F**kface - Did We Do?

Episode Date: March 30, 2024

Recorded February of 2023, listen as the guys talk through what they wanted to do for Does It Do and determine if they should? Go rewatch all of Does It Do now while there's time. Did we do? Maybe we ...did. You could too. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, and we are here with another piece of supplemental content that Jeff and Gavin don't know about, even though I probably should have talked to you about this, because it's mainly around something you guys do more than me. But it is an idea we talked about in the past. What's your name? Who are you? What? Who am I? I'm Andrew in the past. What's your name? Who are you? What? Who am I? I'm Andrew. Okay, what's up, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:00:28 Who am I? Who are you? Who am I? Who's saying what to who? Who are you asking questions to? I'm Andrew. You're Jeff. Person asking about names.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And then Gavin, who is very normal and boring. That's me. Is also here. Not a good bit. It's not. I agree. It's also not a Not a good bit. It's not. I agree. It's also not a bit. But he seems to like it.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It wasn't supposed to be boring. It was supposed to be normal. So I have pulled, because you guys just did a whole run of Does It Do episodes. Yes, we did. And they were fucking really funny, and we've talked about in the past,
Starting point is 00:01:04 it would be kind of cool to do a show where we watch like infomercial type stuff to source the products okay so that's what this is it's also tough to like find products as you mentioned jeff like you can find ads for things but then actually finding the product itself is a hurdle yeah so these are all things i scoured a bunch of websites for sdn on tv these are some of the weirder things i was able to find and i've also sourced where we could buy all of these things so if we wanted to we could acquire them and then it could be maybe a future thing on does it do so this is essentially like i love it is this worth doing yeah it's sort of the premise so it's So it's like, is it do, and then does it do? Is it? Is it? Yes. Do we do? Do we do? Do we do?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yes, we do. Does it do? Yes, it do. This supplemental piece is called Do We Do? Yes. And I feel like we should preface this by saying, Andrew, you may not realize how hard it is to find these products because you do see them on TV all the time,
Starting point is 00:02:05 but we are assuming that they're difficult to find probably because most of them got sued into oblivion. Probably, yes. Yeah. Yeah, so these are some I compiled. Maybe we will like them. Maybe there's some that you guys want to go forward with. Maybe there are none.
Starting point is 00:02:20 We'll find out. At least a lot of these, I think, are amusing videos at the very least that we can watch and make fun of. OK, and it should be included in the video version of the show. So if people want to watch along with us, they will be able to do so. Yep. I think they should release also after whatever the next season of does it do is because part of the joy for me in watching it is not expecting what the product will be kind of going along with it. So I think this would be a post thing.
Starting point is 00:02:44 But anyway, we ready to start on the first potential. not expecting what the product will be kind of going along with it so I think this would be a post thing but anyway we ready to start on the first potential does it do what do we do do we do think we do okay ready yep yeah egg sitter here we go that's my back sure dude did that lay on an egg that's awesome Egg sitter cushion Dude Dude Did that lady just lay an egg? That's awesome Yes we do
Starting point is 00:03:12 That lady was like jumping at the chance No way She doesn't feel it She didn't feel it in her ass crack? And then the guy's just touching it That's a good cushion right there We have to Where do I get one of these cushions? Touching it that's a good cushion right there There's no way that doesn't break
Starting point is 00:03:35 Only one who sits on the egg and it crushes Yeah, you know egg sitter not the sitter. Look at the hexagonal pattern. Look at it's got your butt cheeks and your balls pressure point. Look! He's trying to break with the kit. You can't even break it that way. We should do like a running jump and see if it breaks. What does that do for your back though? It helps. It puts bubbles in your ass apparently. helps it puts bubbles in your ass apparently it's effervescent you can air it out the mall oh baby oooooh she's rubbing that egg in is she on the egg though? the egg is just on her huh? I think she's officially dating that egg now that was okay
Starting point is 00:04:30 the most disturbing thing was the dude picking up the egg from someone else's ass cracker then cracking it into the bowl without gloves so it has of all the videos that we've done I just want to say it has the best acting in it for me by far. Like these are clearly people that are just in the mall shopping.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And I assume immediately after they did that, they filled out whatever questionnaire Family Feud has. Like it's the same energy. Like those are the people that provide the data for that show too. I do think we have to do that. I do think so as well. I think we would do. I mean to me, I have so many have to do that. I do think so as well. I mean, to me, I have so many ideas
Starting point is 00:05:08 that I want. Are you also thinking about covering Gavin in those and then throwing eggs at him as hard as you can? I'm immediately thinking the running jump onto the egg. I'm immediately thinking ostrich egg. Yeah, you go bigger egg, smaller egg. You got, like,
Starting point is 00:05:24 how many can you stack up before, like, the egg, you put bigger eggs smaller. Yeah, like How many can you stack up before like the egg you put the egg underneath it? Get on a ladder like how high on the ladder. Can you jump off? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Wait Jeff were you suggesting that you like attach eggs to each other and then slap each other with that to try to break the Eggs that way like what? Break the eggs with like a slap? No, I wasn't. So it's like eggs to our foreheads and slam each other with it. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Suggesting that, but I am now. I think because if you don't want to do it to your face, I understand. You put it, put eggs all over your back and then see if like
Starting point is 00:05:59 somebody else swings it like a WWF steel chair and see if you're going to break the eggs across your back. Or just glue onto a chair. What if we put like a chest piece on my chest and a chest piece on Gavin's and then we have Eric,
Starting point is 00:06:13 you throw an egg up and then we slam into each other as hard as we can. Yeah, with a chest bump. Okay, alright, so we do. We do. We do. Do we do? We do. Yes, we do.. So we do. We do. We do. We do. Do we do? We do. Yes, we do. Phenomenal legwork there, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yes, we do. Does it do? Got it. Okay, cool. Got it. Just trying to figure out. Wall of do, pile of don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:37 This is, it sounds like we're all having the same stroke. If we all do have strokes around the same time, we should film us trying to communicate. It's really something. What the hell did you tell him that? This is terrible.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Okay. All right. So that's one. Next one. Let's see what the next one is. Is the atomic beam magic ear. Equipment to keep you safe. Like aircraft that can listen in on conversations from hundreds of miles. Next one is the atomic beam magic ear Like Chinese spy balloons, do you know who hunter else is is he like a known guy? I don't know I don't think so
Starting point is 00:07:17 Let me look him up That guy woke up You have a nagging wife This dude's fucking got accolades why is she knitting right by the TV? Yeah, this is fair point You just spy on people with it yeah oh she's listening in it's hard to hear in the backseat of a car I can't hear you okay I'm... Okay Super hearing
Starting point is 00:08:15 Look at all those different birds! Oh you can track down the swan Jeff! They're at the mall! When I'm outside, buy your bushes. Right now, for just $19.99. That's a bargain. Double the offer? Just pay a separate fee. Just pay for it twice.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Hang on, we're almost there. This technology cost over $150 million. For Magic Gear, it's a deal. Order now. 1-800-378-2415. Can Superva do we do? I think we do.
Starting point is 00:08:55 But allow me to blow your fucking dicks off. Okay. Twice. Are you about to tell me that Hunter Ellis created Ronald McDonald? I am about to tell me that Hunter Ellis created Ronald McDonald? Is that what's going on? I am about to tell you that Hunter Ellis
Starting point is 00:09:09 bisects with us twice. What? He connects to us twice. Hunter Ellis, the dude's name was Hunter Ellis, right? Yes. He performed on Survivor in 2002. Okay. So he was on Survivor. So that's the first connection. Really? Yeah. He was on three episodes of Survivor, so. Okay. So he was on Survivor. Wow. So that's the first connection.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah. Quite an early one. He was on three episodes of Survivor, so I guess he got voted off pretty early on. Couldn't hear anything. He was like a fucking Navy pilot and stuff too, right?
Starting point is 00:09:37 But then from 2011 until he left in 2014 to focus full time on making documentaries, he was a news anchor for KITV in Austin, Texas. Oh my God. That dude is local.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, that's crazy. And he was on Survivor. We get him to come in and help us do. That's fucking wild. We could get him to be on that episode. Hey, is this fucking work or what? He could create the first Does it do-cuminary. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So I like the magic ear, but where does your head go with like, if we do does it do? How do you physically represent that? Yeah, right. It's like whispering from across the room. Like, I don't know what. You could do like a purple monkey dishwasher thing, but I don't know how visually funny that is. I like the idea of secretly hearing someone give you a compliment.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Like, how do you then go and talk to them and say, thanks for what you said. I was listening to you from across the room with my magic ear. Like, that's just going to ruin the relationship. So what you... Okay, so you're not thinking of anything to do in the episode. You're just thinking of fun things to do with magic ear maybe that's the point
Starting point is 00:10:48 of it is you can well we can show how to navigate complicated social situations with the help of miracle ear or magic ear sorry I mean we can see how far away we can get from each other that's true this is sort of problematic idea
Starting point is 00:11:04 does it do always have to be in the studio? Could this be some like on the field testing? Could you yourself go to a mall see what you could hear? Maybe other uses for it. Maybe your idea is to spy on people at the mall? Yeah, I said
Starting point is 00:11:19 it's kind of a problematic idea. But what if you went into a movie theater and could listen to the movie from the lobby? Don't even need to buy a ticket. You're trying to steal? You're stealing movies? Well, just convert audio. Maybe you don't want to pay for your ticket
Starting point is 00:11:35 of you, me, and Dupree. You can just get some popcorn. What if you want to go to one movie, but you want to hear a different movie? Oh, that's another great call. We could split the audio out so nick scott someone's listening to it directly but we're recording it so we can actually hear oh yeah the person who is hearing it is hearing you would be able to record it and it
Starting point is 00:11:56 may not be it does it do but i think there's something there yeah i think we definitely want to do i feel like that was clearly made before drones existed. Yeah. How can we implement drones and hear from above for people? That's interesting. But then you'd have a really long cable coming off a drone. That's not the idea is, you'll be like, and then the drone is hanging from the drone, and all you can hear is like.
Starting point is 00:12:31 This is a product for people who have too much pride and don't want to wear a hearing aid. Yeah. That's all this is. Yeah. But it looks so much worse than a hearing aid. Just wear a hearing aid. Just wear a hearing aid. And it's $20. How good can it be?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Crazy. Well, let's, okay, so maybe. We're going to need to buy five or six of them. So maybe it doesn't do, but maybe we come back. If we have to think of a season and we go, that's the thing, then we come back. If we, here's what we need to do. We need to create a show called Mall Games, right? And then we have to get away from the mall.
Starting point is 00:13:07 We don't. It's a playground. It's an indoor climate controlled playground. We don't have to get jobs, although I still think we should. And I still think it's an idea worth exploring. But I think that there are sports and games we can come up with to perform in malls. And this could lead into that at some point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Just an idea. What's the official ruling? I would say no on this one. Gavin? I would agree. But I think we should get some and explore what we can do with it. We're not doing it for the show. You just want magic. No, I think it's not for Does It Do, but it might be for some other face application.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Okay. Andrew, what's next? Moving on to the next one this is i think less of the product itself is not what once again the ad brings me joy uh this is almost like a mechanism for if we want to do an updated dodge the bov potentially like there's a lot of idea around framing okay but the ad here we go piggy pop baking mold got it pop pop pop piggy pop mustard she's wearing a mustard shirt look at how good they look 12 in just minutes. 12 homemade pigs in a blanket. 12 in minutes. Look at how good they look.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Whoa. Why are their heads all, like, snapped upwards? They look fucked up. This looks so unappetizing. It's like a bunch of pig ears. Oh, you dredge them in mustard. No, don't do that. Who wants this?
Starting point is 00:14:44 You just pour and fill. Has anyone ever plucked the sausage clean out of the pastry? Who wants this? He's pouring Phil. Has anyone ever plucked the sausage clean out of the pastry? No. From the pan? I've never seen that. You pancake pigs. For the big game. I love the big game.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I love the big game. Pizza pigs. Pop, pop pop pop Oh wow, oh, they're really going for it all right, so whatever you want with these pigs I'm immediately thinking we run the three pigs weddings boating pigs We go through the pig gauntlet. Yeah We should make the perfect, like, five course pig meal. Oh, and then we get- we do pig ice cubes as well for the drinks.
Starting point is 00:15:37 The perfect pig. Stop showing me the mustard! They're really into mustard. Stop! I love mustard. Stop! They're really into mustard. STOP! STOP! It's too much mustard. 20 bucks is as much as a magic ear. We could do a 100% cocoa chocolate pig.
Starting point is 00:15:54 We could do the different percentages of different pigs. Oh, we could do- yeah. That's good. We could do a barf pig. I like that there's 12 in the tray, right? So you make the full meal in one tray. Oh, yeah. I think you'd have to.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Or 12 flavors. Like the perfect tray. So do you feel like that's an episode? You know what I mean? I like the idea of so many pigs, and saying the word pig so many times is fun to me. Yeah, and popping pigs. So here's the cooking out. I'll answer your question with a question.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Great. Was the frozen popsicle episode an episode I feel like there's more to do with the pig than there was to do with that okay okay okay I can see now I will say that the the popsicle thing was a was a thin
Starting point is 00:16:43 premise uh-huh. And I don't know that this is much thicker, but there is more to it. My thing with this is that it's going to take a while. We're going to have to do a lot of pre-prep. That'll be the night before situation. Yeah, which is like- There's no oven here, right? No.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Which is like less fun. We'll have to buy an oven. We'll have to buy an oven. Which to me is less fun than doing it on the day Maybe that's a product for Commercials Kitchen Our spinoff show Is that a spinoff show? Commercials Kitchen, I've told you about it
Starting point is 00:17:12 Where we do Does It Do but just with kitchen stuff And you call it Commercials Kitchen instead of Commercial Kitchen It's very clever And we just do stuff from commercials in a kitchen Because there's way more There's way more kitchen shit than non-kitchen shit. I didn't realize that Does It Do not only has a prequel, but also has a sideshow. It's had the spinoff since the pitch deck when I pitched it to everybody.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I don't remember that. Commercials Kitchen was in the pitch deck since day one. I came up with the ideas in tandem. Yeah? Okay. Because we're going to run out of Does Itit-do products faster than commercial kitchen products. I love the idea of having something inside the pig, like the pig-and-mugget thing.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So I'm thinking, like, there's so many options for, like, basically making the little skeletons of the pigs with everything else around it with the flesh. I'm thinking about, like, a pig roulette where we make who knows what's inside the pig, and then you've got to spin a wheel and eat the pig. And, like, you can just... But then, like, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish other than I'm making you eat
Starting point is 00:18:07 a weird pig. It is interesting. I wonder if we could find like hard candy skeleton bones and then we could like literally put a skeleton, a candy skeleton inside and then, yeah, that's morbid. Okay. So do we want to, so. That would be the Halloween special of commercials kitchen. So don't do this for...
Starting point is 00:18:26 So no, it don't, but Commercials Kitchen. Well, I mean, we still need to talk about when Commercials Kitchen is going to come out and if it does and stuff. Yeah, some of us have only just heard about it. It was in the pitch deck once again. I didn't see a deck. She sent me a deck?
Starting point is 00:18:43 You were sent a deck over a year ago when I created the show. I promise you, on Slack or in... Don't even start with me. Commercials Kitchen has been pitched as long as Does It Do has been pitched. I can't be bothered. I think Jeff is starting to think about getting mad. I like it. I think we should do something with it.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Okay. I think there's something to it. Whether it's Does It Do or Commercials Kitchen, I don't care. It's so absurd that we should do something with it. I agree that it seems like a very thin premise, but given the success of that Popsicle thing, I think we could get away with just about anything. Okay. So we're three for three so far.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Yeah, I think you found some good stuff so far, bud. Okay. So here we go. This is four. Okay. I feel like this would actually be a good does it do, but the ad itself isn't necessarily super fun.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Before you hit play, how many of these are there? I have ten loaded up. I have three I cutted right before we did this. Cutted? Here we go. Don't worry about it. What? Nothing. What did I say? You said cutted. I said cutted? Yeah, dude, you said it pretty clearly. What did I say? What did I say? Edited? You said cutted.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I said cutted? Yeah, dude. You said it pretty clearly. I said cutted? He said I have three that I cutted right before we started. I said adapt when I meant to say adopt earlier and it's still haunting me. Now I need to think about cutted when in my head I said edited. Your mind is disintegrating.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Listen, I'm still on the rocks from the soda chug Four hours ago or whatever that was but here we go next product Industry leading electric shaker, but it does like a little tornado for that the cool In it it mixes your drink for you. Oh, yeah They're thinking protein powder. I'm thinking a shatter resistant LED lights bunch of other things look at how cool this mug this cup thing is I actually have like six of these do you really yeah really like filmed vortexes inside them they work pretty good yeah
Starting point is 00:20:41 They work pretty good? Yeah. This to me has... There's so many possibilities here. Yes. Like... I want to mix cement. That's great. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:20:52 To me, it's soup. And then, like, I want to see it... Yeah, cement. I want to see it mix soup. I want to see, like... I want to see you, like, layer stuff in it and see if it'll, like, totally mix it up. I feel like there's not, like, cereal. Like oil and water. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I want to see you layer stuff in it and see if it'll totally mix it up. I feel like there's about cereal.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I want to see that stuff. Oh, cereal and milk and seeing if it will make it all together. Yeah, like it does a good blend for you? Yeah. Yeah, what else needs to be really well-coated? Paint? You know what you could do?
Starting point is 00:21:19 You could mix a salad up in there pretty well. Oh, that's a great idea. Oh, I hadn't thought about that. Doing like a salad dressing all on it. Yeah. It's really good. Yeah. Like, because drizzling only does so much work.
Starting point is 00:21:30 But if you have everything in there and then you go into the bowl, perfect. Yeah, there's a lot you could do. So, like, I really like the cement is a totally different. I hadn't thought about mixing items. Industrial cement. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. Like, if you do, If you do like a quick
Starting point is 00:21:46 crete in that, or like a shock crete, like something fast, it would absolutely make it so quickly, and then you could pour it into your pig balls and make little cement. Someone's front wall is all these little cement.
Starting point is 00:22:02 We could build a piggy wall. I'm immediately thinking like that two-part epoxy. Oh, I want to see James Bond always says shaken not stirred and I really want to see
Starting point is 00:22:19 a martini. Yeah, I want to see if this makes a great martini. Does it work with the lid off? They showed work with the lid off? They showed it with the lid off. Yeah, yeah, it works with the lid off. So we can put like four of them in a bathtub and create a whirlpool? I don't think that's what would happen, but yes, we could. We could try. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:35 As long as we use plastic and not glass, 100%, man. Now I'm thinking we do a vodka martini in that. Yeah. And then we also buy one of those paint tin shakers. Yeah. Make a vodka martini in that. See what's better. It's pretty good. Extremely shaken or extremely shook. We could also mix paint.
Starting point is 00:22:49 You can mix paint. We can mix paint. You want to make the best green. You put blue and yellow together and then let the bold growth. Or green and purple. We can make a gerbil. You can make a gerbil. That's great. We need 12 of these.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Do we do? Yes, do we do? We do, 100%. And I wonder if we could- Nah, that's budget. I'm just saying we get Marcus to make a massive one. I bet we can make a big one of these. Could we? Isn't that just a blender? No, no, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:23:22 It just mixes. Okay. Okay, so we will do. Yeah,'t chopped, it just mixes. Okay. Okay, so we won't do. Yeah, we do, we do, we do, we do. Oh, that's exciting. The next one, I don't, I'm going to just pitch after I submit it. I don't think it's a great one necessarily, but I have an idea for it that makes me happy. Topic commercial. Truth is, my hair's thinning.
Starting point is 00:23:41 His hair is thinning. That guy looks like Baker Mayfield. He does. He does look like Baker Mayfield. I haven't had one of those, and I can't even tell you how long. His career is thinning. That guy looks like Baker Mayfield. He does. He does look like Baker Mayfield. I haven't had one of those, and I can't even tell you how long. His career is thin. Real, unretouched photos. The number one instant solution for finding our thin hair for men and women.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Throw this powder on your head. Is this the stuff? Yeah. Oh, it just dyes your head? No, no. It has, like, little fibers that hang it. Oh, my God. They used to spray this on Artie Lang on the Howard Stern Show all the time to cover his bald spot.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That's what this is. So it's just flecks of hair? Uh, it's not hair, it's like fiber stuff that just, like, essentially just fills stuff in. Yeah, it's like a filler. Does it end up in the drain? Does it just wash out of your head? Yeah, it just washes out like paint or something. Oh my god. Yeah. god I mean I would I want to put I want to put that on a completely bold person yes like I was thinking like that's such a good idea absolutely yeah and I would
Starting point is 00:24:39 do it too let's see like like see how much hair we can get okay yeah like oh what on your face I want to do. Okay. I want to do... I want to see what I look like with a beard. Yeah. I have a mustache. I want to see what I look like. I've never had a beard. I can't grow a beard.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Why? It doesn't grow. Why? Why can't you grow one? Why? It's like my dad said, if you fucking grow a beard, it doesn't grow. It doesn't.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I can't. There's nothing here. That's crazy. I'd love that. We'll fill in. I would love to have facial hair at all. You'd love to be able to not grow a beard, but you have a beard. You have one only because it keeps growing.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So you don't have it because you want it. have it because you gave up yeah yeah okay the the real reason i have it is that my my trimmer has a uk plug on it that i lost and i can't charge the damn thing now do you think if we apply topic to your already full beard it will look just fuller so fucking big yeah you could join the you could join the Austin Beard Club or whatever. Yeah. Okay. So I really like that. I really like the idea of putting on a totally bald person, giving me a beard.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Like, what are the other things that are a little out of the realm of just putting it on people? You know, confetti cannons. Yeah. Can you blast a beard onto someone? Can you blast hair? Can you fire a beard onto someone? Can you blast hair? Can you fire a hair onto someone's head? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It's a good question. That's great. How would you do that? Oh, maybe chest hair. You just fire it. I've never had chest hair. Yeah, we'll blast it onto the confetti cannon. Well, what if you put it in a leaf blower and then turned it on?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Like, just fill it with leaf blower. Can you give somebody a shotgun? like shotgun like somebody's front yard hair You could put it in a hair dryer and then turn the hair dryer on And it would yeah, we would go I bet this stuff's fun. Well. This is great We should definitely see what you said it on fire. Okay, so what else so we need to like half a ton of it With like is that? making fuller plants? Do you put on like, what else can you, there's gotta be.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I mean, what we just already covered is more than 12 minutes. Okay. All right, all right, all right, all right. But we'll come up with more stuff on the day. I don't want to overthink it. We'll come up with more stuff. I think there's a lot we can do. I really like it.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So. Same. So do we do? Yes. We do. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I think that's a, that's a, I like the way you presented it Andrew also life lesson for people that are listening
Starting point is 00:27:10 we were talking about why we have beards and why we don't Gavin has his because he's lazy if you're considering not having a beard when you have a beard don't start dating a woman who only knows you with a beard because then you're stuck with that beard for the rest of your life that's why I have a beard because I went on a date with Emily our first date I had a beard and so then you're stuck with that beard for the rest of your life. That's why I have a beard.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Because I went on a date with Emily. Our first date, I had a beard. And so now I have to have a beard for the rest of my life. So you're saying, life hack, shave before the first date. If you don't want to be tied to a beard for the rest of your life, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Okay. Has she seen you in person without a beard? Yeah, I've shaved it before a few times. She's like, hmm. Awesome. I think Jack's in the same situation. He can never shave that. Oh, definitely. Okay. So we will do, Like, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle.
Starting point is 00:28:10 You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. You struggle. Slide your foot in There's so much we can do
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah, I don't like these foot based episodes that we keep coming I think you two turned on the deflection by Gavin Gavin tests too much Gavin's libido can't take it Multiple surgeries Gavin's texting Meg right now. He's like I'm'm gonna be home in an hour, have your shoes off. When I walk in the door. Get the sock slider.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Oh good, you can travel with your sock slider. Oh good, you can travel with your sock slider. It's only four pieces. You get a little stick for it, for helping put your shoes on. If you're wearing those shoes, you don't gotta wear a big sock with it. What are you doing? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Ah, but there's gonna be so much foot shit. Oh, it doesn't have to be foot! Oh. We could be trying to- What if you take all your bread out of a bread bag, how you gonna get it back in? Mm-hmm. Or- Or load up a balaclava on it.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yep. Dive head first. That's- there you go. There you go. Uh... Does it work for condoms? That's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, the idea of making food with it is very funny. Like, Oh, like sausage it. Filling like burrito,
Starting point is 00:29:34 a burrito, like a pita pocket, like pita pocket. Do it like a sausage where you're trying to cram chorizo or whatever. And then you just shoehorn it into your own face. Yeah. I do think there's something there. Yeah, absolutely. Cake icing, cram chorizo or whatever. And then you just shoehorn it into your own face at the end. I do think there's something there. Cake icing. Trying to get into the cake icing thing. With socks, can you do a
Starting point is 00:29:52 double-footed jump and just land in a pair of socks? There you go. We can do cool tricks. Oh, like 360 socks? 360 socks, yeah. That's enough. Okay, so... I saw the the wheel spinning but they weren't they weren't going anywhere on you okay so do we so do we do yes okay yes i think so i think that's a
Starting point is 00:30:15 great one i do too yeah i think i think it has so many weird applications and gavin's gonna have a fucking great time anything we can find that's not food related yeah and and i think i mean with feet and everything he's like so fucking on board. Plus it's like right up his alley. Yeah really no kidding. Okay. Alright Andrew what's next one. Is that even saying anything? My favorite commercial I think of all these. But once again I don't know
Starting point is 00:30:35 how it would be necessarily used but it's so good. Is this the love toilet? Boom tunes. Okay. When I hear music out of anything. Boom. Boom tunes. What the fuck? Oh it turns everything into a speaker. It turns everything into a speaker. Oh absolutely. Okay Boom! What the fuck? Oh it turns everything into a speaker Oh absolutely
Starting point is 00:30:50 Oh BAM! That box is now a speaker That car, now a speaker Boom! Have you ever wanted to hear your music sound like the fucking worst shit you've ever heard? Then put it on your shoe Hahaha like the fucking worst shit you've ever heard? Then put it on your shoe. Imagine you have a Boom Tunes vibration pod that sticks any place and transfers-
Starting point is 00:31:08 Oh, you can have such a cool drink! Everybody gather around my Jurassic Park scene. We can play the Jurassic Park- stumps through it. Any player, phone, or computer- This wouldn't hook up to any of our phones. No. There's a phone right there!
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, but this is louder again, okay? So annoying yeah listen to the mail we can make our mailbox a speaker turn down your dresser Oh you can make toast while you're oh, that's so cool boom Andrew loves this commercial I think a toilet seat would do oh yeah I wonder if it works underwater I wonder if it works on a person can we put on something really quiet like a librarian that is the funniest thing you've ever said. They are really showing you what you can attach this to. I wonder if we can turn my butthole into a speaker.
Starting point is 00:32:15 We should... Like right on the anus. Yeah. We should attach it to a speaker. Yeah. See if we don't need power. See if it sounds good that way. I think there's stuff there.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I do think it's the same trick over and over. Yes. It is. But I think it's visually so funny to stick something to something and have sound come out of it. Plus, could we daisy chain it where we have like eight of them or ten of them on the same thing? Wow. What if you just get two and listen to them?
Starting point is 00:32:51 Do you think if you put it on your forehead and then open your mouth? Like, do you think you'd be like the ultimate speaker? I'm just going to play clips of jeff speaking that i'll play through my own yes yeah yeah oh you can fool your friends that's how you that's how you give a speech you give a speech in a public speaking class that's how we get people to listen to faces i'll play it through my mouth and walk through the mall that guy's talking and that's fucking crazy this guy's thinking oh my god um
Starting point is 00:33:26 again it is the same trick over and over i do think it's fucking funny it's funny yeah that also could potentially be joined with the magic ear i thought this i thought yeah um yeah yes what do you think yeah i do i do i think's worth a shot. I think it's good just for the Jurassic Park shot. Yeah. I think so, too. Okay. So, do we do? Do. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Okay. Okay. Let's do the do. Do. Different thing. All right. Different. All right, Andrew, what's next?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Okay, next one is called the Auto Hammer. Oh, gosh. Oh. Oh, man. Isn't... Oh, that guy's asking for trouble. Oh, man. Ow! Bam! Bam!
Starting point is 00:34:08 What did it do? It just dispensed the nails? So it dispenses the nails? Oh my god! Do you think it comes out that perfectly every time? Yes. Look how it rattles around. You have to hold it at a specific angle.
Starting point is 00:34:24 You can't get it at a specific angle. You can't get it in there, cause- I hate- You fucking suck. Oh, that's perfect. He doesn't even hit itself. Well, he just changed the angle that he was hammering. Well, he also didn't hit it. Ah!
Starting point is 00:34:36 Oh, we could definitely race these. Like, who can- Look at that technology! Someone's gonna do a nail race. Someone's gonna fucking break a hand. We- we gotta see who can- who can hammer in 20 nails the fastest. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:46 You could put other stuff in it, potentially. Oh, I thought they were gonna hammer that guy. Alright, we'll tie up a guy. I wonder if Jeremy Dooley knows that guy. He's from Boston. What are you hammering? Oh, okay. Look at how strong it is! That would've been way cooler if it deposited a nail in that tire. And then he hammered that tire. Oh!
Starting point is 00:35:11 Here's a nail gun. Everything's 20 bucks, baby! Do you get two? Do you get an extra one free? Hang on, we get something else. For an extra fee? We get a clip on level. Clip on level. Now I can know if everything's level. Oh my god. They're not done there's more i'll come to the 100 nails why would i get why would i need 100 what okay whatever okay so what to do they will not buy it back because they're out of
Starting point is 00:35:42 business i could only find this on eBay. Awesome. So what do you do with the auto hammer, though? Blindfolded double hammering? That. Oh, I don't like that. What could we do with it? I wish it would shoot the nail out. Yeah, that's a nail gun.
Starting point is 00:36:00 But that's a nail gun does that. Yeah, that's a real thing that exists and you can just get one. Yeah. I wonder if. Okay, let's say. Let's say you're doing like a nice dinner right like you're having a dinner party and you make a bunch of appetizers and you need to put toothpicks in each one to make sure everyone's ready name a more efficient way you load it with toothpicks you go you mean you load it with toothpicks yeah what if metal toothp. Does it have to be magnetic? Well, it seems like it.
Starting point is 00:36:26 That's how it works. That's how it holds the nail. It's a magnet. It doesn't... Because it'd be great if you could run other stuff through it. Like, imagine if you could run, like, pretzel sticks through it. Yeah, or cheese strings or something. Or cheese strings or something, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:39 And you could be like, you want some pretzels? And you just go like... Yeah. Like Pez, kind of. I mean, you but they but then you're holding a hammer right to someone's face and also it would just come out right yeah i guess it would just deposit right like a pez dispenser almost like would just yeah it would just flop yeah that's true i'm drawing a blank on funny stuff to do with this having a hard time thinking
Starting point is 00:37:01 of what auto auto hammer because you have there's so much activity afterward and it's dangerous. Yeah. It's hammer. I just don't trust you guys with hammers. Well also all it really does it doesn't do any
Starting point is 00:37:12 hammering for you. No just places a nail. Yes. It should be called the auto nail. Yeah. And the really dumb thing is the hammer is
Starting point is 00:37:19 already designed to do that on the back end. Yep. So it's like that's true kind of. Yeah. Well it doesn't put it that for you though. No you have to do it yourself. You have to do that one the back end. Yep. So it's like that's true. Kind of. Yeah. Well, it doesn't put it there for you, though.
Starting point is 00:37:25 No, you have to do it yourself. You have to do that one thing yourself. I don't I don't know that we can make the auto hammer work. I think we can think about it. But if you're asking, maybe I think we are challenged would be to make it automatic. Why would we do that? That got Jeff thinking right
Starting point is 00:37:44 away. Yeah, I'm just I'm done too dumb. No, I just to be honest, I just like the idea of it more than I think I have a use. The fact that the auto hammer existed at one point brings me joy. I'm going to say no. And I'm sure it was a piece of shit. Yeah, I think I think we have to say I'm going to say no. Yeah, we have to say no on something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah. Otherwise, it looks like we don't have standards. True. Yeah, we have to say no on something. Yep. Yep. Otherwise it looks like we don't have standards true I'm excited about this one because this might Jeff cover your fruit gloves thing. Oh, okay before This is a product that I think could have so many uses let me introduce you to the tater mitts Peeling potatoes can take forever Okay, oh, it's so tough
Starting point is 00:38:24 careful, I Mean there's a potato peeler you can use, but... Tater mitts?! Woah! Are you fucking serious?! Dude, that's like fruit claws! Are you fucking serious?! Gloves! That is phenomenal!
Starting point is 00:38:37 Peeled potato. It's the hassle-free way to peel potato. Can we, like, de-woolpaper a wool? After the potato. Remove the paint? Not all, because tater mitts works well on other vegetables. Wow. Dude, she just fucked that potato. Oh!
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What a waste. What a waste. Lethal back rubs? Yeah. You could exfoliate the shit out of somebody's face. Oh, yeah. Yeah, could you, like, rub
Starting point is 00:39:09 a hole in a can and drink out of it? It's basically sandpaper gloves. Could you shred, like, pulled pork with this? Yeah. Shred lettuce. Oh, shred lettuce. You make, like, a whole meal. Yeah, oh, shred cheese. Do you think the extra grip would help you throw a baseball, Fosta?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Oh, that's a good question. Could I sh- yeah, maybe. Could you take a layer off an egg? Oh, it could be like those assholes on TikTok that are like... Yup. Wait, are we on something different? It comes with it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I hate cutting with a knife. Yeah, it's the worst. It's the worst. Well, there's a better way. Oh, it's this thing! It's the worst. There's a better way. Oh, it's this thing Steel blades cut easily for uniform. It's like a big garlic master. Yes, it is Well, let's hope it works at all better than the garlic master because that thing's a piece of shit I think I'm all in all in on tater mitts. Yeah There's just so many things great Tater mitts would be great.
Starting point is 00:40:05 There's no end of what we could do with the tater mitts. I really like, I didn't think about scratching wallpaper off a wall. Do you think you could remove the rind off a watermelon? That would be awesome. Like rub to red? Yeah, rub to red. That's pretty good. What about like scratch tickets?
Starting point is 00:40:25 You need someone who has like a scratch ticket. You're a genius. That's like an all-time ticket. Andrew, you're going to be rich. You just revolutionized gambling. Oh, my God. I mean, so like, yeah, I think this is a yes. Do we do?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Do we do? We do. We do. That's a fucking, dude, tater mitt think this is a yes. Do we do? Do we do? We do. We do. We do. That's a fucking, dude, tater mitts are fucking good. Wow. I wonder, I bet we could restore a rusty old watering can or something. We could do, like, those, it could be like those TikToks where they take an old tool that's 150 years old and take it apart and sandblast it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah. Restoration. Do you think that if you got a new pair of jeans you could vintage them up a little bit? You know what I mean? You could like acid wash your own jeans. Yeah, that's a great idea. Okay, I think we're all in on tater mitts. Yeah, we got ideas out of the anus on that one. Yeah, really.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Andrew, good. Great fucking pick. This is it. This is the last one that I'm presenting. And this one I feel like could almost be a Hall of Fame entry for a previous product It is called maximum traction. This is maximum traction Only there was more traction like a conversation. We're having earlier Andrew. They're at the fucking mall. That was an actual event How did I miss it?
Starting point is 00:41:41 I continue to have pain Oh, it's the Plank Tape guy. Powerful non-skid coating that's got the grip to stop the slip. Please be invisible. It's like the opposite of WB40. I have so many ideas. Ooh, ice! You can't slip on it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 That lady looked evil, right? Like an evil old lady. Watch out! Oh my god god she just killed that baby oh you're not going to slip and fall in wet areas like your bathroom or your kitchen it's like putting the brakes on in the car you'd never slip on this i will save people from getting hurt i can tell you that i wonder if you could stop a car faster if you spray the wheels. Can we put it on the bottom of a curling iron? Not like a hair one.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Oh, right. Wait, what? Why was it on? I guess you could blow it. What? It glows in the frickin' dark! That's the radioactivity. Why don't they use this on runways?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Oh. I bet you could make planes stop sooner. Yeah. Stop on an aircraft. Cover the runway? We should get a contract with an aircraft carrier. They'd love it. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Okay. What? There's more? Oh, you get a second camp Oh okay Here's the thing Here's the thing I want to do I want to get
Starting point is 00:43:10 Linoleum I want to Slick it up Okay I want to put a little bit of oil on it Okay I want Gavin to slide on it With his socks
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah Until I hit the But you don't know where those spots are Until After you slide on it We turn off the lights I hit the... But you don't know where those spots are. Until after you slide on it, we turn off the lights, and you'll be able to see exactly where we put maximum traction. It's like in GTA races
Starting point is 00:43:34 where they have the boost and then the slowdown thing. I really want to see is you guys did the sliding shoe thing. Yes. Like in a first run What happens when you put that exactly some track exactly what wins yeah? What wins that or WD-40? Yeah? Great because we're having like a battle of two products which one's strong absolutely I love that's gonna be its own special episode Can we take it to a water park and just jam up one of the slides?
Starting point is 00:44:04 We can we can just fuck up a slide at a playground. No slip and no slide. No slip and no slide. That'd be so bad if you just put it in the middle of a slip and slide so you have all the momentum. You'd have to call it a walkin' wet. I think we should put someone Andrew's back in the bath and see if he just gets stuck forever. Oh, he'd keep you up. Yeah, he won't slide anywhere. I'm already
Starting point is 00:44:29 good. I'm already corked up. We've went over this. Try to think of what you can do with an RC car. You know what I mean? You put it on the tires. Do you like... Can it go up some... Some kind of traction to it.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I really like this one, though. Yeah, this is... I also like that it glows in the dark because I do think that we'll show that to Shane that like, hey, here's this thing we want to do. And then we turn off the lights. We go, by the way, it glows in the dark and he's going to go, awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Do you think... I think he's going to be into it. Now, do you guys think that it glows in the dark was an intentional feature for the beginning? No. you guys think that it glows in the dark was an intentional feature for the beginning? No. Or do you think it glows in the dark and they went, uh, yeah, we can sell that, right? That's probably safe.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I think there's something to, I think we can come up with a lot for Maximum Draft. I agree. I'm thinking about some kind of slippery clothes you just can't keep a hold on, and then you just spray a whole shirt with it. You know what I mean? Did you say you want to put it on ice?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. Like a patch of ice, like you were ice skating? Oh, can we? Yeah. You could de-slip ice. What's the slipperiest fruit? Oh. Trying to hang on to something.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Peeled mango? Oh my God, I was going to say a peeled mango. Oh my God, that is 100% the slipperiest fruit! We have to see. We're going to give a mango a rind. Yeah. With maximum traction. Rewrind your peeled mangoes.
Starting point is 00:45:57 When you've peeled off more than you can chew. We'll peel them with the potato thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, do... Yes, we do, we do, we do. Okay. We do. I think this is fucking great.
Starting point is 00:46:12 We do. Andrew, this is phenomenal. Andrew, this is... We might have just set us up for the whole season of Does It Do. You just greenlit a whole season. Yeah, you literally just gave us a season of Does It Do.
Starting point is 00:46:21 We throw that tax shaver back in and we're set. Andrew, you brilliant bastard. Wow. I'm that tack shaver back in and we're set. Andrew, you brilliant bastard. Wow. I'm so glad that this went as well as it did and I just enjoyed so much watching this with you guys. This is great and I think it'll be so much fun for people to see this maybe
Starting point is 00:46:35 post-season. This is where they first saw the products and then we'll actually also know what these came up. What happened to them. I think of all of Rooster Teeth's shows does it do needs like a non-linear timeline and I think that's it's like art
Starting point is 00:46:51 it also needs a prequel and a side show I love it Andrew thank you so much this was great of course yeah thank you guys so much for giving all the amazing ideas that you do and just making the show. Jeff pitching, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I love the series so much. I'm glad that we could make this for it. I just wish I saw that deck. Jeff grabbed his phone and started looking for it immediately. I think I saw the deck, so I don't know how you didn't see it. Andrew's seen the deck.
Starting point is 00:47:29 If you can find an email that I'm on with a Does It Do deck attached to it, that'll be blown away. Well, okay. Thanks Andrew, and thanks- I hope you guys liked season three of- season two? of Does It Do. Can we just do- So the second filming session was still season one? Yes. Okay. Yes. Oh my Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yes. Oh my God. Bye. Does it?

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