Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories - Nova's Earthly Odyssey

Episode Date: July 15, 2024

Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Chase Doan ✍️ Sound design: spaceship sounds, digital beeps 🚀  Includes mentions of: Food, Heights, Flying, Bodies of Water, Outer Space, Car, Gratitude..., Fantastical Creatures, Driving, Darkness, Science & Nature, Travel, Americana, Sci-Fi, Safety, Friendship, Wine.  Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we'll go on an epic adventure alongside Nova, a being from another world called Syntara, who travels far away from her home planet and visits Earth for the first time. 😴 Watch, listen and comment on this episode on the Get Sleepy YouTube channel. And hit subscribe while you're there! Enjoy various playlists of our stories and meditations on our Slumber Studios Spotify profile. Support Us   - Get Sleepy’s Premium Feed:  - Get Sleepy Merchandise:  - Apple Podcasts:  Connect  Stay up to date on all podcast news and even vote on upcoming episodes!  - Website:  - Facebook:  - Instagram:  - Twitter:  Get Sleepy FAQs Have a query for us or need help with something? You might find your answer here: Get Sleepy FAQs About Get Sleepy  Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story, each episode will guide you gently towards sleep.    Get Sleepy Premium Get instant access to ad-free episodes, as well as the Thursday night bonus episode by subscribing to our premium feed. It's easy! Sign up in two taps!  Get Sleepy Premium feed includes:  Monday and Wednesday night episodes (with zero ads). The exclusive Thursday night bonus episode. Access to the entire back catalog (also ad-free). Extra-long episodes Exclusive sleep meditation episodes. Discounts on merchandise. We’ll love you forever. Get your 7-day free trial:    Thank you so much for listening!  Feedback? Let us know your thoughts!   That’s all for now. Sweet dreams ❤️ 😴 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get Sleepy is a production of Slumber Studios and is made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and Premium members. If you'd like to listen ad-free and access weekly bonus episodes, extra long stories and our entire back catalogue, you can try out Premium free for 7 days by following the link in the episode notes. Now, a quick word from our sponsors. Prime Day is here, with epic deals exclusively for Prime members. You'll feel like you just won an award. Oh, wow, I didn't even prepare a speech.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'd like to thank my family for always needing stuff. Also Sam, my delivery guy, for bringing all my awesome deals so fast. You're the man, Sam! Shop deals on electronics, home and more this Prime listen, we relax, and we get sleepy. I'm your host, Thomas. I hope you're well and feeling calm and comfortable. It's okay if you're not quite there yet though, that's exactly what this show is all about, helping you find a place of peace, serenity, and good rest. I'm delighted to say that I'll be reading to you tonight as we go on an epic adventure adventure alongside Nova, a being from another world called Sintara. She's traveling far away from her home planet and visiting Earth for the first time. It
Starting point is 00:01:57 was beautifully written by Chase, one of our most regular writers, and we're blessed to have her on the team. Before we begin, let's enjoy a bit of time in this more personable section of the show, where I get to speak to you from the heart and hopefully bring you some reassurance while you listen along. It's pretty likely that we've never met in person before, we may never have spoken via email or other online means either, but I want you to know that all the trust you give to me and the team in being a voice by your side as you fall asleep means the world to all of us, and I therefore consider you a friend. As I entered my early adult years I felt pretty uninspired and uncertain of what I wanted to do with my skills and
Starting point is 00:03:03 qualifications and ultimately what sort of career was wanted to do with my skills and qualifications, and ultimately what sort of career was going to bring me fulfilment and happiness. As you'll likely know already, I've always had difficulty with my own sleep, and I had spent many a sleepless night feeling a sense of loneliness, wishing a genuinely empathetic voice could be by my side, telling me everything's okay. So to cut a bit of a long story short, I eventually realized that I wanted to give sleep story narrations a shot. And now here I am several years later as the host of this wonderful show, helping all of you lovely kind friends to get a better
Starting point is 00:03:55 night's sleep for yourselves. So thank you for that opportunity. I truly hope you feel a sense of reassurance, company and friendship every time you listen because that's what I've always set out to bring your way. Now it wouldn't be get sleepy if I didn't invite you to make yourself comfortable, to close your eyes when you're ready and to take a nice deep breath in and slowly back out out. As you continue to take slow, deep breaths, begin to imagine a spaceship about to land on Earth. It's carrying Nova on her visit from another planet. This is where our story begins. Nova's trip through space had been serene, carrying her across a dark expanse punctuated by distant constellations. And then, in the blink of an eye, her cosmic journey took an unforeseen turn. The cockpit of her spaceship was engulfed by lights as the navigational systems flickered and faltered.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Nova wasn't sure what had happened, but she did know that she would have to land on the strange planet of Earth, whether she liked it or not. She leaned back in her seat, held on tightly, and gazed out the viewport at the surreal landscape. Although she was an interstellar traveler, she had never visited Earth before. On her home planet of Sintara, life was lived in the sky. Her people had wings, and everyone flew among the floating land masses, all held aloft by Sintara's anti-gravitational properties. So already, she could tell she was in for a treat, judging by how different life was on this blue and green rock. All of a sudden, Nova's vessel made contact with her surface.
Starting point is 00:07:54 A plume of dust and debris erupted as her ship skidded across the unfamiliar terrain. It eventually came to a rest in the outskirts of a place the humans called the San Fernando Valley in the U. the US state of California. Her datapad, the piece of technology she wore on her arm, securing her in the seat. As the hatch began to open, the air that wafted into the ship was remarkably different from the atmosphere of Sintara, carrying scents that were both foreign and strangely captivating. Curiosity blossomed within her. She exited the ship, stepping out onto Earth. Nova could immediately feel the force of gravity weighing her down. The sensation was a novel one, and standing on the planet's actual ground instead of up in the sky felt strange, almost like she was in a dream.
Starting point is 00:09:40 She marveled at the solid ground beneath her feet and at the way the land extended in all directions, untouched by the perpetual winds that defined her own world. There were trees of varying sizes rooted to the ground and reaching towards the sky. Their branches held leaves of an assortment of colors. All of it was a stark contrast to the plant life on Sintara, which had been adapted to its aerial environment. The trees and shrubs there had evolved specialized root structures to anchor them to the land masses suspended in the air. This gave them the ability to draw nutrients from the atmosphere and the fertile soils. The plants she was used to exhibited vibrant
Starting point is 00:10:59 colors, luminescence, and ethereal transparency. Here on Earth, insects hummed, their songs a symphony of unfamiliar notes. Nova watched in awe at the creatures that darted between the bushes, and the small mammals scurrying across the ground, their movements both graceful and swift. Most of the animal life on Sintara could fly, equipped with wings and other adaptations for flight. The air was filled with creatures that varied in size from tiny iridescent insects iridescent insects to majestic aerial predators. Some had bioluminescent plumage, adding to the beauty of the skyborn wild that Nova called home. Here, there were only a few winged creatures from what she could see. And then, there were the buildings in the distance which she could zoom in on using
Starting point is 00:12:37 the advanced technology before her eyes, indicating what she was looking at. The buildings were grand structures made from what humans called metal and glass, rising from the ground like giants. The sunlight gleamed off their surfaces, reflecting the brilliance of Earth's star. She could tell that the humans were resourceful and wondered how their technology compared to that on Centara. As she stood there in wonder, she realized that she would have to disguise herself if she wanted to blend in and avoid unwanted attention. She had no idea if humans had interacted with other sentient beings like herself yet, so she didn't want to take any unnecessary risks. The
Starting point is 00:14:11 glinting wings on her back marked her as distinctly non-human, a being not of this world. She knew that to reveal them would be to reveal her true nature as an interstellar traveler, an alien in the eyes of the humans. And so, Nova tucked her wings close. Then she reached behind her to zip up the two places on her suit that fully covered her wings. Using her data pad, Nova searched for images of female humans to help her with the rest of her disguise. After studying the results for a few seconds, she reached up to her hair, which bloomed much like the flowers on this planet. hair, which bloomed much like the flowers on this planet. Thankfully, the strands responded to her touch, the texture and hues of the hair shifting
Starting point is 00:15:37 to reflect one of the pictures she found on her data pad. Transformation complete, she now had brown hair, and she felt confident that her guise would grant her the anonymity needed to keep her identity identity a secret. As for her stranded spaceship, she would have to leave it and hope for the best. Good thing she had her data pad with her and her ocular tech was still functioning as it should. Both would help her complete all necessary tasks and keep her informed of her surroundings. She also planned on keeping up with her interstellar blog, aptly named Supernova. She would fill each entry with pictures and detailed descriptions of her experiences, giving her friends, family, and followers the inside scoop on her adventures on Earth. Before she did anything else, she used her datapad to snap a photo of herself standing
Starting point is 00:17:19 in front of her spaceship. She wanted to upload her first blog entry about her not-so-smooth landing on Earth and the changes she'd made to her appearance in an attempt to pass as a human. She took several pictures of the area around her, so that those back home could see the stark contrast between the two worlds. Then Nova set forth on her exploration, knowing that beneath her human disguise lay the heart of an adventurer and a seeker of answers. She would search for the tools needed to mend her spaceship, all the while making the most of her impromptu visit to Earth. As Nova journeyed further away from her spaceship, a strange panorama unfolded before her. According to her datapad, the sprawling expanse of towering
Starting point is 00:18:50 structures ahead of her was the city of Los Angeles. It was certainly proof of the ingenuity of humans and their architectural prowess. Soon, the sounds of civilization enveloped her as she went down a side street and made her way onto a sidewalk that ran parallel to the main road. She could hear distant conversations, the rhythmic percussion of footsteps, and sounds from the transportation pods, which her datapad referred to as cars. which her datapad referred to as cars. The humans looked alike in many ways, yet were distinctly different at the same time. They didn't even spare her a passing glance, so the disguise was obviously working, at least here.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Her senses could pick up the diverse array of aromas that filled Earth's atmosphere. The scents from the food, cars, and different fragrances coming off the humans blended together, creating a surprisingly enticing medley. Nova strolled along the pavement, keeping an eye out for a place to find the tools she would need for her spaceship. Just being here for a short amount of time, she could already tell that humans weren't spacefarers, or at least not in the same capacity as the Centaurians. She did remember seeing satellites in orbit around the planet before her ship made its descent through the atmosphere. through the atmosphere. But from looking around, it was obvious that humans hadn't reached a point where everyday space travel was the norm. That would probably
Starting point is 00:21:38 make it more difficult to find help. caught to find help. But then, in the bust displayed miniature spaceships of various shapes and colors. This was the only shop she had seen so far that had anything to do with space. She couldn't help but admire the intricate creations on display, which prompted her to venture inside the shop. The door chimed, signaling Nova's entry. As she perused the aisles, she marveled at the eclectic treasures that filled the shop. On the shelves and counters were rows of miniature spaceships, many not so different from her own in their shape and features. She was impressed with the craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Starting point is 00:23:15 When she picked one up and saw the attached remote with buttons, she realized that these tiny ships could actually fly. It was apparent that whoever created them understood the basics of how a spaceship worked. Perhaps this human, who she suspected was the woman busying herself behind the counter, could help her fix her own ship. Nova returned the miniature spaceship to its perch on the shelf and approached the shop's owner. The tag on her shirt read, Sal, which had to be the woman's name. Their eyes met and Nova could swear
Starting point is 00:24:18 a moment of recognition passed between them. Like the human knew her to be something otherworldly. This was a smart, perceptive woman. Nova felt intrigued and cautious same time. Discreetly, she turned on her voice modifier to automatically change her words to match Sal's language. According to the information the datapad had given her, the language was most likely English. Engaging in conversation with Sal, Nova inquired about the miniature spaceships. Sal's response was warm and animated, her love for the craft warm and animated, her love for the craft evident. As they talked, they established an easy rapport that came naturally. Nova sensed a connection to this human beyond the ordinary. It defied explanation and made her feel as if she could genuinely trust Sal. Her gut told her that this was a person who might just be the answer to her spaceship problem, not to mention a new-found friend. Following her instinct, Nova confided in Sal about her predicament, albeit in a somewhat devious way. She said that she worked in the country's
Starting point is 00:26:31 space exploration department. During a trial run flying a spaceship, she had accidentally accidentally crash-landed it not far from here and needed to find the tools to repair it. This sounded like a plausible story, to Nova at least. Sal listened attentively, then informed Nova that she was a retired rocket scientist and an engineering enthusiast. She offered her expertise without hesitation, and sensing there was more to Nova's story than she let on, she also invited her to stay at her house. Nova immediately accepted, excited to explore more of this world and to get to know this human a little better. to know this human a little better. She brought up the schematics of her ship on her data pad and showed it to Sal. Together, they examined the detailed specs and then devised a plan to gather the necessary tools and materials for the repairs.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Sal's kindness and knowledge made the challenge feel less daunting. For the first time since Nova's arrival on the planet, she felt encouraged that her problem could be solved. Later that evening, as Nova settled into Sal's home, she couldn't stop marveling at the novelty of her surroundings. She was captivated by Earth's nighttime and the dark sky, a mesmerizing backdrop of twinkling stars. Accustomed to the perpetual light of Sintara's sky-dominated landscape, the sight of real darkness and stars left her speechless. And so, on her first foray into the night, she climbed out the bedroom window and ascended to the rooftop of the house. Data-pad in hand, she was ready to capture the scene for her blog and her memories.
Starting point is 00:29:47 for her blog and her memories. With each snapshot, she attempted to convey the sheer awe that consumed her. Lying down on her back beneath the celestial canopy and gazing up at the stars, Nova thought about the connection she had forged with Sal. This new acquaintance made her happy and optimistic, and she wondered where it would lead. and she wondered where it would lead. She had a feeling that they might just be the first two beings to find themselves in such a situation. Her travel blog would soon recount the profound sense of belonging she experienced here on Earth. Friendship, curiosity, and the shared journey of an alien and a human had all the markings markings of a great story. She couldn't wait to tell it. The night, with thousands of points of starlight in the velvety expanse,
Starting point is 00:31:17 stole Nova's attention for hours. for hours. She was overcome with the irresistible yearning to feel the currents of Earth's atmosphere against her skin and to fully surrender to the pull of gravity. Beneath her human guise, her wings twitched in silent agreement. She reached behind her to unzip the back of the suit and allow her wings to unfurl from their hiding place. They expanded, catching the night air in a sensation she would never get used to. The tug from the force of gravity reminded her that she was no longer in the endless skies of Sintara. With a rush of exhilaration, Nova took a running leap off the roof and launched herself into the air. Her wings beat faster to compensate for the pull of gravity, the weight and odd feeling
Starting point is 00:32:53 that affected her movements, but the thrill and the unfamiliarity of it all made up for the physical exertion. Her flight took her through Earth's darkened realm, the nocturnal world coming alive in ways that the daytime concealed. She was a silent observer gliding through the sky. Nova had never gone this long without flying. It made her relish the chance to spread her wings like she was born to do. to spread her wings like she was born to do. Night on Earth brought out a range of different aromas that weren't so noticeable during the day. The reduced noise, visual distractions, and traffic meant her senses were more attuned to her surroundings. She could smell the fragrances of night blooming flowers, which she was able to find and zoom in on with her eye tech, pinpointing a few like Jasmine and Tube
Starting point is 00:34:30 Rose. She discovered that humans give off distinct evening scents from their nighttime activities, such as cooking dinner and lighting fires and candles in their homes. And the soundscape of the night was just as unique. The hooting of birds called owls, the chirping insects, and the rustling of creatures moving among the foliage created a soothing soundtrack. Nova took it all in. in, her senses heightened in this strange environment as she flew over the shadowed land. She documented the experience with her datapad, and she did her best to capture the essence of this nocturnal world in the images she took for her blog. She finally returned to the rooftop, hovering over her chosen landing pad.
Starting point is 00:36:02 To her surprise, Sal was waiting for her. She was sitting on the roof with her legs stretched out in front of her and a big smile on her face. The first rays of dawn had begun to illuminate the horizon as Nova touched down on the roof, the gentle flutter of Nova's real identity. When Nova asked Sal how long she had known, the human smile widened. She admitted that she had sensed something extraordinary about her, something beyond the bounds of this world from the moment they first met. Nova couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and gratitude at this revelation.
Starting point is 00:37:31 She had intended to share her true self with Sal anyway. The connection they had was too precious to be built on secrets. Nova told her human friend that she trusted her to keep her identity to herself. Speaking those words out loud, Speaking those words out loud, Nova transformed, the human guise that had concealed her, dissipating like a vanishing mist. She stood there, her iridescent skin shimmering like a soap bubble in the early morning light. Her hair was a cascade of colors that bloomed just like the flowers on earth, the strands delicate stems with clusters of petals at the ends. Sal's eyes widened in amazement, her heart filled with gratitude to witness
Starting point is 00:38:58 such a wonder. Nova was exceedingly beautiful and so different from what most humans thought aliens might look like. The two enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, Nova taking great delight in each bite as she savored the buttery and sweet flavors. They were unlike anything she had ever tasted before. She wanted to experience more of this strange and wonderful planet. wanted to experience more of this strange and wonderful planet. When Sal suggested they go on a tour of the state before repairing the spaceship, giving Nova a chance to sightsee, she was thrilled. So, under the blue California sky, the pair climbed into what seemed to be a house on
Starting point is 00:40:12 wheels, which Sal spaceship repairs on hold. Nova transformed back into her human guise, her radiant wings once more tucked in close and covered by her suit. Their journey started along the stunning Pacific Coast Highway, where the rugged cliffs met the endless blue expanse of the ocean. Nova stared out of the window, marveling at the sight of the crashing waves, which were as breathtaking as the skies of Sentara. On her planet, water came in the form of crystal clear waterfalls. They cascaded from the floating islands, creating sparkling rainbows as they plummeted all the way down toward the void below. Nova documented everything, updating her blog with each new experience and observation.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Their next stop was the iconic Santa Monica Pier, where they strolled along the bustling boardwalk. Nova couldn't get enough of the aromas, the scents of the salty air, and sweet cotton candy. Sal linked her arm with Nova's and led her to a stand that advertised something called ice cream. A man was handing out odd-looking cones filled with a creamy substance. When they reached the front of the line, Sal ordered for both of them. She handed Nova a cone topped with three different colors of ice cream, which she explained were flavors known as chocolate, cookies and cream, and vanilla. Sal watched Nova's reaction as she indulged in her first taste of the sugary treat, her face lighting up with joy after every lick. Nova ate her ice cream in record time, delighting in its creamy sweetness.
Starting point is 00:43:40 There wasn't anything like it on Sintara. There wasn't anything like it on Sintara. They then ventured inland, making a couple of stops so Sal could acquire some tools before climbing through the Hollywood Hills and gazing down on the sprawling metropolis below. From up here, the similarities between Earth and Sintara seemed more apparent to Nova. Both were civilizations made of countless individuals, all working together not simply to survive, but to thrive too. The skyline of Los Angeles alone was a testament to human achievement. Sal parked the camper in a secluded space as the sun began to set. While they enjoyed a dinner of hot dogs, Sal pointed out a few landmarks, and Nova regaled her with stories of Sintara.
Starting point is 00:45:10 As the sun slipped below the horizon, Nova showed Sal pictures of her home saved on her datapad. Sensing her friend's longing to visit Sintara, Nova promised to take her there one day and give her a tour. She knew their friendship would continue to grow across space and time. And who knew, maybe this whole experience was meant to happen. Not only to foster a deep connection between Nova and Sal, a deep connection between Nova and Sal, but also to be the catalyst that could bring the two civilizations together. They spent the night outside on blankets so Nova could stargaze and spread her wings to sleep more comfortably. The following day, they got back on the road, soon finding themselves in the vibrant streets of Chinatown.
Starting point is 00:46:52 of Chinatown. Finding a place to park the campervan proved to be a challenge, but Sal knew the area well enough to manage it. There were people everywhere as the pair strolled along the streets, exploring the blend of cultures and sampling the flavors of the food from different vendors. Nova was fascinated by the diversity of Earth's inhabitants, comparing it to the harmonious coexistence on Sin-Tara. Once they'd had their fill of Chinatown, Sal and Nova embarked on a road trip to the Mojave Desert. Nova was still getting used to the feeling of moving horizontally all the time, but with the windows rolled down, the wind in her hair, and the catchy songs playing out of the speakers. She enjoyed every moment of the journey. When Sal told her that the Mojave Desert had been the setting of a number of sci-fi movies involving aliens, she couldn't help but laugh. Most of the alien worlds she knew of looked nothing like this rugged landscape. The arid desert was far from anything she had ever experienced. Its intense heat and vast stretches of sand, interspersed with volcanic
Starting point is 00:48:51 craters and Joshua tree forests, were stark contrasts to the temperate skies of Sintara. of Sintara. After finding the perfect spot to in full force, she understood just how special this place was. It felt like looking at the entire cosmos with the thousands of stars, constellations, and planets that dotted the sky. They could even see the Milky Way. Nova asked why there were more stars here compared to the places they'd been before. here compared to the places they'd been before. Sal explained that the desert's remote location, away from major cities and the various sources of light pollution, allowed for some of the darkest skies in the southern part of the state. skies in the southern part of the state.
Starting point is 00:50:34 The Mojave National Preserve, a protected area encompassing much of the desert, was also designated as a dark sky park. Only a few places on Earth earned that distinction. Nova had never felt so close and connected to the universe as she did now, gazing upon the spectacle of celestial wonders above. That day's blog entry was an extensive one, full of pictures of the stunning nightscape. Next on the tour, Sal took Nova to visit Napa Valley and introduced her to the art of winemaking. The rich wines she tasted bolstered her appreciation of earth and its soil. Back on Sintara, they had floating vineyards, where the grapes were called Aerovinos, or at least that was the English translation.
Starting point is 00:52:00 From Napa Valley, the camper made its way to San Francisco. Nova and Sal explored the eclectic streets, journeying up the steep hills and taking in the sight of the iconic cable cars and the Golden Gate Bridge. Nova fell in love with the city, her observations filling up her travel blog as she captured every experience. Much later, back at Sal's cozy home, the two spent a day relaxing before planning on finally repairing Nova's spaceship. Sitting on the couch, Sal introduced Nova to the internet. The vast expanse of information and human stories was similar to what the Centaurians had. As Nova used her datapad to share her unique perspective, Sal encouraged her to upload
Starting point is 00:53:30 her blog onto the internet here on Earth. Although they knew that most humans would doubt her origins, Nova embraced the opportunity to share her discoveries with both civilizations. The blog was a journey of mutual discovery and a celebration of the extraordinary beauty of the two worlds, not to mention the enduring connection that had brought a curious alien and a kind-hearted human together. Their adventures were a testament to the power of friendship, bridging the gap between Earth and the stars. On Nova's last day on Earth, Sal drove them to the site where the spaceship waited. The vessel was exactly where Nova had left it, sitting there bathed in the golden light of the California sun. Nova shed her human disguise, her wings now free and unbound.
Starting point is 00:55:13 The two gathered the tools for the repair and began to work together with a synergy that had developed over the course of their adventures. Once the final repairs were made, Nova and Sal turned to each other. Nova promised she would stay in contact and see her again very soon. Sal smiled, her voice full of warmth, as she told Nova that she would hold her to that promise. They made plans for Nova to return to Earth in the near future. She would pick Sal up and take her on a journey through space, a tour of Sintara, and countless
Starting point is 00:56:18 adventures beyond. As they embraced one another, it was not a farewell, but a see you later. Nova climbed into the spaceship and shut the hatch, preparing for departure. They waved at each other, their hearts filled with the promise of a reunion. The spacecraft rose into the sky, ascending towards the stars, until it was just a speck in the cosmos. Nova and Sal's story was just beginning, and the universe would have to wait for their next chapter. You You You The The You You You The The You You You You The You You You You You The you you

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