Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 235: 9 Tips to Lose Fat WITHOUT Counting Calories

Episode Date: November 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome, everybody, to another episode of the Dynamic Dialogue podcast. As always, I'm your host, Danny Matrenga. And in today's episode, I'm going to be outlining nine tips to help you lose body fat without tracking calories. Now, a caveat here, I believe wholeheartedly that tracking your calories and your macros is far and away the best and most effective way to change your body composition. There's simply no denying it. This is what the best of the best do.
Starting point is 00:00:38 When I say best of the best, I mean the best of the best when it comes to changing body composition. So this is physique competitors, bodybuilders, et cetera. And we can learn a lot from what they do to go from normal to slightly below average body fat levels to stage lean. And one of the most consistent behaviors you see with these populations is diligent, close attention being paid to how many calories are being ingested so as to ensure that you are hitting on the singular most important thing when it comes to body fat reduction, which is the maintenance of a calorie deficit.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And of course, the actual composition of your body has a lot to do with where the calories come from. So you need to have a deficiency in calories to tell your body, hey, we need to mobilize fat for energy. That's kind of the impetus, if you will, for fat loss. Your body is saying, or you are saying through your nutrition to your body, hey, we need to produce energy from somewhere. And we've evolved over 200,000 years as a species to store and mobilize body fat for just such occasions. Now, how you maintain or change or develop the composition of your physique has less to do with the calories and more to do with the
Starting point is 00:01:52 macros in an isocaloric equation. So, say you got two people eating the same amount of calories, so put them both at maintenance. One gets all their calories from carbs and fats. The other gets a balance of protein, carbs, and fats. Obviously, having a good amount of protein is a big, big deal. The right amount of protein can really, really influence your body composition. And so, in some instances where people might be too busy to track calories, carbs, proteins, and fats, so tracking their calories and all of their macros. I often recommend, and this is something we do a lot with our clients at Core Coaching Method, just track your calories and your protein. That can be a really, really valuable and beneficial way to kind of set yourself a baseline
Starting point is 00:02:41 because the truth is the calories and the protein are the two most important things when it comes to body composition. The fats and the carbs have a huge impact on performance. But that being said, not everybody's in a position where they have the time, energy, desire, or wherewithal, quite frankly, to want to track their calories, to want to track their macros in the most advanced sense. So myself, or using myself as an example, I'm actually one of these people right now. With everything I've got going on with the studio, with the holidays, I've got some familial stuff going on that's requiring a lot of my time, specifically involving my dad and his Parkinson's disease and determining long-term care options for him. And being an only child and my dad not having a partner,
Starting point is 00:03:32 that's something that falls almost exclusively on me. So that's taken a ton of time. But I am heading to Mexico in 26 days. And I plan on being very much shirtless. in 26 days. And I plan on being very much shirtless. And I'd like to bring a physique to Mexico with me that I'm quite proud of. And I'd like to be lean. And so in order to do that, I'm going to be entering into a fat loss phase. And I'm going to be doing this while eyeballing my calories and eyeballing my macros. And obviously, my educated guesses are probably substantially better and more well informed than most people having done macro tracking for six years consecutively, having coached hundreds, if not thousands of people through the process, probably having drawn up
Starting point is 00:04:16 10,000 plus different macronutrient prescriptions, recorded podcasts on it, etc. Obviously, I'm well informed on the topic. So even without counting, I can calibrate very closely to where I want to be. But I'm going to be sharing with you nine tips and nine things that I'll be doing and that you can do as well to help you lose body fat without ever really counting a single calorie. We'll go into why these things work, how you can apply them in your own life. And for those of you who are busier, this could be a really helpful podcast. And for those of you who know somebody who wants to maybe lose body fat, but they're intimidated by the prospect
Starting point is 00:04:54 of counting macros, again, could also be a very, very helpful podcast for you. So the first tip I have for you with regards to losing body fat without counting calories is to push your first meal back until you are actually hungry. So this sounds almost like an intermittent fast, and it can be. But really what we're doing here is we're listening to our body's natural satiety signals and hoping to kind of condense our appetite into a smaller window. So I am somebody who wakes up very early. Most days of the week, I wake up before 5 a.m. Oftentimes on the weekends, I will sleep in till 6. But I tend to
Starting point is 00:05:40 train early in the morning on the weekends, and I tend to train in the early afternoon, oftentimes around 10 or 11. So I guess that would be late morning during the week. And quite often, getting up at 5, 4.35, I don't have an appetite until 8, 9 o'clock. And if I'm going to train at 10 or 11, or if on the weekends I'm going to train at 7 or 8, I don't like to have a huge meal prior to training. I like to have a big meal after I train. Um, but I don't have a huge appetite early in the morning for the first couple hours. And then usually after a couple of clients at the studio or after a workout on the weekends, I have a modest appetite. So instead of waking up and
Starting point is 00:06:20 immediately eating, I push that first meal off until I'm actually hungry or until I finished my workout. And what that does is it shortens my eating window, which is a very, very valuable tool for creating a calorie deficit without counting. Assuming you just give yourself less time to eat, odds are over a long enough time horizon, you're going to ingest less calories. This is just simple mathematics. If I have 12 hours to eat versus if I have 18 hours to eat in a seductive food environment where I'm constantly having to make decisions about my food, I'm likely going to be in a better position to make good decisions if I don't have to make so many of them because
Starting point is 00:07:03 I've shortened my eating window. to make good decisions if I don't have to make so many of them because I've shortened my eating window. So that's my first tip. And it's a tip that I think many of you can implement in your own life. I don't think it's too unreasonable. And again, just implementing this tip is very simple. All you're going to do, all you're going to really try to do is wait until you're hungry to actually eat. Listen to your body. So there's a nice little kind of a form of introspection that goes on there. I think many people eat because they're bored, which is normal, especially, like I said, in a seductive food environment where we're heavily stimulated and we like to, you know, have a variety of different food exposures throughout the day. When we're bored, we snack, you know, oftentimes we build our social stuff around food. So there's
Starting point is 00:07:55 so many, so many, so many opportunities to deviate from this. But if you just push it back until you're hungry and pay attention to your actual satiety signals. I find that this can help in multiple different ways. Okay. My second tip for reducing body fat, and I will also be doing this for the next 27 days, is going to be reducing or eliminating alcohol and cannabis entirely. I think that cannabis and alcohol are unique. So I'd like to speak to each one of these. I'll start with cannabis because that is the one of the two that I consume more regularly. But cannabis for me is something that I consume in a calorie-free form. I don't use edibles. But oftentimes, cannabis consumption can lead to a sensation known as the munchies, which is an increase in appetite and kind of hedonic food drive, pleasure-driven food motivation.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I would say, you know, that's strain-specific, that's individual-specific. It can be consistent for all people across all strains. It can be something that you don't deal with at all. So that's highly individualized. And so to avoid frivolous evening snacking, one, and enhance the quality of my sleep, because even though cannabis can help you ease into sleep, too much late in the evening can impact your REM sleep. I will be foregoing cannabis consumption for the rest of the month, which for me is actually quite easy. And I think it speaks to the general low addiction profile for the drug. You know, I'm not a psychologist, but I've worked with a number
Starting point is 00:09:30 of clients over the years who are either recovering addicts or currently addicted to some type of substance, usually alcohol. And it seems to me that most of the addictive drugs that people use to chase pleasure are substantially harder to quit than cannabis. So what would we do for a chronic or occasional cannabis consumer to eliminate the urge or to make things a little bit easier? What works for me is the out of sight, out of mind technique. So put away the paraphernalia, put away the cannabis out of sight, out of mind, and it makes it quite a bit easier. Now, also, no alcohol is a phenomenal option too. If you're not looking to track calories, but you are looking to improve your food behavior and create a kind of deficit here with the same
Starting point is 00:10:16 thing can work out of sight, out of mind, not bringing it into the house, not drinking in social settings, finding replacements like sparkling water, carbonated waters. They even have now these IPA hop waters from Lagunitas that they sell at all the stores out here in California. I live in Sonoma County, which is where the Lagunitas brewery is. So really, really cool spot there. And they produce a calorie-free carbonated beverage. It's basically a beer flavored LaCroix, very popular, very good alternative. You could try alcohol-free beer because alcohol is something that will decrease inhibitions. So you will be more likely to overeat. It makes your sleep worse, which will limit your
Starting point is 00:10:57 ability to kind of stick with a plan. These are both things that I highly recommend. If you would like to lose body fat without tracking, try to eliminate the kind of most popular drugs of choice, both of which have a very tangible tendency to increase caloric intake. So those are two big things that you can do. Number three, another form of elimination, this will be good for your pocketbook as well, is to eliminate eating out at restaurants or reduce it and eliminate fast food. The reason I often recommend these two things, even though both of these oftentimes kind of have healthy options, especially these days, there's so many fast food options that are healthy and so many restaurants that have protein-centric, low-calorie, healthy options.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's really just that the general habit of eating out regularly and increasing your exposure to the portion sizes that are typical at American eateries, it's very hard to restrict your caloric intake. The average restaurant dish has between 1,100 and 1,400 calories, if I'm remembering that correctly. Portion sizes is largely what drives this, as is cooking methods, as are food choices. You'll often find commonly at many eateries that you are served snacks in advance of your meal even arriving, whether it's bread, whether it's tortilla chips, et cetera, things of
Starting point is 00:12:21 this nature. And those can get demolished relatively easy. People almost always, when they go out to eat, order a beverage. Very rarely do people stick with just water. Oftentimes it's soda. Probably better off in this situation choosing a diet soda, but usually we're choosing alcohol with this. And with fast food, again, not as expensive, oftentimes smaller portion sizes, still very easy to get extremely hyper palatable, high calorie options. What's going on guys, Coach Danny here, taking a break from the episode to tell you about my coaching company, Core Coaching Method, and more specifically, our one-on-one
Starting point is 00:12:58 fully tailored online coaching program. My online coaching program has kind of been the flagship for Core Coaching Method for a while. Of course, we do have PDF programming and we have app-based programming. But if you want a truly tailored one-on-one experience with a coach like myself or a member of my coaching team, someone who is certified, somebody who has multiple years of experience working with clients in person online, somebody who is licensed to provide a macro nutrition plan, somebody who is actually good at communicating with clients because they've done it for years, whether that be via phone call, email, text, right? This one-on-one coaching program is really designed to give you all the
Starting point is 00:13:36 support you need with custom training designed for you, whether you're training from home, the gym, around your limitations and your goals, Nothing cookie cutter here. As well as easy to follow macronutrition programs that are non-restrictive. You'll get customized support directly from your coach's email, or they'll text you, or they'll WhatsApp you. We'll find the communication medium that best supports your goals, as well as provides you with accountability in the expertise you need to succeed, as well as bio feedback monitoring, baked in accountability support, and all of the stuff that you need from your coach when you check in. We keep our rosters relatively small so that we can make sure you get the best support possible. But you can apply today by going over to corecoachingmethod.com, selecting the online coaching option. And if we have spots
Starting point is 00:14:25 available, we'll definitely reach out to you to see if you're a good candidate. And if we don't, put you on a waiting list, but we'll be sure to give you the best shot at the best coaching in the industry. So head over to corecoachingmethod.com and apply for one-on-one coaching with me and my team today. Hey guys, taking a break from the show to tell you about our amazing sports nutrition partner, Legion. Legion makes the best evidence-based formulas for sports performance, sports nutrition, recovery, and fat loss. I don't recommend many supplements. In fact, I think you can get the majority of the nutrition you need from a whole foods diet. But let's be honest, many of us are either on the go and need assistance, or quite frankly, we're not going to settle for average,
Starting point is 00:15:08 and we want to get the absolute most we can out of our training. So Legion is the company I go to for all of my supplement staples, whether it's creatine, which I get from their product Recharge, my protein that I get from either Whey Plus or Plant Plus, two of the best tasting proteins on the market. They come in a variety of flavors and they don't have a ton of fillers and gum. Just whey made from grass-fed cows from Ireland in a plant protein blend with a fully comprehensive dose of amino acids. I like to take a pre-workout. Sometimes I like it with caffeine.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Sometimes I like to enjoy coffee in the morning and have my pre-workout later without caffeine. Legion makes both. Both the pre-workout with caffeine and without come with a full dosage of clinically effective ingredients like beta alanine, betaine anhydrous, and l-citrulline to help you perform your best. They also make a phenomenal greens powder loaded with one of my favorite things, reishi mushroom, and a men's and women's multivitamin that contain a few different things that men and women might need for their unique physiology. So when you think of your vitamins, your fish oil, your pre-workout, your protein, all of the things that many of you take every single day, I'd encourage you to check
Starting point is 00:16:13 out Legion. They have an amazing line, wonderful products, wonderful flavors, naturally sweetened, no dyes and colors. You can't go wrong. You can shop using the show notes below or by going to legionathletics.com and checking out using the promo code Danny. That will save you 20% and it will actually help you get two times points towards future orders, which you can use the same as cash. Pretty cool, guys. So head over to legionathletics.com and check out using the promo code Danny to save on all your sports supplement needs. Back to the show. Hey guys, taking a break from the action to tell you about one of our favorite new sponsors, Underdog Fantasy. If you're like me, you love sports. Sports was actually how I got into fitness in the first place. And one of my favorite things to do when I'm not working out
Starting point is 00:16:59 or working with my clients is watch and engage in sports with my friends. Underdog is the best fantasy sports app out there for best ball and for pick'em. If you like football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, WNBA, UFC, boxing, Underdog has something exciting for you. You can bet on your favorite teams. You can bet on your favorite players in the easiest and simplest way to engage at a higher level with sports. It's so much fun to be able to do a pick-em with a player from the NBA team I like and from the NFL team I like. Do you think LeBron James is going to have more or less than 22.5 points? Do you think Steph Curry is going to make more or less than 4.5 threes? Whether or not you are an avid sports fan or you
Starting point is 00:17:45 just like sports recreationally, underdog fantasy is an amazingly fun way to engage with sports, to take your sports watching experience to the next level. And ladies, if you like sports, but you don't love them, but your man does, make an underdog account, have fun with him. I promise you it will bring you guys closer together. It is an absolute blast. I do it all the time with my friends and my family. It's simple. It's easy to understand. With Pick'Em, you can pick two players to three times your entry, three players to six times your entry, four players to five times, 10 times your entry, and up to five players to 20 times your entry. So you pick five players on your favorite teams. You pick the stat line over or under. Bet five bucks, win 120x your money. So many cool ways to play. There's also Best Ball as we get closer to fantasy where you can draft teams against your friends or against other people on Underdog for your shot at
Starting point is 00:18:37 millions of dollars in prizes. This is definitely one of my favorite things to do when I am playing or watching sports. I love underdog and you can go to the app store today, download underdog, enter the promo code Danny, and they will match your first deposit up to a hundred dollars. You'll have a blast playing underdog all season long. Back to the action. I was just going through Chick-fil-A the other day. Politics aside, I do like their
Starting point is 00:19:06 chicken sandwich. They have a good morning option. This is probably the most common fast food option that I order. It's their egg white grill. It's an egg white piece of cheese, chicken breast on a multi-grain English muffin. Hilariously non-multi-grain tasting and texturally, um, but good macros, low calorie, high protein, very rare to find at fast food. But you look at all the other options. Most of the breakfast options are between 400 and like 800 calories, which is an awful lot. And so creating a guardrail around eating out, eliminating your exposure to eating out can be extremely helpful and very, very beneficial on a fat loss journey where maybe you don't want to track, but you'd rather incorporate
Starting point is 00:19:50 instead of a form of accounting, just more tangible forms of restriction and guidelines. So minimizing the amount you eat out is a huge difference maker. Number four on our nine tips to lose fat without counting calories is to eliminate those pre-meal appetizers and snacks if you are going to eat out. So what this means is when you sit down at the table at Mexican or when you sit down at the table for Italian and before you order a protein-centric entree, like maybe you order at a Mexican restaurant tacos with one tortilla, chicken tacos with one tortilla each, you know, instead of the double tortilla street taco style. Or when you go to Italian food, maybe you make an option or select an option that's
Starting point is 00:20:35 a little more protein centric instead of just pasta, you know. So before you sit down, tell the server or as you're sitting down, tell the server, hey, no bread or no chips. That can make a huge difference and it might still allow you to eat out without any frivolous consumption of additional calories that could really set you back. I find this helps a lot. I am the king of smashing the bread and the king of smashing back the chips, which unfortunately yield next to no protein. They're essentially just empty calories. And while they do taste good, it makes it very hard to stick to a deficit for me because I can really put those
Starting point is 00:21:11 back quite quickly. And I find most people operate the same. Number five and six are similar, but we're going to be talking about forms of meal replacement that I think can be very valuable. So much in the same way that pushing your caloric intake back by restricting the time window can be beneficial, so can eliminating a high calorie meal or like skipping a meal, so to speak. And while neither one of these counts as skipping a meal, both of these options, five and six here, are going to be lower calorie, higher fiber, higher protein alternatives to a traditional balanced American style meal. And this is true regardless of the country that you live in. I
Starting point is 00:21:50 know we have listeners in Australia, the United Kingdom. We're all over the place, really. I'm always shocked when I see where the downloads come in from. But the first is to replace one meal a day with a big salad and protein. So my go-to is a mixed green salad with arugula, baby kale, a little bit of avocado, which you can toss out if you can't afford those extra calories, oftentimes tomato, oftentimes edamame, sometimes even some cold brown rice or cold quinoa for some added crunch, and then a large serving of protein. So for today's salad, I'm having a very, very large bowl of these leafy greens with a balsamic vinaigrette. I always offer a vinaigrette. And then about six ounces of
Starting point is 00:22:36 salmon on top. And so that's going to yield some healthy fats and some protein. And that will be very filling, very, very satiating. It will keep me going in all likelihood. If I use this as my lunch, which is my plan, I'm recording the podcast today at about 1030 in the morning. I don't think that I will have any problem whatsoever with pushing off my meal till dinner. So for example, today didn't eat breakfast. I did have a post-workout meal, a couple of rice cakes and a protein shake, and then I will have salmon salad for lunch. And then I'll have essentially whatever I want for dinner, knowing that I have quite a bit of bandwidth to play with in my caloric intake range. I'm still well below my total daily energy expenditure, but the fibrous filling nature of that salad will really help. Number six, this is even more convenient and even more fast-paced, and that is a protein shake and
Starting point is 00:23:35 an apple or a protein shake and berries, preferably a fibrous fruit compared to something like banana or citrus, which are still very nutritious. They just don't have as much of that satiating fiber. But replacing one meal a day with a shake and a piece of fruit. I find protein shakes can be very filling, especially if you drink them slowly. And if you pair them with a piece of fruit. Now you could blend the two together in a smoothie, but I do recommend eating the actual fruit. I think this is particularly beneficial. And one of my go-tos is apples, just because they do have a good amount of fiber. I like the taste. There's a bunch of different types of apples that are all really tasty and unique. I like Granny Smith. I like Fuji. I like Honeycrisp. And you can grab them and throw them in your backpack and go.
Starting point is 00:24:18 You know, they're peeled, but you can eat the damn peel. So they hold up pretty well on the go. And I find that replacing each one of these is very, very beneficial or adding these things in place of an existing meal can be very, very beneficial. And you could do both of these on the same day. So you could replace a breakfast with a protein shake and a piece of fruit and a lunch with a big salad with protein, and then essentially have a nice dinner that includes foods you like and maybe include alcohol, maybe one beverage if you're somebody who's inclined to do so, and still probably have quite a bit of space beneath your total daily energy expenditure that keeps you in a deficit. So tip number six, or actually this would be tip number seven, is to add a 10 to 20 minute walk after each meal. Now this will increase steps and increase
Starting point is 00:25:06 total daily energy expenditure, total daily energy expenditure through what we would describe as NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or eat exercise activity thermogenesis. A lot of people would say, you know, you're planning the walk, so it is eat, exercise, activity, thermogenesis. You're deliberately moving more. Either way, you know, adding 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes of walking in will be pretty effective at increasing your caloric expenditure. But what this really helps to do is normalize blood sugar and regulate your appetite. That's so, so valuable. A lot of times when we start eating and our blood sugar spikes, you know, it becomes kind of a cascade for a lot of people, especially who have dysregulated blood sugar management. Maybe they're pre-diabetic, maybe they're type two diabetic,
Starting point is 00:25:56 maybe they just have a hard time disposing of their blood sugar once they spike it. And this can lead to a irregular appetite. And so a 10 to 20 minute walk after each meal increases steps, increases caloric expenditure. If weather permits, you might get some sun exposure and some vitamin D. We've talked about the benefits of that on the podcast numerous, numerous times. And then additionally, you're going to have a lot easier time managing your blood sugar. And anecdotally, I find it helps a lot with digestion. And then again, additionally, and we will talk about this in point number nine, when you're walking,
Starting point is 00:26:33 you're probably not eating. So if you spend an hour a day walking, three 20 minute nap, walk 20 minute naps, geez, wouldn't that be nice? Three 20 minute walks after all three of your meals, say three meals, that's 60 minutes of walking and usually 60 minutes of not eating, which is very, very valuable. Uh, tip number eight on our nine tips to lose fat without counting calories is to lift weights three times to four times per week. Uh, I'm going to start with five myself because I've been training for a really long time. Uh, I'd say about 10% to 15% of the clients we work with at core coaching method lift
Starting point is 00:27:03 five times a week. These would be body composition or health or strength or physique-centric clients. Four times a week is ideal, I think. That's where about 70% of our clients are. And then three times a week, sometimes two, is where about 15% are. So I'd say about 95% of our clients are between three and five sessions a week. And I think that exercising with weights, with resistance, three to five times a week. And I think that exercising with weights, with resistance, three to five times a week, but we're going to say four here because it's right on the average, is a wonderful way to regulate your appetite. We know that regular exercise is
Starting point is 00:27:35 associated with more normal appetite. It will help with caloric expenditure, but most importantly, it will help you preserve muscle in a calorie deficit. There are really two things you can do to enhance fat loss in a deficit and minimize muscle loss. And they're eat enough protein and train with resistance. If you don't do those two things and you go into a deficit, you'll still lose a good amount of weight. And sure, some of it will be body fat, but an unfortunately high amount of it will be muscle.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And the more muscle you lose, the more you open the door for negative metabolic adaptation to occur. Meaning if you go into a deficit with no resistance training and no protein intake or a below average protein intake, you might be more susceptible to muscle loss, which in the longterm is very, very suboptimal for your metabolic health. If you lose a lot of muscle, it will make it harder to diet in the future. And while you can always reverse those metabolic adaptations to dieting, we talked a lot about this on the podcast with Dr. Eric Trexler, it's not ideal to position yourself to lose muscle if all you need to do to keep it is lift weights and eat enough protein. Because one, lifting weights is exercise that helps
Starting point is 00:28:45 regulate appetite, helps regulate blood sugar, and helps promote lean tissue gains, strength gains, bone health, heart health, et cetera. And then also a high protein intake helps with satiety and fullness, which is uniquely beneficial for being in and maintaining a deficit. Because what's the number one reason people quit the deficit, quit the diet is they get hungry. It's hard to maintain. So definitely lift, definitely get your protein. Now onto that final tip, another indirect one. Um, and that's go to bed one hour early. This helps from multiple different reasons. The first of which is if you go to bed an hour early, you will probably be getting an extra hour of sleep, assuming you can slip easily into sleep. More sleep is correlated with better blood sugar management and regulation. It's correlated with better willpower and
Starting point is 00:29:34 discipline and ability to stick to the diet. We know that reduced sleep can really affect our decision-making. Also, positive sleep balance, meaning getting more than seven hours while in a deficit, really, really helps with maintaining muscle mass. If you take two groups of people, both of them are in the same deficit. Both of them are eating the same amount of protein, maybe following the same exercise program. One gets five hours of sleep. One gets nine. The person who gets nine is going to lose more fat and hold on to more muscle. The person who gets five is going to lose fat, but they're also going to lose an alarmingly high amount of muscle, which as we discussed in point number eight, we don't ever want to do that. So this helps a lot with that. Also, for every hour you're in bed, that's another
Starting point is 00:30:18 hour you're not eating or likely not feeling hunger because when you're passed out, in all likelihood, those satiety signals, those hunger signals, all that stuff is drowned out by the simple fact that you're asleep. So oftentimes the best thing you can do when you are in a deficit and looking to lose body fat that has nothing to do with exercise or nutrition is to really dial in your sleep. So guys, those are nine tips and habits for losing fat that don't require counting calories at all. So the first is to push your first meal back until you're actually hungry. Shorten your time horizon for eating. Shorten your eating window. This doesn't mean you're intermittent fasting. It doesn't mean you have to describe yourself as
Starting point is 00:31:02 intermittent faster. It's just waiting to eat until you're actually hungry. The second tip, don't drink and try to minimize cannabis consumption. The third tip, don't eat out or eat fast food. The fourth tip, eliminate those pre-meal snacks. Tips five and six, replace one meal a day with a big salad or replace one meal a day with a shake and a piece of fruit. Tip number seven, add in a walk after each meal. Tip number eight, resistance train at least four times a week. Tip number nine is to go to bed an hour early. If you guys like this podcast, it would mean the
Starting point is 00:31:33 world to me if you share it with somebody. Podcasts genuinely tend to grow faster via word of mouth than anything else. So if you liked this, text it to a friend, a family, a loved one, a coworker, somebody who you want to help get in shape, a client if you liked this, text it to a friend, a family, a loved one, a coworker, somebody who you want to help get in shape, a client, if you're a personal trainer, anybody who gets to listen to this podcast on their fitness journey, if it makes a little bit of a difference, I'm a real happy camper. And if you want to go above and beyond in helping me grow the podcast, be sure to leave a five-star rating and review on iTunes or Spotify. Those seem to be the two best for helping the podcast index better and more people find what it is that I am doing. So I want to thank each and every one
Starting point is 00:32:11 of you so much for listening. Stay tuned. I'll catch you on the next one. And if you have not yet hit that subscribe button, please do subscribe to the show. Thank you so much.

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