Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - Dreams of the Coconut Princess

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

Narrator: Jessika Downes-Gössl 🇬🇧 Writer: Divya Tiwari ✍️ Sound design: ocean waves 🌊  Includes mentions of: Food, Magic, Bodies of Water, Nostalgia, Children, Summer, Gratitude, Pregna...ncy, Folklore, Fairytale, Fantasy.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we have a sleepy retelling of the tale of a young woman with long, beautiful hair - Rapunzel. This version takes place in India, in a peaceful village by the sea. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchandise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey friends, it's Tom. If you have young kids and they also need some help falling asleep, I recommend checking out the Signal Award winning and chart topping kids and family podcast Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr. Bedtime Stories helps kids drift off to sleep alongside characters from their favorite Netflix streaming series like Storybots, Super Monsters, and many others. Parents' favorite part? The show was created with childhood development expert Dr. Tina Bryson to help parents establish a nighttime routine where children can successfully transition to sleep while also building skills to navigate the world. And if your child is a fan of Wanderoo's, you're in luck. They just released a brand new episode with Kiki and Teshi about their troubles falling
Starting point is 00:00:54 asleep. Other new episodes include Gabi's Dollhouse and the Creature Cases. Win the Bedtime Battle Follow bedtime stories with Netflix Jr. on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you're listening now. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance Advisor to learn more. Hi, it's Andrew here, the host of Send Me to Sleep, another sleep inducing podcast from the Slumber Studios network. I'm dropping by here just to let you know that I'm starting a brand new season on Send Me
Starting point is 00:01:45 to Sleep right now. This season, I'll be reading Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island follows the story of a young boy who happens upon a pirate's treasure map. The discovery sets him off on a quest for hidden treasure, meeting bold characters and adventurous obstacles along the way. I've tried my very best to make sure it's a wonderful way to fall asleep, so I do hope you'll join me. If you're interested, just search Send Me to Sleep in your favorite podcast player,
Starting point is 00:02:22 and go to the most recent episodes to find this new season. I hope to see you there for a good story and a good night's rest. Welcome to Get Sleepy, where we listen, we relax, and we get sleepy. I'm your host Thomas, thank you so much for tuning in. Tonight in the soothing company of Jessica's voice we take a new look at an old story, the tale of a young woman with long beautiful hair. This is a sleepy retelling of Rapunzel that takes place in India in a peaceful village by the sea. And I'd like to say a big thank you to Divya for writing this lovely adaptation. for writing this lovely adaptation.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Don't forget that the very best way to listen to the show is on our supporters feed, Get Sleepy Premium. Everything is ad free and you'll have access to over 750 full length episodes. Tomorrow night we have a special long length stitched episode of our recent Olympics themed stories, so why not enjoy that with our seven day free trial when you first sign up. Just go to support or follow the link in the show notes. Now before we begin tonight's story let's take a moment to relax and get ready for a restful night of sleep. As you tuck yourself in, warm and comfortable in bed, imagine that you have a bird's eye view of a blue-green ocean. It's almost as if you're floating on soft clouds or looking at the ocean from the window of a plane.
Starting point is 00:04:52 As you watch the gentle waves below, you pay attention to their slow and deliberate movement. Your own breaths move in and out in a matching motion and rhythm, easing away any stress you feel within. The waves are full of wonders from every coast they have visited. When they reach the land, they'll leave gifts. You start counting the treasures carried by these waves. A flower, some fruit, a few leaves. There's something different in each one. Every so often a fish swims through the waves, right through the treasures. As you watch, you imagine the fish are carrying fruits and flowers to their homes in the ocean. The scene gradually changes as your attention is drawn towards the shoreline. Soon you see a charming village off the coast. There are tiny huts clustered together with a single begins. Once upon a time, there was a quaint village in South India.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It was a kind of hidden paradise. In this quiet haven near the ocean, the villagers focused mostly on fishing for their livelihood. Very few people lived in the village, as it was tucked away in a cove far from any big cities. One of the inhabitants was a wise woman who lived in a tall, majestic tower. who lived in a tall, majestic tower. Known as a healer, she was a reliable source of advice for the villagers. No matter what the problem, she had effective home remedies for just about anything. about anything. However, despite her reputation as a healer, the woman's true passion was gardening. Her garden was full of the brightest blooms and the healthiest fruits and fresh vegetables. It was admired by everyone in the village.
Starting point is 00:08:57 The woman tended to the garden as if it were her child, and her love and care brought great results. Even her tower was a testament to her green thumb, covered in all kinds of entangled vines and crawlers. The plants created a medley of all shades of green, adorned by delicate white and purple flowers. These plants were a spectacular sight, giving the red brick tower a unique appearance. It was unmissable, even from a distance. Though it was a sight to behold, there was more to the garden than its beauty. It also provided healing ingredients that the woman could use to help people. She had a great sense of how to bring out the best possible result from all the plants in her garden.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Everything was utilized. Most of the day was spent potting and repotting plants, spreading fertilizer and watering the soil. In her free time, the woman traveled around the village and coast, looking for new plants to bring home. She'd search in nooks and crannies around the village, patiently and carefully, examining leaves and smelling flowers. flowers. Other days she chose to wander up and down the coast, sifting through the weeds that the sea had dragged in. Splashing her feet in the water, she'd feel the sand between her toes as she looked through the long, dark seaweed.
Starting point is 00:11:11 There were all kinds of beech grass swirling around in the waves. Some of the emerald jewels from the sea would go back home with her, after she had identified their potential uses in potions and mixtures. Others she'd gently send back into the ocean to become food for sea creatures. One lazy summer day, realizing that she hadn't gone exploring in quite some time, the woman decided to set out for a long walk to the beach. It was a warm, humid day, so she was looking forward to relaxing on the cool sand and wading
Starting point is 00:11:59 into the water. She would finish off with a luxurious lunch on the beach. Once she had made this glorious plan for the day, she packed herself a full basket of regional delights. First, she made a stew with vegetables from her own garden, which were chosen after a close inspection of their health and ripeness. Then she packed rice pancakes, various types of chutneys made of pulses, and fresh fruits and herbs. When she was sure that she had everything, she embarked on the familiar journey. But although she was looking forward to it, she had no idea just how
Starting point is 00:13:01 amazing this day would turn out to be. The woman walked along the road she always took. It was lined with wild flowers on either side, some green and some with multicolored blooms. As always, she stopped to check them to see if there were any she could use. Then she continued on towards her destination. She could take all the time she needed. It was her day of leisure, after all. The beach was not too far from her home. The sea soon came into view, shimmering silver in the distance. When she got to the beach, she stood in the sand, marveling for some time.
Starting point is 00:14:10 She found herself reflecting on the seemingly unending ocean and its rich trove of treasures. The water glittered in the afternoon sun, like millions of tiny diamonds suspended on a single, invisible string. She wondered if it looked the same to someone living on the land across the water, and what kind of plants they had there. they had there. As she had done in the past, the woman wished fervently that the sea would bring her one of these foreign plants as a gift, carried along on the waves like a message from an unknown land. Next, she looked for a place to sit and rest on the beach. She soon found a cozy spot under a large tree with just enough shade. Even here, the sunlight felt like a warm embrace. The woman sat down and took her shoes off.
Starting point is 00:15:30 She was looking forward to walking around, imagining the sand between her toes. But first, she decided to unpack the basket and eat her lunch. The food smelled delicious, and with the scent came the realization that she was in fact quite hungry. After carefully opening the neat parcels of rice pancakes, she dipped them in the stew one at a time and savored them slowly. Between bites, she looked out at the sea, thinking of all the herbs and spices she would grow if she could get her hands on them.
Starting point is 00:16:26 of all the herbs and spices she would grow if she could get her hands on them. She imagined how they would change the taste of her food. Just as she was finishing up the last of the pancakes, she noticed an unfamiliar movement in the water. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but the thing seemed to be bobbing up and down on the waves, clearly headed towards the land. What could it be? she mused, knowing that a fish or man-made object wouldn't float like that. Instantly, she knew that she had to go and see what it was. Perhaps her wish for a gift from the sea had come true. She wiped her hands on a cloth and started towards the water.
Starting point is 00:17:29 hands on a cloth and started towards the water. As she got closer to the waves, she could see that the thing seemed to be round, tough, and light green in color. It looked a bit like a large rock, but it couldn't be because of how it seemed to float on the water. The way it moved gave the impression of weightlessness, as if it were hollow. She had heard mythological stories about magical rocks floating on water, and she wondered if it was one of those. rocks floating on water, and she wondered if it was one of those. In her mind, she went through all the fruits and vegetables that would match the description of this thing, but she could not remember any. This excited her tremendously. Could she have found a new plant?
Starting point is 00:18:28 The floating object was closer now, and the crashing waves seemed to be carrying it right to her. She watched keenly so as not to miss it, and soon it was near. it, and soon it was near. It felt like the sea was gently bringing it to her feet and receding quietly, like it was bowing out after having presented its gift. The woman grinned widely as she picked it up, tickled at the idea that she had something new to learn about, and maybe even plant in her garden. It was a hard, tough green object, and it seemed most definitely like a fruit or seed of some kind. like a fruit or seed of some kind. It was about as big as a melon, and she had to cradle it in both palms. While the surface was smooth in some places, it was mostly uneven and bumpy.
Starting point is 00:19:41 She turned it over in her hands and was pleased to see that it looked quite healthy. It would grow well, she thought. Then she shook it lightly. Much to her surprise, she heard splashing. How odd, she thought, carefully examining it. She looked to see if there were perforations on the surface, which might have allowed seawater to seep inside. But there were none. The obvious conclusion was that this strange, amazing fruit had some sort of juice of its own. The woman knew that she had to try growing a plant from this fruit immediately.
Starting point is 00:20:34 And with a spring in her step, she started back towards where she had been sitting. Gathering her things as quickly as she could, she carefully wrapped the offering from the sea in a rag. On the way home she carried it, holding it like a baby. She smiled, delighted, as she thought about what she would do with it. As soon as she reached home, she put her things away. Then she brought out her gardening tools and set to find the perfect spot for her beloved new plant. She chose an area unobstructed by her tower and the rest of her plants, in a relatively unused patch of the garden. Digging in the soil, she carefully moved aside the mud till she was sure that the hole was deep enough. Then she lowered the fruit into the space
Starting point is 00:21:48 and gave it a loving pat. She was giving it all her love and willing it to grow into a healthy, fruit-laden plant. When she was done covering it with soil, she sprinkled some water on the ground, and thus began her wait. From this day, the patch of land was the woman's sole focus. She would water it diligently, using her best fertilizers and potions. And she would pray to the universe, hoping to be rewarded with a plant. About a week passed before she first saw fine green stalks coming up from the ground. Then she knew the plant had taken root.
Starting point is 00:22:54 She nourished it as much as she could, and in no time at all, it had grown into a tall, thick giant, almost the height of the tower. The plant had a thick trunk, but all the leaves were clustered at the top, which was where the fruits hung. The fruits started out green, similar to the one the woman had found initially. As they aged, they turned into a dark brown color and were covered with husk-like threads. At every step of the fruit's maturation, she found that there was some use for it. She started using the fruit for a dizzying number of things. It seemed like every day she would discover something new about it. One day, some visitors from distant lands came through the village and revealed the
Starting point is 00:24:09 name of the mysterious fruit. They were coconuts. The visitors had never seen any as healthy and lush as the woman's. The coconut tree flowered enough for her to plant many others, and before long she had a whole grove of them. Much to her delight, the climate in this region was perfect for the plant, and they flourished without much help. perfect for the plant, and they flourished without much help. Over time, many others in the area grew coconut trees in their gardens, but none were as healthy or fruitful as the woman's.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Seasons changed and years went by, and the woman became something of a coconut expert. She learned to cook with the fruit and make ropes from the husk. The hard shell could be transformed into vessels, while the coconut water was used for treating minor illnesses. The woman's most notable achievement, however, was her process of deriving oil from the most ripened coconuts. This was something that no one else could do as perfectly as her. could do as perfectly as her. She used the oil for cooking, as well as an ointment for scrapes and bruises, and learned of its many nourishing properties. Many years after she had first come across the brilliant fruit, Years after she had first come across the brilliant fruit, a young couple came to live in the house next to hers.
Starting point is 00:26:09 They came from a faraway land and wanted to start a family of their own in a more laid-back, comfortable place. From the moment they arrived at their new home, the couple were smitten by the old woman's garden. When they saw all the blossoming plants and fruit-laden trees, they instantly fell in love with the place. There was so much to admire about the garden, but like everyone else, they were most enchanted by the grove of coconut trees. The trees were tall, reedy, and leaning over slightly with the weight of the heavy fruits.
Starting point is 00:27:06 The couple had heard of coconut trees before, but this was the first time they had seen them in person. And the owner of this magnificent botanical landscape was so friendly and kind. The couple were ecstatic that they had chosen this place to raise a family. Soon after they set up their permanent home in this beautiful place, they discovered that they were going to have a baby. Strangely, from the day she discovered that she was expecting a child, the young woman experienced a craving she had never had before. All day long, she could think of little else but stews made with coconut milk and grated
Starting point is 00:28:03 with coconut garnishes. When she was thirsty, all she wanted was coconut water. This surprised her because she had never tasted any of these things. One night, after dinner, she told her partner of these odd cravings. Instantly, the man decided that he would ask the old woman next door if he might have some of her coconuts. The next morning, before he left to do his chores for the day, he knocked at the old woman's door. It opened with a gentle creak. She received him with much joy, full of questions about his partner's health and their preparations for the arrival of the little one. Then she asked if there was anything she could do for them.
Starting point is 00:29:16 The man hesitantly mentioned the young woman's cravings. Happy to be of help, the old woman agreed immediately. She gave him the coconuts and told him how to use them best, along with some recipes for stews and curries. Commending him for taking such great care of his partner, she tottered around her storeroom, collecting bottles of coconut water. She always kept some to give to anyone who needed them. The old woman also selected bags of grated coconut, and in the garden, she carefully picked a number of fresh fruits
Starting point is 00:30:08 to make stew with. Overwhelmed by her kindness, the man asked if he could pay her for this immense bounty. The old woman shook her head. The coconuts were for the baby to grow healthy and strong. That was all she wanted. However, the young man insisted. So at last, the woman asked for two things. To name the baby, and to help with raising the child. The young man agreed wholeheartedly. What could be better than this? A kind, experienced neighbor, keen to help new parents, it was perfect. He went home, hands full of coconut goodies, excited to tell his partner about the fortunate
Starting point is 00:31:17 turn of events. The young woman was happy to hear the news, but she was even more ecstatic about all the coconuts her partner had come back with. She made the stews she was craving so much, and sighed with satisfaction when she finally ate them. For the next few months, the young woman thoroughly enjoyed the coconuts her neighbor so generously supplied. The couple ate the stews and drank the water joyously, all the while imagining a special child who would soon share their love of coconuts. In due time, the couple had a baby girl, and from the moment she was born, it was clear that the infant was very special indeed.
Starting point is 00:32:22 She had thick, dark, curly hair from birth. This was something that even the old woman had not seen before in all her years. She wondered if the coconuts had anything to do with it. After all, that was the only thing this young mother had done differently. The old woman decided to call the baby Ratna. The name meant Jewel of the Ocean. The woman thought it was a fine tribute to the fruit that had ensured the health of mother and child. She had always thought of her precious discovery as a jewel from the ocean. It felt like the sea had bestowed a gift.
Starting point is 00:33:21 The name turned out to be even more fitting than the old woman had expected. Even as a baby, Ratna loved the sight of coconut trees and the sea. From her perspective, as a tiny child, the trees were huge, leafy giants, with strange round fruits all the way at the top. She was mesmerized by them, and giggled every time she saw them swaying in the wind. As she grew older, she spent much of her day in the Old Woman's Tower, playing and watching the world so far below her. The top floor of the tower was directly in line with the tops of the trees.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Rutner would often watch as the old woman and her helpers went up the trees and picked the fruits. The coconuts were dropped into a sack on the ground with loud thuds. Ratna's parents had named the old woman as her godmother, so the child visited often. Her godmother was happy to have her around, and she taught her all that she had learned over the years about healing and gardening. Their absolute favorite thing to do, however, was oiling Rutner's gorgeous black hair. The old woman had realized over time that coconut oil was an amazing potion for thick, shiny, healthy hair. Ratna had been born with lovely hair, but with the regular oil massages her godmother gave her, her hair grew even lovelier.
Starting point is 00:35:39 It became longer and thicker as she got older. These hair-oiling sessions were long and languorous for both of them. After school, Rutner would immediately go to her godmother, who would be ready with the bottle of oil she had warmed. Then they would sit in the room at the top of the tower, watching the birds go by. Rutner would tell her godmother about various things as the old woman gently massaged the oil into her hair. She'd caress the girl's head with the gentlest touch, making sure the oil nourished her roots properly. Her fingers moved in small, circular motions, energizing and relaxing Ratna at the same time.
Starting point is 00:36:42 The temperature of the oil was always just warm enough. The woman would coat her fingers and massage it into Ratna's scalp. The oil felt like a soothing warm cap around her head, and it loosened her shoulders immediately. Almost every time, Ratna would be sleepy halfway through this process. It was a wonderful way to spend time together, but as she grew older, it became evident that the hair oiling was also helping Rutness's hair in a peculiar, extraordinary way. It grew longer and longer, with no signs of stopping. By the time she was seven, her hair was longer than she was tall, and it was immensely thick. Her mother and godmother had to join forces to do her hair.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It was the talk of their village. Ratna and her godmother were amused by the way her hair grew, and they made their own fun games out of it. One of Ratna's favorites was the way they measured the length of her hair from time to time. She would run upstairs to the top of the tower, and her godmother would go outside. As she stood at the foot of the tower, the old woman would call out, "'Ratna, let down your hair!" Promptly, the girl would swing her hair down from the window.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Her godmother would mark the place where it ended, painting a line on the wall. Rutness hair had gotten so long and strong because of the oil, it led to a running joke between them. Soon her godmother wouldn't need stairs. Instead, she might just use Ratna's braid to climb the tower. Years passed, and by the time she reached adulthood, Ratna had been educated in all the things her godmother knew. Now, she was just as knowledgeable as her. Ratna had taken over the tending of the garden too, as well as the coconut groves,
Starting point is 00:39:49 which had spread out substantially. Her reputation had been established quite firmly. Ratna was considered a worthy successor, and people looked to her very often for remedies and solutions. While the old woman did not do much healing anymore, they had kept up their ritual of oiling and measuring Ratna's hair. It now reached all the way to the bottom of the tower. One day, when they were carrying out their ritual, the Prince of the Kingdom happened to pass by.
Starting point is 00:40:40 He was riding along at a leisurely pace, enjoying being out of the capital. On these rides, he loved discovering new areas in the countryside as well as finding interesting people and objects. After he had been riding for some time, he passed through the village, and soon after entering he saw the groves of trees laden with coconuts. Riding towards it, he took in his surroundings. Coconut trees were everywhere, lining the streets and filling people's gardens. They swayed ever so slowly in the wind, the prince decided to stop near a pond. After patting his horse and leaving it by the pond to quench its thirst, the prince
Starting point is 00:41:59 kneeled on the ground. He wanted to look at all the flowers and plants next to the water. Just then, he heard a woman's voice, coming from the direction of the nearby tower. Ratna," said the voice, "'Let down your hair.'" How strange, thought the prince. He looked up, just in time to see a dark, thick, waving cascade come tumbling down from the top window of the tower. There was a young woman by the window, and the prince realized, to his great surprise, that the dark waterfall flowing down the tower was her hair. The waterfall flowing down the tower was her hair. It was the strangest, most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Starting point is 00:43:11 He simply had to find out how this was possible. The prince hurried towards his horse and then rode towards the tower. He found a lady at the foot of the tower, lovingly touching the ends of the young woman's hair. The dark tresses fanned out on the grass. The prince was sure he was dreaming. After getting off his horse, the prince slowly started to walk towards the old woman. He addressed her softly, not wanting to startle her.
Starting point is 00:44:00 When she turned to him, he decided to ask about the coconut groves. She must be used to such questions, he thought. The coconuts were even more luscious than the ones at his palace. Listening to her animated story about the groves, he wondered how he might turn the conversation towards the young woman with the spectacular hair. He found his opening when the old woman mentioned that the coconut oil was excellent for hair. She giggled, knowing full well that the prince had come here because of Ratna's hair. The woman called up to Ratna, asking her to come and meet this visitor.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Ratna had been listening to the conversation from the tower as she braided her hair, pinning fragrant jasmine flowers in her braid. She wondered who this person was, and what he must think of her strange hair. When her godmother called out to her, she pinned the last few flowers to her braid, then went down the stairs. The scent of jasmine and coconuts preceded her, and when he saw her, the prince was speechless. Her hair was even more beautiful up close. The little flowers interspersed through the dark waves had the appearance of a halo. Once introductions had been made, the old woman started telling the story of the coconut. The prince could not believe that a mere fruit would have this effect.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Surely it had to be some kind of mystical power. The old woman told the prince everything. From how she had come to find the fruit to Ratna's birth. She explained how Ratna's mother had consumed the fruit in all its forms when she was expecting the baby. And she told him of the regular oiling sessions. Ratna listened to the story she had heard so many times before, looking at the prince to see if he believed it. She knew it seemed magical, but it was very clearly true. The prince was awestruck as he listened to the old woman's story.
Starting point is 00:47:07 A fantastic plan was brewing in his mind. From the story, he knew that the two women had unparalleled talents. The garden, Rutnus' hair, and the healthy people in the village were a testament to their gifts of healing. So, he made them an appealing offer. The palace needed a good healer, he explained, and they had been looking far and wide. Would Rutna and her godmother be his chief healers and advisors? The two women looked at each other, neither saying a word. It was a handsome proposal, a very comfortable life, and the opportunity to help a much larger
Starting point is 00:48:08 population. Ratna knew that this was her calling. Thanks to her godmother's kindness, she was a strong, healthy, and knowledgeable woman. It would be a shame not to share her gifts with the kingdom. Working alongside her godmother in the capital was the best thing Rutna could ask for. She knew instantly that this was what she wanted to do. instantly that this was what she wanted to do. The old woman, on the other hand, wasn't so sure. Having lived in this peaceful nook for all her life, she felt uncertain about moving away. She told Ratna how she felt, and the young woman nodded sagely,
Starting point is 00:49:10 intelligent beyond her ears. But just as Ratna started to decline the prince's offer, the old woman told her that she needed to go. her. The old woman told her that she needed to go. Ratna was surprised. She didn't think her godmother would be comfortable with her going so far away. But the old woman was certain. It was time for Ratna to leave the tower and see the world. Her godmother told her of all the knowledge that awaited her in the big world beyond their village, and how important it was for Ratna to learn it. It was daunting, leaving her home, but Ratna knew her godmother was right. She had to venture out, and this was the perfect opportunity.
Starting point is 00:50:21 With a deep breath, Ratna nodded to her godmother. Then, turning towards the prince, she accepted his proposal. He knew it was difficult for both of them, so he smiled reassuringly. After telling them of the wonderful amenities at the palace, he spoke of the great things Ratna would accomplish there, and how comfortable she would be. At last, they bid the prince goodbye. He planned to come back in a month's time and take Ratna to the capital. After getting on his horse with saddlebags full of coconut goodies,
Starting point is 00:51:16 the prince started towards his home. The two women watched him ride away, both thinking the same thing. They looked at each other and knew what they would do to celebrate this amazing new chapter of Ratna's life. Of course, it would be a hair-oiling session. This one would be extra special, for they had much to talk about. The old lady set about warming the coconut oil, while Rutner sat down in the usual spot, thinking about the new adventure. As her godmother started the familiar massage, Ratna took a deep breath and savored the moment.
Starting point is 00:52:26 With her godmother's fingers working through her thick hair, she closed her eyes and gave in to the feeling of relaxation washing over her. In the end, they didn't talk, as plans could be made tomorrow. For now, they would just relish each other's company, with the sun setting in the distance, and trees rustling outside as the scent of coconuts filled the air. You The The You You You You You You You You You You You You. you

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