Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 220: 6 Pro-Tips for *RAPID* Physique Change

Episode Date: September 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome in everybody to a special Sunday recording of the dynamic dialogue podcast. As always, I'm your host Danny Matranga and today I am recording before the first weekend of Sunday NFL football. schlacked on Thursday night football's opener. It just looked terrible, looked rusty. But Saturday had a lot of great college football. Sunday has a lot of great football. And if you know me, you know I love football. But before those 10 a.m. games kicked off, I wanted to sit down and record a podcast about building your best physique in a time crunch, taking your physique to the next level. Basically, wherever you're at in your fitness journey, if you're new to this, if you've been chipping away at it for a while, you're in a routine, you're even more on that advanced side where you're training perhaps four to six days a week. You've been doing this for a long time. There are six pro tips that I've got
Starting point is 00:01:00 that I think you can implement in the short run, nothing crazy. You can implement in the short run to really take your physique to the next level. What got me thinking about this was the fact that I'm going to Cancun for Christmas, or I guess I should say it's more for Thanksgiving. And, uh, it's last week in November, first week of December, and I'm going to Hawaii in February. So those are two tropical destinations about three months apart. And I'm sitting right now, September 11th. I'd like to build some muscle going into perhaps the end of September and then get a little bit leaner through October and the early part of November and then maintain that through the winter. And I was thinking, okay, if I can maintain that between two trips, I'm going to have to do six things pretty
Starting point is 00:01:49 religiously. I'm going to have to do six things that I've done in the past that I've done with clients. I'm doing this actively with some of the clients I work with at Core Coaching Method. That's my coaching company. If you're looking to, again, get assistance taking your physique to the next level, if you want a custom program, something built for you, fitness coaching, nutrition coaching, lifestyle coaching, programming, all baked into one easy, non-invasive coaching relationship, that's kind of what we champion. Obviously, working with a coach would be highly beneficial if you're looking to change your physique, but I'm going to share a lot of those tactics actually with you here today, share a lot of what it is that we've done in short term, kind of like as a short term plan in the short term, I should say, to help people really
Starting point is 00:02:33 develop the best physique they can in a short timeframe. That's not ridiculous, unhealthy, bad for you or unsustainable. I do think there are a few high leverage switches that you can flip on that can really help you overhaul your physique. So the first thing that I'm doing, so this is to take your physique from where it's at now to the best it could be in maybe two to three months without doing anything unhealthy, like the antithetical bodybuilding prep, bodybuilding prep. Like you want to look a little better for something coming up, save this episode, come back to it before you do anything crazy, before you do anything overly restrictive. Cause what we're going to talk about here are mostly health promoting behaviors. Okay. So the first thing is stop writing your own workout program. Now,
Starting point is 00:03:20 the reason that I say this is because as somebody who's been doing this for an awful long time, I've outsourced my programming before. I've done my own programming before. I've helped clients set up their own programming after we've kind of helped them fly off on their own. And one thing I've noticed consistently with clients, with myself, with other coaches, is we get into a rhythm with our programming and we kind of lean more into the stuff we love to do that's comfortable that might even be low output not always consciously
Starting point is 00:03:54 most of the time subconsciously we just gravitate more towards what's comfortable we get in a rhythm and routine and a couple weeks if not months can go by where our training outputs come down, right? And remember for drastic physique change, you are going to have to have some pretty intentional, deliberate, challenging sessions. Like you're so much better off pushing closer to failure, not all the way to failure, but closer to failure. If in fact you want to develop a physique that looks more muscular. Even if you're just training for body fat reduction, right, a powerful training stimulus at the level of the muscle will help you maintain that muscle. And that's so, so huge for actually liking the physique
Starting point is 00:04:36 you have at the end of the process, being at a metabolically healthy position, right? You do not want to lose muscle ever. It's actually a name for that. It's sarcopenia. And your doctor will tell you when you hit about 50, 60, a lot of women and men start to deal with sarcopenia or muscle loss from lack of activity and kind of a shifting hormone profile that makes it harder to spare protein or hold onto muscle. And you do not want to have that happen ever. So if you consistently write your own programs or you consistently go to the gym and do the same routine, and it's something that you're very comfortable with, having somebody take over in that department, whether it's hiring a coach, whether it's joining a training app like the one that we have at Core Coaching Method,
Starting point is 00:05:17 Elite Physique or Home Heroes, whether it's working out with a friend, this is a great one that's free, working out with a friend who's a little bit more advanced than you and perhaps might even have a little bit that you could learn from if you're comfortable doing that and saying, hey, I'd like to join you and see what I might be able to pick up from you. You can buy a PDF workout plan online. Those resources tend to be pretty inexpensive as well. We offer those. You can find those, like I said, online from a lot of different content creators who do a really good job. The point here is if you're calling the shots, there's a very good chance that you might have just kind of subconsciously gravitated towards training that's more comfortable. And I know this from experience. I do this. I've seen many other
Starting point is 00:05:59 coaches do this. I've seen many clients have a tendency to do this. It's just what people tend to do. We tend to optimize for a lack of discomfort. We were rather optimized for a, you know, abundance of comfort. So when somebody else is calling the shots, it's going to put you through your paces in some ways. Perhaps it's not difficult enough for your fitness level and you need to recalibrate, but oftentimes it will at least pull you away from things that you've become overly comfortable with. This is why every four weeks in pretty much all of the programming me and my company do, you're going to see some shift in exercise selection, some shift in rep range, maybe even stimulus type. If we're shifting from hypertrophic to maybe more nervous system strength, or maybe to something that's a little bit more metabolic in what it's asking of the body. Perhaps we up the aerobic demands of the block down, you know, pull down
Starting point is 00:06:51 on the anaerobic demands of the block. If, you know, depending on where you're at with your fitness level, that might seem like it's overkill, but we make some switches. We change things up. We mix things around every four to five weeks to keep people sane, to keep them from getting too comfortable to introduce, you know, different loading profiles of, hey, there's a lot of shortened positioned exercises in this block. Let's do lengthened positioned exercises. Hey, if this block was really promoting a lot of exercise with a limited range of motion, let's do exercises that promote a greater range of motion.
Starting point is 00:07:23 These kinds of things are quite simple. And we oftentimes sell ourselves short in this area with our own programming. And so if you're working on a shorter timeframe, getting somebody else on board to help you get outside that comfort zone and quite frankly, get you to a place where you're demanding more of your body, that's going to be a very effective stimulus, especially for those of you who are more intermediate to advanced. I think that that's really important to consider for you newbies out there. This might not be something that makes a huge difference because you're very sensitive, but for insensitive to the stimulus, I should say not emotionally sensitive. Perhaps you're
Starting point is 00:08:00 emotionally sensitive. If you are, that's probably a good thing. But more in the sense that for a novice, most any resistance training program will stimulate growth for a decent amount of time. For those who have been chipping away at the metaphorical block of marble for a little bit longer, they're going to need a stimulus that is, let's call it, substantially more intense and they will become sense desensitized more quickly due to being again, just so, uh, you know, so well-trained relative to a novice. So what they're going to basically be aiming to do is really throw a wrench in this thing so that they don't fall victim to their own comfort profile and they get on with their training in a productive way. Okay. Number two, and this is again, this is another training tip, but this is a big time
Starting point is 00:08:50 physique changer in my opinion. Again, some of this is anecdotes. So please don't take anything that I'm saying to be a gospel or like the only truth. There are certainly, these are certainly anecdotal pieces of evidence. But I think you'll find that if you have not been training to failure often, adding a little bit of failure training into your program, meaning where perhaps you take the last set of every exercise to failure with a weight that allows for failure to occur between eight and 12 reps. This is something that I truly, truly like to do. And on isolation exercises, you can move that range up from 12 to 15 reps. But if I'm not doing this in my training, if I do three sets of an exercise, I will add a fourth
Starting point is 00:09:38 set where I go to failure, eight to 10 on compounds, 12 to 15 on isolation exercises. If I can find a compound machine exercise, I might go for something like 10 to 20. And if I can find an isolation exercise that just feels great to get a nasty pump, maybe I'll go as high as 30. But the point is, I am training to a point of fatigue where I cannot do any more reps. Maybe it's because the reps are so high. The pump is so nasty. The metabolic byproducts are just getting to a point where I've got to quit. Maybe it's so heavy that I can no longer lift it with good form. Both of those failure points are okay. But injecting this into your program is really really awesome way to get yourself going to to start to add a little bit more of what will again break you out of a pattern of desensitization if you're not doing a lot of failure training which i think many people have a tendency to do
Starting point is 00:10:39 injecting a couple sets here and there and now I want you to really hear what I'm saying. You don't need to inject these sets to failure after every single exercise. It can just be the compounds. It can be the isolations. It can be the ones that are kind of tethered to the muscles you most want to develop. You don't have to do it for every set by all means, but maybe recalibrate your failure detector, if you will. Give it a system update so you're very much aware of what the intensity needs to look like for you to continue to be successful in the gym. And I think that throwing one or two sets to failure in there is a really, really reasonable way to get yourself in a rhythm on that. And here's another pro tip.
Starting point is 00:11:26 If you want to keep it really simple, you can actually use body weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, assisted pull-ups, walking lunges, air squats, and train them through a super full range of motion. I find that not only are these effective sets to failure, they tend to be insanely safe due to the fact that there's not a lot of external resistance. You can really get a nasty pump. And again, this is less about even that. It's more about can you get your brain to remember what really hard training looks like? Because I think sometimes the best answer for, hey, I got to really get after it in the short term. If I want to hit my physique goal and I don't have a ton of time or
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm limited on my time, or I'd like the time I do have to be efficient. You got to get after it. You got to take the lid off. You got to go for it. And so these are two things you can do to really help you do that, which is get out of your own way on the programming side and work sets to failure in with machines, with free weights, with dumbbells, with body weight exercises by either tacking a couple sets on here and there, doing some body weight stuff or drop setting where perhaps on the last set you perform a drop set and just that drop becomes a failure set. Very, very many good ways to approach this. These are the two quickest and easiest to implement in my opinion. Hey guys, taking a break from the action to tell you about one of our favorite new sponsors, Underdog Fantasy. If you're like me, you love sports. Sports was actually how
Starting point is 00:12:56 I got into fitness in the first place. And one of my favorite things to do when I'm not working out or working with my clients is watch and engage in sports with my friends. Underdog is the best fantasy sports app out there for best ball and for pick them. If you like football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, WNBA, UFC, boxing, underdog has something exciting for you. You can bet on your favorite teams. You can bet on your favorite players in the easiest and simplest way to engage at a higher level with sports. It's so much fun to be able to do a pick them with a player from the NBA team I like and from the NFL team I like. Do you think LeBron James is going to have more or less than 22 and a half points? Do you think Steph Curry is going to make more or less than four and a half threes? Whether or not you are an avid sports fan or you just like sports recreationally,
Starting point is 00:13:49 underdog fantasy is an amazingly fun way to engage with sports, to take your sports watching experience to the next level. And ladies, if you like sports, but you don't love them, but your man does, make an underdog account, have fun with him. I promise you it will bring you guys closer together. It is an absolute blast. I do it all the time with my friends and my family. It's simple. It's easy to understand. With Pick'Em, you can pick two players to three times your entry, three players to six times your entry, four players to 10 times your entry, and up to five players to 20 times your entry. So you pick five players on your favorite teams. You pick the stat line over or under bet five bucks, win 120 X your money. So many cool ways to play. There's also best ball
Starting point is 00:14:31 as we get closer to fantasy where you can draft teams against your friends or against other people on underdog for your shot at millions of dollars in prizes. This is definitely one of my favorite things to do when I am playing or watching sports. I love underdog and you can go to the app store today, download underdog, enter the promo code Danny, and they will match your first deposit up to a hundred dollars. You'll have a blast playing underdog all season long. Back to the action. What's going on guys, taking a break from this episode to tell you a little bit about my coaching company, Core Coaching Method. More specifically, our app-based
Starting point is 00:15:11 training. We partnered with Train Heroic to bring app-based training to you using the best technology and best user interface possible. You can join either my Home Heroes team, or you can train from home with bands and dumbbells, or Elite Physique, which is a female bodybuilding-focused program where you can train at the gym with equipment designed specifically to help you develop strength, as well as the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and back. I have more teams coming planned for a variety of different fitness levels. But what's cool about this is when you join these programs, you get programming that's updated every single week.
Starting point is 00:15:42 The sets to do, the reps to do, exercise tutorials filmed by me with me and my team. So you'll get my exact coaching expertise as to how to perform the movement, whether you're training at home or you're training in the gym. And again, these teams are somewhat specific. So you'll find other members of those communities looking to pursue similar goals at similar fitness levels. You can chat, ask questions, upload form for form review, ask for substitutions. It's a really cool training community and you can try it completely free for seven days. Just click the link in the podcast description below. Can't wait to see you in the Core Coaching Collective, my app-based training community. Back to the show. Hey guys, taking a break from the show to tell you
Starting point is 00:16:26 about our amazing sports nutrition partner, Legion. Legion makes the best evidence-based formulas for sports performance, sports nutrition, recovery, and fat loss. I don't recommend many supplements. In fact, I think you can get the majority of the nutrition you need from a whole foods diet. But let's be honest, many of us are either on the go and need assistance, or quite frankly, we're not going to settle for average and we want to get the absolute most we can out of our training. So Legion is the company I go to for all of my supplement staples, whether it's creatine, which I get from their product Recharge, my protein that I get from either Whey Plus or Plant Plus, two of the best tasting proteins on the market. They come in a variety of flavors
Starting point is 00:17:09 and they don't have a ton of fillers and gum. Just whey made from grass-fed cows from Ireland in a plant protein blend with a fully comprehensive dose of amino acids. I like to take a pre-workout. Sometimes I like it with caffeine. Sometimes I like to enjoy coffee in the morning and have my pre-workout later without caffeine. Legion makes both. Both the pre-workout with caffeine and without come with a full dosage of clinically effective ingredients like beta alanine, betaine anhydrous, and L-citrulline to help you perform your best. They also make a phenomenal greens powder loaded with one of my favorite things, reishi mushroom, and a men's and women's multivitamin that contain a few different things that men and women might need for their unique physiology. So when you
Starting point is 00:17:48 think of your vitamins, your fish oil, your pre-workout, your protein, all of the things that many of you take every single day, I'd encourage you to check out Legion. They have an amazing line, wonderful products, wonderful flavors, naturally sweetened, no dyes and colors. You can't go wrong. You can shop using the show notes below or by going to legionathletics.com and checking out using the promo code Danny. That will save you 20% and it will actually help you get two times points towards future orders, which you can use the same as cash. Pretty cool, guys. So head over to legionathletics.com and check out using the promo code Danny to save on all your sports supplement needs. Back to the show. We're getting into the
Starting point is 00:18:30 nutritional side of things, and this is definitely the fastest way to overhaul your physique, and that is to eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of lean mass if you're overweight and get some protein in post-workout, getting four protein feedings in minimum per day. So this is taking things to a much higher level, right? We're outside of the rule of 80-20, or 20-80, which is doing the 20% of the stuff that gets you 80% of the work. We're in the tiny minutiae details, the 1%, turning an A from an A+, turning a 78 into a 79. You know, this is small stuff, but it can really make a difference.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And so first things first, eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you are not already doing that, doing that will have a positive effect on your body composition, your appetite. Okay, we'll talk a little bit more about why appetite is so important here. Okay, we'll talk a little bit more about why appetite is so important here. But trust me when I say this, upping the protein is going to be big, big, big for getting the most out of your physique. Crazy thing you can do to take it up 1% from there is to spread that out across for feeding so that you constantly have amino acids available in the bloodstream to facilitate satiety, fullness, to facilitate muscle repair.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Okay. That is taking an A and turning it into an A plus. These are small things that you can do. And then the last one is getting protein in on the bookends of your workout. So a little bit before you train a little bit after you train, you want to give your body every advantage possible. And while those three things are certainly not as important as getting enough protein across the day, right? If you can spread it out into four meals, if you can get a little bit in post-workout and a little bit in pre-workout, those are going to be two really big swaps. And then if you're somebody who hovers more around 100 grams of protein a day mark, which is, think about, you know, kind of the lowest end threshold, like for smaller women, bump it up to 100 grams. If you're larger, go to one gram per pound of
Starting point is 00:20:32 lean body mass. But for most of you, most of you, most of you, I think you should be at one gram per pound of body weight or 0.8 to one gram per pound of body weight. I often give the range of 0.7 to one because that's adequate, but we're really looking at not just upping the protein for muscle growth sense, but upping the protein for satiety. We'll talk a little bit about why we're going to do that when we get to 0.6. Okay. Number four, 0.4 supplement with L-carnitine, creatine, and omega-3. Now, let's start with talking about creatine. We've talked about this many times on the podcast. You guys know I'm a huge, huge shill for creatine. I think it's phenomenal for muscle growth. I think it's phenomenal for recovery. I think if you're not taking it, this is the single biggest supplement that will make a difference in
Starting point is 00:21:25 your physique and the way it looks that is not a steroid, that is a naturally occurring amino acid, okay? That's what we want to see, naturally occurring amino acid. We don't want to see prohormones. We don't want to see SARMs. We don't want to see steroids. This will make a huge difference if you're not taking it. And it only takes about a month for people to reach saturation. So your training should look a little bit better after about a month. I love creatine. It's very, very safe. We've recorded many episodes in this podcast series about creatine, answering questions about creatine. There's a creatine guide on the Core Coaching Method website that you can download and learn more about creatine,
Starting point is 00:22:01 how it might be beneficial for you, if it's safe for you. Here's the spoiler. It's safe for most people. Okay. The next thing I mentioned was L-carnitine, which many people don't think about. But L-carnitine is a supplement that more often than not, people think about as something that can enhance fat loss because the molecule is a rate limiter in fat loss and fatty acid metabolism in the human body, meaning if you don't have enough, maybe taking it could help you burn more fat. But that's not actually why I like carnitine. I like L-carnitine, L-tartrate, which is the most common supplemental form that's used because it's really, really effective for absorption. The cool thing about this one is you just don't get sore when you use L-carnitine, L-tartrate in high enough doses.
Starting point is 00:23:01 There's L-carnitine, L-tartrate and legions recharge product. So that has creatine and L-carnitine, but anytime I'm training a lot harder or I've adjusted my training by either outsourcing it to somebody else, like, like I mentioned, or training more to failure, I find I get way more sore and having L-carnitine, L-tartrate supplementation available and swearing guys, I, it's a immediate difference maker. I even take two scoops of recharge, um, after working out like heavily in my yard. Like for example, I pulled about a yard of gravel in over the weekend out of a truck, which required tons and tons and tons of trips with a wheelbarrow and shoveling. It took about three hours, very exhausting. I had two scoops
Starting point is 00:23:44 of that after, and I woke up surprisingly unsore. Now, a lot of people worry about L-carnitine and TMAO. So one thing that you can do is you can supplement with garlic or odorless garlic when you take your L-carnitine. It tends to be good. Some people will cite evidence that there is a fat loss benefit for L-carnitine. Again, not something I'm a huge, huge fan of. I don't lean into that very much because the evidence appears mixed. And some of the people who I respect more in our space seem to be convinced that it's nothing special for fat loss. It could benefit muscle oxygen supply. It could benefit recovery. It could benefit red blood cell production. It does have positive benefits specifically as it pertains to the actual blood sugar. So it can significantly
Starting point is 00:24:33 reduce blood sugar compared to placebo and type two diabetics, which is interesting. Long story short, not a bad thing to supplement with if you're exercising. If you're worried about conversion to TMAO, you can take odorless garlic with it, which is a very inexpensive supplement. Garlic's just naturally quite rich in nutrients and supplies the body with some pretty good stuff. And the last supplement is omega-3. Again, another great supplement for the health of your joints, feeling good, your cellular health. This is the fatty acid omega-3, right? You get it usually from fish, algae, sometimes krill. These fatty acids are used in cell membranes. They're really, really valuable overall, but they can help reduce,
Starting point is 00:25:10 again, soreness. And at higher dosages, they can help with muscle growth. Not a ton, but a little bit. There's some sparse evidence there. But with harder training, I love the idea of bringing up the available omega-3 I have. So going from a half a gram a day to a full gram a day. There are some contraindications here because these can have a semi-blood thinning effect, but I like to have about a gram to a gram and a half a day of fish oil, omega-3 fish oil, when I'm looking to increase my ability to recover from really, really hard training, take it to the next level and prepare my physique in a short timeframe to look its best again, while still doing health promoting behaviors, giving my body what it needs to buffer
Starting point is 00:25:51 and manage the stress of all of this added training. Okay. Number five, this is something you can do again, very easy that will help you take your physique to the next level. This is for those of you who are training three, four, or five days a week. And this is to add one session a week for specialization work on the muscles that are the most important. So if you want your glutes to pop, you want your delts to pop, you want your back to pop, add one session a week of between 45 to 60 minutes of deliberate volume accumulation for that muscle or those series of muscles. This is work that's probably going to be added on to a really good program already, right? And a coach would just fully dial up this whole experience for you, but you're going to be adding one session
Starting point is 00:26:36 specifically to apply volume and overreach, meaning you go beyond what your body can typically recover from for the muscles that you are the most concerned with their aesthetic look Meaning if you want the delts to pop you add a session a week for delts If you want the glutes to pop you add a session a week for glutes if you want both to pop You do a 50 50 session once a week if you're training three times a week This will make a really big difference training four times a week Don't make a kind of big difference if you're training five days a week again, we're operating on the thinnest of margins. We're talking one to 2% difference, but those are things you can do. Okay. And number six is to do all of these habits
Starting point is 00:27:13 while being in a legitimate fat loss phase, meaning you are going to be in a 500 to 600 calorie per day calorie deficit. For smaller adults, you might be closer to 300, but this is a deliberate fat loss phase that you are going to run for 8 to 12 weeks. I've heard this said many times, and I never believed it until I got screaming lean. And that was when you get lean enough, or when you lose 10 to 15 pounds, you actually look more muscular and more fit. And I believe this to be true because the minute I get my body fat between like, let's say nine and 11% down from maybe where it hovers around 12, or let's say it hovers around 14,
Starting point is 00:27:51 maybe 14, 15%. I really see a big change. And I actually feel like I look bigger. I look better. I'm like, how do I look bigger with 10 pounds off me? And it is just the effect that truly losing body fat has on your physique. It will make most people's physiques look better. I know that this is subjective and I certainly don't want to shame anybody or make anybody feel bad about the way their body currently looks. But the truth is, for most of us, losing 10 pounds of fat would make us look better, more muscular. The frame that we have would present itself better and we'd be more confident with it. And I think that more people would look at that physique and go, wow, that person really works out, which is oftentimes the look we're
Starting point is 00:28:28 going for. We want to see the muscle that's under some body fat. So doing all of this stuff, right? Getting on a harder program, taking some more sets to failure, really upping your protein and being mindful of spacing it out across the day, adding in the right supplements, adding in the extra work, and then pairing that with a deficit. That can be hard on the body. So it's important to get the sleep. It's important to get the hydration, but this is nothing insane that you can't handle. Don't add in a boatload of added cardio, just a shit ton of extra work. Don't starve yourself. Don't think you need to do fasting. Don't think you need to do keto. Don't think you need to remove entire food groups.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Find a deficit. Okay. Calculate your total daily energy expenditure. Get into a deficit. Jack up the protein. Take your training to the next level and do that consistently for six to 12 weeks. Track your macros. Pay attention to your weight trends. Pay attention to your training. And you will see some serious change change even in a short amount of time for well to decently trained individuals. And if you're wondering what it is that those physiques that you see on the internet do that are the best of the best, oftentimes they're doing something like this and pairing it with anabolic steroids to enhance recovery, which maybe isn't a fair thing for you to try to aspire to, but your physique could definitely take it to
Starting point is 00:29:45 the next level. And there's some incredible natural physiques out there. So there's so much to attain and to look for if you are chasing a physique goal. And this is the six things I should say that I would do to really attack that if you were working on an abbreviated timeframe. As always, I'm not a doctor. Be safe. Don't do anything crazy. Not all supplements work for all individuals. Not all supplements are safe for all individuals, but I did try to pick those that I think are the most safe and the most likely to be health promoting in the long run. I want to thank you all so much for tuning in. Remind you to leave a five-star rating and review on iTunes. It makes a huge difference for me. It helps the podcast grow. And I want to let you know that I'll catch you on the next one.

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