Erin is the Funny One - Snowboarding Trick or Red Hot Chili Peppers Lyric?

Episode Date: February 21, 2022

This week on EITFO, Jack and Erin start off with a brand new Wine of the Week that can only be described as “heavy” and “ugh, tastes like a rock”. Then, the dynamic duo dive into what may be t...he strangest, most difficult quiz yet on the show…can Erin guess whether weird titles are snowboarding tricks or Red Hot Chili Peppers lyrics? Channel your inner-Flea and see how you do! Advertising Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Burner near near near welcome back to a new episode of air. It's the funny one I'm your host Jack joining me Aaron. I am The host I'm the host you're the co-host. What a week, huh? Yeah, what a what a week Wow, what are you referring to? Nothing at all. I know it's um I last week we Tuned in to me or I was barely a human because I Was so tired and I don't even know why probably just lack of hydration That'll usually do it Aaron hates water. I do it's in all things water based so hard I try to like trick myself and then I'll fall out of that routine
Starting point is 00:00:48 Like I went through that like four-day phase of putting tea bags into like big bottles of water Yeah, I did last four days and it and then I lost track of the big water. Yeah, this is fun Anyway, but this week I actually Get this Jack film. What's that? I'm gonna get this. I have Meetings work meetings Fortunately virtually but work meetings at 6 a.m. Oh boy every day this week. So I've been waking up at 5 30 getting my
Starting point is 00:01:21 You know, I I even you know I even like set out an outfit the night before that way I could like be Virtually presentable on my zoom meetings. So zoom in huh? Yeah, I just well for just a little bit more because That's right Your girl Ibra is here. It's going back to the real world next month. Oh, I know I know Feel about that big things coming. I think listeners should know that you know We've joked about it in the past before but we actually over the last week by the time you hear this
Starting point is 00:01:54 We have been sleeping in separate beds in separate rooms. Yeah, because because of my early wake-up time I yeah, I've been sleeping in the guest room. So I don't disturb everybody When I have to wake up early and stuff, but it's been okay. How has it been going for you? It's been so we're as of right now. We're two days into it two days out of the five-day work week It's okay. You know what the silver lining is it gets my ass to bed earlier. Yeah, which ergo makes me rise earlier Yeah, so I feel like I get a little more done in the mornings. You know, I take the cows out at like Let him graze But you know, it's kind of nice. It's like oh my god, it's only 830 and I still like you know
Starting point is 00:02:40 I did a lot. So there's some silver lining to be sure, but I miss you in bed. Oh, I don't necessarily miss you all that much sure I do snore you snore so but you know this episode brought to you by Breastrips It's not but we'll be back before you know it I will say though what's weird is that okay? So because I'm like going back to the office pretty much full-time starting next month this weird thing happened to me and my brain where I actually
Starting point is 00:03:18 almost forgot that I have been working from home for two years and That it's been like it never happened at all How long would you have how long would you say you've been working from home? Does it feel like two years? Does it feel like more less or about the same less? Wait less. Yeah, I didn't figure out how to work from home Until like over a year in I Was glued learning curse. Yeah, I was like glued to my computer and felt immense amounts of guilt Leaving my computer at all man, so I was working way more hours than I normally would not isn't that funny how that works out and
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah, and I didn't figure out like wait people are like doing things when they're working They're leaving their computers all the time. I'm like what I know I do guys I literally couldn't even like I would feel guilty like going to the bathroom because I'd hear my phone ringing from the bathroom And then I Office so it's my office. It's uh, it's it's gonna be an adjustment, but it's very exciting stuff Yeah, what's been going on with you? What's going on with me? How are your cows? Boy always barking cows bark, right? They do they do. Okay. I hope you didn't pay a lot of money for those cows though I did like
Starting point is 00:04:43 They're they're annoying so like we we live very separate lives Wait, you know what Jack film Jack film Jack film Jack film Jack film Jack film Jack film guess what what okay? So this episode is coming out on February 21st Which as we will reveal later is the first official day of Pisces season You know who a Pisces is don't ya? Who who oh? Wait, yeah, wait. Yes chip chip. Oh little chip chip chip is a Pisces She'll be turning to she'll be to you
Starting point is 00:05:22 She'll always be a puppy in my eyes and heart. She's still acts like it. Yes. She does Well, what I was trying to say our little Pisces. Oh wait, you know what? Nobody cares. I don't think anybody cares. I've lost my train of thought good Hey, honey, yeah, why don't you tell us about this wine of the week? Oh my gosh, okay? So what this week we are changing it up just a little because this week we're drinking white wine We never drink white wine really mixing it up here. Isn't that crazy? Okay, so we are drinking a Sansair which my girlfriend Emily loves Sansir loves the Sansir, so we'll see how really yeah Oh, that's fine. I had no idea. I picked it out just that down to the blue. Yeah, this is from
Starting point is 00:06:09 Our favorite brand which I've never heard of this Spit it out Joseph Verdi a signature del war Come at me in the comments. Yeah, they will pale yellow in color This wine has very intense aromas of white flowers and citrus fruits Mixed with a touch of minerality Jack film. Hmm. It's a 2018 Let's see what the Vivino app says while I pull that up. Tell me what you think I will give it the old
Starting point is 00:06:42 Jack film taste test here. Oh This tastes strong it tastes and feels Strong. Oh really? It tastes like a very heavy bodied white. Would you say it? The minerality that makes it heavy. I I don't know what makes it heavy. It just is I They should have sent a poet I can't describe. Oh, you know, do you taste that is it the minerality? You don't taste like the sans serres that she drinks. Oh really? Yeah hers are way lighter
Starting point is 00:07:21 To be honest, they taste better they just taste bad any sans serres I've ever drank with her They just taste better. See I'm unfamiliar with sans serres in general. Yeah, this isn't Something good. Oh, okay, I would give it two Jack films out of five Maybe two and a half. I'm gonna give it a three out of ten. Yeah, I'm gonna give a three out of ten So on the Vivino app, it doesn't say a specific rating. It just says a rating based on all Vintage's and I don't know if that's Joseph Verdi a Vintage's or like what? But it's three point five out of five stars on the Vivino app, but that's far too high
Starting point is 00:08:05 We both know this is a two out of five on the Jack film scale and a three out of ten on the Ernie scale the only two scales that matter in my book. Yes. So any hoosers um, but if you like still drink it I don't it does have I will say It's because we've already put the minerality thing in my brain Yeah, but I'm like it does taste like it's maybe been sitting in some like weird garden rocks You might buy at Home Depot and then It's been filtered through those like a little babbling brook of sans serre and
Starting point is 00:08:45 Then somebody poured it in there, but it still tastes like rocks a little bit. No listeners That's not at all what this tastes like. I don't know how else to describe it, but that that doesn't sound right. What? I'm going with it tastes like rocks tastes like rocks like rocks bold very bold Very brave. Yeah So honey. Oh, no, I'm worried As we're recording this the winter Olympics are still raging on listeners by the time you hear this podcast the winter Olympics Will have just concluded did we win all the medals? Future me is telling me that we won them all
Starting point is 00:09:23 Honey, you know, I don't have to tell you this, you know big big big fan of it's all we watch all we watch are those Those rascally winter Olympics is my favorite. There's bobsled There's ski love that movie peek-a-boo Street. I read about her. There's chase the rabbit All the fun games chase the rabbit. Yeah, but I think you mean chance the rapper You're right But yeah, she listeners my wife just won't shut up about those darn winter Olympic games and her favorite winter Olympic game would have to be Snowboarding she loves the snowboarding. She's okay. Okay, hold on the screen hold on a second when it comes to the snowboarding
Starting point is 00:10:13 I actually follow Sean white on tiktok. Okay, you sure do and He dates Nina Dobrev Who starred in the classic holiday movie? I actually don't remember what it was called, but it was it came out on Netflix a few months ago, and it was Real memorable one that's it was cute. It was cute. It was about catfishing. It was adorable. Um, I Did you watch did you play that? I watched it when you were we were at Darren's wedding or no Oh, yeah, what it was right before yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was at Darren's wedding I thought it was when you were on tour, but it would have been right before you went on, right? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah, okay, so that's who Sean whites married to no, they're just dating Jack. I hope they do get married I'm rooting for them. But so so wait a minute. So you follow Sean white formerly known as the flying tomato on tiktok I do well, then this should be easy for you. Yeah big big big easy It's the big easy we call this quiz the big easy because I know all things about snowboarding Before I before I reveal what this quiz is Would you like to would you like to take any guesses as to what I'm about to quiz you on? Given what I just gave you
Starting point is 00:11:33 I Think you're going to quiz me on whether or not These sports are actual Olympic sports Very good guess Okay, incorrect one of the night. Okay first of many I hope No Honey, yes in the sport of snowboarding as you know this since you follow
Starting point is 00:12:00 Sean white on tiktok. Hey, I we had that like n64 game about n64 game called Oh Man, what was it called? Was it the X games? No, try again. What was this isn't even the quiz by the way, right? What was that? What was that wonderful? It was called 1080. It was called 1080 snowboarding. Yeah done. Yeah, thank you work your body Well, work your body. That's the character selection song as you know in the world of snowboarding. There are many Tricks many snowboarding tricks. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:36 Okay Before me, I love the wheelies. Um, I they love wheelies. I Have a list of snowboarding tricks according to Wikipedia. Oh You have to tell me honey if the following is a Snowboarding trick. Oh no, or if it is a red hot chili pepper song No Okay, I'm so proud of this. I'm so proud of myself for this quiz. All right
Starting point is 00:13:09 So old by the way, have we talked about the red hot chili peppers concert that we went to? Like five years ago or something probably not on the podcast. Oh, I will tell you I was a little bit distracted because We had nosebleed seats like straight up. Oh, yeah, they sucked. They were terrible, but that's fine But what was interesting? That was at the Staples Center former state now of the Cripp Oh, did I already change crypto dot com crypto dot com not sponsored? Thank you for specifying. Yeah, there's hope Wait, did it already change? Yeah, I think so. Oh, no shit. Yeah. Yeah, I don't leave the house anymore So we saw we saw them chili peppers at the former Staples Center. Yeah, and you were distracted by what? Oh
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh, so every time they would zoom into Anthony Kitas's face, right with the camera Like made it look like a cartoon or they put some like weird like filter on it that I'm pretty sure like There I don't know I I'm totally projecting, but I couldn't help but think. Oh, he's trying to hide Like what he looks like basically. Yeah, they've been rocking since the 80s that band So they're gonna look at a touch ragged But I also felt like they were only doing it with close-ups of him like everybody else didn't get that like filter But he got this like weird cartoon filter. Well, he's the face though. He's got a you know, yeah that signature stash He's got to look his best. So all right. We're getting off topic
Starting point is 00:14:44 the quiz Once again, the quiz is tell me if this is a snowboarding trick or a Red Hot Chili Peppers song title ready, honey I am ready and don't worry. Let's start 1080 snowboarding trick Let's start things off with some warm-up questions. Okay, okay nose grab That is a snowboarding trick. Correct. Whoo. All right. I'm an expert next up californication
Starting point is 00:15:16 Red Hot Chili Peppers song and thus concludes the warm-up round Now the actual quiz I hope I get a hundred on this that would be really fun You won't Bunker Hill is Bunker Hill a snowboarding trick or a Red Hot Chili Peppers song Red hot ready hot Red Hot Chili Peppers song. Is that your final answer final answer? Correct. Whoo. Well done Roast beef Yeah, is roast beef snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song chili pepper song
Starting point is 00:15:52 Really snowboarding. What does a roast beef look like do they like spin in like a like a tubular Like spin because that's like what a doesn't roast beef like look like a giant tube of meat. Yeah, I Didn't write down what the trick was Wow, or like what but there are if you want to Wikipedia it you sure can roast beef Let's just half-ass this quiz Jack. Okay. Hey, I got a question for you Buckle down is buckled down a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song buckled down that is a That is a snowboarding trick
Starting point is 00:16:32 No, it's actually a chili pepper Cuz like snowboarding snowboards have like buckles they have to like buckle into and so have you ever even been snowboarding never in my life Aaron So, how did you know to choose that? Like do you know that snowboards have buckles? Sure? I'm just really good at making quiz Okay, and Ayn Menaiical quizzes. Oh, I thought that was the trick. No, okay. No, no, no, but this here's your next guess. Okay your next question hump to bump hump to bump is hump to bump a snowboarding trick or Hump to bump a chili pepper song hump to bump. That's a snowboarding trick
Starting point is 00:17:13 No, it's actually a chili pepper song Very groovy song matter of fact, it's not a snowboarding trick But is this a snowboarding trick? Why do you sound like that? What is wrong with your voice? I just get so excited slob slob is slob a snowboarding trick or A chili pepper song slob. That's a snowboarding trick. Correct. It is a snowboarding trick You clearly know you're flying tomatoes, you know, I gotta tell you when Sean White and Nina Dobrov Dobrov first started dating
Starting point is 00:17:53 I was a little bit like whoa, wait a second because I just felt like he was kind of like above Hollywood in a way and That to me, I was like, oh, what is this like? What is happening here? And then all of a sudden he started like she was like posting. I don't know. There was something like on Instagram They were just like all About posting or she was all about posting him and I was like, oh But and then but they've been together long enough now that I'm kind of like that was probably an unfair assessment from me because
Starting point is 00:18:27 Because my opinion matters so much to them and you know, cool your next question truck driver is truck driver a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song that is a Snowboarding trick. It is a snowboarding yourself on the back Drunk driver is drunk driver a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song That's a chili pepper song No, it's actually a snowboarding trick Yeah, I wonder if it's like a play they take like the basic which is the driver
Starting point is 00:19:08 Right, and then they have the truck driver and then they have the drunk driver Maybe yeah, maybe there's like a basic trick simply called the driver and the drunk driver is done goofy style Oh, listen to you. Yeah, goofy style is indeed. It's not on my quiz, but that is indeed a I play 1080 man I know how it goes. That's a good game That's a hard game 1080 because it had that damage meter like if you fucked up enough time Yeah, I never am over. Yeah. No, I could so hard. I wasn't good at it. No, it was I never you know what? I never figured out how to pull off a 1080 either. I mean look at you, of course not I mean like I was nine years old. I was all thumbs. I didn't have the coordination. What's your excuse now?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Same same excuse no coordination deep kick deep kick That is a chili pepper song Is that a final answer from you? Yes Really deep kick. You think that's a chili pepper song deep kick. Yes, and you'd be correct. I don't know why I Knew that. Yeah, but somewhere deep inside of my soul. I knew that Somewhere deep kick inside your soul. Yes. How about this?
Starting point is 00:20:17 mule kick is Mule kick a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song. That's a snowboarding trick It is well done Look at you. How about this one? Okay? Look around Look around that's stupid. Is that Because if that is a trick that's the dumbest trick name of all time That is a chili pepper song
Starting point is 00:20:49 It goes exactly like that you first off you a few things you are correct. It is a chili pepper song It's a great chili pepper song. Are you saying that Hamilton stole? chili pepper song Wow, why do you think that's stupid? I think that's that would be a really cool sounding snowboarding trick though Like especially if you if you say it like the look around like oh, I just did a look around 540 No, the way you said it though look around well, yeah, you don't say it like that But if you say the look around yeah, well, you're the motherfucker did a 1080 look around god damn you are The X games announcer if you're going to say it and you need to say it like you'd say it as an X game
Starting point is 00:21:30 Announce her and not like you're a want to be Ryan Seacrest. I think Ryan Seacrest would do a wonderful job at the X game I do not I don't disagree. Oh Here I have a question for you honey Rusty trombone is that a snowboarding trick or is that a chili pepper song? Rusty trombone that is a snowboarding trick Final answer final answer Damn it, you're right I was just thinking like like Anthony Kitas probably like was a dork in middle school
Starting point is 00:22:10 And he probably played a rusty trombone, but that would be a pretty sick-looking Snowboarding trick, so oh, yeah. Yeah, tell me what what does a rusty trombone look like in the world of snowboarding first? they on hook one of their feet of their feet uh-huh and Then they on the half pipe they jump up in the air or they like swipe swoop up in the air And they swoop be sure they swoop up into the air. Yeah, and then they take the leg
Starting point is 00:22:43 That's not buckled into the snowboard right and they lift it up to their head And then they just like play it like a trombone real quick And then that's more more Do they make noise with their mouths? Well, then they fall on their neck and back And that's the rusty that's the rusty but it has to be right and then you say done cleanly. Yeah, and then you say It's all part of it you the trick is not complete unless you pull a gym and look in the camera and Shout oh, man. I'm rusty at this got it And then the judges all stand and like, you know show their tens or whatever
Starting point is 00:23:28 That's a rusty trombone. Thank you, honey. Yeah, you're disqualified if you don't of course, it's not the trick isn't complete Yes, thank you. Yeah, I Underestimated you we're here to learn because that is exactly right. We're here to learn we're here to learn listeners listeners This is a learning experience. I hope you guys are writing this down Riddle me this Aaron. Yeah Canadian bacon is Canadian bacon a
Starting point is 00:23:56 Snowboarding trick or a groovy jam and chili pepper song Canadian Bacon, you know, I used to be a really big fan of Canadian bacon and now right now. I can't touch the stuff. It's too fibrous. Oh Yeah, I have a fiber limits every now and then I get a little weird with meat I'll say and and Canadian bacon is one of them it's just Yeah, it's a little bit too Fibrous and it's very thin
Starting point is 00:24:30 But still too thick for my taste and so I'm going to go ahead and say yeah, what would you file it under that is a chili pepper song. Oh And you were doing so well you know quite the street Actually a classic snowboarding trick Jack. What is the Canadian bacon snowboarding trick look like? I'm so glad you asked hmm First you have to be in Canada while performing it No, you don't and that's a common misconception a lot of people think that and that's just simply not true
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah, what you do have to do is you do have to be wearing red and white the colors of the flag, okay? And like a flying tomato much like a flying tomato. I think you made it famous actually You have to in goofy stance when you're a midair you have to put your right hand to your heart and Hum not saying hum Canada, thank you. Yeah, yeah, uh-huh my meld Whilst in the shape of a strip of bacon But Canadian bacon I know I know I know what Canadian bacon is has nothing to do with the trick You have to be well that just doesn't make any sense
Starting point is 00:25:44 Honey, I don't make this up It's the rules of the game. It's this is why snowboarding isn't a real Olympic sport Hey snowboarders, can we cancel Aaron, please? For saying such blasphemous And frankly disrespectful garbage on my podcast so I was talking to a co-worker about the Olympics she is really into the Olympics and She was telling me that there is this and I can't remember what it's called, but she was telling me about it basically there is a sport
Starting point is 00:26:16 Where you have to go I'm gonna so screw this up You have to go cross-country skiing. Oh sure. Yeah, like and I think you'd like do like a Marathon or no, that sounds familiar. Sure, but then you also have to go Hunt shoot right. Yeah, there's a there's a shooting element. Yeah. Yes, and then that that's that's the sport And that's the sport. I don't I forget the name of it, but that is a real thing I don't even know how that like do you have to like shoot a minimum of things or like I think it just turns For as many things you do shoot So I'm doing the motion the cross-country skiing motion after you do that for about like, you know
Starting point is 00:26:59 3,000 miles then it turns into a fair it turns into like a carnival event Where you get prizes if you shoot all the teddy bears. I am pretty sure and correct me if I'm wrong I'm pretty sure that's what the sport is. It's like dr. Quandre What the fuck is dr. Quandre? Oh, no, don't don't tell me it's fucking don't tell me that's a fucking stardew Valley reference. No, it's not What the fuck is dr. Quandre you didn't you didn't play dr. Quandre? No, I played real games because I'm a man Stop it. You play dr. Quandre. I've never heard of dr. Quandre Everybody's heard of dr. This whole conversations a quandary that was born in the 80s Everybody knows what dr. Quandre is barely born in the 80s. All right. I'm a 90s kid. I was born 88
Starting point is 00:27:44 So I missed a lot in the 80s if you guys know what dr. Quandre is hit me up because they won't listeners don't you tear dr. Quandre don't get my wife the satisfaction dr. Quandre was a computer game on Old old computers like Mac Apple. I don't know whatever they had in schools back then I mean, I'm talking early 90s mid 90s and You never you could never really get very far in the game I watched you play this a few years ago. Our class periods were only like what 30 minutes or something So you can never really get very far
Starting point is 00:28:21 So I don't even know what happens after like the initial game, but there is a carnival element in the very beginning of the game Right, okay dr. Quandre But I think who you're referring to point and clicks is mr. key QE I am for those who if you if you play stardew valley, you'll know what the fuck you know You know, yeah, it is. I unfortunately it is an inning. Yeah, you know kind of thing and I'm so sorry. Okay All right, Korean bacon is Korean bacon a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song Korean bacon. That's a snowboarding trick. Why?
Starting point is 00:28:59 because just like truck driver and then drunk driver and they were both snowboarding tricks and you've just now given me Canadian bacon and Korean bacon and so I'm gonna say that they both are on the basis of the Foundation that is bacon, but there's different spins right if you will on I will the trick and one is the Canadian spin and one is the Korean spin and so it is a snowboarding trick final answer darn it Aaron you're you're you're Flawed logic wins again. Wait, that's a flawed at all. It's very fun
Starting point is 00:29:40 I was using in spite of your stupid Explanation you are correct. It is in fact a snowboarding trick both Canadian bacon and Korean bacon or snowboarding tricks What about freaky stiley is freaky stiley a Snowboarding trick goofy freaky stiley. No just let's not get complicated just freaky stiley Is that a grooving chili pepper song? That's a grooving chili pepper song. It's freaky. It's stiley. It's freaky stiley You are correct. It is a grooving chili pepper song. Well done That was the name of the filter that they used on Anthony Kias's face. Oh freaky stiley To cartoonify and da
Starting point is 00:30:24 Oh, all right boys really crank it up 100% opacity with the freaky stiley filter The kids will love it Watermelon Watermelon is watermelon flying tomato a snowboarding Watermelon is the watermelon something the flying tomato would perform in a half pipe or is it something Anthony? Cleetus would belt out at the crypto comm Cleetus Like Mrs. Bighead being like Cleetus
Starting point is 00:30:59 Um Mrs. Bighead watermelon watermelon is a snowboarding trick. Damn it. You're right You're on a hot streak of three flying tomatoes love watermelon. Can you care to make it for? Go robot go robot go robot go go robot go go robot go go go go go go robot There's a lot of a hand herky-jerky movement listeners that I'm very thrilled you can't see Girl go robot go go robot go robot go robot go robot is a chili pepper song and It's one of their best It is a chili pepper song and I'm so mad that you ended it with that
Starting point is 00:31:51 Really mad that you ended your little answer with it's one of their best besties Don't skip out on go robot Such a piece of shit All right, I got seven more battleship is battleship a Chili peppers tune. Oh, no, this one's hard or a snowboarding trick battleship all one word
Starting point is 00:32:24 battleship I Actually feel like battleship would be like a better Like that sounds to me more like a Beyonce song Okay, and I feel like snowboarding I don't know when or where it came about But I know it became popular in the 90s like uber popular sure and Battleship was a big game in the 90s 80s 90s. Whatever I'm gonna go ahead and say
Starting point is 00:32:54 that The Tony Hawk of snowboarding created a trick named battleship who is the Tony Hawk of snowboarding? That would be What's what's that fellas name? The person that popular his name is Anthony crow his name is Anthony Anthony crow Anthony crow the Tony Hawk of To be fair, that's a cool sounding name Anthony crow. It's not a bad last It's not a bad last there are a handful of last names that just sound good. It just sounds Chad as hell stone
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah, yeah, great last name dude. Any anyone last name stone. I'll follow you to the depths of hell price I think price is a great last name. That's also a very alpha name. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah so Crow was an E at the end like Russell. Yeah, of course. Naturally. Yeah, yeah, but this is Anthony crow. Yeah Okay And he said battleship was a snowboarding trip. It's a snowboarding trip. Yes. Okay designed by Anthony crow, right and performed at the 1999
Starting point is 00:34:00 X Yeah, I remember I was there. Yeah, me too. Me too. Yeah, I was crazy a wide-eyed Bushy-tailed boy just glued to the screen. Yeah watching Anthony. Oh, no, I was there. Yo, you were oh, wow What a flex there. Yeah fucking flex. Yeah, it was crazy. It was the first time anybody had seen this for Created and you know just the game it did it change the game I do you remember listeners do you remember where you were when you saw the battleship on the halfpipe? But by Anthony crow by Anthony. You're wrong. By the way, it's a chili pepper song. Okay. Well, they stole that from Beyonce. So I'm sure they did. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:34:47 You had a little streak of four correct answers that just ruined your streak, but there's still redemption With six questions left. Oh my god. That was just one question. You asked me. Well. Yeah, and by the way it Okay, bloody Dracula Is bloody Dracula Stupid name Well, is it a stupid name for a snowboarding trick or a stupid name for a chili pepper song? It's a snowboarding trick because it's a stupid name. Correct. It is a snowboarding trip. Yeah, all done There better be a different type of Dracula too. Like there's like a dry there's like there's a bloody one
Starting point is 00:35:23 There's like sleepy Dracula. Oh sleepy Dracula That guy sleeps all day. He's very sleepy row tripping that is a Anthony key to special it is you're correct. But is this one? sick love sick love That is also red hot chili peppers and an anthony key to special because He was sick for a very long time
Starting point is 00:35:54 and Loved what made him sick. I hate that. You're right I really do By the way, that's the song. I really like sick love. That's the song I played for you once And you were like, this is a ripoff of that elton john song I don't even remember that and it turned and you know what's funny. It turned out that Elton john plays the keys in that song. No shit. Yeah Yeah, I'm not even good at music
Starting point is 00:36:21 And you and you picked that shit out immediately and that's true. That's a true story listeners Wow, they got elton john. What was the elton john song they ripped off? I don't even remember this What's the um, what's the gator? Uh, benny and the jets? Yeah, I think benny and the jets. I think that's the one. Yeah What what's gator? I was thinking of crocodile rock and that's not at all. I think benny and the jets Okay, I think that's a good end. Like I I played the song for you and like three I was so fucking annoyed because I love this song and three seconds into it. You're like, this is a ripoff I'm like, no, it's not and it turns out you're kind of right. Yeah, but like they got his blood
Starting point is 00:36:58 Like I clearly they got his blessing Uh, I guess it was more of an homage, but it never the thought never crossed my mind until you said that Anywho sick love is a chili pepper song and a good one too going youtube out of the mouths of babes Sometimes we uneducated folk just you know Hear it for what it is. You know, you're surprised for what it is, you know How about tear jerker Tear jerkers tear jerker Something you do on a snowboard
Starting point is 00:37:26 Or is it something you hear on a chili peppers album tear jerker? I will say if one word. Yeah, thanks uh It's interesting because You could do a jerk Trick like a jerk like you like jerk your body but Chili peppers write songs about emotions. They do they love their emotions They're so attuned to them
Starting point is 00:37:54 So much like our horoscopes I'm gonna say What are you gonna say tear jerker? Which way is it going snowboard and chili pepper and chili peppers final answer? Correct? Final two questions and by the way, you have a hot streak of four in a row. Don't break it pickpocket Is that something you do on the slopes? No jack you do it on the half pipe. It's a snowboarding trick
Starting point is 00:38:20 You can you can you can do it. You can do a snowboarding trick on the slopes You can't do a pickpocket though. Oh, yeah, tell me more about the pickpocket. You do it on the half on the half pipe Not the full pipe the halfie. Is it one of those like lip tricks? We're like, you know, I'm talking about where you go at that Where you purse your lips as you go. No like Zoolander The lip trick that's blue steel. It's a different lip trick. No, this is the um Oh, um magnolia. No pickpocket. Jesus christ So So
Starting point is 00:38:55 You purse your lips because you just got away with something sneaky on the halfie I see I see and and that is the pickpocket on the halfie. That's what the pros call a half pipe the halfie. Yeah Yeah Once again, I'm furious that you got it, right? With your stupid asinine Logic and logic's in heavy quotes with three asterisks, but yes, you got it, right? Last question of the night last question of my terrible quiz Is this a snowboarding trick or a chili pepper song?
Starting point is 00:39:25 wet sand Wet sand. Oh, that's tough wet sand Oh shit Is that something you do on a snowboard or is that something you listen to on a chili peppers album wet sand? All right, I'm gonna say chili peppers
Starting point is 00:39:46 Final answer and this is why while I could see The conditions of really shitty sloppy snow Being difficult to perform tricks in sure um And it being like snowboarding in wet sand, right? Yeah, that's the name. I think wet sand is
Starting point is 00:40:13 a chili pepper song because so many of their songs are about being under the influence of things that may distort your perception of time And so I'm thinking of it like an hourglass where sand falls through But if it was wet sand it'd get all cloggy and like you'd be like Time is it and so In conclusion I think that this is a chili pepper song final answer
Starting point is 00:40:49 Aaron What you just said Maybe the dumbest thing Ever said in the history of our quizzes I regret to inform you That you are correct. What sand is a chili pepper song? And a damn good one at that Is it about being under the influence of drugs and losing all perception of time and you don't totally understand like what's going on right now?
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's been it's been like a decade Since I've last heard it, but I remember really liking it. It's on the stadium arcaidium album, which is like a double album It's epic wet sand it is this Epic song that doesn't even get to its chorus Until like five minutes into it. It's because they've lost all perception of time They lost all perception of time and the in the final lyrics like by the way I I believe you know, you don't even hear the words wet sand until the very very end of the song
Starting point is 00:41:52 Because they forgot what they were supposed to be doing because they were under the influence of the chili peppers But they're saying uh, finally When anthony sings that beautiful chorus at the end that you don't even hear until five minutes into the song The lyrics are if I recall correctly, you don't form in the wet sand. You don't form at all You don't form in the wet sand. I do Uh, and it's kind of like this triumph and like I think it's like a big fuck you to whom that's people don't believe in him What does it even mean to form in wet sand? You know like, you know wet sand gets all mushy and glossy and shit. You don't form in it. You don't form in it
Starting point is 00:42:27 He does though. I don't think he's that good. No, I think he's that's what wet sand means I think he might be high. I don't think he knows what's happening right now. I don't think they get high I don't think the chili peppers do drugs I hate to say this you did extremely well on my quiz Out of 25 questions. You only got Six wrong So you got 19 out of 25 correct So how many times have I gotten the wordle on the first try? Oh, yeah, erin loves her wordles
Starting point is 00:42:58 I've actually gotten worse at it. I've somehow Regressed in my wordle skills Some a little bitter, but you're you the last couple you get them in like one or two tries I know because i'm a psychic you kind of are it's a little infuriating and every single time I literally yell out loud Nobody is ever gonna believe me. Oh just like bill Murray Nobody will ever believe me right, but I you know I talk about it anyway I even told somebody at work and they didn't believe me. They were like no you're you're cheating I was like proving your point have I ever fucking cheated or lied about anything to you and they were like it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:43:33 You just it doesn't matter. You just did this is your first lie then Okay, thank you for believing in me. I appreciate your support Um well jack hold on time out. Okay Jack film erin are you so excited? Why would I be excited? It's Pisces season We are back in the realm of water signs Do you know what that means at all? You know water signs mean uh No, I don't what are water signs like like someone says i'm a water you are a water sign
Starting point is 00:44:14 What does that mean? What does that say about me? What does that say about water signed people? it means That we are the superior species of sign Oh That's pretty cool. Yeah, I think that water signs are generally pretty Emotionally intuitive. Oh, I get it does that mean we can like melt through walls and shit. It does were made of what that's pretty cool Our listeners will definitely get an alex mac reference
Starting point is 00:44:49 Okay jack film. Yeah I have prepared A horoscope, but I need your help. Oh again finishing always needing my help the finishing touches. Am I right fellas? So jack film. Yeah, could you please? Tell me something you would exclaim if you were at a Cirque de Soleil show Wow, how are they doing that? Will that work sure what is a name a fifth grade bully would use to name call? four eyes
Starting point is 00:45:26 could you Give me an adjective that you would use to describe a good book And grossing Give me any old regular adjective plump What is the worst food that you've ever eaten or that you could ever imagine eating? Pickled beets have you eaten pickled beets? I've eaten beets and I've eaten
Starting point is 00:45:56 Bad pickled vegetables. So I just kind of put the two together pickled beets are delicious. I love I for one love beets Well, that's irrelevant. You asked me No one asked you plus l plus ratio Could you give me an Adjective I hate you Could you give me an adjective used to describe if filet mignon juicy Could you give me an article of clothing?
Starting point is 00:46:22 Jorts What is something that you say when you're relaxed? Ah, that's the spot What is a nickname that you would call a lover? uh beautiful what is a mythical creature
Starting point is 00:46:41 Griffin I got hippogriff Unicorn Oh my god, you can't do any like like troll get your head ogre I'm gonna make it plural. Is that okay? That's fine. Okay Would you prefer trolls or ogres ogres? Okay always I love shrek. Who doesn't could you give me a term of endearment that your mom uses for you? honey
Starting point is 00:47:14 She does call you honey. You know, yeah, it's real Could you give me a direction? Southwest What is something you would exclaim if you just told a secret that you shouldn't have? Shit wait Or wait shit What is an adjective? That you would use to describe
Starting point is 00:47:36 Your 12 year old self's bedroom Hahaha Nerdalicious A lot of space posters and shit Could you give me the name of a board game? Monopoly Not the yai board game jack film Can I change my answer to the yai board game? I'd like to say the yai board game
Starting point is 00:48:05 Which listeners you can still purchase at Could you give me a number? 14 Could you give me the name of an inanimate object? Calculator Could you give me an adjective to describe your 12 year old self besides nerdalicious? Inept I'll just say inept What is the most random object in this room?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Sleigh bells what is um The material that the sleigh bells are made out of um Nylon and iron Could you give me a feeling? regret Could you give me an ex Could you give me an expletive?
Starting point is 00:48:56 Fuck damn it Okay Could you give me the name of an object that you would store in your bathroom? Soap bottle Soap dispenser Gonna make that plural okay, okay, okay, what is uh Something you would say as you're rushing out of the house because you're running late to something Shit gotta go come on
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's my live laugh love Okay, let me just do one read through. Oh boy. Okay. Yeah Are you ready? I am ready Pisces Hello and welcome to the wow, how are they doing that jack film horoscope palooza I am your host jack film, but you can call me for I We already do we already do
Starting point is 00:50:02 And today I have quite the engrossing horoscope and store for you dear pisces I hope you don't mind But I've had a really plump day and I'd like to get comfortable and relaxed before the reading So let me just get into place real quick I Oh my sorry about that Must have been the pickled beets I had for lunch today No, oh shit
Starting point is 00:50:41 That was a juicy one Gonna have to change my dorts after this Oh my god, okay Uh, that's the spot Now I'm ready I actually chandled our first Pisces horoscope earlier today and wrote it in my journal Let me read it to you Dear beautiful
Starting point is 00:51:12 I think I have sexual feelings for Is that okay Oh Shit wait, no, that's the wrong journal Okay, let me find the horoscope. Ah, yes. Here it is Dear honey I have a secret and I need to share it with someone So naturally I'm telling you because you're my best friend
Starting point is 00:51:43 My only friend in the whole wide world It's normal for a grown man in his 30s To only have one friend and it's an animate object like a journal, right? Well, if that's wrong, I don't want to be southwest So my secret Is that I know the horoscope for Pisces Wait shit They're really gonna have a delicious week
Starting point is 00:52:14 first They're going to buy the yai board game and then realize it requires 14 players And realize their only friend is a calculator I feel like you're projecting Jack I love that going around lately So they can't even play Then Disappointed in how inept they are
Starting point is 00:52:41 They'll try to cheer themselves up by buying a bunch of sleigh bells Only the later realize that they're allergic to nylon Ugh I would feel regret for them But they're probably already feeling that way for themselves because let's be real they're Pisces after all Oh Fuck I just shot myself again if I keep this up
Starting point is 00:53:15 I'll be out of self dispensers Okay, journal shit gotta go come on Oh my god Oh, that was uh That was one of the more embarrassing Horoscopes I've ever had to channel Jesus christ Oh, hey, I mean who if not our diaries and journals
Starting point is 00:53:49 Can we be most honest with you know all those pickled beets, man? I knew those were a bad idea, but I just can't resist them I knew I should have known why you kept asking to watch All the shrek movies I should have known I should have seen the writing on the wall. Okay makes me go Hey listeners, if you have any ideas and challenges and quizzes and future things you want us to do Give us a call at our hotline at dad hug me 10. That's d a d
Starting point is 00:54:22 h u g m e One zero dad hug me 10. I've actually already gotten a bunch more trivia questions So keep them coming keep your ideas coming. Yes, please guys can't wait to Feature them in future episodes. Um, I'm gonna go like think about my life decisions And try to find jack's journal entries and journals, but Great hanging out with you guys. I will see you next week I'm gonna open the nearest can of pickled beets
Starting point is 00:54:57 Until next time haters

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