F*ck Buddies: A Sex and Dating Advice Podcast - Episode 159 - Bathe in Your You Goo

Episode Date: October 18, 2021

Get your pen and paper ready, folks!  At the end of the podcast we have a fun test that's actually not and actually sucks a lot.  Topics include why Tinder is the worst dating app, what you need to ...know for dating in 2021, competing with literally every man in the world, the boundaries of sharing photos you've sent your partner, not-so secretly watching porn during sex and a fresh batch of online dating profiles to critique.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I put my trust in you, and when I'm trusting, I love you. I put my trust in you, I put my trust in love. I put my trust in you, and when I'm trusting, I love you. I put my trust in you, I put my trust in love. Hello friends, my name is Dave Miller. And I'm Niles Spain. And we're your fuck buddies. We are a dating and sex advice podcast where we take your sticky, sexy situations and we turn them into sexy, sticky situations.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Simply put, we find questions either from our wonderful listeners or online and we answer them on the topics of sex and dating. And this week, let me tell you, I have an apology to make. And I've been meaning to do this for a while, but we've had so many things planned for other things. But this needs to get off my chest. I apologize for making the claims that Tinder is easy. Because I hadn't been on Tinder for a very long time. But I recently did a little experiment on it. And people aren't lying now.'s a it's an absolute nightmare
Starting point is 00:01:07 well you know what that leads me into our first question well i want to what well let's see what the first question is and then we'll circle back to what i want to talk about if it doesn't cover it this is mr nobody jr i have not dated in 10 years what do i need to know about dating in 2021 okay so this is a great a great segue into what i would like to talk about um so when cinder first came out when i was single i guess seven years ago six years ago around that time period um you had unlimited likes you could say yes to as many people as you wanted to. And usually nine times out of 10, the people who matched with you would be on the top of your stack when you open the app the next time you used it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And, you know, that's where they would be. And it was that was the design of the app where it's like, usually the first couple of people you say yes to or you see are the ones that have previously said to you when you weren't using the app. Now, well, they did introduce Tinder plus or premium or gold or whatever the fuck they call their,
Starting point is 00:02:15 their premium package, their paid platform when I was still using it. And it was, it was essentially like you had unlimited swipes. You could undo marks. And I think you could see the people who liked you. I think that was the package that you got when you paid. But other than that, everything still worked as normal.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Take a guess what it's like now. Well, I've seen your shit, so I know this. What do you mean you've seen my shit? We were fucking swiping the other day oh yes true so what it's like now it is a completely uh pay to win model at this point if you are not paying for tinder at least as a straight man uh you will not get matches it just will not happen or rather you will get people who are liking you. So the way it was happening for me was I made my profile. I didn't put a whole lot of effort into
Starting point is 00:03:10 it. It's a throwaway thing. So I was like, you know, here it is. I get notifications constantly being like someone liked you, someone liked you, someone liked you. Great. You open the app and at the bottom, there's a little counter being like, you know, 16 people liked you or however many people have liked you since the last time you used the app click on that it's like well you have to pay to see this and i'd be like well you know i'll i'll come across them in my own time so i would swipe and no matches and then i'd be out of yeses for the day and that's it at that point i was like okay uh i would next time i would use it the next day it would be like x amount of people have liked you. I was like, OK, cool.
Starting point is 00:03:46 So I was like, I'm going to do an experiment. I'm going to say yes to everyone because there was a chance that maybe I was saying no to the people who said yes to me. So yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Said yes to everyone. Still no matches. But according to Tinder, I had like 40 something people who had said yes to me. So I did this for a few days of saying yes to everyone. And my likes kept going up but my
Starting point is 00:04:06 matches i just wouldn't match with anyone like at all at all literally zero matches and i would i would say yes to everybody so there was no chance that i was saying no to the people i was i was you know who had said yes to me um no matches despite the fact that every day I would get a notification saying that like 10 people, 20 people, whatever. So I was like, okay. Would that number keep going up? That number kept going up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So people were saying yes to me, theoretically, but I just would not come across them. So I was like, all right, well, for science, I host a sex and dating podcast. Let's see what happens. I bought Tinder Premium, which, have I told you how much it is? No. Guess how much Tinder Plus is? $9 a month.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It is $30 a month. That's insane. That's more than Netflix and Amazon and Disney combined. It is all of my streaming services pretty much i don't pay for any streaming services because people just give them to me but yes it's like that is my netflix my crave and my disney plus i'm pretty sure around that price um that's wild for a dating it is pretty much market like most dating apps are around the same price i think hinges around the same price bumbles around the same price i think hinges around
Starting point is 00:05:25 the same price bumbles around the same price uh we'll talk about those other ones in a bit though so sure enough guess what happened the second i bought tinder premium uh matches matches yes everyone i said yes to match match match match match match match including the ones and then that's on top of the ones that you can then go into and actually just like see a list of everyone that said yes to you which you can then filter yourself be like yeah i want to match them no i don't want to match them do you think it ends there though nile i'm going to say no so no on top of tinder plus or gold or whatever it is there's now tinder platinum which is an extra ten dollars a month which allows people to see you more frequently okay that so if you've liked someone that will put you at the top of their stack and
Starting point is 00:06:14 that's an extra ten dollars a month it's so fucking seedy but here's the other thing there's also a thing called boost which does more or less the same thing you get like a premium spot so they'll show you i guess to more people i don't know and those are i think it's i think they're like two dollars a boost on me tinder gold or whatever like the the base package comes with one a month but yes if you wanted to buy is it like pokemon go where you just like pop one and get more pokemon for like an hour or yep pretty much so when i use it my hour is it like 10 minutes do you know exactly it's it's 30 minutes i think that's so fucked yeah when i used it i got a ton more matches so like it worked but um and then
Starting point is 00:06:57 let me tell you there's super boost guess how much a super boost is for six hours ten dollars 92.99 pardon almost 100 dollars that what what does it do it like does it teleport people like ready and willing to your bedroom because i have no idea it says so the the descriptor of it it says up to a hundred times more views no matches just you will be seen a hundred percent more i can only imagine it's actually negative because for that price everyone has to see you all the time like there should be a fucking way like 19 danes in the way maybe it is maybe there's a fucking blimp. That's obscene. The predatory nature of dating apps now, there are some, like, Hinge is still a very functional app.
Starting point is 00:07:49 In my opinion, Hinge is the best app right now to use. And I understand why everyone was saying that. It's fair. There doesn't seem to be any, like, there's paywalls. There's the ability to, like, buy roses, which are kind of, like, super like in Tinder. And there's the ability to like buy roses which are kind of like super like in tinder um and there's
Starting point is 00:08:07 the ability to like boost your profile and see the people who have matched with you but these are like additional as opposed to being the only way it functions correct so hinge is still like i can the nice thing about hinge too is when you like someone or something you like either the picture or the prompt you can add a message so it's not just like a catalog of meat the way that tinder is there's only some content you can show like a little bit of your personality so hinge for my if you're looking for a dating app to use in 2021 hinge is my my suggestion tinder don't i i would use tinder you know what i mean i for sure get on there but do not let tinder be a any sort of indication don't let any app be an indication of your worth or your
Starting point is 00:08:51 attractiveness but tinder is so fucking rigged and so predatory again this is from a a dude like a straight dude in his 30s so i don't know if it's different for everyone else but it is so predatory and it's it's means to make money that i would say the app itself is almost useless for dudes unless you're paying money yeah which ain't great so yeah i guess as per the question 2021 go to the fucking hinge if you're doing online dating i will also say um uh ok cupid is also a pretty solid dating app now before it was it was a little like if you're looking a little bit more for the dating side of things but ok cupid has a very extensive list of uh being able to choose what you identify as in terms of the gender spectrum, you can actually select,
Starting point is 00:09:45 be like, Hey, I'm cool with non-monogamous relationships, or I'm specifically looking for monogamous. You can select, um, what kind of relationship you're looking for and then hide it, I believe.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So you can say like, Hey, I'm looking for one night stands. I'm looking for casual sexual encounters and, but not broadcast it. So you'll be shown people who have similar interests without having it sit on your your profile being like in your face yeah um so like okay cupid again if you have a more refined dating palette in terms of like what you're
Starting point is 00:10:19 specifically looking for the options there are actually pretty robust in terms of like what you want to filter in and out and again there's paywalls that's just going to be a thing especially i'm sure tinder's making a fucking fortune yeah i'm sure that sucks yeah because i remember back in the good old days it was just free and easy and it was successful but you know what i'm glad we came out and said this because i remember when we were like messing around with your tinder at the bar and it was successful but you know what i'm glad we came out and said this because i remember when we were like messing around with your tinder at the bar and it was just like awful yeah like the worst thing so you know what we do apologize for being a little cavalier with that that advice we were working off uh old intel yeah very old intel so i i do want to apologize for i was pretty pretty flippant about being like, Tinder's not difficult.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Tinder's not hard. All you do is get on there and swipe. And it's like, no, that's, unfortunately, that's not the case anymore. No, it was just old timer Tinder. Yeah. Back in my day. You didn't need to pay a hundred dollars to be popular for six hours. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Like who's paying that price? Hey, you know what? Someone. hours yeah i like who's paying that price hey you know what someone well that's the thing is like we are like the the desperation that tinder must cause on people and the insecurities that it must prey on like the fact that it's like it specifically puts you into a spiral of like god damn like no one likes me i i am undateable. It's such a predatory thing. And I would, I would highly recommend that you do not use, if you're going to pay for a dating app, don't pay for Tinder because it's, it's so bullshit. Pay for a dating app that will benefit you. That will enhance the experience as opposed to be like this is the only way to do it you can't use our app unless you do this yeah i feel like the only reason they can do that is
Starting point is 00:12:10 because they were so popular for so long and it's like if people start easing off the gas and stop giving them their money then they will be forced to be like wait look we work again yeah people there is a nice thing with uh bumble you can do you can pay for premium privileges for a day which is like five dollars i was like that's great that's a great little addition if you like you know i mean like because it'll show you be like oh you have x amount of likes and but when you go to it they're all blurred out so it's like if you're curious five bucks isn't anything to be like yeah sure let's let's clear this list let's see who likes me all right any other advice for 2021 dating i mean that was fucking just apps i mean yeah there's there's a lot i mean just just quickly if anything major because i feel like the person in question
Starting point is 00:12:56 it's like they've dated before the main difference is kind of like the onset or the change in online presence right obviously pandemic aside but well i would say consider the pandemic um think about things like dates to smaller local restaurants support them if you're gonna go out for a date support a local restaurant support a a cool smaller bar don't go to you know big brand name corporate restaurants go go to your locals. Um, the other thing is be respectful of people's hesitation when it comes to dating. If they want to meet outside and, you know, have a little bit more safety, that's fine to discuss what you guys are comfortable with. Cause some people, you know, have the talk of being like, Hey, are you cool? If I hug you on
Starting point is 00:13:41 the, when we meet, it's, it's a pretty common thing. Everyone is kind of testing their boundaries and seeing what they want. The whole kiss at the end of the first date is also something you have to be like... I mean, I think we're in a great position to now be like, hey, I'd like to kiss you due to COVID. Are you cool with that?
Starting point is 00:13:57 And that like... You know what I mean? You can now use COVID as it needs to be like to really break the ice for... To bring up smooching. Yeah. You don't have to worry about like you know trying to read all the tiny little physical signals and like when should i jump in oh my god is she angling her head or are those lips puckering on my move you know you just say it because hey that's that's a good lover there if you care about someone's like
Starting point is 00:14:23 comfort and health and all that, go for it. But yeah, I mean, I think those are the big things. It's like taking people's pandemic weariness into consideration and knowing that dating apps are not a direct reflection of your attractiveness or your viability as a partner. They're out there to make money. And if you're very, very successful on your app, they're not going to make money and if you're very very successful on your app you're they're not going to make money so you have to remember that that's the most important thing i think i could tell you about modern dating is like all these apps need you to have some level of
Starting point is 00:14:53 desperation so that you will pay them and most of that desperation is manufactured by them all right you got a question i do um? We're going to keep kind of on the train here. This comes from Power of Cinema. Does any other guy feel replaceable in dating? I feel like I have no value. Every girl I see has an army of guys waiting in the wings and I have to compete with them while she can show up and do whatever she wants. And I'll still be there trying to get her attention. I'll still be there trying to get her to think I'm better than the other guys she could be talking to. If she has social media or Tinder, it's likely I'm competing with every guy on campus,
Starting point is 00:15:29 every single guy in the city, perhaps even guys outside of the state. It takes so much asking and rejection to get one girl to agree to go on a date with me. I'm not some good-looking 6'2 hot guy, so I know it'll be nearly impossible for me to find a woman that's willing to give me a slight chance. If I mess up even slightly, she'll move on to the other nine guys that she's texting i have no value to anyone i try to date is this just me is this what it's like to be a guy is dating always like this wow people aren't your competition don't think about that and also like that's just broad statement there and another broad statement is like if you don't think you have worth why would anyone else necessarily you know what i mean like you need to first off believe in
Starting point is 00:16:09 yourself because if you don't it's just gonna you're shooting the entire process in the foot before you even begin right so through all that i don't have any worth shit out the window like first and foremost realize that you do have worth every single person does everybody brings something to the table um and like you need to be able to realize that yeah as you go to a fucking job interview and they're like all right what's your greatest trick with or what's your greatest strengths uh literally nothing i have nothing to offer this company do you think you're gonna get hired no i'm not gonna hire you yeah you need self-confidence um for dating i think you also just need it for life. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:45 There's no point meandering through life being miserable and insecure. It's like every single person has things that make them unique. And that's what makes you you. And that's what gives you value. And you should learn to love that and revel in it. And quite the opposite of the problem you're having is that you are you and nobody else is. So that's the number one best selling point about you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Two, it's like, it doesn't fucking matter. I can hear you swirling around in this whirlpool of insecure thoughts of all these men, all these men around you just competing. And so many men, just boys everywhere. Sure. I'm sure there are some guys who cares. You know what I mean? Like you really shouldn't get like hung up on that, especially not to the level you clearly are. Because again, you are you, nobody else is. So it's like, if somebody likes you, it doesn't matter that there's like 20 guys, you know, on campus who are hot and just like living with that fear of always being in this like competition i can't imagine that's any good for your mental
Starting point is 00:17:51 health or just for you and dating because if that's always in the back of your mind are you ever really present are you ever really like trying or are you just like walking around looking at every boy and being like it's him i know it he's gonna text her later and the idea of like being like oh if i mess up once that i'm gone this isn't like a dating sim where women have like a heart meter beside them and if you make you oh you've chosen the wrong answer minus three heart point like that's not how it works so if you say something fucking dumb sure maybe they might be like oh this guy's a fucking weirdo like if you come up to them i don't know like the fucking dude a couple episodes back who was doing statistics in the lunchroom like the one who pulled out his ex's nude on
Starting point is 00:18:37 the first date yeah like if you do any of this shit yeah like it's not the fact that you've messed up and now you don't get another chance it's the fact that you've done something fucking weird and they don't have to put up with that that's let's be fair is all of life it's not just dating it's like if you walk into work and you whip your dick out and you're like oh it's a worm like yeah you're gonna lose your job you know what i mean but like if you're two minutes late because there was a you know a traffic accident on the highway you're fine like that's the same with dating it's like if you try to make a joke and it doesn't quite land they're not like he's not very funny dead to me yeah no like you're you're good like life isn't that dramatic it's like you just need to not be a piece of shit i get the fucking anxiety about it i i definitely do and like i'm
Starting point is 00:19:26 seeing things through a whole new like lens since my my tinder revelations of being like i understand how these insecurities manifest because if you're on tinder you know for however many hours a day or using your swipes and you're not getting anything and no one's liking you're getting no match it's like i i can understand how you could spiral into this level of insecurity. But what you need to do is, like Niall said, it's like you have something to offer. It's called being you. And if certain people aren't into it, that's fine. I'm sure there are people you're not into.
Starting point is 00:19:59 You're not obligated to be into everyone. The same that women aren't obligated to be into everyone the same that women aren't obligated to be into you so you just have to find as we've said a thousand times mutual interests join clubs go to places that you know mean something to you board game cafes if you're into board games join a fucking like dnd group at your local board game or your game store join you know a rock climbing gym a box like join something where you have we have the opportunity to meet new people in spheres that also like interest you and you're gonna find people who have mutual interest and again i'm not saying this is you know every woman there is gonna throw themselves at you but you at least you have a jumping off point as opposed to like
Starting point is 00:20:42 just looking at women as a as a you know a sea of of women and being like one of you have a jumping off point as opposed to like just looking at women as a, as a, you know, a sea of, of women and being like, Oh, any of you have to like me, right? Yeah. You'll be able to be like, hi,
Starting point is 00:20:53 look at this cool thing. We're both doing that. We both like, and that's a pretty good start point. And worst case you make a friend and you've, you know, had some experience talking to someone, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:03 that's not a pretty, that's not a bad worst case. No, it's a step forward in dating because having friends and being social are massively important things, you know? And on top of that, even if you never make a friend, you're doing something that you love and you're developing yourself and hopefully learning to love yourself a little bit more because step one, and the biggest advice I give you in this situation is you need to be self-confident. Yeah, I mean, the shittiest thing that I see and encounter and hear about and overhear at the bar and see it there is like when people have nothing of substance to add to a situation. If all you're worried about is being dateable, but then haven't, you know, traveled or, you know, you're not a part of any clubs or groups. You don't have a friend group and you've made no effort to, you know, round yourself out as a
Starting point is 00:21:51 person. And you've made like, yes, if you don't have anything to talk about, because the only thing you've cared about is getting a date, it's not going to work out for you. You really do need to have some lived experience in order to have meaningful conversations. Because if someone's like, oh, I just did a trip. Like, have you ever traveled? No. Cool. What are your interests?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Tinder, watching Netflix. Like all those things are boring. Everyone does that. So you need to find what makes you unique and pursue those things and enjoy those things. And like sort of submerge yourself in the the goo that is you you're you goo so this i'm just gonna throw this question in here this isn't my question i'm just adding it because it's almost the exact same as your question but on the female side i become incredibly insecure because of modern dating culture remember i was younger i
Starting point is 00:22:43 would never it would never cross mind that be talking to or seeing somebody else. I had trust in people, but now I see my friends get cheated on. It's fucked up my perception of dating and makes me insecure. I immediately think the person I'm interested in or dating to is talking to other people. Or sometimes I continue to talk to other people so I don't get attached or catch feelings. I've even been told, if a guy hasn't made it official with you, remember he's single and will act accordingly. But I want to get attached and catch feelings. I want to show interest. I want someone to know I want to be completely
Starting point is 00:23:11 and 100% about them from the beginning, even if we are figuring out where it goes. I hate the mind games. I hate noticing the little things and red flags that make me think there's someone else or something. I don't know if I'm picking up on it or paranoid and insecure. It's like, Hey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I mean, like the, there's a line in there that says like, Oh, if you're not exclusive, he's single. That's a, that's a fact.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yes, that is a fact. And it's not a bad thing because imagine everyone you met, it's like, shit, we're dating. Fuck. I don't know if he's any good,
Starting point is 00:23:42 but like, fuck, like I'm exclusive with this stranger now. Yeah. I do have to ride this out until it's miserable end. Yeah. Like, you know, best case, it's like you break up with them after four weeks or three weeks or whenever you realize they are in fact garbage because the majority of dates people go on, like don't go very far. Can you imagine if everyone you met was 100% about you from the beginning
Starting point is 00:24:06 that would be hell on earth i literally wouldn't date no because no but like nobody wants this and we've seen this question a million times and it's like no you you want a fairy tale romance you want like to meet the perfect guy and have them want to date you instantly and it's like in your mind yes it all makes sense because they're perfect. You're perfect. Everything goes perfectly. But that is a fantasy and a dream, and it doesn't work. And the fact that people don't date instantly is how you learn how people are and whether you're good together.
Starting point is 00:24:40 That's a very important part of the process. And it's not modern dating. You know what I mean? I think there was always, like, levels of this before. You know, people didn't just meet and be like, we're married. Yeah, I mean, like, I get the whole, like, you know, chances are in the 50s, it was like, if you asked a girl out, you probably weren't asking, like, another girl out the next night. But, like, the 50s isn't a time to look back to and be like damn i wish i wish we had those ideals still it's like there was so much backwards nonsense it's like you know the treatment of women was terrible back then the treatment treatment of
Starting point is 00:25:19 people of color was terrible back then the 50s is not a thing that we should be idolizing and even the thing we're talking about from the 50s wasn't a thing that we should be idolizing and even the thing we're talking about from the 50s wasn't good either you know what i mean like i don't think anyone's like shit i really wish i had less opportunities and chances and choices in my romantic life because if you want that you're you're wrong you're crazy yeah you it's we've said it again a thousand times where it's like you need to give people space to make their decisions. And and that's how you find real relationships. That's how you find like a lasting, committed relationship.
Starting point is 00:25:55 If like I probably wouldn't be with Amanda right now if after a couple of months she was like, I would like to be exclusive or what are we? Because at that point in time in my life i didn't want an exclusive relationship yeah so i would have been like same thing sorry like i it takes a while sometimes to get over a bad relationship and on top of that it's like you know various life things and blah blah blah and like my girlfriend was just so chill about everything and like very realistic and reasonable and open and we communicated and all these things. And it's like, there was no time limit. There was no like, oh, you bet, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:32 there was no like tension and all this shit. It's like, we had a great time. And when it came the time to date, we dated and it was great. Like, and if it had happened in a different way, I think we would have fucked it up for both of us you know 100 like i said like i i with 98 certainty that i would not be with amanda if if it had gone that way and that would be a big pity it would suck 100 suck and i think i think if you look at most of the couples who got into a relationship because of that ultimatum, they're probably significantly less happier than if you look at the people who gave themselves time, allowed themselves to explore the other options and come to that conclusion together on their own time.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I think those couples, those relationships and properly and genuinely, you know, because you might see a couple who you know got married because they thought they had to but are they happy because probably not maybe yeah maybe they are you don't mean like sometimes it works out and that's great there's always exceptions to every rule you know but either way like people need to take a breath, be confident in yourself. I'm saying it for the fourth time. You are great. There is somebody out there for you, no matter who you are. Once you're not getting bitter and jaded and paranoid and upset about all these things,
Starting point is 00:27:57 because that's going to be one of the main things that will ruin all of this for you. So be confident. You always have something to bring to the table. If you feel like you don't, maybe work on that. You know what I mean? What is it that you love? What is it that you're not doing? Are you doing things you don't want to do because you're too worried about your true passions? Or are you just focusing on dating? Kind of like in a void with no actual... Because you could go and as Dane said, join a club and do all these things. And you'll be building yourself while opening
Starting point is 00:28:24 all your possibilities. These are the things you should do. Be positive. Build yourself up mentally, physically, you know what I mean? Emotionally, fucking spiritually. Like have a good life. Do things that benefit you. And like the happier you are and the more confident you are, you'll be fucking eons more likely to date somebody.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Think of it this way. And this is how I try to explain it to people. If someone says, oh, hey, I'm like, what does your what does your week look like or you know what do you do for fun if you say oh like hanging out with friends and netflix and going out yeah everyone does that but if you said oh you know like on tuesdays i'm part of a co-ed dodgeball team uh thursdays i take my improv class and then you know friday nights i get together with my friends we play dnd and we've been doing that for three years that what's more interesting to you like what what has more opportunity to develop into a conversation or develop into something being like man dodgeball sounds fucking awesome like is there a spot on your like like there's
Starting point is 00:29:19 or even just like how how long have you been doing that for? Like, are you guys in a league? Like, even basic fucking questions, as opposed to like, oh, Netflix. Yeah, watch anything? What do you watch on Netflix? It's like, you watching that Squid Game? Yeah, like, everybody's watching Squid Game. We get it. It's not exciting. And the thing is, I feel like the only people who say things like that are people who legitimately are super fucking boring and have nothing going on in their life or people who are too scared to admit that they do things you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:29:49 like maybe you're embarrassed that you write fantasy novels maybe you're embarrassed that you like you know do fucking woodworking or knit or some bullshit like which you shouldn't be you know you should be proud of all the things that make you you and you should sing them to the fucking heavens you know so be confident be yourself build yourself up you always have something to bring to the table there's somebody out there for fucking everybody fuck all the people waiting in the wings because they're not you and that's the point you know what i mean you wouldn't want to just be the only guy so like oh shit you get the girl by default like that's that's sleazy what you want is someone to choose
Starting point is 00:30:22 you for you because that's fucking awesome. And the point is, and this is something that I want to highlight and it's, and it's very particular. What Niall just said is people need to choose you. That needs to be something that they do. And that needs to be something that they do in their own time. And we've said it, you know, we just talked about it, but it, if you're forcing them to make a decision that sucks, that's not an honest to God decision.
Starting point is 00:30:46 That is a, well, you know, ultimatums when it comes to being like, well, either we date or you don't get to see me anymore. That sucks because, you know, the weaker willed people will be like, well, I really like hanging out with you. So, yeah, I guess we'll date. And that's the wrong choice. Nine times out of 10. Because so let people choose you. Give yourself out of 10, because so let people choose you give yourself time. Also let yourself choose people. Don't just settle for the first person who gives you attention.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Don't settle for the first person that matches with you. That's not the way this works. If you go on a date with someone, even if it's the first date you've gone on in eight years, and it's like the closest thing you've had to a chance at romance. If you go on a date and they're bad or you don't connect with them and there's no spark or there's no romance call it quits don't don't stay with them because you think that's your chance because it's not no and like sure maybe you just don't get another fucking date for another eight years
Starting point is 00:31:41 who cares is it really better than being in a relationship that's mediocre or like is is mediocre what you want written on your tombstone i don't think so relationships are very rarely mediocre if there's a problem that problem only compounds as time goes on and it's harder to get out of because you've sunk more time into it so just you know respect yourself love yourself be fucking confident and don't worry about other people because someone's always going to have a choice in the relationship. And it's not your place to like deny them those choices or like get in the way of those choices. It's your place to be the choice she makes because you're great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And you do that by being you. And if you have a hard time believing in yourself, know that Niall and I believe in you. We do. For like the split second, if you ever doubt yourself, just be like, well, you know what? Data and Niall believe in me. So I got this.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And we have great taste in people. It's true, we do. Speaking of great taste in people, we have a agent submitted question. This is Agent Snapshot. She would like to know am i the asshole she says hey guys started listening a few months ago and you are now my go-to for commutes and various other downtimes i'm up to episode 100 so far and often find myself cracking up in the car and looking around to see if anyone notices thank you that's awesome yeah i love that thank you so
Starting point is 00:33:02 much um my question is about what's fair to ask of your spouse slash partner and what is too much to ask. My husband, 42-year-old male, straight, and I, 41, female, straight, recently had a pretty big disagreement and much of it centered around a photo of myself that I shared with a friend. The photo of me was of me outdoors, fully clothed, though with a significant amount of cleavage showing. It was a POV photo of me and my hammock facing out into the yard no face in the photo my friend a female who i only know online had shared photos in our chat from time to time and this is the first time i had shared one my husband saw it he was not snooping and i was not trying to hide it and was very upset he seemed to be upset on two fronts that i had shared a photo which i previously previously sent to him with someone else and that i shared a photo of myself over the internet in general.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Actually, I can understand reason number one, as we had just started dabbling and sexting fairly recently. It's such a hard compromise to agree not to send photos we've shared with each other to other people. But complaint number two just seems unreasonable to me. I agreed to delete the photo and stop chatting with the friend as a result of how heated the argument became. Even though we are married, it seems overreaching, bordering on control. Am I the asshole? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I think that he has a different insecurity that he's trying to rationalize by being like, oh, you sent a picture over the internet. Like, let's be fair. Let's start with that. That isn't a bad, like, that's not a thing you can be upset about. What if I say, like, it can't just be any picture and the internet. fair let's start with that that isn't a bad like that's not a thing you can be upset about what if i sing like what like it can't just be any picture and the internet those are massively broad fucking terms to be able to have to stay away from i send you pictures fucking dozens of times a week you know what i mean yeah i'm one of our friends i send pictures almost every hour you know what i
Starting point is 00:34:41 mean like our memes okay our i assume it was a jealousy thing where because there was cleavage and because their face wasn't in it he saw it got upset worried about cheating maybe didn't know that the recipient was female because they did say they were straight right yes both of them are straight yeah so maybe they didn't know that and then he got so caught up in the like fear or the anger or the embarrassment that he like clawed back his dignity or attempted to by like chain. You know what I mean? By changing the argument, being like, no, I was actually annoyed at this because that's kind of how it feels. Because just being like, oh, you sent a picture over the Internet is an insane thing to be upset about.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Now, I do think like she says, I think point one has some merit on his side i think that like if you have recently started sending sexy pictures to one another and this was a picture that you deemed as a sexy picture and you sent it as a sext i understand that he would then like i understand his kind of irkedness of being like well if this was a sex to me, then you're now sending it to someone else. Yeah. Which, you know, the point of a sext is to be sexy, to be provocative. So does that point then change? Like, why were you sending it to this person? Right. I assume, like, you know, I doubt it was like, oh yeah, check out my hammock. This is the only picture I have of it. Cause that's kind of weak. Right. i i think there is i mean like i know a lot of the girls uh or the women that i
Starting point is 00:36:10 work with like they've all talked about like how they send each other their nudes and they send each other their like sexy photos and and like it's a hype up like girl gang well that's the thing it could be that positivity she just was like like, I feel, I'm feeling myself like, look at this sexy picture again. Like I assume that there would need to be some context, which we weren't provided. And I assume that the husband got the context because like, I can't imagine this conversation going down without you explaining why you sent it.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. So the fact that it's missing is kind of hard for us to deal with because I think that's a key part of this puzzle but you know I do also think that saying pictures we share with each other you can't send anyone else I assume it's implied that they mean sexy pictures yeah I think that's a very fair rule yeah I think that if you are saying hey this is this is a text that I deem as sexed I think that means that it stays between you two, regardless of like how tame you might think it is or how tame it actually is. If you guys have like entered into this realm of, hey,
Starting point is 00:37:11 we're going to sext. And even if he's sending you like a picture of just like an unbuttoned shirt, if that's what he thinks is, this is sexy, like this is going to get you going. I think you would probably also be a little upset if you found out that he was sending it to other people as well. I think the fact that you guys are both straight and you sent yours to a woman, there's that kind of gray area as well. But I do understand the idea of being like
Starting point is 00:37:35 you designated that photo as a sexy photo for him and you then sent it to someone else. So I understand his concern there or the reason why he's upset. But as you said, I think the idea of being like, you shouldn't send pictures to anyone over the internet. Now, there is also a caveat here too. You mentioned that you know her only online.
Starting point is 00:38:01 So he might be a little concerned about security. And I think it might be a little concerned about security and i think it might be a little over the top i think if if you have like zoom calls with this person and you know that they are who they say they are i i think he should chill out a little bit but if it's just sort of like i like i don't know how you know this person yeah what you mean by based discord server that like you've never actually met or you know what i mean like they could be greg from down the road yeah so there's that as well so this is this is one of those really hard gray areas where i don't think either one of you could be wrong i think you guys really do need to sit down one i don't think you should cut off friendships because of an argument
Starting point is 00:38:40 with a spouse unless there's like a real good reason so i think you need to sit down and be like no i think you need to sit down and say hey i get it i understand from now on if i take a picture that's meant to be arousing for you i won't share it with anyone else i will say if it was the case where like you're sending it to a friend because you know you kind of like think you look good and you want to buoy yourself up, maybe explain that to them. Yeah. And maybe see if that can be a caveat. Right. Cause like, you know, if I wanted to send you a picture of me looking good in a suit or something or vice versa, you know, or you want to send me that picture of you wearing a bear head, you know, just to get some boy compliments, you know, we've all done it. It's fine. And I think like, you shouldn't have to feel afraid
Starting point is 00:39:23 of that. And I imagine that if they know that that's what you're doing, they're not going to be like, Oh no, I'm worried. You're trying to seduce your best friend, Claire. You know what I mean? So again, I imagine a lot of this stemmed from like being kind of taken unawares, seeing the picture being sent to somebody else and like everything surged up in him before he got all the details before he realized it was you know because for him he just saw it being sent and like jumped to conclusions i'm sure so like hash it out talk explain your side and like you know there's there's nothing wrong with keeping private pictures between you guys private right at all i don't think that's him being
Starting point is 00:40:03 controlling but there definitely is something wrong with you can't send a picture over the internet ever so you know figure out healthy boundaries you know try not to get heated and explain where each of you are coming from because i feel like it's understandable like if you caught him sending a sexy picture of him and just saw it kind of like in the sense side of things, you'd be confused if it wasn't sent to you, right? You'd be upset, maybe scared. You never know, right? So I think it's reasonable enough for him to have reacted. It's reasonable enough to maybe have some kind of like keep X, Y, and Z type pictures between us. But I also don't think it's unreasonable to be
Starting point is 00:40:41 able to send pictures to your friends if you just feel like you're looking good and there's no ulterior motives and it is wildly unreasonable to ban you from sending pictures over the internet so i think it is it's going to come down to you guys being like okay we had our we had our blow up let's talk about this as a means to clear the air and to clear up our expectations moving forward in the future. So we don't do this again. Like, let's figure out where we stand on all this. And, and I think everything that now just said is,
Starting point is 00:41:10 is what you do need to address in the conversation, but it is a conversation that I think you guys should have. It sucks to like do things and, and be like, I don't know if he's going to like this. So I'm going to make sure he doesn't see it. Cause then you're being sneaky. Like,
Starting point is 00:41:23 or there's no need to just be like, I don't if we're gonna have a fight so i just won't do it because then you're gonna start to feel bitter exactly so it's it's a thing that you really need to like put your cards on the table explain where both of you are coming from and try to find a meat in the middle situation and be like okay cool these are our rules going forward when it comes to these kind of pictures and i guess pictures pictures in general, I don't know. That's something that I think you should be a little more firm on of being like, I'm going to send pictures to my friends. Sorry, if we're out somewhere cool and we look great, I might take a selfie and be like,
Starting point is 00:41:57 looking good. Do you have Instagram? I don't know where the line there is. So that's something you might need to figure out on your own, what your personal boundaries are, and then bring that up. Hopefully this conversation goes well, you know what I mean? And they go, yeah, I'm sorry. I kind of like, you know, went off a little bit.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And you're like, yeah, I'm sorry I didn't explain. You know, whatever happened, you guys meet together and like come up with something. If for some reason he's like, no, I stand by what I said. You can never send a picture to anyone on the internet then yes controlling and probably should leave you know i'm hoping that's not going to happen because it seems like a very uh worst case type scenario but you know there's nothing to be gained by not addressing this because you all know there's some kind of issue resolve revolving around this but like you don't have the parameters yet so there's always going to be that like walking on eggshells feeling
Starting point is 00:42:50 and you're not going to know what to do or when it's going to explode and like if you don't take away what he thinks you've taken away and vice versa there's a lot of like potential for an even bigger argument down the line if someone's like i thought we we already had this issue but like you're not on the same page 100 good luck but doesn't look like you're the asshole no i think we can pretty definitively say that you're not an asshole in the situation i think it just all miscommunication and misunderstanding so and that just needs to get cleared up this is by puzzle Puzzle Headed P52020. Boyfriend secretly watches porn while humping me. I, 25 year old female, am boyfriend 28 for nine years, currently not in good terms. So we problem with sex. He always fails to reach the edge, sometimes because of the reasons he's
Starting point is 00:43:39 one, exhausted, two, the temperature is set on extremes, or three, no reason, his willy is just not hard anymore. I think it's because he just added some weight. He now weighs 220 pounds for a 5 feet 5 inches man. However, I caught him twice watching porn when he's having me behind. I caught it because he puts a pillow behind my back to put his cell phone while humping me. First one I forgave it and just gave cold shoulder, but now he did it again. I'm giving him now a cold treatment. What should I do? Does this mean anything? He doesn't want to talk about it and just gave cold shoulder but now he did it again i'm giving him an hour cold treatment what should i do does this means anything he doesn't want to talk about and just keeps giving me the childlike annoying giggling smile every time oh that got real gross towards the end uh look i get the dudes like being tired and being hot are two easiest ways for me not to finish during sex
Starting point is 00:44:22 yeah like if i'm too tired and if i'm too hot like heat is one of those things where it's just like i'm like i i want to come so badly but i am so fucking hot that it's not gonna happen i'm sorry it happens but to i mean like the move of being like not only pulling out your phone during sex where are you getting it one where do you have it where's where's it just fucking within arm's reach anyway and then not just pulling out the phone to secretly watch porn but to literally like set up a pretty cool like phone watching station on top of your partner that's the thing how is this secret this is this is very obvious there's no reason for a pillow to be on your back in doggy yeah like like i think you're giving him a lot more credit than his dude this isn't secret which maybe he thinks you'd be cool with it i don't know but like this is not secret
Starting point is 00:45:17 this is very obvious yeah i would love to know how like the first time it happened played out like was she just kind of like oh there's a pillow on my back and the only reason you know is because like maybe you move too fast and the phone fell off yeah does he have the sound on i wouldn't even be be sure so okay can we just address the weight line the he can't finish because he put on weight yeah i would imagine that insecure like insecurity is a massive thing that might stop somebody so sure if you if you're gonna bring it up like this in the question it kind of feels to me like you maybe have brought it up to him so maybe like that's part of the problem and that being said like it's it's flip sides of like it's two of the same coin
Starting point is 00:46:02 of the sense of being like if you're sort of mishandling the weight gain situation that's one thing and that's something that you need to talk about there's something we can talk about in a bit but it's also like if this dude also thinks that this is okay regardless of the reason sorry this is not okay i'm just talking about the him failing to like finish and it's like if you're being i'm just very worried they're being shitty about the weight that's my only aside please don't be shitty about the weight right yes are they treating this right first one i forgave and gave cold shoulder but now i'm giving him cold treatment which is obviously the escalation of cold shoulder
Starting point is 00:46:39 yeah is is this the way to go d Dane? No. What should they do? Does it mean anything? Sir, there's a word. It starts with a C. It's on the tongue. Come shower. Yeah, come shower. You need to come shower. No, fucking talk to them.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But here's the thing. It sounds like they did talk to them and like, hey, don't use my back as a fucking porn stand during sex like if that was the response if that was the response to anything like if if i was having sex with someone and they kept like fucking biting me or pinching my nipples really hard or something i was like hey stop that, stop that. And they were like, I would be so done with them. If most anything
Starting point is 00:47:31 happened and I was like, hey, you know, and need... Okay, you've been together nine years. You should be able to talk about this. You should be able to talk about anything. If you cannot talk to them, just fuck this issue. That issue is already so bad. If you cannot talk to him, don't date this person. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Just flat out. Yeah, so you need to talk to them. You cannot accept this. And if they literally will not leave. If they do talk, you need to be like, hey, why are you doing this? You need to talk to them you you cannot accept this and if they literally will not leave if they do talk you need to be like hey why are you doing this you need to figure this out like don't ask us what should you do you should talk to them does it mean anything i guess it means he wants to watch porn while you guys fuck like yeah there's you can like bring it up and and maybe you can come to a conclusion or like a compromise of being like before you guys have sex
Starting point is 00:48:23 you can put porn on the tv and kind of like mutually masturbate or fool around maybe like you don't mean like in court like if it's something that he feels he needs to do and it's something that you're cool with maybe introduce it into your sex life you guys have been together for nine years sometimes you need a new fucking spark a little bit more tinder into the fire like that's fine but if you're not cool with it and this seems to be a new sexual aid that he requires maybe try to get to the bottom of why he requires it yeah and try to to root out the problem from from the base as opposed to just like being like oh i don't like that you did this well i'm not gonna say that i'm just gonna talk to you for a little bit yeah that's not the way forward so like try to leave your ego at the door when you're when you're having this conversation
Starting point is 00:49:09 you know what i mean it can be tough especially if someone's you know saying that they're no longer as turned on or attracted like with the way you do things currently you know what i mean like it could be a pretty hard conversation but like you need to be able to get through it without giving them the cold treatment and they need to be able to get through it without giggling like some kind of haunted doll fuck this cold shoulder bullshit get it out on the table if he's unable to do not date him yep like you can't date someone who won't talk to you about important things that's just it now it is the spooky season there is a good chance he is haunted by some sort of mischievous porn watching gremlin that is of, of course, a possibility.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And I should have brought it up earlier. So maybe wait out the month if this continues in November. Well, then you have a problem. Maybe get a priest involved. You might need to expel this gremlin. We'll see. But a priest anyway, make him sit in a circle of salt, you know, get a priest with a phone stuck to his back to distract them.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And then do the incantation that we're going to email you. Um, actually, you know what, as per Tinder, if you want the incantation to remove this gremlin, you are going to have to pay us $87 a month. And you only have the incantation for six minutes.
Starting point is 00:50:24 All right, let's, let's do some Tinders. At the end of every episode, we like to peruse online dating platforms such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, and look at profiles to see what works, what doesn't work, and in an effort to make your online dating experience a little more enjoyable. Hey, Dan, you ready for a test? Sure. You got pen and paper? Nope.
Starting point is 00:50:44 You got a phone you can type on? I guess. Okay, so this Tinder is a test? Sure. You got pen and paper? Nope. You got a phone you can type on? I guess. Okay, so this Tinder is a test. Oh, okay. All right, hit me. So you're going to answer these questions. You'll get plus or minus points, and you have to swipe if you score more than 15. You guys can play along at home if you'd like.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, true. Tell us your scores. If anyone gets 15, we want to know about it. Do you like to stay at home, Dane? Yeah. Give yourself five points. Do you believe in God? No. So you don't get those five.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Do you work and or study? Do I lose the points? No, not yet. Okay. I do work, yes. Four points right there. Are you family orientated? Yes. Well, no. I'm going to orientated? I guess. Well, no. I'm going to say no because I don't want a family. I think it
Starting point is 00:51:30 might be like, are you close with your family? Okay, then yeah. You get four points. Do you drive? I don't. You know, I'm going to play as well. Hold on. We're bringing this dude's big fear. It's two men fighting over this woman.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It's true. I think it's actually a guy's profile. Are you not clingy? Uh, yeah, I'm not clingy. Are you able to compromise? Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:53 sorry. If you're not clingy, you get three points. Okay. Are you able to compromise? Yeah. So you get another three points. Do you have a positive outlook?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Do you have goals in life? You get two points. Okay. I've got goals sure two points man i feel like there's a real big minus coming up do you remain calm in times of anger yeah see i don't know that one's confusing because if it's if it's already times of anger you know i think it's like do you punch the wall do you go full kyle or can you talk while you're angry?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Fair. All right, I'm going to give myself those three points. And then Coates. Yeah. I know you do. So that's four points right there. That's a lot of points. Right?
Starting point is 00:52:35 You're doing pretty well. Yeah. So if you don't believe in God, minus five. Okay. If you're not good with parents, are you good with parents? I'm great with parents. Okay, you don't lose four. Do you need attention 24-7?
Starting point is 00:52:49 No. Okay, you're good. You don't drive, so you're going to lose one. Okay. Do you go out nearly every day? No. I mean, like partying or- Do you go out nearly every day?
Starting point is 00:53:01 I assume they mean partying, so I'm going to say no. Do you smoke or drugs? I don't. Oh my god, are you always gossiping? Nope. Do you have hundreds of guy friends? No. Then, wow, you only lose the lord and the driving. Okay, so I'm at
Starting point is 00:53:17 do some math for me. I'm bad at math. Well, I assume you made it. I assume you made it. Well, I want to see how many I got. Okay. I assume you made it. I assume you made it. Well, I want to see how many I got. Okay. I am pretty much always gossiping. So, and I'm going to count myself as having hundreds of guy friends. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Cause I feel like it's not very literal and I do have quite many amounts of guy friends. In fact, I think you all should take that minus four. Okay. Yeah. I'll take the minus four. So I'll just remove that one what's your final score oh my final score is seven wait what yeah that's 22 well damn did you take the minus four for guy friends yeah well i'm always gossiping uh okay you know damn you you failed that test you know what that's okay i don't like this guy
Starting point is 00:54:06 anyway i'm gonna give this a three because this is a great test save me a it looked more fun than it ended up being there's like no there's no humor in here they're very into god they're very judgy because to have hundreds of guy friends it's very slut shamey i think always gossiping it's very like sexist goes out nearly every day also slut shamey you know it's it saved me a fortune on having to buy a new cosmo to do one of their quizzes so that's great that's why i liked it it's getting a three from me uh yeah no this isn't a profile like i shouldn't have to do an application especially not on fucking tinder so fuck this shit stop clicking that pen nope um so this is sabrina it's spooky season let's snuggle and
Starting point is 00:54:52 watch house of a thousand corpses young dumb and full of cum amidst the six extinction must love cats what was that last bit amidst the six extinction yep what does that mean i have no idea and they did say they were full of cum young dumb and full of cum okay i really like the start i do love that their name is sabrina like if there's any other month for you it's got to be this right oh i wonder if the six extinction is a sabrina reference oh like the new Sabrina? Boo. Yeah. Um, ooh. I give it a five. I like House of a Thousand Corpses
Starting point is 00:55:30 and Spooky Season and Cuddling and the name Sabrina, but everything else a little... Oh, no. The Sixth Extinction is apparently a theory that the book I read is the Earth is Amidst a Modern Man-Made Sixth Extinction. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I'm also now worried they're an anti-vaxxer. I'm down to four. Yeah, I'm going to give this a two because it worries me. Are you ready for this? This is a guy. Their name is crossed out, so I can't read it. When we get together, we're going to cuddle. Low key, I'm going to cheat.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I'm going to cheat a lot with girls that are uglier than you. Lol. I'm going to break up with you every day over nothing. I'll make it seem like it's your fault even though it was my fault then when i leave you broken and insecure after months of working on yourself when you good and happy boom i'm gonna come back in your life with my toxicity and i'll fuck up your peace p.s i will get you pregnant father of none well here's the thing. It sounds like he's very bad at all this,
Starting point is 00:56:28 based on the fact that he says, I will get you pregnant, but doesn't have any kids. So it sounds like, perhaps, this man doesn't know what he's saying, and is actually a great partner. Judging on his Tinder profile, I'm not surprised he's never been able to enact this. Yeah, I mean, it's very, very funny. It's funny, but i'm not sure what the
Starting point is 00:56:46 point is it's a weird flex if this is the joke but here's the thing i feel like this is almost spot on what some women are looking for now it's it's not what anyone will ever admit to looking for but like we all know people who like gravitate towards this almost word for word tactic now i do love the weird compliment where it's like i'm a cheat with girls uglier than you yeah that's just a weird specific thing it's like no one other than you don't worry well i think it's meant to imply that like like i think it's still it's almost like a backhanded insult of being like, I'm not even gonna try to make them more attractive than you. I don't know. It's it's a zero for me because Yeah, I assume it's a joke. But even then it's like there's nothing that flips it in and I mean, there's no like, lol, just kidding. It doesn't end. So, yeah, zero. This is Toriga looking for a serious relationship. Single, widow, divorced are welcome.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Married, lunatics, sex phone. One night stands, friend with benefits, please swipe left. I'm sorry, sex phone? Sex phone. Damn. I assume she means phone sex or like sexting, but sex phone in and of itself makes me think that maybe there's just this like really devious, very charming phone out there making us round on Tinder. She's dealt with him before and she will not again, sir. Not today, sex phone.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I've already dealt with you. She's super into the widows, though. Yeah, that's powerful. She doesn't care about your trauma as long as you're not married or a lunatic. Hey, not's powerful. She doesn't care about your trauma as long as you're not married or a lunatic. Hey, not wrong there. It is. It's going to be a five because I would swipe them to ask about the sex phone. Yeah, yeah, I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:58:34 OK, we've got a Bumble snippet. What makes a relationship great is dot dot dot the prompt and their response is trust and etc. Not wrong. Kind of phoned it in on that one. But like, you don't say and et cetera. You say et cetera. Maybe they think the phrase et cetera is what makes love great. It hurts me so much.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Every time I read it, I'm like, ugh. Trust et cetera. Fine. Trust and et cetera. No, I will never date you. Zero. Yeah. I'm like, ugh. Trust, etc. Fine. Trust and etc. No, I will never date you. Zero. Yeah, I'm going to give that a one. This is Alexandra. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said,
Starting point is 00:59:14 You have reached the end of your free trial membership at BenjaminFranklinQuotes.com Is that it? See, I like it, but it doesn't give me enough. It's going to be a six. I think it gives me everything i need to know it's gonna be an eight it's pretty good though okay this is lee about me this is bumble let's pursue kindness humility and vigilance as we tent this fallible world i mean that's
Starting point is 00:59:38 quite poetic quite nice but about you like it's the about me section yeah that's what i mean it's like that is that is that about you though is that really telling me anything about you that's no i guess it's they they don't understand easy assignments and they are poetic yeah i guess i mean like it's like it's very pretty it's very nice but uh not really telling me much so i'm gonna give it a five let's be fair it's also vague and like you know it's like when you waffle a fucking like essay in university they're just using big words and saying stuff to fill up space it's like this doesn't tell me shit vigilance kindness and humility how fallible world what are you talking about i mean fallible world makes sense we're pretty fallible world this person is you talking about? I mean, fallible world makes sense. We're a pretty fallible world.
Starting point is 01:00:27 This person is a three. Okay. This is Erica. Sam, the first night at bed when you left, Ron made out with two girls and put his head between a cocktail waitress's breasts. Also was grinding with multiple fat women. When you left crying at clutch, Ron was holding hands and dancing with a female and took down her number. Multiple people in the house know. Therefore, you should know the truth. What? clutch ron was holding hands and dancing with a female and took down her number multiple people in the house know therefore you should know the truth what i assume this is a quote from something
Starting point is 01:00:52 i assume so but why is that your fucking why is that your tinder profile yeah oh it's from jersey shore sure i mean a wild like a a deep, deep cut, I guess. Unless it's a huge, like, meme from Jersey Shore. But also, Jersey Shore hasn't been on the air for fucking years. Probably close to a decade at this point. I don't know. Yeah, it's really weird. It's a very strange fucking move.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Like, it's nothing. Nothing about it. I hate it. It's zero. Like, no, I think zero yeah it's like it's confusing and like it's kind of fat phobic i guess as well yeah i don't know it's garbage and i hate it all right last one i guess yeah yeah fuck it it had to happen this is julia god first christianically conservative looking for the same. Values more important than interests.
Starting point is 01:01:48 A balance of laughter and strong convictions. Smile. Swipe left if you're vaxxed or planning to get vaxxed. Yeah, easy zero. Yeah. Moving on. Julia, get on out of here. Thank you very much for listening. That's going to do us for this episode. It's been a pleasure as always to hit you with
Starting point is 01:02:04 the advice. and I hope that you guys learned something and I hope that you stop giving your money to Tinder. Yeah, thank you Josh Eagle and the Harvest Cities for the song Paper Stars. Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, everyone who listens, all of our Patreon
Starting point is 01:02:19 followers for sure because you guys are the best. If you have yet to sign up and you want to support us we really really would appreciate it um it it helps us keep the podcast on the table head on over to fbuddiespodcast.com and if you would like to submit a question like agent snapshot did today uh hit the contact form if you would like to support the show as nile has suggested click the patreon link and it'll bring you over to Patreon and it will give you the options. There's four tiers so you can choose something that fits your
Starting point is 01:02:48 budget. If you don't have the cash, because we understand the pandemic fucked a lot of shit up, tweet us out, share us with the friends, tell your friends, post us on your Instagram, just share the word. And that is all we can really ask of you. So thank you very much for your guys' support.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And if you do have the cash for the price of a beer, you get a brand new episode every month. You ready for some terrible sex writing? Absolutely. The over-sexualization of society is killing us. This is posted in our conspiracy. Porn is everywhere. It's in your child's classroom. It's in nearly every social media feed.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And this is not good because it's devolving society into a circle of misery. For guys, it's wake up, go to work, jack off, sleep. For women, it's wake up, post sexy pictures, receive instant gratification, go to bed. There are no more traditional women, no more traditional men. Society has destroyed traditional masculinity and created a generation of submissive rodents who pay money to see pictures of girls wearing lingerie and swimsuits. They also have destroyed feminine women. Every woman today is either a blue haired hippopotamus who doesn't take care of herself or a borderline prostitute who survives off male attention and whores herself out on OnlyFans. How do you fix society when you've been fucked for two going on three generations and no one wants to fix things? I hate to break it to you, my dude, but
Starting point is 01:04:03 prostitution is kind of the oldest job in the world. And if you're trying to tell me that 30 years ago, men weren't going to strip clubs, women weren't going to strip clubs and paying for women's attention? Like, what are you talking about? This is not the voice of a man
Starting point is 01:04:20 who's like, yes, I respect women and don't in any way demean them and put price tags on, you know, etc. Yeah, the whole thing is just reeking of like, I want to go back to a time when women weren't allowed to talk. Yeah, also notably
Starting point is 01:04:35 traditional woman. Men get up and work was included in their thing, but it wasn't for women. This guy sucks. No, because they're not working. They're whoring themselves off. Yeah, I forgot that everybody's doing that unless they dyed their hair blue. It's a nightmare, and my
Starting point is 01:04:52 name is Dane Miller. It is a nightmare, and my name is Niles Payne. And we've been your fuck buddies. you

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