Erin is the Funny One - The Sleepy Erin Quiz’s

Episode Date: May 9, 2022

HOLY COW, EITFO is 40! This week on the podcast, Erin diligently describes the act of putting forks in someone’s lawn and her fear of meeting the neighbors before diving into a pair (yes, a pair) of... Sleepy Erin Quiz’s! Advertising Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to your listeners to episode 40 of Aaron is the thing with your host Jack and the thing I think hi episode 40 the 40 year old Virgin episode Aaron great great movie is a great movie there's also a great number number 40 40 is a great number it is it's the number four which is 11 the luckiest number right as we've says you discussed and so one plus one is two and two twos is four and four plus zero is still four so 40 is a great number and it's also the age where you can finally buy cigarettes that's right so it's a milestone age yes and what else is there you can climb Mount Everest at 40 Jack film yeah please do not promote the climbing of Mount Everest there is an overpopulation of people that oh my gosh and are climbing Mount Everest we cannot support the cause that is climbing Mount Everest gosh what can we support not that all right fine well we're we're dirty 40 that doesn't have the same ring to it horny 40 that's us maybe for you maybe maybe it's you know how every now and then you'll see people's like front yards like decorated with a bunch of like cows or pigs or something like yeah they do that for people's birthdays they totally do that who are these insane people the suburbanites they take somebody's front yard and no when they covered the front yard with like a bunch of cows and it says like holy cow you're 40 I know I know like the puns like you know how like you know like the prank where you fork somebody's yard and you just cover their yard and that's not a thing yeah that is a thing what the shit are you talking or you cover their yard and like q tips okay you're you're like fucking with me I'm not I swear to God I hold on to say I'm gonna pull up a Google image right now of the holy cow you're 40 and what what happens is you're supposed to like wake up after turning 40 I guess on your birthday and your entire front yard is covered in cows I've never heard this before this is a real thing hold on hold on hold on hold on no I was I was thinking like a birthday balloon that says like 40 and horny you
Starting point is 00:02:32 know like that or whatever but no no Jack there some people dedicate more time and effort and and thoughtfulness as opposed to just thinking with their dick about how horny they are and they're 40 hold on a second but involving cow okay look at this shit look at this shit look at this shit look at this shit okay ready no okay that's very obviously photoshop well yeah but because they're just trying to sell it's an Etsy store and they're just trying to sell the signs that you're gonna put all over the yard but okay listeners she's showing me a picture of a house's front yard all you need guys just google excuse me holy cow you're 40 and you can find it and it's just it's the worst example you could have shown me okay hold on I'm gonna find I'm gonna find more hold on baby's first photoshop I'm gonna type in birthday deck lawn decorations okay birthday lawn decorations so off the rails okay hold on oh my god look there's Betty White there's Betty White this is a thing people do when when they look look look at that okay from on there's a bunch of Betty whites on a lawn that you could that you could put on your lawn for your birthday I've wow okay this is some like I can't believe you've never seen this you've never seen anybody's house decorated with a bunch of shit on their front lawn not like that where did you how is that possible I guess listeners I guess Google what a dozen red roses in our neighborhood wasn't there a period of time we would like take a walk and find like didn't people decorate other people's homes with pigs there would be like pigs all over the front lawn and stuff what was it mingos you got flocked oh that's right you got flocked to that was a horrible prank I was like oh dear god I hope they don't do it to us because I do not want to have to meet the neighbors oh yeah that's what it would turn into yeah that's my biggest fear I have no no interest in having any type of relationship with the neighbors at all like at all because I just I don't want people to know me that intimately it's your worst fear I am the type of person that one time okay so I used to go
Starting point is 00:04:49 back when I was working in downtown Philly I would go to the same Starbucks every morning and as soon as they learn your coffee order and they start making it before you order it and it's ready for you that's time to switch Starbucks to everyone else in the planet that's their dream what a lovely convenience I know I thank you I do not not Aaron I do not want to I don't know I don't fantasy that is I would love to walk into my old you know my regular joint and they're like I got your drink waiting for you I don't know I that's your biggest fear it's I just now I gotta go I gotta go be anonymous somewhere else I guess but like yeah I don't want to have any type of relationship with the neighbors I don't know why it is fucking weird it I just I'm like I don't want them to know where I live and also who I am I don't know I don't know I'm a weirdo I'm I'm neurotic as fuck I guess I don't I have no idea my biggest dream right now is to reboot fear factor just so I can reenact your fear and cast you on the show I think it's most it could it could very well just stem from like if they know me and don't like me how I'm how will I possibly live here I nobody thinks that though nobody thinks like oh I hope the barista likes me people well you know what yeah that's that's true I don't the barista thing is just like I guess I just like to be a little bit anonymous and sure not me and I guess I don't like the barista recognize me because that means that they know things about me that I I didn't mean for them to know about me so it's episode 40 I'm gonna I'm gonna advance a little bit and say we're moving on to wine of the week but we're doing something different it's actually wines of the week and we've also both had these wines before yes and I think the occasion we don't really have an occasion my taste is slowly coming back my taste and smell so I think we just figured this week we'll drink what we want scale from one to ten yeah what's our sense of taste well how are we doing honestly okay it's it's not great I'm a little I'm a little miffed because I'm drinking my favorite sauvignon Blanc which is orchard Lane a lovely New Zealand sauvignon Blanc and I really want to enjoy it because it
Starting point is 00:07:13 normally tastes like apple juice I can't really taste I could taste dinner tonight kind of we had sushi for dinner and I could kind of taste that like I think it's still so as of this taping where a week and a half I'm like 10 plus days into not having full taste and smell and that's pretty cool any we went for a walk a few days ago oh yeah we did and yeah if you guys know the smell of Jasmine in the air the top five it is no top one is well straight up one of my biggest regrets about my wedding is not incorporating more Jasmine just to create the ambiance of smell of Jasmine in the air it is the strongest sense in terms of creating memories and stuff like that oh my gosh so Jasmine is honestly one of my favorite if not my favorite smell in the world and it's so potent this time of year yeah we can smell it in the backyard and we don't even have Jasmine in the backyard it's oh my gosh it's so good anyway we went on a walk the other day the Jasmine was was a flowing in the air and Jack film could just smell the Jasmine Aaron I could yes so it's on its way it's on its way yeah a little chugging along the little smell that could the little nose that could my eggs are still bland in the morning but you know we're we're getting there and what are you drinking so I revealed my hand what are you drinking I am drinking well you seem to have selected for me I sure did you don't have a lot of Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc yes what we which we've also had on this on the show it's delightful mass produced you know stuff I like to think of Kim Crawford wines like oh there's some old supermodel not old like that she she was like big in the 90s like she was one of the sure for supermodel yes exactly you know her that now does like furniture I'm pretty sure Kathy something Kathy Ireland maybe yeah I think she sells sofas now and that's what a 180 I don't know Kim Crawford I don't even know if there is a Kim Crawford or if Kim Crawford may not even be you know a female sounds like you're trying to summon her from the bathroom I know I know a man named Kim so thus I don't know Kim Crawford but I'd like to think of Kim Crawford as like a 90s supermodel who now has a wine brand I love that I love that really specific mindset you have Kim Crawford and Kim gosh darn it you are always invited to the show you just name the time and place and you know our people talk to your people so yeah yeah nothing zany about wines of the week this week just want to let you listeners in on that alright on to the meat of episode 40 horny 40 now this is a Jack film special because I have done and designed the last two have I not you have
Starting point is 00:10:21 so this is my turn it's my turn and I was feeling a bit uninspired so I had to turn to our hotline yet again for those who don't know we have a hotline it's dad hug me 10 you can call or text into dad hug me 10 D. A. D. H. U. G. M. E. 1010 and I just so happen to come across a lovely text from a Sonya and Sonya writes I have two ideas. Now I really only took one of these ideas and I reveal why but here's what Sonya writes I have two ideas one BuzzFeed quiz quiz guess whether a quiz title is on BuzzFeed or made up wait that's that's great it's so good that is great yeah it's so good that I'm not doing it for the podcast because my council already made that quiz they gave it to me I'm going to film that in a few days completely blind I'm doing the BuzzFeed quiz quiz by yourself Sonya it's such a great idea that I'm saving that. My our council already wrote that quiz even before I saw this text and what can I say great minds think alike here's what else Sonya added in their text does Aaron remember that movie where Jack takes a movie during which Aaron has fallen asleep. And asks her to describe the plot. In detail to be fair I have not fallen asleep in a movie in a while it's been a long time it's been a while it's been a while. But you do have a pension or falling asleep during movies only bad movies. And then when you wake up you're like that movie sucked and it's like you didn't even watch it. So I was and sometimes I'm just I am a girl boss and we need our rest and sometimes when we watch TV at night I it just it feels so comfortable just on the sofa and I don't have anything to think about.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And it just is wouldn't it be just nice to close our eyes and rest a little. Well here's the thing Aaron some of the best snaps in the world were taken during movies. So here's the thing Aaron. Yeah. I took that idea and split it into two different quizzes both of which I'm going to give you tonight. Okay. All right. Don't worry they're sure different quizzes.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yes. But they're both inspired by the. By Sonya's ideas by Sonya's you falling asleep during movies we watch quiz. But I'm splitting that into two quiz ideas. Okay. Quiz number one Aaron I'm going to I'm going to read you a sentence. Aaron you have to tell me you have to tell me if this is something you said while you were asleep. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Or if I made it up. Oh no. Oh my God. Are you ready. Wait how many how I don't sleep I sleep talk every now and then but it's not so much so that you would have enough material to make that many questions. Well that's why it's a short quiz. Okay how many questions are there. I'm not telling you now.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Why. Because you just have to find out Aaron did you say this in your sleep. Oh my God. Or not. Okay. You see the doormat Jack they found out in check that Bob was an answer. Hey Aaron did you say that shit in your sleep. You see that doormat Jack.
Starting point is 00:13:46 What about Bob. What. What was. Honey it's very simple you see the doormat Jack they found out in check that Bob was an answer. Simple question love. I do believe that I said that yes I do believe that. On January 11th. You did say that in your sleep and it scared the piss out of me.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Do you remember it at all. I don't remember. I actually don't. Does it say what time you wrote it. No annoyingly it doesn't. That is annoying. Just like the data Samsung. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Wow. How about this honey how about this. Okay. Did you say this in your sleep. Okay. Or did I make it up. Yeah. Wait maybe we should tell people like so and I think maybe we've covered it in.
Starting point is 00:14:40 That's why I'm not. Because we have. But like we've talked about my sleep talking we've talked about my sleep walking. Yes we have. But at some point not immediately but at some point in our relationship I think it even started before we got married. I think you started writing down the things I would say in my sleep. Because they're so random I have to write them down because I won't remember that in
Starting point is 00:15:06 the morning. And I obviously don't know that I'm saying it consciously. Right. My meat suit that I reside in might know but I. You Aaron. The soul of Aaron does not remember now. Okay honey. Did you say this or did I make it up.
Starting point is 00:15:23 The peasants. You know I actually said the word peasants today. Oh you did. And yesterday in conversation talking about how rich people are so fucking out of touch that they don't even realize like what real life is for us peasants. Right. I don't think I said that in my sleep. In July of last year.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You said in your sleep. You forgot the peasants. You terrifying witch. So it's something I apparently think about consciously and unconsciously. How fun. But also rich people forgot about the peasants and that's probably what I was thinking about. There you go. In July of last year I was very emotional emotionally charged and there was a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:12 turmoil going on inside of me about fucking my me waking up to capitalism and rich people. So yeah. Okay. I believe it. I believe it. Even though I didn't think I said it I do believe it. All right now you're one for two. Here's your third.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Did you say this or did I just make it up. I don't know man. He's looking like a niece hanger which allegedly he's going through another time. I don't. I would have said I don't know man. I don't know man. I'm trying to imagine myself. You have to.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Because you weren't there. I don't know man. He's looking like a niece hanger. And what was the rest. I don't know man. He's looking like a niece hanger which allegedly he's going through another time. I said allegedly. You know what I say allegedly all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:07 All the time at work. One of my coworkers always like is like allegedly. Oh nice. Because like it's like something. Sure. I'll like say something and I'm like what allegedly. You gotta be smart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You never know who's listening. So would sleepy Aaron have said that too. I think sleepy Aaron probably would say the word allegedly. Honey you said this last month in April. Do you remember that one. Like what's a nice hang. I kind of remember the which allegedly he's I was like she's very articulate for someone who's like 99% not there.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Allegedly. Allegedly. He says that which allegedly. What a nerd. What a fucking nerd. You're a nerd awake. You're a nerd asleep. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So allegedly you're two for three. Let's see if this is something you said or not at all. I was talking to a shadow. Oh wait we've covered that. Well wait was it that. Yeah when I was sleepwalking. I was talking to Sunday I think. And then I realized it was like maybe Sunday's shadow.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yes we covered that in a previous episode where we talked about my sleepwalking and I was talking to the shadow in the corner of the room. Yes I did say that. In August last year. Do you not remember that episode. I do. No I do. I just want to see if you did.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Of course you got up you sat up right exited the bed. I said honey get back to bed. You did not listen. You wandered over to the corner of our bedroom like the fucking Blair witch. You kept saying Sunday Sunday Sunday you're looking for a dog Sunday and you look down and then you sit out loud. Oh I was talking to a shadow. Turn around and went back to bed.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You I don't believe I was with my wife that night. I think I was with a possession. Oh my god. Okay. I wonder what came over me that night like what did I do differently that day and night. I wonder that like caught. You know what I mean like did I go to bed earlier. What did you eat.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Did I not. Yeah exactly. You know it's always on the way to sleep as well the night before was I really tie. I don't know. There's no way to know. No way to know. I have one final one. This is the last one for this little mini quiz.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Oh so now I get an answer from you. Yeah there you go. Yeah. All right. Did you say this or am I making it up. Wow this video is so cool except I hope your animals die and then laughter. No I would have never said that. I don't want people's animals to die.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I was a vegetarian for many years. That's right you were in November of 2020. I have written down you saying wow this video is so cool except I hope your animals die and then in brackets I have laughs because sometimes you laugh after you say something in your sleep and it's fucking that's listeners that's the worst that's the scariest shit ever when she says the sentence and then laughs. Why did I want them to die. I don't know if there's a God but there's absolutely a Satan.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Okay that was Satan inhabiting my body. Yes it was. Nobody would want anybody's animals to die except for Satan Aaron. So there you go proof that there's a hell. Jesus Lord I'm terrifying. I am terrifying. One time I slept over this guy's house that like and no no funny business. I really just think we like went out drinking or something and I just like crashed in his
Starting point is 00:20:39 house and I don't remember why I didn't just go home or like well Uber didn't exist at the time. Okay. Anyway but I remember the next day he was like you fart a lot in your sleep. But he did not mention me talking. I hate to admit it I've never heard you fart in your sleep. Yay. Because like you know as your husband I should have you know all the dirt but like.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Maybe he was just trying to get back at me because I wasn't doing any funny business. That's very possible. Maybe. Who knows. I don't trust men so. That's something a you know angry horny dude would do. Horny and 40. All right so that was quiz one of quiz two.
Starting point is 00:21:25 So going back to Sonya's text. Yeah. Which was quizzing you about movies that you had fallen asleep to. Yes. I'm tying that into my next quiz. The Marvel quiz. Oh yeah. Because you do have a habit sometimes of falling asleep during those fun gimmicky MCU movies.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Okay to be fair they deserve it because they're not that good. And if they were that good I would stay awake for it. So there's that. That's short. And also the new Doctor Strange movie is out at the time of this. Are you like doing it. Did they pay you to like promote Doctor Strange. Figures.
Starting point is 00:22:02 No I'm saying like it's it's appropriate because. Oh there is like a brand new movie. So like I'm allowed to do the Marvel. I've had. I've had quiz. Marvel movies. For like the longest time of anybody that needs free advertising. I don't think it's Marvel.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Okay. I'm just saying it's it's relevant. Okay. Question one. How many Thor movies are out there. Wait. Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Thor movies. Thor one. Allegedly. Allegedly. Fucking nerd.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And then there's Thor Ragnarok which I watched and did not fall asleep during. I think you even liked that one. I'd laughed out loud. You did. Maybe twice. Yeah. Mostly because of that. New record.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. New record. Mostly because of that guy. That was that was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah. He was adorable. Yeah. Cork. He was like a big rock boulder man. I think Cork. I want to say Cork. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:07 He was he was funny. Okay. So you're on two. There's got to be one I don't know about but I don't know the name of it. I'm not asking you to name them. I'm just asking how many are there. There are three. There are three Thor movies.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Ding ding. That's correct. Really? Look at that. Yay. Go me. You're missing everyone's favorite Thor the Lost World. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I think it's called the Dark World. Wow. See it's so forgettable. No. I was like that's Jurassic Park. That's Jurassic Park. Yeah. But it's everyone's least favorite like.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Wait. What's it called the Lost World? The Dark World. Dark World. Yeah. It's no one's favorite. Your next Marvel movie your next MCU quiz question. Honey.
Starting point is 00:23:47 How many Avengers movies are there? There's Avengers. And then there is Avengers Endgame. Are you impressed? I'm actually a little impressed. Are you horny? And 40. Then there's Avengers No Way Home.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And then there's Avengers The Musical. Yeah. I'm going to say there are four Avengers movies. I hate that you're right. Really? Oh my God. Yeah. Avengers The Musical is my favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You like did all the wrong steps and you somehow got to the right answer. It's infuriating. It's fucking infuriating. Wait. What are the names of them? So there's, you're right. There's Avengers. Of course.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Or the Avengers. I forget. Love that for me. There's the one I think you fell asleep during in the theater, Age of Ultron. Did we see that in the theater? Yeah. It was like 2015. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Don't, no recollection. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is that the, is that a whole lot of things? That's the robot. The robot's in that one. Is that where they have the witch and fast guy? Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And vision. And vision. I may, I can't remember if I fell asleep or like. Tuned out. Tuned out. Pulled out your phone. Right. Something.
Starting point is 00:25:05 There may have been a brief period of time during the movie. I was like not feeling it because I really, really hate the black widow Scarlett Johansson character. She is useless, useless. Just straight up. And I just. You hate the character or the actress? The character.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Okay. Also, I think maybe, I think maybe her acting abilities could be better, but that's just me. Wow. That's just me. Okay. That's just me. Who asked?
Starting point is 00:25:35 But I also just say, she doesn't have any special powers. Yeah. I don't understand why she's an Avenger. Yeah. This is about superheroes. Cause she looks good when she like lands. No. That's why.
Starting point is 00:25:47 There was like a motorcycle scene. Yeah, there sure is. That I was like, no, no, this is it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Fuck this movie. Also needed more Tom Holland, I think. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:04 That was right before. Okay. So I'm just, I don't want to give away any future answers. All right. Next question. So far you're two for two and infuriatingly. Aaron, how many Spider-Man movies are there in the MCU? Are they not all in the MCU?
Starting point is 00:26:18 No. How is that even possible? Can I get a hit? Can I ask it? Can I ask two questions? Sure. Is Toby McGuire's Spider-Man movies in the MCU? See, that's a loaded question.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I would say no, even though you could argue that they now are, but. Yeah. He was in that last one. You know what? Cause I would, that would make this question much harder. All right. Fine. Including.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Are we counting those? Yes. Are we counting the Andrew Garfield ones? Yes. How many Spider-Man movies are there? All right. So listen. In the MCU.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I saw two of the two Spider-Man movies on my birthday. Didn't ask. Plus L plus ratio. I've heard not great things about Toby McGuire. I am not proud of it, but I also share a birthday with Chloe Kardashian. So I have mixed feelings on a lot of it. We are getting farther from the answer. I saw two of the Toby McGuire Spider-Man movies.
Starting point is 00:27:07 You did. Two more than I thought you did. Okay. Well, the first one I saw. And then the second one I saw while really. Horny. I may have, I may have, I was at an Alicia Keys concert and I may have. Oh, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I may have smoked a little Mara Chawanna. Oh, honey. But I don't do that. So I was, I was like, honestly, I think I was like 18 or something. 19. Something like that. Anyway, I remember being like, having no idea what was happening in the movie. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. So it's a special place in your heart. The second Toby McGuire Spider-Man movie. And I am, I would, if there were a gun to my head. Yeah. I would feel pretty confident about saying there is a third Toby McGuire movie. Okay. I'd feel pretty confident about that.
Starting point is 00:27:51 All right. So there's three there. So then there's Andrew Garfield and there's at least one. Okay. So that's four. Right. And I'm a big fan of Emma Stone. I think, and I still haven't gotten over the fact that she and Andrew broke up.
Starting point is 00:28:08 We're all mourning. But I like him too, but I like her better, but I like him too. I think there were two Spider-Man movies. Do you? Yes. With Andrew Garfield. Are we raising our total to five? So that's now five.
Starting point is 00:28:20 We're at five. Okay. Okay. And then there's Tom Holland. You don't think there was a third Andrew Garfield? No, I don't. I don't think there were. Or a fourth Toby McGuire?
Starting point is 00:28:30 No, I don't. Okay. All right. So moving on Tom Holland. How many did he get? So then we saw the OG Spider-Man with Tom Holland. Like, so the first one we saw, I may have fallen asleep during that. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:28:45 You know he did. I love Tom Holland. Who is the villain that one? Do you remember? Toby McGuire. That is correct. He's the villain in everybody's story. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Have you not seen Molly's game? That's what they say. Okay. So there's at least one Tom Holland movie. And then there was another one. Oh yeah? So we're up to seven, you think? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Did the one that we just saw, is that the third or the fourth? We just saw No Way Home. Not that long ago. Maybe a few months ago or something. We did. We did. And I didn't fall asleep once and I was proud of myself. Guys, I'll tell you, you've heard it here first.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I quite enjoyed it. Look at that. I quite enjoyed the movie. Look at that. Yeah. I will say I had some issues with like just, I don't appreciate when all of a sudden we incorporate magic and it's just like, la, la, la, la, la. Anything happened.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Doctor Strange is here to fix everything, but not everything. Right. To make it convenient for the plot. Exactly. Yep. Yep. Anyway, was that the third or the fourth? Because goddamn, they fucking put this shit out all day, every day.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I swear to God, there is not a single week where there isn't a new Marvel movie coming out. Pretty much, yeah. Honestly, they pump. I'm pretty sure they're on their 15th Avengers movie at this point. As we talked about in question one. So I think that this was the third Spider-Man. Fuck, was it fourth?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Shit. No, third. I'm going to say third. So three plus three plus two is eight. I think there are eight Spider-Man movies made across Toby, Andrew and Tom. Ding, ding, ding. Really? You are correct.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Oh my God. Again. I am a genius. Look at that. And apparently a big fan. A true Marvel savant. Guys, come to me to hear all of the Marvel tea and rumors and reviews. Because I am their biggest fans.
Starting point is 00:30:54 The quiz is only going to get harder, so don't get too cocky. All right. Aaron. Yeah. How many Hawkeye movies are there? One. There are zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Fuck that guy. I was like, I was going to say like, but who would watch that movie? That man also. Hawkeye and his mom. He's good. You have a, you're cat-ness. What are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Talking about useless adventures. Yeah. Cat-ness. No. No. I don't understand why we pair actual superheroes with normies. That's not how it works. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Moving on. I'll give Tony Stark a pass because his Iron Man suit might as well be a superpower. The superpower is his brain. There you go. That invented. There you go. The suit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Honey, how many Captain America movies are there? I, I love Chris Evans. I think he. Well, prove it. Prove your love. Oh, that's another breakup I haven't gotten over. I, when he and Jenny Slate dated, I was so, so here. They jaded?
Starting point is 00:32:00 What? I didn't wait. Yeah. Jenny Slate, the comedian? Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah. They dated for, I don't know, like a decent admit a bit of time.
Starting point is 00:32:10 No way. Yeah. I loved them together because I love, you know, I love Jenny Slate. Oh yeah. I love her. She's great. She is. Marcelle, the shell shoes on.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Can't wait. She's so much more than just that. No, that's all she. She is so funny and just so, everything about her I love. But they, and they dated and I loved it. Like I was like, I wanted them to get married and have babies. I guess you could say I shipped them. There you go.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I had a, you know. 2012 Tumblr call. So much. Yeah, I know, right? So, so much of like, like apparently I was like, I'm still upset about Emma and Andrew. Right. I'm still upset about Jenny and Chris. Still upset about Jessica and Nick even.
Starting point is 00:32:49 That's a breakup I'll never get over. And I'm upset that we are just miles away from the topic at hand. The question was how many Captain America movies are there? Not what are your thoughts on every celebrity relationship? You've ever read about. Um, okay. And then he dated. Cool.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I actually don't think he's dated anybody publicly since her. Oh damn. He's heartbroken. Publicly. Right. Yeah. Someone's been watching the. Her case.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Oh my God. Uh, okay. Objection hearsay. You're saying. All right. Two. There are two Captain America. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Captain America. That's his name. Captain America. Oh my God. There are two Captain America movies starring Chris Evans. Actually three. Oh no. Three.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I wonder how rich he is. He's probably so rich. He's probably doing okay. Yeah. Because he was in three Captain America movies and also all four Avengers movies. Dude was booked and busy today. I have to be fair. So Jack did mention I, I've been watching the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trials.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And, um, because I am, I don't know, I'm obsessed with celebrities. Low key. Who knew? High key low key. I don't know. Anyway. So, uh, today Amber was on the stand and she mentioned that Johnny Depp sold his yacht to J.K. Rowling.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And I was like, J.K. Rowling has a yacht now. Like that was like, what? I mean, I can see. So now we know. Well, yeah, of course. Because she's rich as shit. But like, I just, I don't know. When I think of J.K. Rowling, I don't really think about.
Starting point is 00:34:49 The yacht fairing type. The yacht. I don't, I just say, you know, you never, you never see Papa Ross. He photos of J.K. Rowling on her yacht. You know, so I found, I found it interesting. Three Captain America movies. Three Captain America movies. Were they good?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Did you see them all? They're pretty good. Yeah. You saw all of them? I did. Not all in theaters, but like, I think I saw one of them in theaters. Yeah. I saw civil war in theaters.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Not the other two. Civil war. Yeah. I've heard of that one. That's where Tom Holland first shows up. I love Tom Holland. That's his first. And he's a little baby boy.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Hey, Mr. Sark. Oh, you would love, you would love him in that. You'd want to pinch his little cheeks. I just love nice boys. You do. You do. I like nice, kind, kind, you know. Nice boys finish last unless you're Aaron.
Starting point is 00:35:36 No, they don't. They are amazing. They're awesome. Okay. Aaron, how many war machine movies are there? What? War machine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Zero. I've never heard that phrase in my life. You know war machine? No, there's no war machine. He's one of the Avengers. No, he's not. He's like Tony's right-hand man. No, that's Spartacus.
Starting point is 00:36:00 What's his name? Don Cheadle. No. Yeah. Jarvis. Oh, Jarvis. Jarvis. Seems Jarvis.
Starting point is 00:36:11 You are right. No, I'll just say you're right. Zero. I at least, listen, I might not know Marvel movies. But I look at a shit ton of like celebrity goss. So I know what premieres are happening sometimes. Okay. Well, speaking of premieres, you might know this one.
Starting point is 00:36:32 It's your favorite. How many Black Widow movies are there? One, two, one, two. ScarJo was upset because she sued Disney. Or maybe they settled. I can't remember. It was like a year ago. Because they were going to only release it on Disney plus
Starting point is 00:36:51 because of pandemic times. And it was like a lot of money. She was like maybe 50 million or something. There is one Black Widow movie. Is that your final answer? That's my final answer. You are correct. There's just the one.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Because you know why? Why? She probably dies because she doesn't have any superpowers. So there's not a lot. Man, those powers could have really come in handy. You're exactly right. Did she die? She says she dies at the end?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Well, not in that movie, but she does die in the end of Endgame. Is that right? That's right. Spoiler alert. You fucking care. But they care. The people care. Hey, wait.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Hold on. Did you watch the Black Widow movie? No. Wow. To be fair. Do you consider yourself a feminist? I didn't see it because all the reviews were like, hey, you can skip this one.
Starting point is 00:37:42 All movie reviewers are probably incels. Speaking of incels. How many, excuse me, how many Loki movies are there? Loki has his own movies? Yes. How many? Remember when Tom Hiddleston dated Taylor Swift? He also, I believe, dated Elizabeth Olson.
Starting point is 00:38:10 You're my least favorite person. Oh, but didn't he? I think he just got engaged not that long ago. Wow. Okay. There is maybe, oh my God, these people make too much money. These people as in Marvel and Disney. How many Loki movies are there, Erin?
Starting point is 00:38:32 There's one Loki movie. There are zero Loki movies. You knucklehead. What an idiot. Tom Hiddleston, I think, is a good actor though, I think. Yeah. I don't remember. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:46 So my like test is that if I'm watching a movie and I can sense somebody is acting, you are not a good actor. Sure. If you get pulled out of it. Yes. If I get pulled out of it because I'm like, no, stop. That's not how it would actually go. And you're not saying it authentically.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I don't recall ever thinking that about him personally. It's my personal take. I have two more questions, honey. Yeah. How many Fantastic Four movies are there? What is the Fantastic Four? What is, who is the, who's in the Fantastic Four? There's the human torch.
Starting point is 00:39:24 No, this is not real. There's the human torch. There's Mr. Fantastic who can get all like rubbery and stretchy. Is he bald? No. Oh, I was hoping he looked like Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean. No, there is a man called the thing. Wait, you called me the thing.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Wait, when did I call you the thing? Like 30 minutes ago. You said, hey, it's me. Oh, I did. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Aaron is the thing and I am the thing. True story.
Starting point is 00:39:51 That's you, honey. Look. So how many Fantastic Four movies are there in the MCU? It's a trick question because the Fantastic Four is in the other one, not the MCU. Well, you're, you're half right. It is a trick question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:08 The answer is zero. Oh, okay. But they're not like in DC comics or anything. Oh, they're not. Yeah. They're still Marvel property. Suicide Squad. And get this, honey.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah. This is going to blow your mind. Yeah. They made two Fantastic Four movies with the same cast. Like. Wait, you just said there was zero. Yeah. Not, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Not in the MCU. Okay. No, that's bullshit. And the human torch was played by Chris Evans. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. They made two Fantastic Four movies.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Wait, but are they part of Marvel comics? Yes. But they're not part of the MCU. Well, how does that work? How does that work? Your final question. How does that work? Tell me how that works.
Starting point is 00:40:46 They're part of Marvel, but not part of it. Like that doesn't make sense. Because while the MCU hasn't introduced all the Marvel properties yet, because there are like hundreds of not thousands, but there are many Fantastic Four comics. How is Chris Evans going to play both parts? Because he's that good. Well, no, it's kind of like, I had another trick question.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I want to ask you now, but I was going to ask how many X-Men movies are there in the MCU? They're DC. The answer, well, no. Oh. The answer is zero. But they're like Fox media. They're like Fox pictures are not MCU.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm sure. Werewolf. What's his name? What's his name? No, that's his name. What's his name? Not Wolverine. Werewolf.
Starting point is 00:41:23 No, it's Wolverine. It's Wolverine. Hugh Jackman. I have the hardest question for you. Yeah. I'm saving the last one. Okay. And then this podcast comes out on Monday.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yes. How many Doctor Strange movies will there have been in the MCU? One. It just came out. You just promoted it. There's one Doctor Strange movie. No, honey. It will be two.
Starting point is 00:41:44 This is the second. It's a sequel. Yeah. Lame. There you go. Okay. So hold on. Marvel quiz.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Hold on. Yay. I won. I got all of them right. I got a hundred percent. You sure did. I aced it. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Can we talk about Benedict Cumberbatch? Oh, let's talk. Let's dish. Let's ben a dish. Did I like him as Doctor Strange? Like what did I say about him in the Tom Holland movie? Yeah. I remember what you said about him.
Starting point is 00:42:12 You said this man will define a generation. No, no, no, no. This is what cinema is all about. If I'm remembering correctly. Wow. That's really profound, Erin. I think I was weirded out that his American accent voice sounds nothing like his British accent voice.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. I did say that. But he, I will say he does not take me. I think he's a good actor. I liked him in Sherlock. He was in Sherlock. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:42:40 He was in... Damn, he's good. Do you remember him in Atonement though? Oh man, he was hateable in Atonement. He was hateable and disgusting in Atonement. Oh my gosh. And what a stash. I saw that movie twice in theaters because it was so appalling to me.
Starting point is 00:42:55 It like shook me to my core. You were attracted by the repulsion. I kind of. I just, it really like emotionally like did something to me that I was like, I need to see that again because I love to torture myself, I guess. Anyway, that was great. I am great. I love Marvel.
Starting point is 00:43:12 That's your takeaway. I was, hi, I'm Erin. I sleep talk and sometimes maybe fart in my sleep. Hi, Erin. Very niche group that meets on Monday night. We get together for Marvel like sleepovers. Oh. Erin.
Starting point is 00:43:37 What is that sound? I don't know, but I'm 40 and horny and ready for some horoscopes. I can't wait for you to wake up tomorrow and your front lawn is covered in cows. Moo, you're 40. I can hate that. Honey, I need your help. Thank you for, Erin already had her hand outstretched. She knows the drill for these horoscopes.
Starting point is 00:44:01 It's time. It's time. And I literally never remember the zodiac sign. What is it? Oh, so the day is May 9th. The day is May 9th. Thus, we are in Taurus season. Ah, the fish.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Yes. And that sushi was delicious. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Jack, I'm going to start off this week's horoscope. Okay. With the first word that comes to mind from the spirits within. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Taurus. Taurus. Shadows. Hang. In. Dismal. Array. And.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Beware. For. They. Becken. Evil. You. May. Enter.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Upon. Viewing. Three. Copies. Of. Avatar. God. Damn.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I. Rule. Avatar. Fox. Yeah. Taurus. Don't. Pay.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Mind. To. Haters. Because. Haters. Are. Hating. Your.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Haters. Aren't. Cool. Therefore. We. Triumph. And. Rave.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Peacefully. Tomorrow. The. Rooster. Will. Strike. Six. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So. Set. Your. Alarm. Two. Five. That. Way.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You. Can. Dream. Of. The. Rooster. Will. Strike.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Six. Hmm. So. Set. Your. Alarm. Dream. Of.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Avatar. And. Wake. Before. The. Early. Roosters. Bird.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Jack. Bird. The early bird. The early bird gets the worm, Jack. Taurus. Your. Horoscope. Before you.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Taurus. Fucking. You be the early bird. The early bird gets the worm. And you be the early bird. And the early rooster. Whatever works. The early roosters.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Fuck the roosters. The roosters are men. We hate men. Get. Get. Get. Get your worm. Here she goes again.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Get your worm. Hating capitalism. Join. Join my fem cell. It's. It's a cult of women who hate men. Oh my God. I'm leading it.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Join my cult. It's only. 2499 a month. Fem cell community. And. Welcome. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for joining us.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I'm so 40. I can't wait to hear from you on dead hug me 10. Our hotline. Yeah. Text and call in a dad hug me 10. If you have any ideas, suggestions. Also. Reviews.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yes. And if you just want to congratulate me on. Acing the Marvel quiz. I would also love to hear from you with that. Aaron, how many Ironman movies are there? Pretty sure there's like 14. That's correct. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:25 She did it again. 14 iron men. Till next time. Haters. Bye.

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