Ghostrunners - 114 - The Bat Episode

Episode Date: July 12, 2021

Brad has a tan daughter, a new favorite Instagram account, and tons of bat facts. Jake has stories from Branson and a voice memo love interest apparently. Ghostrunners merch: ... Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everyone to one of my favorite podcasts. Yeah, that's out there favorite one favorite top 10 You think top 10 that yeah top 10 podcasts that exist ghost runners podcast If you ask me name 10 podcasts right now, it would get hard after 8 Really like I could think but I I'm but it would take me a second You would start with your favorite the office ladies the office ladies. Of course you like the office ladies I like the office ladies. You like the office ladies like the office ladies when you listen they they have a podcast they have a podcast when do you listen to the podcast oh a certain tuesdays and wednesdays tuesdays and wednesdays on you listen to the podcast on tuesdays and wednesdays as well wow you know who would love listening
Starting point is 00:00:33 to podcasts tuesdays and wednesdays who would love that rain rain would love it should we call rain we should call rain let's call rain he remember we used to talk to him on tuesdays yes we talked about their tuesdays uh on our iphones right? Yeah. Your iPhone, my iPhone, both iPhones at the same time. Speakerphone. Speakerphone iPhone with rain. Office ladies podcast. That's definitely my favorite. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Anyway, that's not necessarily what I was planning on talking about, but kind of. I got a voicemail from my dad this week. From your dad this week? Sorry, I'll stop. I got a voicemail from my dad this week. I have a dad. And my dad was upset at the news a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:12 He was like, Just in general. Just, yeah. Son, I don't like what I'm seeing on the news. Have you seen this? He was just like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:01:20 I was watching the news earlier tonight and they were like, you know, breaking news. We've reached a new world record, highest temperature ever recorded in Death Valley. And it's like this newsworthy thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And my dad is like upset because it's called Death Valley. What do you expect? That's not news. If you named it Death Valley, you knew it got hot. Right. If it's like pretty frigid valley and it's burning up, you're like, I don't know about this. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Somebody was wrong along the way. Arctic Valley is really warm today. Yeah. My dad's thought was like, yeah, if it's called Death Valley, you know, it's not newsworthy. If it's called Shady Grove. Now, now that's interesting. That's interesting. Uh, uh, oh, ooh, I, ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some
Starting point is 00:02:04 random thoughts in white meat too Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet Cause this is the Ghost Rubs Podcast Every Monday morning we're taking ground Ghost Rubs Podcast Ghost Rubs Podcast Go for a podcast. Brad, we have traveled many places this past week and now we're back home.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yes, I'm glad to be back. Where did you go? I went to Texas and then I went to Oklahoma and then I went to Kansas. In that order? Yes. On the way back? Yes. I went to Lake Lauderdale first though.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Let's talk Lake Lauderdale. Okay. One thing, you know, that we never debriefed is how right when i we almost died twice that day um did we yes uh the first time was uh on the highway oh my gosh yeah that was scary but you know we never debriefed that you were answering the phone right when i had to slam on the brakes do you remember that yes you're like yes actually i don't even know how did you do it it was like a very scared answering the phone from a potential client yeah i don't even remember what i was like yeah so basically what happened we were driving on the highway and this guy was trying to turn
Starting point is 00:03:16 left on like one of those turnaround things you're not supposed to it's like there's a sign that says emergency vehicles only yeah it's like for an ambulance to be able to make a u-turn on the highway and so we were going from like 75 to like slamming on your brakes the car was stopped luckily we had been able we were able to get over but uh and i got i was getting a call i was like hello whoa whoa i don't know what i said something like that i don't hey this is brad yeah it was just crazy though that though. That got my heart racing. I know it definitely got your heart racing. It was pumping.
Starting point is 00:03:48 It was pumping. So that was fun. Yeah, we never really talked about that. It was funny that you had to answer the phone. Who was it? I think it was a telemarketer. It was a New York number. I have to answer everything.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And then every once in a while, it's actually a person that wants something. But it seems like the time I actually don't professionally answer it is when that's the person on the other line i was just like hello hey uh is this brad ellis from ellis because you're like oh yeah yeah of course how are you doing all of your other times like hi this is brad it's like hey have you uh considered your car warranty and i'm like no i don't want that i haven't considered it i haven't not in years dumb question yeah so when was the other time we almost died i remember thinking the other time we almost died? I remember thinking that day, wow, we almost died twice today. And so I regurgitated that thought just now.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Hoping that I would remember. Yeah. But I don't remember the second time we almost died that day. Okay. So quick background. Cause we didn't, you showed me in a suitcase. Oh, I don't think that, I don't think that was it. So we were at Lake Ladawana filming two different videos with Trey for jean shorts. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:41 One of the, can we, is it okay to like tell the videos? Of course, baby. So the first video that came out was the 4th of July one. And then the second one that we actually filmed first was the Airbnb's be like, if you will, Airbnb themed one. And so I do, so we got out on a boat for the 4th of July one and maybe that's like, there was one time. So Trey was driving the boat and it was hilarious. Like all throughout like the day leading up to it, Like Trey's like, yeah, I grew up with a boat. Like I know how to drive a boat. I'm good on a boat. And he did fine. But, but like leading up to it, we borrowed this like really nice boat. And he kept being like, are you sure that they're led? They're okay with me
Starting point is 00:05:17 driving this boat. And I'm like, I gave them a lot of confidence that you were good at driving the boat. I don't like seeing this lack of confidence in you. Like there was multiple times where he's like, yeah, I think I can do this or something like that. I'm like, should I not be confident in you? And there wasn't very many people out in the water, but there was one time where he kind of like pulled out in front of somebody. Do you remember that? No.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And cause he was like, oh, they'll love this. They'll, they'll love this because then they'll get some good ways behind us. Oh, nice. Nice. I don't think we almost died from that, but no, that wasn't it. when we almost died um i'm sorry we don't have to think of it i just i shouldn't have regurgitated a thought without knowing what it was but that was definitely the time okay oh no i got it really bingo that was the second time we almost died um bingo no sorry bingo yeah i remembered it eureka i should have said eureka okay i should have said eureka uh when i had low tire pressure and uh we went to quick trip to oh gosh that was the first
Starting point is 00:06:11 time i almost died that was it yeah so yeah when i filled up so i had like a nail in my tire this whole past week so i've been oh yeah we talked about discount tire discount tire uh i had to fill it up again and previously anytime i fill it up my car like will immediately tell me like the new air pressure it's like uh you know up to the up to the second uh feedback and i was like man it's not like telling me it still says it's the same i guess i'll keep putting more air in there right i guess it's not working your aim was like what 38 or something like that i was trying to get to like 42. Okay. 42, which is already pretty high. Yeah. For it was at like 32. And so, but you kept filling it up. I'm like, man, like it says 32 still. Well, you've been filling that thing up for a while. Like I must not be getting it.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And you're like, you're like unplugged it and everything. And I like pushed on it. I was like, feels firm, dude. That thing is, is fine. It wasn't like giving it all. I was like, I think you're fine. Brad's like, I'm going to go in and get a couple of taquitos, you know, for my diet. And I was like, all right, let me just drive it around, see if it, you know, resets the calibration. And Brad was back out. Yeah. It's like, hey, what was the tire pressure at?
Starting point is 00:07:15 I go 64. I mean, my it almost started a few days early. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I wonder how close I was. That tire just popping in my face. Oh, your face. I was down there.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, absolutely. Sniffing it basically. So you almost died. Almost died then. And then on the highway, that's what it was. Moral of the story. Don't drive cars. Don't start a second channel.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Don't worry about it. It's dangerous. Yeah, that's what it's from. So thank you guys for supporting Gene Schwartz though. It's super fun and honestly amazing what is happening on right now. Yeah, it's so fun. It's awesome. It's like that first video got posted to zero subscribers.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Nobody subscribed to us when we posted that. Yeah. And there's no way to like share YouTube video within YouTube. You know, it's not like Facebook. It's not like Instagram. You can't post it to your story. It's just like, hopefully people see it.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah. And we're closing on like 300,000 views. Yeah. How? I don't know. I don't know how. It's awesome. Will we ever do that again well right probably but also like it's so insane it is it's so fun to like i i think i like youtube the best obviously you can do this on facebook too but the comments on youtube are
Starting point is 00:08:18 just so fun to listen or yeah yeah you know people try to be clever from time to time with youtube comments or they'll just give you honest feedback. Like the best stuff. Right. Whereas Facebook is just like Facebook. They tag people a lot, which is great. That's how you, you know, share everything. But like, that's not a fun, it's not fun to scroll and just see a bunch of people's names, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Oh, she tagged Greg. Oh yeah. So yeah, we came out with a few more videos since last week. We got the 4th of July and then we got big, big problem, big people problems or something like that. Your first solo video. Yeah. Which was fun. How'd you feel about it? Fine. Yeah. Great. It's one of those things then we got big, big problem, big people problems or something like that. Your first solo video. Yeah. Which was fun.
Starting point is 00:08:45 How'd you feel about it? Fine. Yeah. Great. It's one of those things where I just like, no, I can, we, I know we can do so much better. Like, and so I'm like, if people are liking it now, people are going to love it. Just wait. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Because like, we're just getting in the rhythm. I think that the last time we recorded, we were getting in a lot better rhythm with everything. You know, like. I sent that email, the Airbnb's video. I don't think it necessarily our most popular by any means, but it was my favorite that we've made so far just because it was we're starting to get a little weirder right like all the jokes with sadiq oh yeah we wouldn't have never done that if it was just me and trey we would have never those are so funny yeah the sadiq ones were great i had that thought later on this week i was like that's pretty funny you guys
Starting point is 00:09:20 will see it uh yeah the sadiq thing yeah the, the national treasure thing. Yeah. We just got a little weird and it was fun. Yeah. So yeah, it is a good time. You had your first solo video and then I did a solo video this week with you gone. Really? Yeah, we did. We shot two of them. We shot one called picky eaters and that one's just me. Okay. And it's funny cause Derek who's filming it for us is even a pickier eater than me. So he was loving it and me and him were just going back and forth. Like, okay, isn't it the worst? Like you get like anxiety when people are like, I'm going to order sandwiches for everybody. You're like, it's got to have mayonnaise on it. I know it's got to have mayonnaise on it.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Not roast beef. Yeah. Or when someone's like, I'm just going to grab a few pizzas. I think I'm going to go with Supreme, Hawaiian. That should be good, right? I'm like, can we get like a half cheese? Just a pepperoni or something.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Something like that. Yeah. So it was really fun to write that video. And it would probably be like the big guy problems. the right people it's gonna hit home but it's not gonna be crazy popular there were a few people where it hit a little too close to home do you see that like the top comment the top comment he was like this was funny but it also made me cry and i was like oh i i'm sorry i i didn't mean to be so relatable that i you know just pulled that heart strings but here i am i used i used all my you know life experiences for this for this. So yeah. I replied to her comment and I said, you know, what's good for a
Starting point is 00:10:29 cry is going for a run. Oh gosh. Did you? No, I would never. Somebody did say something like that though. Lose weight. It's like, Oh yeah. She has never thought of that. Yeah. So that would be talk about getting like, not canceled, but just like everybody off on the bad side. Oh, you know what helps me when I'm crying, eating a salad and jogging. That's what would help me. Golly. The other video train I shot this week, which is like single verse, like in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:59 OK. And it's got a fun. That one, I think, will be maybe our best performing one. It just seems that's like format YouTube loves because everyone's been single before everyone yeah everyone can relate to at least one side of it right and so it'll be fun and it was funny too like there are a couple different parts where you know i'm doing all the single stuff trades during the relationship relationship aspect of it so it's pretty easy but there are a couple times i would like deliver a line in the video like whoo okay why don't you try it again but like less sad i'm like okay am i getting a little too in character right now like i said some line about like oh what we wanted
Starting point is 00:11:30 like our closing joke to kind of be like this like full circle kind of thing like nobody's ever happy okay you know you're not happy when you're single you're not happy yeah exactly yeah and so i'm trying to set it up by being like man i just wish i had someone you know that kind of style but i don't whatever came out of my mouth was just like had a rough day it'd be nice wish I had someone, you know, that kind of style. But I don't, whatever came out of my mouth was just like, had a rough day. It'd be nice if I had someone to come home to. Trey's like, geez, dude, pull it together. Try to make a comedy video here. Like, was that too sad? Okay. I'll be a little, I was just, I was just talking. I was just, yeah. I'll just have a little soliloquy over here to myself. That's great. So there were like two different times. Do it again. It was sounded good, but just
Starting point is 00:12:04 way, way, way less sad. Just pull it back a little bit. Yeah. Oh, that's great. So they're like two different times. I love it again. It was sounded good, but just way way way less sad Pull it back a little bit. Yeah. Oh, that's great Yeah, yeah, we miss you. I yeah, I miss being there It'll be fun getting back on the saddle a couple days. Yeehaw brother. Yeehaw my man. Yeah, tell me about Texas though What happened? This was great on Friday. I went to Yeah, Texas was great, man. It really was. I didn't even write down to do that. That's freak.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I was just going to pretend. Yeah. So it was just, it was her family and we just kind of hung out at their house. Her being my wife, Catherine, baby of the week. Got it.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Catherine, my wife, Catherine Ellis. And she's from a big family. So there's a lot of us there. Big house, big time, big people,
Starting point is 00:12:44 problems, big people, problems. Yeah. I cried after I watched the video, big family. So there's a lot of us there. Big house, big time. Big people problems. Big people problems. Yeah. I cried after I watched the video. Big family. They'll love each other. No, it was great. They have a pool.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And so I, like I said last week, I love the pool. I was in there average three and a half, four hours a day. Just waiting around. It's a lot of feeling buoyant. I love it. Weightless in there, baby. Zero gravity, baby. But no, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Hattie just loves the pool. I bet she was in there even longer than I was most days. And she's four years old and she already has like a serious tan, like, like just tan and like crazy has tan lines, which is really fun. Uh, but she was obsessed with those, like the jets that like get shot out. Jets are fun. Oh yeah. So we went hunting for jets every day. And so going down. Yeah, that's no, that was my exact voice. I'll be like, we're going hunting for jets. And it was hilarious. Like if you have kids, you should really encourage them to try to have accents, like to try to like, cause you should have heard how these accent was like half like down home country, half like British. So she's like, we ain't hunting for jets. And it was just like, this is incredible. We just go around like feeling, oh, there's a jet right there.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Step on that jet. And so that was fun. She, she was just really fun. I just got a lot of quality time with her and a lot of time on the grill. I didn't grill, but people go, yeah, I probably, I probably gained plenty of pounds, but I also like, you know, got like three shades darker. And so I think that every shade is like five pounds that you look skinnier yeah i'm like the hotness scale yeah like think of a chubby cuban guy he looks good still he looks fine so
Starting point is 00:14:13 it's like i i'm going for that look i'm going for mariano the chubby cuban yeah it's like is this like a smaller cigar no no just a body type it's a body type i'm going for it that's that's what i'm aiming for now that's my new diet is just getting in the sun more. Uh, no, but here's a fun fact. Uh, so went to Texas,
Starting point is 00:14:30 delivered a table down to Texas with Ellis comes, you know, it, um, and delivered it to a ghost runners fan, uh, Jeff Jarvis, that's right.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It's J squared, uh, daughters, Emily and Abby Jarvis, um, delivered to their house at like 10 30 at night because they're like we we're great with you delivering it late at night i was like great you can tuck our kids in like what's up no jeff's older emily and abby rh so i don't think i tucked them in
Starting point is 00:14:54 but if that's tucking them in then lock me up lock me up i hope they were sisters let's just say that uh no um i think about that kind of time. Like I, when I said that, I didn't realize how funny it was. And now I look back on it. I'm like, that's so funny. It was a great thing. Yeah. What they were doing. I hope they were siblings. Hope so. Yeah. And then you're like, what are they signing their parents? Well, that's so funny. Uh, but anyway, delivered to them. They were really cool. They're really fun. Uh, we got to talk about podcast stuff. And then right before I was leaving, they're like, we actually have a gift for you as well. Oh, I was like, the money was just plenty. Like I'm, I'm great with that. And they take me to
Starting point is 00:15:32 their kitchen. Jeff used to have a side business where he made cakes for people. He made me my very own cake of the week. It said it had a box of cake of the week. It was a Dr. Pepper cake. What? And it's, it was a chocolate cake and I'm, I'm not even exaggerating. It of the week. It was a Dr. Pepper cake. What? And it was a chocolate cake. And I'm not even exaggerating. It was the best cake I've ever had in my life. I'm guessing there's no more left. No, of course not. Jeff, send me a cake, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'll pay you. He knew I was in Texas for a week, but he's like, you can share it with your family. You don't have to share it with Jake, is what he said. Jeff. But I think he knew. He knew it was like, this thing's going to be so good. You're not going to get it. Dang.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But yeah, send us another one, Jeff. I want a Jeff cake. It was so good because it was it didn't really taste like dr pepper but it had the moisture content of dr like it was like i think that's what helps liquid as a doctor yes it was so good dude uh so thank you jeff if anybody else wants to order a custom table and then also make me something uh well while i make you something we'd love to do that too so that's cool it sounds like jeff shouldn't have got out of the cake biz. He's still got it, but he's doing pretty well. He's got, uh, he's like implementing different things for payroll at people's works. He's got four monitors in his office. So doing just four monitors, you're doing all right.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Doing all right with this work. So you have a, like, um, uh, a little like pad for his wrist when he's on like his mouse. I didn't. My mom has one of those. Yeah. Or like the keyboard that was like split in half in the middle. Do you remember those? Yeah. Those things were the worst. Why?
Starting point is 00:16:51 No, nobody. And it was like kind of like indented, like almost like a mountain on the top. So you had to be like this. It was like, what's going on with this? I saw a clip of someone playing video games like Twitch streaming. Yeah. And they had a keyboard. There was only the left side of it.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Like it didn't even sell like it was. Oh, really? Just the QWERTY, not the ui op exactly qwerty as yeah but no not yeah not uop yeah and i'm like i guess that's all you need for gaming but at some point you gotta log in you gotta do something you gotta you're only limited to two of the vowels he can control c control v but he can't control p probably that's a bummer for him yeah anyway that's been keyboards uh but anyway yeah it was texas was great um but had a lot of fun really relaxed uh the first day i took a nap it was a nice nap it was like two and a half hours it was like i i put bow down for a nap and i took one and then katherine might get frustrated at me for this, but then the next day she's like, Hey, you can't nap anymore this week. I was like, what? She's like, no, you, you need to like spend time with my family. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:52 I'm, I spend so much time with your family, but then I get tired and I want to take a nap and it's my vacation. And she's like, she didn't, maybe she didn't say you can't nap for the rest of the week. You started so strong. I know I did. I did. I should have, I should have gone because I think some of her family was like, I guess Brad just taking a nap again. I was like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I have, I have the stereotype of the nap. You're your nap guy all weekend now. Like I get up at five o'clock most days I go to Texas. I want to have some relaxing time. That's a good tip. Just like a first day of any vacation. Be careful. You're going to be that guy. Maybe go really hard the first day. You're going to be like, Oh, that's a,
Starting point is 00:18:25 you know, like a hot coffee guy. Right, right, right. Yeah. There's a coffee maker over here, but then a few of her,
Starting point is 00:18:32 like one of her brothers or my brother-in-law, uh, he was, he was queasy multiple times, took plenty of naps. No, but no one gave him a hard time. Maybe that's how I'm not queasy is because I'm,
Starting point is 00:18:42 I'm resting. I'm napping. So yeah. Anyway, I, I, I, what's up with that? Sorry to hear that. You know, time maybe that's how i'm not queasy is because i'm i'm resting i'm napping so yeah anyway i i what's up with that sorry to hear that you know you know that was wrong you know you know uh you had a good time though yeah fourth july was really fun your daughter's tan daughter's tan fourth july i mean it's it's fourth of july in the country of texas like you know like the countryside of texas and so it was like beirut
Starting point is 00:19:05 out there like it was just like everywhere you turn it was like like i understand the ptsd thing now i totally like this it was just like going nuts after 360 around oh yeah it was so fun uh the my brother-in-law one of them bought like a 250 dollar one like one single firework that like like a firework show that was like two dollars but you lit one match and did all of it's like a big cake is what you call it and they bought other ones too but that was like the grand finale and it was nuts dude like it went on for three four minutes and like by itself yes dude it was and at the very end it was like a machine gun just like that's nice it was great god bless texas yeah yeah exactly dang that's awesome took caddy to fire get some fireworks. That's kind
Starting point is 00:19:45 of a new tradition that her in me that the right her and I, her and we go to get fireworks and we get like $15 worth and they're sparklers. Yeah. And it's just fun. Snakes and sparklers. Yeah. We got some called the gassy gorilla this time. Oh, Catherine wasn't a fan. She's like, I was like, she wanted the one that was the monkey. So I got it. She's like, I'd rather you take a nap, Brad. You're going to be doing this just go go sleep you know i'll take care of this uh but had he had he burned her hand on a sparkler that was actually really sad to see well she needs to learn she did absolutely learn they're hot yeah very hot got from the wrong end or what it burned out try to play catch with it and then she like tried like i don't know why but
Starting point is 00:20:23 she put her hand on the top of it and just i mean like for days just had a line on there and was crying for two hours probably the whole the whole firework show after that oh so that's okay though she's fine she's fine she yeah so she's a fine uh tell me about your fourth july i went to branson missouri yeah and i guess i should have known this going into it, but it was just so packed. And I just assumed like, it'll be hotels or like, I probably still get the candy cook discount, like the gazebo in. Right. I know you were trying to figure all that out. And just everything was booked
Starting point is 00:20:54 and I'd say at least half the reason I wanted to go down there was to be able to visit K-West. Right. I've been there in like three summers and I'm getting a call because I called like a week or so ago. Just like just play it safe. Just why not COVID I guess, whatever call because I called like a week or so ago. Just like just play it safe. Just why not COVID, I guess, whatever. And fully thinking like I'm just doing.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I mean, this is just a formality. I'm just like this. Yeah. I'm going to be surprised if there's not a statue out front. I mean, of course, they're going to let me. And anyway, I guess like K2, like the neighboring camp had like a COVID outbreak. Like two days beforehand, like Branson hospitals were like full. Like at least this is what I got told told maybe there was blood smoke on my butt but i guess they were
Starting point is 00:21:28 like having to send people to like springfield hospitals and stuff like that so so i got the got the boot dang dude so didn't did go down to canada which is a bummer do you regret asking like like do you think if you would have gotten there and didn't ask like you would have gone through oh definitely yeah yeah it was because i was like respectful ass that i didn't get to go because i do i got finished last like um i got texts from people who were there visiting like like you would have gone through. Oh, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. It was because I was like respectful ass that I didn't get to go. Cause I do. I got like, um, I got texts from people who were there visiting, like, dude, heard you're visiting. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:21:50 I'm like, Oh, you dog. You just showed up. Didn't you? You didn't call ahead. And then other like staff members, like when they would get their phones, like, dude, I heard the buzz, heard you're coming. I'm like, Nope. They told me not to, uh, Lucy man, podcast listener, voice memo giver.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yeah. Uh, she like shot me a DM. She's like, I wearing ghost hunters merch right now because i heard you're coming i'm like i'm not it just keeps getting worse everybody who messages me but thanks for the message glad word's getting around that i'm not coming they should have boycotted like we're not gonna do anything else at camp until jake comes back jake can't come we're not doing any gassy gorillas no way or we're doing way too many gassy gorillas it's just all only gassy gorillas yeah it's gonna be a huge letdown oh bummer uh but branson was still fun i did a little bit of everything just i was as a tourist there and it was fun i did ride the ducks uh they have the ducks anymore the ducks are
Starting point is 00:22:37 gone okay the ducks are goodbye they went south and um so i did go karts i did putt putt yeah i did kayaking. Oh, yeah? Big fan of shortening the word kayak to yak. Yeah. Couldn't stop. Couldn't stop using yak in a sense. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yak. What, did you go one-person kayak or two-person? One-person. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Good for you. That's for my wife.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Okay. Yeah, just one-person kayak and Lake Tanekomo. Yeah. It was a good time. Cold. Cold lake. my wife okay yeah just one person kayak and lake tanikomo yeah it's a good time cold cold lake uh yacked by some people with like it was i think it was on the fourth of july when we act and they had a cooler on their like uh dock and um it was an adequate size good for them yeah yeah not bad yeah and they had the like the classic like pop ice yeah like you know it's like classic yes and i
Starting point is 00:23:24 thought for sure they would give me one nope no gave me the k west treatment did you angle it in front of me and then take it away did you ask what it tastes like that's that's the that's the life hack we talk whoa what does it taste like yeah that was what i would always do back in youth ministry i'd be like oh what's that taste like and then sometimes they tell you and then you have to ask one more question and then they'll always be like well you have to ask one more question. And then they're always be like, well, you want to just try one? Why don't you just have it? You just want to lick it? I can't describe it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah. You want a sip? Okay. Okay. Okay. A Dr. Pepper cake. All right. Like, what's it taste like?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Oh, it's like, it's like chocolatey and moist. Like, so is it like, you know, like rich or decadent? Honestly, just try it. Oh, okay. Popeye's. Yeah. I threw out the good guy discount a couple of times. Didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:24:04 No, but I did. I felt good enough to do it at the Popeye's place or like in Branson. No, I threw out the good guy discount a couple of times. Didn't get it. No, but I did. I felt good enough to do it at the Popeyes place or like Branson. No, I tried it at, uh, uh, the Ferris wheel, rode the Ferris wheel,
Starting point is 00:24:12 uh, paid full price. They didn't offer the good guy discount, but, uh, it was fun. I feel like Branson's not going to give him any discounts on the busiest weekend of the year.
Starting point is 00:24:21 No. And honestly, they were already given like can of cake discounts to us anyway. So it was like, you know what? We're good we're good here where's the ferris wheel even located in branson oh heart of it baby yeah yeah it's like right by like the ripcord and the andes is it okay yeah wild woody dude wild woody ripley's believe it or not museum yes what a waste of money garden it's like where katherine i went on our first like one-on-one date what's the worst place you've ever been to in branson oh gosh olive garden might be up there i think olive garden
Starting point is 00:24:49 is really really really overrated i think yes yeah we have um worst place i've been in branson oh gosh there's that pizza place on in rockaway beach have you heard of that it's like not really in branson branson but it is like the sketchiest nastiest pizza place i've ever been to oh what's it called might be rockaway beach pizza or something like that uh but it's way it like takes forever to drive there but you can get there by boat really cool um it was like a tradition uncle week to go there because there's a guy like across the street you know that stand-up bit by nate bargetzi that's like uh the serpentarium like it's like that guy in real life like oh gotcha so good old boy yeah um it was like always
Starting point is 00:25:26 like somebody like if you lose this bet you got to go up and like ask that guy a question talk to the old guy the old fart so uh something else happened to branson one day we went to uh vintage paris it's in a new location brad no it's right next to it's kind of next to a highway highway it's got a scenic overlook right across the street from it so it's kind of nice you get a little iced coffee let's walk across the street scenic overlook okay so you can see like i'm pretty tall branson chateau on the lake looks good where i had my junior prom oh really yeah i don't even know i don't know where that is or anything is that like it's okay way far out there it's way far out there okay you can see it from the scenic overlook okay you see
Starting point is 00:26:00 everything it actually is pretty cool you can see like the river the lake it's nice and um anyway there's a girl the whole time we're kind of just taking in the view and there's several people all around us taking in the view there's a girl kind of posted up sitting closer to the road with like a sketchbook big old sketch pad okay and like this yeah i don't even think much of it because i'm like that makes sense like that's cool good for her enjoying the day and as i'm leaving as we're walking away i'm like behind the rest of the group and i just kind of like take a look at what she's drawing like let's see how let's see how it's looking let's
Starting point is 00:26:28 see if i can see chateau on the lake yeah i saw a different chateau this woman i kid you not this is a true story was drawing a naked man what a fully naked man just from memory yeah like there wasn't anybody modeling out there from what i know yeah there was no naked man right i i was shocked i was like what i have so many questions like why do this here why draw that why draw it right now that feels like a prank like you could do like a video like pranking people with that yeah yeah or just like why yeah i don't know i've never seen anything like that before it was awesome i'm trying to Yeah. Why you would do that in public? If you could do that, like you're not maybe, maybe she's getting inspirations from the, the trees and the
Starting point is 00:27:10 shrubbery. I don't know. But besides that, I don't know why you would want to be out there to do this. I didn't. And I was like, I, so I called in a second opinion. I was like, am I, I got to make sure I'm not just seeing this. That's a man, right? That's yeah. Is that a pine cone? Right. Whoa. And, um, anyway, uh, Emily confirmed. Yeah. Yeah. That's a man, right? That's yeah. Is that a pine cone? Right. Whoa. And anyway, Emily confirmed. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's nudity. That's that's male anatomy right there.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I don't even know if nudity in general is allowed in Branson, Missouri. I don't think I think they outlawed it. Right. A long time ago. Like when you get married, you have to leave the city like on your honeymoon. They do have weird roles. I mean, they still have a store on the strip called the Dixie Outfitters. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:44 But no, no nudity. That can't fly. And they call it the strip, but there's no clubs on the strip called the Dixie Outfitters. Right. But no, no nudity. That can't fly. And they call it the strip, but there's no clubs on the strip. No, of course not. Right. Everything closes by 1030. Yes. Good for them.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah. So that was just something that I saw this week. I mean, I'll go my whole life without seeing that again. Did you see any other like great Bransonites or anything like like you see any Gator Greggs? I feel like Gator Greggs rampant in Branson. I'm trying to think. I mean. Just almost too much or you get over sensitive. It was kind of everywhere.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Like when we would go to Andy's, it was like, I'm used to on a 2-4, like you just see other CannaCup people from other camps. Like you don't know them. You're like, you work at camp or like you're a young person. You can tell. And they were nowhere to be found. We'd go to Chick-fil-A and where are the young white people? Or you go to, yeah, yeah. Andy's all these other spots. And it was just like a lot of,
Starting point is 00:28:27 a lot of people from, you know, Chattanooga or something. I don't know. Just like kind of sloppy families who have like seven kids somehow. It's like, why are you guys keep producing these things? Yeah. Just stop already. Oh man. Oh, it was a good time. Um, on the, do you have anything else for Branson? No, that's fine. On the way back from Texas yesterday, we get a text from Laura Gabriel, our friend. And she was like, Hey, Catherine, she texted Catherine was like, Hey, kind of random, but, uh, do you want to come visit me this weekend? Uh, McKenzie Hannah's coming down
Starting point is 00:28:59 and you just didn't know if you wanted to like hop in with her, uh, if it was available or whatever. And Catherine's like crazy. Actually, we're coming, uh, back towards, she lives in Oklahoma coming back towards you. So, um, Brad can like come and drop me off and then go on. So, uh, she lives in this area called Carlton landing. Have you heard about this? Yes, dude. It is. So, so I, I dropped them off and I ended up staying the night last night, the four of us did. And it was like one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. You need to describe it to everyone. Cause it's very, very unique. So, so the, the idea behind it is called new urbanism. And so basically, uh, they take, so, so they, they took this land out near Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma, which like not really many
Starting point is 00:29:39 people go out there. People in Oklahoma don't really know this area very well. I don't think. And they basically created a city. Like the city was founded in 2011. So it's like a brand new city. And they tried to basically emulate like seaside watercolor area of Florida in this like lake community. And so there's right now there's 300 homes and they're all like designer homes and like beautiful.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Are they the exact same? No, no, no. They're all like very like different.'s there's like five or six designers and so like some of them are like this guy it's a master mason so it's like these are like really cool like harry potter looking brick buildings oh i thought that was his name master mason hey what's up i'm master mason i'm mason it's actually master mason master mason to you um but it's like it was so cool like it was one of those things where it was so cool like it was one of those things where it was so cool but it was also so hard for me to wrap my head around it because i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:30:29 never going to be rich enough to live here do they all work within that town like is one of them have to be the the postman no there's like no there's like very little economy within the town there's right so so right now there's 300 homes they plan in the next however many years is going to be 3 000 homes though so it's going to grow and grow and grow. So right now there's a pizza place that's open most days. And then there's like a coffee shop that's open like four days a week. And those are like the businesses there. So I think only like 20% of people actually live there full time. And then a lot of people are vacation homing there and stuff. So, uh, but anyway, my friend and her husband live there now because the husband is the pastor of the church in this city.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And they don't even have a building yet. They meet under a tent. It's a nice tent. Under a tent. Oh, sorry. I was imagining like a... Over a tent. I was imagining like a camping, like a two-person tent.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I was like, they just like... They spread it out. All right. So let's all open our Bibles. How big is the church? Like a fireworks type tent. Like an advanced tent. Exactly. Big right. So let's all open our Bibles. How big is the church? Yeah. Like a, like a fireworks type tent, like an advanced tent.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Exactly. Like a thick tent. Yeah. Tentist. Yeah. So your dentist name is Granton, but it was the coolest thing, dude. Like, like they have like many neighborhoods within this city. And so like you walk down the street and there's like, let's say 10 houses in a semi circle. And then there's like a huge park, basically like a huge patch of grass.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And like each house has a front porch on it. And so all these people are just sitting on their front porches. Their kids are all playing in the middle, like the front patch. Oh, it was like, like, it was like, this is how America should be. Like, like I guarantee you. And I, Cole and Laura were telling me like, they just like people like kids will just be like Roman. Like those be like, yeah, go play with their friends, you know? And that doesn't happen anymore because it's like, oh, we're scared about not knowing where
Starting point is 00:32:12 our kids are and all this stuff. What's this idea called? What'd you call it? New urbanism. New urbanism. Yeah. So I don't, I think they're probably popping up more and more lately, but I, it was one of those things that we've talked about, like investing in real estate.
Starting point is 00:32:23 If, if you have money out there, go and invest in Carlton Lane. Cause I think it's relatively unheard of. I think a lot of people around that area know it. Not anymore. You just told a million people, Brad. Yeah, shoot. Oh, we're so big. Um, but seriously, like go check it out because it would be worth your money. I think it's going to blow up. Like there's, there's two businesses there now. Like imagine once there's more people, there's going to need to be more restaurants. There's going to be like more stuff like that. That's sweet. So I'm glad you got to see that firsthand.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It was really fun. So anyway, Cross and Landing. Check it out. Dang it out. Dang it out. The all new FanDuel Sportsbook and Casino is bringing you more action than ever. Want more ways to follow your faves?
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Starting point is 00:34:44 where we offer career programs purpose-built for you. Visit continue.york confidence. Turn on connections. Turn on possibilities. There are hundreds of programs and services available at the Y. See what you can achieve at So when I was in Carleton Landing last night, I get there and Cole and Laura are living at this, these people's house that also have a house in Crested Butte. These people are doing very well for themselves. They're actually the people that like founded Carlton Landing. Wow. It's this guy. He used to be the mayor of Oklahoma city. Uh, his name is Kirk Humphrey. Okay. So if you're Oklahoma city person, you might know who that is. Scissortail park. He made that too. Whoa. That place is awesome. It's really cool. Yeah. Uh, the Oklahoma city thunder. No, I'm just kidding. Um, Kevin Durant. So anyway, really, really nice
Starting point is 00:35:49 house. Uh, but Laura and Cole are living there while they live in Colorado for a few months. And I get there and their fireplace is like taped up. Like the opening of the fireplace is all taped up. And I'm like, what's going on there? Uh, just kind of figured maybe they were doing like renovations or something. And Cole in so many words basically told me he's like yeah the other day i was walking to my room and something kind of like flew in front of my face and i thought it was a bug or something and figured out it was not a bug it was a bat oh and you got bat chimney yeah so long story short they had they've seen 10 bats in their house that's a lot that's too many are they marking them how do you distinguish a bat from another one when they're flying oh they they just take them out like they oh that is their 10th bat removal yes they've
Starting point is 00:36:33 caught 10 bats and gotten out of them or gotten them out of there and so they taped this thing up um and long story short i learned a lot of things about bats okay and so i want to quiz you that could be your trivia category yes oh maybe dude i think i know more than most so of things about bats. Okay. And so I want to quiz you. That could be your trivia category. Yes. Oh, maybe, dude. I think I know more than most. So ask me about bats. So let's, let's start out. Maybe there's just kind of generic. Some of them will give you multiple choice.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Some of them just kind of give you context clues and see if you can guess them. So first and foremost, they were having a hard time getting someone to remove the bats. Oh, why do you think that is? Oh, because it's not bat season. And so no one's expecting to get a bat call. Yeah, there's just they're all on vacation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They have like if you're a bat removalist, which is, of course, that's a purist connivalist.
Starting point is 00:37:20 They are like they they work, you know, down to the beach in the summertime because they don't have bad issues. They're down to Rosemary right now. That's what I would guess. It's out of season. Uh, incorrect. It is because bats are endangered, uh, animals, species. And so it's, you have to do it. Bats are endangered? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. There's so many, but apparently like certain species are endangered. And so, and so like, rather like, you know, not what's the word rather than that's not the right word. Whatever. Like raccoons, you can just kill those things.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You can you can get because there's plenty of raccoons out there. Just just pop them. But but with the bats, that's you have to do it responsibly, which is pretty difficult. What's that mean? Like recycle them? Like you can't kill them. Like you have to like you can't you can't say you're going to kill them. And I was like, you're in Oklahoma, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Just find somebody. I guarantee you can find somebody they'd be like yeah i'll go up there and blow those bats up yeah it's fourth of july find a good old boy yeah just have a few extra roman candles just shot them up there but um that's that's first thing i learned about bats is that it's really really difficult like to find people that are willing to remove them and can remove them because they're like yeah you know what you you guys listening might hear a trivia question but you know what i hear business opportunity yes okay bat killers seriously dude we will kill your bats there were multiple times where i heard like things that he was saying and i was like if i wasn't very afraid of these things i would absolutely
Starting point is 00:38:38 be a pest control guy because i think you can make a lot of money off of it not pest control bat killers just bat killers we kill and then in front of these on accident so that way it's like legally like oh no no we don't advertise that we kill bats we just say like factually every once in a while we do an accident it has happened sure it happens a lot yeah uh road's getting crazy these days. So, okay, let's go. I ran over a bird today. A bird? Yeah. A bird? Thought he would move.
Starting point is 00:39:09 You're like, please move, please move, please move. And then didn't. I wasn't even like, please move. Because they always move. Of course. I actually kind of forgot about this until just now. Because I was like, wow, I don't know if I ever ran over a bird before. Trying to get it out of your memory.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Survival of the fittest. I don't think he was, he wasn't going to make it much longer anyway. Was it trying to chew something on the road? And it was like, have one more lick. No, he was back to me and just to make it much longer anyway. Yeah. Was it, was it trying to choose something on the road and it was like, no, he had one more. He was back to me and just didn't even see it coming. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah. Got him. Did you get it on the windshield or like in the grill of your car or did you go underneath? No, it seemed to go underneath. Just ride the 60, 60 PSI tire. Heard that beak pop. But yeah. So the reason I kind of drove after him because I thought he was a bat and then I was bummed to learn it was just a normal bird.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Okay. So let me give you some more facts. Uh, first of all, I'll just give you a freebie. Uh, the technician that you call to remove these bats, uh, costs anywhere from 1800 to $8,000 business opportunity. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So that's also a pretty big range. Is that for the size of the bats, the quantity of the bats, how scary the bats look?
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's gotta be the quantity and like the, the quantity of the bats, how scary the bats look? It's got to be the quantity and like the convenience of getting to the bats is my guess. I think you also have to factor in the possibility of one of them biting you and you getting superpowers. Dude, I got something on that too.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Wait, hold on. Yeah. Does he have superpowers? Or does he just get bit? I'm talking about Batman now. No, Batman is a very normal guy. Yeah, he just has what? Money and smartness?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Technology? He has Morgan Freeman? Uh-huh. So what did just says what money and smartness technology is Morgan Freeman. Uh huh. So what did the bat bite do? Did he get bit by bat? I think he got bit by bat. He got bit by bat. Yeah. In alleyway when his parents died.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Oh, he did. I think. And instead of getting rabies, he just got lots of intelligence and a really cool black guy that can make stuff for him. I don't know if he already had that. Oh, maybe. What does the bat do? I don't know if he had the bat.
Starting point is 00:40:43 What does a bean mean? It's just a symbol. Yeah. It just motivated him. I would have loved for the Lone Star tick that bit me a couple summers ago to just, you know, be a pretty neutral bite or maybe, you know, give me a little more money. Cooler cars. Seriously, if you would have gotten bit by a bat instead of a tick.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Tick pick. I wake up in the morning. Oh, man, I got a bat on my waist. How did I fall asleep? Oh, make sure I get the head. Okay. Yeah, right Yeah, I got the head out. Okay, here's another thing how big do you think that these bats are Oh battered? Uh, the bat bodies are tiny. Yeah, I've seen a bat without wings. It's freaky. Look it looks a little mouse That's what he was like. So so they have one of those like magic bullet things what you know magic bullets are like the blenders
Starting point is 00:41:24 Oh It's like a bullet that only goes towards back like uh magic bullet things what you know magic bullets are uh like the blenders oh i was like it's like a bullet that only goes towards bad dude oklahoma's crazy dude yeah you put this in your gun sorry it'll find a bad the couple who's very normal has a magic bullet not the technician like what's a magic bullet do like curve in the air i love that it just it just seeks bats only oh man this thing's amazing okay so wait what were you saying that they have a magic bullet? We have a blender. They have a blend Wait, where you going with this? I'm telling you the other day Laura was going to put away hurt like the top of the blender thing and Underneath it there was a bat looking up. She freaked out magic, but that's how tiny there they can fit within a pinky hole
Starting point is 00:42:01 Can I tell you fun fact about animals and all you can okay? careful within a pinky hole. Can I tell you a fun fact about animals and holes? Yes, you can. Okay. Careful. An octopus can fit through anything that's a quarter size. Dude, that's nuts. That is pretty crazy. Nature is nuts. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:42:13 That's true. That's a good fact. Thank you. So an octopus can fit through this easy. No problem. He could bring a couple friends. This would be roomy.
Starting point is 00:42:21 This is like a suite for him. Oh my gosh. It's a double wide. Holy cow. I can't even find something that small maybe this thing like if you circle it up that's wild dude octopuses are crazy nobody look it up just take my word for it trust me though okay um so let's see uh so this this person so many bat facts yeah oh my god i got many more so so feel free to not uh expound on them too much because there's a few more. First one or next one is somebody, whenever he was calling him, was like, so how many
Starting point is 00:42:51 bats do you think you've had? He's like, well, at this point, we've found about seven or eight of them in our house. And she goes, oh, so you've got a blank on your hands. What do you think she called it? I want to go with a legitimate answer. swarm oh that's a good that's a good legitimate answer thank you um it's colony dang it oh so you got a colony that makes sense for carlson's landing though they're kind of their own colony very good yes so colony of bats colony of bats very formal of them um so do you know what bat poop is called i can't believe how much
Starting point is 00:43:22 you know about that yeah guano guano. Guano. And I got one answer. And okay. So my thought was the bats are in the fireplace. Why not just freaking light the fireplace up and let's get these things just moving out. Let's get them moving. Yeah. Or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And, uh, Cole said, Hey, it would smell really, really bad if you burn all these bats. If you burn the bats, I don't want to burn the bats. I just want to smoke out the bats. Right. But they got wings. There's something with, uh, guano that you don't want to do bats i don't want to burn the bats just want to smoke out the bats right but they got wings there's something with uh guano that you don't want to do you don't want to burn it and why is that oh because guano uh is it for ego in yeah i would just it's like it's like gunpowder is fire no it's poisonous apparently like the gas from guano is really poisonous oh i was legitimately guessing that it was just like super super like like flammable yeah yeah okay no it's like poisonous to like breathe in yes what a concoction yes if you like light bat poop on fire yes and get it in your lungs then it's bad who discovered
Starting point is 00:44:15 that right somebody on accident that's too bad like dang it um it's probably chicago we also just a side note they yeah they uh they taped up this fireplace but like bats you could still hear them and like you could see every once in a while oh the colony they're kind of like being like pushing on the like tape and stuff it's like are we sure that this thing is gonna like it was just some trash bags i don't want to make a man yeah they seem like they're upset uh okay a few more bad facts uh so bats are actually very valuable or very beneficial to the environment do you know why one of the things they do that's really like a nice thing. Well, every night they go out and they they they take out the trash.
Starting point is 00:44:51 They take out the trash. And as a colony, you're not wrong in a sense. They take out the trash. They will eat the excrement of other animals. You don't want that in your yard. That's so beneficial to the environment. They also eat mosquitoes. Very good.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And ticks. Just mosquitoes is what I've read, but maybe ticks, too. And if they're angry enough, they could take down a full snake. that's so beneficial to the environment they also eat mosquitoes very good and ticks uh just mosquitoes is what i've read but maybe ticks too and if they're angry enough they could take down a full snake that's right you won't find that on the internet but i saw it once but i i think it's there i think it was a snake how many mosquitoes you think they eat a night anywhere between four and six thousand because that's that's closer six to eight thousand mosquitoes a night one bat yes dude and then they poop their guano. Hold on. They poop their body weight every night as well.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Hold on. I believe that octopus could fit through a quarter hole before a bat is taken down to 7,000 mosquitoes in one night. Isn't that nuts? That means there has to be, I mean, millions of mosquitoes in one tiny little area for every bat to eat. I know. Honestly, though, if I could show you my leg right now, you'd be like, the bats didn't do their job. No, Branson.
Starting point is 00:45:49 That's right. There's a million mosquitoes like where I play golf. Yeah. We went out last night at dusk and saw these bats. Let's see if you can. They're not irritated right now. So they're not real red, but there's a few on there, though. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah. I wake up in the morning and I just roll around. Yeah. I just I get all of the bug bites itched at once it was during the daytime and the bats are out at night so if you're gonna golf golf at night with with the lights off i can't believe it's six to eight thousand six to eight thousand mosquitoes yeah so that's crazy and that's why they're popular in the lakes and stuff because there's more mosquitoes by the water and stuff man i would like to see it i know okay so let's see a few more accuracy um
Starting point is 00:46:27 this is this is just a fact i'm going to give you uh they can't fly from the ground so like if you see a bat on the ground it will just crawl around goodbye and so i was like i was asking cole like are they hard to catch he's like not really because once they fall and they're blind you know or whatever close to blind like once they fall they they're blind, you know, or whatever, close to blind. Like once they fall, they just have to like climb around until they find a place to climb up. Oh, yeah. And so if you see one on in the street or something, it'll just climb towards a tree, climb up the tree and then can fly down or whatever. Maybe I did run over a bat. Maybe I didn't take off.
Starting point is 00:46:57 He was blind. He was a white bat. Yeah, but that's OK. I'll buy no bats. Don't know. No shame. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And let's see a few more things. So rabies is very commonly, uh, you know, connected to bats. Uh, if you get bit by, uh, or if you get rabies in your system,
Starting point is 00:47:15 after two weeks, you will show symptoms. And then once you show symptoms, what happens to you? Um, you start to resent your mother-in-law and ultimately you find an affection for the old show Matlock. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yes. Andy Griffith was in his prime at that point. Everyone says it was Andy Griffith's show, but Matlock on WGN reruns was the best. Those are the main two things. And if you get kind of a weird strain of it, you will just, you will start booking flights. You will just, you will start, you will get the travel bug. You'll just get the travel. I got the travel bat. I don't know. I can't help it. Uh, no, actually if you get rabies and like once you show symptoms, it's too late,
Starting point is 00:47:52 you're dead. Like it's fatal. It's like a hundred percent fatal, which is the mother-in-law thing basically. Yeah. Cause if you resent your mother-in-law, you might as well die. Give up. Yeah. Find a ledge, try to crawl off of it. So yeah. Like if you ever get bit by a bat, get the shot right away. Cole kept saying that like, like if you ever get bit by a bat, get the shot right away. Cole kept saying that. Like, yeah, if you get bit by one though, you got to get a rabies shot. Those are expensive.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And then- What if Bruce Wayne got his rabies shot? Maybe he survived. Is he dead? Has he always been dead? Is that the spoiler alert? The conjuring. Okay, then last one. This is not really, this is a trivia question.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So this technician or whatever was like, I want to know what we're dealing with. So around dusk, if you can just go outside and just stand out there for about an hour and just see how many bats come out and cole's like i'm not gonna stand out for an hour i'm not a scarecrow chimney yeah i'm not just gonna stand in a field and survey but as we were like we did go out there we went on a quick walk last night and it was like dusk and as we were like coming back we counted did we see a five bats b six bats c seven bats or d 85 bats come out of their chimney what time of day did you say this was this was like nine o'clock at night oh good time for a colony 85 bats 85 bats wow and Colt said that there was only,
Starting point is 00:49:05 that's like one third to half of the ones that are actually in there. And. So there's hundreds of bats just chilling in that chimney right now. Every time you mention more bats, all I can think of is how many mosquitoes are dying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Every night they take down 7,000. And there's like, how quickly are mosquitoes repopulating to where they can survive? Fair. Fair. Fair. I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:27 I think we must be grossly underestimating the amount of mosquitoes that live in the Midwest. We need some more facts. How many mosquitoes are there? Right, dude. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:49:35 We're talking like grains of sand, like millions of mosquitoes. More. Yeah. Got to be because I wish there was a word bigger than millions. I would use it,
Starting point is 00:49:42 but there's not. There are multiple millions. Yeah. Yeah. Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:48 So yeah, 85. And I, I just had the thought of like, if Laura and Cole weren't living there, this place would be vacant for three months out of the year. Can you imagine if they come back and they have 300, 400 bats in their house?
Starting point is 00:50:02 I'm serious. What would you do? What would you do? Start swinging. I'm serious. What would you do? What would you do? Start swinging. I would call, I would call a one 800. We kill bats. We go bats on accident.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Uh, because apparently like once a bat finds like a way or a place that they like, they'll release a pheromone to say like, Hey, other bats come. Smells good here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:23 The chimney is great. So then all these bats are coming. So they just multiply and multiply. Can you imagine? That's, that's like a terrifying thought. And that's, I never want to leave my house for more than two days now. That's not a colony anymore. That is a, that's a revolution. That's a whole settlers city. Yeah. They're throwing tea in the ocean. I mean, that is, they're really moving on. They control they control the population at that point. They have the voter majority. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Uh, I Googled how many mosquitoes are there? Do you want to know? Yes. Um, yeah, go ahead. I,
Starting point is 00:50:57 I don't. One, seven, eight, two, zero, zero, zero,
Starting point is 00:51:04 zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero mosquitoes on the earth now that's what i'm talking about i knew i knew there had to be mosquitoes out there dude it's too bad there's not words big enough dude okay another thing sorry we're going to talk about more animals it's the bad episode um no no i'm moving on past bats uh because there's also uh feral hogs in Carlton Landing. Do you know much about Carlton Landing?
Starting point is 00:51:30 There's a few of them. Can we get those out of there? There's children playing in the front grass. Yeah. Like like Laura is a big runner. And so she's loving to run. And somebody is like, have you seen any feral hogs yet? And Laura's classic like Kansas City girl like, oh, no, I haven't seen any hogs.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Like and they're like, no, you better watch out for those things. They'll kill you. She's like, are you talking about people who graduated from Arkansas anymore? Yeah. Will Ferrell went to Arkansas? Uh, no, no. Like they're like wild hogs. And so then I learned that there's like millions of hogs in the world, like way too many. And so you can just shoot as many of them as you want. So not a business plan. Do not. No, no, no. Oh, listen to this business plan. I i saw we watched a video on it last night we shoot hogs pretty much no these people own helicopters and you can hire out helicopters to fly up in the air you have your rifle and you just get to mow down as many hogs as you want in
Starting point is 00:52:16 two hours that is the if i were rich i would do that every weekend i guarantee you i'd do that it was 2400 for two hours which is a lot of money it's good ratio but i thought like as they said i was like that's too much money and i thought about i was like if i was the right kind of person that's just right for a bachelor party with a bunch of rich dudes it helps to know too that it's in a problem and like right you're helping yeah right before we go up show me a video of a feral hog just like you know ripping apart a child and then i'm ready to go they're nasty looking they're nasty looking and there's too many of them and they like mess up plants and they have like all these diseases and so you just go up in a helicopter and of course the helicopter freaks out the feral hogs and so they start running yeah and you just start popping i've
Starting point is 00:52:57 seen videos of this i think but they didn't have an automatic weapon by any means okay so i think i've seen yeah and honestly now that we're saying i'm pretty sure my sister's ex-boyfriend used to like hunt hogs really he would be up in a tree yeah and wait for them to like go underneath him and he would shoot him from above i think they're really really overpopulated in texas like that's like the biggest population of them so that's where i watched this video but that's sweet he was from georgia okay same same thing but hogs are a problem yeah they like rip apart plants and people and i think they they don't even vote they don't even register to vote they haven't even registered you're often late they don't even not even they don't even text they won't text you that they're running late they'll just they'll just flake on you for no reason it's time we kill these hogs yeah so uh
Starting point is 00:53:37 i went to a different website on the mosquitoes i wanted to find a number this one says 70 quadrillion 70 quadrillion yeah there's like see once it goes past billion i don't know what any of them mean for someone else trillion i guess yeah yeah i guess trillions it's probably quadrillions next one after trillion yeah maybe it looks like there's 50 this is there's 50 mosquitoes every square foot on earth so you just so there's a place there's a place that has way too many. Cause there's no, there's none of this square footage.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I don't think not right here. No, that's crazy. 50 per square foot. Apparently Cole also, I know so much about bat stuff. Cole also told me like in a one by one, like square foot,
Starting point is 00:54:17 uh, area, like a hundred bats can live. Like they just like pile on top of each other. Sardine style. Dude, bats are nuts. Bats are nuts.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah. Dang. Anyway. Um, so are nuts. Bats are nuts. Yeah. Dang. Anyway. Um, so that's, I've, I've talked for a long, long time. So you give me some stuff. I have more things, but, uh, I called my dad yesterday. We didn't get to talk for very long, but he was like, uh, dude, I haven't been able to sleep all week.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I didn't, he didn't say dude. And he said, I haven't been able to sleep all week. I haven't been eating well. Um, cause I'm so nervous. I have to officiate a wedding this weekend. and for one like that's exciting it's funny how like similar i feel like my dad and i are and how like what i'm doing and how he has to officiate a wedding and he can't eat for four days i'm like come on no i see what you're saying it's like you'll be fine yeah like we got this yeah right this is what we do right but i started to hear him out a little bit more
Starting point is 00:55:03 and this couple they're like a family friend of ours. We know them. But I guess they were like, they like sought after my dad, who's not ordained even. He's not even like a pastor of any sorts. They just like, they sought him out. Like, we want you to do our wedding because you'll make it fun. We want you to be funny. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Like, it'd be so funny if you do it. Sure. And my dad's like, okay, okay like that's fine if you want that but everyone else coming doesn't know that yes like you only have to crack at jokes there's 400 people in the audience being like get a load of this guy right he's doing a set like yeah have some respect towards marriage and you know the sanctity of marriage and you're making jokes about back to the future yeah and like no one going there is going to think that they ask you to tell jokes as the officiant. And so he's just between a rock and a hard place.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah, dude. And like after doing that bonus episode with your dad, I learned that he's like a sentimental guy. Yeah. Right. Like he cries a lot. And like I remember asking the question, like when was the last movie you cried? And he's like, oh, every movie, you know, like almost every time.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And I was like, that was the opposite of what I was expecting him to say. And so, yeah, I'm sure he like sees like a really big responsibility of like, this is your one wedding day. Like I want it to be special and not just this funny thing. So that, that is true though. Like as, as somebody who's been funny, our lives, like, like you get up, like, it's like your turn to do like a best man or a groomsman speech. Like, Ooh, I can't wait for Brad. Yeah, you hear like people in the back like here we go
Starting point is 00:56:28 Here we go. It's like oh gosh. I just have a bunch of nice things to say about my yeah Like I wasn't trying to like have any funny jokes here anything. I wanted it's kind of nice It's like when you come up to the plate and with all that was like scoot back. That's right. You scoop back That's right funny guys, right? But hit a dinger yeah like oh here we go hey he's going he's going he's going it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's like no just treat it like everyone else yeah get your dr pepper cake yeah every standard is pretty low so i'll report back there i think it's like yeah it must have been yesterday i guess okay i think it's the wedding so um we'll see how see how it goes i talked to cole who's a pastor, uh, about officiating.
Starting point is 00:57:06 He's doing like three weddings this next month. And I'm like, is that fun? He's like, I really like it. But the first like three are really terrible. And I'm like, okay, so I'll never get there to liking it. Uh, but he's like, cause you become, not only are you the officiant, but you're also kind of like a wedding coordinator and planner and like, you got to keep all these people in line and all this stuff. And so I'd like to hear more from your dad about that i don't think he is fulfilling the duties of wedding coordinator i don't think they ever say that you're going to but but it's like it's like when
Starting point is 00:57:32 you do the rehearsal dinner you're kind of like leading like okay here's what we're doing at least that's what most officiants do i feel good for cole so yeah anyway and maybe it's different when you're a pastor versus a layman. Versus a sales rep for SGC food. Maybe so. Okay. Knack Baxter texted me this week. That's nice. And said, hey, what was the thing at Taco Bell that you would recommend if you've never been there before? And I was like, Cheesy Gordita Crunch, I think.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And I was like, wait, you've never been to Taco Bell? And he's like, no, I'm kind of embarrassed to say it. Wow. He's like, if I come to Kansas City sometime, we can go. And I'm like, out of all places to go, we're going to go to Taco Bell. And he's like, no, I'm kind of embarrassed to say it. He's like, if I come to Kansas city sometime, we can go. And I'm like, okay, places to go. We're going to go talk about, um, but I was like, you've never been to Taco Bell. I was like, that's like Christian youth group. One-on-one is like Taco Bell. Really? I think so. No, you don't think so. I don't know if it's youth group. I think it's just like high school. Maybe so. Yeah. So I guess it's like youth group in general is like go to a fun like fast
Starting point is 00:58:25 food place go to a safe place to hang out yeah exactly well lit and so i wrote down other uh youth group things christian youth group things from our childhood i can't wait like 101 and i want you to see if you can like think of other things to add on to it okay so i said taco bell maybe that's a bad answer um halo like you just love playing halo with your buddies at the church sometimes halo too Oh my gosh. Let's do System Link. System Link. Oh dude, I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. At Caleb Shook's church. Oh, okay. Yeah, we would do that. Yeah, Caleb's. Yeah. Caleb Shook's church. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:52 They were like the God church. Yeah. Yeah. They had a bunch of TVs. Right. Yeah. We would System Link. Me and Steve-O, we're like trying to be a team.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Right. Yeah. Yeah. Shotguns and swords on lockout. Don't cuss if you get hit. Yeah. Yeah. If you lose your killing spree.
Starting point is 00:59:04 That's right. When Steve-O was around, I was was like hey the rumor we're in church sorry he's out of town he's a seeker we're good he's from out of town uh yes halo dude okay another one was slayer yeah running riot um you have to attend a christian music festival as your first concert oh my gosh dude in branson you know i was it only took a few hours before i was like having a conversation internally with myself like jake you got to chill out because i have a story for everything in branson yeah and like i feel like a decently good story about just about everything in branson yeah and after a while
Starting point is 00:59:38 i'm like i gotta be so annoying i gotta shut up like i gotta stop doing this but one of them that i mentioned was like you see that building and i was like uh that was where i saw hawk nelson one time let's pack up and move to california what was that called the the winter winter jam oh i went to winter jam and branson i got down yeah saw them there sanctus rio was there sure uh tate once he disbanded from dc talk he's edgy yeah you got to go to that my first one was called rock the light in kansas city okay toby mack was the front runner so really just we saw a lot of disbanded dc talk people but uh and skillet i think was there as well oh my goodness yeah anyway yeah just like it's like have you been to a concert? Yeah. I went to a Toby Mac like festival a while back, you know? So, okay. Um, another one I wrote down was that, you know, how to play a lot of like an assortment of group games. Like if you're, if you're in youth
Starting point is 01:00:34 group as a high schooler, like, you know how to play mafia. I know how to stand in a line for a rollercoaster. I got games on deck. Black magic. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The hat game, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Yeah. Yeah. I got all those down, dude. Big booty, games on deck black magic yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the hat game johnny johnny johnny johnny yeah yeah i got all those down dude big booty big booty uh ninja um the city's game what's happening to our headphones sorry you good yeah signs remember signs is good i don't get down on signs anymore i moved on from signs good for you mel gibson um wait joaquin phoenix was it mel gibson yeah and joaquin okay jacqueline yeah yeah i could pass some time like nobody's business oh yeah i don't need it i don't need it branson oh like
Starting point is 01:01:11 the lines were two and a half three hours long every time no problem you play the uh word game well i can't can't spoil it but you play a word game and it's really fun um okay another one is you loved rob bell before he became divisive. Does not. Doesn't, doesn't ring a bell? Compute. Okay. Nevermind. Um, and then you've done the gallon challenge or you've known somebody else who's done it. Oh, sure. Dude, I almost did it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Like you've chugged things, but they're not alcohol, basically. I almost did it two nights ago on accident. I was. You were feeling the milk. Yeah. I went and picked up a half gal. Uh, no, it wasn't quite a half gallon. Okay. It was whatever, like decent sized thing that Chateau sells. I downed all of the chocolate milk by myself. That quite a half gallon. Okay. It was whatever like decent sized thing that Chateau sells. I downed all of the chocolate milk by myself. That might be a half gallon.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Okay. I might've had a half gallon of chocolate milk by myself. With chocolate, it's like, it's amplified. It goes down so easy though. Oh, it was good. Yeah. I did half of it by myself. Did you go straight from the carton?
Starting point is 01:01:59 Of course, baby. Oh yeah. You dog. Oh, it was good. It was so good. Yeah. Those are big. They have the ridges on there to like help you grip it. Yeah. That's good. It was so good. Yeah. Those are big. They have the ridges on there to
Starting point is 01:02:05 like help you grip it. Yeah. That's good, dude. Good tactile. Oh man. It felt good. Yeah. It's funny you mentioned that. Yeah. I got pretty close to doing it by myself. I've never done it, but I've watched plenty of people try and I'm like, why would you? I think I've talked about on the podcast before. I tried it once and I was like, what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with just normal milk, like white milk. And then I think at that point I'll get kind of tired of milk. So I want something else. So then I'll do a half gallon of chocolate milk and that way it'll taste good.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And yeah, that was a bad way. But didn't ruin milk for you, which is good. Didn't ruin milk for me. And I didn't throw up. What about Matt and Sherman? The video they do with the milk? We have to post that on Patreon. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I forgot about that. Yeah. So it was called what did they call it how did you even see that video did i just show it to you at some point yeah yeah i met them they came you can't see that one time we talked about it i think you sent it to me and i like it definitely will not be as funny to everyone else as it is to me because they're just like two close friends of mine but they filmed a fake documentary while they're at camp and you have to understand like the bar for a video at camp is so low like you don't have any time to make anything right like it's hard to even get the resources to
Starting point is 01:03:08 get a cameraman to come with you you're having to film everything yourself and so the bar is extremely low for any video that comes out of camp and they went out and made this like whole documentary spoof uh that he was like this australian uh milk border i think is what it's called it was called milk boarding yeah and it's where you try to drink as much milk as possible while wakeboarding. Right. And they left everything in and it was awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Basically they wakeboard and drink gallons of milk and then you just watch them. Yeah. Not the kayak kind. So just go for it. If you want. It's like, but like, it's like such a calm video,
Starting point is 01:03:39 right? Like that's what I kind of, it's like, it's like kind of like majestic. You're all like an Eagle flying. Yeah. And yeah, he throws on like're all like an Eagle flying. Yeah. And yeah, he throws on like an Australian accent for some reason.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah. Finn milk wouldn't, you know, whatever. Uh, Oh, I'm so glad you remembered that. Let's post it.
Starting point is 01:03:54 So those are all the things I have for Christian youth group one-on-one, but that's nice. If you have any other ones we could add. Uh, okay. I don't have any right now. That's fine. But real quick,
Starting point is 01:04:03 before I forget, I saw Andy Johnson today. Go start a certain patron. Yes. I shouted him out last week. I was like, dude, did you see that YouTube comment? okay i don't have any right now that's fine but real quick before i forget i saw andy johnson today go start a certain patron yes i shouted him out last week i was like dude did you see that youtube comment andy johnson you brought uh that's like bringing bomb text to a driving range yeah so i guess point being leave a good youtube comment and then we'll meet the next week like jake will have motivation to see i will find you right he uh came up to kid city today with some of his friends one of them being one of my good friends at college, Kale.
Starting point is 01:04:27 And they hit me up and I was like, yeah, so that's awesome. I played the pickleball tournament today. And as soon as I got done with that, I went straight to chicken a pickle, which is where they were. OK. And got some more pickle in. I mean, I just watched. But I did order chicken and they threw a pickle on there.
Starting point is 01:04:40 And I was like, that makes sense. There you go. I did not want the pickle. But they're like, well, we have to look at the sign do you see yeah sorry we have to but andy johnson great guy he's wearing a just drink shirt i love it a lot of fun love it so leave a good youtube comment and then maybe and then you'll be saved yeah and then you'll be saved and they'll be saved cool uh i have lots of mlus do you want me to give them to you now or do you want to go next episode on them uh no let, let's hit them.
Starting point is 01:05:05 All right. MLU number one, as I was driving back. Tell everyone what it is. Oh, sorry. Mediocre life updates. That's just like life updates that aren't that good. Like mediocre. So mediocre life updates.
Starting point is 01:05:17 So I almost got pulled over today driving home with Bo. And by almost, I mean the cop was going this way. Highway Patrol. You see him turn around in the thing. You're not supposed to turn around. Okay. Be careful. Be careful. Be careful the cop was going this way, highway patrol. You see him turn around in the thing. You're not supposed to turn around and be careful and was tailing me for a while. And I was, I was more confident that I was going to get out of that ticket than any other time in my life. Cause Bo was asleep. And so I was like, I was like, pull me over right there. Cause if you wake up my son right now, he's going to scream. He's in a whale. And I'm going to say,
Starting point is 01:05:42 yeah, I was coming home from hanging out with a pastor and his wife in carlton landing in a colony of bats yeah and by the way sir do you have time i've got about five bat questions i'd like to run by uh what do you call a group of them like a tin in a chimney huh that's entertaining stuff right how many mosquitoes you think one takes down in a night uh but yeah i didn't get pulled, he, he just like looking at your license plate. Yeah. And went back. I don't like, in fact, I would dare to say seems a little unsafe. The police officer tailing you for two minutes, checking your license plate. Yeah. Like one, he's looking down a laptop.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Yeah. Yeah. Two, they're like 20 feet behind me. I don't understand how policemen can pull you over for being on your phone, but they like, as they're driving or like on a computer, it's way harder to use than a phone. Are they like significantly better drivers than us? I don't think so. I think we're all about the same. I think so. I've never seen a cop getting a fender bender, but I bet it happens, you know? Uh, so that's a good point. Also, I've had that
Starting point is 01:06:39 thought too, with like certain cities, certain States, counties whatever oh look andy johnson just commented on your post holy cow wow um certain cities will have things where it's like texting and driving is illegal if you're under 25 have you seen that it used to be a thing i think in like southern missouri or something like that how can you tell like well i think like once they pull you over for texting and driving okay and then they find out you're under 25 it's like now you get a ticket or whatever. Okay. But my thing is like, if anything, those should be the people who can text and drive. Don't let no lady text drive.
Starting point is 01:07:09 My goodness. Yeah. You should have it. Like if you're under or under 25 or over 40, is it 40? Is that too young? What are you about to say? Like, like that's legal. Like 25 to 40 year olds should be able to text.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah. Over 40. Do not text. I don't think so. Leave your phone at home. If anybody's abbreviating the text, you should not be texting while driving if you don't spell it y-o-u you can't text while you drive exactly or just android users in general let's get them out yeah yeah right if you don't know how to update your ios if you yeah if your texts
Starting point is 01:07:37 are green right to me you can't text to drive if you still use skype you're done you're done don't use it windows media player you can't you can't do any of that and drive windows media player yeah what a terrible oh poor windows dude it's too bad uh what do they have going for them they are like they like so for some reason offices use them like all the time like corporate world loves windows like literally they just have windows in their office no no no for whatever reason buildings are big yeah buildings are still doing strong no no no like whatever reason buildings are big yeah buildings are still doing strong no no no like like pcs are like like rule the office culture you don't have max and gotcha like i was just trying to think of any even like business that windows or i guess like
Starting point is 01:08:15 because like windows phones are not popular microsoft surface is a thing with the nfl and i mean every season there's like an announcer who botches it oh look there's belichick on his ipad and then 10 minutes later i'd like to apologize for what i said earlier i just gotta find three hundred thousand dollars yeah i'm contractually supposed to say microsoft surface and i don't even know what it does but i know i have to say it that's the only thing it does is watch film like this yeah just pictures name video okay mlu number two i found a youtube or a instagram channel gosh instagram account that I really like.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And it's kind of weird to say out loud because it's a young boy. He's probably 12 years old. And his name is your boy, Josh 55. Oh, that was gonna be Shirley Temple King. He he's from Alabama. And he like, I'm serious. Like if you want some good, wholesome, just like fun content, your boy, Josh, look up your boy, Josh 55. And every single time he has a video, he'll go, Hey, you guys, it's your boy, Josh here.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And, and he'll just say like nothing in the video. And then it'll be like, so you know what to do? Hit that like button, hit that subscribe button, uh, peace out. And it'll slam his fist into the phone. How did you find this guy? I have no idea. Actually, I think I was looking up some guy, you know, Jaron Myers is. Yeah. Like kind of some beef with him. Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:28 do you? I would love to hear it. I, I somehow like somebody like posted one of his things and I was on that rabbit trail. It was like a suggested thing, but your boy, Josh only has like 20,000 followers.
Starting point is 01:09:40 He's not like a huge deal or anything. I mean, for, for a 12 year old, that's pretty good. Not bad. But if you would just like him cause he's a cute kid and says yeah he has no content like in his videos it's like it's like 30 seconds of him not saying anything but it's just it's just
Starting point is 01:09:53 like it's like a brian henneger of the south basically like this kid that we know from k life that's just a fun kid you know anyway so if you want some i just love how he goes hey you guys your boy josh here His own like little Southern accent. I think it'd be fun if we get all the ghost runners into following it. And we like, we're starting to see other ghost runners like in the comments. Like, Oh, what's up? You follow your boy, Josh 55. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Like nobody that I follow follows him. Okay. Let's get it going. Yeah. So, okay. Your boy, Josh. Um, I want to hear about germ. Do you want to talk about now?
Starting point is 01:10:21 Okay. I don't know anything about him, but okay. Uh, I got my car detailed this week. I've thought about that that seems so fun highly recommend it yeah and my car was very dirty compared to yours i'm sure because mine's like woodworking sawdust and stuff but but still even those like oddly satisfying videos on the internet of like a car detail that looks fun even just having something clean is fun so in sherman uh like deep deep car detail was 100 in kansas city i couldn't find one for less than like $300. Let's say $100 seems so cheap.
Starting point is 01:10:47 It was deep. Did you deep clean the inside of your car? Yeah. And that's like the top, top package. Like you could get it for, originally I was like getting a $75 one. This guy's like, you're probably going to want to like do the like deep clean, right?
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I was like. Is that the one that includes wood chips? All right. Yeah, exactly. But it looks like a brand new truck. It's awesome. Woo wee. uh get your car get your car detailed if you're looking for just a nice pick me up that and go to sherman
Starting point is 01:11:11 texas because it's cheaper and hey go to the car wash the car wash is fun i don't know a single person who doesn't enjoy going through the car wash if you're listening to this right now oh someone's listening right now they're driving home they're not doing much anyway this afternoon it's sunny yeah go get your car wash tell us about it that feeling there's like there's like certain small like five second moments in your life that you just feel like top of the world driving out of the car wash at the end it's been crazy loud it's like and then you go through the dryer and then you drive out you feel like a million bucks yes and you get you finally are out and it's just quiet and you have little beads on your
Starting point is 01:11:47 windshield, but everything else is clean. You feel wonderful. It's electric. So go ahead. I love saving a good song until I get into the car wash too. And then you crank it. You have to blast it, but it's good. You get cranking.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Yeah. So that's, that's like first grade is the car wash. You know, high school is maybe a detail. Get it detailed. Uh, okay. A few more. Speaking of that, I'm thinking about selling my truck. I don't know. like first grade is the car wash you know high school is maybe detail get it detailed uh okay a few more speaking of that i'm thinking about selling my truck i don't know apparently the truck market is just going nuts all used cars are yeah i but i think the trucks well i don't know i yeah from what i understand the trucks are especially trucks like i think i get like 5 000
Starting point is 01:12:18 more than what i paid for it a long time ago and i know you're thinking the same thing yeah which is crazy yeah um yeah so i'm thinking about doing that and like trading it to get a nice minivan for Catherine and then maybe going. Yeah. Cause Catherine's on the minivan train guys. Come on. We did it. We did it.
Starting point is 01:12:33 We know now. Yeah. I said no naps, but I need a minivan. Um, and so I think we're going to get that. And then I'm like downgrade my truck for a few years. So that's cool.
Starting point is 01:12:43 We'll see. I think that's a good idea. Thank you. Cause I think that the minivan market is crazy yeah it's gonna be good uh last one is i listened to the beatles with bow today for the first time on the way home beetle bows and it was like it was one of those extra like new rite of passages for me it was like this is wonderful he was he was kind of crying and i put it on but listen to hey jude and he i was just like you don't know what's going on but i love it let it be would hit the spot when he's crying let it be if you need to cry it out let it be baby yeah dude
Starting point is 01:13:08 the beatles just get me and beau gets me so anyway that's awesome yeah let it be i think it's still a really pretty song i like it but uh it has slightly been ruined for me in a pretty hilarious way the one of the girls i went on that first hawaii trip with hannah aloha hannah oh well yeah hello oh we used to always joke that she had a crush on jake that's why i said that oh yeah of course we got digging into her old youtube channel on the trip so it was fun like we were all there watching it and she had a video of her when she was in like seventh grade like singing it in her like kitchen and like in like pigtails and like a plaid shirt i mean she looked she looked like a scarecrow and she was singing let it be and like in like pigtails and like a plaid shirt. I mean, she looked, she looked like a scarecrow and she was singing, let it be. And it was just like the cringiest
Starting point is 01:13:48 thing you've ever seen. And then there's like a, there's like a little bit of like an instrumental break in that song. And she'd like, clearly doesn't know what to do. And the song she just, she just goes moonwalk. It just starts moonwalking through the kitchen. And it was some of the worst singing and some of the funniest I've ever seen. What's going on here? Yeah. Who is this girl? You had to be homeschooled. And so every time i hear let it be i think of seventh grade aloha hannah's going moonwalk they're doing a terrible moonwalk on like let's do it that's amazing let it be baby okay that's funny well i didn't have that experience okay so it was great okay um anyway those are my those are my uh yeah those are my main, Oh, and I have one more random thought for you.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Okay. Um, this week we list to a lot of music by the pool and every once in a while, uh, somebody would be connected to the Bluetooth and walk off with their phone. I've decided that if, if anybody's looking for new ways to torture people or if anybody ever like imprisons me and wants to torture me just just go like just a few feet out of range from a bluetooth speaker and just let it let it be like and i would i i would die like it's it's the most frustrating thing in the world to me just like intermittently kind of like the and then you'll be saved like oh man it's it's killer dude you got to know that if you're if you're leading
Starting point is 01:15:01 the party with the music keep your phone in a stationary place. I feel like something just happened to me. There was tortures. Oh, this isn't as bad. This isn't annoying. It's more closer to actual torture. But an automated sink that has no nozzle, no hot or cold, just put your hands in it,
Starting point is 01:15:19 that is 5,000 degrees. Oh, I can't stand it. Oh, I hate it. I hate it. There's nothing I can do. I just have to put up with it. Yeah, you just have to be quick with it. Yeah, well, I, oh, I can't stand it. Oh, I hate it. I hate it. There's nothing I can do. I just have to put up with it. Yeah. You just have to be quick with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Well, I was switching sinks. I was like, maybe once it gets going, it gets hotter. So if I keep them fresh, it won't get as hot. It was like a moron. Yeah. It didn't work. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Yeah. That wasn't as bad. That's like actual torture. We also, uh, this past week took pictures. We like gave that as Catherine's mom's gift. It was like, we hired a photographer and took pictures with them. And I think some people have genuine hatred towards took pictures. We like gave that as Catherine's mom's gift. It was like, we hired a photographer and took pictures with them. And I think some people have genuine hatred towards taking pictures, like family pictures.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Have you experienced this? Your family's small enough, I guess, but like you guys take pictures very often, like Christmas time or anything. No, there's certain, like,
Starting point is 01:15:58 especially when my brother-in-law's got into our family, like I learned that they hate taking pictures. Like you take more than two. They're like, Oh my gosh. And and there's a certain type of people that's like genuine torture that's their torture and so like one of katherine's sisters this past week i think was like hating taking these pictures we took an hour's worth of pictures down there like hours a lot yeah it was it was like every combination you could think of we took a picture for that all right just the june birthdays let's take a birthday now it was like just the girls the girls plus mom and
Starting point is 01:16:28 grandma the only the sisters if you got covid the sisters plus their daughters you know yeah if you got covid uh you know uh left lefties lefties that also throw righty let's do crest versus colgate do like a y i gotta catch ya that be fun. Aldi versus Whole Foods. What do you guys think? Right. My other torture would be when airdrop doesn't work. Does that happen? I'm airdropping things all the time.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And just sometimes. Inconsistent. No drop. No. Where'd it go? No reason to not drop. And you get the little. And it just.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Yeah, it's torture. OK. That is torture. So I need a torture. That's how you do it. That's it should be pretty easy. Let's get on to some voice memos. If you would like, Brad, it's torture. Okay. That is torture. So if you need to torture us, that's how you do it. That's, it should be pretty easy. Let's get onto some voice memos. If you would like Brad, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Okay. Um, here we go. Hey, Jake and Brad. It's Susan from New Braunfels, Texas. I love the pod. I love my merch. Love the new jean shorts videos. And super excited to see Jake and Trey in November in San Antonio.
Starting point is 01:17:28 And so I have a dilemma that I could use your help with. I have a job. It's a great job. I love my job. But it's kind of like whenever we talk about my job, it totally brings down the vibe in the room. People kind of quit talking. It makes people sad. And so I don't really like to talk about my job with new people or in like big social settings. So my question
Starting point is 01:17:51 for you is what is a good way for me to change the subject when someone asked about my job without seeming weird or sketch? Thanks for your help. That's a good question. And that is tough. It's like your job. You just can't help it. And like, you can't get around like how like darker, like sad your job is. Like, um, I got two options for you. Okay. One. What does she do?
Starting point is 01:18:15 Do you think? Ask me what I do, Bren. Hey, Jake, what do you do for a living? I don't, I don't euthanize puppies. No, I said I don't. I don't.uthanize puppies. I said, I don't, I don't. And I laughed afterwards. No, it's like, don't say everybody clapped your hands at Jake's. So you just, you say what you do and laugh afterwards.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Okay. But, but, but you say you don't do it. Yeah. I don't do that. And people will be like, I don't know if she's serious, but let's not bring it up. Okay. And then the second one, this is a tip i actually learned from a friend but if you if someone starts asking what you do you grab your hands you get closer to them and you just kind of start tickling them you just tickle a little bit
Starting point is 01:18:54 and the next thing you know they'll tickle you back they're laughing you're laughing next thing you know they don't even care what you do for a living that's fluffy it's called fluffy fingers i like that i just like physically divert them not not like not like socially like in a conversation like either tilt their face away from you or just like grow in for a kiss maybe yeah touch their face yeah in one way or another touch their face even if it's a forehead kiss just a quick get your hands on them i guarantee they're not thinking about your job anymore if you give them a kiss on the forehead a lot more to wonder uh-huh if you kiss their forehead right yeah or just like completely misunderstand the question what do you
Starting point is 01:19:29 do for a living uh actually i use i use shampoo first and then conditioner because i found that's better than the two-in-one what yeah okay yeah oh hey good talking to you so what do you do for a living or oh i live in a house it's a two-bedroom yeah yeah um and you know it's nothing fancy but living yeah i'm trying to save up and buy my own that's what i do for living or just get even more vague just be like i have a job i have a job i have a job i got a w2 come tax season you know which is fun uh health insurance is provided which you know thank goodness and um yeah got a few co-workers i was thinking before you said the euthanized puppy thing i was like just make it so fluffy sound like so nice sounding but euthanized puppies sounds pretty
Starting point is 01:20:12 nice because euthanize is like it's like oh you made them younger yeah euthanized them and you're like that's not what i mean at all it's not good yeah you got to really make sure that people don't know the word that you're using use a big word word that sounds nice. Yes. Or just say you're in sales or consulting, consulting. No one ask any further questions. No. What do you ask? I never know. Like I'm a consultant.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Oh, right on, dude. Do you enjoy it? Yeah, exactly. Do you like it? Do you think you'll stay there for a while? You think I'll consult for years down there? Do you have a team of people who consult or do you do other do you have a team of people who consult or do you do it how is it yeah new challenge next time someone says they're
Starting point is 01:20:48 consultant try to have four questions it's impossible to have more than two try to understand what do you like it oh no first oh we're at do you like it oh that's awesome that's awesome that's awesome um that's awesome yeah sorry i just kissed your forehead i couldn't think of your cheek cheek cheeked forehead or what are we doing here i think i know a decent amount of the consultants who are like fresh out of college i'm like what do you know who is taking your advice how are you consulting people i was a consultant at cerner and i didn't consult anything see i just i just did like i just did like technical support for people at pharmacies. Big tech guy. Big tech. Yeah. Tech guy.
Starting point is 01:21:26 But yeah, I, yeah, those are all good tips. I like to find a big word one and they just hope they don't ask questions. I think that's a good idea. Or just be very vague with it. Like,
Starting point is 01:21:35 like say you're in finance, like I'm in corporate, I'm a bank teller. I'm a bank teller. Ryan said to say you work in finance. So, okay. Hope that helps.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Thanks for the question. What do you do? Hey y'all, this is Kaylin from Texas. So the other day I was in a scenario where I was like, okay, what am I going to do if this guy asks me for my number? And I figured out my new response for these scenarios. So my new line is, I don't really know you,
Starting point is 01:22:01 so I don't want to give out my number, but here's the address to my church. You can meet me there on Sunday. So what are y'all's thoughts on that, Brad? I know your dough is already bagged. So, Jake, how would you feel if a girl gave you her church address instead of her number? Also, can y'all help us ladies out? Give us some lines or something we can say when a guy asks us for our number,
Starting point is 01:22:22 but we don't feel comfortable giving it out. But, yeah, I love y'all's podcast. Y'all are a hoot and a half to Lou. To the Lou. Gotta love, gotta love the Southern accent. I like to the Lou a lot. Hoot and a half to the Lou. Are we going for to the Lou now? I say hoot and a half, but I do not have to the Lou in my vernacular right now. I've been trying to figure out how to be the kind of person that says be well at the end of like a conversation. That's tough. So let's, you do to the Lou. I'll try to be be well okay we'll report back okay toodaloo uh i got to talk that way for the whole conversation i can't just out of nowhere no you can you can have
Starting point is 01:22:53 a fun accent but you have you have to have the accent with the toodaloo toodaloo all right toodaloo toodaloo now giddy up yeah kind of like y'all come back now you hear come back now to like you have a little accent there even though you're not doing it the rest of the time. Okay. All right. Be well, be well, be well. Just, Hey, be well, be well. You know what I'm saying? Be well with the protein balls. Okay. Kaylin, first of all, do people ask for numbers anymore?
Starting point is 01:23:14 Do you slide into DMS these days? Uh, yeah, I think numbers gotta be happening way less common than it used to. I would imagine that too. Um, what do you think? My, my thoughts are, I love it. If you're, if, if you're the right girl for him, then that's awesome. I like that answer a lot. That's what I'm thinking. Like, I think you want, it's kind of a cliche, but you want to be the one that you're looking for is looking for. If you want to attract that type of person, then I think that's a great strategy. If that's the kind of guy you want to show up at
Starting point is 01:23:43 church, then he might not, but then it's like, like okay i'm picking out the weeds yeah exactly skimming it down yeah uh so it's funny yeah it's funny she says this because this is like kind of happening to me this happened to me this week and this is not this is not a joke this is not a big story yes so this week it's like caitlin was this you no um to the loop yesterday i went to a coffee shop just to get some writing done. Get, uh, I'm so, I'm still so behind on emails. Like I had five emails in a row. They were like, Hey, just want to see if you saw that last one. It's like, I saw it. All right. Yeah. Brad's out of town. I'm working double time on the jean shorts. All right. I'm both pant legs in, um, it's been a busy week. So that's a good visual image. like one of our legs in each short uh so anyway i just went
Starting point is 01:24:26 to a coffee shop to uh get some work done and um i met someone and uh we hit it off just immediately they recognized me you got mail basically from the internet it was kind of like the top golf thing again where like they knew i was from the internet but they didn't know why i was like i don't even know if i believe this anymore. I see a thousand. I see a mosquito's bat intake a day of faces on the internet. I would never recognize someone without knowing their name. Right. Like I would need to be following them.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Anyways, this person's like, yeah, no, I thought. Okay, that makes sense. I thought I saw you in some videos or something. It's like impressive, whatever. And we hit it off. Talk for an hour. And we left by agreeing that. so the church that they go to is where i was already planning on visiting this sunday it's like this is crazy so we left there
Starting point is 01:25:11 planning to see each other at church this sunday okay and the best part is uh it's a dude his name was josh oh okay so so it's not it never happens with a woman. Why does this never happen? Freaking Josh. It was awesome. It was like the best conversation ever. And, uh, yeah, I'm in the middle of that right now. So, um, Josh is a great guy. We have some mutual friends.
Starting point is 01:25:34 He knows Matt Ford. Um, he worked at the Chick-fil-A there with him and Scott Caldwell. Heck yeah. And yeah, talked to him for like an hour and we're going to see each other at church tomorrow. That's awesome. Yeah. That's exciting. So Caitlin, I'll let you know how it goes between me and Josh.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And maybe from there you'll, you'll find some other ladies. Maybe, maybe if they let women in that church, which I think they do, they were on the website. Oh, good. Yeah. I always check. Yeah. You gotta, you gotta click a few pages in, but you'll always find the ladies. Just kidding. Um, I like, I like the answer. If it's like I said, if it's the right, if you're the right girl for him, then he will, he will do it. I like I like the answer. If it's like I said, if it's the right if you're the right girl for him, then he will he will do. I just realized, like, I don't love the idea of like being motivated, like if he wasn't already going to go to church and he's going to church just for you.
Starting point is 01:26:15 That's missionary dating. Don't like that idea. So that's my own. I don't think it's the worst thing, though. Yeah. Feel it out, Kalen. Use your judgment. Feel them out.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Yeah. There's there's worse things to do than to convince somebody to come to church, I think. And then she also asked for like excuses or things to say when a guy asked for your number and you don't want to give it to him. Oh, she said you don't want to give it to him. Yeah. If you're if you don't want to give it to him, what would you say? I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I've been not single for so long, but I'm just such a fan of honesty. Like, just be like, I'm sorry. I'm just not interested in you. You seem nice, but I don't want to, but it's just, I don't think that's, is that just too rude or no? I just don't think that is, that's not going to happen. What is going to take place? You're right.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I think you try and claim that you don't have the contacts app anymore. Oh, I just deleted that app. I, or else I can't even put new numbers in there you go so that stinks uh iphone storage full dang not even one contact cloud syncs later but yeah keep taking a picture something funny with josh and i because i actually did we end up exchanging numbers and it was a sign of how single i am or just how uncommon it is to get people's numbers these days he's like reading off his phone number i'm like hang on i gotta find where is contacts i gotta find oh yeah hold on i know it's in my phone somewhere i don't know when the last time
Starting point is 01:27:27 i put someone's number on my phone like i'm so single i have no idea how to do this and it's a dude i'm not even nervous that's funny um so yeah tell them that you um your contacts app got deleted perfect no storage that's good wish i could yeah but i can't but i can't wish i could but i can't blame steve jobs it's a whole night, but I can't. Blame Steve Jobs. It's an old name. Okay, let's do two more. What do you say, Brian? Sure. What's up, Jake and Brad?
Starting point is 01:27:51 Hi. Hope you all are having a good day. It's Isaac here coming at you from Tennessee. And I just wanted to say I was mowing today, listened to some old episodes, and came up on episode 44 or something one of those in the 40s and it was the episode right after all the uh covid shutdown and everything dropped about kind of when covid exploded and everything just went crazy with it and i think it was so
Starting point is 01:28:19 so crazy listening about y'all talking about it and now we're like on the other side at least here in tennessee there's really not many restrictions anymore and i just think it was so like crazy and surreal to think about that time period in our lives it's kind of kind of weird but my question for you guys today is do you have a favorite memory or moment or something during lockdown or shutdown like what was one of your favorite memories from that all right love the podcast see you guys peace that time was so crazy i love looking back though love being a good fan of that it was crazy it was crazy i think he mentioned that at one point it was a crazy time it's crazy it's crazy
Starting point is 01:29:00 crazy it's crazy isaac thank you for the voice memo. Crazy voice memo. What are your fond times? I mean, pickleball is the first thing that I think of. Oh, wow. Why was that not the first thing I thought of? Yeah. Dang. Because we got so into it.
Starting point is 01:29:12 We'd play in the rain. We'd play. Yeah. It literally didn't matter. Five nights a week. It did. Yeah. And I loved it because all of our friends were into it.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Like, we were all in. Like, every time we would text, it would always be like, yes. Yeah. For, yeah, weeks on end, we would just play. It was kind of nice knowing no one has anything going on. There's no excuse. Yeah, come on. You got to hang out.
Starting point is 01:29:31 And everyone felt like playing, you know, it was awesome. It would pour down rain and we'd still, it wasn't pouring, but it was raining pretty hard. That's when the slugfest came out. Yeah, you got steamy. Have you posted that anywhere? Harrison posted it one time, but I've never. That's on Harrison's phone. Maybe we'll have him send it to us for five dollars or something. One of the first things I thought of is something that happened like five days into quarantine,
Starting point is 01:29:55 but I am still like proud of it. It's fun. It's that Instagram horse thing I did. Oh, yeah. Basketball horse. Yeah, it was really fun. And I told myself I was going to do a lot of other creative, things during quarantine and i didn't yeah also because train i didn't stop working so it wasn't like i'm just sitting you guys ramped up during yeah it was like let's go
Starting point is 01:30:11 to a week now because the quarantine stuff is hidden um but yeah if you aren't familiar with what i'm talking about me and this girl that i've never met before played a game of horse like basketball horse via instagram stories without ever meeting each other we had never met before we had mutual friends and everything but we never even talked before like i wasn't even like following this girl or anything um so i would shoot a shot and then she would have to you know if i made it she would have to make it on her story and then tag me and then she would shoot another shot and you know basically just play horse and it was really fun and it was cool end up meeting her in person like pray like oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:30:45 I was like fourth of July like last year better person got ice cream on a bench. Oh, wow You ever had ice cream on a bench. It's a nice thing. It was nice. That's all we did shaded nice shaded bench Oh, yeah for the ice cream. You don't want to me. I was so confused. Yeah, Shady Grove, you know Yeah, I was like are you referencing that or you like something with the word bench? Are you like I was so lost Just straight ice cream. Thanks. Just like like it when the word bench? Are you like, I was so lost. Just straight up. Put ice cream, put ice cream. Just like, like it when the ice cream doesn't melt too quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Ice cream on a bench. It's nice. Then you can have conversation. Yeah. Oh, it's great. You don't have to like stare right at each other. You got stuff to look at. You're in Fort Worth, Texas.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Sure. Can't complain. Can't complain about it. So that's it. Yeah. I'm sure I can think of other things. Really just like the image in my head is your old house. Like I think about being over there a decent amount.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Cause right when quarantine started was also like the last couple of months before we had Bo. And so once we had Bo, obviously our lives changed and got busier. And, but before Bo was there, like we were just rocking and rolling. Hattie was so easy going.
Starting point is 01:31:39 So like Catherine was great with me going out and like doing sorts or all sorts of stuff all the time. So like we were hanging out a bunch and you were napping I was life was good man you should have seen my naps yeah exactly so okay let's do one last voice memo hopefully it's just crazy yo yo yo what is up Jake and Brad this is your girl Tess from Salt Lake City, Utah. We have a girl now. Yes, I am the one that called in asking for podcast name suggestions for me and my polygamous friend. I especially loved the Molars and Mormons one because I'm actually the Mormon.
Starting point is 01:32:17 So I thought that was kind of funny. Anyways, I do not have a question for you guys. But I do have a teeny tiny little confession to make hoping that my ex-boyfriend is not listening. Actually, you know what? I hope he is listening. What's up, Chris? When we were together, I told him several different times that he should listen to the Ghost Runners podcast
Starting point is 01:32:35 because you guys are freaking hilarious. Finally, he listened to it, and I'm not going to lie, he didn't think you guys were funny, so that should have been my first sign. What's up, Chris? He always accused me of having a little crush on you jake and i always denied it because he was my boyfriend but now that we're broken up what up it's true and that's the end what up is true what up is true drop that's the end. What up is true. What up is true.
Starting point is 01:33:07 That's so funny. Golly. I hope my ex-boyfriend's not listening. You know what? What up, Chris? Bummer. It didn't work out. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Have you ever had a crush on somebody that you've never met in person? Genuine. Like, I guess it depends on what we're considering a crush here. I think Manny Moore's cute, but I never was like, I got a crush on Manny Moore. Never like that. But I could put myself in someone's shoes.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Have you ever called in a voicemail mode and like left it for somebody? I've never. Now that is harder for me to put myself in her shoes. But as far as like, you know, it's like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:33:41 Hayley Duff was nice. Yeah. Hilary Duff, great as well. Sure. nice yeah hillary duff great as well sure scott loved hillary duff great feat anyway but i didn't really know them so nothing ever went that far as far as a celebrity crush right but if someone was attractive and then i had an opportunity to get to know them or feel like i was getting to them because of a podcast i could see myself having a crush that's fair like people know us on a very deep level by this point they think they do i think they do kind of yeah not like they don't know everything about us but
Starting point is 01:34:12 yeah so i think it makes a little bit more sense but to put it publicly in the voice mode that we're gonna leave in i don't know tessa i love it tessa no um that's a horse she's shooting her shot she's shooting her shot. She's shooting her shot. And I'd say, Tessa, I'll see you at the temple. See you at the temple on Sunday. Going to the Tessa. Yeah, I guess just meet me at church. We'll go from there.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Take me to church. Cool. That was something. That was something. Brad, should we get on to our reviews of the week? Let's do it uh i'll start uh thank you oh my gosh i can't i'm not reading that one or do we want to read that one it's great it's so long do you want to go back and forth and read that one first oh my
Starting point is 01:34:56 we do a little popcorn reading popcorn but will you call on me so that i know it's my turn okay okay thanks so let's let's go ahead and say this is this is our uh our our review of the week um or at least one of them meliskers 91 says open cans like a warm knife slices butter i just listened to episode 112 where jake talks about reading reviews while shopping for a camera and i just wanted to leave a five-star review and share my favorite customer review i've ever found while shopping for a can opener. All right. So here's in parentheses, Popcorn Jake. Opens cans like a warm knife slices butter reviewed in the United States on January 19th, 2016. This is the best can opener I've ever used. Seriously. When I was living with my mom, she had a nice automatic can opener hanging from her
Starting point is 01:35:39 kitchen cabinet. It was pretty impressive for its time. She had it for many years and it worked great. After I moved out, she gave me a countertop automatic hand opener as a gift. Bless my mom. She was trying to help, but this thing was a pain to use. Popcorn bread. It wouldn't grip the can unless you were just at the right angle. And when it finally gripped, it wouldn't pierce the can. You'd have to use enough force to pierce it and hope it still grips afterwards. It would take about 15 minutes just to open small cans. That's crazy. After a dozen or so uses, we just bought cheap hand openers as we don't eat canned food too often.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Over a year later, I got fed up with cheap can openers. One of them was bidding itself before it would puncture a can. So I looked into this Hamilton Beach. Almost everyone rated it a high and the price was right. So I took the plunge. Popcorn Jake. I just used it for the first time and now i just want to sit here and open cans it was the most pleasant can opening
Starting point is 01:36:30 experience i've ever had this thing is surprisingly quiet you just hear a soft pleasant hum usually with canopers you could feel the puncture when you push down the lever when i push the lever on around smoothly oh wait no sorry when i push the lever on the hamilton beach it was almost like pushing it into a cushion without any assistance or grinding noise. The can rotated around smoothly and stopped immediately when it had reached the end of the cut. As an iPhone owner, I swear this could be an Apple product pre-Steve Jobs death. It just feels like a polished quality product, but without the crazy profit margins. Yeah, all caps.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I never thought I would be this happy about a can opener. Popcorn, Brad. I think I will be buying more canned goods now that I know opening a can isn't going to be a fight with a can opener. In parentheses. Anyway, this review convinced me to buy this can opener and I can confirm it does in fact open cans like a warm knife slices butter. I love the Ghost Runners podcast even more than my can opener.
Starting point is 01:37:26 High praise. I just have one bone to pick with Brad. Whiplash was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And I would like that one hour and 47 minutes of my life back. Bye bye. Toodaloo, she said. Oh, that, that, that hurts my feelings. I just saw someone recently, like someone I respect or like someone in comedy,
Starting point is 01:37:47 someone cool. I don't know. Say that Whiplash was on their favorite movies. So I was like, good for you. Good for Brad. I don't know who it was though. You didn't love it. I didn't.
Starting point is 01:37:54 But you said you liked it even? It was, I. Yeah. Maybe not even. Yeah. It was average. Like it was a five out of 10 for you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Oh my gosh. It is so good guys. Maybe it's one of those things. It's like taking pictures. If you get it, you get it. Taking pictures. It's Oh my gosh. It is so good guys. Maybe it's one of those things. It's like taking pictures. If you get it, you get it. Taking pictures. It's like deja vu. That's all it is. Going to the pictures. See? Going to the pictures. I mean, oh, it's so good. I hadn't read. I'm going to be honest. I skimmed that review because it was so long. I hadn't read that part yet. It's kind of hitting me. I feel like personally attacked because it's like one of those things where if I recommend something, I really believe in it.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Like your boy, Josh 55 will bring you some joy. I promise. I promise. So maybe if you don't like whiplash, you at least like your boy, Josh. Yeah. Uh, well, that was a great review. That is funny. What people will go through.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Just like just how, how amazed she was, but with a can opener. Good for her. It's funny. You found that review. Yeah. And somebody else left a review that said, uh, at the end of it,
Starting point is 01:38:47 I think it says, I do have an ulterior motive for this review. I saw a recent review. Someone posted about their favorite review of a can opener. And I think we'd all appreciate the make and model of the can opener. Okay. Leave another one. Maliskers.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Yeah. All right, Brad, would you like to end this episode with a jingle? I would. Let me find it real quick. Sorry. Hey, that's okay. Yeah. Um with a jingle? I would. Let me find it real quick. Sorry. Hey, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Yeah. I'll give you guys a preview of what it sounds like. Oh. Keep going. Keep going. Yeah? Yeah. It sounds like this, guys.
Starting point is 01:39:14 This is the preview of the song. Come on. Where is it? Shoot. Can you find it? Yeah, I'll find it. Keep going. Good.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Feeling good. Hey, feeling good. There it. Keep going. Good. Feeling good. Feeling good. There it is. Like I should. Taking walks around the park, it's my new hood. Feeling blessed. Never stressed. Got that new
Starting point is 01:39:40 merch as my Monday best. Every Monday can be a better day despite the challenges. Grab a Chili's 3-4-10 pasta with no tomatoes. Bloody noses, comedy shows and just drinks to keep you balanced.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Leave before Judy sees. Gotta go and cross up Carlos cause everyone falls down the stairs sometimes. Get back up on your feet it'll all be fine it's okay it's okay it's okay feeling good like I should taking walks around the park it's my new hood feeling blessed never stressed gotten that new merch as my monday best hey some days you wake up and have your seltzer as your breakfast jake cannot have steak but chick-fil-A's keeps him grounded. Consider going Catholic, some conviction with your chicken. Have some Saturdays to end the week, maybe some pickling.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Cause everyone falls down the stairs sometimes. Get back up on your feet, it'll all be fine. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay Ain't feeling good, like I should Taking walks around the park, it's my new hood Ain't feeling blessed, never stressed
Starting point is 01:41:21 Got that new merch as my Monday best. Feeling good. Hey, like I should. Taking walks around the park. It's my new hood. Feeling blessed. Never stressed. Got that new merch as my Monday best.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Yeah. Woo! Good job, Brad. merch as my Monday best yeah woo good job Brad that was written by our very own Abby Mutfa no way Mutfa that was a Mutfa original M-U-T-E-P-F-A
Starting point is 01:41:55 Mutfa that's a lot of consonants Mutfa I'm excited next week I want to do it this week I had the idea but I want to
Starting point is 01:42:02 next week is just a sneak preview for you and everyone I want to do a game I'm just going to take a little effort on the front end but i'm going to be reading you yelp reviews brad okay and you have to guess where it comes from love it like i i don't i want to try to find like perfect ones where it's awesome the food was okay and it's like you didn't even know they had food you know like okay like they're like a bowling alley or yeah whatever yeah okay um and i think they're gonna be like uh well i guess we'll see we'll see what kind of like okay i have a theme to it you'll figure it out yeah i'm excited about that game that'll be fun
Starting point is 01:42:34 we'll do that next week and hope you guys enjoyed the bat episode i think we all knew we all knew we all saw it was coming there's gonna be a bad episode at some point this is it i've always said ever since we started this podcast if we can do nothing nothing else, I want to do a bad episode. I'd like to do a bad episode. So we did it. Cool. Follow us. Gene Shorts, Patreon. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:56 And be well. And be well. Toodaloo, you guys. Enjoy the Gene Shorts videos this week. We got Facebook Marketplace today. Sure. I think it's a plan. Yeah. I don't remember. I don't either. Dang it. I it i was going for it with you subscribe turn on ring those bells smash that like button smash that smash it for josh don't smash josh peace out that's what you do to lou we scheduled a phone call to talk like the deliverables and the rate and everything and they're like all right for your following your, we think you should get paid this much.
Starting point is 01:43:27 And I've just always heard in business and negotiation, you don't want to be the first person to say a number. That puts you at a disadvantage already. And you also never want to accept anyone's first offer. That's just negotiation tactics. And so I said, I wasn't planning on saying this, but I just said, you know, that seems a little low, but I'm going to talk with my manager over the weekend and I'll get back to you Monday morning.
Starting point is 01:43:48 I do not have a manager. I have never negotiated anything like this before, at least on my own behalf. Like I've done brand deals with like when I was tubing back in the day, but never just my own Instagram. So if they call Brad, do you want to be my manager? I would love to have like an alter ego as your manager. What would your name be? I think Italian is kind of scary.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Oh, I was going to say something McCluskey. Ooh, yeah. Maybe it's like an Italian met up with a German. So it's like Santorino McCluskey. They call me Santi or Santa. Hey, Santa McCluskey, what do you need? Okay. You think you can get my client for that much?
Starting point is 01:44:26 What, are you trying to wring us dry over here? Okay, here. Ring, ring, ring, ring. Talk to me, it's Santa. Santa here. I'm looking for Mr. McCluskey. Pardon me, sir. Mr. McCluskey.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Oh, my gosh. I'm having a tough time saying your name, sir. I'm looking for the manager on behalf of. Do you have CDL, kid? I'm looking for the manager who works on behalf of Jake Triplett. Is that you? That's me. Santo McCluskey.
Starting point is 01:44:55 In the flesh. You got him. I've recently been talking to Jake, and he was saying that the rate of was a little too low and that he thought he deserved a little more than that. Well, yeah, you're giving us scraps. Give us a whole meal, kid. We want four courses all the way. Give us appetizers.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Give us the entree. Give us a nice dessert. And then you know what? Throw in a few drinks, if you will. We want a nice scotch, aged barrel, barrel-aged whiskey, and you know what? Include gratuity in there too. We're not paying the tip. Talk to us.
Starting point is 01:45:27 Okay. Don't give us the crumbs, kid. No, that's all. We got ratatouille over here. That's all very fine, and thank you for saying all that, Santo. Am I saying that correctly, Santo? Yeah, that's fine. Santorini is my real name, but I go by Santo for friends.
Starting point is 01:45:43 I call you a friend. I had trouble saying your last name earlier, so I prefer to just call you Santo. You can call me Santo, Santo Mac, whatever you want. Okay. Mr. Santo Mac, I love what you're saying. Although I will say I also don't know what you said at all. I'm looking for more of like a number. Like how much do you think for two posts and two stories your client is worth? Sure. Sure. You ever heard of George Clooney? Uh,
Starting point is 01:46:10 yeah. Take his rate, double it. My kid doesn't get out of bed for less than 3k. And I'm not talking about a TV. Ah, yes. 1080p. Never heard of it. 3K only. All right. So the rate to get him out of bed is 3K. Don't ask me about the rate to get him into bed because I already asked him. He said he's not willing. You know what? Why don't I just give you a call back later, Mr. McCluskey? The rate to get into bed with me.
Starting point is 01:46:44 You're going to be a good manager. I'll tell you what. You send me your best offer. We're not going to negotiate this. Send me one offer. Give it to me straight. I'll talk to my client. He's a nice guy.
Starting point is 01:46:56 He's a great kid. He's on the up and coming. You should see his social blade. Check him out. He knows what he's doing. He's working with good people here. I'm not going to say any names, but he's working with people
Starting point is 01:47:07 that might rhyme with Schmallix Rodriguez. Okay? So just talk to him, okay? We'll get back with you. Alright, go Yankees. Take care, Santa Mac. Santa Mac out.

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