Ghostrunners - 2 - XYZ the Musical Therapy Company

Episode Date: May 20, 2019

Jake shares some stories from Los Angeles, Brad becomes Donald Trump, and both are very passionate about plastic straws. Follow us on Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices.... Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up, everybody? Episode two. We are live. We're back at it, baby. We are back. Back in the basement. Yep. It is 11.38 p.m. The perfect time to start a podcast. No earlier. No later.
Starting point is 00:00:14 How'd you feel about our first pod? You know, back and forth. You know, I had some good feelings about it, I think. We're definitely going to get better as time goes on. But I did enjoy it. It was smooth. Smooth smooth enough we didn't have to edit a single thing no maybe we should have but we did one time when i said i'm just kidding now i'm gonna have to edit you know now i'm gonna have to change no uh it was a smooth that one time when i called your mom up dude stop okay sorry just kidding brad didn't say anything he's
Starting point is 00:00:45 a nice guy um it was good i liked it what do you think i thought it was pretty good yeah i thought we uh i don't know yeah i think it was fine yeah i basically haven't talked to you since then pretty much i saw you earlier tonight we played basketball sure um but we didn't like talk about our day run down the court you know yeah we didn't we didn't use that time to catch up tell me about yeah no what have you been up to since last week um i've been working a lot i have an order a big dining set going out tomorrow to some a family in olathe um for wood. And then also I have been in the process of figuring out some truck issues that I have. I don't know if I can tell you about this.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You're trying to buy a truck? I'm trying to buy a truck because my truck, the other day I was driving it. I was driving down the road. And while driving, it just completely shut off on me. And you didn't want it to do that? No, not one bit. Really? I was like, please just don't, whatever you do, don't shut off. And it did not't want it to do that no not one bit i was like please please just don't
Starting point is 00:01:46 whatever you do don't shut off and it did not listen to me oh my gosh so driving down the road and literally it the power steering and power brakes like completely went out like thank the lord i had a green light or else i would have i wasn't going super fast i was probably going 30 miles an hour but if i wouldn't have had a green light i would have very absolutely oh my gosh nailed somebody in the back of like a very scary situation yeah and so i like pulled into this like gas station i've had power steering go out that's already tough it is tough you gotta yank that sucker yeah like i i was yeah using all of my um you know very strong muscles to get sure into the gas station and um but it was like barely out of the road. Um, cause it's a big truck. And
Starting point is 00:02:25 luckily this guy came, bless his heart and towed me up a little bit further. Um, and then I, I like waited like 30 minutes and I tried to start it again and it started. And so I took it from there to a mechanic and you drove it again. Yeah. I was terrified to get back in that car again you're like i was being very cautious my wife was behind me katherine was behind me okay that helps yeah just like hey just be careful um drove to mechanic that i found on groupon dude first of all don't ever do that um i i thought it was a good idea yeah you know they had a cheap deal turns out there was kind of a reason they had a cheap deal it was cheap deal on an oil change but i was like hey maybe i don't know anything about
Starting point is 00:03:09 trucks maybe that's what's wrong with this thing drove it there um they call me later and they're like yeah we can't even get this thing to start to like bring it in our shop um and we don't really have any um text here to even diagnose it so we don't really know what to do so we're just going to keep it in our parking lot and you're like wait did i drop it off at an auto right i was like you guys are like where am i supposed to take it if it's not like the mechanics are like yeah you're gonna need to take this thing to a mechanic i'm like so who are you yeah yeah so they are precision tune and auto we're just gonna dox them. Yeah, absolutely. Do not go here.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Get on their Google reviews and leave them a message. Brad left unhappy. They, in their very limited knowledge apparently, they think it's something pretty bad with the engine or something, and it's like an old truck. So I've just decided I'm going to bite the bullet and try to get something more reliable. So that's been a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:04:05 A lot of my free time has been spent online looking at different trucks all over the country. One of my friends gave me the advice, hey, look for trucks up in Montana because apparently a lot of Canadians bring their trucks down to sell in Montana. And because of the exchange rate, you can get them way cheaper up there.
Starting point is 00:04:23 That is such a random piece of knowledge. Yeah. So far, I haven't really found anything that's like crazy cheap. And Montana is very far away from Kansas City. That's true. I don't know. I bought my car, my current car that I have in Denver from the Salvation Army. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Bought a one-way ticket, flew to Denver, and then bought it from a Salvation Army. It was a loaner car, and they drove it back. Was it through an auction? No, it was a loaner car and they drove it back. And then the tire blew out on the way back. No, it was just like, they were just getting rid of it. It had been like a loaner car for like volunteers over the years. That was a clutch purchase though. Because that thing's been nothing but consistent. Except for that first time.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, the first drive back, it blew out a tire. That was kind of scary. But besides that. Solid though. So yeah, anyway, that happened. And then, so I'm not driving my truck. So I'm driving my other car. I have.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Dude, you're so freaking rich. I have my, yeah yeah i have two cars um one of them is an old truck the other one is a car i bought from my grandma um so i was driving that car the other day and i was driving in this construction area that's right by my house it's been under construction for like a year i was driving the the speed limit i was under the impression it was 35 miles per hour okay i am driving and there's a cop in front of me the cop pulls over i passed this cop and then he flashed his lights pulls me over he's like hey you're you're going 37 and at 25 and i was like i had no idea it was 25 yeah he's like yeah we just changed it to 25 because people have been getting complaints and i went who complains and who do they complain to i don't know i think it's the
Starting point is 00:05:50 neighbors or just residents are just like hey can you change the speed limit do we have that power to just change rules yeah i guess it's the construction zone whatever but i did not see this sign yeah that i went back and it was there i'll admit that i did not see it and like every single week it's like a four lane road but only two lanes are open and every single week it's a different two lanes and so i was really focused on making sure i was turning on to the right area of the road didn't see this thing i was i was so frustrated with this cop and like were you were you stern brad a little i was i was very like the conversation ended with me still being mad and like talking and like arguing with him and him walking away saying, okay, have a good day.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like, so you won? No. Oh, he gave me a $220 ticket. No, that's why I was so frustrated. If he would have given me a warning, I would have said, we need to make sure. How much was it? $220. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:06:43 $217 I think. Um, yeah, I was very frustrated was very frustrated dang dude so and then this is funny too uh saturday we went to a downtown shawnee we live in shawnee kansas downtown shawnee open house so they had like the police department there the fire department like all these parks and the police department was there and we went with my daughter and they had a little motorcycle you could like sit on not a little motorcycle like a police motorcycle had he sat on it and Catherine was like were any of those motor or were any of those police officers uh the guy that pulled you over I was like yeah the guy that was like holding her up on this motorcycle
Starting point is 00:07:19 oh wow so I almost confronted him right there but almost, I mean like probably two out of ten, like part of me. That's so funny. It's so poetic. Right. It's poetic justice. I'm like, this guy's a nice guy. I know he's a nice guy. He doesn't let my daughter fall.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Right. That's nice. That would have been the icing on the cake. Okay. Oh, buddy. Here we go. Isn't your officer Peters? I don't know his name.
Starting point is 00:07:43 That's definitely not his name. Sorry. I'm not trying to call him out. Officer John Peters. I don't know his name. That's definitely not his name. Sorry. I'm not trying to call him out. Officer John Peters. Badge number 345. Works every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. No. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So those were vehicular things that have gone on in my life lately. I didn't know any of that. That's kind of wild. You had a lot going on. A lot of frustrations on the road. So anyway, but I'm going to try to get a new truck and that'll be fun. Dude, I got pulled over recently. I've been pulled over forever, probably since like the limo, but I got pulled over like two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And the guy, I'm trying to remember how the conversation went because it was it's just so strange the whole time where'd you get pulled over you you drive so slow i know like were you getting pulled over for speeding oh heck no okay yeah no never okay sorry um he said uh i pulled you over uh because you had your phone out and uh your light your tag light is out and then he was like can i get your license and he went back to the car so i didn't really have a chance to say anything i just kind of sat on and i was like not totally sure what a tag light is okay it sounds like some variation of a game that i love that i've never heard of i've never been invited to play no but then he but then i was like wait i'm pretty sure it's not illegal and i was I was talking on the phone like I was on a cell phone call it wasn't like I was texting or anything and so he comes back and I was
Starting point is 00:09:09 like hey got a couple questions for you oh and also this is not made up this is funny when he got to my car the first time he said good morning how you doing uh and this is like two in the morning um so I was like that's weird so I asked him about that too and I was like hey I have three questions for you I was like did you mean to say good morning when you walked up here is it illegal to be on my phone and what is a tag light and he was like did i actually say good morning and i was like yeah i don't know if you're trying to be funny or whatever he's like no i didn't mean to say that i was like oh whoops okay i shouldn't have brought it up all right over one all right made him feel stupid crap peter johnson uh ged and then he's like hey i'm just gonna give you a warning for the tag light
Starting point is 00:09:46 just get that fixed apparently it's a light that shines on your license plate whatever didn't know it was out i have no way of looking at that ever because i'm always driving my car and not looking at the back of it but then i was like hey so is it illegal to be on my phone he's like nope not illegal just letting you know that that's kind of what got my attention initially is that you're on your phone um and then i noticed your tag light out i was like is that you're on your phone. Um, and then I noticed your tagline out. I was like, wait, so are you saying you pulled me over because I was on my phone? He's like, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I just, I, you got my attention because you're on your phone. I was like, well, it's not illegal in Missouri or Kansas to be on your phone. Is it? I was like, and I was talking to him. He's like, no, you're totally allowed to do that. I just,
Starting point is 00:10:21 I just want to let you know that it got, I was like, what is this conversation? Going back and forth. It's not illegal. That's why I pulled you over, but it's not illegal. What are you trying to prove? I know you're thinking, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:31 they just, they, at that time of night, I've just learned that they want any kind of excuse to pull you over to see if you have any kind of issues. Yeah. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:40 it was just so funny. And when it's 2am, it's like, Hey, I got nothing better to do. I'll argue here. Sure. It was like, uh, Oh, the sweet tea thing from last week.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It was like, I love sweet tea. We have unsweetened tea. No, I'll have sweet. Yeah. So just like getting to fickle arguments late at night. Well, yeah, I got I was I was heated with this dude because he was like, he was like, how would you feel if somebody was driving 40 miles an hour down a road when you're trying to do construction? And I said, would I drive him 40 miles an hour? He's like, I didn't say somebody was driving 40 miles an hour down a road when you're trying to do construction and i said would i drive in 40 miles an hour he's like i didn't
Starting point is 00:11:08 say you were driving 40 miles i was like listen here peter johnson uh anyway anyway it's all right or john peters whatever i was saying i don't remember his name it's all made up it's fine it is um anyway that's that's me i that you've been gone for a while. You're out of the state, out of the region. Out of the time zone. Yeah. So the day we shot, or the day we recorded the podcast last week, shot a music video that day.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Okay. Since edited that. Looks good. Yeah. I'll show it to you when we get done. Perfect. It's nice. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Maybe our listeners can hear a sneak peek of what it's about. No, they can't. All right. But that's okay. Can you say what it rhymes with? It rhymes with... The name of the song? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It rhymes with Schmocker Spaniel's Schmaradice. It's about a dog club. It's about a dog club. It's about a dog who finds heaven. It's an all-inclusive dog resort. No, it's not any of those things. But yeah, so since, and then the next day after we recorded last week, I flew to Los Angeles. I got hired to shoot the largest event in scuba diving.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Big old trade show., baby. Dot com. Yeah. I guess they're just the scuba show i don't know i don't know what their actual llc is registered as but it was a wild time got flown out there put up a hotel and just worked this trade show for like two days like three days actually it's pretty exhausting um oh dude okay i got some stories from this have you ever heard of the like that pile of that like, floating garbage in the Pacific Ocean?
Starting point is 00:12:47 Like that island of trash? Yeah. I met the guy who discovered that. Accidentally. What? There's an after party at Scuba Shows. You know how Scuba Shows get. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:12:55 They get gnarly. Oh, yeah. So it's getting crazy. No, not actually. It's a pretty calm Scuba Show. I'm just sitting down. As far as Scuba Shows go, it's a pretty chill one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And this guy sits next to me. I get talking to him. And it turns out he's sitting here because he's about to go up and give a little keynote speech to everyone. Like Michael and Dwight on The Office, pretty much. Yes, exactly. Sitting out at the bar. You entertained him, and he's about to entertain all these other people. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I captivated the guy who captivated thousands. What does that say? Yeah super cool he discovered that he's some sort of naval you know captain discovered that floating it's called the pacific garbage patch and he was the one who discovered it 1997 garbage patch sounds like a tourist attraction for a little kid like come to our garbage patch we can do you know you know, we'll do, we'll do handmade crafts in the morning. And for the adults, we've got a little above ground pool. You can scuba dive in if it's your first time. We have organic,
Starting point is 00:13:52 we have organic, you know, cardboard cutout show in the afternoon. Yeah, we do, we do aluminum can yoga at night. You'll love it. It's a great time everything's
Starting point is 00:14:06 recycled we obviously don't contribute to the actual garbage patch this is just just for the kids to educate make sure you bring everything's biodegradable that's not like Trump there for a little bit everything's biodegradable okay the garbage patch is the tiniest garbage patch we've ever seen okay got a bill of wall around. We're going to build a wall so that there's no way that there's any more garbage patching up anywhere else, okay? So, yeah, I met that guy, Charles. Also, Charles is pretty hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Charles is a great guy. He's way better than Peter Johnson or John Peters, okay? Yeah. Have you ever been to a dueling pianos bar yes i have okay i've been to one before with the scuba not scuba related no okay i went to one that was scuba related right okay so i've been to one before and like down orange county and i walked away that night being like these are the two most talented people in the world like it was amazing yeah because they're so quick at improvising and while one guy was actually playing the piano the other
Starting point is 00:15:03 guy would turn his keyboard into like percussion and he would play the bass and the drums. And it was just so amazing. So I was amped and not only because it's a scuba show after party and like, that's just how I get anyway, but it's gonna be doing pianos. These guys were not your, your top notch doing pianists in old, you know, captain Charles even made some comments. So they, uh, they tried to do a cover of a song from a Star Wars one. Lady Gaga kills it in this song.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Okay. And I'm like, oh, I'm surprised they even know this. But it's not great. Not sounding good at all. Charles, no chance he even heard the song, but he could tell, like, they're off. Charles has been at sea for a while. Like, no way he's seen a Star Wars board. Yeah, but he even knows they're off.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And he's like, yeah, fun thing about this party, I think they had the caterers also sing the songs tonight or something like that. I'm like, oh, Charles. That's classic Chuck. Chuck humor. Yeah, so it was fun. Scuba and everything. My flight there, I flew Spirit, which gets a bad rap.
Starting point is 00:16:03 For good reason, I've heard. Yeah, probably. i've hardly ever flown it and i've it's been fine but my flight situation there i mean it's like a sitcom it was like it felt like if southwest airlines was like tired of flying budget airlines like come with us or you know like get business class because, I'm in an aisle seat. Okay. The guy in the middle seat next to me, big old boy. And I don't say that for my own judgment.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I say that from him telling me, sorry, I'm a big guy. First words to me. Is it like Southwest where it's like you kind of have general admission seating or is it you have a specific seat? I think, I mean, the way I, I'm flying spirit because i don't want to spend money and so they charge you to pick your seat so i think we're all just kind of just thrown somewhere a lot of yeah take your pick so i'll take your pick yeah but he happens to be very good friends with the guys sitting on the other side of me in the other aisle seat all night they're like passing their phone back and forth like check this out dude look at this i mean in front of my face like showing each other memes for each other videos in front of my face that goes on for a little bit i'm like this is just so funny how like just
Starting point is 00:17:13 atypically annoying this were you in on the conversation with them no i'm very much silent trying to fall asleep and i do for the most part i do a good job falling asleep i you know who knows what they did when i was asleep but when i was awake yeah they're just like laughing hysterically and passing their phone back in front of me but the part that woke me up was that a big old boy to my right starts playing some sort of motorcycle game on his phone where he's got the phone sideways it's in his lap on his arms or on in his hands but to steer you don't use your thumbs you steer by moving the phone left gyroscope of whatever exactly in this so this man's elbows he's getting all up in your handle my rib cage is basically guiding the motorcycle i'm not joking like this experience was just like
Starting point is 00:17:57 you have got to be kidding me um and i'm just so non-confrontational so i never said anything but i was just like i just kind of move around a little bit. I kind of wiggle and just let them know like, Hey, you can feel me moving because your, your elbows in my rib cage. The non-confrontational wiggle is what you call that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. The NCW. Yeah. So yeah, it was kind of a rough experience, but I was like, geez, just get me to Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So the flight and like the service itself was not terrible but the man in the yeah man in the middle seat was a little tough that's pretty that's pretty wild that there was no uh recognition of like hey this guy's trying to sleep like maybe we shouldn't maybe we shouldn't talk like this or even like hey this guy's my friend do you mind just switching seats with this? Oh, that's it. Was he a big dude too though? Uh, normal size dude.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Okay. No. Okay. So no lie. I ended up in that seat because my first seat was a seat next to a baby. And, uh, this guy taps me on the shoulder and is like, Hey, that's actually my baby. That's my wife up there. Do you want to switch me seats?
Starting point is 00:19:03 That way you don't have to sit next to a baby. And I was like, Oh, that's so's so great yeah I'll sit with you or else switch seats with you so it started off being like how great is this I don't have to sit by a baby now right and then yeah I got okey-doked and then I had that experience I'd rather I would have had that baby sit on my lap for three and a half hours then go through what I had yeah that dude has no affiliation with that baby yeah I know he's like's my, I promise that's my baby. Hey woman, give me that baby real fast.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Let me just hold it for a second. Can I just hold this to get out of this current seating situation I'm in? Oh, that's hilarious. Okay. Well, okay. So Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like what's the stereotypical person that scubas and that goes to a scuba show? Like I have no idea. Part of me is like imagining like the same person that does like wakeboarding but i feel like those people probably are a little different um i don't know yeah no and i didn't really know what to expect either because i was like i don't know if this is gonna this is like an outlier society where there's gonna be a bunch of strange people here or if this is just like a bunch of hobbyists like i'm imagining like
Starting point is 00:20:03 people with like fu manchus maybe and like um you'd be surprised flames on their uh bills of their hats and like like like uh nascar meets wakeboarding meets like california surfer a little bit gotcha i how often you know i didn't run like demographics on the attendees so i don't really know where we're at. Sir, what brand is that shirt that you're wearing? And let's say it's a Sunday afternoon in the spring. Like, are you watching NASCAR? Like, be honest.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Just my friend wants to know. I mean, I don't know. Like on one end, it was like, yeah, it was pretty normal. A lot of people. I'd say a lot of the vendors I talked to for the videos I had to do, I would interview them. Very normal. Very cool. They're, you know, they're just they're business people.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Oh, I talked to a guy who shoots like National Geographic geographic underwater stuff so i was talking to him about our planet he's like oh yeah i know some of the guys who shot that no it's like no way dude love our planet i talked to him it blows my mind i talked i was like dude have you watched our planet and uh he's like yes i was like episode one where the birds dive 20 feet down he's like yeah man it's awesome he's like i live our planet man yeah he's like I've done all that so anyway so vendor wise great people people wise I did not get a single good interview the whole time not exaggerating just like trying to not like bad interviews but just like it seemed like somewhat of a hippie culture you know I asked a woman why she um I don't know and maybe these two things aren't totally related as hippies and astrology but you know i was like so what brings you to scuba show
Starting point is 00:21:30 well i'm an aries i'm a water i'm a water girl or like i'm a waters i don't even know how to phrase that sentence like yeah i'm because those signs get split up into like there's water signs there's fire signs and oh i don't know there's something water related she's like she's a water woman so you know just like i've always been drawn to water and i was like yeah i don't think i can use any of this i was born in a tub yeah um i i mean for if you want to count the first nine months of my life i lived in water and i just you know every time i go down a slide almost always i end up in water i and and i was like i didn't see i'm more amphibious with my slides i'll do land slides and i'll do water slides in the summer like i don't know if you did
Starting point is 00:22:12 this but i like went to the pool every once in a while it was hot outside and that's just me that just what makes me unique that what's what's what makes me different and i i drink a lot of water um you know i've just been like like my body is the kind of body that like needs like, like, you know, six to eight glasses of water a day. I haven't talked to other people, but my doctor has told me that I'm 70% water, which I just think is fascinating. Yeah. So anyway, people like that. Okay. Um, Aries, Aries woman, Aries water people. Um, and not everyone, but it was just hard to get like a good, you know, I just needed one soundbite of someone's like, yeah, I've loved scuba diving. I wouldn't miss this show. Didn't get that, you know, greatest weekend of my life.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Um, it was fine. One thing that also came up in LA, which I've been waiting to talk to you about, cause I think we're going to be so much on the same page. The McDonald's drive through first night there. Yeah. Um, I think i was just getting first of all i love that the first night there you're already resorting back to your mcdonald's roots like yeah like you're in california you could choose so many different rare places and
Starting point is 00:23:16 you're like let's go to let's go to mcdonald's no doubt um i'm getting something simple i landed pretty late and i just wanted a little snack so So I got like three cookies, a little milkshake. I got a sweet tea as well. Whoa. That's a bold snack. Trifecta. You got two different drinks. That's when you know you're feeling it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, not messing around. And the lady, kid you not, for my sweet tea, she's already handed me everything else. She handed me my sweet tea and says, do you want a straw? I didn't even answer it first. I was like, maybe I heard you wrong. Do I want a straw? And I was like, yeah. She's like, okay, heard you wrong. Do I want a straw? And I was like, yeah. She's like, okay, here you go.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Oh, because it's California. Oh, yeah, of course. What am I supposed to do if they don't give me a straw? Oh, my gosh. Am I supposed to just, like, slurp it out the butthole of the lid? Like, what are my options here? You know, we're trying to eliminate the garbage patch getting bigger. So we're not giving
Starting point is 00:24:05 anybody any straws for them slurps only even for your milkshake they wouldn't they milkshake it was they didn't ask about it i guess they just assumed but yeah for the sweet tea she said do you want a straw i could not believe it oh man and luckily it was a paper or sorry it was a plastic straw right because they have those like have you ever had a paper straw uh at our friend's wedding one time it is my least favorite thing of 2019 i'm not exaggerating yeah it's terrible i'm a big straw person like in their in your enthusiasm or in their size you like like the uh with the boba straws i meant i meant in my enthusiasm but i do mcdonald's straws are a little bit bigger i think than other straws and i do enjoy them yeah i think there's something magical about it but no i just love like after i even finish a drink i'll chew on the straw i have like this bad habit i noticed that you do chew on straw
Starting point is 00:24:55 i do like every all the time it's like my it's like my one bad habit yeah like everything else in life i'm like very very good with i'm very on top of. I'm very humble. You know, great father. Sure, I'll chew on a straw. You know. Occasionally I'll run over someone with my car. So sue me. Actually don't. That is the opposite of the point I'm trying to make.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I'm a good guy who runs over people with his car. Yeah, so. Paper straws are just the worst. The worst. I got one in the New Zealand airport for a milkshake. And it made the bottom of my straw so wet and cold. Milkshakes are already kind of tough to slurp through even with a plastic straw. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And paper straw just becomes so like stuck together and. That's a bummer, dude. Yeah. It was just, it was tough. Like I would do, I would vow to like never write on a piece of paper again if if i could just have straws like if they're like i understand like the the idea that we need to recycle and do better with plastics and whatever you know charles big thing you know they say reduce reuse recycle his big talk reduce just let you guys know that's how charles feels about it just reduce the garbage patch he's like recycling
Starting point is 00:26:01 is great i guess reusing is okay but reduces the main thing is what he says sorry go on no that's great i mean like i i'm okay like i don't know i don't know what the answer is like i would bring back my cup to like have them refill this same cup if that would make it okay for me to get a new straw every time or something like that like you're not willing to vote on the straw thing no like i knew you'd be passionate about this like why are we why are we so into the straw thing but no one's ever saying like like the cups have to take up a lot of plastic paper plates right or whatever like they're giving a new cup every single time yeah i don't know like i let me refill my own cup and then it does seem it's too bad for straws they get they have taken a lot of the like nice good pun brad yeah yeah i'm a dad i'm a dad with the never mind they uh it's like
Starting point is 00:26:56 everyone's coming after the straws but there's a lot of other things made of plastic i think it's that that picture of the turtle with the straw through its nose went viral and then it's just been game over for straws ever since yeah you can't you can't get on turtles bad side they're they're one of the most um active on social media yeah the turtle tribe yeah and they landed a big role in finding emo which kind of helped yeah right not many people knew about turtles before then dude the straws are terrible i don't know that was don't mess with the straws we scuba show 2019 we're all last summer driving in the limo was when all that straw stuff first started to happen so we got to see we were like in Washington DC we're all these like kind of liberal cities when it's
Starting point is 00:27:36 happening right and we're like wait are people not doing strong like what is going on in the world we're kind of out of touch with it like and we end up going down to a sea turtle hospital when all this is happening and so we just like asked him like hey be honest like how bad are straws and then like yeah that one picture like went viral but like we never find straws and turtles like plastic is a big deal like a lot of times it's like uh plastic bags or just like the stuff that like you know eight packs six six packs it's like that hard plastic that like cans of things right are in that's like the hard plastic that like cans of things are in. That's like the big issues.
Starting point is 00:28:07 They're like, yeah, fish and animals get stuck in all the time. But like a straw through a turtle's nose, you know, that is such an anomaly, you know. Like maybe that turtle's had something wrong with them. And who's, yeah, maybe he's doing something he shouldn't have been doing. Yeah. Yeah. He was being mischievous.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Probably. Anyway, so those are just some, I guess, some things from Los Angeles. Scuba show was good, though. Yeah. Worked pretty hard, but it paid pretty well. How did you know? You heard about this through a friend or something? A guy who'd been following me on Instagram for, like, years and years
Starting point is 00:28:37 happened to finally, or not finally, but just, I've been playing the long game without even knowing it. And now he's in a role where he's in this digital marketing company and they needed a video guy and so jake would be perfect for the scuba yeah when i think scuba i think i've talked to captain charles about this personally he's very excited about it i wish someone wanted to someone was talking about my business and everything um because she was like hey well i saw your videographer i'm trying to do the youtube thing like you give me advice and talking about YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:05 And then we went over Instagram. She's like, well, let me see your Instagram. And I've, I said, you know, when it's a business profile, you could say whatever you are. And I changed mine every couple of weeks just because I think it's funny or whatever. Mine currently says I'm a hospital. And she was like, and she was a little older. And so she's like, no, no, what is this?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Does this help when it says hospital? Does that help you grow on Instagram? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you'd be very surprised. i get a lot of patience i you know no saint jude's currently recruiting me for this thing i was just like no it's just like a like a joke and it's not that funny you know i've been in this situation like uh this is hard to explain she's like no okay wait it's funny i'm like well not that funny it's not like i don't know i don't really take my instagram that seriously let's not talk about this i'll change funny i'm like well not that funny it's not like i don't know i don't really take my instagram that seriously let's not talk about this i don't i'll change it i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:29:49 let me change like what do you want what do you want me to say you're an aries i'll do you know i'll do a water-based thing for you um i'll make you happy wow that's funny yeah i don't i used to have a business account and now i switched to a personal because i think that the business account on instagram is more regulated personally. Yeah, no, it's just like Facebook because they're like, hey, if you're a business, you're more willing to pay for ads. So we're going to like decrease your rank a little bit. So I've done when I used to care about my Instagram a little more, I would like I would do a little test. So like last year I did like a I switched from a business account back to a personal uploaded a, and it got like four times the amount of views than I even had followers.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I was like, yeah, this is so true. Wow. So now that we're talking about it, I'm like, why do I even have a business page? I don't really care. There are some tools you can use, I think. Yeah, I forget what you even lose. Can you schedule posts? Instagram, baby.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I have no idea. I've never tried. You don't do it? I schedule posts on Facebook. Dude, congrats. Thanks, dude. Yeah, it means a lot. Dude. I thought of you yesterday because I assembled the table. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And you make tables all the time. I do. And I, I didn't want you to make one. I did not want to give you business. That's okay. Um, yeah. Just moved. Oh, that's everything I've done since last week. So shot a music video, edited a music video, been to LA and back, scuba show. I've also moved, fully moved in. I've, and then yeah, went to Ikea yesterday, bought a desk. Okay. Learned. Hey, maybe I shouldn't have bought the cheapest option they had. There's a reason people hate on Ikea and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I mean, it was fun. Like they, I did like a little mix and match thing where I bought my like, help me out with the terminology here, top part. Tabletop. Tabletop. The top of the table. What are those called? The roof. Rooftop.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It's on the tip of my tongue. Bought that, matched it with the legs I bought. You pay per leg, by the way. It's not a per four. Yeah. Pay per leg. Yeah, I just want three legs. PPL. Yeah, can we just bundle these anyway this thing is shaky as all get out feels like i'm
Starting point is 00:31:50 going through a earthquake with every like little mouse movement so you should have had i could have helped you i know i am an idiot no we can we can make what is it that makes a table shaky uh just not screwed in well enough and not glued probably i'm sure you didn't use glue i did not use glue but i used a power drill to screw it in which i feel like it's pretty strong yeah i mean maybe you just didn't do it well maybe i bought the 20 desk is what it is right i think that's part of it um yeah there's lots of things probably the the screw is not long enough or To give it enough support. Anyway, so yeah, I assembled that yesterday and edited all night.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I went to bed at 6.15 this morning. That's nuts. Like, I bet most of the people in the world were waking up at 6.15. I did it partly because I wanted to get on a little schedule. Because tonight, well, I say tonight. Tomorrow morning, I have a flight at 6 a.m. And I get scared to wake up, you know, at 3.30 a.m. Because I'm like, oh, what if I miss it?
Starting point is 00:32:52 So I worked hard so that I could get on this schedule where it's more easy for me to stay up until 3.30 a.m. tonight. So you're just like pulling the all-nighter tonight? Well, no, you're going to bed tonight. No, I will not go to bed tonight. I'm going to stay up until 3.30, then drive to the airport. You're going to the airport, quote-unquote, tonight, like in a few hours? In three hours, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Where are you going? New York City. Oh. Is that okay? Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Sorry, dude. They don't like straws there either, probably.
Starting point is 00:33:21 No, they don't. Be slurping. You're going to just be chugging your milkshake through. Do that lid. Prime Big Deal Days is coming October 8th and 9th with exclusive savings just for Prime members. Involuntary deal squeals can happen like the deal on new new blender squeal. Or the infamous deal on a new massager squeal. Save big on electronics, fashion, and more this Prime Big Deal Days, October 8th and 9th. Upper Canada College inspires boys from senior kindergarten to year 12 to find their passions and realize their potential.
Starting point is 00:34:07 An IB World School, UCC offers a supportive environment, cutting-edge facilities, and a best-in-Canada financial assistance program. UCC, a place where tradition, excellence, and innovation meet. Learn more at our open house events on October 15th and 16th. Register now at What are you doing in New York City? What are you doing in New York City?
Starting point is 00:34:33 Hey man, what are you doing in New York City? Live from New York. Live from New York City, it's Giant Truck Life. Honestly, I'm going for not a not very no, there's no reason why going. There's no reason to go.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That's just why I'm going to New York City. Goodness gracious. Maybe you should have went to bed a little earlier last night and not run out of sleep. So Trey and I were supposed to do a brand deal with Blue Bunny ice cream up in new york city oh really exciting told all my friends out there got all excited gotta come to new york for work
Starting point is 00:35:12 sweet yeah then the brand deal fell through i was like well shoot i'm i'm still excited to go to new york city told my friends so checked uh some flights and found a super cheap one so i'm just gonna go for a weekend that's So, going just to kick it. Heck yeah, dude. I love New York City. Yeah. It's definitely big. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Like, that's one thing people don't really talk about is how big New York City is. I mean, they say Big Apple, but what does that mean, really? Like, it's the whole fruit patch. Fruit of the... The whole fruit patch, okay? Garbage patch. There's an entire fruit market up there okay yeah going just to hang i'm excited i'm not gonna bring my camera i bring my laptop just kind
Starting point is 00:35:52 of gonna you just just be a be a regular person which i'm almost scared to even say that on a podcast because okay two two most hated things for me of 2019 uh dumb straws and then when like millennials i feel like this is such a common thing like yeah i'm just so bad at just resting so it was good to just take a break it's like michael scott like what am i yeah like sometimes i care too deeply uh i try too hard yeah my biggest what are my greatest weaknesses uh you know i what does he even say like i don't remember stuff like i work too hard and i care too much. And yeah, you're like bragging about how you're bragging on social media about how you're not going to be on social media or like bragging about how hard you're a worker. Like, like I am just, I work way harder than most people. So I really need to rest. Like
Starting point is 00:36:38 I really need to be intentional about resting. It's like, it's just hard for me to rest because I'm just go, go, go. I'm always talking to clients. I'm always working on projects and it's just really hard like i've just been born and like raised to just be a hard worker like i don't know about you but i mean i'm a virgo i'm of the earth and i've just i you know we come from the earth and i just put actually bury my money i don't believe in banks and i put it uh yeah but it's such a humble bragging so i hate even saying that like yeah i'm excited to rest but yeah it will be good except i mean you're the same way I'm sure when you work for yourself it's just like it feels weird to ever really not work it's like yeah it feels weird to just like sit at home on a Sunday afternoon and not do something right well I could be working there's always there's always something
Starting point is 00:37:15 else to do and yeah you can always justify working more but you know that's just how I was raised and you know I you know I I have to shut it down sometimes I'll usually write like a long post on my Instagram story or whatever. And that's good to take a break that way. Yeah. It just gets so consumed by the money I'm making. I mean, you guys would be surprised. Like, wow. Like, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Like, the things you can do when you work hard for yourself and believe in yourself and just go for it. Just follow your dreams. Yeah. I think it's also hilarious when, yeah, when people take such a long time to like show you how much they are resting like or like or like how they rest like like to me i don't know there's different ways of resting i guess but like i don't feel like watching netflix is like truly restful i don't know at least in the spiritual sense of, we don't have to get into spiritual stuff all the time right now on our podcast, but I feel like God calls us to rest. And yet people are like, Oh, I just need to rest. I just, I just need to stay home. I know,
Starting point is 00:38:13 like, I know I haven't been to church lately, but I just need to rest here and just watch Netflix and just kind of sleep. Like, like that's not really the kind of rest that we're looking for. Anyway, I just think it's not, yeah. On on your point it's just never a good place to be where you're having to rely on like technology to like recuperate you i just need to binge watch some friends right now oh gosh nothing else how did monica and chandler get to that place i need to find that like yeah yeah stranger things like season three is coming out for july i gotta catch up i'm just gonna start over i'm gonna probably do season one this weekend and just like i'm gonna feel so much. I'm just going to start over. I'm going to probably do season one this weekend. I'm going to feel so much better afterwards.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I'm just going to rest. I'm just going to recharge. I'm like, no. I don't know. Anyway, well, good for you for resting. It will be restful. I mean, New York City of all places. It's not like people go to New York City.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I just wanted to get away for the weekend. Just going to get Airbnb in Manhattan and just relax and just hear those sirens. Oh, my gosh. You don't go to new york so you just sit there and yeah yeah i'm not going to relax but more just like not have to worry about work there's a yes right like no not working resting is in not working um yeah i bet you'll be you'll come back inspired by x y and z there that's my guess. Is that a business? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:26 X, Y, and Z. It's xylophones, yaks, and zebras. Okay. Kind of a musical zoo? No, it's not necessarily a zoo. It's more of a... I'm excited to hear what this is if it's not a musical zoo. It's more of a musical therapy. Music therapy that they also use exotic animals oh my gosh so they they
Starting point is 00:39:47 say my yoke is easy but my burden is light is their big thing very cool uh yeah and so you go in there you usually get um yeah you usually get sprayed down with some sort of essential oil and then you just that's what they lay in this place yeah you got your yaks on your right side zebras on your left side um they have tried to switch them and they it doesn't work so don't cross pollinate yeah x y kind of like goat yoga yeah it's a lot like goat yoga but in it's the new york city version um i'm gonna be so rested after i get scrubbed down from some from yak from some get that yak scrub gosh sunday was the best i just i took a spa day i got a yak scrub you know like they just have the they just have the most nutrient rich milk at the yaks um they
Starting point is 00:40:33 say don't ask where it comes from i googled it whoa do not click on images i'll just say that right now but boy does it feel good once you get past the taste it is nourishing oh my gosh i haven't eaten in three days i don't know what we're talking about yeah we were talking about x y you're gonna be inspired yeah uh nourished by xyz yes baby um yeah that's that's fun man well i'm not going new york city it's my wife's birthday on Saturday. Holy cow. Fun fact. Do you remember what we did on Catherine's birthday? Maybe three years ago? Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Yeah. Talk about this. So my wife. I checked my time hop today and we're on there a lot. We've done a lot this day in history. I meant to bring this up earlier. Yeah. So shout out to my wife, Catherine.
Starting point is 00:41:19 She's so awesome for so many reasons. This podcast is brought to you by Catherine Ellis. Catherine Ellis. so awesome for so many reasons this podcast is brought to you by katherine ellis katherine ellis creator of xyz i don't know that was also co-creator of hattie louise ellis hattie louise ellis where she gets her good looks um no but three years ago on her birthday is the only day that was like would work out for us to do that. We had this idea to do a Facebook live video, like variety show kind of thing. It was like right when Facebook live was coming out and we were like, Hey, I think we can, we can make something fun here. We didn't have back in the day when I was uploading a lot to Facebook, like my following
Starting point is 00:42:00 was pretty like, I mean, it's not like I even had a page or just my personal one, but like people were like glued in. Yeah. What's the phrase tuned in snood in they were they were glued up glued glued up into me yeah that's what they were um and so we thought hey let's go live yeah so we did like this show and the only time it would work was like yeah eight or nine p.m on catherine's birthday so we went out to dinner and And we hyped this up, I mean, for like weeks. It was like an event. You could like set a reminder, like Jake and Brad live. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:31 We made a commercial almost for it, like a preview. Yeah, so that's what happened this day in history, I think was the preview video went out. Anyway, so my wife was just so cool to be like, yes, I think that's fun. You should do that with Jake
Starting point is 00:42:41 after we have dinner together. So it was really fun. And it went okay. It did. that's fun. You should do that with Jake after we have dinner together. So it was really fun. It went okay. It did. It was fun. It's probably about as good content as this stuff is. Yeah, it's pretty on par with just what we do now. It's like, yeah, we have a good time.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I don't know if anyone else does, but we had fun. But no, this day in history two years ago is when Luke Crenshaw left us, our good friend oh wow in the u-haul he said goodbye to him we took some pictures and then three years ago on my phone i have pictures of mlb slugfest on my phone i don't know why i took a picture of the screen of us playing this old video game on was it gamecube gamecube man it was so fun we got so into that and like and it was like the brand i think it was midway that made mlb slugfest and and you know nfl hits nba jam you know all those nhl hits as well nhl hits all those games that like if you were losing like they always tried to make it as close as possible in the end kind of like mario kart too if you're in last place
Starting point is 00:43:43 you're getting the blue shell yeah kind of thing every time like you are getting a home run on this guy i don't care and these types of games if you haven't played them like you know games like madden nba 2k 19 they're trying to be as realistic as possible we're in like mlb slugfest like if you throw a screwball it literally like is like i don't know how to describe the motion it's like like a corkscrew to the plate. I mean, it defies physics. NHL hits, you can just send guys into the stands. NFL Blitz, you can pass interference. And afterwards, just pick a guy up and throw him down.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah, so it's pretty fun. Oh, yeah. Just innocent obliteration of people. Just America's pastime. That's funny. Yeah. MLB Slugfest. Back before I had kids or a kid.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Back when we were nabes. Back when we were neighbors, man. Gosh. That was the glory days. Yeah. Our lives suck now. Just kidding. They're pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Yeah. That's funny. But yeah, Catherine's birthday is coming up this weekend as well as Mother's Day. Make sure you call your mom from New York. I called my mom yesterday because it was her birthday. So are you saying like you're going to call her again or are you just going to – like that's your quota? I've called her. All right, it's done.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I've called her once and I will not call her again. And it was a while, so it's going to last. No, but I'm going home next weekend anyway. So I'll get to see her around Mother's Day. Okay. No, no. This weekend is Mother's Day. Is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Well, I will get to see her the same month as her birthday and Mother's Day. Mother's Day, birthday month. Shoot. That would be good. Just go and completely pretend. Think it's... Sell out that you think it's mother's day. Happy mother's day. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:29 like bring her breakfast in bed and like flowers. The balloons were so cheap. So cheap. Like who did you give them for a dollar? I mean, they were like pretty deflated though. Like this, this town's kind of going downhill.
Starting point is 00:45:42 That part was weird, but yeah, no. Oh oh yeah i'm excited her and my dad are going on their first kind of uh kind of like outdoorsy trip they've become big cruise people ever since they become empty nesters and i think they've kind of seen me go on these trips lately and they're like well that looks kind of fun like we want to see america and so i kind of helped them plan this little like seven day kind of getaway through like some national parks and stuff oh that's awesome so they're about to start being hikers and nature people i love it yeah i always thought my parents would like i'm the
Starting point is 00:46:15 youngest you're not the youngest but your sister is pretty close after you and so like once my parents became empty nesters i don't know i wasn't like worried for them. That's too extreme. But like I didn't expect them to, they like live their life so much more now. Yeah. Like I thought they were going to be kind of similar and just kind of be bored sometimes that they don't have kids at home. And now they're like traveling all over the place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And just having so much more fun than they ever were. Not more fun than they were when they had kids. But boy, are they are they you see the joy yeah they had fireworks go off when i was leaving that was kind of weird uh no dude so uh basketball tonight yeah had a new face there who you knew right our boy adam yeah okay so didn't know you would know him don't really know much at all but i met him two days ago at the old country club oh let me try that again country club plaza here in kansas um i uh i guess don't really know the details went in the apple store to fix them and they said we'll take you back in an hour it's like well what am i gonna do for an hour i guess
Starting point is 00:47:24 i'll go eat went into jack stack barbecue sounded good really got inside there i was like oh this is fancier than i thought it was expensive place to just kind of stroll in for an hour i got one look at the booths and said never mind walked right outside i got on my phone i just googled lunch then look up for my phone and then this man appears i mean literally later in the conversation i'm asking him where did you come from by the way because like i don't yeah it's like you appeared out of the ground, but he was like, he recognized me from like kind of the limo stuff I had done. Uh, super great. Just initial conversation. Uh, he was there just doing some random stuff. He's like, yeah, I'm about to go
Starting point is 00:47:57 grab a bite to eat. And I was like, dude, me too. Do you want to grab lunch together? We walked over to Shake Shack, got a great lunch together for like 30 minutes. You know, followed him on Instagram, invited him to basketball. And then I went after lunch and I was driving home. I'm like, why does it never happen with a girl? I think that is the most ideal scenario to meet a girl. It's never happened, you know, with the dude. There's no problem. He just like vanished.
Starting point is 00:48:23 No, not vanished. Appeared out of thin air, immediately hit it off, make spontaneous plans to share a meal, and then follow up quickly two days later. That would have been amazing. So maybe it has happened and you just haven't. You have to be the one to initiate it. You have to be the Adam. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You know what I mean? So I'm Eve in this? Is this a metaphor? Yeah. Where do I get the fig leaf? I need to be at it. Whoa, man. I need to recognize people from previous social media projects they've done.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yes, if you're going to get that specific about it. You just need to go up to a girl and pretend like you know her. Because that's the best way to have a segue. Just start. Were you in Mrs. Henderson's third grade class? class i swear i swear you had mrs h and she'd be like no what's your name weird well are you hungry at all because miss henderson this henderson said around 12 o'clock is a perfect time to eat and i've never forgotten that and i always try to eat around noon and i think of her every time yeah but out of school dude yeah actually every now And I always try to eat around noon and I think of her every time.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, but Adam's cool, dude. Yeah. Actually, every now and then I try to be, I've tried to be Adam recently. Really? Like, because I eat a lot of meals by myself. Just pretty introverted, or more introverted than a lot of people would think probably. So I don't mind eating by myself pretty often. And every now and then, well, like recently I was at Dobe's, Qves cutoba i think i might tell you a story
Starting point is 00:49:46 but i was like i the cutoba workers are basically my audience for some like stand-up material that night i don't know i don't even remember what i was saying but i just had them all kind of like cackling or whatever and then this very cute girl comes in line behind me so she gets to kind of see the show like oh i'm probably making a good impression on her because they're welcome britney yeah yeah hey welcome to the oh wait speaking of britney here's something i learned two days ago did you know that the word presbyterians is a perfect anagram for britney spears is that wild really i'm not kidding that is interesting so cool okay i don't know what to do with that information other than just briefly mention it on a podcast but it's awesome say it one more time for the people in the back hey thanks for coming out everybody presbyterians is a perfect anagram for britney spears
Starting point is 00:50:30 thank you for coming um but this girl comes to cuto by herself she's very cute i feel like i've already made like a subtle good first impression i'm like i'm gonna ask this girl to sit and like eat a meal with me like i've never done that oh heck yes and uh i'm at the checkout counter i'm kind of like you know trying to take my time i'm like you know gearing up like come on jake you got this like you can do this and then while i'm like gearing up she they get she gets asked all right is this for here to go she says to go and so i chickened out because oh she's not even trying to stay here like i would have to that's like yeah she has to commit to even more than she was planning on now well i think for a lot of people
Starting point is 00:51:07 it's very uncomfortable or the thought of eating by yourself in a restaurant is very uncomfortable really and so maybe here's what you should have done for next time is you should have paid for let me get a pen and paper you should have paid for her and then she would have felt a little more like oh snap i don't want her to feel like obligated to share you are totally at my mercy like no don't yeah obviously like if you would have paid for her she would have seemed like okay this guy's interested i don't know maybe not i think next time i will if this exact scenario happens again i will pay for her and i'll kiss her hand and kind of like get on my knees like your money's no good here maybe wash her feet a little bit too. Just like make an impression. It's like,
Starting point is 00:51:46 I love to serve. Sure. And I'm not letting you walk out of here without sharing a meal with me. You better get all the queso you want. Cause daddy's paying. Yeah. Cause daddy's paying. Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:57 sorry. I forgot who I was talking to. I met him at a Qdoba and he said, daddy's paying. And I knew right there. Oh my gosh. That's yeah. Well, Jake, I hope you find your girl.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't know. I just got a weird notification from Google. Delta 5993 departs 1259. Wait, what? Oh, I know what that is. Oh, I got scared. First of all, that says PM. So that's not in 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I was like, what in the world did I book? Let me tell you something. This is for everybody out there. Website to check flights with. Skip lagged. What it does, I'm doing my first skip lagged flight in a few hours. So I found a cheap flight to New York City. And how it'll work is I actually booked a one-way ticket to Boston that has a layover in New York City.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And that flight was like 80 bucks. But the cheapest flight just in New York City was like 150. So I can't check a bag. And I'm scared to even bring like a duffel or anything that they might like ask me to check, you know, any kind of big carry on. Oh yeah, you better bring a small carry on. So I'm just going backpack, just fit everything in there. And then, yeah, just kind of sketchy stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:04 When I land in New York, I'll just hop off the plane and just skedaddle so that notification was for my flight from new york city to boston right which is what did i book okay never mind and you said that like if you do that too many times they become suspicious or something i'm sure if you probably do it too many times on one airline it's probably not great that's awesome though but also like it's kind of like i don't know if it should be illegal it's more just like it's just beating the system yeah just like have if you have cheaper flights like it's illogical what you're doing almost like right to charge me more to get the same like yeah it's cheaper if you if you fly farther or take longer time and use more of our gas.
Starting point is 00:53:45 It's cheaper for you. Yeah, it's like, hey, be a better structured economist, and I won't do this. I won't hop off your planes. So anyway, I'm skip lagging tonight, which is exciting. So I don't need to worry about that second notification. It scared me a little bit. The Ellis family, Catherine, hattie brad have
Starting point is 00:54:05 started a new tradition um probably not going to happen every friday but friday nights we're trying to watch a movie movie night friday nights we have pizza we watch a movie and it's fun because my daughter is a little older and so she can pay attention a little bit longer so we watched this new new we watched a movie that i'd never seen before that's a classic, Bambi. Oh, man, guys, I screwed up. I screwed up. We made a little boo-boo there right in the middle of Brad's talk about Bambi. It stopped recording.
Starting point is 00:54:35 But we're back now. Anyway, we've moved on from Bambi. Brad's talking about – well, I'll let you go for it. Yeah, I was just was gonna say just maybe one last tradition that we do as far as this podcast goes is we'll end it with just a quick thought that we both have about something so my quick thought is I got pulled over this week and I was frustrated because I don't think I was going dangerously fast I think this cop simply pulled me over because I think he had to hit a quota of some sort. I've heard of that.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, I think like at the end of the month, they're always out more and stuff. Yikes. And so I think I'm proposing to the government via this. If you're listening, government. Right, government, listen up. Governments, people. Officer Peters. I'm proposing that the government offers a, we'll call it carte blanche,
Starting point is 00:55:26 just like a get-out-of-jail-free speeding pass where you pay, let's say, $1,000 a year. Okay. And you can go as fast, maybe not as fast as you want, but you can go up to 15, 20 miles an hour over the speed limit whenever you want. On the highway, maybe it's like 10 miles an hour over a normal street. And, but you cannot get pulled over for that because you've already paid your dues and it will help them get to their quota. Cause I guarantee you, I'm not spending a thousand dollars on speeding tickets every year. Interesting. But I think that I'd be willing to pay extra money for me to not have to
Starting point is 00:55:59 worry about not I yes. Every single time I ever see a cop, like, I don't know about you, but I, I slow down. I might be going 35 and a 40. I see a cop, like, I don't know about you, but I, I slow down. I might be going 35 and a 40. I see a cop. I'm like hitting on the brakes. So that's my, that's my thought. Interesting. I, uh, I was actually thinking about cops recently for kind of a similar reason.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Like we're trained from the moment we're like 16 and up. Like when we see cops, it's like, oh gosh. Yeah. You know, it's like, oh yeah you know it's like oh no like what do i do they're such bad guys yeah like we're like trained to believe that from like the driving experience like when you see a cop oh they suck because they're gonna try to pull you over and i feel like it's such a bad like i don't know there's probably things they could be doing better to like you know minimize their like their brand is like it would change their image completely from you're worried about seeing a cop to you're thankful for seeing this
Starting point is 00:56:48 cop that is protecting you because that's what that's the main thing that protect and serve do right is like serve and protect serve and protect yeah i had one you know you you you appreciate cops and what they do for your city and like keeping it safe and doing things that are just unimaginably while on the road it's just like oh you're just so frustrated like come on dude like well he was hiding here he had his lights off you know like they do things that don't help their brand so i think on the i think they would make enough money this way and they would not have to worry so much about pulling people over speeding that they could they could make them make they could make their money and then they could also
Starting point is 00:57:22 have opportunities to focus their attention on other things so i think it's a great idea well i will talk to new york's finest when i'm there this weekend perfect and see what they think uh last thing any recommendations for me what should i do 12 hours from now where should i be um i'm trying to think off the top of my head any place i mean i just like a lot of different food places oh sparrow get a new york slice i'm gonna get me a new york slice um i don't know one of the it's pretty touristy but there's this place called serendipity it's a serendipity it's a really popular dessert place okay i don't know who you're who you're hanging out with there if it's a bunch of dudes then maybe not serendipity but if there's a really popular dessert place. Okay. I don't know who you're hanging out with there.
Starting point is 00:58:05 If it's a bunch of dudes, then maybe not Serendipity. But if there's a girl or two in the house. Yeah, it's kind of a girlier place, but it's like you get huge helpings of like ice cream. Like you share these big things. You might need to make a reservation there. Let's say I want to go on a ferry ride. Oh, yeah. Don't have the ferry ride hookups for you, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:58:24 You don't? No, I've never done a ferry ride there. Really? It just sounds the ferry ride hookups for you to be honest you don't no i've never done a ferry ride there really it just sounds like a fun new york thing to do we'll have fun in new york i'll i'll miss miss it miss you i'll miss it i'll miss it it being your body while you're gone um yeah well thank you guys for listening to our second episode uh we appreciate it we still don't know what the heck we're doing, but we'll keep getting better at it. Let us know down in the Spotify comments below what you thought and what you want us to talk about next time.
Starting point is 00:58:52 If you have any feedback, you probably have our phone number so you can text us. Yeah, that's probably the easiest. We'll have a huge following, yeah. Except for Kanye and the governments that are going to... And the officer that pulled you over.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Yeah, John Peters, Peter Johnson, whatever your name is. Great. Well, this episode has been sponsored by Catherine Ellis. Catherine Ellis. Thank you for listening. And Hattie Ellis as well. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Love you all. Goodbye.

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