F**kface - Sausage Talk // Supplemental

Episode Date: July 28, 2024

ANEGG get together for their first Sausage Talk since becoming Regulation Podcast. They get into the transition of to the new show, what it's been like, the future of the company, plus they answer Pat...reon subscriber questions sent in by you. We want to thank everyone for supporting us before the transition and since. We're really excited about what we're doing, where we're going, and to have you along for the ride with us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Summer is like a cocktail. It has to be mixed just right. Start with a handful of great friends. Now, add your favorite music. Then finally, add Bacardi Rum. There you have it, the perfect summer mix. Bacardi, do what moves you. Live passionately, drink responsibly.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Copyright 2024. Bacardi, it's trade dress and the bat device are trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited. Rum 40% alcohol by volume. Hello and welcome to the inaugural episode of Regulations Sausage Talk. This is kind of a carryover from the old podcast. Every once in a while, we would do a little supplemental behind the scenes, peer behind the curtain, appear through the sausage casing to the meat inside if you will of the business That was face and is now the regulation podcast
Starting point is 00:00:54 Figured it was probably time to sit down with y'all and kind of give a state of affairs We're how far into this company now two months three months three months ten episodes in I think have come out as of the recording Yeah, three months. I'm bad at that never mind. I know that I should why am I saying that I'm bad I always get my brain gets ripped up. Hey guys. It's been exactly two months on the date of this recording I mean, I just don't make you July or three months. There's a date exactly associated with, there's a date where it occurred. I just don't like, do you know when your birthday is? Do you think that fluctuates?
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's a date that it happened. Yeah, but it's three months, but it's two months. What do you mean? Why do you keep saying three months? Cause we started in May. Okay. May was two months ago. Yeah. Hey, Gavin, in fact, it was exactly two months ago from the date of this recording when it all happened. Andrew, I'm going to help you out.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I'm going to we're going to get this real simple. And everybody at home, listen, listen along if you're confused as well. May 10th, Rooster Teeth ended and this company began. Yeah, it's my birthday. May 10th. Happy birthday. Happy birthday May 10th to June 10th. That was one month. Okay. I'm with you so far Then from June 10th to July 10th, which is today is one additional month That's two crosses over three month names exactly. It's only been two months We've been doing this for three months We've not been doing this but two me. We've been doing this for three months.
Starting point is 00:02:26 We've not been doing this for three months. We've been doing this for two months. We've done this across three months. This is shut up. Just say, you know what I was wrong. May 2 July. No, no, no. So we started the business together.
Starting point is 00:02:40 As you know, Rooster Teeth went under and we, yeah, you may, may or may not have heard, but Rooster Teeth, in fact, closed down. We knew that this was a possibility for a long time. I think anybody who works in entertainment has to build contingency plans because that's just the way this world works, unfortunately. The entertainment industry works. And so we had been in discussions privately for a long time about, you know, if something were ever to happen and Rooseteeth was no more, what would we do?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Would we want to continue? And I think we we weren't planning for it, but we wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. And so when we did, in fact, and I think March find out that Rooseteeth was shuttering and all of our content would be closed down, I guess It was a shock but we kind of basically just said okay. Well, we knew this was a possibility We know we want to continue working together
Starting point is 00:03:37 What does that look like? Let's get started and we put our heads down and we started busting our ass and I think the day Rooster Teeth ended was the day this company began. And if you've ever started a company, you know it's a lot of work. It's a hell of a lot of work to do in two months. It's even more work to do when you're ending another company at the same time.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So it was frustrating and it required us to do all the things that one does to start a business from getting a tax identification number and filing as a corporation and with the United States government and getting the name wrong and having to file to get the name corrected with the United States government, which alone can set everything back two and a half weeks. Just just so you know, and getting bank accounts and deciding the president and the secretary, deciding the president of the company, which we have to do.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And the secretary, we have like a 45 page article of incorporation that I don't understand any of it. But I know that we're all in a business, equal partners running this company together. This regulation company together, that's job is to produce this podcast and all of the supplemental content that that surrounds it. Is that a pretty good summarization of what we've been doing for the last two months or how we got here? I would agree. Yeah, it's a good it's a good three month summary. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Those months between March and May Like finding out it was ending and ending that somehow felt like six months that saying goodbye to everyone for like two straight months.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Holy shit. It was seeing people that I hadn't seen in a long time at the office that we were going to infrequently after covid and then saying goodbye every day for 60 days. Yeah. You started after a while, you'd be like, would you fucking can we leave already? Jesus, it's like I said goodbye to you eight times. As someone who works remote, maybe I had a little bit different of experience where two months felt like, oh, that's so far away.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then one month happened and I went, holy shit, this is like once the one month crossed, it was like this. This feels like it's going to end tomorrow. This is insane. I had a moment like that with Eric where we, you know, we planned out like these are all the things We're gonna have to get done over the next 60 days and you know, you start to portion it out and be like well We don't have to worry about that right now and then you know
Starting point is 00:05:52 everything else is going on also like ending the other company is a lot of work because You know, they basically came to us and said anything that doesn't have an ad sold on it You guys don't have to do we get it the company's ending if you don't want to continue doing face Well face had an ad sold so we The company's ending. If you don't want to continue doing face well face had to add salt. So we would have had to. But if you don't want to continue doing let's plays or if you don't want to continue doing this supplemental content or if you don't want to wrap this stuff up, you really don't have to. But we we I was going to say, so funny you bring that.
Starting point is 00:06:17 We were so far ahead in let's play. We only needed to record like two or three videos to. Yeah, that's true. It definitely helped that we, you know, we tried our best to stay ahead. But we wanted to end strong and we wanted to do, give, I guess, the amount of respect to the product and the production and the company.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So we did a lot of work at the end there. In addition to like, you know, the nuts and bolts of dismantling a company and like fucking cleaning out your desk with a cardboard box and our desks had a lot of cardboard boxes and fucking all kinds of Face nonsense that we had to figure out what to do with Porta-potties and whatnot But you know everybody also was was trying to figure out their own personal life to like some of us sold houses and moved across town, you know, at the same time.
Starting point is 00:07:06 So I remember there was a conversation where Eric and I were like, we about the same time you said, Andrew, about a month in where we realized, oh, my God, the time is evaporated. How the fuck are we going to get all this done? Where did it go? Two months, my ass. And I and it's been I think since that conversation, I've just been running full speed. Yeah, absolutely. It's felt that way.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That was a great moment where we rented a U-Haul to like take some of the bigger stuff. And this really nice fan of Rooster Teeth had showed up and set up a little sign on the entrance that just said, you know, thanks for everything, Rooster Teeth, or like goodbye, Rooster Teeth or something like that. Sweetest guy. It was weird, like in full view of this person, all of us show up and put a pink porta potty into the U-Haul and then drive away. Just waving at this guy like, thanks so much. It was like a really sweet moment I thought.
Starting point is 00:07:56 It was really sweet and very surreal. Yeah, it was bizarre. It was just like drive away into the sunset with our giant pink porta potty. I like that it wasn't like, it wasn't that we just assigned someone to go and take that somewhere else. It was literally you, me and Eric just trying to put this thing into the van. There was like no one to help. Everyone was so busy. That's what this company is, though. It's the five of us doing everything.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And that's what I want it to be. And maybe we should talk about that for a little bit because we were born out of the ashes of a very successful previous production that we were all fortunate enough to get to participate in that success, right? But I'll be honest with you, the company outgrew my comfort level early on. I have talked many times about how I wanted to stay in the spare bedroom. I never wanted to leave it. And every every successive production I did, I tried to make a new bedroom, but I tried to make it even smaller, you know, a lot of bloat in those
Starting point is 00:08:56 bedrooms as time goes on. And and so that's essentially what we have crafted here that we are a five person unit that, you know, we do like, we're going to hire a CPA, we're not going to do our own taxes, and we're contracting out editors. And you know, we hired Michelle to do our logo, who did the logo as well. We're still working with other people, but the company is the five of us, and we're doing everything from from running the business to editing to posting socials to thumbnails to the the entire thing is the five of us and I Couldn't I don't know about you guys. I I keep waiting for it to be scary, but it's not I couldn't be happier I couldn't feel more comfortable with where we are
Starting point is 00:09:42 I couldn't feel better about the support from the audience and how much they have have we had had just showered us with love and support. That has really helped turn us into overnight. A functioning company like a legitimate functioning company. I couldn't imagine the launch being like pursuing beyond the launch without the level of support we had. It was so just having that encouragement, because as you said, it was such an exhausting road to get to that point. And I feel like we are just now kind of getting our feet under us
Starting point is 00:10:20 in a way that's really exciting, where that support has enabled us to like bring in editors to on a contractual basis, to like make a different variety of content or content that we're excited about. And we think our audience and community will be excited about that. We just wouldn't be enabled to make without that support. So like beyond just like the personal gust of momentum that the enthusiasm our community has had has given us.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It has also enabled our content to, I think, be better in ways that it couldn't be without that support. So it's it's so many levels of appreciation. The support has helped us ramp up back to what we were doing so much faster than if we had to ourselves. Like, yeah, we were already talking about adding in a second gameplay day upload every week just because we're so excited about making content that's like we're so far ahead. There's not enough days to actually put the stuff out.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Which is crazy when you think about how like it costs money to start this company and to do things and to acquire face as a brand like we. Oh, my God. We started pretty massively in the negative when we started. And so to be in a position where we feel we're able to bring on additional help is amazing. And we're so appreciative of the support that we've had. Yeah, it was immediate, like heartwarming relief on that first day. I feel like. Yeah. And I think I feel like we've talked about this maybe in the early regulation episodes,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but we were able to acquire F***face. We were able to buy that. But we were not able to acquire Let's Play, which is why we don't have it. That was way too expensive. We kind of shot ourselves in the foot with Let's Play because we took it over and made it profitable for the first time in a long time really quickly and gave it value. And then Warner Brothers looked at it and said, oh, this is valuable now. We want a lot of money for it. And we went, ah, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah. Just for the sheer amount of videos on that channel. Yeah. We re-energized it to the point where it really took off again. Yeah. It's tremendous back catalog on that thing. But that's okay because, you know, we have our new gameplay YouTube channel the regulation gameplay and that's off to a phenomenal start as well and
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's amazing. It's we're at that period where the episodes are getting more views than we have subscribers Which is great to see you know and true. Yeah. Yeah, that's a really good point. It won't be that way forever for definitely No, and true. Yeah. Yeah, that's a really good point. It won't be that way forever. Definitely. So enjoy it while you can. But yeah, I'm really glad you said that thing, Gavin, because I think that is the the real the key, I guess, point I want to emphasize in this sausage talk to the audience amongst all the other points is that their support from day one allowed us not only to survive, but to grow like you said, so much faster. I had a rough outline in my head. I talked about
Starting point is 00:13:10 it with you guys a little bit. I was hoping that we would get back to essentially where we were the day before we found out Rooster Teeth was shutting down, which is, you know, face was at an all time high as an entity. We were humming. And that's part of what sucked so badly about getting the rug pulled out from under us is we knew we could get up to that point again, but it was gonna be a lot of work to get to that point.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I thought it would take us, optimistically, I thought it would take us six months to get up to where we're releasing the amount of content and it's of the quality, uh, and in the same vein as where we were at that moment. And I think we're there. Now we're damn near there now for not there now, but we're going to surpass it in a month or two maybe. And that's because of just like, I cannot state it enough.
Starting point is 00:14:02 The audience has been so wonderful and to support us to such a degree that it's, I just, I can't believe we're able to, to create the content that we're creating so early and so plentifully. And it's such an indescribably good feeling to be at the helm of something that people are excited about. Like people looking forward to the episode each week. I like that we can hop into a game, even if it's one that's, you know, 15 years old and churn out something that makes people like tear up laughing.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's just such an exciting feeling that we have the ability to do that. And that's our job. Yeah. Yeah, it's the best feeling. It is tough to vocalize how many like I will have at least six moments a day of just being this is I'm so thankful for our community and our ability to continue to do this outside of Rooster Teeth. Like it is insane that I get to spend all of this time making stuff I'm super excited about with people I love and it's an indescribable joy.
Starting point is 00:15:02 There is something I'm quite thankful for with this company of these five people in that when something lands on our plate, there's always someone who's happy to take it. Like we've all stepped up beyond what we used to do to take care of things that aren't necessarily our strength, but we end up everything's handled and there's enough eyes on it where not a lot of stuff is falling through the cracks. everything's handled and there's enough eyes on it where not a lot of stuff is falling through the cracks. And I think that is one of the benefits of a small team. But if there was 50 of us, that would be that sounds wrong, but there would be more that would fall through the cracks. I think we joke about it. But the democratic process with five is great.
Starting point is 00:15:38 If like there's an issue, it's such an easy we we're all in agreement of majority rules on choices. No hard feelings. It's just it's the movement is constant. And there isn't that sludge of like trying to work through any decision. Yeah, that's a great point, Andrew. There is the voting system, not that we often come. No, you know, find ourselves at very rare at ends.
Starting point is 00:16:06 But the voting system just allows us to blow through stuff really quickly that could just that you, like you said, could bog you down for a while. I really do appreciate that. And and it to Gavin's point, the other the nice thing about it is, you know, just everybody's willing more than willing to jump in and excited to jump in. We're at that point, that other nice thing about it is that everybody is more than willing to jump in and excited to jump in. We're at that point, that sweet spot in a company, and I've talked about how the opposite is good.
Starting point is 00:16:31 When I turned the store over to Emily McBride and she was so much better than I was and I realized that being a jack of all trades has definitely limitations. The point where we are right now is I feel like everybody is touching everything and when that happens It just creates a cohesion with everything that we make you know what I mean, and that's yes That can only happen when you're this size totally and Beyond us as I just wanted to say you know if us like launching everything How appreciative I am of the mods on like our discord and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And how my God, they have been so unbelievably helpful and sort of this process of enabling us to do stuff in that discord space. And just I couldn't imagine that side of it without their support. So I am we all are, I believe, incredibly thankful. I also love the fact that there's a lot of content we're making. It feels like people are going to like it because I'm excited to prove them. Like when somebody gets posted to our QC channel and it's like, oh, here's chained together or here's like the GTA traffic thing. I'm really excited to watch it again, even if I was in it, which I had
Starting point is 00:17:45 lost over the years where in other game plays I'd maybe just experiencing it in real life was enough for me. Yeah. Yeah. I completely agree. I watched the, um, the traffic thing in GTA twice and I would never do that. Yeah. I was so excited to watch it that I just edited it really quickly after we did. I was like, I just want to, that was so fun. What's taking this editor so long. I don't watch this fucking video. But maybe we should talk for a second about what the business is.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So the business is the regulation company is it is a Patreon. That's where we are. That's where it's that's what's mostly funding what we're doing here. It's also, you know, we do have ads on the podcast. That's a source of revenue and we
Starting point is 00:18:23 have revenue from YouTube. That's a source of revenue, and we have revenue from YouTube, that's a source of revenue, and then the other piece to that would be merchandise, that doesn't exist yet, and we can talk about that, but that's like the four prongs of our company, I guess, and that's essentially what it boils down to. I know people used to always like when Bernie would give the talks
Starting point is 00:18:44 about how Rooster Teeth makes its money and what are like the Six pools and all that shit, but that's what it is for us. It's patreon. It's going to be merch. It's YouTube ad revenue and it's ad revenue the DIA or da I as they call it and directory as we as we grow just touching on the ads for a minute. It's another great thing about us having full control and whatnot. As long as we're setting up the ads, it was so cool to see all of the brands that sort of we had the ability to work with
Starting point is 00:19:16 and be able to choose stuff we wouldn't want to do or things that we would no longer be interested in. That don't necessarily reflect, you know, and for Roosterteeth stuff, and this is not, you know, it's just how the business operates. We didn't have the same level of control of I don't want to partner with this. It's you. Ultimately, you did, but it's harder to say no in that environment. I'll say that. Sure. OK.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Well, I didn't feel like I did in that environment. Yeah. So I'll say something maybe and maybe sometimes you didn't. It was pretty hard. It was it can be pretty hard to say no, especially when the company was struggling. Sure. And if I did, I would then have to like that. This is a thing we would all have to first degree. Then we'd have to bring it to someone and then there'd be a meeting about like there just be so many hoops to get there to essentially have the company agreed to take a loss.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But because there would be no reason for us to not do it from a term terms of financial is like we would make more money to do it. It's just we don't necessarily feel we reflect with some of the things that this company may be involved in. So to be able to just from the start, say like, I don't even though we can make money this way. And then it's been another amazing thing of how we've been supported by the community is being able to say, we don't, we don't need to make the most amount of money at all times. We're more concerned about serving our community
Starting point is 00:20:38 in a way that is meaningful to us and that we think would be of interest to them. And that feels like to me, one of the main reasons we haven't jumped back into everything at once, like hopping straight into merch and stuff, is that we do need to make sure that, because there's no staff and it's just us, we don't lose focus on the most important thing the company does, which is the podcast. Yeah, the podcast is the thing that we do the best
Starting point is 00:21:01 and merch would be the thing that we, I guess, would manage the worst. For sure. I mean, you're you're absolutely right. You're 100% right. Even with our experience, you know, over the years. But I will say that the merch to me is such an important part of what we're doing here.
Starting point is 00:21:20 You know, after I've talked about this at length in other places, but you know, after selling after essentially running a t shirt company for 20 fucking years, I just got so sick of that process. And you know, part of the thesis of face was that when we introduced merch, it had to be merged that was a part of the show and of the show and a part of the comedy or the bit so that when So that when you're buying a fucking, you know, a slop o'clock clock, you're not just buying a clock, you're buying like a dumb story and a fun, like moment to have on your walls or a kitchen magnet. Like you're buying into this thing
Starting point is 00:21:57 and it creates this ownership of the audience, I feel over the content a little bit in a really, I don't know, uplifting way. And so I wanna, I still feel that way about it. And I don't, I wanna treat it as preciously as we did with F***face. And we are just not in a position to do it justice right now. And that doesn't mean we're not working on it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Eric and I had a meeting with the company last week. They're putting together a pitch proposal for us right now. We have, luckily there are a lot of talented people who worked in the e-commerce department at Rooster Teeth and we have maintained contact with all of them. And so we have a healthy relationship with a lot of people out there, but it's just something that we wanna take our time with
Starting point is 00:22:36 because we wanna get it right. And it was such a point of contention in the past and we don't wanna go through that again. And so when we put something out there for you, we want it to be something that we believe in that's good quality. That's not a logo slapped onto a hat or a t-shirt or a messenger bag that makes sense. And that first thing will probably be the throat lure, I guess, or some form of girl.
Starting point is 00:22:58 But there are no immediate plans to like there have been no orders placed. There has been no sourcing done, we're handling all that in the background and we're taking our time with it. So just understand, it's not something you're gonna see soon. But when we get it up and running, it will be up and running.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The thing with merch is that it's not a, why don't you just venture? It's not a thing where we can just flip a switch and just have it done. Somebody has to, I do it for 100% eat. We have to run a printful and a Shopify and that's all print on demand. But even with that, we have to send, we have to facilitate these orders, which are sometimes hit with fraud, to send from one to request fulfillment to the other to pay this thing to send it out, but then you email two days later and you go,
Starting point is 00:23:48 hey, I put the wrong address, can you change it? And we're customer support for merch. We're also the person that has to go through and change the size, because you selected medium when you meant large. Like those things don't seem like big deals when you are the person who is buying that thing.
Starting point is 00:24:07 But when you are one of X number of people who are emailing because something has gone wrong, it is near insurmountable to do that and continue to make time for gameplay videos and podcasts and cut clips and put all this other stuff out. So it's slow going with the merch, but we are working on it. Yeah. I feel like it's similar to the whole like video game thing where it's like, I feel like now people would rather have a delayed game than a busted piece of shit that came out
Starting point is 00:24:40 when the investors wanted it. But the thing that's important to keep in mind is that when if there are pre-orders and stuff like that You aren't happy until you have the physical thing in your hand And the thing that I don't want is to put time in between you giving us the money And then you having the item I want that to be as immediate as possible Because that's the only way any of this works. Our theory on how how to do merch is the same as it was when we talked about it in those previous sausage talks back in
Starting point is 00:25:13 the day on Facebook, we're, we're, we are not a pre orders company. I'm not participating in that. That is a nightmare. I've done it. It's brutal. There are legal requirements and regulations with notifying people when their stuff gets delayed, there are supply chain issues, it is an organizational nightmare that I don't want any part of. Because the Skip app saves you so much time by delivering stuff like your favorite cool treats, groceries, and bevies, you get to spend the summer doing what you really want.
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Starting point is 00:26:09 Hi there. Still no. What about hello, handsome? Who knew you could give yourself the ick? That's why Bumble is changing how you start conversations. You can now make the first move or not. With opening moves, you simply choose a question to be automatically sent to your matches, then sit back and let your matches start the chat.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Download Bumble and try it for yourself. I just wanted to say that we talked a lot about in this recording the ability that because of the support we've received from the community, how it has enabled us to grow faster than we anticipated in certain areas. All of that growth is incredibly thoughtfully made. Like there is no we're not just expanding for the sake of expanding because there is a possibility in which we could generate more money if we're selling merch right now. Everything that we've done as far as growth has been, how can we make the best thing that we want to make and serve our community
Starting point is 00:27:11 in the best way that we can with the resources and support that they are providing? So it's a thing of I just it it would be so disrespectful, I feel like, to our community to immediately just launch something because we think that it could generate additional revenue for us, respectful, I feel like to our community to immediately just launch something because we think that it could generate additional revenue for us where every choice I think that we make is from the perspective of doing right by this group of people that has been so amazing in enabling us to do all the things that we have done so far. The audience is also very switched on to how we've been in the past as well.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Like, I feel like we all are well aware of what burnout feels like and, you know, what it feels like to just be churning out content because we need to. And we just don't want to go anywhere near that anymore. Absolutely. Yeah, like it's a balance of of making sure that we're creating. It's a funny thing. We're like the burnout that we face right now, at least. There's no burnout, but it's like having to mindfully control
Starting point is 00:28:16 how much we do because I could do constantly making stuff with you guys like whenever it is so much fun. I'm having so much fun doing everything we do. It just any excuse to make more is great, but it is so important to create that time for yourself as well. And like we have families and other responsibilities. The reality is oftentimes that burnout is fueled by enthusiasm. And that's when you love what you do to the degree that we do,
Starting point is 00:28:45 you really do have to be mindful about that. And I will say, because I've seen a lot of audience concerns about it as well, and I will say, without being boastful in any way, I think Gavin and I, as a unit, probably have more, as much if not more experience in this world than anybody on Earth at this point. And I think we're both pretty, pretty conscious of doing it the right way this time and well aware of where things went astray in the past.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And we've talked a lot about how the things we want to do differently this time. And so we're I'm keeping a real close eye on us as we go. Yeah. And I feel like we've really learned our limits. I'm currently I feel so far from burnout. Yeah. And I feel like we've really learned our limits. And currently, I feel so far from burnout. Yeah. Oh, same. Absolutely. Could I give a little inside baseball that I think is fun talking about merch stuff? Yeah, I think we could talk about. So when we were acquiring the rights to face as a brand,
Starting point is 00:29:42 Gavin asked a fantastic question. Like this was the final hours of like, oh, we've been waiting a long time to do it. I mean, people are aware our launch was not exactly as smooth as we'd want it to be. We didn't have feeds. It was a whole process of going back and forth. But it felt like we were at the very end of it. And then there was a realization of do we get merch rights for everything we've done in the past? Is that is that part of this?
Starting point is 00:30:08 And just assuming like, yeah, of course it would be like we're getting face. Why wouldn't we get everything that falls under that umbrella? That was not at all part of the deal, which then created this thing of like, OK, well, we need every piece of merch that we've ever made to submit so we could like just display what exactly it is that we're gonna take ownership of. And completely unrelated to this, just as like an exercise,
Starting point is 00:30:32 Tony, who did all of our merch for us, who's so amazing, he made an image during the shutdown period that was a singular photo that contained every piece of merch we had made. And because of that, we were able to secure all of our merch in like an easy, convenient way that didn't take hours of going back and forth and double checking. We're just able to use this reference image that he created
Starting point is 00:30:56 that completely simplified the process. It was the most amazing. Like you've got to be kidding me. Aha moment where they literally said we're going need this and we went oh fuck and somebody Went Tony's image and we were like no problem Responded to them in minutes like they probably thought well We're never gonna hear from those assholes again or like that'll take him a couple weeks Did not took us 35 seconds to find that image and send it to him and then it was great
Starting point is 00:31:19 That image is in the contract as well. It is yeah. Should we post it? Have we pushed that anywhere? I we talk about I don't know if we ever did That image is in the contract as well. It is. Yeah. Should we post it? Have we posted that anywhere? We talked about it. I don't know if we ever did. Yeah, we should post it with this. That image. That Tony man. Yeah, I feel like at the beginning, you know, you just assume it's like, oh, we're acquiring F***face. So we just get all of, but and then they were like, you need to specify everything. I was like, I think that's everything. And then the last minute I was like, wait a sec. I guess we don't, we need the merch designs. if we ever want to resell any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And then suddenly we all started looking at everything with a real like magnifying glass kind of approach. It's like, have we have we got everything? Which which is where the ratty boy came to be, by the way. Have we talked about that, like where we are with ready boy? No. I don't. You want to give the update? I don't even know how to give the update.
Starting point is 00:32:07 It's a weird situation where like we I don't I don't know. I don't know how to. I don't even know how to give this up. So there's technically not a legal like there is an agreement and an understanding of parties were paid, but there is an illegal contract that was made for Reddy Boy because it's fucking Reddy Boy. It seems ridiculous So we were trying to get specific rights to ratty boy and they couldn't transfer them because technically legally
Starting point is 00:32:34 There is nothing to transfer but we we have them but we technically don't like I don't I don't even know Necessarily where it lays right now. Yeah, so I did limbo, I think is where Radyboy is and probably will be for a while. Yeah, I don't honestly. That is a thing we will figure out down the road. Originally, I had him removed from the original contract because we were just trying to get our stuff as soon as possible. Ideally, we wanted to launch with our feeds, which ended up being delayed. But I was just like, I don't want to. I don't want to raise a boy to hold to like nothing back any more weeks.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So we just I will deal with that later. Yeah. And then it was the process of they are trying to negotiate sales of huge properties and us. So what about Ratty Boy? What's going on with that? Hey, can you are we good with Ratty Boy? It is great. It was very funny that, you know, from our perspective of like, I'd be awesome to have that. And then having like a million things that they need to do that are way more important.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah, I think if on the list of all the properties those people are dealing with right at the end of the company, Ratty Boy would have been the very, very bomb. If not, I would love to know what was below it. We must have been the least important production to cross the threshold. You know what I mean? Like, we were just over the line of like, we it's an issue, we have to deal with it, it's money and business, but we were definitely at the bottom of the list, which made it
Starting point is 00:34:07 difficult and annoying, not blaming anyone for the feed situation of we. We had crossed, as he said, we had barely crossed that line of we needed to pay for this thing being the face like back catalog and rights and all that stuff. We needed money for it. There needed to be legal terms worked out. Parties needed to be involved. We crossed the line where that all needed to happen. But we were at the bottom of that line.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So it was priority to everybody else before. Yes. So it was that is a large factor in why we weren't able to launch with our feeds is having to go through that lawyer process while also understanding that we are not the priority. Which by the way, no hard feelings like we get it. I looked at the other properties we were at the bottom of that list. Like that's how you would prioritize it. It makes total sense. But we didn't feel slighted or anything.
Starting point is 00:35:00 It was annoying, but it wasn't any less annoying than anything anyone else went through or any more annoying than anything anyone else went through or any more annoying than anything anyone else went through. It's just what the process is. And we were just where we were, you know, in the hopper because of, you know, how valuable we were. And honestly, incredibly thankful to have it at this point, because I, I listened to a podcast that was going through essentially the exact same thing we were of transfer of ownership and they still don't have everything worked out. And they were probably two months prior to when we started. So it's been interesting to hear their perspective of what they're going through,
Starting point is 00:35:37 of like trying to get their YouTube channel transferred over and all of that stuff. Just knowing like, wow, as annoying as it felt at the time, because there was definitely a period as it felt at the time, because there was definitely a period where it felt like, okay, we're gonna get this done on Friday, and then it would be Monday and it would be, okay, this is gonna take two more weeks, and then there would be more time.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Like it was a shifting, it felt like deadline, but ultimately I think we got it in an incredibly timely manner, and I'm super thankful obviously for everybody involved in that process of allowing it to happen. 100%. Yeah, I was being a real pain in the ass. Like I'm super thankful obviously for everybody involved in that process of 100% allowing it to happen. Yeah. I was, I was being a real pain in the ass. Like I've never been particularly good of about like advocating for myself. Like I've, I'm bad at chasing people up cause I'm
Starting point is 00:36:13 like that, you know, they're busy and yeah. But in the past, in my personal and professional life, I've just been forgotten a bunch of times where it's like, oh yeah, we know that no one was looking at that the whole time and I was waiting on it. So I, for this, I was literally like slacking every morning like, hey, I was feeling like a real pain. But I think I think our enthusiasm for getting it done was eventually it eventually paid off. Yes, I think so. Totally.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Absolutely. But that's that's kind of, you know, we've discussed a lot of this in the early days of the regulation podcast, but that's kind of in a, we've discussed a lot of this in the early days of the regulation podcast But that's kind of in a nutshell the the business where we are and where we are is honestly a couple of months ahead of schedule and We've gotten there a little bit faster. So we're kind of in a point now where we're like, okay Well, let's let's look at what's possible now. Let's look at what's attainable Gavin mentioned that we might be adding another gaming slot what's possible now. Let's look at what's attainable. Gavin mentioned that we might be adding another gaming slot weekly in the
Starting point is 00:37:06 near future. We still got to work out our editing pipeline a little bit better, I think. But we're in the process of that. And we have some really, really, really fast and talented editors that we're working with, which which is great. People that we worked out with Let's Play, which is so nice to, you know, I had so much fun kind of being able to have a big creative lead and like work with the team involved in that. So being able to now be in a position to give work to those people that I just I had so much fun working with at Rooster Teeth has been awesome. And the amount of stuff coming in that where I'm just like, yeah, no notes.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's great. Yeah, I know. It's like the quality is fucking awesome. But it's also that's part of the beauty of finding editors that are not only good at editing, there's a lot of talented editors out there, but that understand your sense of humor and get what you're trying to do and are able to help you convey that through editing
Starting point is 00:37:58 and enhance it and we're very fortunate with the creative. And I think that shows in the work. Like everybody who? touches any of the stuff we do as a genuine enthusiasm for it and It just adds a completely different layer of quality. I think to whatever that product is or video or whatever absolutely do we want to Get into some of the questions that the Falcon absolutely people sent. So if you're a member of the Falcon Tier, like we can get back to talking about more other stuff
Starting point is 00:38:29 if there's other things we wanna cover, but I definitely wanna get to these questions. We had a lot of people submit a lot of different stuff. And I think these are good sort of talking points for us to get into. We got so many amazing questions. If your question is not answered or discussed in this thing That does not mean it won't be I have like archived all these questions
Starting point is 00:38:49 These were just some of the ones that jumped out at me or were questions We're like six people asked the same thing and so it's sort of grouped under that so This is from that one guy over there 33 Will you finish previous series such as Escape Academy from Let's Plays and video game stuff? I would love to. Jeff, do you want to keep doing Escape Academy? I'm just waiting for the invite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, we we. So we're sort of at a process, I think, with this, where I'm so excited that I feel like and I don't know if you guys agree at this that our legs are under us as far as like we still have things to figure out on the logistic business end. But we are able to shift more into like content pipeline in a way that I think is so exciting. And I'm just being able to.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Put more attention into that and not feel like we're having to put out constant fires and different areas. Yeah. Stuff like Escape Academy is like, yeah, we're going to get back to that. It just we've between getting a Patreon going in the back end of the business stuff like it is just been we have been scrambled in trying to get so many things done and can focus more on like we can just do content stuff. The process of Eric and I applying for credit cards for the business yesterday. Oh, my God. Oh, my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Do they make it harder than it needs to be for any fucking human? To it. Oh, I don't. Was it harder than mailing someone to Canada? Yeah, it was. It was right. It didn't take as long, but it was right up there. It was. See, I'm going to get mad. I don't want to get mad, but there was just like there was a. There was a fucking moment.
Starting point is 00:40:33 There was a fucking moment, dude. There was a fucking moment where I'm talking to a dude at American Express to get an American Express business fucking credit card. And he goes, I need to see your bank statement. And I go, not a problem. Here's my bank statement. He goes, well, I need to see your bank statement. And I go, not a problem. Here's my bank statement. And he goes, well, I can't accept this bank statement. And I go, why?
Starting point is 00:40:50 And he goes, because this bank is American Express. And I go, that's correct. You're our bank. And he goes, yeah, but we can't accept this. And I go, but surely the process of vetting us to give us a bank account is the same as, or more stringent than the process of vetting us to give us a bank account is the same as, or more stringent than the process of vetting us to give us a credit card, seems like a duplicative effort.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And the guy's like, yeah, I guess that's so, but anyway, I can't take it. And I'm like, so are you suggesting that I close down my American Express checking account and go across the street to open it up with a new bank and give them all of my money so that I can then get accepted for a credit card with you." And he goes, oh my God, I'm not excited. Oh no, no, no, sir. And it just went on like that forever.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Oh my God. Oh my God. Sorry. It was pretty cool. It was annoying. Surely if it's linked to the same bank, it's the most secure credit card in the world. That's what we were thinking and saying. And he was like, no. And that was part of the appeal of going this round in the fucking first place. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, that was like the whole reason. Was just like, oh good, it's all under one roof.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And it's like, well, why do we even do this then? You've basically fronted them the money for the entire credit line. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was just like, so now I'm excited because we put in the application, we talked to him on the phone.
Starting point is 00:42:01 He's like, yeah, we just have to go through and look at this and make sure. I'm so excited for them to say no. I think we just have to go with some, if they say no, we have to go with someone else and let them know we're going with someone else because they made it so difficult. Like it's insane.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It was so crazy. It's just like, you're right, Andrew. We're at the point now where our feet are mostly under us and we can focus on content creation, but there's still some shit the fucking My buddy Nick over there. I love him to death, but every 30 minutes He needs a new form right now, and it's just it and I know it's not Nick It's he's dealing with people, but it's the we we're still just dealing with some fucking
Starting point is 00:42:38 Administrative stuff in the background that's making me pull my fucking hair out, but we're close. We're real close We're real close and that is why Escape Academy will continue. So we'll get back to it. It was so funny that, you know, like when when the tax sort or business name was wrong with her taxing. And the only way to get that corrected is to mail them a physical letter explaining it and what it needs to be changed to. And then they just automatically process it.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I just watched John Q, which is a 2001 movie, all about like trying to submit forms and the annoyance and bullshit of like that process. And it is hilarious in 2024. It is the exact same shit. It is having to send physical letters for things and then being told the wrong thing and having to send a letter somewhere else. Like it was insane to watch a movie from 2001 and just go, there has been no progress, zero progress in this field of
Starting point is 00:43:35 God meeting government forms. It's gotten worse. I think it's probably even more annoying, though, because like the tech has gotten so much better around it, but it is just remained Dogshit in physical. Oh my god. Thank you so much for the question This next one's from Luna II Do you guys still receive any sort of royalties for monetize old face content? Yes
Starting point is 00:44:07 All of it like that. I feel like an important thing to clarify like if you watch any of the old stuff it helps Yeah, the face channel. Yes. Yeah Let's play no any any of our videos on let's play now We don't get any any monetization for the no revenue for that. But yeah, that was part of What took so long? But yeah as of I, I don't know, not very long ago, a couple of weeks ago, maybe we do. Although I will say we got the YouTube channel and about a week in, I was looking around back there and realized no one had switched the AdSense account. We were just still attached to the old Rooster Teeth absence.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So I think the first few days of our channel went all the revenue still went to them, which is fantastic. Oh my God. We're fucking so stupid. There's just so much in so many directions. That's not even a dumb. That was just like, yeah, we were doing a million things, and that was the thing that just got passed.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb and say we're not stupid. This shit sucks. Yeah, this sucks. This stuff, every fucking stupid little step, everything has to be checked, and you don't know what you don't know until you figure it out. And we, I don't know half this shit.
Starting point is 00:45:17 That's why I apologize to you, Eric, but I refuse to fill out any forms here on out without Eric in my presence. There just have to be two of us at all times. That's why I make them come'm making my house a lot. Yeah, it's just a lot faster. Luna also asked, will Gracie be making any appearances anytime soon? The hope there I talked to Gracie not too long ago.
Starting point is 00:45:34 The hope there is yes, but Gracie works a full time, full time job like big. She's working a big girl job like this is a real thing. Yeah, the last Gracie Witten became a grown-up. Yeah Like she's all professional and fucking corporate. She has a career. It's fucking crazy So we'll try not to tank that but also get her in stuff She's also in some stuff that hasn't released yet. That is true. We do have some things and I I've been working with Gracie a little bit on the side on something that I think would be fun. Uh oh.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Way to incorporate Gracie in a way that, oh, I'm excited about it. Yeah. As long as it's not a, I mean you can't blindside us again so it's fine. Uh. That's true. It's true. Did, this is from ScoobD, did Jeff take his refrigerator when he moved? I was just genuinely curious about it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I saw the questions like, that's a great question. Do you have that fridge? No, no. The fridge stays. Oh, that's right. Yeah, it's custom size. I wouldn't fit. And what am I going to do? Put it in this new house that already has a refrigerator. I'm renting. It would just sit in a garage.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Such a saga. It's It was such a saga. And but that's that those are the highs and the lows of homeownership. That's what it's like. That's the naked, honest truth. If I did anything over the course of the face podcast, it was to lay bare to you the the joys and the pains of homeowners ownership. And that's one of them. Sometimes you may buy a refrigerator that costs as much as a car and may take you more than a year to get it. And then you may get it put in and then about a year later, lose your job and have to move. That's just the way it works sometimes.
Starting point is 00:47:21 This next one is from fortunes faded. What is your assessment of the England Netherlands matchup this Wednesday in the UEFA championship? That's in less than an hour. Yeah, I'm sorry. It's you just say UEFA. Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I didn't know that. Yeah. I don't watch this shit. Gavin, what do you think that that's in like an hour. It's less like an hour, isn't it? Yeah, it is. In less than an hour, I've been shitting my pants all morning. I think that was from food, but also because I'm scared of England going out. Because they've been like, I feel like just scraping through every game. So fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Is Netherlands, are they a big underdog? Like what are, are they a good team? Do you know anything about the Netherlands? Do you know how many gears the Netherlands has? Yeah, do they have a secret gear that British people tell me about? I feel like I saw them in their high gear and it was it was impressive They seem like a good team. Still waiting to see England in their high gear. Yeah. They sort of pulled it out in the last.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Well, yeah, good point. Yeah, there you go. If it goes to penalties, we might stream it. So by the time you hear this, that's already happened. Who knows? Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure?
Starting point is 00:48:34 We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 PM.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit amex.ca slash ymx. Benefits vary by card, terms apply. This is from The Frosty Crane. Is there a plan to eventually release or continue face-off, and will the previous episodes that were first exclusive get up or behind the Patreon? Absolutely. And I think there's stuff with that that I'm excited about. I think being kind of vague about the timeline of that stuff is the way to go for now.
Starting point is 00:49:19 But but yeah, we're definitely going to do more of it. And there will be that that will be accessible. And I think the not too distant future. And is that going to be for everyone or for the. We haven't had that conversation, but I assume everyone. OK. Like all faceoffs going forward or just that first season? Just the first season, like really, that makes sense. And as a public thing and then the second season, which would probably be.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah. Which is a model that recently did a few times, I think, that as the second season is airing behind the paywall, the first season's going on for free. You know what they didn't do that with because there was no third season, I guess, is survive Block Island Meltdown. I am the winner of a reality show that does not exist anywhere. I wish I wish we would have figured out a way to maintain that. I really like that. I would be fun.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I was. Yeah, I was. That was I'm so glad that I got to be a part of it. That was such a unique experience. Yeah, it really was. It was one of the best experiences I had working with the company. For sure. This is from Jocelyn M said, can't wait for the new sausage. Loving everything we've been putting out.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Pico Park Stream killed it. Are there any new types of videos or content that you're interested in exploring, but haven't tried out yet? Love y'all and appreciate the joy you bring. So many. And I feel like we're right on the cusp. I feel like I'm doing a lot of that stuff. There's so much stuff that we can do that is, uh, I know we all have different things we're excited about as far as content goes.
Starting point is 00:50:48 I know me especially like it has just been a process of, as I said, feeling like we need to get our feet under us and then being able to pivot in unique and interesting ways of things that we're excited about. And I think the audience will really like as well. And with Patreon, it being a unique situation of being able to make stuff that we think you'll like and that we're really excited about and are not worried about it being a massive hit on YouTube or other platforms
Starting point is 00:51:14 like that, if that happens, that's cool. But like that is not at all the goal of a lot of this content. To to me, the thing I'm most excited about is how fast we can turn stuff around when we have ideas for this new stuff. Like we were talking about it the other day, Gavin, where it was that, hey, I got this mod thing for GTA IV, do you wanna try it? And that was like a Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And then we did it on a Thursday. And then it was like ready to go out. It was just like, from idea to idea to completion was turned around so fast. And that is not something I've been really used to, uh, with what we were doing previously. And that mod was something I'd seen probably a decade ago, but I remember at the time in achievement hunter or in let's play, we weren't really PC gamers yet. We were just like console exclusive.
Starting point is 00:52:05 So I was like, it kind of just like fell into the back of my brain for ages. Yeah, it's just like, it's exciting. It's exciting to be able to do that stuff fast and everything. And it's like, that's a great example of like that video spun off an idea for a series of them that we're really excited about doing. And it's, we'll talk about, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:24 talk about all the different things we wanna make and it's kind of hard, because there's so many opportunities and there's so much stuff out there that we wanna make. That's one of the things that I think will probably happen and happen sooner than later, because I think it's something we're all invested and excited about.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah. This from Julia M. What was everyone's favorite part of switching to regulation pod? Oh, that's tough. I know it's for me. It's so easy. I have so much more time to make stuff and not have to be in meetings explaining. Why things are happening or what needs to happen or being told what needs to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:00 There, there is so much more time to do rather than to sort of like mull over. It is such an, to me it's such a slam dunk answer. My time is so much more valuable this way in what we're doing, like infinitely more valuable. I find it hard to explain. My excitement has just gone way up. I just feel so much more responsible and I have eyes on more things that I'm just,
Starting point is 00:53:23 I don't know, I'm just so much more all in than I was before. Yeah. Yeah. I feel lighter and freer as if like 21 years of weight has been lifted, honestly. And I don't I don't even mean that to be silly, you know. But it's just like. It's just such an exciting time to be here with you guys, and it's just energizing at all times, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:51 And it wasn't like that before. I mean, I loved it before, but this is just like a different thing, you know? And it just feels like we're all plugged in to the same entity. And we're all like. it's very Borgish if I can get Star Trek-y for a second. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:10 I feel like we're a little, it's a little, we got a little Borg unit going. And I love it, because it makes, it's what Achievement Hunter was at its best. It's what Roocheteeth was at its best. It's just like the sum of the parts creating something greater than they are individually. Regulation Borg Cube. Totally.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Regulation Borg Cube. It is a really exciting thing of like we are making the stuff and our stuff is the thing. And anyone who is part of this community or involved with it is excited about that thing. And everything is unified as opposed to being in a place where it felt like we have a little corner of this larger thing. And to incorporate specific stuff for us just felt complicated or maybe things that from the top down of Rooster Teeth as a business made sense, didn't at all make sense with what we wanted to do
Starting point is 00:55:08 or like how we would handle certain things. Yeah. So just having full autonomy and it being all about the thing that we are specifically invested in and excited about has been incredible. Yeah, it kind of goes to what Eric was saying. And it's just that like no one can say no to us, right? Like we don't have to ask anybody's permission for anything. I don't have to pitch anything.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I don't have to make a, you guys have, like you guys, not you guys, but the audience has no idea how many, even as a founder of Rich Decks, how many pitch decks I personally created, how many one sheets I had to create to get stuff made, to get face made, to get face made, to get everything made, even though you would think
Starting point is 00:55:47 I would have some sort of a, what Bernie called, founder's wand that I could just wave and say, I bequeath myself a new podcast, but it doesn't work that way, right? You still have to have good ideas and those good ideas still have to compete against the other ideas and you still have to get yeses. And it's still, you still have to go through the process
Starting point is 00:56:02 and do the work and all that's gone. It's just stripped away are the only people I have to get approval from are two of you and I don't They could be two spite votes and those work just the same It's also nice to not have to say no to a bunch of stuff and piss off like entire departments like marketing We're always saying, some like forced collaboration that then resulted in us being punished kind of because we don't want to work. We wanted to keep our thing the way people like it, basically. No, nobody's trying to. This was and this was a struggle that we all felt at RT.
Starting point is 00:56:38 But nobody's trying to drag us into things that we have no business being in. Yeah. You know what I mean? Don't make sense. No, anyway, nobody's trying to force us into things that we have no business being in. Yeah, you know, I mean, I know anybody's trying to force us into other content that we don't want to be in. You're absolutely right. And I totally agree. And this is a question from Megan Why that said what things have been easier
Starting point is 00:56:55 since going, you know, individual brand IP and what things have been harder. And I think that's what we're talking to here is, yes. Yeah, that is what Gavin just explained is such a double-edged sword, because you're right, we don't have to do these things that are asked of us and everything. However, all of the heavy lift of doing all of the things, a sales department, a marketing department,
Starting point is 00:57:20 like all of those pieces of parts, a design department, like all of that is now on the five of us to see that stuff through. And it is easier to say yes and no and however we want to sort of delineate those things. But boy, seeing it through when you are a structureless form of just five people in a Discord call is way harder than when it is emails and somebody else's job the way that I was thinking about that question is Everything that they as an audience or community member sees is easier
Starting point is 00:57:58 Everything that they don't experience as that is harder. You're absolutely right You're so as a brilliant way to put it. Man. Yeah. That is everything that you care about as somebody who consumes this content and wants to be part of what we're doing. Infinitely easier. All the stuff that has zero impact on you. So much harder and is so much more pressure because there's like
Starting point is 00:58:20 we have to figure this stuff out. But it is absolutely worth it for that trade off. And it's also like it's not like a thing of we have to figure this stuff out. But it is absolutely worth it for that trade off. And it's also like it's not like a thing of we have an idea. Let's now pitch like 50 people about it and then get different tiers of approval and then have to try to figure it out and then make adjustments to it based off of that approval. It is like we come up with thing, we make thing and the only like it's not an approval thing, but like being able to see the audience
Starting point is 00:58:47 community reaction to it is like that is the thing of like, how do they feel about this? Like what what feedback are they going to give us that like, oh shit, you're like, that is an interesting point. We didn't consider that. Obviously, everything we're making is because we're passionate about it and we're leading with what we want to do first. But it's like that's the only wall of feedback we have as opposed to like
Starting point is 00:59:08 getting the thing. It's not justifying getting the thing made. It is making the thing and then seeing like, oh, OK, this is this is what people are into. Or like maybe there's a takeaway that we wouldn't have naturally figured out. But now the audience is bringing forward. So it's just a completely different, much more rewarding process. And I think it is more rewarding.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I think it's a good way to put it. I feel better about it. I don't wake up at three and be like, oh, fuck it. I got to email that guy. Like, you know, I think there's a handle that we have on it and I feel good about it. It's I'll say I'm working harder and longer than I have in years. And I feel like I'm working less than ever, if that makes any sense. I agree. It's like I'm tired from all the stuff we're doing.
Starting point is 00:59:48 But if it's felt like all of my energy has been spent so well and it's not frustrating. Yeah, although I do miss occasionally, Eric and I would have to brainstorm for collaborations that the company were going to do. And they're always ridiculous. But like the premise that Eric and I had to come up with an idea of what our borderlands, the movie promotion was so good is like I'm I'm sad that that's not a thing that's going to happen. Just like having those conversations, because it's still and I think will always feel to me that we're just making dumb stuff
Starting point is 01:00:22 as a as a group of idiots who are friends. And like, this is fun. And then it gets weird when it's like bad boys once you like, you got to promote bad boys, the movie and like, OK, well, is that let's shoot hot dogs that a cut out of Martin Lawrence like. There is a layer of like professionalism and then us having to touch like this professional is documents and being like, let's see if we can get this dumb shit approved.
Starting point is 01:00:49 To be like questioned about it too. Like to go, hey, we're gonna shoot hot dogs at these cutouts and they go, what does that have to do with bad boys? And you go, it has this to do with bad boys. And they go, I don't know. And it's like, what do you mean I don't know? I don't know either it's like what what do you mean? I don't know. I don't know either
Starting point is 01:01:07 I never understood people used to have to hate People used to hate when those RFPs would come in from like Doritos or whatever and they'd be like we need ten ideas by tomorrow Let's get a little session together and brainstorm. I always really enjoyed that. It was always just such a fun creative thought exercise You know, but it's but it's fruitless.. That was usually is nine times that nine times out of 10. It is fruitless. But every once in a while something would would go through and it would be good. But even even if nothing happened from it, I always saved those ideas. And a lot of the idea, a lot of the stuff we made at Achievement Hunter or Let's Play
Starting point is 01:01:39 was was initially from a different pitch that I just put my pocket and held onto and then used it for us later So it wasn't like it didn't get it was wasted if anything it probably helped because I may not have ever had the idea If I hadn't been forced to sit in the room and you know iterate on something I have some break it with there's with a couple more questions So we'll wrap it up and see if there's anything else we want to talk toward But I do have some unfortunate breaking news in the middle of this recording 12 minutes ago discussing film Kevin Costner's Horizon 2 has had its August 16th theatrical release canceled The studios are hoping that allowing more time to grow the audience for the first film before releasing the second.
Starting point is 01:02:25 That makes sense. That makes sense. Let's focus on the first movie. Give me my points back. You can't have your points back. You bought this. Oh my God. Dude, my untitled new line horror movie got pushed.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I don't have that. It's like, that's the way it works sometimes. You knew what you were getting into, second part of a Kevin Costner Western coming out within a month of the first part. Oh, you find a million ahead of everybody. You're fine. I'm the studio. Why did I do that? Did you see Kevin Costner dejectedly talking about the failure of
Starting point is 01:02:59 Verizon? Yeah, I was part. And I was just like, I've never seen a director be like, yeah, like I got another one coming in the pipeline. There's nothing I could do about it. But hey, at least those movies look the way they do. I'm real proud of that. Like, I'm going to lose a lot of money on this, but they look the way I want. Yeah. Did he go bankrupt making this film? No. Like he self-funded it, took out a mortgage on his house. So he is he he was getting divorced and everything that might've had something to do with it.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And then he's having to do stuff that I know he doesn't want to do. I just dropped a photo of it in the... Yeah, there you go. Kevin Costner has released his own blend of Green Mountain Keurig cups at a Walmart. Hell yeah. And it's Kevin Costner in front of them,
Starting point is 01:03:44 12.98 at a Walmart. I and it's Kevin Costner in front of them 1298 at a Walmart. I think like down it's fucking funny that they're doing this for part two when he's currently filming part three and Part four is still to be started. This is supposed to be a four movie series. That is insane Wow, so little avatar situation going on we do really do that's right Jeff. This is's real avatar situation going on. We do. We really do. That's right, Jeff. This is exactly like Avatar. Man, I can't wait for the audience to catch on to the first one, which is going to create, you know, because he hasn't for the second one.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Unfortunately, it'll be out of the window. So Gavin won't receive the benefit from it. But the slow build of the first one is going to really help me out. I think it's it's the furthest on the opposite side of the spectrum you could have where Avatar is a movie about blue people that everyone wants to see. And this is about white people that nobody wants. It's well, fans of similar to everyone, to people getting post-Avatar depression syndrome.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I'm having post horizon depression syndrome. I know there's more on the horizon. However, they have pushed it. Now I don't know what I'm going to do. So I live in a bleak, sepia toned world. I wonder if they put if they took the film of Horizon and they put a blue filter over all the characters and then drew some like avatar marks on them.
Starting point is 01:04:58 And then we released it the exact same way, but just with avatar. They would do better if they gave Kevin Costner a tail, it's making money. It's banking. Here's what they do to make this movie happen. They cut out each scene and give each scene to a different special or VFX house, and they can add whatever CG they want to each scene. That rocks. Then people will go and see that movie.
Starting point is 01:05:23 That would be an amazing film. Look for the Easter egg in every shot. Oh my god. Okay, this next question is from Sven E. Sven says, what happened to all the stuff from the museum like the tuxedo and the porta potty? We have half of those things. Well, the porta potty was last seen riding off into the sunset in a U-Haul. Yeah, I've got it in my studio currently.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I don't know when. Yeah, Gavin's got it. I knew we had it, but I didn't know where it was. He's got that, he's got the break show, and he's got a bunch of leftover f***ing face merch that was sitting around. A lot of straws. But, but, because those are things that we bought, that's our money. The tuxedo, however, was a purchase that we did not purchase. So we do not have the tuxedo any longer.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I apologize. But we do have the porta potty and we can try to dress it up. But that's the best we're going to be able to do. I I'm very sorry. We can always try and get another Jackie Chan outfit. Maybe we need to. Oh, what a good idea. Here's the thing with that, because I've had some thought we are in a community
Starting point is 01:06:36 like we are largely funded from Patreon. I think it would be so fun to get like figure out what either movie or item that is as like a community and do one of those auctions again and try to secure it. But I think that's a good idea. Everybody on board because it's. Yeah, I really, I really like that. I wonder if anybody of those they were action or auction off any of the socks. I think we could go further.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I think we could we could even leave the realm of Jackie Chan. I think we could. You think you'll think of a different tuxedo. I like the idea of getting a different tuxedo that is unrelated to the tuxedo. What is the next great tuxedo? Is it a bond bond? Yeah, yeah, that's the classic. That's out of reach.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I don't know, because like for lucky, we can afford a George Lason being who wants that? I was going to say that they're like I noticed when they were doing a big John Wick for auction, John Wick had like 25 tuxes now. All were cheaper than you'd expect. Now, I don't think we're getting more John Wick, unfortunately, but like if those the old ones go in rotation, that is a consideration. I was looking on an auction site. You can buy Luke Cornett's game worn NBA shorts from the finals for $700.
Starting point is 01:07:52 You can buy Jason Tatum's for about $70,000, but Luke Cornett was the cheapest I could find. $700 bucks. You can have his sweaty, you can have his sweaty dick sweat all over you. What if we went for a Chris Tucker suit? Oh, wow. That's like a rush hour for a Chris Tucker suit? Oh, Oh, Ruby Rod outfit. What if we built a collection of Jackie Chan sidekicks? Just put it up here soon. I love that idea.
Starting point is 01:08:18 We don't have the original thing that started us down this road, but we're going to do all of his sidekick stuff. All of his adjacent stuff. We can start a museum where the center container of prop is just completely empty. I want Owen Wilson's cowboy suit from Shanghai noon so bad. That'd be awesome. You know, some say the absence of a tuxedo is the real tuxedo. Wow.
Starting point is 01:08:42 I mean, I don't say that, but yeah, I mean, I guess I get what you're saying. I didn't say it, some say it. All right, last question. Will you guys ever consider having a PO box for us to send things? I bought some gifts to send in for the break show right around the time of the closure was announced. Love you guys and all you do.
Starting point is 01:09:02 That's from Christie. We have a PO box. I'm happy to report. We do. That you can send stuff to whenever you want to and Andrew is going to say that PO box number right now. But hang on. Wait, wait, wait. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Here's the issue that I have with the PO box right now. We don't have anywhere for this stuff to go. We'll go to my house. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:28 We all heard it. It's recorded. When Emily messages me and says, what the fuck is all this? Then I will go, here is the recording. Then it'll go to the studio. We're getting in the porta potty. Why don't we say we'll accept all mail
Starting point is 01:09:44 in like microfilm format. We'll just put it in the porta potty.'t we say we'll accept all mail in like microfilm format We'll just put it in the porta potty. We got tons of room in there. Okay, that's our storage unit Storage wars, but it's porta potty We're gonna have to get a fucking office someday. Yes, that's what I was that's what I'm bringing up because we're not gonna I'm not keeping this stuff at my house. I don't think we need an office. I disagree with this. Oh You don't yeah, I was just say you don't want us to collaborate without you well, no well first of all Yes, second of all, okay Remote thingsy like why would I want to pay money for you guys to make stuff?
Starting point is 01:10:20 I can't be a part of you could be a part of it over the internet. But I'm never am. It's never as good. Every time we've recorded in person, you've been on the Discord. Not true. Not always. Not always, most of the time not. I think the best stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Yeah, but the best stuff I feel like when you guys are together does not involve me and is like you're digging a hole. You're doing a thing. You know why it's, it's, wait, so we're not supposed to dig holes or we can't, or we- We're not supposed to do the best stuff?
Starting point is 01:10:49 Those are great. I just don't think there is a value in us having a physical space for realizing. Okay, you know what? Hey, hey, you know what? You know what, Andrew? You make a very strong point. So let's go ahead and take a vote.
Starting point is 01:11:02 All in favor of getting a space, Say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Nay. OK, I think it's a really like an unnecessary use of money. What if we got a storage unit first? The amount of stuff, though, the amount of ideas that came from just being stood around each other. So so hang out, hang out in a place where we're not paying for an office. You guys can hang out anywhere. You do not, we do not need to pay money for you guys to have a space to hang out.
Starting point is 01:11:33 This is the same issue as keeping stuff that people send in where we're just going. We're just going somewhere. We're just going to hang out somewhere. We're going to go to someone's house. Anywhere, any house. Yeah. Do you know where a really cool place would be? A space that we rent that we can use for whatever. Why rent like we have? You guys could go to a coffee shop.
Starting point is 01:11:51 You could go to each other's houses like this is happening. I know. Why are you dictating where we go? Because it makes sense to me. Jeff, you voted nay. Because it doesn't make sense. Hold on a second. But what if we wanted to like do a cooking thing, like a melon balling or whatever? Yeah. What if we wanted time to set something up, make it, you know, light it, make it look decent,
Starting point is 01:12:13 and then we don't necessarily want to film it that day? What, are we going to take all of our stuff back out of the coffee shop? If only one of us has a studio in which you could film things. He's volunteering your studio, Gavin. I have to pay for that. Well, that's what my point is. You're gonna pay me rent? Sure.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I would pay you rent for that. Wait, we're paying Gavin rent. We could be renting a space. That's the same. I don't see the value in us having a space constantly. Don't say us, say you. What if we did this? What if we, in conjunction with renting an office in Austin?
Starting point is 01:12:46 We rented one in Vancouver Island and every time we went you went and we all hate the office together That's just I think it doesn't make any sense, but I respect the vote I feel like there's got to be a technical way to improve the commute the the lines of communication to make it better Like we was always just a ramshackle thing we threw together in a conference room at RT the lines of communication to make it better. Like, it was always just a ramshackle thing we threw together in a conference room at RT. Yeah, and there's always, there's still stuff
Starting point is 01:13:11 that we wanted to do that we can't do because we don't have a space right now. It's like a gameplay thing we wanna do. Yeah, we do already have a gameplay thing. See, I don't know about that. Yeah, you do. You do, you do. You absolutely know about it.
Starting point is 01:13:24 It's just, we don't have the whole place to do it. The premise of I feel like a value that we have is that being a remote company, like we're I don't think we lose anything in our remoteness. So the idea of like making a physical space just as a constant doesn't make any sense to me. We can hang out outside of that. I can understand that. I think I also think it's not, like, even if we decided, well, I mean, we voted, so, but decided to get a place.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I don't think we would be doing it tomorrow. I don't think, I think it's a decision that would be, like, pretty far down the road as we grow and maybe our needs grow and change, too. I don't know. But I definitely see that it's a point of contention and I don't want it to be. I mostly would be happy with a storage unit right now just so we have a place to put shit
Starting point is 01:14:10 that doesn't burden Gavin or... I was on board of it until Eric mentioned my wife and then I got scared. You know what I mean? I don't know how that wasn't the first thing you thought of. I just, because I don't think a lot, you know Like if I'm being honest with you I most of my idle thoughts these days are taken out by hot dogs I just I think about hot dogs a lot. That's mostly what I think of What yeah, I've been thinking I had like so many fucking hot dogs in Michigan It's weird that you shit so much anyway, what do you think we'll lose?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Right Oh, weird. It's weird. It's weird that you shit so much anyway. What do you think we'll lose? Right. What do you mean? What will we lose that we currently have by getting a space? By getting a like, I just want from money. Money is like the obvious thing. The second thing is like, I just feel like that is not going to be an optimal way for me to interact with you guys. And I want to be part of that. And it's OK that there are times where I'm not part
Starting point is 01:15:06 of that but if like the idea of you guys always are going to this space and I'm the only remote one I hate that I can listen I I can completely and totally understand that and I think that the fear there would be if I were in Andrew's position it's like if you guys go to the office and you're in the office more and more and more then I'm a part of it less and less and less. Yes. And I would feel maybe, maybe pushed to the side. And as somebody who is the on the remote end of you guys in the office, it sucks most of
Starting point is 01:15:34 the time. I completely understand. I mean, the delay for content, I think it does suck, but I don't think we would want to record a ton. But we all, we all used to go to an office anyway. So, but, but then like for me, just my position of from a business perspective, why do we need to pay for a place that you guys hang out in? Why why is that like you can't hang out in other places?
Starting point is 01:15:56 That is just my thought as somebody who is not going to utilize. We know we can we can definitely hang out at a coffee shop and kick around ideas or go to lunch and stuff That's easy But there there does there is a benefit of having a creative space to play in Kind of like your old achievement hunter office I don't know that we need to address it today or even a month from now But I do think that there there would be a benefit of just having a place where we could go that we can Mess up and we don't have to disrupt my life or Eric's
Starting point is 01:16:25 life or Gavin's other business and we can turn the lights off and leave, you know? Unlike that whiteboard wouldn't have happened remotely. Why wouldn't it have though? Why couldn't that have happened remotely? We need a place to store stuff. We need a place to store stuff. And if we're already going to pay for a place to store stuff, I want it to be a place that we can go to as we see fit and not have to go through so many hoops to store stuff. And if we're already going to pay for a place to store stuff, I want it to be a place that we can go to as we see fit
Starting point is 01:16:46 and not have to go through so many hoops to get into. I don't see the benefit of not having a space if we are going to get together occasionally and film things in person. I understand what you're saying about being remote. We can figure that out. I do not think it will be a day-to-day place that we will go to, but I can see a Friday afternoon where we know we're going to film something.
Starting point is 01:17:11 That's there and we have all of the cards that people are going to send to this PO box that I'm about to read out and all of this other stuff because it's not going to stop. And we won't change anything that's remote now into an in-person thing down the line. Like we're still gonna keep everything we do the same. I understand saying that, but like. Eric does bring up one point. I am not gonna start the card show back until I have a dedicated space for it.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Like I've been kind of holding out on that. I just don't have the room for it in my house. Like it's, my office is mostly cards. So I need a dedicated. I've been kind of holding out on that. I just don't have the room for it in my house. My office is mostly cards. So I need a dedicated, I need a set if I want to continue the Break Show. And I would like to continue the Break Show for regulation at some point or some iteration of it. I do think that there's like, just highlighting collectibles and having fun and playing with
Starting point is 01:17:59 collectibles I think is something that there's a lot of entertainment value in. And I definitely would like a place to do that. But I also think that we're having a very serious discussion about something that's a long way off, probably. So and that just to clarify, I fully support that. Like, I totally see value in that, especially if like we want to film a specific show, like having like a does it do type thing. We would need a space like that. And I love that. Like I want as many of our creative ideas to have a place to exist and to make them the best they can
Starting point is 01:18:33 be as possible. My opposition to it was that it was originally framed to me as let's have a physical space to hang out in. Yeah, that's not I don't believe that's how we framed it. They know what I was. I was like, I completely I completely understand what you're saying. I disagree with your premise. I don't believe that's what we said. I said I need a place to put stuff. Whether whether it's what we said or not, it's what he heard. And that's the only thing that matters.
Starting point is 01:18:59 But I will say we had the old face office, Andrew, and I would go in there and I would sit there sometimes for a couple hours. I rarely ran into any, I saw Eric a handful of times. I never saw Gavin there once, I don't think. Yeah, I would see people in other places just around the office. So I mean, I don't, nobody went to the office
Starting point is 01:19:17 when we had one very often. It was mostly just a storage room. So I don't envision it would be that different in the future as well. Just my my perspective, just to clarify, it was originally brought in the context that you guys were swimming. And then it was like, yeah, we need a place to hang out. And that was just all I heard about it. I see. I that was my main point of like.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Being against it, but so you're saying we shouldn't rent a pool. No, unless we have pool content that I fully support the renting of the pool. Andrew, I completely understand where you're coming from. So I'm excited. The P.O. Box, if you guys want to send us stuff and please be mindful about what you're sending, because you're going to send a bunch of cards for a show that we're not making. Don't send anything related because it will.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Yes, we don't know how often we're going to check this. Don't send anything food related because it will... Yes. We don't know how often we're going to check this P.O. box. That's going to go bad. So please just be mindful of what you're sending because it's for shows we're not making yet and stuff we're not doing. So please don't feel like you have to utilize this P.O. box. But we want to open it up. It is P.O. box 13146.
Starting point is 01:20:21 You send that to Care of Regulation Company 111 East 17th Street, Austin, Texas, 78701. And to be clear, we will not be hanging out in the PO box. I got the biggest PO box they have. So we could if we wanted to. Oh, now that's a hang. We're already paying for it might as well. Oh, fuck. I'm paying for it. I switched that over to our company. Yeah already paying for it. Might as well. Oh, fuck. I'm paying for it.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I switched that over to our company. Yeah, you blew it. Yeah, you do. But that'll do it for a... Is there anything else you guys want to cover? This one a little bit longer than I was anticipating, but... Yeah, this is great. I feel like that was a really strong sausage talk.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Why do you think they never dye the outer packaging of sausages to make them like more fun for kids? They're always like translucent, clear. What do you mean? You think it's gonna be fun? I actually like a blue and red sausage. No, I don't want to imagine that. That sounds awful.
Starting point is 01:21:16 What about those red hearts? Isn't that kind of what they are? Oh, I just assumed that was from like physical red pepper and stuff. Is that dye? Oh, I don't know. I feel like you could easily dye the sausage casings. Oh, I just assumed that was from like physical red pepper and stuff. Is that, is that a dye? Oh, I don't know. I think it might be. I feel like you could easily dye the sausage casings. Now, if you add white, you get red, white and blue.
Starting point is 01:21:31 I'm all about that. Patriotic. Yeah. I'll put an eagle on that thing. What the fuck? You think this is more fun? Eric just missed it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:21:39 This is worse. Now that looks great. That looks like I'm getting my five a day, even though I'm not. Is that a British thing? You get five sausages a day. What do you mean? Five veg a day, five fruit a day. Five a day keeps the doctor away.
Starting point is 01:21:53 So that's right. Never heard that. That's what they say. It's a thing from when we were kids. That looks awesome. No, it doesn't. That's awful. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:22:03 What's not to like about that? The gradient. Oh, it doesn't. That's why you talk and what's not to like about that. The gradient. Oh, green. You know, those runs were like they get die thrown at them or whatever. It looks like those sausages went through those. They've all been on a fun run. Yeah, exactly. Oh, man. Well, this has been a lot of fun. And I love. Yeah, this has been a great sausage talk.
Starting point is 01:22:24 This is really great. Being able to recap our business stuff and I'm so beyond thankful for like the community support and all that, I'm incredibly thankful for all of you guys. You make this so much fun. And it's a genuine. Now, fuck, fuck you. Yeah, yeah, get them.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yeah, get them. I'm genuinely excited about Monday meetings like it's. I know. Like I am just to be able to sync up if we haven't talked in A few days like it's great. Oh, hey, can I give one piece of advice to the rest of regulation company? Well, while I have you guys here. Yeah before we end don't go on vacation You'll be miserable. You'll miss it so much. It's a stay here vacation in your bedroom It's like the FOMO is real and I don't get FOMO and it's a new experience for me It's not cool Wait until you see these heists you think that wow these guys are almost done with this one
Starting point is 01:23:15 They're gonna beat it in one and then you realize you're halfway through the video We love you, Nick Yeah, Gavin. We love you, Nick. I'm sorry, Andrew. I cut you off. You just continue. No, I just, no, listen, I'm done blowing you guys. It was, it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Love you guys. You can move on. Well guys, if you want to send in your sausage talk questions for our next one, you can. Sausage talk? Sausage talk? What did I say? Sausage talk? Sausage talk?
Starting point is 01:23:50 Well, if you want to send your questions in for sausage talk or sausage talk, either one, you can go to patreon.com slash the regulation pod, or you can go to for some reason, regular regulation.com. I can't wait to make my compilation of regulatory on. You can send in your questions. Those are really great questions. We had a lot of repeats. Those are the ones that we selected, but those are fantastic questions. Thank you guys so much for your support. Thank you for being here for us and listening to us sort of just ramble and prattle about whatever all this stuff was. Any any final thoughts for the folks listening at home guys?
Starting point is 01:24:28 Just thank you. Spay and neuter your pets. Oh shit. Thank you. Thank you. Love you. Bye.

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