Ghostrunners - 211 - Cold Plunges for Babies

Episode Date: March 22, 2023

This episode is our first installment of Ghosties on a Couch - the segment where we answer all of the questions that you would ask if we were your therapists. We talked about best ways to build a comm...unity of friends, how to ask a girl out, and advice for parenting.  Check out Main Street Roasters and use code GRKC at check out for a 10% discount! Get a personalized video from us on Cameo:  Ghostrunners merch:  Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad:  Watch this episode on YouTube:  Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 happy wednesday everybody and uh like we've talked about uh recently uh we went viral on instagram and it's gone to our heads it's all we want now we're completely different humans yeah like you look inside of our heads all it says is go viral on instagram again algorithm algorithm algorithm yeah what else can we do what else can we do uh no we're mainly joking but i think it is going to be a fun recurring bit that every episode now we start off by saying something controversial that you guys know um is just a joke but oh you you have something it's not a joke i kind of believe in this one okay well i believe in the wmba thing too by the way and i've been watching a lot of ncaa tournament stuff and i thought to myself i'd watch some women's if people were getting yammed
Starting point is 00:00:42 on if they were dude the comments recently have turned more positive really i feel like initially there's a lot of the algorithm found its bias and now like there's a lot of positive comments they're like helpful they're like what if just certain sections of the crowd there were pluckable tickets you buy oh yeah that makes sense well yeah i thought there would be non-pluckable and pluckable but yeah maybe it's just yeah one section is like the sweets anyway a lot of good comments on there recently. But I believe in this one as well. What is your, it's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:01:08 What do you wholeheartedly believe in this episode? Yeah, so I was just in Texas hanging out with my in-laws and we were talking, you know, got on the subject as every white family does about cold plunges. Everyone's talking about it these days. Yep. Cold immersion.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And I just thought to myself, well, like, yeah, there's undeniable health benefits. The data is out there that this is 100% definitely working for people that are just freezing themselves for eight minutes a day. And data over a long period of time. Data we can trust. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Tons of data, like from every, every angle, CNN, Fox News, both of them are agreeing. Cold plunges are the way to go. That's right. Right. Both sides of the aisle disagree on this part. It is, what's it called? The freezing cold dichotomy. Yes,
Starting point is 00:01:53 the freezing cold dichotomy, FTC. That's what your text was. So anyway, there's tons of data for this. So I went down a deep dark hole on this baby and my basic belief now is why aren't we also dunking babies? Why aren't we also sending babies into a cold plunge? Why aren't they also getting down there in the icy water and seeing how they can do, seeing what it does to their body? And it turns out they actually are. It turns
Starting point is 00:02:17 out people are doing this. Oh, really? There's real data. I think it's either CDC or the I don't know. One of those big websites. It says 99 out of a hundred babies have never experienced near hypothermic temperatures for more than six minutes. Okay. Which means that 1% of babies are getting dunked every single day. I see. I see. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. And so, yeah, there's, there's 99% that are just, just living their lives warm, but there's 1% of babies and they're doing things. These babies are doing things. They are cold plunging and they're receiving the health benefits, the immunity boost. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:02:49 You don't want more immunity for your baby. Yeah. There's no, yeah, no Tdap, no hepatitis B shot that can do anything that cold plunges can't do. Nothing that 40 degree water can't do. No way. No way. And so I looked into this, I call it baby dunking and yeah, just baby yamming.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And actually you think that it's like a new thing. Catholics have been doing it for years. Decades. Decades. Centuries. Immersion. Yeah. They're just, they're just thrown in there. I mean, and would the Catholics ever steer us wrong? I don't think so. Find something that the Catholics have done century after century that has gotten them in trouble.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Nope. St. Peter was, was Duncan, was Duncan, his cousin back in the day. That's right. Here you go. He wasn't warming up that water. No. And so I think, if anything, it's giving them immunity. It's giving them holy immunity. Holy community. Holy immunity.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Immunity by immersion. Holy immunion. Holy immunion. Holy immunion! Holy Immunion. Holy Immunion! Nailed it. That was like one of the only things that Brad had prepared to say beforehand. He's like, okay, okay, I'm going to say Holy Immunion. And I was just waiting for him to say it the whole time. And I was like, is he purposely not saying it?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Holy Immunion-y. All right, I guess I'll just say it. Roll the intro music. Uh-oh, ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white meat too. Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet because it's the Ghost Brothers Podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Ghost Brothers Podcast. Everybody morning, we're taking round. Ghost Brothers Podcast. Oh my goodness. I mean, I think he's got it. You got it. Throw it down. Throw it down. This is the time you hit the thing.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Any second now. Hit the punchline. Do it. Oh, anyway. Okay. Anyway. any second now hit the punchline do it oh anyway okay anyway we're back with another wednesday episode and uh it feels good we got three cameras again time and hit them with the ready uh yeah it's a party yeah so it feels good to have time and back three cameras are back yep uh facial hair is back yep and um looks good on you guys comment comment uh
Starting point is 00:05:07 one to ten just go ahead and put a ten down for jake's ten being amazing one being really amazing so no matter what like it's a good like people are saying nice things about your facial hair that is really nice to them i feel like it i've never let it really grow this far so i have been impressed because i used to think like okay if I let it grow too far, like I'm going to be on a registered sex offender list. No. Like they're not even going to ask. They're just going to put me on one.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But not like that bad. There are some problematic areas on the sides, but nothing little Bosley can't fix. I think that works on your face. I've always been curious. If you throw Rogaine on your face, what would happen? Yeah, what kind of hair does it grow? Is a follicle a follicle?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah, or you do hair transplants? Can you do those for your face? Yeah, where would you... Oh, I know where you'd take it from. I know where you'd take it from. I know where you'd take it from. I don't know about you. I know where you'd take it from.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I know where you'd take it from. I've seen it. I don't know. I know where you'd go. That reminds me. I know we've told this story before on the podcast, but just speaking of just, you know. Isaac.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yes, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Yeah, it's so funny. Because it's talking about funny hair. We had this friend a few years ago. I think it was 2020 when this was all happening. And anyway, young, cute girl. She's probably pretty close to Isaac's age. We're all hanging out.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And she was like, I think I said something about how I wanted to do laser hair removal on my face. Like, I'm never going to grow facial hair. I hate shaving. Scale of 1 to 10, though. Should he grow facial hair? 1 to 10. How much laser? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And anyway, this girl was just like, I think you should look into it. Like, I get laser hair removal. And Isaac, oh, cool. Where? And I was just like, oh on your face on your face probably right i was like armpit armpit armpit armpit like i knew my my uh elementary school teacher elementary school principal was a woman and she had a little mustache little stash yeah she had darker hair and she had a little hair up there and so i bet that's what isaac was assuming probably
Starting point is 00:07:02 so like you're like that old, old principle of mine. Yeah. Dr. Cook. Yeah. Dr. Cook. Anyway. Yeah. Just Rachel's out of town this weekend.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Brad was out of town. I didn't have anything. I just, I stopped taking care of myself. I just let the facial hair go. You had no accountability. Yeah. It was just me. So how long is that?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Is that four days? This is probably, it's probably five days. That's pretty good for five days. Okay. I think I really do think like we should do a fundraiser uh some kind of charity thing or like you grow out your mustache until the wedding and then until we hit this one goal rachel like you're not allowed to shave it and then all of a sudden you can have mustache pics in your wedding that's kind of fun i did have an
Starting point is 00:07:38 idea speaking of like a little campaign like that i was putting on our ghostwriter story last night like hey fun new episode drops at midnight. Oh, yeah. I had something like an idea. So we could do like, hey, this thing we made that everyone's excited about comes out on Friday. For every like 100 people that share it, it like bumps up 12 hours or something like that. Like we should find something. Some way that like it's a community. Like we're all like outreach.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah. Cool. It's like a scary movie where like the countdown is like, it like counting down or whatever, but you can like bump it up. It's like a happy movie. I don't get that part. What do you say? Um,
Starting point is 00:08:12 just movie countdown. Really? Just that scary movies have countdowns. What do you mean? They do. Yeah. Like saw or something, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Oh, I've never seen saw, but it's like, it's like the idea of like something's about to happen when the timer goes off. We have to do this before it strikes midnight. You should have said speed. Like I would have understood speed. Like Keanu Reeves, the bomb is about to go off.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Sure. I understand that. Bomb movie. Yeah. Anyway. James bombed. Should we do our wins of the week and then get on to the content today? We got a lot of good stuff from Ghosties on a Couch.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yes. Therapy is about to be in session. That's right. Yes. Win of the week. I'll go first if you want me to. Great. My win of the week is that I,
Starting point is 00:08:52 for once in my parenthood life, all my wins of the week are always going to be things, I think, for the rest of this time. But for once in my parenthood life, I can do something better than Catherine, which just never happens. And for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:09:04 Beau is in a stage right now where he will not nap if katherine puts him down if katherine like you know does does all the napping things but if i go in there and lay the hammer down and like basically just kind of threaten him like you're going to get in trouble if you don't nap he will nap 100 of the time really and I am, I am 100% so far. And it's amazing. Like the other day we were filming something here and Catherine's like, can you go come over and help Bo nap? And I did.
Starting point is 00:09:31 He's out like a light. It's amazing. What do you do? Did you strike him? No, I don't, I don't. I just go in and talk to him and I say,
Starting point is 00:09:37 so I think you, you witnessed this the other day. Um, I have, I have three questions. I ask him, I go and I, I am,
Starting point is 00:09:44 I do come in hot like like like our our house is you know has a basement and stuff so it's pretty hollow when you walk around like you can you can you let him like you can hear the the yeah so on the monitor you can see him sitting up and playing by the time that i am in there he is laying down pretending like he's trying to fall asleep that's what i know better so i So I make sure I'm knocking the house. And then I get in there and I say, you need to go to sleep. Okay. He goes, I don't want to go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And then I go, I ask him three questions. I go, who's in charge? And he goes, you. So who's not in charge? It was me. Say, when I ask you to do something, what do you do? And he goes, he kind of starts smiling. He goes, I do it. I it i said okay go to sleep and then every single time and that that that that that
Starting point is 00:10:31 method has also worked 100 of the time like that's worked for like he won't eat his carrots and then all of a sudden i do those three questions you start stomping around the house yeah well i'm just sitting there and kevin's like he won't eat and i was like okay who's in charge who's on charge when i ask you do something what do you do? Do it. Okay. Your carrots. And then he just goes to town on his carrots. It's amazing. And he does not like care. You know, it's like, it's like anything. It works a hundred percent of the time. And then I always kind of redeem it with why I also do this other thing, um, where I say, uh, do I love you? And he's, or do you know, I love you. And he says, yes. I say, well, I, wait, what do I say?
Starting point is 00:11:10 I can't remember. I say, I'm union. I said, I said, do you know I love you? Yes. Do you know I'll always love you? Yes. Do you know there's nothing you can do to make me not love you? He says, yes. And then I say the same thing. I said, do you know God loves you? Do you know God will always love you? Do you know there's nothing you can do that makes God not love you? So. Then you say, you know, God's in charge? And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. God's in charge. You told me that you whoa, whoa, whoa. God's in charge. You told me that you were in charge. Yes. God doesn't want me to sleep.
Starting point is 00:11:28 God says that I'm in charge of you, Beau. So anyway. That's awesome. So yeah, that's my win of the week is that I, for whatever reason, have more authority towards, like, Catherine's so much scarier than me with the kids. She just can't stomp as loud. I think when it comes down to it i think i think it's and it's something like i am i am so much less likely to be as authoritarian towards hattie i think i'm just more like gentle towards her whereas bow i'm like you need to straighten
Starting point is 00:11:55 up boy that's my boy you fall asleep yeah and it's like it makes such a difference with the rest of his day if he sleeps like if he doesn't then he's just a punk you know how it is timing with your little kids uh little i thought you were just gonna say that just time in a general time when time it doesn't get his sleep and i was a kid no time it's got lots of little siblings and when they don't sleep makes a difference so i don't take my nap yeah so anyway one of the week that's fun yep my one of the week is gonna be be that last week we had a fun surprise visitor. We were at McLean's getting some work done and got a call from Grant Hederberg. But we were in the middle of something.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I had to run. And I was like, I got to call him back later. Brad was like, I'll text him for you. And then Brad texted me later in all caps like, dude, Grant's in town. Call him back. Call him back. And so anyway, our good friend Grant, we talk about him all the time on the podcast but he was in town randomly his brother is a division two basketball coach southern nazarene university and they were playing in a tournament was it the was it the
Starting point is 00:12:55 conference tournament no it was like the national tournament was like the ncaa division two tournament and anyway they were playing up in st joseph missouri it's like 45 minutes north of here they were playing the the team that has won the national championship three years in a row. Yeah. They're like a powerhouse. Yeah. They're, they're,
Starting point is 00:13:09 they're as blue blood as D two gets. Yeah. And Grant, his wife, his whole family, they all come up here cause they're such supportive people. Awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I mean, Grant's the one who I'm pretty sure is coming to my bachelor party, but only for like eight hours. Grant's also get your shirt wet. Grant's also the one who put the watch on his, you know, on this girl that eventually became his wife. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He's the man. He's great. Yeah. And you went to Australia with them. Yes. That's where Queenstown on your feet. Yes. He was on your feet.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's the man. And sorry, that's betrayed. Oh yeah. But so his whole family comes up here to watch just, like, one game. They're playing the best team in the country.
Starting point is 00:13:46 They're probably going to lose. And anyway, they end up beating them. Miraculous upset. Well, no one packed any clothes. And so none of them, they're all, like, going to Ross to, like, get clothes, everything. Oh, I hadn't heard that detail. They are, basically, so they're just like,
Starting point is 00:14:00 well, now we have, like, two to three extra days in St. Joseph, Missouri, because we play again. So, Jacob, Brad, you want to hang out? So they came down to Kansas City, now we have like two to three extra days in St. Joseph, Missouri, because we play again. So Jacob, Brad, you want to hang out? So they came down to Kent City and we hung out with them. And Rachel made us all dinner. It was awesome. We played games with them. It was so fun.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Wasn't the game for the number one seed like at their home court or something like, are they in St. Joe or they're somewhere around there, Northwest Missouri State? Oh yeah. Maryville, I think. Okay. Which is like pretty close, I think. So I think everyone that was there was like those people, like Northwest Missouri
Starting point is 00:14:30 State's fans. And so Grant's like, yeah, it's kind of awkward. Like all these people were like, well, I was planning on going to all these games. Yeah, they're just handing him tickets for the next thing. Like here, I'm not going to use them. Yeah, it was really fun to see him though. And we played wits and wagers and I was so bad. It was so fun though. I did not get a single point the whole time but it was fun it was a good time so good wins good week yeah man so let's move
Starting point is 00:14:52 on to uh ghosties on a couch yeah let's do it so um i don't know if we ever even announced this on the podcast did we did we announce it on mondays uh that we're gonna do this um i think so a couple mondays ago but we had posted on our patreon so if you're not a Patreon member, go on there. We also post on Instagram to submit some questions to us. And initially in my head, this idea was like, Ghostie's on a couch. You know, it's like you're having therapy with Jake and Brad. And obviously Jake and Brad are not anywhere near therapists. So ask us some goofy questions and we'll answer them.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And some people ask some goofy questions, but a lot of people ask very insightful questions. I mean, 85% are pretty serious. And let's preface it by saying we will answer these as best as we can, but we are, we are nowhere near the masters at any of these things. So very humbly we'll, we'll answer a lot of these questions. Yeah. But it was one of those things where it was like, okay, there's enough people that are asking serious questions that they really truly might want to know some serious answers. So I think the idea is let's, let's, let's read some, you know, goofy questions. Let's read some serious ones. Let's, let's be goofy with, with it, but also we can get serious on them. And, um, so we got quite a few responses, quite a few questions. So thank you for everybody for submitting these. Um, so let's go ahead and
Starting point is 00:16:01 get into it now. Uh, Shana S or C H E Y N E. How do you think Shana? Shanae? Oh yeah. I always hear a comment on YouTube and I do not know how to pronounce it. I bet it's Shane. What about Chaney? Chaney.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah. This is Dick Chaney. Uh, she asked how to get more protein in the morning. Let's get, let's get started with just a, uh, a lob lob up there. Do eggs have protein? Eggs have protein. Oh, there you go. Yeah. I've, I read something on Twitter one have protein. Oh, there you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I've, I read something on Twitter one time that was like, if you want more protein in the morning, um, eat things that have lots of protein in search, right? High protein. And then it was,
Starting point is 00:16:34 it was in, it said thread colon. And then there were 10 different things. So we got, we got, uh, almonds, eggs,
Starting point is 00:16:41 uh, meatloaf pretty quickly. I just found out turkey bacon, a lot of protein, a lot of teen in the, in the Turk. There you go. Yep. Uh, turkey bacon, eggs, meatloaf. Pretty quickly, I just found out turkey bacon, a lot of protein. A lot of teen in the Turk. There you go. Yep. Turkey bacon.
Starting point is 00:16:49 has some great protein for you. Even trike. Even trike has some protein. Yeah, any kind of supplemental powder like trike. I'm not positive that Main Street Roasters has protein in it, but if it doesn't, I would check that out. I bet you could eat some of the cardboard that their coffee comes in. And that's got to do something. Rumor has it Camp Cho-Ye has a lot of good protein in it. If you work there, just every answer is about
Starting point is 00:17:15 responsibility. I think that if you do want eggs, you should get humble salt to put on the eggs. So yeah, any of those things would be good for protein. I like eggs a lot. That's my answer for protein. So thank you, Chaney. Okay, this is another just really, like this one's more a little bit on the serious side. Mrs. Atnip said, I teach ballet to five and six-year-olds. How would you recommend I keep them on task when half of them are rolling around on the floor
Starting point is 00:17:42 or bum shuffling? Better yet, just walk me through a whole class. You have 55 minutes to fill. Any methods acceptable? I have some thoughts. This is for Mrs. Catnip. Basically, you come and you ask them two questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Hey, who's in charge? Who's in charge? Who's not in charge? That's what I thought. Do the Vaganova method. She said any methods acceptable. Vaganova method. She said any methods are acceptable. Vaganova, Royal Academy of Dance, French technique, the Sachiti method. Oh, is this for like how to teach class?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, you're a Vaganova. I skew Vag. Yeah, you're a Vagabond. So the Vaganova method is one where it's very individualism. It's very much, hey, go out in a corner, go into the hallway, go outside if you need to. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And find your own dance move. It's the Montessori of ballet. A little bit. Yeah. It's very much self-expression, self-discovery. Yes. That's Vaganova. Go out in nature, right?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the nature one. Do some grounding. Just do a couple snow angels on the ground and feel it. Planking, I'm pretty sure, was Vaganova ballet, I think. Yes. Planking and parkour, they kind of had their day with Vaganova. Now, Chacheti, that is one more Brad's expertise.
Starting point is 00:18:59 It was risky to do with children. And see, yeah, I was going to say, I really liked Chichetti, and then I had kids, and I said, I don't know, as a responsible adult, if I can endorse Chichetti anymore. I'm going to have to go 10 years, no Chichetti. I would say seven more than that, 17 years. Tell them what Chichetti is. It's basically ballet, but you do it on the ground of a pizza parlor. That's why they call it Chichetti.
Starting point is 00:19:22 It's Italian. And so back in the day... The upfront cost alone, which is ridiculous. To secure a pizza parlor. That's why they call it Chichetti. It's Italian. And so back in the day, the upfront cost alone, which is ridiculous. Even if you go for like, you know, a CC that's going out of business. Yeah. It's not cheap. It's, it's minimum five, six grand. Yeah. Right. And so you're, you're at that point, it makes more sense to own. I would just own it. I would, I would actually try to revitalize the CCs over going ballet class. Just start a pizza company. Just go for pizza. It's not that hard. You get great margins.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Just learn how to, yeah, go for the all-you-can-eat buffet. Well, and or use the ballet class as a filter into, a funnel into the pizza place. That's right. That's what we've always said. Kind of a front. If we ever owned a ballet place, we'd also, literally, cook in the book. So that's Chachetti for you it's great if you're if your people are more salami let's say they like a lot of salami if you look at them and you think
Starting point is 00:20:12 you've had a salami in your day you're a five-year-old that knows what salami is i look at the parents and see oh yeah yeah that dad snores yeah that's that dad snores that dad's got sleep apnea that dad probably roots for the. You know, like that guy looks like he's a blue collar guy. That dad thinks that like the players in the 80s, NBA could beat the players now. He's a real old school guy. That guy was a fan of the bad boy Pistons more than he is John Morant. That guy would, in a like Facebook comment section, if it was like, all right, any guard start a team with, he'd say Larry Bird.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yes. He'd say really. Larry Bird's the best shooter of all time. It's like, well, the stats don't team with, he'd say Larry Bird. Yes. He'd say really Larry Bird's the best shooter of all time. It's like, well, the stats don't really seem like he is. It's like, well, but I saw him. I saw him on TV. If that drops off his daughter for ballet to Chetty technique. Yes. That's what I would say. Anyway, hope that helped that nip. That's fun. So you can see that we're doing serious ones as well. Okay. This one, Samantha said, so I'm dating. What are some good questions asked to weed out any red flags?
Starting point is 00:21:12 So let's go ahead, you know, right off the bat. Are you a serial killer? Yeah. Neo-Nazi? Yeah. Question mark? You show them a picture of Obama and you say, what's the first thing you see? Obama?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah. Okay. If he's a racist or not. Oh, yeah. Not neo-Nazi. Well, maybe. I thought maybe he's a racist or not. Oh, yeah. Not neo-Nazi. Well, maybe. I thought maybe you meant to say Osama. We're saying clearly really bad things.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Serial killer. Neo-Nazi. Obama. Obama. I'll stick with him. I'm just kidding. I was like, I think you meant to say Osama. Yeah, yeah, Osama, Osama.
Starting point is 00:21:43 What else? Yeah, I don't know. Good question. I think things that are like red flags right off the bat let's see like just like normal like what what what flavor of pizza do you like they're like anything but pepperoni it's like you freak you're done you're out of here you're absolute freak i mean if like gunner's gunner's whole thing of like no one really likes pepperoni gunner's a weirdo for thinking that like it doesn't have to be your favorite but if you say i'll eat anything but you're telling me you're like
Starting point is 00:22:07 hawaiian pizza but not pepperoni like you have you have you have loose enough standards for hawaiian to be okay but pepperoni is just like no thank you ew pepperoni like canadian bacon is just pepperoni with bacon you know canadian style this went up north yeah yeah i that's a good point if for some reason they dislike pepperoni that's probably a red flag um i would try to get an idea of like what technology they're using for certain things like if they're using like uh yeah being like being yeah yeah like title to listen to music i think that's a red flag even apple music dude apple music's like a like a magenta flag i think like bring up music like oh you should send me a link to that song yes don't don't don't tell don't tell it to me yeah send
Starting point is 00:22:51 me a link send me a link i want to see how the link comes in and if it comes in green that's also a little bit of a magenta flag two two red flags in one yeah um more seriously timing are you you're an apple podcast guy, aren't you? Or Apple Music? I'm a Spotify guy. Good for you. I just get worried for the next generation that they're going to be Apple Music people. Well, Rihanna halftime show.
Starting point is 00:23:16 The Apple Music halftime show. See, I was watching Hattie and Palmer the whole time. Missed out. Yeah. It would be tough, more seriously, it would be tough to ask any direct questions watching Hattie and Palmer the whole time. Missed out. It would be tough, more seriously, it would be tough to ask any direct questions. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I would say get a feel for if they have community, if they have friends. Sure. I don't want to just ask, you got friends? But I think you can figure that out throughout the course of a date. Just a quick, what do you do for fun? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You ask other questions to figure out if they have friends.
Starting point is 00:23:46 What do I do for fun? I whittle, I knit. I grow out my beard on the weekends because I don't have any friends. All those things would probably be good. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Just some kind of, yeah, community and or like, are you going to be super clingy to me once we start dating
Starting point is 00:24:02 because there's no one else going on? Yeah, don't be afraid. Ask a lot of questions about the previous relationship. Oh, yeah? I think. Okay. How did it end? And if it's like, definitely they're telling one side of the story, like, oh my gosh, this guy was insane.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Like, he was just like, you know, it's just like, all right, this seems like. Could be potential. We'll call that a chartreuse flag. Different colors of red. We'll call that a chartreuse flag different colors of red we'll call that a you got another red for me oh crimson flag oh that's good that just seems red maroon maroon yeah sure and flag um okay let's see how did john john housler wants to know how to know you're in the right career profession and job oh um first thing that comes to mind is when i was in college and i had to sit in these boring classes all i could think about was what i wanted to do
Starting point is 00:24:54 as soon as this class was over and i feel like that's not obviously that's not necessarily a job but i've had other like jobs kind of similar to that i remember college was just the main spot where i was like wow i am daydreaming so much about the things i want to be doing i think you're in a good career if you don't find yourself daydreaming about something else you want to be doing okay that's a good word that's my answer i just feel like i'm at that point now last few years i feel like hey we're making videos that's all i'm thinking about yeah we're making podcasts that's all i'm thinking about it's not like gosh i can't wait till this is over and then i i don't even know what my other aspirations would be like i I'm doing what I want to be doing.
Starting point is 00:25:26 It is true. Like I think at least for me, so much of my hobbies coincide with my job. Like kind of like what you're saying. Like it's not like, hey, I can't wait to get done with this job so I can do something fun with my life. Yeah. And that's, of course, a really convenient answer. And not everyone's going to have that.
Starting point is 00:25:43 But I also think there are opportunities for you to go out on your own and strike out on your own that like people don't take because they just assume it's not possible to make money unless you're doing X, Y, Z in a corporate setting. It's like, no, you can,
Starting point is 00:25:58 you can have freedom here and do something you love and figure out ways to make money. It's scary sometimes. Cause I think some people do that way too quickly. And then they're like, oh crap, I, I am not making any money yet. It's like, well, yeah, maybe you should have kept your job while daydreaming about the other stuff. But yeah, I, I don't think it's a ridiculous thing to think you can really enjoy your job.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I think so many people like just assume like, well, it's just a job and that's just what I have to do. And I think you got to find a balance there. And like I said, Jake and I are not geniuses at this. We're 32 years old, still trying to live our lives. But, you know, yeah, I think, I think so often like people would ask me when I was, especially when I was woodworking more like, what are your hobbies? And I'm like, I mean, my favorite thing to do is woodworking, but that's, I get paid
Starting point is 00:26:40 to do it, you know, like, like, like if you could just do anything for fun, what would you do? And be like woodworking. I just really like going out there and being by myself and making things. And, but it doesn't have to be a hobby cause I'm getting paid for it. So I don't really have that many hobbies. Like I guess pickleball was my hobby back in the day,
Starting point is 00:26:54 but anyway, in my family. So, um, I don't know if you're ever really going to know John, but, uh, I think those are some,
Starting point is 00:27:03 some, some answers for you. Um, this one was fun. Uh, just introspective. It's, it's more for me than you. Oh, definitely for me, I guess. Do you, uh, Amy Jane wants to know if I easily accept motivation from Catherine, when I suggest something to my husband, he tends to get more offended than motivated. Not sure if it's a common male thing. is a hundred percent a common male a million percent i think uh emmy jane it's it's it's almost always something that comes from insecurity from a guy i
Starting point is 00:27:32 think more than anything it's like it's not your fault wait guys could be insecure wait a second like guys aren't always confident in what they're doing whoa whoa oh yeah i mean i am yeah such a sensitive guy and not sensitive in the fact of like, well, I can't be to the cold, not like to the cold or like to spicy, spicy or like food in general. Right. Like you don't get upset stomachs very easily. You eat a lot of it. Um, no, but like, I'm not like going to cry all the time sensitive. I'm just more sensitive of like, if she says something and it like, she's upset with me, it like bothers me or she like, and so if she says something that's very lovingly, like, Hey, you should do this or think about this. Or have you ever maybe considered, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:13 what is stuff that I've said to myself before? Like, I'm going to, I'm going to go to bed at 10 o'clock every night and it's 10 30. I'm on my phone. She's like, Hey, I noticed you're on your, like, why don't you get off your phone and go to bed? And I'm like, yeah, just so much. It's one of those things where I think in my head, I noticed you're on your phone. Why don't you get off your phone and go to bed? And I'm like, yeah, just so much. It's one of those things where I think in my head, I know that she's right. Of course she's right. And I think, Amy Jane, you're probably 100% with great heart
Starting point is 00:28:33 saying all these things. But I think as a spouse, I think Catherine does it too, where if I say something to her, she will get kind of offended. But then at the end of the day, in the back of her head, she's like, I know she's right, or he's right. Yeah. So, but yes,
Starting point is 00:28:47 100%, I have a hard time being motivated by Catherine in some ways. But then other times, it's just, we have healthier relationships and it's good. So,
Starting point is 00:28:56 it's just being human, I think. Just feeling that. So, that's a fun question. Also, I'd just like to say, I like the name Amy Jane. Okay. You like double names? Yeah. I like them too. Also, I'd just like to say I like the name Amy Jane.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Okay. You like double names? Yeah. I like them too. Yeah, I think it's fun. I think it's real fun. We thought for a while of naming one of our babies Emma Kate. You like that one?
Starting point is 00:29:15 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, maybe the next one. Who knows? Jacob Kate. Jakey Kate? What would you think if we named our daughter Jacob? That would be kind of a bummer. Like, dude, we named our kid after you.
Starting point is 00:29:29 No way. You had a beautiful baby boy. No, it's a girl. Oh, so what'd you call her? Like, Jakina or something? Jacqueline? No, just Jacob. Just Jacob Garland Ellis.
Starting point is 00:29:39 No, we named her after you. Straight up. No, no, no. Just Tymon. Just Tymon Ellis. It's a beautiful little girl. Just after you. Straight up. No, no, no. Just Tymon. Just Tymon Ellis. She's a beautiful little girl, just like you. Thank you guys also for all the nice things you say about Tymon. Week after week, vertigo still out on how to spell Tymon.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So send in all your guesses. We are looking forward to doing a spelling reveal. Yes. When the moment feels right, we'll do a spelling reveal. There may or may not be a silent P at the beginning call back for you guys um now what word was that uh facetious facetious that's right all right yeah time and we don't we don't have to put you through this right now because i know we're coming out with this episode in two days but it'd be so funny to put that clip in there puffacicious and just watching harrison so we did this spelling bee back in the day uh on zoom in or whatever it was live streaming somewhere
Starting point is 00:30:30 yeah puffacicious puffacicious and of course facetious does not have a silent p at the beginning but you should have seen harrison's face pterodactyl was a word earlier and so brad was oh was it yeah brad gave me pterodactyl and he was kind of good he's like pterodactyl pterodactyl pterodactyl and and he was like, pterodactyl. Pterodactyl. Pterodactyl. And so I was like, okay, I think I spelled it right somehow. I got lucky. And then a few words later, the word was facetious, and Harris and I were tied.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And yeah, anyway, he was like, facetious. And Harris was like, I got you, Brad. Thank you. Okay, okay. Awesome. Yes. All right. Facetious.
Starting point is 00:31:03 P, and we just lost it. Oh, my gosh. Facetious. Facetious. P and we just lost it. Oh my gosh. Facetious. Ready? This doesn't look right. Okay. Facetious. P-F-A C-E-S C-I-O-U-S That doesn't look right. That is incorrect.
Starting point is 00:31:21 That is very incorrect. I'm so sorry. This doesn't look right. He led you on so hard. I was it's very incorrect i'm so sorry i was joking i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i was just messing with you i thought you knew i thought you clearly knew that it did not start the Oh, man. That was too good. I'll try to find that old video. Maybe we can put it in. Okay, Carissa Bollinger
Starting point is 00:31:52 wants to know how to find more clients for her cleaning business. She's just getting started. Right away. Use ChatGPT for everything. It is just amazing what it can do. Have you seen that guy on Twitter? He's blowing up. He had like zero followers at the beginning of the weekend. Now he's like 80,000.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Really? Cold plunges for kids? Baby Dunker 14. That's his username. Little kid lover. So ChatGPT just came out with a new upgraded version. GPT-4. And it's a little slower, but it has
Starting point is 00:32:23 much better reasoning skills is it free still uh i don't know because i have been paying for it for like a month now so i don't know what's free and what's not cool flex bro i i don't want to ever lose this thing it's awesome it's just so great how much does it cost i think 20 bucks a month okay and anyway so he gave chat gpt he said hey we're gonna work together i in fact your new name is hustle gpt oh and together we have a hundred dollars let's try to make as much money as possible okay i will do everything you tell me to do okay and he's just been documenting all of it and it's just like fascinating like the websites they've built and really secured funding people have invested
Starting point is 00:33:02 into the company now because they believe in gpt so much really build this like company it's going to be worth something okay so it's pretty cool there's all sorts of tools that ai can use so i i can't give any like specific advice on cleaning but i could say utilize chat gpt did i tell you i don't think i ever maybe i talked about off the podcast with you but like in austin you know like one of the things that we're supposed to do for this conference integrated is like bring our game changers, quote unquote, like, and it can be anything. It can be like, you know, my wife and I started talking, you know, very intentionally for 10 minutes every night. And it's been a game changer or lumbar support. Yeah. Seriously. Like literally anything, this app on my phone, this, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:41 whatever, this book that I read anything. Um, and I couldn't think of one that was like a great answer because i feel like i'm always imposter syndrome and those things these millionaires and there's little brad and uh but about the ai thing did i tell you about this yeah you said it's on a podcast oh i did yeah forget it chat gpt i did say it yeah okay sure it feels to me that i've heard it like sitting okay okay well sorry you keep saying that i just i wanted you to know i think if i was telling a story i would want to know that i've already said on the podcast um let's cut it out all right cleaning business um other things uh if you're i don't know what she said i'm just getting started if you think you need to have an instagram i would say you're not going to get that much business from instagram correct bread i don't know man i don't
Starting point is 00:34:28 know anything anymore i'm just kidding uh no yeah i think uh i think getting started in anything is going to be really hard but the best way for something like that i i view it as like a cleaning business what's what's like the ideal amount of customers 10 20 like you don't need a billion customers. Therefore, who cares if you have, you know, 5,000 followers on Instagram, you don't want 5,000 customers right away. You want 20 really good ones. And so word of mouth and just really, really great quality with the first few jobs you do is huge. I think, I think take some good pictures, run some good Facebook ads, get in some Facebook groups. I don't know what exists out there in the cleaning industry, but you could find some.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Sure. And, or just go to like, find the richest person, you know, and be like, Hey, can I clean your house? Hey, what other rich people, you know, you know, they got brooms like this, have a broom in your hand when you're talking to them, shake it, shake it around. Yeah. Carry a broom with you. No matter what, like, Hey, have a broom, like lanyard, like a small broom. That's like, like if they see your key chain and you have a broom on there, they're like, well, that's girl like cleaning is her life. Live a life that cleaning gets brought up. Have a vanity license plate that says clean for you. I don't know if they make these, but if they don't look into it as another business idea, but have a shirt that looks really, really, really dirty and come up to somebody and be like,
Starting point is 00:35:43 Hey, can I clean your house for you? And be like, you're not like you, you can't even clean your own face and your own shirt. What are you doing? And then you just go and you just, you just whip it. And all of a sudden it looks clean. It's like a, like a holographic shirt. Yes. You know, like, you know, one of those things back in the day that went back and forth. I was like, Whoa, what is that picture? Whoa. Is it clean? Is it dirty? Just kind of jump up and down real quick. And then it is clean. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, I think those are my answers. All good advice or chat GPT. Use them all. AI is like super cool guys.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I wrote down in a character segment one time to do for like, you know, if we ever do the character thing again, where is it now? But basically guy who thinks all this AI talk is about alan averson i forgot i can't find in my notes but it's something like that that's pretty good um okay emma wants to know how to be confident regardless of what people think
Starting point is 00:36:35 and to be as cool and funny like you guys i have no idea how to like teach someone confidence if you think that we're confident no matter what people think you are wrong, Emma, first of all. Yeah. We just have very, very kind people in our lives that say really, really nice things to us.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I think if a thousand people commented a week and said mean things to us, we would not be confident no matter what. Yeah. I probably wouldn't have jumped to two episodes if we were getting a lot of negative comments. Okay. People don't like us that much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Be cool and funny like you guys. How do we be cool and funny, Jake, people don't like us that much. Yeah. Be cool and funny like you guys. How do we be cool and funny, Jake? I don't know. I don't know how to answer this. I will say like, whenever I led that Bible study of boys who are now in college, like for like a year, I probably tried to be like them. And that's not cool. Like, don't try to be somebody that you're not. I think the coolest thing you can be is just who you are. And then they realize like, wait, he's different than us, but he's like, cool. He's like different in a fun way. Like he's like funny in his own way rather than like trying to have our lingo. Cause that's just never going to be cool. Yeah. So I think the coolest thing you can do is just lean into whatever you want to,
Starting point is 00:37:42 whoever you want to be. Like, I think these days, the only thing that's not cool is when you try to be somebody you're not. If you're, if you're like, listen, I'm really into, you know, I don't know reptiles. That's great. Like I'm not super into it, but I'll love to hear you talk about it because that's cool to you. But if it's like, I actually like reptiles, but I'm going to pretend like I know Alan Iverson because everyone else has talked about Alan Iverson reptiles and crypto. about Alan Iverson. Reptiles and crypto. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are my two things. March Madness, huh?
Starting point is 00:38:08 That was crazy. Huh? Right? Me and my oxalata watched it for a long time. Yeah, I was crazy about Flayley Dickinson. Isn't that nuts? Tymon's like, I don't know what these guys are talking about. Accurate?
Starting point is 00:38:23 It's fun that you get to see Tymon. I don't get to see Tymon much. Well, come on over here sometime. Switch up the room every now and then. That'd be fun. Yeah, I think that's great. The only advice I could think of is just kind of cringey, but it's true. It's just like the be yourself, and you said it.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Thanks for giving my advice. It was cringey, though. Well, I think just saying the best thing you can do is be yourself. It feels like a little stereotypical. Just be yourself. Be yourself. But no, I think it's true. Lean into your own strengths, your own passions. This next question is coming from philip fitz dash gerald
Starting point is 00:38:49 fitz gerald fun uh and this one's probably just for you uh what are some tips for learning music theory is that really the question yeah okay well you've got zaganova or what dang it what was the other one yeah yeah yeah bag of vaganova chichettichetti. French technique. French technique, cicchetti. Which is you just play wee-wee the whole time. I'm going to try to honestly guess what music theory is because I don't know. Okay. Tips for learning music theory. And then we'll let Tymon tell us what music theory is.
Starting point is 00:39:16 The theory, okay. The theory of music. It's like scientific method. So observation, hypothesis. Yeah. So observing music. F-A-C-E-D. scientific method so observation hypothesis yeah so observing f a c e d very good i know that's something is d after e in the it's just the alphabet the first eight letters but now i'm blanking on the alphabet i remember i had seventh grade. Faces like the. Seventh grade music class. And I feel like something was faced.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Okay. F-A-C-E-D. I don't know why. I don't know if the D is at the bottom of it or not. Yeah, I don't know either. I could be wrong. I don't know. Music theory.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Is that just like how chords and notes work together? Is that like four, four, four, three? That's the thing. I don't know. I don't know what the theory is. I don't know the deeper aspect of music theory either. So that's why this question is for you. okay yeah yeah i would say fibonacci sequence is probably where you want to start with that right like the fibonacci don't underestimate the hypotenuse and then go into i don't know mla format something i think within music yeah i think so timing do you have like a definition
Starting point is 00:40:27 of music theory and like in your head what do you think of when you think of music theory i would define it just probably as just like why music sounds good or bad okay or right like like why why this chord sounds nice like yeah no and then why does this sound more dissonant is because yeah these notes are too close to each other or something like that why does exactly yeah i just don't i don't understand what makes a chord a chord to be honest like and i think the easiest way to see that is on a piano we were actually just talking about this yeah because a piano you can literally see like these three notes yeah but i still don't really understand how it works or anything like that i've never looked into it so that's why i asked jake I never understood like who's inside of the piano making a noise.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I don't know. It's, it's not a Wreck-It Ralph, is it? I know it's, it's not like electronic. Well, like a keyboard makes sense. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:41:14 There's like a, Mr. Nord's in there or something. There's a motherboard. Yeah. But a keyboard, cause I know they can open up, but I never see a guy go in or out of it,
Starting point is 00:41:21 but I know some like, well, that's something has to happen. Do you sleep every night? Yeah. There you go. That's where Mr. Steinway goes steinway goes yeah steinway is nocturnal i asked chat gbt what are some tips for my music theory he gave me seven points he slash they slash she i don't know what chat gbt is progressive they give me seven points i'm just going to read you the first one and the last one okay you fill in the blanks point one start with the basics okay it's essential to start with the fundamentals of music theory such as notes intervals scales and chords reptiles
Starting point is 00:41:50 scales um a good understanding of these basics will make it easier to progress to more advanced topics point number seven stay curious be yourself music theory is a vast subject there's always more to learn okay well that's encouraging hey no matter how much you subject there's always more to learn okay well that's encouraging hey no matter how much you learn there's always gonna be more so it's like the ocean stink it yeah it's the beauty of it which that was really fun rachel and you going uh head to head in that little argument during wits and wagers rachel's uh take is that she doesn't buy so segment i don't buy it i'll speak on behalf of rachel coop i'll try and remember what this is she has so we've all heard that stat before that like um nine we know more about our space in the ocean oh 95 of the ocean is still like unexplored
Starting point is 00:42:29 and rachel's just like no way no way do we know more about outer space in the ocean there's no way we know about all these like fish and all these species and all these like mariana trenches and you know all these habitats that exist in the ocean. And we know about stars and planets, but we don't know about organisms. We don't know about life. She mentioned that planets have tons of oceans on them. Yeah. And so therefore, we don't know squat about oceans compared to planets.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And outer space is infinite. It is ever-expanding. The ocean is very finite. We're not even that big of a planet compared to outer space. How can you not know more about what's here than what's out there? Yeah, she was fired up about it. I liked seeing it. I know.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I was like, okay, but you know that there's oceans on those other planets, right? She's like, yeah. I was like, well, then maybe you know more about those planets than we do about the oceans. And she kind of froze, but I was like, you're right. That's my one point against it. So, she doesn't buy it. She doesn't buy the old oceans versus planets debate. It betters better than best. Yes. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Will wants to know, he says, Hey, Jake and Brad, I've been really busy for the past few months in high school, but no matter what, I've always made time to go to my youth group with my closest friends on Friday nights.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I've been going to my youth group for two years now, and I've recently been offered a job at a local restaurant, McDonald's. It would be low level work, cleaning bathrooms and washing dishes, but I need steady income for personal reasons. I'd love to accept, but I'm,
Starting point is 00:43:49 but I would have to work on Friday nights when I'd be hanging out with my best friends. I'm still thinking it over and would love to hear your thoughts on what I should do. Thanks. Love the pod and miss you, Scott. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:58 Scott, nothing for you timing. Wow. The high school student with no love for timing. Okay. A little bit of a rivalry. I thought we had a cool youth vibe going on here at timing but this is a tough question yeah uh do you have any thoughts well you kind of you kind of put us in a corner here will with saying you need it for
Starting point is 00:44:16 personal reasons we don't know what that means like yeah and like what your other options are if you if you need money to to do something that we don't know about it's hard for us to be like dude don't worry about money you know it comes down to yeah how badly do you need the money because my first thought was like dude you got your whole life to work that's always that's always a great principle to be like you can worry about it later like money wise you can't get back these years that you have your more or less your innocence, your freedom, you know, like different, different things like that, that I think don't have, like, even, even if you work for yourself out of high school, you have so much more to worry about than you do when you're living under
Starting point is 00:44:54 your parents' roofs. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, but then again, I worked in high school, but I didn't work so much that I didn't have a life outside of it. I think so. I would say, well will is this an option you don't work right now and you work hard this summer yeah that's good i think preserved your friday nights and or yeah like i think sleep is something that as a kid you can you can bounce back way easier than an adult like can you can you work really early on saturday mornings like late on late on saturday night start like a webcam thing okay so and doing what exactly like playing video games education yeah education twitch stream oh they have those that education thing where you uh teach chinese
Starting point is 00:45:36 kids english yes actually yeah you see kids i think yeah yeah i think it's for 16 and 17 year olds like specifically to teach little kids english And you work at like three in the morning or something. There you go. I think teach someone overseas something to me. Yeah. It seems like, well, you're going to have to sacrifice something.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I'd rather sacrifice sleeping in. And I know it's crazy as a high school kid, because I would not have said that back then. But now I'm like, dude, spend time with your friends, but you know, make up for it and suck it up some other way.
Starting point is 00:46:02 It sounds like you have to suck it up no matter what, but don't suck it up to the point where you're missing out on time with your friends. Yeah. I like that. Saturday morning, spring is coming up and start mowing some lawns. Start mowing some lawns. Oh, I love wake. Honestly, like this sounds sarcastic. I love waking up to the sound of a lawnmower in spring. Do you? I love, I'll have to get one going outside the house sometime. Oh yeah. It's like, or, or even just like you're cleaning inside your dad's mowing the lawn outside. It's just a fun, I don't know. Spring's just fun. You got the windows open. Yeah. It's just nice. You got baseball on TV because the Jayhawks lost. So anyway, I don't know, man,
Starting point is 00:46:36 I would say I'm a big fan of like suck it up for a little bit, but like, it doesn't sound like, I truly think like most of my life, I've never had to suck it up for weeks, months, years at a time, but I can suck it up for a day and just be like, I'm going to be tired on Saturday night. And that's okay. Cause Friday night,
Starting point is 00:46:52 I had a great time. Saturday morning. I had to work something like that. So it's good. Good thoughts, Brad. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Okay. Let's see here. Uh, Mandy wants to know how to get his, uh, her adult 22 year old son to clean up after himself and his friends. Jake kind of has some 22-year-old sons in his life right now. Yeah, I kind of do.
Starting point is 00:47:13 How do you get those guys to throw out the trash when it's hitting the light? It's like, hey, if it hits the light switch, it's time to take out the trash. I don't know, Mandy. How to get my adult 22-year-old son to clean up after him. I would show him the utility bill and the mortgage bill and everything else that you're paying for him, Mandy, and then say, do you mind just doing one thing for me and just cleaning up? That's all you got to do.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I pay $4,000 every month to you and to help your well-being. Do you mind just taking 45 minutes to clean? Or who's in charge? Mandy, that's what you say. Hey, what's Mandy's son's name? Caleb with a K. Hey, Caleb with a K. Who's in charge?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Who's not in charge? When I ask you to clean up, what are you going to do? You're going to clean up. Easy. And if he's in the other room beforehand? And say, and by the way, take a nap. But not on Saturday mornings when you should be working. Caleb with a K.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yeah. Make sure you stop too. My suggestion is to, to outdo him. Try to make your parts of the house dirtier than his. Show him what it looks like to, to not take care of yourself. That's like very like 90 sitcom of you.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Like, yeah, it's like a really bad solution. No problem. Yeah. Like, Hey dude, I'm relaxed like you dad. I can't live like this and then at the end it's like do you see how it
Starting point is 00:48:31 feels in the end we need to take care of each other the trash was just a metaphor i'll clean up dad i'm sorry and then they hug as they clap it out with the credits going yeah yeah so just do that have credits ready to roll really like if you can't think of what to do, what would Carl Winslow, Danny Tanner, you know, any of these amazing 90s sitcom dads, what would they do? Even kind of like a That's So Raven. I think they were big on that.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oh, there's a problem in the first act. What's the dumbest solution I could think of to combat this? And it works. Yep. And you get a whole TV show. You get to see the past. Canaan, C-A-N-A-N,
Starting point is 00:49:05 Canaan. Okay. Canaan, uh, wants to know when the right time to ask a girl slash women, probably woman, hopefully says, when is the right time to ask a girl slash women out?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Okay. The fact that his name is Canaan tells me he's homeless. All caps, all caps too. Oh, okay. Tells me as a problem. Tells me he's a voice modulation issue
Starting point is 00:49:26 honestly i think it's like it's rap his rapper name his soundcloud name when is the right time to ask a girl slash women out women women with an e okay uh i'd say right now it's fine i'd look up at them no you gotta you gotta play the tide game a little bit like what the tide. Yeah, like the moon. No, no, you're close. Yeah, lunar. Yeah, look at the moon. If it's a waxing gibbous, I would stay away. Yeah, just trust me, brother. Good luck. I will. I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:55 I can't count the times where I've tried to do that, but if it's waning, if it's waning, it's time to get at waxing. I couldn't think of anything. If it's waning, it's time to get wandering. You wander on over there.
Starting point is 00:50:17 If it's waning, don't be insane-ing. Yeah, don't be insane-ing. Ask her out. Yeah. If it's waning, you would be insane-ing not to ask her out. So I think if I ask katherine this question she would say anytime ask ask the the girl out that's what i say stop overthinking it i think if i were to ask jake that he would say the same thing yeah well also we have no details to go off of so i mean how helpful can really be i don't know i don't know how old you are i don't
Starting point is 00:50:44 know the situation i don't know that's true what uh how old you are. I don't know the situation. I don't know. That's true. If you were a dad right now, you're not, right? I'd be in charge. Yes, you would be. How old would you want your daughter to be before she starts dating? I think about this from time to time.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Like, what's my stance going to be on, like, high school dating? I'm terrified of it. I think it's very tough to say. I don't have kids. I don't have a daughter, but I think I'm on board with like, hey, you're not like, as long as you do it in a healthy way, I think it's a good way for you to learn what you like and what you don't like via high school dating. It's a big precursor or big. What's the word? As long as what's that phrase? Like,
Starting point is 00:51:20 as long as you do it the right way, that's a big if I guess. Yeah, I see what you're saying. That's that's the only scary part for me as a, as a man, I'm like guys out there are scary and they're just getting scarier brother. Well, you got to find a nice, you know, a nice bow. Yes. A nice young bow. Uh huh. Um, timing, you got any, did you guys have any rules on dating ages?
Starting point is 00:51:40 Not really. Oh, it's a wild West over there. Oh yeah. Cyrus. I tell you what, don't abuse. Sorry. Have at it. Oh, it's a wild west over there. Oh, yeah. New Cyrus. I tell you what, down in New Cyrus. Have at it. Yeah, anyway, that's... All right, let's say this person asking, I'm going to put you on the spot, Tymon, is a
Starting point is 00:51:53 16-year-old guy. Okay. Just like you. And... A strapping young man. Strapping. And he wants to ask this girl out. They go to church together.
Starting point is 00:52:04 They go to co-op together. He sees her a couple times a week. He'll go up. How should he ask her out, and when should he ask her out? Oh, man. Should he do it in a creative way, or should he just look her in the eyes and ask her? Really put me on the spot here um just
Starting point is 00:52:27 trick her into i like this asking yeah just trick her into asking you out accidentally okay figure yeah yeah oh yeah i really have no idea where i'm going with no that's a good start that's that good that was the answer trick her and asking you out trick her and honestly i have no idea like oh that's what i was thinking that's what i was thinking too yeah 100 like as you're as you're you know as long as you know the the main thing the main objective is to trick her it doesn't matter where you're going with this like we'll figure it out along the way and she will too like that's the thing you can trick her and then figure it out first idea i have is mad gab style you say hey can you solve this mad gab for me okay and it's like will you go out with me will you go out with me oh my god are you asking me out do you want to date do you want to date do you want to see you're tricking her into asking you
Starting point is 00:53:21 yeah exactly like oh go on go to go to go to go to movie with me go to movie with me go to movie i i like q as q as more more than friend i like q as more than a friend. Oh, wow. I think you have beautiful hair. I think you have beautiful hair. And then after that, she says, oh, my gosh. And you say, who's in charge? Who's in charge? I am. I tricked you.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I tricked you. And I didn't even know where I was going with it. Who's in charge, baby? Who's in charge? Women love that. All right. It works on Catherine too. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And then she will say, Ephesians 5, I submit to you. That's how the exact conversation will go. That's another thing. Maybe I've talked about on the podcast already. Sorry. But I submit to you. I've been saying that all the time lately. Yeah do like it you've had a youtube comment this morning yeah i did like sorry i was wrong i was wrong i submit i submit to you it just feels great to say it feels great to be heard from somebody else and then it feels really great to say uh submit to me submit to me yeah I submit to you. Yeah. I submit to you. Okay. Let's see. Mad gaps.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Those, the, the house where great hate my gas. It just feels like you're like struggling for like, you're like kind of like about to drown. That's how I feel like. It sounds like, remember those like that ear jammer app, you would put in headphones and it would give you your own voice back to you,
Starting point is 00:55:00 but it's slightly delayed. It made it so hard to talk. You just couldn't, it would jam your own voice. It was wild. That's great. Okay. Let's see a few different ones.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Megan and Ashley Tenter asked similar questions here about parenting, specifically having two under three and how to make good time for you and your spouse. Right now, all we've got is right now. All the time we have is from eight to when they go to bed or eight, when they go to bed until about 10 when we pass out. And in between, we have to do chores. And here comes the emoji.
Starting point is 00:55:29 You ready for this emoji that you can hear in your head? Yeah. Blowing air out the nose. Right now, we have to do chores. Like an angry bull. Yeah, it does look like a bull. I don't know if I'm a great question uh great great person to ask this question to because i think the only thing that kind of saves us with this is that i get to see
Starting point is 00:55:51 katherine and talk to her a lot more than probably most people do during the day um so maybe the big answer is have your own job and have some flexibility there and you guys are anti-chore we've always been anti-chore just we've always said that. They'll figure. Yeah. Because I'm trying to go to bed at a good time, get up early. She doesn't go to bed quite as early. She doesn't wake up quite as early. So I don't really see her in the morning. But yeah, I guess one thing she does say, we're in between, we have to do chores. Try to do the chores during the day with the kids.
Starting point is 00:56:22 It's one of those things. Yeah, I'm sure it's so much more of a great theory than it does that actually, you know, execution wise, but I've been trying so hard and so long. Catherine does even more than I do of like trying to teach our kids how to clean up well, because eventually it's going to pay divvies. Yeah. Those dividends are coming. Yeah. And it's already kind of starting with Hattie. Like she's finally understanding that if she cleans up every day, then she doesn't have to do a massive cleanup because she plays in the basement every day for her quiet time. I'm like, did you just clean up as
Starting point is 00:56:49 you went? She's getting there, and it's nice. Things like that, I don't know. Just some kind of systems in place where you have your kids hopefully help you, or at least you're trying to clean up throughout the day, but that's so much easier said than done. Or just make everything fun. I think Jefferson Bethke,
Starting point is 00:57:06 he uses the term gamify. Just gamify things. Canacuck was so good at that. During staff training, everything is a competition. Yeah, we have to rake all these leaves and shovel all this pea gravel, but it's a competition. Even something simple like we've just recently been starting to listen to the song
Starting point is 00:57:22 Family by Drew Holcomb. Family, and that just makes cleaning and doing chores together so much more fun. been starting to listen to the song family by drew holcomb you know family oh yeah and like that just makes cleaning and doing chores together so much more fun and guess where we're listening to it from the old eco b uh i thought this was gonna be a spotify anti-apple music oh no eco b thermostat that's fun to have a cleaning song i've got a car wash song right now oh but i'd like to have more songs in place. What's the car wash song? It's called Dry Bones. Dry Bones by
Starting point is 00:57:47 Lauren Daigle? I have no idea. Oh, no, not that one. Okay. Is that one called Dry Bones? I know she's big on bones. You know, Timon. Dry bones come alive. I don't even think I've heard that. Well, Timon, you'll get there. You're not to the Lauren Daigle stage of your Christianity.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You'll get there. You drinking not to the Lauren Daigle stage. You're a Christian. You'll get there. You drinking coffee yet? No, I think. And then Ashley Tinter wanted no advice on going from two to three kids. I don't know if you heard this, but it's like going from man to man to zone. I don't know if you've ever heard that phrase. That's hilarious. Like first time. Like it's like, dude, I'm going from man to man is out.
Starting point is 00:58:20 All right. Catherine always said that two, going from one to two is harder than two to three. So, Ashley, just keep doing what you're doing. That'll advise you, right? Keep being in charge. Okay. It all comes back to who's in charge.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Should we talk about coffee real quick while we're on the subject of coffee? Oh my gosh. We should. Yeah. We should. I think, Tymon, are you a coffee drinker yet?
Starting point is 00:58:47 I'm more of a coffee drink drinker. It's like fake coffee. It's a lot more sugary than it should be. I think you had a nice sugary latte. I think I did. Yeah, I was jealous. I wonder if you can put creamer and sugary stuff
Starting point is 00:59:03 into Main Street Roasters coffee. You don't think you could just buy their beans, wonder if you can put like creamer and like flavored like sugary stuff into main street roasters coffee you don't think you could just like that wouldn't buy their beans buy their grounds and then put in your own sugar your own flavor sucralose yeah you have that on your own aspartame but that's what you're into stevia guy you stevia you a stevia star and where would you buy the beans jacob i would go to main street roasters dot com dot com uh good for them at the beginning you could throw in https colon backslash backslash but you don't need to no and uh i would use code grkc get 10 off well who are main street roasters though for the people that haven't been listening last seven weeks so first of all uh welcome to the podcast glad to have you listening finally but yeah they're
Starting point is 00:59:45 they're one of our favorite sponsors they've been with us for like two months now and uh no signs of stopping anytime soon they uh they roast their own beans which has brad and i just constantly just buzzing for buzzing and if brad can't find them tell them what you do i go we're going on a bean hunt going on a bean hunt we're not we're gonna get some we're not going on a bean hunt. Going on a bean hunt. Where are we going to get some? Where are we going to get some? Get some from Napanee. Get some from Napanee.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I was thinking. Indiana, Indiana. Can't go through it. Can't go under it. So we just roast them beans. That's great. Bean hunt. Beans.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Yeah. What was it? Here come the beans. Beans. Beans. Here come the beans. Beans. Beans.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Here come the beans. Beans. Beans. Who's in charge? Main Street Roasters. Who's not in charge? Everybody doesn't go to When I ask you to do something, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:00:48 Now go to sleep. Oh, you can't because you're buzzing for beans. Because I'm buzzing for beans! The beans! Beans! Beans! Give me those beans! Beans!
Starting point is 01:00:56 Beans! That was great. I was expecting here come the beans and I got, we're going on a bean hunt. I would love to go on a bean hunt someday with some ghosties. Okay, Rachel, she keeps telling me, she's like, we got to do this sometime. I forget what time of year they do it, but they go mushroom hunting. You ever heard of that? I don't know what happens.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I don't think they're like psychedelic mushroom. I don't know what they do with the mushrooms, but I've heard it's very fun. Mushroom hunting. Yeah. Okay. It sounds like it's going to be like snipe hunting or something. They're messing with me, but. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I know mushrooms exist. Goals for 2023. Number one, bean hunt. Number two, pheasant hunt. Number three, shroom hunt. All right. Number four, be in charge. Number four, always in charge.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Number five, buzz for more beans. Buzz for more beans. Promo code. Promo code GRKC, 2% off. Whoa. Every order though? Probably not.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Well, that's... Up to them. I will say yeah uh was talking to a friend just this week that ordered some for his business and he's like dude it's awesome it's so good so holler there's that so there's that shout out to hayley shout out to main treat buzzing for them beans shout out how do stop losses work on kraken let's say i have a birthday Shout out. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you.
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Starting point is 01:04:12 Alcohol in select markets. Product availability may vary by regency. App for details. Okay, Arisa, which... Arisa? Your name's wrong. Arisa. How do you guys deal with jobs slash careers
Starting point is 01:04:23 you weren't passionate about before your current circumstances? Any encouragement or advice on building a career in a creative space? You name's wrong. Arisa. How do you guys deal with jobs slash careers you weren't passionate about before your current circumstances? Any encouragement or advice on building a career in a creative space? You guys are awesome. Thanks for the podcast. Kind of similar idea to the other one, but how did we deal with those jobs?
Starting point is 01:04:35 Have you had a job that you're like less than enthused about? Yeah, I've been pretty blessed in that area. I'm trying to think. How do you deal with jobs careers you weren't passionate about before your current circumstances? I'll say this much. I'm trying to think. You guys deal with jobs careers you weren't passionate about before your current circumstances. I'll say this much. I did work at Cerner.
Starting point is 01:04:49 It's the name of the company. It's a big Kansas City company and I did not enjoy it. So did my dad. No way. Wait. Is his name Tymon? Tymon the First. Did he really? He did, you said.
Starting point is 01:05:03 He has his own business now hey it sounds familiar so cerner is great if you want to quit eventually good for him um i i'll be honest like i it was not the best time of my life i was not my best best self i know that sounds so cliche or whatever but like i i was a shell of myself for a good year probably like because people weren't like outgoing to me and I wasn't confident enough to like be outgoing to them. And so like people didn't know my personality really or anything like that. And so I guess maybe that's the first thing is like, try to try to make it like, eventually I did make it my own. And like, I like kind of like
Starting point is 01:05:41 formed this little team within our team that like did specific projects and stuff. And I like kind of like formed this little team within our team that like did specific projects and stuff. And I like, I call it the wolf pack, you know, classic name, you know, we had like a little sign that said the wolf pack and like got like professionally printed like this banner for us.
Starting point is 01:05:53 And anyway, it got fun, but it took me a long time to get there. So I think the first thing is just like to have some confidence to put yourself out there a little bit and be a little more creative because yeah, so much of corporate America is so like dry. And like, like I just remember when I sat in with Scott that one day and he was listening to those zoom calls, it's like, dude, like it doesn't have to be this dry. Like you can make it a little bit more exciting without being unprofessional. Like you can be
Starting point is 01:06:19 a friendly person or like a, you know, whatever Scott would be like, anybody watching any basketball and just like silence, like no one would even want to talk about anything. It's like, come on, like Scott's trying here. So, um, I, I don't, I don't know how to deal with that very well. I think having a good life outside of work and, or trying to find some sort of deeper mission within the work you're doing. Cause I think it's cliche, but God is always putting you in the right place for where you need to be at that moment. So, um,
Starting point is 01:06:49 not, not like being sad about that, but just rather like experiencing that in a different way. So, um, that's good. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I think there's always opportunities to make the most of something, even though it might be a bummer of a culture or bummer of a boss or whatever it is, but like really push yourself to try and find ways like all right i'm gonna send a a funny email every morning or something until it catches on or like hey we're gonna play um you know zoom call bingo i'm gonna make bingo cards for us because our boss always says these same phrases right like is there any type of game we could play or anything to spice this up and and it's like it's like as long as you don't push
Starting point is 01:07:24 that too far which i feel like you're not going to, it's really fun. And like, people won't get upset about it. Like people won't get upset about getting one email a day, you know, or something like silly like that. Like,
Starting point is 01:07:34 and chances are other people are feeling similar to how you feel. And so rather than like complaining about your boss, not caring about you that much, just like be fun and I don't know, do something original. So it'd be fun to send out like, like not every morning but like every monday like an email it's like your team and like and it could be anything you want like you could like you know what i'm gonna send them the weather every monday they're gonna get a weather report in their inbox or like
Starting point is 01:07:57 every monday it should be hey current events and here's what happened this weekend love it that'd be kind of fun like morning brew but just for like eight of you yeah yeah just having and you could just develop so many funny inside jokes and all sorts of stuff yeah so but also i don't know your circumstances if if you're not tied to too much get out of there that's what i've done in my life just whatever i wanted something else i was always single and not attached to anything so it was very very easy for me i remember having conversations with a guy who had just one kid i think at the time but like i was talking about potentially leaving cerner to go start my own business and stuff and he's like he's like do it while you can because it just becomes harder and harder when you have more and more responsibility
Starting point is 01:08:37 outside of work within your family and providing for them so it's like yeah analyze analyze what you can and they also asked like advice for how to build a career in a creative space. Uh, I think doing it slowly, like I think proving the concept before you just go out on your own is often my, my goal or my mindset for it rather than just being like, I don't know, I'm just going to see if it works. And if it doesn't, then we're not going to have any money. It's like, no, I'd rather, i'd rather go slow and like yeah fine find it along the way rather than like just completely 180 you know go the other way with it yeah so that's probably the i don't know if i would have felt that way as a single person but i definitely feel that way as a husband and now a dad so
Starting point is 01:09:21 playing zone defense yeah i don't know if you heard, but yeah. Okay, let's see. Andrew Schutte says, I'm addicted to LaCroix. Convince me one way or another to stop or just keep going. Thanks. Man, how can you be addicted to something so terrible? That's amazing. I have really turned the corner.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Talk about turning 180. I used to think LaCroix. I think I talked about it on the podcast. No one truly likes LaCroix. I like it, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Certain flavors more than others.
Starting point is 01:09:47 But once you stop drinking as much sugary stuff, yeah. LaCroix automatically say it tastes so good, but that makes sense, I guess, but you're still just like addicted to it. At that point, just drink water.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Just drink a ton of water. It's the carb. It's the carbonation. The, like the fizzle in your throat. Yes, dude. Like there's been, there's been times where I've Like the fizzle in your throat? Yes, dude. There's been times
Starting point is 01:10:06 where I've drank five or six in a day. Just gone to town. And then Catherine gets upset with me, not because it's bad for me to... I mean, maybe it is a lot of carbonation. I don't know. But I think she's just like, Brad, those cost money. Why not just drink water? And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:10:20 they're so quenching. It doesn't fizz like this. No. Yeah. Coming in from a hot summer day. So I i think andrew just go for it jake sounds like he's saying just go for water i'm saying there's so many other drinks out there too it could be water it could be all these other ones like look at what we're doing right now street roasters clear american recess there's uh what else out there is a nice little like spin drift. Oh, there's a hundred of them now. Yeah, there's a thousand. But Izzy Waterloo. Oh, yeah. Main Street Roasters.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Always good. Yeah, just stop being addicted to LaCroix and be addicted to coffee for the sake of the podcast. Problem solved. Let's see. Okay, this is fun from Lisa Gluck. I want to apply to be a contestant on wheel of fortune i have to submit a video under a minute and these suggestions are greatly appreciated
Starting point is 01:11:10 you've done something like this for people before right like for the bachelor yeah i've made a couple bachelor edition videos any of them get plucked no plucking yet um so my style with stuff like this is trying to think through what are every other applicants video is going to look like, and then try to differentiate yourself from that. So I would think most people are going to send in a video like, and here's four reasons why you should pick me to be on wheel of fortune. If it were me, I would do a video on why you should not pick me like a really sarcastic video on why to not pick me to go on wheel of fortune.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Yeah. That's what I would do. Like what would, what would be some of the things like like like just not being able to say words like not knowing i know the chinese alphabet but not the american you know like a wheel of fortune like there's you gotta you gotta know the letters vowels i've never bought one in my entire life uh yeah i think there there's probably a few different ways you could go about it i think like one of the first ideas that came to mind is like, this is even almost a separate idea now, but almost like recreating the Goodwill hunting scene with the chalkboard, but having
Starting point is 01:12:13 it those letters that you could put on your fridge. Okay. And redoing the scene where everyone's like, who put this together? That's great. That's fun. Yeah. Yeah, that's just its own video now. I just thought of that.
Starting point is 01:12:24 But it's like, oh, yeah, I'm'm gonna put this up in the fridge if anyone could solve it you know and then days go by it's like no one could solve it and then like who solved it it's lisa gluck the janitor how did she know that you're just mopping up the floor and then all of a sudden yeah up there it's before and after that's fun so there's some ideas yeah please lisa let us know what you do and we'll post it on, you know, picture on, you know, Instagram, whatever. Megan wants to know, she had, she has five nieces and nephews all under eight years old, but she doesn't have enough money to buy them all gifts for
Starting point is 01:12:55 birthdays and Christmas unless they're like five or $10 each. I still want to get them something or do something with them. Any ideas? I think that's a really fun question to me. The answer is like, do some crazy fun experience yeah it's a little bit more like like you really want to get them something memorable and awesome but you don't have the money like i would love like if my uncle when i was an eight-year-old set up like this really cool game for us all to play together and it's like it could be in the backyard it could be a scavenger hunt where we're doing something.
Starting point is 01:13:26 And it's like, you know, one clue leads to another, or you're playing laser tag or like home laser tag was like the most fun thing back in the day. That's pretty cool. I bet you could rent out for a hundred dollars, a bunch of laser tag things.
Starting point is 01:13:37 That's cool. Or whatever. I don't know. I guess that's more than she's saying, but anyway, you, did you ever play that time? And you ever played,
Starting point is 01:13:42 I never got down on that. Oh yeah. It was, it was great. It was, they didn't work nearly as well as like the ones at the like laser storm or whatever but it was still so fun because you're like going around the corners and like we could turn off all the lights in the house and like all these things yeah i think scott had them so um that's a good idea i don't think i have anything else that that's anything
Starting point is 01:14:00 experiential do an experience and if you want to you could throw in there is a prize for the winner the experience yes that could go poorly because then only one niece and nephew gets the prize but also could still be fun or just have like an awesome like you don't have to take them out to ice cream have a ice cream sundae bar right there at home and you play laser tag and have ice cream sundae and that's awesome and that's a memory merry christmas santa's not in charge i am okay it all comes back to who's in charge who's in charge time is in charge uh let's see what's your advice on let's okay this will be our last one great uh what's your advice
Starting point is 01:14:36 on growing strong relationships and communities not necessarily new relationships um but really cultivating the ones already there parents family close friends etc y'all seem to have a very healthy friend group and strong relationships with parents. And I know that takes a lot of energy and intention at times. If you could share some thoughts, advice, lessons learned, lesson learned, but y'all are the best. Thank you. Lessons, lessons learned. If you could. All right uh really good question from joni um yeah that's another one i think it's just like uh i don't know uh okay so i think it seems like we might have like tons and tons of friends but i think in reality we don't have as many super super close friends as it may seem you would agree with that i think it's yeah it's like an oxymoron to have a ton of close
Starting point is 01:15:23 friends it's just impossible like yeah like you have a ton of friends or you have like a few that are really close to you right like you can't be close with uh 50 people and i think as guys this is from joni joni with an i if it was joni with a y maybe it's a boy's name but i think joni with an eye is definitely a girl's name joe and i uh for guys it's so easy to like pick up friendships you know snap of a finger, like can I cook friends? I could not see them for two years and then we could hang out for a week and it'd be like the best thing ever.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Yeah. You know, I think for girls, I, I've just learned that it's just at least Catherine, I don't know about every single girl, but I think probably every single girl, it's just easier for them to have a few close friends. It's just not as realistic for them to like, you know, carry on all these friendships well. And so I think that's part of it is like, maybe it seems like we have tons and tons of friends. And as Jake,
Starting point is 01:16:10 Jake and I, as guys, like it's easier for us to like hang out with, you know, like people randomly, you know, sporadically and be close friends with them. But I don't think that's necessarily a realistic thing to think you can have
Starting point is 01:16:24 this deep, deep community. That's also a very wide community. So, uh, I would agree. I think, I mean, I don't know. This is another one of those things. Like it's all subjective. I don't know how to like, really, I don't know. I don't think I've got to do a good job of like telling someone how to foster good community. I think it can sometimes just happen naturally, but I'm trying to think about what we do as a friend group. Well, and I think we just, we make time for each other. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Discipline is something as you get older, as you have more things in your life, like, like having some kind of structure almost like as, as weird as that sounds like of like, and maybe you haven't gotten to this point yet, but like every Tuesday we're hanging out, like every whatever we're doing, like honestly,
Starting point is 01:17:02 sports are so great for our friendship, like in for our friend group. Cause like, Hey hey let's all watch the chiefs together like that's something that we can like be disciplined to try to do more and more even playing sports playing golf playing basketball right pickleball yeah it is easier for guys and if if all else you know fails start a podcast with your friend and see him pretty often see if it goes well and if it does then you're gonna have to do it all the time and hang out. So yeah, I would say just, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:26 be intentional and spend time with whoever it is. Parents, friends, family, go out of your way to see them. And if you don't spend time with them for a month or something, don't be afraid to like jump back in. I think that's another thing.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Like some, as you get older, sometimes it's like, well, I guess maybe we haven't seen them in a while, so maybe it's going to be awkward if we see him now. It's like, no,
Starting point is 01:17:47 just, just do it. It'll be fine. Send the text, send the text. So, uh, we had lots of other questions.
Starting point is 01:17:52 We can do this another time. Let us know what you guys think of this, but, uh, I think this one's gone decently long. And so I think we'll, we'll kind of wrap it up there. This ends the therapy session.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yes. From Dr. Doctors, Jake and Brad, MD, Jacob, the boy, Jacob. Doctors, Jake and Brad, MD. Jacob, the boy. Jacob. So, um, Brad, what is your comment of the week?
Starting point is 01:18:10 My comment of the week? I think comment is kind of a loose term for this one, but it's coming from our Facebook group. It's a post. No. Okay. Okay. Mine's Facebook comment.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Facebook. Okay. Uh, it's Lindsay Dickerson. She posted a picture of this birthday cake and it says on your feet, happy birthday, ghosty. Lindsay Dickerson said today was my 36th birthday. And when we went to get a cake, I knew exactly what I wanted written on it. I laughed so hard and had to explain to several people, but Hey, maybe I helped grow the ghosty following. So happy birthday to Lindsay 36. We're, we're on birthday cakes, baby. We're, we. Yeah, I saw that cake. That was pretty fun. That's so fun.
Starting point is 01:18:45 And so, like, I mean, what an honor to be like, yeah, let's do a podcast. And so I wanted to put that on my cake. It's just awesome, man. Like, it's just so sweet and so fun. And I just want to shout out Lindsay and hope you had a great birthday. It really is awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:00 I would never think to put a podcast I listen to or a YouTube channel I follow, like, on my own birthday cake. It's cake it's really sweet so yeah i just go get a birthday cake and just put yes theory on it what are you talking about you know that's awesome that's very cool okay this is from a comment in the facebook group from jennifer oh i know exactly which one is so sweet yeah so i think this was the post it was like like, how'd you get into, how'd you get into listening? Everyone like, when did you start listening? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Shout out to Alexis for that. Really cool post. It was fun to read all the comments. Jennifer said, July, 2019, I had just lost my younger sister to suicide the month before and was praying to find some wholesome and encouraging audio content into which to escape for a bit.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I stumbled upon Ghostrunners and binged the 10 or total episodes that were available at that time and was hooked. Ghostrunners only offered a respite from all that I was dealing with, but it brought joy and in time helped me to find my laugh again. In addition to that gift through the pod, God has blessed me with these two guys
Starting point is 01:19:57 who feel like a couple of my best friends and an incredible community of ghosties, all of whom have become incredibly, wonderfully woven into the fabric of my daily life. It's not an exaggeration for me to say this podcast's impact has been monumental and life-changing. I know it was a God thing and that I discovered it when I did, and I'm so grateful for Jake and Brad's willingness to allow God to use them and their talents for his glory. The true kingdom impact of their efforts cannot be calculated with analytics measured by listenership or viewership
Starting point is 01:20:23 numbers or determined using algorithms, but I'm confident it's substantial and much greater than anyone other than the Lord realizes. As a dedicated support of Ghostie, I'm so excited to be along for the journey of whatever God's will holds ahead for Jake and Rachel and Brad and Catherine and family. Let's remember to pray for them sincerely and often, Ghostie fam. Jennifer. Amazing. Thank you for saying that. So cool. Very, very cool.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Yeah. What do you say in response to that? Praise God. God's in charge. Yeah. Who's in charge? God's in charge. I mean, that's so powerful and so amazing. And yeah, of course, that is completely from the Lord because we were not trying to do anything like that. It was not the intention to help people.
Starting point is 01:21:10 It just makes me so happy to see and hear that we can, you know, be a vessel, if you will. So that's so cool. So cool, Jennifer. Shout out. Fun. Fun times. Okay. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:21:20 We'll be recording here in a couple more days. We got exciting times. Fun. Thank you guys for listening, as always. What episode is this? 2? 2-11, I think. Yeah, 2-11. Episode 2-11.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Check out Main Street Roasters. We'll see you guys on Monday. Hope you have a good rest of your week. Have a good weekend. Buzz for those beans, baby. Love you guys. Buzz for those beans. See you guys.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Who's in charge? Go for a podcast

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