have been for the Russians For the rush timer for the Polish. I thought she was German. I don't know. I'm sure people are Dr. Ruth was a Nazi I hope I'm not full of shit every time I'm on these podcasts with you guys if I come out with some Bullshit people send me emails. You're full of shit. Well, of course I would know Good, let's Google it preemptively
Starting point is 00:11:01 Snopes calm Dr. Ruth a sniper partially true diminutive dr. Ruth Westheimer at four foot seven inches is The nation's most well-known sex doctor though You wouldn't suspect it from her grandmotherly appearance dr. Ruth blah blah blah blah blah the whole thing about her You know her background Her military career was cut short when she was seriously injured her legs were almost ripped off It says my legs were almost ripped off on my 20th birthday in 1948 in Jerusalem from a cannonball shrapnel Which exploded in the students residence where I was living?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Three other students were killed instantly and many more were wounded the metal pierced both my legs and there was blood Everywhere a cannonball from Jordan had smashed through the window I was thrown 20 feet the strangest thing was was that all I could think about was whether there might be some blood on The brand-new shoes that I had just gotten for my birthday And amazingly there wasn't even a drop on them, which is all I cared about some sort some kind of strange denial Well, that's what the mind does the mind tries to minimize shit like that and to pick out the least Terrible thing and just to keep it and keep it together Yeah, wow, that's so so crazy
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah, it's I think it's one of the reasons why people so easily accept war in this day and age the people that haven't experienced it Because we don't have it over here right because we don't have those stories You know those stories like a daily thing over here people would be Scrambling to stop all this military conflict. They'd be trying to be saying like there's got to be better ways than this Bring the war back home. You ever heard that before? That's the saying of the weather underground you watch that documentary on the weather underground. No, I didn't so the weather underground was this militant Organization back in the 60s during the Vietnam War that had is their slogan bring the war back home and
Starting point is 00:13:00 They started blowing shit up in the United States Government buildings they started blowing up government buildings to show people what it looks like when things get blown up in the United States So that maybe it would raise people's awareness of how violent terrible war is great documentary. These were crazy mother fuckers and Obama is friends with one of them and got in trouble for being friends with one of them But he was a college professor, right? Yeah college professor But they would ride in vans on the way to plan explosives underneath government buildings and have orgies in the vans So like on the way to to plan explosives in a building you're going to explode you're fucking in a van
Starting point is 00:13:42 Oh my god, that's how hardcore they were. I Think danger makes people horny Probably I experienced this in hospitals. I was working in these hospitals in Spain I think just being in the presence of death Creates an urgent life force within people which is I mean I have to disagree a little bit I think with the idea that the the presence of war or the proximity of war makes it's it's it makes it Apparently revulsive to people. I'm sure that's true because of the suffering But if you look around the world what it tends to do is make people angry and more war like you know
Starting point is 00:14:18 So it's like look what happened 9-11 boom like suddenly we're into your two wars and we're attacking shit all over the place I think when it gets close it it makes us lash out violently and can make us really dangerous That's interesting, but Israelis are not known as being like really violent people In fact, they're known as being like they have a very party atmosphere over there They like to party like as far as like Israeli citizens like the Israelis that I've met that come like my friend Shuki was a kickboxing instructor out here at Majiro gym, and he's from Israel. Shuki's a great guy Just over this just like the best example of like a vibrant Israeli man Just very like family-oriented and loving and hugging everybody and just a really warm guy
Starting point is 00:15:06 and I went over his house for dinner once and His wife breaks out the bongos and they start playing bongo music and dancing around and the kids dancing and he's dancing It's legit. They're like we're just really being friendly and open and I said why I go man I go you guys are so free. I said like why is is everybody like this in Israel like what's this? He goes everybody over there because life could end in any moment So you're like party party party party party everybody party all the time party I was like really like all the time party all the time party and he would like hug you like this dude was a he was a unique cat Yeah, that's beautiful man. It's such a damn shame that for people to live like that
Starting point is 00:15:46 They have to be like what you're saying and some close proximity to death either either real or perceived But it's it's a strange thing that the closer you get to that boundary the more you love life Well, this guy on top of that was also a high-level kickboxing trainer He was a fighter and then he became a trainer and worked with these like really big-time heavyweight guys Like he worked with this guy Stan Longinitas who kicked so hard. He'd be like break guys legs like he broke Dennis Alexio's leg with a leg kick like seconds into the fight just a devastating This was in the probably I want to say the 80s okay the late 80s early 90s But Shuki when he was training this guy
Starting point is 00:16:29 He needs to get a hip replacement because this guy would kick him so hard that it will it blew his hip out Jesus he would hold the pads for this guy hold this leg shield and the dude kicks so hard that that side like he has to Get a hip replacement so so much damage to his hip just from eating kicks from this fucking guy That's how scary he was. You know, what's really annoying what's super annoying You have people like that who you're talking about vibrant connected Yeah, people who are living life who have made the decision that they're going to actualize themselves and be in the moment and and It sounds so beautiful, right then the people that are the real demons in the world are the ones who? Feel like they've got plenty of time and they look at you when you're acting like that living like that being like
Starting point is 00:17:18 Something's wrong with you like they need to intervene that you're malfunctioning like what the fuck are you doing, man? You've got to calm down Yeah, you need to step in and and stop all this happiness. Yeah. Yeah, they they don't like it It's really weird And you know right away when you're around one of them because it feels like Suddenly you've been in a nice hot air balloon at some nice altitude and the hot air balloon drops like 20 feet or 30 feet And then they also feel like this self righteous indignation where they're allowed to impose this on you Yeah, they're allowed to impose all this shitty management of their thoughts on you and they'll say something like hey
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm just being real like why they're doing it and they're imposing this really douchey Like just an annoying life-sucking vibe to everything that's around them Yeah, and that is such a terrible thing to have happen when you when you end up around that and you're suddenly this you know Chris Ryan you talk about this beautiful time in the past where humans were hunter-gatherers and wandered Even if it's not real or even if we're not sure what it is Let's imagine it at its ultimate place, which is just Human beings are completely connected to the inhalation and the exhalation of the universe. They're in the rhythm of everything
Starting point is 00:18:37 They're just part of the flow in the flow Just being sustained by what's around them and not even sensing that that's gonna go away Because they're part of the earth and the earth feeds them just like they eventually feed the earth Well, you could still have some kind of feeling like that now you can still have that feeling you just don't have the same Landscape around you, but you can still allow yourself that sense of I'm gonna be fine I know I'm gonna be fine. I can feel it inside I'm gonna be fine the way that I die is gonna be fine No matter how terrible or how easy it is and everything that happens before that's gonna be fine
Starting point is 00:19:14 But then you get around these motherfuckers and they don't think everything's gonna be fine. They think you're gonna get Some awful things gonna happen to you You know like they really and they feel like some awful things gonna happen to them, too They're walking through heaven like somebody in a minefield and you get around them and Their poison can get into your head a little bit If you're not careful definitely get into your head you have to be on guard Yeah, how do you do that though because man sometimes when I get around people like that? I will walk away and then for a couple of days be thinking about what they're saying and be like
Starting point is 00:19:49 Jesus Christ man, maybe they're right Maybe they're fucking right. Maybe we're maybe we're being monitored all that maybe we're you know, they're paranoid It can infect you a little bit. What are how do you fight that? Do you guys have tricks to like sage your brain? I Think that is always gonna be something that comes up when you're dealing with the the range of humans from positive to negative You're always gonna run into extreme examples of people that are just like glowingly radiant like my friend Shuki Who's just a glowing guy like he had this life energy you wanted to be around them There's always gonna be people like that and then there's always gonna be people that no matter what there's something wrong
Starting point is 00:20:29 No matter what they'll find something to bitch about and a lot of times they feel like they're being deep while they're doing it Which is hilarious, you know because they're using big words and like being very descriptive They feel like somehow or another their intention is deep to just be you know like completely douchey and negative Have you guys talking about me? No, this is all this is all a big setup, isn't it? I mean, I'm famous. I don't know if you guys know this but I'm famous as the naysayer and the doom and gloomer on this Dude, that's all bullshit. You know you you are a very optimistic guy. You're just smart Smart and Duncan and I we're retarded and we have Ridiculous ideas that we will beat into the ground
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm talking about if I don't know if we're not talking about you in any stretch of the ended up at the beach With somebody who starts talking about taxes. Oh, yeah That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about. You're at the beach waves are rolling in You're looking into infinity kites are in the sky Children are laughing in the distance and you look over and they're like man fuck You know, I'm working on my tax returns right now. It's like you're working on your tax returns right now We're at the beach where your files, you know, you know, it kills me
Starting point is 00:21:47 You're at a restaurant with someone or you're at home Whatever and you're sitting down to some really nice food and you start eating and they start talking about some other food They ate, you know, I had That was so perfectly correct and you're like I'm eating this really nice kale and you know Magic for something and you're talking about salmon that you had one time Imagine if you're having sex with someone and they're talking about how great their ex-boyfriend was My pussy the perfect amount of time not so much that I didn't respect him, but Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:21 But it's all in the same family. It's all in the same family. This is why This is why there used to be etiquette, you know, there would be people would have the sense to know in certain environments That's not the place where you like it's just the same as flatulence, isn't it? It's like some people have psychic gas. They can't help it. They have to expel every once in a while a nice fucking cloud I'm not talking about like Apocalyptic ideas Chris, right? I'm talking about yeah, I know something bringing it down negative Nancy's yeah, but you're saying is a great way to describe it though, dude a psychic flatulence Yeah, because it's all like flatulence depends on your diet your psychic diet
Starting point is 00:23:04 What you bring in what you allow in your mind what you pursue the directions in which you take your thoughts Yeah, it also accumulates and then is expelled. There's a I think that happens with some people Maybe the people you're talking about don't let it accumulate some people just have a little like those little like when you're walking And you've got a fart and like 17 farts come out They just they constantly just do these little like I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. They say in all these different ways, you know, I'm scared I'm scared. I think I have enough money for it. I don't know if I'm there. I think I'm gonna be alright I don't know. I've been feeling a little weirdly. I think I've been feeling like a little sick lately
Starting point is 00:23:40 How are you feeling is there pollen in the air lately? It's just this bloop bloop bloop But really all they're saying is I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. Am I gonna be okay? Am I gonna be okay? Yeah, people actually like me. Are you sure they like me? Well, I really like me and that gets to what I heard when you were saying that what I hear is someone who's afraid Someone who's looking for help. That's why they keep talking about their problems. They're looking for help They're looking for you to give them something for you to offer, you know And so they're terrified because they don't have community and of course they're behaving this way So they're never gonna have community because people want to get away from them. So it's a cycle
Starting point is 00:24:12 There's also the reality of everyone's journey not starting at an equal and ideal point and then like safe We're playing Candyland if we're all playing Candyland We the three of us like sort of emotionally and spiritually. We're at a certain level of the game We've had enough of these Bizarre back-and-forth life experiences and then honest conversations with friends like this like these conversations that we have honest conversations with friends about all the various aspects of life to the point where I get your Opinion which I trust and respect and your opinion in which I trust and respect and I toss them in there with my ideas And it gives me a much better sense of what the world is all about. It's one of the cool things about having smart friends
Starting point is 00:24:53 It's like smart friends Help shape and expand your point of view and your worldview and your vision and some of us don't have that luxury Some of us are stuck with a bunch of shitheads. You're surrounded by shitheads You're born into a shithead family, and you're like god damn it And it's so hard to get out of that groove whereas you were in that groove growing up I was in that groove growing up our lives weren't ideal But I think in that lack of ideal is where a lot of the passion comes or where a lot of the curiosity comes We they have this strong need to live a life different than the life that you were sort of like born into right?
Starting point is 00:25:29 And I think that's the case with a lot of people I think we we we have to really respect that when we talk about like people being idiots and they are idiots for sure But damn we we could have been way worse off. Well, no, you're right And that's compassionate. Yeah, and using the term idiot is a term of convenience. I don't mean everything That's I've been an idiot sure and I will continue to be and people Like everyone goes through fate idiot phases anyway We're all cycle through it anyway, and you're supposed to see people You're supposed to see behind the fear because behind the fear is apparently
Starting point is 00:26:05 Love or a light or a expansiveness or the thing that connects that person to everyone else and the Bodhisattva Or even a mildly spiritual person will be a person who recognizes like instead of thinking as I often might think This guy is a fucking Bummer man. I don't want to be around it. I just want to go home I want to be there with my dog who's very positive around nature You know what I mean, but it's like you just in the same way if you're on someone who's got BO You're gonna start thinking like oh god I can't wait to get a breath of fresh air
Starting point is 00:26:39 But that what you're saying is really cool because you jump behind all that and you think okay Here's a person who's afraid and then you think what you're saying which is like they're afraid for a reason They had some kind of shitty upbringing or some awesome thing happened or a series of terrible Coincidences happen that has made them like that and then you make the decision I'm going to Leave them at the bar because they're fucking annoying One girl at the bar Very early on in my career when I wasn't so good at leaving girls at the bar
Starting point is 00:27:14 But it was such an extreme Example like I was like I got excited made some terrible choices when it came to relationships just based on I thought well This bitch is crazy. This might be fun I've made those choice I made those choices in my 20s for sure But I went out with this one girl and we went out one night and met her at a comedy club And she was real friendly and seemed real normal and just a nice girl You know working in LA and I forget what she did. You know, I forget where her job was but something involved in
Starting point is 00:27:44 show business and then the next day I saw her at the same place and she was Smashed, I mean smashed like walking sideways Falling over dropping glasses spilling things and I was like wow Like what is this like like this isn't just like a little drunk like this is like either she got drugged or this is like a normal thing Did you sleep with her that night? No, how dare you? How dare you? No, but let's hear some of the real mistakes not the ones you miss But that was that was a beautiful one. That was a beautiful one because I just said that's it. I'll be it I'll take check please. Yeah, like one date in
Starting point is 00:28:27 Right. Yeah, that's a question like what I mean, you know I love listening to Romdoss and Jack cornfield and they've set this water They set the bar really high Because they're you know adamant about the idea that all of us are ultimately just love and the thing that's around it And if you can see through that into the love then the people around you will start to change if you can really do it They're not saying fake it. They're not saying look at some annoying shit head with those fake goo goo new age crystal-gazing eyes Like oh, you are wonderful and I see it. They're saying work on yourself enough so that you actually
Starting point is 00:29:06 Can see it because you can see it apparently if you if you if you Spend enough time Meditate, I don't know how you do it, but it's like it's an invisible thing which is in everyone and that is a Their true identity which is apparently love and that love can enhance and and change the vibration of all the people around them So even if you date in a crazy bitch who does coke at work and likes to fuck her friends Whatever whatever, you know, so she comes home drunk and you know She curbed your fucking wheel when she parked in your parking spot Whatever man, just be love
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's just be love also whatever she ran your ATM car through the fucking roof and you've got no money left They're gonna repossess your car because this crazy bitch has been stealing your money Well, that's the question. This is like a big question that gets summed up in hippie circles as Who's gonna wash the dishes? Somebody's got to deal with these basic problems in a utopian society Somebody's got to deal with the fact that some people aren't gonna respond to love the guy in locked up Where I saw who's like, you know covered in his own shit and throwing his jizz at the guards through that one little crack That they pushed food in and he went to the grocery store in the mid 80s and like gunned down seven senior citizens
Starting point is 00:30:22 You could stare at him with gaga eyes all day long and the moment he got out of there you would be some dead meat Yeah, what do you do Chris? What do I do? I don't know that guy, but but I know that a lot of what you're talking about You know comes up in psychology and psychiatry obviously my wife's a psychiatrist and she worked For many years with people who like would scare the fuck out of any of us I mean people who drown their babies in the bathtub People killed their parents knife them at night, you know like she worked with criminally insane people as well as non-criminally insane people and she's amazing though. I mean she's really
Starting point is 00:31:00 She's a very interesting person the first time I went in to work with her when early in our relationship She was working in this high security mental hospital And it was like going in to like, you know get smart, you know, like these series of locked doors double lock You know and we went in there and the first thing I saw it was like one flew over the cuckoo's nest Right just people wandering around zoned out and whatever and the first thing I see walking in the door is this woman probably in her mid 50s wearing a like a short nightgown on her back with her hands and her feet in the air like you know like doing a I don't know what a crab, you know on her back and With the nightgown hiked up you can see her
Starting point is 00:31:45 What a great quote And Cassie just looks at her Cassie's the doctor mouth of a toothless I might have been one tooth I think I saw one tooth But Cassie just laughed her ass off at this woman. This is the opposite of what I thought It's like you're the doctor and the woman sees Cassie and she gets this big smile And Cassie just laughs and she's like get off the floor you crazy old lady And such her way of dealing with crazy people is to laugh with them, right? And it's hilarious. It's they it puts them so at ease and it establishes rapport
Starting point is 00:32:24 Like she just cracks up. She uses it as a tool and it's such a beautiful thing to see, you know I mean she's I always talk about how psychiatrists or people who work in that area They're like lifeguards, you know and most lifeguards what they do is they say Oh, you got a problem and they throw you a life preserver and wish you luck in the form of a pill of some sort, right? Cassie jumps in the water. She's in there with them. She's half crazy yourself It's a really she's more of a shaman. She's a shaman who went to med school. What is it? Wow, that's a fascinating occupation. Yeah, you know, it's a soul doctor is what psychiatrists literally means Doctor of the soul. So they're like our shaman. So part of her the best ones are and that's why sorry to interrupt you
Starting point is 00:33:10 Joe but to follow that through Something that's really interesting is that you guys know this how psych The first people who used LSD LSD was originally marketed to psychiatrists psychotomimetic as a way for psychiatrists to experience psychosis That would then make them better doctors That was the idea the early 60s when Sandos was in late 50s early 60s It was that's how it was marketed Wow and Matt now That's a shamanic tradition because in in the shamanic societies
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's the shaman who generally takes the mushrooms or the piety or whatever they're using The ayahuasca to go to the upper and lower worlds to seek the The source of your problem your curse or your illness or whatever is happening to you It's normally the doctor who takes the drug not the patient That's could you imagine living in a society like pre western civilization society that was A shamanistic society based on like whatever ayahuasca or use of mushrooms or whatever whatever sacrament They chose but to be in like an incredibly primitive society like that that's tripping balls all the time and like literally
Starting point is 00:34:21 Actually traveling to the spirit world on a regular basis and having these these incredible psychedelic hallucinatory whatever you want to call them experiences that Sort of flavor the way they look at the material world that we're stuck in in this vibration But they're in it all the time and they're also in it with no internet No, no machinery You know they're living off the land because we what's weird is what you're describing is that that is here In the sense that right now at this moment You can't even count how many people are hallucinating right now, right?
Starting point is 00:34:58 You know god knows how many people just in a 20 mile radius of this place are hallucinating. I can definitely name one I'm not really hallucinating, but there are like How do you know there are there are like most likely people are tripping within a few miles with here If you had a trip reporter Yeah, like a little thing you can look on your phone and it would light up where someone's trip of all It's like like grinder for Or that thing that that thing that tweets Earthquakes, you know, so like it actually detects when how hard people are tripping so every once in a while it pops up like at 11.9
Starting point is 00:35:35 Did you imagine tripping was like a video game where you could trip and literally go to like the next level and it would be like Registered you would like show it on a high screen. Yeah Like you brought a fucking watch with you while you were tripping like this special google watch that monitors the trip Like oh my god, he's tripping at an eight. Oh my god They will they believe that albert hoffman the first time he discovered lsd was the only time a person never hit 10 I believe that too that poor bastard the first trip. He doesn't know what's happening He's riding his bike home Oh the poor guy and he didn't understand why people were taking lsd recreationally at first because he had taken such a huge dose
Starting point is 00:36:13 The first time he's like this is Not something you do for fun because he was in such a limbo state for a while Well, he got it transferred through his skin Yeah, yeah, yeah, I breathed it didn't I think I think he probably we should probably look up I think there was I think he was working with spores. Wasn't he? No, no, he was working with As I understand the story he was working sando's laboratories was trying to induce uterine contractions using Uh variants of lysergic acid and so he they synthesized lsd 25 And he remembered how it made mount it was it had some strange effect on mice
Starting point is 00:36:52 Apparently like animals on it acted really weird and then after they had already shelfed it He went back and visited it for some reason on intuition or impulse or thinking about how weird it made the mice act He took it out As I understand it. He spilled some on his hand though. Maybe he did take a little bit himself. I don't know I have the story right here. This is what happened while researching lysergic acid derivatives hoffman first synthesized lsd on november 16th of 1938 So the main intention of the synthesis was to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant and
Starting point is 00:37:26 anapolep anapoleptic Anapoleptic and anapoleptic with no side effects on the uterus in analogy to nick Nikitha made necathamide n i k e t h a m i d e Which was also Diethylamide by introducing this functional group to the lysergic acid So what happened was he accidentally absorbed a small quantity through his fingertips And fortuitously discovered its powerful effect. So it's through his fingertips But it's important to note when they say small quantity
Starting point is 00:38:02 How with the micrograms The best way I've ever heard described mackena said that the power of lsd relationship to these the actual size of it Is like a single and dismantling the empire state building in a matter of minutes. Yeah, that's a good way to describe it and and and What the fuck that's a great way to well It's shocking what it does to you when you consider that the how Tiny tiny the doses that you take and then an hour in suddenly you're experiencing this Rapturous energy coming through your body and then two hours. I mean depending on if you if the lsd is good or not But it is a very interesting thing to think that this
Starting point is 00:38:41 Kind of utopia that you were talking about earlier where people are actively taking psychedelics And using them as an initiatory As part of an initiatory ceremonies and communing with nature making big decisions This very same thing happens to this day only it has to happen in the underground And it has to happen during a terrible prohibition where you can go to jail for it It's like this natural impulse is in us like when you put a dog over the swimming pool and its little legs start Start moving even if it's never it's been in water before It'll still do that because it has built into it this remember swimming
Starting point is 00:39:19 It's in its DNA in the same way humans. We almost remember this way of being we almost know that This is something that calls to us and so we end up doing it in the united states in secret And then that's the mother of bad trips as people are taking these substances They don't know about the spirit world. No one said to them, you know in the west we call it going crazy But in every other part of the world it just means that you're connecting with an alternate dimension Called the spirit world, you know, people don't know that they just think i'm losing my fucking mind man I'm seeing things demons elves. Holy shit. I look in the mirror and I see myself aging and dying You're seeing the truth friend. That is what you're doing. You're aging. You're dying
Starting point is 00:40:00 Your zillions of personalities exist inside of you and the universe is alive and your mind can't quite accept that So it's breaking it up into all these entities that you're witnessing. I think that's what a shaman does He like ant takes a person's fear and then throws it back at them as a flower like look at this It's it's incredible what you're experiencing interestingly in those societies Excuse me, uh, someone who's called to shamanize is the term that Anthropologists use someone who's called to shamanize is the highest type of shaman The lower shaman is someone who chooses to be a shaman who just wants to though the highest form of shaman has no choice in the matter Uh, normally in late adolescence, they start hallucinating. They hear voices. They they communicate with animals
Starting point is 00:40:42 You know, however it manifests in the west we call that schizophrenia And schizophrenia tends to hit in late teens early 20s same time period About one percent of people all over the world Exhibit symptoms of schizophrenia that break from reality But as duncan says in shamanic societies, those people are seen as gifted There are people who can't help but move between worlds. So what the society does is they gather around them and support them and help them through the experience of learning to control this power within them so that they're not destroyed by it Because the society knows that then if they help this person get through it and learn to ride this horse
Starting point is 00:41:22 Then the the society the village will benefit from that power for the rest of his or her life That is absolutely fascinating. So there's almost like an evolutionary reason for that kind of behavior that that kind of behavior is What becomes this type of shaman in some certain certain some circumstances And even beyond that something that's an original idea to stanley who as you guys probably know is a big expert in shamanism He's written lots of books on it. He's standing He talked about how in shamanic societies One of the ways the shaman heals is by the same way western doctors heal is using the placebo effect Right, that's why doctors all have a stethoscope and wear the white thing and you know, it's all activating the placebo effect
Starting point is 00:42:07 And uh, which you know, we consider unreal in some way, but it is real because it works So that's real, right? But in any case the that's the main tool that shamanic societies and curers have So stanley's idea is that then in that world where being capacity for belief is uh, Something that helps you heal Because it activates the placebo effect People would have evolved
Starting point is 00:42:37 To be more open in that way mentally They would have evolved to believe they would have evolved to to Feel the power of ritual and so on and to to thrive on things like mushrooms and hallucinogens That's so fascinating. So it's all it's just really the cultural construct of the society as it stands today That we've accepted as being the norm that that's really the problem for these people is that the the the framework for this odd behavior this like shamanic instincts this this ability to Live in the forest and merge between this world and the spiritual world on a regular basis, especially if they're doing psychedelic drugs
Starting point is 00:43:16 They're like in that circumstance could have been a positive thing Yes, but then to plant it into modern day society you guys got to get on on the bus every day and go to work He's got to do a job. He doesn't want to do there's none of the the wild You know the the things that have stimulated whatever gift he has in his odd personality Yeah, this society's lucky if he stays out of a mental hospital Yeah, and we we drug him, you know, we we drug him to neutralize Yeah, exactly, you know the only here's here's a thing I'm pretty sure of the only Nobel prize in medicine that ever went to a portuguese doctor was for the invention of the lobotomy
Starting point is 00:43:56 Jesus Christ, it's a little trivia for those of us with psychiatrists Yeah, for the invention of the lobotomy. I wanted to I wanted. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. No, I was just saying I was thinking god I wanted to to talk about what you were talking about belief. They have a wider a higher capacity for belief and that feels like a Western thing to say which is that they didn't experience something real But their belief they can believe in things that aren't real Well, but see remember I I mean within the context of what I'm talking about with placebo where I'm saying it is real
Starting point is 00:44:33 I I just read this in other words Their capacity for belief could be belief in things that are real and even things that are made real by the presence of belief Which is how you could describe a placebo But they're they they're when they when they talk about this stuff They don't say well, I was healed by a placebo effect They say the shaman contacted the spirit world and he took whatever darkness or however they term it Exactly. So but that's a funny thing that we do. I do we do which is you take this thing
Starting point is 00:45:08 and everything you understand Is not a placebo But what you don't understand is a placebo effect if we don't understand why it works You just say well, it's a placebo. Yeah as though but that so it's just weird how like the in these two different conceptions It's like you have these two paradigms fighting each other and one paradigm is connected to life One paradigm feels like it is Completely part of the world and the other paradigm is so distanced from the world that it can't ever say This it can't say anything more than our minds create visions from time to time
Starting point is 00:45:43 But they are not real and the reason they say that is they don't have the scopes If all one of these motherfuckers has to have is some hp. Lovecraft level Magical telescope with runes on the side that they can all look through and see Interdimensional beings or the spirit world or whatever it is and the things real now and then they'll say oh those are the They'll come up with the name of the species That's this is the materialistic vision of the universe right if I can't if I can't see how it works Then it doesn't exist But what's funny about that is that in medicine?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Which you know in the western medical model, which is all materialistic and very scientific of course There are many cases of drugs that work Way before and are used clinically widespread practice way before anyone can explain how so it's funny There are like aspirin nobody understood how cell acylic acid stopped pain until the 70s right and then the american indians Were chewing willow bark that adds cell acylic acid and it's been used for centuries in western practice But nobody understood how but they tolerate it because it works right so they're but they don't talk about it It's a funny. It's a really interesting area. There's a there's an essay called the myth of mechanism that talks specifically about that That's cool. You know, I was just reading rereading about this
Starting point is 00:46:58 The these tribe called the pinaha in the upper amazon super fascinating people anyone who wants to read about them There's a great article written by a friend of mine john colapinto that was in the new yorker, and I know it's available online It's called the interpreter The interpreter colapinto and it's about this guy daniel everett who went to live in the upper amazon with this completely Stone age tribe, you know very little contact not uncontacted, but very little contact Nobody spoke their language. It's such a bizarre language But he went there as a missionary a christian missionary with his wife and kids And he but he's also a linguist and he lived with them for 26 years divorced his wife
Starting point is 00:47:41 And gave up his christian belief structure for theirs. He basically went native Uh, and they're fascinating people. They've got no numbers They are not their sense of time is like If you're talking about something that you personally didn't experience Or wasn't experienced by someone that you know personally They don't listen they don't engage so no history no history and also no future beyond
Starting point is 00:48:13 Like the immediate future right no numbers and no numbers It's like one some many is the is the only distinctions they make also no directions No, no physical directions. It's toward the mountains toward the river toward this, you know, it's all no color words They say it's the color of uh, you know this berry in the spring and it's fucking cavemen Well, he's over there banging a caveman check. What would say? Okay. The thing about cavemen is that we assume when you say caveman Yeah, well the sex sex is an interesting thing actually in this society. I'm sure very good. They got no numbers There's no colors. There's no 69. Yeah, how do they how do they work out? You owe me one He did fall in love with one of these women
Starting point is 00:49:01 Well, of course he did. I don't know like being on avatar You might be thinking of of another great book called into the heart about the guy who goes and lives with the yanomami I'm not thinking about a book. I'm thinking about if I am staying 23 years with any group of people Yeah, I'm gonna have sex with someone. Yeah, he was definitely having sex. I don't think k people says it immediately I mean openly but it must have been awesome. Why would he not say but there's a great first thing everyone's thinking Because he's a linguist at MIT writing scientific papers Yes, I did have sex with several of them. It was great. You know what people know how to fuck Nobody fucks like a cave person
Starting point is 00:49:48 And I say cave person would all do respect will do with all the respect. I don't I'm not judging nothing I'm just saying basically that's how my ancestors in the fucking cave man days lives and you're living like that today You know, good. I'm fairly cave people are from jersey. Is that what that was? No, that's um, I'm cave people. That's the irony of uh, an idiot mocking a cave person with a beautiful lifestyle Yeah, I say cave person in the most demeaning way. Hey, I really mean is primitive tribe You know in southern spain, there are thousands of people who live in caves. Yeah, I'm sure beautiful beautiful caves They they cut them into the the walls But I I just I think that's badass. I think that there is a kind of dark
Starting point is 00:50:28 Vuju in the using the term placebo and and getting into that mechanistic language, uh, because I think it can cut you off from a direct experience with uh, some with with nature and and um In that that connection is what causes healing. I think that's a that connection is what Causes the thing people call the placebo effect, but really it's just somebody Reconnecting to what they really are that moment where you like can you connect and you realize how incredibly beautiful the world is And how alive it is like every piece of the world everything the wood the carpet everyone you meet The wind you're in a living being and when you really experience that god damn it makes you feel good
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah, it's hard to experience that with concrete. That's one of the real issues with our lives There there's a difference in the way you feel when you walk through like a Seattle rainforest Yes, there's a difference and you feel like when we were up there looking for bigfoot Yes, dude, I swear that I felt those those natural living things around me I swear when you're walking through this incredible rain forest and everything's vibrant green and this Fucking moss everywhere and it feels alive. You've been to Alaska, right? Yes. Yeah. Did you get that feeling up there? When I was in Alaska, I felt like
Starting point is 00:51:49 I felt like the land was vibrating Like there was a very slight vibration and just by being there. I was getting energized It's almost like the weight of cities Ways down the land and stops the vibration. Yeah, I think I think that that well two things This is in in hinduism There's the three modes of material nature. Have you heard of this the goons the mode of ignorance the mode of passion and the mode of goodness and it's a different Parts of the day are assigned to these different modes and different
Starting point is 00:52:19 Geographies are assigned in the mode. So the city is considered to be in the mode of passion Nature is in the mode of goodness certain foods are in the mode of passion spicy food food that basically they the way they put it is If it tastes bad and makes you feel bad mode of ignorance, so that's like Late night Carl's jr. Something, you know It's not gonna like no offense Carl's jr. But if like you're eating there after one o'clock And the guy serving you has like been snorting meth for three hours in the fries or it's you eat them You taste it and you know it's bad, but you eat it because you're drunk and hungry
Starting point is 00:52:56 You're gonna feel bad mode of ignorance mode of passion Makes you feel good, but you're gonna feel like shit later. So that's alcohol So that's 20 minutes earlier on your way to Carl's jr. Exactly right then mode of goodness It is quite often maybe it doesn't taste so great kale, but it's gonna make you feel good later So that's how they that's how they break it down So the city is in the mode of passion and some places in the city are in the mode of ignorance But I like to believe That if you're skilled enough
Starting point is 00:53:27 You can take any external stimulus and transform it so that it gives you not transform it but Filter it in a way that you get that same feeling you get in the pacific northwest might be a complete naive Rationalization of living in the city, but what do you guys think? Don't you think it's more we can decide how to interpret the reality around us to bring varying degrees of bliss and pleasure Well, there's a positive aspect to the city and the positive aspect for us is that all our friends are here That's a big one. It's a huge one that there's a massive collection of like-minded people You know when we talk about All the guys that we do stand up with
Starting point is 00:54:06 Everyone I know they all my favorite human beings all live within 30 miles of here You know, I mean I have friends on the east coast. I have friends all over the place, but My real, you know core group of friends. We're all here Yeah, there's a massive amount of community here for us But the environment of the the artificial environment is something that you're always going Okay, I guess all right like when you're driving on the highway I firmly believe that when you're surrounded by buildings to the left and buildings to the right and signs and I think that your brain is interpreting all this stuff as unfortunate
Starting point is 00:54:44 But it is what it is and you know, you sort of make these distinctions You see all these gross buildings and you're like, oh, yeah, okay. What is it? You don't get that when you're driving through Mount Rainier when you're driving up Mount Rainier. What you get is whoa Wow Oh my god Like we were driving and when Duncan and I were headed up there The sun was just peeking through the clouds So it had been raining for days and it would light up these corridors
Starting point is 00:55:11 Like there was like the hills and valleys and the sun would come down through these clouds and light up these dew filled corridors And it was just like god damn like that Is art everywhere you look nature's art in that environment you see life Yeah, you see the moss growing on the rocks. It's just everywhere is life And in an urban environment, everybody look is dead. Yeah, you know stopped and the roadkill So I sympathize with what you're saying We should you know be We should be wise enough or enlightened enough to reframe things in the ways that make sense for us
Starting point is 00:55:45 But I do think that it's very difficult to be healthy if you're eating Carl's junior every day If that's all you're getting I mean, there is a difference between good input and poor quality input and And it matters and yes, there is a level of of being able to to Decide but fuck it's hard man And and I think there are like there are elements to traffic for example traffic to me brings me to an aggressive Angry place Just because of the nature of it. I'm I'm alert. I'm worried. I'm like I'm vigilant. There's danger There's aggression. There are people I don't know
Starting point is 00:56:22 They're doing things that are unpredictable and weird and aggressive and it's like especially in la like it's a real aggressive Place here The reason I brought up the peanut hot which relates to all this is he said they're the happiest people he'd ever seen And and there's some psychologists who came to do testing like cognitive testing and linguistic testing And they agreed that they're like the happiest people ever and the way they measured it was they would just videotape them for a few hours in normal daily routine and Count how much of the time they were laughing or smiling We're fucking wow
Starting point is 00:56:56 Yeah, and and what he said was which relates back to the your complaining friend in the bar Is that you know in thinking about this for 20 some years that he lived there like what why are they happy? They have nothing, you know, they're their kids die. They they get Infections, there's no doctor. There's nothing they die. They you know, people disappear in the jungle like they're in the presence of death Right, definitely no bullshitting no denial And he said but the reason that they Are happy is that they feel they can handle whatever life throws at them They laugh when they get something they laugh when they don't get something they laugh when their house falls down in a rainstorm
Starting point is 00:57:33 They laugh when they don't catch any fish. They laugh when they do catch fish They're just like hey, fuck it man. We know our world and in our world You never know what's coming at you, right? And a lot of it's bullshit a lot of it's bureaucracy and phone calls and do I have obama care? I don't But before that before that it's abstractions, you know, it's it's No, it's thinking, you know, what's gonna happen. Yeah, if you want to be miserable and you can handle know what's gonna happen All you got to do is think, you know, what's gonna happen if you think, you know, what's gonna happen Whatever it is whether it's in a book or a movie and it proves to be correct
Starting point is 00:58:09 Generally, you're gonna be disappointed when you watch a movie in two minutes and you're like, uh Clearly this person's in a dream and they're gonna wake up and then there the I get the whole thing and then that happens at the end You're like god, that's shit. That's a shit movie. I predicted it We like the turns we like the left hooks that you don't expect That's novelty and that is what the universe really is and that is why there's this danger when the materialists come along Acting as though they have figured all of this out to the point where when you do say something like no You know, I'm pretty sure that I had direct contact with an external
Starting point is 00:58:46 Being that is the source that all this stuff came from And radiates life as an effect of its existence And I'm part of it and I think that all everything is his love. They'll just be like No, you didn't You want to you're projecting that man Don't you have an imagination your imagination concocted all this? Yeah, there's all sorts of mechanisms. By the way, there's no free will Okay, well good night. There's no free will. All right, right? I love when they say well our brains aren't wired for this or that. Yeah, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:59:18 Our brains are not wired at all. They're no fucking brains. There's no wires in your brain. Maybe not yours, bro I got wires in my brain, bro hairs in your brain. I got hair wire Fucking garbage in there It's a childhood bone spurs I just think it's dangerous man I think it's a dangerous thing and when I and I think that um That that when people get too much like that they seem all withered and fucked up
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah, that's for sure. They seem like it's affecting them. Yeah, where's on you man? Well, thank you. Where's on you? I mean think about getting back to shamanic societies What's really interesting to me about shamanic societies is that people as they age get closer to mystery Because you're initiated into higher levels of of mystery and knowledge as you get older It's the kids who don't know anything, right? It's the kids who are away from from knowledge and mystery in our society We grow away from mystery when you're kid. You have the tooth fairy and santa claus and Ferries and imagination is cool And then as you get older you're supposed to tamp that down and then eventually put out the fire completely and get real
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yes, and it's the exact opposite trajectory and then another you know 180 degree difference between shamanic societies and ours Is that in shamanic societies hallucinogens are seen Without exception as far as I know as the greatest gift of the gods They're the best. They're the best thing there is. Well, they don't have movies You know, they don't have uh iTunes like if you want to experience something. What do you do? You trip your balls off? That's how you experience things and the purity of the imagination in that circumstance When you're not I mean if you're talking about like these uh pre-western civilizations a long time ago whenever they invented it I mean what they have to do essentially essentially they had an event uh a vat
Starting point is 01:01:06 Right something a pot an iron pot to boil water or somebody had to get them one Yeah from then it was on from then they figured out how to put all that shit together right but You know if you could go back and live amongst Live amongst a society like that pre-western intervention and experience that life that's shamanic life of dancing in and out of hallucinations and Dealing with the like almost immediate loss of loved ones. Like it's just constant. It's gonna happen I mean, there's jaguars around you. You're living in the swamp. There's toxic
Starting point is 01:01:39 Spiders and there's a brazilian wandering spider in the rainforest that kills you by giving you an unstoppable hard-on It gives you a hard-on that's so devastating that even if you survive which most people don't because it's the most toxic spider Your your dick is going to be broken forever How does that happen? Through evolution chris ryan. How does the spider like is it what's a reaction the the chemical reaction to your body is the same thing Is nitric acid nitric? Nitric oxide. Yeah, which is uh What's that shit that they put like nos like nitric oxide nitric ox?
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah, not nitrous. No, not nitrous. Which is like what you put your car Nitrous Is laughing and they put it in cars. Yeah, it's a nitrous boost Like you hit a button like you want to hit the nitrous and it'll like jump you from 500 horsepower say to like 750 Really instantaneously, that'd be so cool if there was a nitrous oxide tube connected to your mouth in the car You're fucking some blue velvet kind of denis hopper looking thing faster Oh my god You feel like you're doing you fucking fuck
Starting point is 01:02:57 You feel like you're doing warp speed on the enterprise. It'd be amazing Do you remember the early days of the darwin awards? I don't know if they still do that Yeah, remember that was like big on the internet Yeah, I remember some of those stories got snoped out though Yeah, well, I don't know if this is one of them But remember the one where the guy who works at like a military Place out in the west somewhere in the desert and he steals a rocket engine and bolts it on top of his I think that one got snoped out
Starting point is 01:03:24 That's too bad because that was a funny one Man it snopes man attaches rocket to car, right? All right. Here's one that didn't get snipped out If you guys hear about this dude, this is a while ago now This was a guy in the probably early 90s who always wanted to be a pilot But he he had bad eyesight and he couldn't you know, whatever So he's living with his mother somewhere in la you guys might have been here when this happened And he just he gets this idea to get some helium balloons and tie them to a lawn chair Oh, yeah, remember that guy totally and he goes and his idea is just to like
Starting point is 01:03:57 He's got a sandwich and a six pack and a little pellet gun And his idea is just he's tied to the truck And he's just going to go up to the end of the rope and you know hover above the neighborhood for a couple hours Yeah, and he's hanging on his sandwich and he's like cool this worked really great So then it's a really calm day. There's no wind So he's just going to float around the neighborhood a little bit And then he could just hit the the balloons with his pellet gun and he'll lose his altitude So anyway, he he unties the thing and goes
Starting point is 01:04:25 To like 12,000 feet like immediately And all he could do is hold on and the gun falls out. No, he's still got the gun it But he's like holy shit. Oh my god, and it finally levels out at about I don't know nine to 12,000 feet And and he's over la and they see him on the radar the the airport radar But they think it's a herd of the herd a flock of you know birds or something and uh So he starts floating out over the pacific And the sun's you didn't hear about this what I'd have It's the sun starting to go down and it's fucking cold as shit anyway, right?
Starting point is 01:05:00 And the the oxygen is low and it and this Korean Airlines jet is coming into land at lax and the pilot sees the dude And he calls it in like there's a guy out here in a lawn chair waving a gun around Oh my god, I remember this story now So they send a uh Coast guard helicopter out to get the guy But it's like one of those double rotor things and it gets above him, but the rotors blow him away And then they destabilize everything so then they have to send a second one out
Starting point is 01:05:34 And they've got a sniper on the helicopter They get right above him and they lower a rope and a guy goes down and grabs him Because once you take the dude off, then of course the launcher is going to go straight up into the rotors So they've got a sniper on board as soon as they take the dude off the launcher boom boom boom boom shoot all the balloons Oh my god, this sounds like a great level of the funniest coolest video game ever Someone's got to make this into a video game It so does it sounds so fun. It's so does So he survived and they brought okay, but here check this out. There's a story about this in the new yorker as well
Starting point is 01:06:12 I don't remember what it's called, but you can google it and find it. I'm sure uh written by George plimpton actually Something about the man who flew or wanted the man who wanted to fly but anyway, they bring him back And by the time he gets they arrest him because he was in restricted airspace and you know, didn't have a license or whatever And but he was sort of joking about it because there were all these reporters and you know, why did you do it? And you know, I just wanted to fly whatever Three years later He committed suicide. Hmm
Starting point is 01:06:43 Well, once you've been once you've experienced that level of freedom Once you've experienced that coming back to the world you shoot yourself. Why don't you get more balloons do it again? Yeah, this time get a better plan fuckface. You know, they have actual balloons, man You know, you just save up and buy a real one Yes, don't just don't kill yourself. Yeah, just how about that? Just stick around so that we can enjoy your legend as a hero Why did you have to like because that is the hero that is a hero? That's a hero. That is you at your most stoned
Starting point is 01:07:18 With access to like all these Fire arms and helium balloons You're not listening to anyone by the way to no calculation Everything was fine till he decided to untie the rope and float around the neighborhood, you know one day He's laying on the lawn chair. Yeah And you know, he's like, wait a minute. We had a rope and a bunch of helium balloons I'm flying and then that when he decided to cut the rope That was the hero's journey. That's the beginning of the hero's journey where he's like i'm cutting the umbilicus
Starting point is 01:07:52 I'm separating myself from mother earth and blam Blast off. It's essentially a more exciting version of the movie big It is except wasn't that it big with the guy with the guy flew up in the uh, the balloons No, it wasn't big Maybe it was up You're thinking of tom hanks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh big. That's right. Yeah Yeah Carmageddon was false the rocket thing story to the car. No false didn't happen. It's a complete fabrication crazy internet story
Starting point is 01:08:25 Wily coyote styling. There's uh, no evidence ever that someone took a A jet engine and tied it to a car and flew into a fucking rocket or flew into a cliff I wonder if The who are the guy the the the magician pen and teller. They have that show. Oh, no, it's not pen and teller. It's the other guys who do Debunking bullshit. Oh, you know, i'm talking about pen and teller do the bullshit show. Yeah, I'm mixing them up though It's these other two They do more like, you know, could you do this? I think they did a rocket engine or a jet engine thing though I remember seeing something like tied to a car. Yeah, maybe they were testing that particular story
Starting point is 01:09:06 They um, they say that the story first began making the rounds on the internet in 1990 And the car was supposedly and then the the incident changed Move to a different spot. First, it was new mexico and the car with a Plymouth Roadrunner by 1994 the car had transformed itself to a Chevy Impala And the venue is now california. See the the story just mutates with people Like I mean think about we have access to this laptop in google and we'll still bullshit our way through a story I heard you know, it's just our nature. It's fun to do. Well, yeah, it is it does suck when those stories get eliminated But it's good. Did you see the picture of the light on mars? Did you see that that's floating around reddit?
Starting point is 01:09:48 What is it? It's just a well, I don't know yet But they took a picture of what appears to be a source of light coming out of the ground on mars And you know, there's like on reddit. There's a million theories about it and all of them pretty boring It's a cosmic ray or it's a it's a something's wrong with the film or something like that But it's pretty interesting. NASA curiosity rover captures mysterious bright light on mars It's very underwhelming the photo is just like this little White thing on the screen. Yeah until you think that looks like a fucking flash bulb Like there's like, you know, who knows what that is. Couldn't that just be some some software glitch? You know, maybe it's tom cruise
Starting point is 01:10:28 Maybe tom cruise is on he's on mars. Imagine if we got the mars and tom cruise is already there Do you guys know that tom cruise is a is a licensed stunt pilot? I know a woman who flew with him. Oh my god. Yeah in one of those Uh, what are they called biplanes with open, uh, cockpit, you know So she's in front and he's behind her and she was like he was doing loops and shit And she said and it occurred to me that if I puked I'd be puking in tom cruise's face Because it would blow back. Oh, yeah. Yeah, mary roach. She was a great writer I wish somebody if somebody could get on mars and just put a statue up
Starting point is 01:11:06 That said humans, please stop killing each other I bet there'd be work. I bet that would create world peace if it was like they wouldn't let us see it You don't think they let us see no, they'd censor the transmissions. You really think they would yeah I think that would be something that would be very difficult to hold back If there was a someone on another planet had a sign for us Boy, though, it would be real hard But see that's the thing. It wouldn't be a sign Can't believe you morons can even read this
Starting point is 01:11:36 I can't believe you've got it. Yeah, you idiot's god. Yeah, right. Congratulations. I'll clean up your own mess Yeah, clean up your yard. I mean it relates back to what we were saying earlier You know, maybe maybe distantly but you know, I was saying that that in all these semantic societies hallucinogens are considered the greatest gift of the gods yada yada Yeah, I never finished the thought though, which is that in our society you're penalized for a longer time You get caught with 10 hits of acid in most states you get a longer time in prison than for second-degree murder That's right. Now that what's that say about our society that their hallucinogens are considered to be so dangerous And worse than murder, right? I mean that's really heavy and a lot of it's minimum mandatory sentencing
Starting point is 01:12:17 What's the fuck? I think getting back to what you said those societies are oriented toward truth And our society is oriented toward lies Exactly And so something that brings you into congruence with the truth is considered subversive Well marijuana laws and psychedelic laws all highlight the fact that our laws are not current with Current science and with current thinking. They're not we we're like prisoners of the ignorant past Like we have this this momentum that's been going on since the nixon administration decided to clamp down on all psychedelics And they made everything illegal even things that weren't even psychoactive. Those are on the schedule one list
Starting point is 01:12:58 They just shut down everything And I think the echoes of that still reverberate through our culture There's still a lot of people and I know it because I was one of them at one point in time That thought that all drugs are for losers all drugs are for people trying to escape reality Yeah, I completely bought into that and I think that's real common I think that is as much of an issue as anything and that's the issue that I think is getting cured by the internet I think the internet is changing the perception Of so many different aspects of our culture, but a really big one is drugs
Starting point is 01:13:33 A really big one is what what drugs are what drugs mean and the idea of a drug-free society being a complete and total force Yeah, it doesn't exist. It's never gonna exist and dr. Carl Hart. I had him on my podcast He's a addiction specialist and I found out about him from chris because chris had him on his show too And Carl he says it is clear as day It's like you wouldn't want to live in a society that doesn't have any drugs Like drugs include all sorts of things that help you when you you're sick Drugs surgery you don't have surgery without drugs coffee alcohol like anything caffeine Like come on. You're talking crazy. What is Dennis McKenna says you take away the drugs. You got no brain
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah, exactly the brain is drugs. We are drugs. We are chemically. Yeah, we were a chemical burning engine Essentially, you know and the chemicals that run the engine that is the human brain are human neurotransmitters Which are also on the schedule one list Right, you know, I mean the fucking things that are inside your own brain are illegal It's banning but I consider it of Exactly the same impulse that causes people to ban books it's a form of Pharmacological book banning because the difference between psychedelics and the drugs that we take for headaches and for
Starting point is 01:14:48 All the ailments that humans get is that psychedelics give you a transmission They give you a download and I think the reason that they're illegal or a big part of the reason that they're illegal Is the same reason the internet Is illegal in north korea because if you get on the internet too long in north korea, you're gonna be like, oh god Are you kidding? This is bullshit. This is a bunch of shit. Are you kidding? The same thing happens here, man It's like the moment you start taking psychedelics. You do have to start digesting a lot of information Really fast. It's quite insane. The first thing you think when you're in a euphoric LSD state looking out at the world looking at people
Starting point is 01:15:28 Seeing like the hidden parts of themselves that they don't want to show anybody Recognizing like you could just see so clearly on acid. You can really like you see micro gestures You can really yeah the first thing that comes to your head is Wait, why is this elite? This is illegal. Why would this even be illegal? What is it about this experience that is doing anything more than making me feel more alive and connected to the world? A little crazy. No doubt. I'm not saying it's like every time you take acid You're gonna go through a down a nice a water slide filled with warm water every once in a while You go through a water slide that takes you deep deep into the bowels of hell
Starting point is 01:16:05 But it's still at the other side of that colors are brighter your world seems more Alive and you feel like you've been given a secret You guys have that experience or toward the end of a trip like I mean, I assume you guys do this as well like when I took acid I would go in nature always, right? I'd go in the woods or at least walking around in cemeteries or parks or whatever get toward nature But then at the end you're coming back to your dorm room or your apartment or whatever And you decide you're not tripping that hard anymore
Starting point is 01:16:35 And you decide to stop in at a bar and have a drink with some friends and you see drunk people And they look like they're like drugged animals about to topple over and they've got this really like Look on their face. Even the ones who aren't like lat drunk, you know, they just all look so Like 50 iq points shaved right off the top Semi-conscious monsters it's hunter s. Thompson and Fear and loathing in Las Vegas when he goes to the what the hotel is that he goes to everyone turns into a
Starting point is 01:17:08 Not you're right That's circus circus. He goes there and describe everyone has turned into a lizard He's seeing what they really are But you know, yeah, it will do that when you see people drunk and you're on a psychedelic It shows you right away how you know what else bad acting Try watching a movie Bad acting when you're on pot like especially if you've eaten pot. Yeah when you've eaten pot bad acting becomes offensive
Starting point is 01:17:34 When people are like sending it in You're just phoning it in you're like, oh my god, like I'll never forget. I was high As just as about as high as you could be and still be out in public from edibles and we went to see the hulk And uh, it was so bad Like eric banna like there was this one scene where he was just like so clearly acting in this in this movie That I was like, oh my god. I can't even watch this. I was starting to freak out. I was like It's just so obvious the person who was saying those words wasn't thinking about those words And that's something that if I didn't you know, I mean it's a goddamn movie about a guy who turns into the hulk
Starting point is 01:18:10 I mean what the fuck am I looking for right? What kind of realism am I looking for? It's ridiculous But that moment was just so attitude and I've watched it since and I can't pick up what the fuck I saw Like I watched it since and I go. Yeah, I mean it looks fairly uninspired But I mean look at the lines he's getting you know, hey, uh, I don't want to have to do this again But I might turn green like it's like ridiculous shit. But to to me on marijuana. It was just glaring I've had the opposite experience as well. I remember in college. I went to this I drop in on these friends and they're like, hey, we're gonna go see the the jimmy hendrix experience, right?
Starting point is 01:18:48 And I had always thought jimmy hendrix sort of sucked. I knew I was like 18, you know, whatever And I just like Hendrix. Yeah, it's loud. It's it's like chaotic And we went I was like, all right, whatever. I'll go with you and we go to the auditorium and they and they had electric Dakarys and I didn't know electric Dakarys had acid in them. I just thought that was the name of a cocktail So I'm drinking these electric Dakarys. How many did you drink one or two? Not a lot, right? but And then this jimmy hendrix movie comes on and I start like going. Well, I'm I'm tripping, you know, you get that body thing and like the weird buzzing in your head
Starting point is 01:19:22 And I said to somebody like, is there acid? They're like, yeah, they're electric Dakarys, dude. Like, oh, okay You gotta be really specific you fucking assholes. Well, they they had reason to think I knew I probably sold them the acid, but anyway Not true not true But anyway, this Hendrix thing comes on and I was like, whoa, I get it I fucking get it. Now I see He's a genius and you know, obviously still I still think he is Phil Hartman used to tell me that when he was a young guy and he was living in LA He got a chance at one point in time
Starting point is 01:20:04 To hold the speakers up for jimmy Hendrix and jimmy Hendrix was a filka play guitar So jimmy Hendrix was like this, you know, the ultimate god to him And he was on stage like literally like Phil was at his feet holding the speaker to make sure the speaker didn't fall over into the crowd And Hendrix is right there like where you are just And he said it was just like the most magical moment of his life like as a young Aspiring musician like he you know, he liked to play music and to see Hendrix live in the flesh Feed away from you playing guitar. He said it was the most insane It's surreal and then you know the guy was dead just a few years later
Starting point is 01:20:48 Uh, man, it's so cool. You know, it's so beautiful Um, it's that's the thing we have access to this beautiful universe around us It's so beautiful But sometimes the way that you have to access it or your entryway in are these drugs that are uh Prohibited by the government and that is is So it's such a perplexing thing that eventually you just have to stop thinking about it because what are you gonna? I mean thinking about it is pointless. You either come to the conclusion that bureaucracy is completely tied to tourniquet
Starting point is 01:21:22 around one very vibrant and powerful Bit of connective tissue that connects us to the mind of everything Or you have to think Jesus Do we actually exist in some kind of satanic empire where they're intentionally trying to keep us from recognizing that we live in heaven You know when I think it is I think quite honestly It's all the people that are trying to keep us from having these experiences having experience in themselves And having no knowledge no real direct knowledge or understanding of what we're really talking about to them It's just all hogwash
Starting point is 01:21:58 Nonsense and craziness and all you're doing is somehow or another keeping them from either having control or making profit And in that sense like the the last thing they want to do is get everybody to tune in and drop out You know, I mean, it's just like That's not gonna happen again. We saw what happened there. This is not a good deal Like stop right there And why is it? I mean, it's like it's a bad analogy But someone who's not funny at all At all and they come up to you and they dictate what your subject matter is going to be what you get to say on stage
Starting point is 01:22:29 Why you get to say it and they tell it to you because they're an expert in comedy Like what are you even saying are you what are you fucking crazy and an expert on psychedelics? It has to be an expert that tells you that they're illegal, right? I mean, isn't it shouldn't be an expert that tells you this is something that we should protect society from But they're not they're not only are they not experts They're wholly ignorant of the effects of most of these things right when you hear people talking negatively I had a fucking conversation with michio kaku. Okay, who's this brilliant physicist astrophysicist
Starting point is 01:23:01 This guy who's just has such inspiring Talks about space and his the way he describes things just like the sense of awe and wonder that he has for science and innovation Is just directly translatable through his words You know, it's really exciting guy to watch talk about science, right? but I talked to him about about mushrooms and uh, I asked him if he believed that it was possible that uh mushrooms were the reason why human beings evolved from primates I could you know, have you ever heard the theory the stoned ape theory and I asked him if it was ever done mushrooms And he's like mushrooms give you brain damage. Like I'm not interested in doing drugs
Starting point is 01:23:41 I'm interested in studying reality and but No, they don't give you brain damage and now I have to Now I have to think twice about everything you're saying because if you're saying that mushrooms are terrible and there's no way mushrooms give you brain damage Why would you speak so clearly about something that we both know you're not an expert in? Like that's not true That not only is that not true But that discredits all the things that you said that probably are true all the awesome things that you said about About science and the universe and how do I listen to you when you're talking about things that I know you're full of shit about
Starting point is 01:24:16 Now I have to like think about everything else that you've said and I have to run it through some other filter Is he right about this is he right about that as soon as you like proclaim to be An expert in something that you clearly brain what brain damage like what fucking brain damage or mushrooms given anybody That's not happening. Not only is not happening, but when you look at the actual studies like the john hopkins study They're showing that people have had a direct positive benefit that lasted their entire lives From profound psychedelic experiences that they had decades ago. So you can't you can't do that That's a bad thing to do. It's what you just saw there is superstition. It's like I imagine like back in Galileo's time There were probably scientists who actually thought well, we shouldn't meddle with that because a demon will come into you
Starting point is 01:25:02 And they believed it, you know, maybe that's now that demon is drug addiction or that demon is brain damage or that demon is any of these other Made-up effects of psychedelics see that sorry I was just gonna say that that's one of the few areas where if i'm talking to someone at a party or someone You know, this has happened many times to some doctor who you know start spouting off about how bad hallucinogens are That's one of the few areas where I will say Uh, you know with all due respect you you have no idea what you're talking about Yeah, you have to because I mean if it's some other thing if it's some other scientific thing or politics or religion or whatever
Starting point is 01:25:37 I let it go But in that case you're actively participating in spreading disinformation that can hurt people that does hurt people So i'll fucking nail you for it and and you know that that's I I mean as far as michio kaku goes I would give him a pass in the sense that when he's talking about physics and astro You know, whatever his area of expertise is you can probably believe him because he spent his life studying that Oh, I probably believe him with drugs. He just like bought the party line. He never really looked into it
Starting point is 01:26:06 You you guys saw this thing It is but we do it, right? I mean you can't study everything down You can't question every premise, you know, it's right. So at least in his area of expertise He probably knows what he's talking about. But um, you guys saw what sanjay gupta did, right? I mean you got that I really respect that guy because he was one of those people And then he had the balls to turn around and say I was wrong And i'm sorry. Yeah, that's beautiful two amazing specials on the benefits of it the medical benefits Yeah, and some of those stories that they showed of kids that started taking medical marijuana and it completely eliminated their seizures
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yeah, man, this heartwarming stuff man. What if sanjay gupta keeps making these documentaries but with harder and harder drugs? He's like we should But it really was a gateway drug where he's like heroin's great Sanjay gupta discovered that he'll be like a haggard 90 year old in five years cured seizures in his child What would be great is if he discovered all these people that actually did have issue Um with with drugs and like what they were like. Hey, here's the real issue that we have with oxycontins Here's the real here's a real hardcore documentary on heroin users. Let's find out how many functional heroin users there are Here's a real hardcore, uh documentary on alcoholism
Starting point is 01:27:26 Let's see rampant alcoholism in the flesh and see if this isn't something that we might want to curb as a society If he started doing that with all drugs like treat them all Like the same way that dr. Hart would treat them treat them all based on data Rationally, right taste on bit. I really admire. He's so cool. Was his wife and kid here with him? No, no, no Oh my god, he came with another scientist, but uh his his like his His ideal You know being that what he's trying to do is just relay the data. He's not worried about, you know What don't you think this is gonna make kids want to do drugs like because that's the trick question, right?
Starting point is 01:28:04 Whenever you talk about marijuana or talk about anything. Oh, you're what about the kids think about the kids that listen to you I've had people say that to me. Hey, bro. You know stop stop talking about weed man Think about all the kids that are listening what all the kids that are gonna smoke pot and figure out this life's a joke Oh, we don't want that happening, you know, and I'm not saying the kids should smoke weed But guess what if they do that's not the worst thing in the world. Worry about them killing each other All right, worrying about them hurting each other worried about sexual assaults worry about all the inevitabilities of You know becoming an adolescence and hormones and poor management of those hormones and people who did a shitty job of making them into adults Worry about all that but don't worry about marijuana Jesus fucking Christ really right out of all the shit to worry about
Starting point is 01:28:49 That's not the thing It's just not And when a guy like Sanjay Gupta comes out with not one but two documentaries highlighting all these benefits of it and realize It's like this whole thing is a scam Like I didn't know it. I really bought into it and so did so did I before I ever Started smoking pot. I thought it was for losers and this guy has got the power to make documentaries about it Right big ones on cnn. Yeah that we need more of those people. There needs to be more Sanjay Gupta's There needs to be people who are and they are doing it like the maps people are doing it
Starting point is 01:29:22 And we don't have to keep going on it feels like this is like chewed gum everyone knows that psychedelics are prohibited for stupid reasons, but it It's it's the spirit behind it that I'm more interested. I'm interested in the prohibition, but I'm more interested in the spirit behind The prohibition I'm interested in the people who say If they see that you have a gun at your house They're like Scared they think something's gone wrong with you or the people who
Starting point is 01:29:50 If you're not if you don't have kids past a certain age or if you're not married They look at you with pity and sympathy like oh god. What have you done to your life? Are you in that age now? Yeah, I'm definitely in that age man. And and I'm I'm I'm Generally pretty happy and I'm not gonna say I'm not lonely I get lonely sometimes, but I love that feeling of loneliness or rather if I had to pick between the feelings Of occasional loneliness and sitting in my house alone with my dog And there's incense burning in video games and I can write whenever I want
Starting point is 01:30:24 And I'm making tea or getting stoned or doing whatever I want that feeling of loneliness I'll take that anytime over that feeling of dark Suffocating claustrophobia that you get in the middle or end of a relationship that's falling apart And is the worst that feeling of just that's it's the same feeling that compels a fox to chew its leg off It's rather than being the trap. It's that stale feeling of there's no way out I'm I'm in I'm stuck in a fucking cell with the walls a million miles thick I have these little genetic handcuffs attaching me to this woman who now hates me and who I now dislike
Starting point is 01:31:06 That I that that that reminds me of like getting stuck in a black hole Isn't those are the worst moments in life the the middle of the breakups Oh god, it's terrible. Everyone's everyone's gotten nuts. Everyone's acting shitty to each other Love is fled and by the way, I think that people who are who are in that place and are dealing with that sense of claustrophobia You have to recognize that you don't have that you no one's ever truly trapped They're they're 99% of the time their way is out And if you can't leave because of responsibility or ethics Then I think you could shift your thinking around at least and maybe find some freedom there
Starting point is 01:31:44 But I just what does that even mean? Well, I think that you've got to like find expansiveness immediately like instead of thinking i'm going to change the outcome I'm gonna change i'm gonna change It's like we don't We try to stop focusing on outcomes and turn our focus towards causes So instead of getting caught up in the fruit that's already growing off of the tree Let's look at what is causing the tree to grow the fruit and that's what you go into So that's what I mean. You have to you start so you have to take that person's personality on as a project
Starting point is 01:32:15 You well, you have to take your own you work on yourself. That's the idea you find some expansiveness wherever the like if I feel bummed out like let me like let's see today I took my dog to walk for a walk at the park And if I don't meditate in the morning or if I'm not like disciplined then my mind can go crazy And then I can start getting irritable and bummed out and shitty. So like I'm at a I'm at a uh coffee shop and Unfairly judging everyone like I Like
Starting point is 01:32:44 I'm good at I'm good at it. Tell me when I'm doing it. I used to not I used to not even know I was doing it I used to just think that was the status quo But now if I've judged more than two people in like an hour period then I know Oh, you're the asshole in the room. No one's an asshole You're just your asshole aura is so powerful that it has encompassed everyone around you And you're witnessing your own shittiness and every is a reflection in everybody else So that's what I mean by like shifting if I do that it doesn't make me feel better I still feel anxious and irritable and shitty
Starting point is 01:33:15 But I'm no longer buying into the story that my mind's telling me which is like look at that fucking shit out of the Look at that fucking shit. What is why is this bitch spending so much time testing out lotions? Like why would that even bother me? Why doesn't bother you because because a cunt lives inside of me because I know Oh, that's so funny because there's it and I know it's there and like where'd it come from the cunt in me? Yes Oh the cunt in me It's 15 years ago on a hunting trip You got money A gypsy a child of a gypsy I no man, I think that that
Starting point is 01:33:56 I've said this before on your podcast, but I think humans are a hive of personalities that we're not one personality, but we're a A collective of personalities that lives They all live inside of us and these different personalities come out according to different things, you know, man I've in my old age what I've found is that if I'm not exercising regularly I'll be more of an asshole or and if I'm not drinking enough water I'll be more of an asshole and if I'm not eating right, I'll be more of an asshole and underneath that. I'm sure there's plenty of of Psychological reasons why I might have like defense mechanisms that are
Starting point is 01:34:36 I might have habitual defense mechanisms if I'm feeling stressed out, but if I just start taking care of myself Usually a lot of the other stuff goes away. Yeah, because you feel good I mean there's research showing that if you force yourself to smile You'll feel happier Yeah, that's stupid as it sounds because your body again back to placebo effect or whatever we want to call it Your body associates the state of smiling with feeling good. So if you smile you can induce feeling good You trick your body, right? Yes feeling better because you smile exactly you tune the radio man And the way you tune the radio is by walking a certain way
Starting point is 01:35:11 Breathing a certain way This is what jack cornfield talks about which is that the moment you hit that place Where you're in a challenging situation where you're around someone who's a dick or you're in a you're grumpy because you haven't had your Coffee or whatever the fucks happen or you're stressed out because you have shit to do that you that you don't want to do or whatever it is Stop in that place And breathe simple just like take a big deep breath in the midst of before you do anything That's all simple stuff like that Really works wonders as far as um
Starting point is 01:35:44 And also not and you've got to admit that there are parts of yourself that are shitty Like what they're you don't you have to recognize that they're parts of yourself That are not selfless and that them that those parts are going to emerge from time to time And you breathe through it you don't This is what jack cornfield says i've been listening to him lately, but he says bow to it So when it comes to you the next time you're in line you're pissed off Whoever's in the line, you know like how sometimes for no reason at all Assholes will go through their fucking purses for 25 minutes trying to pick out the exact change to pay for something
Starting point is 01:36:26 You know that thing where it's like what the fuck are you doing give them cash Put that in the goddamn corn star later. You're a witch. Let's move. I'm hungry. Let's go Do you ever think like when you're walking down the street or whatever Do you ever think that there are people who who purposely create obstructions because they get pleasure from being in the way? Yes Yeah, I think that too and I I don't know if that's me being a dick or if that's true But I mean people stop for a conversation at the top of an escalator. Yes. What the fuck are you doing? Yeah, they do it to sort of let you know, they don't give a fuck. It's part of it It's a passive aggressive thing. Yeah, and they want you to ask them to move
Starting point is 01:37:07 And then they can get like oh I have a narcissistic trick for dealing with those people. I think to myself Maybe they're angels pretending to be people slowing me down because they know if I keep on this track too long I'm gonna end up like in a freak accident I Think there's an anvil falling from the sky. I don't think they're angels But I do think like there's reasons for like like traffic stops and you know like lane changes that don't make any sense When all the lanes are forced to merge
Starting point is 01:37:40 But if you got there ahead the traffic would be going much faster and then this collision would have occurred And that makes you feel a little better. I love these mind tricks, man I think that I think that like that we the idea is Get in control of your mind as much as you can So when the mind starts spitting out stupid things like god This fucking bitch and her goddamn change. Look at her slowing everything down. You can't stop that That's gonna that's gonna happen. That's just the part of your mind that's habituated You absorb that from some person a long time ago. You can't stop it, but you can
Starting point is 01:38:16 Turn it around so that it doesn't give you ulcers or it doesn't make your fist clench That's where you start working or breathing or just trying to be there in the moment with it You won't fix it all at once, but it's goddamn better than doing what most people do Which is get on their fucking phones and like check their goddamn instagram and rage You know numb it out numb it out everyone numbs it out when you see people working at their phones You it's the same thing as when you see ostriches sticking their hand in the set head in the sand It's the same phenomena. Isn't this along the lines of what we've been talking about a lot lately though That you you almost have to have
Starting point is 01:38:53 Something that sucks so that you appreciate something that's awesome You almost have to have these ridiculous examples of Just the bizarre nature of humanity in order to appreciate beauty in order to appreciate cool friends in order to appreciate fun Actually be in the moment when you're having fun Like you to really appreciate cool moments and cool conversations and cool people You almost have to know a slew of cunts just so that you can differentiate between what's amazing. What's not It's like it flowers it you can't appreciate hot unless you experience cold Like it's the best shower i've ever taken was in montana after no shower for a week
Starting point is 01:39:34 We talked about that last time on your podcast greatest shower i've ever taken in my life Why is it because i'd had the opposite for so long? I appreciated him in an intense way to the to this deck and feel that shower But i took one this morning and i fucking feel that one because that one's normal It's california. It's 80 degrees outside already. So i took a shower or whatever There's a big god damn difference between that montana shower and this shower montana showers They're fine. You know getting back to breaking up with people you guys are talking about I i mean i don't i don't want to sound holier than that or whatever
Starting point is 01:40:07 But i i haven't had that kind of a breakup Might have been worse in a sense because every woman i've broken up with i i still loved her And she still loves me, you know, wow, that's deep i've had that that's a rough one. It's rough That's a rough when you think about them sometimes Well, i'm still friends with them. Yeah, you know with both of the women i'm thinking of it and it's like Uh, yeah, it hurts a lot more But i think we're talking about distractions and i think what a lot of people do At the end of relationships is it's so painful
Starting point is 01:40:42 It's so painful because you're looking at someone you've shared Potentially years of your life with and you've loved and who's loved you and you're saying Okay, this is ending right and so the anger is the anesthesia The anger is to deaden the pain in a way because that way you can blame her and she blames you and you're all pissed off And being pissed off enables you to ignore the sadness which hurts more than Anger sometimes sometimes chicks are fucking withdrawing money from your bank account and talking shit about you behind your back All right, let's not get crazy sometimes bitches are deflating your tires You go out there five minutes after her in the morning and your fucking tires are flat and her car's gone
Starting point is 01:41:26 Dude, you did make some bad decisions. That didn't happen to me. I'm just painting a scenario That experience, I think it's the It's like the greatest and most awful thing when you Realize that a person is past beyond this Event horizon and that there's no coming. There's no real going back. Yeah, sure You could do like what we were talking about earlier, which is like from time to time You end up humping somebody that you've broken up with and some drunken moment and there's all I mean, I can remember
Starting point is 01:42:01 Ages ago one of my like we were saying At the shooting range as men will talk about fucking in between shooting guns We were we were talking about How breakup sex can be so incredible and I can remember, you know at one point many years ago A girl that I had split up with You're smiling It was it was no this is one of the greatest weirdest sexual moments ever when we got back together temporarily
Starting point is 01:42:31 I remember she's giving me a blowjob And crying at this like she's crying while she's giving me head and like I want to cry too Because it's like we used to have like really great sex, but now we know there's no repairing this like we're just doing this out of our own like Desire to feel that thing that was so special, but you can't get it back It's way gone way down the river of time So we're just going to this like physical Is an attempt to get back to that place. We're using this physical reminder of that incredible moment Oh, it's so hot. It's so awesome and so painful and beautiful
Starting point is 01:43:07 And and and and wonderful though. That's the thing man Every this is this is the thing in buddhism they talk about attraction and aversion And these two things are considered hindrances Attraction and aversion are both hindrances. So when you're When you're when there's something you're afraid of being around or something that you that you can't accept or don't want to be near Traffic for example traffic. I am traffic averse I hate getting into traffic when I'm in traffic. I try to imagine I'm not in traffic. My mind goes elsewhere I just want to get the fuck off the interstate and get where I'm going
Starting point is 01:43:40 So all those stretches of time that I'm in traffic These are stretches where I'm not really there because I just want to avoid it as much as I can that's aversion The other side of that is if I'm driving because I want to go see this girl That I'm just hooking up with her that I'm really into now that I'm attracted Look at you. You're getting off. I'm going. It's intense. I'm going over there. Now. I'm bouncy. So now I've Now I've got this little piece of the universe that I've decided Is special and another piece of the universe that I've decided is shit And both of these are considered hindrances because what I've done is I've taken the
Starting point is 01:44:15 Infinite phenomena that I exist within and I've put a grid around it And there's parts of the grid that are great parts of the grid that are bad And the whole time I'm either running to get to one part of the grid Or trying to get off another part of the grid and the the idea is that you can actually Love everything the entire grid the traffic the breakup sex the cancer the winning Winning the lottery losing everything like what you're saying what these people are doing You can you can actually everything that comes to you is you you can experience it as though You were having this beautiful conversation with the most intelligent entity
Starting point is 01:44:59 In the universe, which is what we're surrounded by and part of I love that idea I think that's a great way to shift things around you can be fascinated and grateful at all times Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I believe it can't do it, but I like to believe it might be bullshit because goddamn I hate traffic and I have enjoyed breakup sex But you know, I'm still you know, I'm I'm I'm just like the cat following the laser beam myself, but um But you're enjoying it and that's the difference you're enjoying this whole experience whatever it is whatever sort of Of creation dance we're doing we're all interacting each other Changing information talking having experiences together and then creating things on our own individually and together
Starting point is 01:45:44 You know, there's a there's a book by Louis Thoreau's father. His name is paul thorough. It's a great writer I saw him on your show. Yeah a couple months ago His father's like a really big time writer and he uh, he wrote a book called my secret history Which is about when he was in the peace corps in Africa It sort of goes from his childhood in boston Through when he wrote his first big bestselling book his first book was a huge bestseller. It's called the the great Railway bazaar. I think it's uh, he's on the train that goes I think uh, the trans uh, what's it called that that the famous the orion express, you know
Starting point is 01:46:20 He takes this train. Anyway, he he was in the peace corps in africa He was living in this village where everybody was like super sexual and relaxed and he was banging his students And you know, he like tells this whole story of his life very interesting But I remember at one point he says The great the the great gift that I have is when I look back on my life at the times when I was happy I knew I was happy And most people they look back and they didn't know it at the time. That's huge man. Yeah, that's huge And trying to enjoy the moment before you've reached your goals is also very difficult for people
Starting point is 01:46:54 Yes, the moment you sit down to eat pause You're about to eat smell it, you know, like yeah, I really enjoy the experience Don't start talking to me about that fucking salmon. Don't talk to me about britney spears. God damn it I don't give a fuck of her and kind of kevin fetter liner back together I don't care. I don't either. I don't want to hear about it. Oh, she has a cute kid So I'm gonna have to leave pretty soon, I don't want to I don't want to shut this down No, I gotta be culver city at 6 30. What time do I have to leave? Safely
Starting point is 01:47:28 You need about 45 minutes. All right, so I got another 20 we can we can roll. I just wanted to I wanted to say when you were talking about the shower and how awesome that is after camping trip All right, the thing I've been thinking about lately is the moment like of death And how maybe this whole thing is a camping trip for god where it's that exact same feeling times 700 Billion where the moment like you're finally it's dying and then exactly at that moment you remember Oh Oh I created this is me. I'm actually like I'm actually
Starting point is 01:48:04 I'm actually the creator of all things and I got lost in this tiny little bit of my creation for a second And wow now I can do anything again. This is amazing Alan Watts talks about this where god eventually after being able to do everything for an infinite amount of time Would once in a while be like I don't know what it's like when I forget. I'm god And then that's what we are, you know, you know these peanut hot people I was talking about earlier One of the interesting things he says is that they believe they don't think dreams aren't real They think that dreaming and being awake are just two different ways of seeing that are both equally relevant and real What do you think about that if you take alpha brain? I believe it take alpha brain and go to sleep
Starting point is 01:48:47 You do have a weird dream. Oh my god any form of acetylcholine take Choline and then go to sleep. You'll have the most durable vivid dreams Oh man, if you're a fan of bizarre dreams, you ever do lucid dreaming I have not Practice it like a discipline where I sat out and tried to do it But maybe for a few weeks for a few weeks I did a very very rudimentary thing that I saw in that movie what the bleep do we know Where this guy was talking about lucid dreaming and here's a way to induce
Starting point is 01:49:15 A lucid state while dreaming you should make a habit of going through every doorway and knocking on the doorway As you walk through and go is this real or am I dreaming? And touch it. Is this real or am I dreaming and make it a thing that you do every time you go through a door If you can make it a thing you do it'll become programmed into your mind And once it becomes programmed into your mind, it'll manifest itself in your dreams So in the middle of my dream, I go is this real or am I dreaming my hand was going right through the wall and I was going Oh, shit. I'm dreaming. You did it. Wow. This is crazy looking at the backs of your hands is another one You've done this. You're a lucid dreamer. I've done it. Yeah, I don't do it regularly. I've done it too, man
Starting point is 01:49:53 I did it too. I read this book when I was in high school I got really into journeys out of the body by Robert Monroe, which is this guy who figured out how to do astral projection Which is just lucid dreaming. I think but man, it's it's it is Fucking scary, man. It's scary when you wake up in a dream sometimes It's almost like if you ever had that fear when you wake up in a dream, chris Uh, no, I like waking up in dreams I I but you reminded me when you talked about this you're reminding me of Maybe this will like be a distraction. But I I was uh, another one of these situations where
Starting point is 01:50:33 I took acid I was in Manhattan. I was a college student and my professor and I went to Manhattan for the weekend and I had some acid And he was like, you know, he knew new york and he was like, well, let's go. Let's oh, let's look at a film Oh, they're louis boon well films. Let's take some acid and go to a boon well film, right? You guys ever seen a boon well film? No, no boon well was a friend of salvador dollies And he was one of the founders of surrealism. I didn't know this, right? So we take some acid and we go up near columbia to the cinema and we we're sitting there watching this movie and It's called the discrete charm of the bourgeoisie that opens with this couple getting ready for a party in a mansion
Starting point is 01:51:15 And they go upstairs and and the the minister starts to arrive and some other They're all very upper-class people arriving and the the maids are seeing the minister And meanwhile there the couple is almost dressed and then the guy decides he wants to fuck her And she's like, oh, we can't we can't oh, yeah They'll hear us no and so that you see them crawl out the window This is a film from the early 50s. I think maybe 40s And then the the next scene is them in the party with all these rich people and the woman's got like grass in her hair Because he's been fucking her out and but everybody like ignores that it doesn't talk about it
Starting point is 01:51:49 And they're passing around canapes and all these fancy people and you see the canapes are like a little piece of bread with A bleeding chunk of like meat with hair on it and they're all eating and the blood's running down their mouth It's fucking insane And i'm tripping and I think like i'm losing it, right? It was like, I didn't know I didn't know anything about surrealism And there's a scene in it where Like in the middle of this story it cuts to this dude In bed with a woman and he wakes up and she says what happened. He says, oh Oh my god, I was just dreaming and then the movie continues from there and then it happens again
Starting point is 01:52:28 So it's like a dream inside a dream. It's like waking life. Yeah, it's that and that is the idea And I like I think every time you gain a realization You are kind of born again like when you get uh when you get something added to your understanding of the universe That transforms the whole universe that is a death You know and I and it does make sense that the more those things start happening the more your old self starts to die Yeah, and and we should we should we should welcome death This is the problem in america one of the problems in american society that we've got this forever young attitude And we don't understand that deaths of former selves are necessary to the birth of greater selves
Starting point is 01:53:09 Yeah, and yes, exactly and the more you try to stop that it's like you can't the more you're trying to to to not Operate from where you're actually at that's the problem is you'll realize all these things and then you'll keep acting According to the way you're acting when you hadn't realized all these things That's where you can get really get miserable the chinese say to know And not change is not to have known Wow, you're saying if you know then you'll definitely change if you keep acting The way you did before you understood then you don't really understand I think some people understand and keep acting the way that they're they were acting because they're afraid to change
Starting point is 01:53:44 Because the people they around won't let them change or if they change then they have to get rid of a lot of people in their lives So they have to pretend that they don't understand they have to act dumb It's like sometimes people will have like a Older brother that is will like kick the or a dad that'll kick the shit out of them if they act too smart So they have to act dumber than their dad or they have to act dumber than their brother You know what i'm saying like they have to put on a show Of being dumb because if they if like they threaten any of these morons around them the morons will start like abusing them Well, how many women have to do that in their life? How many women have to do that around men when you can't black people
Starting point is 01:54:21 Yeah, you know during slavery But with women today like there's there's certain men will get upset if they get corrected on certain information So a woman has to like cater to a guy. Oh, there's some men. They have to cater to the guy's ego Where you can't tell him he's wrong about something because you know, he's fucking he's a man and men Are sometimes dangerous. Just keep me at the level of dumb. I am right now darling, please Don't tell me anything. Well, it's the people that feel like being corrected. Is it a direct affront to their own intelligence? It's not that there's some information that we all get wrong occasionally It doesn't make you better or worse. The way it makes you better or worse is how you react to it
Starting point is 01:55:00 The way you're reacting to it is the fucking worst case scenario You're getting angry that someone gave you some knowledge You know, you're getting angry because it's coming from a woman who's giving you that I told you so Look and you know, you want to hit her because you're fucking crazy douchebag Isn't nuts. Yeah, it's nuts. It's nuts how how truth of verse people are some are fucking So attached to their ideas. Yeah, it's it's it's really incredibly sad But again, you can't really deal with those people. You can only work on yourself That's the point. You can only deal with where where how are you like that?
Starting point is 01:55:34 That's the question find where you are like that and just start dealing with that. What what are truths? You're not digesting. What are you not willing to accept? You know, a lot of times people don't want to accept They're getting older, you know, a lot of times people don't want to accept. They're aging people don't want to accept it there Family is aging people don't want to accept that There's a lot of stuff like that where the moment you just stop resisting and accept it The pain goes away. I'm reading a beautiful little book right now called travels with Epicurus And you know Epicurus was the you know, Epicureanism is derived from his name, right? But he was an ancient Greek philosopher who believed that the highest good was pleasure
Starting point is 01:56:14 But pleasure that leads to happiness not pleasure that leads to suffering right and and you know, he arrived at this with a very philosophical arguments and discussions But anyway, this book is cool. It's an American guy. You've got to be in his early 70s and he was like, all right I'm old, you know, I look around me and my friends are either dead Or they're pretending they never will die He talks about one guy who had testosterone testosterone patches and seolus and he's like, you know doing everything he can to To rejuvenate himself or whatever and this guy says, fuck it. I'm gonna go to this island This little Greek island that he'd been too many times throughout his life
Starting point is 01:56:53 And I'm gonna hang out there because Old people seem really happy there and I want to figure out why What is it about being old on this little island hydra in Greece that makes me happy? It's beautiful book. It's meditations on what is age, you know, how how what what does it mean to get old and his thing is like Fuck if I pass through, you know, we're all gonna get to that stage if we survive of like old old like fucked up old Right. Yes, and a lot of people go from hey, everything's cool. I'm working hard. I'm too old old It without passing through
Starting point is 01:57:29 This period of freedom and real and happiness of just old where it's like, hey, I'm old. I'm too old to die young I don't need to fucking stress about shit. I can hang out I could play with my dog and my grandkids or whatever You know, I've seen some shit He says epicurus says that it's not the young who's Whose wanderings are full of torment and and and change that are happy It's the old who have harbored their ships They've brought their ship into the harbor and their happiness is protected and regret
Starting point is 01:58:00 Regret the regret that you know, it's really just the inability to live in the moment. Yes That's living in the moment. Whether you're old or young is essentially the same thing. Just you are alive right now Just maybe your body has some limitations. Maybe nobody wants to fuck you anymore other than that You're alive right now But I'll tell you this if you're in the moment and you really Really connected the moment and that is the moment. I think they would make the moment illegal if they could I think the moment would be something that you could get arrested for being in too long because it's such a revolutionary place to be in the moment
Starting point is 01:58:34 All your troubles vanish and the moment blah the troubles go away The moment you'd go to the left or to the right past or future the moment you think about stuff like that That's where you start getting an ingestion the moment. You're right there in the fucking moment. Bam It's beautiful and incredible and and if you're there and you're somebody who maybe isn't getting Intimacy from other people, but you master being in that place. I think you're gonna start getting laid I think you're gonna start I think you're gonna start meeting people that are gonna want to have sex with you and they might not even know why But the reason they want to have sex with you is because they recognize that you are walking
Starting point is 01:59:11 The razor's edge you're on the path You're there and they want that if they're like so many people are lost in the cemetery of the past Just filled with all these thoughts of that are just replicas phantoms of things that are long gone so many people Sorry, okay, so many people. I think their sexuality is You know this gets back to desire and the buddhist tradition and all that But their society is about wanting to get something from their their sexualities about wanting to get something from someone else Right. I want to get into her pants. I want to get pleasure from her, right?
Starting point is 01:59:47 Yeah, and I think one of the mistakes that young men often make is that they They get stuck in that way of thinking because they're so full of testosterone and desire, right Instead of thinking I I'm just gonna cultivate some shit in me That she's gonna want that they're gonna want Let me be the one that they come to with the desire as opposed to me always being the one But that's the wisdom of a man who's lived a long and fruitful life coming out of your mouth That you're talking to a testosterone jockey who's in his teens who has no business with this fucking Dynamic machine that he's been giving
Starting point is 02:00:23 It's pump full of jet fuel and a dick that gets hard as a crowbar when the fucking breeze cracks through your zipper You're enchanted all day by different thoughts of mouths and vaginas and tits that you can ejaculate on Hands on your balls while you jerk off under her dress Not just nightmarish scenarios flooding through your mind because they're so intense with the hormonal vibrations to say Hey, you just need to become someone who people want to have sex with like well Hey, but okay, but some of those dudes take that energy and they learn to play guitar Yes, you're so right so they can get pussy or tell jokes No question. No question. All I did was wait to get old
Starting point is 02:01:08 And it worked That's hilarious though. You don't have to that's the thing you don't have to wait to get old You don't have to wait to get young either You can do it right now because that's the fountain of youth. This is the funny You know, this is the story of uh, this is the outchemical quest trying to turn lead into gold finding the fountain of youth Finding paradise getting back into the Garden of Eden and everyone Searching for it and then finally realizing that oh, shit. It's inside of me. It's not outside of me It's that realization that it's it's here right now
Starting point is 02:01:43 And that's a crazy thing. You don't have to be An old or a middle-aged guy who's like taking a bunch of acid to realize that you can be Filled with the vigor and testosterone And all of the live vibrancy or the estrogen or the whatever your youth is giving you Additionally to the present moment. You can actually channel that I mean, how old was how old was buddha when he found realization? Who knows? I mean, that's just a story. Well, I'll say for the sake of this. He was 17. Okay Well, you know, I don't believe in buddha. I just made it up
Starting point is 02:02:20 I don't believe he's real. You don't believe he's real. I don't believe he's some magic person that had any answers I think he's uh An ideal you don't think he's a real person. I think there was a his there was a Historic buddha because they don't say like Jesus, right? They don't there's not like he wasn't like walking in water My my thoughts on almost all historical characters past x mile thousand years ago is that they're most likely about bullshit You know, that's what the pinaha said this this missionary when he was with them He was trying to tell him about Jesus, right? And they were like, did you know jesus? He's like, no, no, he lived a long time ago. They said, did your father know jesus? No, no
Starting point is 02:03:00 End of conversation 23 years they never They went to and they're like, hey, dude, we like you you're fine, but we don't want to hear anymore about jesus There was a gingus con. Sure. And there was only 1200. That's 1200 ad. That's actually not that long There were pharaohs. Sure. So like we know that they're like powerful People who existed a long time ago. I like no just my thoughts are just that when you start talking about a historical figure and the The events this historical figure participated in and you're going back to like literally a time before writing or around the time We're writing was first created like Boy, you know, that story gets quite sketchy, you know when you start talking about
Starting point is 02:03:40 The the different Sumerian gods that they you know discussed in the Sumerian texts and all the different versions of what happened to their heroes and What happened to gilgamesh, you know in the epic of gilgamesh? I've never heard. I've definitely heard people Say that there was no jesus and the reason they say that is because he appears to be this combination of all these preceding mythologies I've never heard somebody say that there was no historic buddha. I've it's like I I've always just accepted That there was this person like Confucius or Lao Zhu the person who wrote the dadi Qing I've just accepted that there is a
Starting point is 02:04:18 Historic version of them and it's easier to do because it's because with buddha There's not a lot of I mean there's the story of his enlightenment, but that is just pretty much universally accepted as a Flowery metaphor, right, right, right. Yeah, well, that's sort of what I'm saying. You say I don't trust what we're talking about Yeah, yeah, I think he was a prince. What year was he? About 2,500 Years ago, and his name is guatama buddha. I'm a guatama. I spell that Guatama GAU TAMA. Yes. Yeah Buddha means the awakened one or the enlightened one
Starting point is 02:04:57 But if you think about it, if the guy really did exist, it was a little bit before gingers con It was uh, five to 63 bc to uh, 483 bce Yeah, I mean there's there's a little more there's a lot of mythology attached to him But I think that he there was definitely a figure back then it was this kind of super philosopher who Boiled everything down to this because it's like in buddhism. They don't say listen if you just believe in buddha You will gain realization It's something you you have to read it
Starting point is 02:05:26 You have to actually read the stuff that it's talking about But also it's kind of a moot point in the sense that buddha himself supposedly said don't get hung up on me This isn't about me. There are many buddhas. There are many teachers Unfortunately, no written records about guatama have ever been found during his lifetime or several centuries thereafter The gandahar in buddhist texts the oldest surviving buddhist manuscripts reported to have found in or around hada near jala laba well jala la bad In uh, eastern afghanistan and preserved in the british library today was written
Starting point is 02:06:04 in the kharatoshi kharas so well k-h-a-r-o-s-t-h-i script and the gandahar in language On 27 birch Bark scrolls from the first century bce to the third century c e
Starting point is 02:06:24 So that should have been well after he was alive and dead Huh? Well, I don't know We've got to wrap it up chris ryan. I got a run. That's uh fascinating. It's interesting stuff though Whether he existed or not, you know, I don't care if he existed or not I don't care if he was a floating unicorn that could Swing through trees, but as an ideal it's always been something that people have consistently brought up So it lives on whether it was a real person or not. Maybe even more so Well, the noble truths of buddhism are still there the precepts are still there and that's that's that is definitely
Starting point is 02:07:00 Primary to whoever the person was that said it whether it's one person or a secretive group of people that made up a person It still came from the human mind and it's still life changing god damn I don't mean to end on some proselytizing It's an awesome note, man. We never talked about should we talk about hookers? I saw I I got I got an email I saw golden buddhas during one of my t at dmt trips I know infinite fractal of golden buddhas in this very position in the lotus position Looking exactly like that floating all around me. Wow. It was one of the trippiest things ever But that that image I think that I really have a firm belief that a lot of the eastern
Starting point is 02:07:39 Iconic imagery that we associate with religions a lot of that exists in psychedelic dimensions And it's representative much like alex graze work you look at it and you immediately think of tryptamine dimensions I look at that stuff and I immediately remember Certain images that I've seen while tripping that I think that's not because I knew those images existed I think maybe those images existed inside of these psychedelics and these geometric patterns that are sort of recreating in these You know Sacred states and these sacred images these sacred geometric images that they really are sacred Where they really do exist in another dimension you pull them out and recreate them and when you look at the buddha
Starting point is 02:08:19 You look at a golden buddha statue you go Ah, it's like almost like you see that thing in your mind that's in you representative of enlightenment That's what they say man. They say it is inside of you. I believe that Let's do prostitutes On you. Let's start your pasta. Let's start your podcast talking about prostitutes chris ryan tangentially speaking How can people find you? At chris ryan phd on twitter and my my website is chris ryan phd.com and guys joe rogan at joe rogan on twitter joe rogan.net
Starting point is 02:08:54 And um, i'm sure you guys know how to find him. Thanks. Thanks so much you guys Thanks for listening pals that was shrimp raid if you enjoyed this give us a nice rating on itunes and please go through our amazon portal Hare Krishna

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