Ghostrunners - 110 - Jock Jams Comedian

Episode Date: June 14, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Jake, apparently there's this word that's going around these days called viral. There's viral songs, viral videos. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. There needs to be a word. Yeah. And so apparently there's this video that's been going viral lately that I saw of this woman.
Starting point is 00:00:15 She's in her backyard and this bear like starts climbing up the fence and like these four dogs were there in her backyard and she like runs up, like pushes the bear down like this huge, like mama bear, push the bear down and like shoes her dogs off to safety. And I just watched that and thought, I didn't think like that's sweet. I didn't think that was courageous. I just thought no way, no way would I ever even get close to doing that. Like, like unless the dog had a million dollars in his stomach, then the only way we could get it out is if he was alive and defecated it. That's great. Then yeah, maybe. Yeah. If he had a million dollars in his stomach that the only way we could get it out is if he was alive and defecated it that's great then yeah maybe yeah if you had a million dollars but also ziplocked in to where it was like it wasn't going to get me nasty afterwards because i don't i don't want
Starting point is 00:00:53 a nasty million dollars i don't want to clean that okay so she just shoves the bear away like the bear is trying to eat her dogs or something like she went she blitzed the a gap just shoved the bear down but the bear is a lot bigger than her like it was like a safety blitz in the a gap and the the offensive guard fell back for a second but got up with the vengeance it was like trying to get back up again i think she pushes him back again shoes the dogs away and one of the dogs was like a teacup like you know like a really tiny little oh because i'm imagining like maybe these dogs are being cast in the next airbund no no no word bound remake no Bound remake. No. They're TikTok famous. No yellow dogs, no black dogs.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I don't care what it is. No, I don't care if the dogs were gay, lesbian, or overweight. I'm not saving them. No. Uh-oh. Ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down. With some random thoughts in white. Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat.
Starting point is 00:01:44 So come along along let's have some fun and go ahead get on your feet yeah come on. Here we are. Episode 110. If you're listening to this at midnight on YouTube right now, then you are just a couple hours behind Brad and I. Yeah, 7.38 p.m. in the Central Standard Time Zone here on a Sunday night. Is this the latest, like closest we've ever recorded to releasing? I think, yeah, from what I know, in 110 episodes. I'm sure we've done a Sundayay before but i don't remember it but not sunday like evening like not after the news
Starting point is 00:02:31 no sunday no not after yeah not after they gave us the weather 10 and twos but i'm glad we're doing this because we could have done it like wednesday afternoon right but we knew so much was going to happen between now and wednesday we're like we should wait it's going to be worth it and like i think you got the vibes t-shirt on. I'm feeling the vibes. I just landed back in Kansas city and we got so much to talk about. So much has happened. So much has happened, dude. It's been a busy week. I'm really glad in hindsight. Yeah. I'm really glad that we did it like this because whatever that was Tuesday when we were talking about it, like, yeah, like I kind of felt bad. I was like, I think I got to record either like late, like Sunday, or we got to record like tomorrow. And
Starting point is 00:03:07 you were like, I was saying the same thing. We got to wait, wait. Cause you got a fence building project. Yeah. We had a fence building project. A big, yeah. Big fence. We had Catherine's a bunch of Catherine's family in town. Seven of seven people came and stayed at our house at your house. We have a very modestly sized house. It's a great, good old fashioned Midwest ranch. Uh, there wasn't, it's not like there's It's a great, good old fashioned Midwest ranch. Uh, there wasn't, it's not like there's extra beds lying around, but we made it work. It was great. I think, well, what do I want to say from what I know about Catherine's family or just from what I know about adults in general, you can afford a hotel room. It was not an adult. Yeah. There was not about the money. I don't think it was the money. Honestly, I don't know. Catherine's
Starting point is 00:03:44 family. If you're listening. Cause I know a lot of them do. Let me know how you felt about this, because I was like an advocate, like, no, we should all stay together. Oh, you were. I thought it'd be really fun. Like growing up, we always went to Thanksgiving at my grandma's house. My mom's one of six girls. And so like tiny house, lots of people, big fun time. And so it sounds like a Laura Ingalls Wilder book title, big family little time together good fun thanksgiving in dodge city yeah and so yeah i slept on the couch for
Starting point is 00:04:12 the last three nights but i liked it you dog yeah it was fun uh real quick speaking of thanksgiving we were at this uh arcade bar last night at 1 a.m uh they they actually shut the place down uh because like COVID is still like it's different up in Washington. It's still it's a lot more rampant. I guess I don't know whatever. But they let Trey and I and Alan stay in there and just play all these games. So I just come back to Thanksgiving. We're in the middle of just like all of us are sweating trying to beat the pop a shot record. And this girl comes up. Hey, y'all. She didn't say, oh, hey, you guys, we've been doing a thing here at gamers.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Every Sunday, we celebrate a new holiday that we missed out on last year. So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Do one of you guys want to make a hand turkey at 1 a.m.? Yeah. And we're all just like, I don't know, just the vibe. I mean, the vibe was opposite of hand turkey. You guys were very like intent on this game like playing we've all got drinks we're all like you know just having such a bro time together do you guys want to make a hand turkey and trey and i don't say a word and then alan's like yeah i'd love to so alan went over man i had turkey alan's got to recognize his role on the team he's the piano player that like doesn't say a word the entire show and he has to take something for the team everyone's wild yeah
Starting point is 00:05:24 he's gonna get all the privileges you guys get but he's gonna have to make a hand turkey now and then gosh i didn't even write that down i'm so glad you said thanksgiving i would have never brought that up random thing yeah do you want to make a hand turkey sure i'm five you know i'm three or whatever it is like oh that's awesome but yeah fence was great i first of all let me say i love having daughter a daughter and i would i'd be great. First of all, let me say, I love having a daughter. And I'd be great if I had all daughters and one boy for the rest of my life. But it is really cool having a bunch of brothers just come up from Texas and just, like we knocked out this fence, like a pretty big fence in a day, basically.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And it was like, this is why you have boys right here. This is it. This is it. You know, it was just amazing. Yeah, there were five of us men working, in the fence and, uh, it was great. The only, the only downside I will say is, uh, it's tough to tough to poop when there's that many people in your house. Okay. Because you know, our bathroom situation, tiny bathrooms anyway, pretty close proximity to every other room in the house. Good. Uh, water pressure though. Great. Yeah. Air. Yeah. That's like an
Starting point is 00:06:24 airplane water pressure on those bad boys. But even like the toilet is like right next to the doors. Like, it's not like you're like, maybe he's pooping. Maybe he's not. It's like, you know, right there, you know? And so I was waking up five 30 in the morning, you know, pooping right before my shower, you know, going to bed late at night. Like I'm going to sneak one in real quick now. Go to quick trip. Hey guys, if anybody wants a Sonic happy hour, it took you about 45 minutes to get those drinks. No, uh, that was probably the toughest thing was just the shower. The bathroom situation in general was like, you know, got to respect my schedules. So I expect the sketch. So, uh, but anyway, it was a great man. It was really fun. But yeah, you're absolutely right. Like multiple of my friends, whenever I
Starting point is 00:07:04 said they're all staying at our house, they're like, like, could they get a hotel? And like, my parents were out of town. My parents were like, they can stay at our house 20 minutes down the road. Uh, but we were like, no, let's, let's do it together. Big family, little house. Great fun. So that's it. Uh, anyway, but yeah, that's the, that's the big, most recent thing really feel accomplished getting that fence done and i think it was kind of a stressor on my life a little bit i think i think that combined like the prep work for like hosting seven people at our tiny house combined with hosting ghost runners fans at kansas city two weekends in a row yeah combined with then paying for this fence and like building
Starting point is 00:07:39 it right and everything like it was like a lot of things that were like i don't want any of these things to go poorly i want these all to be great yeah you know but it was i think yeah i just was a little bit stressed so i'm feeling feeling good about the future after getting all that stuff cool so we do next weekend next weekend i don't even know what i'm doing tomorrow that's not true i know what i'm doing tomorrow but usually i don't i don't know i don't think anything so a little sneak preview for the ghost runners listeners uh except not really a preview at all just a tasting just a little wine tasting just a quick appetize uh brad and i have some exciting stuff going on in our lives outside of ghost runners but still in the realm of uh content creation yeah and we'll probably let you guys know in a week or two yeah that's what i'm i said
Starting point is 00:08:20 that's what i'm doing tomorrow you That's what I know. What? I was trying to add on to your preview of like, that's what I know. Oh, and I know what I'm doing tomorrow because that's what it is. It's that. But what is it exactly? What is it? The people who are at the live studio audience,
Starting point is 00:08:37 they know. They know. The patrons will know this week. Okay. Everyone else will know. So get on that Patreon subscription. In probably like two weeks when it's time. It's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:08:44 When it gets released. It's going to be fun. When it gets released. So yeah, that's a good time. Let's talk about open mic night. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. That's part of the reason we're like Tuesday night, like we were at Topgolf together. We're like, well, Wednesday, we're going to open mic. We got to wait till after that.
Starting point is 00:08:55 We're going to have some stuff. Yeah. From open mic night. Also real quick, Tuesday night Topgolf. It's becoming a thing. We got recognized. Oh yeah, of course. And we met the secretary of state.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Maybe. That was pretty funny. No, he wasn't there. He wasn't there. A girl named Catherine came up and recognized me. And I think she listens to the podcast from time to time. Yeah. She goes like, she's like, are you Jake Triplett?
Starting point is 00:09:16 And I kind of rolled my eyes. I'm like, oh my gosh, this guy. And she's like, I listen to your podcast. And I was like, crap, I should probably be nice now. But it was, I was already like, like you were over here. I was in one of those like high chair things in Topg golf. And I was like, my back was to her. And so it was like, I'm, I'm already invested going this way. So it was like, I heard that she was like a podcast listener. I was like, Oh, nice. But I didn't know it was just too late, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:42 So, uh, she was there with like some coworkers and she, you know, I took a couple of pictures or whatever. And then I was like, where do you guys all work? And she said, the secretary of state. And then Brad was like, is this him? Yeah. I was like, she's like, she's like, Kevin here is a huge trade Kennedy fan. He's got tickets to your eyes, a show coming up in Kansas city, uh, trade for
Starting point is 00:10:00 anybody who wants to buy them slash tour slash tour. And, uh, and you know, they're like, yeah, we work for the secretary of state's office. I was like, wait a second. It's Kevin, the secretary of state. Like I should probably know that. Who's our SOC SOS SOS. Please come help me. But, uh, it was not Kevin.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It was somebody else. Pretty sure it's not Kevin. No. But Hey, Kevin, if you're listening, thanks for all you do. You, you, you keep the wheels turning. Kevin. Yeah. Office.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Thank you. Yep. Kevin. Kevin. Go SOS office. Thank you. Yep. Check out that website. But anyway, yeah, Tuesday night, Topgolf, good times. Fun times. Wednesday night, Brad did his first ever set as a comedian.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah, so let's set the scene here. It's at this tiny, like, I don't know how big of a thing to describe it. It's just small. It's a room. I bet full capacity, 100 people. Full capacity. I mean, very jam-packed 100 people. Last Wednesday, 30 people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And 27 were comedians. 27 were comedians. We know exactly how many numbers there were because we get there at 735. They told us 730 to 8 o'clock is going to be the sign-up time. We're like, great. That's what the says. Now, if Kevin was running the website, it more accurate would have been, would have been accurate because it was actually seven to seven 30. So we get there, they'd already signed everybody up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 They put everybody's name in, drew it out of a hat to get an order. And so they're like, well, we usually cap it at seven 30, but I guess we can make an exception for you guys. And of course, I'm like finally getting the courage to like come to one of these things. Yeah. And then I'm going to be like asked to not do it. And I'm like okay maybe i'll never do this again you know like whatever but they're like we can put you guys at the very end and jake you made a funny joke about that you remember that what did i say you're just like oh brad they're having us headline yeah we're headlining this is awesome and i was like that's fine it'll give us a lot of time to like see everybody else and so we were literally the 26th and 27th person to go. And by the time we went, there was nine people out there.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Like maybe at the beginning of my set. You got a couple more than I did too. But what does it say to me? So I go up there at the, you know, and like halfway through my set, I think Jake said like, yeah, almost like that, like 10 people went outside. And it wasn't because of anything you were doing. It was just like one of their buddies had just performed. And I think once he was like ready to go, all left yeah they were like we're done with you
Starting point is 00:12:06 yeah so where do we even start it was awesome because okay brad had texted me the day of just like anything else i need to know just like uh i think it was like some specific questions you had you're like also what's the vibe on like starting it off for just like 30 seconds of jock jams which i definitely thought was a joke i responded with a quote from the office. I said, it's what did you say? I remember Karen like it's actually a pretty common fantasy, which doesn't make that much sense. I was confused what that meant when you said that.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's a it's a deep, deep track. OK, yeah. Karen says that to Michael and like all the girls at the mall. Yeah, yeah. So I don't know why I responded with that. But yeah, 30 seconds of jock jams. Yeah, it's actually a pretty common fantasy. Well brad and i have not talked about what we're gonna say we kind of want to surprise each other brad gets up there i'm recording him i'm so excited
Starting point is 00:12:51 been moving a hundred dollars and i'll send you the video and uh i like royalties on that video and just grabs the mic and he's like kansas city how we doing oh yeah i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it the next 10 times i go i guarantee you And he's like, Kansas City, how we doing? Oh, yeah. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it the next 10 times I go. I guarantee you. I couldn't believe it. I've never seen that before.
Starting point is 00:13:12 That was kind of my idea. I was like, I'm just going to do something that's like so different than anybody else. Like that's like kind of awkward, but also like, who is this guy? What's this guy doing? I mean, I went back and watched the video and like people are clapping. Yeah. My idea was like, I'm going to do it until people like get into it like if this is most of my time then so yeah and that was gonna be part of my joke honestly i thought it was only
Starting point is 00:13:32 three minutes that we had uh and so i was gonna be like yeah you know i always said if i ever got to do stand-up comedy i was gonna spend the first 30 seconds of my precious three minutes of time uh reciting jock jams volume four you know whatever, whatever, something like that. And then they were like, you have five minutes actually. So that psyched me out a little bit. You're like, now I can do more of the song. Yeah. You guys say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You guys say, hey, yeah. But yeah, so let's rewind a little bit on the comedy night. Okay. The comedian, I don't know if anybody has ever been to one of these things, ever performed in one of these things, but it was like so dark, right? Like that was part of it for me. That was like, like at first I felt compelled to laugh at people. Cause I felt
Starting point is 00:14:13 bad when they would make jokes that were not funny halfway through. I was like, I'm done. I'm done giving these people any kind of praise for these terribly inappropriate jokes that are just like, they were just trying to like say something so vulgar that people would laugh at. It was all just like shock value comedy, not even really punchlines, but just like, what's the most absurd thing I can say? Like in a room full of people, right? Like some of the things, like most of the things I'm never going to repeat in my life. We literally can't like, I would love to tell you just how shocking it is, but I, I don't want to say those things out loud. So it was crazy. It was crazy. And that's why I think I really regret going second to last is because the whole
Starting point is 00:14:50 time I was like, these people are laughing at those jokes. My jokes are about, uh, being a dad of two kids and being overweight, you know, guy, like they're not going to laugh at my stuff at all compared to what this stuff is. Uh, exactly. Cause I had remembered when I'd gone before gone before i've been twice before to this room like a year and a half ago and i remember like for the most part everyone is bad but i forgot like the type of content that everyone else is doing the type of material yeah it is so different and it is like we both agreed the same thing by the end i was like i don't know how helpful this is like if there's not going to be just a bunch of like random just like citizens, they're not performing just like normal people there that it's not going to be helpful to us to know if this is funny or not.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Right. For instance, the stuff I did, uh, I mean, got little to no laughs, you know, and I was performing for six people. So granted that's tough, but I mean, seriously, I mean, almost no laughs for an entire, like four minutes. And then I was confident enough to like, do those in Spokane. And like, they were some of my favorite jokes to do one because they're new right and two just like it was just like it was hitting and like people were loving it yeah and so it's like i think it's more the muscle memory of like getting up there and doing something getting after it than just like actually gauging how funny that joke was because this is not our this is not a crowd at all exactly yeah it's good to give you a reason to write stuff and get some stage presence but as far as the material itself you just got to trust yourself you just gotta be
Starting point is 00:16:07 like this is funny with the right crowd this will work whatever i am motivated to go back there though and are you i'm done dude i i just want i just want to like i i want i want to like make a whole room of like really vulgar people laugh at something super clean that is like my main motivation in life right now is like not really my motivation, but it's Hattie bow making the rhino laugh. Um, no, that's awesome. Good for you. I mean, I think you should keep doing it. I think I might do the jock jams every time and just have a different punchline for that
Starting point is 00:16:35 joke. Every jock jams guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, why not? That's great. Like kind of a traditional, like, like, you know, that he's going to get up there because
Starting point is 00:16:42 at the fifth, sixth time i do it everyone's gonna be so into it here he comes here he comes yeah why not that's amazing you have five minutes five minutes is way longer than three so it is it's like two minutes longer 60 40 yeah 120 seconds yep that's correct uh all right so i did a thing uh oh i hate that i phrased it like that i sound like a white girl who just got a haircut that's not that's not that's not what you meant by i started you did get a nice haircut this week a little project we both did you were before the basketball game mine was shortly after mine was a while back yeah but i uh pretty early on i was like oh wow yeah these people are just like really really bad and obviously i'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:17:23 like dox him like this guy's name was was Gerald Ferguson or whatever. But, uh, I pretty early on to the night, I started a note in my phone called favorite punchlines. And, uh, granted 60 to 70% of my favorite ones are too inappropriate to say on the podcast. So I only wrote down the clean ones and I've sent this list to Brad. Yeah. And, uh, should we just, uh, go back and forth and say some of our favorite ones from the night? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about the second one?
Starting point is 00:17:50 We'll just give you a quick preface on the second one. The second one is this guy that literally just got up there and just like screamed nonsensical things and people were dying laughing at him. It was like a very strange performance piece. It wasn't really comedy. It was like a sort of like speech. Like he was airing out some grievances or something yeah it was just like ed what's the deal with christmas i gotta see my family christmas yeah and then he
Starting point is 00:18:14 just moved on to the next topic yeah really quickly he would laugh at himself yeah that was funny he would cover his own mouth because of how it was weird it's hard to paint the picture how strange this was like like like i think i think bad comedy is funny but this was like so bad that it wasn't even funny like like there's like different levels of that you know what i mean which that's what was funny too we didn't mention that isaac uh showed up and he wanted to come see us right isaac showed about halfway through and brad and i for the most part we're keeping ourselves we're just quiet like when everyone gets done we'll clap for him but isaac gets there and he can't help it like the first
Starting point is 00:18:44 punch line it just doesn't hit i couldn't help it at first either yeah it's pretty like jarring yeah to hear a punch sign just make the room silent and isaac just goes he just pierced the room with his laugh because of how bad it was it was awesome and then it made me crack up the next thing you know we're all just laughing. Yeah. And Isaac laughing at him. Well, I learned that I'm a kind of a silent laugher anyway. I'm more of a. Yeah. And so there were times where I was like, that was funny.
Starting point is 00:19:12 That was kind of funny. Yeah. But I felt weird, like audibly laughing when I wasn't really wanting to audibly laugh. Yeah. But it was like, I enjoyed that joke. You know, I don't know. So sometimes I'd be like, that's good. You know, I'd say something like that. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I don't think I ever talked about this on the podcast, but there was a guy at one of the Greenville shows last month who he was sitting front row. I think you might've, I don't know if I put on my story, but the Greenville show, I mean, people sat at your feet. I mean, they were so close and I caught the guy several times, like in my head, I'm noticing it and I hadn't said anything yet, but he would keep leaning over his friend. Like that was funny. That was good. And eventually after like the fourth time, I just i just called him out i was like are you guys also hearing this words of affirmation guy in the front row just like dude not only well thought of joke well delivered too you guys you guys hearing this yeah you kind of misdirected me right and at the end you surprised me with what you said and
Starting point is 00:19:58 for that reason i thought it was funny he just only uses words like no laughing at all he was fun yeah um okay anyway uh brad you should uh say the punchline from the the screamo screamo guy all right this one's so good he's like he's like oh that's actually pretty good impersonation right there yeah that's good halfway through the night if i would have prepared this more i would i wanted to just roast everyone during my set yeah like i just wanted to i just want to take like the worst parts of everything and like make fun of like whatever like like different things about everybody don't think that would have gone over well but i think
Starting point is 00:20:33 it would have been pretty that same thought but i was like are these people who are even going to be here gonna know what i'm even doing yeah like i don't know if they stayed for the whole time like but if you could do that right in a row like wait a second was he just doing me and now he's doing this person now he's doing that that'd be? And now he's doing this person. Now he's doing that. That'd be awesome. Yeah. Now he's doing jock James again. Now he's back to jock James. Um,
Starting point is 00:20:50 okay. Okay. Recite. I've got a great P guy. I guess he's the best P James Earl Jones. Who's got the worst P Walt Disney. That's what he did. I promise.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's exactly what he did. That was how it was delivered. And that is, if you, if you need to know the transcript there, I've got a great pee guy. I'll get you the best pee. James Earl Jones. Who's got the worst pee?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Walt Disney. That was a joke. And people, some people were loving it. People laughed at it. And I was like, this is your king? So here's one of my favorites. So I've got a major Peter Pan complex, which means that I think that I'm 22
Starting point is 00:21:31 and that I'm going to stay 22, even though I have the body of someone who's 22. Silence. What's that mean? I don't get it. Let's see what I've got written down uh it says riff about scooby-doo would that be all right with you guys i don't think he even did it i don't think he riffed did he i don't think he's or no it was a girl it was a girl she did kind of riff about like
Starting point is 00:21:57 how they were all really attractive people in scooby-doo or something yeah she gave us a sexy show yeah all of them even scooby like why trying? Why are you, why are you trying to fit that round peg in a square hole or whatever? It was interesting. Uh, I mean, so much of it was interesting. One, how many people would just like look at their phone or look down at their notebook? Like, let's see what else I got written down in here. I wish I would've done that. I totally forgot like two minutes of my thing that I was going to say. So it's sometimes train, I get a little self-conscious or we just try to like, we try to be very respectful of the comedy scene because we know we've kind of taken a shortcut to it.
Starting point is 00:22:29 We want to respect like the industry we're in and like do it the right way. But then I go to these open mic nights, other people just like reading off their notes app while they're up there. I'm like, they're not showing any kind of respect. And this is like, I mean, they would love this. They're here every Wednesday. It's just, it's surprising. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:43 It was also surprising. Just like the first five women or the first five people that went up there were just like lesbians with like arm sleeves. It was like a cookie cutout of the same person. It was a very different seed. Like, yeah, I'm, I'm sitting in my khaki shorts and new balance shoes. And I'm like, these people are not going to like me. Like there was a guy that said he was homeless i believed him he i think he might have been homeless yeah like like like he was like kind of making jokes about it but i'm like i think this dude's homeless it looks like he wouldn't smell great it was it was very different than
Starting point is 00:23:13 the scene that jake went to in spokane yeah okay what about nothing wrong with lesbians with arm sleeves it was just you know five for five right off the bat it was like maybe i'm maybe i shouldn't go up there. Uh, if you're a liberal and you support drag Queens, I think you're a hypocrite. What about drag peasants? That was a good one. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Then that they would always acknowledge like how bad they were. They're like, I guess that one wasn't good. Okay. So you guys don't like those kinds of jokes. All right. Um, we do something else. And I told Jake, I was like, I am not going to do that. No, you shouldn't. You don't good. OK, so you guys don't like those kind of jokes. All right. We do something else.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I told Jake, I was like, I am not going to do that. No, you shouldn't. You don't like you're when you're doing comedy. You want to appear in control the whole time. Right. That's like the main thing. Like you're in charge. You're in control.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Even when you're talking to the crowd, they cannot. And so when you admit defeat, you're like, oh, man. All right. So and all right, that's fine. We can do it. You know, yeah, you just never want to backtrack at all. We had a lot of uh bisexual content uh at the night i couldn't write a lot of it down but here's one that was shocking that she said this on a stage they say a third of every bisexual high schooler will attempt to kill themselves so i guess they're getting rid of the problem oh i
Starting point is 00:24:22 don't remember i i don't remember her saying that. Can you believe that someone said that? Somebody said, I need to stop dating bisexual girls who are way more into Hamilton than I am. I do kind of remember that guy. I don't get it. I don't either. This one also made me uncomfortable and just the worst delivery of all time. All right here. You guys seeing this?
Starting point is 00:24:44 They're saying 40 is the new 30 yeah i say 15 is the new 18 clap if you agree you should first of all never say clap if you agree at a comedy show what is this like i don't know like a live auction or something i'm gonna be a clap if you agree and then also is this a pedophilia joke like is that the punchline like you're into 15 year olds i think so and you're 40 years old that's the joke oh it's brutal this was actually i like this one i've always been scared to die of a murder suicide that's why i only date girls with dyslexia oh no that was bad it doesn't make sense dyslexic people don't get like words mixed up they get letters mixed up it makes no sense but if he did it on purpose like if i don't know i think that
Starting point is 00:25:26 could be like a double funny joke anyway uh all right i'll do one last one oh wait hold on one other one i wrote down the guy was bombing so bad and then this made me laugh so hard he was just like uh mayday mayday we're going down i was like yes that's funny. That was good. Oh, man. Okay, last punchline. So, everyone, this is my impression of how John Mayer responds when someone asks him how he wants to get high. Gravity!
Starting point is 00:25:57 Bong. Anybody? Right? Isaac's like, yeah, that's a good one. It's so bad. Over and over and over again. Overall though, I had fun. I had fun at the end of the night.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I was glad I went. I was glad we did it. It took forever. Yeah. It was a long night. I say I had fun. I don't know if I really felt like I was having fun at the moment though. Actually,
Starting point is 00:26:21 now I think about, Oh, can we talk about the, the poetic beauty of the whole night? I can't believe we oh can we talk about the the just the poetic beauty of the whole night i can't believe we almost didn't talk about this so like we said there are 30 people there and we think pretty specifically 30 people 27 of them being performers three extras and then later isaac and his friend came okay so 32 yeah so i'm doing all uh new material I wrote some new stuff and some of it is like uh I was trying to find like a reason to I'm trying to figure out how to word this basically I had some jokes but
Starting point is 00:26:54 I couldn't think of like how to set it up and so the what I ended up going with was talking about like it was like just made up stories about like my ex-girlfriend that seemed like the I don't know what's like a good analogy that seemed like the shoehorn to get my foot in the joke shoe. That's exactly what I was going to say. I think I've heard Jerry Seinfeld say something similar to that. Clearly, I don't know what kind of analogy to use. Basically, whatever. I just learned the term shoehorn like a month ago.
Starting point is 00:27:19 The term or like the actual like apparatus? Oh, is the shoehorn the thing that like helps you get, is that the thing that slips you in it's okay all right in the show you're pretty good at doing that guy i I know. I think I could do impersonations of everybody right away. I think I could, I could watch that guy. You say right away? I could do it right away.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I promise. I could do it right away. Can I could do it right now? I'm right away. Are you saying you're right away? No, I'm right away. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Anyway, this, yeah, whatever. We've covered the shoehorn plenty. All I'm trying to say is this whole, like four minute bit that i'm doing revolves around like i dated this one girl and because of that these funny stories and jokes happened but it's all made up you know it's just all just like jokes i've written well there are three extra people which brad has hinted at that are
Starting point is 00:28:21 at this event one of them front row Front row. Front row is my ex. And she is there and didn't have time beforehand to be like, hey, you're going to hear some things tonight. They're not true. I didn't have time to say that. And so one of the six people that I'm performing for is the main character in the story. Yeah. And I'm just looking her dead in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:28:44 It's been like, this is funny. You get it. Uh, clap. If you agree, it was just amazing. Like why would she come to this thing? Like,
Starting point is 00:28:53 it was one of her friend's birthdays, but like, Oh, it was amazing. I was like, of course. Then you, I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:58 it was crazy. The circumstance. And it was like a year and a half after like you went for the first time to this comedy club. It's not like you like go every week. And so you have hard, high probabilities of her coming coming it was like the one week you're there she's also there oh it was amazing yeah i think it was her first time it was my first time in a year and a half oh man so good good stuff yeah so i don't know if you had fun i had fun no i was fine we all talked afterwards it was great. It was a fun time. We're back together. We're doing great.
Starting point is 00:29:25 No, actually. Big announcement, yeah. It was a real 180 for us. We needed that. Oh, man. Okay, what to talk about next? Isaac fell down the stairs this week. That was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Dude, that's my kind of humor. It's physical, failing humor that's not too detrimental to somebody. It was almost better, too. I was in my room, and I couldn't see it, but I could just hear it just the like like hitting six different stairs what are you did you make a noise at the end uh i think a little the one of those because i mean poor guys already got back issues so i'm sure it didn't feel great but those are some
Starting point is 00:30:00 narrow stairs or some like thin i go sideways sideways. Yeah. You got to tilt your feet 45 degrees. A hundred percent. Even more sometimes. I'm straight 90. I'm just, I'm like, I'm like going up like in ski school when you learn how to like shift up the mountain. Oh, sure. Horizontally.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. I don't know. I don't want to shift up the mountain. Like you're like vertical on the mountain and you're just like moving your feet that way. That's what I'm on the, on the i'm okay 90 anyway uh good for you i
Starting point is 00:30:29 wouldn't have pegged you for a guy who went to ski school oh yeah third grade would ski school i i held up at the uh snow creek no no no in colorado good for you west of kansas yeah and uh just like held up like everyone else was doing just fine with those little like stepping up the mountain not big brad like like my family's like oh brad you're athletic you play lots of sports you'll be fine at skiing but like let's do the ski school anyway and i don't think i have skied since i don't i don't have any interest don't do that way now no no way i'll go tubing tubing's great it is great uh okay so isaac fell down the stairs that's just i just want you to know that isaac fell down the stairs paint the picture for me a little more was it late at night
Starting point is 00:31:09 11 30 at night uh harrison is in his room i'm in my room we all like just kind of said good night to each other we high-fived in the hallway and i'm laying down and then isaac yeah just like it was awesome so my freshman year is classic like freshman year move i had a 7 30 a.m class i think on a monday you don't know any better yeah it's like gosh what am i doing it was like on the other side of campus uh but i went to breakfast beforehand at the dining hall and the dining hall stairs like there were probably like 20 of them down i fell down at least at least 10 oh no yeah that has to hurt i went it was it was bottom it was on my booty it was on my tuchus but took us down but it was like and it was like 7 10 in the morning so i'm like half asleep and like no one else is around luckily but i was just like oh that's the worst so i feel for isaac
Starting point is 00:31:56 but i that's that's got to be top 10 worst things to happen in your life like it's falling downstairs downstairs yeah i haven't done it yet i mean it's just a matter of time but i've not yet to fall downstairs do you think you fell down head first that's that's like because that's when you really get momentum on it right like you go front feet first two head first like your body propels you forward i don't know how he fell i wish he's playing the same volleyball right now maybe if he gets home in time we can have him recreate it by the end of the episode or maybe a patreon video yeah have him recreate it i don't know how he felt i think harris went out to check on him i just yelled you just fall on the stairs yeah yeah poor guy oh man um let's see i have a few different things uh little mediocre life
Starting point is 00:32:38 update for you my son bo walking like like a champ oh that happened while i was gone he's literally a toddler now yeah wow uh i mean every once in a while he'll happened while i was gone he's literally a toddler now yeah wow uh i mean every once in a while he'll crawl still but i mean he's just toddling yeah so that's fun uh went to two different barbecue places this week cool good times first one went to joe's and right after we got our food uh literally three minutes after the power went out did you hear about the power going out isaac sent me like a pretty funny video of just like how he was alone in this house yeah i can't get a hold of video of just like how he was alone in this house you can't get a hold of anyone and just like i guess i'm just gonna sit here and eat my chipotle in
Starting point is 00:33:09 the dark i think it was like 20 000 homes in in kin city went out that's like this explosion pretty close to our house actually cool and uh yeah joe's was one of them and like like and joe's has usually a very long line like a lot of times out the door so there's all these people waiting in line power goes out and they can't do it. Like the workers can't do anything. They're like, we're really sorry, but our meat slicers don't work. Our fryers don't work. We'd offer you a drink. Uh, we can give you tea, but you can't have any ice in it. Uh, like it was like pretty awkward. And so like, we're literally like just about to like starting to eat our food and all these people, I felt like we were like, we were like these bad guys for no reason, but like we
Starting point is 00:33:44 were eating in front of these people who never got their food so as as they left they're like we can give you a free bottle of sauce and these people were like cool thank you but yeah it was out like i think he was out here for like five or six hours so he was out for a long time here it wasn't out that long at our house but uh it was out at our house it was out at joe's like the original joe's like it was like a large energy plant had an explosion right yeah that's what yeah it's dangerous i think it was from too much ac honestly like too many people run their ac at the same time that can explode i don't know if it was like an explosion yeah they use the word explosion but people other people said like it blew up Yeah, yeah, yeah. One third of, never mind.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So that was kind of crazy. And, oh, Henry came by and planted a peach tree. Did I tell you a little bit about this? I think you just text, I don't know what you said exactly. Oh, you told me that Catherine had texted you. Yeah, yeah. I love Henry. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So she, he, he was like, he came by one time as he does and he's like like non-sequitur like you guys ever want a peach tree or like i was like i know katherine well enough to be like i know she would say yes to anything like that so i was like yeah she's like i've been propagating a peach tree which i don't really know what that means i think it means like taking seeds praying over it yeah yeah i've just been prop betting this peach tree it is the propitiation of our peach trees i think that's the word yeah yeah yeah uh no i'm just kidding um no but he like but but katherine's like i don't really know exactly how to if i am going to plant this wrong because henry had all these pieces of advice like you want to make sure you don't get
Starting point is 00:35:19 dug too deep you know whatever do it on this kind of day and so i was like do you want to just come over and do it with katherine like help out and and so katherine's like not excited about henry coming over like she's like can you please be here uh while he comes i'm like sorry i'm out i'm not gonna be there in time whatever she texts me like an hour later like i love henry like nice so i guess they had great conversation about all these different things but um we have this peach tree i bet you could drive to my house and you would not even recognize it if i told you to look for a peach tree it is so tiny we've planted a lot of trees at the triple household and they don't look like trees at first i mean
Starting point is 00:35:52 it's two feet tall takes years yeah before it looks like a tree oh but henry said this thing gonna sprout up like like crazy oh because he propaganded it he propagated yeah yeah he wants you to plant the peach tree so um but I also wrote down another thing from our conversation, me and Henry, uh, we got talking about, it doesn't matter all sorts of different things about Arkansas versus Tennessee. Apparently there's this huge, uh, fight between the coaches after they played one time. And, uh, you know, he's talking about like, yeah, the Tennessee coach, you know, uh, he's an Italian guy and, you know, the Italians, they got a little bit of a little bit of uh they got they got a little you know a little bit of a fire to him he's like his name's tony vitallo the coach tony vitallo like i'm supposed to know who that is and uh but he's
Starting point is 00:36:34 like he's like you know i grew up in chicago chicago you know he's like there's polish there's irish and there's italian and those italian guys they're crazy uh but he talked about a few different people uh first of all he talked about the solov like they're soul events they're a bunch of irish guys they just drink like crazy they're you know it's like classic irish guys but then especially specifically this guy he's his name that he used uh was giuseppe lolino oh how's your mom he's like there was this one guy joe giuseppeppe Lolino, we call him Joe for short. And I mean, he was crazy, Brad. You did not want to get in a fight with him. He's like, his family, they make that schmecca.
Starting point is 00:37:12 He's like, you know, the schmecca sausage. And I was like, I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah. When did Henry become like a Jewish guy from Pony Island? Like, what is he talking about? The schmecca? I was like, I have that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That definitely sounds more like a Jewish thing than an Italian thing. And maybe I'm getting this story completely wrong, but I just love the name Giuseppe Lolino. Giuseppe Lolino. It could be like a Santo Max arch nemesis. Yes. You better not be buying cars from Giuseppe. I don't want to hear you go across the line and getting the crap deal from Joe Lolino over here. Yeah. Yeah. His Mazdas are flood damage from Katrina. That's a Katrina car. I promise you. You think that Miata just got that way? It's so cheap just out of nowhere?
Starting point is 00:37:56 I don't know. Something like that. That good? But anyway, Henry's alive and well. I really was hoping he was going to come by while Catherine's family was in town so they could all meet him. But no, to no avail. Anyway. That's too bad.
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Starting point is 00:40:40 Eligibility and member terms apply. You got anything else? Yeah. Everyone's getting back. Wait terms apply. Got anything else? Yeah. Everyone's like, wait, did it just turn off? No, just a quick moment of silence for Henry. Yeah, I mean, I went to Spokane back. Holy cow. I was waiting for you to ask.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'm really sorry. I genuinely am very sorry that I haven't asked about this yet. Jake, tell me about your time in Spokane. Trending topic number one is. Yes is Ghostrunners fans are the best. Really? And I hung out with so many of them for such a long period of time, like more than I've ever done. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So this might be a thing that happens in the future, but I don't want to make any promises. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't set those expectations. Yeah, but it just, yeah, just like the people that seem to be like into our podcast are just so cool and so easy to hang out with. And so I've just been saying yes to more like invitations and things. And yeah, I met so many people. I tried to write down all their names.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I remember I'm Augustine and Karen. Two names you wouldn't think be married to each other, but they are. Giuseppe Lolino and Karen. Yeah, they were awesome. Augustine also doesn't sound like a Washington kind of guy. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where't know where he's like naples or something like that perhaps but he was there at the show and a u-haul vibe shirt oh nice we took a picture together i felt it it's a soft shirt brad is it okay it's a soft shirt it's crazy that other people have more of our merch than we do yeah i mean i really i literally had that thought i was like wow this
Starting point is 00:42:02 is soft yeah this is oh this is my shirt yeah is cool. Um, they were like the sweetest. They were really, really awesome. Uh, I also met, uh, some guys and I know like one and a half of their names, even though I spent more time with them than anyone else. But, but, but once you hit a certain like time, like point in the conversation, it's like, I can't ask again. And one of the guys doesn't have Instagram. So not my fault. I tried. Yeah. I tried. And I know so much about you. I know that you're the youngest one and you weren't from there and you moved there whenever it was your freshman year. I know all these things, but I don't, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I remember him. I remember Patrick and Giuliano. Oh, Giuliano. Giuliano. Might know Augustine. I don't know if they know each other, but they were there at like, I think the Friday show, first show. And I saw him before
Starting point is 00:42:46 the show i just needed to go to the bathroom we had an awesome green room i saw the thing so much candy dude yeah i had just about every kind of candy in there it was like charlie's willy walkers it's a shoehorn of candy basically the sunrise Basically. The sunrise. The Candyman. Okay. Remember that? I thought you were singing Savage Love by Jason Derulo at first. I was a little thrown off.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Maybe next time. Maybe I'll get around to it. Anyway, Green Room was awesome. They had a PS3 in there that had NASCAR 2012 on it. Okay. We played so much NASCAR. It was awesome. Gosh, that makes me feel so old that you said PS3 in 2012.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah. Because I was like, PS3, that's pretty cool. That's like new. Oh, they got the PS5 now. Are we on five, six? Yeah, I don't even know anymore. Oh, it was so fun. That's awesome. Anyway, no bathroom though.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Otherwise, great green room, like nice big overclimbing, lean in back, but no bathrooms. You have to go out, you know, amongst the people. Yeah. I met these guys. They were super awesome. Anyway, no bathroom though. Otherwise great green room, like nice big over-climbing, lean in back, but no bathrooms. You have to go out, you know, amongst the people. Yeah. I met these guys. They were super awesome before the show. I was like, I want to make a point to see them afterwards. They're all, one guy was in a Ellis custom creation shirt. One guy, they were all in merch.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah. And hit him up afterwards or talk to him afterwards. They're like, hey man, like, do you want to get breakfast tomorrow? And I was like, yeah, sure. Let's do it. Yeah. And so we all got breakfast the next day.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Breakfast with the boys was awesome. That is patrick giuliano and uh because you know who you are yeah let's let's let's call him terrence terrence yeah uh because you don't really i mean i'm sure you have things you can fill your time with but you don't have any schedule throughout the morning afternoon time usually right yeah and breakfast is a great time because our days were pretty full this time we were just starting to get the hang of it a little bit starting to know like how to travel and like yeah uh matt i don't know if you listen to the podcast but he's a big like trey and jake fan and he uh he hooked us up with like a private tour of gonzaga basketball oh i saw that uh on maybe that was friday and so that was sweet so we did that friday we golf
Starting point is 00:44:42 friday we golf saturday we golf Sunday. Like we've stayed busy. So it's been so cool. How was the stadium? Was it small? It's because I think on Zach is like one of the smaller D1 basketball programs in attendance, school attendance. And there's this, whoa, the school itself only has like 4,000 undergrads. That's right.
Starting point is 00:44:59 It's tiny. Yeah. So yeah, the stadium is not massive, but if you look at what like they were playing in 20 years ago like when adam morrison played a few seasons there like john stockton they're playing like a high school gym yeah so it's like what they have now it's like way better right uh that's cool and there was a ball out there so uh we all got to shoot around for a little bit i was jay in some threes heck yeah and uh trey's manager jack he came out and his friends came out he was like you can ball dude so i'm hoping he gets a brand deal strike me as a big baller is he the
Starting point is 00:45:29 kitty no it was actually one of those things where it's like everyone needed to make one before we left and jack keeps getting closer and closer like you got a man you got a man like jack seems like a guy has a struggled follow-through like just like like something really awkward but uh he made one eventually okay good it was all good so yeah yeah augustine karen breakfast the boys let's put a bookmark in we got to come back to conversation with giuliano okay and i'm pretty sure that's how you say his name if not i got 80 of the letters right juliana juliana yeah uh and then late last night after the show i met uh three other ghost runners fans that drove all the way from Seattle. I was like, aren't we doing a show in Seattle?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Like, yep. I was like, OK. How far away is that? Adrian. Adrian, big fan, too. Also drove from Seattle. Shout out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I don't know how far. I mean, several, several hours. OK. Like across the entire state. Right. Four or five. Oh, yeah. Because Spokane's like right by Idaho.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Correct. OK. So Emily, Jackie, McKenziezie what up shout out uh they were really fun they end up going to like the like arcade with us afterwards and then we all hung out we end up going to this like nashville themed country bar in idaho because idaho doesn't shut down for nobody yeah and then after that we went to denny's so like i was at let's try to do some math here i was at denny's in idaho 14 hours ago it was like such a like i went to do some math here. I was at Denny's in Idaho 14 hours ago. It was like such a, like I went to bed at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Central time this morning. So yeah, it's been kind of like a crazy 24 hours or so. You burned the midnight oil and then some. Yeah. So it was, it was so fun. And yeah, they're big listeners. Jackie specifically is like, I want to be like, I'm so jealous of Danielle. I wish I had a cool name or something. And so. Well, was she ever like kind of zany or goofy? Yeah. Why do you ask?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Cause then we could call her wacky Jackie. Hey, wacky Jackie. Oh, wacky Jackie. Yeah. There you go. Wacky Jack. Or does she ever like sweat? And like, like when you touch her, like it's kind of hard to like get your hand off. Oh that happened last night tacky jacky wait what'd you say tacky jacky tacky yeah like it's tacky like it's like why if you're gonna use the word tacky why would you not go like with like clothing or like because i wanted to have a different name for it tacky tacky jacky like her skin is tacky yeah like you have like tack. It worked. Your turn. Brad, can you help me remember? Did she, was she wearing like any kind of like bag or like anything over her like shoulders last night?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yes, I think so. Oh, backpacky Jackie. Packy Jackie. Oh, yeah. I don't really know what this word means, so it might not be a good joke. Oh, geez. No, no, not inappropriate. Not inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Just like, I don't know if it's gonna work um like oh oh did she like um oh that's gonna sound uncomfortable now that we made it awkward hey i was gonna say does she fulfill all your requests that sounds weird no she did oh she was a lackey jackie isn't lackey like a somebody that like does like servant stuff lackey well? A lackey. I mean, maybe. It seems like she lacks doing things for me though. You say lackey. Oh, okay. Does she lack doing things for you? Yeah, she does. She's lackey-tackey.
Starting point is 00:48:33 This is a good bit. You guys want to keep going? A servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant. Was she like a liveried footman? What is happening? There goes the banana. Oh, that fell like broke off like tom is this still that tom wait it's still working yeah i think it just like i think that thing just like i guess i'll hold it no i can screw this in by hand uh i think this is fine i gotta screw this back in okay let me think of some more while you do that. Okay
Starting point is 00:49:08 She did get a little physical at one point with me we had a little kind of Argument. Yeah, and from this point forward I'm gonna call her smacky Jackie that mean good one jacob oh y'all need to get on youtube right now and see what i'm working with microphone wise i mean it just fell out and i think we're good we're good uh was she a big fan of william p young and his books she mentioned she didn't talk about a ton but yeah a little bit oh so she was a shacky jacky. See, you wrote the Shack. Nice. I looked it up, guys. I looked it up.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I should have gotten with... Oh, was she a big Lakers fan back in the 90s and early 2000s? A little bit now, but mainly, yeah, 90s, 2000s. Oh, so she was a Kobe Jackie. Oh, nice. You guys were expecting Shacky. Kobe Jackie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And Kobe Jack Cheese. Kobe Jackie, yeah. Holy crap. That's Crappy Jackie. Okay. Crack Jackie. We did... Okay, this is actually true. We did get pancakes. That's crappy Jackie. Okay. Crack Jackie. We did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:06 This is actually true. We did get pancakes. Slap Jackie Jackie. End of dare. Slap Jackie Jackie. Thanks for listening. The whole episode. Episode 110.
Starting point is 00:50:14 My microphone's broken. Oh, that does not look good. What? What's going on down there though? I don't know. Can you guys see this on YouTube? You see like what the... Oh oh i kind of like this oh yeah from the top down ladies and gentlemen yeah oh speak of that did you watch the uh logan paul
Starting point is 00:50:34 i can't even look at you yeah this is like my my top golf experience i need to have a mirror over there i watched the podcast did you watch the uh mayweather logan paul fight i did actually uh i've never really watched a fight like that before but you actually did watch it yeah i did did you pay for it no i did not you dog i oh yeah never never would i ever uh how much did you pay for it yeah we had people over my friend noah was here from out of town gunner came over okay uh excuse me every time i was looking these little seeds get in my throat cdgd nick hagman listener of the podcast he was over and so uh yeah we all kind of split it up and oh so it's not bad yeah it's not bad it's not bad he's checking yeah i was watching it and i was wanting to go to bed
Starting point is 00:51:17 it's hard for me not to want to look at you right now yeah we can we can try to turn around i was wanting to go to bed kind of early but like the fight just kept getting like later and later. And I was like, I'm, I'm invested now. I got to watch this darn thing. And there were parts of me that was like, I think, Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:31 Scott's calling me. Should I answer it? Uh, yeah, that's kind of fun. Okay. Tell him we're on the podcast. Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:36 maybe you sure? I don't know. Your call. What's up big dog. Hey, what's up? Hey, you got that fence built.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Oh, I got that fence built or what? Hey, I got that fence built. He's a big old face, Jackie. Yeah, dude, it looks good. Hey, I'm actually recording the podcast right now. You're on the pod, Scott. Let's go. Hey, I need really quickly a recommendation of a place to eat. Branson, Sam and I are like right here on the landing.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Cantina Laredo. It's a nice spot to eat. Yeah, Cantina. You ever been to Cantina Laredo? It's like an upscale Mexican place. Cantina Laredo? Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Sure. Sure. Another place that's good for lunch. It's kind of a girly place, but it tastes delicious. It's called Sugar Leaf. Sugar Leaf? Get the ultimate BLT with a peach iced tea. Okay. I'm serious. And they, they put like actual peach slices in it.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Wow. Okay. We're leaving tomorrow. So we just have dinner tonight. Crud. Okay. For the next time. Well, you'd recommend Cantina Laredo. Yeah, it's good. It's a chain technically, but it's, it's really good. I mean, it's like, it's like different than regular Mexican food. It's good. So yeah, sure. Uh, what, what's, what's your favorite word that rhymes with Jackie?
Starting point is 00:52:57 Snacky. Snacky. Oh, so Jackie, like she, she ate lots of pretzels and bugles and Funyuns. She was a big snacky Jackie. That's what you'd say. Snacky Jackie. Yeah. Nice dude.s. She was a big snacky Jackie. That's what you'd say? Snacky Jackie. Yeah. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Thank you for contributing. Quarterbacky Jackie. Quarterbacky Jackie. Quarterbacky Jackie. Do you have anything else you want to say for the pod? Love you guys. All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:53:16 See you, buddy. Bye. That was good. Scott, bringing it. It's pretty rare for us to have our phones not, or I guess your phone is recording. My phone's not because we're doing this two hours before it's supposed to release. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Uh, what were we talking about? Uh, one last thing that I want to mention about the people I saw, you were talking about something though. I forget. We'll come back to it. Okay. Is, uh, I was talking with, uh, Patrick and the boys on Friday night and they were like, man, we wanted to come to the game so bad but like hey next one there is though
Starting point is 00:53:45 like we're gonna make it happen or whatever it's like kind of laughing and then the very next person in line to like meet me uh he's like what's up dude my name's uh mathan uh i actually left the voice memo that was like the let's make it happen guy i was like that's you no way we were just talking he's like i know i saw you guys talking about that's crazy that's pretty cool there was yeah there was like several oh it's like the guy who like invented the fork and then like you see somebody else eating like i made that happen you're welcome it's exactly like that yeah so he got to see me forking with my fans you forked your fans yeah forked with the fans yeah in front of everybody yeah i'm just forking with you yeah uh that's really cool oh that's awesome there was that and dang it now i can't remember
Starting point is 00:54:24 there was like one other voice memo there was like a lot of like staples for the podcast have come from Spokane. There's like multiple things. Oh, it was Adrian's brother did the end up with the jingle artwork for us. Like the cartoon artwork. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he's very talented. She said he just got a job with a, I forget who someone like some big time video game designer, like doing like artwork for him. That's awesome. I mean, I'd like to think we propelled him to that probably the one off little job he did for us for us yeah he like posted a picture on our reddit page we were like that guy's really good we contact him we're like we only have like 24 hours can you get this done before we have our next podcast and like you know announce it and
Starting point is 00:54:56 he's like he made it happen he made it happen yeah so i don't remember what we're talking about so it's okay okay i'll keep going spokane was the best let's go back to giuliano you want to do that now oh uh book in some more book in some more bookmark bookmark uh book mackie j uh what else okay so the i did a lot of like new material which felt good because it'd been a while since i like broke out some new stuff i did the stuff you heard wednesday and i got better and better with all that as the weekend went on it's like now i feel like i got it down a little bit which is fine you know mix it up every night yeah how did oh can i ask a specific question about one of your jokes or do you want to like keep them all like i don't know yeah how did the ref one go did you get that one down i did you do that one yeah yeah i think less is more i've like started doing less like acting it
Starting point is 00:55:40 out and just like making it like one big punchline. Okay. And it seems to like work pretty good. That was long of a bit. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Good. So that seems to work there. And then I just had more fun just like doing jokes about Spokane.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I think I want to start doing this more. Just like trying to be way more observant about the city while I'm there. And then by those like last two, last three shows, like making jokes about the city, like people loved it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And I don't know why that never daunted me to do before, but i made a bunch of jokes about how different the covid protocol is uh oh my mic's falling out again here versus there i was just like you know kansas they they don't even know what a covid they think covid-19 is a weight loss program yeah you know like is that like whole 30 but it's like different i was like here you know people like are asking me about my vaccinations like before i go into restaurants or ubers or buildings, I feel like a, I feel like a dog they're thinking about adopting, you know, like, do you have your shots? Did you have to contact them? Uh, no. Okay. Both of them. Yeah. Uh, so the jokes like that. And then like an hour before, uh, the show last night, the first show, uh, this Amber alert went off and, uh, which is, hey, nothing against Amber Alerts.
Starting point is 00:56:46 But it was like, this is like a shared experience we all had. I should like do some jokes about it. And then like 45 minutes later, we got like a notification. It was like the boy has been found thanks to this alert system. So then I went up there and did a bunch of jokes, not only about Amber Alerts, but then about like it's a little pretentious of the emergency alert system. Like're welcome yeah i did it it was all me it's like it's like when adam schefter like breaks a story like a nfl story he has to credit himself like yeah like it doesn't matter who breaks it we don't care about that yeah it's like kevin durant's going to the
Starting point is 00:57:17 warriors that's insane yeah yeah so it was like i was like get off your high horse you know you're a text message not superman yeah right it's so just like doing like jokes like that was like i i just thought of this right beforehand and it's crushing and they know i just thought like they know this just happened it was just so fun i think anything that you can like yeah hyper or ultra porch personalized whatever you want to word like whatever they feel like resonated with they feel like known and heard kind of like whenever you do like the improv uh songs at the end like obviously that's like a very specific thing that can not be the same every single night. And so I feel like that's always a fun thing. Like Ben Rector would always do that. You know, he's right. Like loving you is easy, but he changed the words to whatever, you know, you talk about. Oh, cool. Like I can't be like
Starting point is 00:57:56 late Taney Como's breezy or something like that. You know, coffee cake is not cheesy. I don't know. So, um, the other things for you to think about okay yeah uh no but it was so fun this is like the first six shows too that's crazy it was awesome i just like i really feel like we're like i don't know like we're doing it like i'm finding it yeah that's a good way of putting it i think i just like i feel like i'm getting the hang of it a little bit and it feels good and imagine like how much of a groove you're going to be in when you do this like super super consistently you know what i mean when it's like every night not like once a month yeah oh that's an exciting thing this will be a while before we announce this
Starting point is 00:58:33 but trey got an email about like our routing for the like next series of shows which will start like january through march and it's like 25 new cities so it's like dang this is gonna be like a crazy you know five to six months so yeah 25 new cities on top of like the existing tour that you already yeah so i have like three weeks off for like christmas and we'll go back on the road for like two months it's so cool to see it nuts also just shocked it's like that many people for delaware right really yeah uh there's just like i don't know it's cool so we'll be announcing those in a while but that'll be awesome can't wait for you guys to get mad when we still come to your city it's gonna be awesome no dover ah wilmington it's like a little brother yeah okay giuliano is
Starting point is 00:59:16 it time okay yeah let's talk about that i have two ideas for us to talk about brad uh the first one yeah it comes from like a conversation i had with the boys yesterday boys and uh they were talking about like the basketball game and how it would have been fun to be there and jules we'll call him jules yeah he made the comedy it's like it'd be fun like to do some type of thing in the future where it's like you and brad verse ghosties and i was like oh yeah like us versus the world. When they do stuff like that for like basketball or whatever. And so he said that,
Starting point is 00:59:48 and then it started spawning these other ideas. So here's my idea to you, Brad. Okay. Ghost Runners Olympiad. Oh yeah. That's what I want to call it. Okay. Where we invite people to come in for a weekend.
Starting point is 00:59:57 You could be spectators, you could be participants. I think there's five events. Okay. With, between you and I and our friends, we feel the team for each one of five events. Okay. With, between you and I and our friends, we feel the team for each one of these events. Okay. And then there's also a team or maybe multiple teams of Ghostrunners listeners.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yes. That are in a bracket. Yes. And the challenge is like, are you better than the Ghostrunners or whatever? Right. So like there would be a pickleball tournament where like teams of two could sign up.
Starting point is 01:00:21 The winner plays me and Isaac. Yeah. Something like that. But obviously like you could play as well. I i might be the one maybe you're the one yeah yeah and so like that would be part of it uh five on five basketball like us five versus like the five best ghosties that are out there right how fun would that be and the people are still watching it's like whoa mecca okafor is a listener dang it this sucks why did that name come to mind that's amazing uh spike ball that was one they wanted they're
Starting point is 01:00:45 more spike ball boys spike boys you mentioned on uh correct opinions with trey kennedy that you're not a spike ball guy i just never really played it oh really i mean maybe three or four times ever really yeah oh wow i guess that was like post your youth ministry days maybe maybe i don't know i love it really i mean no i'm not opposed to i just haven't played it yeah and that's fine i don't need to be good at all these sports. No. We can have some sports that the ghosties are good at. That's what's enticing.
Starting point is 01:01:08 If it's like the stack, you know, is what's the word? The cards are stacked. Cards are stacked against the ghosties, then they're not going to try to play. Yeah. But if they're like, wait, Jake's never really played spike ball. Let's go. This is our chance. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Something golf related. Maybe it's putt putt. Maybe it's top golf. Maybe it's real golf. Okay. Some sort of thing. I've definitely, Scott sells on the team. Sorry. They they're gonna be part of the scramble yeah
Starting point is 01:01:26 yeah yeah for sure uh i thought like four before saying volleyball that's like a team get some ladies involved sure you know so it's like a traveling olympiad i like this like it's like hey meet us here this day yeah there's like a schedule like it would take a little effort on our end on the front it's like reserve courts reserve space you know these things uh this is great derby yes woodworking i think that should be you and isaac versus anyone else that's one of the five events is table making can you imagine like yeah it's like a speed thing and like somebody just like cuts off their finger it's like keep going keep going and there's just like 75 ghost down the stairs in your driveway they're all just watching with their arms crossed just It's like, who's it going to be?
Starting point is 01:02:05 Just back and forth. I love that. You and Isaac on one side against Knack Baxter and somebody else. That'd be, I actually love that idea of like some kind of speed competition. Like who can, who can get this thing at the right angle perfectly first, you know? And sell it. And sell it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 You gotta go on Facebook marketplace and sell the deal. Do like the bigger and better stuff. Like back in the day, like just go door to door and be like, will you please buy this for 5 cents? Do you have a nickel? Ooh, maybe just go door to door and be like, will you please buy this for five cents? Do you have a nickel? Ooh, maybe I'll go to the casino. Everyone gets $10. Yep.
Starting point is 01:02:30 In an hour report back, you could, you don't even have to play casino games. You can just, um, you could just invest $10. You could put it in Robin hood doge coin for an hour. See what happens. I like that. I like that a lot. There's a, I forget her name. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Uh, one of the girls that came to your show in Phoenix. Okay. That's from St. Louis. She's an event coordinator. And she said like, if you ever want to do an event, let me know. And I can like help you with all the logistics. She was super cool. Except you guys all talked to her way more than I did.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I feel like I was like, ah, and then she, I think she even like wanted a picture with Harrison and Isaac. I don't know if I got one with her. See, yeah. Harry and I were the big crowd pleasers, I think. But do you know who you are? And does this sound like something you could help us out with? Is your name Madeline, maybe?
Starting point is 01:03:10 I don't know. Sarah? Sarah. Maybe Madisera. Madisera. Madi. Anyway. Madigascar. Anyway, what do you think about that?
Starting point is 01:03:18 This is good. It goes towards Olympiad. Oh, I like it. I have a hard time capping it at five, though. Like, I think we got a good ten in the hopper. But if we have, like mean, we only have so much time in the hopper, but, but if we have like certain like events that could all take place in the same area.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yeah. Then you got, you know, you got some teams doing spike ball over here. That way, not everyone's just like waiting around. That's true too. Like we go to a big St.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Volleyball court and reserve a couple of courts. Like you can get a couple of St. Volleyball games and spike ball gone. Yeah. In the same spot. You can bring a ping pong table with us and put it in the parking lot and play ping pong i like it yeah yeah it would be awesome are we gonna try to limit to just sports or are we gonna like sports and woodworking okay in chess hey what we're gonna invite tavon tavon's coming back to be on
Starting point is 01:03:59 our chess team careful um yeah no um that's great i like this a lot i'm trying to think of anything else to add to it i think it'd be like a friday saturday like everyone's gonna you gotta take a day off work sure we all are sure we all are friday saturday we compete sunday we do like a live like studio audience recording again like last time i like it and like oh and award ceremony of course that's like part of it that's part of the yeah maybe part of the podcast is what you're saying and yes and maybe there's even like i don't know if we have any since we have an event coordinator who listens do we have any like website people like what if there's a site where people can like check in live stream yeah check in on like how it's going like
Starting point is 01:04:36 who's winning yeah somebody's like a commentator like yeah we got like a live commentating of the whole thing i think if somebody knows like a pretty high profile band viagra boys i don't know if they're out there or like Surfaces or somebody, like it could culminate with a nice concert in our backyard with a fence. Oh, the peach tree. Fresh peaches, Brad.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Giuseppe Lolino used to take them right off the vine. I get my peaches out in Shawnee. Yeah, that's it. We can get Bieber. Do you think we can get Bieber? Trey's pretty big. It's worth an email.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Yeah, I think so. Trey used to DM Shawn Mendes. That's pretty much the same thing. We can ask him. I you think we can get Bieber? Trey's pretty big. It's worth an email. Yeah, I think so. Trey used to DM Shawn Mendes. That's pretty much the same thing. We can ask him. I wouldn't know the difference. PS3, PS5, Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber. I don't know. It's all good.
Starting point is 01:05:12 You tell me. Which is a call. That's the rest of the quote from the beginning. You're welcome, guys. We're feeling it tonight. 838. This is when we kind of get our glow. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Late at night. We glow up. No, that's awesome. I like that a lot get our glow. Yes. Late at night. We glow up. No, that's awesome. I like that a lot from Giuliano. Yeah. Oh, the opportunities are endless. Yeah. Ghost Hunters Olympiad.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yes. Us versus them. Us versus the world. Yeah. Oh, wouldn't it be so fun? Ghosties versus the world. Let us know in the YouTube comments, which this is probably a good one to check out on YouTube from time to time.
Starting point is 01:05:42 You got to see this. You got to see Brad and I dance during the theme song and then probably when the microphone falls and then the entire Scott Peck phone call, what I'm trying to do with the microphone. But let us know in the YouTube comments, like what events we need to be in the Ghost Harness Olympiad. What do you think about it?
Starting point is 01:05:56 And even timing. Ooh, oh, a lot of people have plans, but Labor Day weekend could be fun because everyone has Monday off anyway. That's September, correct? Yes. I'm so bad at Memorial Day versus Labor Day really yeah really bad at that um that's pretty quick not that quick but no it's not that quick never mind that quick i'm just thinking about people like we had a lot of people already
Starting point is 01:06:15 make a trip for us but it wasn't that long i mean what's that three months i can save they're fine they'll be fine no i mean yeah that's yeah, that's a good thing to consider. We'll consider everything, guys. Yeah. So let us know timing, too. Timing events. Did you ever do a doodle poll back in the day? Did you ever do those?
Starting point is 01:06:33 I did my first one this week. Oh, really? My first ever doodle poll. It was with K-State people, so maybe that was why. Maybe why. Yeah, it's like this thing where it's like, hey, check the times that are best for you or like when you're available. And then you can, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:47 You can see when everybody's available what if we did a ghost runner doodle poll uh and just had you know 35 different dates on there and it'd be very annoying to try to figure out who can come to what because no matter what no matter what with them you know you know 100 people trying to respond you're not going to be able to please everybody and so we just got to set it at least that way we could please the most people maybe maybe yeah okay but what if we're like i really want knack backs there like does he carry i'm down boys can only be there on october 29th it's october 29th it's a weighted test yeah their their votes are worth more right what does the bean mean that reminds me i'm down boys what are you guys doing on the fourth of july should we hang out oh let me know? Oh, let me know. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Let me know. I got free 4th of July plans right now. I bet they go hard on 4th of July. They seem like the kind of guys that like figure out a way to get out in the country and like like a place where fireworks are illegal and they just go nuts. They make their own fireworks. Like this is actually way is a way better version of a bottle rocket. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:40 We made this ourselves. Right. With like our history to just like an October Sky thing. Like they make their own rockets. Dude, is October Sky not one of the best movies ever? It's one of the best movies. It's one of the best movies ever It's awesome. I love it. Yeah, Gyllenhaal. I think it's really underrated like people don't talk about it But if you've seen it, it's like that's one of the greatest movies ever seen dude I mean should we pop in a little Oh sky while this video is exporting? guy on this dude uh homer hickam oh but he goes he goes the other guy's like prodigious remember
Starting point is 01:08:08 that what a movie i was watching the patriot the other day just i don't know why i don't have a show right now yeah so it's like and the office is not on netflix so i am struggling yeah like when it's like i got 20 minutes to eat my chilies what i'm gonna eat let's watch 20 minutes of the patriot it's a weird thing to put on mel yeah let's watch him go to town on this uh you know isn't he a woodworker british guy with a hatchet uh he seems to know his way around some certain tools yeah i don't know i've never actually seen it um that's okay anyway the reason i'm bringing that up i'm like the who is that that guy looks so familiar and it's he's the rugged dad in october sky that was like the first movie i saw him in that's what i know him as he does a good job being a rugged dad he's the rugged dad in October Sky. That was like the first movie I saw him in. That's what I know him as. He does a good job being a rugged dad.
Starting point is 01:08:46 He's a scary dad. Yeah. Scary dad. Wouldn't want him as my dad. No way. I have a story. Wait, do you have another Giuliano? Nope.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I have another idea, but it's in no way related to anything I've said. Okay. I don't even know if I'm going to end up saying it. This is about, I keep meaning to say it. It was from last week at the basketball game with Hattie. I think this is just a funny mental image. So, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:08 first of all, we talked about last week, like Bo and Hattie, we're only supposed to be there for like the first half of the first game. Cause same with my sister. She had a kickball game at nine 30. Isn't she the best? And then she's like,
Starting point is 01:09:17 this is so, this is way better. Yeah. Uh, so they ended up staying the whole time. And, but at, after the first game,
Starting point is 01:09:23 I went up and like hung out with Hattie and like held her and like was holding there. And I was so sweaty. And, but at, after the first game, I went up and like hung out with Hattie and like held her and like was holding her. And I was so sweaty. And like, to the point where like, it looked like she had wet her pants. Like she was so sweaty as well. And she's kind of a, she is a diva. And so she was like, mom, I'm so wet. Like I want, I don't want to be all wet. And I was like, I'm sorry. I told you you're going to get wet. If I held you, like she asked me to hold her. Um, so then Catherine, my, my mom watched Bo Catherine took Hattie to the bathroom and it was kind of like an Albert Brenneman hitch situation where like, how do you like took off her shorts? So she was just in her underwear and they were like putting it up to like the air dryer,
Starting point is 01:09:59 like dry in this thing. And luckily Catherine's like, luckily no one came in, but just the image of how you just standing there in her undies, like, like, well, Catherine's like luckily no one came in but just the image of how you're just standing there in her undies like like while Catherine's like you know dry in her shorts just soaking wet from her dad's chest sweat from her dad's chest sweat after she's watching a basketball game with a bunch of other people that like his podcast like they know her name and she has no clue who they are yeah so interesting dynamic I just love the image of her just sitting there or standing there in like a big arena bath bathroom. And she's old enough. Like she might remember this someday.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Maybe she'll remember the time. She's like, yeah, my dad like had this podcast and I went to his game and I got all sweaty and I take my pants off. My, my mom made me take my pants off in the bathroom. I was just standing there. I feel like such an idiot. Right. I just, I wish somebody would have walked in at that point.
Starting point is 01:10:42 You know, like Aubrey Magoon, like, hey, Hattie, what's going on? You should have sent somebody in there. Yeah. Hey, go check on him. But anyway, I just love that. I love that mental image. I just thought of something. Were we talking about the Mayweather fight when Scott called?
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah. Or something like that when the microphone fell or something? That's what we were talking about, Jake. Yeah. When we were back to each other. Yeah. I don't know how much more there is to talk about it, but it was just, it was interesting. I was convinced for a second that Logangan jake logan you got it logan paul uh had a chance the first round
Starting point is 01:11:10 was really exciting yeah after that it stopped being exciting and then i was like he's like going toe-to-toe with him so far and he realized like oh floyd mayweather's just not trying yeah floyd is not sweating and it's boxing and he's like laughing at one point i think i was like he is just letting this like like go as long as he wants it to like but but then i heard at the end like floyd saying something like you know i couldn't i couldn't knock him out he's too long for me or whatever so which i mean is more of a testament to logan being six three or whatever i think he says like his coach was like hit him with that jab and i'm in the job he's like i can't reach him or whatever so
Starting point is 01:11:42 but but yeah this was interesting and i don't i don't know i don't watch enough fights but you always see like the um highlights of like the guys like the day or two before the fight when they do the weigh-in and they're like literally like almost kissing each other like so close they do kiss every time almost well logan was like going angled at him did you notice that i think he wanted it it was like it was like you are asking like you're you're doing the nine it's hitch again yeah you're doing 90 he's trying to come you're waiting for him to come 10, and he wasn't into it. So you never go the full 100. But they're like, so like, oh, I hate you, I hate you, during this weigh-in.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And then at the end of the fight, they were interviewing Floyd Mayweather with Logan Paul right there next to him. And Floyd's like giving all these compliments. A lot of mutual respect. And I saw that in a fight, like one of the other previous fights of the night, they did that as well. And I'm like, is that just like a thing? Like at first they hate each other
Starting point is 01:12:30 and then they're like, actually we really like each other or whatever. Like, I mean, if I had to guess, like they know that like beef is what's going to help like sell a fight. If you pretend like you hate this guy. Yeah. That's what people like that builds intrigue.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And it's like, man, a hundred percent. This weird that like Floyd Mayweather, like has beef with a YouTuber. Yeah. Floyd Mayweather does not care about Logan Paul at all. He's going to act like zeros. Yeah. Yeah. And Logan Paul, the same way.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Obviously Logan has probably a ton of respect for the crazed boxer of all time. He's not going to like, sure. Yeah. So yeah, it's too bad. What boxing is kind of becoming, it's such a bubble. That's going to pop at some point. It's like celebrity boxing stuff. But do you think that that kind of helps boxing or do you think that hurt boxing watching
Starting point is 01:13:07 that fight? I think it hurts. I was a little bit intrigued after that. I was like, maybe I should watch more boxing because I don't know enough about this stuff. I guess it might be good for boxing as a sport, but I don't think it's good for like more of these like celebrity type like exhibition matches. I think so many people bought this one and it didn't go well. And it was like, wait, what did we expect? Of course, this is how this is how of course you know so all it takes is one time though we're a boxer or an influencer whoever just knocks the other guy out and it's like all right we're back and then it's like you never know when that's gonna happen again which did you see trey and i were like how did we not know this happened saturday night lamar odom uh boxed aaron carter and just beat the living daylights out of
Starting point is 01:13:41 him go look that up on youtube sometime i knew about chad ochocinco fighting he was the undercard last sunday but no this past saturday yeah uh lamar odom just got in the ring with aaron carter i know what aaron carter was thinking he's like a 6'9 nba player don't do that he's huge and then last night was the uh um shoot what was it the tiktokers versus youtubers boxing match did you check in on that at all no yeah you don't care yeah well i did i didn't even know about it like i didn't even know you would have i might have bryce hall austin mcgroom come on see i've never heard those guys you'll get there baby that's crazy you'll get there oh that's anyway that's been the boxing portion uh we'll come back to it i think i only have one last thing to say this is just a current thing in the news i'm sure you've
Starting point is 01:14:22 seen it i want to talk about it just real briefly i don't really have much to say just like this is crazy the man who swallowed by the whale i saw the headline haven't heard much detail though i read one article you think that's enough for me to talk about it i think it's way more than me so go ahead baby okay so this dude he's a lobster diver lobster diver like by profession i think he dives down and gets lobsters and he he was off the coast of cape cod good for him yeah not yeah he's probably he's doing all right yeah you gotta me out here okay okay rx7 don't buy it from giuseppe is that his name yeah okay you got it you nailed it dude so uh he said all of a sudden it just felt like he got hit by a truck and he
Starting point is 01:15:02 didn't know what happened his like breathing tube fell out of his mouth he's like struggling he's freaking out trying to get like his you know scuba scuba tube scuba tuba i think that's called scoop tube scoop just scoop scoop and finally gets that back in his mouth and like realizes that like oh my gosh like i think i'm i think i'm in a whale really like i think i'm inside of a whale right now. A humpback whale swallowed him. You do not want to be in a whale like that. Never mind. Jonah, go ahead. Okay. Dang it.
Starting point is 01:15:32 You all done? I should have tried again. I'm just kidding. Next time I pause, have another one ready. Okay. All right. I'm not going to be listening to you then. He said it was a humpback whale.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Or not he said. We know now said it was a humpback whale. Or not. He said we know now it was a humpback whale. Nothing. Okay. Okay. All I can think of is donuts and Jonah. Anyway, go ahead. Jonah.
Starting point is 01:15:57 It's making me go nuts. All right. I think we can. I don't know if people want the Jonah pun. Maybe they do. Maybe they do. Go back. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Do you know? I don't know if they mind. I don't know. There you go. That's do. Maybe they do go back. No, no, no. Do you know, I don't know if they mind. I don't know. There you go. That's good. That's good. Yeah. All right. Anyway. Okay. He was inside of this thing for about 30 to 40 seconds. Okay. And eventually, I guess he just starts going crazy. Just like, starts like pounding his fist, kicking his feet, just like beating the inside. He went Lamar Odom on the inside of this humpback whale. Right. And eventually the whale surfaced and spit him back out and i guess he had a bunch of bruises and was like pretty beat up but like no broken bones dude and uh was able to like swim back to shore i think or i think maybe people got him i don't remember exactly how he's eventually saved but so it's like this kind
Starting point is 01:16:39 of crazy story it's like wow and like now he's fully recovered he's in the hospital he's giving a thumbs up yeah at the very end it's like a two sentence like end note at the very end of the article they're like but this wasn't i'm like say this at the beginning this is i mean this dude needs to have a movie i know i'm hyping this up a lot but at the very end they go but this wasn't mike's first brush with death 10 years ago he was involved in a plane crash in costa rica in which other members of the plane died. So this guy just lives dangerously. Yeah. Like this guy just crazy. Yeah. Something about him is like he's destined to. He's going to do something great. Yeah. He's going to keep doing good things. Probably.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Sheesh. I couldn't believe when I read that. I was like lead with this or mentioned this before the very end. Like he very easy could have died 10 years ago in a plane crash. Like how how freak of an accident is a plane crash? Like it i mean that never happens anymore crash in an airplane you're dead and then you never survive a plane crash no and now he's been swallowed by a whale she let's get him on the pod dude yeah do you think this is a dumb scientific like we're just so scientifically illiterate or at least i am like when you're inside of a whale is, are you still underwater? Like is there fluid in there? Like, cause I imagine Jonah and I always think like, yeah, he was inside of a whale, but he was just like, you know, like kind of just leaning up. Like, like there's probably some, like a kiddie pool kind of thing. Like, like maybe
Starting point is 01:17:55 he's got like his head on the uvula 12 inches. Yeah. Yeah. Lean back. Yeah. The uvula is like a little pillow for him and he's just, yeah. Leaning on it and just kind of hanging out, uh, counting his lucky stars that he's still alive in this whale that's good how much water is how much like standing water is in a whale's mouth yeah yeah dude whales are nuts they're big they're huge i know that they're huge jake uh that's yeah i don't know what else to say except for just that's crazy i will say now she wasn't big but i would like to still call her humpback Jackie. There it is. Full circle.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Yeah. I don't know. I like the effort. The effort was there. I laugh at the effort. Thanks. Yeah. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:18:37 That's great. I think it's the last thing I need to say. I'm not going to tell you my other idea. It's stupid. It's stupid. I think that's all I have to say. Well, one last thing and then we'll get us a voice memos. Stupid. I think that's all I have to say. Well, one last thing, and then we'll get us a voice memos.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Great. If you're feeling like I was last night at Nashville nights in Cordelia Lane, Idaho, and I'm like, man, it feels good to dance again. Let's not forget page far still doing a little. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Yeah. Still. She still got an Instagram. Yeah. She's still giving out Starbucks gift cards. So great. Check out simply fit page. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:03 SFP. SFP. Yeah. Not the sunscreen. And check out simply fit page yeah sfp for the real ones yeah not the sunscreen uh and check out some of her fitness programs her health programs and maybe even the dance program simply fit page here's an idea for you based off the sunscreen idea have different regimens for like intensities or like how and how much you want to do call them sfp 15 30 and 50 yeah yeah and sfp 5 tanning oil yes and that's just like yoga outdoors there's not a whole lot to that it's not that quick like warm up yeah just like good morning let's do some yoga outdoors let's get our base on but spf 50 is like we're getting into it today
Starting point is 01:19:35 we're getting nasty oh i like that okay yeah there you go page you're welcome page idea million dollar sfp 50 you got anything else you want to go as a voice memos the only thing i have this is really random but did you know that not everyone has basements in their in their country and if you don't then you're obsessed with basements oh catherine's family loves catherine's brothers especially just cannot get enough of basements oh yeah well you said country and i was gonna say i was like oh even the united states that's pretty rare i mean california texas i mean most like yeah anywhere on the coast because it's not basement people just flooding or whatever i assume so yeah it like do you think that that's the only reason why like do you think there's people out in minnesota that don't have basements i don't know
Starting point is 01:20:14 because i just assumed that it was because of tornadoes that we had basements but then i think that texas has the most tornadoes out of any state in the country and so it's like maybe that's not why they could use some basements i don't know it's just the soil shifts i don't know but people are obsessed with basements that don't have them it's funny could be that too i know missouri and maybe just like the midwest in general maybe it's the ozarks it's known for like having really solid rock it's like annoying to dig and everything but i do think it's like very solid it doesn't like move around a lot yeah so that could be it yeah like shifting ground i remember reading that actually in little house on the prairie to just keep circle circle back jackie yeah on all of this yeah uh so that's i know that
Starting point is 01:20:48 missouri has hard rock comment below if you like basements or not okay uh let's do some vms vms this one it the title says neighbor henry as a second grader okay fun yeah i'd like to hear this hey guys so my name's miranda from delaware Henry as a second grader. Okay. Fun. Yeah. I'd like to hear this. Hey guys. So my name's Miranda from Delaware. I'm a second grade teacher and I have a student who he's always the first one in my classroom and every morning he does a Henry. Henry? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And he walks into my room and he just starts his conversation. Tells me, for example, one day he said, I didn't have nightmares even though I watched it. That was how he greeted me in the morning. So yeah, just thought that was funny. My question for Jake is, in episode 78, you mentioned a bizarre happening where you bumped into someone you knew when you were in Australia. And you said there is more to the story, two more parts. I was wondering what your next part is.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Wow. And my question for Brad is I was wondering how you. I love it. I was like, yes, I would love to help you. That was good, Miranda. Cause that was only 55 seconds. That was on purpose. She did it. Thanks. I love it. I was like, yes, I would love to help you. That was good, Miranda, because that was only 55 seconds. That was on purpose.
Starting point is 01:22:08 She did it on purpose. She had more time. Yeah. That's great. I mean, that Australian memory, that's a throwbacky Jackie right there. I haven't thought about that in a while. Nice. First things first, I do love, I think from now on, anytime you tell me a Henry story,
Starting point is 01:22:17 I'm going to imagine him as a second grader. I think that's going to be kind of beautiful. Kind of like the kid that was like, apparently. Yeah. So peach trees grow pretty fast my grandpa saw that when he watches the powerball that's funny uh all right that's fun australia story yeah it was just like a fun old coinkydink the second part of the story is no longer really a thing but um the first part is i we're in the limo trip uh and you know three summers ago or whatever
Starting point is 01:22:49 we're going every city we're like seeing new people we're letting people know like hey we're in like fargo south dakota if anyone's here or wants to like hang out or whatever so we're like hey we're gonna be in las vegas this weekend if anyone happens to be in town or whatever and so a couple of sisters uh meet up with us at nuns or relatives thank you for asking oh that was one thing uh patrick and the boys this weekend when they were like you want to go to breakfast tomorrow i was like i mean i don't have a car so you guys might have to like pick me up like as long as you don't kill me like no no no we're catholic i was like okay great uh so they might know some sisters yeah but these sisters uh were not part of the parish okay is that the right word
Starting point is 01:23:25 i think feels like it might be maybe convent oh yeah could be i think maybe no way of knowing so uh these two sisters meet up with us there and they're kind of hanging out with us but at the same time like i had a friend in town that weekend ty had a friend so it was like we probably didn't give them as much attention as maybe they were wanting or we should have what anyway did you say they were from vegas or they were from oklahoma originally they were on family vacation in las vegas and they just kind of like left their parents to be like we're gonna go see these these boys they weren't going super out of their way to see you at least they're already in vegas okay so and i was feeling it on the ellen's generous slot machine that night i was
Starting point is 01:24:01 pretty locked in i was like this is meant to be we were like like making money. So I was like, I didn't really like hang out with him that much. That's the whole point of the first part of the story. Well, then fast forward like five months. I go to that Australia and New Zealand vacation. This is when Mr. Brightside gets played in the New Zealand countryside. This is when Grant does not even want to see Spikeball.
Starting point is 01:24:20 It's that same trip. We're in Sydney, Australia. It's like our second or third full day there. And I like run into this girl on the street and she's like, Hey, do you remember me? And I was like, ah, you look kind of familiar. She's like, like six months ago, like I was in Las Vegas. Like I was one of those like, uh, sisters that was there. And I was like, no way. And I was like, what are you like? So you live in Las Vegas? She's like, no, I just, I happen to be there that same weekend. I was like, Oh, so like, where are you from? I'm from Oklahoma City. So what are you doing here? Oh, I live here now. Oh, what are you doing right here? I was just going on a walk. And anyway, the butterfly. Yeah, the small like small things. It was just crazy that we bumped into her. We bumped into her on the beach. It was called Bondi Beach. She went on to start this acai bowl business called bondi bowls which is like it's crazy successful it's like barely a year old they've already franchised like several
Starting point is 01:25:09 of that was the girl that was the girl no isn't that crazy it's like we so easy could not have met or not have reconnected or any of this stuff no way and uh oh yeah it was just awesome like meet a girl in las vegas briefly five six months later see her on the street like we weren't i didn't know her name i was not following her six months later, see her on the street. Like we weren't, I didn't know her name. I was not following her on Instagram, nothing. Ran into her on the street in Sydney, Australia. Oh, wow. That is crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:31 It was awesome. That's wild. So I have a couple of stories like that, but I got to sprinkle them in every 40 episodes. Tell you a- Yeah, leave us a voice memo episode 154. We'll probably tell you. And I'll tell you another quinky dink I had
Starting point is 01:25:42 running into people. Thank you, Miranda from Delaware. Okay. Can't wait to come visit you in Wilmington if you're quinky dink I had running into people. Thank you, Miranda from Delaware. Okay. Can't wait to come visit you in Williamington if you're there. Williamington. Did she say she's from Delaware? Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:25:50 I hope so. I wrote it down really quick, their names, because I always forget their names in these voicemails. Oh, maybe she did say that. Okay. I believe you.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I'm wrong. But my Tommy gun. But my Tommy gun. So, Jake and Brad, this is Banana Girl. Hey. That is my official title. But my friends call me Emily.
Starting point is 01:26:09 That game was so much fun. So thank you all so much for the invitation. Thank you guys so much for what you do. And thank you for the laughter that you bring to so many people and some Mondays. I was listening to earlier podcasts and y'all discussed your most embarrassing moment and I thought I would share mine to give you all a good laugh. Three years ago, my family and I were on
Starting point is 01:26:31 Family Feud and I'll send y'all the link. That is my most embarrassing moment ever and my family still won't let me live it down. That being said, what is your game show bucket list? And Brad, what is your bucket show bucket list and brad what is your what is this at least you didn't say jake what is your favorite uh game show that's funny that
Starting point is 01:26:58 was 46 seconds she had so much time oh man that's good emily i think we have about three more people that could do that before the jokes done all right guys just fyi i just don't want to last another 25 weeks okay games let's answer a question first and then we'll watch the clip uh i mean family feud's got to be a top five for me that one's so fun would you do it like with your friends uh friends or family i think be fun either way like like what if we like, like Ghostwriters gets big enough that like they have like a theme thing, like a podcast, two podcasts going up against each other. And we have like a Ghostwriters family. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Yeah. I would love to have a few. Yeah. I think I would do better at that than a lot of those like, like Price is Right. I don't know the price of things well enough. No, Price is Right seems subjective too. It's like, what market? Yeah, is this price in Los Angeles or whatever?
Starting point is 01:27:47 So I like Jeopardy. I'm a big Jeopardy fan. Like I used to watch Jeopardy for fun, like binge watch Jeopardy. I'll throw down Teen Jeopardy. That's more my speed. Jeopardy is hard. Teen Jeopardy is easy.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Yeah. Not easy, but like. You feel smart on Teen Jeopardy. You know a lot of them. Yeah. Real Jeopardy, I'm really good. The first half, double Jeopardy. Double Jeopardy, stop. I get like three. I'm Double Jeopardy. Double Jeopardy, yeah, stop.
Starting point is 01:28:05 I get like three. I'm like really smart about those. It's like the crossword on Sundays. It's like, oh, this is advanced. Exactly, exactly. But I mean, Alex Trebek's not there anymore. So I think Family Feud's a good answer. I don't know if this still counts as game.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Wheel of Fortune would be fun. Wheel of Fortune's nice. Because I would ham it up when I get the right things. I would make it really fun. I would like to buy a vowel. Come on. Like Jeopardy, you can't have too much personality as a contestant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Family Feud and Wheel of Fortune, you can get a little bit wilder. I think Wheel of Fortune is good. They do make a lot of pop culture references. There's a lot of like, you need to kind of know the show or this movie. I'm just a little ostracized. I don't know what they're talking about. Yeah. At least I did.
Starting point is 01:28:44 I watched a lot of Wheel of Fortune when I was in high school. And my parents seem to know stuff that I didn't. So maybe I would know now. Yeah. It'm just a little ostracized. I don't know what they're talking about. Yeah. At least I did. I've watched a lot of Wheel of Fortune when I was in high school and my parents seem to know stuff that I didn't. So maybe I would know now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:48 It's been a while. Yeah. That was a long time ago. Long time. Does this count as a game show like the Amazing Race?
Starting point is 01:28:53 Because that's got to be my number one. Or is that more reality? Reality game show. We got to go on the Amazing Race. That'd be so fun.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Jake and Brad. It'll say podcasters on any podcast boys. Yeah. With a Z. With a Z. I think it'd be so much fun amazing race would be great uh we would we would be the most memorable contestants
Starting point is 01:29:10 as long we don't have to win but if we just like make it long enough to really gain some like momentum loyalty that's what i did with my other my only other reality game show experience that was fine like hey nothing wrong with fifth oh you had so much more personality than the people that were like supposed to have a lot of personality yeah yeah thank you brad you're welcome thank you brad next trickster superstar superstar check it out superstar that's that's my favorite game show that i go on check out on facebook watch you guys all right let's watch this video or whatever it is oh gimme Emily. This is Banana Girl.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Dude, Steve Harvey's so good. Steve Harvey's the bathroom the bathroom oh that's awesome Steve Harvey acted in that brace yourself that's awesome. Steve, I reacted to that. Brace yourself.
Starting point is 01:30:28 That's a great answer, though. That's a great answer. Emily, that's awesome. I can't believe you're on Family Feud. Like she's really on it with Steve-O. That's amazing. Steve-O Harvio. Dang, that'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:30:40 That's awesome. Oh my gosh. I would ham it up with Steve. Of course, Emily came in a banana suit. She's awesome. Yeah. She's the kind of person that's on family feud in in a banana suit yeah she she was like it was so much fun in the game emily i'm telling you right now you made at least 15 of that fun right i gotta promise mark her down for 15 at least spf 15 and you were one person like
Starting point is 01:31:00 like the banana suit and then the speaker and her husband had the speaker yeah as a combo set it was a husband okay yeah but yeah like because sometimes it combo set. Oh, it was a husband. Okay, yeah. But yeah, because sometimes it was just a great atmosphere at her. So thank you. Thank you, Emily. You think there's anything more to that or you think that's it? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:18 He went on to the other woman and she has her answer. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, I think that's it. Okay. The bathroom. The bathroom. I do feel, to your credit, Emily, I do feel like uh family feud these days is trying to like kind of be a little bit risque with their questions and like so you can have clips like have funny clips for twitter and instagram so i understand
Starting point is 01:31:35 why you'd answer that way yeah it's just funny it's funny that it wasn't like like it was it was the top four answers i thought it might be like three or four like like not like the best answer but like yeah that's a decent answer. That's a big old X. Oh, that's great. Okay, let's listen to one more. Okay. Hey, this is Rachel.
Starting point is 01:31:53 And I'm calling to declare myself the official nurse practitioner of the Ghost Runners podcast. We needed one. Whenever you guys talk about medical topics, I just feel like there might be a deficit of knowledge there. And sometimes that's annoying, but most of the time it's just entertaining. So if you guys have questions that you want to ask, let me know. Inside of a whale.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Maybe help you out. How much liquid? My question to you would be, you know, the song staying alive. That's the song they teach us to do CPR to. First I was afraid. I was petrified. I was just needed and, youified you know kind of old and i'm looking for something fresh uh so do you guys have any suggestions uh for new songs that we could use to do cpr2 that's a fun question okay uh thanks uh like the pod bye first first reaction haven't i have not thought about this for one or two seconds i promise uh get lucky by uh pharrell
Starting point is 01:32:46 you know that's fine well hold on i mean i think that what's fun about staying alive is like not only is it the right rhythm but it's also about staying alive that song's about like i'm up all night to get lucky i did not even think about the double meaning of staying alive. Oh, see, I was going around. I was singing the beat. Oh, okay. You go beat, I'll go lyrics. This actually does describe like who we are though, to a T.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Like I'm more like, what is it saying? Yeah. You're like, no, it should be like, we're trying to save this person. Who cares about the words? Right. You're thinking P.O.D. alive. Okay, close. I feel so alive. You're like, how do i pump to this for the very
Starting point is 01:33:28 first time i can't deny you i feel so alive you're like cpr all right try to pump to this song brad because i think the lyrics would be good all right no no no not, not yet. Not yet. Music is... Get the microphone down there too. I want them to hear it. Okay, great. Good, good, good. Ready? Wake me up. Wake me up inside.
Starting point is 01:33:54 I can't wait. Wake me up and save me. How did the beat feel on that? Would you save him? That was pretty good, actually. That was pretty good? Like, because do that and then right when you get done with saving me,
Starting point is 01:34:04 I'll do stay, stay in the line. Okay? This is a mashup. Five, six, seven, eight.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Wake me up, wake me up inside. Can't wait. Wake me up and save me. Stay in the line. Stay in the line. Now do it with me. Wake me up,
Starting point is 01:34:23 wake me up inside. Can't wait. Wake me up and Wake me up inside. Can't wait. Wake me up and take me. Take me from the dead. That's perfect. Any opportunity for me to sing. I always like it. I always welcome it.
Starting point is 01:34:35 And that's been the Ghostbusters mashup portion. That's it. That's it. That's pretty good. Yeah. I think get lucky or, you know, wake me up by Evanescence or bring me to life, whatever it's called. But definitely, I mean, make it a mashup. Don't just do good. Yeah. I think, I didn't get lucky or, you know, wake me up by evidence or bring me to life, whatever it's called, but definitely,
Starting point is 01:34:47 I mean, make it a mashup. Don't just do one. Yeah. Yeah. Get Tiesto on the track. Kind of surprised to people. That was a good answer right there for not,
Starting point is 01:34:56 for not prepping any voicemails. That was perfect. That was great. Okay. Let's get on to our review of the week. Once again, Apple podcast stinks how have they not fixed this train i talk about this all the time it's kind of amazing how is someone at apple
Starting point is 01:35:10 not fired maybe they're all fired and that's why it's not working like like if anything just go back to what you were doing before yeah they're trying to yeah just revert yeah revert and then yeah command z do something in beta to somebody else. Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. So. There is one person. I don't know if this is like a brand new review or if they edited it. Okay. Okay. But this is my review of the week. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:31 From Night at the Museum 3 lover. Night at the Museum 3. They love number three. Her name's Ellie. Title of the review is yes. I decided to write this review after my mom said she met a pickleball champion and I thought Jake and Brad. Also, I had a dream that I was Jake and I had an ugly dog.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Huh? Is that me? What I think it means? Uh, these guys are the bomb. They're so funny. I'm constantly listening to it and laugh out loud with my headphones while my sister just stare at me and think I'm insane. They're filled with inside jokes, which I love.
Starting point is 01:35:59 They've had, they have had a very good sound quality since the beginning. That's nice. That's all Jake. Good job, Jake. Thank you. Night Museum three lover. If you're looking for a funny job, Jake. Thank you, Night Museum 3 Lover. If you're looking for a funny podcast, listen. If you're looking for a podcast with two friends talking, listen.
Starting point is 01:36:12 If you're into sports, listen. If you want to hear good jingles, listen. If you want to hear pickleball talk, listen. Or just don't listen and miss out on a fun life. Bye-bye. P.S. Jake, I did not know that someone loved The Prince of Egypt as much as me and my whole family. We're watching it right now. That's wild. A little P.O.E., a little O.S.K.I. Could be We're watching it right now. That's wild. Little P.O.E.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Little O.S.K.I. Could be a good night for you guys. Watch them both. Uh oh. Moses's leg stand is. Oh, Moses. I'm gonna start saying that as an exclamation. Oh, Moses.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Oh, Moses. Oh, Moses. Anyway, thank you, Ellie. Night at Museum 3. Thank you, Ellie. I'm gonna go to a YouTube comment. This one isn't necessarily lengthy like most reviews, but I liked it from Sadie Edwards.
Starting point is 01:36:48 She said, at first I thought it was a laugh track. This is from last week's episode with live studio. Oh yeah. At first I thought it was a laugh track. I'm so dumb. Hot dog. It's like very different thoughts.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Yeah. Hot dog. I so dumb. Huh? I did love that. Like we had like direct like feedback right there yeah it was pretty cool yeah i was like showing trade he's like that's pretty sweet that would be like fun to do i was like it was kind of fun yeah it was awesome it was so much fun so thank you guys for coming
Starting point is 01:37:15 and do us for turning okay brad would you like to end this episode with a jingle you know i would like to end this with a jingle. Savage Love, there it is again. Keep savage, keep, keep savage in love. Keep savage. That's it, right? Almost. Leona Lewis, right? Do you know, fun fact, Jesse McCartney wrote that song.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Jesse McCartney? Yeah. Really? He wrote that song. That's fun. It's one of my favorite fun facts. It involves pop music from 2009. Cool.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Thanks. Are you ready? Yeah. Okay, let's do it. It takes like two seconds to start. So you're going to be like, so I started. I don't know why it hasn't played yet. Hey!
Starting point is 01:37:59 Wake me up inside. I, I, I, I stay alive. Let me know when laundry's done so we can get this podcast on. I give a little life update. Neighbor Henry came around late. Tell me about pickleball you played. What your roommate said today Where are you touring with Trey next? On your feet shout all the ghosties world round
Starting point is 01:38:36 All the ghosties world round Please tell everyone so we can Maybe have a tour soon Maybe have a tour soon Come into your town room for the ghosties world round. Blanks of the week. Voice memos from ghosties too. It's the best way to record.
Starting point is 01:38:57 I give a little life update. Neighbor Henry came round late. Tell me about pickleball you play What your roommate said today Where are you touring with trainers? On your feet, shout all the ghosties whirl round Please tell everyone so we can Maybe have a tour soon can maybe have a tour soon
Starting point is 01:39:26 Maybe have a tour soon Come into your town room for a fuzzy world round Babe of the week, it's always Catherine Red meat makes Jake real sick We've got the U-Haul vibes We changed our windows and got new U-Haul vibes We've changed our vendors And we've got new t-shirt designs Come buy our merch
Starting point is 01:39:54 This one's by Emily, by the way. Her name is Emily Schmidt. Thank you. No, no, keep going, keep going. Emily Schmidt. Yeah. Let's clap it up right here. On your feet, shout
Starting point is 01:40:08 all the ghosties world round. All the ghosties world round. Please tell everyone so we can maybe have a tour soon. Maybe have a tour soon. Hey! On your feet, shout all the ghosties world round. All the ghosties world
Starting point is 01:40:24 round. Please tell everyone so we can maybe On your feet shout all the ghosties whirl around, all the ghosties whirl around. Please tell everyone so we can maybe have a tour soon, maybe have a tour soon. Come into your town for the ghosties whirl around, all the ghosties whirl around, all the ghosties whirl around. Come buy our merch. Come buy our merch. Ghost Runners Not Life. Thank you! merch come buy our merch ghost runners not life thank you yeah we have been the ghost runners podcast smoke it have a great night see you at denny's at three oh dude emily schmidt well written brad well performed send me some jingles guys it's fun
Starting point is 01:41:02 episode 110 look at us look at us about at 70 this morning no problem no problem Well-performed. Send me some jingles, guys. It's fun. Send us some jingles. Episode 110. Look at us. What's about at 7 a.m. this morning? No problem. We built a fence all weekend. No problem. Doing this part-time. No problem.
Starting point is 01:41:11 We're making it happen. No problem. It'll be up by midnight. No problem. Hopefully. Let's hope so. It's out. It's out now.
Starting point is 01:41:16 It's all that matters. It's out now, baby. Yeah, you're there. Thank you guys for listening. Check us out on Patreon. We got so much basketball footage there. Hopefully, I'm so behind on like trey kennedy editing that i'm like i need to do basketball stuff at some point because
Starting point is 01:41:29 if i post a basketball at two months from now up here i don't know if people are gonna care as much like it'd be more fun to post it soon that's true but our fans are so great that they might just maybe they don't care yeah so uh yeah i want to get some stuff posted soon but yeah check out patreon we'll have isaac recreate the stair falling and then uh we've always got new new t-shirts up on the website so check out and see what what's up father's day is coming we got some father's day stuff big daddy oh yeah hit it one time so uh scott sell thank you for joining us this week and baby that's what you'd say you bet baby you bet baby thank you guys for listening really appreciate it yep you guys are the best love you guys see you guys at the ghost runners olympiad doodle poll

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