Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 364: How to Lose 50+ Pounds

Episode Date: March 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody, welcome into another episode of the Dynamic Dialogue podcast. As always, I'm your host, Danny Matrenga. And in this episode, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly what it is I would do if I had to lose 50 or more pounds. I've helped dozens of people lose more than 50 pounds in the decade plus I've been training people. And I've really narrowed down what I believe to be the seven or eight must do habits. Like you start this tomorrow, you stop the bleeding, you can get your weight under control. I think these are the most important things in a world full of bullshit. And I think what most people really need is to know what to
Starting point is 00:00:45 do like immediately and not be distracted by the noise and the junk and all of it. So this podcast is going to be amazing for you. If you're a coach or a trainer, even if you have like 20 pounds to lose 10 pounds to lose, you'll be able to grab a ton from this. I hope you enjoyed the episode. Thanks for listening. This episode is brought to you in part thanks to some of our amazing partners like LMNT. LMNT makes the best electrolyte product on the market. In fact, I've actually started drinking my LMNT each and every morning before I have coffee so as to optimize my circadian biology, make sure that I'm hydrated, and make sure that I'm getting ahead on my water intake throughout the day and not reliant on stimulants, but instead being somebody who's
Starting point is 00:01:30 reliant on hydration and the proper balance of minerals and electrolytes. If you want to feel your best all day, mentally and physically, it's imperative that you stay hydrated. LMNT provides a balanced ratio of sodium, potassium, and magnesium to support brain and body hydration. This combination of electrolytes improves health, performance, body and brain performance, mind you, helps to reduce cramps and soreness and get you more hydrated. There's no sugar. LMNT is sweetened with stevia. It's perfect for exercise and perfect for the sauna because the flavors are natural, tasty, delicious, and not overpowering. And if you're like me, you'll use them multiple times a day across your training sessions to get hydrated
Starting point is 00:02:16 early to replenish after sauna use. And again, it's not just me. Elementia is the official sports drink of Team USA weightlifting, and it's used by athletes in the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, as well as athletes like you and I looking to take your fitness to the next level. My favorite flavors are definitely the raspberry and citrus. When I put a box together, I try to load up on raspberry and citrus. And when you put your box together, you can get a free sample pack containing all of elements, amazing flavors like mango, chili, citrus, raspberry, orange, and more to get access to this free gift with purchase, scroll down to the show notes and check out using the special
Starting point is 00:02:56 link for dynamic dialogue listeners. Okay. So as we get into this episode, I want to make it very clear that as kind of the host of this podcast and somebody who has worked with dozens of people who have lost substantially more than 50 pounds, I'm very empathetic to the struggle that is substantial weight loss. to the struggle that is substantial weight loss. It is a very challenging endeavor to lose a significant amount of body fat. It is, in my opinion, one of the most challenging things you can do. I think perhaps one of the biggest mistakes in fitness, actually, I will go so far as to say, I think this is the biggest mistake in fitness. The number one fuck up trainers make is using terms and trying to communicate that fat loss can be easy. Fat loss is very challenging for most people. And the reason
Starting point is 00:04:00 for this is it takes one to two hours of daily or semi-weekly investment to exercise. But to follow a diet requires navigating a food landscape that is extremely difficult every waking hour of your day. Everywhere you go, the food landscape is designed, engineered, and quite frankly, laid out in a way that will promote enhanced body fatness. Hyper palatable, ultra processed, energy dense foods are fucking everywhere. You can't even go out to Home Depot. This is one of the most ridiculous cultural things we do in America. I think it's one of the biggest drivers of obesity.
Starting point is 00:04:44 You cannot check out at Home Depot, TJ Maxx, Target, Marshalls. I'm talking about stores that don't even sell food. You cannot check out at a single one of these retailers without having to walk by junk food. There is junk food, hyper-processed, ultra-processed, call it whatever you want, food everywhere you go. Not to mention, one of the other weird things that's pretty much fucking everywhere is alcohol and super ultra-processed, high-calorie, energy-dense beverages. There are fast food restaurants everywhere. There's Starbucks everywhere. You are constantly battling a landscape that makes it hard to manage your food. And part of why weight loss is so challenging
Starting point is 00:05:30 is because it is driven by nutrition. There are plenty of people who are motivated enough to exercise on a very regular basis who also struggle with their weight. We need to stop lying to people and telling them to lose weight, you need to eat less and move more. No, to lose fucking weight, you need to eat less, period. You don't have to move at all. You lay in the fucking bed all day long. Don't eat shit, you're losing body fat pretty damn fast. Exercise enhances that. Resistance training helps you hold on to muscle. That shit matters, period, end of story. But weight loss, fat loss is driven by nutrition. It's very rarely eat less, move more. It's usually eat a lot less, very consistently, and move when you can, especially if you can make it weight training. The idea that,
Starting point is 00:06:27 oh, if I just eat a little bit less and I do lots of activity, I'll lose body fat. No, probably not. You got to eat a lot less. You need to be like 300, 400, 500 calories plus below your maintenance to lose body fat. And that is hard as shit in this food landscape. And that lie has been parroted for too long. There is no such thing as effortless fat loss. That is the biggest bullshit myth in fitness. Effortless fat loss. I fucking wish that was real. If that was real, I would be effortlessly unemployed because there would be no need for nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, Ozempic, all of the various tools that people use to help make fat loss easier. If it was easy, everyone would do it. I am lucky that I have the
Starting point is 00:07:22 discipline that I have around food, that I have the genetics that I have, that I have the discipline that I have around food, that I have the genetics that I have, that I have the food reward neural pathways that I have. I've struggled with my weight this much in my life, a little bit. If you're listening, I'm literally putting my fingers a millimeter apart. I generally fluctuate between 180 and 200 pounds, 20 pounds up or down. And I've been that way for quite some time. And for me, it really comes down to a few simple habits for weight management, many of which I'm going to share with
Starting point is 00:07:50 you. But the goal of this podcast is to help somebody who is trying to lose a substantial amount of weight, a life-changing amount of weight. This is for somebody who knows the amount they weigh right now at this current moment is too damn high. It's dangerous. Maybe you've had a recent checkup. Maybe you have family members who are telling you that your weight is a problem. That really doesn't matter to me. I don't care what brought you here. If you're a coach, if you're a trainer, if you're a fitness enthusiast, if you're the friend of somebody who wants to lose weight, this podcast is really going to help. But for those of you who are struggling with your weight, you've struggled your whole life, you have a substantial amount of weight to lose. Let me level with you and tell you that this will
Starting point is 00:08:32 not be easy, but it is possible if you have the right tools. I just refuse to bullshit you. I won't do it. It doesn't feel right. And I know for a fact it's hard because I've helped tons of people lose 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, a hundred pounds. And every single one of them busted their ass. There is not one person that I've ever worked with who has lost 50 or more pounds who would describe their fat loss as effortless. The whole effortless fat loss, easy fat loss, that is such dog shit. It's bull crap. It's not real. There is only one way to lose body fat. There's only one way to change your physique. And that is with effort and consistency. And when you apply consistency, the amount of effort over time feels like less because you become better. There is no such thing as effortless. The fittest, leanest,
Starting point is 00:09:27 always in shape people that you see, that's not effortless. It's easier for them now than maybe when they got started because they've cultivated skills, discipline, and routine, but it's never effortless. So what would I do today if I had a gun to my head and needed to lose 50 pounds? today, if I had a gun to my head and needed to lose 50 pounds? Well, I'll tell you what I would do first. And I think this is probably the single most important thing in this entire journey is you need to stop the bleeding. Okay. Stopping the bleeding is a metaphor for, you know, being on the battlefield, so to speak. You've had a limb that has been lost and you're hemorrhaging blood and you must stop the bleeding. So you tourniquet the limb, you know, you tourniquet above the wound, wherever the blood's coming out. First things first, first rule of medicine when
Starting point is 00:10:17 somebody's bleeding out, stop the bleeding. And in this context, that means acknowledging that your weight is probably a legitimate health problem, if not a full-blown health crisis, and that you need to stop engaging as rapidly and as reasonably as you possibly can with habits and behaviors that are making it worse. around 2017, I can distinctly remember a moment where societally we started lying to people about the fact that you could be healthy at any size. That's not true. You should be able to pursue health. You should feel complete confidence in yourself in any gym context, and you should never be ridiculed for your weight by anybody, especially people who are in shape. Fuck those people. They're terrible. But there are certain levels of body fat that are statistically, let's say, precarious. There are certain physiques, aka extremely high adipose tissue and very low muscle, cheeks aka extremely high adipose tissue and very low muscle that are just not healthy there are some people like nfl left tackles you know inside offensive linemen maybe the occasional interior
Starting point is 00:11:34 defensive lineman and sumo wrestlers who have tons of body fat but they also have a ton of muscle and metabolically they're very different from people who have a ton of body fat and no muscle. I mean, very different. But there is absolutely no benefit in telling people that they can be healthy at any level of body fatness. That's just not true. They should feel peace, serenity, and joy, kumbaya, in pursuing better health. And nobody should be made fun of for how they look or their current state of health. But like I said, around 2017, a lot of people started believing maybe in fact, my weight isn't actually correlated to my health at all. And I'd say in general, that is not true. If you are 50, 60, 70, 80 pounds overweight, and most of that weight is body fat, that is a problem. You hear bullshit like this all
Starting point is 00:12:34 the time. BMI isn't very good. BMI is not a good indicator of body. BMI, BMI sucks. I don't like BMI. BMI is not very good. It's not a good indicator of somebody's health. Yeah, no shit. BMI says I'm obese. Why? Because I'm not that tall and I have some muscle. However, if you go out in public, you're not going to find a lot of people with a lot of muscle. You're going to find a lot of people with a lot of fat. And that's why BMI does work. I don't care what anybody says. Oh, BMI is not a good indicator of anything. It's a pretty good indicator for a population who doesn't exercise, check, who's over fat, check, and who generally is metabolically dysregulated, check. Yes, there are short, muscular, athletic people who will kind of skew BMI. But in general, BMI is a fairly good proxy. And if your BMI is over 30 and you're not like a manlit bodybuilder or you're not just dense as fuck, dude, you got a problem. And obesity is a legitimate health crisis for many people. And it's definitely
Starting point is 00:13:48 better to be obese and active than it is to be obese and inactive. But in general, a BMI north of 30, being obese, we're in stop the bleeding territory, folks. This is a legit problem. Okay? So the first thing you got to do, you got to cut the bullshit. You got to identify the primary problem. Okay. The bullet hole, if you will, where's the blood leaking out? Well, it's leaking out in the sense that I have achieved a health status with my weight and my body fat percentage that is going to set me up for reduced mobility, greater prevalence of developing things like arthritis, joint pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes. You don't want those things, folks. I work with people who have those things. Those things fucking suck. They suck. They're life ruining.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And if you're on that track right now, you don't need me to tell you that. You really don't. The second thing that I would definitely recommend you do if you are serious about changing your health, and this is something that I'm borrowing from Dr. Anna Lemke and her book, Dopamine Nation. For 30 days, do everything that you can to abstain from the habits that got you fat, overweight, or obese in the first place. And those habits are usually two things, sitting on your ass and not taking any accountability or not, I shouldn't say accountability, not making a concerted effort to monitor what it is that you are eating. Mindless eating and a lack
Starting point is 00:15:26 of movement. Those are usually the two things that drive obesity. I didn't say junk food. I didn't say garbage. I didn't say processed food. We already talked about that. We know that that landscape exists. Those foods are higher in calories. The more you eat of them, the more likely it is you'll be fat. However, if you're a mindful, thoughtful eater, you can include those foods in fairly regular doses in fairly small, but considerably well thought out servings and totally manage your weight. That food does not drive body fatness. Overconsumption of calories drives body fatness and those foods require a mindful inclusion in the diet. But I would say for 30 days, cut all that shit, begin a mindful daily movement practice,
Starting point is 00:16:17 and allow the neural pathways to rewire themselves. And that'll take 30 days at minimum. I'll give you an example. This might surprise some of you guys because I know many of you think of me as being somebody who's super healthy. And I take pretty good pride in the fact that I work out five days a week, ate a high protein diet. I eat mostly single ingredient foods, tons of fruit, tons of vegetables, tons of fiber, do my cardio, get my son, see a therapist, all of it. I also, for about three years, smoked weed every fucking single day. Not just a little bit of weed, big daddy bong rips, full joints, blunts, to manage a period of my life where my ADHD, my depression, my anxiety were fairly frequent. These were things that I was battling with
Starting point is 00:17:03 on a very regular basis. I was deeply unhappy in an unfulfilling relationship. I was very upset about having to put my business and daily way of living of training people one-on-one on hold. That sucked. That sucked for me to be stuck at home in a relationship that I was no longer invested in, that wasn't fulfilling me, that was not healthy. My routine had completely changed. For nine years, I woke up from like 2012 to 2020, eight years. I woke up every day at fucking four o'clock, worked out and trained like eight to 10 clients in person. That was my routine. That was who I was. like eight to 10 clients in person. That was my routine. That was who I was. And when our pandemic response changed that routine for me, it was super disruptive. And very quickly, I was moving a lot
Starting point is 00:17:54 less. I was engaging a lot less. And even though I built a gym in my garage and had people come to me, it was a lot. And I began engaging with daily cannabis use. And I am so fucking grateful every day that I picked weed. So grateful that I picked weed and not alcohol, not painkillers, not porn or any of these other things. We don't need to go down the comparison rabbit hole. But a couple months ago, I said you know what this daily weed consumption thing that's kind of just become who i am and i wonder who i will be and and how i will be if i take a break what's going on guys coach danny here taking a break from the episode to tell you about my coaching company core coaching method and more specifically, our one-on-one fully tailored
Starting point is 00:18:45 online coaching program. My online coaching program has kind of been the flagship for Core Coaching Method for a while. Of course, we do have PDF programming and we have app-based programming. But if you want a truly tailored one-on-one experience with a coach like myself or a member of my coaching team, someone who is certified, somebody who has multiple years of experience working with clients in person online, somebody who is licensed to provide a macro nutrition plan, somebody who is actually good at communicating with clients because they've
Starting point is 00:19:13 done it for years, whether that be via phone call, email, text, right? This one-on-one coaching program is really designed to give you all the support you need with custom training designed for you, whether you're training from home, the gym, around your limitations and your goals. Nothing cookie cutter here, as well as easy to follow macronutrition programs that are non-restrictive. You'll get customized support directly from your coach's email, or they'll text you or their WhatsApp you will find the communication medium that best supports your goals, as well as provides you with accountability in the expertise you need to succeed, as well as biofeedback monitoring, baked-in accountability support,
Starting point is 00:19:57 and all of the stuff that you need from your coach when you check in. We keep our rosters relatively small so that we can make sure you get the best support possible. But you can apply today by going over to corecoachingmethod.com, selecting the online coaching option. And if we have spots available, we'll definitely reach out to you to see if you're a good candidate. And if we don't, we'll put you on a waiting list, but we'll be sure to give you the best shot at the best coaching in the industry.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So head over to corecoachingmethod.com and apply for one-on-one coaching with me and my team today. And so for 30 days following Anna Lemke's advice, I ceased the consumption of cannabis. I stopped fairly easily if any of you were interested following a pretty simple protocol of just smoking CBD only flour and having a small indica based gummy before bed, that would help me fall asleep. Because many of you know this, if you use a substance like THC, like alcohol, like anything, not using it out of the blue can make it really hard. So for the first seven days, I went from a 10 milligram THC dosage in the evening, uh, for, for three days, 10, three days, five, three days, two and a half, and then off. So 10 days, no smoking, THC, only CBD. Well, I titrated down using edibles. And then after that, I went 30 full days, no THC. And after that 30 days, I felt different, but I learned
Starting point is 00:21:21 a lot about my relationship with that substance. I allowed my neural pathways to be rewired and I chose to opt back into using that substance, but I use it very differently and less compulsively. And that is what you need to do with food. And you need to replace that with movement and health habits that promote more movement, period. But really guys, the driver of weight gain is food. I know you want it to be hormones. I know you want it to be menopause. I know it's easy to blame seed oils and menopause and your hormones and the government wants you to be fat. The corporations want you to be fat. It's not like you fucking listen to them anyway. Okay. You have to, at some
Starting point is 00:22:05 point, accept responsibility that whether you are, you know, an 18 year old and they're hormonal prime or, you know, you're some seed oil hormone disrupted menopausal, uh, you know, woman, who's just terribly incapable of losing body fat. If I locked you in a fucking cage and didn't feed you for a week, your ass would lose a lot of body fat. And I'm not suggesting that you lock yourself in a cage to lose body fat. I'm just suggesting you get real about the fact that if you do not eat, you will lose weight and you need to find a way to eat less if you're overweight. And you need to also find a way to ditch the excuses. Yes, your age, your weight, your gender, your hormone profile, your socioeconomic status, your job, your responsibilities, they all matter. They all
Starting point is 00:22:56 influence how you go about eating less, but they don't change the physics. To lose weight, you need to eat less calories. Big ass period. Full ass stop. That's it. And for 30 days, if you can manage the junk food and the binging and the overeating and the alcohol and the coffees with so many calories and try to move more and you can stop the bleeding and you can commit to a month, that is how you have to start. I really think when you go for it, you got to push those chips all in. And I would recommend going all in on nutrition. I really
Starting point is 00:23:30 would. Okay. The third thing that I would do is I would find alternative habits to engage with when I felt like eating compulsively. So I feel hungry. I want a snack. I want to eat something that I would eat if I were not on this journey to lose weight. Maybe it's chips, maybe it's crackers, maybe it's cookies, maybe it's donuts, maybe it's a latte, maybe it's a glass of wine. I don't care. When you feel that craving, my mom used to say this growing up. It's so true. Have an apple. And what that means to me now is, okay, are you hungry enough to eat an apple? Are you hungry enough to have a chicken breast? Or are you just craving something yummy? Because a lot of times you're not hungry. You're just craving something yummy.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And if you're not hungry enough to have a chicken breast or an apple or something to that effect, maybe, just maybe, have a glass of water, give it 10 minutes, see if those cravings go away. Because a lot of times what you're really feeling is compulsion, okay? So when you feel those compulsions, those drives, the brain telling you, I want dopamine from food right now. That's what I like. That's my drug. That's my jam, baby. Give it to me. Give me the food. You got to say, hey, hold on. I know what's happening here. And I'm going to fill that with something
Starting point is 00:24:56 different, an alternative. Could be water, could be a piece of gum, could be an apple, could be going for a walk. Could be a lot of things, but you need to be aware of those compulsions. You need to pay attention to them when they show up. The fourth thing that I would do if I had to lose 50 plus pounds, I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever go out to eat at a restaurant or fast food unless I had a plan. Okay. You go out to eat once a month. Fuck it. Enjoy yourself. That's cool. I don't care if you're 500 pounds overweight, you're going to die one day. So you might as well enjoy it. But just being like, Oh, Hey, you know, Cheryl hit me up about going out for mimosas. So fuck it. I'm going to do it. And then you're like, Oh, I had three mimosas and like French toast and like two side orders of bacons and hash browns. Like, oh, wait a minute. What, bro? That's a day's worth
Starting point is 00:25:49 of eating in one meal. You have to have a plan if you're going to engage with these habits that are very antithetical to losing weight. You have to have a strategy. And a lot of people just cannot have that strategy. And I would argue, don't even put yourself in the situation. Wait until you get the weight off. Wait until you're doing better and have some momentum and then enjoy yourself in those situations, in those contexts. Enjoy yourself for sure. Have fun with it for real. But in the meantime, when you're chipping away at the weight, cool it on the fast food, cool it on going out to eat way too many calories, way too large on the serving sizes usually. And you're going to put yourself in a situation where you kind of have to be perfect,
Starting point is 00:26:36 which is not ideal for most people. The fifth thing I would do is I would eat as much protein as I possibly could for two reasons. I will say if you're like super overweight, these exact numbers won't work. But if you have a little weight to lose or 50, 60 plus pounds, it'll work. If you're like 200 pounds overweight, it won't work. We'll talk about what to do then. But if I had to lose 50 pounds, I would absolutely immediately on day one, eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Unequivocally, that would be like day one shit. Load up on the protein. Two reasons.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I want to hold on to my muscle, my lean tissue. But the big reason is so damn filling. Yes, some sources of protein like cheese, fatty steak, nuts, peanut butter, those aren't even great sources of protein. They have so many calories from other macros, carbs and fat, that the calories you get with them suck. But low fat dairy, fish, lean steaks and lean cuts of red meat, poultry, these things fill you up.
Starting point is 00:27:44 These things fuel lean tissue. You want to lose fat tissue, right? You don't want to lose lean tissue. You want to lose fat. You got to do two things. Being a calorie deficit, number one, and being a calorie deficit for a long time, number two. You want to know what makes it easier to be in a calorie deficit for a long time? Feeling fucking full. You want to know what makes you feel fucking full? Eating a lot of protein, a gram per pound of body weight. Let's say you're 200 pounds overweight and you're like, dog, I weigh 400 pounds. You think I'm going to eat 400 grams of protein?
Starting point is 00:28:17 No, I don't. I don't. I really don't think you're going to eat like two rotisserie chickens from Costco a day. That's unreasonable. So what do you do? You have more than 50 pounds to lose and you have a high body weight. This is when you make a change and you say, Hmm, what is my goal weight? Or what is my approximate lean mass? Let's say I, I've, I've used an online calculator. I calculated my lean mass to be 200 pounds or my goal weight is 200
Starting point is 00:28:45 pounds. Just eat a 0.6 to one gram per pound of your goal weight or of your lean mass. For those of you who are obese, morbidly obese, or you have a heavy weight. Okay. Then the next thing I would do with food in terms of including more, I would eat so much more fruits and vegetables because they are sweet. They are tasty. They have fiber. They have nutrients. They can be incredibly beneficial for your health, for your gut health, for your wellbeing, and they're going to keep you full. And we just talked about why that matters. Another thing I would be doing, I'd be spamming walking. Spamming is a term for like gamers. I'm not a gamer, so I don't know why I would be doing, I'd be spamming walking. Spamming is a term for gamers. I'm not a gamer, so I don't know why I use this term. But I would spam the walk button. I'm walking to the store if I can. I'm walking from as far the fuck away in a parking lot as I can.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I'm going for walks. You know what? I'm going to throw a hot take at you. And I know I'm probably not the first person to come up with this, but you want to talk about killing two birds with one stone. If you're overweight and you want to make weight loss easier and you want to make another organism's life like a million times better, foster or adopt a dog because that dog will need to be walked. And guess what? You also need to be walked. It is very beneficial to walk. Walking is good for your mental health, for your appetite, for burning calories. And last time I checked, when most of you are walking, you're not eating. And if you don't walk that dog and you overfeed it, that dog will also gain weight. So if you don't walk your dog and he's telling
Starting point is 00:30:27 your ass, bro, I'm ready for a walk over time, you're going to take better care of that dog. You're going to walk that dog and you're going to save an animal and find a friend. So if you're allowed to have an animal, you don't have any good reason not to have an animal. And I don't know, you're not like a complete psychopath who would get a dog, fall, like love it, but then like give it back. Like, I don't understand that. But like, if you are like, Hmm, I don't see any reason not to have a dog. I definitely could use companionship. I'd love to move more, go get a dog and walk it two, three times a day. If you have time, you will be walking like crazy. You'll have a new
Starting point is 00:31:05 buddy. You'll have a new reason to be healthy. There are so many amazing dogs out there that would love somebody to just walk them. And you don't have to even take them on full time. You can foster them. You can give them, you know, the opportunity to have a home for a little while, put some roots down, be secure, not be in a shelter, get them prepped and ready to find a forever home, really fix two big problems, animal homelessness and your inability to get off your ass and move because a lot of people just are not motivated by themselves. You don't need to go get a dog. You can get a buddy, get a walking buddy, a person to walk with you. But I just love the dog thing because there's so many amazingly cool dogs
Starting point is 00:31:45 who are locked in a fucking cage all day and they could really use somebody who would take them out for walks. Another thing I would do, I would start spending more time with people who were fit and healthy and less time with people who weren't. You're going to ultimately be the sum of the people with whom you spend the most time. And I truly believe this is the case with our health as well. Spend more time with healthier people. The last thing I would do is I would take my cooking skills up a notch. A lot of people don't eat healthy foods because they don't know how to prepare healthy foods in a way that they taste good. And it's actually fairly simple. So I would definitely, definitely, definitely recommend eating and consuming more healthy foods more frequently.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And how am I going to do that if every time I eat healthy foods, am I gagging? Well, learn how to prepare them in a way that doesn't suck. A little bit of cooking skill goes about as far as learning how to work out when it comes to losing weight. I'm not even kidding. If you can cook healthy food that fills you up at home, it's cheaper, it's easier, it's aligned with your goals. It's the way to go. And those
Starting point is 00:32:49 are the things that I would do if I had to lose 50 plus pounds right out the gate. I'm stopping the bleeding. I know I have a health crisis, taking it seriously. I'm doing 30 days hard abstinence from those garbage habits. If I can, I know it's hard, but you're going to try. I'm going to fill that compulsive desire to eat with something that is positive and will help me. I'm not eating out, no fast food, no restaurant food. And if I do go out, I have a plan. I'm eating way more protein. I'm eating way more fruits and vegetables. I'm walking way more. I'm surrounding myself with healthier people and I am learning how to cook healthy food in my house. That is what I would do
Starting point is 00:33:25 like today if I had to lose 50 plus pounds. All right, folks, I hope you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful. If you did, please share it with somebody or better yet, share it to your Instagram story and tag me so I can say thank you and consider leaving me a five-star review on Apple Podcasts as well as Spotify spotify helps more people find the show thanks so much for tuning in and i'll catch you on the next one

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