Earnings Season - Limitless Earnings - Part 1

Episode Date: September 16, 2022

Surprise!!!! Happy Brickiversary!!! It's been a while, but it's always good to be back. After a long, long gap, Randy has a sit down with the guys from the Limitless Podcast and they chop it ...up this episode. They talk about the approach to the stock market, #BrickTalk, speaking about investing publicly, and a whole lot more.Listen, enjoy, share and pop over to the Limitless podcast feed for Part 2. 📲Contact📲📧Mail - Earnings@everymickle.com🐥Twitter🐥  www.twitter.com/Earnings_SeasonRandy - @RTRoweDanhai - @HDanhaiOfficial Data Provider 📊 - www.MyMoneyJA.comThe Limitless Podcast - https://bit.ly/LIMITLESS-POD-JA🐥Limitless' Twitter🐥 - https://twitter.com/Limitless_pod📷Limitless' Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/limitless_pod/🔗Links🔗MyMoneyJA - https://bit.ly/ESZNMMJA (12 month discount included) GRWR Beginner Investor Workshop Link - https://www.everymickle.com/grwr(Enter EARNINGBRICKS at checkout for a 10% discount) Advanced GRWR Short Term Investment Workshop Link - https://www.everymickle.com/agrwr(Enter EARNINGBRICKS at checkout for a 10% discount)Danhai's Advisory Session (Automatic 5% Anniversary Discount Included) - https://bit.ly/ES2YREF ★ Support this podcast ★

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing said on the podcast should be construed as investment advice, nor should anything said be relied upon as the basis for any investment decision. Any reference to an investment's past or potential performance is not and should not be construed as a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit. All opinions expressed by hosts or guests on the podcast are solely their own personal opinions and do not reflect the opinion of everymickle.com or any company affiliated with the hosts or the guests. Hosts and guests on the podcast may maintain positions and securities discussed
Starting point is 00:00:27 in the podcast. Neither evermickel.com nor its affiliates or subsidiaries warrant the completeness or accuracy of the opinions expressed herein and they should not be relied upon as such. Strategies and investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value and may not be suitable for you. They do not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and they are not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any security mentioned speak to a licensed investment advisor before making any investment decision i'm going to try to eat about it hi guys randy here it's been a while since you've heard anything from us from the stream, right? Well, if you love the conversation, the market focus, especially the local market focus
Starting point is 00:01:13 on stocks and so on, Danai and I have continued the conversation on Twitter each week. In case you didn't know, some of you might know, some of you might not, but we do it on Twitter each week. If you want to find it, just check out my Twitter account at rt raw deny zone at h deny or you can just search with a hashtag brick talk it's the same conversations plus a whole lot more and unlike with the podcast you guys can actually join in on this one right of course we also upload those episodes to youtube but if you're like me if you're a podcast purist then i'm going to start putting the audio of the Brick Talk up here on stream. I've always said that earning season isn't dead. And I know that there are plans in place for it to continue.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Well, what you're hearing today is part of those plans, right? Today's episode, however, is a little bit different. Recently, I did an episode with the guys over at the Limitless Podcast. And Matthew and Theon were great to have me on. I was very, very thankful for that. And it actually kind of reminded me about the old earning season days, right? So just like at earning season, the conversation went kind of long. And of course, unlike us, they decided to split it up into parts.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So what you're about to hear is part one of that, right? I hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment or a rating, depending on whether you're listening. And give the guys over at Limitless Podcast a follow, follow right when you're ready to hear part two of the conversation head on over to the limitless podcast stream and they'll be there waiting for you so there should be a link in the show notes to the podcast along with a couple of discount codes over there and there's not just discount codes for this but also discount codes for you know my money ja advisory sessions with danai and of course the grow investment course i threw those stuff in after realizing that the date on
Starting point is 00:02:50 which i was recording with the limitless guys was the official three-year anniversary of the earning season podcast so it's been a hell of a ride and so on behalf of danai and myself and everybody else who's worked with us thank you guys all for listening all right enjoy this limitless episode and keep investing it's randy and i us thank you guys all for listening all right enjoy this limitless episode and keep investing it's randy and i'll catch you guys soon i've talked to you guys and it's funny i'm realized you know sometimes you don't realize how far you've come until you have some reason to look back or you see something that you're like wow wow, that used to be me. Right? And I realize just,
Starting point is 00:03:31 I do a thing every week in front of people. And as you guys know, I also do something privately. Yeah. Multiple times a month, every month. And I've done that for years going back now. And I don't view it that way, but now I'm realizing, no i it's more natural for me now
Starting point is 00:03:49 to just do a speaking thing recording thing and so yeah i i don't i'm thinking of the listener almost that's another thing i always do i don't think that's a personal thing i'm almost always thinking of the listener when i do yeah that helps also links back to investing i'm almost always thinking of the investor when i'm investing myself and the person on the other side exactly on the other side of the trade for sure that's also what i do in investing because you know you used to well for me i used to set goals and it's just like okay i'm gonna sell the stock at two dollars just say but i now think of it as why would somebody buy the stock from me at two dollars you know i think that's a much better way to think of like goals for me because it's
Starting point is 00:04:40 now it's it's not a real it makes it very real to you. It's like, now you have to, it forces you to come up with the reasons as to, yo, why did somebody buy this at $2, right? And why at this time? You guys used to bring that up on Brick Talk a lot, Randy. Tell me that you've done grow up, or tell me you've done grow up, because that's a grow up thing. Completely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 You're right, Preston. I say that a lot on Brick Talk. I reference it because as, well because as you guys would know, and the people who do Grow, know, know. I really, it grew from how I do Twitter. Almost everything I do publicly is really, I do it with a targeted audience in mind. is really i do it with a targeted audience in mind so the people who have done grow get a lot um more out of the the things that i do in public because when i i'll say things like we
Starting point is 00:05:36 have inside jokes i'll say but it looked like both you know and that just means something to the people i have done grow and um in the same way like the concept you just mentioned theon that's something that i try to get across to people also that yo you don't think like people are the market that's why that's one of the grow principles that i stress because you need to remember like in my mind i think i say the greater fool and you are also the greater fool. I am the greater fool. The fool on the other side of the trade, right?
Starting point is 00:06:13 And so thinking, like immediately once you start thinking like that, you get a whole lot better at investing. Like I've seen that empirically. That's definitely when the transition happened for me. Like when I started seeing it like that, everything changed. The way I even view companies change right and then you have to know taking into consideration the market because right now so it's it's so funny how preston and i would like reference previous things because to me in my head i just started the other day but now i have i've been investing since 2019 so i have like a couple years of how the market has been and you can literally see the change in the market
Starting point is 00:06:55 you can see how the market responds to certain things differently now um like certain maybe news or corporate actions and companies and you're just like this now, and you stress it a lot, the retail investor, that space is huge now. It's the majority of the market now, but it's, and I think it always was the majority of the market, but it is now very obviously felt. And as I agree with you, you can see in everything i would say in everything there's a difference even the market is still slow but it's slow in a certain way you know yeah exactly market
Starting point is 00:07:34 is still they still react to certain things but they um they react to certain things but yeah but even the reaction is different either in form or intensity or everything you look at even just the the quote-unquote dollar dip yeah i suppose the dollar dip compared to the one-on-one dip yeah that's very true there isn't really a one-on-one dip right i mean yeah there isn't really if you compare them then yeah there isn't there isn't if you look no no go ahead go ahead sorry no you're right because dollar had a more drastic dip you could see um a lot more stocks falling and to a greater percentage fall right now one-on-one is causing a bit of you can tell there is some effect some ripple effect from the prospectus even came out in
Starting point is 00:08:32 certain companies you see in certain things hot down like how qw i hopped down the other day it's like 59 cents you think that's one-on-one you think that's one-on-one or just or just karma no You think that's one-on-one or just karma? No, I just think... No, it's not necessarily one-on-one, but it could be. Because, I mean, the queue is always a bit scanty. I know you see our prospectus come. I feel like sometimes every time you see a stock go down and the queue is usually scanty it's sellers coming in
Starting point is 00:09:07 and it's just like i'm wondering if it's maybe it's people in this qw i don't know if people how many units actually traded at that price though i don't know i'd have to check oh but and the thing is with the quote the quote unquote dollar dip there were other stuff happening too because that was right after i think that's when a lot of reports dropped and you know our usual and there were talks of recession at that time too yeah and then so the expectation no isn't the u.s officially in a recession now no or it depends on who you voted for, but no, I don't think it officially is, or maybe it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah. You might be right. Actually. It's two quarters of lower growth. But then the definition of that might be changing. Like I said, depending on who you voted for. Hi guys, Randy here. Just taking a moment to remind you to check out mymoneyja.com
Starting point is 00:10:07 mymoneyja.com that's the best place to keep track of your portfolio if you're investing on the local market if you really serious about making money on the local market or if you just want to keep track on the money or some shares where you know you have from a long time go to mymoneyja.com and set up an account right we have three tiers there's a free tier a pro tier and a premium tier and all three of them are great at helping you to keep track of your money i mean the premium tier is the best but anyone you choose you choose if you want to see what the premium tier is like click the trial button and check out the trial we have loads of features and they just keep coming right um those of you who might be thinking well
Starting point is 00:10:46 i really like this when is the app coming the app is literally being tested as we speak so you don't have to worry you will get access to the app also and the premium users will actually get access to the app first because that's who we're gonna start the public testing with first so regardless of the app or if you don't even know about it and you want to learn you want to keep track of your portfolio keep track of the money on the market mymoneyja.com think of you like the friend who is always into stocks and know what's going on but them always paying attention to the market i mean one of our great features is the fact that we can send you an alert immediately as a stock trade at the price that you set up think about how important that might be especially around the ipo times right so we have a lot of features there and we have a whole lot more coming check it out at mymoneyja.com all right check the show notes
Starting point is 00:11:36 for a link and also for a discount or you can just go straight there right now and check it out yourself that's one last time www.mymoneyja.com all right so back to the show um you notice that i spoke about the dollar quote unquote dollar dip because i think it wanted to be seen as a dollar dip um so what you might find as you here's another thing I've learned from doing these things so I pause a lot but I don't generally pause a lot when I'm speaking normally but because of the nature of what I'm talking about I'm always playing producing in my head yeah like so i want to share a gift to you guys but i'm also very aware that people are listening and um and finance carries feelings heavy always i swear to you unnecessarily i think unnecessarily but the fact that it it does and i i came across it in my own journey and then as i've done more research and checked and read stuff in the past,
Starting point is 00:12:49 it is not new and it is not unique. It is everywhere there's finance, there's feelings. And in many ways you can kind of understand that because in many, we are trading value. It is a direct value thing and it's a value. it's a it's a we are trading value it is a direct value thing and it's a value it's a personal value system in which all the players are pretending that it's not a personal value that is being traded like i believe you hear people talk about stocks that they buy i believe in in in qwi so i bought it right so when it go down it hurt me and and along comes Matthew talking about, oh, it's a waste,
Starting point is 00:13:26 waste stock, I wouldn't put my money there. And it hurt me, but I can't respond like I'm hurt. So, you know, like I was reading something the other night and they say, you know, anger is a secondary response. So you hear it a lot, but anger is never the first thing. It's somebody's hurt and then they respond angrily or somebody's ashamed and then they respond angrily or embarrassed and blah, blah, blah, right? And so you're hurting my feelings and then feeling insecure because what it means that did I pick wrong?
Starting point is 00:13:54 And I might get hurt and suppose somebody lists to him and them fall and then the share price dipping on me. Yo, guys, don't take your investment advice from doctors and that's the response that comes out and that's angry response and no you listen to me very very and you know i always feel like that somebody will say something like that i always have it in the back of my mind like somebody will make some comment at some point in the future don't take your investment advice from doctors it is almost certainly going to happen because um well because at some point you guys are going to naturally if you continue to be honest honesty is the quickest way there because as i say finance carries feelings so if you if you like how we
Starting point is 00:14:40 talk we publicly talk about how we don't like APOs. I know we're going to get backlash from that at some point. You must. I know you have me on, Mr. Anti-APO. So you're definitely going to get backlash from that. And if there's any advice I can give you is the thing that I've learned and I'm learning still that helps carry me through is i have to go back to my own core think about what i'm saying think about the truth of it think about the usefulness of putting it out there and and if it is something
Starting point is 00:15:18 honest is something true then you do it and understand that it's just part of the thing somebody's not going to like it and that's okay and if you it's just part of the thing. Somebody's not going to like it and that's okay. And if you're not doing it for the wrong reasons, then that's just part of the thing. Yeah, people will disagree with you. Yeah, and they will disagree. And then that's a funny thing. As Jamaicans, as I've come to realize,
Starting point is 00:15:40 we don't have a very good, we're not very good at disagreement. We immediately take, as you guys have seen both of you have done grow up both of you in conversation to me and other investors you see just even a natural reaction to me asking questions yeah it's not uh we're not used to being questioned as jamaicans we take being questioned as an offense yeah it's almost like that's disrespectful yeah yeah and what you mean and how could you ask for that yeah just give me the answer bro yeah my allocation yeah it's not but but you know no it's not it's not that's not how it work at all exactly a lot of the times the questions for me, not a lot of the time, every single time, the questions, the questions are the thing that really leads you to the gains. I ask people the
Starting point is 00:16:32 questions that I ask myself. So when people ask me certain things, if you get a question from me in response, it is a question that I have to ask myself to answer your question. And I want you to be aware of that question because like in my role, right at this point, I do a lot of teaching. I am always trying to leave the person I'm interacting with, with enough tools that if they never see me again, if I drop dead tomorrow, they can use those tools on their own. I'm always trying to empower. I'm always trying to teach a man or a woman to fish
Starting point is 00:17:09 because you want the fish, but if I just give you the fish, you're not going to be able to get it again tomorrow. What I use to catch this fish is not going to work to catch another fish, but I'm not going to be there when you need to when there are only those types of issues there and you need to be able to have the skills to do it versus just the person to hand it over to you and it's annoying at first but those questions are the things that really like those questions are the tools yeah a hundred percent those questions are the tools um and as jamaicans we're not very we don't we don't really like being questioned we view it badly but that's for the best yeah like i said any advice i can give you is stick to it know what you're doing stick to it and
Starting point is 00:17:54 understand that yes finance come with feelings so you can step on some toes but what you also see is that people come around and sometimes not even willingly not even willing something i joke about all the time a lot of the things that i got vilified for when i started being a lot more public are things that are just said normally no said as a everybody knows a sort of thing and i'm thinking yo when i was saying you were quoting that as an example of why you shouldn't take your advice from this guy right but no it said normally so imagine if you had stopped imagine if i had stopped just because somebody was disagreeing with the message that they are now saying as if it is normal message wouldn't be out there right sure here's the thing as you guys know no you don't so i don't show my money
Starting point is 00:18:46 my money ja i show that but i don't i don't i don't show my money but you will know from investing that if you are doing the plays you can't help but to speak about them it's exciting exactly yeah it's enthralling it's it that is that even if you're not talking about the money you're talking about the play because yo you know you think it'll work it's a it's a whole experience right like my sibling he played i had to say it on the podcast because i'm just like 109 percent just so like you know that's exciting yeah and and something's not and you'll know it's not really just about the money the money's important but it's at least from my perspective it's the seeing of something before it happens believing that it'll happen for the reasons that you have put together
Starting point is 00:19:37 and then seeing it actually happen and realizing that it's for the oh my god and that's the sort of thing yeah yeah the people who play football cannot help but to talk about football the people who love football cannot help but to talk about football but the people who don't and pretend the people whom it's just a lane the people who just trying to fit in you know it's like you're the hot girl in the office in World Cup time. Of course, Italy's your side, right? Because Germany was your side up to last week, but then they dropped out, right?
Starting point is 00:20:16 And if Italy drops out, of course, you're always supporting Spain. And this will go right up until the winner, and whoever wins, you were always supporting that winning side. Right? And then when the World Cup's done, the World Cup's done, and you're not really there until the next four years or whatever. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:30 But the guy who is out playing the corner league with him, friend him every Sunday, when he talks about football, you know it is immediately apparent the difference between somebody who is playing the game and somebody who is just talking about the game and you can't hide it when you're talking you can't hide it when you actually play and in this thing where it's not like you have to be a pro athlete to get into it you just have to have you just have to you don't even have to actually be in it you can be doing player-owned plays or i was just looking at something or i just see something
Starting point is 00:21:03 you just once you act playing the game don't really mean putting money in it only it means truly playing the game being involved in the thing and when somebody isn't really there it shows and those guys that you mentioned it's obvious that they don't do it it's to me it is plain that they don't do it because you can hear that you don't really know what you're talking about you're like you're like the person who you're like the person who you have your grandfather was from Jamaica and your grandmother and your parents grew up in Florida and you grew up in New York to these parents who grew up in Florida to Jamaican parents and so in the american context you're saying oh sean yeah sean is jamaican but sean is not jamaican sean has been to jamaica two summers when he was younger he's
Starting point is 00:21:51 not jamaican they went to ochi too yeah right his his father is says he's jamaica the father his father calls himself jamaican because his father grew up in a household that considered themselves to be jamaican in florida so he themselves to be Jamaican in Florida so he describes himself as Jamaican and so his his child describes himself as Jamaican also and that works completely until you're actually talking to a Jamaican who can tell immediately that you are not Jamaican and we'll be nice and we'll say of course course Randy here just saying that if you want to be able to understand the stock market you want to understand this tax thing here is talking about if you want to learn to analyze companies you want
Starting point is 00:22:32 to learn how to make deliberate profit in the market so not boy I'm a buyer I pee on it go up and make some money nothing wrong with that but if you want to be able to do it deliberately and repeatedly if you want to be able to do it deliberately and repeatedly, if you want to learn how to understand the market, regardless of your level of financial expertise or love of math, check out GROWER. GROWER stands for Grow With Your Research, and it's an investment class that I do twice a month. You can get to it at www.evermickel.com slash GROWER.
Starting point is 00:23:03 at www.evermickel.com slash grower. That's www.e-v-e-r-y-m-i-c-k-l-e dot c-o-m slash g-r-w-r. Grow rich with research. Trust me, if you want to learn to understand the market, there is no better course out there. It is built for everybody, regardless of their level of understanding if you really don't understand much or you want a place where i want somebody explain it to me and break it down simple simple simple then this is it if you want to be able to ask any questions
Starting point is 00:23:36 big or small sensible or supposedly stupid there's no stupid questions but if you want to ask there's also a space for you to be able to ask them there is anything that you need to learn about the market to get started you can learn it at grow it's done twice a month we do it in two formats it's a one-day workshop in its truest format so we take one day on the weekend and we start the day with you maybe knowing absolutely nothing at all and the idea is that at the end of the day you should have a fuller idea about how the actual market works how the stock market works what's happening there it should no longer be just gibberish to you it should actually make sense and start being something practical that you can lean into and get into the other version of grow is a split version of grow where for the people who might not have the time may not think they have the attention span for a whole day class and trust me i understand that i would have not set up a
Starting point is 00:24:30 class all day to be boring because i'd drop us even in the middle of it but i understand the thinking if your life set up in a way where you can't dedicate a whole day to learn about this thing then we do split grow it's the same information but it's put over two evenings so do either version whichever one works for you works for you you'll get the same information with both of them you'll get the same skill set with both of them and it really is worth it trust me everymickle.com slash grow grwr if you want you can click the show now click the link in the show notes and go to Grow and you can enter this code at checkout, Earning Bricks, and you'll get a 10% discount. Or, and that's just for listeners
Starting point is 00:25:13 of this podcast, by the way, or you can just go there straight to yourself and it's evermickel.com, E-V-E-R-Y-M-I-C-K-l-e dot com slash g-r-w-r and those discounts keep coming right because not only will you get a discount to grow but people who do grow get a discount on their first advisory session with independent advisor danai hall danai hall you can check him out at dhalladvisor.com but if you're really smart, you do grow. So you learn how we do what we do. And then you also take the discount to go and see Danai. And on top of that, you also get a discount to mymoneyja.com.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So try to ensure that everybody who does grow gets a whole lot of value. The idea is that you should get a lot of value on top of the value that you put in. So come learn how to turn your brick into two bricks or your two bricks into four bricks but do it deliberately not just a luck thing not a guessing thing every michael.com slash grow come and learn how to grow rich with research all right so back to the episode now yeah i saw a quote the other day where um i i um the guy that wrote, is it Blink? He's a popular guy. He wrote a really popular book. He has fuzzy hair.
Starting point is 00:26:33 He's a Jew from New York. And he's Jamaican also. What's the name of the book, Blink? I'll tell you. Malcolm Gladwell. Oh, The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Yeah, he has a
Starting point is 00:26:49 Blink, and he has a couple of those books, right? Cool books, good books. But he has a post with Shelly. Shelly, as in the runner. Yeah, I saw that. Yeah. And he's saying that
Starting point is 00:27:06 you know he said to to um her that you know he's he said i'm half jamaican he he actually and you know you know i'm half jamaican and shelly responds there is no such thing as a half jamaican and he posted it and it looked good and it is good i don't think he was meant badly at all but also if you're actually jamaican like you know there really is no such thing as a half jamaican you're either jamaican or you're not that's a very wonderful response from shelly yeah i don't know if they meant for it to be like that i don't yeah and i don't want to twist her meaning i don't think she meant it bad it to be like i don't yeah and i don't want to twist her meaning i don't think she meant it bad at all no this to her at all or for sure but yeah you can spin that
Starting point is 00:27:51 yeah i really don't know what she's saying exactly and more importantly the point of the thing is that the second jamaican is talking to a jamaican you know? There's like, you don't understand the daily scourge of society that is the taxi man. Like, you don't understand the curse that is the yin-yang. You're not really a Jamaican unless you know those things. And so you don't have to be born in Jamaica to be a Jamaican. But the second somebody who is actually Jamaican is talking to somebody who just says they're Jamaican, the Jamaican immediately knows that, oh, you're not really a Jamaican, right?
Starting point is 00:28:32 You hear a loud sound and you think it's a vehicle exhaust or fireworks. Not primetime news, right? It's the same way when somebody who actually invests, somebody who actually is playing the game speaks to somebody who is talking about the game like the difference is immediately obvious like
Starting point is 00:28:54 you're just saying the thing that sounds fancy and nice i'm talking about me having to think about the light bill this month or not that's the difference between getting it right or getting it wrong or maybe just call his name no yo you guys don't want that sort of stuff right yeah i see you guys on us i don't i don't have i have lived years in the fire so i i don't like to me it's clear so sometimes i hear you guys call names and i'm surprised because i'm like that person don't know what they're talking about's clear. So sometimes I hear you guys call names and I'm surprised because I'm like, that person don't know what they're talking about. And I didn't know that they were seen that way. And to me,
Starting point is 00:29:31 it's dangerous. It's very dangerous, actually. Very, very dangerous. Trust me. Who are you talking about before? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Fake investors. Yeah. Yeah. The thing thing my thing is i'm not i'm not a believer in in being exclusionary unnecessarily um but i think that you have to have standards and the game is getting more and more the game is getting more and more um interesting as you go along but i don't want to say dangerous but the longer you invest the higher the stakes get and in this space where jamaica is currently we have a lot of new people coming in and yeah you're right a lot of new people look on anybody who is talking what sounds financey as a finance person but let them talk about the balance sheet what right they must know what they're talking about yo definitely let me go buy it then no right yeah and and um that that's a great way to lose money yeah and and you'll find like just think so i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:30:56 spend that much time um paying attention to to what that's what i consider to be the noise i i look at the curve to have an idea where they are and how they think because i will have to predict them i dare who i need to stay way ahead of right but but for a person just coming in you think everybody talking about finance is a finance person and that is dangerous and i feel so much the weight of responsibility um funny enough dan and I were talking last night after a brick talk. And I wish those conversations could be shared.
Starting point is 00:31:32 The best, the best. It was the same thing we were doing early in the season. The pre-conversation, post-conversation, to us, at least to me, is nicer than the actual podcast conversation. Because no holds barred and and then you can really have a conversation without without you know the weight of the public but i think about how much energy we put into being actually responsible and that comes back to the whole
Starting point is 00:31:59 fake investor just like a fake jamaican kind of thing where there is a real level of responsibility and then there is I am pretending to be responsible so any fool and them cousin can say oh I'm not a licensed investment advisor don't take this as investment advice it takes nothing to say that right yeah that that on the scale of responsibility that might be point one in fact i used a joke a joke privately denied that i hear people saying that and i realize that i i know that a lot of people say simply because um simply because it is said all the time but they don't really realize whether or not they need to say it because you don't actually need to say it in many of the cases that it said it is just a it's like security theater it is the pretense of oh i'm being responsible guys um but real responsibility is more along the lines of
Starting point is 00:32:58 let me think about what it is i'm saying because i don't know who is listening to this where they're listening to it and how they're going to take it. And I want to be as clear as possible to get my actual intent across. People hear what they want to hear. So if you say something about a stock that isn't necessarily bad, but if they think it's bad, they'll be like, oh, no, he's saying some bad about his stock. And then. Exactly. Randy say.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Hashtag Randy say. Yeah. in some bad body stock and then exactly randy say or yeah or or the flip side um they think you're saying something good because i like if i if you naturally say ask me yo do you think xyz is good and i'm naturally talking about something that i think is good for my own reasons whatever you know for my own reasons of why i think it's good i'm gonna say the word good i'm gonna speak about in good terms and um you can't follow that right imagine because you don't know comes and you're talking about signos with another apu you're like oh yeah signal it'll be very interesting with what that what's coming up with their APU. You might be shorting it. And that person is thinking to go long
Starting point is 00:34:07 and they're like, okay, let me buy this. Yeah, that's how Randy speaks about it. Good company, good company, strong profits, you know? Yeah, like I'm going to be excited about the thing because I'm excited about it. It doesn't necessarily mean my excitement is not a direct translation to oh you you should definitely buy this yeah that's that's not at all what what um my excitement is but if you if you
Starting point is 00:34:34 want to hear that you might and so like the way to responsibility on me is i feel it in Yo Let me not let the wrong idea Come across Let me not have people think Let me not have people think the wrong thing And For me personally It's not just think the wrong thing I actually feel a whole lot of responsibility
Starting point is 00:35:00 More along the lines of Let me not Have somebody leave With a tool that is not actually a tool do you get me i don't want hold on for me as you heard somebody's at my front door hi guys randy again uh i hope you enjoyed the first part of a multi-part episode that um we did with the limitless guys check out the link to the limitless podcast in the description and give them a subscription and click follow or whatever it is showing us on the app that you're using the podcast app that you're
Starting point is 00:35:33 doing um but you know give them a follow so that you can be notified whenever the next part drops um check out other discount links also to save and earn some money and listen for the weekly brick talk to the spaces being shared here it's still earning season hope you guys enjoy i'm going to try tweet about it earning season bro

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