Earnings Season - Limitless Bricks - Part 2

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

The Fantastic Four continue their conversation, this time getting a little nerdier, but still entertaining. Listen in on Part 2 of the conversation with Randy, Danhai, Thaon and Matthew on Li...mitless Bricks - Part 2. ★ Support this podcast ★

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi guys, Randy here. I'm coming to you with part two of that wonderful conversation that Dana and I had with Deanna and Matthew. Those are the guys from the Limitless podcast. From the messages I got over the last few days, I can tell that you guys really, really liked it. So I'm pretty sure you like part two. And yeah, I mean, I like that it was split into into the parts it was because it's a good conversation all around but you can feel the different themes in each other conversations you know i mean i i really enjoyed it but i am biased in saying that i suspect that
Starting point is 00:00:37 you guys will like it also uh this time we get a little bit nerdy but we get productive and still hopefully entertaining right um we jump right back in where we left off so don't worry you're not missing much or anything and yeah check it out tell me what you think and of course give the limitless guys a follow right follow them everywhere follow like subscribe you know the usual stuff but check it out and yeah hope you enjoy it another part of limitless bricks from Danai, I, Matthew and Theon. Enjoy. decision. Any reference to an investment's past or potential performance is not and should not be construed as a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit. All opinions expressed by hosts or guests on the podcast are solely their own personal opinions and do not reflect the opinion of everymickle.com or any company affiliated with the hosts or the
Starting point is 00:01:35 guests. Hosts and guests on the podcast may maintain positions and securities discussed in the podcast. Neither everymickle.com nor its affiliates or subsidiaries warrant the completeness or accuracy of the opinions expressed herein and they should not be relied upon as such. Strategies and investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value and may not be suitable for you. They do not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and they are not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any security mentioned. Speak to a licensed investment advisor before making any investment decision oh my god and summer oh my god wow what do you guys think is happening with that uh well sorry Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:26 What do you guys think is happening with that? Sorry, I didn't ask that question. What do you guys think is happening with that? Yeah, because we've been waiting for it. It's the NFL. We've even got confirmation on why the thing never happened yet and it was stated to be resolved. But the thing still hasn't happened yet.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Actually, June just done. We're now past the timeline given for when the next thing's we're supposed to list by now no or get the ipo going right now the last well the last timeline i think they said at the agm was they're hoping for basically q4 into next year oh yes that was maybe like two months ago or something yeah yeah that agent was yeah yeah i mean how i view it is that how i view it is that um it's just more time for me to look at other things because i'm seeing other things that are nice so then i just say okay well as i said you notice how i was able to tell that date because I'm still watching it. So I'm like, okay, well, you want to push it back?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Okay, that's fine. And then sometimes as in, even when I look back, I think the share price has fallen, you know, quite a much since then. So it's got cheaper since then. So whatever reason they give, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, I know my timeline and when I want to go in and whatever. So... What's it going to do there again?
Starting point is 00:03:52 I just have to sell. I might just have to sell them. That's real. Most people hear that from you. Yeah, man. You're real. That's what I did. Well, I didn't do
Starting point is 00:04:05 i didn't do the go back for summer thing i sold when i realized there were um i realized summer was not coming anytime soon um and then of course talking jam t the directors keep selling and they're pushing millions of units sometimes straight out to the queue no yeah i'm happy for the people who get to buy it straight on the queue, but I know the effect of that, right? I understand the effect of a large amount of shareholders getting their demand filled constantly and consistently without anything behind that to push it out.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Now, you can do that. You can give a large amount of shareholders new units that they didn't have at a cheaper price but then if you're gonna get a price increase in the future it's gonna require something for people to be excited about to increase the price right uh and if those exciting things aren't happening and then if in the middle of that you come with losses which they have yeah excuse me i pull them down and pull them down again and pull them down again yeah i was like yo i don't need to be on this i can if i wanted to waste money there are other stocks out there i could i could i wanted to lose money i don't like losing i don't lose money
Starting point is 00:05:14 that's not my thing and you lost well you might have explained that one around all over again yeah no explaining crap like that well i should because you never know who's listening i don't lose money that's the explanation. If I lose money, it means like if I lose 10% somewhere, if I invest it for 30% in a year, and I go in something and two months in, I'm down 10%. And the reason I was expecting 30% is no longer happening. So it's not just the down.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I don't make my moves based solely on share price in fact share price one of the lower reasons why i met my move but if i don't no longer expect what i was expecting um then why would i still be in the thing i'm coming out and then there's a consideration of the effect of losses right like a 50 loss requires a hundred percent profit just to get back to where you started yeah i don't want to have to fight that battle and then a 60 loss i think requires like 150 or something like that yeah it goes up exponentially so yeah it's painful like i don't want to have to fight that battle so I mean in in jam T's case the directors I think are oftentimes compensated via shares which is fine
Starting point is 00:06:30 but but the losses that they were experiencing and constant pushing back of summer and you know nothing necessarily exciting happening for the company why sit around in that and then why wait for the next tranche of shares to be pushed out to the market and suddenly you see your share price down? No, man, I'm out. Yeah. I wouldn't willingly go in for the APO effect.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So I'm gone. And they just got paid, I think, yesterday or the day before. I remember seeing 4.2, I think. 4.8 million shares. Yeah. Wow. or the day before i remember seeing 1.2 i think 4.8 million shares yeah wow yeah 4.8 million shares in the share options that they have i'm going back to that earlier point from deny about you know uh you know how things like the how the research helps you know if you research enough, like their compensation schedule and policy, if you will, is they thought that it was put out there. You can see.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So you can tell when they're going to get paid and how much they're going to get paid. You can estimate it. You estimate our work though. It's almost exactly. And it's hidden in the documents that the company publishes publicly. You just have to read it, right? publicly. You just have to read it, right? You just have to read it. If you read it too early and predict it too early,
Starting point is 00:07:55 you might get a hold of a flack, but you might not be wrong. So yeah, read it if you want to be at the Premier League level at the investing game. If you don't want to do that, if that's not your life, you can do it at a lower level and still make as much money. Yeah. But not more. I don't know about the more. The more research also gives you more things to grab at,
Starting point is 00:08:17 more opportunities within, say, a longer opportunity. So if you look over a year and you can have some level of research and you can say, okay, based on this research, I can predict you look over a year and you can have to do some level of research and you can say okay based on this research i can create some movement over a year but you do more research and it's a real three months in this all going on you know so yeah yeah so more points of profit become available or more likely become available the more research you do. True. So I know, yo, even the sickness buyback, you know, 10 days after, if it was the buyback, 10 days after, they have to
Starting point is 00:08:51 tell you that they bought those shares. Yo, that they even did, if they just did, if it was a buyback. Yeah, sorry. That's a very powerful thing you just did. That's the difference between the Premier League and Satchel de Baal. I saw this, everybody thinks it's that but it might not be and i'm going to get some point of confirmation later yeah you know how it go everybody decided to
Starting point is 00:09:16 buy back cars whatever uber for sure exactly there's a difference like people just sending a message people sending a message in the group no they haven't published i think they have would they have people who yeah they have to yeah by july 3rd yeah same thing that that is the difference between yeah yo if you ever know how much work i did on yo i remembered um like with the cygnus thing how you know like all of these different timelines and stuff were said so there's oh you had the anniversary date you had at the agm they said i don't know what the basis was for it i think they said the end of their financial year which ends in june and that's
Starting point is 00:10:04 when they have to start purchasing the shares which i didn't really get the basis for that but then i had several little different timelines and stuff in my google calendar like yo buyback is this from looking back from i think even last year you know i put it oh they're supposed to say this put out this date and what about and then i guess people don't really realize that that's how much work like at the end of the day same example we were talking about that's how much work I did for it and versus someone say yo is a good company and whatever them just buy and I don't even
Starting point is 00:10:32 understand what and then it just sounds like you talking about magic over there how did you know how did he know is a good company celebrating profit with you. I imagine they ask him.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But when his response is, it's a good company, that has nothing to do with why the price move. Yeah. There we go. That way, chapter round.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah, man, good companies mean the price they go up when you buy them. I've seen a tweet of mine the other night from, I want to say this is from like 2018, where I was doing a thread, I was much more active on Twitter back then, and saying that there is, like every company on the JSC is a good company. I think that's exactly what it says.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Because of that idea, that good company, I hate that idea. Everything on the market is good. Right? Good don't mean nothing. Good is only... Good is only... Good is a valid judgment, and you determine what good is, right? It's super subjective. And the people who go one
Starting point is 00:11:38 step further with just, what do you mean when you said good? That's the difference between a Premier League and just talking. That's the difference between holding up glasses. Yeah. That's why I'm always asking why. What do you mean? Like, you know, Brick Talker here.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I do it in the Grow Subscribers group. We'll go through things deeper, and it starts on that simple point. Like, yo, you think it's a good company? I legit don't know if it's a good company. Not because I don't know the company. I know every company on the market. I don't know what you mean by good. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Exactly. company not because i don't know the company i know every company on the market i don't know what you mean by good yeah and only when you and then and oftentimes when you press it you realize you oftentimes don't know what you mean by good or you know but the second you're asked you start to give me a you freeze you give me i'm on tv answer oh you know strong balance strong balance strong balance you mentioned that randy i don't know if you remember this back maybe this was like two three years ago when you guys used to have the was it every mickle group i had joined the group then had i did the course and whatever the finance course and i joined the group and then when i was just getting into investing, one of the companies I was looking at was Creamy. And it's like, I was buying it, but I didn't do that. I was, I guess I didn't like understand the level of research I'm supposed to do or
Starting point is 00:12:54 really what I should have done, I'd say. And I remembered you asked, I was talking about Creamy in the group and then you asked me the question, you were like, oh, like, why do you, maybe ask me like, why do you think there'd be an increase in the share price? asked me the question you were like oh like why do you maybe ask me like why do you think there'd be an increase in the share price or why do you think they'd earn extra money or things like that and at that time i didn't even know how to answer that question because i didn't know like what i'm supposed to do what level of research how can i comfortably say that and just looking back now literally um before this call i was reading on creepy back now literally um before this call i was reading on creepy and now it's looking back like okay i can now actively say i can show a projection i can say oh these are the points for why i will
Starting point is 00:13:33 huh anything recently anything recently anything so random that he's looking at it i'm so i'm so proud of you guys i'm so proud of you got out of market yeah because yeah why why i don't understand why i know but finish your point because i'm also proud because of what i would know i wanted when i asked you that which is what i want when i ask everybody that and they often think i don't know what they often think so finish your point and then and then i'll i mean my point was really just yeah it's just looking back um i can now understand how i can go about making things like a price prediction or predicting yeah just predicting a price i have like a stronger basis for it i can say oh in this report in like the financial reports the article um
Starting point is 00:14:22 this reason i can look up estimates i can do a lot more and it and then that just ties in well into making that um investment decision you know and i also i think one of the things that i i do but like i didn't know i did i guess like people have pointed it out to me um and it annoys some people but they're always like yo like i remember someone was teasing me once they're like oh these persons always asking why like why why why and that even applied to um to medicine yeah it wasn't that they really say it was a bad thing i guess they were just kind of teasing me or whatever but i even think about that with medicine and like school and stuff like that when i was in school i'd like in our group theon and i we were
Starting point is 00:15:05 in like a study group we would always ask why so like we would do sorry there's a reason i'm laughing about that i know why you're laughing but we so we would do we used to do um like a past paper group and stuff so we would go through doing exams and stuff close to the exam and one of the things that i really liked about our group that we fostered there was the competition point because we you know we would be like kind of competing and stuff like yeah man i'll try this and like who can learn this and who can explain this better and whatever um we used to teach each other there was yeah we used to teach each other which was good um but like there was the why so we would do a question um some groups like i would see them just oh is that it was multiple choice a to d
Starting point is 00:15:52 usually they'd say okay what's the question they'd google the answer i'm like oh it's a and then say ah it's a and then just move on that's not how our group was. We would always say, what do you mean? Like, what do you mean it's A? Why is it A? Why is it not B? Why is it not C? Why is it not D? And I feel like that pushed it because at the end of it, sometimes we would do a question. We would spend a lot of time on the question.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Someone would just go through a cursor against answer, one minute, five minutes done. We would sometimes spend all 20 minutes, half an hour on a single question. But it wasn't just the point of oh we know the answer to this question because a lot of times with the past papers they wouldn't um they wouldn't just repeat the same question it's the concept that comes back or the principle yeah so we so then sometimes in the research of oh on this specific point we in doing the research you learn about another point and then that question could then come on the exam so it was the why is i think very very important always asking why this so
Starting point is 00:16:51 oh this company is gonna go up why yeah and i'm happy i'm happy so you made a point i i hope that you get why i asked those questions then yeah and they're not rare they're not easy to to hear sometimes for people yeah i do understand i could have answered back then and the funny part is if i had been able to answer it because i had bought it when i probably shouldn't have because i actually had to take a loss on it but it was me doing that research and realizing yo this isn't gonna get to me or get me where i want and i had to sell and i look back imagine if i didn't sell funny enough the price i guess what price is it at now like five dollars or four dollars or something the price is probably about the same
Starting point is 00:17:34 and that was like two three years ago i could have just been my money could have just been sitting there versus what i've done and move from other things and stuff and learn so much more it's very hard because that's the thing like i remember sometimes we sometimes we would so we had our core group sometimes we would bring maybe other people or interact with other people and our practice of asking why sometimes upset people they'd be like why are you asking me why they feel pressure but at the end of the day all i'm trying to do is make sure that i pass this exam like it's not that this thing it's not like specific to you i'm literally just saying yo i want to learn you're telling me this why like you need it's like you need to be able to support the answer
Starting point is 00:18:25 otherwise i'm not just going to listen to you because you say and this is the answer as well that is it's the process for that falls heavily within engineering and computing people i would say math people but most don't but do it. But good math people, they understand. It becomes a matter of principle and process. It's really your, it's not the answer. As I hear teachers annoy you with it, make sure you write out the thing down. People, they just learn how to write out the workings. In reality, there's so much other ways
Starting point is 00:18:59 you can write the workings if you know exactly how this thing works. A big thing that I use, my father's a math teacher, and he hates the term carryover because you can't carry one thing from one side of the equation to the next side of the equation. It's really,
Starting point is 00:19:13 if you add and subtract on either side of a balance, it's out. But just knowing that, most people have no concept of that. When we know something, just move it. Bring this on the left side
Starting point is 00:19:22 and it means X, Y, Z, whatever. If you check like math people if they say carry over they don't really know it on a certain level and that's like one of the earliest things they learn in math and if you get to a certain level of math without knowing that the amount of things that get ruined from that just from or carry over on the next side of the equation yeah and everybody know carry over. I, yeah, yeah. I don't know though, Danai. I don't know if that's true when you say that it's that you said that it's
Starting point is 00:19:55 common in computing. I think maybe just because you have such a better idea of math. You can tell that it doesn't happen. I can tell you in those areas it's it's maybe just as fair and i'm assuming from the doctors it's just as spare in terms of the people who actually do that the following the why i suspect it's across all industries some people just want to answer move on other people just that's not enough you have to tell me why because i'm one of those people and it's a personality thing like i don't care who you are just telling me something and tell me that's
Starting point is 00:20:29 actually why i was never good at math because i was taught math where one plus one equal two why and i wasn't taught math by somebody who could tell me why and i don't accept anything just because you said so who are you worse if i ever see you make a mistake jesus i can't trust you if if i can't trust your logic i agree i trust your logic i then trust you because it doesn't matter if you're an expert anything or not i trust that in the situation i know that you have the sense to work out what's better so the why is an extremely important question to be able to answer and going back to that that question that Matthew said I asked, and you hear Danai say I was annoyed with it. I ask it because, as you hear Matthew say,
Starting point is 00:21:11 if he could have answered that question, then he would have known whether or not it was a good investment for him. I'm not an advisor. And not because I don't want to be an advisor and pay the money. Danai does a great job as an advisor. But I don't take that on. However, when somebody's talking to me, I'm thinking, I go back to the lazy point. I'm thinking, what is the most efficient way to help this person with the most knowledge without taking up all of my time? Or I'm not going to be able to carry
Starting point is 00:21:42 you through an entire deep research session on the stock. But I can ask you the three questions or four questions. If you can answer those questions accurately, you will know the question that you really want to ask me. You will know whether or not you should have the money in the thing. You'll know whether or not it's a good goal or if it's a good company or whatever. And oftentimes when people get asked a question, like they't say it might be a hard question to hear but i i don't know how to to play to people so i just make it very very plain i said listen this is not a new thing i'm not trying to insult you i'm not trying to show you up i am asking in a hard straightforward way like you
Starting point is 00:22:21 come to me you go is i don't know is scotia a good stock and my answer to you is not whether it's a scotia is a good stock is how does scotia make money or what is your goal and then how is scotia going to help you to get to your goal or if you you're excited about a specific thing in a company and i ask you the why around it and you can't answer it you think boy i'm trying to show me no get to the point of being able to answer those questions and you have your answer and the funny thing i always say is you think that i'm asking a question for you to give me an answer and i tell you that you're right many times i don't know if you're right like sometimes the question is yo the cream is gonna go i don't know i can't read the future um the mother writes issue i don't know i can't read the future um the mother rights issue
Starting point is 00:23:07 i don't know i can't read the future i don't work there you know jp gonna make more money i don't know um jp jp gonna make money is jp going to make money off total office ipo i don't know total office gonna ipo i don't know but i can gun IPO? I don't know. But I can ask and answer the questions around the thing in such a way that I will know. You'll know when you have a satisfactory answer. You don't need to know when you know the answer. It don't matter what you say because I
Starting point is 00:23:35 know that this is correct. And that's the point I try to get people to. And I mean, I do it in a formal way with my subscriber group, with Grow, where I teach it. But I also do it in an informal way in conversation. I group with grow where i teach it but also it's an informal way in conversation i just ask you about we didn't know you have the right answer i think a lot of people have a poor test of whether they know they have the right answer there is a proving something is a big deal for a lot of people especially an investment thing because when people will tell you straight up what them think somewhere or what's going to
Starting point is 00:24:07 happen with something or what's happening around this expense or whatever on no basis more than men feel say and they talk with the strongest confidence you cannot question anyone you can't ask them why this expense go up and you can't you cannot even imply say wrong. You can know. You can read the right thing and thing there. And because him feel say. He never. The person does never said okay. I have to prove it to myself that this is real. And that's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:24:35 I did another annoying Randy thing. Prove it. Or I have these feelings about this. Or I think this is going to happen. Prove it. Oh this is what's happening. Prove it. And very often the proof is right there in the company report it does bother him with the question he says checking it yeah
Starting point is 00:24:52 yeah people get offended when you say that that prove it point for real right matthew yeah like and it it's really not coming it's so it can it's multi it's multi-layered right um and i'm i don't know if it stems from insecurities or so on but when i tell somebody to prove it it's not just prove it to me but also prove it to yourself because i can see that you may not know the answer i can see there's like there's a knowledge gap. And I want you to bridge the gap. It don't make sense for me to just tell you what the gap is. Because you're not really learning.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, this is how I teach too. This is how we used to teach Hakeem and those other subjects. People would come to us with answers to certain past paper questions. And we'd be like, why do you think it's that? Where did you read that? Which parts of the book which chapter are you sure it comes under iron deficiency anemia or thalassemia or something you know so it's like but we ask the hard questions but it's not for us it's really so that you can get to the answer so exactly it's not an easy way it's not it's not an easy way of teaching because not everyone is going to take it well. However, I've found that it is the best method for people to store it in their long-term memory.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yep. So, yeah. When you finally know it, you know, can quote some things that I just did finally know and it does not leave in my mind. The whole IFRS 9 with XFUN and them recognizing whatever they have in XYZ.
Starting point is 00:26:36 That was a big deal for us. We had to go through and find out XYZ. Everybody was telling us XFUN is the best thing in the world. And we're checking and reading the course and we're like but yeah nje was a big early point on ifrs9 when when maybe early recognized you know when they early adopted ifrs9 what were they doing why did that them time that everybody was doing the way name again everybody had stocks any shares they had or whatever they recognize it how they more recognize it as they please in the thing right now again what's that landing money the which one
Starting point is 00:27:16 comprehensive income oh yeah oh they changed it to net profit yeah maybe recognize these things early record early i'd love to be stated you why is that why are they doing that well that was a very early dot for mje yeah it's it's then you said it and i i am not one for absolutes so when i give what i think is an absolute like you know i'm not doing it lightly and again like when i say best it don't mean best forever if you if i say something's the best and you show me something better that's not the best right so i think what it is is that that method of teaching a socratic method of teaching where you're not
Starting point is 00:28:05 we're used to the authoritarian method of teaching so you go take it and go one plus one is two why because i say son i'm the teacher i know these things that's crazy because that means that you're never wrong but you can't be wrong with that method you know because if you're ever wrong that's it i'm more socratic where even and especially when i know i'm asking you because when we all know it together we truly know it it's better and there's a tad bit of selfishness in there meaning if i get i've always wanted to get everybody up to my level because one you can imagine how good i am when i'm competing against people that are as good as me if not better and what am i missing i could be missing something that i don't know
Starting point is 00:28:46 that's maybe well this year especially late last year this year with my girl group i've gotten even more i've gotten a lot more of that out of it we're no like when we're doing sessions and i'm pressing them on something and they press me back and they make me question things about my own um preconceptions my own approaches sometimes um and i'm human so there are things in there that i learned right like i remember i showed up i guess the local who said just we're saying something about real estate and they're talking about and my general point is you know real estate is like jewelry you know rich people have jewelry and you can get rich selling jewelry and having jewelry.
Starting point is 00:29:26 But you're probably not going to get wealthy off jewelry, but wealthy people have jewelry. And so you tend to make the mistake of thinking that, you know, the jewelry is what gets you to wealth. But it's not. Right? You got wealthy and then you bought the jewelry. Real estate is a lot like that. It's not that you can't get wealthy off real estate, but it's very difficult so you're probably not going to yeah but look at this billionaire and how much land him up he became a billionaire and then he bought the land right he didn't he didn't become
Starting point is 00:29:54 a billionaire because of the land he became a billionaire and then he he bought like bill gates have most farmland in america yeah but it was microsoft and then he became a billionaire and he's like well i can't do another Microsoft. What can I buy? And he bought a lot of things. He ran out of things to buy. All right, let me start by land. Nothing wrong with it, you know. But it's not, it's jewelry. It's not the way to get to wealth, right? And in the same way
Starting point is 00:30:16 we're talking about real estate. And that's how I feel about it. Like most people love real estate. We love the idea of real estate. But they don't really look at the reality of real estate and what it actually takes and what it does to you. And once I did, once I do, it shifted my view of the whole thing. And I've held that for a long time. And we're having a conversation again.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And the question to me like, you know, well, how are you with asset class? Because I'm always your Mr. Stock. Stock is the best, which it is. But other things exist for a reason and it made me question myself and i was like wait while i for the person with 100 grand 200 grand for the person with anything under in my personal view anything under 10 million you probably shouldn't be trying to do this thing off real estate if you run the math on doing that apartment complex it's gonna it's rough yeah but if you have much much more and you can
Starting point is 00:31:11 split a house deposit with a friend and um and you don't plan to live in the house you guys plan to airbnb it out and then maybe sell it in five years if you if the house deposit is four mil and you have enough money through your other assets that allow you to peel off two million and do it why not do it yeah yeah right and and in my mind like i still wouldn't do it because i'm always like yo real estate is not my thing but why not and what benefits can come from it because there are benefits including to the stock market that can come from it because there are benefits including to the stock market that can come from real estate if you do it right yeah that's true and i would be missing all of those if i just keep my i'm not looking at it method and nothing wrong with my
Starting point is 00:31:56 keep well not nothing is wrong looking at my keep not looking at it method there is something wrong with it where i would miss an opportunity to be better. I love that questioning thing because it makes me question myself also. And all of us get better as a result of it. So the Socratic method is the best. I'll say it is the best method of teaching. There is this graphic that I'll share. I don't know if you guys will show it or not. But there is this graphic that I always think of with it with um you have it up right now i do have it up right
Starting point is 00:32:30 now actually you can probably share your screen it'll show up on the it's actually from a tweet you know so i will i will show it uh yeah so shout out to whoever this this in my sessions, sometimes people tell me, when people come with that thing, I thought I want to start. Actually, I go through it, and if it's viable. Sometimes I'm saying sell
Starting point is 00:32:54 because I have in my head a better idea of what I'm more comfortable with doing for the money. And sometimes it's just me and the client talking, and then it becomes, oh, but I was looking at this other company. I already have it. I already bought it, and I expect this from it. And they give me a good case for that to happen.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And I'm like, all right, cool, we can go with that. Yeah, man. The best teachers act as guides versus gods. Yeah, that's how I see it. And it is a strong, uh a strong strong strong strong strong way to do it because it leads to it leads to an understanding that i i i haven't had it beaten yet i haven't had it beaten yet i haven't seen anything to top it yet it's it's extremely strong and i can't i don't see anybody who can't help literally like even if
Starting point is 00:33:46 you hate it like even if you vex you know i also ask the question even if you vex and you go home and three months later you're thinking about it and you actually answer the question you get the knowledge same way and hopefully you see why i asked yeah yeah yeah it's a lot of value wonderful to me yeah yeah all right guys randy here in turkton one last time just tell you something check this out you need to check out mymoneyja.com if you do not have a mymoneyja.com account already you really are missing out we have been doing a lot of work so if you're serious about the stock market the local stock market and you're looking for somewhere to keep track of your money to keep track of your funds especially if you're serious about the stock market, the local stock market, and you're looking for somewhere to keep track of your money, to keep track of your funds, especially if you have multiple brokerage accounts, mymoneyja.com. We have loads of features.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Check out actually a feature that we just launched for premium users. You know how sometimes you're talking about like the trading day and you want to know what happened on this date or that date. We have the trading history and we also replay the entire day for you so you're talking about oh that trade that went into the q1 then came back out but it keep popping in and pop it you don't have to try this carry for anybody anymore just bring up your my money ja app and pull the replay out and you can play it over again and again and again you know it's time travel from the guys at my money ja so check it out my money ja.com and you can use code limitless when you sign up and get five percent off so that's a
Starting point is 00:35:11 little tidbit for you guys anyway back to the episode all right let's switch up the conversation a little bit because we've gone and touched a lot of different points um yeah yeah that's literally investing for you are there any tools or apps or resources that you guys find because we've been talking about being efficient we use the word lazy but really and truly we mean efficient but are there any tools that you guys use to help enhance efficiency, improve productivity, any apps, anything you guys use? You guys gave me that. Habitica.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I've known myself for being all over the place. I try to do too much things at once. I don't try zoning. I don't write things down enough. So when I was doing Habiticaica properly i was on my game man okay okay habitica habitica was great and still is great but when i use it and i enjoy it and i still enjoy it it's actually in one of my auto pop-ups so when i open my browser it's one of the tabs that does open still but you have to set it up for your day for your work right for what you're doing and
Starting point is 00:36:25 a lot of what i've been doing has shifted and i haven't set it back up right yeah i need to recalibrate i need to put my my tasks right away and whatever and i don't have a happy ticket to help me to do that part yeah i understand yeah that's actually a good that's actually a good a good question because you do. So one of the things that I've been using these days, I actually pay for it, is an app, a calendar and app called Motion. So use Motion, use motion.app. And how do I describe Motion?
Starting point is 00:37:01 So it's a calendar app. I wish I could show it, but it has my actual calendar and stuff in there. But AI, magic word is, but it's an AI that you tell your projects. So you have to lay out to the projects, meaning you tell what you have to do. So I'll use like an example of, I need to clean up the house
Starting point is 00:37:20 and I'm going to do it one day at a time. So I have the project kitchen. I'm going to wash the dishes, clean the floors, clean out the fridge, and I'm going to do it one day at a time. So I have the project kitchen. I'm going to wash the dishes, clean the floors, clean out the fridge, and I'm going to fix up the living room, straighten the furniture, dust everything, vacuum, and bathroom, I'm going to clean the toilet, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And you put that as your project. And then, well, when you put it in, you can estimate how much time you think it'll take or not. After that, it does everything else for you. And you tell it what hours you want to work during the day. And the AI, it suggests things for you. And if you miss something, when you're doing something, you're about to do something, you just tell it that you've started it. Or if you've done it, you tell it that you've done it.
Starting point is 00:37:56 And once you've done it, it auto-schedules your calendar. So if you miss something, it just auto-schedules it for tomorrow at a time. And it tries to see if this time. If you want something at a specific time, you miss something it just auto schedules it for tomorrow at a time and it tries see if this time if you want something at a specific time you can try and it's like out in the mornings i want to meditate so i have it telling me to meditate in the morning even if i don't do it tomorrow morning it's going to tell me meditate it's gonna tell me exercise right um and then if i have appointments if i have meetings or whatever you know you have stuff in your calendar it works around that so if you have a meeting now and this thing takes an hour and it doesn't have an hour it might pop up and ask you hey you have a deadline of this on this and um you can't do it can we split this
Starting point is 00:38:35 task into two and if you say yes then it puts 30 minutes here 30 minutes there it's like a secretary that only cares about your calendar it's so good that i paid for it it works with your calendar too but i think kran is free right yeah i've been using kran since you gave it to me and it's helped my life a lot because now i don't have to check every check during the day when the session is and within it i don't have a notification right so yo it knocks me and say oh do you have 30 minutes to and then right before the session i get up me i'd add it it's oh wait what is that what what is that sorry what's cron is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is about if i have something in my google calendar it it's has a layout here and whatever. When something is due, it just tells me
Starting point is 00:39:27 right there, okay, you're supposed to start this now, or you have a meeting now. It just pops up, click it, right into the video call. Yeah, man. Cron is pretty great, but I haven't used Cron since Motion. Only because Cron at its core is a
Starting point is 00:39:43 calendar, and Motion works around your calendar and also the calendar view so i'll try it out that's the only reason but like is one if you like how cron looks motion doesn't replace cron you want to put your apps in motion anywhere you look at your calendar it's there so when i'm looking at my google calendar i see my motion tasks in it and if i schedule a meeting for a certain time, it automatically moves those tasks away from it and schedules them at a better time. And if you have a repeated task, and like, you know, I have this in the morning,
Starting point is 00:40:12 but it turns out, funny one, I almost always miss the meditation in the morning, right? I'd like to start my day perfect, like on Instagram and meditate and then get going. But oftentimes what happens is I start my day with outing fires and then almost like my day feels almost like two halves and then for the second half of the day i think all right you get a free moment and i oh i missed the meditation let me do it now and i did that
Starting point is 00:40:37 like a couple of days in a row and it just started putting a meditation at that time i i realized it worked when i think i ended a meeting and i was doing an email and i finished in the middle of writing the email it popped up like meditation time in five minutes and i was just thinking i'll have a break all right how am i gonna plan the last half i literally just popped up then and i look on the calendar i realize it has moved the meditation down to the time where i often meditate and you you're like, no, I want to meditate in the mornings, right? But also, maybe you pay a therapist a lot of money and the therapist would say, hey, why are you fighting what your body is showing you? Why not meet yourself where you are and then adjust?
Starting point is 00:41:19 And that might be the therapy answer. Yeah, motion's answer was just, hey, we noticed that you're much better at doing this thing at this time so i move it to this time yeah it's yeah motion i okay i'm definitely gonna i don't want to get in some money but i mean i don't care it really is a good app i want everybody to try it yeah that's the thing is motion that app okay okay i mean there's a seven day free trial so i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna try it out and see um okay yeah you set it up you might be hooked um and it helps me it helps me with yeah i'm gonna check everything you still use especially if you have disparate tasks right so like if you have to be a doctor, handle medical stuff, and then maybe handle business stuff, and then maybe also my portfolio,
Starting point is 00:42:07 and maybe personal stuff, it's great for that. Okay. You still use RescueTime? Yeah, that's a mandatory thing. Because even when I'm not paying attention to RescueTime, I make sure it's running because it's always tracking what I do. So whenever I go back and i review it's yeah man it's there so every device all the time i know we spoke about rescue time in our first episode
Starting point is 00:42:32 with just me preston and you but you can just tell the people what rescue time is rescue time uh how do i think of risky time it's an app that tracks what I am doing. I have it on all of my devices, my computers, my laptops, my phone. So it tracks what I'm doing at any given time. And it has other features. So like I can choose to focus. I think when you hit the focus time, you know, it will stop all your notifications everywhere, allow you some time to focus. But my, how I use it mostly is it allows you to track time in order to hopefully be more efficient to rescue time um and it does that by yeah by tracking everything and then it gives you like a report at the end of the day or however so
Starting point is 00:43:18 often like for me during the days it actually pops up all the time hey congrats you've had two hours of productive time because you tell it what apps are productive it picks up actually automatically what's productive versus a game or social media or whatever and it's sometimes a little tricky so like i would have social media time that is actually part of work right um so you have to tell it yeah exactly but it tells you what how much time you spend on productivity and then again maybe it's a type a thing if you tell me that yesterday i was at seven let's try for eight today yeah nine today right yeah yeah and the only way i know to get even
Starting point is 00:43:56 better that is to have people to compete with with it uh yeah if i could if i could mix motion rescue time and habitica where or if I could just get what I have set up in Motion automatically put into Habitica, there's probably a plug-in to that somewhere. There's an API for Habitica, yeah. If there's an API,
Starting point is 00:44:18 then we're good. It's a really good reward system, and that's what caught me, especially because it was a group, not just me. So there was some competition. really good reward system and that's what caught me especially because it was a group not just me so there was some competition a good penalty system too remember the messages in the group say yo you killed me bro you feel like you're not just you're not just carrying yourself you know like you're carrying the group yeah so for the people that don't understand like what we're laughing about basically in habitica so we're all in a group um and yeah i know the the first rule of fight club is don't talk about
Starting point is 00:44:54 fight club but just for just for the people i mean that's for the limitless listeners um and basically what happens is you can set habitica is really about you have three different aspects. You have habits, you have dailies, which are things you can do every day, or set it for whichever days and specific times and whatnot. And you have tasks. And what we're laughing about was
Starting point is 00:45:17 you can, together, you have a character and so on, you level up. You can go to different levels. You get equipment and so on. It sounds super nerdy, Idy i know right don't judge us however the world system is pretty cool and the penalties is pretty cool because we we can fight bosses right it's like a video game you can fight bosses but collectively you can't see each other's tasks and so on but collectively if some people are doing bad it will damage us when we're fighting the boss so you damage the boss by doing your tasks doing dailies stuff like that if you miss out if you're like
Starting point is 00:45:54 randy and miss out on meditation for the day miss out the meditation just know we're all getting punished for that right so yeah i mean it's good because we'll check in sometimes if you do like 10 15 20 damage you're like bro what's going on are you okay all right you know what the funny thing i was thinking about that this might be a personality thing i do not cheat at that oh yeah yeah i remember someone asking me when I was telling them about Habitical they were like oh why wouldn't you cheat but I'm like that just defeats the purpose why
Starting point is 00:46:31 what is there to gain from cheating I've never cheated at video games because I find it boring it shouldn't be too easy I've never found something too easy to be really fun I just don't understand somebody doing i've never found something too easy to be really fun like i said i don't i just don't understand like somebody doing that like and especially in something like this like if you're cheating that's how i didn't do myself
Starting point is 00:46:51 for a week and i'm kicking just my friends to say i'm like you're still not doing it fast bro yeah so that makes sense you know it's funny that comes back in the market you know and then i remember is how I used to always talk about, especially when he was just starting out, meaning just learning about investment, he asked me questions and stuff. Every now and then, this always happens. I don't know if you guys know, but in the local market, the people who work in the finance space, they like to talk like they love to talk to their friends and stuff about stuff right so like you know we're working
Starting point is 00:47:30 on whatever like most people talk about work but the finance space especially nowadays is exciting oh i know about the ipo that's coming or whatever they're excited about it right um and i was pointing out to him that a lot of what I prefer and what I go for in my investing is our own research because I don't need anybody to tell me. Let's say Danai's company is going to buy out Theon's company and Theon's company is listed. Danai tells me and I run and buy some of Theon's shares early. When the buyout happens and the share price fly up i made a lot of money it's great you did bet the money you know
Starting point is 00:48:10 but let's say you and then i fall out next week and he no longer tells you things you don't like your source of making money was not being able to figure it out and predict it on your own and making the bet it was than i right so i always push to yo that to me that's akin to cheating in a game because what's the benefit there's no real benefit what you you're just getting something there when you do it on your own without like when you actually get it if i get up and do the meditation that day in addition to it feeling better knowing that i you actually get it if i get up and do the meditation that day in addition to it feeling better knowing that i have actually accomplished the thing i meant to do no i didn't cheat to do it i i think that's a personality thing because i always look out for that i look out for the people who will cheat in something like that because yo
Starting point is 00:48:57 cheating yourself exactly like the whole reason you're doing this thing is because you want to meditate so if every day you miss meditation you're not getting the benefit of meditation but you get exactly oh i didn't kill fair on today right yeah like i feel bad within myself that's not the point of the group anyway yeah so yeah what i love about that going back to habitica is it allows you to pause because i don't want to hurt people but i realize yo i'm screwing up right now yeah so i love me to pause i'm not gonna hurt anybody else while i i'm i'm doing this but i would rather pause that go in and do a fake thing so i never know i never know the pause button i don't i still don't know where it is the tavern yeah what hits me is this when at a certain point after 12 o'clock it brings up the thing you
Starting point is 00:49:48 can't do anything unless you click off the thing so you have to say okay i did this or i didn't do this and i saw myself like i drink water and i have one more bottle of water for drinkers at the day and this is me i thought that's all the person was doing that no bro i have one too bro i have one too yo habita habita is probably responsible for like a half a percent water intake increase for everybody who plays it right yes because i'm like you're not clicking that i didn't do that. So let me chug it now. I have been saying I want to get back into exercise.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I lose enough weight since COVID. And since then. He does it the opposite way. Everybody else put on weight through COVID. I lose weight for nothing. That's why I was. Please. So that was me there saying, boy boy i started doing my push-ups now and then 12 o'clock sometime i said you know what you gotta do now you know but yeah i'm not
Starting point is 00:50:54 you know it's funny if if if meditation was like exercise like you could just do i don't know why i've never done that though i think because meditation i'm not in a five minute thing you know maybe maybe short as i'll do is 10 or 15 the 10 minutes is nice before the yeah 10 minutes is a nice little start it is annoying to me actually why i don't meditate now since you guys and you guys showed me a good amount of you probably should be there many times and preston started a challenge, I believe. You did the meditation challenge in the group, no? Yeah, Thursday. Yeah, you get gems if you do. Mario won.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Nice. I haven't shared it yet, but it definitely should be a part of something I've been doing consistently. Well, on the meditation point, have you seen differences? Has it helped? Yeah, I think so. Even the little bit I've been doing so far it's it's bringing me through man trust me yeah you you know it is for me it's one of those fridge i'll use the fridge
Starting point is 00:51:50 example for some things i do it and when i do it sometimes it's annoying sometimes i think maybe it's not helping no because i think maybe i'm more in tune i can tell when it helps but it's very easy to do it and think it's not helping. But you see, the second you stop, you regress to non-meditation mind. You're like, oh, wow, this really makes a difference. You feel a difference when you stop versus when you're doing it. It's easy to think when you're doing it that you're not, it don't really have an effect. It really does. I continue to be a terrible proponent of it because I tell people to do it. it really does yeah i i continue to be a terrible a terrible um
Starting point is 00:52:26 proponent of it because i tell people to do it i don't do it as well myself but it makes a difference yeah that's weird weird way yeah like everything else works better when you do it i've i barely meditate like i just tried it out now i know because of my morning routine, I can't fit it in. I wish I could, but I definitely can't fit meditation in. But it definitely clears you for the day. I do feel much more, what's the best word for it? Maybe oriented. Probably would be oriented and know like where I should like, like it starts my day, calms me down and know exactly this is what I should be doing now. This is what I should be doing now. I don't know know it gives me some sort of direction for the day that's
Starting point is 00:53:08 how meditation helps me um i wish i could fit it but i'm trying to do that 30 day reading challenge where i read like 15 minutes i think preston started that one too i'm on day 29 and i did not read this morning because i had to run go work today but like if i miss this it's a problem so i'm definitely reading before i leave because i don't want to have to when 12 o'clock reach i'm like oh it's tight i'm tired more while when 12 that's why i stopped the last time and 12 o'clock reach it's 15 minutes to read i was just like yo i'm going to bed like sometimes that's it yeah yeah well hold on how do you feel about what the reading is what's the point of the reading for the actor reading
Starting point is 00:53:51 or the knowledge itself or what ah wow that's a good question when i just started reading it was just because preston was reading every day and he said he had a lot of benefits and so on that's literally the only reason and then i started reading and I realized when I used to do half an hour every single morning I could read faster like documents in work stuff I was actually reading faster and I realized it by timing myself because I would know I know what 30 minutes feels like mentally because every every time i read is 30 minutes every time i do in my pomodoro sessions is 30 minutes and i realized i'm getting through more pages now in the same time frame and then if i'm just scanning things at work i'm reading faster it just had a lot of benefits when i when i started out so i just continued and now i'm reading
Starting point is 00:54:45 and a fiction book my first fiction book i've read in like a couple years now it's miss born series yeah brandon sanderson miss born bro yeah just bro it's it's pretty sick i just i started book two last night. That's crazy. I just started. I'm still on book one. I just started. That ending of book one, leak me.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I'm sorry, bro. I'm excited. I don't get to start it. It's like... I start book two and I can't move on it. I switch to another series because...
Starting point is 00:55:21 Okay, okay. I did that. It was that good, man. I did, man money yeah man yeah all right so welcome to the nerd the nerd cast yo shout out to brandon sanderson brandon sanderson is a reader's author yeah meaning he made like you it it's a it's a visual it's worth it it's worth it you get sunk into the story and you see playing out it's this is such a good tangent because i asked because i wanted to say something else but you can't write because the book i really know i'll say it after but wow sorry i interrupted you that night finish what you're saying and i'll say my no no no it's great
Starting point is 00:56:03 love the author love Love his books. I read that book recently. We have some more Sanderson for you, bro. There's a whole series that is going to blow your mind in a different way. And then they're all connected. Oh, I think so. I was doing some research on it still because there's this YouTuber. All these three are me.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah, yeah. The Cosmere. Oh, yeah. That's the one he was talking about. The same universe. Wow. The same universe. It's beautiful. The same Cosmere. Yeah. yeah yeah oh yeah that's the one he was talking about the same beautiful the same so then i don't know if you remember years ago earning season we were talking about the the um the wheel of time. Wheel of time, yes. Yeah, so we've said this on an earnings episode years ago
Starting point is 00:56:49 that most of our business knowledge doesn't really come from business books. Although there are cool business books out there, like Shoto Business Adventures. And that's a book that people should probably look up for. Confusions is confusions but i most of my my um i won't say knowledge but a lot of the things that you see a lot of things that we reference comes from non-fiction it comes from speculative fiction that sort of thing yeah like we talk all the time about our research and that that why the sword of truth the the the wizard's first rule people are stupid
Starting point is 00:57:26 they will believe a lie either because they want it to be true or they're afraid it's true i think about how often that has happened on the market i think think about how much think about the the jmmb spike going at the last part of march last year people wanted a notice to say what it didn't say right or they're afraid it's true that happens all the time in the market right that came from as if it's as if the notice said that thing because they never said it doing a buyback no no no by except they said they want to and these are the things that need to happen and yeah man it's something so going back to that, when we spoke about that
Starting point is 00:58:08 I don't know if it was on the podcast or off that I said this part, we were talking about the time, why am I forgetting the name of the title Wheel of Time the Wheel of Time series, thanks and that is written by Robert Jordan who died while he was doing the series
Starting point is 00:58:24 and it was finished by Brandon Sanderson And that is written by Robert Jordan, who died while he was doing the series. And it was finished by Brandon Sanderson. So that means literally Homeboy died, and this guy came in and finished it for him. And he finished it in maybe one of the greatest ways. Yeah, man. Meaning, don't spoil it for me because I haven't finished it. I don't know about the finishing, meaning he didn't finish the story for him. He knew he was dying he was sick so he did notes he had charted out the whole thing gave it to his wife so when he died and his wife
Starting point is 00:58:52 read something from sanderson read sanderson loved robert darden it's like a legendary series and she was so touched by what she read she contacted him to see if he'd be interested in finishing it and so he he that's like imagine you love the lord of the rings and there's another one to come and the guy dies and his wife link can say hey would you like to finish the lord of the rings imagine the story going to go how you want yeah well not really how you want because he wrote how the story should go but sanderson did it yeah no off a light conversation sorry it's a long story but off a light conversation than i said just mentioned how i mean it's a lot of books i think it's like 15 or so no it's more i'm on book 12 and there's like oh i think it's 14 books probably could be wrong 14 or 15 books so when
Starting point is 00:59:39 i'm on like book two or three or book one or two and it's exciting to me i'm saying how excited i am by it this is robert drawder years ago and i'm reading it and then i says that oh it starts to get a little long in the tooth you can tell when he's sick and dying because it kind of starts to get a little boring and then you can tell when sanderson came in and it picked up right that's all he just said that because we were talking about sanderson's other books because sanderson is a prolific writer and he's really good at what he does. And I've read some of his other books and they are great. I didn't read Mistborn yet.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Anyway, so I said, let me slog through these things. And every night I'd read like a one page or a two page. I'm not in any app for it. I just love reading. So I did that and I fell asleep, right? Then I get a chance. My dream is to be stuck in an elevator with my kinder. We can't get you out for like five hours.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm like, okay. Right? That's my dream. Like, I love a good flight because you're stuck. I can read. Is this the thing I do when I'm flying? I can read. So anyway, he said that.
Starting point is 01:00:38 And so I was finishing a series I was reading at the time. It's another Sanderson series. And I came back and I was going through Wheel of Time. And it actually did get long in the tooth to the point where i paused and i paused and read oh yeah yeah i paused i read miss born i finished miss born wow not the series i finished miss born book one i'm like wow and then i thought to myself and this goes back to the question i was asking you theon about why you read because i'm like an og nerd like i've been reading for i don't really have a memory of not being able to read i was reading from i think maybe as one or yeah early or two yeah very early
Starting point is 01:01:16 and um so i've always been a snob reading stop meaning reading books uh is that like don't tell me about audiobooks not knocking it but it's not the same yeah it's not the same yeah but at this point in my life i'm so busy and so i'm thinking yo why are you denying yourself what might actually be better like what is the point of reading it yes some reading is pleasurable to me the act of reading is pleasurable to me but i remember when the Kindle came out and I thought people are reading on the iPads and I'm like, why wouldn't you get the iPad? And I don't read on an iPad, I don't read on a phone screen.
Starting point is 01:01:52 But I remember when I never have no device to read on. I remember, well, it's enough years past. I remember going to my mother's office and printing out books on the office printer. Who finished the 500 pages in the double-sided printer all out and put them at school, man? Because, you know, that was early internet days when you find a PDF and you can finish a series. Harry Potter by Xerox, right?
Starting point is 01:02:19 And I then remember when I got the Kindle and I was like, oh, I use it because the Kindle page looks like a real page. And now I'm never without my Kindle. I used to never be without a book. Now I'm never without my Kindle because I have hundreds of books on it. And so I'll have to say, thinking again, okay, you're struggling to go through this series where I'm not reading it as fast as I should, simply because it is a bit difficult to read.
Starting point is 01:02:44 You can tell, I don't care about internal politics of here. It's just not really the best writing in the series. And I really want to get to that point that I mentioned. I want to see if I can actually recognize where it switches over. Why not try the audiobook? Just try it. And then I tried it. I tried a few things.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I'm thinking, yo, you've been denying yourself knowledge really uh yeah because for me reading is reading is a different thing but then i think yo there's so many there are things i do that i can share time by listening while i'm doing it right yeah i don't need to listen to the sound of i don't need well i can't work and listen to a book. But I can... Do mundane tasks. Yeah. There's some things I can do while listening to something else, right? And there's some things I actually enjoy a whole lot more while listening to something else.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I can't think of it in the same way at all. When I read, there's a little focus I get when I read. When I'm hearing the audiobook and I'm doing something else, the focus can't be like that for me. True, but I think it depends on maybe the audiobook. You're right. Everybody is different. I listen to stories. Or like somebody telling a story about,
Starting point is 01:03:53 like there's something, how do I explain it? Say somebody talks about a book or like a movie. I can play, I can be doing a Monday in Tess and have that playing. But a book where the actual story is being read, I can't do it. I have to get that level of focus for it. I get you.
Starting point is 01:04:13 For me, I could see that it's not the same thing as a book for me. So reading the book, especially on the Kindle, if you buy the audiobook and you have the book, it syncs. So like the page I'm on in the Kindle when i play yeah when i play it it picks right up at it that jeff bezos like you deserve the yacht yeah like i'm like wow like it picks right up there and having that is not the same but it's uh it's a good enough second and i realize there are other things that maybe i i wouldn't read because you only have so much time yeah that I would read that I would listen to that by audiobook I'd get that by
Starting point is 01:04:50 audiobook I have no issue getting that by audiobook both both um fantasy and like you know business things out of it which is why I was asking you Theon why do you read is it the pleasure of reading or the um because I say that to your point than i there were points especially in miss born where i turned off the audiobook and read it like i like yeah how they're reading it is not this this bad like i need to read read this right and also i read faster than they do the audio version but that too i have here when you're reading it over you're not you're not looking at words it does get in the thing. The story is going into it.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Even seeing it. I know exactly what you're talking about. It's almost like you're scanning. You're not necessarily reading individual words, but it's just being downloaded in your head. Exactly that. If I can't read further, if I can't do that. If I feel like I'm reading words, I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I understand that. So I say all that to say, check out audiobooks. It might be a cool way to get or check out just maybe audio content. Meaning, there are business books maybe that I wouldn't read, but I would listen
Starting point is 01:06:00 to the audiobook of it if I can fit it in. I would probably want to read news in audio format. Because I kind of hate reading news, to be honest. It's pretty boring for me. But I do it because I have to. But to read a whole news article sometime, even if it's super long, I very often push it back and say,
Starting point is 01:06:17 all right, give that a little time by itself. All news is boring for you? Like you read us all today articles? That man is using up his dictionary. He's making it not boring. Like he should read news at 7. It's dastardly act that was committed. He's making it exciting, right?
Starting point is 01:06:41 Usually the core thing is, as we know it's probably small but i've i've found i've chuckled at a couple of the recent stuff just because of how he writes yeah yeah a lot a lot more color yeah so consider audiobooks that's one of the tips that i tell anybody yeah consider consider it for content that you might not read. Yeah, so like, oh, I'd love to have a self-help book, but I don't have the time for that. I read my self-help book. Yeah, consider getting an audio book version of it.
Starting point is 01:07:15 And who knows? If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But yeah, that's something that I realized I was missing. It's just allowing me to absorb a whole lot more. And read the Sanderson. It is. Yeah, I've heard good things. was missing it's just allowing me to absorb a whole lot more and rita sanderson it is yeah i've heard good and then i i could tell when sanderson yeah yeah it is yeah that's where he got to reply and the point he picked up you're like yeah man at the right time
Starting point is 01:07:41 yeah imagine your biggest fan the biggest fan of a series is an author who just happens to be really really good and he gets asked to finish the series and he does a good job it's not crappy it is when you finish this message me same time i want your reaction 100 book one definitely definitely i i just finished literally last night i finished the first book that he started like the first book that he completed how many books are in the series i'm gonna say 14 or 15 i think it's 14 oh wow i'm excited yeah and he comes in at um i think he comes in at... I'm a heavy reader, so I'll do it. I think he comes in at
Starting point is 01:08:28 book 12? No, man. Before that, man. Slug. The fanbase calls it the Slug. People are sitting there and saying, boy. Yeah. He went a little too much into worldbuilding at
Starting point is 01:08:42 that point. No, man, book 12, The Gathering Star. That's the first one that he... There's 14 of them, and he comes in at book 12. Ah, yes, you are right. And finishes book 12. And you can tell, because book 11 was rough. But book 12, book 10 and 11 were rough. Book 12 is like, wow.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Sanderson is the first person that has written action that I'm reading and I'm like, this is like an action movie. It's not just, okay, this man shoot this man. It's, yo, him shoot and him slide and him go behind the wall. I understood how you feel there, bro. I mean, the thing is, I used to read a long time ago. I think it's medicine that threw me off because, you know, medicine is all reading. It's literally.
Starting point is 01:09:30 My girlfriend's a heavy reader. And our girlfriend also is a heavy reader. And they're both. My girlfriend does get him back to reading like how she used to. She's as much a reader as me, probably in some ways more. And my brother, he still can't get back. The medicine thing does mash him. Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:44 It definitely mash me up. Definitely. Because in high school and so i used to read i remember i got the harry potter series big up my friend daniella she lent me the entire series right and i just i binged it binged it i could not put down the book i'm going out to eat and i have the book with me it's serious serious, you know, like serious. You want to hear something funny? My whole family are super readers. Probably that's why I started reading so early. The same as Randy, me and my brother. And I also had a brother that was older than me, so we were really close, so he'd be interested in reading a certain way. So, all four of us would be sitting down there and just reading. My little brother don't read at all.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I don't know how he miss it. But all of a sudden, I'm just reading, reading, reading, reading. So all my life has been me. And I used to think that being in class. So with the book up, I used to read Percy Jackson. My brother used to lend me the book. Oh, yes. Percy Jackson, yes. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I used to love that. I used to sit in the class with my notebook and thing there in front of it in my car going home this is me i was changing them i know that's me too yeah preston let me the whole percy jackson series too yeah a good author is great like trust me like the fact that he can tell the person he's aging through the series you can tell I'm like, he reads a 12 year old kid and he's 15 I used to love you guys used to read
Starting point is 01:11:11 Goosebumps? I used to read Goosebumps we have a lot of Goosebumps, just a lot of the volumes I used to have tons of them you need a lot of Goosebumps, just buy them, buy them, buy them I wasn't a Hardy Boys fan I mean that't a Hardy Boys fan.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Yeah, I wasn't really. I mean, that big on Hardy Boys. My brother's kind of a fan of Star. It's what you read. It's just another thing. Yeah, man. I know exactly. I read everything. I've read books I don't really like.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I wasn't Sherlock either. I read a lot of Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes. I read something. Yeah. Some of those. But those were like the classics like for that's when i was younger too i'm happy about that like but then the kids i read anything and i read
Starting point is 01:11:52 anything i could get my hands on at the time he had more time you never even know that you have the time yes funny enough i've never is blessing i've never finished harry potter you should yeah yeah like like as in wow the book i also don't watch the movies oh because i have not finished the book series and i like don't like you want to piss me off spoiler don't spoil books for me don't like i'm like no spoilers when it comes to movies but i i'm very good at spoilers because i'll i'll go i'll look for them i will be reading a book and i'll be wondering wondering wondering, what's going to happen? What's going to happen? What's the thing? And it will eat me up.
Starting point is 01:12:30 And then I'll be Googling. I read a whole week and I spoil it. That's psychotic. You spoil it for yourself? For a lot of people, I just need the information. I'm for the most. To the point now, I'm for the most part numb to spoilers.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Actually, Randy, don't spoil the book for yourself. Yeah, because... He and a friend at the time were talking. Me and the person are the same, spoiling things. So no, I just hold myself back. I just say, all right, let's not think of it. Let's read the stories.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I think that's a big deal for me. I stories. I think that's a big deal for me. I mean, I know it's a big deal for me. Stories. I think it's a big part of the market for me as well. How many stories are in the market? Just to know, start to finish, how something went, that's big for me. So Randy tells me about things that happened
Starting point is 01:13:21 way before I even look at investing and show me how he connects to things now. Yeah. Yes. Yes. And there are stories in the market. That's another thing I want also. I'd love for that.
Starting point is 01:13:34 That will be a good podcast. You said it one time. It's a great podcast. Great podcast. And a good part of a maturing market is the ability to tell what happened you don't have to be the person telling it but i i want a story to be told i don't mean on the business news i mean like tell the actual story right like when you hear when you hear icon when you hear him talking about corporate rating and like how they think about what to do when you hear him talking about corporate raiding and how they think about what to do. When you hear Buffett talk about his
Starting point is 01:14:06 corporate raiding, which he did a lot of back in the day, those things, you get a lot from it and you understand a lot more about what really drives the market. When you see the parallels,
Starting point is 01:14:23 you know, exciting things have happened in the market. We think, oh, the market, you know. Like, we think, like, oh, the market's getting there. No, I was saying to Danai a couple of months ago that there was a time
Starting point is 01:14:32 when there was a buyout, a takeover offer for Salada. And I think it was a company called Three Beers, which came from the ideal group of companies that are doing their solidifying their place in it. And a competing buy, which came from the ideal group of companies that are solidifying their place in it. And a competing buyout offer came from Mayberry.
Starting point is 01:14:50 So imagine that. There's a buyout in the market and another party comes and says, hey, we're buying the shares at $25. And along comes another party that says, hey, we'll buy the shares at $30. That's an exciting thing.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I mean, I'm sure there's a whole heap of friction behind the scenes or whatever about it. I don't care. It's why we made Mayberry. They're actually doing that kind of thing. Think of how cagey people get around that. Think of what, if that happened today, what Twitter would be saying.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Of how, boy, I can't believe, I can't believe. Well, you know why they would. It's like, yo, 25s 25s are still 30s are still two give me just bidding all right yeah yeah i'd love that i love that i love that and i and i see the power from the stories being known how there are other people who never thought to do it until somebody say to me it seems normal but i've learned that a lot of people don't necessarily see the same way and a lot of people have to see something in order to get normalized yeah it has to get normalized and the stories have to be told so yeah it's it's it's
Starting point is 01:15:58 a wonderful thing the stories in the market and i'd love more stories in the market. I'd love a, what do you call it, a structured podcast. I'd love a scripted podcast around the market. I would love, if I had the time, if I was rich as I wanted to be, the time that I wanted, I would do a scripted podcast around market events, around company events, around company stories like like almost documentary like you'd get me to listen to a podcast consistently at that point oh yeah but i'd also make it exciting yeah it wouldn't i wouldn't make it boring at all but you know me i'm podcasting so yeah he doesn't listen to them does one doesn't listen to them
Starting point is 01:16:42 but that's right there are people who play football and they'll watch and they'll watch football that's true and they're people who watch football and they'll play yeah anyway we've been talking for like what two and a half you guys want to wrap it or you want to talk about the market you want is anything else you want to talk about this is an episode man all right guys randy here and like i said i hope you guys enjoyed that i mean it was an enjoyable talk on our side. And as I said before, also on a different theme, right? But still hopefully enjoyable. It's always good to know with Matthew and Thea and the guys from Limitless. And you should check them out.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Check out the Limitless podcast. I think it's limitlesspodcast.com. And also check out Danai, D Hall Advisor. He's the best independent advisor for the local stock market. And if you want to learn how to invest on your own www.evermickel.com slash grwr grow up easily easily easily the best place to learn how to invest practically and profitably um yeah check it out of course if you do grow you get a lot of discount to a lot of things you get a discount to a session with the naive you also get a discount to mymoneyja.com if you guys did that episode you heard that nice little plug in the middle which included that discount also so check it all out hope you enjoyed it and
Starting point is 01:18:15 yeah from randy and on behalf of danai and theon and matthew peace out we'll see you soon. Who knows, we have some great things coming so look out for it.

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