Ghostrunners - 101 - Camel Rides in the Desert

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

We're in Phoenix and Brad has some unbelievable stories of trying to rent a car, going to the zoo, and seeing Jake perform for the first time. Jake went home for Easter and found some amazing things i...n his high school yearbook. Also Brad finishes the episode with some Trey Kennedy impressions. Enjoy! Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, Brad, I once again have another follow up from a story from last week's podcast. Perfect. Do you remember that one time on the podcast I told you the story about how we chained my dog Lucky to trampoline and he ran away with the trampoline? Yes. Okay. And then the week after that, I told you that we actually watered my dog to try and electrocute him further so he could feel the pain from the electric fence. Yes. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:00:19 So it's that same story. I got to see my grandpa for Easter and I was talking to him about it. I was like, now my dad is saying that this is your idea. Do you remember this? And he just starts laughing. Oh yeah. I remember. Yeah. I remember trying to water, trying to water lucky. And he goes, did your dad tell you about the time he tried to run him over in his car? And I was like, what? Tried to run him, tried to run him over. Okay. So then I talked to my dad about it and yeah, I guess it kind of like took a little like um i think it did something to like caitlin like it like took a little like bite at her or something
Starting point is 00:00:51 or like frustrated him and so he just started chasing lucky through the field in our uh in our minivan we had a van called the p van because cats would get in it and pee that's a whole different story i guess but um yeah he tried to run for my dog and i guess that's his life on the farm i don't know he never told us that's just cutthroat or yeah drive over throat yeah uh-oh oh i think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white me too midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat so come along let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet Cause it's the Ghost Rubs Podcast
Starting point is 00:01:27 Ghost Rubs Podcast Every Monday morning we're taking ground Ghost Rubs Podcast Ghost Rubs Podcast Alright Episode 101 101 baby, California California, California.
Starting point is 00:01:45 California dream boat. Yeah. Highway 101. California. We're on location this week. Almost in California. It feels like California. California time zone.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Well. Yeah. Yeah. Not time zone. California time. Tell me what that means. So we're in the mountain time zone, but Arizona doesn't do daylight saving. So in the summer.
Starting point is 00:02:04 We're two hours we are pacific yeah yeah i was texting somebody earlier who's getting a uh table delivered to him it was two o'clock yeah you're welcome all right thank you uh i was anticipating the next thing um and it was like two o'clock here and he's like yeah i gotta take my son to baseball practice real fast i was like at two o'clock hey thursday yeah let him go to take my son to baseball practice real fast. I was like, at two o'clock? Hey, Thursday? Yeah, let him go to school. Yeah. That's more important right now.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I was like, oh no, in Maryland, it's five o'clock. It's wild. Maryland's crazy. It was. It's wild time. So yeah, man, Arizona's a nice place. Arizona's nice. We're here.
Starting point is 00:02:41 We're in the dining room of Trey and I's Airbnb. Yeah. We packed all of our podcast equipment up. It's quite a bit. I'd say it's, you know, 10 to 15 pounds worth. Oh, yeah. We're holding our microphones. Couldn't fit the mic stands. I don't know if pounds or kilos is the right metric to use these.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Because let's talk about that. Let me go grab the packaging. So as we're loading, so as we're going through security at the airport, I just noticed that Isaac gets flagged. So, so as, uh, we're loading, so as we're going through security at the airport, um, I just noticed that Isaac gets flagged, you know, one of those, like, Hey, you need to, you need to come, come, uh, come over here. We had to take a look at something in your bag. And I'm like, okay, yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Like, uh, cause he didn't take out any of the equipment. I don't think, um, he, they, they take out this huge, like bubble wrapped thing. And I don't know much about drugs, but every single, every single show I've ever seen that has drugs in it, that they find like a kilo of cocaine. It was the exact size and look and like, like weights, like the way that he held it and everything. I was like, they're going to think we're smuggling something in there. And they're like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:03:42 And I was just like, like, so matter of fact, it's's a microphone it's a microphone for a ghost nurse podcast every monday morning yeah you know you know the podcast uh hundreds of thousands of people listen every week so um anyway and so so then yeah he gets flagged and we're not in like a huge hurry because we were both like we're all just so irresponsible so we didn't check in until the last minute and so we're all okay boarding group like c47 um yeah i know seriously with katherine i'm like you know b5 every time but but here you know if i'm by myself i apparently don't know how to function so um so yeah anyway but we're in a little bit of a hurry and so i'm like okay hopefully i can get this through and then harrison gets flagged for something like gosh they probably got him with a kilo two kilos um and turns out harrison they were they were fine with his podcast equipment but and then Harrison gets flagged for something. I'm like, gosh, they probably got him with a kilo too. A kilo of something.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And it turns out Harrison, they were fine with his podcast equipment, but Harrison forgot to unpack his pliers from his bag. And so they're like, what are you going to use these for, huh? He's like to unpackage the kilo of Coke in that guy's bag. That bubble wrap works really well. You got to use this thing to get it off.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So it was just like, oh my gosh. Why did he he have pliers it would make sense for the woodworker of the group yeah sure the woodworkers to have pliers i think he said that he just had them in his bag and he forgot to take them out but he didn't ever know why he put him in his bag originally so that's a harrison thing i don't even know why it was why he's doing here yeah so uh but they let him they let him keep the pliers really they just needed to know like a reason why he had them i mean if jason bourne had those pliers he'd take down a lot of planes so uh luckily harrison's not jason bourne we made it to arizona just fine uh we actually somehow like we were like i was literally c47 and we somehow got in a we didn't get in a row together harrison isaac sat next to each other and i sat on the aisle and so we were all three in a row it was great oh cool yeah uh mostly just slept but still it
Starting point is 00:05:28 was fun yeah fun to be by each other you haven't flown in a while what'd you think it's fine it was kind of weird uh falling asleep with a mask on oh yeah because then you get reprimanded no i get in trouble a lot first falling asleep no wake up like dad oh sorry hi you're just the stewardess um no i well i feel like it just i can't help but like my mask will fall down when i'm sleeping and they'll like wake me up like over the over the nose please sir oh really the nose i'm like i'm not trying to i'm unconscious i'm in the window seat you're like itching your face or something or i'm guessing i must you know maybe i'm a mouth breather maybe my jaw's moving a little bit yeah maybe i'm a little bit of an anti-masker subconsciously and it comes out in my dream life i don't know yeah it was it was fine it it was like a three-hour
Starting point is 00:06:14 flight we're going to hawaii next week and so that's going to be a long mask time that's a long mask time that's a long mask trip right there it is when you've got layovers or i forgot where i went recently oh i think it was when i went down to florida you know you i flew to atlanta a couple two and a half hour flight then a three hour lay over then another hour and a half flight you know it's like i've had my mask on for eight hours and i'm not gonna complain because nurses do it for 12 but i am gonna get sweaty i am gonna notice my upper lip feeling weird oh it was wonderful whenever they delivered the pretzels i i milked those pretzels i nursed them like i just so slowly ate those you milk their pretzel that's they have pretzel milk now
Starting point is 00:06:54 they do that's right people like you it's pretty good found out how to milk pretzels they're like you want more to drink i was like yeah i do i'm gonna chew this ice as long as i can suck on it uh so it was, it was fine, fine trip. And so anyway, let me, let me tell you about once we get to the airport. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We had, we had some fun guys. So, um, I guess,
Starting point is 00:07:16 I guess the main theme of everything is just that we're just bachelor kind of guy. We're just, we're just three, three guys by ourselves. No, no women, no responsibilities really and so isaac was the one that booked the airbnb we'll get there um but isaac's like hey
Starting point is 00:07:31 like first of all great for isaac for being 20 years old and taking care of the airbnb you know like yeah i understand like i would have done it eventually but he did a good job of being proactive with it um and it wasn't like he was proactive you know weeks in advance he was proactive like a one week in advance sure so um and like, yeah, but I can't do the rental car. So one of you is going to have to do that. So I looked it up like, I think the day before, I'll be honest, maybe two days before trying to get a rental car. And it was like, it says, there's not really anything online, which is weird. Let's just get there. And like, we'll find it. We'll find it. We'll either one at the airport or we'll find one, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:04 close by. Cause I'm like in Kansas city, city you can rent there's a million places to rent a car we can find one around uh long story short arizona was not the same way uh we get there to the you know rental car terminal thing we had to take like a bus like whatever five ten minutes away from the airport yeah there it's not a quick quick drive no it is nice though as far as like that rental car terminal is nicer than kansas city's entire airport yeah it's not a quick quick drive no it is nice though as far as like that rental car terminal is nicer than kansas city's entire airport yeah it's kind of crazy yeah this is just for thrifty and fox right they have so nice yeah airport rental java cafe or something in there like golly um but anyway we get there and we're just like let's just go to different places and
Starting point is 00:08:40 see if they have any cars and every single one of them they stop you almost immediately and they're like do you have a reservation no okay we're all sold out i was like is there any place that has them they're like try fox so first of all fox sucks they might have some pretty much i've never heard of fox have you heard of fox before i've seen the logo it's blue right yeah blue and yellow um so we go over to fox and it has a sign that says cars available. We're like, great. That's a great sign to see when you need a rental car. That's what you expect all of them to be like. Um, that's like literally what they do is have rental cars.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So, um, I'm like, Hey, this is what we need. This is the time. And this guy's like, yeah, we have some cars, but we're stupid expensive right now. That's the word to use. We're stupid expensive. We are stupid. I'm going dummy. I was like, well, okay. Like he's like calculating it. He's like, I don't even want to tell you how much they cost. And I'm like, why? Like, what's your job? Can you, um, I was like,
Starting point is 00:09:36 just, just give it to me. And you know, I think it's a three days total and it was going to be $1,048. And we're like, yeah, we're not going to pay that. You're like, just to make sure we didn't reserve a cyber truck or anything. Right. This is like a car that's already exist. Yeah. I think it was like a, it wasn't the compact, you know, we're not going to like squeeze into like, you know, clown car, but you know, E equals MC square, smart car.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Why are you so smart? Um, but it was like so tiny, like, you know, what a normal car and thousand forty eight dollars total. And we're like, no. And I was like, is there anywhere else that might have some stuff? And they're like, try budget or try whatever they said, uh, pay less or something like that. We went down there less.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah. I don't think it was pay less. No, I think it was pay less. No, not that not the shoe source, um, pay less. I think it was called try dollar general. I don source um pay less i think it's what's called try dollar general i don't know i'm just saying stories they might have a tree might have some you know um long story short just nothing like nothing was available at all anywhere um pretty much within reasonable price and so shout out to isaac had the. Um, and what we ended up doing was what we called you haul.
Starting point is 00:10:47 This is great. Hey, you got any, you got any, uh, you got anything for rentals? And a few of them didn't even have rentals for you halls. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:55 but we found one eventually that was a nine foot, uh, cargo van. Sure. And, it costs 1995 a day. How do you know? How do you know? Because it says just in beautiful lime green letters on the top or on the sides of the car 1995 per day plus mileage and fees or
Starting point is 00:11:14 something like that and so there we were getting we got a we got an uber from the airport to u-haul and this guy as he's pulling up the uber driver's like oh this is this is u-haul oh do you you dug in the wrong address that's what we want that's what we want yeah it's rental car space uh and we rent this van and it's only got two seats so and but it's completely empty in the back cargo very illegal to be back there probably without a seat belt um but it is spacious i'll tell you that uh. Uh, no, no Vince, no speakers. You know, you can't hear a thing back there. Uh, it's, it's, it's a dry heat, but it's pretty warm back there still, still 92 outside, but we rented that U-Haul and we've just been cruising
Starting point is 00:11:55 around town in it. It's amazing. Oh, it's so funny. The first thing we did after we got the U-Haul was we went to target and got some groceries and Harrison bought a fold out like a lawn chair. And so and so we just sit back. I'll send a video. We haven't posted anything on Patreon yet, mainly because we want to surprise Jake, whatever you got here. Yeah. Which was a phenomenal surprise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 But you just sit in the back with this chair and you just you just go. And every once in a while in a big turn, you got to kind of hold on to one of the rails in the back. But for the most part, it's great. Um, so it's, it's truly as hilarious. Like, yeah, like last night we were, we can get back to, you know, talking about your show, but like last night we were coming, walking back to the van from your show and we turned the quarter and there it is just parked, parked in downtown Phoenix, 1995, you haul. Oh, and it's, it's brand new. told you that oh yeah yeah literally we get in the car and has 32 miles on the odometer like completely like it smells perfect it's brand new easily the first people that have ever you know um gallivanted around phoenix uh to
Starting point is 00:12:57 see their friend in a comedy show in that van first lawn chair in the back for sure for sure oh it was amazing so we've been enjoying it like every day we have a realization of like we have we are driving a u-haul and every day we're kind of proud of ourselves like this is awesome oh it's truly so funny i mean this is it's just it's hilarious it's the best travel story yeah and i've tried to like we have some things we've been documenting it but we're not posting it like we wanted you guys to find out right now Yeah, that they've been having yeah a u-haul week, so we'll post some stuff now our Instagram and patreon Oh, it's amazing now that you know, but yeah, so yeah, dude, but it's so funny
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, we're having a good time driving around the u-haul everything in Phoenix is like 20 plus minutes away I feel like yeah, we're staying nothing seems close even if it's by the highway right yeah It's like oh like even last night. We picked you up and went to Whataburger. And it was like, oh, surely there's a Whataburger close. And it's like, well, nine minutes. It's like, okay, just a little too far to be convenient. But we're having fun. That was a great time in that Whataburger, though.
Starting point is 00:13:58 It was, dude. The lobby was closed. So we run through the drive-thru and then just park in the parking lot. Open up the back. Open up the back of the van. The cargo space. Andru and then just park in the parking lot open up the back open up the back of the van the cargo space and then just rolling four deep in the back honey butter chicken biscuits i was like harrison can you take a selfie of this moment like i want to like remember this it was great dude it was awesome it was sweet it's yeah it's just a different experience man
Starting point is 00:14:19 in the van i'll tell you what did you say it doesn't have windows on one side right no yeah one of the sides is completely like, yeah, blanked. It's like a Pittsburgh Steelers helmet. It's asymmetrical. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And so, and then it's a very scenic, like Phoenix is very scenic. There's mountains all around. And so there was a few times where I was driving in the back and Harrison and I would be like, oh, look at that beautiful view over there, Brad. You know, nevermind. You'll see it. You'll see it if we'll see it. If we ever turn around, cause there's windows on one side and there's windows in the back. Um, so I
Starting point is 00:14:50 can make great eye contact with the person behind me. That's like, why is this guy basically held hostage in the back of a van? Um, but yeah, I can't, can't really see much of the views. Um, anyway, we're having fun, having fun. I would say, yeah. What Catherine think of the views uh anyway we're having fun having fun i would say yeah what catherine think of you uh going into you all so the first video i ever showed her was we were bumping some like mexican music in there just like some you know like whatever and i was in the front and i kind of pan i show isaac driving i pan over and there's like a there's like a not a screen what's the word like in between the the back and the front like a metal cage with yes and it's like it's like something you would see like in a police car or something yeah it's like this prisoner can't be
Starting point is 00:15:34 with the other ones let's put him in the cargo van yeah so i'm panning and then there's harrison sitting in the lawn chair like pretending like he knows the this song his hispanic song like singing along and she just she sent the laughing emoji, the crying emoji. And then she said, isn't that so illegal? I was like, yeah, but I'm not driving. So she loved it. Yeah. I ain't driving. I need to see that video. You need to post that video. Okay. Once this comes out, that's so funny. Oh, it's amazing. So it truly is so funny. Like the whole, the whole thing. So we're staying in this really sketchy part of town. The Uber driver was like, yeah, this is South Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's just not, just to let you know, you shouldn't probably keep anything in the cars. Make sure you lock them. And talk about just adding to the sketchiness of where we're staying. We just pull up in this U-Haul van and just three guys get out and just go to this Airbnb. Yeah. Do you think you're more susceptible or less susceptible to be a victim with a u-haul i think more mainly because there's no tint at all in those windows you could see anything what's going on in there so and the seats go all the way down all the way down yeah until it hits the cage so yeah an airbnb that's another thing like talk about bachelor life like like isaac reserved it
Starting point is 00:16:47 and it was like so cheap i was like this is amazing this is great this looks great i know why it was so cheap one because of the the uh area that was in two because it was just uh it's literally just two beds in a bathroom in a closet it's a little different than this place a little bit your pool does have a fountain probably. Our shower works. And so that's kind of refreshing for us. I mean, there's like one piece of artwork on the wall. Like you guys, you have like a loom over here.
Starting point is 00:17:15 If something like they're like the crocheting something, like there's a million things, like it's beautiful. There honestly is a ton of art just in this room. Oh, it's very well decorated. And we, it's like a hotel, like a really crappy hotel meets like a place that you would go on a mission trip that they like, uh, they like renovated for people to stay in. Like, you know, like it was like nice tile, but like not much else, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Um, so, but it's, it works for us. We just go back there and sleep and then we wake up and just come over here. So this has been great. It's been such a fun mesh of just like two different worlds. Like I have my life on the road where I'm just kicking it with Alan and Trey and mainly just hearing old stories from college from them and just kind of like trying to piece together who they're talking about. And then like my three best friends from Kansas City and like now where it's all combined
Starting point is 00:18:00 and it's so fun. It is, man. It was, yeah, it was really fun when you got there yesterday. Like Jake, you'll never guess. mind and yeah it's so fun it is man it was yeah it was really fun when you got there yesterday like jake you'll never guess what we've been through yeah so so what's what what has how's your experience been so far here you loving it it's been great especially just compared to you know our last run of shows was in bridgeport connecticut and uh this is just so much better what a difference in every single aspect every single aspect the the part of town we're in you know we're no longer in guns waving new haven right
Starting point is 00:18:29 we're in uh like some nice suburban north phoenix and yeah uh it's great the shows are better the uh we got bigger audience really nice venue nice speakers in there like the music even sounds good in there yes dude yeah was yeah and that i don't i know nothing else and so like i know yeah i i think that's how it always is but it's probably not that was pretty nice yeah that that place was great it reminded me a lot of uh power and light like uh in kansas city like the entire kind of setup of the area courtyard kind of thing that goes up into this comedy club um we went in through the uh like freight elevator so i haven't even seen the front of it yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's kind of like this U-shape of businesses.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Businesses meaning like restaurants and bars and stuff. And then there's kind of like a courtyard in the middle of it. That's cool. But it was the line last night. So we got there probably, the show was at 9.30, and we got there at 9.10 probably. And the line was crazy long. The line was nuts. Like if that's 300 people then i severely overestimate every other time i've ever like said how many people are somewhere so i'm like that's
Starting point is 00:19:31 300 people that's so many people like it was it was a lot it was awesome it was also so cool to see you guys just bypass all of them and come up the stairs it was dope that i felt so cool and then brad just going that's jake tri and then Brad just go that's famous friend Yeah, James got his dr. Pepper, you know in his hand like hey guys, you know, there he is It was awesome. Yeah, it was it was so cool to be like, hey, you just come up this way, you know, sorry guys Yeah, you know, so but the show was awesome, dude. It was so fun to watch you do your thing yeah i know i told you guys this already last night but i think it was like a highlight of my life really like top 10 moments of my life yeah getting to perform like knowing you guys were there knowing
Starting point is 00:20:13 that you guys came all the way here right to see me perform yeah i really haven't gotten that many opportunities to perform for like good friends in my life like my sister's seen me yeah a couple camp friends you know but not no like best friends yeah dude so it was really cool and yeah kind of said a couple roommate jokes i just wrote a couple jokes right before the show to like incorporate you guys being there and that was a huge surprise to me honestly that was like like whenever you made that that like like you shouted out harrison for his birthday yeah yeah i was like i did not expect to be you know recognized at all for this thing yeah i kind of went back and forth on it. I'm glad I did. Cause everyone went nuts. Yeah. Oh, they got so excited. Yeah. I told the story that I told probably four or five weeks on the
Starting point is 00:20:51 podcast. Like Harrison wanted to do something for 30th. I was like, Oh bummer. I'm going to be out of town. And Harrison's like, I'll just book the trip. And I was like, sure enough, he's actually here. So are all my roommates. They're right over here. And then, uh, I heard you guys scream. I heard some guy in the left to be like on your feet oh really yeah yeah that's awesome that's awesome someone knew it was you guys and that's amazing yeah and i'm glad you got to see a good show i mean it went super smooth i was very happy with how everything landed and how it went and um didn't get spanked no but uh did some good singing you got spanked in the early show though yeah i did get spanked in the early show so he just missed it you have you have a good spank ratio like if you're if your spank average was a baseball
Starting point is 00:21:28 player like he'd be an all-star yeah i'm a hall of fame on base percentage for sure um yeah so yeah thanks for coming again you're welcome it was super super cool gets me fired up to go to all these other cities where i'm gonna have friends there yeah kansas city show and the springfield show and oh yeah whatnot so yeah uh just word to the wise i looked up trey kennedy kansas city show or something like that and there was this website the first website it took me to was going to charge me like 195 dollars per ticket oh and i think they're more like 40 a ticket or 25 ticket or something i wonder if that's because so tickets aren't even available yet yeah so. So it's like some other websites like,
Starting point is 00:22:05 no, you can get it from us now if you want. Right. Well, by the time this is coming out, yeah, you guys can get your tickets. Like the most expensive ones were like $500.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I was like, I was like, Trey must be just rolling. Yeah. I'm surprised he didn't buy this Airbnb. Um, so I don't know what that's about, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:20 if you're listening to this, you can come see us on tour. We like 38 cities or something. No, no Tegucigalpa though. No T no tagusa galpa though maybe next year maybe next year so but yeah man the show was so fun i'm trying to think of anything like highlights for me of the show itself i don't know it was just fun like being there first of all shout out to the ghosties that came up and said hi to us yeah we shout out spencer spencer grace grace kelsey kelsey yeah and her friend the blonde girl morgan sure i don't know yeah doesn't matter she didn't know who we were so she was like she was like no no i know you guys you guys are from the ghost hunters
Starting point is 00:22:53 no that's not tlc no not the ghost hunter she's like sorry sorry the ghost riders i know it's the ghost riders no that was me in high school yeah that's phyllis's name come on yeah easy ghost rider and so anyway hopefully she's a listener now but um we don't have to remember her name a lot of ghosties there was a time so the show last night got started super late it's supposed to start at 9 30 and it was so late 10 15 or more yeah it was like 10 p.m and i'm like what is going on i'm gonna go check and see and yeah sure enough people were still coming in line so i'm like this is so interesting but i get a peek into the uh like area like area, like the comedy club. And I only see like a few people
Starting point is 00:23:29 and it's all three of you guys taking a picture with someone. I'm like, they're just hamming it up out there. Just like doing a meet and greet. Yeah. Spencer, man. Shout out. That's so funny. It was like the only thing I saw is you guys taking pictures with people in the audience. That was a highlight for sure. He was like, he was like, like, but there were two people. I think that were like, I don't know what to say. Like, I don't know what to say to sure. He was like, he was like, like, but there were two people I think that were like, I don't know what to say. Like, I don't know what to say to you. I was like, I'll just, I don't know what to say to you. How was your day? Like, I don't get it. I don't know. Um, but they were so nice.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And after they took that picture, I was like, I wonder if people think I'm like a huge deal now or something. Whoa. Like, do we need to know who that guy is? He's like, he's like, I think he works for Netflix. He's trying to give trey like a netflix special maybe yeah yeah yeah exactly uh but yeah that was fun that was really fun and it was really fun to be like because he came up to me first like are you brad ellis i'm like yes i am i'm wearing a just drink shirt and a j triple show what do you think what do you think man come on uh and then then i was like this is isaac and harrison and i feel like he got just as excited no like that's isaac and harrison and i feel like he got just as excited like that's isaac and harrison and so anyway it was great man we had so much fun you reposted it on our story last night but
Starting point is 00:24:31 it was funny that kelsey settle who's at the show yeah long time listener yeah thinking about moving to kansas city from st louis oh okay yeah that's probably that's not true but she once she thinks st louis is cool so we'll we'll see. I think she got one picture with all of us, but got several pictures just with Isaac and Harrison and posted them to her story. She's like, what an honor it was to snap a picture with the roommates of the guy who opened up for Trey Kennedy tonight. It's so funny. I mean, yeah, they're the real heroes. And also Spencer, let's just talk real quick. He was there with Tracy.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Tracy. They met yesterday. I can't believe that. They're the real heroes. And also Spencer, let's just talk real quick. He was there with Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. They met yesterday. I can't believe that. So, so Spencer, he told me he's from South Salt Lake city. So he flew here.
Starting point is 00:25:12 So I was like, that's, that's a pretty long drive. I don't know geography that well. He's like, actually it's a flight. I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:17 there were people from Seattle last night. She was like, it's my birthday. Came in from Seattle. That's amazing. Today you posted that you're coming to Seattle. So that's kind of a bummer. That's what Kelsey said too. She's like, ah like uh i'm gonna go to the st louis one
Starting point is 00:25:28 too then oh huh kelsey it'll be a pretty much the same show i said jake might have some new stuff mine will probably be new yeah so that and that's why people really come that's why so yeah uh so spencer and then he apparently yeah tracy met met her that day yeah i think he had two tickets and just, I don't know where he met Tracy. I don't, I don't know. Spencer shout out.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. Does she know who Trey Kennedy is? Or do you just like convince this older woman to seriously? I don't know. Cause he like, he came and like took a picture with us. And Tracy was the one that took the picture. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:57 that must be his mom or something. Or maybe his girlfriend. I don't judge. I don't know. It's all like, you know, Salt Lake. They do,
Starting point is 00:26:03 they do things different. And, and I was like, that's great. You know, that's's so fun tracy you want to get in it with us you know or whatever i was expecting her to like also get in and have some stranger take a picture but never did and um yeah i want to know the story spencer send us in a voice memo or a five-star review or leave us a five-star review if you're not spencer and you just pretend want to pretend to be and like make your own narrative or if you just think you know spencer pretty well you have a pretty good idea how we probably did this spencer d i forget his last name but d'amelio he's sisters with charlie and dick dick whoops dixie yeah i get that joke for sure well i said it really well so it's an easy joke to get yeah dang it uh we went to the zoo yesterday i got
Starting point is 00:26:41 some stories about the zoo yeah it's harrison's birthday yes so obviously you're gonna go to the zoo yeah so yeah maybe we as friends should have been better at like planning something for harrison's i mean guys don't do that i don't think that's a guy thing as we were leaving katherine's like are you gonna get harrison a present for his birthday i was like i don't even cross my mind any of my friends have ever gotten me presents except for that table saw you guys all got me that one time oh that was really nice gesture by us so except for that hardcore like amazing present i never get present no i was like i don't think so you know maybe i'll buy him a drink or you know i bought his guacamole last night at dinner oh hey well you're fine um but not the chips not the chips not the entree just the guacamole i'll take dude the guacamole was like 12 bucks whoa we went to a nice place huh uh anyway but uh so so come on i'm not cheap skater right um but yeah yesterday
Starting point is 00:27:32 morning he wakes us up he's like guys we can sleep in another day it's my birthday today let's go and to to like to his credit we probably slept for like nine hours so it wasn't like we were waking up at the crack of dawn yeah but he woke he woke up at 4am and couldn't fall asleep. He was so excited for his birthday. 4am mountain, no daylight savings time. Right. And so he's like,
Starting point is 00:27:52 Hey, let's go to this coffee shop. And we're like, great. That sounds fun. Let's go hang out there for a little bit. Coffee shop had no seating. It was like,
Starting point is 00:27:59 it was like a, you know, all shut down for COVID. And so we get our coffee to go and he's like, you guys want to go to the desert botanical gardens? And he goes, I think he goes, it's $20 to get in.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Um, and I, I see I'm in the backseat of the van. So I'm like, I can't really hear much. And I wasn't going to object cause it's his birthday, but I'm like $20 for a botanical garden. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I can look at that online. Uh, but it's your birthday. Let's do it. We get to the botanical garden completely sold out. Um, must be a nice garden. And it we get to the botanical garden completely sold out must be a nice garden and so right next to the botanical garden the zoo does so uh he's like dude i love zoos let's go to the zoo like great let's do the zoo um and so we went all around the zoo it was a fun time a couple of highlights um you know first right when we get there we see the
Starting point is 00:28:43 giraffes and harrison's just enthralled by these giraffes. And it's literally Harrison. I took a picture as a Harrison and like seven or eight little kids, like just, just, just stared over this giraffe. And one giraffe in the middle is a beautifully framed photo, honestly.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And Isaac was like, I haven't been to the zoo in so long. I was like, well, I was just at the zoo with my four year old for her birthday. He's literally just there. But yeah uh highlights the drafts were great um we went and saw an orangutan orangutan um that uh just did some
Starting point is 00:29:14 really fun things he like got in this little box and like just rolled around the box ring a tank in the box had a bunch of little like small pieces of like white chalk they put in his mouth and he looked like he was ripping some heaters ripping six yeah yeah just a few few of those darts and so uh and then he like put all these sheets on them and we're like oh he's putting sheets like like if the animals do anything at the zoo you're like this is amazing if they're not sleeping it's like this is the best it is cool you know yeah um so we went and saw i think we saw literally almost everything they had there good um and at the very end, Harrison was like,
Starting point is 00:29:45 so like he was, he was like basically preaching delayed gratification the whole time. He's like, he's like, I'm not going to see the lions till the very end. That's what I want to see the lines wait. And so we figured out on the map where the lines were and everything was in a pretty small area except for the lines for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:30:00 We're like half a mile. It felt like a way. This is like grocery stores. They keep the milk in the back. That's exactly right. They know you want that. exactly right yeah and so we literally are on like this off the beaten path going up like seeing all these mountain billy goats and stuff up here like billy goats made the zoo huh yeah they might have been the rams i don't know
Starting point is 00:30:18 okay whatever those things are some kind of ibex uh oryx o-x oh i think that's how you say it or spell it um something was up there far away i mean but we were like okay i guess we're going you haven't at lasik yet so i mean who knows that shout out if you can give me lasik um so anyway we get to the lion and we were like so pumped like and like jokingly we're like what if the lion's just like sleeping you know which of course it is yeah it because 90 percent chance tiger was sleeping everything was sleeping um it's a lion and it's 90 degrees in the desert it looked so cool though like even when it was sleeping it was like this big old like mufasa looking dude and because it was sleeping there was like animals because it was so far off the beaten path like there was no one there you're the milk to yourselves yes like i in this
Starting point is 00:31:02 pretty big basin lion basin there was probably 10 people in the whole thing. I'm loving the terms you're throwing out right now. Thank you. Yeah. Oryx basin. And so, uh, we get there and we get like to the very corner where we can see the lion pretty well.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And it's just laying there. Didn't look like he was asleep. Just look like he was resting. Probably not dead. And just like very quietly, I kind of whisper loudly. I just go, and then Harrison started getting in with it. And we started singing the circle of life. We're like, from the day we arrived at the planet, you know, we didn't know any of the words we were just like humming the tune
Starting point is 00:31:45 and i i'm not even exaggerating any of this like the lion was laying down and like as the verse started going he kind of like tilted his head up a little bit and like and we kept singing like and then like right as we sing the chorus he like tilts his head completely up and just stares at us and he's just like it's the circle of life and it moves us all and he's like he's not like like making a whole lot of like emotional like he's not moving along but he's staring right at shoulders are squaring up it's like he's he's like, I know this song, dude. I'm Mufasa. This is my favorite song.
Starting point is 00:32:29 He's like just staring at us. And then we get done with it's the circle, the circle of life. And then we literally just like, we're like, that was awesome. And then we just, we just walk away. A couple of quick tears from your eyes. Oh, wow. That's the best thing i've heard since the ghost he sent that tribute out oh okay and then we just like walked away it was it was it was the coolest thing i've done in a long time you just walk away and don't say a word like it worked exactly how i wanted it to work you know what i mean like like you yell at animals all the time at the zoo they don't do anything on the glass yeah nothing works no and it was just like like and it
Starting point is 00:33:09 wasn't it wasn't it was delayed gratification it wasn't just like ah sabana you know the noise alone didn't wake him up it was the recognition of the song oh my gosh like shazam it was yeah it was like like just slowly slowly and then right at the apex it was like, like just slowly, slowly. And then right at the apex, it was like, boom, apex in the basin, man. So it was a, it was a fun time at the zoo. Yeah, it was, it was seriously like a spiritual experience with this lion. It's like, I get it now. I get the Lion King. The all new FanDuel Sportsbook and Casino is bringing you more action than ever.
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Starting point is 00:35:47 by the camel rides and isaac's like camel rides for six dollars what a deal he balls out yeah i bet they last forever right i mean talk about a tiny basin i mean this thing was like uh and like it was kind of a surprising, uh, price in my opinion. Cause the zoo's like, you know, supply and demand is just off the chart. So a Coke, there's like $8 probably.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, I don't know if that's true in the desert though. Yeah. The right spot. Dry heat makes you get wet. Your whistle. It's a dry heat. And so,
Starting point is 00:36:17 uh, you know, we're getting in like, so Isaac's like, let's do it. Let's do it here. So I'll buy it for your birthday. Uh,
Starting point is 00:36:23 you know, Brad's got the guacamole. I got the camel ride. This is everything you wanted, right? You wanted guacamole and a camel ride. And for us not to sleep in. And so as we're waiting in line, Harrison's like, I don't know if I want to do this. And I was like, dude, it's a camel ride.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Come on. And so, yeah, I just video the whole thing. And I was hoping that it was a little bit more awkward for them to mount it. Luckily, they're both, or unfortunately for me, they're both pretty athletic dudes. So they get on that thing. Nice. Campbell's been around the block. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And they just ride around this little basin. There's two quick laps. I bet the whole thing took a minute, maybe, maybe two dollar every 10 seconds. It was not a, not a, uh, yeah, not a long time, but it was, uh, yeah, I'd never seen two on there, two men, two grown men. No, you don't see that. We had some pretty funny comments on our Instagram about it. People were like, oh, that's cool, Isaac and his son, you know, or what else? Did they make them sit that close to each other?
Starting point is 00:37:18 I don't know. Or was that dealer's choice? That seemed, yeah, they were like, they were doing like the old motorcycle, like, hey, I'll hold the handlebars, but you'd be in front of me kind of thing it's like you take a cute girl jet skiing and it's like hey i'm gonna go fast you might want to hang on right exactly yeah there was probably i've actually never done that but it sounds fun oh it's awesome take a cute girl jet ski oh it's great and then you rev it up a little too quick and they really tighten up took katherine jet skiing the day that we got engaged. Fun fact. Wait, actually?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. It was the same. You went jet skiing and then proposed to her? I proposed to her simultaneously while skiing on the jet. No. Huh.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah, pretty much. That's a long story. Yeah, anyway, it wasn't super eventful, but it was hilarious footage. Oh, that's great. Just the two of them. I don't think that they had to sit that close to each other i mean i could have easily fit back there with them like easily i would have i would have fit okay i would have made it we could have all three got on there that would have been really great theater but uh i've never ridden a horse fun fact i've only done it once really yeah i don't have much interest in it really i was just thinking recently it interest in it. Really? I was just thinking recently.
Starting point is 00:38:25 It's funny you brought this up. I was just thinking recently that I really wanted to get into horses. Really? I really want to start riding them. They kind of scare me. I'm scared of animals. Just in general, I'm learning on this podcast. I think we should go ride horses.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Really? Yeah. This is so funny. I didn't write it down to talk about, but I legitimately had this thought probably three days ago that I would like to ride a horse with you. Same one or next week? No. We each ride horses. It'd just be fun. Okay. I just think it'd be fun i would like to ride a horse with you same one or like next week no it's like we each ride horses it'd just be fun like okay i just think be fun to know how to ride a horse like that's a cool way to go 50 miles an hour you know like if you really knew how to like ride it fast catherine like grew up with horses so she's really good with them
Starting point is 00:38:56 really yeah uh which is kind of part of the reason i'm kind of embarrassed like that i've never ridden a horse dang because she's like dude horses are the best she doesn't call me dude but um i ask her to but she doesn't bro um okay i'll ride a horse with you i don't know how i don't have access to horses but ghosties do they know somebody does yeah laser guy surgery and horses we have so many people that like take videos like listening to the ghost runners while tending to the sheep like you get a lot of farm listeners yeah so there's got to be a horse out there somewhere farmy ghosties uh tag us in your story this week of what what farm animal you're in front of while you're listening to this we'll ride any of them yeah we will see your post and then we will ride that animal um in a year's time absolutely so what should their hashtag be
Starting point is 00:39:38 for uh like farm ghost animals hashtag ghosthtag ghost ride the whip. Ghost run the whip. And then the whip will be whatever animal. What we use to make them go faster. Yeah. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah. I'm trying to think of anything I have.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I mean, yeah, you pretty much talked about everything here in Phoenix. It's been a blast. The shows last night went great. Trey and I are leaving here in about an hour and 15 minutes to go to our two other shows tonight. Just found out I'm going to have some more friends there. One of my friends from the first Hawaii trip I went on, she's like, hey, Marilee and Phoenix could come to a show. So nice.
Starting point is 00:40:11 That'd be cool. But I went home this past weekend, had a pickleball tournament in Springfield slash it's Easter. You know, good excuse to go and hang with my parents. Yeah. Both sets of grandparents and everything. So it's pretty fun. Although got the food. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I talked about all that last episode. Got the food poisoning on thursday didn't feel good enough to eat anything i only had the smoothie thursday right shout out again you gave me a smoothie last week chapstick this week oh yeah i did get you some chapstick right before that you gave me stage stick yeah i know right before i went up there that sounds that sounds interesting oops yeah hey come into my room give me some stage stick helps to get ready for this relaxes me uh couldn't eat anything all day friday and then all day saturday pickleball tournament i was like i have no calories yeah dude inside of me i had like a banana like on friday you know and like uh other like smoothie type stuff but couldn't eat and so yeah
Starting point is 00:41:04 i was like i might pass out at this tournament but it's pretty fun it was uh i said i played well we got second place and you played in the top division the highest division they offer yeah and we got we got second place it wasn't bad nice and then um but being home was fun i uh i feel like every time i go home my room is rearranged or something new in it my childhood room like there was a treadmill in my room this time just like okay I think this is just storage now but the way they'd rearranged it I was like I saw my yearbooks very prominently displayed I was like I have not I don't know if I've ever looked at this oh let's bust out the yearbooks yeah and did you go for
Starting point is 00:41:36 the like content or did you go for the signatures in the back I was originally going for the signatures in the back but I couldn't find them. Really? I don't know. I went 2010 and 2009, junior and senior year. No, no six. You didn't have any friends. I guess. I think I was homeschooled. I think this is all fabrication in my mind that I even went to this school. It's just a photo album of my family.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I call it my yearbook. This is me dressed up as the Easter bunny when I'm eight. This isn't, this isn't my senior yearbook. I don't get it. Yeah. This is, so I don't know where the signatures went, but. Did you find some other good stuff. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I just found, oh, I need to find it. I'll put it to have a word for word. I found a couple of just fun things. One was just like the people who are involved in yearbook and journalism are not the people who know anything about sports, especially in a school as small as Trafford. They have no idea. And so I'm going back. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I feel like small schools, everyone's involved with everything. Is that not true? That's a good point, too. You think you've got the marching band. There's a football player playing the trumpet during halftime show. That is a decent stereotype. I don't know why that. I mean, we are pretty segregated as far as athlete and theater.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Okay. What was your graduating class 95 okay so maybe that's enough that still seems pretty small yeah i know yeah that's a good point but i'm like yeah we didn't really have much crossover like i don't know if anyone on any of my sports teams was doing choir or band or anything but so these captions in the yearbook were just like cracking me up uh it was like like almost verbatim one of them was like senior keaton this is like a football picture senior keaton galindo inwardly receives the ball with his hands in an effort to maintain his momentum towards the
Starting point is 00:43:18 touchdown line that was like an exact caption the old touchdown line yeah the old touchdown line get over the touchdown line that's what it's all look up brock you're past the touchdown line what a touchdown line stand yeah i mean every capture was like that like it was just like they just are looking for a thesaurus looking for the best options for right how to say the same thing right yeah they were like right clicking and going to the source i can't say catch again yeah inwardly receives inwardly yeah receives the ball so that was cracking me up and then my sister was in there uh she was playing like varsity shortstop as like a freshman on our softball team it's pretty cool she was like a stud softball player wouldn't know that from the yearbook though there's a picture of her taking a pitch in softball so for all we know this could be a 3-0 count who knows the context of
Starting point is 00:44:05 this look at the caption freshman caitlin triplet strikes out looking that's the entire caption why yeah why would you have no one would have known one no one would have known two did you not take any other pictures that entire day can we get a picture of her maybe like in action yeah doing anything in the field on deck circle yeah no one knows right or you crop it you crop it just crop that thing golly eight other ways you could have done this freshman caitlin triplet yeah strikes out looking in an 8-0 disaster loss what an idiot that really cracked me up too i was like poor girl yeah really why would they do this like even if the even if the students want to put that picture in the person that's in charge of all that has to be like, can't the editor be like,
Starting point is 00:44:46 we got to have a better picture than this. Find a different picture. Get a stock photo. Different caption. Just go get Kaylin right now, put her in her uniform, put her behind like a brick wall or something. Like that's better.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Or just a few quick omissions of words, new words. Freshman Kaylin Triplett takes 3-0 pitch because she's great, you know, play discipline. Or just don't even say what the count is like just say triple kaylin triplet at bat up to bat why you gotta do anything like that that was so good and then the one other thing this is one i um i was gonna try to find but
Starting point is 00:45:17 because isaac was staying with me and so i texted isaac i was like all right let's wake up at nine tomorrow or whatever also just found my yearbook. Check out this, you know, masterpiece of a quote. And it was me junior year at homecoming and like action shot. I'm like dancing. There's like people around. My hair is just the most disgusting. Yeah. Long and nasty.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah. And the quote is very similar to something like homecoming is a great way to spend time with your friends and get to have fun with your friends and i'm like i guess i could have said that was the person in charge of your book also like the p.e teacher or something like just get this over with that was a quote that was your quote that was yeah yeah that was uh i want to go on the record as jake triple is saying homecoming is really fun because it has we have a lot of fun times and we do fun things it's a great way to hang out with your friends and we can hang out with friends who are people that i like i would be surprised if that's what i said as a 17 year old
Starting point is 00:46:12 just jake you tell me a little about homecoming so intellectual it's just it's it's one of my it's i mean there's friends there you right and that's one of the best ways to be with your friends you mind if i quote you on that for the yearbook yes You're like, yes. For a yearbook? I just want to be in there any way I can. Why book? Homecoming page? Sure. Please. Yeah, I was telling my sister all about this.
Starting point is 00:46:30 She's like, I'm pretty sure they just made up quotes. It was one of those things they procrastinated. Like, you need quotes by Friday and they're just making stuff up. Right. Did you guys have a fun... Jake would have said that. He had friends. Did you guys have a fun name for your yearbook?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Not like Stratford yearbook. Yeah, I think we did did but i don't know what it's called i didn't look at the front of it we were the falcons maybe ours was the talon or something like that i think that's a good guess something like that we were the indians so whatever ours was probably can't repeat anymore yeah probably not but sitting around the squaw yeah have a little powwow powwow at homecoming powwow yeah that's great um yeah the yearbook was was was fun to look at it's a good time dude so yeah everything else good in strafford yeah my mom was saying she got uh a thing in the mail to go on jury duty okay like request i don't know
Starting point is 00:47:19 what that's yeah what you call it summons just summon for drill summons and she was saying so she went in and you know they're asking a lot of questions and my mom is a very like just mild-mannered like quiet person in general like not gonna necessarily speak up especially at jury duty like and which i was telling her i was actually innocent like i was telling her i was like because you don't want to get picked right you know just i mean walk in wearing a maga hat your dixie flag you know hanging out the back of your jeans or whatever that guy looks like charles barkley like whatever yeah it just just yeah seemed like you have all these prejudices like you'll get to go home pretty quick probably do that but she was just dressed normal
Starting point is 00:47:58 you know whatever do your own thing so she had to actually go in though she went in to do like the like first line of questioning or whatever to try and pick and choose and i guess after a while they were like uh you know number 13 miss triplet you've been awfully quiet they like said that to her and so then i was joking that all of a sudden like her quietness now she's a suspect actually number 13 where were you on february 15th actually now that i think about. What car did you drive here? How good are you at wielding a knife? Let me see you run. Can I see you run across here?
Starting point is 00:48:30 I'd like to call Tris Tripple to the stand. Gotcha. Everyone gasps. There's no jury yet. It's a summons for something else. Gotcha. Objection. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yeah, this is great you're actually being pretty quiet oh I was assuming that they would ask everyone like direct questions not like to the group and then anybody can answer
Starting point is 00:48:51 yeah I don't know how it works she said like they would ask like general questions like raise your hand if you've ever been a victim of this type of thing
Starting point is 00:48:58 or whatever and I guess my mom was participating or maybe just hadn't been a victim of either of these things and it was like what's going on over there?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Short stuff. What are you doing? Do you know English? Just bullying her. Yeah. Hey, your mom dropped you off here. Pipsqueak.
Starting point is 00:49:12 What'd you take a, take strike three looking earlier or what? Come on. Stand up. Yeah. Come on. You need a camel to get them up the table. Hump day,
Starting point is 00:49:23 huh? So, yeah. But then my mom texted me i think it was like monday or tuesday of this week and it's like i got selected i'm on the jury oh i'm gonna be gone for a few days dang so hopefully it's only a few days yeah and hopefully it's nothing like crazy gone gone like she can't even come home uh i think gone from work oh okay my dad was on jury duty one time for like a week for like this jury or this this case that was all about like uh gerber or some big baby company like suing somebody else for sippy cups oh my dad couldn't talk about it until the end but he's
Starting point is 00:49:57 like i know so much about this random thing that i do not care about at all it's like i know more about sippy cups than i never ever could thought. So she's going to come back and have some really random knowledge about something. You would not believe the trademarks that Bowflex has. Yeah, right. It's crazy what they have. Peloton is not who you think they are. Don't buy Tide Pods.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Right. Very corrupt. Okay. So that was home. It was a good time. Good. Got to see both sets of grandparents. They're all vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Did the grandparents come to the tournament? They did not. We didn't get the grandpa bell? Didn't get the beep beep. That grandpa's head of the little footster. He has one less toe than he had last time. That's right. You told me that.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And I think now he has even less toes. Oh, really? I had to like go back in this week and. Dang, dude. Yeah. A bummer, but. Just snipping them off. Yeah yeah so is he like able to walk ever again you think probably not i don't know how toes work with walking you know yeah i
Starting point is 00:50:53 mean i think if he was 35 they would do some physical therapy but he's probably just bound to a walker and wheelchair was he like that before anyway because you said he had a walker at the yeah i think yeah he was starting to like not move around as well but like still 100 with it mentally just like starting to like i mean he's been a diabetic his entire life he's like 93 so wow yeah he's like outlived his life i expect to see like 30 years so it's already like any now he's lived through corona so it's like this is amazing like if you lose a few toes still all things considered sure it's pretty amazing yeah you came to a pickleball tournament right in a pandemic this is great okay so yeah it was real fun uh quick announcement episode 100 biggest
Starting point is 00:51:29 monday ever let's go we did it gosh which that was biggest monday ever between spotify and apple okay and the youtube video was like popped off more than anything ever yeah i think because of the shirts i don't know yeah but we got like 2 000 views within a few days that's awesome so easily easily biggest biggest Monday ever. Let's go. Thank you guys. I had over a hundred YouTube comments too. We never hit that milestone.
Starting point is 00:51:49 No, I don't think we're going, that's our new standard. So there better be a hundred comment again. It is a really, really fun thing to check in. Should we say some controversial like takes real quick to have some comments? Yeah. Take number one.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Uh, we're in Arizona. We went to in and out for for lunch i think in and out's not that good i think it's fine okay i think it's fine okay i i much prefer whataburger whataburger last night in the u-haul yeah that was nice i do that 100 times over in and out yeah i mean i can't even really enjoy in and out it's like i get a milkshake nothing there for you like they have they have a very small menu for you. They're not catering to,
Starting point is 00:52:27 you know, victims of alpha gal allergy syndrome. Not even a little bit. You should go in there and say that exactly. I have alpha gal or whatever you said. What do you have for me? And they'll be like, I have no idea what you just said.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Last night was one of the first times I performed where someone has not come up to me afterwards. I'd be like, my cousin has that tick thing or whatever. Oh, really? People love finding me just to tell me that afterwards. Do you feel like they kind of shoot us out pretty quick after the show? Yeah. I didn't like that.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah. Like they're like, we have to sanitize. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Corona. Like whatever, dude. Yeah. It's Arizona.
Starting point is 00:52:58 You don't care. You're fine. It's a dry heat. Yeah. That's right. Nothing. Nothing moves in this dry heat. So I feel like we probably
Starting point is 00:53:05 could have talked to a lot more people if they weren't shooting us out oh definitely so oh well i bet there were some ticks probably some tick people in there yeah also if you came to the first show on wednesday night in phoenix sorry uh you know i didn't bring my best there for a little bit i tried the dog bit and i think people were just really bummed that all my dogs died and they didn't think it was very funny and it was kind of brutal I had a rough three or four minutes and then kind of to save it with like this old story that I keep in my back pocket so you you went like pretty long with the dog thing it was a long explanation yeah it was like there was a bunch of different aspects to
Starting point is 00:53:38 the story I wanted to tell and leading up just the fact that I named my third dog lucky I think that's funny if you know the context beforehand right but i just couldn't get it going i could not get it going from the get go and dog dogs are tricky because like like even the first episode we ever did of ghost runners with the hundred thousand dollars for your dog kind of people still are kind of upset about some things you said like people will go to their grave talking about this like people really really care deeply about dogs and so like yeah some people wouldn't find the humor in it because they would just internalize it. Like,
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh my gosh, if my dogs kept getting hit by cars, you know, yeah. Yeah. But then other people are like, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. You know,
Starting point is 00:54:12 whatever. My like opening joke was that I had a, you know, and this part's made up, but it was, you know, I'm just writing jokes. I said,
Starting point is 00:54:18 we named our first dog Ford, which is ironic because he's hit by a Chevy and right off the bat, no laughs. And I was like, Oh, I just heard a couple. Oh,
Starting point is 00:54:26 that's not the reaction I was going for. Yeah. You should have said that. I'd be like, no, no, I'm being funny. No,
Starting point is 00:54:31 it's comedy show. It's comedy show. It's a, it's you all you're you shaped. There's a bunch of businesses. This is stand up live. Whatever. I powered through.
Starting point is 00:54:42 It's fine. I got one other announcement. Uh, we got to give a shout out to it's santo mac they won our uh tournament challenge bracket oh yeah the ghosties yeah like what two three hundred people and two hundred people i think that was kaylee his her name oh really okay nice yeah baylor girl i don't know how you know that but she posted on her instagram okay cool she uh yeah she's baylor girl and sick him kaylee yeah sick him you win yeah it's santo mac she won first place crazy that baylor won the national championship i think back on it still and i was like that's wild they deserve they played well baylor university
Starting point is 00:55:13 won the national championship though like in basketball like like if i would have made a bet between katherine and i like who's alma mater kay who's not my alma mater whose favorite team is going to win the national championship in basketball first? I would have taken a lot of odds, a lot of money on that. And there's Baylor just cutting down the nets. So any other hot takes? Oh, to get some comments. In and out's pretty, pretty okay.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Are we sure the internet is here to stay? I don't think so. It seems like a fad. Yeah. I mean, do you use the internet every day? I don't, I don't. I don't know. Um, I don't know if
Starting point is 00:55:46 we need airbags and speed limits what's the big deal seatbelts are voluntary i don't know there shouldn't be laws about seatbelts um i think i think i don't know what i'm trying to say joy behar is one of the best musicians to ever live. Oh my gosh. Hit Joy with your best shot. That was bad. I'm sorry. I was so confident too. I was like, yeah, sure. That's good enough for me.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's Pat Benatar, not Joy Behar. It's for anybody who didn't know and still doesn't know. Pretty close though. Oh man. It's okay. All right. Let's get into some, uh, some voice memos potentially. And, uh, yeah, let's just do a few. We got, we got another recording here in a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. It's everything. Brad's going to, Brad is on his way to Hawaii the day this episode comes out and we have to record another episode between now and then. So we'll, we'll save some stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:35 And we got to really live our life before then. We got to live our life. I'm going to Oklahoma and back. Hopefully that'll yield some stuff. And I got two more shows tonight, so we'll see. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:42 here's a Simeon. What's up guys. First here's Simeon. What's up, guys? First of all, great job, Heatherly. Way above my expectations. A few weeks ago, I suggested that she write the jingle for 99 Red Balloons, and it was absolutely brilliant. Second, Jake, the way you pronounced the Savo was a little bit wrong. So in context, we'd sort of say, hey, do you and Isaac want to come over
Starting point is 00:57:03 and play pickleball the Savo? Third, no, Australians don't really get excited over American accents just because we hear them so often. And fourth, I really want to be part of the friend group that you guys mentioned when you were talking about all the people that are left voice memos and written jingles and everything else like that. So I'm going to try and leave a voice memo every week and become famous for being the australian person who does that sweet oh that's crikey every every week mate yeah we're gonna get good at that australian accent if we listen to it more salvo the salvo isaac he was saying sarvo but i thought it was arvo i mean he would know he was saying yeah he was maybe you were hearing this this and you were thinking this avo probably so this avo this avo the salvo yeah simeon hello australians accent is so hard because it's so similar to british in our in our ears but not the. And so people just sound like you're being British the whole time.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I need like a phrase to come back to that's like, Hello. No. Crikey. Crikey, mate. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Simeon. Simeon. That's good. Should we take a road trip through the outback? Jacob, come to the outback with me. Maybe I should go more high-pitched like that. I like the deeper, the deeper, the Steve Owen. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Look at him just carefully go through the weeds. Oh, the weeds. The weeds. That's how he hides his skin from the prey. This Arvo. This Arvo. This Arvo, he's in the weeds. Next Arvo, next Arvo, he's not in the prey. This Ovo. This Ovo. This Ovo. He's in the weeds. Next Ovo.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Next Ovo. He's not in the weeds. Elsewhere. Did he ask us a question? Nope. He's supposed to be participating. He's Simi and the Australian. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:56 We look forward to hearing you more, Sim. Next week. Better hear you. Jake. Brad. Yo. How's it going? This is Mathen from Moscow, Idaho.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Mathen. I sent you photos of me putting together baby furniture a while ago on the Instagram. Evelyn came. She's hanging out with me right now. All right. And with that being said, Brad, I need suggestions for Datter Days. I'm making a shirt that says Datter Days, sponsored by Ghost Runners Podcast. So send me some ideas.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Jake, if you and Trey make it out to Spokane, Washington, that's an hour and a half north of us. Let's make it happen. We're coming to a show if you make it. Also, just drinks. Let's make it happen. So many days I'm headed to work. I'm like, well, I could really use a drink right now, but I don't want to stop and go into a gas station. I just need a drive through.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Anyways, thanks for bringing us the content we need. God bless. Let's make it happen. Let's make it happen. Just drinks. Let's make it happen. Jake, I would love to see you for a show if you end up making it happen up here. Did you end up getting Spokane? Yeah. Although Trey told me earlier today that we already sold out all the shows in Spokane. So I hope you got your tickets. So hopefully, Mathen, you got in there.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Hopefully you made it happen. Make it happen, Mathen. Make it happen, Mathen. So yeah, I guess we already sold them out. Okay. Which is pretty cool. I don't even know what there is in Spokane. Mathen, holler at me with stuff to do because we're going to be bored.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Brad and Harrison and Isaac aren't going to be there. Maybe. Well. Harrison said that last night. He's like, dude, I come to every show. Like, we could be groupies. Like, just if we get in for free, we'll go. And you'd be Alan's hype man.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Make it happen. Yeah. Alan. Alan. Good pianist. Oh, wonderful. Beautiful pianist. He is good, though. Yeah. He is. Alan's hype, man. Make it happen. Yeah. Alan, Alan, good pianist. Oh, wonderful. Beautiful pianist.
Starting point is 01:00:47 He is good though. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Nice. Very good. It was fun. That was fun watching.
Starting point is 01:00:51 It was fun. Like the, like the third guy that I, I never even like could tell you what he looked like in the things that I've watched you do. I'm like, now I'm kind of friends with that guy now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:00 So that's fun. See him. Uh, okay. Data days, Brad, just ideas for data days i mean it just depends on you know the whole vibes but i think just any kind of quick easy food place where
Starting point is 01:01:13 you can uh be loud without it being too annoying so like panera and chick-fil-a are great ones for us um for just generic ones don't go to like a sit-down place with a baby or anything like that but just anything that you can get out of the house pretty predictably, like the kids will like as far as just like, you know, Panera, they always have muffins. They always have scones. How do you love them? You know, smoothies like, like those things are guarantees to where it's like, we're going to have a good time. It's going to be easy enough for me, but it's also going to be nice for mama to get out, like to get us out of the house. And then just a simple park. The kids love slides. They love swings. Um, so go to the park, go to breakfast. That's a good two plus hours away. That's plenty of time for your wife to get a little bit of R and R,
Starting point is 01:01:55 maybe shower, um, do whatever she needs to do. So simple enough. Wonderful. Yeah. I concur. Yeah, that's how Jake does it as well. Hey, fellas, this is Caleb in South Florida, one of the OG South Florida Ghosties, along with Aaron Powell. You can maybe count the Del Papas in there. And I'm here with the newest South Florida Ghostie, the Tommy Lee Jones. Say hi, Tommy. What's up, Jake and Brad? What's up, Jake? It's your West Palm Beach personal Uber driver.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Yes. Intern at The Family Church. The Family Church. Normally First Baptist West Palm, if that missed you. Oh, okay. That's the old name. He went from First Baptist to The Family Church. Tommy is actually one of my RAs as well.
Starting point is 01:02:45 On our staff, we play a lot of pickleball. We were kind of wondering if there was ever to be a pickleball tournament, a Ghost Runners pickleball tournament, how would that work? And how would one get invited to that? So let us know.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I got four words for pickleball tournament. You ready? Let's say them in unison. Let's make it happen, baby! On your feet, Mathen. Mathen might not have gotten tickets to Spokane, but he's coming to the pickleball tournament. Let's make it happen.
Starting point is 01:03:19 With Evelyn. Dude, we actually, a long time ago, back when Harrison was still working for chick-fil-a yeah we talked about doing like a pickleball tournament kind of ghost riders pickleball tournament with chick-fil-a yeah and i don't think that that'd be that hard to like contact the you know city of lenexa or prairie village or whoever and get uh like reserve their pickleball tournaments for a day or something yeah i mean it's possible it's just one of those things it would take a lot of work and yeah how much work
Starting point is 01:03:50 do you think it would take a lot of work i think so we're just like the coordinating i mean day of especially in the logistics beforehand with like the court and sure reserving and i don't know maybe it wouldn't i think it'd be so fun. What would be like a good time? It would be nice to do it in April probably, but April would be nice. That's the little if it was in Kansas City. Yeah. I mean, ideally the Ghost Hunters Pickleball Tournament takes place in Hawaii, I think. Holy cow. Any month. Doesn't matter. Yeah. Right off the coast.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Volcanoes erupting nearby. I think that's kind of a fun bonus. Yeah. We have camel rides. That's something we offer. But only around the Pickleball Court. So it's a quick ride. It's about 30 seconds long. Do you want to talk about how the camel rides. That's something we offer, but only around the pickleball court. Like, so it's a quick ride. It's about 30 seconds long. Like, do you want to talk about how the camel rides went real quick? Oh, you're asking me?
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yeah. Isaac's here shirtless. So get on What's up guys? Uh, what am I talking about? Camels? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah. Yeah. Um, so I assume you already told him we were at the zoo for Harrison's 30th and everything. Oh, they know. I'm sure they know. I told them about the serenading of the lions. Oh, yeah, dude. That was great.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yeah. I wish there was a video of that so bad. Anyway, riding a camel. It was my first time ever riding a camel. Huh. And it was six bucks a ticket. So Harrison and I went. It was 12 bucks.
Starting point is 01:05:02 We got on the same camel. And camel's name was Crockett oh yeah Crockett and another camel's name get this we were on the camel riding around it's just like a little circle you go around and we hear one of the guys that's walking the camel go alright Isaac get up and I'm like looking around
Starting point is 01:05:18 huh I'm fine I'm on the camel but another camel's name was Isaac so that was fun oh the horse's name But another camel's name was Isaac. So that was fun. Oh, the horse's name was Thursday. The horse's name was Thursday. The camel's name is Isaac. Good riddle.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Was it fun to be that high up on a camel? It was so fun, man. We were going so fast. We were going so fast. And it lasted a whole 30 seconds. We went around a little circle twice. And that was it. Did you guys say anything to each other on the camel? yeah what was the conversation like?
Starting point is 01:05:51 that's what I was saying I think we were really close which was nice like Harrison was the humps on the camel Harrison was straddling me which I liked he was on the top of the hump wasn't he? yeah he was on the top of the hump I don't he? Yeah, he was on the top of the hump.
Starting point is 01:06:05 He was on the peak. I don't know why he didn't go. Yeah. I think that's where they said for him to go. Oh, they did. Okay. That's where Crockett likes it. It's the safest space on a camel.
Starting point is 01:06:12 That's where Crockett likes it. Driver always protects his side. Yeah. I recommend camelback riding. Okay. 10 out of 10 times. Get a camelback with you next time. You can get some water.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Oh, my gosh. While you're on the camelback. There you go. So that is a ghost earner's pickleball tournament. You and times get a camelback with you next time you can get some water oh my gosh while you're on the camelback there you go so that is a ghost earners pick one harrison we're broke camelback oh because all he had was six dollars in his wallet yep so that's why um okay well thank you for the question caleb tommy lee fun to hear that uh you're listening tommy lee from being my uber driver to now calling in on the podcast. We shoot our shot more often with just random people. If anyone drives you anywhere,
Starting point is 01:06:51 tell them you have a podcast. Yeah, absolutely. Let's do one more voice memo and then let's wrap this up because I see Trey and Alan starting to get the clothes on. What's up, Jake and Brad? My name is Ansley.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I'm a ghostie from around Athens, Georgia. Go Dawgs. Go Dawgs, I guess. Quick side story that I thought was funny. During a message I was listening to last night, the speaker dude said something about asking God for areas that you can grow in, and patience came to mind for me, and immediately I hear Jake's voice in my head go,
Starting point is 01:07:22 Tremendous patience. So thanks for that. But out of the mouth of babes am i right um on that note my question is what are some of your best cringy christian pickup lines none of that book of numbers business i want it obscure and creative like elisha and the she bears obscure so uh give me what you got bye okay this is a confusing prompt because she asked for cringy pickup lines and then said i want your best i want the most creative pickup lines you have so you want cringy or you want good i think you see what i'm saying cringy yeah i don't know what she wants
Starting point is 01:08:01 how about i'm gonna do this i think pickup lines are always cringy. Yeah, don't use pickup lines. Yeah, pickup lines don't work. I'm going to go quality over quantity. Okay. Ansley, you're getting one. You're getting one pickup line. Okay, me too. Okay?
Starting point is 01:08:13 Okay. I don't know mine's quality. It's just, quantity is low. But it's just going to be one. Yeah, go. It's just not high in quantity. Okay. Ansley, you, yeah, okay. You go up to someone and you say, Hey, I don't know if you, uh, go to
Starting point is 01:08:29 a, uh, what you would consider a spirit filled church, but what do you say? We use our tongues. Oh boy. That's good. That's better than mine. That's cringy as heck. Oh my gosh. I feel comfortable thinking about that right now. I feel comfortable thinking about her reaction to that. Well. I'd go Southern accent, Joe White style. Hey, your daddy named Daniel? Because, girl, I thank you. No, let me try again. New accent, new accent.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Hello. Hey, is your daddy name a Daniel? Because, girl, I think you think you're a good match for me. You get it? I'll do it one more time. I don't care. All right. New accent, new accent.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Hello. Is your daddy's name Daniel? Because, girl, I think you're a nice looking girl one more time i don't even get i know i know i'm not doing it well okay oh my gosh i'm doing it so dumb i'm saying daniel yeah david okay hey okay hey yo your daddy named dav? Why? Because girl, I think you're a hot girl. What were you saying in the middle? Girl, I think.
Starting point is 01:09:52 There, my goodness. You need me to do it one more time? No, I got it. I'll do it one more time. Girl, I think. Nailed it. I nailed it. I nailed every part of that. And that is what you call quality over quantity. That's why we do it.
Starting point is 01:10:08 That is 101 episodes deep right there, baby. Oh, I was so genuinely confused. Goliath. I'm just going to keep milking this lion until we get it milking these peanuts. I should have shown that you were like, that I had a speech impediment with the L's because then it would have been better. Like, think yeah okay let's um let's get on to our review of the week oh yeah let's pull that up you got it i've uh i've got one that i really liked the title says screw jake and brad this isn't about them okay okay this is about the ghosties man oh man
Starting point is 01:10:42 y'all made me tear up i knew this the video celebrating the 100th episode from the fans was coming, but after watching it, it slaps different. I could see Jake and Brad both speechless at the love of this community and the bond we share from listening to two goobers talking about their lives. You ghosties are my community, and though I may not know any of you, I know we'd be best of friends. I never knew how much this pod and you all meant to me until I watched my community give back to these guys.
Starting point is 01:11:04 These five stars aren't for them. It's for you. Brad and Jake, y'all are all right, too, I guess. That's awesome, though. Nice little review. It's so true, though. Yeah. These are well said.
Starting point is 01:11:13 You're the real MVPs. That's still cool to say. Mine's from a Roberts. I asked for a race so I could become a Patreon. That's really cool. Patron. I love this podcast, but I also love things like being able to buy food. Same same that's why i asked for a raise at my job so that i could do both this podcast brings me so much joy and has helped me stay positive during some major life bummers lately i've wanted
Starting point is 01:11:34 to become a patron supporter patreon supporter for a while but just couldn't swing it i finally had the courage to ask for a raise and thankfully we'll be able to join now i'm looking forward to being able to see all the extra content y'all create. Keep doing what you're doing and encouraging people to keep positive, keep it zany and keep it dangerous on the dance floor. Keep it dangerous. I love that. So if you're not a patron right now and you haven't asked for a raise, you have no excuse.
Starting point is 01:11:55 It's your own fault. Yeah. Just any, if you work for yourself, wake up earlier, start working harder. Yeah. There's more time.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Neglect your family. I would say so. You'll figure it out. Go to Phoenix, buy the flight, take the the trip wanderlust rent the u-haul wonder where the wi-fi is weak rent the u-haul you can do it you quit that job rent that u-haul that u-haul you deserve it get in the cargo space in the back get a lawn chair i would love for hang on to the side i would love for pulling a brad to not be uh quitting your ministry job anymore but actually renting a u-Haul for transportation.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Rebrand, rebrand. Yeah. I listen to this guy's podcast. He, um, he actually quit or no, he has his own woodworking business and he rents U-Hauls when he goes on trips. That's his thing. He quits. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:12:35 He rents U-Hauls. Thank you guys for all the reviews, all the voice memos. We're going to get to plenty more, uh, on next week's episode. Yeah. Uh, that we're going to record here in a couple of days. But for now, Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle? Yes, please. It's about to get loud in this Airbnb, and everybody's inside now, too. Let's go! You guys want to sing it with me?
Starting point is 01:12:53 You'll know it. Come on. Come on. Alright. Here, get a... You got it. You got it. Actually, you need... Yeah, maybe Harrison. Yeah, Harry, Harry. Know your role, Ike.
Starting point is 01:13:08 There you go. You can just be in the back with the blow-ups. You get down a little bit so you can get in the shot. You'll recognize it. Uh-oh, I want some more. Uh-oh, what are we waiting for? Hey, Trey, if you can hear this, you want to get in later, man. I think he just had a phone. Oh, dang. Are you ready? Hey, Trey, if you can hear this, you want to get in later, man. He just had a phone.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Oh, dang. Are you ready? Yeah, yeah. Okay. I'm just going to set this down. Here we go again I wrote this jingle for Steve Triplett He requested it and that's a quest
Starting point is 01:13:53 That I cannot deny Yeah, you go, honey. And here we go again I'm not working with much information Just a handful, but I promise I'll give it my best try Yeah, this one's for Steve tonight Oh-oh, Jake is your son Oh-oh, Trish is your number one
Starting point is 01:14:22 This jingle's for Steve tonight Oh-oh, you raised two kids This is your number one! This jingle's for Steve tonight! Oh, oh! You raise two kids! Oh, oh! Hayden's your favorite! I'm guessing she's your favorite! Jake, please tell me it would find rhyme!
Starting point is 01:14:40 Here we go. Here we... Here we... Oh crap we go. Oh, wait. Here we go. Oh, crap. I did it. Oh. No, no, no. A letter for the Chiefs. A letter for the Chiefs. A letter for the Chiefs. A letter for the Chiefs.
Starting point is 01:14:49 A letter for the Chiefs. A letter for the Chiefs. A letter for the Royals and the Chiefs. Nice. You go to work each week. The work is so hard. So hard. And I won't be surprised when you land the next page on Interview
Starting point is 01:15:07 Oh-oh, they always want more Oh-oh, the fans are always asking for The four of us can't afford some Steve tonight Oh-oh, thanks for your son Oh-oh, we're thankful you raised him far We're grateful you made him fun So this jingle's for Steve tonight Come on, Steve deserves credit
Starting point is 01:15:32 It's our cousin, it's how he did it It's Steve that gave us Jake We all should give him thanks Well, Steve gets a jingle tonight. Steve gets a jingle tonight. There it is. Here we go again. You think it's over?
Starting point is 01:16:04 No. You think? Probably. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, How could he last here so long? Did the trampoline ever make it home? This one is for Steve tonight. Hey! For you, Stevie! Steve! We wonder how great you are, but we know you're great because your name's Steve.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Stevie Wonder. Thank you. I'm going to fade out. Yeah, it to go. You way to go. Wow. Both of you, way to go. Isaac, way to go. That was maybe one of my favorite jingle experiences I've ever been a part of.
Starting point is 01:17:05 First one in Arizona, I think. Trey who? Hashtag Trey who? Trey's over there Is that actually a thing that Ghost people are trying to start? Yeah we're starting it dude Hashtag Trey who I'm about to whip Trey out of here man We're at like the bottom of the ninth You want to say something? I'm about to whip Trey out of here, man.
Starting point is 01:17:27 We're on the bottom of the ninth. You want to say something? No, you're shirtless. It's on video. He's married. Yeah. Well, thanks for singing that. Thanks, Heatherly.
Starting point is 01:17:37 I'm assuming it was Heatherly. Thanks for writing that about my dad. My dad thanks you. That was really special. Episode 101 on location here in phoenix uh thank you all for listening i know it's a shorter episode but you'll be all right you'll be all right listen to that episode let's go listen to correct opinions you know correct opinions correct opinions roll music you want me to do some some trey impressions real quick
Starting point is 01:18:02 what else should I do? What other characters? Oh, Maddox. Tell me something. I'll get mad about Maddox. Maddox, you should be done playing video games by now. I just got on here. This is not that severe.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Okay, let's try girls in the fall so um let's wonder where the wi-fi is weak oh my god i don't know i haven't practiced that one as much right i practice i practice medics every day wake up harris and isaac were like what's he doing in the bathroom? What other ones we got? Son? Yeah, yeah. Hey, son. When you're talking about, when you're talking about your tail surfing, you should be more
Starting point is 01:18:56 like surfing outside. You need the after, you need the chuckle afterwards. I don't know how he does that you know i'm saying i feel like my real dad is with my stepdad right now and i'm like i hope they get along after this it's all right tray can do impressions of me all he wants oh man oh what a what a last 10 minutes of an episode this has been off the rails this is great oh we gotta go though brad's gotta take his shirt off and jump in a pool all right so you'll see it on uh and yeah tiny tiny you'll see it on an instagram video coming to you in like a week or two all right love you guys all right have a good week see y'all

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