Erin is the Funny One - National Spelling EEB

Episode Date: February 28, 2022

Erin Is the Funny One starts off this week with a snazzy bottle of Chardonnay from a friend who *probably* paid way too much for it…thank you, friend! Then, Jack and Erin are going back to school a good ol’ fashioned spelling bee…or, spelling eeb? Tune in and let us know how many of these words you can sound out. Advertising Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey welcome back for another episode of Aaron is the funny one I'm Jack that's Aaron have we got a show for you okay so jokes on me because Jack told me he had something new and spicy of how he was gonna open up the show pretty cool right and that wow that mmm that's how it's done fellas I know you can be underwhelmed and I know you can be overwhelmed but can you just be overwhelmed because I think that was pretty welcoming that opening wow did you just come up with that honey that's genius yeah I did wow do you know it's our 31st episode I was unaware of that actually I kind of lost count mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:00:47 however I gotta tell you guys I think we stopped somewhere about like like somewhere along the lines like oh what was your like sweet 16 leg or whatever right right well I gotta tell you 31 was a very fun year for me I got guys however old you are I swear it gets better after 30 and then it gets worse again after 32 what happened when you were 31 because you got married at 30 so that wasn't it was I 30 when we got married yeah cuz I was 29 oh I guess I turned 31 a few months later mm-hmm wait you were 29 when you got married I know too young to get married you're way too young to get married oh we were like
Starting point is 00:01:30 babies what are we doing getting married what are we doing let's get out of here 31 was such a fun year we were married so I couldn't fight with you about when are you gonna propose anymore that's right that arguments gone we got to go well no our honeymoon we came back before I turn 30 right so it was a great year I don't really remember a ton of what happened but 30 and 31 they were awesome years which means this will be a great podcast I agree totally agree now Jack film would you please introduce our special guest this week Ernie I'd love to our special guest this week is a shard it's novelty hill it's show me the
Starting point is 00:02:16 label it's a Chardonnay from the Stillwater Creek Vineyard so a friend of ours that lives in Seattle was visiting this past weekend and randomly last is some weeknight last week I got a notification on the ring doorbell that somebody was at your door and I was I am very cautious and paranoid and do not like it was terrifying unexpected things so I was like who's at the door what's that and we come to find out it was actually our friend just coming by the drop-off cases of wine literally like two cases yeah huge of wine that she had brought from Seattle with her I still don't know exactly why she did that
Starting point is 00:03:01 except that that was very nice of her and much appreciated especially considering it was her birthday so I don't really know why but anyway so this novelty hill Chardonnay it hails from Stillwater Creek Vineyard in royal slope it's a 2020 I'm assuming this must be Pacific Northwest if not Washington or Oregon yeah maybe the Vivino app will tell us I don't know oh here you go produced and bottled by novelty hill winery woodenville Washington okay there we go yeah it's a local Washington State wine which is only appropriate that it's coming to us from our friend from Seattle shout out to our friend and
Starting point is 00:03:44 shout out to the ABV 13.5 for this bad boy Chardonnay okay let's why don't you take a sip while you gargle and assess I got a bucket I'll tell I'll tell you what the drink the bucket the grander folk say sipping wine now oh my listeners this wine is nothing short of enchanting okay so it is a 3.8 out of 5 stars average price point a little on the pricier side oh 2449 that is on the pricier side and I don't love that because I don't love the idea of a friend spending that much money on a Tuesday what are you doing you know it's us right right honey you should give this a shot wow you sound like you really like it
Starting point is 00:04:32 honey you should give this a shot all right so what would you give it out of five jacks films I would give it 3.8 out of five jacks films oh right off the bat strong honey suckle smell ooh see Erin has the palette I have the appreciation but she has the the ratatouille palette very floral floral you say really you know what flowers taste like okay kind of sauce it's strong when it's not too strong oh I like that it's not like a California Chardonnay it's not it's not like super oaky what is wrong what what's happening I don't know I think I'm dying what the heck no but it's not yeah it's not oaky doesn't
Starting point is 00:05:11 have I really like that though yeah that's a good wine it is different it's super floral keep saying floral it's it's flowery on the tongue okay it tastes like you know how when the Jasmine and the honey suckle come out and it's so fragrant in the air yeah it's like that but in your mouth I can kind of get that I guess but you really have to try how many Ernie's out of five would you give this wine Ernie wow I really like this okay my skill is on ten so excuse you and I am going to give this is gonna get a seven and a half out of ten for me this is pretty pretty pretty pretty good you're particular with your wine yeah
Starting point is 00:05:53 I really I really like this wine anyway thank you friend from Seattle her name is Sonia I was gonna say like wait I don't know I didn't I was like thank you Sonia thank you Sonia I don't even know if she listens but that's okay Jack film yes Ernie why don't you tell the people why don't you give a brief synopsis yeah as to what we've been doing mm-hmm and what we're gonna do today so a few nights ago Ernie and I sat down and for the first time watched this 2002-2003 documentary titled Spellbound all about the national spelling bee that gets televised annually on ESPN and this documentary followed the journeys of
Starting point is 00:06:44 I'd say what eight kids eight children or so I mean yeah give or take I think it followed like eight but they were like hundreds well yeah yeah so like out of thousands if not millions of kids competing in these regional spelling bees only 249 made it to the 1999 national spelling bee championships whatever the proper title is and so the documentary they pick like eight kids and their families and show you like their training processes their their family lifestyles you get a sense of like the haves and have nots it's really fascinating and then it all culminates in this two-day championship where the
Starting point is 00:07:30 249 finalists get whittled down after a few rounds to like the top 150 top 100 or so until there's like just a handful of people left and then there's of course there's one winner and we were inspired by this documentary well I think Spellbound if you would haha can I try that again no so I think one of the things that you did not speak on is the preparation methods and the extent I would sure that these kids would go through yeah and they were by the way I think they were like all ages like 10 to 14 was the oldest but one of the kids had a French tutor even though he wasn't learning French he was learning French
Starting point is 00:08:21 words that may come up in the spelling bee contest I'm pretty sure he had a Spanish tutor as well for the same exact reason which and that's not that doesn't seem right like the word like I'm sorry for the net I don't know never mind well we I mean a lot of our words are derived from other languages so I understand like why but well and then some kids were just kind of left on their own to to like study and they just like would literally use the dictionary and they were like and granted this is also at a time 1999 like limited internet resources I would say I'm not even sure internet was widely available and everybody's homes
Starting point is 00:09:01 at that point I know I definitely went to school with kids that didn't have internet in 99 so I mean like the large majority I think all the families like they were training with actual books there was no like computer software we didn't see like a lot of computer software the kids were using to like you know memorize not at all words and it was like literally one of one of the people had like a family dictionary that had the cover fall off of it because it was so tattered but it was huge and they were like
Starting point is 00:09:30 notes and earmarks and it it was kind of interesting to see definitely a story of privilege in some instances that was probably the part that surprised me the most is that a lot of times it didn't even come down to like how smart or how much new but how many resources you had totally to teach you these things which I don't think I went into watching this expecting but we were inspired by this and so today we are going to quiz each other
Starting point is 00:10:06 on some of the winning words of the last I don't know 97 years of national spelling bee contest whatever yeah going back all the way back to 1925 that was when the first national spelling bee took place and so we found a site that has the winning word from every single national spelling bee from 1925 to 2021 this was inspired because while we were watching it I would close my eyes and see if I could spell the word along with the kids as they were like showing the contest
Starting point is 00:10:43 and you're actually a good speller and I'm gonna get into it I am you know as far as you know some words I used to be a better speller in my old age I think I just care less yeah so like there's sometimes really basic words that trip me up so hard like most recently it was probably the word box I was like wait really yes like one x or two x's no like is that a word oh no box oh your brain has like rotted to this cheese that's no good box box am I saying that right yes you idiot
Starting point is 00:11:24 all right never mind wow I feel so good about myself and by the way I play a lot of word games which may may play into like I play wordle I play chordal I play the New York Times spelling bee every day I play a lot of word games so sometimes I think I just overthink it and get in my head too much wordscapes but anyway please join us for once again proving that I am smarter than jacksfilms yeah what are we calling this the the jack and urney spelling bee
Starting point is 00:11:55 well you know my initials are actually be backwards that's true and I always thought to myself that national spelling eeb if I national spelling eeb I like that and it's ee ee bee okay yeah okay just making sure for you know for titling purposes okay so which of these words have you already seen that way I know which words to start with yeah I think I saw and you better not have cheated okay here's how I want to split this up I genuinely think you are a much stronger
Starting point is 00:12:35 speller than I and as I was reading this article I skimmed the R I didn't read it who has the time they did mention briefly I think somewhere that today we kind of know that these spelling bees are very challenging and they often pick impossible words words that adults are like wait what I don't know that and you know we expect these kids to know how to spell them but it didn't always used to be like that I think some of the first and oldest
Starting point is 00:13:05 spelling bees weren't as challenging so as a handicap to keep the playing level nice and even I would like to have you spell words from like the latter half of the history of the spelling bee and maybe you can challenge me with words from like the first 50 years of the spelling bees history okay that's fine you know what I mean I do okay all right so I'm gonna go first okay okay um and just like in the real spelling bee
Starting point is 00:13:36 you get to ask for a definition for it to be used in sentence and the language of origin okay okay okay should I tell you what year it's from yes I think that would be interesting too all right you want to start off easy of course and I'll I'll extend the same courtesy to you okay the word is the winning word from 1952 okay the word is vignette vignette vignette could I have the um language of origin please now vignette v-i-g-n-e-t-t-e
Starting point is 00:14:18 vignette correct oh thank christ okay all right all right your word oh oh we're going back and forth yeah we're going back and forth oh well how are you not going to cheat then you're going off the same list I am I'm not you had to scroll past all the words that I'm gonna ask you no I'm I'm I'm in 1970 something you just scrolled past all the rest yeah I I didn't see them I didn't see them I like I first went to like 2000 something I'm going back all right let's start off for you as well how about this 1984
Starting point is 00:14:52 luge can I have the definition please luge a small one or two person sled on which one sleds supine and feet first luge l-u-g-e luge you have just won the national spelling bee congratulations but like you know I know that one was that one's easy 84 the winning word was luge I guess they weren't televising it on ESPN until like the late 90s or early aughts okay yeah do you want to do 1965 or 1967 let's do 65 that was a good year the word is
Starting point is 00:15:31 eczema oh no okay eczema does that have a latin origin Greek that was my second cast eczema I know this is a bit e-x-e-m-a eczema that is incorrect is there like a g or a c like I know the eczema is tricky the eggs and what is it e-c-z-e-m-a eczema e-c-z-e-m-a eczema wow wow not even close I knew it wasn't x but like I whoo we're gonna prayer all right erin your word from 1993 is kamikaze kamikaze kamikaze k-a-m-i-k-a-z-e
Starting point is 00:16:31 kamikaze that is correct whoo all right all right no more mr nice guy I think I learned how to spell kamikaze because I went to bartending school during college and a kamikaze is a type of beverage and for those at home who uh want to know how to make and drink a kamikaze bartender can you refresh us on what goes in a kamikaze one and a half ounces of vodka one ounce triple sec one ounce lime juice kamikaze oh that's it wow no mixer I actually thought it was like similar to a lemon shot with or a lemon drop which is
Starting point is 00:17:07 actually correct because it's lime juice instead of lemon juice how about that yeah okay all right all right jack quiz me hater okay 1967 chihuahua you mean the creature from star wars chihuahua terrible joke she really was it really was no good very bad chihuahua she Beverly Hills chihuahua okay yo quiero taco bell what's interesting is that according to google the origin of this is english but I have a hard time believing that oh absolutely disagree with that yeah chihuahua c h i h u a h u a
Starting point is 00:17:59 chihuahua chihuahua really yay erin your next word from 1999 I just want to see if you're paying attention to the doc I remember logorea do you remember logorea I remember the word I'm not sure I remember the spelling the winning word from the national spelling b of 1999 please spell logorea logorea I remember it was spelled kind of like diarrhea but it's like diarrhea of the mouth not not physically not like no go on you just
Starting point is 00:18:38 excessively talk and it means nothing and I remember yeah they did read the definition I looked at you for like a solid minute right yeah jerk okay logorea l o g o r r h e a logorea well done all right and guys just one more reason why to watch stuff with subtitles on yes always always always we can't watch anything on television without subtitles and honestly like I had first kind of hated it but now I pick up on a lot of stuff I think I would have missed
Starting point is 00:19:20 okay let me look up the pronunciation of this oh god you're looking okay that's not a good sign your next word the winning word from 1929 asceticism asceticism am I pronouncing that correctly asceticism can I have the definition please I will say this is actually not the word that I thought it was and so that's on me oh okay the definition is the manner of life practices or principles of an ascetic asceticism asceticism and I guess I if you want the
Starting point is 00:20:03 definition of an ascetic I would love the definition of ascetic a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons extreme they practice extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons asceticism oh my god all right so it is a doctrine that a person can attain a high spiritual and moral state by practicing self-denial self-mortification and the like basically it's like
Starting point is 00:20:43 hardcore incel energy it's extreme abstinence I was going to say it's like your friend who purposefully takes cold showers yes he does but well yeah I feel like that's a different thing but asceticism incel asceticism um all right asceticism asceticism asceticism asceticism this is what I was afraid of yeah is that all you did was just prove that you cheated by looking at the entire list I swear to god I'm not I did not cheat I'm correct really oh my god okay
Starting point is 00:21:31 all right I'm gonna give it to you but if you get another hard if you get another hard one right and it's near the top of the list I swear I did not see this you didn't know eczema but you know asceticism yeah I used my noggin I'm now first off I thought the word was aesthetic I thought it was like a practice of aesthetics and then I was like reading the definition I'm like oh that oh that is not what I thought this was okay I have a really good one for you okay from 1982 the winning word was psoriasis
Starting point is 00:22:05 psoriasis psoriasis as in the medical condition well you'll have to you know what to do psoriasis p s o r i a s i s psoriasis I am so sorry but you are correct that was all right okay I have your next one okay it's from 1955 1955 the word is crustaceology fuck you okay crustaceology can I have the definition please
Starting point is 00:22:56 it's the branch of zoology dealing with crustaceans I figured I just wanted to confirm that crustaceology crustace so like okay I have to talk this out crustacean crustacean does that end with c a i n or s i wait c or s i a n yeah how do you spell crustacean let's start there crustacean is c u sorry c r u s t a c i a n I think yeah yeah yeah so crustace and what was the word again crustaceology crustaceology of course crustaceology c r u s t a c o l o g y crustaceology
Starting point is 00:23:50 fuck incorrect is it s no but you also spelled crustacean incorrectly the chorus I think so well for our listeners crustacean is spelled c e a n s crustaceans say that again it's the ending you had spelled c i a n s and what is it c e a n f crustaceans oh no and so crustaceo crustaceology is c r u s t a c e o l o g y oh ceo ceo damn who's your favorite ceo I like them all anyone that's a billion I agree you know they're the coolest they're so cool
Starting point is 00:24:37 the guy from don't look up he's my favorite billionaire all right I have a question for you before I um give you the next word yeah how far back can I go what year 75 okay that was what we agreed on right just making sure oh these are too easy no I have to make these harder okay that's normal if you're gonna give me well if you knew how to spell crustacean maybe it wouldn't have been too so hard for you what a bully all right try this one from 1981 okay the winning word was sarcophagus
Starting point is 00:25:10 oh that is a good one how do you spell that's a toughie sarcophagus oh I paid so much money to go see king tut and not actually see king tut at all was that his sarcophagus is a mummy that's the that's a sarcophagus right it's the mummy holder uh sarcophagus noun a stone coffin typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt Rome and Greece sarcophagus I think that's the mummy holder
Starting point is 00:25:47 right I'm looking at a picture it looks like the mummy holder okay it's the mummy holder ooh sarcophagus that is a toughie yeah how do you spell that one is there a why in sarcophagus I don't know all right you pay me I'll tell you I think that's how they usually win that's how mom and dad yeah tell all those kids with privilege man those haves and have nots man all right sarcophagus oof okay I don't I do not feel good about this word
Starting point is 00:26:23 really I'm actually kind of surprised I do not feel good about this word let me sarcophagus S-A-R-C-O-P-H-A-G-U-S sarcophagus that is exactly correct really oh my god well done fuck I haven't gotten you one oh my gosh that honestly I'm very surprised that I knew sarcophagus I'm very impressed well done all right Jack you ready yes I'm ready this is something that you are all too familiar with okay the 1942 winning and final spelling bee word they had a spelling bee during war times I find
Starting point is 00:27:16 that very uh irresponsible if women can play baseball little kids can spell hard words okay that's anything to you know raise the spirits morale all right the word was sacrilegious now you should know this like the back of your hand why because you're a disgusting human being god cries every day S-A-C-R-I-L-I-G-I-O-U-S sacrilegious no is it is it S-A-C-R-E no it's S-A-C-R-I you had that correct
Starting point is 00:28:06 it's L-E-G-I-O-U-S no shit yeah I know that's I had a double check like multiple tabs yeah to make sure that I'm glad you did because I was like that can't be right because it looked like a wow it's like somebody had switched up yeah yeah like I was like no it's sacrilegious but no man so sorry about that no medal for me it's almost spelled like sacrilegious that was a tough one but like it was tough but fair that's why I'm like I'm I'm trying to like pick words that aren't impossible because some of the ones
Starting point is 00:28:44 from the last like 20 years are just straight up like no I don't even know how to pronounce well that's I'm trying to skip even though I'm like I have I don't I've never heard that word before my life I have no idea what that is so how about this honey how about this one okay from 1978 the winning word was deification deification deification is the definition of deification to make something a god um I I can't hire power I can't respond to that can you please ask me appropriately and correctly
Starting point is 00:29:21 what how is the definition something to do with God you don't guess what the definition yeah they yes they would you ask for it no they would also say does this have something to do with this and they would say yes or no I guess yeah I don't know okay because remember the one guy was like I need you to be more specific about what you're asking yes yeah remember yeah it's like you didn't watch spellbound please I'm an expert on the topic now you ready for this honey yes definition of deification
Starting point is 00:29:55 the act or an instance of deifying oh what is deifying definition of deify to make a god of yeah I thought so okay or to glorify as of supreme worth so okay deification deification de i f i c a t i o n deification that is correct nice I love making gods out of things how hard do you want it super hard medium or super easy I only have so many words to choose from even mediums too hard for me but let's do medium give me a medium one let's add some spice if you got any if not I'll take super hard because they're
Starting point is 00:30:47 fun but let's try medium okay the word is chlorophyll oh that's a toughie but fair do you think so fuck you wait no I actually was I've been like putting that one off because I thought it was kind of easy not for me not for this one chlorophyll chlorophyll chlorophyll chlorophyll can't wait for like somebody to look up my search history and see me researching chlorophyll yeah yeah yeah oh wait I guess it's not chloroform that oh we're idiots yeah drink your wine more like borough fill nice oh well we you literally said that
Starting point is 00:31:27 last night quoted that exact billy madison quote last night okay chlorophyll c-h-l-o-r-o-p-h-y-l-l chlorophyll told you it was easy okay okay honey this one's for all the marbles all the others that you got correct they don't mean squat okay if you get this one right you get all the marbles 1985's champion winning word milieu milieu milieu is the language of origin french let's find out yes it is okay can I have the definition please no yes the definition of milieu noun a person's social environment
Starting point is 00:32:23 really can I have it in a sentence milieu he grew up in a military milieu oh milieu a military milieu that was the definition or that was the sentence that's in in there he grew up in a military milieu easy fuck I got like a C in french damn it all right milieu milieu it could be I just want to put this on the record of what I'm thinking I'm like I guess it could be like one l i e u it could also well no e a u x is oh so that would be milio millo I'm thinking do you are you following would
Starting point is 00:33:14 you know how to pronounce this if not for the like little symbol thingies that tell you how to pronounce it I think I would have you'd would I think so I would have struggled a bit but like seeing it it goes oh yes that makes sense all right don't overthink it milio milio that is it i you it's mil i you damn it I literally said I'm thinking it might be i you I heard you no I did hear you and I was questioning are there two l's or one damn it but I like what you did like you you really and you like
Starting point is 00:33:57 crossed out the the x real quickly because the pronunciation of that wouldn't have made like even though you ask good questions you use your knowledge of its french origin to your advantage but uh no which means I'm the victor I told you it was for all the marbles what part of that did you not get milio damn it should we end it there yes we should so the final score was jack's films got four correct three incorrect and I got six correct one incorrect I would declare myself the winner if I do say so
Starting point is 00:34:34 myself wait you got six correct one incorrect yes and I got how many and how many four correct three incorrect that's pretty good for me so well done love yes uh you I'd say I told you you are a very good speller I'm a pretty good even though one of your words was fucking luge but that's fine yeah that was that's on you bro I just wanted to like let the world know like give me wait give me what do they have this 2020 or 2019 or what's like the most give me that one give me that one yeah just like shits and giggles this doesn't this doesn't count for points so get
Starting point is 00:35:04 this in 2019 they had an eight-way tie what yeah they had eight these kids is privilege is just way too much people they were just like fuck it if you can spell these words you all win because I think it just went on for too long oh my god yeah because these rounds can go for hours they can just be like a stalemate and so they just said fuck it uh so there are eight winning words I don't know a single one so let me give you let me just pick the first one I see here okay let me look at the pronunciation before I give it to you okay
Starting point is 00:35:35 oh good oh goody if we need to look up the pronunciation that's that's a good sign all right honey one of the game winning words from 2019's national spelling bee auslaut you mean like patent auslaut that auslaut aw she guessed it wait for real though okay how do you how do you say it out I had I used the fucking robot voice yeah auslaut auslaut yeah is is it German what is the I'm looking up the language of origin because it's not uh it's not obvious here
Starting point is 00:36:18 oh it is German okay it is German you're exactly right okay and is it uh could I have the definition please yes auslaut auslaut oh that's interesting all right auslaut auslaut yes okay final sound in a word or syllable oh what a very you know somebody once told me that like the German language has like words for like everything yeah yeah and so the fact that this is a word it's cool that is so specific to like the final okay all right auslaut a u s l a u t auslaut
Starting point is 00:36:58 is that really it yeah ladies and gentlemen Aaron's a fucking nerd I win I win uh congratulations your prize is nothing I know but I still you know what the fact that I didn't get mil you just proves like yeah that bitch did get a C in French that's really impressive you got auslaut so amazing all right I think I hear the horoscope gods even though of all the sacrilege and a set its cessation that's been going on lately
Starting point is 00:37:40 I think they're here and I think they want to play a game with us so much a set a say set a say set a cessation for the record I thought it was aesthetics yeah yeah I like that okay so honey I have a really good horoscope for all of our Pisces listeners out there and I want you to read it because I really do think you have a way with words I do need your help though can you help me um with a few things for this horoscope real quick sure I live to serve jack's films great can you give me a measure of time
Starting point is 00:38:19 like a unit of time well we've learned that a light year is a distance not a unit of time uh-huh so instead I'm going to say month because it's the month of Pisces season and in Pisces season honor I'm going to say month just for them they're the only ones that get a month you know that's great thank you honey what's an adjective you would use to describe someone physically tall though jack film we're trying to lean away from describing people's bodies
Starting point is 00:39:04 okay that is all thank you what's an adjective you would use to describe a politician slimy dishonest no slimy is good thank you can I have uh body parts plural teeth they're outside bones and the tongue is the outside muscle that's right horrors all sorts of horrors next up can I please have another body part singular body part you villa Aaron what's an adjective you would use to describe your haters incels not an adjective but uh that actually works
Starting point is 00:39:52 incel-ish okay incels is perfect okay what's a word for a large plot of land a knoll or like an acre like what do you what are we looking for acres good a glen let's use let's use acre okay acre what's a large thing that's expensive a Rolls Royce is that large enough sure can I have the first name of any classmate you had in middle school just the first name from any one of your middle school classmates Cara actually no Leah spelled leah I had a dream about her last night
Starting point is 00:40:33 she was going bald in my dream and finally give me a swear word or expletive titty pussy okay let me proofread okay okay hey Pisces your horoscope this week is so special that I can't really say it like a normal human instead I need to wrap this one like a rapper oh please enjoy my sick rhymes Pisces my name is Aaron and I'm here to say a broken clock's right twice a month
Starting point is 00:41:17 call the police when you're in a bind my favorite Netflix show is love is tall eat your veggies get real strong I'm always right and never slimy my rhymes are the best man everyone knows I'm full of love from my head to my teeth I love my husband his wit so quick and it doesn't hurt that he has a huge uvula the song goes out to the ladies and the fellas my haters talk trash but they're just themselves I did not enjoy the movie nightmare
Starting point is 00:41:55 alley my only hobby is playing star two acre I have a crippling fear of styrofoam this isn't a house man this is Rolls Royce please don't curse you know I hate swearing that's the truth or my name's not Leia I hope you enjoyed this Pisces rap time to run the toilet and take a huge titty pussy wow honey you came up with all those rhymes I did it just you know I'm like M&M I've spent years just writing down
Starting point is 00:42:34 every word that rhymes with every word that rhymes with every word phrases yeah I have a filing cabinet in my in my brain and that's why I'm such a good speller because I spend so much time on my words you know that's beautiful yeah it really is but you know what else is more beautiful Jack this isn't a house it's a Rolls Royce well I was I was gonna say the week that Pisces is going to have because it's full of love and teeth and love that for Pisces from my head and my
Starting point is 00:43:04 teeth by the way next week this week I should say on March 3rd it's Chip which is second birthday that's right that's right we have a little Pisces in our house and little she is so tiny still nine pounds nothing yeah actually she weighed eight something the other day at the vet yeah I do but that's just because she was just shitting farting and vomiting yeah that'll happen as she do as she do well on that note thanks so much listeners for tuning in to this week's
Starting point is 00:43:39 episode of Erin is the funny one and as always give us a call at our hotline at dad hug me 10 that's d-a-d-h-u-g-m-e one zero if your dad doesn't hug you in real life at least the hotline is there for you that's right we'll be your dads we'll be your dads if you want us to be with consent all right thank you guys very much can't wait to see you next week happy Pisces season happy Pisces week have a good teeth bye till next time haters

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